What is the true strength of a woman? What is female power

Padding around the form

Let's discuss an interesting question: what is the true strength of a woman? In previous articles, we have already sufficiently discussed many important points regarding the characteristics of female behavior and female character, trying to understand the main thing: how a woman should behave and what she should give up in order to become happy, and to make happy those who whom she loves.

In ancient times, women were treated with special respect and reverence. Men were ready to carry their women in their arms and protect them from the slightest adversity in life. But is a woman really so weak that she absolutely cannot stand up for herself and solve her problems on her own? And is it necessary to patronize a woman like a small child?

In fact, women are not so helpless and defenseless as they seem. Every woman has a special secret power, with the help of which, when she wants, she can gain simply fantastic power over both men and circumstances. Both women themselves and men who have repeatedly experienced the power of female charms are well aware of this female power. But at the same time, women should try not to squander the power given to them by nature, but to save and save it for especially important life events.

What exactly is the power of a woman? What is it?

1. A considerable part of a woman's strength lies in her purity and chastity - this has been considered since ancient times.
Moreover, the chastity of a woman is not only about marrying a virgin. And above all, to love your husband, to be faithful to him not only in body, but also in soul. A woman who knows for sure: her husband is the best, will never cheat on him and will not destroy his family.

Therefore, a chaste woman is a huge find for any man. Such a woman evokes involuntary respect both from her husband and from the people around her, as she is the real guardian of her home and family well-being.

2. Women's strength, paradoxical as it may sound, is also contained in women's obedience.
A wise woman can easily get almost anything she wants from her husband without ultimatums and power struggles. For if a man is pleased with how his woman behaves with him, he himself will try to guess and fulfill any of her desires. He doesn't even have to ask for it!

Showing humility and obedience, a woman voluntarily transfers leadership in relationships to a man, and he has no choice but to start behaving like a man - to take on the solution of basic family problems, to protect and protect her woman, to perform feats for her.

Only next to a submissive woman can a man feel like a real man and fully show all his best masculine qualities. And consequently, a submissive woman, as it were, stimulates a man to various life achievements and accomplishments. And a woman necessarily receives a worthy reward for her humility - everything that a man achieves, he will put at the feet of the one that inspired him to exploits.

3. And the strength of a woman is in her flexibility.
A flexible willow bends under the force of the wind, but does not break, unlike a centuries-old oak, which does not bend at all, and therefore a strong wind can uproot it. This is how a woman is: bending under her husband and under circumstances, a woman, thanks to this, better adapts to them. Flexibility allows a woman a lot: to maintain peaceful relations in the family, to withstand life's difficulties, to deftly get out of various difficult and confusing situations.

4. A very great power lies in the tranquility of a woman.
A peaceful woman does not like quarrels and conflicts and is always set on a peaceful solution to any issues. In order for the family to have peace and tranquility, a woman is ready for a lot - to endure, forgive, smooth out sharp corners, act as a peacemaker in case of conflicts between loved ones.

Everyone is drawn to a peaceful woman, running for help and advice, and just for sympathy - a husband, children, girlfriends, relatives and colleagues. And therefore, such a woman is always and everywhere gladly accepted, appreciated and respected.

5. Female fluidity is an important element of female power.
The nature of a woman is similar to the nature of the water element - it is just as deep and malleable and can also sweep away everything in its path in the event of a storm.

Sometimes fantastic powers awaken in a weak woman. And a woman becomes especially strong when something threatens the happiness or health of her loved ones. If a woman's beloved husband or child is in danger, she is able to stop a galloping horse, enter a burning hut, and much more.

When everything is calm in a woman’s life, when nothing threatens her close and dear people, she no longer looks like a raging ocean, but like a quiet, calm, full-flowing river. In principle, calmness and tranquility are the natural everyday state of a woman. Affectionate, gentle, meek and caring, and not like a raging element, her close and dear people prefer to see a woman.

6. “The strength of a woman is in her weakness” - this winged saying is familiar to all of us.
Just like women like strong men, men tend to be attracted to weak and fragile women. When a man sees a weak, fragile and tender creature in front of him, so in need of his help and protection, his masculine nature wakes up in him - he feels like a real knight, ready to move any mountains for the sake of a beautiful lady. Wise women are aware of such a strong impact on men of female weakness, and skillfully use it.

7. But the main strength of a woman is in her happiness.
When a woman loves and is loved, she literally radiates happiness, just like the sun radiates light and warmth. And with this warmth of her soul, a happy woman warms all the close people who are drawn to her, because in her presence they also begin to feel more joyful and happy. And most importantly: a happy woman, like a magnet, attracts to herself all the best that life can give us - and becomes even happier!

As you can see, female power, although fundamentally different from male power, does not become less effective because of this. It's just that the male power is coarser, more obvious, and the female power is imperceptible, subtle and mysterious.

And the sources of strength for women and men are different. A man needs dumbbells and machines to develop his strength. A woman can feel and reveal her feminine power only if she works on herself and if she unconditionally accepts her weakness, her fragility and her femininity.

A woman who strives to become a strong masculine type, who relies on her penetrating abilities, hard work and toughness, who puts her career and money above her family, will still never be equal to men, but she will irretrievably lose her feminine strength.

Wise women are well aware that it is sinful and pointless to go against their nature, and therefore they never try to adjust the world around them and their beloved husband with the help of open forceful pressure. But they perfectly know how to use their feminine power and with its help to achieve everything that the soul asks.

Male and female power are different, primarily because men and women themselves are very different from each other. But if a man and a woman were the same, they would not be able to complement each other so harmoniously and form happy and strong couples with each other! A man and a woman are like the polar poles of a magnet, which, the more polar, the more strongly they attract each other.

The strength of a man lies primarily in his masculinity, while the strength of a woman lies in her femininity. Consequently, the more strongly developed in a woman her purely feminine character traits - gentleness, tenderness, compliance, kindness, caring - the more feminine power in this woman.

Unfortunately, in modern society, women are becoming more and more like men, trying to catch up and overtake them in the race for success. But if you take a closer look at these seemingly successful business women, you can see how few truly happy women are among them. And a happy woman can only be when she has a loving husband and healthy, cheerful children who are not deprived of maternal care!

Therefore, dear women, if you really want to be happy, then nothing prevents you from fighting for your happiness and achieving it. But at the same time, it is very important that you try to achieve your happiness by the right methods, using your feminine power, which nature originally endowed you with. Only in this case, the happiness you have achieved can be lasting and lasting! Padding around the form

When we talk about the strength of a woman, we first of all mean femininity - the fundamental of all her life principles. However, to believe that this quality alone allows a woman to be successful and attractive, to serve as a support for her beloved man and children, and to endure unexpected blows of fate would be a delusion. Female strength lies in the combination of unique features inherent in the nature of the weaker sex, which serve as the basis of female attractiveness and an inexhaustible source of internal strength.

What is the true strength of a woman?

It was so conceived by nature that from the moment of her birth a woman has a huge reserve of internal forces, both energetic and physical. First of all, the opportunity given to her by nature to give birth to new lives implies the presence of endurance and adaptation to high loads on the body. The level of pain threshold in women is much higher than in men. The heart and body of a representative of the stronger sex simply could not bear the pain of labor.

The strength of men is concentrated in the area of ​​muscles and mental activity, while a woman is like a vessel, inside which all the richness of her sensual and emotional world is hidden. Not only the life of the woman herself, but also the well-being of her loved ones depends on the quality of the contents of this “vessel”. Returning home after a hard day, a man from the first minutes of communication with his soul mate is "fueled" by her emotions. If such a "feed" carries negative information, it gives a destructive start to the inner world of a man and relationships in a couple. The constant charging of a man with positive, tenderness and over time becomes a vital necessity for him. It is this trait of the female character that is a guarantee of the strength and duration of the relationship.

Almost every woman already from her youth has clear ideas about what her life partner should be like. In an active and persistent striving for the conformity of their companion to the ideal existing in these ideas, many ladies make a gross mistake. In an attempt to "re-educate" their soul mate, they, without noticing it, suppress their partner's masculine energy with their energy and arouse in him a natural desire to free himself from oppressive and degrading relationships. And this, oddly enough, also lies the "merit" of the strength of a woman. The companion of a lady who is persistent in her aspirations subconsciously feels weaker than her and chooses parting as the only opportunity to maintain her personal status. Thus, the true strength of a loving woman lies in the wisdom and ability to build relationships in such a way that, changing for the better under the imperceptible influence of his girlfriend, a man does not feel internal discomfort or pressure from her side.

Another quality given to a woman by nature is an amazing sense of intuition. An invisible connection with the Cosmos and nature sometimes allows her to make the only right decisions in difficult situations, without resorting to analytical calculations and lengthy conclusions. And such female ability, combined with tolerance and wisdom, is also another secret weapon of a woman. Men, no less than their "weak" girlfriends, need the presence of a person who is able to cope with life's difficulties and, at the right moment, take responsibility for the successful resolution of a particular crisis situation.

The strength of a woman is in her weakness. Is it so?

Many of the fair sex mistakenly believe that the manifestation of female weakness should be to demonstrate utter vulnerability and helplessness. Men's ideas about this concept are completely different. Women's weakness in their understanding is primarily a quality of a physical nature. Where masculine strength and endurance are required, a woman, as a rule, resorts to the help of a partner, and this is completely natural. This not only does not irritate a man, but, on the contrary, gives him self-confidence and solvency as a person responsible for the safety and well-being of the family. A man is first and foremost a provider and protector. He takes this for granted, but in the event that the partner feels that his companion is abusing or speculating on this role in the relationship, discord is inevitable. The task of a woman is to convince a man of his importance and indispensability in situations that really suggest this.

If female strength is connected with her weakness, then only in a single variant: any manifestation of weakness should be aimed at raising a man and not conflict with his life principles. The stronger sex today prefers to see independent and successful girlfriends next to them, showing weakness only where the patronage and protection of a reliable and physically strong partner is really required. The false ideas of many women that weakness should manifest itself in a demonstration of excessive vulnerability, resentment, or, worse, tears or tantrums filled with reproaches, cause an effect diametrically opposite to what is expected. Irritation, disappointment, accumulated relationship fatigue can ultimately lead a partner to make a fair decision about parting.

The strength of a woman is in the weakness of a man. What does this mean?

Of course, this wording has nothing to do with the physical indicators of male power. The weakness of a man lies in the need to feel support and understanding from a loved one. Men are creatures from the same planet as women. They are also able to experience and sometimes feel insecure in themselves, the only difference is that, due to their nature, they are not able to express this on an external emotional level. If a woman subtly feels her partner, his thoughts, feelings and experiences, and strives to become his reliable friend, then all her actions and deeds will be aimed at giving the man a sense of inner comfort and regaining confidence in his abilities. The constant presence of warmth and sincere support coming from a girlfriend becomes an integral part of his life for a man and binds to a woman much stronger and stronger than sophisticated female tricks and tricks.

The Mind of a Woman: Strength or Weakness?

There is a common misconception that men avoid smart women. And again, the whole point lies in the concept embedded in this definition. There is hardly a man who will argue that he prefers stupid women to smart women. The presence of the intellect is always respectful, whether it is a man or a woman who shows his intelligence. Another thing is important: so that, being smart and educated, a man’s girlfriend does not suppress his pride, abusing her education and focusing on her the attention of a man and others. Mind combined with wisdom is perhaps the greatest strength of a woman, giving her value in the eyes of her beloved man and making her truly irreplaceable for him!

Who is the “weaker” sex today? The “weak” fight for their rights, while the “strong” want to give the rest of the responsibility to those “who care” . With all this, everyone suffers and everyone is unhappy. After all, we are told lies about what it means to be a woman or a man. Let's try to figure out why this is happening and what is the manifestation of the incorrectness of a modern woman.

Any woman has a direct channel of communication with the "divine". In our modern reality, basically, this channel is polluted by the emotional and mental developments of a person who is under the great influence of the world around him. For a rare woman, this channel is now clear.

But such a channel is blocked due to the following wrong actions of a woman:

  • Cloth. It is acceptable for a woman to dress clean and nice. But often many of the women dress up, playing along with their own lustfulness, flaunting certain parts of their bodies. Thus, they give "them" permission. Lustful looks are thrown at them. Unlike a loving look, a lustful look can strike and can break through a person's energy field, as a result - a bodily or mental illness. True female beauty will never cause a feeling of lust, it evokes feelings of charm and admiration at any age.
  • Family relationships. When a woman “takes dirty linen out of the hut”, reveals the secret of what is happening in the family, about her husband or her children to strangers, then by doing so she unlocks her strength, the protective circle of her family. And then the voluntary or involuntary intervention of another person can affect and destroy peace in the family. You can only tell those who can really help: you can consult a mentor, trust a woman who has Divine grace, trust your man if he does not show feminine qualities - that is, he does not tell others what he was told.
  • It is important to be “FOR THE HUSBAND” , and not in front of him, as happens in the main. When a woman is in front, a man loses his sense of being a trailblazer. It is important for a woman to reveal his masculine qualities in a man, to help him create harmony of will and love.
  • Know how to keep your secrets . A woman should share her innermost, because the secret should be in front of her man. If a man comprehends the secret of a woman, she loses interest for him. In the presence of a man, you should not put on makeup, you should not walk in front of him in an untidy form. All the best should be worn at home for your man. It is important and necessary to maintain your intimacy in front of a man. Everything must ripen first and the opening must be gradual. The quality of the relationship should then develop from sexual to fellowship.
  • list, because it is essentially a struggle, she fights with a man. With this, a woman makes a masculine movement and destroys her essence. Showing male will, a woman destroys her space, her relationship with a close man falls apart. Any illegal use of female power immediately affects the man. A man throws it off through irritation and aggressiveness. If a woman sincerely supports a man, even if she believes that he made the wrong decision, further circumstances will lead to the fact that there will either be no losses, or they will be the least.
  • A strong and obvious manifestation of female power. What is characteristic of female power? Femininity and softness. Excessive femininity - when a woman is often capricious, often cries - by this she destroys her environment, her energy field.
  • Assignment. This is when a woman tries to decide a lot for a man and children. The man must decide and take responsibility for this decision.
  • Gossip. The consequence of gossip and gossip about others will be their own troubles. When a woman condemns other people, she herself falls under the influence of the forces of evil and attracts negative energy into her life.
  • impure desires and thoughts. It manifests itself in the demands of love, affection, jewelry, attention, a better fate, coming from our ego. We must realize that what we have now is a payment that is given for the Path that was chosen earlier. If a woman can reveal herself at a higher level, then she will be given more. We must learn to accept our Gift and our path. If you rejoice in the little, then the greater opens up. You can only receive what you yourself know how to give and give, because the attitude of another person is a mirror of your attitude.
  • Man's actions. When a woman is engaged in men's affairs, her female power opens, the female energy is disturbed. A woman is much stronger when she comes from the essence of her feminine power, that is, through love, and then a man is confident in such a woman, he perceives her as a strong rear.
  • Power. The daughter learns from the example of her mother and family relationships. If the mother is powerful, then the daughter is also powerful. Will and love must be brought up in a boy, he must be taught to make decisions and bear responsibility for them. And if a boy can be explained, taught, and he will understand everything, then everything is different with a girl. No explanations and educational measures will help - only a living example is important to her. Girls, in particular, on the outside often show those qualities that their parents actually have, but stubbornly hide. Therefore, one should not think that if one hides them, no one will see negative thoughts and feelings - children will show everything in their actions and words.

with love,

Victoria Paradise

There is a story about the meeting of the wife and mistress of one man. They began to discuss it, and the wife said:

“He is a fool, a miser and a scoundrel. I don't understand what you're doing with him!

- You are wrong, - the mistress answered, - he is both generous, and wise, and brave! Judge for yourself:

every holiday brings me chic gifts - here are the rings, and the fur coat, and the car.

- That's not true! - the wife was indignant - He doesn’t even give me flowers on holidays, he doesn’t give me a salary! He's still a miser!

- No! - objected mistress. - He is a wise man, it is always so interesting to communicate with him. He read a lot, knows a lot, has his own opinion about everything. I love listening to him - I learn so much!

- Say it too! - Wife grinned - He always carries some kind of nonsense and nonsense! It's disgusting to even listen to! And what a scoundrel! He will never intercede for me, he will not meet me at night, how to make repairs - so he disappears, and I do everything myself !!!

- We seem to be talking about different men, - the mistress smiled - Three days ago, he even fought for me with the guy who called me names. Never allows you to carry anything heavier than a bouquet of flowers. And even at my house he hammered in all the nails, laid the parquet, tiles ... I tell you, he is generous, wise and brave!

And every one of them is right. Because with one of them, a man behaves in such a way that he looks like a scoundrel, and on the other, he is a brave man. Although the man is the same.

This story shows how much a woman influences a man. The same man can differ radically, depending on who is next to him.

I know examples of alcoholics in the first marriage and successful businessmen in the second. Conversely, I have seen successful men leave their first wife for a young girl. After a couple of years, they lost everything and became drinking bums.

Why is this happening? Because the power of a woman is enormous. And her influence on a man is unlimited. In fact, the woman "makes" the man. It reveals some qualities in him, and neutralizes some. Most of the time it works unconsciously. Using generic scenarios and the experience of your family. If dad was successful, then she will unconsciously help him achieve success (she has such a picture before her eyes). And if dad was a loser or drank a lot, then her unconscious picture will lead the family to collapse.

The problem is that women do not understand their power and do not pay enough attention to their thoughts and actions. They do not realize their strength and the possibilities of their influence on their husband. If we knew that we were born with a magic wand, we would hardly wave it in vain and order all sorts of nonsense, right?

Let's look at what a wife can do with a man, how she can influence his character and actions.

Let's start with the negative influence of the wife

As a wife thinks of her husband, so he becomes. He sees in him only flaws and imperfections - they multiply every day. And then even the man who has great potential to be a good husband becomes an ordinary horned animal from the goat family.

If a wife does not respect her husband, no one respects him. No family, no friends, no colleagues. We can say that the wife on the forehead of her husband writes a certain word that characterizes him. And according to this inscription, other people begin to build relationships with him. This is how the wife, without thinking, writes some kind of disgusting thing with a permanent marker, and then she is surprised ...

If a wife does not trust her husband and does not open her heart to him, no one trusts him. Even if he is completely worthy of such trust, all the same, everyone around him will constantly doubt him. And what an increase or new perspectives!

If the wife is always dissatisfied with everything, then everyone in the family becomes just as dissatisfied. They will have the wrong apartment, the wrong dinner, the clothes, and the rest. And even parents will seem completely different from what they should be.

If the wife believes that a better husband could be found, this is the first step towards male adultery. It is said that the woman always cheats first. True, she does this only mentally - and it is difficult to convict her of this. And a man cheats physically after his wife gave him such “permission” with her thoughts that he is far from the best.

If a wife is miserly at heart, does not want to serve her husband, warm him with love and pacify him, he seeks solace for himself in alcohol and drugs.

If a wife does not allow her husband to do men's things - chatting with friends, fishing, garages and other nonsense in a woman's opinion, the husband looks for rest in a different way - in alcohol, computer games, smoking and other not the most joyful things.

If a woman does not open her heart to her husband, he becomes greedy. And then you won’t beg him for snow even in winter, let alone flowers on the eighth of March. The moment a woman cuts off her husband's access to her heart, he closes her access to his wallet.

If the wife is too independent - everything herself and no one is needed, then the husband becomes irresponsible. Even if before that he was quite well responsible not only for himself, he seems to lose this skill, relaxes and grows together with the sofa.

If the wife is touchy, then the husband will be angry. Anger manifests itself in different ways in our bodies.

If a wife is mentally unfaithful to her husband, he will be stingy. And why should he spend money on a woman who is not today, so tomorrow she will find another and leave?

If the husband's wife does not obey, constantly argues and balks, then the husband will cease to be a man. He becomes irresponsible and sloppy, weak and "none".

If a wife regularly abuses her husband - for example, "takes out his brain" or yells at him, insults him, and so on, then the man will have two options. Or he becomes an uncomplaining henpecked man, with a completely broken will and male ego. Or he also begins to commit violence against his wife - most often in the physical plane.

If a woman is too active in external activities, the husband becomes a passive appendage to the TV. Although earlier he could be quite a successful businessman.

But there is also a downside!

If a wife sees good qualities in her husband and focuses on them, they begin to grow and multiply. Even if there is no reason for it. Even if he was not supposed to be responsible, he becomes so. Should not be the boss - but suddenly becomes. And so on.

If a wife respects her husband, for some reason friends and colleagues begin to respect him. They support him and help in difficult situations.

If a wife trusts her husband, other people trust him.

If the wife does not hide anything from her husband, does not deceive, opens her heart, then the husband will not be able to deceive his wife and change her.

If a wife opens her heart to her husband, he becomes generous. He begins to look for reasons to please her and make her even happier.

If a wife sincerely serves her husband, he will take her under his protection with great pleasure. He will take care of her and protect her from everything.

If the wife is sympathetic to the temperament of her husband and tries to satisfy him, then the husband will move mountains for her sake. To do this, you need to learn to see the qualities of your husband, and not measure him with your stereotypes.

This is the most important thing I want to convey to you. If your husband does not suit you with something, find the reason for this in yourself. And this work is worth spending time and energy on. What would I be like if I were a man? - Are you sure you want to know? “Then look at your husband. This is what they would be. He lacks masculine qualities just as you lack feminine ones.

For example, the husband drinks beer. Then your main job is acceptance. Acceptance that he has the right to ruin his health if he wants to. And this, most likely, speaks of your emotional dryness in a relationship with him. Perhaps he lacks support and encouragement.

Or the husband does not want to work. Then, perhaps, you work too much and absolutely do not obey him. And what's the point of kicking him and signing him up for interviews? Even if he goes there, with such an attitude, it will not last long. Therefore, you need to change yourself.

Why is the man on the couch? Because a stressed woman pushes him there. She rushes around like a meteor, sweeping away everything in her path, and in order to stay alive, he disguises himself as a cape on the sofa.

If your husband does not help you with the children, think about whether you consider him a good father, worthy that the children love him on an equal basis with you? And didn’t you turn him away from helping by pointing out that he didn’t wash the baby’s bottom well, but didn’t boil the bottle again?

God gives us exactly what we deserve. Our parents, our children, our brothers and sisters - we cannot choose them. So you have to learn to accept. But it's different with husbands. There is an illusion of choice. There is a feeling that it could be different, better.

But this is only the appearance of choice. Spouses are also given to us by God. Otherwise, how would we meet and love each other? How would we find each other in the crowd and be attracted?

And since God gave you such a husband, it means that this is exactly what you deserve. But why and why - this is already worth thinking about. And what to do with it further is already your choice and your scope for creativity.

Take care of each other!

You can always blame each other and look for a speck in the eye of your spouse. Or you can muster up the courage and look into your own eyes with their logs.

And when you notice and examine your logs, you will finally be able to see that there is a Human next to you. Moreover, this person is a Man. And it has a lot of good stuff in it. And how much he just suffers from you. After all, a woman is much stronger in matters of relationships. From it, the energy of relationships is a fountain! And flooding a man with stormy waves is very simple. And after all, while sailing, he must also make a ship from floating chips, right in the waves! It's in your best interest to keep the waves calm.

Take care of each other! So much energy goes into meaningless fights within families, and yet these forces could be invested in creativity or the upbringing of children. Energy losses from each quarrel are colossal. Don't waste your energy. Learn to love.

Marriage lines in the palm of your hand and what awaits you in the future

Instead of a quarrel, one could spend energy on:

- maintaining the health of your husband and yourself - for example, you could start running in the morning, do exercises or go to the gym. One quarrel would be enough for a month of such useful activities.

- thinking about and looking for a gift for loved ones. And even better for each other. And buy not something that we think he would like. And what he really wants and what he will be happy with (usually these are different things)

- a walk with or with children. Strengthening relationships by walking is the most effective method.

- viewing a family album, memories of how you were so many years ago and how your relationship developed.

- to get to the payment terminal in the metro and put at least 100 rubles into the account of a sick child in order to help his parents perform an operation on him. He will grow up grateful, believing in good people and God, choose a good profession and help hundreds of other people. With one small action, you would change the whole world for the better - but you spent your energy on cursing.

It's difficult at first. But after all, even a flower sits underground for some time, in darkness and dampness. Then he needs to expend a lot of strength to break through the soil, to go beyond the darkness. Then you need to strive for a long, long time to the sun. And only then can he open up and show everyone his beauty.

Also people. It takes a lot of effort to learn to love. You need to give yourself time. And at some point, muster up the courage to go beyond the comfort zone. And also allow yourself to absorb the Love that God selflessly gives us along with the sunlight. And when you are filled with this love, you just need to open your heart.

Its beautiful, like the most amazing Flower - the Heart. Heart full of Love.

Love men. They really need your love. Even if they never admit it.

Behind every great man there is always a woman who believed in him. And she truly loved.

There is such a funny story about Barack Obama and his wife.

One evening, President Obama and his wife Michelle decided to have an unscheduled dinner at a restaurant that wasn't very luxurious. Once they were seated, the owner of the restaurant asked Obama's bodyguard if he could speak to the First Lady privately.

Michelle and the man then had a conversation. The husband then asked Michelle, "Why was he so interested in talking to you?" She replied that in her teenage years, he was madly in love with her.

The President chuckled, "So if you were to marry him, would you be the owner of this fine restaurant now?" and Michelle smiled, "No. If I married him, he would be the president."

I wish you that this day when you can open your heart full of Love will come very soon.

Communicating with women literally every day, I understand more and more that the banal phrase: “The strength of a woman is in her weakness” is absolutely not perceived by the “weaker sex”.

And so I decided to interpret this hackneyed phrase.

Most likely, the word "Strength" is confusing. Force is understood as a kind of effort, tension that must be applied in order to get a certain result.

Women really want to be happy and get their happiness by using their strength, as if they were men in a sawmill.

During the years of Soviet power, the image of a strong woman like Pasha Angelina or the heroines of Nonna Mordyukova has become so natural for the vast majority of women that being a weak woman is almost a curse.

What is striking is that behind the screen heroines, our women do not see the results of their "strong" behavior at all.

After all, it is no secret that such a strong woman either has no husband or drinks, children do not respect elders, and there is so much money in the family - as if a "rainy day" has been dragging on for decades, like a lethargic dream.

And the woman, seeing that the neighbors have the same picture, believes that this is the norm. And she lives according to the principle “I myself” - she earns money herself, she feeds and raises children herself, she survives on her own.

And the husband instead of furniture.

Why is that? I have already written many times that the reason is the destruction of men by society for many years. Politicians and wars made cannon fodder out of men, and women were brought up as a maternity “milking” machine. Milking - in the sense that it is possible, by imposing false values ​​on women, to exploit them for nothing.

Just one example. The first Charter of the Komsomol clearly stated that the Komsomol woman was obliged to give herself to the Komsomol member at his first request. Well, isn't she a thing?

I think that's enough history. In this article, it is interesting for me to remind a woman the solution, if not all of her problems, then almost all of them.

And the solution is in our banal phrase in the title. It just needs to be understood.

The fact is that it is quite difficult to become weak when the situation is almost hopeless. All the experience of previous generations says: “Don't give up! Fight! Don't rely on anyone! Do everything yourself!”

Women, dear, wake up! Every slogan is good in its time! Now there is no war!

Or are you still fighting? With whom? With men?

You dream that He will take care of you! To make gifts, give flowers, support a family!

So why show your strength on it? What are you, a man in a skirt, or what?

Your business, beloved women, even if the last fly agaric is in front of you, demonstrate your weakness to him.

Show the man that you are a defenseless little girl who NEED HIS HELP.

Please, just not like this: “Hey, man, why did you hatch the Zenki? Well, quickly took the sleeper, carried it there!

What is your women's work? Excite Him to the Feat! Or at least action.

None of the women will like it if he does not move. But we must not forget that without women, a man (or a man) should not move.

We must remember! A man does business for a woman!
A woman makes a case out of protest against a man!

So let's recap.

The moment you women feel like doing something yourself, STRENGTHEN and FAKE WEAK AND HELELESS.

If you practice visualization, see yourself as a girl at the age of 5-6 years and ask the GENEROUS, POWERFUL, TENS TIMES STRONGER than YOURSELF, the man next to you about what you want now.

You can inflate your lips, tap your foot and show off.

Orders are not allowed. You are not a foreman, and he is not an ordinary. You are a girl, and he is a General.

Remember! A soldier will not offend a child.

But if you show strength, then your warrior will put shoulder straps on you and say: “Come on, dear, sama-sama!” And turn into a fly agaric.

God made us different. He made a man responsible and strong. And he created the Woman from his rib. To inspire him with her weakness to act.

The strong man can do everything himself. The weak must be taken care of. What role do you women prefer?