The health of the younger generation. Topical issues of health saving in the educational process The influence of social factors on the health saving of a child

Prevention of its preservation.
The health of adolescents in any society and in any socio-economic and political situations is the most urgent problem and a matter of utmost importance, since it determines the country's future, the gene pool of the nation, the scientific and economic potential of society and, along with other demographic indicators. Of course, the state of health factors such as unfavorable social and environmental conditions have a significant impact. A sharply negative environmental situation, place of residence, significantly increases their incidence and reduces the potential of the body. The health of adolescents, on the one hand, is sensitive to impacts, on the other hand, it is quite interesting by its nature: the gap between the impact and the result can be significant, reaching several years, and, probably, today we know only the initial manifestations of unfavorable population shifts in the health of children and adolescents. , as well as the entire population of Russia. Therefore, it is important to understand the fundamental laws of its development on the basis of the patterns of formation of the health of the younger generation, to direct the actions of society to change adverse trends, until the life potential of the country's population has suffered irreversibly.

The health of the child population is an integral parameter resulting from the influence of genetic inclinations, social, cultural, environmental, medical and other factors, i.e. is a complex result of the complex interaction of man with nature and society.

According to official statistics, in recent years there has been a persistent trend towards a deterioration in the health of children of both preschool and school age. Over the past five years, there has been a marked increase in the incidence of neoplasms, diseases of the endocrine system and disorders of nutrition, metabolism, diseases of the digestive system.

The Scientific Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the SCCH RAMS notes that the features of negative changes in children's health in recent years are the following:

1. A significant decrease in the number of absolutely healthy children. Thus, among students their number does not exceed 10-12%.

2. The rapid increase in the number of functional disorders and chronic diseases over the past 10 years in all age groups. The frequency of functional disorders increased by 1.5 times, chronic diseases - by 2 times. Half of schoolchildren 7-9 years old and more than 60% of high school students have chronic diseases.

3. Change in the structure of chronic pathology. The proportion of diseases of the digestive system has doubled, the share of diseases of the musculoskeletal system has increased four times, and diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract have tripled.

4. An increase in the number of schoolchildren with several diagnoses. 10-11 years old - 3 diagnoses, 16-17 years old - 3-4 diagnoses, and 20% of high school students - adolescents have a history of 5 or more functional disorders and chronic diseases.

A particularly important characteristic of health in modern conditions is the physical development of children, among whom the proportion of existing deviations is increasing, especially in connection with a lack of body weight. The real factor in the formation of these deviations is a decrease in the standard of living, the inability to provide adequate nutrition for children.

General and local environmental problems begin to affect the deep processes of health formation, including changes in the processes of age dynamics, the appearance of shifts in the clinic and nature of diseases, the duration of the course and the resolution of pathological processes, which, in principle, are found everywhere, i.e. affecting human biology.

The identified health problems of modern children and adolescents require close attention not only of medical workers, but also of teachers, parents, and the public. A special place and responsibility in this healing process is assigned to the educational system, which can and should make the educational process health-saving.

Thus, an assessment of the current state and trends in the health of children and adolescents indicates a serious problem, which can lead to significant restrictions in the future implementation of their biological and social functions. And in this case, we are talking not only about the state of health of modern adolescents, but about the future of Russia.

concept prevention health is a system of measures (collective and individual) aimed at preventing or eliminating the causes of the disease, which differ in nature. One of the most important areas in medicine, starting from the time of Hippocrates (about 460-370 BC), Avicenna - (Abu Ali ibn Sina, about 980-1037), is the prevention of diseases. Translated from Greek, prevention means the prevention of certain diseases, the preservation of health and the extension of human life.

The ideas of disease prevention, along with diagnostics and treatment, as components of medical science, originated in ancient times and usually consisted in observing the rules of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle. Gradually there was an idea of ​​the paramount importance of preventive measures. In the period of antiquity, in the works of Hippocrates and other physicians, it was said that it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. Subsequently, this position was shared by many doctors, including Russian physicians of the 18th - 19th centuries.

Since 1917, the preventive direction of the social policy of domestic health care has been the leading one, this was the main advantage of the domestic health care system, which was repeatedly recognized by physicians in other countries

In recent years, prevention has become of great importance and particular importance due to the fact that the treatment of a disease is a very expensive "pleasure" and to prevent a disease, to do everything to preserve a person's health for many years, is easier, simpler and more reliable than to cure a disease, Prevention is first and foremost a healthy lifestyle.

Health is influenced by many external factors. Many of them have a negative impact. These, first of all, should include: violation of the hygienic requirements of the daily routine, diet, educational process; calorie deficiencies; adverse environmental factors; bad habits; aggravated or dysfunctional heredity; low level of medical care, etc. One of the most effective ways to counteract these factors is to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle (HLS). Scientists have determined that the state of human health is the most - 50%, depends on lifestyle, and the remaining 50% falls on ecology (20%), heredity (20%), medicine (10%) (i.e., independent of cause person). In turn, in a healthy lifestyle, the main role is given to properly organized motor activity, which is about 30% of the fifty.

Healthy lifestyle- the only remedy for all diseases at once. It is aimed at preventing not each disease individually, but all together. Therefore, it is especially rational, economical and desirable. A healthy lifestyle is the only lifestyle capable of restoring, maintaining and improving the health of the population. Therefore, the formation of this style in the life of the population is the most important social technology of national importance and scale. A healthy lifestyle is a multifaceted concept, it is an active activity of people aimed at maintaining and strengthening health as a condition and prerequisite for the implementation and development of other aspects and aspects of lifestyle, to overcome "risk factors", the emergence and development of diseases, optimal use in the interests of protection and improving the health of social and natural conditions and lifestyle factors. In a narrower and more concrete form - the most favorable manifestation of medical activity for public and individual health. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is the main lever of primary prevention as an initial, and therefore a decisive link in strengthening the health of the population through lifestyle changes, its improvement, the fight against unhygienic behavior and bad habits, and overcoming other adverse aspects of lifestyle. The organization of a healthy lifestyle in accordance with the state program for strengthening disease prevention and health promotion requires the joint efforts of state, public associations, medical institutions and the population itself.

The introduction of the main elements of prevention in the form of hygiene behavior skills should be included in the system of preschool and school education of children and adolescents, reflected in the system of health education (which is increasingly focused on promoting a healthy lifestyle), physical culture and sports. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is the most important duty of all medical and preventive, sanitary and anti-epidemic institutions and public formations.

Currently, work is underway on a healthy lifestyle. A system of socialist health care exists and is being strengthened in practice, guaranteeing every citizen the constitutional right to health protection as the most important task of social policy. Our healthcare system, embodying the general direction - disease prevention. This is a complex of socio-economic and medical measures to prevent the occurrence of diseases, their causes and risk factors. The most effective means of prevention, as mentioned, may be the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle combines everything that contributes to the performance of professional, social and domestic functions by a person in optimal conditions for health and expresses the orientation of the individual towards the formation, preservation and strengthening of both individual and public health. For the correct and effective organization of a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to systematically monitor your lifestyle and strive to comply with the following conditions: sufficient physical activity, proper nutrition, the presence of clean air and water, constant hardening, perhaps a greater connection with nature; compliance with the rules of personal hygiene; rejection of bad habits; rational mode of ore and rest. Together, this is called the observance of a healthy lifestyle - healthy lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyle (HLS)- this is the process of observance by a person of certain norms, rules and restrictions in everyday life, contributing to the preservation of health, optimal adaptation of the body to environmental conditions, a high level of performance in educational and professional activities. A healthy lifestyle as a system consists of three main interrelated elements, three types of culture: nutrition, movement, emotions.

Separate health-improving methods and procedures do not provide the desired and stable improvement of health, because they do not affect the integral psychological structure of a person. And Socrates said that "the body is no longer separate and independent of the soul."

Food culture. In a healthy lifestyle, nutrition is a defining backbone, as it has a positive effect on motor activity and emotional stability.

Movement culture. Only aerobic physical exercises (walking, jogging, swimming, skiing, etc.) in natural conditions have a healing effect.

The culture of emotions. Negative emotions have a huge destructive power, positive emotions preserve health and contribute to success.

The current education system does not contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle, so the knowledge of adults about a healthy lifestyle did not become their beliefs. At school, recommendations for a healthy lifestyle are often taught to children in a didactic and categorical form, which causes positive reactions in them. And adults, including teachers, rarely adhere to these rules. Adolescents are not engaged in the formation of their health, as this requires strong-willed efforts, but are mainly engaged in the prevention of health disorders and the rehabilitation of the lost.

A healthy lifestyle should be purposefully and constantly formed during a person's life, and not depend on circumstances and life situations. In order to preserve the health of children and adolescents, protect them from the adverse effects of the environment and create targeted positive effects on the growing body, systematic medical monitoring of the health of the younger generation and systematically the conditions of education and training is carried out. These functions are performed by the medical and preventive and sanitary and anti-epidemic health services.

One of the components of a healthy lifestyle is the rejection of health destroyers: smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs. There is an extensive literature on the health consequences that result from these addictions. If we talk about the school, then the actions of the teacher should not be aimed at ensuring that the student quits smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs, but that the student does not start doing this. In other words, prevention is key.

The effectiveness of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents is due to the fact that the life position is only being developed, and the ever-increasing independence makes their perception of the world around them equipped, turning the boy and girl into inquisitive researchers who form their life credo. Health plays a certain role in a person's life, especially at a young age. Its level largely determines the possibility of professional improvement, creative growth, completeness of perception, and hence satisfaction with life.

The family, as well as the school, is an important environment for the formation of personality and the main institution of education, is responsible for recreation, determines the way of life. The social microenvironment, in which adolescents are introduced to social values ​​and the roles of family labor activity: the attitude of parents, household work, family education, are a complex of targeted pedagogical influences.

Vasilyeva O.V., paying attention to the presence of a number of components of health in particular, such as physical, mental, social and spiritual health, considers the factors that have a predominant influence on each of them. So, among the main factors affecting physical health are: the system of nutrition, respiration, physical activity, hardening, hygiene procedures. Mental health is primarily affected by the system of a person's relationship to himself, other people, life in general; his life goals and values, personal characteristics. The social health of an individual depends on the conformity of personal and professional self-determination, satisfaction with family and social status, the flexibility of life strategies and their compliance with the sociocultural situation (economic, social and psychological conditions). And, finally, spiritual health, which is the purpose of life, is influenced by high morality, meaningfulness and fullness of life, creative relationships and harmony with oneself and the world around, Love and Faith. At the same time, the author emphasizes that the consideration of these factors as separately affecting each component of health is rather conditional, since all of them are closely interconnected.

Living conditions and work activities, as well as the character and habits of a person form the way of life of each of us. For the growing and developing body of schoolchildren, compliance with the daily routine (the correct schedule of educational work and rest, good sleep, sufficient exposure to fresh air, etc.) is of particular importance. Lifestyle is a health factor, unhealthy lifestyle is a risk factor. Human health depends on many factors: hereditary, socio-economic, environmental, health system performance. But a special place among them is occupied by a person's lifestyle. The next part of this work is devoted to a more detailed consideration of the importance of lifestyle for health.

Knowledge of all the factors affecting the state of human health form the basis of science - valeology, the main core of this science is a healthy lifestyle, on which health and longevity depend. A healthy lifestyle is formed by all aspects and manifestations of society, is associated with the personal-motivational embodiment of the individual's social, psychological and physiological capabilities and abilities. On how successfully it is possible to form and consolidate in the mind the principles and skills of a healthy lifestyle at a young age, subsequently depends on all activities that impede the disclosure of the potential of the individual.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is a multifaceted complex task, the successful solution of which requires the efforts of all links of the state social mechanism. In order to preserve the health of children and adolescents, protect them from the adverse effects of the environment and create targeted positive effects on the growing body, systematic medical monitoring of the health of the younger generation and systematically the conditions of education and training is carried out. These functions are performed by the medical and preventive and sanitary and anti-epidemic health services.

One of the components of a healthy lifestyle is the rejection of health destroyers: smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs. There is an extensive literature on the health consequences that result from these addictions. If we talk about the school, then the actions of the teacher should not be aimed at ensuring that the student quits smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs, but that the student does not start doing this. In other words, prevention is key.

The effectiveness of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents is due to the fact that the life position is only being developed, and the ever-increasing independence makes their perception of the world around them equipped, turning the boy and girl into inquisitive researchers who form their life credo. Health plays a certain role in a person's life, especially at a young age. Its level largely determines the possibility of professional improvement, creative growth, completeness of perception, and hence satisfaction with life.

Speaking about the formation of attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle of the younger generation in general and about the fight against bad habits in particular, one cannot fail to mention the school. After all, it is there, for many years, that young people not only learn, acquire communication skills with adults and peers, but also develop an attitude towards many life values ​​for almost a lifetime. Thus, the school is the most important stage when it is possible and necessary to form the right attitude towards a healthy lifestyle. The school is an ideal place where for a long time you can give the necessary knowledge and develop healthy lifestyle skills to a large contingent of children of different ages. The family, as well as the school, is an important environment for the formation of personality and the main institution of education, is responsible for recreation, determines the way of life. The social microenvironment, in which adolescents are introduced to social values ​​and the roles of family labor activity: the attitude of parents, household work, family education, are a complex of targeted pedagogical influences.

Thus, among the most important tasks of social educators is to provide optimal conditions for study, work, and the entire way of life, contributing to the completion of the formation of a young organism. Therefore, in relation to adolescent students, the following main tasks are envisaged:

Development and implementation, on the basis of perfect achievements of science, of optimal sanitary and hygienic standards both for educational and recreational premises, and for educational and production workload, as well as for summer work of adolescents;

Regular physical education and sports;

Consideration of the network of health facilities for adolescents;

Improving work on medical prevention among adolescents, providing them with medical examinations;

Creation of a system of hygienic education of adolescents and their parents;

Promotion of healthy lifestyles.



State educational institution of higher professional education




Department of Socio-Cultural Foundations of Education




Final qualifying work

group listener

scientific adviser

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Allowed for defense

Head department

Ph.D. assistant professor

"_____" _________ 2012

Saratov - 2012

INTRODUCTION .................................................. ...............................................


1.1. Health problems in a risk society ..............................................

1.2. A modern view on the problem of the health of the younger generation and its relevance .............................................................. .........................

1.3. The concept of health and the components of a healthy lifestyle ................................................. ...................

1.4. Health problems of the younger generation and prevention of its preservation .............................................................. ................................................. .......


2.1. Modern health-saving technologies ...............................

2.2. The use of health-saving technologies, methods and techniques in the educational process of the Saratov Regional School of the Olympic Reserve............................................................... ......................................

2.3. Analysis of the psychoprophylactic and health-forming program of the Saratov School of the Olympic Reserve ............................................................................... ................................................. .........................

CONCLUSION………………........................................... ......................




The problem of improving the health of the younger generation is becoming a priority area of ​​work with young people and is one of the priority tasks of the social and economic development of our country, which determines the relevance of its theoretical and practical development, as well as the need for scientific research and the development of methodological and organizational and pedagogical approaches to saving and strengthening health, promoting a healthy lifestyle. The tasks of preserving, strengthening and developing the health of the younger generation and young people, educating the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle and a conscious attitude towards it are reflected in the following regulatory documents: the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", "Conventions for the Protection of Health of the Population of the Russian Federation", the Law "On Environmental Protection environment”, “Conventions for the development of health care and medical science in the Russian Federation” and others.

The qualification work "The concept of health and the components of a healthy lifestyle of the younger generation" discusses the theoretical problems of maintaining and promoting health, the concept of health, the components of a healthy lifestyle ".

aim qualification work is the study of the concept of health and the main components of a healthy lifestyle of the younger generation.

To achieve this goal, the qualification work set the following tasks:

firstly, to analyze modern theoretical approaches to the consideration of the concept of health and the components of a healthy lifestyle,

secondly, to study modern health-saving technologies,

thirdly, to consider the current use of health-saving technologies in the pedagogical work of the Saratov School of the Olympic Reserve and the introduction of new programs on health-saving technologies in the educational process "Education and Health" and "Psychoprophylactic Program".

object research is the process of forming the health of students through a personality-oriented approach to their health improvement, education and upbringing.

Thing research - the current use of health-saving technologies in the pedagogical work of the Saratov School of the Olympic Reserve and the introduction of new programs on health-saving technologies in the educational process "Education and Health" and "Psychoprophylactic Program".

Work structure consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, an appendix.

The practical significance of the work consists in the use of health-saving technologies, methods and techniques in the educational process of the Saratov Regional School of Olympic Reserve, as well as the analysis of the psycho-prophylactic and health-forming program of the Saratov School of Olympic Reserve.


1.1. Health problems in a risk society.

Modern generation, unfortunately, do not consider their health the most important life value. It is important that both adults and children acquire knowledge of the factors, methods and means that enhance health, have the habit of constantly implementing measures aimed at preserving it, so that they tend to have an active attitude towards their health and the health of those around them - that is, to form a social need to live and be healthy.

History shows that the problem of the health of the younger generation arose from the moment of the emergence of human society and was considered differently at subsequent stages of its development.

In the conditions of the primitive system, when educating young people, the main attention was paid to preparing them for life: the ability to endure hardships, pain, show courage and endurance. The rite of "initiation" was characteristic, when young men showed their physical abilities in competitions.

In the slave-owning Ancient Greece, special education systems stood out: Spartan and Athenian. In the conditions of the harsh military system of life of the landed aristocracy, education in Sparta was of a pronounced military-physical nature. The ideal was a hardy and courageous warrior. A vivid picture of Spartan education was drawn by Plutarch in the biography of the Spartan legislator Lycurgus. Education in Athens assumed intellectual development and the development of body culture. The works of Socrates and Aristotle contain views on the need to form the physical culture of the body.

In full accordance with the ancient ideal of a Renaissance man, they took care of the health of children, developed a method of physical education - Tommaso Campanella, Francois Rabelais, Thomas More, Michel Montaigne.

In the pedagogical theory of the XVII century. The principle of usefulness was considered the guiding principle of education. Teachers of that time paid great attention to the care of improving the health of children. D. Locke in his main work "Thoughts on Education" offers a carefully developed system of physical education of the future gentleman, proclaiming his basic rule: "A healthy mind in a healthy body is a brief but complete description of a happy state in this world ..." He details describes hardening techniques, substantiates the importance of a strict regimen in a child's life, gives advice on clothing, food, walking, playing sports.

For the first time in the history of Russian pedagogical thought, the Russian educator Epiphanius Slavinetsky, in his pedagogical essay Citizenship of Children's Customs, tried to give a set of rules that children should have followed in their behavior. It says how to treat your clothes, appearance, how to follow the rules of hygiene.

French enlighteners of the 18th century. J.-J. Rousseau and in anticipation of a new era, the kingdom of reason on Earth, in their writings considered the issues of educating a new person. Rousseau in his work "Emil, or On Education" biologizes the process of education. He dwells in detail on the methods of hardening Emil, strengthening his physical strength. Noting the important role of natural remedies, he points out: "The internal development of our abilities and our organs is education from nature ...". Helvetius in his book "On Man, His Mental Abilities and His Education" defines the task of physical education as "... to make a person stronger, stronger, healthier, therefore, happier, more often benefiting his fatherland .. ."

In the era of imperialism of the late XIX - early XX century. v. in Russia, a social movement in the field of public education is growing. - a prominent scientist, organizer of the pedagogical movement for the introduction of physical education in schools and children's institutions in the work "Guide to the physical education of schoolchildren" offers an original system of physical education based on the law of gradualness and sequence of development and the law of harmony.

At the turn of the new century, there was a scientifically substantiated point of view of leading scientists on the role of the school in organizing conditions for educating a child in good spirits and forming a healthy lifestyle. in his book "School Dietetics" he emphasizes that it is the school that should be pleasantly aesthetically landscaped in order to influence the good morals and tastes of children, and therefore it should resemble "biblical Eden". At this time, there is a growing interest in the existential problems of harmony of a person with himself and the world around him (Sh. Otto, S. Severin, and others).

During the formation of Soviet pedagogy, the main attention was paid to the labor education of the younger generation in an organic connection with the mental, physical and aesthetic. The health of the child was considered in his development through the performance of physical labor (, etc.). A wide network of children's institutions of a new type, health-improving grounds, and open-air schools - forest, steppe, seaside, sanatoriums - were created. Schools have a fixed timetable and daily routine.

1920s were marked by the study of the adaptive mechanisms of the human body in connection with changes in the biosphere. (, Sarkizo-Serazini, etc.) Issues of family education, its influence on the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle are being developed and put into practice.

In the same period, works appeared that examined the dependence of the process of forming a healthy lifestyle of schoolchildren on the level of development of their consciousness, will factors and the setting of the dominant volitional message (, etc.). in the work "Culture of will, the system of educating a healthy personality" assigns a special role to the teacher in educating the will of the child, which, according to the author, is a condition for the formation of positive personal goals in the field of a healthy lifestyle to improve the adaptive capabilities of the body.

In the late 1940s and early 1950s, the problem of health formation again became topical. A new focus on the hygienic aspect of a healthy lifestyle was caused by the necessity of the post-war period. He is recognized as the founder of the Soviet system of hygienic education of schoolchildren. Back in the 20s, he developed a system of health lessons, and his followers - a series of manuals on personal and social hygiene, prevention, and maintaining efficiency.

In the late 60s and early 70s, the problem of protecting children's health was being developed (, etc.). Some sanitary and hygienic materials are presented in an entertaining way.

In the 1970s and 1980s, research was carried out on issues of hygienic education (etc.), health protection of students, observance of hygienic requirements for the organization of educational subjects (etc.). As noted, these studies did not give a model of a hygienically healthy school-type institution, did not provide for implementation mechanisms, did not substantiate a system of measures (at the level of integration of medicine, pedagogy and psychology) of all teachers in learning systems.

Completely new directions in science are also distinguished - Dianetics (R. Hubbard), information and energy medicine (and others).

In 1980, the term "valueology" was proposed, which denoted a direction in science related to the study and formation of health, the identification of methods for its active formation. Health problems cover many sciences (hygiene, physiology, anatomy, etc.).

1.2. A modern view on the problem of the health of the younger generation and its relevance.

Many experts studying young people between the ages of 14 and 30 often disagree on exactly how to define the group of people who are commonly called youth. According to the definition, youth is understood as “an extensive set of group communities that form on the basis of age characteristics and the main activities associated with them. In the sociological sense, this is a socio-demographic group distinguished on the basis of age-related features of the social position of young people, their place and functions in the social structure of society, specific interests and values. Regarding the age limits of youth. there is no common opinion. In the absence of uniform criteria for age periodization, in determining the boundaries of youth age, the specifics of the approaches that have developed in various disciplines that study youth, including sociology, as well as the specific goals and objectives facing researchers, are taken into account. In domestic sociology, the lower age limit is most often determined between 14-20, and the upper - between 25-29 years. Although in the current practice there is an increase in the age of certain groups, such as young scientists - up to 33-35 years.

Modern youth is characterized by negligence in relation to their health. This is largely determined by the absence for a long period of time of the state's social policy in promoting a healthy lifestyle. Health is made up of several components. For example, WHO defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, where physical health refers to the ability to perform daily work, including taking care of oneself; mental - a state determined in harmony with oneself, and social - reflects the positive attitude of a person with other people, the readiness to provide help and the ability to accept it.

Many students of various educational institutions are not only unable or unwilling to take measures to improve their health, but they often undermine it themselves and thereby worsen it. The report "Health problems and the demographic crisis in Russia" provides the following data on the health of adolescents:

32% of children are healthy,

16% have chronic diseases,

52% have functional disorders.

Surveys show that most adolescents already have bad habits, they have tried or smoke cigarettes, use alcohol and drugs.

The data reflects very negative indicators:

40% of boys and 30% of girls drink alcohol regularly,

About 10% of teenagers have tried drugs,

32.8 out of every teenager commit suicide.

Along with this, the social significance of adolescent health is due to the fact that they represent the closest reproductive, intellectual, economic, social, political and cultural reserve of society. Therefore, their health is the potential of the nation and the country as a whole.

The state of health of Russian teenagers is significantly worse than that of their peers in other countries. This is evidenced by the data of self-assessment of the health of 15-year-old adolescents. Thus, they consider themselves healthy: in Switzerland 93%, in Sweden - 72%, in France - 55%, in Germany - 40%, in Russia - 28% of adolescents.

There are reasons that predetermine the downward dynamics of youth health.

Firstly, this, according to the words, is the influence of the “social funnel”, that is, patients give birth to patients.

Secondly, throughout the life cycle, the intensity of the decline in health in children is above average, and the problems of morbidity move from the groups of the elderly to the group of children and young people.

Thirdly, the health of each subsequent generation is lower than the previous one: the health of children is worse than the health of parents, the health of grandchildren is even less than the condition of our children (every year, newborns have less health potential: in 1990, 14.7% were born sick, and in 2006 .- 38.9%;).

Fourth, social conditions impede the realization of human biological reserves. The development of the individual should continue until the age of 35, while in the late 70s the “peak” of health was noted at 25 years old, by the end of the 80s it dropped to 16 years, and in the late 90s the person remained with that potential with which he came into this world.

The situation in the country as a whole is similar. There is some misconception that the higher the income of the population, the more opportunities to pay more attention to their health and lead a healthy lifestyle.

However, high income is not always a guarantee of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and maintaining one's health.

Obviously, health problems most often arise due to poor ecology (which is very important for big cities.) And an unhealthy lifestyle that negatively affects health:

Bad ecology 70.32%,

Unhealthy lifestyle (bad habits) 36.40%,

Learning conditions 26.15%,

Conditions of home life (residence) 6.71%,

However, there is also a positive trend in young people's attitude to maintaining their own health: about 45% regularly go in for sports.

1.3. The concept of health and the components of a healthy lifestyle

Health - this is the first and most important human need, which determines his ability to work and ensures the harmonious development of the individual. It is the most important prerequisite for the knowledge of the surrounding world, for self-affirmation and human happiness. An active long life is an important component of the human factor.

Healthy lifestyle It is a way of life based on the principles of morality. It must be rationally organized, active, labor, tempering. Should protect from adverse environmental influences, allow to maintain moral, mental and physical health until old age. It follows that the protection of one's own health is the direct responsibility of everyone, a person does not have the right to shift it to others. After all, it often happens that a person by the wrong way of life brings himself to a catastrophic state by the age of 20-30 and only then remembers medicine.

No matter how perfect medicine is, it cannot rid us of all diseases. A person is the creator of his own health, he must fight for it. From an early age, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, harden, engage in physical education and sports, observe the rules of personal hygiene - in a word, achieve genuine harmony of health in reasonable ways. There are many definitions of the concept of "health", the meaning of which is determined by the professional point of view of the authors. According to the definition of the World Health Organization adopted in 1948: "health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects."

From a physiological point of view, the following formulations are decisive:

Individual human health - the natural state of the body against the background of the absence of pathological changes, optimal communication with the environment, consistency of all functions (,);

health is a harmonious set of structural and functional data of the body that are adequate to the environment and provide the body with optimal vital activity, as well as full-fledged labor activity;

Individual human health is a harmonious unity of all kinds of metabolic processes in the body, which creates conditions for the optimal functioning of all systems and subsystems of the body ();

Health- this is the process of preserving and developing biological, physiological, psychological functions, working capacity and social activity of a person with the maximum duration of his active life ().

There are, according to scientists, three types of health: physical, mental and moral (social).

physical health- this is the natural state of the body, due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. If all organs and systems work well, then the whole human body (self-regulating system) functions and develops correctly.

mental health- depends on the state of the brain, it is characterized by the level and quality of thinking, the development of attention and memory, the degree of emotional stability, the development of volitional qualities.

moral health- is determined by those moral principles that are the basis of a person's social life, that is, life in a particular human society. The hallmarks of a person's moral health are, first of all, a conscious attitude to work, mastery of the treasures of culture, an active rejection of mores and habits that are contrary to a normal way of life. Physically

and a mentally healthy person can be a moral "freak" if he neglects the norms of morality. Therefore, social health is considered the highest measure of human health.

A healthy and spiritually developed person feels happy, feels great, gets satisfaction from his work, strives for self-improvement, and thus achieves unfading youth of spirit and inner beauty.

Healthy lifestyle includes the following main elements: a rational mode of work and rest, the eradication of bad habits, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, hardening, rational nutrition, etc.

Rational mode of work and rest- a necessary element of a healthy lifestyle for any person. With a correct and strictly observed regimen, a clear and necessary rhythm of the functioning of the body is developed, which creates optimal conditions for work and rest, and thereby promotes health.

It is important to always remember: if it’s good to “get started”, that is, if the beginning of the process of mental activity was successful, then usually all subsequent operations proceed continuously, without disruption and without the need to “switch on” additional impulses. The key to success is planning your time. a person who regularly plans his working day for 10 minutes will be able to save 2 hours a day, as well as more accurately and better cope with important matters. It is necessary to make it a rule to win one hour of time every day. During this hour, no one and nothing can interfere. Thus, getting time - perhaps the most important thing for a person - personal time. It can be spent at your own discretion in different ways: additionally for recreation, for self-education, hobbies, or for sudden or emergency cases.

The light of an electric light bulb should not blind the eyes: it should fall from above or to the left so that the book or notebook is not covered by the shadow from the head. Proper lighting of the workplace reduces the fatigue of the visual centers and contributes to the concentration of attention at work. It is necessary to place a book or notebook at a distance of best vision (25 cm), avoid reading while lying down.

A systematic, feasible, and well-organized process of mental labor has an extremely beneficial effect on the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, the musculoskeletal system - on the entire human body. Constant training in the process of labor strengthens our body. The one who works hard and works well throughout his life lives long. On the contrary, idleness leads to muscle weakness, metabolic disorders, obesity and premature decrepitude.

A teenager should correctly alternate work and rest. After classes and lunch, 1.5-2 hours should be spent on rest. Rest after work does not mean a state of complete rest. Only with very great fatigue can we talk about passive rest. It is desirable that the nature of the rest be opposite to the nature of the work of a person (the "contrasting" principle of rest construction). Evening work is carried out from 17:00 to 23:00. During work, after every 50 minutes of concentrated work, rest for 10 minutes (do light gymnastics, ventilate the room, walk along the corridor without interfering with the work of others).

It is necessary to avoid overwork and monotonous work. For example, it is inappropriate to read books for 4 hours in a row. It is best to engage in 2-3 types of labor: reading, calculation or graphic work, note-taking. This alternation of physical and mental stress is good for health. A person who spends a lot of time indoors should spend at least part of their time outdoors. It is desirable for city residents to relax outdoors - on walks around the city and outside the city, in parks, stadiums, on hikes on excursions, working in garden plots, etc.

The next step in a healthy lifestyle is eradication of bad habits especially for a young organism: smoking, alcohol, drugs. These violators of health are the cause of many diseases, drastically reduce life expectancy, reduce efficiency, and adversely affect the health of the younger generation and the health of their future children.

Many people begin their recovery by quitting smoking, which is considered one of the most dangerous habits of modern man. It is not for nothing that doctors believe that the most serious diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs are directly related to smoking. Smoking not only undermines health, but also takes strength in the most direct sense. As experts have established, after 5-9 minutes after smoking just one cigarette, muscle strength decreases by 15%, athletes know this from experience and therefore, as a rule, do not smoke. Does not stimulate smoking and mental activity. On the contrary, the experiment showed that only because of smoking, the perception of educational material is reduced. The smoker does not inhale all the harmful substances in tobacco smoke - about half goes to those who are next to them. It is no coincidence that children in families of smokers suffer from respiratory diseases much more often than in families where no one smokes. Smoking is a common cause of tumors in the mouth, larynx, bronchi and lungs. Constant and prolonged smoking leads to premature aging. Violation of tissue oxygen supply, spasm of small vessels make the appearance of a smoker characteristic (yellowish skin tone, premature fading), and changes in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract affect his voice (loss of sonority, reduced timbre, hoarseness).

The effect of nicotine is especially dangerous during certain periods of life - youth, old age, when even a weak stimulating effect disrupts nervous regulation. Nicotine is especially harmful to pregnant women, as it leads to the birth of weak, low-weight children, and to lactating women, as it increases the incidence and mortality of children in the first years of life.

The next difficult task of the younger generation is to overcome drunkenness and alcoholism. It has been established that alcoholism has a destructive effect on all human systems and organs. As a result of the systematic consumption of alcohol, an addiction to it develops:

Loss of sense of proportion and control over the amount of alcohol consumed;

Violation of the activity of the central and peripheral nervous system (psychosis, neuritis, etc.) and the functions of internal organs.

The change in the psyche that occurs even with episodic alcohol intake (excitement, loss of restraining influences, depression, etc.) determines the frequency of suicides committed while intoxicated. Alcoholism has a particularly harmful effect on the liver: with prolonged systematic alcohol abuse, alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver develops. Alcoholism is one of the common causes of pancreatic disease (pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus). Along with changes affecting the health of the drinker, alcohol abuse is always accompanied by social consequences that harm both those around the patient with alcoholism and society as a whole. Alcoholism, like no other disease, causes a whole range of negative social consequences that go far beyond healthcare and concern, to one degree or another, all aspects of modern society. The consequences of alcoholism include the deterioration of the health indicators of people who abuse alcohol and the associated deterioration in the general health indicators of the population. Alcoholism and related diseases are second only to cardiovascular disease and cancer as a cause of death.

The next component of a healthy lifestyle is balanced diet. When talking about it, one should remember two basic laws, the violation of which is dangerous to health.

First law- balance of received and expended energy. If the body receives more energy than it consumes, that is, if we receive more food than is necessary for the normal development of a person, for work and well-being, we become fat. Now more than a third of our country, including children, is overweight. And there is only one reason - excess nutrition, which ultimately leads to atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and a number of other ailments.

Second law - nutrition should be varied and provide the needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber. Many of these substances are irreplaceable, since they are not formed in the body, but come only with food. The absence of even one of them, for example, vitamin C, leads to illness and even death. We get B vitamins mainly from wholemeal bread, and the source of vitamin A and other fat-soluble vitamins are dairy products, fish oil, and liver. Especially at a young age.

The intervals between meals should not be too large (no more than 5-6 hours). It is harmful to eat only 2 times a day, but in excessive portions, because this creates too much stress on the blood circulation. It is better for a healthy person to eat 3-4 times a day. With three meals a day, lunch should be the most satisfying, and dinner should be the lightest.

It is harmful to read while eating, to solve complex and responsible tasks. You can’t rush, eat, burning yourself with cold food, swallow large pieces of food without chewing. Systematic dry food, without hot dishes, has a bad effect on the body. It is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene and sanitation. Over time, a person who neglects the diet is threatened by the development of such severe digestive diseases as, for example, peptic ulcer, etc. Thorough chewing, grinding food to a certain extent protects the mucous membrane of the digestive organs from mechanical damage, scratches and, in addition, promotes rapid penetration juices deep into the food mass. It is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the teeth and oral cavity.

We need to learn a culture of reasonable consumption, to refrain from the temptation to take another piece of a tasty product that gives extra calories or introduces an imbalance. After all, any deviation from the laws of rational nutrition leads to a violation of health. The human body consumes energy not only during physical activity (during work, sports, etc.), but also in a state of relative rest (during sleep, lying down), when energy is used to maintain the physiological functions of the body - maintaining a constant body temperature . It has been established that a healthy middle-aged person with normal body weight consumes 7 kilocalories per hour for every kilogram of body weight.

Adapting to adverse environmental conditions, the human body experiences a state of tension, fatigue. Tension is the mobilization of all mechanisms that ensure certain activities of the human body. Depending on the magnitude of the load, the degree of preparation of the organism, its functional, structural and energy resources, the possibility of the organism functioning at a given level decreases, that is, fatigue occurs. Changes in physiological functions are also caused by other environmental factors and depend on the season, the content of vitamins and mineral salts in foodstuffs. The combination of all these factors (irritants of different efficiency) has either a stimulating or depressing effect on the well-being of a person and the flow of vital processes in his body. Naturally, a person should adapt to the phenomena of nature and the rhythm of their fluctuations. Psychophysical exercises and hardening of the body help a person to reduce dependence on weather conditions and weather changes, contribute to his harmonious unity with nature.

Psychological self-regulation is interconnected with a good mood If a person is in a good mood, he becomes kinder, more sympathetic and more beautiful. Any business goes well with him, anxieties and worries go somewhere, it seems that nothing is impossible. The expression of his face changes, a special warmth appears in his eyes, his voice sounds more pleasant, his movements acquire lightness, smoothness. People are involuntarily drawn to such a person, everything changes if the mood is bad. A certain negative energy arises, it is transmitted to others, causes anxiety, tension, irritation. I remember some annoying little things, resentments, working capacity drops sharply, interest in learning is lost, everything becomes boring, unpleasant, hopeless.

Our mood is determined primarily by emotions and the feelings associated with them. Emotions are the primary, simplest types of reactions to any stimuli. They can be positive or negative, strong or weak, increase or, conversely, decrease. Feelings are another matter. These are purely human qualities that characterize our personal experiences. It is very important that, unlike emotions, feelings do not arise spontaneously, but are controlled by consciousness, obey the psyche. But the mood has not only a mental, but also a psychophysiological basis, it is controlled by a certain hormonal apparatus. The production of these hormones is primarily subject to the psyche.

It is the psyche, which is the product of the activity of the brain, that acts as the main judge and distributor. Bibliography. It should be clearly understood that a good mood can be arbitrarily created, it can be maintained, and finally, the ability to be in a good mood can and should be trained. In this case, the general functional state, and first of all, working capacity, is of great importance. It is she who is the force that ensures the coordinated activity of all components of a functional system. If the performance decreases, the clear interaction of the elements of the system is violated. Actions become stereotyped, even the usual operations are worse, the reaction decreases, the coordination of movements is disturbed. Emotional stability worsens, many things begin to annoy.

A clear idea should form in the mind that movement is not an end in itself. It is necessary, in particular, to stimulate the “production” of biologically necessary substances by our body that cause positive emotions, reduce feelings of tension, melancholy, and depression. The novelty of impressions, which causes positive emotions, especially stimulates the psyche. Under the influence of the beauty of nature, a person calms down, and this helps him to escape from everyday trifles. Balanced, he acquires the ability to look around him as if through a magnifying glass. Resentment, haste, nervousness, so frequent in our lives, dissolve in the great calmness of nature and its vast expanses.

Let us consider the orientation towards health in persons classified as internals and externals. For people of the expressive type, focused on communication, emotional openness, the speed of creative thinking and "threatened" qualities are characteristic - a high level of claims, a violation of the mode of work, increased excitability. For persons of the opposite type - impressive, prone to introspection, violation of the rest regime, who are not pretentious to consumer values, a high focus on the creative process itself is characteristic. In persons of an impulsive type with low self-control, prone to breakdowns in activity, the motivational profile has a "jumping" character. They are resilient in stressful situations. Conflict personalities are characterized by features of rigidity (insufficient mobility of mental processes), stubbornness, unstable self-esteem, and are prone to one-sided hobbies. Therefore, the tactics of each person should be directed in one case to inclusion in creatively developing activities, in the other - to the lack of communication, in the third - to the satisfaction of a hobby.

The locus of control characteristic of the individual is universal in relation to any types of events and situations that he has to face. The same type of control characterizes the behavior of a given individual both in the event of failures and in the sphere of achievements, and this applies to different degrees to different areas of social life. Internals were found to be more active than externals in relation to their health: they are better informed about their condition, take more care of their health, and seek preventive care more often. Externals are more anxious, prone to depression, mental illness.

For knowledge workers regular exercise and sports takes on exceptional importance. It is known that even a healthy person, if he is not trained, leads a "sedentary" lifestyle and does not engage in physical education, with the slightest physical exertion, breathing quickens, heartbeat appears. On the contrary, a trained person can easily cope with significant physical exertion.

The strength and performance of the heart muscle, the main engine of blood circulation, is directly dependent on the strength and development of all muscles. Therefore, physical training, while developing the muscles of the body, at the same time strengthens the heart muscle. In people with underdeveloped muscles, the heart muscle is weak, which is revealed during any physical work.

Daily morning exercises are a mandatory minimum of physical training. It should become for everyone the same habit as washing in the morning. For people leading a "sedentary" lifestyle, physical exercises in the air (walking, walking) are especially important. It is useful to go to work on foot in the morning and walk in the evening after work. Systematic walking has a beneficial effect on a person, improves well-being, increases efficiency. Daily exposure to fresh air for 1-1.5 hours is one of the important components of a healthy lifestyle. When working indoors, it is especially important to take a walk in the evening, before going to bed. Such a walk as part of the necessary daily workout is beneficial for everyone. It relieves the tension of the working day, calms the excited nerve centers, and regulates breathing. Walks are best performed according to the principle of cross-country walking: 0.5 -1 km with a walking slow step, then the same amount with a fast sports step, etc.

Personal hygiene includes a rational daily regimen, body care, hygiene of clothes and shoes. Of particular importance is the mode of the day. With proper and strict observance of it, a clear rhythm of the functioning of the body is developed. And this, in turn, creates the best conditions for work and recovery.

1.4. Health problems of the younger generation and prevention of its preservation.

The health of adolescents in any society and in any socio-economic and political situations is an urgent problem and a matter of priority, as it determines the country's future, the nation's gene pool, the scientific and economic potential of society, and, along with other demographic indicators. Undoubtedly, such factors as unfavorable social and environmental conditions have a significant impact on the state of health. A sharply negative environmental situation, place of residence, significantly increases their incidence and reduces the potential of the body. The health of adolescents, on the one hand, is sensitive to impacts, on the other hand, it is quite interesting by its nature: the gap between the impact and the result can be significant, reaching several years, and, probably, today we know only the initial manifestations of unfavorable population shifts in the health of children and adolescents. , as well as the entire population of Russia. Therefore, it is important to understand the fundamental laws of its development on the basis of the patterns of formation of the health of the younger generation, to direct the actions of society to change adverse trends, until the life potential of the country's population has suffered irreversibly.

The health of the child population is an integral parameter resulting from the influence of genetic inclinations, social, cultural, environmental, medical and other factors, i.e. it is a complex result of the complex interaction of man with nature and society.

According to official statistics, in recent years there has been a persistent trend towards a deterioration in the health of children of both preschool and school age. Over the past five years, there has been a marked increase in the incidence of neoplasms, diseases of the endocrine system and disorders of nutrition, metabolism, diseases of the digestive system.

The Scientific Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the SCCH RAMS notes that the features of negative changes in children's health in recent years are the following:

1. A significant decrease in the number of absolutely healthy children. Thus, among students their number does not exceed 10-12%.

2. The rapid increase in the number of functional disorders and chronic diseases over the past 10 years in all age groups. The frequency of functional disorders increased by 1.5 times, chronic diseases - by 2 times. Half of schoolchildren 7-9 years old and more than 60% of high school students have chronic diseases.

3. Change in the structure of chronic pathology. The proportion of diseases of the digestive system has doubled, the share of diseases of the musculoskeletal system has increased four times, and diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract have tripled.

4. An increase in the number of schoolchildren with several diagnoses. 10-11 years old - 3 diagnoses, 16-17 years old - 3-4 diagnoses, and 20% of high school students - adolescents have a history of 5 or more functional disorders and chronic diseases.

A particularly important characteristic of health in modern conditions is the physical development of children, among whom the proportion of existing deviations is increasing, especially in connection with a lack of body weight. The real factor in the formation of these deviations is a decrease in the standard of living, the inability to provide adequate nutrition for children.

General and local environmental problems begin to affect the deep processes of health formation, including changes in the processes of age dynamics, the appearance of shifts in the clinic and nature of diseases, the duration of the course and the resolution of pathological processes, which, in principle, are found everywhere, i.e. affecting human biology.

The identified health problems of modern children and adolescents require close attention not only of medical workers, but also of teachers, parents, and the public. A special place and responsibility in this healing process is assigned to the educational system, which can and should make the educational process health-saving.

Thus, an assessment of the current state and trends in the health of children and adolescents indicates a serious problem, which can lead to significant restrictions in the future implementation of their biological and social functions. And in this case, we are talking not only about the state of health of modern adolescents, but about the future of Russia.

concept prevention health is a system of measures (collective and individual) aimed at preventing or eliminating the causes of the disease, which differ in nature. One of the most important areas in medicine, starting from the time of Hippocrates (about 460-370 BC), Avicenna - (Abu Ali ibn Sina, about), is the prevention of diseases. Translated from Greek, prevention means the prevention of certain diseases, the preservation of health and the extension of human life.

The ideas of disease prevention, along with diagnostics and treatment, as components of medical science, originated in ancient times and usually consisted in observing the rules of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle. Gradually there was an idea of ​​the paramount importance of preventive measures. In the period of antiquity, in the works of Hippocrates and other physicians, it was said that it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. Subsequently, this position was shared by many doctors, including Russian physicians of the 18th - 19th centuries.

Since 1917, the preventive direction of the social policy of domestic health care has been the leading one, this was the main advantage of the domestic health care system, which was repeatedly recognized by physicians in other countries

In recent years, prevention has become of great importance and particular importance due to the fact that the treatment of a disease is a very expensive "pleasure" and to prevent a disease, to do everything to preserve a person's health for many years, is easier, simpler and more reliable than to cure a disease, Prevention is first and foremost a healthy lifestyle.

Health is influenced by many external factors. Many of them have a negative impact. These, first of all, should include: violation of the hygienic requirements of the daily routine, diet, educational process; calorie deficiencies; adverse environmental factors; bad habits; aggravated or dysfunctional heredity; low level of medical care, etc. One of the most effective ways to counteract these factors is to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle (HLS). Scientists have determined that the state of human health is the most - 50%, depends on lifestyle, and the remaining 50% falls on ecology (20%), heredity (20%), medicine (10%) (i.e., independent of cause person). In turn, in a healthy lifestyle, the main role is given to properly organized physical activity, which is about 30% of fifty.

Healthy lifestyle- the only remedy for all diseases at once. It is aimed at preventing not each disease individually, but all together. Therefore, it is especially rational, economical and desirable. A healthy lifestyle is the only lifestyle capable of restoring, maintaining and improving the health of the population. Therefore, the formation of this style in the life of the population is the most important social technology of national importance and scale. A healthy lifestyle is a multifaceted concept, it is an active activity of people aimed at maintaining and strengthening health as a condition and prerequisite for the implementation and development of other aspects and aspects of lifestyle, to overcome "risk factors", the emergence and development of diseases, optimal use in the interests of protection and improving the health of social and natural conditions and lifestyle factors. In a narrower and more concrete form - the most favorable manifestation of medical activity for public and individual health. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is the main lever of primary prevention as an initial, and therefore a decisive link in strengthening the health of the population through lifestyle changes, its improvement, the fight against unhygienic behavior and bad habits, and overcoming other adverse aspects of lifestyle. The organization of a healthy lifestyle in accordance with the state program for strengthening disease prevention and health promotion requires the joint efforts of state, public associations, medical institutions and the population itself.

The introduction of the main elements of prevention in the form of hygiene behavior skills should be included in the system of preschool and school education of children and adolescents, reflected in the system of health education (which is increasingly focused on promoting a healthy lifestyle), physical culture and sports. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is the most important duty of all medical and preventive, sanitary and anti-epidemic institutions and public formations.

Currently, work is underway on a healthy lifestyle. A system of socialist health care exists and is being strengthened in practice, guaranteeing every citizen the constitutional right to health protection as the most important task of social policy. Our healthcare system, embodying the general direction - disease prevention. This is a complex of socio-economic and medical measures to prevent the occurrence of diseases, their causes and risk factors. The most effective means of prevention, as mentioned, may be the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle combines everything that contributes to the performance of professional, social and domestic functions by a person in optimal conditions for health and expresses the orientation of the individual towards the formation, preservation and strengthening of both individual and public health. For the correct and effective organization of a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to systematically monitor your lifestyle and strive to comply with the following conditions: sufficient physical activity, proper nutrition, the presence of clean air and water, constant hardening, perhaps a greater connection with nature; compliance with the rules of personal hygiene; rejection of bad habits; rational mode of ore and rest. Together, this is called the observance of a healthy lifestyle - healthy lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyle (HLS)- this is the process of observance by a person of certain norms, rules and restrictions in everyday life, contributing to the preservation of health, optimal adaptation of the body to environmental conditions, a high level of performance in educational and professional activities. A healthy lifestyle as a system consists of three main interrelated elements, three types of culture: nutrition, movement, emotions.

Separate health-improving methods and procedures do not provide the desired and stable improvement of health, because they do not affect the integral psychological structure of a person. And Socrates said that "the body is no longer separate and independent of the soul."

Food culture. In a healthy lifestyle, nutrition is a defining backbone, as it has a positive effect on motor activity and emotional stability.

Movement culture. Only aerobic physical exercises (walking, jogging, swimming, skiing, etc.) in natural conditions have a healing effect.

The culture of emotions. Negative emotions have a huge destructive power, positive emotions preserve health and contribute to success.

The current education system does not contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle, so the knowledge of adults about a healthy lifestyle did not become their beliefs. At school, recommendations for a healthy lifestyle are often taught to children in a didactic and categorical form, which causes positive reactions in them. And adults, including teachers, rarely adhere to these rules. Adolescents are not engaged in the formation of their health, as this requires strong-willed efforts, but are mainly engaged in the prevention of health disorders and the rehabilitation of the lost.

A healthy lifestyle should be purposefully and constantly formed during a person's life, and not depend on circumstances and life situations. In order to preserve the health of children and adolescents, protect them from the adverse effects of the environment and create targeted positive effects on the growing body, systematic medical monitoring of the health of the younger generation and systematically the conditions of education and training is carried out. These functions are performed by the medical and preventive and sanitary and anti-epidemic health services.

The effectiveness of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents is due to the fact that the life position is only being developed, and the ever-increasing independence makes their perception of the world around them equipped, turning the boy and girl into inquisitive researchers who form their life credo. Health plays a certain role in a person's life, especially at a young age. Its level largely determines the possibility of professional improvement, creative growth, completeness of perception, and hence satisfaction with life.

The family, as well as the school, is an important environment for the formation of personality and the main institution of education, is responsible for recreation, determines the way of life. The social microenvironment, in which adolescents are introduced to social values ​​and the roles of family labor activity: the attitude of parents, household work, family education, are a complex of targeted pedagogical influences.

Paying attention to the presence of a number of components of health in particular, such as physical, mental, social and spiritual health, considers the factors that have a predominant influence on each of them. So, among the main factors affecting physical health are: the system of nutrition, respiration, physical activity, hardening, hygiene procedures. Mental health is primarily affected by the system of a person's relationship to himself, other people, life in general; his life goals and values, personal characteristics. The social health of an individual depends on the conformity of personal and professional self-determination, satisfaction with family and social status, the flexibility of life strategies and their compliance with the sociocultural situation (economic, social and psychological conditions). And, finally, spiritual health, which is the purpose of life, is influenced by high morality, meaningfulness and fullness of life, creative relationships and harmony with oneself and the world around, Love and Faith. At the same time, the author emphasizes that the consideration of these factors as separately affecting each component of health is rather conditional, since all of them are closely interconnected.

Living conditions and work activities, as well as the character and habits of a person form the way of life of each of us. For the growing and developing body of schoolchildren, compliance with the daily routine (the correct schedule of educational work and rest, good sleep, sufficient exposure to fresh air, etc.) is of particular importance. Lifestyle is a health factor, unhealthy lifestyle is a risk factor. Human health depends on many factors: hereditary, socio-economic, environmental, health system performance. But a special place among them is occupied by a person's lifestyle. The next part of this work is devoted to a more detailed consideration of the importance of lifestyle for health.

Knowledge of all the factors affecting the state of human health form the basis of science - valeology, the main core of this science is a healthy lifestyle, on which health and longevity depend. A healthy lifestyle is formed by all aspects and manifestations of society, is associated with the personal-motivational embodiment of the individual's social, psychological and physiological capabilities and abilities. On how successfully it is possible to form and consolidate in the mind the principles and skills of a healthy lifestyle at a young age, subsequently depends on all activities that prevent the disclosure of the potential of the individual.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is a multifaceted complex task, the successful solution of which requires the efforts of all links of the state social mechanism. In order to preserve the health of children and adolescents, protect them from the adverse effects of the environment and create targeted positive effects on the growing body, systematic medical monitoring of the health of the younger generation and systematically the conditions of education and training is carried out. These functions are performed by the medical and preventive and sanitary and anti-epidemic health services.

One of the components of a healthy lifestyle is the rejection of health destroyers: smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs. There is an extensive literature on the health consequences that result from these addictions. If we talk about the school, then the actions of the teacher should not be aimed at ensuring that the student quits smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs, but that the student does not start doing this. In other words, prevention is key.

The effectiveness of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents is due to the fact that the life position is only being developed, and the ever-increasing independence makes their perception of the world around them equipped, turning the boy and girl into inquisitive researchers who form their life credo. Health plays a certain role in a person's life, especially at a young age. Its level largely determines the possibility of professional improvement, creative growth, completeness of perception, and hence satisfaction with life.

Speaking about the formation of attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle of the younger generation in general and about the fight against bad habits in particular, one cannot fail to mention the school. After all, it is there, for many years, that young people not only learn, acquire communication skills with adults and peers, but also develop an attitude towards many life values ​​for almost a lifetime. Thus, the school is the most important stage when it is possible and necessary to form the right attitude towards a healthy lifestyle. The school is an ideal place where for a long time you can give the necessary knowledge and develop healthy lifestyle skills to a large contingent of children of different ages. The family, as well as the school, is an important environment for the formation of personality and the main institution of education, is responsible for recreation, determines the way of life. The social microenvironment, in which adolescents are introduced to social values ​​and the roles of family labor activity: the attitude of parents, household work, family education, are a complex of targeted pedagogical influences.

Thus, among the most important tasks of social educators is to provide optimal conditions for study, work, and the entire way of life, contributing to the completion of the formation of a young organism. Therefore, in relation to adolescent students, the following main tasks are envisaged:

Development and implementation, on the basis of perfect achievements of science, of optimal sanitary and hygienic standards both for educational and recreational premises, and for educational and production workload, as well as for summer work of adolescents;

Regular physical education and sports;

Consideration of the network of health facilities for adolescents;

Improving work on medical prevention among adolescents, providing them with medical examinations;

Creation of a system of hygienic education of adolescents and their parents;

Promotion of healthy lifestyles.


2.1. Health-saving technologies

In a complex and dynamic educational process, one has to solve countless pedagogical tasks that are aimed at the comprehensive development of the individual. As a rule, these problems have many unknowns, with a complex and variable composition of initial data and possible solutions. In order to confidently predict the desired result, to make unmistakable scientifically based decisions, the teacher must professionally master the methods of pedagogical activity.

Target health-saving technology- to provide a teenager with a high level of real health, equipping him with the necessary baggage of knowledge, skills necessary for leading a healthy lifestyle, and cultivating in him a culture of health, the ability of a young person to take care of his health and take care of the health of other people.

Setting the task of health-saving technologies in the educational process can be considered in two ways. Health saving
technologies must comply with the fundamental principle of medicine and pedagogy: "Do no harm!" and provide conditions for education, upbringing, development that do not have a negative impact on health. In the traditional sense, health-saving technologies are the prevention of injuries and other obviously harmful effects on human health. The implementation of health-saving educational technologies should be understood as not only the protection of the health of students, but also the formation and strengthening of their health, the development of a culture of health in them, the desire to competently take care of their health.

Health- this is the main human value, the preservation and increase of which becomes the first duty of a person. A person should have an attitude to his health, as to private property, on the saving of which all his well-being and life itself depend. There should not be a person who is indifferent and undemanding to himself. Adolescents must learn how to properly plan their work, family and personal life, take personal responsibility for everything, including their own health and well-being. Everyone must overcome the psychological stereotype of "the consumer of their health" in themselves and begin to take care of themselves. Classification of health-saving technologies

By the nature of activity, health-saving technologies can be both private (highly specialized) and complex (integrated). In the direction of activity among private health-saving technologies they distinguish: medical (technologies for disease prevention; correction and rehabilitation of somatic health; sanitary and hygienic activities); educational, promoting health (information-training and educational); social (technologies for organizing a healthy and safe lifestyle; prevention and correction of deviant behavior); psychological (technologies for prevention and psycho-correction of mental deviations of personal and intellectual development).

Complex health-saving technologies include: technologies for complex prevention of diseases, correction and rehabilitation of health (sports and health and valeological); pedagogical technologies promoting health; technologies that form a healthy lifestyle.

Let's consider the main functions of health-forming technologies.

Formative function is carried out on the basis of biological and social patterns of personality formation. The formation of personality is based on hereditary qualities that predetermine individual physical and mental properties. Supplement the formative impact on the personality of social factors, the situation in the family, the class team, attitudes towards saving and multiplying health as the basis for the functioning of the individual in society, educational activities, and the natural environment;

Informative and communication function ensures the transmission of the experience of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the continuity of traditions, value orientations that form a careful attitude to individual health, the value of every human life;

Peculiarity diagnostic function consists in monitoring the development of students on the basis of predictive control, which makes it possible to measure the efforts and direction of the teacher’s actions in accordance with the child’s natural capabilities, provides an instrumentally verified analysis of the prerequisites and factors for the future development of the pedagogical process, and individual passage of the educational route by each child;

adaptive function associated with the education of students focus on health, a healthy lifestyle, optimize the state of their own body and increase resistance to various kinds of stressful factors of the natural and social environment. It ensures the adaptation of schoolchildren to socially significant activities.

Reflexive function consists in rethinking previous personal experience, in preserving and increasing health, which makes it possible to measure the actually achieved results with the prospects.

Finally, integrative function combines folk experience, various scientific concepts and education systems, guiding them along the path of preserving the health of the younger generation.

2.2. The use of health-saving technologies, methods and techniques in the educational process of the Saratov Regional School of the Olympic Reserve.

The main tasks when using health-saving technologies (methods, techniques) in the organization of the educational process include:

Preservation and strengthening of the physical health of adolescents;

Ensuring the mental health of adolescents by creating a favorable psychological background;

Ensuring the optimal functional state of adolescents in the process of their educational activities.

To perform the above tasks, the following health-saving technologies (methods, techniques) are used:

medical and hygienic technologies(MGT) - control and assistance in providing students with proper hygienic conditions in accordance with the regulations of SanPiN, full medical examination of students at the beginning of the academic year, conducting measures for sanitary and hygienic education of students, monitoring the dynamics of students' health, organizing preventive measures on the eve of epidemics (flu) ;

environmental health-saving technologies(EZT) - the creation of environmentally friendly, environmentally optimal conditions for the educational activities of students, the arrangement of classrooms with indoor plants, participation in environmental activities;

health-saving educational technologies, including:

organizational and pedagogical technologies(OPT), which determine the structure of the educational process, partially regulated in SanPiNs, and contribute to the prevention of the state of overwork, physical inactivity and other disappointing conditions;

psychological and pedagogical technologies(PIT) associated with the organization of direct interaction between teaching staff and students socially adaptive and personality-developing technologies(CALPT), providing the formation and strengthening of psychological health, increasing the resources for adaptation of students.

Diagnostics of the effectiveness of the use of health-saving technologies (methods, techniques) in the organization of the educational process is carried out in the form of external third-party observation of the behavior (activity) of students, conducting natural and laboratory experiments, when conducting psychological studies of various directions to identify the dynamics of the formation (development) of a number of individual-personal qualities of students:

Speed ​​of adaptation;

Stability of working capacity;

Stability of emotions;



Stress resistance;

The presence of psychomatic disorders during stress (the degree of influence of stressors on physical health);

The level of mental stress.

The results of psychological research, information obtained during diagnostics in the form of external third-party observation of the behavior (activity) of students, conducting natural and laboratory experiments, analyzing sports achievements c. including at regional and city competitions, it testifies to good physical health, as well as the positive dynamics of their mental health, which allows us to conclude that the use of health-saving technologies (methods, techniques) is effective in organizing the educational process.

2.3. Analysis of the psychoprophylactic and health-forming program of the Saratov School of the Olympic Reserve.

Work on ensuring psychological health is aimed at providing psychological comfort to all participants in the educational process. Teachers of various disciplines actively use health-saving educational technologies in their work. Including psycho-prophylactic and health-saving programs Questions on the formation of a healthy lifestyle are included in the teaching programs of such subjects as human anatomy and physiology, human hygiene and ecology, life safety, etc., as well as in the work plans of curators. The values ​​of health formation are formed within the framework of the educational process and in the teaching of psychology, philosophy, cultural studies, aesthetics and, of course, physical culture. The curriculum for the discipline "Physical Education" provides for a course of lectures aimed at the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the need to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards, and the prevention of drug, tobacco and alcohol use.

At the meetings of the methodological association, issues aimed at improving the health and improving the social adaptation of students are constantly considered. Especially difficult in this regard is the initial period. The efforts of the teaching staff, in particular, the social pedagogue, curators of the new recruitment groups, are aimed at making it easier for first-year students to adapt to new living conditions. The results of the survey, obtained during class hours-acquaintance with groups, serve as a guide to further actions of teachers working in the respective groups. The psychological characteristics of adolescence are taken into account, class hours are held on self-education, self-discipline, the rules of communication and mutual support in the student environment, etc., which contribute to strengthening the mental health of students.

The work of a teacher-psychologist (diagnostics, trainings, psychological support, individual conversations) is aimed, among other things, at helping to solve problems of the relationship between all participants in the educational process, in resolving conflict situations experienced by students.

As part of the program to ensure social health, the administration and the teaching staff pay special attention to the social support of orphaned students under guardianship and students from low-income families, creating conditions for fruitful educational activities, leisure and health improvement of students, and targeted assistance to needy students.

Group curators, dormitory educators and the deputy director for educational work are patronizing students from among orphans and children under guardianship. Orphan students study only in state-funded places, they are assisted in drawing up a personal budget for the month, in purchasing clothes and shoes, they are treated with preventive work, psychological support, as well as control over the timely receipt of scholarships and cash benefits.

The health-forming space is provided by the joint activities of the administration and the teaching staff. The activity on health formation is systemic, it is developed within the framework of the priority on the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the “Health” project and includes the following main areas:

Sanitary and educational work (combating bad habits, preventing AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases);

Development of scientific and methodological support

Development of spiritual, moral and patriotic education;

Preservation and strengthening of the health of all participants in the educational process.

Work on health formation is carried out systematically, issues on health-forming activities are considered at class hours in student groups, meetings of the pedagogical, student Council and SSO, meetings of the pedagogical seminar on the introduction of modern educational technologies and MO curators.

For health-forming consciousness, the following forms of work with students are used.

Holding contests of thematic newspapers and posters for the prevention of drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking, HIV / AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases;

Organization of a permanent film lecture hall "Health", within the framework of which thematic video materials are viewed and discussed;

Conducting group and individual conversations by curators of student groups to promote a healthy lifestyle; holding class hours in the form of role-playing and situational games to promote a healthy lifestyle;

Organization of a training seminar for the teaching staff in order to increase the competence of teachers in the field of preventive work;

Conducting trainings under the program "Preparing youth for family life";

The organization of book exhibitions by library workers about the dangers of drugs, tobacco and alcohol.

It has been established that introducing students to various forms of health-saving activities makes them need to be accountable for their health, thanks to the action of personal intellectual and physical resources; development of one's own active position, which manifests itself in the constant independent search and development of information about health, the assimilation of ways to use it, the implementation of the acquired knowledge in practice, participation in health-saving activities that require skills in maintaining a healthy lifestyle; self-esteem, self-respect, self-control of students, willingness to overcome failures, believe in their own abilities, strive to achieve the effectiveness of the results of health-saving activities.

The results of psychological research, information obtained during diagnostics in the form of external third-party observation of the behavior (activity) of students, conducting natural and laboratory experiments, analyzing students' sports achievements, including at regional and city competitions as part of a national team, indicate good physical the state of students, as well as the positive dynamics of their mental health, which allows us to conclude that the implementation of the psycho-prophylactic and health-forming program is effective.


The concept of health and the components of a healthy lifestyle came to the conclusion that the use of health-saving technologies of programs and the basics of a healthy lifestyle is really necessary in the education and upbringing of adolescents. The problem of improving the health of the younger generation is becoming a priority area of ​​work with young people and is one of the priority tasks of the social and economic development of our country, which determines the relevance of its theoretical and practical development, as well as the need for scientific research and the development of methodological and organizational and pedagogical approaches to saving and strengthening health, promoting a healthy lifestyle. The tasks of preserving, strengthening and developing the health of the younger generation and young people, educating the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle and a conscious attitude towards it are reflected in the following regulatory documents: the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", "Conventions for the Protection of Health of the Population of the Russian Federation", the Law "On Environmental Protection environment”, “Conventions for the development of healthcare and medical science in the Russian Federation” and others.

A modern person knows a lot about health, as well as about what needs to be done to maintain and achieve it. However, in order for this knowledge accumulated by mankind to begin to give results, it is necessary to accumulate knowledge and analyze this situation.

The role of health-forming programs ("Education and Health" and "Psychoprophylactic Program") is also defined. Health-saving technologies have been studied, and analysis of psycho-prophylactic and health-forming programs has been given. It can be argued that the program to ensure psychological health is aimed at ensuring the psychological comfort of all participants in the pedagogical process. Questions on the formation of a healthy lifestyle are included in the programs of the course of lectures at an educational institution (psychology, anatomy, hygiene, etc.), it can be argued that the goal of the work has been achieved. These materials allow to strengthen and preserve the health of students, subject to certain requirements for the organization of the learning process.

Thus, youth is the basis for the development of any society and always has the most direct bearing on its future prospects. Our “tomorrow” completely depends on the life values ​​and lifestyle of “today's” youth. The poor health of young people cannot ensure quality reproduction. Under such conditions, the “social funnel” will drag Russians deeper and deeper, preventing them from developing in an innovative direction. Therefore, it is necessary to solve the problems of improving the health of young people and promoting a healthy lifestyle, since they are the strategic reserve of the nation.

Thus, unequal conditions of life, work and life, individual differences of people do not allow us to recommend one variant of the daily regimen for everyone. However, its main provisions must be observed by everyone: the performance of various activities at a strictly defined time, the correct alternation of work and rest, regular meals. Particular attention should be paid to sleep - the main and irreplaceable type of rest. Constant lack of sleep is dangerous because it can cause depletion of the nervous system, weakening of the body's defenses, decreased performance, deterioration of well-being. Almost every person has a lot of tasks and responsibilities. Sometimes he does not have enough time even for his own affairs. As a result, he simply forgets the main truths and goals of maintaining his health, so it is imperative to think through your life tasks and goals in order to set aside time to improve your health.

The task of teachers is, firstly, to bring to the attention of adolescents information about the harm that a drinking person does to their health and the health of their loved ones (primarily children), and secondly, to tell students about harmful substances. A wide range of topical tasks for the formation of attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle among adolescents is due to the need for active participation in their implementation of many ministries and departments. The younger generation is most receptive to various teaching and formative influences. Therefore, it is necessary to form a healthy lifestyle starting from childhood, then taking care of one's own health as the main value will become a natural form of behavior.


1. Ananiev health - as a new branch of human knowledge / V. A. // Bulletin of psychosocial and correctional work. 1998. No. 2.

2. Akhutina teaching technologies: an individual-oriented approach // School of Health. 2000. No. 2.

3. Sparrows of health. M., 1988.

4. Vozvyshaeva of the health of children and adolescents in the Russian Federation: Legislative and regulatory aspects / // School of Health. 2001. No. 1.

5. Vozvyshaeva of the health of children and adolescents in the Russian Federation: Legislative and regulatory aspects / // School of Health. 2001. No. 2.

6. Valeological and cultural foundations of the St. Petersburg school: On the way to the school of health / Ed. - comp. . SPb., 1995.

7. Goncharov S. The decision of the Interdepartmental Commission of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on the protection of public health - in life / S. Goncharov, M. Gogolev // Civil protection. 2003. No. 11.

8. Dzyatkovskaya educational space // Pedagogical education and science. 2002. No. 3.

9. Voluntary orientation of students to a healthy lifestyle / . Kazan, 2002.

10. Egorov on the history of schools and pedagogy in Russia (before the Great October Socialist Revolution): Textbook for students of ped. in-comrade. M., 1994.

11. etc. History of Pedagogy: Textbook for students ped. in-comrade. M., 1992.

12. Ogorodnikova against colds M., 1990.

13. Education and health - a problem of the XXI century: Searches, solutions: Proceedings of the interregional scientific and practical conference (October 22-23, 2003) / [, SV. Kudinova, SV. Kuznetsova and others]; Ed. . Kirov, 2003.

14. Ponomarenko is healthy. M., 1996.

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16. Reader on the history of foreign pedagogy: Textbook for students ped. in-comrade. M., 1981.


Program "Education and Health" SBEI SPO "Saratov Regional School of the Olympic Reserve".

In recent years, the health of students in educational institutions has become a subject of particular public concern. The majority of students in educational institutions (up to 60%) belong to the 2nd and 3rd health groups. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, psyche and nervous system, organs of the gastrointestinal tract and hepatobiliary zone, diseases of the eyes and endocrine system, and respiratory organs prevail in the structure of morbidity in students of educational institutions. According to scientists from the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, these diseases are largely due to the acquired pathology during the learning process.

The most common in educational institutions are the following factors that negatively affect the health of students:

Lighting in classrooms does not meet lighting standards - educational furniture does not correspond to the growth of students;

Violation of hygienic requirements for the organization of the educational process.

Purpose, tasks, term of the Program implementation.

The purpose of the program is to create conditions conducive to the preservation and strengthening of the health of students and teachers .

The program is designed for 2010-2015 and offers the following tasks:

Creation of conditions for increasing motivation for a healthy lifestyle among participants in the educational process.

Ensuring the formation of a system of knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle, motivation for maintaining and strengthening health among participants in the educational process of the school.

Strengthening the material and technical base to preserve the health of participants in the educational process.

Coverage of health problems, healthy lifestyles, physical culture and sports.

Promoting the health of workers.

The following events were held with the screening of thematic films: “White Death”, “No to drugs! ”, a preventive event was held dedicated to the day of the fight against AIDS, seeds - trainings for teachers to teach how to work with a risk group.

Application number 2.

Psychoprophylactic and health-forming program of the Saratov Regional School of the Olympic Reserve.

Purpose of the program– creation of a health-forming, comfortable environment for the optimal development of the personality of students.


To form students' desire for a healthy lifestyle; mastering knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, about your body;

To teach students to apply the acquired professional knowledge in promoting a healthy lifestyle;

To introduce students to moral, environmental values, to help develop an active life position in the field of ecology and health;

To involve students in active participation in research and work on the conservation and restoration of the environment;

Create a health advisory network for students, parents, teachers;

The program is built on three principles: health - development - education. Priority is given health.

Program implementation period: gg.

Planning psychoprophylactic and health-forming work among students should include the following main sections:

Mental health:

– creation of psychological comfort – organization of psychological counseling for students and their parents,

- formation of motivation to lead a health-forming lifestyle, manage one's health, correct one's mental state, inculcate a sense of responsibility for one's health.

Social health:

– providing assistance to adolescents from low-income and dysfunctional families,

– patronage of students who are under guardianship,

– patronage of students who are orphans.

Promotion of healthy lifestyles:

– increasing the level of knowledge in matters of health protection,

- fostering a reasonable attitude towards a healthy lifestyle,

- education of the need for a healthy lifestyle,

- the formation of a holistic understanding of a healthy lifestyle.

The term "health saving" has become generally accepted in modern pedagogical literature. It includes a system of measures aimed at preventing the so-called "school diseases" and improving the health of participants in the educational process - students and teachers - using health-developing technologies.

According to N.V. Nikitin, today there are several areas of health-saving activities that are reflected in pedagogical technologies:

- creation of author's programs in subjects of the natural science cycle, focused on an in-depth study of the biological foundations of the health-improving effect of physical exercises on the student's body;
- Strengthening the health-saving component in the system of physical education and sports;
- development of technologies for health-improving work with schoolchildren (due to a new mode of activity that is adequate to the needs of children in recovery and rest; rational nutrition);
– rational use of material and technical resources and financial resources for health-saving purposes.

In the domestic practice of preserving the health of the children's team, one of the first examples (if not the very first) can be considered the experience of the Pavlysh secondary school under the guidance of its director, the outstanding Soviet teacher A.V. Sukhomlinsky.

The school day for schoolchildren began with gymnastic exercises "especially for developing posture ...". Classes were held in one shift, and only in natural light. The time that children spent at their desks was no more than 4.5 hours in grades 5-6, and in grades 7-10 - no more than 5.5 hours.

The second half of the day was devoted to creative work: classes in circles, excursions, independent study of popular science literature, and at least 90% of this time was spent outdoors. With such a schedule, "familiarization with the most difficult issues of the program in physics, chemistry, geometry always began with extracurricular, optional work ...". Thus, interest was created and motivation for learning increased, the problem of “cramming”, which had a negative impact on the health of students, was removed.

In the Sukhomlinsky system, an important role was assigned to the observance of the night rest regimen for children: going to bed - no later than 21 hours, sleep duration - at least 8–8.5 hours.

The peculiarity of Sukhomlinsky's methodology - the children doing homework before, and not after school, that is, in the morning of the next day - is surprising to this day. According to the teacher, “... with the correct formulation of all educational work ... in 1.5–2 hours (sometimes 2.5 hours) of mental work in the morning, you can do 2 times more than in the same time after school ... Mental work child in the morning begins with a repetition of what needs to be memorized, memorized, forever stored in memory ... ".

The effectiveness of all activities carried out at the Pavlysh school was achieved through regular work with the parents of students, real help and advice on maintaining the health of children.

Unfortunately, in recent years the state of health of children and adolescents in our country has deteriorated catastrophically.

The number of practically healthy children has significantly decreased: according to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, only every tenth first-grader can be considered healthy. By the time they enter school, 40% of children already have posture disorders, 70% have caries, and 20% are underweight (data for 2000).

The number of functional disorders and chronic diseases in adolescents is growing. Half of schoolchildren aged 7–9 and more than 60% of students in grades 10–11 have chronic diseases. Among school graduates, the number of healthy children does not exceed 5%. In recent years, the number of diseases of the endocrine system has increased - by 34.1%, mental and behavioral disorders - by 32.3%, neoplasms - by 30.7%, diseases of the musculoskeletal system - by 26.4%, diseases of the circulatory system - by 20.5%.

There has been an increase in the number of students suffering from several diseases at the same time. According to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the SCCH RAMS, children 7–8 years old have an average of two diagnoses, 10–11 years old have three, 16–17 years old have three or four diagnoses, and 20% of high school students have five or more functional diagnoses. disorders and chronic diseases.

In terms of the level and structure of chronic and acute morbidity, rural schoolchildren differ little from urban ones. Some lag in the incidence rate among rural schoolchildren in comparison with Moscow and other large metropolitan areas can only be attributed to the lack of diagnostic capabilities in the countryside. At the same time, an unexpectedly high level of allergic and ENT diseases and the development of myopia are observed among rural schoolchildren.

Children transitioning from primary to mainstream are most vulnerable, which may be due to:

- an increase in the volume and complication of the nature of the training load;
- the coming to the fore of the evaluation factor, now called upon to play the main, if not the determining role, in the child's self-control and control by parents over his academic performance;
- the complication of the nature of the relationship "teacher - student" and interpersonal relationships within the class with an increase in the risk of conflict situations.

All this requires close attention on the part of teachers and the school administration to the regulation of educational material, the creation and maintenance of a favorable psychological microclimate both in the learning process and outside school hours.

In the structure of morbidity of teachers in the Russian Federation, the same forms prevail as in schoolchildren: disorders of the musculoskeletal system, various degrees of borderline mental disorders and pathologies related to the nervous system, sensory organs, cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Taking into account the adjustments for the age and social status of participants in the educational process (students and teachers), for the natural and socio-economic conditions of individual regions of Russia, such a coincidence only confirms the unity of the influence of environmental factors on the health status of both those who teach and those who learn. These factors include the volume of educational information, with the complexity of its assimilation, on the one hand, and the imperfect method of presentation and evaluation, on the other. One should also not discount the real problems of organizing the educational process in a particular educational institution, taking into account the possibilities of observing sanitary and hygienic standards in it: the level of illumination, the size of school furniture, etc.

It is interesting that the term “school illnesses” itself was introduced by the German doctor R. Virchow relatively recently - only in 1870. Even then, to “eliminate the main causes of school illnesses”, it was proposed to use games, dances, gymnastics and all types of fine arts in educational institutions. Thus, the place of "passive-receptive learning" was to be replaced by "observational-pictorial" learning. The "verbal school" was replaced by the "school of action".

Up until the 1980s. health protection in educational institutions was built on the basis of a "three-component" model.

1. The curriculum focused on the principles of health and behavioral change for health.

2. The school medical service carried out prevention, early diagnosis and elimination of emerging health problems in children.

3. A healthy environment in the learning process was associated with a hygienic and positive psychological atmosphere, with the safety and rational nutrition of children.

The Strasbourg Conference in 1990 by the decision of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Economic Community (EEC) approved the creation of the so-called "schools of health" to implement the developed in the mid-1980s. new, "eight-component" model of health saving. It included a catering service with an expanded range of healthy food; carrying out activities for the physical education of the younger generation and the “health service of the school staff” with the involvement of parents and the help of the general public.

Since then, more than 500 schools from 40 states have taken part in this project, and this network is constantly expanding. It has already included many educational institutions in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Germany and other countries.

In Russia, educational institutions that have received the status of a "school of health" operate today in the republics of Bashkortastan, Tatarstan and Karelia, in a number of cities and regions of Russia.

According to the results of their work in 11 regions, a positive trend in the health status of students was noted: a decrease in ENT diseases, SARS (in the Leningrad region, for example, by 25%), chronic pathologies (in the Tula region - by 12–16%), dermatitis, and digestive diseases. and respiratory system, neurosis (in the Belgorod region - by 25%), vegetative-vascular dystonia. During the influenza epidemic, when most schools in the Leningrad and Voronezh regions were closed for quarantine, the lowest incidence rates were noted precisely in the “schools of health”. The general well-being of children in such schools is more often than in Russia as a whole rated rather as “good” and less often as “satisfactory”.

However, the material possibilities of the majority of Russian schools in modern conditions hinder the implementation of the concept of "school of health".

How is the problem of health saving being solved today?

In most cases, attention is paid to the physical state of health (posture, vision, internal organs, etc.), without taking into account the mental state. But there is a direct relationship between physical and mental health. It is known that early damage to the central nervous system, i.e. the disturbed mental health of the child is the cause of various deviations in the functioning of a number of body systems, and, conversely, somatic diseases mask mental disorders, chronic illnesses are accompanied by secondary mental health disorders.

There is still no clear feedback between the medical service of the school and teachers and parents. As a result, no measures are taken at the early stages of the development of the disease, and often acute diseases in children turn into chronic ones, a number of functional indicators of the body deteriorate over the years of study.

Parents, who are often better informed about the state of health of their child than a school doctor or teacher, cannot influence its correction within the walls of an educational institution. But the child spends here about 70% of the time. As a result, his health deteriorates.

Despite the fact that during the development of most projects, the preservation of the health of all participants in the educational process is declared, in reality, it only concerns the health of children, and teachers remain “overboard”.

In our opinion, in order to change the situation in the implementation of health conservation tasks in the bulk of our educational institutions, the teacher should be recognized as a key figure.

Caring for the health of the younger generation begins with the concern of the teacher about the state of his own health, and it largely depends on the lifestyle that he leads. Extreme forms of maintaining health (“winter swimming”, many kilometers of jogging, etc.) are the lot of a few enthusiasts. We also cannot always influence the decision-making that affects the ecological state of the city (district, region, republic) where we live. But you can always avoid bad habits, diversify your diet, learn how to regulate your professional activities in such a way, planning your work schedule in order to avoid overloads and observe the regime of work and rest.

Knowing the methods of supporting the forces of one's own body, its capabilities and the symptoms of certain diseases will help the teacher to be more attentive to the state of health of his pupils. And your own example will serve better than any words to teach children to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

The state of health of the student should not be indifferent to the teacher also because it can cause him to lag behind in his studies. The negative consequences of this, both for himself and for the relations that develop between him and family members, in one way or another are reflected in the state of the whole society. In the Soviet years, 85% of children were unsuccessful, mainly due to health problems. And in our time, this reason is paramount.

Inactivity during the lesson and a poor variety of educational activities have a negative impact on the health of students. Opposition to the first was found in a number of schools, where the so-called "dynamic pauses" are used in the learning process, especially in the primary grades: children work part of the lesson while sitting, part - standing at the desks. The situation is more complicated with the change of activities and, most likely, the situation will not change until the material and technical base of most educational institutions improves.

Special attention should be paid to the volume and complexity of the material given at home. It is best to analyze its main points in the lesson together with the students, so that the children learn them during the lesson, and at home it remains only to repeat. Interesting is the experience of some teachers who evaluate the assimilation of the material immediately after its explanation and brief summary. Then the guys have a chance to correct the assessment during the survey in the next lesson.

A well-didactic “worked out” lesson is also the most health-oriented for all its participants. But the teacher's efforts to conduct the lesson at a good pace and at the same time make it easier for students to assimilate new material is often blocked on their part by a lack of interest in the subject. So far, this is an unresolvable contradiction. Whether the implementation of the profile education project in the senior classes will help in this respect, the future will show. But even with the interest of children, this reform can significantly increase the total teaching load not only within the walls of an educational institution, but also at home, with all the ensuing negative consequences for health.

In conclusion, all those interested in various aspects of the problem of health preservation are recommended to read the following recently published books.

1. Methodological recommendations "Health-saving technologies in a secondary school: analysis methodology, forms, methods, application experience" / Ed. MM. Bezrukikh and V.D. Sonkin.– M.: Triada-farm, 2002. This manual contains a lot of factual material, it discusses "school risk factors" in detail.

2. Smirnov. N.K. Health-saving educational technologies in the modern school. – M.: APKiPRO publishing house, 2002. The book presents extensive theoretical material and gives recommendations for analyzing training sessions from the standpoint of health saving.

And those who have access to the Internet, we recommend visiting a site dedicated to the development and implementation of health-saving technologies in educational institutions -

Health, being the most important value of a person and society, belongs to the category of state priorities, therefore the process of its preservation and strengthening is of serious concern not only to medical workers, but also to teachers, psychologists, and parents. Human health, as well as the problems of health preservation, have always been relevant, and in the 21st century these issues come to the fore.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as follows: “Health is complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease, i.e. it is the physical, social, psychological harmony of a person, friendly relations with people, nature and oneself.
Currently, there is a tendency towards deterioration in the health and physical fitness of the population. It is especially pronounced among children, adolescents and young people. According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, only 14% of high school students can be considered completely healthy.

The results of the All-Russian clinical examination of children in 2002 confirmed the trends in the state of children's health that have formed over the past ten years: a decrease in the proportion of healthy children (from 45.5% to 33.89%), with a simultaneous doubling of the proportion of children with chronic pathology and disability. If we turn to the results of a dispensary examination of the child population of the Tver region, then the results will be as follows: in the age period from 0 to 18 years, 61.3% were diagnosed with pathology, of which 56.3% in the age period from 0 to 6 years, from 7 to 18 years - 63.2%.

A significant increase in the frequency of all classes of diseases occurs in the age period from 7 to 17 years, that is, during the period of general secondary education.

School environment risk factors are:

  1. Intensification of the learning process and learning overload
  2. Stress as a result of overload.
  3. Reducing the age of primary schooling.
  4. The hypodynamic nature of learning.

Based on all of the above, it becomes clear that the state is concerned about the development of physical culture and the health of the population, and especially children. This was reflected in state documents (the National Doctrine of Education, federal, regional and city programs for the development of education).

The development of the school follows the path of intensification, increasing the physical and mental stress on the child. Today we can already speak with confidence about the impending global catastrophe of modern civilization. This is due not only to health problems at school, but also to the advent of the era of general development in the high-tech sector (computers, the Internet, mobile phones). In fact, we and our children are in different eras. Another scientific and technological revolution has taken place. The future has already arrived, it has become our present. It depends on us whether we can lay the foundations of physical culture for our children or not. Of course, objections to this are also possible, that modern diagnostic and medical technologies are able to ensure the health of a particular person, and as a result, the health of the nation. But with all the armament of modern medicine and prevention, it does not guarantee the health of future generations. Accordingly, modern education (primarily physical education) is faced with the task of teaching a child to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle, to ensure the culture of his health.

What is included in the concept of "healthy lifestyle" (HLS)? In the medical encyclopedia, healthy lifestyle is described as follows - it is a rational lifestyle, an integral feature of which is vigorous activity aimed at maintaining and improving health, a lifestyle that contributes to public and individual health, is the basis of prevention, and its formation is the most important task of the state's social policy in the protection and promotion of the health of the people.
Since a student spends most of his waking time in an educational institution, there is an urgent need to solve the health problem of a particular school. This problem is solved through systemic application in the educational process.

Health-saving educational technologies (HEET) include technologies, the use of which in the educational process benefits the health of students.

According to the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, the school educational environment generates risk factors for health disorders, which account for 20-40% of negative influences that worsen the health of school-age children. These factors include:

  • intensification of the educational process;
  • lack of systematic education on the formation of healthy lifestyle values;
  • insufficient involvement of parents in the process of forming a healthy lifestyle;
  • hypodynamia;

Let's take a closer look at each of these factors.

1. Physical inactivity.

The main reason for the deterioration of health occurs against the background of low physical activity of both children and adults. Physical inactivity among children and adults in Russia has reached 80%. This factor, along with smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction, indicates a low level of culture. These factors in their sum are typical for the population of the countries of the "third" world. Thus, the purpose of the PRT is to educate and provide conditions for physical, mental, social and spiritual comfort, that is, in fact, the creation of a whole personality. Modern children actually no longer have an alternative where and how to spend their free time, since the temptations of the world around them are very strong. They replace movement and outdoor games by spending many hours at the computer or watching TV, which poses a real threat to the body, since physical inactivity is not just a lack of movement, it is a disease, the definition of which is: "reducing the load on the muscles and limiting the overall motor activity of the body" .

Hypodynamia contributes to the disease of children with obesity. So, according to most researchers, 70% of children suffer from the consequences of physical inactivity, 30-40% are overweight. In such children, injuries are more often recorded, the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections is 3-5 times higher, 43% have myopia, 24% have an increase in blood pressure, etc.

Children spend most of their time in a static position, which increases the load on certain muscle groups and causes them to fatigue. Therefore, the strength and performance of skeletal muscles are reduced, which entails a violation of posture, curvature of the spine, flat feet, a delay in age-related development, speed, agility, coordination of movements, endurance, flexibility, and strength. For these violations, the term "school diseases" is very often used.

By sending a child to school, we deprive him of an active lifestyle, which he needs due to age characteristics. In elementary school, the deficit of physical activity is 35 - 40%, in high school this percentage is already growing to 75 - 85%. Physical education lessons only to a small extent - by 10 - 18% - compensate for the lack of movement, which is clearly not enough. That is why the ministry has planned the introduction of a mandatory third hour of physical education in 2010. But even the introduction of these three lessons cannot cover the lack of physical activity among schoolchildren. In this regard, it is appropriate to talk about additional education - sports schools and sections.

Unfortunately, we do not often see the interest of parents in solving the problem of physical inactivity, the development of the child's physical culture. Parents do not use their reserves and educational opportunities of the family, they themselves lead an unhealthy lifestyle: they do not go in for sports, have bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.). Thus, we can conclude that without the active participation of parents, showing a "living example", it is problematic to bring up in a child the need to engage in physical education only by the forces of the school.

Also, now more and more time is being devoted to the training of teaching staff for the school, which are prepared taking into account the application of the TEP. This is especially true for elementary school teachers. In the course of the lesson, they must include minutes in their curriculum for building physical education classes. Also, many schools introduce additional "Lessons of health and life safety". The introduction of these lessons has a positive effect, for example, the percentage of children who are interested in healthy lifestyles and want to receive information about it increased from 60% in grade 1 to 88% in grade 3.

2. Intensification of the educational process.

The intensification of the educational process goes in different ways.

First, it is an increase in the number of classroom and individual lessons. It is becoming a generally accepted norm for students to stay in the school walls until 15-16 hours. In fact, this replaces the normalized 6-hour working day for an adult. The same factor leads to the following: the child does not have time to spend the time he needs in the fresh air, as he is forced, having come from school, to sit down again for lessons. The same factor leads, as a consequence, hypodynamia.

The second option for intensifying the educational process is to reduce the number of hours while maintaining or increasing the amount of material. Such a sharp reduction in the number of hours inevitably had to lead to an increase in homework and intensification of the educational process.
The result of the intensification of the educational process is the emergence of states of fatigue, fatigue, overwork in the student. All these factors are the cause of chronic diseases in children, the development of nervous, psychosomatic and other disorders.

The solution to this problem is the organization of the educational process by the teacher, knowledge of the physiological foundations of the perception and thinking of the child, the ability to correctly distribute the educational material of the lesson.

But, solving the problem of intensifying the educational process is not only the task of the school. A great responsibility rests on the shoulders of parents. They must teach their child how to properly use free time, as well as how to make a daily routine. After returning from school, the child should engage in physical activity. For this, classes in sports schools and visits to sports sections are also suitable. The change of activity from mental to physical and vice versa follows from the principles of mental hygiene. Physical activity provides blood flow, outdoor activities saturate the blood with oxygen. All this ensures the effectiveness of further mental activity. The issue of hypodynamia is also immediately removed.

3. Lack of systematic education on the formation of healthy lifestyle values.

There is no coherent and continuous system of “health education” and its preservation in the country. The information that a person receives throughout his life is fragmentary. The sources of such information are parents, school teachers, philistine conversations, articles on the Internet and in periodicals. The knowledge gained from these sources is ad hoc and often highly contradictory. The consequence of these problems is the introduction of CAT into the educational process at all stages of education (from preschool institutions to universities).

The teacher has a clear and definite task - to educate the student's interest in the issues of his health and his savings. As a result of the successful solution of this problem, the child will have the opportunity to choose how to spend his free time - at the computer or playing football, hockey, etc. This means that he will form the inclinations of personality and self-awareness.


We examined the main problems and ways to solve them. In the modern training of teaching staff for schools and preschool institutions, more and more attention is paid to the issue of health and health protection of schoolchildren. On the other hand, the state's concern about the health of children finds obstacles in the same educational institutions.

As already mentioned, the introduction of an additional physical education lesson improves the general trend of improving the health of schoolchildren, but cannot cover the entire deficit in the movement of children. Therefore, many schoolchildren are engaged in sections and sports schools. It is here that the problem of combining general and additional formations arises. First, it is the problem of the attitude of teachers to such children is different. Instead of stimulating and supporting children involved in sports in every possible way, it is often a critical attitude towards them. I do not mean those pedagogical staff who are currently educated with the TEP, but precisely the contingent of teachers who just do not use the TOT in their teaching practice.

On the other hand, another factor that does not give children the opportunity to attend sports schools and sections, and, consequently, make up for the lack of physical activity, is the intensification of the educational process. It has become almost an absolute norm to introduce individual lessons with teachers and so-called electives after the main educational lessons. It is also exacerbated by the fact that parents load their children with classes with tutors. As a result, the school day of a high school student often ends at 17-18 hours. On the one hand, this is a violation of all possible norms (sanitary, etc.), on the other hand, the question is raised about the quality of knowledge acquired at school, if additional classes and tutors are constantly required. But that question is not the subject of this post.

In connection with the lengthening of the school day of the student, the question is raised about the possibility of visiting sections and sports schools. Since additional education, according to the norms, should end no later than 20:00, the child simply does not have time to attend such classes.

Since basic education and additional education are aimed at the development of the child, moreover, they are versatile, that is, they pursue the same goal, it is worth looking for compromises, and not building obstacles. Yes, additional education is by no means obligatory for all children, but it is necessary to encourage and stimulate children who go in for sports in every possible way. It is they who in the future will become a healthy gene pool of the nation.

The introduction of an additional lesson of physical education also applies to actions that correlate with the application of OST.

Another of these trends is the reintroduction of surrender. In modern schools, the delivery of the TRP standards is divided into 5 steps:

  • Stage 1 - TRP standards for schoolchildren 6-8 years old
  • Stage 2 - TRP standards for schoolchildren 9-10 years old
  • Stage 3 - TRP standards for schoolchildren 11-12 years old
  • Stage 4 - TRP standards for schoolchildren aged 13-15
  • Stage 5 - TRP standards for schoolchildren 16-17 years old.

It is also necessary to say about the revival of sports competitions among schoolchildren - these are the championships of districts, the championship of the city and the sports competitions of students.

Such federally significant projects as the Ski Track of Russia and the Cross of Nations are gaining more and more popularity. Also, in particular, in Tver, a traditional relay race is held on May 9, dedicated to Victory Day, in which all schools of the city take part.

All of the above refers to those actions that contribute to the involvement of schoolchildren in a healthy lifestyle.

But there are also some problems in schools regarding the methods of teaching physical education. In light of the latest trends in teaching, it has become possible to include elements of Pilates and fitness in the educational process. But there is one big BUT. Schoolchildren spend the entire school day in enclosed spaces, and physical education lessons are essentially the only opportunity for a child to be in the fresh air. Therefore, every opportunity should be taken to conduct lessons outside the gyms. It is also necessary to develop native Russian sports - skiing, hockey. This does not mean that we should forget about new trends in modern physics education, but we should also not completely abandon the old ones. Unfortunately, the introduction of physical education with the use of skis in winter often rests purely on a material problem. Many schools are simply not equipped with the necessary equipment. The solution to this problem should find a response in school administrations and education management.

If we conclude from all of the above, then modern schools create favorable conditions for solving the problems of health protection of the younger generation. These conditions include the training of teaching staff, and the introduction of additional physical education lessons. Often, teachers from both general education and sports schools arrange parent-teacher meetings, at which issues of the health of their children are raised. Thus, an educational function is also carried out. Because, no matter how hard we try to instill in the child the basics of a healthy lifestyle and health preservation, a living example and the environment in which he is located have a fundamental role in raising a child. If the parents did not lay the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in the child from a young age, teachers of educational institutions will have a much harder time instilling these qualities in the child.

Implementation of health-saving technologies in the educational process

(from work experience)

Petrova Margarita Vitalievna,
primary school teacher

Human health is a topic of conversation that is quite relevant for all times and peoples, and in the 21st century it becomes paramount. The state of health of Russian schoolchildren causes serious concern among specialists. A clear indicator of trouble is that the health of schoolchildren is deteriorating compared to their peers twenty or thirty years ago. At the same time, the most significant increase in the frequency of all classes of diseases occurs during the age periods coinciding with the child receiving a general secondary education.

The health of the child, his social and psychological adaptation, normal growth and development are largely determined by the environment in which he lives. For a child from 6 to 17 years old, this environment is the education system, because more than 70% of his waking time is associated with staying in educational institutions. At the same time, during this period, the most intensive growth and development takes place, the formation of health for the rest of life, the child's body is most sensitive to exogenous environmental factors.

Health-saving educational technologies (HEET) in an expanded sense can be understood as all those technologies, the use of which in the educational process benefits the health of students. If ZOT is associated with the solution of a narrower health-saving task, then the health-saving ones will include pedagogical techniques, methods, technologies that do not cause direct or indirect harm to the health of students and teachers, provide them with safe conditions for staying, learning and working in an educational environment.

According to the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, the school educational environment generates risk factors for health disorders, which are associated with 20-40% of negative influences that worsen the health of school-age children. IVF RAO studies allow ranking school risk factors in descending order of significance and strength of influence on the health of students:

Stress pedagogical tactics;

Inconsistency of teaching methods and technologies with the age and functional abilities of schoolchildren;

Failure to comply with elementary physiological and hygienic requirements for the organization of the educational process;

Insufficient literacy of parents in matters of maintaining the health of children;

Failures in the existing system of physical education;

Intensification of the educational process;

Functional illiteracy of the teacher in matters of health protection and promotion;

Partial destruction of school medical control services;

Lack of systematic work on the formation of the value of health and a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, the traditional organization of the educational process creates constant stress overload in schoolchildren, which leads to a breakdown in the mechanisms of self-regulation of physiological functions and contributes to the development of chronic diseases. As a result, the existing system of school education has a health-expenditure character.

An analysis of school risk factors shows that most of the health problems of students are created and solved in the course of the daily practical work of teachers, i.e. related to their professional activities. Therefore, the teacher needs to find reserves of his own activity in preserving and strengthening the health of students.

It should be noted that the tediousness of the lesson is not the result of any one reason (the complexity of the material or psychological tension), but a certain combination, a combination of various factors.

The intensification of the educational process goes in different ways.

The first is an increase in the number of study hours (lessons, extracurricular activities, electives, etc.) Another option for intensifying the educational process is a real decrease in the number of hours while maintaining or increasing the volume of material. Such a sharp reduction in the number of hours should inevitably lead to an increase in homework and intensification educational process.

A frequent consequence of intensification is the emergence of states of fatigue, fatigue, overwork in students. It is overwork that creates the prerequisites for the development of acute and chronic health disorders, the development of nervous, psychosomatic and other diseases.

Health-saving technologies are implemented on the basis of a person-oriented approach. Carried out on the basis of personality-developing situations, they are among those vital factors due to which students learn to live together and interact effectively. They assume the active participation of the student himself in mastering the culture of human relations, in the formation of health saving experience, which is acquired through the gradual expansion of the sphere of communication and activity of the student, the development of his self-regulation (from external control to internal self-control), the formation of self-awareness and an active life position based on education and self-education formation of responsibility for one's own health, life and health of other people.

Health-saving technology, according to V.D. Sonkina is:

The conditions of the child's education at school (lack of stress, adequacy

requirements, the adequacy of teaching and upbringing methods);

Rational organization of the educational process (in accordance with

age, gender, individual characteristics and

hygienic requirements);

Correspondence of educational and physical activity with age

child's abilities;

Necessary, sufficient and rationally organized

motor mode.

By health-saving educational technology (Petrov) he understands a system that creates the maximum possible conditions for the preservation, strengthening and development of the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, personal and physical health of all subjects of education (students, teachers, etc.). This system includes:

1. Use of student health monitoring data,

conducted by medical workers, and their own observations in the process of implementing educational technology, its correction in accordance with the available data.

2. Taking into account the peculiarities of the age development of schoolchildren and the development

educational strategy corresponding to the characteristics of memory,

thinking, working capacity, activity, etc. students of this

age group.

3. Creation of a favorable emotional and psychological climate

in the process of implementing the technology.

4. The use of various types of health-saving

activities of students aimed at maintaining and increasing reserves

health, working capacity (Petrov O.V.)

The main components of health-saving technology are:

· axiological which is manifested in the students' awareness of the highest value of their health, the conviction of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle that allows you to most fully achieve your goals, use your mental and physical capabilities. The implementation of the axiological component takes place on the basis of the formation of a worldview, internal beliefs of a person, which determine the reflection and appropriation of a certain system of spiritual, vital, medical, social and philosophical knowledge, corresponding to the physiological and neuropsychological characteristics of age; knowledge of the laws of human mental development, his relationship with himself, nature, the world around him. Thus, upbringing as a pedagogical process is aimed at the formation of value-oriented attitudes towards health, health protection and health creation, built as an integral part of life values ​​and worldview. In this process, a person develops an emotional and at the same time conscious attitude to health, based on positive interests and needs.

epistemological, associated with the acquisition of the knowledge and skills necessary for the process of health preservation, knowledge of oneself, one's potential abilities and capabilities, interest in one's own health issues, in the study of literature on this issue, various methods for improving and strengthening the body. This happens due to the process of forming knowledge about the patterns of formation, preservation and development of human health, mastering the ability to maintain and improve personal health, assessing the factors that form it, mastering knowledge about a healthy lifestyle and skills to build it. This process is aimed at forming a system of scientific and practical knowledge, skills and behavior in everyday activities that provide a value attitude to personal health and the health of people around. All this focuses the student on the development of knowledge, which includes facts, information, conclusions, generalizations about the main directions of human interaction with himself, with other people and the world around him. They encourage a person to take care of their health, lead a healthy lifestyle, anticipate and prevent possible negative consequences for their own body and lifestyle.

health-saving, which includes a system of values ​​and attitudes that form a system of hygiene skills and abilities necessary for the normal functioning of the body, as well as a system of exercises aimed at improving the skills and abilities to take care of oneself, clothes, place of residence, and the environment. A special role in this component is assigned to the observance of the daily regimen, diet, alternation of work and rest, which helps to prevent the formation of bad habits, functional disorders of diseases, includes psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis of the educational process, the use of environmental health factors and a number of specific methods of recovery. weakened.

emotional-volitional, which includes the manifestation of psychological mechanisms - emotional and volitional. A necessary condition for maintaining health are positive emotions; experiences through which a person consolidates the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle. Will is a mental process of conscious control of activity, manifested in overcoming difficulties and obstacles on the way to the goal. A person with the help of will can regulate and self-regulate his health. The will is an extremely important component, especially at the beginning of health-improving activity, when a healthy lifestyle has not yet become an internal need of the individual, and the qualitative and quantitative indicators of health are not yet clearly expressed. It is aimed at shaping the experience of the relationship between the individual and society. In this aspect, the emotional-volitional component forms such personality traits as organization, discipline, duty, honor, and dignity. These qualities ensure the functioning of the individual in society, preserve the health of both the individual and the entire team.

ecological, which takes into account the fact that a person as a biological species exists in a natural environment that provides the human person with certain biological, economic and production resources. In addition, it ensures her physical health and spiritual development. Awareness of the existence of the human personality in unity with the biosphere reveals the dependence of physical and mental health on environmental conditions. Consideration of the natural environment as a prerequisite for the health of the individual allows us to introduce the formation of skills and abilities of adaptation to environmental factors into the content of health education. Unfortunately, the ecological environment of educational institutions is not always favorable for the health of students. Communication with the natural world contributes to the development of humanistic forms and rules of behavior in the natural environment, micro- and macro-society. At the same time, the natural environment surrounding the school is a powerful healing factor.

· physical culture and health component involves the possession of methods of activity aimed at increasing motor activity, preventing hypodynamia. In addition, this component of the content of education provides hardening of the body, high adaptive capabilities. The physical culture and health component is aimed at mastering personal-important life qualities that increase overall performance, as well as personal and public hygiene skills.

The components of the health-saving technology presented above allow us to proceed to the consideration of its functional component.

Functions of health-saving technology:

forming: is carried out on the basis of biological and social patterns of personality formation. The formation of personality is based on hereditary qualities that predetermine individual physical and mental properties. Complementing the formative impact on the personality are social factors, the situation in the family, the classroom team, attitudes towards saving and multiplying health as the basis for the functioning of the individual in society, educational activities, and the natural environment;

informative and communicative: ensures the transmission of the experience of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the continuity of traditions, value orientations that form a careful attitude to individual health, the value of every human life;

diagnostic: consists in monitoring the development of students on the basis of predictive control, which makes it possible to measure the efforts and direction of the teacher’s actions in accordance with the child’s natural capabilities, provides an instrumentally verified analysis of the prerequisites and factors for the future development of the pedagogical process, and individual passage of the educational route by each child;

adaptive: educating students to focus on

health care, healthy lifestyle, optimize the condition

own body and increase resistance to various kinds

stress factors of the natural and social environment. She provides

adaptation of schoolchildren to socially significant activities.

reflective: consists in rethinking the previous personal experience, in preserving and increasing health, which makes it possible to measure the actually achieved results with the prospects.

integrative: combines folk experience, various scientific

concepts and systems of education, guiding them along the path of maintaining health

the rising generation.

Technology types

§ Health-saving (preventive vaccinations, ensuring physical activity, fortification, organization of a healthy diet)

§ Wellness (physical training, physiotherapy, aromatherapy, hardening, gymnastics, massage, herbal medicine, art therapy)

§ Health education technologies (inclusion of relevant topics in the subjects of the general education cycle)

§ Education of a culture of health (optional classes for the development of the personality of students, extracurricular and extracurricular activities, festivals, competitions, etc.)

The selected technologies can be presented in a hierarchical order according to the criterion of the student's subjective involvement in the educational process:

Non-subjective: technologies of rational organization

educational process, technology of formation

health-saving educational environment, organization of a healthy

nutrition (including dietary), etc.

Assuming a passive position of the student: herbal medicine, massage, ophthalmic simulators, etc.

Assuming an active subjective position of the student

various types of gymnasts, health education technologies,

fostering a culture of health.

Classification of health-saving technologies.

By the nature of the activity, health-saving technologies can be both private (highly specialized) and complex (integrated).

In terms of activities, among private health-saving technologies, there are: medical (disease prevention technologies;

correction and rehabilitation of somatic health; sanitary

hygiene activities); educational, health promoting

(information-training and educational); social (technologies

organizing a healthy and safe lifestyle; prevention and

correction of deviant behavior); psychological (technologies for prevention and psycho-correction of mental deviations of personal and intellectual development).

Complex health-saving technologies include: technologies for complex prevention of diseases, correction and rehabilitation of health (sports and health and valeological); pedagogical technologies promoting health; technologies that form a healthy lifestyle.

Analysis of the lesson from the standpoint of health saving

The teacher in the organization and conduct of the lesson must take into account:

1) the atmosphere and hygienic conditions in the classroom (office): temperature and freshness of the air, the rationality of class and blackboard lighting, the presence / absence of monotonous, unpleasant sound stimuli, etc .;

2) the number of types of educational activities: questioning students, writing, reading, listening, telling, looking at visual aids, answering questions, solving examples, problems, etc. The norm is 4-7 types per lesson. Frequent changes from one activity to another require additional adaptation efforts from students;

3) the average duration and frequency of alternation of various types of educational activities. Approximate rate - 7-10 minutes;

number of types of teaching: verbal, visual, audiovisual, independent work, etc. The norm is at least three;

5) alternation of types of teaching. Norm - no later than 10-15 minutes;

6) the presence and choice of a place in the lesson of methods that contribute to the activation of the initiative and creative self-expression of the students themselves. These are such methods as the method of free choice (free conversation, choice of mode of action, choice of mode of interaction; freedom of creativity, etc.); active methods (student as teacher, action learning, group discussion, role play, discussion, workshop, student as researcher); methods aimed at self-knowledge and development (intelligence, emotions, communication, imagination, self-esteem and mutual evaluation);

7) the place and duration of the use of TSS (in accordance with hygiene standards), the ability of the teacher to use them as opportunities to initiate discussion, discussion;

8) postures of students, alternation of postures;

9) physical education minutes and other recreational moments in the lesson - their place, content and duration. Norm - for 15-20 minutes of the lesson, 1 minute of 3 light exercises with 3 repetitions of each exercise;

10) the presence of students' motivation for learning activities in the classroom (interest in classes, the desire to learn more, the joy of being active, interest in the material being studied, etc.) and the methods used by the teacher to increase this motivation;

11) the presence in the content of the lesson of questions related to health and a healthy lifestyle; demonstration, tracing of these connections; formation of attitude towards a person and his health as a value; developing an understanding of the essence of a healthy lifestyle; formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle; development of an individual way of safe behavior, communication to students of knowledge about the possible consequences of choosing a behavior, etc.;

12) psychological climate in the classroom;

13) the presence of emotional discharges in the lesson: jokes, smiles, aphorisms with comments, etc.;

At the end of the lesson, pay attention to the following:

14) the density of the lesson, i.e. the amount of time spent by students on educational work. Norm - not less than 60% and not more than 75-80%;

15) the moment of onset of fatigue of students and a decrease in their learning activity. It is determined in the course of observation by the increase in motor and passive distractions in children in the process of educational work;

16) the pace and features of the end of the lesson:

Fast pace, "crumpled", no time for students' questions, quick, almost no comments, writing down homework;

Quiet completion of the lesson: students have the opportunity to ask the teacher questions, the teacher can comment on the homework, say goodbye to the students;

Delay of students in the classroom after the bell (at recess).

Of great importance is the daily routine of the student, the conditions for doing homework, the interest of parents in school problems, the calm atmosphere at home, and the observance of hygiene standards. Boys have problems much more often, because. girls have higher adaptive capabilities.

Biological factors: heredity, mother's health during pregnancy, violation of the health of the newborn.


Pedagogical factors include:

Environmental factors that can have a negative impact on the health of schoolchildren (environmental, social, economic, etc.);

Factors of the school environment - a qualitative assessment of school buildings, sanitary, sports equipment and equipment, the organization of the food system, taking into account the requirements of sanitary rules and regulations, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the school contingent;

Organization of the educational process (duration of the lesson, school day, breaks, vacations) and the mode of study load;

Organization and forms of physical education and health-improving work;

Forms and methods of health-saving activities of a general education institution;

Dynamics of chronic and general morbidity;

Methods and forms of education that motivate cognitive activity;

Psychological background of classes, favorable emotional mood, (goodwill, wisdom of the teacher);

Sanitary and hygienic conditions (ventilation of the premises, temperature compliance, cleanliness, lighting and color design, etc.);

Motor mode of children (taking into account their age dynamics);

Rational nutrition (menu and diet);

Medical support and health procedures;

Stress pedagogical tactics;

Intensification of the educational process (the number of daily lessons increases, children have little time for rest, walks, they do not get enough sleep, they get overtired);

Non-compliance of teaching methods and technologies with the age and functional capabilities of schoolchildren;

Irrational organization of educational activities (control work after the day off);

Functional illiteracy of the teacher in matters of health protection and promotion (he does not know his child, his character, inclinations, interests);

Functional illiteracy of parents (they do not help the child, they want more from him than he can, they blame only the child for everything, and not themselves, they do not listen to his complaints);

Lack of a system of work on the formation of the value of health and a healthy lifestyle (including the prevention of bad habits, sex education and sexual education, insufficient use of physical education and sports, etc.);

Interpersonal relationships between peers;

Proper organization of the lesson (building a lesson taking into account the dynamics of performance, rational use of TCO, visual aids, etc.);

Rational organization of the educational process in accordance with sanitary standards and hygiene requirements;

Rational organization of physical activity of students, including the physical education lessons provided for by the program, dynamic changes and active pauses in the daily routine, as well as mass sports work;

Organization of rational nutrition;

The system of work on the formation of the value of health and a healthy lifestyle.

Without the implementation of this set of measures to protect and promote health, any other measures will not have the desired effect of health saving.

Implementation of health-saving technologies in the educational process.

Each primary school teacher pays great attention to the use of health-saving technologies in practice.

Our working day begins with the traditional morning exercises. Children enjoy this type of physical activity with great pleasure. Morning exercises are necessary for the development of all body systems: nervous, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, respiratory.

To create a positive emotional mood, an atmosphere of goodwill, at the first lesson we conduct "A minute of entry into the day" Against the background of music, the teacher says: “It's good that we are all here together today. The heart is warm and calm. We are all healthy and vigorous. Take a deep breath and with a sigh, forget yesterday's resentment and anxiety. Breathe out the freshness of a spring day and the warmth of the sun's rays, which filled your heart with kindness, love and health. I wish you good mood! We're starting a new day."

Such moments help the child to look deeper into himself, develop the feelings of children, charge them with emotions, interest and captivate.

Prevention of eye diseases

An urgent problem at present is the protection of the eyesight of schoolchildren. The effectiveness of measures aimed at protecting the eyesight of children largely depends not only on the doctor, but also on the teacher. Visual defects are formed under the influence of many factors. Particularly important in childhood are the nature, duration and conditions of visual load. For example, a 6-7 year old child, in a few hours spent over books and notebooks, loads the muscles of the eye to the same extent as he would load other muscles, doing the same amount of time with a barbell. The consequences are not long in coming: by the end of the first year of study, every fourth student has myopia or a condition preceding it. In ordinary life, we use our eyesight incorrectly. Most often, the eyes are fixed for short distances for a long time. This also applies to students. It is necessary to switch the focus of vision, look into the distance, at least 2 minutes (it takes 5-10 minutes), then you should close your eyes for 1-2 minutes, let them rest. This simple exercise relieves fatigue, temporarily relaxes the muscles of the eyes.

Daily gymnastics for the eye serves not only as a prevention of visual impairment, but also has a beneficial effect on the body with neuroses and increased intracranial pressure.

Corrective exercises for the eyes

The finger doubles (facilitates visual work at close range): stretch your hand forward, look at the fingertip of an outstretched hand located along the midline of the face, slowly bring your finger closer, keeping your eyes on it until the finger starts to double. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

Sharp eyes: With your eyes, draw 6 circles clockwise and 6 circles counterclockwise.

Shooting eyes: move your eyes from side to side, looking as long as possible to the left, then to the right, then up and down. Repeat 5-6 times slowly.

Nose writing: (reduces eye strain): Close your eyes. Using your nose like a long pen, write or draw anything in the air. The eyes are softly closed.

A fun change: first, with your left hand, touch your right ear, and with your right hand, touch the tip of your nose; then quickly change the position of the hands: right hand - left ear, left hand - nose (5 times).

An important and obligatory component of the lesson are motor minutes.

Wellness minutes allow you to relieve mental stress, activate the attention of children, arouse interest in learning activities.

Prevention of postural disorders

The state of vision of children is directly related to the state of their posture. Very often, children with poor posture suffer from myopia at the same time. This is all the more relevant because every third child entering school already has a posture disorder. Violation of posture affects the psyche of the child, lower the overall vitality. Incorrect posture contributes to the development of early degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs and creates unfavorable conditions for the functioning of the organs of the chest and abdominal cavity, nutrition of the brain, etc. The posture of the child largely depends on the teacher. The child should have a clear idea of ​​what correct posture is and how to form it. Experts recommend this approach. The child's shoulders are deployed, his back is straightened and placed close to the wall so that he touches the wall with his heels, buttocks, back and back of the head. The teacher explains that this posture is the correct posture. Then the student is asked to move away from the wall, maintaining the same posture. All students do this. Then the teacher selects 2-3 people, asks them to go in front of the rest of the children, paying attention to how beautiful the correct posture is. For self-control, students can be recommended to observe their posture in the mirror. The development of correct posture usually requires a long time and constant monitoring.

We pay special attention in the lessons of a different cycle finger gymnastics. Finger games contribute to the development of hand motor skills, thinking, speech; reduce physical fatigue and moral stress during the lesson.

To teach children to control their speech organs, we widely use them in literacy and literary reading lessons. speech and breathing exercises.

"Blow out the candle."

Inhale deeply, drawing as much air into the lungs as possible. Then, stretching out your lips with a tube, exhale slowly, as if blowing on a candle, while pronouncing the sound “u” for a long time.

"Lazy cat"

Raise your hands up, then stretch forward, stretch like a cat. Feel how the body stretches. Then sharply lower your hands down, pronouncing the sound “a”.

"Naughty cheeks".

Take in air by puffing out your cheeks. Hold your breath, slowly exhale the air, as if blowing out a candle. Relax your cheeks. Then close your lips with a tube, inhale the air, drawing it in. The cheeks are retracted. Then relax your cheeks and lips.

"Locked mouth".

Purse your lips so that they are not visible at all. Close your mouth with a “lock”, tightly squeezing your lips. Then relax them:

I have a secret, I won't tell you, no (purse your lips).

Oh, how hard it is to resist without saying anything (4-5 s).

Nevertheless, I will relax my lips, and I will leave the secret to myself.

"Evil has calmed down."

Tighten your jaw, stretching your lips and exposing your teeth. Roar with all your might. Then take a few deep breaths, stretch, smile and, opening your mouth wide, yawn:

And when I get very angry, I tense up, but I hold on.

I squeeze my jaw strongly and scare everyone with a growl (growl).

For anger to fly away and relax the whole body,

Take a deep breath, stretch, smile,

Maybe even yawn (open mouth wide, yawn).

Such exercises contribute to the development of proper breathing, voice and diction. And normal blood circulation, the rhythm of the heart depends on proper breathing. What is important for the health of the child.

In order to stimulate thought processes, we conduct brain gymnastics.

Head shake.

Breathe deeply, relax your shoulders and drop your head forward. Allow the head to slowly rock from side to side as the breath releases the tension. The chin draws a slightly curved line across the chest as the neck relaxes. Run 30 seconds.

Lazy eights.

(the exercise activates the brain structures that provide memorization, increases the stability of attention): draw in the air in a horizontal plane "eight" three times with each hand, and then with both hands.

Thinking hat.

(improves attention, clarity of perception and speech): "put on a hat", that is, gently wrap your ears from the top to the earlobe three times.


(useful for all types of visual impairment): blink with each inhalation and exhalation.

I see a finger.

Hold the index finger of the right hand in front of the nose at a distance of 25-30 cm, look at the finger for 4-5 seconds, then close the left eye with the palm of the left hand for 4-6 seconds, look at the finger with the right eye, then open the left eye and look at finger with two eyes. Do the same, but close the right eye. Repeat 4 - 6 times.

According to experts, the cause of many diseases in children is a lack of movement. To optimize motor activity, prevent and correct deficiencies in physical development, and improve health, we recommend using game therapy. Outdoor games have a beneficial effect on the health of children.

fairy tale therapy

A fairy tale occupies a large place in finding ways for reading children to solve their psychological problems. It is no coincidence that the technology of fairy tale therapy has become the leading one in the children's audience. Fairy tale is a favorite genre for children. The fairy tale carries an important psychological content, as the children themselves say, “love, kindness and happiness”, passing from one generation to another and not losing its meaning over time.

It gives the child the first ideas about the sublime and the base, the beautiful and the ugly, the moral and the immoral.

The fairy tale transforms the hero, turning the weak into the strong, the small into an adult, the naive into the wise, thereby opening up the child's prospects for his own growth.

The fairy tale gives hope and dreams - a premonition of the future. It becomes a kind of spiritual amulet of childhood.

Music therapy

But no matter how great the significance of a fairy tale for maintaining the spiritual world of children, it is not the only one that is used as a therapeutic tool. Music therapy has great potential for the mental health of children.

Music therapy is an interesting and promising direction, which is used in many countries for medical and recreational purposes. It has been experimentally proven that music can calm down, but it can also lead to extreme excitement, the immune system can be strengthened, which leads to a decrease in morbidity, improves metabolism, recovery processes are more active, and a person recovers. Many adults would be more balanced, calmer and more benevolent if in early childhood they fell asleep every night to a lullaby. Music can also be considered as a way to improve the emotional background in the family, which can lead to harmony in relationships in it. The rhythm that music dictates to the brain relieves nervous tension, thereby improving the child's speech. Singing as a means of treatment is prescribed for children with respiratory diseases. Specialists set themselves the task of purposefully influencing music on a child, taking into account his mood, age, gender, season of the year and even time of day.

Teaching students to control their emotional state auto-training, minutes of relaxation.

Relaxation- This is a relaxation or decrease in tone after intense mental activity. The purpose of relaxation is to relieve tension, give children a little rest, evoke positive emotions, good mood, which leads to better assimilation of educational material. We offer a range of games for relaxation.

Relaxation of arm muscles

Exercise 1.

Lie quietly in the starting position for about five minutes. Then bend the left hand at the wrist so that the palm stands upright, hold it in this position for several minutes; the forearm remains motionless. Watch for a feeling of tension in the muscles of the forearm. Relax your hand, allowing the hand to sink under its own weight onto the bedspread. Now your hand cannot but be relaxed - after such muscle tension, relaxation is a physiological need. For a few minutes, watch for a feeling of relaxation in your hand and forearm. Repeat this exercise again. Then spend half an hour at rest. The most important thing is to learn to recognize the sensations of tension and relaxation.

Exercise 2.

Repeat the previous exercise the next day. After the second relaxation of the hand, bend it at the wrist away from you (that is, differently than before), fingers down.

Exercise 3

Today you are resting. Do only relaxation, while watching the sensations in your left hand (is it relaxed or do you feel tension in it from time to time?).

Exercise 4

To the first and second exercises, we will add experience with the flexor of the elbow joint. Bend your left arm at the elbow at an angle of 30 degrees, that is, lift it from the bedspread. Repeat this operation three times for about 2 minutes followed by relaxation for several minutes. Relax for the rest of the hour.

Exercise 5

Repeat all previous exercises. Then we will train the triceps.

You will achieve tension in this muscle if, placing a stack of books under your forearm, you will forcefully press on them with your lying hand. Alternate tension and relaxation three times (for relaxation, take your hand away from the body, behind the books you use as an aid). Relax for the rest of the hour.

Exercise 6 "Lemon".

Lower your hands down and imagine that there is a lemon in your right hand, from which you need to squeeze the juice. Slowly clench your right hand as tightly as possible into a fist. Feel how tense your right hand is. Then throw the "lemon" and relax your hand:

I will take a lemon in my hand.

I feel like it's round.

I squeeze it a little -

I squeeze lemon juice.

All right, juice is ready.

I throw a lemon, relax my hand.

Perform the same exercise with your left hand.

Exercise 8 “Pair” (alternate movement with tension and relaxation of the hands).

Standing opposite each other and touching the partner's forward palms, straighten your right arm with tension, thereby bending the partner's left arm at the elbow. At the same time, the left hand bends at the elbow, and the partner straightens.


What a wonderful day today!

We will drive away boredom and laziness.

They shook their hands.

Here we are healthy and strong.

Relaxation of leg muscles

You can start by repeating the exercises for the hands, but this is not at all necessary. If you have already learned to recognize tension and relaxation in each muscle group and are able to control these processes, then you can immediately begin to relax. So, relax with your whole body, you will only train your legs (first the left, then the right).

Exercise 1.

Bend the leg at the knee - the muscles in the upper part of the leg and under the knee are tense.

We train in a three-fold alternation of tension and relaxation.

Exercise 2.

And now, on the contrary, we bend the limb with the toe towards us. Tension and relaxation of the calf.


Tension and relaxation in the upper thigh - the leg being trained hangs from the bed (sofa, etc.), thereby you achieve tension. Then return your leg to the starting position and focus on relaxing.

Exercise 4.

Tension in the lower part of the thigh - is achieved by bending the leg at the knee.


Tension in the hip joint and abdomen - lift the leg so that only the hip joint is bent.


Tension of the gluteal muscles - putting several books under the knee, press hard on them.

Discharge these six exercises with one or two repetition sessions, or provide one session devoted exclusively to relaxation.

Exercise 7 "Deck".

Imagine yourself on a ship. Shakes. In order not to fall, you need to spread your legs wider and press them to the floor. Clasp your hands behind your back. The deck shook - transfer the body weight to the right leg, press it to the floor (the right leg is tense, the left is relaxed, slightly bent at the knee, the toe touches the floor). Straighten up. Relax your leg. It swung in the other direction - to press the left leg to the floor. Straighten up! Inhale-exhale!

It began to rock the deck! Press your foot to the deck!

We press the leg tighter, and relax the other.

Exercise 8 "Horses".

Our legs wobbled

We will run along the path.

But be careful

Don't forget what to do!

Exercise 9 "Elephant".

Put your feet firmly, then imagine yourself as an elephant. Slowly transfer the body weight to one leg, and raise the other high and lower it to the floor with a “roar”. Move around the room, alternately raising each leg and lowering it with a kick of the foot on the floor. Breathe out "Wow!"

Relaxation of the muscles of the body

Exercise 1.

Abdominal muscles - perform as follows: either consciously pull the stomach into ourselves, or slowly rise from a lying position to a sitting position.

Exercise 2.

Muscles located along the spine - tension is achieved by bending and arching in the lower back (in the supine position).

Exercise 3

Relaxation of the shoulder muscles. It involves the acquisition of several skills. By crossing your arms outstretched forward, you will fix the tension in the front of the chest; by rotating the shoulders back - tension between the shoulder blades, raising them - tension on the sides of the neck and in the upper part of the shoulders themselves. Tension in the left side of the neck is achieved by tilting the head to the left, to the right.

Its fixation in the front and back sides takes place when the head is tilted forward and backward. This lead to shoulder relaxation can be done in one step, but it can also be done in stages. Relaxation exercises for the torso as a whole should be done for about a week (if you find it necessary to consolidate some skills, in this case, provide classes dedicated exclusively to relaxation).

Relaxation of the eye muscles

Exercise 1.

Tension in the forehead - is achieved by shifting the skin on the forehead into wrinkles.

Exercise 2.

Tension of the muscles of the eyelids - we move the eyebrows, the eyes are tightly closed.


Tension of the oculomotor muscles - while we feel tension in the eyeball. With eyes closed, look to the right, left, up, down.

We train until we are able to clearly recognize the tension, and thereby get rid of it (that is, relax these muscles).

Exercise 4.

Eye muscle tension - having mastered the previous exercise, open your eyes and watch what happens when you look from the ceiling to the floor and vice versa. Feel the tension and relaxation.

Relaxation of the facial muscles

Exercise 1.

Clenching your teeth, follow in detail the tension that accompanies this. Relax. Repeat the exercise several times.

Exercise 2.

Open your mouth. What muscles are tensed at the same time? You should feel tension in front of the ears, but only more deeply.


Bare your teeth, watch the tension in your cheeks. Relax.

Exercise 4.

Round your mouth, as if to say "ooh!", feel the tension, then relax your lips.


Pushing your tongue back, watch the tension, relax.

Neck relaxation exercises:

"Curious Barabara".

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, head straight. Turn your head to the left, then to the right. Inhale-exhale. The movement is repeated 2 times in each direction. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

Curious Varvara looks to the left, looks to the right.

And then again forward - here a little rest.

Raise your head up, look at the ceiling as long as possible. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

Comes back - relaxation is nice!

Slowly lower your head down, press your chin to your chest. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

Now let's look down - the muscles of the neck are tensed!

Coming back - relaxation is nice!

Relaxation exercises for the whole body:

"Snow Woman"

Children imagine that each of them is a snowman. Huge, beautiful, which was fashioned from the snow. She has a head, a torso, two arms sticking out to the sides, and she stands on strong legs. Beautiful morning, the sun is shining. Here it begins to bake, and the snowman begins to melt. Next, the children depict how the snowman melts. First the head melts, then one hand, then the other. Gradually, little by little, the body begins to melt. The snowman turns into a puddle that spreads on the ground.


Children imagine that they are small birds. They fly through the fragrant summer forest, inhale its aromas and admire its beauty. So they sat down on a beautiful wild flower and breathed in its light aroma, and now they flew to the highest linden, sat on its crown and felt the sweet smell of a flowering tree. But a warm summer breeze blew, and the birds, along with its impulse, rushed to the murmuring forest stream. Sitting on the edge of the stream, they cleaned their feathers with their beaks, drank clean, cool water, splashed and again rose up. And now we will land in the most comfortable nest in a forest clearing.


Children lie on their backs. They close their eyes and relax to the sound of the lullaby “Fluffy Clouds”. “Awakening” takes place to the sound of a bell.

"Summer day".

Children lie on their backs, relaxing all the muscles and closing their eyes. Relaxation to the sound of calm music:

I'm lying in the sun,

But I don't look at the sun.

We close our eyes, our eyes rest.

The sun caresses our faces

May we have a good dream.

Suddenly we hear: boom-boom-boom!

Thunder came out for a walk.

Thunder rumbles like a drum.

"Slow motion".

Children sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean against the back, put their hands freely on their knees, legs slightly apart, close their eyes and sit quietly for a while, listening to slow, quiet music:

Everyone can dance, jump, run, draw.

But not everyone knows how to relax, to rest.

We have a game like this - very easy, simple.

The movement slows down, tension disappears.

And it becomes clear - relaxation is pleasant!


Hush, hush, hush!

You can't talk!

We are tired - we need to sleep - we will lie down quietly on the bed

And we will sleep quietly.

Children really like doing such exercises, because they have an element of the game. They quickly learn this difficult ability to relax.

Having learned to relax, each child receives what he previously lacked. This applies equally to any mental processes: cognitive, emotional or volitional. In the process of relaxation, the body redistributes energy in the best possible way and tries to bring the body to balance and harmony.

Relaxing, excited, restless children gradually become more balanced, attentive and patient. Children who are inhibited, constrained, lethargic and timid acquire confidence, vigor, freedom in expressing their feelings and thoughts.

Such systematic work allows the child's body to relieve excess stress and restore balance, thereby maintaining mental health.

The proposed set of games will ensure the activation of various functions of the central nervous system, create a positive emotional background, and help overcome violations in the emotional-volitional sphere.




The main task of the educational process at school is to find such ways of organizing the educational process that would correspond to the age stages of the psychophysiological and social development of students, as well as the task of eliminating student overload.

The solution of this problem will be essential for maintaining the health of schoolchildren.

Undoubtedly, such factors as genetic conditioning, unfavorable social and environmental conditions of development have a significant impact on the health of children, but at the same time, school factors also have a negative impact on children's health (this is the intensification and irrational organization of the educational process, the inconsistency of teaching methods with age-related students' abilities).

One of the main directions in the activities to improve the health of younger schoolchildren at school is the organization and conduct of sports and recreation activities in the school regime.

With the beginning of the school year, the daily activity of students noticeably decreases. Physical education lessons cannot fully compensate for the lack of movements of the student. Therefore, there is a need for measures to organize the motor activity of students during school hours.

For this, special attention should be paid to the introduction of physical education minutes in the classroom. A physical education minute is a small set of physical exercises. The exercises are designed so that when they are performed, various muscle groups are covered.

The value of physical education minutes is to relieve fatigue in a child, provide active rest and increase the mental performance of students.

Motor loads in the form of physical exercises relieve fatigue caused by prolonged sitting at a desk, give rest to muscles, hearing organs, and restore the child's strength.

Physical education is necessary in order to cheer up children, help activate breathing, increase blood and lymph circulation in stagnant areas in the child's body, and relieve static stress.

The composition of physical exercises should include complexes consisting of 4-6 exercises: 2-3 of which should purposefully form posture, 2-3 for the shoulders, belt, arms and torso and exercises. It is necessary that there are various exercises, since a large number of repetitions reduces the interest in doing the exercises.

Physical education minutes can be held without objects, with objects. Complexes can be performed under the score, tape recording, poetic text or musical accompaniment.

Physical education can be carried out in the form of general developmental exercises. In this case, exercises are carried out for large muscles that have carried tension for a long time.

Physical education can be carried out in the form of outdoor games or relay races. Especially effective are games that are combined with the topic of the lesson.

Didactic games with movements also contribute to the motor activity of students in the classroom.

When conducting physical education minutes using a poetic text, it is necessary to pay attention to the content of the poetic text, which should be understandable to students.

Requirements for the organization and conduct of physical education.

Physical education sessions are conducted at the initial stage of fatigue / 8-14 minute classes, depending on the age of the students, the type of activity and the complexity of the educational material /

For younger students, it is most advisable to conduct physical education sessions between 15-20 minutes.

Exercises should be entertaining, familiar and interesting to students, simply in their performance.

Complexes of exercises should be different in content and form.

Physical education includes exercises for different muscle groups.

The duration of execution is 1.5-3 minutes.

In the interval between two lessons, it is more expedient to conduct physical education sessions using objects /balls, ropes/.

During physical education sessions, students can sit at a desk or stand near it, be at the blackboard or in the aisles between desks, stand in a circle, scattered, in pairs, triples, in groups.

The teacher must:

Own motor culture and figuratively show exercises.

Be able to combine movements with the musical rhythm.

Know the basic terminology of physical exercises.

Examples of physical exercises:

1. On the regulation of the mental state:

. "Not afraid"

In a situation of a difficult task, the performance of control work. Children perform actions under the speech of the teacher. Moreover, the teacher says a line of speech and pauses, and at this time the children repeat the lines to themselves:

I tell myself friends

I'm never afraid

No dictation, no control,

No poems, no tasks

No problems, no failures.

I am calm, patient

I am restrained and not gloomy,

I just don't like fear

I'm holding my own.

. "Calm"

The teacher says the words and the children do the actions. reflecting the meaning of the words. Everyone chooses a comfortable sitting position.

We are happy, we are happy!

We laugh in the morning.

But now the moment has come

It's time to be serious.

Eyes closed, hands folded,

Heads lowered, mouth closed.

And quiet for a minute

To not even hear a joke,

To not see anyone, but

And only one myself!

2. Creative physical minutes for coordination of movements and psychological relief.

It is necessary to stand up and at the same time salute with the right hand, and stretch the left along the body. Then, raising the thumb of the palm of the left hand, say "In!". Then clap your hands and do the same, but with other hands.

sitting. Grab your left ear with your right hand, and grab the tip of your nose with your left hand. Clap your hands and quickly change hands: with the left hand - the right ear, with the right - the tip of the nose.

3. Physical minutes for the general development of the body of children / limbs and torso /

. "Parsley". Starting position: arms lowered, relaxed. At the same time, by chaotic shaking of the arms and legs, achieve muscle relaxation to feelings of warmth and reddening of the palms.

. "Sipping the Kitty" Starting position: sitting on a desk chair, bend at the waist, hands to the shoulders. Inhale - stretch, arms up, hands relaxed. Exhale - brushes to the shoulders, bring the elbows forward.

4. Micropauses with eye fatigue:

Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, and then open them for the same time. Repeat 6-8 times.

Blink rapidly for 10-12 seconds. Open your eyes, rest for 10-12 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

Starting position: sitting, close the eyelids, massage them with light circular movements of the finger. Repeat for 20-30 seconds.

5. Thematic physical education session "Sea voyage"

№ Text Description of movements

The fish swam and dived

In clear clear water.

They will come together, they will disperse,

They will bury themselves in the sand. Perform hand movements according to the text.

The sea is worried

The sea is worried two,

The sea is worried three -

Marine figure freeze.

Feet shoulder-width apart, swing your arms from right to left, depicting waves.

We raise our hands up and, depicting "flashlights", lower them down.

Who is this? What's this?

How to guess?

Who is this? What's this?

How to unravel?

Turns left and right with outstretched arms.

Hands are raised up. Perform swinging movements left and right.

This is a fishing boat.

Legs shoulder width apart. Hands to the sides, hands raised up. In this position, we swing from side to side.

This is a starfish.

We raise our hands up, squeezing and unclenching our fingers, lower our hands down.

It is, of course, a snail.

Hands to the sides, perform circular movements.

7 I will solve all of you. We spread our hands to the sides.

6. Finger gymnastics

"Finger games" is a staging of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with the help of fingers. Finger games ”as if reflect the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. During the "finger games" children, repeating the movements of adults, activate the motor skills of the hands. Thus, dexterity is developed, the ability to control one's movements, to concentrate on one type of activity.

Our scarlet flowers open their petals,

The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway.

Our scarlet flowers cover the petals,

They shake their heads and fall asleep quietly.

(Children slowly unbend their fingers from their fists, shake their hands to the right and left, slowly squeeze their fingers into a fist, shake their fists back and forth).


Ladybug's dad is coming,

Mom follows dad

The kids are following their mom

Behind them, the little ones wander.

They wear red skirts

Skirts with black dots.

Dad leads the family to study.

And he'll take you home after school.

(On the first line - with all the fingers of the right hand "walk" on the table, on the second - the same with the left hand. On the third and fourth - with both hands together.

On the fifth - shake your palms, press your fingers together.

On the sixth - tap your index fingers on the table. On the seventh and eighth - with all the fingers of both hands "walk" on the table.

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Updated: 06/16/2019 01:38

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