Congratulations on the energy day animation. Congratulations on the energy day in prose

Energy Day in 2018: how to congratulate, what to wish. Every year, on the shortest day of the year - December 22 in Russia and the CIS countries, all representatives of the energy industry celebrate their professional holiday, which covers not only the generation, but also the transmission of thermal and electrical energy to consumers.

As you know, it is the power engineers who create heat, which is one of the most necessary benefits for mankind, providing vital comfort. Therefore, on this wonderful December day, words of gratitude and warm wishes are addressed to the representatives of this most complex and extremely responsible field of activity.

energy exchange
Captured people today.
If you turn off the switch,
The mobile phone is suddenly discharged.

To keep everyone warm
And there is always light around
Power engineers dutifully
They work very diligently.

May this day and hour
The light will not go out at once.
But salaries and incomes
Let them exceed all expenses.

December, evening, gently shimmering snow
Under bright street lights
Today is the holiday of those who illuminate,
Houses, yards, expanses of squares.

I hasten to congratulate you, power engineer,
And wish you good luck and good
Let the lights shine without interruption
From evening to morning!

Your profession is so much needed by everyone,
After all, where would we be without heat and light
And in this dark and cold hour,
We understand this very well.

On the day of energy, we will remember again
And about your work, and about your care,
And we wish that light and warmth
Enough in life, not just at work.
On the day of energy, I wish you all the best friends, Great happiness in your personal life. Rejoice hearts with success. The houses are warm, light from the light Ships fly into space Thank you, and glory in this to All the power engineers of the earth.

Through the abyss of years and the darkness of worries The firmament shines with light. Sunrise is brighter every day - Energy Day is coming! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts, Thank you for the light and joy in our house, And let the Energy sing in the flying electron always in the stillness of the night!

Energetic, your holiday has come, Sing, dance, have fun, have fun, Get on the pedestal, Bathe in the rays of your glory! We wish, congratulating you, To live long and not grow old in soul, And to be an ace in work, and at home, So that the family budget is rich!

Dominating electrical networks, Using the laws of physics, Giving and distributing, You look after electrical systems. On this day, with lyrical verses, Enchanting compliments, We shower you for the fact that you are a power engineer, That we did not become Arctic bears!

Power Engineer's Day can be considered a national holiday, because all people use the results of your work. And although winter is hosting the windows, it will not hurt to express the warmth with which we treat you! Let grief and longing recede into the darkness. We wish fire in the hearts, love in the eyes and irrepressible energy in the body!

Let this shortest day of the year be the brightest and warmest in your life, because you, power engineers, are destined to give people the sun in the middle of the night and warmth in the middle of winter. May your work always be adequately paid, your desires come true at the speed of light, and your hearts be filled with the warmth of mutual love.

Congratulations on your professional holiday - Power Engineers Day! I wish that energy reserves are inexhaustible and new alternatives appear in energy systems. Let each development or design bring only the desired result. Be resourceful, vigilant, attentive and always safe. Let there be as few problems as possible. Successes in work and daily work!

Our dear power engineers, people, without whom nothing would spin, glow and work! Without you, it is cold and hungry in this world, because today a person cannot survive without energy! We congratulate you and wish that the energy is not only in the wires, pipes, but also in your hearts! Let strength and health help you enjoy life, work successfully and have fun! Peace and grace to your families, joy and fun, love and friendship, material and moral well-being!

Today, December 22, workers of the energy industry celebrate their professional holiday. I would like to wish you professional success in your hard work and thank you for the light and warmth that you give us. May there be a lot of love and happiness, good health, joy and a lot of endless positive in your life!!!

Congratulations on the holiday to the person who submits to the electric power industry! Good luck on the difficult path of energy, which is so important and valuable for every person! Thank you for the knowledge and skills that turn into irreplaceable benefits thanks to your tireless work! Happy Energy Day!

Every year on December 22, when the days are the shortest and the nights are long, Power Engineers Day is celebrated - a professional holiday for workers in the energy and electrical industry of Russia, which is established in recognition of their merits in economic development, improvement and maintenance of the daily life of the population.

Energy Day 2018 - the history of the holiday

Energy Day is celebrated in Russia on December 22. But this date was chosen not at all because on the shortest day of the year the work of power engineers is in great demand, but for another reason. On December 22, 1920, the Eighth All-Russian Congress of Soviets adopted the famous GOERLO plan, which determined the most important stages in the electrification of all of vast Russia.

The plan, designed for 15 years, was the result of the work of a huge number of specialists. Its main goal was to electrify even the most remote and hard-to-reach corners of our vast country. It must be said that the GOERLO plan was fully implemented even with a slight lead: by the beginning of the 1930s, the vast majority of settlements in the USSR had been electrified.

It was in honor of the adoption of the State Plan for the Electrification of Russia that on May 23, 1966, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree on the establishment of a professional holiday for workers in the energy industry on December 22. True, in 1980 another decree was issued, according to which Power Engineer's Day was moved to the third Sunday of December. So, we can safely say that workers in the energy industry have two professional holidays. It is curious that sometimes the 22nd actually falls on the third Sunday of December. Then two whole Days of Power Engineers are celebrated at the same time.

Features and traditions of celebrating the Day of the Power Engineer

On their professional holiday, all power engineers and workers whose activities are connected in one way or another with the energy sector accept congratulations from government officials, colleagues, families, friends and relatives.

It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of energy in our lives, because the viability of all other sectors of the economy and the comfort, warmth and light in our homes depend on it. Without power engineers, we would freeze in the dark, deprived of many of the benefits of civilization.

The profession of a power engineer has always been and will be not only one of the most important and honorable, but also one of the most significant and vital for the inhabitants of all countries and peoples.

Millions of power engineers around the world work every day and every moment to bring light, warmth and comfort into our homes.

Power engineers are employed in the field, which is associated with the generation of electricity and thermal energy. They maintain and repair equipment, networks, and supporting infrastructure.

The path to the profession begins after graduating from a specialized higher or secondary specialized educational institution. A specialist must have knowledge of physics, mathematics, in order to correctly perform measurements, install and maintain instruments, communications.

Representatives of this profession are quite in demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified power engineers.

Power engineers are associated with activities hazardous to health and life. Often they are forced to work in harsh climatic conditions, to eliminate accidents, many of which occur as a result of worn out networks.

This holiday unites all people involved in the energy sector, everyone who works or has ever worked in the energy industry. They are joined by teachers, students, graduates of specialized educational institutions, residents of settlements for which energy production is a city-forming industry.

Despite the fact that in Russia Power Engineers Day is an ordinary working day, the holiday is celebrated quite solemnly both at the government level and in labor collectives.

On this day, power engineers congratulate the country's leadership on their professional holiday. According to a good long-term tradition, the best workers and veterans of the energy industry are celebrated on this day with high awards, certificates of honor and valuable gifts.

There are concerts and meetings, corporate parties at which power engineers feel, many dedicate poems and prose, songs and films to them.

For outstanding achievements, the honorary title "Honored Power Engineer of the Russian Federation" is awarded.

Television and radio stations broadcast programs about the history of the construction of the largest energy facilities.

It has also become a good tradition to hold rallies and actions dedicated to new, alternative energy sources and environmental protection on this day.

The holiday is of particular importance for residents of cities that are built for the maintenance personnel of energy generating enterprises. In such settlements, events are on a large scale.

Power Engineer's Day is celebrated on December 22 in other post-Soviet countries as well. In particular, in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Belarus.

Congratulations on the Day of the Power Engineer December 22, 2018 in prose

The heroes of the occasion will be pleased to receive gifts for the Power Engineer's Day, complemented by sincere words of gratitude:

Dear power engineers, day and night, you tirelessly provide the population of our country with such familiar and irreplaceable things in our life: hot water in the tap, heat in batteries, current in sockets. So let comfort and happiness reach your homes on your professional holiday, December 22, through the pipelines of heating networks, a bright future will find you through power lines, and reliable operation of energy sources will be the key to your material prosperity in the present.

Power Engineer's Day can be considered a national holiday, because the results of your work are used by all people. And although winter is hosting the windows, it will not hurt to express the warmth with which we treat you! Let grief and longing recede into the darkness. We wish fire in the hearts, love in the eyes and irrepressible energy in the body!

I wish the professional to be mentally thanked for his work by thousands of people on Power Engineer's Day. The power engineer is the main battery of the country! May her battery always be full of creative energy and vitality to the maximum. I wish to curb the ocean of electricity, and so that in this matter there are no storms.

Let this shortest day of the year be the brightest and warmest in your life, because you, power engineers, are destined to give people the sun in the middle of the night and warmth in the middle of winter. May your work always be adequately paid, your desires come true at the speed of light, and your hearts be filled with the warmth of mutual love.

Today, December 22, workers of the energy industry celebrate their professional holiday. I would like to wish you professional success in your hard work and thank you for the light and warmth that you give us. May there be a lot of love and happiness, good health, joy and a lot of endless positive in your life!!!

I wish that on your holiday all the light bulbs save energy more than usual, and the lanterns on the streets with a bright joyful light illuminate the road from the most luxurious restaurant, where the high authorities will congratulate you, to the house where all the equipment will now work without interruption, and the woman of your dreams will meet with a shy smile and freshly prepared pies.

Best congratulations on the Day of Energy - poems, SMS and postcards

Short and humorous SMS will charge you with positive and will be the key to a great holiday mood:

Congratulations to the skilled power engineers - We would be shaking from the cold without you, We would like to wish you well, So that all your dreams come true!

Being a power engineer is cool, Without a doubt, it is so - The light is turned on, and in a minute darkness and gloom recedes. Let it always contact you, the current runs through the wires. Happiness, joy, good luck On the holiday, we wish you!

If you turn off the switch, Then the light around will disappear, The mobile phone will not charge, And the laptop will turn off. The trolleybus will not even go, The refrigerator will flow. On this holiday, we will say in unison: “Honour to the power engineers!”

Power engineers are specialists, without whom heat and electricity in our apartments and the work of industrial enterprises are impossible. Therefore, it is a vital profession.

What date is energy day?

Russia celebrates Energy Day on December 22. It was on this day, back in 1920, that the All-Russian Congress of Soviets, on the agenda of which the main issue was the question of electrification of the country. ended with the adoption of the final document - the GOERLO plan. The plan was implemented and the energy industry received an unprecedented pace of development, and with it the entire national economy of the Motherland.

On December 22, along with Russian power engineers, this professional holiday is also celebrated in Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and Ukraine.

The very word "energy" from the ancient Greek language is translated as "acting force". People have been looking for this power since ancient times. The first power plant, which appeared in 1882, led to the emergence of a whole profession of power engineers.

They control the operation of equipment that produces energy, monitor its uninterrupted production and distribution over networks, design and install equipment, test it, repair it, and make a list of necessary parts and equipment. They determine the optimal mode of operation of all equipment, monitor energy consumption, and analyze the fuel costs of enterprises.

Happy energy day - poems

We need energy everywhere
In solving any practical problems,
You always keep on top
countries energy potential,
And on the day we must energy
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this
And we want to wish in the soul of spring,
Well, in the hearts - warmth and light!

Happy energy day, friends,
The whole family will freeze without you,
Microwave won't beep
And the darkness will be like in a pantry!
Can't turn on the boiler without you
And your cell phone won't charge.
The jacket will remain rumpled
We can't live without you guys!

You are fireflies of houses, substations,
We used to live in a sad dark kingdom
Without your hands, soul, labor!
May the guiding star

Leads up the career ladder
And there will be light barriers!
Health to you for many years,
Let there always be light in the houses!

Happy Energy Day to you!
I wish you bright days
To illuminate your life
Hundred light bulbs.

Let them never go out
There are lights in your eyes
Let the electric current
Beats only from love.

Let them go without stress
business affairs,
And so that the energy in you
Seething and flowing.

We all need energy
Both man and machines
After all, it allows us
Any conquer the peaks,
Today we must say
Thanks to you, energy
After all, you are the support for the country,
Her potential and strength
Without you, without your labor
We don't imagine our life
So be happy always!
We heartily congratulate you!

Congratulations on Energy Day!
We wish you happiness in work, in your personal life!
Give people light and warmth
The time to say "thank you" has come.

May only success await you at work,
Home comfort, kindness and care.
Warm companies and bright friends
It's more fun to walk through life with them!

May hope and strength not “extinguish”,
"Shines" health, prosperity, success.
Easy tasks, inspiration and peace,
Prosperity and laughter reign in the house!

Your work is always in demand and important,
Both in the city and in a small village,
So that the light burns brightly in each window,
To live, we could work in warmth, -
You work, not knowing fatigue,
And, wishing you happiness from the bottom of my heart,
Sends each of you a native country
Words of heartfelt gratitude!

Congratulations on the energy day in prose

Dear colleagues! The country's energy industry is growing and developing thanks to you: repairmen, adjusters, installers, designers - everyone who is somehow connected with energy! You and I have something to raise our glasses for - for successes, for our achievements, for new opportunities and tasks! For us, for power engineers!

Our dear energy! Congratulations on your professional holiday! Your task is to give warmth and comfort to the world, to give people light, to provide comfort, which ultimately means "to give life"! We wish you good health for many happy years, intense but very successful working days, fun variety during the holidays and good rest! May the energy of your souls and hearts never run out, your work is highly appreciated! Let love and respect bloom in your families, there will always be prosperity and a peaceful sky above your roofs!

I congratulate you on the Day of the Power Engineer and I want to wish warmth in the soul and bright light on the path of life, good luck in work and brave success in your work, solving any issues and great ideas, real happiness in life and good health.

Dear power engineers! Congratulations on your holiday! Without you, the word “comfort” would not exist, so let me wish you this very comfort, warmth, and that life gives only bright emotions. Happy holiday!

I congratulate you on the Day of the Power Engineer and from the bottom of my heart I wish you calm and unhindered work, easy ways to solve any issues and problems, the warmth of your native hearts and bright light in your soul, good happiness and prosperity.

Congratulations on your professional holiday - Power Engineer's Day! I wish that energy reserves are inexhaustible and new alternatives appear in energy systems. Let each development or design bring only the desired result. Be resourceful, vigilant, attentive and always safe. Let there be as few breakdowns and malfunctions as possible. Successes in work and daily work!

Power Engineers Day postcards: TOP-10