Than harmful tan for pregnant women. What is dangerous sunlight on the sun for pregnant? What unexpected surprises can give a tan of a pregnant woman

During the waiting period, the baby every woman wants to feel desirable and beautiful and without doubt, pregnancy is not a reason to stop watching himself, but on the contrary, you can fully focus on the state of your future crumbs and your own well-being.

With the onset of summer, I want to pamper yourself with a tan. But it is not worth a hurry - let's understand the benefits and the dangers of such a classes and learn the rules of the tanning for a woman in a position. After all, the question is whether to sunbathe or not, worries many future parents.

Use of Zagar.

Many without praise hurry to answer negatively to the question whether to sunbathe to the future mothers. First of all, it should be remembered that pregnancy is not a disease, and under normal, its moderate stay in the sun can bring considerable benefit to the future mommy and her baby. The sun rays activate the process of producing vitamin D3, which serves as the main stimulant in the process of assimilation in the calcium body. Even with regular reception of calcium preparations, the practice shows that many women for the period of having a child dump and fall out their hair, the nails are laying and the teeth are spoiled, which eloquently testifies to the lack of calcium in the body and vitamin D3. When producing this vitamin in a synthetic form, when taking multivitamin complexes, its insufficient absorption occurs. Therefore, there is simply necessary for future moms in the sun. Given that the skeleton of the baby is formed in the early stages of pregnancy, and the bookmark of future teeth of the child also occurs at the stage of intrauterine development, then throughout the entire period of baking baby, a woman should be in the fresh air and receive healing sunny baths.

But still, in everything you need a measure and in the tanning question also.

Possible dangers of tan

It is necessary to take into account that the body of the woman in this difficult period is susceptible to an increased load.

In particular, the skin of a woman requires a more scrupulous and careful relationship. It is not uncommon that the occurrence of pigment spots on the face, back, hands and zone decollete. To protect yourself from an excessive intensive impact of ultraviolet rays, you should refuse to visit a solarium and sunburn during the daytime.

Also overheating the maternal body negatively affects the health of the emerging fetus: the rise of the temperature of the internal organs of a woman is transmitted and the baby. The fruit in the maternal womb is not able to regulate the temperature of its own body, as sweat glands are not functioned and does not function, unlike an adult. The planned result of overheating, there may be failed in the work of the nervous system of the baby and the brain.

Another property of ultraviolet rays is the activation of the natural processes of the organism (metabolism, respiration, blood circulation, heartbeat, etc.). When problems in these processes are already observed in the body of the future mother, then a long stay in the sun, and even more so in the solarium may worsen the situation.

According to scientific research, there is a direct link between the occurrence of skin cancer, melanoma, etc. and tan. Therefore, excessive intensity of the tan is extremely dangerous. In addition, the long-term footling in the Sun contributes to a rich sweating, which can lead to dehydration of the body if the water balance is not timely restored.

As can be seen, there are a lot of reasons in order not to take "sunbathing" under the right sun, but also a complete rejection of solar baths, it is capable of harming both a future mother and a developing fruit. Answer a question is whether to sunbathe pregnant is not so simple, but, according to doctors, it is still not prohibited, but only in the shade and in harmony with certain rules that will be discussed further.

Rules of Zagara

The difference between the tanning of ordinary women and women in an interesting position, of course, is: for future moms, the recommended tanning rules are mandatory.

  • Tanning is allowed in the morning clock to 10 hours and closer to the evening after 17-18 hours. At another time, the strong activity of ultraviolet rays was noted, which turns the usual tan into a dangerous occupation for future mothers.
  • Being in the sun, wear a wide-grade hat, protecting his face from direct rays. After all, during the period of waiting for the baby, the appearance of pigment spots on the face is not uncommon, and the tan only aggravates this process.
  • In the summer, be sure to consult your lead physician regarding the issue of fluid consumption. You need to drink a lot, especially if you often visit the sun and sweat a lot.

Common sense and care for the future kid will help you, right, answer the question that delivered in the article, because you know your health and reaction to hot weather.

Danger of thermal strike

The heat shot can happen with a long stay in the open sun or with the overall overheating of the body. If we are talking about a pregnant woman, the risk from the heat strike is increasing. An increase in body temperature leads to overheating of a tiny fetal organism that can not regulate the temperature. If such overheating will last long enough, then the risk of irreversible damage to the infant brain increases.

Truck: fashionable or not?

If a healthy thought is about when it is better to sunbathe women "in position", it comes to many future mommies, then on the theme of the danger of creams for the auto market, many simply do not think and use them without restrictions. This carelessness may have undesirable consequences. The fact is that the effect formed when applied to the body of the auto market is based on the action of dihydroxyacetone, penetrating through the skin into the blood. For this substance, the placent barrier is not a barrier, and it easily seeps into the blood circuit system of the fetus.

The final data on the impact of this fund is not known, studies at the implementation stage, but many doctors do not approve such an impact on the growing organism. And you will have time to fade and after the birth of a healthy karapus. Take care of yourself!

With the arrival of warm days it turns out the time of resorts and sanatoriums. Many women in the position very much want to adopt and gain pleasant impressions that will soon be very missing. In this case, there are superstitions that suggest a large amount of word forms "can not" for pregnant women. But many of them are absolutely not confirmed by experts, but are only guesses and false ideas. For example, every second woman who expects a baby, hears about various prohibitions from others, so it is wondering whether to sunbathe in the early pregnancy. Some listens to the general opinion and during this period completely exclude the option to soak under the sunlight, others completely ignore the fact of the ban and are happy to go on a summer vacation.

Useful properties of the sun

  • Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, such a necessary vitamin D is formed. It contributes to the growth of the hair, improves the structure of bones and nails, and all this is due to the fact that calcium and phosphorus are poorly absorbed in the body without this vitamin.
  • The sun rays also help blood formation and skin renewal. At the same time, melanin, which is produced in tanned skin, prevents the penetration of harmful infrared rays with radiation properties. And due to the fact that in the summer period, few people manage to completely avoid exposure to the sun, the tan becomes a certain way to protect the skin.
  • There is also evidence that the sun rays help get rid of some skin diseases such as psoriasis or acne. The hormonal background of pregnant women during all 9 months suffers changes, which often leads to rashes. At the same time, treatment with potent conventional drugs at this time is prohibited, so the sun's rays are one of the best methods of preventing and reducing the number of pimples on the body. It is also believed that high-quality bread kvass helps from acne, which during pregnancy can be used, but in moderation.
  • During pregnancy, many women also suffer from the expansion of the veins. Sunbaths have such an indispensable property as the strengthening of the vascular grid in the early stages of the disease.
  • The tan is also useful during the expectation of the child according to the cause of him to raise immunity. And this will lead to a sharp reduction of possible respiratory diseases, such as ORVI and ARS, which is pretty necessary for a woman at normal time, and during pregnancy, especially.

Why pregnant women can not sunbathe?

In addition to the large number of useful properties, there is also a number of contraindications under direct sunlight. Pregnant Pregnant to avoid visiting beaches and solariums in cases:

  • hypertensive and ischemic heart disease;
  • diabetes;
  • mastopathy;
  • acute skin diseases;
  • disorders in the work of the thyroid gland;
  • blood diseases.

The rest of the women in the position of taking sunbathing is quite permitted, but only you need to be careful. You can also sunbathe in the early periods of pregnancy, if there is no threat of miscarriage and the cases listed above. In the first days of stay on vacation, it is desirable to prepare an organism: it is desirable not to go out often in the sun, but to be in the shade, but not more than 10-15 minutes. Using after about three days, you can go under direct rays for 5-7 minutes, gradually increasing the time for 5min to 1 hour. At the same time, it is necessary to take a break every 10 minutes and go into the shadow. The head must be protected by a hat or another headdress. It is also not recommended to sunbathe immediately after swimming, but after taking sunbathing it is desirable to refresh yourself.

In fact, doctors are confident that in the early days it is desirable not to keep a strict lifestyle, because soon a woman will face an increase in weight, possible complications - for example, pinching of a sedlication nerve, varicose veins and many others. Then it will not be up to the tan, so you need to enjoy pleasant moments as stronger as possible.

Pregnancy is a great time, many women flourish during this period and, of course, they want to look well-groomed. Futive mothers who are accustomed to always have a smooth tan, it is difficult to abandon him, especially in the warm season. But it is not easy to achieve ideal results without visiting the tanning studio, so a natural question arises: is it possible to combine pregnancy and solarium?

This topic causes many disputes and disagreements. Supporters of artificial tanning claims argue that the procedure only benefits, and its opponents categorically do not approve the effects of ultraviolet on the skin of a pregnant woman. Who is right?

First, it is worth mentioning about the positive effect of solarium on health. Yes, indeed, the benefit from the procedure is, it is as follows:

  1. A visit to the solarium activates metabolic processes in the female body. First of all, it concerns the work of the endocrine system.
  2. Ultraviolet contributes to the production of vitamin D. It is necessary for the normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body of a pregnant woman. These trace elements are important to maintain the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, which, when entering the child, there is a significant load.
  3. Solar rays, even artificial origin, improve the work of the immune system and increase the resistance to infectious diseases.
  4. If you suffer from acne rash, psoriasis or eczema, visiting solarium during pregnancy you can add rashes and thereby accelerate the cleansing of the skin.
  5. Tan in the solarium, while complying with the recommended time staying in it, does not cause burns of sebum, as it sometimes occurs during the natural effects of sunlight. The procedure can serve as good body preparation for the swimming season.

Moreover, visit the solarium during pregnancy in winter, even more useful than in the summer. So it is in the cold season that a woman is experiencing a shortage of sunlight. But not in all cases, the solarium is useful, an artificial tan has contraindications that need to be considered.

Can a solarium harm the health of the future mother and baby?

To understand whether it is pregnant in a solarium and what is the reverse side of this procedure, consider what the tan is. Changing the skin color under the influence of sun rays is a protective reaction of the body.

Since during pregnancy there is a change in the hormonal background that affects the production of melanin (pigment responsible for skin color), additional stimulation of its ultraviolet production is undesirable. If the future mother will often visit the solarium, there is a risk of appearing not only for a flat tanning, but also a large number of pigmented spots.

This is the first and most likely side effect of the procedure. He does not threaten health, but can create an unpleasant cosmetic defect.

Influence of solarium in the early and later timing

A woman tend to learn about their position only a few weeks after conception. Therefore, for some time, she continues to lead the former lifestyle, including attending a tanning studio if the procedure was previously ordinary.

Do you need to worry about those who walked into the solarium in the early periods of pregnancy? Even if you are actively sunbathe, not knowing that you are waiting for a child, with well-being, it is not a reason for anxiety.

On the development of a healthy pregnancy, the visitor of the solarium will not affect any way, but in the threat of miscarriage, the procedure can be dangerous. Therefore, women who have not yet had time to be examined and are not confident in the normal attachment of the fetus, as well as the absence of diseases in which the tan is contraindicated, it is better to abandon ultraviolet irradiation.

It is believed that the solarium during pregnancy in early terms helps to reduce the level of folic acid in the body of the future mother. And at the stage of bookmarking the kid organs, this is unacceptable because it raises the risk of innate pathologies in a child.

In the late period of pregnancy, the threat of overheating during the tan is coming out. Long-term foundation in solarium leads to dehydration of the body of the future mother.

In addition, after the second trimester, it is not recommended for a long time to sunbathe lying on the back. Such a pose gives discomfort to the child, since veins and arteries that are behind the uterus are clarified and, accordingly, the supply of baby with nutrients at this moment deteriorates.

In what cases solarium during pregnancy is contraindicated?

Is it possible to sunbathe in the solarium during pregnancy, if not to abuse them? Unfortunately, there are conditions at which even short irradiation with ultraviolet is contraindicated, the main of them:

  • first phototype of skin;
  • hypertension;
  • any diseases of the reproductive system;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • deviations in the work of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • aggravation of chronic diseases;
  • increased body temperature.

During the passage of antibiotic therapy, the solarium is also prohibited. This group of drugs provokes increased sensitivity to ultraviolet.

Note! If you have any of the above contraindications, it is impossible not only to visit the solarium, but also sunbathing under the natural sunny rays.

Rules for visiting a solarium during pregnancy

In response to the question, it is possible to sunbathe in the solarium, the last word should remain behind the doctor. But it must be borne in mind that most doctors still do not approve artificial tan during pregnancy.

If you don't have contraindications and give up solarium, you are not going to take care of how to make the procedure as safe as possible. This will help execute several simple rules:

  1. Diberately prepare for the sun - wash off all cosmetics from the face and body, since under the influence of ultraviolet, they can have adverse effects on the skin. You also need to remove contact lenses if they are.
  2. Wear all the necessary protective elements - glasses, hat, swimsuit. It is not recommended to sunbathe naked pregnant women, it is dangerous for the skin of the chest especially sensitive during this period.
  3. Do not use any means to strengthen the tan.
  4. Be sure to take a bottle of simple non-carbonated water with you. The use of fluid will prevent dehydration.
  5. The procedure is to pass, not exceeding the recommended ultraviolet irradiation time. The first visit should last no more than 3 minutes.
  6. With a worsening of well-being during a tanning session, it should be interrupted immediately.

Is it possible to sunbathe? This question is asked absolutely all future mothers, whose interesting position falls on the summer months. You can understand these women, because there is a new life in them. And only on how much the future mother is responsible to their pregnancy, its health has been depends on the yet born baby. Therefore, let's deal with whether it is possible to sunbathe and swim in the reservoirs, and if so, how to do it right.

The benefits of tanning for the health of the future mother and fetus

Agree that a sunny warm day always gives a good mood. And this is direct benefit for the future mommy, because its positive emotions have a beneficial effect not only on her health, but also on the development of the baby.

In addition, the influence of ultraviolet rays in the mother's body begins to produce vitamin D, which is necessary for better assimilation of calcium, and this in turn is the prevention of congenital rickets in a child and osteoporosis in a pregnant woman. Therefore, solar baths are necessarily needed, especially residents of the northern regions!

Also, under the influence of solar rays, the operation of all the glands of the internal secretion is improved and the level of hemoglobin in the blood increases. Thus, the metabolism is normalized and the immunity of the future milf and its baby is strengthened. However, all this happens only if the knowledge of its phototype and compliance with the rules of the tanning during pregnancy.

How to define your phototyp?

- This is a tendency to education and distribution in the skin of a person such as Melanin. It is he who is responsible for the pigmentation of the skin and the tendency to the tan. Determine your phototype and get an answer to the question whether it is possible to sunbathe during a pregnancy of a particular woman, you need in appearance.

In total, there are six phototypes in nature:

  • The first phototype includes people with very light skin, squeezing of freckles, blond eyes and red hair color, that is, representatives of Celtic type of appearance.
  • The second phototype includes natural blonds with light skin, that is, representatives of the Aryan (Nordic) type of appearance.
  • The third phototyppet includes people with russes with color hair and light skin, that is, representatives of the dark European type of appearance
  • The fourth phototype is people with brown and brown hair and slightly dark skin, that is, representatives of the Mediterranean type of appearance.
  • The fifth phototype is people with very dark hair and pronounced skin darkness, that is, representatives of the Indonesian type of appearance.
  • The sixth phototype is black inhabitants of our planet, or differently, representatives of an African type of appearance.

The smaller the digitallyotypes, the stronger it is necessary to beware of the effects of sun rays. In particular, this applies to the first two phototypes. And all because the tan "does not stick to them", since Melanin is practically not produced. Therefore, the top fingerprintsheltsky and nordic type of exteriority are sunny burns faster than everyone else, but it is undesirable during pregnancy!

Tanning rules during pregnancy

To sunbathe to representatives of the first and second phototype during pregnancy contraindicated. They need to enjoy the warm solar rays only in the shade, without removing spacious clothes from natural fabrics and wide-frame hats.

The rest of the future mothers need to adhere to the following tanning rules during pregnancy:

  • Go to taking sunbathing only during the smallest activity of sunlight, that is, up to 10 am or after 5 pm.
  • Use for a hike to the beach free, bright clothes made of natural fabrics. Be sure to cover your head with a panama or hat and wear sunglasses on the eyes. A swimsuit is for visiting the beach Use it all-wide, as the tan in the abdomen area is unwanted.
  • At open areas of the body, be sure to apply a special protective cream. Of course, the tan cream for pregnant women does not exist. Therefore, take the children's cream with the highest degree of protection.
  • Go to the beach only an hour after eating.
  • Take sunny baths only under the umbrella or under the shadow of trees. At the same time, try to be in motion. It will help you avoid excessive overheating, and ultraviolet rays will find you and there.
  • Do not forget to grab water and some moody fruits on the beach for the beach. Remember that the lack of water that you can quench thirst and cool your face if necessary, is fraught with a thermal impact!
  • Do not go sunbath if the air temperature is over 29 degrees in the shade, as it workers can provoke not only a heat blow, but also a threat of miscarriage.
  • Reist from visiting the beach at the slightest ailment. Better instead consult a doctor.

By observing strictly these rules, each pregnant woman can count on improving health and good mood. If you treat negotia, then the consequences can be very deplorable.

What is fraught with non-compliance with tanning rules during pregnancy?

Unfortunately, there are also women who do not ask themselves if it is possible to sunbathe in pregnant women, and go to the beach to the most inappropriate hours, putting on synthetic clothing. It is fraught primarily by a thermal or sunshine, which can entail a threat to miscarriage or even spontaneous abortion.

In addition, long staying in the sun can provoke such complications of pregnancy as:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • an increase in blood pressure;
  • fainting;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • improving uneven skin pigmentation.

By the way, it is because of the last Many doctors to the question whether it is possible to sunbathe in the early periods of pregnancy, they are negative, and the matter is that in the first months of pregnancy, a woman has a strongly changing hormonal background. In particular, a hormone is activated responsible for skin pigmentation. Therefore, a long-term stay in the sun can provoke the appearance of chloasma (Meazma), or in a different way, the manifestation of the "pregnancy mask".

The most susceptible areas of the skin for such uneven pigmentation are face, ears, neck and decolte area. Therefore, at the initial stage of an interesting position, a woman must use protective creams and take care of direct sunlight. In the future, the threat of the occurrence of increased pigmentation is reduced, and it is possible to afford to swim in the solar rays, observing the rules of tanning described above.

As for swimming in water bodies, it is better to refrain from him, despite the fact that swimming is useful for the future mother. Why? Yes, because domestic reservoirs are mostly sissed by the most diverse microbes and bacteria, and the immunity of a pregnant woman, as is known, is weakened. Therefore, sunbathe into the shadows and go to take water treatments to the pool in which the water corresponds to the sanitary standards! Enjoy your holiday!

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When the sun rays are pleasantly warming up in the summer, each girl thinks about a new swimsuit and a trip to the sea or on the river. What to do when a new life is actively developing in the stomach? A woman more responsibly refers to a similar rest and is looking for an answer to the question - is it possible to sunbathe with pregnant women?

Parking sun during pregnancy

Without a doubt, a woman in any condition and position is trying to stay beautiful and desirable, while not forgetting about health not only by its own, but also a future child. In the summer I want to relax from some reservoir and soak on the sun. But with this desire, you should not hurry and make hasty decisions. For such a delicate period, there are risks and tanning rules, which must be consulted at the leading gynecologist. It is very important that both mother and the child feel comfortable.

When women turn to experts with the question - is it possible to sunbathe in the sun? do not expect a unambiguous answer, negative or positive, because staying in the sun and active rest is not contraindicated, but caution must be in the first place.

If the pregnancy is satisfactory, then in moderate quantities the sun will only benefit both patients. This is due to the development in the body of a vitamin D3 woman, which leads, in turn, to the good absorption of calcium. It is worth noting that the reception of calcium itself during pregnancy still does not satisfy all the need for it. Many observe excessive hair loss, damage to the dental enamel. And only staying in the sun can noticeably improve the situation.

The lack of vitamins is reflected in the growth and development of the child, since the formation of a skeletal system, in which calcium plays a large role, occurs at an early stage of pregnancy. Therefore, the child's heating requires constant walking in the fresh air and "nutrition" by sunlight. This should know every future mammy worried about whether it is possible to sunbathe pregnant in early time .

It is important that the pastime under the sun raises the mood, the woman becomes more energetic, the exchange processes in the body are stabilized, and immunity is significantly stronger. Thus, many noted that excessive weight gain during pregnancy is not observed. Also, the mother does not weaken bone tissue, which accounts for a large load, and the child is preventing such a disease, like Rahit.

Danger of Zagar.

Of course, if there are positive sides of the tan during pregnancy, then negative people are certainly. First of all, the female organism is exposed to high load. Often pigment spots appear on the skin, especially on face, chest, back and arms. Therefore, those who wonder whether it is possible to sunbathe in the solarium to be pregnant in the solarium, receive a unambiguous answer - no! Yes, and with a tan at lunchtime it is better to say goodbye.

Strong overheating in a woman can negatively affect the intrauterine state of the child. It cannot regulate its temperature like an adult, so the failures in the work of the brain and the nervous system are not excluded.

It is known that ultraviolet rays from the sun activate all the processes in the human body. If with some of them there are problems, then too long in the heat or in solarium only wishes the state.

It is very important when sunbathing to keep track of your water balance, since excessive sweating leads to dehydration, which negatively affects the health of the mother and child. When a woman sunbathes too much, the development of melanoma and other skin diseases growing in cancer can begin.

All this indicates the need to stay in the sun, but, of course, without fanaticism and only according to certain rules.

Many future mothers are interested, is it possible to sunbathe in pregnant women with an open belly on a par with other women? An interesting position is associated with changes in the hormonal background, so the increased production of estrogenic hormones leads to a rapid tan. If two women at the same conditions hold a day, for example, at sea, the pregnant woman will turn much more, and this is fraught with the appearance of a large number of pigment spots.

In order for the tender women's skin not to overtake in the sun, there are some rules:

  • Sunbathing for a short time, and only in those periods until the sun fry for full force;
  • Choose for yourself safe tanning hours - until lunch and after five in the evening. The fact is that at this time the solar ultraviolet rays are not as active as during the day;
  • If the air temperature is more than 30 degrees, it is better not to sunbathe so that it does not lead to pregnancy complications and deterioration of the fetus;
  • It is very important to sunbathe not under the right sunny rays, but in the shadow, so that the skin does not burn, and there was not enough sunnd. The practice is proved that such a tan falls into the skin no worse than the usual, but much more benefit;
  • Rest on the beach should not be on an empty stomach, but also to convey is also prohibited. Both states can be configured to faint, which will negatively affect the child;
  • You should not be on the pek, pregnant women are better to take advantage of sun loungers;
  • It is important to remove yourself from excessive heat - wear glasses, a wide hat on the head and spacious clothes, stitched from natural materials and air transmitting;
  • It is recommended to use sunscreen;
  • To avoid the overheating of the body and dehydration of the body, you need to constantly drink clean water.

Suntan cream

Regardless of pregnancy, every woman should pick up a cream based on her skin type:

  1. Light leather, hair and eyes - there is a strong combustion in the sun, but the tan is not visible as such;
  2. Smooth skin, blond hair and eyes - also occurs rapid skin burning;
  3. Smooth skin, dark hair and blonde eyes - such women can boast an excellent tan;
  4. Smooth skin, dark hair and eyes - the best type, because after tanning, the skin becomes beautiful chocolate.

There are such women in the position that are read about whether it is possible to sunbathe during pregnancy, and mistakenly believe that it is better to use the auto market. Such an attitude to chemicals may adversely affect the future child. The acting substance in the auto market cream is a dihydroxyacetone, which easily penetrates blood, and as a result, through a placenta in the child's body.

Any trip, especially on the sea, you need to discuss with your attending gynecologist. Of course, swimming has a positive effect on the health of a woman, because during swimming the body massage occurs. And whether it is worth mentioning all the positive qualities of sea water? But such a rest in any case requires precaution.

It is better to refrain from bathing when the water is cold - less than 20 degrees. It is also prohibited by pregnant women to swim in the afternoon, in order not to earn a sunburn. It is not recommended to swim far away to the depth, because at any time it can grab the convulsion. It is better to use the company of a loved one. If the bottom of the sea is stony, you should wear special shoes, and those places where jellyfish is swimming, you need to bypass.

If weather conditions impede normal swimming and sunbathing in the sun, do not be upset, because the sea air strengthens the body of a pregnant woman, positively affecting all the processes in it.

Pregnancy and solarium

It is impossible to categorically argue that pregnant is forbidden to sunbathe in the solarium. The woman herself must decide that it is more important for her - darkness of self-leather or baby health. It has long been known that the solarium often leads to the development of skin cancer, it is hard to imagine what happens to the child in the womb. The future mother must already be thought of two!

Ban on tan during pregnancy

In addition to the pluses from the sun, some people can receive only a negative from him. The reasons for which a pregnant woman cannot sunbathe in the sun, the following:

  • Hypertension and disease of the heart system;
  • Mastopathy;
  • Diabetes;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Problems with thyroid gland;
  • Blood diseases.

Often women think that on the early period of pregnancy can not be sunbathing, but it is not. Of course, you need to be careful, namely, to prepare your body to such a delicate process. At first, you need a little time to be in the shade, and then go to the house. A few days later you can already go to the sun for 5 minutes, gradually increasing the period for one hour. It is important to periodically enter the shadow. Is it possible to sunbathe with pregnant women? It is better to cover it with a light cloth, for example, pareo. And this is a prerequisite, no matter what date is a woman.

The head of the future mother should be covered with a headdress. Immediately after swimming, you should not sunbathe in the sun, but after sunbathing it is better to refresh yourself into the sea.

Pregnancy is not a disease, so it is impossible to completely protect yourself from the sun and water, and no one recommends a strict way of life. To enjoy the pleasant moments of pregnancy, do not deprive yourself of other pleasures, you just need to follow the rules of the tan, and nothing will happen to any mother or child.

Video about the benefits and harm of the tan