I choose orthopedic shoes for my son and study all Russian manufacturers. Why do you need orthopedic shoes

Unlike mass (low-complex) shoes, complex orthopedic shoes are made to order, prescribed by a doctor in the presence of more serious pathologies and deformities. The use of such shoes occurs when the use of uncomplicated shoes is impractical, but the manufacture of orthopedic shoes with additional functions is justified. Sophisticated orthopedic shoes take into account various foot deformities and are distinguished by the presence of special structural elements. The presence of such elements depends on the functional purpose of such shoes. These include special hard, soft and even metal parts, as well as inter-insole layers:

Union or semi-union;

Back beret;

Inner and outer berets;

Heel counter with elongated or shortened wings;

Crescent or shortened toe;

Aluminum plates for stiffening berets and socks;

Steel tires;

Corset plates;

Arch support;


Laying out the inner and outer vaults;

Sole of a special form;

The combination of these elements in a certain way allows you to treat a particular disease by correcting the incorrect position of the ankle joint and foot joints.

Types of orthopedic shoes for flat-valgus and varus foot placement in children, as well as for cerebral palsy.

Depending on the nature of the correction and design features, 3 main types of complex orthopedic shoes for children can be distinguished:

1. Anti-valgus orthopedic shoes. It is used for flat-valgus (X-shaped) installation of the feet in children, when the ligamentous apparatus of the child's foot cannot withstand the load of the body for various reasons (overweight, weak muscle tone of the arch of the foot, etc.). Because of this, the inner edge of the foot sags and the forefoot moves outward. These shoes are characterized by:

Double-sided high rigid tibia, which provides good fixation of the entire ankle joint in a vertical position;

Extended inner tibia, which keeps the heel of the foot from falling;

Calculations of the longitudinal arch on the arch support, providing the necessary support for the arch of the foot.

2. Anti-varus orthopedic shoes.This shoe is aimed at correcting clubfoot. In contrast to the plano-valgus setting, with varus foot placement in children, the knee joints are bent to the sides; when walking, the child leans on the outer arches of the feet. Therefore, with such a diagnosis, it is very important not only to firmly fix the hindfoot, but also to abduct the forefoot. The features of these shoes are as follows:

High back to the lower third of the leg;

Rigid heel, extended from the inside to the very fingers;

The insole is a pronator.

3. Stabilizing orthopedic shoes.This type of footwear is used mainly for equino-varus and equino-vargus curvature of the foot with cerebral palsy. Wearing such shoes develops motor skills, forms the correct gait and prevents the further development of foot deformities. The characteristic elements of such shoes are:

High heel to mid-calf;

Double-sided hard berets;

Stabilizing element in the sole;

Arch support insole.

Of course, all these types of complex orthopedic shoes are characterized by tight fixation along the entire length with the help of lacing, Velcro or fasteners. These shoes are made in two ways: according to a plaster cast of the patient's foot or by method 3 D scan.

Orthopedic shoes for adults - shoes that have an individual tailoring, which is necessary in the event that functional insufficiency of the feet is diagnosed. Thanks to shoes with an orthopedic effect, the foot is securely fixed when walking, which reduces the risk of progression of the existing pathology and prevents subsequent deformation.

When are orthopedic shoes prescribed?

Before you make a purchase of orthopedic shoes, you need to consult a doctor who will select the best option for an existing disease. Basically, orthopedic corrective shoes are indicated for: lateral deformities of the foot, flat feet, clubfoot; ; functional disorders of the feet; limb shortening; heel spur; diabetes varicose veins; scoliosis; excess weight.

In addition to indications, contraindications to wearing such shoes can also be distinguished: purulent inflammation on the limbs, an existing trophic ulcer on it, old age, an allergy to the material used to make shoes.

Consider some of the most common pathologies that require wearing orthopedic shoes.

Valgus foot

Valgus feet - this is a deformity of the feet, in which their arch decreases, their axis is curved, while the heel and toes turn outward, and the middle part of the foot is lowered down.

If treatment is not started on time or carried out incorrectly, tendons and ligaments lose their natural functioning in a short time. As a result, a person will quickly get tired and feel pain in the feet. The state of posture may also be disturbed, which affects full walking and running.

As for shoes with valgus, we can distinguish the following requirements for its choice:

For the correct formation of the arches of the feet, manufacturers equip shoes with special orthopedic blocks with an anatomical base and presence.

Shoes with valgus pathology should be with Velcro fasteners or laces.

Orthopedic high-top shoes prevent the foot from "loosening" when walking.

The back of the sole (i.e. the heel) should be rigid and contain a medical arch support, while the toe should be flexible.

When diagnosing a pathology such as, it is necessary to purchase not preventive models of shoes, but therapeutic ones. Such models evenly distribute the load on the muscular apparatus of the feet, prevent further deformation and help correct the existing one, ensure the correct formation of posture and gait.

flat feet

Flat feet - flattening of the arch of the foot. In addition to massage and physiotherapy exercises, wearing orthopedic shoes is also shown. The rules for her selection are as follows:

It is not recommended to buy those models that are equipped with a solid sole and do not have a heel. Such shoes create an extra load on the feet, provide additional stretching of the ligaments and aggravate the condition of the feet.

Shoes must have a heel of no more than 5 centimeters. If it is larger, there is an uneven distribution of the load of the body on the feet, which leads to a deterioration in their condition.

A narrow nose in shoes squeezes the foot and its muscle fibers, which causes swelling.

The seamless insole prevents squeezing of the tissues of the feet.

Shoes for heel spurs

If a spike-like growth occurs on the heel bone, special shoes will help prevent pain and discomfort. It is recommended to purchase those models that are comfortable to wear and do not cause discomfort. So, it is forbidden to wear shoes with heels, with squeezing laces and locks.

It is also necessary to use heel inserts in shoes, which help to reduce the load on the heel and reduce pain when walking. The selection of the insert is carried out individually. The liner is fixed with a fastener. There are also orthopedic shoe models designed for people with heel spurs. Her selection is also carried out by a doctor.

Orthopedic shoes of complex tailoring

Sophisticated orthopedic shoes are prescribed for wearing by the attending orthopedist and are produced to order, based on the characteristics of the ongoing pathology. So, there are three types into which complex orthopedic shoes are divided:

  1. Anti-varus models that include a special insole - pronator.
  2. Anti-valgus models with a special insole - arch support.
  3. Stabilizing models that are prescribed for wearing with, for disabled people of group 1 and other groups, if a person has a characteristic curvature of the foot. If a disability of group 1 is diagnosed, a person has the right to receive free shoes in accordance with the rules of the law.

Orthopedic shoes for people with cerebral palsy are especially necessary. In this case, we can talk about such positive aspects of treatment with orthopedic shoes as: adjustment of the condition of the feet and ankle; maintaining the normal position of the feet and legs when walking; natural distribution of loads on the limbs; correction of foot defect.

Complex models of orthopedic shoes are equipped with a hard back, a removable insole, a low heel, and comfortable fasteners.

Orthopedic models of professional shoes

Orthopedic professional shoes are recommended for people who, due to their professional activities, have to stand for a long time, or those who lead a too mobile lifestyle. These include medical workers, cooks, hairdressers and others.

Orthopedic shoes for work are equipped with a flat sole, shock-absorbing elements that reduce the load on the limbs, a wide toe that prevents the appearance of corns and squeezing the fingers.

Manufacturers such as Grubin and Ortenberg can be noted. Orthopedic footwear for work is made of cork oak bark combined with latex. This combination provides reliable cushioning and flexibility of the shoe when worn.

The upper material of the shoe is genuine leather that has been processed. Thanks to the special details that are included in the shoes, an additional fixation of the limb is created and an increase in the stability of the form is ensured.

diabetic foot

Orthopedic products for - the main stage of the treatment of pathology. The following components are included in such shoes: soft toe, which prevents the development of ulcers, calluses, eliminates discomfort; rocker sole - a hard plate with a flat inner part and a slightly rounded outer one; a flat surface of the insole, which is necessary to prevent injury to the skin of the foot.

Shoe inserts are prescribed for those people who suffer from severe deformity of the feet. As a rule, an orthopedic insert is placed in shoes and evenly distributes the load when walking.

Orthopedic shoes with a removable insole are indicated for people with diabetic feet who have had one or more toes amputated. At the same time, wearing orthopedic liners is extremely important, since the removal of even one toe affects the distribution of loads on the foot when walking.

In order not to wear orthopedic shoes in the future and not to treat the disease that has arisen, it is recommended to take care of its prevention in advance. To do this, you should visit an orthopedist at least once every 6 months to prevent foot diseases.

Children and adults wear orthopedic shoes to prevent certain diseases of the musculoskeletal system, maintain the correct position of the foot, and relieve excess load from the lower extremities. Special shoes help reduce the risk of injury and mitigate the negative consequences of existing pathologies.

In appearance, modern orthopedic shoes practically do not differ from ordinary ones. Its main advantages are considered to be increased convenience and adaptability to the characteristics of the legs of people with physiological disorders.

Functions of orthopedic shoes

With the right selection of orthopedic shoes and the constant wearing of the model recommended by the doctor, the patient may feel a decrease in discomfort while walking. High-quality products contribute to the suspension of pathological changes in the feet.

The effect of therapeutic and prophylactic shoes may differ depending on their model and the type of disease diagnosed in a person. The greatest effect is provided by products selected individually after a medical consultation with an orthopedist.

The constant wearing of orthopedic shoes allows you to achieve such positive results as:

  • Termination of foot disorders, reducing the risk of flat feet and other disorders of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems.
  • Prevention of diseases of the joints, neuralgia.
  • Formation of the correct arch of the foot in a child.
  • Correction of deformities of the lower extremities.
  • Reducing the negative effects of arthritis, arthrosis.
  • Decreased sensitivity of the feet in patients with diabetes mellitus.
  • Acceleration of rehabilitation after injuries or operations on the lower extremities.

Patients can choose orthopedic shoes for adults and children for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Summer, winter and demi-season options are on sale so that patients can wear special medical and preventive shoes all year round. Manufacturers produce various types, for example, shoes, sneakers, moccasins, boots, boots.

Depending on the orthopedic effect produced, the models can be simple or complex.

Lightweight orthopedic shoes

Includes inline or inline adjustment elements. Shoes with special insoles or semi-insoles help support the arch of the foot. Models with a high beret are intended for persons with pronounced valgus or varus deviations.

Sophisticated orthopedic shoes

It is made to order according to an individual plaster cast or according to the results of a 3D scan. The model complexity group depends on the severity of pathological changes.

This group of orthopedic shoes is divided into 3 subspecies: stabilizing, anti-varus and anti-valgus.

  • Stabilizing shoes are indicated for patients with cerebral palsy with equino-varus and equino-valgus curvature. Wearing such models contributes to the development of motor skills, the formation of a correct gait and stops further deformation. It has a high heel counter, arch support insole, a stabilizing element in the sole, tight lacing or fasteners.
  • Anti-valgus orthopedic shoes help people with disorders of the ligamentous apparatus of the foot due to overweight, weak muscle tone. It is distinguished by a high rigid beret, calculations of the longitudinal arch on the instep.
  • Antivarus models serve to correct clubfoot. Products firmly fix the back of the foot with a high rigid heel counter and a pronator insole.

Indications and contraindications for use

To pick up orthopedic shoes is required for people with the following deviations:

  • Shortening of the lower limb, sagging foot, different lengths of the feet.
  • Support stumps.
  • Foot deformity of various etiologies.
  • Lymphostasis, severe forms of diabetes mellitus and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Ankle instability.
  • Severe longitudinal-transverse flat feet.
  • Vascular pathologies of the lower extremities.
  • Necrosis of the bones of the foot.
  • Acute and chronic joint inflammation.
  • Non-healing wounds, ulcers, painful scars.
  • Recurrent inflammatory processes on the skin.
  • Congestive trophic phenomena and chronic edema.
  • Endarteritis of the vessels of the lower extremities, thrombophlebitis.
  • Some individual features of the foot (large fullness or length of the foot, wide beam part, increased volume of the lower leg).

How to choose orthopedic shoes?

Orthopedic shoes should be selected in a specialized store on the recommendation of an orthopedist. The design of the product must fully take into account the individual anatomical features of the foot.

When buying, be sure to take into account seasonality, size, length and fullness of the foot. Since the left and right feet may not match in size, both shoes must be tried on before purchase.

If the shoes are bought for a child, then they will have to be changed approximately every 6-8 months, since the children's foot quickly increases in size.

When examining a pair, pay attention that there are no folds, creases, rough seams on the surface that can cause discomfort.

How to measure the foot?

To choose the right size when buying orthopedic shoes, you need to measure your feet in advance. For this it is recommended:

  • Lay a sheet of A4 paper on the floor.
  • Exactly stand on it and circle the contour of the foot with a pen.
  • Repeat with the second leg.
  • With a centimeter, measure the length of the feet from the heel to the end of the big toe. Choose the largest of the two values.

If there are difficulties in measuring and choosing a suitable model, experienced consultants of the ORTEKA online store will give qualified advice and help you find the right orthopedic shoes of the highest quality.

The formation of a healthy foot and gait of a child is one of the most important tasks facing parents. For the development of the correct motor stereotype and the prevention of the appearance of flat feet, the position of the calcaneus in the shoe is of great importance, as well as the condition of the arches and bones of the entire foot. So, children's shoes should provide an anatomically correct position of the foot.

The main purpose of such shoes - it is called orthopedic, prophylactic or anatomical - is the formation of the correct arch of the foot and the prevention of various deformities. Doctors believe that orthopedic shoes for children with hallux valgus, flat feet or clubfoot are simply necessary. At the same time, there is no “only correct” shoe for the correction of these diseases, since the angle of deviation and the height of the seals must be strictly individual. You can achieve the desired effect only with the help of an insole, which is prescribed by an orthopedist.

What real orthopedic shoes look like

You should not take the word of sellers, who often call all shoes and sandals orthopedic indiscriminately. There are several signs of really the right shoes.

  • natural material. Anatomical shoes are made of leather, suede or nubuck. The child's leg must "breathe", synthetic fabrics and leather substitutes, materials that do not let air through are unacceptable.
  • The presence of an arch support. A small bulge on the inside of the insole provides support for the arch of the foot, lifting it to the desired level.
  • Wide toe. The child's toes in such shoes should lie freely.
  • High and foot-locking heel counter. The back of the shoe should cover the ankle, preventing the child's leg from "leaving". At the same time, inside, where the child's foot will come into contact with the shoes, the heel should be trimmed with soft material, not contain coarse seams, folds that can cause discomfort while walking.
  • Small and wide heel. Its presence fixes the foot in the correct position when walking.

The “killers” of the foot, and then the spine, orthopedists call ballet flats. This inherently dangerous shoe is also bad because it cannot be corrected with an orthopedic insole, which simply does not fit into ballet flats. Orthopedists also classify sneakers as equally dangerous types of shoes, although they can still be saved with an insole.

Where can I buy

Finding an orthopedic salon is not difficult, but you need to go there and you can only after consulting with an orthopedist. Including because any orthopedic shoes for children need to be supplemented - a special insole made for the foot of a particular patient. As a rule, such shoes are made anatomically comfortable, but averaged, that is, for the correct formation of the child’s feet with a possible deviation, an addition to orthopedic shoes will be required.

Sometimes medical institutions themselves offer a small selection of orthopedic shoes, but more often, of course, they advise one or another manufacturer. There are quite a lot of high-quality orthopedic shoes sewn in the world, which doctors recommend confidently. The main brands of anatomically correct shoes: Sursil, Twrki, Ortuzi, Memo. Prices for them start from 3000-4000 rubles.

There are problems that cannot be solved even with the help of specialized shoes, then the only solution remains - individual tailoring, this is usually recommended for serious diseases such as cerebral palsy. The cost of such shoes is extremely high, one pair can cost about 17,000 rubles, and they are ordered at specialized factories.

Before buying shoes

Victor Limar, orthopedist-traumatologist, practice - 48 years.

Specialist of the Solyuks Orthopedic Center, orthopedic traumatologist Viktor Limar is sure that all people need to wear anatomical, orthopedic shoes, and even more so for children. And this is not a recommendation, but a necessary condition to form a healthy foot. Orthopedic shoes for a child plus an individual insole - this is the universal ideal option recommended to everyone. If we talk about children, there is no need to wait for something to alert parents. There is a simple and understandable scheme for visiting an orthopedist.

  • First inspection. Mandatory in the first three months from the date of birth of the child.
  • Second inspection. Six months later, if there is no need to be observed more often. At these stages, the main task of the orthopedist is not to miss hip dysplasia, the prevention of which is free swaddling, or rather its absence. Ultrasound and X-ray of the hip joint at the age of 3–4 months is a mandatory procedure.
  • The next visit to the orthopedist is 4-5 months after the child begins to walk confidently. This is the moment when, for the first time, a custom insole can be made for a child. Research shows that one out of every 100 babies is born who doesn't need corrective footwear.

Strictly speaking, no one can wear other shoes, except for anatomical ones, especially children. If everything is done on time, then by about the age of seven the child will have already formed the correct foot, and the task for the future is simply to support it in the course of growing up.

How to choose

Anastasia Bukreeva, representative of the Danko orthopedic salon, Novokuznetsk.

After visiting the orthopedist, with the finished insole and recommendations on what type of shoes your child needs, you can go looking. How not to make a mistake in choosing, especially if parents need orthopedic shoes for children with flat feet, clubfoot or valgus? With this question, the portal site turned to the representative of the orthopedic salon "Danko" in the city of Novokuznetsk, Anastasia Bukreeva.

  • Children's shoes must fit correctly.. You can’t buy shoes “for growth”, but you need to leave a margin for an orthopedic insole (one centimeter will be enough). It is ideal to try on shoes already with a finished insole. Incorrectly sized shoes can cause flat feet.
  • It is always worth trying shoes on both feet.. It is good if the child walks around the store for a few minutes.
  • The toe of the shoe should bend easily.. It is better to check this with your hands, bending a boot or shoe. When walking, shoes should "live" in the same way as the foot.
  • The child should not wear the shoes left over from the elders. Such shoes may have a worn heel on the inside or outside, it can be worn “under the foot” of the former owner. As a result, instead of correcting the deformity of the foot, the child may also acquire other people's problems. Shoes can be worn only as a last resort, using an individual insole.

Do not neglect your right to get acquainted with quality certificates. In addition, orthopedic shoes are quite expensive, so you need to keep receipts in order to be able to exchange or return them in case of defects.

Orthopedic shoes for children with clubfoot, flat feet or valgus are the same part of the treatment as gymnastics, physiotherapy exercises and timely examinations by specialists. But even healthy children need to choose the right and comfortable shoes. And at every opportunity to let them run barefoot on different surfaces, the best prevention is hard to imagine.


“Top-top, the baby is stomping” ... And what kind of shoes does yours stomp?

If you listen to advice orthopedic surgeons, then parents whose babies are just starting to take their first confident steps should take care of the right shoes. Most experts advise to purchase an orthopedic one due to the fact that only it is able to correctly form a child's foot, ensure correct posture and gait, and become a preventive measure for the occurrence of foot pathologies.

Do not think that the choice of boots or shoes does not matter much. Just the opposite is true: starting from the age of the first steps, it is necessary to think about the prevention of a common phenomenon among children, like flat feet, to try to prevent the occurrence of other complex and dangerous diseases.

Of all the variety of "correct" children's shoes with orthopedic effect several groups can be distinguished:

1. Uncomplicated orthopedic shoes.

These are shoes that have special built-in or insert elements for foot correction.

Its use guarantees support for the arches of the foot and helps to increase the area of ​​foot support with the help of special insoles and semi-insoles.

Therapeutic insoles can be in the original version of the shoes, or they can be ordered specifically for a certain foot of the child and after consulting an orthopedist. Removable arch support insole helps the child's foot to return to the correct position and eliminate the deformation.

In addition, with valgus or varus forms of deviation in the development of the foot, orthopedic shoes with a high beret are recommended.

2. Sophisticated orthopedic shoes.

This type of footwear is made according to an individual plaster cast from the foot.

At the same time, each type takes into account changes in the foot, based on this, different groups of complex orthopedic shoes:

1.Stabilizing shoes,
2. Anti-varus shoes,
3. Orthopedic shoes for valgus feet.

According to the structural features of shoes, in addition to the above, there are others types of orthopedic shoes:

1. Therapeutic orthopedic shoes.

Designed for children who already have orthopedic problems - adductovarus and flat-valgus deformities of the feet, clubfoot, flat feet, etc.

2.Prophylactic or standard orthopedic shoes.

It is recommended for all children to wear for the purpose of prevention. It has 3 main elements of orthopedics - a high hard back, an arch support (simple), a sole with a slope.

3. Sports orthopedic shoes.

4. Winter orthopedic shoes.

Has rigid berets, a removable orthopedic insole.

Frequent and relevant questions among parents are those that are directly related to such a disease as flat feet. Let's figure out what this phenomenon is, why it is dangerous, and also touch on the question of the time of formation of the children's foot.

So, flat feet is characterized by a change in the shape of the foot. At the same time, the process of lowering its transverse and longitudinal arches is observed.

Up to two or three years, this phenomenon is difficult to detect, since the longitudinal arch at this age is always flat. This is considered normal, because it is just beginning to form, and by the age of three it only acquires the first features.

For comparison: the arches of the foot of an adult are elastic and concave, while the baby has a so-called fat pad in their place, which gives the feeling of a flat foot. She will acquire a classic look closer to six or eight years, less often later. Therefore, such a diagnosis is not made until this age. But you can detect its first signs in time by visiting an orthopedist in a timely manner.

Orthopedic shoes for children (therapeutic or prophylactic) are fundamentally different from anatomical ones.

At choosing such a pair You need to pay attention to a number of important points:

Firstly, the heel should be rigid, while not having folds. When pressed, the back should not be deformed.

Secondly, a non-slip sole, preferably with a small heel that is an instep, will ensure the correct gait.

Thirdly, the outsole orthopedic shoes It is made of dense, but rather flexible material at the fold points. And the younger the age of the "owner" of the shoe, the more flexible the sole should be at the fold.

Fourthly, the right shoes should have special comfortable fasteners that allow you to fix the shoes on the leg with different fullness. For the same reason, shoes should have a wide opening.

Fifthly, there should be a special roller under the insole of the shoe - supinator(submersible).

Sixth, only Genuine Leather or cotton, no leatherettes on the inside of the shoe.

Seventhly, it is necessary to correctly determine the size: you should not buy it for growth, and shoes should not compress the foot, this can lead to leg deformity.

Considering all the parameters, you can choose a shoe option that is ideal for a child's foot and is always characterized by a positive effect.

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