Learning to consider children 4 5 years old. Numbers and numbers. Learn to count. We consider in direct and reverse order

The active development of the child should occur from an early life, so at 3 years old it is worth learning to learn the numbers using various games, benefits, didactic materials for this purpose. Depending on the abilities of a particular baby, you can center an account up to 10 or even up to 100, the main thing is that everything is clear and he enjoyed classes.

The best age

There is a well-known phrase "after three is already late." Indeed, scientists have proven that kids in 2.5-3 years are characterized by a unique ability to memorize, which weakens with age. Therefore, three years are quite capable of making the first trip to the world of mathematics and learn the numbers, it will help them develop and become an excellent method of preparing for school. In addition, work with didactic materials, for example, a cueiser sticks, contributes to improving small motility, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on speech.

That is why the first lessons on arithmetic can be carried out already in 3 years. However, if the baby is not yet ready for this, it is worth it to give him time, postpone the beginning of lessons up to 4-5 years.

Rules of organization of classes

So that familiarity with the numbers does not turn to the kid "Qataroga", the following principles should be used.

  • Training in the game game. Permanent guests in classes should be toys, dolls, felt fabulous characters.
  • Praise - the best motivation, and the baby should not scold. It is important for parents to remember that the child does not understand why adults are unhappy, because he really tried. Such an attitude may forever kill in it the desire for learning. Therefore, the rigor should be forgotten.
  • Classes should be kept continuously, so you can put on the wall in the kid's room. Large bright cards with numbers, numeric rows. The main thing - in the pictures should be present not only the number itself, but also the amount indicated by it. For example, two and two oranges.
  • Combine different types of activity. So, the modeling of the dough or plasticine figures figures not only helps them with assimilation, but also contributes to the development of small motility.
  • Do not overload the baby with new knowledge, for one day of acquaintance with one new digit is enough. When he learned clearly to imagine that 1 is one thing, and 7 - seven, you can start learning the account.

Compliance with these uncomplicated rules will help parents not only transfer useful knowledge to crude, but also to enjoy the lesson and from communication.

Stages of the educational process

Teach a child with numbers is not easy, to this business should be approached carefully and seriously - so build a job to follow the logic "from simple to complex."

You can select multiple stages of work.

  1. Acquaintance. The parent prepares the material in advance: the card on which is depicted, for example, a unit or twice, selects the required number of identical objects. After that, explains that "today we get acquainted with the" one "figure, it means one thing. Here, look, Bear one. " How many bears you see? "
  2. Memory. Proposal to a child of various tasks that will help him remember how the unit looks like and what it means. It is permissible to help him a little. Tasks must be two types: first those that help relate a number with a specific amount, and then aimed to memorize the appearance of the figure.
  3. Fastening. The next "portion" of tasks that the baby must already perform completely independently.
  4. New material.

You should emphasize the connection with the past, show one bear and ask how many bears sees a child, then set the second, say that the bears are now two. You should not overload a child, acquaintance with each subsequent digit should be carried out only when the previous one is well mastered. If the parents do not have the opportunity to buy the same toys, cards, candy, fruits, vegetables will come to the rescue. Solving where to start, the exercises must be chosen in such a way that each of them is available to the crumb.

Classes with didactic materials

Due to its variety of games with specially designed sets, for example, the cueiser sticks are suitable for children and 3 years, and 5 years. You can choose those options that most correspond to the level of development of crumbs.

For kids, tasks are suitable for the following templates.

  • Find three yellow sticks.
  • How many sticks do I show?
  • Find two blue sticks and four yellow. What more?
  • The parent lay out the square of the sticks, after which he asks: how many sticks I used to create a figure? The opposite task is possible: lay a figure using only 5 (or any other number) of sticks.
  • Mom shows a card, the task of the child is to understand which digit on it is depicted, and finding it a couple - another card on which the required number of items is drawn.
  • Then, on the contrary, Mom chooses a card, for example, with two teddy bear, the child should find her a couple - "2".
  • Mom shows a card with three hares and asks the child to find such a number of objects in the apartment, which is depicted in the picture. The preschooler can bring her three apples.

Opinion expert

Tanya Ohrimenko, teacher-psychologist: learn with the child in the game numbers great. And you can do it not only at home. And for example, climbing the stairs and counting the steps. The main thing is, if the child does not remember them, do not worry, let it pass a little time and everything will be fulfilled. For example, the fact that the child remembers the weeks for 3 years, in 5, he will be able to remember in a matter of minutes, if he wanted a "cognitive interest."

Such cards can be bought or made independently.

For preschoolers who are well sorted out with the first tens, you can use the numeric tape of Zaitsev, which represents a number of numbers from 1 to 99. It is possible to place it on the wall so that the allowance has always been before your eyes. Tasks may be different.

  • An adult describes the number: two dozen, three units. The task of the child is to understand that it is about 23, and show the number on the ribbon.
  • Whose number is greater. Mom and child take one card on which numbers are written. The child must understand who the number has a greater value, and then find both on the ribbon.
  • Find on Tape Zaitseva age of each family members.

All this will help to form a correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe figures from preschoolers.

Variety of exercise

There are a large number of exercises, the execution of which will help the baby for 3 years to get acquainted with the numbers, remember how they look like and how much does it mean. Some of them can be used at the age of 4. It is necessary to start with the fact that the child knows well.

  • Sample. Mom puts a dish in front of the child, on which fruits or candy lie, and asks it to dial, for example, three pieces (for example, "give mom three candy"). The second version of the task is the mother itself lays a certain amount of candy and asks the child to calculate them, and then say how many sweets in a pile.
  • Find a digit. Adult asks the preschooler show him all the units that are presented at a pre-prepared poster. It will help the crumb to remember how the figure looks.
  • Find a couple. Parent prepares two series of pictures: large numbers are depicted on some, on others - familiar to children illustrations for fairy tales. For example, two Ivana, three bear, seven Simeons and so on. The task of the kid is to correlate the picture and the figure.
  • Count your fingers (After dating five).
  • Scene-thematic game "Dominics". A parent draws a certain number of houses on a sheet of paper in advance and asks the child to bring so many toys so that they can be "populated" and not a single empty house.
  • Game "Fungi". Parent accommodates in advance in the room "Mushrooms" (pictures, cubes), the child takes a basket with him and goes out of collecting, finding the first one, he says "one", the second is "two", and so on.

Games are a huge set, so every day should offer something new one. You can study at the computer, asking for a baby to calculate the number of items on the screen.

Using various forms of work

To make the baby it was easier to memorize the numbers, it is important to visualize each of them. There are several ways to do this.

  • Print large pictures on which the material studied is depicted, and it is desirable that each digit looks interesting, unusually (for example, a twice in the form of a snake). Suggest a child to paint the picture with bright pencils, wovers, paints.
  • Another similar task is the coloring page where the marked quantity is depicted (for example, five kittens) and the top five is located nearby. The child paints the picture itself and the number gradually remembering. Over time, the task can be complicated: there is only a certain number of items (4 apples) in the picture), the kid paint them and prepares a parent, how many of them, what figure to enter.
  • The child will gladly fulfill such a task: it will look for familiar figures everywhere - on the street in the rooms of houses, buses, cars, on billboards. Impatient parents, this desire will be annoyed, and wise moms and dads themselves will offer a kid of a cheerful task - who will find a greater number of twists or units during the walk. And, of course, an adult must lose.

So that the child quickly compiled the foundation of the account, it is necessary to constantly pronounce it with numbers with numbers, for example: "Once or two to three or five, we go to walk with you." Such a simple text can be accepted before each walk, after a few times the child can repeat it himself. Board games will be useful: throwing a cube and counting the necessary number of steps on the playing field, the child will quickly learn to count.

Learn the numbers in 3-4 years old - a very real task, but you have to show fantasy, offering crumbs all new exercise options. Patience is also extremely important, because the first time it will be possible to make a conceived - perhaps some kind of figure will have to pay several classes. And this is normal, because for each kid is peculiar to own level of development.

On this book for the youngest, I learned only thanks to the online store. I saw a novelty, I decided to read the description and reviews, and became interested in such a developing benefit.

Parents should know what to engage in the development of their child is the first duty of the parents themselves, since the first knowledge, the most basic, should give the baby to Mom.

Numbers and numbers. Learn to count.

For children 3-4 years

The book was interested in my name - it is important that the child began to develop as early as possible and learned to consider correctly, recognize the numbers and numbers.

We already have a lot of books released by O. N. Zemovova - the benefits turned out to be truly useful for the child, performed by qualitatively, and, most importantly, causing interest in the baby.

About book

This book will attract the attention of the kid with its bright cover. After all, parents should be known that the brighter the cover on the book, the more interest in the child will be to its development.

This developing book belongs to the "Smart Books" series, published in the publishing house Mahar.

Book format

I am glad that the book came out not only bright, but also big. My daughter was very interesting to take such a big book, consider it. After all, on a large book you can put a lot of all sorts of pictures, so pleasing children's eyes.

The book has a size of 205 x 260 mm. In the handles of a small child, it is quite maintained, as it is not difficult at all - in the book only 16 pages.

Me, like many moms, pleased that the paper is dense in the book. It is very important, since a thin piece of paper will immediately break away from curious children's handles.

Pictures are the most important thing that should be in the book for children. The greater the pictures than any brighter, more interesting and kinder - the more desire to cause the learning process in a child.

Here, in this book, there are quite a few pictures on each page. All of them seemingly simple, but drawn brightly, understandable and accessible.

With such pictures to perform mathematical tasks to the baby very fun.

Illustrators of the book are Anna Makhotin and Tatiana Savvushkin.

As written on the book itself - it is designed by the authors for children 3-4 years.

But you can try to start studying on this developing book with kids for 2 years. Perhaps your child will be interested in classes, and he will solve the proposed tasks with interest.

We got to the most important thing - to how the process of learning the Mathematics of the baby in this manual is happening. I'll tell you how it happened from us.

My daughter was at that time 2.5 years. The book is recommended for children from 3 years old, but we decided to try.

At the very beginning of the book, as it seemed to us, the tasks are somewhat difficult, so I advise first parents carefully examine the book, and only then offer the child to fulfill a specific task.

The very first we chose the task on the topic "Many-little". Cheerful and bright illustrations allowed the child sincerely interested in the task. The daughter really began to think ... and, of course, at first did not quite cope with the task. But then - better. She began to understand what the point of the question was, and finding the right answer.

So, dear parents, do not immediately get upset if the child is first difficult. Look in the same book other tasks and offer them to the baby. Perhaps it is worth starting with the theme "Big and Small" - it is also most clear for the very first lessons.

Very often, parents trying to give a child the first idea of \u200b\u200bmathematics, focus exclusively on the order of the account or on the combaling of numbers. Naturally, both - the occupation is useful, however, if you really want to teach a child to count, then you need to meet it not with numbers, but quantities And not just to memorize with the kid to ten ten, but help him understand the pronounced values, develop mathematical thinking. For a child, the words "four apples" should be not an empty sound, the baby must clearly imagine how much apples and understand that, for example, four more than two.

Mathematics for kids. Basic principles

Mathematical games that I want to tell in this article are best suited for children 2-4 years (and something even earlier). The main goal of these games is to teach a child to visually recognize the number, to understand what is more, what is less than what the same, how much does each digit matches and what will happen if you add one more apple. I would like to notice that it is the game, and not lessons. Children at this age will not like too much if you constantly torturing them with questions like "Show the figure 3" "Tell me how many sticks here?". They need to be interested, unobtrusively add mathematical tasks in everyday. At your daughter, I notice the highest interest when your favorite toy personally informs her about her problem and asks to help (for a toy, of course, I say).

Do not seek to play immediately with big numbers! It is enough to limit ourselves to the games within 4-5. Agree, it is much more attractive to help the baby to master various operations with numbers not exceeding the numbers 4, develop mathematical thinking than just learn the bill to ten, without knowing how to act with each of these numbers. A child who has mastered operations with small numbers, then easily transfers his skills and large numbers.

So, mathematical games for kids:

1. Several account in ordinary life

First of all, pay attention to the baby on the fact that everything around us can be calculated and enter your everyday life. Consider steps for which you rise, the cars in front of the house, spoons in front of the dinner, piglets in a fairy tale, candles-sticks on your sand cake, etc. So gradually the child will remember the regular "one, two, three ..." sequence that you utterly utters and slowly starts to correlate it with the amount seen. You can already do this from 1 year.

2. We study the concept of "as much"

Give here a few examples of our very first games with quantities (played them aged about 2 years):

    Select 2-3 toys at the table, we inform the baby that one of them has a birthday today, so you need to feed all guests. To begin with, we consider how much guests and with the words "so, only 3 guests, it means that we will need a plate too 3" Three plates with the baby. We arrange them to guests, check what everything was enough, which means that the plates as many how many toys. Similarly, you can give tasks and to distribute spoons or chairs for toys.

    Then the voice of Masha's dolls say "can I, please, 3 mushroom". We count on Masha 3 fungus. Then we argue that you need to be a frog to put the same as not to offend. Sch up and he is 3 mushrooms. Reinforced the concept " as many ».

In the game you can use both any healthy countable material (cones, buttons, countable sticks) and purchased (various mushrooms, carrots, tomato; Here is another example gorgeous set).

  • It is not necessary to limit itself only to the topic of tea drinking, math can be added to any. For example, put the same houses as animals, draw as many berries as the hedgehogs in the picture, etc. The main thing is to harmoniously need a task in the plot of the game, having told the story that the little animals were left without housing, etc.

3. Compare "more or less"

  • Continuing the topic of the birthday of the toys, lay out one of the guests of 2 mushrooms, and another 4, together, we think, who else, and who is less. To begin with, we give the baby to try to define on the eye if it is mistaken, we recalculate together.

  • If the child copes well with the comparison of homogeneous objects, it is possible to offer him the task is more complicated : Let's post 2 different number of objects of different sizes in front of him, for example, buttons. For example, put 3 large buttons and 5 small and asking where more. The first time the kids are usually confused, showing on large buttons. Your task is to explain that in this task you are not comparing the size, but the number of buttons.

4. We study the concept of "zero"

Even the smallest, one-year-old kids can easily notice the fact that the items were and ended, as well as to catch the moment when it happened. Therefore, handing out the toys of candy, mushrooms and other joys, in bewilderment, divide the hands and say "And we have nothing left - zero candy." The concept of "zero" is usually absorbed by children very easily.

5. Board games

Board games with cubes and chips are one of the most and best and interesting ways to practice the sequence account with the child. In addition, constantly recounting the same number of points on the cube, the baby learns to recognize the number without recalculation, which is also very useful and will help in the future it is easy to operate in the minds in the mind.

Taisia \u200b\u200band I began to play board games at 2.5 years old, at this age she could have caught what you need to play according to the rules, there is a priority of moves, etc. About all our first board games I wrote in detail. And you can download the game set, made specifically for kids.

6. Country account

Show the child not only direct, but also the counting account. So, for example, putting on the pyramid rings, consider as usual, and viewing the pyramid, consider in the reverse order, thereby showing that the number of rings decreases. The same can be done, folding / laying out something out of the box, collecting / disassembled tracks (turrets) from cubes. This is a very useful game, she cooks the child to the subtraction operation.

7. Simple operations with objects: addition and subtraction

No, of course, I will not write here about the time it would be time to solve examples. We will simply be unobtrusively during the game to give a child an elementary and very simplified idea of \u200b\u200bsuch mathematical operations as addition and subtraction. All only in the game form! If the child makes it difficult or does not want to consider, we just say the conclusion from the game situation "There were three candy, one ate, two left." Here are some examples of games, with which you can train mathematical thinking of a child (I will remind you that while we use in our games only the smallest numbers - within 4-5):

    We take some toy and go with her together into the forest in search of berries. We, for example, played with the cat. By looking around the room, we found under chairs and tables of a berry-pebble of two colors. Well, at the end he was calculated: "How many orange berries found a cat? Three. And how much yellow? Two. And now let's consider how much the berries he found. Five. It turns out that we collected 2 yellow berries and 3 orange, and only 5! "

  • Fixy gathered to fix the chair. They have 3 bolts. Let's calculate whether every fixing is enough for a bolt. How many other bolts need to find?

  • We carry cubes in the car to the construction site (for example, 3 pieces). During transport, one cube falls out. We consider how many cubes are left.
  • Let Mishke give three candy, he eats two. We consider how much it remains.
  • It is very interesting to play the so-called "hide and readings". For example, we draw four apples, then we climb one with our palm, how much remains? Then we close two, etc.

8. The composition of the number

It is very helpful to lay out the number with a child on its components (for example, 3 is 2 + 1, 1 + 1 + 1, 3 + 0). This will help the child with the score in the future. Game options:

  • Look, we have three apples with you, let's divide them between a teddy bear and bunny. One apple we will give a bunny, and two are Mishke. Try differently redistribute apples between toys, showing different options for decomposition of the number.
  • You can fix a few clothespins on the hanger, at the edges to set small toys and redistribute the clothespins between them, presenting that this is, for example, candy. It turned out an excellent replacement for ordinary boring accounts. Another option: You can put the Baranki on the ribbon and also to redistribute them, saying how much it got.

9. Meet the numbers, install the relationship between numbers and quantities

When a child has some idea of \u200b\u200bquantities, you can start entering numbers. Now, having calculated anything, you do not just call the number, but also show the corresponding digit. Here are some more options for mathematical games:

    We build towers from the designer or cubes of the appropriate size;

  • We attach a suitable amount of hairpins ( Here you can download our head patterns);

  • We select the domino with the desired number of points (in order to diversify the game, you can offer a child to deliver the dominoes on the digit-car houses);

  • Lay out the tracks from the counting sticks and select suitable numbers - the length of the resulting paths will help the child understand which figure is more;

  • Insert the required number of matches in numbered boxes;
  • We impose the right number of cubes in the car with numbers (cars can be drawn on paper);
  • You can also take advantage of the finished solutions, it seems like this games "Figures" (Ozon., Labyrinth, My-Shop.)

or frames-insert (Ozon., My-Shop.,Read.)

10. Repeat the numbers

To secure the numbers, games will be useful in which the child needs to find the same numbers and combine them. For example, you can pick up houses to toys by numbers, place the machines along numbered garages, etc.

Or play in the mathematical game "Varosovik" . To do this, draw on paper or build a locomotive from the designer, numbered the wagons. Each passenger, appropriate, will call the number of its car, and the kid let us dissolve everyone in places.

Still in memorization, the numbers will help books with poems about numbers like "Merry Account" Marshak (Ozon., Labyrinth, My-Shop.). We were lucky, and the size of the numbers in the book exactly approached the size of our soft digits, so we were imposed during reading.

I still really like "Merry account" N. Vladimirova (Ozon., Labyrinth, My-Shop.) I wrote about him before.

11. Sequence of numbers

In my opinion, before 3 years there is no need to emphasize the attention of the child on what the sequence are the numbers in a numerical row, so as not to confuse the baby until it forms its idea of \u200b\u200bquantities. Well, after three children can be interested in such mathematical games:

  • « Baba Yaga confused numbers" The kid must decompose in order of the confused numbers.
  • . In fact, this same game is that the previous one is more interesting, in my opinion, because ordering the numbers, the baby can see a beautiful picture. Several examples of puzzles can Download here.

  • "Name the neighbors of the number." After folding the numbers by numbers, you can ask the baby, which neighbors, for example, in the number 4.
  • Connect dots by numbers.The easiest numeric labyrinths that are ideal as the first, in my opinion, are presented in workbook Kumon "Learn to count from 1 to 30" (Ozon., Labyrinth, My-Shop.)

Well, in conclusion I would like to bring some more useful books to help you teach a child to count.

  • Zemtsova "Figures and Account". Books with stickers (Ozon., Labyrinth, My-Shop.)

In the books collected simple tasks on the account, memorizing numbers. The tasks are rather diverse, the presence in the books of stickers unequivocally increases the interest of the child to them. The benefits will be a wonderful help in mastering mathematics.

  • Magnetic book-toy "Account" (Ozon., Labyrinth, My-Shop.)

  • Photobook "We Learn Colors and Numbers" (Ozon., Labyrinth, My-Shop.)

In this book, the child is invited to find different items, simultaneously counting them. Excellent book to work out the skills of a conscious account, attention. We have no interest in it immediately, somewhere after 2.5 years.

So, if you introduce the simplest mathematics into your everyday play situations with a child from the small years, then this science will give the baby easily. I wish you interesting and rich games!

Taisia \u200b\u200band I continue to slowly expand the repertoire of our mathematical games, so I think it will soon be the continuation of this article. Subscribe to blog updates to not miss ( Email, Instagram., In contact with, Facebook.). Yes, and by the way, do not forget to read the article about the study of geometric figures, because the development of spatial thinking is also an integral part of mathematics for kids:

Consider kids begin much earlier than many believe. Already at 18 months - in a taller age when many babies have no speech nor the developed motility - children are actively interested in the number of objects, develop their own strategies for their calculation and quite nervously react to specially admitted errors associated with numbers.

Therefore, the first games for dating a child with a score can begin by a year and a half.

However, it is important not to hurry and not wait from very little children of miracles. The ability to notice your own errors and establish clear patterns that bind numbers, comes a little later - between 3 and 5 years Learning to Count Begins in Infancy: Evidence from 18 Monh Olds' Visual Preference. It is this age that is considered optimal for the beginning of meaningful mathematical classes.

10 lungs and cheerful ways to teach the child to count

1. More often use digital examples in speech


By 3-5 years, the baby is already impairing a good vocabulary and consistent with curiosity is still incomprehensible words. The more often the numbers will sound in your speech ("It's time to wake up: already eight!", "We are waiting for tram number 3! And this one - No. 11, it does not fit us," "Three years old, and four years old," four years old, " "To take this bun, you need to give aunt 12 rubles"), the more attention to the child will give them, curious and trying to penetrate the essence.

2. Consider wherever it is only possible.


You can recount the steps. You can count seconds before the elevator doors open. You can use readers before the start of any cases: "Once or two to three - a Christmas tree, burn," "once or two or four or five - ran". It is important that the baby understand: the numbers are not something abstract, but a part of everyday life.

3. Include the baby song-read songs


This is one of the most affordable, simple and cheerful ways to introduce a child with numbers, their order and the simplest rules of addition and subtraction. No matter how surprisingly it sounds, but the most efficient children learn to mathematics when they hear the usual and understandable speech Transforming The Workforce for Children Birth Through Age 8: a Unifying Foundation.

On YouTube, for example, a lot of songs readers that can be included in the baby on a trip or humid together during the day. Here is a modern urban song-reading in Russian:

But a beautiful English-language compilation for the smallest:

In general, choose what your baby will like, - and forward: watch, listen and singing.

4. Bind numbers with development


The simplest example is the marks on the Game Roster. "Look, on the last birthday, your growth was 92 centimeters, and now already 100! Let's help you in a month - I wonder, will you grow up to 101 centimeters? " The preschooler actively gropes his place, himself in the surrounding world. He is already aware that it grows. And the figures growing with it are of natural interest as one of the ways to know themselves.

Sorting is one of the most important mathematical techniques. We separate the readings from odd, whole from fractional, simple from the compound ... Naturally, to such concepts, the baby is still far away, but it can be learned by the logic of future arithmetic actions already in 3-4 years.

These are familiar with many cardboard pictures, where the numbers are depicted next to the corresponding number of items. For example, 1 can be depicted next to the apple, 2 - with a pair of bananas, 3 - with three cherries and so on. The main goal of such cards is to create a steady connection between the image of the figure and its actual value.

Well, if such mnemonic elements will meet the baby as often as possible. For example, a magnetic basis cards can be hung on the magnetized board of the children's easel or refrigerator. From time to time, not annoying the child, it is important to go on cards with it, counting from 1 to 9 and back. This consolidates the sequence of the account and understanding that it is hidden behind abstract and still incomprehensible kid with words like "two", "three" or "nine".


Well, so that the baby and himself it was interesting to mess with cards, there are models "WITH CEO". For example, spreading.

Legendary teacher Maria Montessori in his book "My method. Guide to raising children from 3 to 6 years old "said that it was hardly better than the best results in the training of preschoolers, the score showed classes with money (or their mutages).

I give my kids to one, two or four centimes, and with their help, kids learn to count to ten. The most practical way to teach children the score is to show them coins in their use, and the most useful exercise is the exchange of money. Such exercises are so closely connected with everyday life, which causes live interest in all children without exception.

Maria Montessori.

Mathematical games with other objects are connected in the following stages. For example, apples: their child is invited to calculate and distribute to all those present children). Or, put, with the cups, when the baby is asked: "We will now drink tea, bring so many cups to have enough" (that is, the child has to start counting the number of those present, and then bring the required amount of utensils).

Also Montessori considered it necessary to associate mathematics with sensations. It may look like that. Suggest the child a few brightly colored sticks of different lengths (they can be simply poured onto the table) and ask for an eye to choose the longest. When the kid will make a choice, ask if he is sure that his wand is a champion? To check, consistently compare it with other remaining in the common heap. Well, if its length in each of the sticks will be designated in the form of a noticeable figure: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 centimeters, and so on. So the child will learn to feel the length.

10. Use the Glen Domana technique


American doctor Glen Doman believed that the brain of a small child is much more powerful than it is considered: he is able to instantly analyze and perceive huge information flows, even if an adult seems to be that the baby "does not understand anything."

The Domana technique is based on the same principle as mnemonic maps: on the installation of communication between the numbers and what they designate. For the start, Doman offered his parents to make cardboard cards: the number is written on one side (in the case of 2-3-year-old kids - from 1 to 10), the corresponding number of well-distinguishable points is applied to the opposite.

According to Domana, you need to engage in mathematics when the child has a good mood.

For classes, literally couples minutes. Show the baby card with one point and clearly say: "one". Then go to the "two" card and so on. Do not delay: the demonstration of one card should be left no longer than to utterate the corresponding figure.

In the first classes, the child should just watch. Do not ask him to repeat or perform other actions. After the show of all cards, be sure to tell the baby, as you love it, as you like it, intend to the head, hug and, if possible, treat something delicious: physical encouragement is an important part of the Domana technique.

At the pair of the first lessons, the cards should follow one after another in a clear digital order - from 1 to 10. Starting from the third or fourth, they can be labeled as a deck. And do not forget: show quickly, praised generously. This will allow the child without wondering in the learning process and even having received pleasure from him, firmly assimilate the relationship between digital symbols and quantity.

What's next

With the help of the techniques listed above, the baby will be played to learn to count to 10 and in reverse order, as well as perform the simplest arithmetic actions: fold and subtract. It will be easily given it, because he operates not incomprehensible symbols, but hiding behind him meaning - the number of objects. For a child of 4-5 years, this level of mathematical knowledge is quite sufficient.

The next step is to seek to count to 20 consistently, then up to 100, get acquainted with more complex operations: multiplication and division. However, at the highest steps, it is important to follow the key principle: Mathematics should not turn into a serious service. The more in the score will be joy and games, the easier and easier the child (and then the teenager) will be given communication with numbers.

Studying numbers - the necessary lesson for children of 3-4 years of age. The ability to count will allow the baby to easily master the school training program. Classes improve visual and auditory memory, help the development of logical thinking. Parents of preschoolers are obliged to know how to properly teach the child with numbers in 3-4 years.

What time do you get acquainted baby with numbers?

In 3-4 years, the child should know numbers from 1 to 5. With regular classes, some kids own these skills in 2-2.5 years. At this time, they learn to memorize numbers; In 3 years already consider in direct and reverse order, they solve simple tasks.

Required mathematical skills of the preschooler at 4 years:

  • knowledge of numbers from 0 to 9;
  • the ability to read in direct and reverse sequence;
  • knowledge of quantitative and ordinal numerals, their proper use in speech;
  • the ability to call, what number goes "to" and "after";
  • definition of numbers by type, the skill of their correct writing;
  • the ability to lay out in order from 0 to 9 and from 9 to 0.

If the preschooler does not have the necessary skills by 4 years, it is important to interest it in a gaming form and fill out the resulting space.

Where to teach?

Often parents believe that there is no need to deal with the child at home. This point of view is erroneous. Collective mathematics lessons are held in kindergartens, where kids assimilate new information. Because of the large number of preschoolers, the teacher will not secure the knowledge of everyone. This role is assigned to parents.

Coming home, the baby is divided with his mother and dad knowledge that he received in kindergarten. The task of the parents does not miss this moment and send it to the desires in the right direction.

If there is no possibility to study at home, there are developing lessons for the smallest, where the experienced teacher conducts mathematics in a game form, paying attention to every preschooler.

Parents are important to choose the place of additional child learning. Home option is more suitable for shy preschoolers: the usual situation increases the digestibility of information.

Basics of classes

For children, it is important to understand what to study the numbers. The task of parents is to explain the baby about the need to purchase an account skill. Before the start of the mathematical course, he must learn the basics. This is easily achieving, following the following recommendations.

  1. We consider everything. In case of everyday familiar communication with the preschooler, it is necessary to consider items with each convenient case, involving it in the process.
  2. Purchase countable wands for home use. When reading a book or watching a cartoon to give the child with simple tasks (for example, put so many sticks as heroes in a fairy tale).
  3. Show the baby, how the numbers look like and lay the required number of counting sticks.
  4. When the preschooler will understand the purpose of numbers, you need to regularly hold the game "Guess the number". The presenter thinks the figure and gives a hint, what numbers are more, what less. The goal of the player is to call it. The parent can be both leading and participant. Children love riddles. It develops logical thinking.

The ability to quickly consider

With regular classes (in addition to lessons in kindergarten), the preschooler acquires a quick account skill. There is exercises to help its development.

  • Training "more, less or equal." The preschooler is proposed to choose a card with any digit, count the desired number of counting sticks, decompose them on 2 handhes (equally). This will introduce the child with the composition of numbers and will help you remember from which numbers it consists of each.
  • Logic lessons will operate memory and thinking. The parent thinks the kid riddles that need to be guessing. This method involves mental functions. After such charging, the numbers are easily remembered.

Fixing the material studied

The knowledge gained needs constant repetition. Effective way - to offer the child to play school, where he is a teacher, and the parent is a student.

The preschooler tells everything that has learned. Mom asks leading questions. This exercise will help identify gaps in mathematical knowledge and compensate them. If it is stored on the figure 3, then next time it is passing.

Healthy interest

Kid is important to show a desire to study mathematics. It is unacceptable to make it through force. For parents, it is important to instill healthy interest. All lessons need to be carried out in a game form. It is advisable to introduce encouragement. This will serve as a motivation to the further acquaintance of knowledge.

Duration of occupations

In 3-4 years, preschoolers do not have preferabity and quickly tired, engaged in the same case. The correct duration of the lesson at this age is 30 minutes. If the lesson lasts more, arrange a break for tea drinking or charging. In these cases, it is divided into 2 blocks with "related" tasks. A break will help the kids to realize the knowledge gained and consolidate them on the subsequent part of the lesson.

  • Cobbling will not help the development of mathematical skills. For the correct account, the preschooler needs an understanding.
  • Homemade classes make it possible to quickly and easily secure the material obtained.
  • Unacceptable forcing the preschooler to mathematics. It is correct to develop a healthy interest.
  • All lessons for kids should pass only in a game form, which will improve the digestibility of the information.
Author of the article: Low Ekaterina