Budget wedding do it yourself. How to play inexpensively and beautiful wedding - ready-made solutions. Cheap Wedding: Ideas for the Best

The wedding is the most unforgettable moment in the life of every person. Some get married several times, and someone only once and for life. In any case, the wedding must be beautiful, cheerful, unforgettable and memorable.

However, not all future newlyweds can afford to make a good wedding. After all, to organize a solemn event with minimal costs is not easy. Do not despair. There is nothing impossible in the world! The main thing is to fully plan and take into account even the most minor costs.

This article will let that how to make a wedding cheap and beautiful.

Determine the wedding concept.

Now the largest popularity is acquired by the marriage ceremonies organized in a certain wedding style. Traditional brides redemptions have already moved into the past.

Celebrations with a creative, original and bright concept. For example, in the style of Oscar, in the style of Chicago or in the marine style.

You can also not arrange a solemn holiday in the restaurant, and, on the beach, in the country or on the ship. The main essence is that all the details, from wedding invitations to the menu, are made on the basis of the overall idea.

It is important to prevent all guests about your creative plans so that they can work well for the event - come up with thematic costumes and acquire original gifts. It would be not superfluous in invitation cards describe the concept of your wedding.

How to make a wedding cheaper with a wedding idea:

It's strangely, but it is precisely with the help of an unusual wedding idea that you can organize a celebration with minimal costs, because a cheap (but very dear) bride's wedding dress and an inexpensive banquet will be justified and ideally woven in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe whole wedding.

We plan a wedding budget

This is the most important stage in the organization of a wedding celebration. If you want your wedding is non-piece and, at the same time, economical, you need to work in detail the event plan and make a list of costs. It is necessary to take into account even minor costs. So, you do not back out the budget.

How to reduce wedding budget?

As mentioned above, it is important to comply with the cost plan. There is one useful nuance: there must be a stock of 20% of the aggregate amount. In the case of recalculation (most often it happens), it is this additional amount that will help to control the costs. You will know that you can not go to the barrier more than these 20%. Such a trick will help to avoid unsystematic spending, debts from friends and loans in the bank.

Choosing a wedding organizer.

Often the future newlyweds are the question: to entrust the organization of the wedding a professional or to take everything into your hands. Choose a good wedding organizer is not a problem now. It is much more difficult to find a specialist who would ask for services for organizing a wedding inexpensive. On the other hand, all wedding hassles can be solved individually or entrust this work to the most responsible relative or friend.

But! The wedding is the most memorable day in the life of future spouses and it is important that he is not tense and tedious. Therefore, never adhere to the whole wedding organization. Tell it with your girlfriend or a friend who already have experience, how to make a wedding interesting and original.

If you do not have active friends with the abilities of the organizer, then contact a professional who has already "ate dog" at such events. Many organizers are able to make even a small wedding for 20-25 people special and uncomfortable, while on a budget basis.

How to save on the organizer of the wedding?

The option is more compromised - not to hire the organizer and provide the "Brazds of the Board" with the wedding ceremony of the trusted person without spending money. If you planned in the budget, the cost of the cost of organizing a wedding, then better contact a professional wedding celebration organizer on the recommendation, but not to the firm (the cost of their services is sometimes excavated).

Choose a restaurant

Most often, the wedding is made either in the beloved restaurant, or in the fact that friends and acquaintances recommended. Select the restaurant is important, on the basis of its kitchen. If you taste their everyday menu, then you will like the banquet.

If you decide to celebrate the celebration in a previously unfamiliar restaurant, then you need to pre-visit him several times to make sure their dishes.

The most correct solution is to choose your favorite restaurant. But if you have no such, it is best to elect a newly opened new restaurant. After all, workers' restaurants "on the first pairs" try to earn a good reputation.

How to spend a cheap wedding in the restaurant?

Since the wedding banquet "eats" the greatest part of the budget, then the health savings are important here above all. So if you have little money:

  1. it should accurately calculate the number of invited, make sure that everyone will come, discuss with a restaurant pre-possibility of an additional order several servings of the main dishes (hot);
  2. we recommend snacks and salads to order: 1 portion for 2-3 people. They must have different composition and calorie (for example, fish, vegetable, meat snacks or salads). A key role is played by a variety, due to which guests will be fed. It is not necessary to draw up dishes, but in large containers from the calculation of several dishes or salad bowls per zone;
  3. Make an order only in that restaurant, where it is allowed to bring your products, such as meat, fish, vegetables, cheese for cutting. In the institution itself, order only hot dishes and salads. Alcoholic beverages and juices can also be bought at wholesale price and bring in advance in advance. All of the above products make up a meaningful part of the budget of the wedding table.
  4. It is better to purchase separately in cooking (in your checked). The cake, cooked in the restaurant, as a rule, is at times exceeding at cost.
  5. specify that the residues of food after the feast (and the food often remains a lot, the cake is not an exception) and the non-high (and this is a rarity) will be packed in a disposable dishes and transferred to you. This food will come in handy for the second day of the wedding, if you planned it.

Invitation cards for a wedding can be ordered in any printing company or in the wedding salon, and can be done on your own.

How to make invitations to the wedding cheaper?

How much can you spend money for invitations? In general, from 0 to infinity. But our goal is to hold a beautiful wedding, but with a small budget. Therefore, spending a lot of money for invitations is inappropriate. Accordingly, the manufacturer's option is not suitable for us.

It is better to create invitations with your own hands. You can draw them in a special program (Corel or Photoshop) and print on a color printer on dense colored paper. If you do not own these programs, then you will certainly find a friend or girlfriend with such skills that will help you with joy.

On printed invitations, you can glue a beautiful damp or ribbon, textile applications (hearts, amours with arrows, etc.).

Bridal wedding dress.

Each girl since childhood dreams of a beautiful wedding. And a significant part of this big dream occupies, of course, a wedding dress.

Dress you need to choose in advance. Pre-decide on the style, long and color.

If your wedding is withstanding in a certain style, respectively, and the dress C should fit into the overall concept of the celebration. After all, the bride dress at the wedding is the "Nail of the program".

The price of a wedding dress. Currently, wedding salons offer many options for grooms absolutely to any budget. But if this is not enough for you, then in foreign online stores there will be a dress of your dreams.

If you decide to choose a dress in the cabin, do not rush to buy it right away. Ask you for photographing you in different angles, and take a timeout (in the cabin dress will definitely postponed for a while).

At home in a relaxed atmosphere, consider yourself in a wedding dress and, if you see yourself in it, the princess is made correctly.

Remember also that in addition to beauty, the convenience of dresses has great importance. After all, you need to dance in it, walk a lot, eat. It must be comfortable and not shy movements.

How to save on choosing a dress?

How to make a wedding economical? Of course buy a wedding dress inexpensive. You can buy on the sale, you can buy in the online store, you can rent, you can sew on the individual sewing from the seamstress or in the studio. Options Mass and always the dress will be great, and you will be able to avoid price chests. A significant proportion of expenses on the bride's dress make up decorations.

If you do not have money for diamonds and a veil with handmade lace - do not despair! High-quality jewelry looks great and beautifully sparkles, it can be purchased on the Internet for a little money or take a girlfriend. And the boutonniere can be made with their own hands. Now in fashion naturalness and uncomplicated forms.

Makeup artist and hairdresser.

It has long been not in fashion hairstyles a la "Eiffel Tower" and the mountains of cosmetics on the face. A nonsense stylish and light makeup, which highlights the beauty of the bride, without making it from her Barbie doll - the trend of many seasons. Find the wizards with advanced looks. If you chose a specific hairstyle and makeup for yourself - show their photos to the hairdresser and Vizazhist. Specialists will have time to think about how best to reproduce and practice a little.

How to save on the services of makeup artist and hairdresser?

If you are interested in the question of how to make makeup and hairstyle at a wedding cheaper, and even at all for free, then the exit in this situation is only one - will give up and combat yourself.

If you do not know how to properly apply makeup, it is preferably a few months before the wedding ceremony to start learning video lessons on applying and laying hair. On the Internet, there are many such lessons such lessons, for example, on the YouTube.com service you can find a lot of interesting things. We are a request in the search bar "How to apply makeup", "how to do" or "how to make a wedding hairstyle." There will be many options for video lessons and from professionals, and from ordinary girls.

Buy high-quality waterproof cosmetics, which will endure heat, cold, tears of happiness, caustic lipstick aunt and grandmother.

You have every chance to hone your skirmism on hairdressers and visa, these skills will be very useful to you in the future, and good cosmetics will not be superfluous in cosmetic.

Decoration of the banquet hall and car.

If you want to decorate a wedding in a special style, then a large number of florists and designers in your city will help you. In this case, of course, everything rests on the wedding budget.

How to save on the decoration of the wedding?

Machines and hall for celebration can be decorated and independently. This is another way to make a wedding at a minimum. . In this case, you must actively connect friends. You can inflate balls in advance, sew flowers from organza, created with your own hands.

As for the decoration of the hall, it is possible to take advantage of the wedding decorations that have a restaurant. Surely they have any interesting wedding accessories. But the design of the banquet hall must be previously coordinated with the employees of the restaurant so that it does not work out that this service is included in the banquet value.

And about the pigeons will have to forget. In the sky you can release balloons with the wishes of many years of happy marital life newlyweds.

Wedding entertainment. Redemption of the bride.

By tradition, redemption is one of the most fun entertainment at the wedding. How brightly and entertainment will be the redemption of the bride, it radically depends on the guests of the holiday. Scenarios, of course, a billion, but the redemption organizer should also show artistry and resourcefulness.

If you are adherents of classic wedding rituals, if the groom is ready to pass many obstacles to get the bride, if the guests are supported by active participation, then the redemption will be interesting and will pass on the "Hur"!

How to save on the buyback of the bride?

Create a simple but entertaining scenario of ransom, which does not provide a bloated budget. The bride can be redeeming non-cash bills, but by sweets, balls, small souvenirs, and other trifles.

How else to make a wedding inexpensivedue to redemption? Smaller hot drinks. As a rule, a lot of alcohol drinks under the total fun.

Think over everything in advance. For example, in the summer, you can cook a low-alcoholic refreshing cocktail and put it in a beautifully decorated chrome or glass chhed. And if the wedding is planned in winter, then guests will be delighted with warm mulled wine.

Tamada is the leading wedding.

Good Tamada is a pledge of a merry wedding celebration, so you need to pick up the lead carefully and on the recommendation. If you decide to choose Tamada on the basis of someone else's opinion, then you need to see for a person about your age with similar interests and looks for life, since the taste of a person who is much older can vary significantly with yours.

With Tamada, it is important to discuss everything before the details. The classic "set" of entertainment, competitions and jokes can not drastically fit into the wedding concept or your ideas about fun.

How to spend a wedding cheaper by choosing Tamada?

The most common way of savings is to find a good leading with democratic rates. Do not order the most famous intricacies in your city. If the status is not so important for you, then overpay for the standard "set" of the clause there is no point.

Most believe that an interesting wedding can be held without a specialist. But this is a mistake. Relying on the fact that guests will merry guests - this is a fairly risky way. After all, everyone wants to relax and relax, and entertain guests are a difficult job that requires skills and experience.

Artists at the wedding.

Currently, every city offers their services a lot of artists who serve both weddings and other events. Usually, hiring a leading holiday, listen to his advice on the artists with whom it often works. They have a cohesive team and the less risk of the emergence of the "hits".

How to make a wedding cheaper choosing artists?

Examine the holiday script and reduce the number of outputs of artists. You can choose one basic performance, which will be in time the longest and slightly short additional outputs. Not all guests like live music. Many prefer energetic modern melodies that not all artists can execute. Therefore, it is advisable to make the "Solonka team". As a result, you will significantly save and consider the interests of all guests.

Music for wedding celebration.

Often, the leaders have their usual set of music for a wedding celebration, read it in advance, because the likelihood is that you do not like it. All newlyweds have "their" melodies associated with romantic memories. And in general, each person has its own musical addictions.

Discuss musical compositions in advance and prepare your cutting music for DJ. In order not to happen the incident during the musical pause at the wedding, see if you are well "read" from a digital media. All your musical tracks (compositions).

Video, photo shot of a wedding.

Surely, Tamada, the wedding organizer or your friends and acquaintances will advise you a video of the operator and the photographer. Delive to the selection very responsibly. Check in advance the site and portfolio of recommended professionals. It should be remembered that the portfolio usually contains the best photo sessions. Make sure that the photographer or video operator is close to you in spirit, listening to your wishes and has a lot of experience of such work.

Many employees of this sphere have many templates for wedding theme. And if you are satisfied with such a standard, then choose a specialist you will be easy. But if you want something special, for example, creative, then such a specialist will need to search. The arrangement of the video material is also important. Perhaps video with musical accompaniment Alla Pugacheva will not like it.

How to save and make the wedding of your dreams with the help of photo and video?

Perhaps the video and photo shooting should not save. After all, this is the memory of one of the best days in your life. And if you charge this is your acquaintance, then you will rather get the most ordinary photos and video materials.


Now in any city you can hire almost any type of transport from the middle car of the representative class to a luxury limousine. It is better to look at the state of your chosen car before the wedding. Punctuality, tactfulness and politeness are the basic requirements for the driver of a wedding car.

How to save on a wedding coverage?

You can hire a beautiful passenger car of the representative class for the newlyweds, and the guests of the holiday will be placed in a comfortable bus. They will get acquainted with each other and together will come together champagne for the happiness of the bride and groom. Thickets of guests will focus in one place.

The most budget option is a wedding consignment consisting of friends. But in this case, your friends who will perform the function of drivers will not be able to fully relax. Also there will be a confusion with seating for cars and searching for their things.

About the decoration of cars for the wedding read with the article ". The ideas of the design of a wedding cortex.

I sincerely hope that the article " How to make a wedding Cheap and beautiful "was useful to you. Remember! Wedding is a great mood. Usually the whole wedding bustle is forgotten with time, and good and funny memories remain for life. Long and happy life with your loved one.

So you want a wedding, but do not want to spend huge money on it. But you want everything to be beautiful and modern. Excellent))) Your desires are executable - contrary to common belief, a good wedding can cost inexpensively. Only first get acquainted with the best friends of all economical couples. These are eight principles that help to make a budget wedding not a cheap battlefield, but a worthy holiday.

1. Creative

Your friend number one. And I say not only and not so much about the creative in the design of the celebration. First of all, you need to expand the framework of your own ideas about the wedding and understand that this is not a set of "mandatory elements". Any part of the wedding can be modified, or even replace something else. Instead of the crowd of guests - only you two. Instead of a six-hour banquet - a buffet. Instead of vulgar Tamada - Quest. Instead of renting a cafe - open-air picnic. Fantasize, invent, think wider: let an unusual approach to the celebration, to the scenario of the holiday. And it's not only in originality, but in the fact that you can save just a bunch of money!

2. Time

As you know, time is money. Money saved by you. Want a wedding beautiful and inexpensive? Take the preparation of the minimum six months. First, you will need a lot of time in search of good and at the same time not for expensive contractors. They are, but at wedding portals and in the search for the first lines are not worth it. To find them, you will have to get a good acquaintance and rummage on the Internet. Secondly, most contractors have pleasant discounts for early booking (from six months to the intended date). It is especially profitable to bet for the next year (for example, in November-December of the current year) - then a seasonal increase in prices, and it is 10-20%, you will not affect. Thirdly, time is needed on careful planning and thinking of a wedding concept - in your case it is especially important.

3. Season

So many times told the world: you want to save - do not arrange the wedding in the summer, but arrange. Autumn and spring are also options. The less you want to hold a celebration at this particular month, the longer the contractors, the lower the price, the more all kinds of discounts and special offers. And the standard nonsense "horror stories" like "winter is very cold", "in the fall of rain", the "spring slush" - problems, to put it mildly, fetched. In the summer, you will not save you too, none of the sudden thunderstorms, nor from the heat +40 - if, of course, you will not think about it in advance. Just as the difficulties of all other seasons and how to get around them.

4. Communications

The saying "I do not have a hundred rubles, and I have a hundred friends" remains relevant. Girlfriends, who recently married, familiar in social networks, finally, parents probably have a lot of valuable dating for you. "By friendship" you can get a good discount on any service, find cool and not yet promoted (read - inexpensive) specialists. Most fabulous nonsense stories that the wedding was a brilliant photographer / decorator / anyone for funny money - it was from there, from useful dating. Feel free to ask, look for general friends - this is the right way to save, without losing anything in quality.

5. Prioritization

Since you decide to save - you need to determine what. Otherwise, the head will go round from a huge number of wedding offers and opportunities, and half of the budget will be spent on completely unnecessary things. Make a list of what the wedding is really important for you and what does not matter at all. Let it be abstract categories: imagine in your head the ideal picture of the wedding, feel it atmosphere, and then describe.

For example:

Nice pictures
Beautiful we are with a fiance
To have fun
So that there is something crazy)))

Never mind:

When you choose wedding services and things, to make a plan of the day, check with a list of priorities. Nice pictures? So, do not do without a good photographer, thoughtful places for a photo shoot. Want to be beautiful yourself? Then you have a good stylist in priority, and not the nearest hairdresser. Are guests important? Wedding for two is excluded. Fun? So, a well-thought-out wedding program and / or worthy leading. The same applies to the list of "unnecessaries". Indicacy traditions? No need to spend money on caravas, garters, glasses and locks. Catania do not have a priority? So, rent premium-karas with limousines to you for anything. Consider the registry office with a Soviet remnant? Exit ceremony for you. It, by the way, can be made by an element of "something crazy": for example, spend on the roof or in any other unexpected place.
All that is not included in the lists falls into the middle category: maybe or maybe not be. The budget must be distributed primarily in favor of the Wike List, and everything else is on the residual principle. For example, the decor is not included in the list of priorities - it means that you can limit the minimum: compositions on the tables + simple arches for field registration. But the sweet table is, though beautiful, but the obvious luxury that you do not need. This is a colossal plus a list of priorities: it will be much more difficult to "deliver" all the goods and services. And do it will be at every step, believe me. However, avoid the temptation to save items on the priorities for you! In everything, as for the first list, the head of the corner should be quality, and only then money.

6. Thoughtful guest list

Wedding for 50 or more people - not exactly your case. For for a large-scale celebration, large-scale finances are needed. Golden rule economical wedding: the fewer guests, the better. Think about, or just for the next relatives. Such a celebration is no worse than the usual giant parties. And in many ways and better: you will be sure that there are those people who share your joy from all the hearts next to you, they will be sincerely happy for you. Come to the compilation of the list of guests thoughtfully: Let it be only really close relatives and friends with whom you regularly communicate, and not just friends, colleagues and former classmates that you see once a year. Throw away in the direction of reflections on the topic "Well, they called me to the wedding, uncomfortable", "suddenly offended", etc. Wedding - exclusively your personal business, you can not attract anyone at all. And if you decide to divide your holiday with someone - let it be not random people.

7. Skillful handles

Handmade is another one of your friends. A beautiful wedding should be beautifully decorated, but the trouble: good decor is expensive. (Balls, fabric windings and other collective farms We do not take into account - all this has nothing to do with a stylish wedding). But a lot for the wedding can be: accessories (from rings for rings until gifts guests), ranners and napkins on tables, vases for central compositions, even an arc for the exit ceremony! And it will cost his work several times cheaper than hiring a professional decorator. Consumables will cost inexpensively, and creativity can be made joint: attract girlfriends, parents and groom. And if you also find a florist, which will issue floral compositions on a banquet, get a chic decor for small money.

8. Careful planning

The basis of any perfect wedding. Carefully plan the costs, time to prepare, the day of the Celebration - then the wedding will cost you not as expensive as the brides who are preparing "NamAm" (and spend a bunch of extra money for their own mistakes). And how to plan a wedding competently and right - I tell in the book "Wedding step by step", you can only read)))

No wonder in Russia so popular saying "With Milic Paradise and Chaolache". Not all the brides dream of a dress from Faith Wong, a three-story cake and a lush banquet in a restaurant. For some, this turmoil and long-term preparation seems unnecessary and unnecessary to such a beautiful day. There is another reason - money. Wishing to take large wedding loans is becoming less and less. People think in advance the purchase of their housing, the birth of a child or a trip to the wedding trip, and for this should be saved on a banquet.

Budget Wedding: Ideas

After making the decision to save, people think that the only possible solution is to sign and report it to friends. But you can come up with a lot of interesting options, inexpensive, but original.

Budget wedding options depend on your preferences. If you want to be only together, but the savings are understandable, there are no guests, everything is modest, but romantic. But if you want to have close friends at this moment, you will have to think about the organization of the holiday.

  • Go to the club. For lovers to have fun this option will be optimal. Signed, picked up, went to the club or bar with friends. Most likely you have to pay snacks and drinks, but it will cost much cheaper than a traditional banquet. In clubs more dancing than they eat.
  • Go to the pool or sauna. Favorite place of many couples to meet friends. Calm relaxing atmosphere, you can talk, swim, shake and eat. All this will cost inexpensively, and there will be fun. If your city has an aquapark, fun can be moved there.
  • Go to the movies. Of course, if there are other people in the hall, you will disturb them, but for sure they will enter your position. Instead of invitations, send your friends movie tickets to the movie you like. At the appointed time, everyone will meet in the cinema hall. Such a cluster of friends leads to the commenting of each scene of the film, but in this and the essence of the holiday. It will be fun.
  • A completely budget option - the wedding online. Well suited for friends who are in different cities, but want to congratulate the young. You can arrange a conference in Skype, exchange toasts, congratulations and ball champagne with champagne through the monitor. Cheaper option and come up impossible.

  • Another budget option is to go with friends to a fast food restaurant. There are such everywhere. There is tasty, satisfying and inexpensive. For a friendly company, it will be a great option. You can even book a separate room, it will still get cheaper. If the company has a sense of humor, you can beat such a wedding. For example, appoint a merry Tamada himself, instead of punitive, solemnly break the Bigmak.
  • Go hiking. Lovers of outdoor activities will appreciate this wedding. But it is important that all friends are aimed to go hiking. You can contact immediately in suitable clothes, designating the bride only, and the bride and the bride butter, and then boldly go to the mountains, forests or other places where it would be nice to relax.

How best to celebrate the wedding: saving options

At any wedding there are such moments that require the greatest costs. It is on them and it is worth trying to save.

  • Number of guests. Even if you decide to invite only close friends, think about the list. Pick up the company so that everyone is understood, why instead of a banquet you have a trip to the movies. It is not recommended to invite someone from politeness. So you can spoil the mood of yourself and the guest, which will not understand what is happening and where the traditional banquet. It is better to explain that the wedding is modest and only the closest are invited. Be sure to ask each guest to give an accurate answer if they will be a wedding.
  • Invitations. In order not to spend money on expensive envelopes and postcards, print them on the photo paper and color printer. On the Internet you can find a lot of interesting ideas or come up with a design yourself.

  • Photos. Hiring a professional photographer is very expensive. If you have a novice photographer with a good camera in a circle of your friends, you can ask him to make you such a wedding gift. Or you can hire an unfamiliar novice photographer, they take cheaper professional.
  • Lead and DJ. If you are confident that without a toamada, you can save, if you find a lead that can sing and pick up the phonograms yourself. You can also hire a DJ, and the role of the Tamada to give the merry guest.
  • Discounts. Feel free to use discounts. Sometimes discounts are provided to those products and services that are intended for the wedding, and sometimes the opposite. For example, if you rent a hall or sauna, better silent about the reason for the celebration, otherwise you can overestimate the price.
  • Friendship. They should never be neglected. You can ask friends to find among your familiar budget photographers, toasta, administrator in a cafe or restaurant.
  • Choose for a wedding warm season. In the summer, it is much easier to come up with holiday options, choose clothes and make a photo session.

Budget wedding do it yourself

You can always find things that you are able to make your own hands, and save on it. Let it turn out not so gorgeous, but from the soul and original. On the Internet you can find a master class for the manufacture of various crafts.

You can make your own decorations for the hall. Something incredible may not work out, but beautiful garlands, balls and posters will quite decorate the event.

We will have to purchase some materials: glue, fabric, thread, paper, cardboard. But it will not require serious costs. In skillful hands, even a piece of fabric can turn into a beautiful and original floral garland. If you can't do something worthwhile, ask friends. Collectively will work better, someone will surely be able to comprehend the Secrets of Handmade. In the same way, you can prepare scenery for a photo session: cardboard letters, hearts, masks.

Invitation cards are obtained very beautiful, if you make them in the form of letters of thick paper, and the envelopes are decorated with lace and satin ribbon. Very cheap, and guests will appreciate your originality.

Even if there is no color printer, it does not matter. Print the text invitations on your computer, decoring it with an angel or doves figurine, and then sprinkle the text with sparkles. In combination with a beautiful home-made envelope, such an invitation will look very exquisite.

Decorations for the car are more complicated, but it is quite possible. To do this, you can buy inexpensive artificial flowers, transparent fabric, tapes, and then the flight of fantasy will tell you how to attach it all. If nothing really happens, buy small artificial roses and attach a scotch all over the surface of the car. Modestly, but the attention of passersby will immediately attract.

You can make yourself decoration for glasses, bottles, for hairstyles of the bride, jewelry, rings pad, everything that you have enough courage and time.

How to organize a budget wedding in the summer

Cheap wedding in summer is simpler simple. On the street, warm, clothes do not need a lot, you can arrange a picnic or a photo session in nature.

Budget wedding in nature - a favorite option for those who want to save newlyweds. It is romantic, it is interesting and for rent a hall you do not need to pay. It is not necessary to even pay and convince the registry office to make an exit ceremony. Speak when you please, and your beautiful ceremony with arch and oaths will hold your friends or lead.

Holidays in nature with a lot of guests will be very troublesome and completely expensive. Therefore, choose only close people who will be happy with the soul will delight for you, and will also help in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Be sure to warn guests that the wedding will be in the fresh air so that they can get dressed. The scope of the event depends on you and your relationships with guests. You can arrange a real Russian holiday with kebabs, salads and bathing in the river or an exquisite buffet on a blooming glade.

Whatever you decide to save, never save on umbrellas from the sun, sunscreen, cream or candles from insects, chairs and paper towels. All this is just necessary for a good rest.

Be sure to make sure that the selected location you can fry kebabs and drink alcoholic drinks so that no troubles can spoil your party.

Of course, you will need transport that will take you, guests, food and the necessary attributes to the restroom. It is advisable to hire a car and agree when you arrive at you to dilute home. Now many have their own cars, but guests will surely want to drink for the health of the young. If the cars are personal, make sure that the guests who sit behind the wheel do not drink. Assign sobriety duty.

Prepare in advance food and drinks. You can ask for friends. One is appointed responsible for meat, another - for drinks, the third - for desserts, etc. Be sure to consider where you will run in case of unforeseen weather conditions. Take a canopy or tents.

Cream cakes and strong alcohol in the heat in nature can cause poisoning. It is better to take light cocktails, champagne and ice cream in portable refrigerators.

If you are planning a toasta and contests with dancing, make sure that all attributes and musical accompanies may be appropriate in a picnic.

For Extreme Lovers, you can arrange overnight stay in the fresh air and not even one day. In this case, you can take a tent with you or remove the houses on an inexpensive turbase.

Cheap Wedding: Ideas for the Best

Save on dresses and hairstyle girls are not accustomed. However, given the cost of even the most just wedding dress and slippers, it makes sense to search more budget options. Everything will depend on the style of the wedding and the wishes of the bride. Someone is ready to go to the altar in simple sundress, and someone will sew himself, if only a dress like a princess.

  • If you are wondering how to make a wedding cheap and beautiful, learn different courses on Handmade. Now every detail of the bride's dress is very expensive, but the thing made with your own hands will look original and will help to significantly save money.

  • You can save perfectly if the bride is not afraid to buy a dress with hands or rent it. Not all girls go to it because of various superstitions.
  • If you really want a dress just such a model and no other, and in the salons such a dress is incredibly expensive, turn to the seam. If the seamstress is familiar, she will also make you a discount. Sometimes it turns out cheaper. The experienced seamstress will tell you what to buy fabric to get beautiful and not too expensive.
  • Dresses "nonsense" species, for example, cocktail or just straight, can then be worn on other celebrations.
  • Choose dresses without a large amount of embroidery, beads and rhises, they are usually cheaper. Or you can buy the simplest white dress, and decorate it yourself, reproving the same beads or satin ribbons and lace.

  • Be very careful, ordering dresses over the Internet. Even if your size, the dress may not sit on the figure. It often happens that in the photos after processing photoshop, the dress looks quite different, and in the mail you get far from that dress.
  • If you take someone's wedding dress scary, you can take. For example, ask for a girlfriend, who recently married, hairpin, gloves, handbag, jewelry. These are trifles, but a considerable price will request them in the salons.

Budget Wedding Winter

In winter, you do not walk in nature. But you can arrange a collective campet cam or snowboarding. It is fun and original. Of course, if the weather allows. Calling guests in -41 degrees at least brutally.

An excellent example of how to spend the wedding cheap in winter is. Call a couple of close guests, cover a small table and sit together. You can call a large number of guests, you can only arrange dancing if you have your own home, otherwise the neighbors will be very unhappy.

If you have conceived to spend your wedding day only together, it will be very nice and romantic in winter to leave from snow-covered Russia into hot countries and spend unforgettable warmth. This is not the most budget option, but it will cost no more than a banquet for 100 people.

For the sake of saving, you can arrange a wedding right in the new year and connect two celebrations. Friends will gather, congratulate each other and young. For a warm cozy evening, mulled wine can be welded. The best place for such a holiday will be your home.

Winter is not popular with newlyweds, so there will be no queue in the registry office, and a large amount of brides will not merge into one spot. If you decide to rent a cafe, this will also be cheaper in winter.

You can combine rest in nature and cafes. For example, first go to the rink, and then everyone together go to the nearest cafe to warm and celebrate. You can go ride skiing, just play snowballs or blind a snowbabo, but the main condition of such fun - you must have a place in stock where everyone goes to warm.

Budget menu on the wedding

Guest treats are the most spent moment for newlyweds. It is on it that needs to save, but so that guests are not perturbed with a small number of food. A light buffet is unlikely to find approval, for the Russian wedding, it is unusual to get up from the table with a feeling of easy hunger.

The first rule of economy is if you are satisfied with the wedding in a restaurant or cafe, check the number of guests and make sure that everything will come not to overpay for an empty place.

If the wedding in the summer, you can safely use gardens and gardens: berries for dessert, vegetables, fruits, greens. You should not save on the number of food, let it even be a little more than you expected, suddenly the guests will come in appetite, but it is quite possible to abandon expensive products like red caviar, trout, rabbit and other sings. You can prepare very tasty snacks from ordinary chicken breast or eggplant.

Divide the duties with cooks. Let them prepare hot, so that it was served with the heat heat, and make several salads themselves and cold snacks. Savings will be tangible. If products are not so much, but I want the table to look richer, serve immediately and salads, and hot. Guests will choose where to start.

Not necessarily to order a multi-tiered road cake. If guests are a bit, buy or prepare the usual cakes or cupcakes themselves. Most often by the time it's time to drink tea, guests are already fed.

You do not need to be shy to put my cooking pickles on the table. Practice shows that it takes great success at weddings.

Choose salads of 3-5 ingredients. It can be loved by all inexpensive Olivier. To make it more interesting, add green peas and smoked chicken. You can choose salads with mushrooms, cheese, fresh vegetables, as well as fruit salad for dessert.

On the second, the meat with a garnish is suitable. For example, beef chops with baked potatoes or fish with rice. Optional to buy trout, Hue is also very gentle and not too bone.

Budget wedding. Many newlyweds are dreaming about this, because a large number of guests, the costs of different necessary little things inflate the cost of this solemn event before indecent. Therefore, some choose a wedding abroad to save on invited guests, others break the head How to make this event is cheaper at home or outside the city, that is, how to make a wedding inexpensively and original.

How to play a wedding inexpensively and beautiful?

It is believed to organize a beautiful wedding need to have an unlimited budget. But often getting on an expensive and pathetic wedding event, we notice that it is boring and unemployed. In order to figure out how to hold a wedding inexpensively and unusual, you need to make a plan of the event, and then think about how to make it rapid items:

  1. Restaurant Replace the country house and catering.
  2. Come up with a style and according to him to pick up suits of the bride and groom.
  3. Think how to decorate the furniture and the arch for the ceremony according to the selected style.
  4. How to do it yourself.
  5. Develop a celebration scenario without a tomada.
  6. Reduce the number of invited.

Wedding in the country

This is another option from the discharge - how to play a wedding cheap?. Such an event opens up many opportunities for creativity. If you do not have a beautiful gazebo, but there is a picturesque lawn, the event can be spent in a special tent. Such a wedding opens up a lot of advantages:

  • beautiful landscapes for the photo;
  • no need to sit at the table all the time;
  • the ability to implement any scenario;
  • implementation of the thematic event;
  • no time limit;
  • lack of outsiders;
  • ability to launch fireworks, laser and fiery show.

  • tables;
  • beautifully decorated chairs;
  • festive tablecloths;
  • cutting devices;
  • expensive and beautiful dishes;
  • luxury tablecloths;
  • tents that are tested from the rain and the sun;
  • brightly decorated arches for the exit ceremony.

Homemade Wedding

Such an event is not only a way to hold a budget wedding, but also the opportunity to celebrate a solemn event cozy and in family. So that everything is at the height will have to soak, spend time and strength to prepare dishes, preparation of space. But this event will not be so expensive as in the restaurant. Wedding at home has a lot of advantages:

  • no rental costs;
  • there is no limit amount of expenses per person;
  • no time limit;
  • cozy family atmosphere;
  • amenities for older relatives.

Before agreeing with such a format, it is worth thinking about the disadvantages:

  • little dancing space;
  • independent cleaning, design, cooking and maintenance;
  • there is no opportunity to order live music;
  • boring event without a tomada;
  • limited guest number.

Wedding together

Such a holiday is:

  • lack of guests;
  • lack of spending on invitation;
  • without spending rental hall and auto;
  • without hassle how to sit and entertain friends and relatives;
  • no need to think how to spend;
  • without spending forces and nerves on a bustle.

Wedding for two is time spent only with its a half house, at the hotel, on an exotic resort or an old castle, enjoy your feelings. And it does not mean at all that such a budget wedding will cause to abandon the beautiful dress and services of the photographer. It is so accepted that the newlyweds come to the registry office, and then immediately leaving the journey. And you can call guests and relatives after.

Wedding trip

Budget wedding can be celebrated abroad. Because feeding a large number of guests in the restaurant, to arrange a bachelorette party and a bachelor party, rent cars, will be more expensive than paying the organization of events with several close people in another country. The organization of an inexpensive wedding abroad is associated with some difficulties, so it is better to entrust the travel agency that will take:

  • registration of visas;
  • rental hotels;
  • celebration.

Such an event has a lot of advantages:

  • a small number of invited;
  • unforgettable and vivid impressions;
  • discounts from hotels in connection with the celebration;
  • no need to organize.

Many newlyweds before preparing for the celebration are asked: what can be saved at the wedding? In order for a budget cheerful wedding, it is worth making a list of expenses by category and carefully think about how to do "low blood."

1. Number of guests. The costs of the event directly depend on the number of invited, so everyone can say that:

  • you celebrate the wedding only with relatives, because physically it is not possible to collect everyone;
  • the wedding is paid by parents, so they constitute a list of invited;
  • with friends you will enjoy the boy and the bachelorette party.

2. Car rental. Now many friends and relatives, neighbors have expensive, beautiful cars, and even better if this is a minibus. So if you ask them about such a favor, invite to the event and pay a small amount, then no one will refuse.

3. Wedding rings. This item of expenses also suggests high costs. Often, the costs of wedding rings can be from several thousand to dozens and reach a quarter of all extensive expenses for this festive event. But even if you think well, as a budget to play a wedding, then you can save here:

  • buy silver instead of gold;
  • buy with discounts on the action;
  • order Production of any gold, which is stored in the family;
  • buy thin and smooth they cost cheaper;
  • at the exhibition to buy directly from the manufacturer.

How to dress for a wedding inexpensive?

The clothes of the groom and the bride are also a costly expense. But here you can save significantly. If you think how to organize a budget wedding, we are confident that the best solution to the issue for newlyweds is to take a dress and costume for rent. I think that you spend one day in a crinoline dress, with the ability to never wear it anymore, not a few thousand, and maybe dozens.

Verification can be replaced:

  • a wreath of artificial or natural colors;
  • beautiful decoration;
  • original hat;
  • lace cape.

Budget decoration of the wedding

It is not completely difficult to arrange a hall for a solemn event. If you do not own the art of the stylist, then on the Internet on request "how to celebrate the wedding inexpensive" there is a lot of master classes and rollers about yourself, the more you will be happy to help friends or relatives. Here are some tips:

purchase of individual colors will be cheaper than compositions;

for registration, chiffon scarves from second-hand are perfectly suitable;

Wedding buffet

If you dream about how to celebrate your wedding inexpensively and unusual, this is a great option for you-organizing a buffet is the most economical option of the wedding feast have such advantages:

  • saving staff, as guests serve themselves;
  • beautiful serving;
  • lack of service expectation;
  • guests will eat less because it is difficult to impose a lot of food on a plate when everyone is looking at you.

Do you need a wedding photographer?

If you are thinking about how to celebrate the wedding cheaply, then the photographer should be invited only on painting and for a walk. On the banquet there will be a lot of your friends who will remove all the important points on the cameras of expensive phones. And if there is a lot of guests, they will not blame anything of what you would like to capture.

How to do at the wedding without a tomada?

You are planning a solemn event and think about how to celebrate the wedding budget, it is better to abandon the services of Tamada. You can organize everything yourself - a fun and nothing. In order for the event to be a banal drunken, it is necessary to prepare well for it - to look at the online videos with games, find books on this topic. Here are excellent entertainment options for the event without Tamada:

  • karaoke;
  • interesting contests;
  • irish dance lessons;
  • fireworks;
  • interview on the topic: "The most fun memories of the bride and groom" with the presentation of gifts;
  • lottery for guests;
  • live music.

The main thing is that the event without Tamada manage must be appointed from among the guests. He will be responsible for the mood at the event, will be responsible for contests and will emphasize the main event of the wedding - a meeting of the young in the restaurant, the first dance, presenting gifts. If this is not done, then leading will have to become newlyweds.

If you lack money to make your dream wedding, do not be discouraged. In order to solve the question of how to make an inexpensive, but a beautiful wedding - no need for a lot of money. It is necessary to make a plan of the event and throw out what you can save, add fancy and. Then your budget wedding will be cheerful and unforgettable.

The phrase "budget wedding" brings to you longing and thoughts about a boring dull festival? Believe me, with the right approach, the Creative Tolly and Reasonable Fantasy, the small budget will not be aware for the organization of the Merry Holiday. After all, the main thing is not the luxury of the wedding dresses and the bohemian decoration of the banquet hall, but the love that has connected your hearts.

However, it is worth thinking about what amount is small for you. And which sense you invest in the word "budget". For someone, the budget wedding is a modest holiday in bathing suits and fate on the Greek Islands, and for others - a celebration without expensive attributes in the form of a limousine or a banquet hall for 200 people in a superdorn hotel.

Rate the size of the budget that you are willing to spend on a wedding, multiply it one and a half times and you will receive a real cost digit. Now let's talk about how to spend an inexpensive wedding in my native settlement.

Where to begin?

And start standing in advance! The more time you have to prepare, the more you can save!

First of all, make up plan of the event, list of guests and list of absolutely all items, on which expenses are coming. Turn on the last list everything: from the cocktail tubes to the last invisibility for hairstyles of the bride.

Plan of the event

Traditionally, the wedding is invited to the Tamada or a musical team that do not give guests to get bored. But the services of wedding organizers and the entertainment program will fly to you in a penny. How to do without unnecessary costs? In the event plan, enter:

  • a long walk around the city on cars or on foot;
  • certainly the registration itself in the registry office;
  • banquet (even if it is a simple tea party, it will take time).

How to entertain guests? Collect your bachelorette party before the wedding and think about funny contests with girlfriends, pick up music, and at the same time you cook wedding interior decorations (letters, garlands, balls, etc.). With the right approach and purchase of props and materials on an inexpensive market, you will be quite able to meet 1000 rubles.

Do not go hopes that all invited will give you a new car or a solid amount of money. This is not true. And you will have to feed and entertain each guest. Therefore, to reduce spending a little, determine the list of the most "honorable" guests - close relatives and the best friends. It is unlikely that your sister's son-in-law of the grandmother deserves invitations to the wedding, especially if you have seen her once in life.

Shopping list

This list is easiest to be the exception method. Make a few subtitles: bride, groom, banquet, entertainment, stuff. And under each of these subtitles, make a list of all sorts of purchases - from large, sort of rings, outfits and shoes, to the smallest - napkins, design, invitations, etc. Opposite each litch, write the real cost.

Now consider the total amount and begin to cross all the unnecessary - the services of the photographer (from 10 thousand rubles), a vintage dress for 100 thousand rubles, the design of the wedding table with live flowers (from 10 thousand rubles), rental carriage / limousine - minimum 4 thousand rubles per hour , a multi-tiered cake with a mastic - at least 5 thousand rubles, rent a banquet hall and a receptionist directly - 30-50 thousand rubles, pigeons and butterflies, fireworks, etc.

Think, without which you can do. And the saved money will still have time to come in handy in your sweet marital life.

Where to spend a budget wedding?

Having drawn out the dear restaurant out of the wretched list, can't come up with a good place to hold a wedding? There are always some decent options.

How to save on the outfits?

If your choice fell on a classic wedding dress, then go shopping "Second-Hand". Sometimes they come across chic outfits at ridiculous prices. If desired, the dress can be additionally decorated with lace or beads, turning it into the outfit for the princess.

Another option that is not all like everyone is a rental dress. The service costs 1000 rubles per day.

Another option is an independent manufacture of a perfect dress or tailoring it to a familiar seamstress. But you will have to pick up suitable fabric and accessories for a long time, pushing out of their cost.

The unconventional option is to replace the lush white dress and a strict suit for the groom on simple t-shirts with thematic prints and jeans. Unusually, original, ignorly.

How to save on shoes for the bride? Go to the store and buy yourself a couple of cheap white ballet. Then go beyond ribbons, beads and rhinestones. Alone, decorate your ballet shoes, turning them lightly into the princess shoes.

Make-up and hairdresser services

Services of professionals cannot be budget. In order to save, a couple of months before the wedding, start the course of rehabilitation procedures for hair and skin. And already in a month, start picking a hairstyle, rehearsing it in front of the mirror. You can create many beautiful styling and simple weaving.

The most magnificent roses and tender lilies fade in your bouquet a lot in a week, and there will be no little bouquet. Our task is to save. Alternative to alternative colors - artificial flowers from fabric, bouquet of dried flowers, beads, rhinestones, silk ribbons, feathers, buttons, candies and other materials. Believe me if the work is neat, your bouquet will envy any bride.

The most fiscal option - to bake a cake and a cupcake on your own, and guests are asked to bring snacks or salads with them. In this case, the costs will be minimal, and everyone who bring their dish will be able to boast a culinary talent and gladly praise.

If you decide to prepare a banquet table on your own, try to purchase the main part of the products in supermarkets, paying attention to the "color" price tags with discounts. Either make a trip to the wholesale product base, where products are inexpensive.

If you followed the Council and prepared with girlish girlfriends and posters, then the problem with the design of the hall has already been solved. It remains only to decorate the table. It is now very fashionable to hold a wedding in the style of "Vintage" and "Bocho", which implies the presence of decorations from inexpensive burlap, lightweight tissue fabrics with floral prints and cute glass jars, decorated with construction twine, silk ribbons and trees branches.

You can save on floral design by contacting the flower boutique for rose petals (50 rubles per package of petals) or having agreed with the old women - gardeners about buying a large number of bouquets at modest prices. And you can always use flowers in pots that stand on your windowsill.

Of the simplest materials you can always create a masterpiece. And the size of the budget is absolutely not important, the main thing is the atmosphere of friendliness and romance.