What are the laws of the universe. The law of continuous movement and development. What does esoteric knowledge give

Our life is influenced by the Universe. Everything in it is interconnected and develops according to the laws of life, therefore the actions of each person have an impact on the future.

Energy waves penetrate the space around us. We interact with them constantly, as their state depends on our actions. Ultimately, our whole life is based on how effectively we interact with the Universe. This affects our health, luck and even mood.

A lot has been said about how to interact with the energy of the world. For example, psychic Elena Yasevich tells how to use the laws of the Universe for your own good. But, as you know, knowing more about the world, it is easier to understand how it works. And benefit from it.

Laws of the Universe

The Law of Attraction. This is not the attraction that you might have thought of at first. It's about energetic attraction. The reality around you corresponds to your thoughts. They, like a black hole, attract failure or, conversely, give success. If you think good things, light will surround you. Otherwise, problems are much more difficult to avoid.

The law of circulation has begun. Absolutely any business, emotion, process ends. Sooner or later, good turns into bad, good into evil, pleasant into painful. Luck always gives way to failure. You cannot win indefinitely at roulette - sooner or later you will be defeated. The end of any process personifies the beginning of a new, opposite one. But this also means the opposite: any decline will be followed by development and rise.

The law of opposition. If you have done evil, then you will definitely receive a rebuff from the good, and it will triumph. If you are good, then you will certainly encounter obstacles on your way. The more you want to change this world for the better, the more evil you will meet on your way, but this does not affect the result of your actions.

Darkness fills the void. If you turn off the lamp, it will go dark. If you throw out all the light from your soul, then the vacant place will be filled with something dark. It is impossible to be neutral - any life principle, phrase, deed is regarded by the surrounding people and the Universe either as bad or as good.

Difficulties make us stronger. The more difficult something is for you, the more you learn. You seem to step over yourself, opening new horizons. This hardens the character and increases the overall energy of the body. The more difficult it was at the beginning, the easier it will be later.

Thoughts are material. Everything you dream and think about becomes reality. This is one of the most important laws of the Universe, which must be remembered. The longer you go to a dream, the closer it is to you. That is why you should not give up even in the most difficult situations. Use daily affirmations to get your thoughts in order.

Appearance reflects the inner world: If the star is blue, then it is the hottest. If it is red, then it is the coldest. A person who is inconspicuous usually prefers to be alone with himself. Those trying to get attention are afraid to be alone. This rule will help you in analyzing other people.

Everyone can make their life better and more enjoyable. To do this, he needs to remember about every law of the universe. After all, these are not just words, but the keys to future achievements and successes, as well as to harmony with oneself.

The energy of each person is unique. Try to work on your thoughts and not forget how the universe reacts to our actions. Earlier we talked about how to cure diseases with the help of the power of thought - so great is their true power. Good luck and remember to press the buttons and

07.07.2016 05:00

Words are pure magic. Everything we say has tremendous power. Bioenergy has ...

1. You cannot know what is good and what is evil.

2. But know for sure: imposed good is evil.

3. You don't know what is needed .

4. If you are right, then you are wrong.

5. There is no what is called right and wrong, you do not know what is what.

6. There is no bad thing, there is something that upsets you.

7. There is no good, there is something that pleases you.

8. The universe is too big for you to damage it.

9. Perhaps your mistakes are what you need The universe.

10. Your mistakes will not destroy the Universe.

11. Do not seek the truth, it does not exist. And if it is, then you do not need it.

12. Do not seek, if it exists, it lies outside of it.

13. How do you define the purpose of what you are doing? And does it belong to you?

14. Don't worry about yourself. In fact, the Universe values ​​you too much for you to be wasted.

15. Do not seek your fault. Nothing is your fault.

16. Do not worry about which path you are directing the other - do you know which is true, which is false?

17. If what you are doing is difficult for you, think about whether you need it.

18. Do only what is easiest for you, but do it with all your might.

19. If you do something by accident, you do it on purpose.

20. Maintain what you like and elude what you don't like.

21. If you can correct the consequences of your mistake, then you are not mistaken yet.

22. What happens happens on time.

23. Sometimes finding the right solution will cost you more than a mistake.

24. What is happening happens against your will, but in your will to accept, it or not to accept.

25. If you are in doubt about the road, take a companion, if you are sure - move alone.

26. To be strong is to be alone.

27. Strong is strongest alone. You yourself can choose what to be.

28. Every person is lonely. The strong accept and bless their loneliness. The weak runs from him.

29. Be calm and attentive to the World, then you will not miss the moment of Power.

30. When you try to learn about yourself from others, you give them power over yourself. Therefore, be yourself a measure of what is happening to you.

31. Bless the missed opportunities, you have acquired great opportunities.

32. Give - easy, Lose - easy, Goodbye - easy.

33. Do not regret that there was little joy, this will give you another sadness.

34. Love the enemy - to win.

35. If the enemy took you by surprise, and you are still alive, he is in your hands.

36. The more losing the situation, the more advantageous it is.

37. Do not be afraid of the one who is trying to break your will, for he is weak.

38. True revenge is neglect.

39. By yielding, you stand the test.

40. Give in - to weaken the resistance.

41. Do not strive to be stronger than your opponent, but look for where the opponent is weaker than you.

42. When you love your enemy, you get to know him better. The more you get to know him, the more advantage you get over him.

43. You cannot always win, but you can always make yourself invincible. Victory depends on the enemy. Invincibility is from oneself.

44. Whoever your opponent is, always try to see him as a person. And you will soon find that this approach gives you a huge advantage.

45. Taste and satiate - each of this has its own pleasure, but do not mix them.

46. ​​You know the rules, but you do not know all the rules by which the World lives.

47. The world is sophisticated, but not malicious.

48. There are people, being near whom destroys you. This does not mean that they are bad. This means that being around them destroys you. There are people with whom being around strengthens you and makes you stronger. This does not mean that they are good. This means that being around them strengthens you. Be attentive to yourself the moment you interact with others. And it will become clear to you who is who. Avoid communicating with the former and strive to communicate with the latter. If that doesn't work, then avoid friendship altogether.

49. Do you get what you do?

50. When the fire approaches, it first shines, then heats, and then burns.

51. Now you are immortal, for you have not died yet.

52. Do not be afraid of curses, do not strive for praise, they will not bring you anything new.

53. You create worry and anxiety when you measure success with praise or censure.

54. Don't worry about where to go next when you are in the middle of the suspension bridge.

55. Doing - do it now, then you will never do it

56. You can never tell where you are going, only where you hope to come.

57. Don't fight. For you inevitably become what you fight against.

58. Remember the law of the thirteenth blow. If once the clock strikes thirteen times instead of the prescribed twelve, then such a clock must be thrown away, no matter what guarantee they give regarding their repair.

59. Any behavior consists of opposites. If you do something and try too hard, sooner or later the opposite of that something appears. Any excessive striving produces its opposite.

60. Too much force is counterproductive.

61. A wise leader does not form an event, but allows the process to unfold itself. If a situation seems difficult to you, leave it to yourself. Left to itself, it will resolve itself.

62. A wise leader does not block the process with a rigid assignment and does not force the event to develop in a certain way.

63. Don't rush things. Let the process unfold itself.

64. Silence is a great source of Power.

65. Periodically leave people and return to silence.

66. Silence and a clear sense of being are the sources of any effective action.

67. Silence and empty space reveal your mood. This is the field of your being. Force field of Being.

68. Strive to be genuinely interested in yourself. This will teach you selflessness.

69. Listen more easily than hard. Save the effort of listening to every word. and watch yourself. Then the possibility of clear thinking will open in you.

70. Get to know your innermost depths, and you will be able to talk with the depths of another.

71. When you free yourself from what you are, you become what you can be.

72. When you free yourself from what you have, you get what you need.

73. When you feel most destroyed, I know that you are at the beginning of a period of growth.

74. When you desire nothing, much will come to you.

75. When you give up trying to suggest, you become pretty impressive.

76. True power of influence is not based on techniques or a set of controls. Be in Being, not in Doing.

77. Remember the secret wisdom: Give - to achieve.

78. Excessive attempts are counterproductive.

79. Being in Being, and not in Working. Use the formula: Be - Do - Create. If you want to create something, ask: What should I do for this? But do not rush to do, do not repeat the mistakes of many - those who are trying to do something fussy, but achieve nothing. Take another step back to the beginning of the formula and ask again: What should I be for this? And stay in being. And the work will be done by itself, without your participation. But you will get a clear, concrete result, exactly the one you wanted to create. This is the core of magic.

80. One who is in being does not need to do anything, but everything turns out to be done.

81. Know where you stand and know what you stand for. This is your foundation.

82. Man does not defend himself or attack. His touch to the World is light, almost imperceptible.

83. Clarify your purpose. Then you can reach it without fuss.

84. Observe natural processes. They are powerful and powerful because they simply exist. The movement of the planets, the light of the Sun, the attraction of the Earth. Your body also works in accordance with these principles. Freedom comes when you begin to obey the natural order. Freedom comes from submission. Remember that you are also part of a natural process.

85. When you are outside of events, meditate on the question: What happens when nothing happens?

86. There is no difference between What happens and How it happens.

87. Learn to be led - in order to learn to lead others.

88. Your influence begins with you and spreads further, like ripples on water.

89. Remain neutral and don't take any position.

90. Trust what is happening. Take what is happening. By trusting and accepting, you remain strong.

91. The formula of power is the formula of management. The art of management is based on the comprehension of this formula. If you want to manage many, pretend you're managing a few. Strive to see the small in the big, and control it. It is easier to manage the same people than different ones. People who strive for a common goal are easier to manage than people who do not have a common goal. People who have a common enemy are easier to control than those who have different enemies. Divide a large number into a small number of parts. And you get little. Do it effortlessly. And that which would have divided itself, without your participation. To manage effectively, make people the same. But the skill to make people the same grows from the ability to see them different.

92. Be a Host, not a Guest. The owner is the one who allows or does not allow, allows or does not allow. He is not the one who asks, but the one who is asked. Not the one who is in need, but the one who is needed. Not the one who goes, but the one to whom they go. The Guest is the one who asks permission to come or enter. The one who asks. Who needs it. Who comes and who asks for an appointment. If you have an appointment, try to hold it on your own territory. Let them come to you. But if you find yourself in the position of a guest, switch places with the host. Much depends on the internal attitude. Being a Master is rather an internal position than an external one.

93. He who argues is always a supplicant. Behind the scenes, he asks that his arguments be treated with interest. Therefore, the arguing guest.

94. Avoid an argument and do not let the debater involve you. Do not become complicit in one stupidity.

95. The one who starts a dispute is obviously in a weak position, because he is a supplicant, although he is an unofficial one.

96. Think about the Power that is behind you, and then this Power will actually stand behind you.

97. Remain indifferent to any message. Do not be like a king who executed a messenger for bad news. The power is in indifference. The world obeys this power.

98. Learn to distinguish between reversible and irreversible - and you will learn to control time.

99. Let for a while your teachers become: Darkness. It is impossible to see anything in it. Thunder. Don't predict. Who will hit and who will be hit. Fire. It's warm nearby, but it burns as you approach. Learn unpredictability and inaccessibility.

100. Your best Teacher is your Path. There is no need to look for the Teacher, He is near. His presence is here. One has only to open and see it.

101. Distinguish between Empty and Solid. The quality of the Solid is the pillar. The quality of the Empty is unreliability. Solid is information that can be trusted. This is a person you can rely on. A promise to be fulfilled. A car that starts and drives on time. An order to be executed. A word to be heard and understood. Solid is what gives the result. Empty - information that is not reliable. An unreliable ally. Renouncing friend. Lazy worker. Dishonest manager. Broken promise. The interaction of the Solid and the Empty gives the Empty. The grandfather gave his grandson to strangers to learn the craft. However, they did not teach him the craft, but made him work for himself. Moreover, they still treated him badly. And now, when it was already quite painful, the boy wrote a letter, where he begged to take him back, but he wrote an unspecified address to his grandfather in the village. Such a letter will never reach. The letter itself is Solid, but the address is Empty. The result is Empty. If in the case you have conceived even one element turns out to be empty, then all efforts will be in vain. When something doesn't work out for you, look for where the Empty is. Separate the Solid from the Empty within yourself.

102. Strive to feel your Way. The Way is the Greatest Manager.

103. If you know your Path, then successes and failures equally propel you forward.

104. You can’t tell the difference between luck and failure until you live until tomorrow.

105. Understanding is higher than knowledge.

106. Each of us rules the world. Someone does it badly, someone does it well. The child controls the parents, the worker controls the owner. Everyone rules everyone. Everything rules everything.

107. If you are asked for something, but they don’t want to take a reciprocal step, know that you are not asked, but only offered to do.

108. Don't be sorry. Do not be afraid. Do not ask.

109. The Past and the Future are born in the Now.

110. God -.

111. Learn to say no.

112. Laws can only be violated when necessary.

selection from the Internet

The universe is not a dead space. It is a living and independent organism, a kind of personality that dictates its conditions and rules to us, in bioenergetics called the laws of the universe.
All laws of the universe are extremely simple and straightforward. Space does not build labyrinths for us, but tries to get us out of them. People create difficulties for themselves without any outside help. When you live by the laws of the universe, you are always tuned to the right wave.
... Life is simple and understandable, but only for those who want to understand it.

Why you need to live according to the laws of the universe.
The laws of the universe will not force you to renounce religion and everything you believe in. They will simply guide you on the right track by showing you the light of truth. Literally nothing will change - only your view of the world will change. Everything that you aspired to from a young age will become more understandable and obvious.
We are children of the universe. We are composed of stardust formed several billion years ago. In bioenergy there is such a concept as a center of abundance, which gives us good luck in all areas of life. By keeping in touch with this center, you provide yourself with fortune. Faith in the laws of the universe will help to establish and strengthen this connection. Accept these simple truths to understand how things work in this world.

10 laws of the universe.

The first law: thought is material. Many of you have probably seen Hollywood films, where heroes can create reality around themselves, only by imagining something in their head. Of course, you won't be able to create your own happiness at this speed, but it really works. To find a hobby, a dream job, love and success, you have to imagine it all. Remember that you are a sculptor, an artist who paints your thoughts on the canvas of life. There is destiny and karma, but they are not as strong as your own Faith in yourself and your actions. Life is not a book already written, but a pile of blank sheets that you can throw away, tear, let someone else fill out, or force yourself to sit down and write everything yourself.

The second law: all good begins with good in the soul. Your inner goodness gives birth to light around you. Evil people constantly stumble upon rudeness, gloomy people - on rain on a clear day, joyful people - on joy and positive. If you want good, then you should not be angry, stingy, envious. It is not for nothing that people have said since ancient times that if you want to be treated well, then do it yourself. Everything in the universe is consistent, everything is logical and irreversible. Remember this.
Law three: the greatest changes in life occur in those areas to which we pay the most attention. Most of us know that water will never flow under a lying stone. If you lie on the couch looking at the ceiling, then money will not come into your life. Only if you do not seek love, you will not find it 99 percent of the time. To get the situation off the ground, you need to do at least something. Do not leave any corner of your soul, your life unattended. So it will be more interesting, easier and simply better for you.
Law four: what is your environment, so are you. This law of the universe can also be duplicated by the saying - with whom you lead, from that you will gain. Your closest environment in the person of your significant other and best friends is your reflection. Attention! Only if you are not satisfied with someone, then this indicates an urgent need for change. This often suggests that you have already changed. Many people mistakenly believe that we do not choose friends and love, but this is not the case. What's more, you can change your life by finding the right people. If you want to find luck in the financial sector, then communicate more with successful individuals. Light people will help to become kinder. Falling in love will only work out if you are not closed, although even closed people can find their soul mate - you just need to be a little more careful.
The fifth law: everything that we give to the world around us returns to us doubly. Only if you shout in the face of humanity that you hate it, then hatred will fill your life. People's responses will be similar, and sometimes much stronger. This does not only apply to words and actions. Even the mood is conveyed in space perfectly. Someone feels it, and someone does not, but the fact itself is irrefutable - good deeds will make you happier, and bad ones unhappy.
Law Six: Doubt is the root of all problems. If you are planning to do something seriously, then get rid of doubts and self-doubt. When people created objects of art, masterpieces of technology and ingenious inventions, they did not give doubts to seize power over their minds. So you do not let them force themselves to believe that there is no love, you cannot earn money, and you cannot return health.
The seventh law: we are all equal. There are no people who are better than someone or higher in rank. The universe has no gradation in this regard. You need to live and enjoy every moment without getting hung up on something. The universe has no favorites, to whom it gives everything, and takes everything from others. We are all equal. With no exceptions.
Law of the eighth: the realization of each thought takes a certain time. Sometimes it takes more time, sometimes less, but nothing happens instantly. This gives us a chance to determine what is good and what is bad in order to have time to block negative thoughts in time.
Law nine: overcoming difficulties, we become stronger. Any problems in every area of ​​life give us a truly invaluable experience. In the event that you want to be successful, you have to learn from mistakes. No one has ever succeeded in fulfilling a dream the first time and without failures. Only on a bumpy and bumpy road can you get to a smooth and pleasant one.
The tenth law: everything that we see is impermanent. The world lives with dynamics. The universe tends to chaos, demanding the opposite of us. We need to understand what we want. You need to realize your mission in this world. This is the goal of every person.

The laws of the universe and the universe are based on the principle of contradictions. Information appears when 0 and 1 exist, current appears when there are positively and negatively charged ions, etc. There must be a system of at least two elements. They form more complex shapes. Hence it follows that the universe is systemic. This is another important law of its existence.

All elements are systemic, both at the infinitely small and infinitely large levels. The contradictory interaction of the inner with the outer allows the essence to appear. For example, there are contradictions inside a person. This defines his character. However, he can only stand out when interacting with other people. It is a system in which objects with different character exist. They are different from each other. Contradictions arise between people.

To imagine the universe in its closest to its true state, you need to accept its inconsistency. The universe is a struggle of opposites, like all its constituent parts. These are the highest laws of the universe. Each element that exists in it is a source for the existence of the global world and its development.

Consistency makes it possible to realize such an interaction at all levels. This law manifests itself in all entities. Each level of some elements forms the next. They are all interconnected. The nature of the next level is determined by the properties of the previous system. For example, if the system consists of H2O molecules, they form water.

This principle determines the consistency of the Universe. Even if we are not aware of it, we see its manifestations. These are certain processes that a person is capable of realizing.

The laws of the universe will not force you to renounce religion and everything you believe in. They will simply guide you on the right track by showing you the light of truth. Literally nothing will change - only your view of the world will change. Everything that you aspired to from a young age will become more understandable and obvious.

We are children of the universe. We are composed of stardust formed several billion years ago. In bioenergy there is such a concept as a center of abundance, which gives us good luck in all areas of life. By keeping in touch with this center, you provide yourself with fortune. Faith in the laws of the Universe will help to establish and strengthen this connection. Accept these simple truths to understand how things work in this world.

The energy of attracting money is responsible for material prosperity. She lends itself to the influence of human thoughts and emotions, so if you want, you can learn how to control it.

The energy of attraction of money obeys three laws. Their observance helps to enter into resonance with the flow of energy and direct it to create material abundance.

The first law of energy of attraction of money: Attention

The energy of money is sensitive to attention. A person's intentions charge his life with the energy of poverty or wealth. The more you focus on attracting the right energy, the more energy becomes available. Dreaming about wealth is very useful, money loves attention. A positive focus on attracting financial abundance is key in managing the energy of money.

The second law of energy of attraction of money: flow

Money cannot stand stagnation. Aimless accumulation, unnecessary trash, greed form a congestion in the flow of energy and scare off wealth. Cash flow needs to keep going.

The acquired funds should be directed to achieve goals or put into circulation to increase capital. Cash flow tends to go where it is allowed to move widely and freely.

The third law of energy of attraction of money: Joy

Abundance should be accepted with gratitude, and given easily and joyfully. Feelings associated with money should be light and sincere. With equal pleasure it is worth investing in the intended goal, spending on others and on yourself. It is useful to learn not only to give from the heart, but also to easily accept gifts. This approach gives freedom to the flow of monetary energy and multiplies wealth many times over.

Video Important laws of the Universe

The laws of the universe. What are masculine and feminine energies

For the Universe, it does not matter in which bodies Souls are born. The universe does not divide into men and women. The soul, when it plans to incarnate, independently plans the body for the experience. For the universe, everything is energy.

  • I understand correctly that the answers to the questions will be given by the silhouettes of a man and a woman, in the space where you are?
    • So interesting, the information is given that there is no particular difference in the body for the universe. It is just an appearance, a shell like a vessel.
  • And if you still take the division into male and female energy?
    • Yes, it differs both in strength and color, as for, there are no differences in which body - this is the choice of the soul, to come to earth, to live its experience, the soul, when it plans to incarnate, it chooses for itself the experience, with what energy to interact with it, she chooses the experience she needs to get. On the subtle plane, there is no understanding man - woman, there is only understanding energy.

But at the same time, male and female vibrations are energetically different. Different in strength of impact and energy coloration. Even if you are not engaged in energy practitioners, then even by the style of behavior you can judge that the Woman and the Man perceive this world differently.

  • You said that it differs in color, but does the color change with age and how does it change?
    • The man has blue, the woman has pink ...
  • Is this the color of the state? Or does it change, maybe some shades?
    • It changes - I see how a darker saturated color goes from the legs of the figures, pink turns into burgundy, and blue turns bluish, to deep dark dark blue.

1. The law of equilibrium 2. The law of cause and effect 3. The law of the mirror 4. The law of attraction 5. The law of freedom of choice

Equilibrium law

The Universe is so created that one of the basic laws is the law of equilibrium or balance.

How does it manifest itself in life?
There is a certain amount of energy in the Universe, it does not decrease or increase, but simply "flows" from one state to another.

Therefore, when we give energy, it must come back.
Should, but not always return, you say. And rightly so!

The thing is that many of us, due to internal attitudes and patterns, have a broken ability to maintain a balance between “taking” and “giving”.
There are people like that, and maybe you now recognize yourself who love to support, give a lot, in a word, actively help other people.

At the same time, quite often, it is difficult for them to accept energy back in any form. Even if they are thanked verbally, they often say "there is nothing!".

Read also "Why do financial problems arise and how to solve them", "Scientists have proven the existence of God. Facts. "

If you give a lot of energy and don't take anything for yourself, then violation of the law of the Universe can lead to consequences:

  • if they are friends, then they gradually stop communicating with you (at the same time you feel injustice: “I helped them / helped them so much, but they ...”);
  • if they are children, then they also go "not for the horse". They only get used to "take", they simply will not get the concept of what is necessary and "give" to other people. As a result, I don’t want to scare you, it can affect you too. They simply won't be able to help you, you have raised a consumer;
  • If this is your husband or your wife, the picture is the same. If you follow such married couples, then the "giving side" at the beginning of the relationship receives gratitude from the "taking side" (consumer). But, instead of accepting gratitude, the notorious "but not for anything!" Sounds. As a result, the "taker" is in an eternal unpaid debt. It happens that these processes take place at an unconscious level.

If you feel that the "giving side" resonates with you, then it may well be that you have a subconscious fear of being indebted to people.

Consider that this kind of relationship often breaks down because the balance is out of balance.

If the “taking side” is more suitable for you, then observe your inner world, why did you create such a situation in your life? Where do you have fear of giving?

After all, if you only take it, then you are depleting your partner energetically.

Quite often there is a confusion of parties, with someone we are the “giving side”, with someone we are “taking”.

Take the first steps to improve your life! Try a meditation session to harmonize consciousness with Reiki, you can find it here >>>

Read also "Karma of Parents and Children", "Karmic Relationships between a Man and a Woman", "How Past Incarnations Affect Present Life"

The law of cause and effect

The Basic Laws of the Universe are both simple and complex at the same time. When you just think about the laws, it seems that it could be easier!

But, at the first attempts to apply them in your life, sometimes it starts to seem that this is something complicated.

In fact, you just need to practice a little and you will succeed!

Where you are now is always a consequence of your previous actions, thoughts, emotions of the current and past incarnations.

Your life is filled with harmony and success - great, you are on the right track!
If this is a consequence of previous conscious steps, then I congratulate you, you are the Creator of your life!

If you yourself do not know how you came to this, then remember your previous steps. In the future, you can safely use them to achieve your goals.

Something goes wrong, is there a problem? So you need to learn how to properly build your life, move to a more conscious level of existence.

For example, start using the basic Laws of the Universe in practice!

Try the meditation "Charge of vivacity with the energies of Reiki", this meditation will help you to start building your life consciously today, gradually you will become the Creator of your life. You can find meditation here >>>

The cause of all human suffering is ignorance. Yes, that's right: a person does not know how the Universe works and according to what laws it works. But, oddly enough, people know the laws of states, but few people know the laws of the Universe, and of those who know, they understand them even less and do not violate them.

But you should know exactly the laws of the universe in the first place, because if you violate one or another law of the state, then the consequences are not guaranteed, not the fact that your violation of the law will be known to the state, although it is quite possible.

But if a person violates the law of the Universe, then the consequences will be 100%, because it is impossible to deceive the Universe, it is impossible to circumvent or act outside these laws - unlike the laws of the state, and it is not necessary.

A banal understanding of the principle of the work of the universe and, of course, adherence and non-violation of laws allow you to live without struggle and suffering, to live joyfully.

Below will be described the basic and main laws of the Universe, the understanding of which greatly simplifies life and makes it joyful.

1. The law of cause and effect

It is important to understand that a person always reaps the fruits of his actions. After every action there are consequences, and this must be understood.

What goes around comes around!

If you have been smoking for years, then do not be surprised that your health is lame, and the point is not the punishment of the Lord - these are simply the consequences of your past actions.

It turns out that the way we live now is the result of our past actions. That's all.

If you want to change the consequences in your life - just change your actions. Start exercising, for example, and quit smoking. And if taking care of your health is constant and regular, then, it turns out, the consequences will be positive.

Start acting in a new way, doing something new, and your life and you will be different. Thanks to new actions, communication with new people, for example, you will change your way of thinking, the manner of communication, and then your life will change.

Each of your actions has consequences, and this must be understood.

Before you do something, ask yourself: will I bear the consequences of my actions?

2. The law of similarity

Like attracts like.

All your friends are somewhat like you. All your surroundings.

Scientists even conducted one experiment. A completely stranger was asked what his monthly average earnings were, then they found out the same from five of his closest friends, summed up the salaries of these five friends and divided by five. It turned out that exactly the same income was obtained, which is received by this very person who took part in the experiment. His friends earn as much as he does. And so not only for him, so for almost everyone.

We are all somewhat similar to those with whom we communicate. If you don't like the girl you are dating, then it’s not her, but you. You pulled this one to you. What are you, so is your girl. And so in everything. We attract everything into our life: people, circumstances, situations - everything. And this is all the same as we are, it is similar to us, from here follows another law of the universe: the world is a mirror.

H. The Law of Mirroring

The universe simply reflects our inner world to us. If you hate this world, are cynical, dissatisfied, you don't like everything, you are not grateful for what you have, you have a habit of complaining, then the Universe will reflect your inner world and manifest it all in physical reality in the form of various troubles and unfavorable circumstances, but their source will not be God, but you, and only you.

The person who loves himself, is happy every day, believes in himself and steadily acts for the sake of his dreams, does not lose heart over trifles - a person, of course, will reap completely different fruits of life.

4. Law of Attraction

The essence of this law is that we attract into our life what we pay attention to in our life; if we pay more attention to the bright sides of life, then, of course, most of our life will be joyful, however, as well as vice versa.

This also applies to thoughts: what you think and talk about most is present in your life. It turns out that it is not profitable to think about failures and defeat, but it is profitable to think about victory and success. You should pay attention to the success of other people and sincerely rejoice for them, and, as a result, it will be attracted into your life.

Yes, of course, all laws are interconnected and interdependent, no one law works separately from another. Another law follows from this law.

5. The law of struggle and acceptance

This law says: what you struggle with increases in life, and if you just accept, then it disappears.

To accept is not to resist something, but to allow it to be, and to be attentive to it, and it will disappear.

Let's say a person is afraid of something. Following this law, you do not need to fight fear, but simply allow it to be and allow yourself to be afraid, just feel this fear, feeling it, without running away or fighting it, you will be surprised to realize that this feeling has simply disappeared and there is no more fear.

After all, fear is just a feeling, nothing more. You can control your feelings.

Fighting with fear, you only root it in yourself.

Because the fight is the recognition that it exists, because you will not fight with what does not exist. It is best to accept and release it - and it will disappear, it will pass through you, as if you are the wind.

Look: there is one struggle all around. The fight against terrorism, drugs, crime, everything, but only the fight only increases this in the world, it is ineffective, because the masses turn their attention to terrorism, drugs, crime, and this is growing in the world in accordance with the law of attraction.

Mother Teresa once said:

"I will never go to a rally against the war, for peace - yes."

After all, then attention would be directed to the world.

What your attention is directed to is what prevails in your reality.

Don't fight anything - it won't help you.

6. The Law of Faith

Yes, only this expression not only implies faith in God: that, they say, if you believe in him, he will reward you. In this life, you yourself create your destiny, and no one does anything for you.

Nothing is done to you, everything is done by you.

What you believe in, you will receive. Believe that the world is cruel and uncomfortable, it will be so. After all, the Universe simply reflects your thoughts and returns them to you, only materialized in the physical world. Here laws and reflections and attraction are intertwined: as you can see, all laws are intertwined, and they are all connected into one.

It turns out that it is beneficial to believe in the best, and the worst is simply to pass by and not focus on it. That is, one should not think or talk about bad things, otherwise it will be attracted.

7. The law of love

Everything is love. Love is God. We are love. We are all literally one. It seems to us that we are separate, but this is only from a physical point of view, in fact, everything is filled and everything is interconnected.

We all breathe the same air.

We are separated by bodies, minds are in contact, and the soul is one.

All people and everything in general have one soul - this is the soul of God.

Souls are not in the body, this body is in the soul. It's like air, it seems to be different everywhere, and at the same time it is one, since nowhere is there a clear border. So it is with souls: everyone has them, and at the same time it is one - one.

The place where we came from is the Absolute, there is only love, everything is one, there is no right, left, no top, no bottom, no cold, no warmth - there is only love and everything is one, there is no divisions.

In our physical world, the relative world, there is this division. If it were not for him, we would not be able to feel ourselves as something individual in relation to something. After all, if there were no evil, how would we know what good is, if there were no darkness, how would we know what light is? If there was no fear, how would we know what LOVE is?

Therefore, the essence of this law is as follows.

We all think, say and do something every second, and this summarizes, who we are and who we choose to be.

Who do you choose to be: love or fear? There is no third. Everything comes from either fear or love. All the negative is out of fear, all the best is out of love.

So let your every thought, every word and every deed flow from love, not fear.

Ask yourself more often how love would act in your place, and then act! But also remember to include yourself among those you love and put yourself first.

Conclusions on the topic "Laws of the Universe for Man"

  • Law of Cause and Effect: Remember that your life now is a consequence of your past thoughts, words, and actions.
  • Nothing is done with you, everything is done by you.
  • According to your faith, let it be rewarded to you.
  • The universe only reflects your inner world back to you at the material level.
  • In your life, there is only that which is similar to you.
  • You are the cause of everything in your life, you attract everything into your life with your attention: what your attention is focused on grows in your reality.
  • It's best to only focus on the best.
  • Don't fight anything: fighting only increases what you are fighting against; accept it and let it go.
  • You are love: your every thought, word and deed reflects Who You Are; the only question is what you choose: be love or fear; the choice is yours.

Secrets of esotericism on the site

There are people who are ardent skeptics. Or those who believe in God. There is a person who does not care, he does not argue, does not prove. He has no time - he works, he improves himself. What is esotericism? Religion? Faith in God? In people? Into the supermind? Or maybe into yourself? Many do not think about such things, and after thinking, they do not find answers to their questions.

Esotericism is secret knowledge that is not available to people ignorant of magic, mysticism, occultism. At least they were like that before. Knowledge and skills that everyone could not possess. Only a select few.

After reading various tapes on the Internet, you can get only scattered data and a poor idea of ​​what esotericism is. Only by deciding to change yourself and your life for the better, rallying your strength and going through a course of video seminars, built by specialists so that everything falls into place, can you achieve success.

The concept of esotericism and why you shouldn't be afraid of it

Esotericism is a huge section of human life that helps to find oneself through knowledge of the world. Its study is not given to everyone. After all, this is not just religion or science. This is the very thread that connects all the nuances and aspects of the ordinary world and the area of ​​unknown magic that surrounds us.

The very first such secret society was the Pythagorean school. She was divided into ordinary and esoteric. Its secret part took a lifelong vow not to disclose what was taught to members of the community. And what kind of knowledge they received there is still unknown to mankind. Now esotericism is not hidden from everyone. There is available information presented in video seminars or master classes. Why are people afraid or unwilling to touch the unknown and explore the unexplored areas of their own lives?

Consider the main criteria for human reluctance:

  1. Many do not want to learn a new religion. In fact, esotericism is not only a religion, although it is closely related to it. It helps to reveal yourself and your own hidden inner potential. Yes, there is religion - belief in yourself and the world around you.
  2. Disbelief in the ability to change your life. Thought is always material. And desires are always fulfilled. Everything is possible - you just have to believe and go through this difficult path to knowledge.
  3. Reluctance to acquire new knowledge, as there is already success in his personal life. Esotericism makes it possible to get success not only in one area of ​​human activity. It allows you to balance all the criteria that are extremely important. To achieve the desired and the most intimate comprehensively.
  4. Fearful attitude towards the concept of magic. It should be noted that the unknown is not only magical. It's just unfamiliar. After passing the seminar, it becomes clear that magic is often considered to be something that seems incredible, impossible.
  5. Lack of free time. To complete the training, of course, it takes time and a lot. But later, the hours spent are repaid a hundredfold. Life is balanced, everything falls into place and everything happens in its own moment.

An already established branch, science, like psychology, has long considered esoteric opinion. Resorts to her methods. Favors the practice of secret knowledge.

What does esoteric knowledge give?

Why is it believed that esoteric knowledge is not given to everyone? Only a select few? Because not everyone is ready to say goodbye to the old world, three-dimensional space, a sense of the shaky stability of his life. Each person is a blacksmith of his own happiness. Those who understand this strive for the best.

What is esotericism - answers to the site

To transform yourself. From the inside. Starting with thoughts. And thoughts are what happens to us. Esoteric practices give people not only knowledge. They help to feel the surrounding space. Start thinking differently, not like before. Wake up one day and realize what is happening. What you need to do to succeed in your desired industries. Understand that the world is not three-dimensional. It is generally limitless. Consciousness is omnipotent.

Why does a person come to esotericism?

Different roads can lead to this or that knowledge. Events, people, coincidence? In any case, esotericism appears in a person's life when it is needed. The reasons may be different:

  1. Search for new, unprecedented sensations. When it gets boring, the world loses its attractiveness, others do not bring its former joy. Esotericism will help you look at everything in a different light, see new things and believe in miracles.
  2. Search for a method of treatment. When conventional medicine is powerless. When the pills didn't work. And it's not only about habitual illnesses, but also about constant depression, about the illness of life itself, when, no matter how hard a person tries, he cannot achieve his goals. The man turns in despair. And esotericism, magic, rituals help to heal.

Esoterics and magic are ancient sciences. This is knowledge accumulated over many years and centuries. This is great wisdom that anyone who really wants it can comprehend. And help yourself to overcome difficulties. Free yourself from heaviness and become free. Achieve results and be happy.

It is easier to say what esotericism is as follows. This is an attempt to explain the complex structure of the visible and invisible world and the processes that take place in these worlds and affect a person, his actions and even fate. Almost everyone has heard of the extraordinary experience of a mutated consciousness. Most of the modern commercial practices of achieving financial success, the practice of fulfilling a person's desires or shaping events are built on this principle.

Esoteric practices are aimed at achieving a sustainable expansion of human consciousness, which would make it possible to obtain a more perfect worldview. In a narrower, applied sense, all esoteric teachings are aimed at studying the inner world of a person, his hidden capabilities and the development of specific techniques for self-realization and spiritual development. Esoteric currents are found in all world religions, although there are many independent esoteric systems.

There are theoretical worldview systems that consider only the spiritual development of a person through the accumulation of special knowledge and meditative practices. There are trends aimed at achieving the final result with the help of ceremonies, rituals and other things. These include occultism, which involves the use of magic, appeal to the unrecognized forces of spirits, natural forces and the inhabitants of parallel worlds. Representatives of religious systems have an interesting attitude to the question of what esotericism is. For example, it is believed that any esoteric practices are prohibited by Christianity, and turning to such knowledge or practices is regarded as a grave sin, for which severe punishments are provided.

But such an attitude of the church does not stop those who see esotericism as a means for solving their life problems. This state of affairs, in our opinion, is also due to the fact that the official church imposes a strict ban without explaining the real possibilities of esoteric practices. At the same time, there is a huge number of specific rituals related to the so-called church magic, which are available for acquaintance and are widely used. It is useful for a modern person to know the answer to the question: "Esotericism - what is it?", Since this is an opportunity to learn more about your inner structure, nature and the world around you. Knowing about the esoteric methods of knowledge, a person will not be afraid to make mistakes, and problems will not seem to him an insurmountable obstacle on the way to happiness.

1. In what word is there an ERROR when stressing?
2. Which of the selected words is formed by the prefix-suffix method?
1. CONTINUATION of the story
2.What kind of IMMORALITY
3.I acted as a comrade
4. HAS BEEN GIVEN a guess
3. Establish a correspondence between the highlighted word in the sentence and the part of speech: determine which part of speech the highlighted word belongs to in each sentence.
A) It was still HOT when the storm started ._____________________________
B) It is HOT in the bath .______________________________________
C) Yashka seemed awkward and pitiful to himself ._________________________________
1) Adverb
2) Adjective
3) Communion
4) Status category
4. Which of the selected words contains an ERROR?
1. TO THE WALKER - valid present participle
2. OPEN - short present tense participle
3. IF - subordinate union
4. FOR AN HOUR - a derivative preposition
5. In what case was an ERROR allowed during the formation of a word (form of a word)?
1.beautiful landscape
2.pair of socks
3.Lie on the mat
4.about five hundred kilometers
6. In which sentence, when using the participle (adverbial) phrase, is the ERROR allowed?
1. In autumn, heavy ears of ripe grains await the appearance of combines.
2. Using a phraseological dictionary, explain the meaning of this expression.
3. The garden was decayed, covered in lilacs, wild rose hips, apple trees and maples covered with moss.
4. Creating the novel-trilogy, the writer used the original documents of the era.
7. In which row is the same letter missing in both words?
1.sown field, covered with wallpaper
2. holy amulet .. my, over the darkening lake
3.breathing ... deeply crying ... crying sobbing
4. finished .. work, quickly aged ..
8. In which sentence in the word at the place of the pass is NN written?
1. The dugout was covered with rich carpets.
2. Fragile, precise silhouette of a girl stands out against the background of the wall.
3. Celebration ... the ceremony of laying the first stone took place.
4. From the village from time to time came the smell of just baked ... black bread.
9. In which row in both cases is NOT written together with the word?
1. (not) polite remark, (not) who to ask
2. (un) measurable increased, (un) knowing the hassle
3. (not) expected to arrive, the gate is (not) closed
4. (un) movable wings, (un) finished work
10. In which sentence are both selected words written together?
1. (DURING) DURING the expedition, experts determine the species composition of animals and plants, and ALSO (SAME) take samples of soil, water and air.
2. (WHAT) would understand WHAT (SAME) laws govern the Universe, people conduct research in space.
3. (LIKELY) IS there ANY (ANYTHING) industry today in which wood is not used in one way or another.
4. (B) It is HIGHLY likely that (B) cable TV will naturally merge with the Internet soon.