Aroma lamp - warmth in the soul and comfort in the house. Aroma lamp: we choose and use correctly

Hello dear readers!

Do you want to plunge into the world of enchanting aromas and dive into a magical atmosphere? I invite you to join and learn how to make your evening extraordinary and fill your home with even more coziness.

Today you will learn what an essential oil burner is and how to use it. You will also learn many recipes for exquisite mixtures that will help you relax. Enjoy reading!

What is an aroma lamp: history and types

The history of the use of essential oils goes back a long way. Even in ancient times, people learned about their healing power and were often used to fight diseases, to disinfect premises, and even in embalming rituals.

It was at that time that the first aroma lamps appeared. Use ethers firstlearned the ancient Egyptians. It was they who learned about their medicinal properties, and also often used oils as an aphrodisiac.

Aroma lamps have become a necessary accessory in any home. We observe this trend even now. People often buy lamps as decorative elements and their presence is not surprising to anyone.

Also, their purpose has not changed over the years, they, as before, help to bring harmony and comfort to the home, fill us with positive emotions and good mood.

Operating principle aroma lamps are quite simple. A small candle is usually placed on the lower tier. Water is poured into the top of the lamp and your favorite ether is dripped.

When heated, they emit fragrant vapors that saturate the air, flavor it, disinfect and have a preventive effect on our body. Also, active ingredients penetrate our bloodstream, remove toxins and toxins.

Using an aroma lamp at least 3 times a week, you can boost your immunity, get rid of migraines, relieve fatigue and stress.

Now there are a huge number of lamps. If earlier, they were exclusively stone or made of ceramics, then the modern market offers us not only the option with a candle, but also electric ones. But we'll talk about this a little later.

For a start, it's worth talking about how to choose the right aroma lamp and not be mistaken. Because now manufacturers often pay more attention to the appearance of the product than to its functionality.

Therefore, the quality of products suffers and we may come across a fake or simply an inoperative version of the lamp. To make a worthy purchase that will delight and inspire you, we have prepared for you a cheat sheet for choosing an aroma lamp.

Choosing the right aroma lamp:

  1. Pay attention to the material. It is best to choose a ceramic lamp that will not react with oils, break down during operation, and absorb water.
  2. The container for evaporation must be voluminous - at least 50 ml. Otherwise, the liquid will quickly evaporate and the oil will burn.
  3. The water should not boil. Therefore, the distance from the evaporation container and the heat source should not be less than 10 cm.
  4. A proper quality aroma lamp has a subtle, unobtrusive aroma.

If you enter a room and you hardly feel the aroma in it, you have made the right choice.

If the smell is strong and harsh, this product is subject to exchange. Since the scent of essential oils will be more annoying than pleasurable.

5 ... Don't forget about such a thing as design. The lamp should be in harmony with your interior, you like it - only in this case you will receive aesthetic and psychological satisfaction.

Thinking about purchasing an aroma lamp? I understand you.))) Check out the online store 4fresh, they offer a huge selection of organic cosmetics, essential oils and of course great aroma lamps!

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Now let's figure out what kind of aroma lamps are. This information will greatly facilitate your choice of goods.

  • Ceramic - one of the most popular types. Such lamps are very popular and in demand. Easy to use, stylish design, unusual shape, reasonable price. However, you should carefully approach the purchase of this product and remember that the quality of the material should be at its best.
  • Stone - very often they can be found in various souvenir shops. They are made mainly of "soapstone". They are pleasant to the touch, have unusual shapes and are most often used as a decorative element.
  • Electrical - the modern, safest, most economical option. They are presented in the form of a ceramic ring that is worn over a table lamp bulb. By heating it, ethers are evaporated.

There is also an option for a saucer into which water is poured and oil is dripped. Then it connects to the network and heats up. Both options are attractive in that there is no fire source and they can be used in childcare facilities.

  • Metal, glass, wood, combined- such lamps are purchased in order to decorate their home and bring zest to it. However, this does not mean that they are used only as decorative elements. Such aroma lamps are functional and do not differ from others in their principle of action.

The only thing that distinguishes them from other lamps is the cost and pretentiousness of the forms.

We have told you about the main types of lamps on the market. The choice is yours. Always remember to be safe and take all precautions when conducting an aromatherapy session.

Do not forget that essential oils play a huge role.Their quality directly depends on how productive and useful an aromatherapy session will be.

You need to use only proven, natural products so as not to harm your health. We recommend you a great online store Zeitun... Here are a lot of natural products at an affordable price.

How to use an aroma lamp (recipes for mixtures of essential oils)

We figured out the types of aroma lamps and their advantages. We hope that the information will help you in choosing and you will pamper yourself with aromatherapy sessions very often. After all, this is not so much pleasant as useful.

Now let's move on to information on how to properly operate the lamp and take a look at some recipes for great ester mixes.

Terms of use:

  1. Before using the aroma lamp, the room must be well ventilated. Then light the lamp and close the windows.
  2. Pour some water into the upper bowl and add 2-5 drops of essential oil. The amount of oil depends on the size of the room.
  3. An aromatherapy session can last from 20 minutes to 4 hours. The time must be increased gradually so as not to cause an overdose.
  4. The aroma lamp must be located in accordance with all safety rules, it is necessary to keep it away from children and open fire.
  5. The aroma in the room should be light, unobtrusive, subtle. Otherwise, instead of relaxing, you will get irritation and headache.
  6. After use, the lamp should be rinsed well with water and wiped dry.

Now we present to your attention recipes with essential oils for a pleasant and aromatic session. The dosage is indicated in drops.


Melissa 1 + lavender 2 + mandarin 1.
Vanilla 2 + spruce 1 + mint 1.

For insomnia:

Chamomile 2 + lemon balm 1 + cedar 1.
Thyme 1 + pine 1 + spruce 2.

For cheerfulness:

Rosemary 2 + lemon 1 + bergamot 2.
Cloves 1 + grapefruit 1 + mint 1.


Geranium 2 + rose 1 + sandalwood 1.
Tea tree 1 + lavender 3.

Sensual scents:

Ylang-ylang 2 + rose 1 + sandalwood 1.
Patchouli 2 + cedar 1 + nutmeg 2.

To disinfect the premises:

Tea tree 3 + eucalyptus 2.
Thyme 2 + cedar 1 + pine 1.

In our today's article, we got acquainted with the different types of aroma lamps, learned their purpose, as well as how to choose a good quality product and not be mistaken.

A good lamp is the key to pleasant, calm aromatherapy.

Relax with pleasure and remember that you are beautiful.

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All the best to you.

Ilona was with you

There is little that can be compared to lighted candles, good music and a pleasant smell floating around the apartment ... The perfect way to spend a quiet evening at home! But it is even better to use the beneficial properties of essential oils for solving specific problems: relaxation, eliminating germs, relieving stress, getting a charge of vivacity, etc. Home aromatherapy is available to everyone - you just need to know how to choose and combine different oils for an aroma lamp. Several ideas with interesting recipes for mixtures await you in this article.

Aroma lamps are one of the simplest and most beautiful ways to bring a pleasant smell into your home. They are usually inexpensive and, thanks to the sparkling candles inside, make your room look even warmer and more attractive.

Using an essential oil burner is quite simple: fill a bowl with water and then add a few drops of your favorite essential oil or a mixture of both. Light a candle, place it under the bowl and enjoy the scent! The correct dosage depends on the size of the room and how strong the smell you want it to be. It is considered comfortable to use 5 to 15 drops of essential oil at a time.

The only drawback of the aroma lamp is the need to ensure that it does not run out of water. If you prudently buy a burner with a large and deep bowl, then you will not have to add water often, and you will significantly reduce the risk of burning it.

Moving on to our collection of stunning aromatherapy essential oil blend recipes collected from home aromatherapy aficionados around the internet!

TOP-4 mixtures of essential oils for aromatizing an apartment

Aromatherapy is great, but first, let me introduce you to home essential oils that will fill your home with delicious natural scents, lift your spirits and simply enrich your daily life.

1. A warming Christmas-inspired blend of essential oils

This spicy blend is ideal for while away cold winter evenings. Very cozy, homely and soothing, it also has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Here is a list of essential oils you need:

  • 4-6 drops of patchouli;
  • 2-4 drops of cinnamon;
  • 3-5 drops of orange;
  • 1-2 drops of cloves.

Optionally, you can also add 1 drop of ylang ylang to the recipe to bring a light floral note to this mixture.

2. Flower blend of scents for a light spring mood

This essential oil blend for the aroma lamp smells like a fresh field of flowers. You can use it to calm your nerves or relax in your bedroom before bed.

  • 8-10 drops of lavender;
  • 2 to 3 drops of palmarose;
  • 2 to 3 drops of geranium.

3. A refreshing recipe for using the aroma lamp in summer

The use of these essential oils at home for aromatizing an apartment will be most appropriate on hot summer evenings. The mixture has a refreshing scent, helps to clear the head and at the same time takes care of eliminating viruses and bacteria.

  • 4-6 drops of spearmint;
  • 3-5 drops of peppermint;
  • 3-5 drops of palmarose or citronella oil;
  • optional: 1 drop of lemongrass.

4. A rich blend of essential oils that men will love

Deep and rich in different shades, this essential oil blend is best for a quiet evening by candlelight. Save your recipe:

  • 4 drops of lavender;
  • 2 drops of cedar;
  • 2 drops of orange or petitgrain;
  • 1 drop of palmarosa or ylang-ylang;
  • optional: 1 drop of vetiver.

Aromatherapy at home: essential oils to lift your mood

Are you sad, anxious, or simply bored? Use the beneficial properties of essential oils to raise your temper and get a boost of energy!

Light combinations of citrus and floral scents can help you treat depression and anxiety. To start aromatherapy at home, try mixing 3 drops of clary sage, 1 drop of lemon, and 1 drop of lavender. Alternatively: 3 drops of grapefruit oil, 1 drop of jasmine oil, and 1 drop of ylang ylang. Also, in solving emotional problems, a healing mixture will come in handy, which includes 2 drops of orange, bergamot, cypress and frankincense essential oils.

To soothe headaches, use the scents of essential oils of marjoram, thyme, peppermint, rosemary and lavender in approximately equal parts.

A mixture of 3 drops of orange and 3 drops of peppermint comes in handy when you need to quickly lift your mood and recharge your energy (for example, in the early morning). And to create a wonderful atmosphere for family or friendly gatherings, add 3 drops of bergamot essential oil, 2 drops of geranium and 3 drops of lavender to the aroma lamp.

Super Stimulating Recipe for Concentration and Energy Boost: 8 drops of grapefruit, 4 drops of lavender, 4 drops of lemon and 2 drops of basil.

We select essential oils-aphrozodiacs for romance

To create the right mood for a romantic meeting at home, you will need the following oils for an aroma lamp: sandalwood (7-10 drops), vanilla (2 drops) and ylang-ylang (1 drop). The aroma of essential oils of black pepper, grapefruit and jasmine (2 drops each) will also be quite promising for your partner.

Using essential oils to relieve stress

Most often, home aromatherapy is required when a person often has to deal with stressful situations. What is the correct way to use essential oils in this case?

A soothing blend of 4 drops of chamomile, 3 drops of lavender, 2 drops of clary sage, 2 drops of geranium and 1 drop of ylang-ylang will help you recover quickly after a hard day.

A relaxing recipe blend is also great for overcoming stress, calming the mind and emotions: 4 drops of lavender + 2 drops of cedar + 2 drops of orange + 1 drop of ylang-ylang.

You can try creating your own blend that contains your favorite scent as well as the soothing power of lavender, clary sage, vetiver, chamomile, flowers and citrus of your choice.

Combination of essential oil scents for immunity and fighting viruses

Home aromatherapy can successfully fight not only psychological problems, but also diseases of the body. So, during the flu and cold season, it is recommended to use spicy and citrus oils for the aroma lamp, such as lemon, lime, mint, rosemary and eucalyptus. Mix 1 drop of them for prevention or at the first symptoms of the disease. Another healing recipe: 4 drops of regular mint, 4 drops of peppermint, 4 drops of citronella and 1 drop of lemongrass.

A mixture of 2 drops of lemon, 2 drops of orange, 1 drop of cloves, 1 drop of eucalyptus, 1 drop of cinnamon and 1 drop of tea tree helps to defeat up to 99% of bacteria in the air. And if you want to help your body quickly overcome the infection, then prepare in advance a mixture of 20 drops of orange, 10 drops of eucalyptus, 10 drops of juniper, 10 drops of pine, 6 drops of basil, 6 drops of rosewood and 4 drops of ginger, which you will constantly add to aroma lamp.

A simple “for healthy breathing” mixture containing 2-3 drops of lavender, lemon and peppermint essential oils will help to fight germs and allergies in the spring-summer period.

Essential oils for relaxation and sleep

The use of essential oils at home does not end there. Aromatherapy can also be used for healthy sleep, relaxation, and meditation. We offer you several recipes for aroma lamp mixes that will help create a relaxing atmosphere in your apartment.

  • 4 drops of cedar wood + 3 drops of lavender;
  • 2 drops each of lavender, marjoram, orange and chamomile;
  • 3 drops each of grapefruit, bergamot and lime, 2 drops of ginger and 1 drop of sandalwood;
  • 8-10 drops of lavender + 2-3 drops of palmarose + 2-3 drops of geranium;
  • 2 drops each of bergamot, lavender, patchouli and ylang-ylang essential oils.

Finally: what essential oils are insect repellent?

How to use essential oils to flavor an apartment and at the same time repel harmful insects? Try one of these two popular repellent mixtures:

  • 1 drop each of lemongrass, tea tree, thyme, eucalyptus and rosemary;
  • 4-6 drops of mint + 3-5 drops of peppermint + 3-5 drops of citronella + 1 drop of lemongrass.

With the aroma lamp for essential oils, we can create our own scent in the house, which will positively affect the mood and life, we just need to choose a good aroma lamp and buy the right essential oils.

Have you noticed how everything changes before, especially when a Christmas tree is brought into the house? The pine scent fills everything around, and you feel its fantastic effect on yourself and your family.

The aromas contain great power, which has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person, on his respiratory organs, at the same time, it disinfects the room and purifies the air, providing a healing effect on our body. Inhaling aromas, we feel physiological balance, harmony in thoughts, we feel how everything negative experienced during the day is removed or seems completely insignificant ...

Aroma lamps

Aroma lamps are one of the simplest methods of aromatherapy, with the help of which it is possible to aromatize rooms, as well as to prevent the treatment of various diseases on a physical and emotional level. Aroma lamps appeared in human life exactly when they began to use it.

To fill the house in which you live with aroma, a little water is poured into the bowl of an aroma lamp and a few drops of essential oil or a mixture of essential oils are added. Although essential oils do not dissolve in water, when heated they evaporate and spread the scent throughout the room. If you have used essential oils more than once, then an aroma lamp is a necessary accessory in your home.

And if someone tells you that an aroma lamp is not needed, it is enough to drip essential oil on any object, for example, on curtains, upholstered furniture or other objects, do not take this advice seriously. This is not always possible, as some oils leave indelible marks on the surface. Oils are active compounds and their actions are unpredictable.

Aroma lamps can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also as candlesticks, incense holders, and, finally, the design of modern aroma lamps is such that it is very easy to choose it to decorate the interior of your home.

However, all aroma lamps have different efficiency. How to choose the highest quality and most effective aroma lamp?

How to choose the right aroma lamp for essential oils?

Aroma lamps are automatic, powered by electricity, in which heating is carried out with the help of an electric bulb, and heated by a candle, that is, with an open fire. What is the advantage of some over others? Automatic ones are easy to operate, functional, quite convenient and modern, essential oils can languish in them for a long time. However, they do not have that homeliness that charms with aroma lamps with open fire.

You will agree, of course, that heating from an open flame is your own mini-fireplace, which not only creates aromatization of the air, but also fill our room with the light of living fire, its reflections. An atmosphere of comfort and peace of the hearth is created. It is this aroma lamp with an open fire that brings psychological comfort to the house. And caring for it is also quite simple, after each use you just need to wash it with soap and water.

There are also ultrasonic aroma lamps and USB aroma lamps on sale, powered by computer power. The choice of lamps is large, and there is no doubt that you will find a lamp that will delight you for a long time.

If you have made your choice, then pay attention to the dimensions, materials and shapes of the aroma lamp, as well as the functionality and quality of work.

What is the best material for an aroma lamp?

How to choose the material of the aroma lamp? Essential oil lamps are mostly made of ceramics. However, clay vessels are different. The main requirements for the material are that it should not collapse during heating, absorb water and enter into chemical reactions with essential oils.

Glazed and unglazed fine-pored ceramics, glass, stone and porcelain can be used as materials. Metal stainless steel lamps can also be used in combination with a ceramic heating container.

There is another material from which the aroma lamp is made - this is a slip. It is based on kaolin, quartz, feldspar, water glass and a few additional components. All slip products are made by casting, which allows you to create different shapes.

Such aroma lamps are somewhat more expensive than ceramic ones, stronger, heavier, with a matte surface texture. Since casting allows you to create complex and original shapes, these lamps always have an interesting design.

They are handmade products. They are brought to us mainly from India. Of course, such a lamp is unusually beautiful, it gives sophistication and nobility to any interior. These lamps are often made of natural stone, have a carved pattern, sometimes they are covered with brass on the inside of the bowl.

These aroma lamps are durable and stable, they are heated evenly. Thanks to natural materials and handicrafts, stone aroma lamps look rich and unique.

And the most affordable price can still be a ceramic aroma lamp, and it is easier to find it in any ceramics store. Ceramic aroma lamps are easy to use, easy to care for and keep clean. After each use, it is enough to wash it with soap and water. Ceramics are fire resistant, easily retain their shape and are completely environmentally friendly.

Ceramics easily take shape, and therefore ceramic aroma lamps can be selected for any room design. All of the listed materials from which aroma lamps are made are fireproof and do not react with heated essential oils, which prevents the possibility of aroma distortion.

Aroma lamp - design

The design of the aroma lamp is an equally important parameter by which the choice of a particular lamp is made. Every woman, choosing any item for her home, takes into account the interior and color palette. Therefore, the aroma lamp should fit into your interior.

Pay attention to the color scheme, ornament, motifs or decor. It is important that the style of the interior and the lamps match. When you have to rest in the room where the lamp will work, you will appreciate all this. The lamp should not only create a high-quality aromatic atmosphere in the house, but also bring aesthetic pleasure.

Functional features

When you have decided on the choice of an aroma lamp, then the turn has come to evaluate the functional features. The essential oil lamp must have a sufficiently large evaporating container. If it is small, the water will evaporate too quickly, and the oil will burn instead of flavoring the air. The smallest container volume should not be less than 50 g.

The container should be removable, so it is easier to wash it, that is, keep it clean.

The distance from the container to the heat source should not be less than 10 centimeters so that the water warms up to a temperature of 50 ° or a little more. The water should not boil, and if this happens, boiling will lead to a change in both the aromas and the nature of the effect. Therefore, in high-quality aroma lamps, the distance from the container to the heat source is always more than 10 cm.

You can check the aroma lamp at the time of work. If this is your first time using an aroma lamp, light it using a standard dosage of essential oil and leave the room for a few minutes. When you return, you should smell the scent, but after 3 minutes you will feel a subtle scent. This means that the choice was made correctly.

An intense odor is not an indicator of good quality, nor is it not at all. Good aroma lamps create an unobtrusive, subtle scent. In large lamps, small "windows" are made so that the heat from the candle is better retained in the volume, and in small lamps, large "windows" are made so that the lamp itself and the water in it do not overheat.

With the help of an aroma lamp and essential oils, you can create in your home a delightful scent of pine needles or amazing smells of tropical flowers, the smell of linden or freshly cut grass, the smell of exotic spices or the smell of the surf.

Rules for using the aroma lamp

Before using the lamp, you need to ventilate the room, then close the windows. Pour some water into the bowl of the lamp, add a few drops of essential oil, then light a candle.

Stick to the rule - for 5m2 - 2 drops of oil in 2 tablespoons of water. Heating water with a mixture of essential oils no more than 60 ° C. Depending on the volume of the bowl, the time for the aroma to spread is from 20 minutes to 3 - 4 hours.

Check the water regularly so that the remaining oil does not boil without water, otherwise you will get a burning smell instead. If you want to continue flavoring the air, but there is no more water, add water or stop flavoring. After using the lamp, let it cool and wash with water and soap, rinse and leave to dry.

Useful Tips

1. Do not let the water boil, otherwise the beneficial properties of the oil will quickly evaporate.

2. Hold the aromatic mixture over a burning candle for 20 minutes.

3. Do not leave a burning candle under an empty bowl, otherwise it may burst from overheating or heat up to a high temperature. Colored glass bowls can fade.

4. Do not wash a hot aroma lamp under cold water, as it may burst due to temperature changes.

5. If you bought a lamp with a "live" fire, follow the safety rules that are required when handling fire, and when buying an electric one - with electricity. In any case, make sure that the lamp is stable, that flammable materials do not come into contact with it, and that children are not left unattended near the lamp.

Essential Oil Blend Recipes for Air Scenting

You are hosting guests.
Bohemian living room mix: 3 drops of ginger, 3 drops of vetiver, 2 drops of bergamot.
For a relaxed reception: 3 drops of ginger, 3 drops of bergamot, 2 drops of jasmine.
For important receptions (anniversaries, anniversaries): 3 drops of rose, 3 drops of nutmeg, 3 drops of vetiver.
For a youth company: 3 drops of rose, 3 drops of geranium, 3 drops of sage.

For good rest after hard work: 3 drops of incense, 3 drops of lemon, 2 drops of ylang-ylang.
Aromatic mixtures for the nursery.
Before going to bed after overexcitation (reception of guests, noisy games): 3 drops of valerian, 3 drops of ylang-ylang, 2 drops of sage.
Against fears at night: 5 drops of myrrh, 4 drops of petitgrain.

Not all owners of this useful and even a little magical device know how to use an aroma lamp correctly.

This leads to the fact that people cannot appreciate all its magical power.

The device and principle of operation of the aroma lamp

It is believed that this amazing object appeared 3000 years ago. Even then, essential oils and plant extracts with a pleasant aroma were added to the container with the liquid, and the candle placed under the vessel, due to the heat, contributed to the rapid spread of essential vapors in the air.

Types of non-electric aroma lamps.

Since then, the principle of operation of the aroma lamp has not changed (with some exceptions related to the development of science, we will talk about them a little later).

Only now the device has become much more convenient to use due to its ergonomic design.

What is the aroma lamp used in the modern world? The upper part of the device is a special bowl into which water is poured and essential oils are added.

The lower one is the arch (or body), where the heat source is located, thanks to which the liquid evaporates, saturating the air with pleasant aromas.

Modern aroma lamps: what are they?

Various modifications of aroma lamps are available to modern man, each of which has certain advantages.

Types of electric aroma lamps.

When choosing the appropriate option, you should focus on your own goals and preferences:

  1. Classic aroma lamp.
    In such a device, a candle is used as a heat source, which is located under a bowl of water. The product can be made of ceramic, glass, stone, metal, or a combination of these materials. Classic aroma lamps are very beautiful, they create an atmosphere of comfort and magic, and the romantic candle fire relaxes and calms. And they are quite inexpensive.
  2. Electric aroma lamps.
    These devices are heated by electricity, which provides their main advantage - fire safety. Such devices, as a rule, are also equipped with a bowl into which water is poured. But progress does not stand still, recently there have been devices that do not require liquid. The essential oils in these lamps are evaporated using ultrasound.

Why do people continue to look for ways to improve these devices, why did they not sink into oblivion, as something outdated and unnecessary?

Benefits of using aroma lamps

A lot of time has passed since the aroma lamp was invented, and during this long period mankind was able to appreciate all the advantages of a simple device.

Now no one doubts that essential oils are able to have a certain effect on the body. To tame scents and use them for the benefit of the body and soul is the main task of aroma lamps.

Happy owners of amazing devices receive many "bonuses" when using them:

  1. Room aromatization.
    Essential oils that give off wonderful odors can eliminate odors that are not particularly pleasant to the nose, for example, emanating from pets and their waste products.
  2. Improvement of the body.
    Inhalation of essential vapors is very useful in the treatment and prevention of various diseases of all organs and systems.
  3. Harmonization of the emotional state.
    Depending on the essential oil chosen, the aroma lamp can be used to relax and calm down, improve mood, increase energy and performance, create a romantic atmosphere, develop self-confidence, etc.

However, to get all these results, you need to know how to use the aroma lamp correctly.

Even those who have been using a wonderful device for a long time do not always know all the subtleties of its operation. At the same time, it is necessary to know this in order to get the maximum benefit from the process. So, we have purchased a device with a beautiful name "aroma lamp", how to use it correctly?


  1. Before lighting or turning on the aroma lamp, it is very important to ventilate the room, and during its operation, the windows must, on the contrary, be closed.
  2. Do not drip a lot of oil into the lamp, as this can adversely affect your well-being and mood. The optimal concentration is 3-5 drops for 2-3 tbsp. l. water.
  3. It is important to take your aroma oil very seriously. You need to carefully familiarize yourself with the action of this or that essential oil. In addition, we must not forget about our own feelings and the rest of the inhabitants of the apartment: if the smell is not pleasant, there will be no sense from aromatherapy, on the contrary, headaches may occur, mood deteriorates.
  4. Before using fragrances for medicinal purposes, as well as in rooms where children are staying, you should consult a doctor.
  5. If this is the first time the essential oil is being used in the aroma lamp, you should first leave the device on for about 15-20 minutes. This is necessary in order to check the reaction of your body. The time can be gradually increased up to 1 hour.
  6. You should light a candle or turn on the device to the network only after the essential oils have been added to the bowl of water.
  7. The distance between the heat source and water with oils should not be less than 10-12 cm.
  8. During the operation of the lamp, it is necessary to ensure that there is always liquid in the bowl. Usually you need to add 1 tbsp. l. water every 15-20 minutes.
  9. If a candle lamp is used, it is important not to leave the room while it is lit to prevent a fire. For the same purpose, it is not necessary to put the device on plastic and paper surfaces and leave children unattended with the lamp lit.
  10. After use, you need to rinse the lamp bowl in a soapy or vinegar solution to remove the residual essential oils.

An aroma lamp is a simple device with which you can enjoy your time in the magical atmosphere of wonderful scents with benefits for beauty, health and inner harmony.

Aroma lamps are the most accessible and popular method of aromatherapy, the simplest way to use essential oils in the entire spectrum of their properties. They fill the house with a unique atmosphere, create a magical mood, unobtrusively "saturating" the space with the most delicate and delicate aroma. At the same time, their effect is by no means limited to the aromatization of premises; they can be used to treat diseases, correct emotional and psychological states, and prevent infections.

Aroma lamps, or aroma-burners, are devices consisting of a container for evaporation (a bowl for heated water) and an arch, or a decorative body, where a candle is installed or where a heating device is located. They are usually made of ceramic.

According to the device, aroma lamps can be electric or with an open fire: they are heated by a small candle-tablet.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of an aroma lamp is very simple: water is poured into a bowl, a few drops of essential oil or a prepared mixture of aromatic oils are added to it, after which a candle is set on fire, which heats the water and allows volatile substances to evaporate into the air. In electric aroma lamps, heating occurs gradually from a special thermoblock. Thanks to gradual heating, slow and even, the air in the room is saturated with aromas.

The time of one procedure is no more than 2 hours, while it is recommended to start with procedures lasting only 20-25 minutes.

Before the procedure itself, the room must be ventilated. You can use the aroma lamp only in the absence of drafts and with closed windows and doors.

Aroma lamps are not installed on plastic surfaces, on easily flammable materials, as well as in the reach of small children.

Essential oils are selected individually, according to indications or personal preferences, if you use oils only for aromatization. Remember that the oils that work for you may not work for those close to you at all. If you plan on enjoying your treatments together, choose oils that are complementary to each member of your family.

How to use an aroma lamp

First, warm water (from two to six tablespoons) is poured into the container for evaporation, into which about 5-6 drops of essential oils are dripped for every 15 square meters of the room (maximum 15 drops, minimum 3). Better to start with lower dosages, gradually reaching the optimal concentration.

Use the recommended doses for each essential oil, in no case increasing the concentration on your own, because this can lead to depression, deterioration of well-being and the opposite to the desired effects.

Periodically, as it evaporates, water must be added. Never leave a running aroma burner unattended.

After using the aroma lamp, if you use other oils, you must wash the container with soap and then rinse in water and vinegar.

Aroma lamp as a method of aromatherapy

The aroma lamp method belongs to inhalation methods, but in contrast to hot and cold inhalations, the spectrum of its effects is much wider. The main direction of the use of aromatherapy machines is the aromatization of premises, but the goals and objectives can be completely different.

They can be conditionally divided into aromatic, intended for the aromatization of premises and creating an atmosphere with the help of smells, and medicinal, in which the use of essential oils is designed to solve preventive or therapeutic problems.

The aroma lamp method is effective in correcting the emotional background and obsessive mental states, stress and depression, fatigue, as a method of preventing dystonias, to increase tone, memory and intellectual functions, in case of respiratory infections.

Essential oils for aroma lamp

For aromatizing the air, essential oils are selected in the same way as for individual perfumes, according to their tastes and character, but there are also basic mixtures from which you can start experiments with an aroma lamp.

For children's room a mixture of equal parts tangerine oils and, for the work area and office - lemon with half of rosemary, for bedroom the combination of neroli and inspiring ylang-ylang will serve as an excellent fragrant background, and for living room you can mix active and socializing oils of lemon and lemongrass.

  • To prevent disease, mix together oils and, which will also prevent the spread of viruses and infections if a family member is sick. For the same purpose, you can easily use a less aggressive mixture of essential oils from, and