What to give a boy 11 years old for his birthday. What to give a boy for his birthday? Birthday gift constructor

Adolescence is interesting and difficult at the same time. Literally before our eyes, yesterday's boy turns into a young man with his own opinion on various issues. There comes a time for mutual learning: the son learns to defend his point of view, and the parents try to respect it, despite the difference of views. The sensitivity of a child at this age is very high, any little thing can offend and unbalance him. Therefore, gifts must be selected carefully, focusing primarily on the hobbies of the birthday man.

Cultural event

At eleven years old, it is more important to receive impressions, and not the physical component of a gift. By this date, you can time a family trip to the city's places of entertainment and leisure, or go to another city to see unique sights. It can be:

  • the circus;
  • museum (tank in Kubinka, Kalashnikov (firearms) in Izhevsk, Zadorozhny (military equipment) in Arkhangelsk, experimental sciences, where you can independently set up various experiments);
  • theatre;
  • exhibition (moving dinosaurs, exotic butterflies);
  • attractions (house upside down, mirror maze, labyrinth of fear);
  • planetarium;
  • zoo;
  • ostrich farm;
  • concert of your favorite band;
  • bowling;
  • airsoft, paintball or laser tag;
  • crossbow shooting range;
  • karting;
  • quest;
  • hippodrome or horseback riding with a photo session;
  • husky house (dog sledding, photo session and just communication with dogs).

Children remember emotions, so if you want to have a really bright children's party, gather your peers at a theme party. You can rent a suitable room and invite an animator or do everything yourself - the second way is more difficult, but more economical. Prepare with the child - it's more interesting and more useful for the boy. To get started, make a list of guests and choose a theme (“Trouble in Egypt”, “Watermelon Party”, “Mysterious Island”, “Journey to Mars”). In accordance with the plot, you decorate the apartment, organize the menu and select contests. If the weather allows, move the event outside, arrange a pioneer bonfire with a guitar and songs, spend the night with the guys in tents on the river bank.

Photo gallery: cultural events as a gift

You can shoot from a weapon in a shooting range, or you can also in the Kalashnikov Museum The theme of space leaves a rare boy indifferent, but in the planetarium they will show everything and tell about everything Hippotherapy is both useful and enjoyable Communication with dogs will give joy and pleasant emotions Boys have been interested in cars since childhood, and karting gives a feeling of speed and adulthood. Bowling is good because you can gather friends and have fun in a wonderful company

Hobbies and hobbies

An eleven-year-old boy is most likely already seriously interested in something. It is enough to find out what interests him, and a wonderful gift will be ready.

Perhaps you want to show your child something that goes beyond his knowledge, to draw his attention to a new hobby. A holiday is a good occasion. When choosing a present, take a look at:

  • collectible and prefabricated models (cars, ships, planes, tanks, railway);
  • recruitment of a young chemist to conduct simple experiments at home;
  • a set of an artist or a picture for coloring by numbers;
  • a set of knives for woodcarving;
  • magician's set;
  • a set for growing crystals;
  • children's telescope, microscope, home planetarium;
  • globe and wall map of the world;
  • pottery set;
  • soap making kit;
  • candle making kit.

Photo gallery: gifts by interests

Woodcarving calms and gives reason for pride - the boy creates real masterpieces Distant stars beckon with their mystery and mystery; looking at them through a telescope is incredibly interesting. Having mastered the tricks, the boy will surprise his peers at every holiday The young artist enjoys learning new techniques and finding interesting color schemes. Pottery is becoming more and more common, so a boy's hobby can easily turn into a profession. An inquisitive boy will be fascinated by the study of the geographical location of countries and the names of their capitals

Business - time, fun - hour

Despite the considerable age of the boy, there will always be a place for toys in the children's room. You just need to remember that you are already a teenager, so pay attention to:

  • complex constructors. It is better if the kit includes a solar battery and an electric motor. Thus, the assembled thing, after recharging, turns from static to dynamic;
  • a set of puzzles complete with a book describing logic games;
  • team board games (preferably military or economic strategies);
  • air hockey (if there is not enough space for it, buy a table one);
  • developing logical thinking chess, backgammon;
  • radio-controlled quadrocopter with a camera, plane, boat.

Photo gallery: birthday toys

Table or stationary air hockey is a fun game that develops reaction A quadcopter is an unusually shaped toy, by controlling which a boy will acquire basic piloting skills. Chess helps develop logical thinking With the help of a twister, the holiday will be noisy and memorable Board games will bring friends together and brighten up the evening

Every joke has its share of jokes

Eleven years is a happy age of childhood, harmoniously combining mischief and seriousness. You can safely give frivolous gifts with meaning:

  • suitcase with food for astronauts;
  • officer dry ration;
  • a set of socks in a case;
  • running alarm;
  • alarm clock with a target (you need to hit it with a laser gun to turn it off);
  • mini rollers (small wheels that are easily transported and attached to sports shoes);
  • spinner;
  • miniature drum set for fingers.

Photo gallery: frivolous surprises for a teenager

A set of food for an astronaut can be eaten at home and taken on a hike Socks are lost all the time, and in a special case, each pair is stored in a separate cell In the morning, to turn off the alarm, you must first catch up with it Spinner - fashionable entertainment for teenagers Mini-rollers easily transform sports shoes into a high-speed vehicle

sports gifts

A good gift is remarkable in that it can be used to consolidate a passion that has manifested itself in something, and to instill new interests. For the most part, teenagers are active and enjoy spending time outdoors. A child will be especially pleased with a thing that will make it possible to stand out among their peers. If you want to keep the boy busy with health benefits, give:

  • bike;
  • rollers;
  • skates;
  • tubing;
  • skateboard;
  • Kick scooter;
  • skis;
  • expander;
  • stacked dumbbells;
  • sportswear;
  • tennis rackets;
  • punching bag;
  • fishing gear;
  • inflatable pool (if available, where to put it and there are no problems with water collection);
  • inflatable mattress, swimming goggles, mask and fins for diving, wetsuit.

Photo gallery: gifts for sports boys

Roller skating will give bright emotions Inflatable pool in the summer will give a pleasant coolness and fun pastime Any teenager is happy to kick the ball in the yard You can ride a bike alone, or you can call friends and learn new routes Winter, snow, slides, wind in the face - and all this is tubing The scooter is becoming an increasingly popular means of transport among children of all ages.

Digital devices

A rare teenager in our time will refuse some technical novelty. Feel free to give:

  • cellular telephone;
  • tablet;
  • headphones (preferably wireless);
  • speakers with an optical effect (during operation, colored fountains appear inside them);
  • a transformer flash drive (combines a storage medium and a game, easily turning into a beast or a robot);
  • camera;
  • music player;
  • e-book;
  • clock (preferably electronic with more functionality or with a built-in SIM card).

Photo gallery: gadgets as a gift for a boy

A cell phone in our time has become no longer a luxury, but a necessary attribute of modern life. The tablet is both a friend and a teacher that you can take with you on the road, to school, for a walk Speakers "Singing Fountains" create interesting color effects inside, which, like fire, you can look at for a long time With a flick of the wrist, the flash drive turns into a puma

Books for an eleven year old boy

Adolescence is difficult for a young man, so at this time of doubt and search, you should not try to instill an interest in reading. You just need to delight and surprise. It is likely that the boy will reach for printed publications in five to seven years, but for now, you can go to the bookstore for a gift only if you are sure that the book will be desired. The choice of literature is large and varied:

  • Adventure;
  • detectives;
  • colorful encyclopedias;
  • historical novels;
  • do-it-yourself series.

You can learn a lot of useful information from the book, and have a good time.

Gifts from friends

The similarity of interests and hobbies allow peers to pick up wonderful gifts for each other. Most often, these are inexpensive presents that invariably evoke joyful emotions:

  • computer game;
  • sweets (now there is a large selection of high-quality figured chocolate, chocolate coloring pages, chocolate cards with congratulations);
  • youth backpack;
  • T-shirt with the image of an idol;
  • a case for a phone or tablet (with a photo of the gifted person or with a story on a topic of interest to him);
  • wall map of the world.

Photo gallery: gifts from peers

A computer genius will be pleased with a chocolate keyboard Computer games are a kind of rest for a busy brain Backpacks can be serious, stylish and funny: choose the one that suits your teenager's taste The tablet often has to be carried with you, and with an interesting case, the boy will stand out

Gifts from relatives

When there are many relatives, they can unite and give one thing, but bright and memorable. For an athletic boy, if space permits, it would be nice to equip a gym. Get:

  • treadmill;
  • exercise bike;
  • barbell;
  • indoor basketball.

Don't be discouraged if the room is small. Buy your teen a membership to a fitness center. If you know his interests, choose an occupation in a certain section. The child has not yet decided what attracts him to physical activity? Give him a certificate for attending several master classes:

  • swimming;
  • martial arts;
  • hand-to-hand combat;
  • football;
  • hockey;
  • basketball.
  • Group classes provide an opportunity to immediately demonstrate the result to understanding people

    Please your home boy with a renovation in a room on a certain theme. Decorate the nursery in style:

    • space (with a space ship-bed, planets and stars on the walls and ceiling);
    • cars (car-bed, city tracks on the floor);
    • sea ​​(seagulls and waves on the walls, a bed in the form of a shell or a pirate ship).

    Photo gallery: design of a children's room as a gift for a boy

    The young football player will be pleased with the sporty design of the room An interesting design of your own room is a separate reason for pride for a teenager It's nice to bring friends to an unusual room It is immediately clear that an addicted person lives in such a room.

    Gifts for grandson

    Grandparents can safely give clothes. You just need to make sure that the chosen wardrobe items are sure to please the boy, are stylish and distinguish him from the crowd of peers:

    • fashionable denim suit;
    • branded sneakers;
    • stylish jacket;
    • branded baseball cap.

    If you are not sure that you are keeping up with the times - give a gift certificate or coupon to a fashion store. The grandson will choose the things he likes on his own.

    Grandparents can make sure their grandson looks stylish on city streets

    Video: what to give an eleven-year-old boy

    The best thing you can do for a teenager is to give him happy, memorable moments. This is both difficult and easy to do at the same time. It is enough to listen carefully to the needs of the child, not to aggravate his doubts and give him your love. Time spent together is an incomparable gift. Fill him and your life with meaning, and the boy will grow up harmonious, inquisitive and balanced.

What gifts to choose for 11 years old boy on his birthday? Toys, clothes, sweets, football tickets… It all depends on his interests, social status, teenage needs. So, for one child, going to a bowling alley or a water park will become a bright event, and for another - a common thing, one is happy with a huge plastic tractor, and the other is tired of electric cars. Still, an eleven-year-old is easier to please than an eighteen-year-old.

Ordinary gifts for 11 years old boy: pros and cons

Analysis of unusual gifts

Useful gifts

11 years to hit the mark?

Eleven years is the age when a boy already has his own taste, views, interests, preferences. You can find out in advance what he is interested in and what he wants to receive. Sometimes the needs of a teenager are incommensurable with the finances of the donor.

Then you can, together with your parents and other relatives, add up to one expensive gift. Sometimes parents allow adults to give money for a birthday so that the child saves up to buy the gift of his dreams. But this situation needs to be discussed in advance.

To keep the gift a surprise, just discuss with the teenager his hobbies a few months in advance. Maybe the boy collects collectible cars or ships, then you can buy rare models.

It is optimal to discuss the issue of gifts with the parents of the child, if it concerns clothes, educational games, expensive equipment, sports equipment. Since there are times when they give a teenager the same toys. For boys of 11 years old, nevertheless, it is not gifts that come to the fore, but a holiday with friends.

How to mark houses?

It is necessary to prepare for the birthday in advance. The child prescribes a list of guests and suggests a theme, and already the mother will have to prepare dishes and design an apartment according to the chosen plot. For example, a boy is a fan of Harry Potter, then you need to think over paraphernalia for guests (school badges, raincoats), contests, dishes.

This plot simplifies cooking. It is enough to place cups with individual ingredients and magical names on the table, and each child is given a list of different salads. Children mix the proportions of the ingredients at home and get a "potion".

On the birthday of 11 years old boy, you can invite artists in the costumes of fairy-tale characters. They can offer a scenario, competitions in advance, parents will only have to take care of decorating the house and cooking. Before inviting artists, look through their portfolios in videos, pay attention to the emotions of children (sometimes the jokes of fairy-tale characters are understandable only to adults).

How to celebrate on the street?

If the weather allows, it is better to spend a holiday in American traditions. Tables with snacks, tartlets, canapes, sandwiches, fruits and berries stand in one corner under a canopy. And the whole territory is involved in outdoor games, contests. In this option, mothers do not have to worry about dirty dishes, it is enough to buy disposable plates and cups. Adults are only required to organize and referee work in competitions.

Another option is to go with family, relatives and friends to nature. First, you can catch fish with children, then cook fish soup, baked fish, and vegetables. In nature, adults are more relaxed and can play ball, jump rope, and catch-up with children. In this option, military and sports toys for boys of 11 years old are suitable for gifts: crossbows, water guns, badmintons, darts, tennis.

The advantage of street festivities is that children are not limited in their movements and games, mothers are freed from dirty dishes, cleaning the house, careful selection of decorations for the holiday. But a small drawback is that you will have to prepare a lot of dishes, since a “brutal” appetite appears during the time.

Independent celebration: pros and cons

Many teenagers want to spend their own holiday without the presence of adults. In this case, it is necessary to look at the behavior of the child. If a teenager is neat at the usual time, then you can not be afraid for the state of the house, just discuss games for boys of 11 years old that are allowed in the apartment. If he makes a mess, but wants a holiday without adults, then you can use several options.

  1. Teenagers walk in the children's room, and parents play the role of a waiter. Some children are quite satisfied with this option, as they are left to themselves, but at the same time the table is replenished with the necessary products.
  2. Children walk in one room, adults celebrate in another. In this version, the birthday boy takes on some of the obligations: he entertains the guests himself, he himself takes care of the provisions.
  3. Teenagers stay in the house alone and serve themselves. In this case, the time of arrival of the parents is discussed, when the apartment should be put in order.


If parents want to spend a holiday at home, then they are concerned about two questions: “What to give a boy of 11 years old?” and “What competitions, games to hold?”. Here it is important to take into account the theme of the birthday and the interests of children. If the holiday is dedicated to magic, then intellectual, dance, and mobile competitions are dedicated to magical heroes.

You should not arrange quizzes dedicated to the school curriculum (children immediately lose interest). If it is a purely male campaign, there is no need to hold dance competitions. It is better to shift the organizational responsibilities to dad.

For children of eleven years old, riddle contests, guessing literary heroes, rebuses, charades are suitable. They play well in drawing contests and writing fairy tales for a while. If outdoor games for boys of 11 years old are held at home, then a competition for bursting balloons, drawing an animal with closed eyes, picking up puzzles or cars from a speed constructor, competitions in squats, push-ups are suitable.

Cakes of the author's work

Many people like to give an author's cake as a gift. This is not true. The child is waiting for a gift that will directly remain in his memory, and the cake is most likely a present to the surprise of all the guests. Not every birthday person is given a cake in the form of a car, fishing, tank, football field, with computer, fairy-tale characters. Even less often, they give 11 years with copies of it, that is, the figurine is made exactly according to the photograph (such a mastic doll is used as a decorative element). Therefore, always attach another souvenir to a sweet gift.

An eleven-year-old boy is already a teenager, with his own inner world, tastes and outlook on life. He no longer considers himself a child, and for good reason - children today grow up quickly, and develop even faster. What does the birthday man want for his birthday, how to surprise and please him?

It is important to remember that you can give an 11-year-old boy both a useful gift and something for entertainment and games, or you can combine both criteria in an unusual surprise that will bring both joy and benefit. The main thing is that the birthday present does not turn out to be boring, but causes surprise and delight! Consider the individual tastes and interests of the birthday person, try to please him, and choose with imagination!


What does every 11-year-old child like, especially a boy? Of course, electronic novelties, technological devices and various things, all this literally attracts modern teenagers like a magnet. If you want to please the birthday man for real, and give him a thing that will last a long time - give gadgets!


It is easier for modern children to learn and develop intellectually, because today a myriad of interesting educational games, useful devices and everything that is not only useful for children's intelligence and development, but also exciting are being created.


An 11-year-old teenager needs to move a lot and play sports in order to grow up healthy, strong and agile. Therefore, a gift for sports and active leisure is a good idea!

cool stuff

Every 11-year-old modern child likes unusual toys, jokes and creative things. Let such a souvenir not be very practical, and will not bring much benefit, but it will please and cheer you up, and this is in the first place on your birthday!

What should be a gift for an 11-year-old teenager? Original, bright, cool and unusual, and most importantly - to cause pleasant surprise and delight! Choose wisely and connect your imagination, and you can give real joy!

Eleven years is a wonderful age, but usually boys during this period begin to “break away” from their parents, listening more to the advice of their peers. Such a child clearly knows what he wants to receive as a gift, but at the same time, like a little one, he enjoys surprises. Having an idea about his character, hobbies, as well as the psychological characteristics of children of this age, it will not be difficult for you to answer the question of what to give a boy for 11 years.

In many families, the child is given the right to choose a gift himself. There is nothing shameful in this - the birthday man who has received what he has long dreamed of will be happy and grateful to you.

At this age, boys and girls already understand the value of money, but do not always measure desires with the capabilities of their parents. If a boy "orders" an expensive present for his birthday, the question should not only be whether you can afford the purchase financially. It is not always worth indulging momentary whims imposed by the consumer society. It would be nice to find out what caused the desire of the son. If this is really his dream, then become a good wizard and don't be embarrassed by the opinions of others who say that spoiling a child is bad.

What to give a boy for 11 years: a guide to a hobby

Choosing a good gift for an 11-year-old boy often confuses parents, godparents, and other relatives. The task is simplified if you know what the birthday person is fond of. A gift that meets his passions will be a win-win option and can be quite inexpensive. There are several categories of gifts depending on the type of hobby.

sports interest

At the age of 11, the boys are quite mobile, they run around with friends on the street all day long, many have been attending sports clubs for several years and really enthusiastically watching football matches on TV. If you are sure of the child's sports preferences, then the gift may be next.

  • Bike. Long before the birthday, carefully ask the child which model he would like to have, which color he prefers. A bicycle will be a great gift for a guy, it will raise self-esteem - after all, a shiny brand new “iron horse” will be shown to connoisseur friends on the same day.
  • Roller or figure skates. A universal gift, regardless of what kind of sport the child is fond of. Roller skates and figure skates should be in the arsenal of tools required for physical development. Such a gift for a boy of 11 years old will be a wonderful present from mom and dad or from a godfather.
  • Dumbbells. For general physical development, a sports equipment is simply irreplaceable. When you give a gift, do not forget to tell why it is important to regularly exercise the muscles. It would be useful to praise the child for craving for sports.
  • Skateboard. This device will definitely appeal to an active boy who likes to spend a lot of time with friends on the street. If the family budget allows, you can buy a fashionable hoverboard - the child will definitely be delighted.

If a child has been attending a karate or judo section for several years and he seriously likes to do it, a new kimono or other accessories for his favorite hobby will be an excellent present. An enthusiastic hockey player can be given a new stick, a football player - a ball, and a young chess player will be delighted with new chess.

For the young "homemade"

For those who like to make something with their hands, a new designer or a set for creativity will be a good gift. In children's stores, take a look at the following options.

  • Wood burning kit. These devices were popular in the 80s and 90s. A device for burning with a set of panels-drawings is a great way to develop perseverance, creative imagination and accuracy. In addition, a do-it-yourself painting will be the pride of your little boy. In addition, you can purchase a set of boards on which the outline of the drawing has already been applied. For beginners, this is a good bonus.
  • Constructor. Puzzling over what to give your son for 11 years? Lego-type constructors occupy a leading position in the list of the best gifts for children from four to 13 years old. Spaceships, underwater installations, fire stations and police stations. Choose more complicated models for a boy of 11 years old, with many small details and functions. The child will be happy to create his own toy world. There are other constructors, for example, magnetic or solar-powered kits of prefabricated robots. When choosing a similar gift for an 11 year old boy, pay attention to the age marking.
  • Sets for conducting experiments. Such a present will appeal to a young naturalist. There are plenty to choose from in this category: these are kits for growing crystals, and kits that demonstrate physical phenomena. The child will be able to independently assemble, for example, an electrical chain or try himself as an alchemist.
  • Technology models. It is worth paying attention to models of aircraft, military equipment or cars made of wood or cardboard. It will be interesting for a boy to make and collect a collection of tanks from the times of the Great Patriotic War or medieval ships.

Logic games for brain gymnastics

A rare boy at the age of 11 is not fond of computer games: strategies, online simulators, quests. Suggest an alternative: logic board games, which are analogous to computer games in reality, also perfectly develop thinking and team spirit. These include all financial ones: Monopoly, Mad Money, Businessman. These include games like "Jenga" and "Jenga-boom", "Crocodile", "Mafia", "Lord of the Mind", "Colonialists". Judging by the reviews of children on the Internet, such games are interesting for children from seven to 16 years old.

Your son will be delighted if you set aside at least one evening a week for board games with the whole family. Joint leisure helps to strengthen the trusting relationship between parents and children and gives positive emotions.

Gadgets are not a luxury

A new smartphone with the necessary set of functions will be a welcome gift for an 11-year-old boy from his parents. In this category, in addition to tablets and laptops, there are also digital cameras, electronic handheld games, and set-top boxes such as the PlayStation. For existing gadgets, you can present accessories: headphones, speakers, game joysticks, a set of wireless keyboards and mice, game discs or a webcam.

If you decide to give your son a smartphone, it is better to go to the electronics store with the birthday boy. A boy at this age often understands technology better than you and can make a completely conscious choice - only he has an idea what color, design, dimensions and functions of the new gadget will suit him.

List of failed gifts

Having studied the reviews of children and parents on various sites and forums, we can highlight the ideas of the most unfortunate gifts for an 11-year-old boy. What should not be presented as a birthday present or New Year's gift to a boy at 11?

  • Money. Some families have a tradition of giving money to children. From the point of view of psychology and etiquette, this is wrong. Money is still an adult gift. The present itself is not so much important for the child as the anticipation of a surprise, of the unknown. And if the expectations are justified, the effect of donation can be amazing - the boy will remember it for a long time. Money can be given if the child has been saving up for some expensive toy or necessary thing for a long time.
  • Toddler toys. At the age of 11, a boy is unlikely to be delighted with a new typewriter or a set of pistols. An interesting option can only be radio-controlled toys, and then if they are very original. For example, a small helicopter or a racing car with different functions.
  • Clothing. Few children dream of getting new shorts or a shirt for their birthday, because you already buy these things as needed. Wardrobe items can be an addition to the main gift.
  • Book. Teenage children are unlikely to be delighted with such a surprise. If your child is an exception, then it is better to choose from the Encyclopedia for Boys series.

Whatever gift you choose for a boy of 11 years old, consider the age characteristics of the child. In adolescence, boys are very eager to be like adults. They are physically active and tend to be adventurous and adventurous. Be sure to come up with something fun: tie helium balloons to a gift or pack it in ten boxes of different sizes. Do everything to make receiving a gift interesting, memorable and leave only pleasant memories.


11 years old is a paradoxical age: the boy is with might and main equal to more authoritative peers, older guys, actively demonstrating his adulthood. But, in fact, he is still a child who believes in miracles and loves surprises. So what is required from a gift to a young teenager? A gift for an 11-year-old boy should be interesting to the child, bring him joy and benefit. It is naive and pointless to assume that a gift toy will cause great delight, by the way, the most common mistake parents make when choosing a gift. This warning does not apply to board games and controlled machines.

It is not necessary to present a child with money on his eleventh birthday: after all, this is an “adult” present. An exception is acceptable for a close circle - parents, godparents, grandparents, if the child himself asked to add a small amount for the independent purchase of what he dreamed about and saved up money for. Showing independence, a boy of this age seeks recognition of his importance, which means that his interests and hobbies must be taken into account when choosing a gift.

Hobby Gifts

It is not difficult to choose a good gift according to the child's hobbies: the direct boy himself talks a lot about his desires and passions. And the options in this category can be:

sports gifts

Sport is also a hobby, worthy and useful. If a boy has an interest in this direction by the age of 11, he needs to be developed. Birthday is a good occasion to provide the child with high-quality sports equipment and praise for the right hobby and the pursuit of agility and strength.

  • Dumbbell set. Introduces to sports, contributes to the regular maintenance of excellent physical shape. It is better to present a set of dumbbells with words about how important it is for a man to have beautiful developed muscles and constantly keep them in good shape, even despite such a young age.
  • Bike. A good modern model will be a reason for the boy to be proud of the gift in front of his friends.
  • Roller Skates. You can give, even if the birthday boy has never ridden them before. Perhaps this gift will start a new hobby.
  • Outfit for the game, kimono. If a child is seriously engaged in wrestling, karate, football, hockey or other team play, devotes a lot of time to his hobby, then such a gift will come in handy.

Educational games as a gift

There are many ways to develop abstract thinking, attention, logic, communication skills of a teenager, teach him how to interact in a team. Board games are one of the best options, it will come in handy at a birthday celebration, because at the age of 11 a boy can have a lot of invitees, especially friends.

  • Board game like "Activity" or "Alias"("Say otherwise"). An interesting excursion into the jungle of a foreign or native language. The game contributes to the expansion of vocabulary, forms a creative look at common concepts and associative thinking.
  • Chess, checkers, backgammon. When choosing a gift set, you need to remember that they are no longer intended for a child, but not for an adult young man either. A design on a military or historical theme is suitable here (“Crusaders”, “Battle of Borodino”, etc.). Expensive chess is a great gift for life, training logical and abstract thinking.
  • Economic board games (such as "Monopoly"). Develop entrepreneurial skills, form the right attitude towards money. Good budget gift.

Stylish "adult" gifts

The search for what to give a boy for 11 years excludes frankly children's topics, because the hero of the occasion considers himself a young man. And therefore, you can safely give modern gadgets for a computer or phone, things "like dad":

"Magic" gifts

The arsenal of modern souvenir gifts is rich: a lot of unusual, truly fabulous items can be presented to a boy at the age of 11, who, with all his desire to grow up, continues to believe in miracles:

  • Drawing tablet with water. With him, even a beginner will feel like a talented artist.
  • Chameleon mug with a cartoon drawing or a name inscription. The young prankster will be delighted with the new exclusive cup.
  • mini planetarium(“Northern Hemisphere”, “Starry Sky”, etc.). The present is enchanting, practical and functional. It will entertain the child, expand his horizons in the field of physics and astronomy.


It is known that children's emotions are brighter and stronger than those of adults. An unforgettable memory for an 11-year-old boy will be a mini-trip, a trip, a visit to an interesting place. You can carry out this venture on the birthday itself, and after, by presenting a certificate or entrance tickets at the celebration. The main thing is that the choice must be made by the child himself. It could be:

And here, by the way, is another version of the designer as a gift for a boy for 11 years.

So, the gift is chosen and colorfully packaged. But that's not all: the right, encouraging wishes from parents and friends are important for a boy at 11 years old. In congratulations, it must be emphasized that the gift was purchased with a great desire to bring joy to him!