What is the difference between biowave perm hair. Useful bio treatments for hair

Many girls who dream of luxurious voluminous curls are faced with the problem of choosing one or another type of perm. Many people ask themselves: hair biowave or carving - which is better? To answer it, you need to know what each of these procedures is and how they differ.

Biowave - advantages and disadvantages

To understand which is better - carving or biowave hair, you need to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each procedure. is a gentle method of creating curls that is harmless to the hair. For such a perm, preparations are used that do not contain hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and other potent chemical components that destroy the hair structure. The procedure itself consists of several stages:

  • The hair is divided into sections.
  • Separating the strands from the first section, they are wound onto bobbins.
  • When the hair is twisted, a preparation is applied to them to fix the new shape.
  • The composition is washed off and a neutralizer is applied.
  • After 5-10 minutes, the neutralizer is washed off and conditioner is applied.

Among the main advantages of this procedure, it is necessary to highlight:

  • the ability to create curls of different sizes and shapes;
  • suitable for weakened and colored strands;
  • makes hair obedient;
  • helps to strengthen and restore damaged areas in the hair structure;
  • suitable for any type of hair;
  • provides a long-term effect up to six months.

At the heart of the drugs used for biowave, a component called cysteamine.

This substance is similar to hair protein, which is present in human hair. Due to the presence of this component and various plant extracts, it is possible to restore lost health and beauty to the strands. As a result, after curling, the hair becomes strong and healthy, acquire an attractive shine. Depending on the composition used, with the help of biowave it is possible to create curls of different fixation. This method of creating curls is suitable for strands of any length.

It is impossible not to mention the disadvantages that are inherent in such a procedure. It is almost impossible to create curls of strong fixation using the compositions used for biowave. The procedure itself is quite expensive, especially for long strands.

Carving - advantages and disadvantages

Unlike a procedure such as biowave hair, carving is a complex process of creating curls. Carving can only be done in the salon under the supervision of an experienced craftsman. This method of forming curls involves the use of gentle preparations that do not damage the hair structure. The result is elastic soft curls. Hair becomes silky, hairstyle acquires additional volume.

Among the main advantages of this long-term styling, it is worth highlighting:

  • Suitable for hair of any length. You can wind the strands partially (for example, only the tips or only the bangs).
  • Suitable for owners of thin sparse hair.
  • Makes the hair lush and voluminous.
  • Does not require complicated hair care afterwards.
  • The curls straighten out gradually, so the hairstyle looks neat and well-groomed until the curls are completely straightened.

Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting the impossibility of doing such a procedure if the hair is dyed. In addition, the complexity of the process itself requires certain knowledge and skills in order to perform high-quality carving.

For these methods of creating curls, various compositions are used. However, their principle of operation is similar. Between procedures such as hair biowave and carving, the difference also lies in the fact that with the help of carving it is possible to add volume and splendor to the hairstyle. Biowave allows you to create beautiful neat curls. After such a procedure, the volume appears, but it is not too pronounced. Therefore, if you want to give your hair extra volume, choose carving. As a result, the hairstyle will become lush by creating a refracted wave on the strands. If you want to have well-defined, neat curls, biowave is more suitable for you.

Biowave can be performed on dyed curls.

On sale there are drugs that are designed specifically for curling colored strands. Carving should not be done on dyed or highlighted hair.

The biowave procedure itself takes less time than carving. Having chosen the second method of creating curls, get ready to spend at least 2 hours in the salon. For carving, special curlers are used, which are also called carvers. For biowave, you can use ordinary bobbins or curlers of various diameters.

It is believed that carving provides a longer effect. However, in reality, durability depends on the selected composition and structure of the hair. The longest curls after carving and biowave are kept on thick strong hair.

It is worth noting that these two procedures have much more similarities than differences. Make a choice depending on what result you want to achieve.


Having learned about the difference between carving and biowave, you should also learn about contraindications to their implementation. Both carving and biowave are not recommended while taking hormonal drugs or other potent drugs (antibiotics). Also, carving and biowave are contraindicated in case of hormonal imbalance. Any of these procedures should not be performed during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Before starting, it is necessary to do an allergy test.

There are a huge number of options for styling and hairstyles. But among them, it is especially worth highlighting the perm, which can make every lady more touching and charming.

Naturally, not many people are given naturally curled hair, and making curls on straight strands is not so easy - you have to use various devices that have a bad effect on the health of the hairstyle.

You can curl your hair in a variety of safe ways.

The progress of hairdressing has a positive effect on the methods of creating hairstyles. Namely, it is necessary to note such methods as biowave and carving, which allow you to make large styling, but completely harmless.

Naturally, not all ladies know how the 1st and 2nd methods differ, what features they have. If you are not convinced that biowave or carving is more suitable for you, carefully study our article. It provides a detailed description of each method.

Carving (carling) hair is:

  • soft curl;
  • sparing preparations are used for it;
  • after the procedure, the hair structure is not damaged.

After carving, curls are obtained:

  • unusual;
  • soft;
  • romantic.

In the photo - curls acquired using carving

Direct your attention. This method of creating hairstyles is recommended for those whose hair is characterized by fineness, and the hairstyle is a rarity. Since after the procedure, the styling comes out large and lush.

Advantages and disadvantages

Naturally, like any other method, carving has its own certain advantages and disadvantages. They are shown in the table below.

trait Description
Advantages Styling is also perfect for those ladies whose hair is quite oily. In the process of creating a curl, the scalp and hair will dry out.

The second advantage is the ease of hair care. You need to apply special products with your own hands, which the master will recommend.

And the third advantage is the ability to make this type of perm on hair of any length:

  • longish;
  • medium;
  • not long;
  • and even just for bangs.
Shortcomings The only significant drawback of this method is the inability to do hair styling:
  • highlighted;
  • painted.

Well, and of course, the fact that carving is almost impossible to do with your own hands. You will have to seek help from a professional master, and the cost of his services can be quite high.

All about biowave

Naturally, so that you can understand the main differences between biowave and carving, we will carefully describe the first of them.

Biowave - another safe way to create curls

Namely, this method also involves the introduction of sparing components, which do not include:

  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

With all this, the hair curling procedure involves three steps of applying special products:

  1. The 1st layer of consistency is applied to the strands heaped on curlers.
  2. After a certain time - the 2nd layer, but of a different composition.
  3. And the final step involves the introduction of special fixing components, which also ensure the restoration of the acid-base balance.

In the process of biowave.

Direct your attention. A more detailed annotation is given in articles on a specific topic on our portal. It is catchy that biowave can be done with your own hands.


This procedure has a huge number of advantages. And this is in addition to the fact that only soft ingredients and components are used for it.

For biowave, you can use any type of curlers

So, we are talking about the fact that you can use curlers:

  • any form;
  • any cross section.

But the components themselves and the consistency used in this case are chosen depending on what type of hair your hair is:

  • ordinary;
  • weak (painted, highlighted);
  • naughty.

In other words, practically the owners of any type of hairstyle are able to make a perm for themselves.

And in the composition of the preparations that ensure the creation of curls, there is a special component - cysteamine hydrochloride. It is an analogue of the natural protein found in the hair. As a result of the introduction of the components for the biozap, the strands become exactly the same as nature made them.

The perm looks the same on any hairstyle of any length.


The shortcomings of this method are more conditional than real. Among the negative features of this procedure, it is worth highlighting:

  • complexity in the development of tight curls;
  • highest cost the procedure itself.

But in any case, this method is much more harmless and more effective than ordinary "chemistry".

What are the similarities and differences

And in this section, we will talk more carefully about how carving differs from biowave. We are convinced that this annotation will help you make the final choice in favor of one or another procedure.

The differences between the 2 methods are not that big.

In general, as you have been able to conclude, both methods are somewhat similar and harmless. The differences are:

  • the substances used;
  • technologies for applying drugs to the hair.

But if you dream of a more magnificent, big hairstyle, then in this case it is recommended to still choose carving.

But biowave allows you to do:

  • soft curls;
  • and the styling itself is classic or vertical.

Both for the first and for the 2nd procedure, the components for curling are selected based on:

  • structures;
  • length;
  • the thickness of your hair.

Direct your attention. It happens that the hair may need additional treatment. In such cases, a special composition is used, characterized by the deepest penetration into the hair structure and restoring them.

Both methods of obtaining curled strands have similar contraindications, among which:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • allergy;
  • stress (both acute and acquired);
  • taking medications or hormonal drugs.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is better to refrain from these procedures.

In other words, in general, the procedures are actually one hundred percent identical together. The differences are not so huge, and therefore you can safely choose any of the methods.

To the end

We told you what hair biowave and carving are.

Now you can, without the help of others, choose for yourself the type of perm that seems to you more harmless and suitable. The video in this article will provide useful additional information on the topic, and if you still have questions, feel free to ask them in the comments below the material.

For a long time, perm was at the peak of popularity and many women got acquainted with this procedure personally. Charming curls cost fashionistas the health of their hair, which lost its shine, its original structure and became like a shabby washcloth. Modern cosmetology offers more gentle procedures that will help preserve the beauty and health of hair. What is the difference between perm and biowave further in the article.

Features of curls


  1. The hair is well combed and washed.
  2. They put on gloves.
  3. Treat the skin with Vaseline along the hairline, close the neck, décolleté.
  4. They spin on bobbins.
  5. Apply composition.
  6. They put on a special hat.
  7. Wait for the required time specified in the instructions.
  8. Wash hair well.
  9. Apply a neutralizer and blot with a towel.

In terms of complexity, these two procedures are similar, the only thing in the chemical procedure is to pay special attention to open areas of the body that the solution can get into, it is desirable to protect them.

Advantages of biowave:

  • color retention;
  • health effect;
  • beautiful curls;
  • ease of installation;
  • volume;
  • the absence of a noticeable border between curls and regrown hair;
  • minimum contraindications.

Cons of biowave:

  • specific smell;
  • special care;
  • high price.

Biowave is alive, so the procedure can be called completely gentle.

Care after the procedure

To reduce the negative effects of perm, you need to:

  • after washing off the solution, apply a restoring balm;
  • use special medications that are not washed off;
  • purchase products marked "for hair after a perm";
  • do not use a hair dryer;
  • cut the tips monthly;
  • comb with a comb with rare teeth.

After biowaving, the following rules should be observed:

  • two days after the procedure, you should not wash your hair and comb;
  • for care, it is advisable to choose specialized products;
  • curls must be intensively moisturized;
  • staining can only be done some time after the procedure.

Any perm requires special care for the hair. After the procedure, it is worth choosing special care products. When perming - it should be moisturizing, restoring shampoos, masks and conditioners. When biowave is a special impregnation, balms.

Useful videos

What is biowave?

How is perm hair done.

The desire to turn straight hair into luxurious curls encourages girls to do a long-term perm. Indeed, in this case, curls delight the eye not for 1-2 days, but for several weeks or even months. If you are going to resort to a salon procedure, albeit at home, opponents of traditional chemistry are at a loss before choosing what to prefer: carving or biowave. Doubts are logical and justified, since both methods are known for their gentle effect on the hair. Learn about their features and differences between each other in this article.

Description and differences between both procedures

The differences between carving and biowave are as follows:

  1. Result. Long-term chemical styling allows you to get less elastic curls than biochemistry.
  2. The duration of the effect. Biological perm lasts an average of six months, carving - about 2 months.
  3. Indications for use. Biowave is suitable for all hair, including damaged, dyed, weakened, because even in this case, the nutritional components have a good effect on the surface of the hair shafts. For carving, any of these states of hair is a contraindication for execution.
  4. Price. Expensive formulations for biochemistry significantly increase the cost of the procedure compared to light chemistry.

Another common property of both types of curls is that the curls gradually straighten out, so the transition between them and regrown roots is not very noticeable.

What are the procedures for? Differences in effect

Both carving and biochemistry allow you to get a lush, voluminous hair with beautiful, obedient curls. But if you are counting on elastic curls, give preference to a biological wave.

For her, different types of curlers are used. Having chosen the appropriate type and diameter of products, you can become the owner of voluminous curls or spiral curls.

Be guided in this matter not only by your own preferences, but also by the shape of the face. This biowave differs from carving. Indeed, as a result of light chemistry, the hair will turn into soft, romantic waves. This is facilitated by special curlers carvers.

Important! It is unlikely that it will be possible to make tight curls with the help of carving, since a gentle chem. the composition is not designed for an aggressive effect on the structure of the strands. Long-term chemical styling is chosen by girls who are more interested in the volume of their hair, rather than well-modeled curls.

The duration of the effect is due to many factors:

  • hair length;
  • their structure;
  • composition quality;
  • the correctness of the procedure;
  • competent care;
  • health status of the owner of curls.

However, even without these components, biowave is considered more durable. It can last from 3-4 to 6 months. Carving in its original form is stored for 1-2 months. Of course, in both cases, the hair does not become straight in one day. Traces of chemical exposure are noticeable longer (the strands continue to curl at the ends or remain slightly lush), but the hairstyle already needs correction.

Carving is often done only at the tips or at the roots. Local treatment with a light composition allows you to create the effect of naturally curly hair or add volume.

The cost of carving and biowave

The price depends on the length and thickness of the hair, the qualifications of the master, the composition used. The highest quality solutions are more expensive. Choosing light chemicals in the cabin, you can meet the amount of about 2000 rubles. For biowave, this is usually the minimum, because its maximum cost reaches 8–12 thousand rubles.

When carrying out any of the procedures at home, you will need a special composition and a curl fixer. In the case of biochemistry, the necessary drugs will cost 1,500–3,000 rubles. Solutions for long-term chemical styling will cost about 1000-1500 rubles.

Difficulty doing at home

There is an opinion that light chemistry is not available for home use and is performed only in a salon. There are no such categorical judgments about the biological perm of hair. It is believed that it can be done independently.

If we discard prejudices and think logically, then both procedures are almost identical in terms of the step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. Testing the scalp and strands for sensitivity to the drug.
  2. Washing hair.
  3. Winding strands on curlers.
  4. Processing them with the composition and wrapping for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Checking the readiness of curls.
  6. Rinse off with warm water.
  7. Fixative hair treatment. For biowave, this stage is divided into 2 parts. One half of the drug is applied to the curls, from which the curlers are not removed, the second - to the untwisted curls. In the case of light chemistry, such a complex approach is not required: it is enough to immediately apply the entire fixer to the curls.
  8. Rinse with vinegar water.
  9. Applying a balm or conditioner.
  10. Curly hair styling.
  • do not wash your hair for the first 3-4 days;
  • comb your head with a comb with rare teeth;
  • if you use a hair dryer, dry your hair with a diffuser;
  • buy special preparations for curly strands. This applies not only to shampoos or masks, but also to styling preparations: mousses, gels, foams;
  • go to bed only after carefully drying the curls;
  • protect your hair from ultraviolet radiation;
  • less often use hairpins, rubber bands.

Carving and biochemistry are good ways to make your dream of curly hair come true with minimal damage to your hair.

It cannot be said that the procedures are identical to each other, since there are still differences between them. Often it is this difference that can affect the choice of curling method. Decide what you like best, but remember: it is undesirable to do any of these chemical styling more than 2 times a year.

Useful videos

What is biowave?

Biowave, carving or long-term styling.

Still, we are strange creatures of a woman, we always want what nature has not given us. We smooth out curls, curl perfectly straight hair into lovely curls, blondes dye their hair darker, brunettes, on the contrary, do highlights, redheads hate their natural golden hue.

But charming curls are suitable for almost everyone - they make a woman's facial features softer, giving them femininity. And for those who want to always have a beautiful hairstyle with curly hair, there is a wonderful way out - perm, which can completely change the image of a woman and hide some of the flaws in the shape of the face.

Chemistry is an auxiliary way for hair styling. She prepares her hair for curling. Recommended for those who use curlers or curling irons every day. In addition, thanks to chemistry, the problem associated with oily hair is eliminated.

Perm hair was very popular in the 70-80s of the twentieth century. However, by the end of it, this method of curling began to rapidly lose its popularity, and not so much because of fashion trends, but because of the fact that women understood: for hair, such a procedure is simply a disaster, and if you use it often enough, then your hair weaken, dry out, break and fall out.

Perm damages the hair, if only because it changes its structure, and this procedure will never become completely safe. Due to the violation of molecular bonds, chemically curled hair becomes as if porous: despite the fact that after fixing the curl, new molecular bonds arise and the hair freezes in a new position, it is no longer the same, but becomes, as it were, glued together from pieces. Even if the hair looks shiny (which means only that the scales that protect its shaft are smoothed and in place), due to the effect of chemicals on its structure, it becomes fragile and vulnerable. And, of course, the more aggressive means were used for perm and the less attention was paid to the process of restoring "bridges" in the hair keratin, the more damage will be done to the hair, and, accordingly, it will look worse. Strands curled with outdated "nuclear" preparations often look lifeless, tangled, sloppy.

Technologies are developing, and in the 21st century, ladies can turn their attention to numerous types of gentle perms, preparations for which are being developed by the world's leading cosmetic companies. For example, cysteine ​​hair curling is extremely popular now. When used, the hair-related amino acid component cysteine ​​gently and precisely destroys the sulfur bridges responsible for the structure of the hair, and helps them to "grow together" properly, taking on a new shape. Cysteine ​​perm is also called "bio-perm" and it has been known in Asian countries for many decades, but it has reached the European part of the world relatively recently.

For the first time, biowave appeared in 1999, and interest in it immediately began to grow. The principle of operation of such a perm differs from the chemical one in that its main component, cystine, does not destroy the hair structure, but, on the contrary, strengthens it.

Cystine is a biological protein that has a similar structure to the human hair protein. As a result of the biowaving procedure, the hair is filled with protein, its structure improves, and it looks better. Biowave can be applied to any hair - dyed or damaged, but the best result is still obtained on natural hair.

What is the difference between biowave and perm hair

What are the main differences between biowave and perm, which was even called "classic"? In addition to the fact that the biowave contains cystine, it does not contain such aggressive components as ammonia and thioglycolic acid. It is these substances that cause the hair to change its structure in the process of perm, simultaneously having a destructive effect on them.

The process of biowave is similar in structure to perm, but their action is fundamentally different. The biowave process is based on the action of cysteamine hydrochloride, an organic protein. This natural protein not only does not destroy the structure of the hair, but also helps them.

Therefore, you can safely curl your hair and not be afraid of withering and destructive effects. After the biowaving procedure, you should not wash your hair and use a hair dryer for at least two days, otherwise the effect will not have time to gain a foothold, and its premature destruction will begin.

Today, brands that specialize in the production of curling products offer us the latest developments that allow us to make the curling process itself more delicate and of high quality.

The modern "barber" has a whole arsenal of miracle tools at his disposal, with the help of which a professional master will turn your absolutely straight hair into charming curls and curls.

If you decide to perm your hair, you must remember that it is better to entrust such a responsible procedure to a specialist in the salon, and not to the neighbor Lenka from the 10th apartment, who at her leisure trades in building nails and cutting her household members.

In modern salons, the choice of hair curling products is so great that it will not be difficult for a professional hairdresser to choose a product that suits your hair type.

Currently, there are many products specifically designed for their use on different types of hair, as well as products specifically designed for highlighted, bleached or dyed hair. These funds can

detect keratin and silk proteins. These perm products will not only not harm your hair, but, on the contrary, will make it shiny and naturally soft.

It should be remembered that before you go to the salon with the intention of creating captivating curls, it would not be out of place to look at the "calendar", because the result of a perm, as well as hair coloring, can be negatively affected by critical days, taking antibiotics and just a bad mood .