How to choose the right stroller for your baby. How to choose a stroller for a newborn in spring How much do you need a stroller for newborns

It is impossible to choose a good stroller quickly and without carefully studying all the characteristics. Indeed, the most stringent requirements are imposed on models for newborns: taking into account the physiological characteristics of the baby, reliability, quality and safety.

In addition, the mother should also like the vehicle, since it is the woman who will have to lower and raise the stroller up the stairs or push it into the elevator, make her way through snowdrifts, drive through curbs and other numerous obstacles.

In order for both the mother and the child to like the stroller, it is necessary to carefully consider all the main types of vehicles, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as take into account the advice of experts who will tell you what else you should pay attention to before buying.

If you go to any maternal forum, you will notice that many mothers confuse such concepts as “baby stroller” and “baby stroller”.

This distinction is quite important, since babies in the first month of life have certain needs that infant vehicles do not take into account.

A newborn and, in general, a child younger than six months is not physiologically able to take a sitting position, unlike children of the second half of a year of life.

Thus, strollers for newborns are, in the broadest sense of the word, devices for transporting children from birth to 6 months. It is this condition that must be kept in mind by those parents who often write to the forum: “Help me choose a stroller for the baby!”

Having dealt with the basic concepts, it should be recalled that a stroller for a newborn must be comfortable - especially for the youngest passenger. It is necessary that the cradle has an anatomical design, protected from adverse weather conditions.

That is why the main task of a seat for babies is to provide warmth in the cold season and coolness in hot weather, shelter the child from gusts of wind, direct sunlight, precipitation in the form of rain and snow. That is why there are "winter" and "summer" models.

When choosing the first vehicle for a newborn, it is worth considering all the numerous nuances. It is necessary to pay attention to the wheels, depreciation, the weight of the structure and its dimensions, the convenience of folding and changing blocks.

In addition, the answer to the question of which stroller to choose for a newborn depends on the operating conditions. If mom walks on roads with good asphalt, then the features of the wheelbase do not play a special role. Another case is off-road.

In general, the nuances of choosing a stroller for a newborn are many. But, since there are no trifles in this matter, below is a complete description of all types of strollers, their design features and reviews of the most popular models. Forward!

How to choose the right stroller: basic parameters

For a baby, walking outside is very important. Realizing this, many women are with the crumbs in the fresh air almost all day (weather permitting). That is why a lot depends on the quality of the stroller for a newborn, including the full development of the child.

A properly selected stroller can be considered the vehicle that is ideal for the baby in terms of basic parameters and for the mother in terms of additional characteristics. So, we choose a stroller for a newborn carefully and wisely, as they say, according to the parameters.

You can buy your favorite model in domestic or foreign stores. Find out which one offers the best buying conditions.

Device weight

Of course, it is advisable to choose a light stroller for a newborn, especially if the family lives in an apartment building and the woman herself has to lift and lower the baby and his vehicle every day (and even more than once).

The average weight of the cradle is 6 kg. To this you need to add the mass of the wheelbase, the child himself, his clothes. All this will have to be lifted and carried by the mother.

However, it should be understood that if the weight of the transport device is too low (below 8 kilograms), then an active child, when he grows up and begins to roll over and rise, will be able to turn over a light stroller.

Vehicles for newborns cannot be particularly compact due to circumstances.

That's why you need to carefully approach the measurement of the stroller before purchasing it.

It's one thing if an apartment building boasts a freight elevator that can fit any, even the most dimensional model. If there is no such lifting device, it is necessary to measure the span of the open doors of the passenger elevator.

Experienced parents are advised to measure not only the doors, but the entire booth, since one or both parents will need to lower and raise the stroller.

That is, it must be taken into account that the whole family can leave in one race. The length of a bed in a conventional vehicle for a newborn is 80 centimeters, the width is up to 40 centimeters.

The chassis is somewhat wider - up to 52 centimeters. Elevator doors can usually open up to 55 cm.

Most strollers for newborns are equipped with a wheelbase with four wheels. Today, you can also purchase models with a three-wheeled chassis, where the front wheels are swivel. According to manufacturers, such vehicle options are distinguished by better maneuverability.

However, parent reviews show that there is not much difference between four- and three-wheeled models. Some users are convinced that the latter are less stable, but this opinion has no basis.

Most have large and even disc wheels. This feature significantly increases the patency of the vehicle and the quality of the depreciation of the product. In addition, large wheels look quite attractive.

Traditionally, wheels are made of rubber and plastic. The former must be constantly pumped up, and their weak point is the likelihood of a puncture. Plastic parts are more practical, but they overcome obstacles worse, and the child feels less comfortable in them.

Some modern models are equipped with wheels (most often front) made of foam rubber. This material, which is marked with the letters EVO, is a rubberized polymer substance. It cushions well and reduces the risk of puncture.

Comfortable movement is extremely important for newborns, and this is achieved by damping shocks and shocks caused by uneven roads (which, unfortunately, is not uncommon in our conditions).

That is why manufacturers pay great attention to depreciation, and it is influenced by both tire material and wheel size, as well as a special depreciation mechanism.

Currently, depreciation of vehicles for the baby is provided two main mechanisms:

  • spring. In this case, the device is equipped with special springs that dampen all shocks and smooth out many road bumps and imperfections;
  • belt. In this case, the berth is articulated with the wheelbase by special movable belts that act similarly to a spring mechanism.

The question of which stroller to choose - with a belt or spring depreciation mechanism - is not entirely correct. The choice should be based on the quality of the performance. To do this, you need to shake the stroller well. If the berth moves smoothly relative to the wheelbase, then the depreciation is not bad.

The question of how to choose a summer stroller or a device for the winter period worries many parents, since vehicles for newborns also differ in seasonal factors.

To determine when it is more convenient to use the stroller - in winter or summer - you need to look at the markings. However, good baby strollers usually provide maximum comfort for the child in any season. For this manufacturers supply the product:

  • a special moisture-repellent material that additionally protects from the wind;
  • high sides;
  • insulated cape on the legs;
  • an air circulation system that allows you to maintain an optimal temperature regime inside the bed even in the heat.

To protect against annoying mosquitoes, summer models of strollers are equipped with a mosquito net.

To choose a stroller for a child that would make it easier to walk, you need to try on the handle. Such a parameter as the height of its location is extremely important for the ergonomics of the trip.

You can choose a vehicle with a handle that is ideal for the height of the mother. However, what to do if the father is significantly taller than the mother, and the height of the holder, which is convenient for the woman, will cause discomfort to the spouse?

In this case, a function that allows you to adjust the height of the handle is useful. The same feature will be useful if the elevator in the house is narrow: mom will simply bring a vehicle into it and lift the holder up to make room for herself.

In addition, some models also have a flip handle, which allows you to turn the child towards you or away from you, thereby protecting him from the sun or wind. This function is available in transformer models and walking devices. In standard cradles and modular strollers, it is not, however, in the second case, a similar problem can be solved by reinstalling the unit.

Going to the parent forum, you can understand that the opinion of mothers about flip holders is ambiguous. Sometimes this feature is really useful, but most often it causes inconvenience, since when the handle is thrown, the vehicle becomes less maneuverable.

The cover of the stroller for newborns is responsible for the practicality and the ability to walk with the child in any weather conditions.

That's why most quality vehicle models are made from materials that are impregnated with substances that protect against moisture, dirt and wind.

A good stroller can simply be wiped on the outside with a napkin, and the upholstery will again be clean and pleasing to the eye. But the color of the coating does not play a big role, it all depends on the preferences of the parents.

Responsible manufacturers make the lining in the sleeping place from natural materials - most often, cotton. This fabric is pleasant in tactile terms, and also prevents the baby from diaper rash in case of hot weather.

Additionally, the inner lining of the cradle is supplied with an air circulation system, which provides fresh air inflow both in winter and in summer.

It should also be mentioned that the constant care of the outer skin is also important because in the future, parents usually sell the stroller. After all, such products are in great demand even after they have been in operation.

Ability to fold the stroller

Classic strollers for newborns practically do not fold. The only way to make vehicles a little more compact is to remove the wheels (however, this method does not work in all cases) or the cradle.

Some models, designed for children over six months old, can be easily folded and placed in the luggage compartment. The most compact devices are multi-module, in which the blocks are removed and placed in separate storage.

Before choosing a stroller for a newborn, you need to carefully read its package. Many models are equipped with only the most necessary and elementary accessories: a raincoat, a footmuff, a bag for the mother.

The first and most important rule for parents is that the longer the vehicle is planned to be used, the wider the equipment should be, the more diverse the set of accessories and the richer the functionality of the stroller.

Shopping baskets

The convenience of such devices is not even worth talking about, since they make it possible to significantly facilitate parental life. You can pick up a vehicle with both a fabric and a metal basket.

In the first case, the device can be removed and washed, in the second, it is enough just to wipe it. However, many mothers who bought a metal suitcase note that it is extremely inconvenient to put and take out food in it.

Footboard for an older child

This accessory is the best option for those families in which an older child is growing up. It's no secret that a baby at 2 or even 3 years old can get tired and refuse to walk. In this case, a stand for babies will come to the rescue.

This footrest allows the child to stand, sit. It can be either built-in or purchased separately. The device can be mounted behind the vehicle, above it or on the side, but put the child's "cart" a little.

Most often, this additional item is included with strollers for newborns, however, there are situations when a handbag is missing or does not suit a woman in any way.

In this case, you can purchase an accessory for every taste and wealth: both branded (rather expensive) bags and relatively cheap devices are on sale.

However, all of them will allow you to take small things, a wallet for a walk. Usually the bag is attached to the stroller holder, but it can also be hung on the shoulder.

It is good when the vehicle has not only a drop-down hood, but also a visor.

It additionally protects from the sun's rays and the glances of curious strangers.

Such a device is located on top of the built-in hood and is attached under the stroller frame with rubber bands, which must be connected with locks.

On the sides of this accessory there are meshes that allow the child to look at the world around him with interest.

Mittens for parents

This accessory came into fashion quite recently, but it was instantly adopted by manufacturers of vehicles for newborns and parents fell in love with it. Mittens are attached to the wheelchair holder in the cold season.

What is the advantage of such a device? Mom can instantly remove her palms from warm mittens and give the child a bottle, wipe away tears or straighten a stray coverlet. There is no need to take the gloves off and put them back on.

Wheel pump

For vehicles with inflatable wheels, a pump is required. Often this device comes with a stroller, it is compact in size, so you can safely put it in your bag and take it with you to be ready for unusual situations.

If such a pump was not included in the kit, any other device that inflates the tire will do. For example, for a bicycle or an air mattress. Most often, such pumps in the set have a variety of nozzles.

Universal umbrella

Such an umbrella will help protect mother and baby from rain and sunlight. It is attached either to the handle or to the wheelchair frame. Such an accessory is made of chrome steel, it can be adjusted in length to adjust to the growth of the mother.

If parents do not want to spend money on an expensive fixture, you can purchase a universal mount for standard umbrellas. With the help of such devices, you can install your favorite umbrella on the handle of any vehicle.

What are baby strollers?

The choice of a stroller for the smallest passengers is complicated by the fact that the device is divided into several main types - a traditional cradle, transformers and a modular device that includes two or three different blocks.

Conventionally, strollers can also be considered devices for transporting a newborn, although in fact they are usually focused on children over 6 months old - that is, those passengers who already know how to take a sitting position. However, let's talk about this group of strollers.

To make it easier for women to navigate the types of strollers for a newborn, below is a table with their main features and parameters.

And yet, you should not be afraid of the question of how to choose the right baby carriage. A detailed review of each of the above types of vehicles will help mom choose the perfect option to enjoy outdoor walks with her baby every day.

The classic cradle is designed specifically for newborns. Many experts consider this option to be the most optimal, since manufacturers of this type of stroller take into account all the features of young children.

Despite the need for a rich dowry for the baby, it is better to postpone other expenses for a while, but buy a stroller as early as possible. A carrycot can even replace a crib, as its design allows you to rock your baby and put him to sleep.

The main feature of traditional vehicles for newborns is a very comfortable voluminous cradle, which is mounted on a cross-shaped frame. This type of stroller has a whole a number of undeniable advantages:

  • convenience, which is expressed in high sides, an impressive hood and a large berth;
  • a good height, thanks to which the child will be able to see the mother, and it will be easier for her to lean towards him to straighten the blanket or give the bottle;
  • hard bottom. This is a very important parameter for strollers, since newborns have a rather weak spine, which needs a hard and even surface;
  • good permeability. Large wheels will cope with any off-road, and an excellent depreciation system will allow not only to rock the baby, but also to keep his sleep during the trip;
  • removal of a bed, which allows you to make the stroller more mobile (for example, put it in a car) and turn the device almost into a traditional crib;
  • voluminous baskets and handbags for shopping and storing children's things.

This type of vehicle also has some minuses:

  • big weight;
  • bulk dimensions.

The cradle is designed for babies from 0 to 6-8 months. From the second half of the year, a grown child will no longer be interested in being in such a transport, so you will have to purchase a stroller for walking.

How to choose a stroller, we will tell further. Now it is worth describing one of the best models of strollers-cradles.

If the carrycot is a classic among newborn vehicles, then this model is a classic among all carrycots, especially popular in 2016.

In this device, a thoughtful design is perfectly combined with excellent cross-country ability and ergonomics.

The main features of the model:

  • the ability to adjust the headboard;
  • the sleeping block can be rearranged facing / back to the mother;
  • good depreciation (spring);
  • four large inflatable wheels;
  • the ability to remove and wash the cover;
  • the inner lining is made of soft cotton;
  • the presence of an air conditioning system.

The kit also includes a changing mat, a handbag that fits perfectly with the design of the stroller itself and a pump for inflating the wheels. If you do not know which stroller to choose for your newborn in autumn and winter, pay attention to Inglesina Sofia Elegance.

Currently, such vehicles are becoming increasingly popular because of their versatility.

The fact is that the transforming stroller can be fixed both in a sitting and in a lying position. This allows you to use transportation from birth up to 36 months.

The main advantages of this type of vehicle for a child include the following factors:

  • savings, because parents do not need to additionally purchase a cradle or stroller for walking;
  • the ability to flip the handle to change position;
  • some elements can be removed, which helps to lighten the weight of the product;
  • several backrest positions for a child who already knows how to sit;
  • compact when folded, which allows you to store the stroller without any problems even in small spaces and transport it in the trunk.

However, it is important to understand that you will have to sacrifice something for universality. Therefore, experts find in this type of strollers a few significant downsides:

  • quite impressive weight;
  • the small size of the seat, so the child in winter clothes will be uncomfortable;
  • low landing, low sides;
  • not very flat surface of the cradle (although this drawback can be corrected by purchasing a hard mattress, but this will make the cradle even more cramped);
  • insufficient depreciation, difficulty in rocking a child (it all depends on the quality of the model).

How to choose a stroller-transformer? With all equal initial data, it is better to give preference to a well-known manufacturer that has proven itself with high-quality models.

One such company is Gesslein, a German company that has been manufacturing strollers for 60 years. Below is an overview of the most popular model of this brand.

This vehicle can be classified as "indestructible". The stroller will serve faithfully for several generations of children at once due to the highest quality and versatility.

Suitable for babies from birth to 48 months. The stroller is compatible with category 0+ car seats (adapters are required, sold separately). It also comes with a handy carry bag to store your baby's stuff.

The main features of the model:

  • lightness (this stroller compares favorably with its "brothers");
  • maneuverability;
  • Adjustable backrest and footrest
  • large inflatable wheels;
  • book folding;
  • the presence of several degrees of protection: bumper, inguinal belts, chest belts.

Thanks to a well-thought-out ventilation system, the climate in the stroller is always optimal. Therefore, such a vehicle is ideal for a newborn in spring and summer, especially in hot weather.

The only, perhaps, minus (but significant) of this model is a very high cost. If you are not ready to pay about 40,000 rubles for a stroller, choose cheaper options, since the market for transformer strollers for newborns is simply huge.

Modular vehicles are not cheap, but they are well-deservedly popular. The main advantage is the ability to install several blocks on one wheelbase at once.

In the 2 in 1 version, a cradle and a walk module are provided. The 3-in-1 models also include the ability to mount a car seat on the chassis, which is usually designed for babies from birth to one year old.

Any parent forum shows that some moms confuse modular tools with transformers. The difference between them is that the former do not add up. Functionality is changed by changing blocks.

The main advantages of modular strollers:

  • the opportunity to save money, since a separate cradle, a stroller will cost more;
  • the sleeping place is spacious, deep, has a hard bottom;
  • you can carry a cradle or car seat with a sleeping child;
  • large wide wheels, increasing patency and maneuverability;
  • relatively low weight.

Available for modular vehicles and some disadvantages, for example:

  • rather high cost (despite the compatibility of several blocks at once);
  • impressive dimensions;
  • inconvenience in storing several modules.

How to choose a 2 in 1 stroller and what to look for in this case, consider the example of Tutis Zippy New (2 in 1) from a Lithuanian brand. Below is a brief overview of this vehicle.

Relatively inexpensive strollers of the Lithuanian manufacturer are deservedly popular with domestic parents. This model has a well thought out design, good stability and good design.

The set includes a cradle, a walking module, a cap and an apron for both units, a mosquito net, a rain cover, a shopping basket and a bulky bag for mom.

The main features of the model:

  • adjustability of depreciation, depending on the road surface;
  • swivel front wheels that can be fixed if necessary;
  • lightness of construction due to the aluminum profile of the frame;
  • impregnation with silver ions of the inner lining of the cradle;
  • the materials of the cradle and the walking block are natural;
  • 5-point seat belts at the sitting module.

Many mothers note the relative lightness of the stroller, which is important when moving the device up the stairs. No significant flaws were found in this vehicle.

Which stroller to choose?

Strictly speaking, strollers are not vehicles for newborns, because, as noted above, babies sit in such devices. Therefore, strollers for walking deserve a separate serious discussion, but here we will note the main nuances.

Vehicles for infants of this type can be divided into several categories according to characteristics such as:

  • seasonal factor;
  • wheel features;
  • folding mechanism.

The main differences between winter strollers are insulated covers, large wheels and a reinforced chassis. Models for winter are characterized by increased stability, but they have an impressive weight. You can also purchase a lighter version.

Strollers for summer walks have small wheels, light weight and compact dimensions. In addition, they are usually easy to fold for easy transport and storage.

There are two ways to fold the vehicle: the so-called book and cane. In the first case, the stroller can be folded in half, such models are rigid, reliable and more durable.

The stroller cane folds along the axis, this design is lighter, ideal for active parents who are in constant motion. The seat is characterized by insufficient rigidity.

Also strollers for walking are three-wheeled or four-wheeled. In the first case, the models are more maneuverable and manageable. But the second design option is considered more stable, reliable and "monumental".

The question of how to choose the right stroller worries many parents who love long summer walks. First of all, you should pay attention to the strength of the structure and its reliability. Naturally, cost also plays a role, but most of these devices are inexpensive.

If you still don't know how to choose a walking stick, take a look at the following baby vehicles (products were in high demand both in 2015 and 2016):

  • Inglesina Trip;
  • Peg-Perego Pliko Mini;
  • Hauck Torro;
  • Baby Hit Drive;
  • Peg Perego Si.

Among these models, there are both affordable options suitable for families with a small income, and premium strollers that are quite expensive.

If you want to purchase a more reliable version of a recreational vehicle, you should stop at models with a “book” type mechanism. They are more durable, but, nevertheless, also quite light and compact.

It is better to buy a "book" stroller from a well-known brand. Among the most popular options are:

  • Capella S-901;
  • Chicco Simplicity;
  • CAM Cortina Evolution X3 Tris (3 in 1);
  • Inglesina Espresso.

stroller book

Any parent forum in which mothers share their impressions will help you choose the best of these models. This will help you avoid some mistakes and choose the most suitable stroller for you and your child.

How to choose a stroller for twins?

If parents with one child can afford almost any vehicle option, then in the case of double happiness, more time is needed to choose the optimal stroller.

To choose the right stroller for twins, you need to understand the main modifications of such vehicles. It is customary to distinguish three options for placing blocks.

In this case, cradles or walking modules are located one behind the other. Such vehicles are distinguished by their elongated design, but their width remains standard.

Popular Models:

  • Peg-Perego Duette SW;
  • iCandy Peach Blossom Twin;
  • FD Design (Zoom).

Such devices differ in the location of children. In different devices, babies can be placed face to face, back to back, or directly behind each other.

Stroller Train

In addition, the placement of landing blocks in height may also differ. In some models, they are located on the same level, in others - one cradle may be slightly higher than the other.

The main advantage of such devices is easy movement along narrow paths, good maneuverability and controllability, as well as the ability to use most elevator cabins without any problems.

And yet, the “trains” have certain disadvantages. Such a vehicle is difficult to deploy, raise to the curb. And even older kids will argue who will sit in front or behind. By the way, it is much more difficult for a parent to control the front cradle.

Vehicles for twins of a similar design are distinguished by the fact that the children are located side by side, symmetrically. That is, the length of such strollers does not exceed standard indicators, but the width is almost doubled.

Popular Models:

  • Slaro Indigo Duo;
  • Geoby SD593E;
  • TFK Twinner Twist Duo.

Among the advantages of such models, one can single out the comfortable position of the kids, the absence of disputes about the “privileged” place. In addition, both children are located in the field of view, so the parent is in control.

The disadvantages include the bulky design. Not every door (including elevator doors) will let such a device through.

In addition, some mothers note that driving such a vehicle is not easy enough.

Stroller side by side

Such devices may vary based on the requirements of parents and children. On the same wheelbase, you can combine different positions of cradles and walking seats: they can be placed in a “train” next to each other.

In addition, in a transforming stroller for twins, it is possible to change the position of each baby in the direction of travel or against the direction of the vehicle.

Among the models of transformers are:

  • Brevi Ovo Twin;
  • Tako Duo Driver Step to the future;
  • Valco Baby Zee Spark Duo.

The advantages of such devices are obvious: the parent can model their design for their own needs, configuring the most preferable way for each situation.

Among the minuses, one can note the bulky design and the complexity of the transformation mechanism. In addition, such versatility often affects the price, which can "bite".

A few important steps when choosing a stroller

Curious! Bugaboo is arguably one of the most iconic baby stroller brands as it is the choice of many celebrity parents. The children of Gwen Stefani, Elton John and the royal couple Prince William and Kate Middleton rode in such vehicles.

But these are the stars, you will say, and you will be absolutely right. How to choose a stroller "mere mortals"? Should take advantage simple algorithm.

  1. Choose one of the three main types of strollers for newborns: cradles, convertibles or multi-module models.
  2. If you live in an apartment building with an elevator, measure the width of the open doors of the elevator car in advance. This will eliminate the wrong choice of stroller.
  3. Consider the seasonal factor. Indeed, depending on the season in which the first half of the year of life falls, you need to choose a summer or winter (insulated) stroller. All-season options are also available.
  4. Fix it on paper the main characteristics of the desired acquisition: cost, type of wheels and their number, adjustability of the handle, availability of additional accessories, color of the skin, etc.
  5. Choose several options that would best meet your requirements and fit the needs of the newborn.
  6. Wander through thematic forums, leave a request “advise the best model from several options”, study reviews on selected devices, videos, carefully studying the shortcomings. It is important to make a final decision.
  7. Explore the desired vehicle "live" (if you buy in a store and not order online). To do this, you need to look at it directly at the outlet.
  8. Before purchasing, it is imperative to study the entire stroller - from the hood to the wheels. Carefully study the material, the smoothness of movement, the operation of various mechanisms.

Where to buy a stroller for your baby?

If you have time and you need a stroller not “yesterday”, then we would recommend buying this accessory in an online store, since there are 2 obvious advantages: lower price and more choice.

Especially for the readers of our portal, we have made a selection of reliable children's online stores where you can buy a stroller without risk and at fairly reasonable prices with delivery to any city in Russia.

Yandex.Market will help you find the right product at the best price: ratings, customer reviews and expert advice will orient you among millions of offers from online stores.

baby carriage

The main criterion in this selection was the reliability of the company, the breadth of the choice of strollers and prices.

As a conclusion

The best stroller is one in which a newborn child will feel so comfortable that he will sleep almost the entire walk without the slightest inconvenience. However, one should not forget about oneself, since in most cases the mother will have to drive this vehicle.

What model to buy, what brand and what modification? These questions bother many parents, but everything is purely individual. The most convenient from the point of view of physiology is the classic cradle, but at the same time, the baby will quickly grow out of it, and you will have to puzzle over the purchase again.

If you are determined to use one stroller throughout your early years, you should consider purchasing a transformer. It will cost a little more, but it will allow you to adjust the design to the needs of the child and parent.

Another option is a modular device, which is also versatile. By changing the blocks, you can turn the cradle into a stroller, and a car seat can also be installed on the wheelbase.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for strollers for newborns. The choice will depend on many factors, but it is important to remember: long walks in a quality vehicle improve health and improve the development of the child. Walk with a good stroller and have fun!

One of the concerns of parents of a small child is the issue of his safety. The safety of the baby must also be ensured when moving. Of course, when choosing a baby stroller, comfort and convenience for the baby are also important. How to choose a stroller for a newborn? What are the wheelchair models? What do you need to think about before buying, what to pay special attention to?

How many strollers do you need?

A stroller for a newborn who cannot hold his head without the help of an adult should ensure that the baby lies comfortably, it should have a hard horizontal bottom, high sides, and a good ventilation system. The infant is expected to use "personal transportation" for walks or essential travel until the age of three.

It is clear that a two-month-old baby cannot move or sit on his own; a two-year-old child not only sits, but walks and runs. Therefore, the requirements for an individual vehicle vary greatly depending on the age of the child. A stroller for an older child should be a stroller so that he can sit in it himself, observe the world around him during the trip, and see other people.

Parents often ask themselves: how many strollers will you have to buy for the safety and comfort of your beloved baby? There is no single correct answer. It will be possible to purchase two: for a newborn and (in a few months or a year) a walking option for a grown-up baby. There is an option to get by with one: a transformer or a universal module. In them, the baby can be carried from birth to three years, and the 3 in 1 stroller will allow you to safely carry the baby in the car.

The most important feature is safety

  • All materials from which the stroller is made must fully comply with international sanitary standards and the standards of our country. They must be environmentally friendly, natural or similar in quality to natural.
  • The stroller must be accompanied by additional devices that protect the child from unpleasant weather conditions (strong wind, frost, snow, hail, rain or burning sun). Of course, when choosing, you need to focus on the climatic zone in which the newborn will live. If the winters are snowless, then protection from frost and snow is not needed, but then in hot summers protection from direct scorching sunlight is needed. If it often rains in spring and autumn, then a raincoat and a protective apron are required.
  • For the cradle: you need to make sure that it has a frame, a ventilation system, and a secure attachment to the chassis.
  • In the case of a walking option, you should make sure that the seat belts are strong and reliable.

A stroller for a newborn should provide the possibility of comfortable sleep and lying in a horizontal position.

The safety of the baby is the main requirement when choosing an individual vehicle for him. Finding a toddler in any model should not cause any harm to his health.

Important parameters of strollers

In addition to safety, baby transport has parameters that parents should consider. How to choose a baby stroller? When choosing, pay attention to:

  • The weight . Many strollers are quite heavy; for newborns, they usually do not weigh less than 12 kg. Of course, if the parents live in a private house or in a high-rise building on the ground floor, this problem is not important for them. But if the little one has to be lifted to a high floor, then it would be better to think about the options for transporting it, and it’s easier to buy a stroller - this is especially important for families living in five-story buildings without an elevator.
  • Dimensions . Before buying a stroller, parents should measure the doorways through which the baby will be transported. Particular attention should be paid to the elevator doors, as it is in it that the stroller may not enter. This applies mainly to three-wheeled models, which have a wider rear chassis than four-wheeled models.
  • Wheels. The size of the wheels will determine the maneuverability of the stroller and its cross-country ability. If the wheels are large and wide, the stroller can be carried on almost any surface, but its maneuverability will be poor. And vice versa: a toddler's vehicle with small and narrow wheels will maneuver perfectly, but its cross-country ability will be reduced. Wheels can be inflatable or rubber. Vehicles with inflatable wheels have better cushioning than strollers with rubber wheels.
  • Trunk . Mom will not be able to carry things and carry a stroller at the same time. Therefore, it is desirable that the stroller has a roomy trunk. It is convenient when special compartments and pockets are provided for storing the necessary things.

If the family lives in an apartment without a freight elevator, it is advisable to think about a light compact model so that walks do not turn into weightlifting for mom

Types of strollers

What are baby strollers? Now manufacturers offer many different models. Modern parents can choose a pram of almost any kind, color, design - such a variety of means for transporting a child can satisfy any request for appearance. You should choose a vehicle for the crumbs according to the technical characteristics, since it is they who will affect the health of the baby and its safe transportation.

Now the vehicles of the little ones can be divided into 4 types:

  • cradle;
  • transformer;
  • universal;
  • tricycle.


These strollers are ideal not only for walking children from their first months of life, but also for use instead of a cradle. Their bottom is flat and hard. The carrycot has a hood that can be adjusted depending on the weather. It is comfortable for the baby to walk in it at any time of the year.

The cradle is the most familiar version of the stroller, where the baby is in a horizontal position.

Usually, additional useful things are also supplied with the cradle: a raincoat to protect against thunderstorms in spring and drizzling rain in autumn, a protective apron, a fur envelope for walking in cold weather, an anti-mosquito net, and a bag for storing luggage.

Wheels, as a rule, are wide, voluminous, inflatable. Because of this, the stroller is very stable and is able to pass, gently cushioning, on almost any surface. However, the maneuverability of the vehicle due to such wheels is low. When the baby grows up, it will be uncomfortable for him to sit in his “personal transport”. Parents will have to purchase a new means of transporting the grown child.


These strollers are great for walking with the baby, and due to the peculiarities of their design, they can be used from the very birth of the child. They got their name precisely because of the ability to change from a pleasure vehicle to a sleeping vehicle, and then back to a pleasure vehicle. Transformers are usually well equipped.

The transformer comes with: raincoat, apron, mosquito net, fur envelope, luggage bag. The transformer handle changes its position at the request of the parents, which allows you to protect the little one from the sun shining in the eyes or the wind blowing in the face. The transformer's seat belts are reliable, and its weight rarely reaches 15 kg. However, small wheels reduce the vehicle's cross-country ability and its cushioning properties. The price of transformers is usually low.


After birth, the little one rides in the module for newborns, and later this module is simply replaced by a chair. A universal stroller completely solves the problem of moving a child, but the price of this option is quite noticeable.


Now these strollers have become fashionable. They are distinguished by good maneuverability due to the specific frame. There are only three wheels on the frame of the stroller. On the front of the frame is a small wheel that can be locked with a handbrake.

Three-wheeled strollers are available in the form of transformers or systems with removable modules, they are great for city dwellers who need more mobility, but the all-terrain, cushioning and stability of this vehicle are low. At a cost, a fashionable stroller does not apply to budget options.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of strollers

For a memo-answer to the question "How to choose a baby stroller?" you can use the table. It lists the advantages and disadvantages of various types of vehicles for toddlers. More information is given, reminiscent of the conditions for the use of baby transport as well as age periods of use.

  • safety;
  • natural (or close to them) materials;
  • excellent protection of the baby from precipitation, frost or heat;
  • strength;
  • stability;
  • excellent cushioning;
  • reliable braking system;
  • hard bottom;
  • high sides;
  • convenient form;
  • suitable height
  • lack of a seat for older children;
  • bulkiness;
  • big weight;
  • large overall dimensions;
  • low mobility and agility;
  • difficult transportation
It is an excellent safe option for walking with a baby from birth to 12 months of age.
  • versatility - can be used both for lying a child and for sitting;
  • ease of transformation;
  • complete set with a cradle with a rigid horizontal bottom;
  • light weight;
  • small dimensions;
  • seat belts;
  • reliable braking system;
  • interchangeable wheels;
  • the presence of a handle that can change its position;
  • safe materials
  • poor permeability;
  • hard depreciation;
  • low protection from adverse weather conditions;
  • the lack of a chair for sitting a hard base;
  • a small cradle with low sides
The transformer is an excellent budget option for walking children from birth to the age of three.
  • multifunctionality;
  • reliability;
  • strong fasteners;
  • high mobility;
  • soft cushioning;
  • large cradle with high sides;
  • hard base chair
  • massiveness;
  • high price;
  • the inability to purchase only one module
The universal stroller is an excellent tool for walking with a baby from birth to the age of three.
Tricycle model
  • high maneuverability;
  • hand brake;
  • reliable braking system;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • the ability to complete the stroller of your choice (carrycot, transformer or modules)
  • instability;
  • difficult descent along the ramp;
  • difficulties in using passenger elevators;
  • low cross-country ability in winter;
  • high price
A tricycle can use a variety of body parts. Therefore, it is suitable for baby walks from the first months of life to the age of three.

Young parents are often confused and don't know what stroller to buy for a newborn. Many questions arise: better expensive imported models or simpler strollers, which stroller to choose for a newborn in the summer, etc. To choose the right product, you need to determine its functional qualities. Let's look into this problem in detail.

With all the variety of models of strollers can be divided into four types:

  • cradles;
  • strollers-canes;

  • transformers "two in one";
  • universal "three in one".

The cradles are designed for babies up to six months who are not yet able to sit up on their own. Such strollers are an ordinary basket for placing babies, they are distinguished by a high chassis and large wheels. Strollers are convenient in the summer season: they are light and fold quickly. Transformers are the best option thanks to the combination of a cradle with a stroller. Universal products are distinguished by the presence of a car seat for the crumbs.

Model selection

Each model has its own advantages as well as disadvantages. For example, the stroller should fit easily in the hallway and pass through the doorway. If the elevator breaks down, it will be difficult to lift a heavy stroller up and down the floors. All this should be taken into account when buying.

Of course, it is better to buy two strollers at once: in winter and spring - an insulated version, and in summer - a light stroller. A very small child needs a cradle. If finances allow, you can purchase a two-in-one transformer.

This version of the stroller for the baby is advantageous in that it combines the cradle and the stroller. In late spring and summer, the “body” of the transformer is removed and a reclining seat is formed. Such transport for the baby can be used for a long time. But there are also disadvantages of the stroller:

  • heavy weight;
  • doesn't add up.

Therefore, for a large child - from two years old - for the summer it is better to purchase a baby stroller with three or four wheels. Such strollers are convenient in the warm season, because:

  • can be folded with a cane and taken with you on a trip;
  • mobile and maneuverable in urban environments;
  • have an umbrella from the bright and hot sun.

Important! Before buying, you should ride the stroller around the store, thus checking the convenience of driving.

Driving performance of wheelchairs

So, which stroller to choose for a newborn. Consider in detail all the criteria for choosing a vehicle for a baby. The most important when choosing are:

  • weight and dimensions of the product;
  • stability and patency of the wheelbase;
  • the presence of a brake system and wheel locks;
  • soft cushioning.

No matter how attractive the stroller looks, you need to take into account the constant breakdown of the elevator in multi-storey buildings or the lack of light. A young mother will have to independently bring and lower the stroller up the stairs, lift it up on the curbs. Therefore, weight is one of the most important selection criteria.

The wheelbase is the foundation. In Russian climatic conditions, the stroller should not only transport the baby, but also perform the functions of an all-terrain vehicle. Therefore, when examining the model, you need to pay attention to the wheels.

They should be:

  • wide;
  • sustainable;
  • durable;
  • with a clear tread pattern;
  • with metal spokes.

Three-wheeled models that are now popular do not always justify themselves. If the road surface in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence leaves much to be desired, it will be difficult with three wheels. The stroller will quickly fail, overcoming potholes on the way, skidding in snow or muddy puddles. Four wheels will correctly and evenly distribute the load among themselves, and in the three-wheeled version, the front wheel will quickly come out of working mode.

The plastic base of the wheels in a harsh climate will quickly fail, and with constant bumps and potholes on the way, it can simply crack. It is almost impossible to find a replacement wheel, so you will have to buy a stroller again. Metal spokes are adapted to the loads and will withstand any test on a difficult journey.

Equally important on rough roads is depreciation: it softens the shaking. Preference should be given to stable shock absorbers that smooth out shock moments during the trip. If the roads are smooth and prosperous, then it is better to purchase vehicles for the baby with smooth shock absorbers.

Important! It is necessary to check the presence of the option of blocking the wheels and the brake system.

Design and fittings

When driving performance is checked, attention should be paid to the design, finish and ergonomics of the stroller:

  • compact dimensions;
  • adjustable handle;
  • attractive design;
  • price segment.

A bulky and massive stroller will not fit into a small apartment. You can roll it through the door into the hallway, but children's transport will take up a lot of usable space. Therefore, compactness of forms is a priority for small spaces. Small-sized forms are useful when transporting a stroller in the trunk of a car.

The height-adjustable handle is convenient when walking with your baby. The handle can be adjusted to any height of an adult. Convenient and throwing handle, but for the baby. The device allows you to carry the child both facing the mother and facing the "world". Toddlers like to watch everything that happens around them. Landing forward facing will allow the child to satisfy his cognitive interest.

You should also pay attention to the presence of a basket under the stroller or a net on the handle: after all, you will have to transport food and necessary things there. Also additional convenient devices are:

  • mosquito net from mosquitoes;
  • raincoat made of transparent material;
  • clutch for warming hands in winter;

  • pockets for small things;
  • shopping cart;
  • bicycle lock;
  • seat belts for the child.

The mosquito net will protect the baby from annoying insects in the summer. This will come in handy both in the city and in the country. A raincoat is simply necessary in bad weather: the baby will be securely sheltered from rain and gusts of wind. The raincoat should be made of transparent plastic material so that the baby can watch his mother.

Mom's hand muff comes in handy in cold weather in winter. It is attached to the handle of the stroller and saves from frost. A mother's bag is a useful accessory, especially if it can be detached from the stroller and put on the shoulder. There is a grocery basket in every model, but it is not always in a convenient position, which reduces its presence to complete absurdity: things cannot fit in it.

Now you can pay attention to the external characteristics of the stroller: color, interior decoration and various additions. Recall that these characteristics are not as important as the right driving performance of the stroller and its weight. The color of the exterior finish for walking in winter should be chosen dark: dark smudges and spots will not be visible on it. For a summer light stroller-cane, any color can be: the product is easy to wash and dry.

Advanced cradles

In order to increase the comfort during the operation of the stroller, manufacturers offer improved models. The price of the product will increase, but it is worth considering the benefits of additional options for the child.

  • The soft suspension makes it possible to rock the stroller in different directions: sideways, back and forth and even up and down. It is convenient for motion sickness of newborn babies when crying.
  • For harsh climates, models with detachable inner upholstery are produced. This must be taken into account when buying. Insulation - a fur envelope - provides all-weather use of the cradle.

  • Adjustable, silent, removable hood that does not disturb the baby's sleep with its creaking and crackling when installing / dismantling during a walk. On previous models, the hoods, when installed, simply frightened the kids with their loud sounds and crackling.
  • Orthopedic waterproof mattress with hypoallergenic properties.
  • Adjustable backrest that lifts the baby during feeding. The raised body allows him to survey the surroundings while walking.
  • Some cradles are equipped with a climate control system that provides fresh air to the “salon” of the stroller during a walk.
  • A spacious and deep basket for placing crumbs in the cold season will provide an additional layer of warm air, and in the summer season - excellent ventilation and air circulation.
  • For traffic safety at night, inserts of reflective elements are made on the body: drivers will notice the pram. Also, reflectors are installed on the wheels.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when buying a stroller:

  • If the weight of the stroller is critical, it is better to choose a carrycot with wheels: it weighs no more than 10 kg. The transformer has a mass of 12 kg or more.
  • If the roads are uneven, do not buy vehicles on solid wheels: driving performance leaves much to be desired.
  • Three-wheeled products are not suitable for bad roads: it is impossible to overcome a hole or a puddle on the road. The four-wheeled "all-terrain vehicle" will easily pass through the sand and snow.
  • To increase the maneuverability of the stroller on bad roads, you should buy a product with “floating” wheels: this will allow you to overcome difficult sections of the road.
  • It is necessary to check the operation of the brake pedal: it should not be either tight or too pliable. The stroller should be easy to put on the brakes with your foot, without the help of hands.
  • The wheel lock will protect the child from accidental movement of the stroller in the absence of parents. Never leave a baby in a stroller without locking the wheels.

  • Inflatable wheels are more reliable and provide excellent cross-country ability in winter and in slush, but if a wheel is punctured, you will have to buy a new stroller.
  • The small wheels provide maneuverability of the transport, while the large ones give it all-terrain qualities. For Russian roads, all-terrain properties are more suitable than maneuverability.
  • You should check the strength of the fastening of the wheels to the chassis: they should not hang out, and the stroller should not go sideways.
  • When purchasing a stroller for babies, you need to pay attention to the bottom: it must be hard. Sagging models for babies up to a year are unacceptable.
  • To protect the baby from dust and exhaust gases, you should choose strollers with high chassis. The higher the baby is above the ground, the less his lungs are polluted.
  • If you plan to have a second baby, it is better to buy a transformer for the firstborn with the option of folding the basket. In this case, the stroller will wait for its second rider without taking up space in the apartment.
  • Aluminum body frames and chassis, plastic wheel rims are very unreliable. A few descents of the stroller down the stairs and you will have to purchase a replacement for a broken, flimsy product. Therefore, you need to choose a reliable, durable model without saving money.
  • Strollers for twins should have a solid construction and powerful wheels. Also, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account the width of the doorways and the elevator: the stroller should easily enter and leave the doors.

Hello friends, Lena Zhabinskaya is with you!

Responsible parents prepare in advance for the appearance of a peanut in the family. And one of the items that the baby cannot do without is his transport. Therefore, it is quite natural to wonder how to choose the right stroller for a newborn.

If you immediately come to a children's store, then the number of various models and manufacturers will make your head spin.

Therefore, it’s better that we sit down calmly and figure out how to find your ideal stroller in all this abundance, and not throw money away for something that is not at all functional and not necessary.

All strollers can be conditionally divided into two types: recumbent and seated. Accordingly, in the recumbent, the child mainly lies, and in the sitting ones, he sits. Lying for very young children, and sedentary - for older children.

Of course, a newborn needs a stroller in which he can lie comfortably. We will look into them.

The name speaks for itself. Actually, the stroller consists of a cradle and wheels.

This is exactly what the child himself needs: a flat hard bottom, high sides, a hood that protects from bad weather or the scorching sun.

In the most inexpensive models, the cradle may not be removed from the wheels at all, which a priori makes it not transportable.

Otherwise, such a model of a stroller, in principle, is devoid of flaws.


It consists of wheels and a block that can be, without being removed from the wheels, transformed (hence the name) into a cradle or into a seated version.

Due to not the simplest design and the need for transformation, the bottom of the stroller is not perfectly flat, as in the cradle, and has joints, which is not good for the baby's spine.

Such models are the most bulky and heavy.

Numerous mechanisms, according to mothers, tend to seize and break.

Only the price can be attributed to the pluses: in this category you can find the most economical options compared to buying a carrycot and stroller separately and compared to modular systems.

Moms who have transformers, write in the comments, do you agree or does this model have advantages that I did not say about?

Modular 2 in 1 or 3 in 1.

It consists of wheels (base) and the actual modules: a separate cradle, which is placed on the base, a separate walking sitting block, a separate car seat.

The 2 in 1 strollers have two modules: a cradle and a sitting stroller.

3 in 1 strollers additionally have an auto-seat module, which is also placed on the base of the wheels.

It differs from a transformer in that the modules of the cradle and the walking block are separated from each other and exist completely autonomously, and are not converted into one another.

The seat is hard, like a bench, I had to constantly put something under my ass.

Lyova also regularly slid forward from the seat as if from a hill, because it is not a bit recessed back.

In the car seat of this stroller, there is also no such luxury as some kind of pillows, pads, holders for softness.

The head of the child constantly falls forward or sideways.

Especially when the pup is very small and does not hold its head at all, this causes anxiety and looks visually strange, because the head practically rests on the shoulder.

Therefore, again, they put diapers on, twisted the rollers under the head, in general, they adapted to the car seat, and did not pick it up according to their requests.

I am sure that similar moments of inconvenience are somehow characteristic of all modular strollers.

That's why they are 2 in 1 and 3 in 1 - a compromise of each model for a better combination with each other, and not for your convenience.

If you do not agree, write to me in the comments which modular stroller you are satisfied with!

At the time of purchase, it seemed to me a great idea to pay once, and then not spend money on a car seat and a stroller.

Now I have completely changed my mind.

The stroller is not cheap and is in excellent condition, so my little Eva is currently riding in it (in the carrycot and car seat).

But then I will definitely get rid of it and buy a separate walking one: more comfortable, soft, light, compact, with all sorts of coasters, pockets.

  1. Consider in advance the length and width of the stroller - for this, measure the doors of the elevator, the grocery store nearby and other places that you will often visit with your child - you should not experience discomfort when moving.
  2. Think about the weight of the stroller - this is an essential point, if, for example, you live on the fifth floor of a five-story building without an elevator or you have a high porch and no ramp - then this point will be the most important when choosing.
  3. Foresee transportability and compactness for the trunk of a car if, for example, you often travel to a neighboring city by private car, or live in a cottage village and often go to the city by car.
  4. The cradle should not be too low, otherwise your back will get tired of bending over very quickly.
  5. Adjustment of the handle - perhaps your family will have to roll the stroller of different heights, and if the height of the handle is not adjustable, it will be uncomfortable for someone. And we do not need this, let nothing prevent relatives from helping you with the baby, walking with him while you are resting.
  6. If the main season for walking up to six to eight months is in autumn and winter, choose large rubber wheels that will drive through snow, slush and mud. If you will be walking with a newborn mainly in summer and spring, take care in advance of having a special mosquito net for the stroller and a raincoat.
  7. The front wheels should rotate around their axis - this makes the stroller much more maneuverable, you can turn around in one place, just turning around.
  8. It is very convenient to have a bag that hangs on the handle, because you have to constantly carry diapers, diapers, napkins, nipples, bottles, toys, etc. with you. And the bottom basket usually contains products from the store.
  9. Three-wheeled models may look more spectacular, but in fact they can not drive on some rail-shaped ramps.
  10. In no case do not purchase models with inflated wheels - they often go down and pierce, and changing them is incredibly problematic.

If you use a car, you need a good car seat. Even the most inexpensive one will be more convenient than the one included in the 3 in 1 module.

Then, when the baby is thoroughly grown up, you can sell the cradle and car seat without any problems and with the proceeds you will get a stroller and a new car seat, again, fully meeting your desires.

I can’t imagine what I would do without this miracle gadget, with it the body temperature of my kids is under control around the clock from the phone screen. In problem situations, I always have time to track the temperature rise and give antipyretics in time.

I hope the information was useful to you, soon there will be the same detailed review with a penchant for strollers, so subscribe to the updates so as not to miss it, and also share the article on social networks.

Lena Zhabinskaya was with you, bye bye!

The appearance of a child means the need to buy a stroller for a newborn. At first glance, this task may seem very simple, but as practice shows, it can be quite difficult to choose an inexpensive and convenient model. Do not forget that the stroller should be comfortable not only for the child, but also for the parent. In our ranking, we have collected 10 of the best options that have good reviews from satisfied owners.

TOP 10 best strollers for newborns in 2018-2019


Average cost: 22,730 rubles.

Our rating opens with a Polish carrycot for children up to 6 months - Navington Caravel. A feature of this model is a special system of swivel front wheels, which greatly facilitates control on a flat road. If necessary, the wheels can be fixed. Separately, it is worth noting the soft spring cushioning and inflatable wheels with a diameter of 31 cm, so the child will be comfortable even while walking on sand and soil.

The frame of the stroller is completely made of steel, which, on the one hand, is a big plus - a solid construction, on the other hand, a minus - a lot of weight. Below is a capacious metal basket, where you can add purchases from stores. The set comes with a special cover with which you can cover things and products in the basket. For the convenience of parents, a telescopic handle is provided, which is adjustable in height depending on the height of the parent (73-112 cm).

The cradle itself is made of high-quality materials, and due to its large size (79x36cm), the child will be spacious and comfortable in it. For convenience and protection, the manufacturer has provided for the presence of a window on the cradle for ventilation, a mosquito net, a sun visor, a removable mattress, and so on. The cradle itself is quite light and has a simple release mechanism, due to which it is easy to carry it separately.

Due to the spacious cradle and large wheels, the dimensions of the Navington Caravel turned out to be quite large. Despite this, the width of the chassis retains the standard parameters (59cm), so the stroller can easily fit in any elevator.

  • Large swivel wheels (diameter 31 cm)
  • Spacious and deep cradle with carrying handle
  • Wind protection, ventilation, mosquito net
  • High quality materials
  • Total weight 17.5 kg
  • If the sun shines in the back, the hood does not cover from the sun
  • Springs creak in the cold


Average cost: 23,999 rubles.

Chicco Urban is a universal stroller for the city, which easily transforms from a cradle to a stroller seat and vice versa. The comfort and coziness of the baby is provided by a rigid base and soft textiles of the cradle. The chassis is entirely made of anodized aluminum, so the total weight is not that big, only 10.5 kg. Chassis width 63 cm.

An important feature is the presence reversible seat, as some parents like to carry their children facing them, thereby establishing eye contact while others prefer to show the baby the world around them.

There is shock absorption on the front and rear wheels, which gives a restful sleep to the baby even on uneven roads. The backrest is adjustable in 3 positions. For additional safety of the passenger the seat belt is provided. For the convenience of parents, the handle is adjustable in height.

  • Cute and practical design
  • Interchangeable color kits
  • Maneuverability
  • Compact when folded
  • Not suitable for skiing in winter
  • small cradle
  • Most users quickly break the parking brake
  • Rigid when driving on cobblestones


Average cost: 29,100 rubles.

Noordline Stephania Eco is a versatile 2 in 1 stroller made of eco-leather. This model is designed for children from birth to 3 years (it all depends on the weight of the child). The stroller is rightfully considered all-weather. For use in severe winter conditions, non-blown sides are provided, and for a comfortable summer walk, a mosquito net and a sun visor are provided.

The cradle itself is quite roomy (35x75 cm), due to which the baby will always be comfortable. Inside, everything is made of cotton, pleasant to the touch. At the bottom there are special ventilation holes. The cradle is removed / installed from the chassis without any problems.

The walking block is made in such a way that it can be installed facing the parent or on the road. It is believed that up to 6 months, the unit is best placed facing the mother, since at an earlier age the child needs eye contact. The footboard and back of the walking block are adjustable.

The stroller is assembled quite quickly and easily, fits in the trunk of a car without any problems, the Noordline Stephania Eco folding mechanism is a “book”. The chassis is equipped with a spring damping system, due to which the child will not feel bumps on the road. The front wheels are swivel, with the possibility of full fixation if necessary.

  • Roomy cradle
  • Price-quality ratio
  • High-quality and pleasant to the touch materials
  • Good cross
  • No cup holder
  • Small bag and shopping basket
  • Users complain about constantly flat tires

7 Little Trek Neo Alu (carrycot)

Average cost: 18,450 rubles.

In seventh place in our ranking of the best strollers for newborns is the Little Trek Neo Alu carrycot. This device is made in Russia and belongs to budget models (economy class), however, numerous positive reviews from moms and dads on the forums speak of the high quality of assembly and materials.

The chassis and rims are made entirely of aluminium, so the total weight is only 13 kg (chassis weight 8.5 kg, carrycot weight 4.5 kg). With such a low weight, the stroller is easy to roll with one hand. The cradle is very spacious (40x86 cm) and comfortable for the baby, the Little Trek Neo Alu will accommodate a child up to 8-9 months without any problems. Chassis width is 57 cm.

Depreciation in this model is also on top. You can easily ride on the lawn, paving stones and drive up the high steps. The handle is made of eco-leather, if necessary, you can adjust the height to the height of the parent.

  • Comfortable, warm and spacious
  • Good cross
  • Can be operated with one hand
  • quality fabric
  • Inconvenient bag closure
  • You need to constantly lubricate, otherwise it creaks
  • Small range of colors
  • The hood is not fixed


Average cost: 45,890 rubles.

A premium stroller that can be used with the possibility of installing a child seat for a car, a stroller unit and a carrycot. Anex Sport is not only safe and comfortable for the baby, but also convenient for parents. Let's take a closer look at the features of this model.

The first thing to start with is the chassis. It uses a modern suspension with 2 shock absorbers (on the rear wheels and on the frame), which gives the baby a restful sleep while moving on gravel, paving stones and other irregularities. The design itself is entirely made of aluminum alloy, due to which the weight of Anex Sport is only 12 kg. High maneuverability is ensured by the wheels turning 360 degrees, if necessary, they can be fixed in one position.

As for the cradle, it is worth noting a spacious box with dimensions of 35x77 cm. The high-quality materials used in the interior do not cause allergies in the baby. To protect the little passenger from exposure to sunlight, a visor is provided, and a ventilation window is provided so that fresh air circulates inside. The walking block and a car seat considerably expand possibilities of use of this carriage.

Anex Sport pleases with a thoughtful design, due to which an ordinary trip turns into a real pleasure for parents and a child.

  • Beautiful design
  • Maneuverable and lightweight
  • Good cushioning
  • Comfortable rain cover
  • There is a constant thud and crunch of wheels
  • Shock absorbers creak
  • Inconvenient shopping cart
  • Sometimes the brakes fail


Average cost: 19,400 rubles.

In fifth place in our ranking is the combined stroller ROAN Kortina for newborns. There is absolutely everything that caring parents want to see for the convenience of their baby: a removable hood with 5 folding positions, an adjustable backrest, a wind cover, seat belts and much more. This model is ideal for city dwellers, it is easy to maneuver with it on crowded streets or in a supermarket.