What is human skin. What are skin derivatives? Leather - Chemical Laboratory

Among all human body organs is the largest skin. We present to your attention 10 interesting facts about our skin.


People have different growth, completeness, respectively, the skin area from various people will be different, but on average, this indicator is at the level of 1.5-2.5 m2. The weight of multilayer skin cover is over 11-15 percent of human weight.

Skin area in an adult reaches 1.5-2.5 m?


In the baby, the skin thickness is equal to one millimeter. With adulthood, it remains thin only on eyelids. In an adult person, the average skin thickness increases several times. Palm hands and feet feet are places with the thick skin.

Palm hands and feet feet are places with the thick skin.


This separate body has its own specific functions, skin cells in the body numbered from 300 to 350 million per year, the body should develop more than 2 billion skin cells. The fact is that for the year the change of all skin cells occurs at least 6 times (complete replacement - for 55-80 days). The process of completing the cell cycle occurs at a rate of 0.6 million horny scales / hour (this amount corresponds to the weight of 0.7-0.8 kg).

Man's skin with a large magnification. Crop's flakes clearly visible.

Complicated structure

The skin has a complex structure, there are cells of different types in it. In addition, in the largest human body there are glands (greasy and sweat), capillaries and hair. In the square centimeter of the skin there are about 230-250 glands (200 sweat, 30-50 sagged), two meters of capillaries and two dozen hair.

Potting ability

Man sweats and this is very good for his body. Pot, released on the skin surface, contributes to its cooling. The work of the kidneys is facilitated, due to the work of the sweat glands, the body is getting rid of excess moisture and harmful products that occur during the digestion of food during the exchange of substances. In the heat through the pores of the skin surface, several liters of sweat (3 or more) may be released.

In the heat through the pores of the skin surface there may be several liters of sweat

Synthesis of vitamin D.

The skin when creating certain conditions can serve as a synthesizer of beneficial substances. For example, there are complex processes that contribute to the synthesis of vitamin D. from this point of view of the tan, but should not forget about the devastating properties of ultraviolet rays for all living cells. In the solarium and the sun take the tan of the skin is moderate and in a certain, recommended doctors mode.

In case of sunshine, complex processes occur on the skin, which contribute to the synthesis of vitamin D


Among the main functions that are assigned to the skin of nature can be noted as follows:

  • protective function from overheating of the body and mechanical damage, from radiation, including the ultraviolet part of the spectrum of light, from microbes and harmful substances;
  • the function of regulation through the mechanism of balance of equilibrium in the amount of water, the presence of certain substances;
  • through the skin, the body and the outer medium exchange the necessary substances, the skin to some extent is an auxiliary body of the respiratory;
  • tangible feature: Receptors are built into the skin, due to their person has a sense of touch;
  • function of the appearance: Features of the skin of the face and subcutaneous mimic muscles make it possible to visually distinguish one person from the other and transmit their emotions.

Mimic properties of the skin allow us to transfer their emotions to each other


The waterproof of the skin provides its outer layer of the epidermis. Its cells are very tightly in contact with each other and on the outer surface have a layer of fat. If the body is long in water, the extracellular layer of fat is thinned and water gets access to skin cells, as a result she swells.

Crowned skin from long exposure to water

Clean and excessive sterility

On the surface of the skin, colonies of beneficial microorganisms, helping in the fight against pathogenic bacteria. If you achieve absolute sterility, you can weaken the protection: excessive sterility for the skin is harmful.

Bacteria on the skin under the microscope

Measuring cells and dust

For his life, each person loses up to hundreds of kilograms of horny scales, which turn into dust. In the air of his house (office) or apartments when penetrating the sunshine, you can clearly see a huge number of smallest dust. Almost 2/3, this dust consists of skin horny scales. Billions of tons of dust the same composition takes the atmosphere of the planet.

Dust in your room almost 2/3 this consists of skin horny scales.

Yours faithfully,

Leather: structure and functions. General characteristics.

The skin is a very important and complex organ. Approximately 1 cm2 is more than a thousand nerve endings, 645 sweat glands, 75 sebaceous glands, 65 hair bags, 25 meters of nerve fibers and 6 meters of blood vessels. The skin protects our internal organs from microorganisms and adverse environmental impact. The skin is a kind of barrier between the external environment and the body. Partially it helps the work of all organs: participates in breathing and metabolism, regulates the body temperature, is a secretory body.

Healthy skin- One of the important prerequisites for improving the overall state of human health. In an adult, the area of \u200b\u200bskin cover is from one and a half to two square meters, the skin weight is about 18% of the total body weight. In its thickness and density, skin neodynakova - it is more dense on his hands, feet legs. The skin thickness covering the neck, hips, back, and the skull is about 4 mm. The thinnest skin on eyelids is 0.4 mm, as well as an external auditory channel - 0.1 mm. Approximately 70% of human skin consists of water. The person weighing 70 kg in the skin contains 8 liters of water, so moisturizing is so important for the skin.

The skin view largely depends on objective and subjective factors, among which such as age and belonging to a certain race, nationality, sex can be called. The state of the skin may vary depending on the profession (the spheres of artistic, working conditions) and the living conditions in general. A significant imprint on the skin condition impose climate and seasons of the year, changing both its color and elasticity. The skin helps us breathe. During the day, the skin highlights up to 800 ml of water vapor. It is twice as bigger than the lungs! The skin, highlighting the sweat, frees the body from harmful products of metabolism and poisons that fall together with food, liquid and air into the body.

Skin structure. The skin consists of three layers - epidermis, dermis and hypodermas. All this is the links of one chain, which are closely interconnected.

Epidermis.The epidermis is the outer and thinner of the skin (from 0.1 to 2 mm). The epidermis consists of five layers. The upper - horny layer - directly contact with the external environment. It is formed by dense cells that are constantly exfoliated (about 2 billion burdens, total weight of 5 grams, are separated from the surface of the skin daily. When the skin is peeling, along with dead horny cells, dust, dirt and microbes are removed from the skin surface.

The horny layer determines the permeability of the skin for various substances, including cosmic ones. Under the influence of friction, the sun rays of the horny layer thickens. Under the horn layer is 4 layers: brilliant, grainy, spit-shaped, germs (basal). In the deepest layer - germs (basal) - the formation of new cells is continuously.

The embryonic layer on the border with the derma forms a basal membrane. In the basement membrane of keratin - new young cells are synthesized - new young cells are synthesized - keratinocytes, which are repeated in the miniature the path of each body living on Earth. They are born, undergo a certain way of development and die away. The process of formation of new cells occurs mainly during night sleep. Within 3-4 weeks, the young cage from the basal layer rises to the surface of the epidermis and dies. Thus, every month there is a complete update of the epidermis. In the cells of the germinal layer, the coloring substance is formed - melanin, which determines the color of the skin and hair, and what is more, the skin is darker. The activity of melanocyte cells, which produce melanin, directly depends on the intensity of solar radiation.

The formation of melanin is intensified under the action of ultraviolet rays. It is thanks to this that we sunbathe. Pigment cells on the surface of the skin are unevenly located. For example, on the skin of the face of pigment cells is twice as much as on the inside of the hand, so the face sunburster stronger and faster. But significant irradiation leads to hyperstimulation of melanocytes, and the "chocolate" tan can contribute to the development of malignant pigment tumors. With a uniform distribution of melanocytes under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the skin is covered with a beautiful golden tan. If melanocytes are unevenly distributed in the skin, then pigment spots can be formed in the places of their accumulation and, as one of the forms of pigmentation, freckles.

Dermis.Translated from the Latin language "Derma" means "own skin". The drama includes: fibroblasts, macrophages, collagen and elastin fibers, an intercellular substance, blood and lymphatic vessels, nerve endings, skin muscles, hair bulbs, sweat and sebaceous glands. Derma plays the role of a frame that provides mechanical properties of the skin - its elasticity, strength and extensibility. Derma is a thicker skin layer compared to the epidermis. Its thickness reaches 2.4 mm. In the dermis, the puffing layer adjacent to the basement membrane and the thick mesh layer under it is distinguished. In the nipple layer, bundles of smooth muscle cells are hidden, which are attached to the hair lows. When we are cold, these microscopic muscles are reduced, the hairs are raised, the surface layers of the skin are compressed and pimples are formed.

The mesh layer of the dermis is the plexus of fibers, which cause strength, elasticity, skin extensiveness. These fibers are divided into two types: one consists of protein collagen, others from Elastin. It is elastin fibers that give the skin elasticity, and collagen - strength. Elasticity and smoothness (otherwise the tone and tour) of the skin surface is ensured by the content of a large amount of water in the dermis. If you want to keep your skin with elastic and smooth for a long time, then you need to take care of its moisture. This is also important because the skin easily loses moisture, and stress, environmental pollution, improper care accelerate the process of evaporation of moisture and enhance skin dehydration.

The epidermis does not have blood vessels, so the dermis supplies the epidermis with vitamins, oxygen, proteins, minerals, microelements and amino acids. Both layers are closely connected with each other. But in the process of aging the body, this connection is gradually collapsed, and as a result, the epidermis receives insufficient oxygen and other nutrients - and the skin becomes gray, sluggish, diryab. The dermis is equipped with a large number of blood and lymphatic vessels. They nourish it and remove harmful metabolic products from it. The branched network of the capillaries of the dermis is shifting through a thin epidermis and gives the skin pink shade. The dermis is also abundantly equipped with nerve fibers, many of which have sensitive receptors.

In general, the skin contains 250 thousand sensitive receptors of cold, 30 thousand heat recipes, 2 million nerve pain and 500 thousand conname receptors. Inside the dermis is permeated with sweat, sall glands and hair follicles. Through the duct, or sweat channel, sweat iron displays sweat to the surface of the skin through the pores. The sweat is allocated due to the reduction of muscle fibers surrounding the gland, so that the skin surface is moistened. The secret of sweat glands is sour. Thanks to sweating glands, the thermoregulation of the entire body is carried out. Potting and evaporation occurs continuously at any temperature, intensifying when it is raised. In structure, the silent iron resembles a bag filled with lard. Fats of the sebaceous glands are fat glycerol and fatty acids. The streams of the sebaceous glands are opening into the exit channels from the skin of the hair. Around one hair can be 6-10 sebaceous glands. On the face, part of the sebaceous glands opens directly to the skin surface. On average, about 3 grams of fat are distinguished during the day of the sulk gland. Allocated fat softens the skin and hair. Depending on the number of fat vehicles secreted by saline glands, the skin is normal, dry, oily and combined. Fastened to the surface of the skin Salo creates on it (along with then) with a sour water-fat film, called the "water-lipid matter" of the skin. 5-7 days after the sealance of the sludge on the skin surface, its antibacterial properties are lost, as the fat decomposes. Salad decay products irritate the skin and cause a person a feeling of itching. If such a fat is removed with water with soap, then even in young and healthy skin, the reduction of surface acidity occurs 3-4 hours, which is why it is so important to use the right means for cleansing the skin.

Hypodermis (subcutaneous fatty cells) is the bottom, the deepest layer of the skin. It consists of loose connective tissue, in the loops of which the fat is located. The thickness of this layer varies widely. In the abdomen and buttocks region, it can reach 10 cm or more. There is no fat layer on the eye eyelids, it is small on the nose (up to 2 mm), ear sinks and lips. In subcutaneous fatty cells there is a rich network of vessels and nerve fibers. It contains fat reserves that are energy reserves for the body, which are consumed in emergency situations, for example during illness. The subcutaneous fiber protects the body from bruises and supercooling. Formed from a fat layer, this layer allows skin to smoothly slide on the organs and muscles, which it covers. The connective tissue is located a powerful layer of skeletal muscles. With its muscle abbreviations, elastic skin fibers are strengthened, improve blood circulation in it and contribute to the resorption of fat.

Skin features. The skin, as one of the most important organs of the human body, executes several very important functions:
- creates a protective barrier, which helps to preserve the moisture, electrolyte and high molecular compounds in the body;
- is a mechanical barrier protecting against harmful mechanical, physical, chemical impacts and penetration of microorganisms;
- The most important role in the thermal control of the body;
- the skin surface has bactericidal properties;
- the presence of sweat glands performs the function of the selection organ;
- in the skin there is a synthesis of vitamin D;
- Thanks to the presence of nerve endings collects information about changes in the external environment, is an organ of pain and temperature sensitivity.

Types of leather
. There are several classifications for skin definition. The skin is classified depending on photosensitivity, as well as from the functions of the sebaceous and sweat glands. In addition, a combination of such indicators such as allergenicity, humidity, solidity, elasticity, skin profile, vessel state, pigmentation and sensitivity levels are taken into account. Thus, we get up to 30 different skin types. Main types of skin. Depending on fatness and humidifier distinguish four main types of skin: dry, Normal, Combined and Fatty. You can combine information about each of them in order to make it easier to determine the type of skin of the client and understand which care is required.

Oily skin. This type of leather has a characteristic glow and wide pores that are very noticeable. Fatty skin is not prone to the formation of wrinkles, as the excess of the skin protects it from cutting, but there are constantly on the fatty skin, but comedones, acne and acne constantly appear on the oily skin. Oily skin is almost always porous. The reason for this is not fully studied. But, apparently, certain substances can lead to strengthening the energization of the upper layer, while the pressure is created, under the action of which the pores are curly expanded. On the silent skin faster than on dry, dust and dirt lay. Maintain a well-kept skin view with a fatty type is not easy. The fatty skin is due to the release of sebum, and the epidermal lipids correspond to the water balance. Therefore, even oily skin can be dehydrated and demanding moisturizing care at the same time with degreasing. "Blame" in excess of fat men's hormone testosterone. It also produces a female organism, so during the period of puberty and the formation of an endocrine system, when the hormone level changes, the skin of most teenagers becomes fat and can be covered with ebb. But oily skin does not speak to the excess of this hormone in no men or women. Simple glands have an individual, hereditaryly caused sensitivity to this hormone. And even the best care is the hereditary program cannot be changed.

A special case:fat, but at the same time dry skin. Dermatologists call this condition of dry seborrhea. Such skin, even being relatively oily and forming acne and hasty tubes, looks, nevertheless, matte, rough and dry. The reason for this is the lack of moisture in combination with an excess of fat, which, however, is all absorbed by the thickened corneum layer, so the skin looks porous and loose.

Combined leather. This is a few "degraded" version of normal skin. He is the most common. The skin has a healthy appearance, a smooth structure and fatty areas with large pores in the so-called T-zone area - chin, nose and forehead, and on the cheeks, in the eye and temples - dry. Such skin may have inhomogeneous color and uneven structure. Combined skin owners who know its features can achieve virtuoso accuracy when caring for it. In the case of combination skin, two sets of cosmetics should be kept at hand: for oily and for dry skin. Especially if the difference between these zones is significant. The most common error of the hinders of the combined type skin lies in the fact that all the skin is care for both fat, as a result of which areas around the eyes are rearmed, which leads to the early formation of wrinkles in this zone. Therefore, it should be remembered that the differentiated approach to the care of combination skin is the basic principle. Pronounced mixed skin, in fact, occurs only in adolescence. It is at this age that it is important to properly care for bold areas, preventing the appearance of acne, moistening with dry plots. In the older age, care for the mixed skin type can be minimized, since the combined skin with proper care with age often becomes normal.

Normal leather. Those who were lucky enough to have such a type of skin, almost always look beautiful. They have smooth skin, with small pores. The moisture content and fat in such a skin is harmonized, and various irritations appear extremely rarely. On the skin of this type, with proper care, deep wrinkles do not appear up to 50-60 years. But, unfortunately, the owners of normal skin are rare. With age, normal skin usually becomes land, respectively, the care of it should be changed. In addition, the structure of the skin is such that, even being normal, it changes its properties under the influence of weather conditions and the condition of the body. Sometimes women in front of menstruation on the skin of a normal type can appear guns. During this period, increased formation of hormones occurs. What increases the activity of the sebaceous glands, but for people with normal shells of guns and acne is usually not a big problem. The only problem of the owners of normal skin is to keep it in a healthy form. For this, the skin needs to be cleaned and protected from the effects of the external environment. Cleansing should not overcluded the skin, and means to protect against environmental impact should not be excessively fat. Also, to preserve a healthy beautiful appearance of the skin, you should select different means depending on the time of year: in winter - as for a slightly dry, and in the summer - as for a bit fat.

Dry skin
. At the same time, the skin is usually very thin, it has small pores and a matte, dull shade, which is due to a reduced fat content. In adolescence, this type of skin looks very attractive: peach cheeks, lack of brilliance, inconspicuous pores. But on such a skin, wrinkles are rapidly formed, especially around the eyes, peeling, and its owners feel the feeling of tightness. Even faster makes the skin dry too hot or too cold climate. The air in our apartments and offices is too dry, which also has a negative effect on the skin. Sometimes she "dries" so much that it starts to peel, cracks appear on it, the skin becomes rude. In this case, they talk about sensitive skin (this is not related to allergies). No need to confuse dehydrated and dry skin. These are different concepts. Dehydrated (peeling) can be fat, and normal leather. And the dry skin lacks fat and moisture. This is to blame the insufficient function of the sebaceous glands, which produce less fat, than is required to form a natural protective film that protects the skin from drying out.

Unfortunately, even with the best caring for dry skin, the sebaceous glands will not produce more skin salts. However, the correct care can fill the disadvantages and keep dry skin attractive. Dry skin care must be as delicate as possible, and this concerns not only the amount of drugs used, but also their composition. Funds for dry skin should be hypoallergenic and do not contain aromatic fonders. The biggest problem of the owner of dry skin - earlier than the appearance of wrinkles. That is why it is careful and correctly selected care for such skin.

On a note. With age, the skin changes, gradually it becomes everything that loses elasticity and elasticity. Accordingly, cosmetics should change. In addition, cosmetics should be seamless to take into account the season, climatic conditions. The temporary conditions of stay (wet climate of resorts, frost, wind) should also be taken into account. When choosing funds, you should be guided by a simple rule: to fill out the shortcomings and eliminate excess. In addition, you need to know that any skin needs four main mainstream stages: protection, purification, moisture and nutrition. Be sure to take into account age. At the same time, it is necessary to be guided not only by biological age, but also the condition of the skin.

Leather status

Sensitive skin. The concept of "sensitive skin" is very firmly included in our life. Customers of cosmetologists are increasingly complaining about it, they write about it in magazines, they speak professional congresses, they produce special cosmetics for it. 7 out of 10 women in Central Europe characterize their skin as sensitive. But only one really sensitive skin. In most cases, the owner of such skin is a blonde and red-haired with very light skin and blue or greens. Their skin not only produces little fat, but also has a very thin horny layer and a very little protective pigment. Because of this, it is especially exposed to all external stimuli. As well as internal stress. In some people, all signs of "sensitivity" are irritation, redness and peeling of the skin - arise after applying cosmetics inappropriate for their skin. Other such manifestations are noted with the change of climatic conditions. Such a skin reaction is very often taken for allergies or some dermatological disease, such as a rosacea or seborrheal dermatitis. Nevertheless: if for a long time, such symptoms appear suddenly, without visible reasons, most likely we can talk about sensitive skin.

The most "sensitive character" is distinguished by the areas of the person on which either anatomically too thin skin, or the so-called lipid barrier is lost or weakened. An example of such zones is the nasolabial area and the area around the eyes. It is no secret that most often irritation appears in these places.

Drying (fading) leather . The painful skin is easily taken into a fold, it is pale, prone to the formation of wrinkles and is distinguished by a slight salon, reduced elasticity, stretched pores. In the outlines of the person draw attention to even young wonderfulness of the cheeks, deep premature nasolabial folds. Withering, or aging, leather occurs along with the aging of the whole organism. On the skin of the face and neck, the first signs of aging appear much earlier than on the body. Signs of fading the skin of the face and neck begin to manifest itself gradually from 25-30 years and become noticeable to 40-45. With age, the skin is thinned, its elasticity decreases, it is easily going to the folds, wrinkles appear. Previously, all - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eye (goose paws), then - in the corners of the mouth, on the nose. Where in the youth there were charming pits, now completely unnecessary wrinkles. With age, an excess skin appears on the cheeks, chin, neck, the oval of faces changes. Sudden leather declaration can be caused by a sharp weight loss, especially if the woman is at the age of 35-40, when the processes of recovery and the formation of new cells slow down significantly.

Dehydrated leather This is a skin condition that can be inherent in any type. Dehydrated in cosmetology is called the skin that contains an insufficient amount of water and is not able to hold it in the horn layer of the epidermis. The most upper, horny, leather layer by 33% consists of water, so it is so plastic and elastic. With age under the influence of various aggressive external factors (incorrect care, thinning of the horn layer, UV radiation, was able, dry air of the room, sharp temperature differences) The water balance of the skin is broken and the loss of fluid cell is important for the life cycle begin to exceed its arrival. With a long-term shortage of water in the epidermis and deeper, in the dermis, the mechanisms of drying and thickening of the upper layer are launched (in order to lock the moisture inside), the process of aging cells is accelerated, the dehydrated skin begins to inflame, peeling and loses the barrier properties - the ability to hinder in the body of various pathogenic bacteria and toxins.

Dry and combined dehydrated leather. The term "dehydrated" is related to the presence of moisture in the skin. With its insufficiency, dry and combined leather looks dim, she is rough to the touch, peeling. Such skin can be hypersensitive, prone to irritation. After a long stay in the wind, the sun or the cold skin, the skin of irritation appears on it; Without the use of cosmetics, the skin slightly "burns" and the feeling of its depths appears.

Fatty dehydrated leather. Fatty dehydrated leather looks dim with advanced pores. The skin flashes in some places. Trying to irritation and bad healing of damage, while the skin highlights a large amount of fat. There is a feeling of depth after washing. After a long stay in the wind, the sun or the cold, the skin can cut and the areas of irritation appears on it.

Smoked skin. In adolescence, the skin tends to be covered with acne and acne, but it must be borne in mind that if you have these problems, they may appear again at any age. From 80 to 100% of adolescents to some extent suffer from rashes on the skin, and an increasing number of adult women also face these problems, possibly due to the abuse of contraceptive pills, stress, hormonal disorders of various nature.

Causes of spindles. Previously, it was believed that rash on the skin - acne, acne - are associated with certain types of food or dirty skin. Today it is attributed to the account of oily skin and psychological factors, such as stress. Recent studies have shown that the cause of acne is the accumulation of keratogialine, bacteria and fats in separate hair follicles; Large follicles, located on the face, chest and top of the back are most vulnerable. Some other possible reasons affect this:
-Nastness - in many cases, rashes on the skin are associated with heredity;
- Hormonal background (it is believed that the excess content of any hormones can be the cause of acne rash). Everyone has both female and men's hormones; In women, this phenomenon can be associated with the menstrual cycle. The use of contraceptive pills also changes the hormonal level in the body, and this can be one of the reasons. In addition, stress is reflected at the ejection level of adrenaline, which may also affect the skin condition;
- Comedogenic cosmetic products. Degreased products, not clogging, is the best skin for skin prone to rash. People with fatty leather, it is recommended to use cosmetics only on a low-fat basis;
- humidity, which contributes to the appearance of irritation on the skin. In the summer it can manifest themselves more often, although some people have a skin for some people.

Inflammation of the sebaceous glands. In adolescence, the content of hormones in the blood is rapidly increasing, and this intensifies the release of greater the amount of skin fat. Hormones can be the cause of excess keratin, blocking follicular outlets, which is expressed in typical skin damage - eels. In adults, acne may appear on any of the above reasons. Acne (closed eel - with a white head; open acne - with a black head) are formed when the clots of keratin and skin shana cloculate the hair follicle. Some acne can develop in typical mine-skinned skin rashes. Such acne and papules are formed from the eels, when the wall of the clogged follicle is broken, and dead leather cells, fat and bacteria fall into the dermis. Then the amount of white blood cells, blocking the path of the proliferation of infection in the lower layers of the skin increases. Leather redness appears, and white blood cells mixed with dead skin cells, fat and bacteria, accumulate in the follicle, forming a pus. Then a red pimple with a yellowish head appears on the skin, called Papula. It is impossible to squeeze acne, as bacteria can penetrate deeper into the skin and can remain the scar. If the pimph does not touch, white blood cells will gradually destroy live bacteria.

Skin problems.Clogged, dark, open pores. An excess of sex hormones and improper skin care lead to hypertrophy and change the shape of the silent ducts and glands. The respiratory and bactericidal properties of cells and skin immunity are reduced. Inflammatory processes begin. Reducing the elasticity, the formation of wrinkles on the skin. The reasons for their appearance are the natural processes of aging of the body, active facial expressions, the negative impact of the environment, lack of rest and bad habits. In addition, due to the harmful effects of free radicals and stressful situations, metabolic processes weaken, the hormonal background - and the skin can acquire the first wrinkles.

Stress stains. With nervous overvoltage, aggressive hormones are produced, the walls of the vessels become permeable, and the blood circulation is defective. "Hungry" cells lose their protective-membrane functions. This leads to a disruption of the metabolism of the skin, an increase in the excitability of nerve receptors and a decrease in tissue elasticity.

Acne.The reason for the appearance is stress and hormonal changes that cause an increase in the production of sebum. At some point, the pores cease to cope with the increased amount of sebum, and in the pores begin to multiply bacteria causing acne.

Skin health.How to determine the skin of the skin? Healthy skin has a soft radiance and smooth texture, is not subject to eases. Pores of healthy skin of the same size. Healthy leather is velvet to the touch and has a smooth tone. Such skin produces a sufficient amount of skin fat for its own protection against excessive moisture loss, while not having an excessive gloss. Purchase and save healthy skin is a difficult task. For this, it is necessary to daily devote a certain time to skin care, which consists of five stages: purification, improvement of the skin structure (masks), tones, moisturizing and protecting the skin from harmful environmental impact. The daily comprehensive performance of these five stages will allow to maintain the skin in a healthy state and look younger and attractive.

Remember that to achieve the maximum result, it is necessary to regularly perform all procedures: to clean, tone and moisturize the skin each morning; Then with the help of protective facilities, protect it from excessive moisture loss and harmful environmental impact. Each evening, before bedtime, it is necessary to clean, toning the skin and moisturize it, in order to remove all the contaminants, the products of sweating, dead cells and excess fat, which accumulate on the face surface during the day. Twice a week is recommended to use a mask that improves the skin structure, removing burned particles from the skin surface.

Skin care is not an accurate science, because in each individual case an individual approach is applied, which depends primarily on the type of skin and its condition, regularity and the correct sequence of using cosmetics. The skin of any person is especially sensitive both to external and internal influences: diet, medicines, stress, hormone levels, temperature, humidity, ultraviolet radiation and environmental pollution. The fact that skin is capable of dealing daily with harmful effects depends on the gene pool and age of a person. Despite the fact that natural data is different, there are ways that allow for a long time to preserve the skin of a young and healthy! But, before using soap or moisturizing means, keep in mind that each cosmetics must be intended exclusively for this type of skin. The use of unsuitable cosmetics can bring the skin harm. And although correctly selected funds cannot affect the skin type, they will stimulate the skin's ability to cope daily with harmful environmental impact.

Selective skin type check.
The most accurate way to reflect the needs of the skin client is the definition of the amount of skin, which it produces. Skin fat is a natural humidifier, it is released through the pores and forms a protective layer that helps the skin to retain moisture. The best time for selective check - morning. Clean your face with cleansing agents. After 3 hours, carefully attach a paper napkin to the forehead center and support it for 15 seconds so that it can absorb the fat that has accumulated on the skin surface. Attach the second napkin to the cheek under the outer angle of the eye and support it during the same period of time. Then compare both napkins :. If traces of fat are noticeable on both napkins, the sebaceous glands work normally and the skin type is normal. If trace of fat is barely noticeable on any of the napkins, the skin type is dry. The absence of fatty stains means a very dry skin type. . If there are a lot of fat sequels on both napkins, the skin type is greasy. The larger the fat trail, the fatty skin. If on the napkin, which you attached to the cheek, there is a fat trail, and on the one you attached to the forehead, the track is more noticeable, the skin type is combined.

Greetings all parents who develop children in a game form. The structure of man's skin has become our first theme in a serious deepening in anatomy. If you wondered how to tell the child about our body, about how a person works, then you are accurate with us along the way. In the near future I will publish articles with our games, classes and information on this issue.

  1. For what we need this body
  2. Are we similar to reptile?
  3. What color we are and from what it depends

The skin is quite complicated and to the end of the man not studied. To tell about her children, I will try to touch on only the most important moments and simplify them for children's understanding. And so that you seriously react to this topic, I suggest you spend 3 minutes to view the video. Listen to what answers give an audience, do we really want to grow our children with so minimal knowledge of your own body?

Human skin structure: what it consists of

The first thing we do with Alexander during classes on a particular topic, read. Books on anatomy for children a lot. I will show you an excerpt from those that we have. Photos of books can be discovered in a large size, which will help you in classes.

To introduce my child to whom it is now 5 years 6 months, with the structure of man's skin, we read several reversals from the Book of Mahar Publishing House. Here, the skin in the context is perfectly shown. Until certain age, it is better to restrict ourselves to these data.

But with kids, it is not always enough to show the picture and read about it, it is better to fasten knowledge. And now I will show how you can prepare edible skin!

So, in the picture in the book we saw:

  1. Sweet glands
  2. Derma
  3. Epidermis
  4. Hair

Preparing edible skin, we will execute each of these items. And as you know, the brain remembers better if a person does work independently, so let your child make the fact that in his power.

We study the structure of man's skin cooking dessert

To begin with, we will need:

  • Capacity for the preparation of gelatin;
  • small bath;
  • marshmello;
  • the gelatin of red (strawberry or cherry).

The first thing to do is to prepare gelatin. Everything is extremely simple! Open package, pour the contents into a glass container, pour a glass of boiling water, stir, add a glass of water room temperature, once again stir - ready!

Attention! If you are not sure that your child will cope with the neat pouring boiling water, do it instead.

The second step, fall asleep warm gelatin marshmello. At the same time, we all the time viewed a picture with skin in the context, discussing what our gelatin looks like and what the marshmallow looks like. Have you already guessed?

Air marshmello will swim on the surface of gelatin, this is what we need. The Marshmello layer should be thinner than gelatin, and at the same time he must completely cover it. After this process is completed - we put the bath in the refrigerator. Gelatin should frost well, so carefully read the instructions on the bag, and also better place in the refrigerator for the night.

At the bottom of the previous photo, you see the third layer of our layout of the structure of the human skin. This is our skin that we see, or in other words - the epidermis! For him, I chose waffles, because by texture they reminded me the most of the horn layer of the epidermis. The knife was divided by the waffles on the layers, used only the upper and lower. Tips the knife did the hole.

If I lived in Russia, it would most likely would take advantage of fruit rubbing, which in my hometown is sold in the form of square plates. It is easy to make holes (pores) and it looks with a solid cover, how is our skin. Even for the epidermis, a puff pastry would fit perfectly, its dry layers would simulate the top layer of the skin. For hairs, I picked up Fiber for breakfast.

The main thing is to understand the structure of man's skin based on the picture we saw in the book above. Then walking the supermarket you will definitely choose products that come to you for edible layout.

Having delivered the frozen gelatin from the refrigerator, carefully circle it with a knife, turn the bath and shake its contents. If this is given with great difficulty, you can lower the container for 20 seconds in hot water and get a layout without damage. Now, the marshmallow was at the bottom - the first layer sweet glands; second layer dermis; Now lay out the third layer - epidermis; in which already made pores, in them we insert hair. Mock is ready!

photo increases when clicking

Do you have a piece with two or three hairs?

And you know what my angel said me?!

Well, wonderful! Now you can save time on their preparation.

So, what functions do the skin perform? Why does she date us in nature?
This authority protects our inner body from:

  • Solar burns;
  • microbes;
  • shoots.

The skin helps us in:

  • Cooling body in the heat;
  • maintaining heat in cold;
  • feeling pain or ticking;
  • respiratory functions: impart oxygen and emits carbon dioxide;
  • removal of toxic and redundant products (drugs, salts, water);
  • differences of things to the touch (smooth / rough, solid / soft).

This is what Anya tells about the functions of the human skin in the book My body from the crown to heels.

Photo increases when clicking

The fact that our skin is a tanging body, we can show the child in the next game. Take the box, cut into it a small circle and lay different items from different materials there. We suggest running your hand into the box and do not spy. Here we are interested in not so much the figure of the object as its textural description. Excellent practice in the vocabulary: porous, spiny, smooth, ribrant, engraved and so on. You can try to guess the material itself: glass, wood, plastic, paper, fabric.

What helped Alexander to feel the texture, material, the form of these items? Under the skin there are many sensitive points called nervous endings. It is they who send signals into our brain and he understands what surface thumbs touch.

The most sensitive areas of the skin are on the lips, tongue, hands and feet. It is here that the nerve endings reach more.

Cartoons about human skin functions

In a conversation about human skin functions, you can watch a cartoon where the child will see the skin from the inside and will receive an explanation why we sweat.

Video from this series is worth viewing to the very end. It was there that the heroes are summarized why there is something or another in the human body. Here is another cartoon that will explain the child why sometimes goose skin appears on our body.

A series of cartoons "Our Life" is suitable for senior preschoolers and younger students. Information flow is a bit unusual, but my son likes.

How man changes skin

As part of the topic, the structure of the skin of a person, we should note that our top layer of skin is epidermis, also consists of several layers. If a child is studying at school, then maybe he will need to know specific information, if you are expensive parents, you are going to study on this topic with a preschooler, then limit the definition of the "top layer of the epidermis". So, the epidermis, which we and I and Alexander made from Wafer consists of 5 layers: basal, sad, grainy, brilliant and horn.
The topmost layer of horny - it consists of dead cells in the form of scales. New cells are constantly born in the basal layer and approximately 27 days they pass all the layer from the lower to the top. Then departed from the horn layer, under which new, fresh cells have already been formed.

Source photo kurskosm.ru.

The worst horny layer of the epidermis is on our feet, it is updated in about a month. On the elbows, the skin thinner and its update occurs in 10 days. In a year, middle-aged person loses 675 grams of dead cells. But do not think that this burned layer is useless, because it protects us from harmful bacteria in our body. Of course, mom will not be less common than a pedicure, because her legs should be gentle as a baby.

Fact: Already by the age of 70, a person drops 12-15 kilograms of the skin.

We already know from the first video of this article that the largest human body is the skin. If we could remove it from ourselves and take it, then the skin of an adult would be about 2 square meters. The size of this body depends on the age of a person, its weight and growth. And the most interesting thing is that we can calculate how much the cover weighs each of us! To do this, we need to weigh and divide the mass of the body to 16. For children, this is quite interesting information. Be sure to spend these calculations with them.

For adults, skin hygiene is obvious, but our children need not only to train hygiene rules, but also to tell why it is important. Questions about microbes Alexander asked for a long time, so I acquired the book Grigory Oster Petka-microbFrom which the child realized that there are harmful and useful microbes.

The body of each person, like other living beings, is covered with a protective layer - Derma. This is the largest organ, designed to protect the soft fabrics and internal organs from external factors. But the dermis is not just a thin layer, because the structure of the skin is characterized by complexity. In this case, each ball performs a number of functions and has its own characteristics. Derma is a multifaceted organ that plays an important role in the normal operation of the whole body.

The skin is a complex organ, which is the outer cover of the body. It performs many functions and ensures the normal vital activity of the whole organism.

Doctors studied the structure of the skin in detail, highlighting 3 main balls:

Today, the structure and functions of the skin are still being studied. After all, new technologies promise the mass of unexpected discoveries in the field of medicine and human anatomy.

Modern doctors distinguish such functions that perform skin layers:

  1. Protective.
    Derma protects the body from external factors, UV radiation and invasion of pathogens of microorganisms, as well as from violation of the moisture balance.
  2. Temperature regulatory.
    Its implementation is carried out by highlighting heat and sweat.
  3. Maintaining a water salt balance.
    This function is carried out at the expense of sweating.
  4. Excretory.
    Its execution is carried out by highlighting sweat. Measurement, salts and medicines come out with him.
  5. Blood deposit process.
    In the vessels located in the dermis, there are constantly circulating about 1 l of this fluid.
  6. Participation in metabolism and endocrine processes.
    Its implementation is carried out due to the synthesis of vitamin D and row of hormones.
  7. Receptor.
    The dermis is one of the most sensitive organs. The whole surface is covered with hundreds of thousands of receptors that make information and transmitting it to the cerebral cortex.
  8. Immunological.
    In the skin, the process of capturing, processing and vehicles of antigen cells is carried out, which is necessary for the appearance of an immune response of the body.

Modern biology allocates 2 varieties of dermis:

  1. Thick.
    It is more rough and covers the palms, soles stop. Its base is a thick epidermis having a layer of 400 - 600 μm. For this type, the absence of hair and sebaceous glands is characteristic.
  2. Thin.
    Its layer consisting of epidermis (thickness in the range of 70 - 140 μm) is covered with the whole body. This type of dermis includes hair follicles and secretory glands.

Modern biology has proven that the skin contains many layers, each of which has a certain meaning. Only such a unique structure allows the body to provide a reliable protection against the world from the outside.

Epidermis in details

These are the top layers of the skin, which are the first obstacle to exposure to the outside. It is this protective layer that is referred to as the epidermis. This ball consists of a multi-layer epithelium having a very specific structure. Thus, its upper layers consist of dead cells forming a horny layer, and live elements carrying out active division are located below.

As new cells appear, the old oroging components are exfoliated and replaced. This is a simple biology called the update of the epidermis. In addition to eliminating old cells, this process involves both the removal of toxins, slags accumulated in lymph and blood.

They are absorbed by cells and are eliminated by exfoliation. The complete update of the epidermis (from the basal membrane to the horn layer) can last as 21 days (in young people) and up to 2-3 months.

Such a unique structure makes the epidermis layers impermeable to water and its solutions. Accordingly, the heat loss is excluded due to excessive humidification. At the same time, the epidermis cell membranes contain a sufficiently large amount of fats. This allows cosmetic and drugs to penetrate into its layers and have the necessary impact.

The building of the epidermis involves the complete absence of blood vessels. In this case, the power of this layer is carried out at the cell-membrane level.

Modern biology proved that the epidermis contains the types of useful cells, depending on their functions:

  1. Keratinocytes.
    These are elements producing keratin. Different types of cells can perform this feature: hipgy, basal, grainy. Keratin is responsible for the elasticity and elasticity of human skin.
  2. Cornocytes.
    These are transformed nuclear-free keratinocytes filled with keratin. They rise into the upper balls, become flat and perform a protective function, being a reliable barrier between the human body and the world around.
  3. Ceramides or ceramides.
    These are specific fats, bonding cornocytes. They absorb moisture and fats.
  4. Melanocytes.
    These cells determine the shade of the human skin. They also perform partial protection against radiation and IR radiation, not missing malicious sun rays deeper.
  5. Langergens particles.
    They actively protect the organism from the invasion of microbes and bacteria through the skin.

Modern biology has proven the importance of epidermis, but the study of the cells of this layer is still beginning.

Also, doctors stand out 5 layers of epidermis:

The importance of the epidermis is difficult to overestimate. After all, it is thanks to this layer that we are protected from external influences. Also, it is from the epidermis that the appearance of human skin depends.

Derma and its features

Under this term understand the inner layer of the skin. From the epidermis, it is fenced with a basal membrane. It is more detailed to study the structure of these layers will help the table from the network or textbooks on biology, anatomy. The average thickness of this part of the skin is no more than 0.5 - 5 mm.

For this part of the protective cover of a person, the presence of hair bulbs, blood and lymphatic vessels, as well as nerve endings, secretory glands and receptors are characteristic. Accordingly, the dermis performs protection, bactericidal and thermostat of the skin.

This part includes such layers:

  1. Reticulate.
    This is a loose connective tissue having a high extracellular matrix content. The latter includes collagen, elastin, reticulin and polysaccharides. In fact, it is a man's skin frame.
  2. Pedple.
    This layer contains specific "papillas", creating a special drawing of the skin, including fingerprints.

It is the layers of the demes that form the external state of the epidermis, making the skin healthy or damaged.

Subcutaneous fatty fiber and its purpose

This part of the skin is also referred to as the hypoderma. It performs thermostat and protection function. In fact, it is subcutaneous fat softens the fall and reduces the risk of damage to the soft tissues and internal organs. It is located directly under the derma and such features of the structure of the skin are very justified. After all, it is precisely in fatty tissue that the reserves of nutrients are stored, including vitamins.

The thickness of this layer can be different. But do not think that the smaller fat, the better. Too thin layer of fiber leads to a rapid aging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles, because it is this layer that serves as a support for the dermis and the epidermis.

In fatty tissue carries out products of estrogen - female hormones. Therefore, its increase is good for representatives of the beautiful sex and a detrimental for men. After all, with an increase in the number of estrogen in the blood, testosterone products are automatically reduced, which leads to the development of sexual dysfunction and impotence.

Also in fatty tissue contains aromatase (culprit of estrogen products) and leptin. The latter is responsible for appetite and the appearance of saturation. This hormone is produced depending on the needs of the body. So, if the layer of subcutaneous fatty fiber is critical reduced, then the products of leptin increase. Therefore, to your body, too, you need to listen.

The skin is the largest human body. It helps all living beings fully exist, stabilizing the hormonal background and protecting against a number of micro and macro-hazards.

Human skin plays an important role in the structure of the body, so everyone is useful to learn interesting facts about human skin. Covering all our body, the skin performs the vital functions to ensure the normal operation of the human body. On some amazing properties of the skin, an ordinary person does not even guess.

  1. The skin is the biggest human body. Its mass can reach 4 kg, and the area is approximately two m2.
  2. Dust indoors by 66% consists of dead skin cells. Interestingly, our body in one minute gets rid of 30 thousand dead cells. For life, the human body produces about 18 kg. Skin, and the process of full update occurs approximately a thousand times.

  3. White skin color appeared relatively recently, about 30-50 thousand years ago. It happened due to the loss of the Pigment of Melanin, who went to the north. There are people who do not have this pigment. This phenomenon was named albinism, and is extremely rare - in 1 person by 110 thousand.

  4. Every person has from 30 to 100 moles. Cases are known when this number reaches 400. There is a hypothesis that owners of a large number of moles are less likely to become aged disease.

  5. Leather in women thinner than men. This explains why the appearance of wrinkles in women happens earlier.

  6. Surprisingly, the object of the bite of insects is most often legs. In addition, scientists have revealed that a person who has just eaten a banana has more chances to be a busting mosquito. In addition, they love to bite blonde.

  7. It is impossible to rush yourselfbecause the cerebellum knows that a person concerns himself with her own hands and simply ignores these actions.

  8. Sweet glands regulate body temperature. They are numbered two or three million. Most of the sweat glands are on the palms, feet and forehead. A common myth that sweat has an unpleasant smell does not correspond to reality. In fact, this smell form microorganisms that dwell on the human body. These bacteria are most under the mouse. There, their number on one cm2 has 80 thousand, compared with 2 thousand on a clean surface.

  9. In the skin of a person there is a special pigment - Melanin. The content in the body determines its color. If melanin contains a small amount - the leather is light, and if the pigment in the body is enough - it acquires the shade of darker.

  10. Freckles appear in the adolescent period, and to reach the 30th anniversary, they almost completely disappear. Their presence testifies to the lack of melanin's organism.

  11. The smoothness of the skin is determined by the condition of collagen. In the youth, the cells of this protein are twisted, which allows the surface of the skin to look smooth and tightened. With age, collagen cells receive less nutrients and clogged with heavy metals. This leads to their straightening, which lowers the skin tone. Collagen is 70% composed of dry dermis. Its performance decreases annually by 1%.

  12. External layer of epidermis guarantees leather waterproofability. The cells of the epidermis are linked to each other very tight, and on the surface there is a layer of fat. This layer is thinned if the body is under the influence of water a long period. As a result, water penetrates into skin cells and it will be frown.

  13. At the feet, the skin thickness reaches up to half a centimeter - this is the area of \u200b\u200bcoarse skin.. And on the eyelids, the skin is very thin.

  14. Sing glands for 24 hours are able to work out about 20 grams of sebum. It connects from then and creates a special protective skin film that prevents from bacterial damage. On different parts of the body there are different amounts of sebaceous glands. So, on the back of the palm there are almost no, but on the forehead, chin, nose, under the hair, on the chest their number is 400-900 per square centimeter. In these zones, acne and black dots are often formed. The latter indicate closed pores.

  15. If the human body lacks vitamin D, vascular meshes or asterisks are formed on the body. This disease develops in 90% of people, so for a healthy body, observe the full nutrition.