Good morning for a friend. Good morning wishes to girlfriend. Good Morning Poems To Your Friend

For many, the best time of the day is morning. Prepare unique good morning wishes to friendthat will delight her. And do not even doubt that she will have a good mood all day long. Naturally, words are not the most important thing, it would be better to meet, drink tea, give a present to a girlfriend. This she will appreciate even more. After all, the main thing for friends is communication. If it is difficult to find beautiful phrases yourself, then special sites will come to your aid, where you can find original texts in prose written by professionals. With these lines you can convey all your love, joy and good intentions to a dear person. Now you can, at least every day, present your girlfriend with new lines. Show your good attitude with soulful texts.

When choosing, consider the nature and lifestyle of the girlfriend. Send funny text to make her smile. Or more serious, to tune it in the right way for the whole day. Words are known to have tremendous power and impact. It is enough to hear a few pleasant phrases early and the person to whom they are addressed will remain satisfied and happy for a long time, and your sign of attention will be remembered. But do not forget that we already hear the usual good morning tropes every day, so the wish should remain original. And it doesn't matter at all how she hears them, from you personally or on the radio, reads them in SMS or in an e-mail, the main thing is that they were written sincerely, from the heart.

Prose to a friend

Good morning my dear sleepyhead! Time to wake up! You are already tired of waiting for aromatic morning coffee, delicious breakfast and a bunch of good and useful deeds! On a mega-happy and super-lucky day called "today", you will certainly succeed in absolutely everything! Smile sooner at the coming day, and it will give you hundreds of fabulous surprises, thousands of unforgettable moments, millions of sincere smiles!

Good morning, my dear friend! It's almost always kind in your eyes. You look affectionately, like the morning sun of a new day, like a warm hope among the cool dew at dawn. And I don't need to work hard to come up with good words, you meet my aspirations, let the new day indulge yours. Let him be affectionate to you from the very beginning, smile at him, and he will respond in kind, friend.

Good morning! Let's work together to make it that way. And may we succeed in accordance with our desires. Fresh morning of a new day, like new hope, may you have what you expect from him. And I sincerely wish it to come true, and that a good start to the day was like this throughout its continuation. So, girlfriend - good morning and higher your nose!

Today will be the most beautiful morning again. Thanks to the fact that I have you! My best friend, my support! Good morning, my dear man! Believe me, every new day in difficult times you are accompanied by my affectionate approving look and an encouraging word. After all, I always think about you!

Good morning, unforgettable friend! Morning is birth, and birth is life. And life is a miracle released from above to everyone. Listen to the sounds: a sparrow chirped outside the window, a breeze rustled with leaves, a wondrous melody was heard - life is knocking on you. Smile towards her. I sincerely wish you prosperity and loyal love! May the freshness of the morning warm the good vibes of my warm

Girlfriend, get up, open your eyes. The morning has begun, we have big things ahead of us. I hope you only had fabulous dreams and you got up in a good mood. May everything work out today, the mood will be crazy, the people around are friendly and the weather is as clear and sunny as your character. I hope luck will accompany you today and everything planned will come true.

Wake up, get dressed, get ready! The sun is already knocking on your window! A new day is in a hurry to begin and it beckons you to new achievements. A new day will give you only positive emotions. And also - bright light, smiles, good luck, greetings and a lot of warmth! Good morning, dear friend!

Good morning girlfriend!
Start your day without worries.
What else beckons the pillow?
And the blanket is calling?

You wake up soon
And drive away sleep and laziness.
Remember, the morning is more cheerful
The more joyful the day will be!

Good morning dear friend
Good, bright day.
Let any problem be easily solved,
And there will be no barriers for you.

We will always support each other, I know
Life has tested us more than once.
On this day, I wish only the best for us,
Let it come true right now.

Good morning, may your plans,
They'll be fine today.
You realize your ideas,
Luck, luck - will not hide.

And let today from the very first minutes,
After sleep, your awakening,
Your close people will bring you
Love, kindness, pleasure.

Good morning, my friend.
Wake up, the sun has already risen
The forests and fields answered
Even in the thicket pine it is light.

And for a long time already through your window
Gentle sunlight tapped.
Wake up, the day is coming
We need to do so much in a day!

Good morning dear friend
You are beautiful like a dawn.
Wake up with a smile in your soul
As if you live in a palace.

Even if it was just a dream
But he matches you.
Your temper is royally refined
I am glad of such friendship.

Girlfriend, good morning! Don't hide under a blanket
She asked me to wake you up, so let's get down to business.

Let's fill the house with coffee scent
I know you want to sleep, but don't use foul language!

So transparent is the dawn and morning - encouraging.
And who gets up early - everything in life has time.

Let's chase away laziness with a cool summer shower
A new day has lit up, it will be the best.

Sun light. The dawn is dim.
The day starts cool.
I remember my friend
I immediately feel joy.

You are my sister and friend
You are my lifeline.
Together we raised children
We shared sorrows together.

And today, in a new day,
Thoughts only about you.
I remember our friendship
Good morning dear!

The mischievous eyes see
A ray of sun in front of you
The ray is gentle, will not offend,
Will only play with you!

I send: "Good morning!"
And a smile and hello
It's cool to be your girlfriend
The whole world will submit to us!

After all, dreams must come true
Or there is no need to dream
You need to live, fly, fall in love
And don't forget your friends!

My friend, wake up
Always smile at the planet
Be full of energy, strength,
After all, morning is an incentive for this.

Get ready to meet good.
Let the bad be in the past.
Our world is for the strong.
Fly your wings for joy.

The whole planet woke up in the morning
And only you quietly doze
You are as serene as summer
As beautiful as flowers in spring.

Please wake up, my joy
And good morning I will say.
And I don't need more,
After all, I love you alone.

I love for hair and shoulders
For a thin and graceful camp,
For our sweet evening with you,
Get up, let's go to the restaurant.

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For many, the day is morning. Prepare unique good morning wishes to friendthat will delight her. And do not even doubt that she will have a good mood all day long. Naturally, words are not the most important thing, it would be better to meet, drink tea, give a present to a girlfriend. This she will appreciate even more. After all, the main thing for friends is communication. If it is difficult to find beautiful phrases yourself, then special sites will come to your aid, where you can find original texts in prose written by professionals. With these lines you can convey all your love, joy and good intentions to a dear person. Now you can, at least every day, present your girlfriend with new lines. Show your good attitude with soulful texts.

When choosing, consider the nature and lifestyle of the girlfriend. Send funny text to make her smile. Or more serious, to tune it in the right way for the whole day. Words are known to have tremendous power and impact. It is enough to hear a few pleasant phrases early and the person to whom they are addressed will remain satisfied and happy for a long time, and your sign of attention will be remembered. But do not forget that we already hear the usual good morning tropes every day, so the wish should remain original. And it doesn't matter at all how she hears them, from you personally or on the radio, reads them in SMS or in an e-mail, the main thing is that they were written sincerely, from the heart.

Prose to a friend

Good morning my dear sleepyhead! Time to wake up! You are already tired of waiting for aromatic morning coffee, delicious breakfast and a bunch of good and useful deeds! On a mega-happy and super-lucky day called "today", you will certainly succeed in absolutely everything! Smile sooner at the coming day, and it will give you hundreds of fabulous surprises, thousands of unforgettable moments, millions of sincere smiles!

Good morning, my dear friend! It's almost always kind in your eyes. You look affectionately, like the morning sun of a new day, like a warm hope among the cool dew at dawn. And I don't need to work hard to come up with good words, you meet my aspirations, let the new day indulge yours. Let him be affectionate to you from the very beginning, smile at him, and he will respond in kind, friend.

Good morning! Let's work together to make it that way. And may we succeed in accordance with our desires. Fresh morning of a new day, like new hope, may you have what you expect from him. And I sincerely wish it to come true, and that a good start to the day was like this throughout its continuation. So, girlfriend - good morning and higher your nose!

Good morning wishes to girlfriend

AND Sometimes, to cheer up, just beautiful words in the morning are enough. On our site you will find many beautiful good morning wishes that you can address to your beloved friend. You will not only cheer her up, but also charge her with positive energy for the whole day. Choose from our huge variety exactly the very desired wish that your girlfriend will definitely like, and send it to her. Here you will find not only beautiful good morning wishes, but also humorous, witty, serious or even with black humor. Our site is constantly being updated and simplified so that you are always comfortable looking for wishes, which are also constantly updated. Every day we add more and more beautiful words and phrases so that you always have something to choose from.

Good morning girlfriend
From the sun - hello
Shines with mother-of-pearl
Dawn decorations.
Today is the day that you need
All warmed by the sun
May there be joy in him,
And many victories.

My friend is my best,
Good morning and a good day.
Meeting you changed me
For the better,
I give all of myself to our friendship.
I want every morning to be cheerful
And the mood is always soft and kind.
May the days be filled with magic power
And you will always bloom and stay sweet.
Let your life be like a chocolate bar
And nerves like steel ropes are in order.

Sunny shines through the window,
It was a bright day.
May you meet today
A light of inspiration.
Smile my friend
Do not be sad, do not be sad
Have a coffee mug
And hurry to victories.

Birds flutter merrily
They sing with tints ...
Good morning wish
Change your fate!
May it get better today
Everything that is already in fate.
Every day is a lucky break
Smiling at you!

May the morning be gentle.
Calm, serene.
Clear or hazy.
Maybe a little weird.
May the morning be in love.
With your dream inspired.
Let your beloved wake up in the morning ...
And most importantly, let it be.

The impudent yawn attacked,
Reluctance to get up in the morning!
Ah, if anyone could
The alarm clock will hit the ceiling
Shred the clocks into details
To sleep, never interfere
And extend the night for an hour,
To spit on the ceiling in the morning!
Not everyone probably knows
That the morning is good.
With the start of a beautiful day
I hasten to congratulate you!

Good morning, beauty!
It's high time to get up.
May the beautiful weather
It makes you happy in the morning!

Have some coffee soon
Put on a new dress.
Smile more fun -
A beautiful day awaits you!

Good morning, my dear.
May this day give you
So much joy, warmth,
That sadness will go away, sorrow.

May everything that you do
It will work out successfully
And may all-all your dreams
They will soon become reality.

Do not forget, remember always
That you are very dear to me.

Good and cheerful morning, girlfriend. I wish you bright sunshine good luck and wonderful morning inspiration. Let the clouds of happiness float across the sky this morning, let the gentle wind of joy and fun blow. Girlfriend, let the day pass with a bang, let something incredibly interesting and wonderful happen.

Good morning! How are you?
How did you sleep today?
What did you see in your dream?
Did you miss me?

Have a coffee with a chocolate bar
And the day will be sweet.
And so that life is sweet,
Come to me in the morning.

May this morning be bright
And the lightest on earth
And the sun's ray is a hot stream
Will give joy, like in a dream.
You will soar like a bird
Laugh loudly like a stream
Flapping eyelashes is habitual
Give everyone a smile.

Good morning my friend
Catch a positive message from me!
The clear sun will give you warmth
Look out the window and it will smile.

Throw away your dreams and your blanket
Get up so that the joy in your eyes shines
Pour yourself a delicious mug of tea.
Have a nice day, dear friend!

Morning has come, my dear!
Meet the sun, opening your eyes.
Again worries, business, running around.
Good morning! Have a good day!

I am sending you a text message
I wish you good morning.
Coffee, exercise, higher heels.
You are, as always, the queen, my friend!

You stretched sweetly,
She opened her eyes and smiled.
And joyfully meeting a new day,
She made the crumpled bed.

Good morning dear friend
I wish you a sunny day.
So that everything goes cool today
And the Earth was spinning for you.

Well, another day has come
In your wonderful life!
The kettle boiled many times,
And breakfast is not superfluous here ...

And you will guide the marafet
But you are already beautiful!
Remember the verse songs
And there will be a happy day!

May the sunny dawn wake up tenderly
Whispers in your ear: "How good you are!"
Let the day begin with a serene morning
And the soul will be filled with warmth, goodness.

Let the glare of the rays warm with soft light
Let the beauty intoxicate a bright day.
And in your heart it will be like summer
Lilacs always bloom with happiness.

Girlfriend, open your eyes
Wake up, wash your face soon
And conquer everyone with beauty
And achieve new goals!

Be good, fresh, blush,
And bloom like a flower
May all plans come true
On a wonderful, sunny day!


I am writing to you, my friend,
To cheer you up.
And good morning from the heart
I want to wish you!

Let people around today
Only everyone pleases you.
Everything that I had in mind - I managed
And the day went by with a bang!

Good morning dear!
Greet the day with smiles
He promises good luck
So don't make a mistake.

Dress up prettier
Add bright colors
Everyday life will be more fun
Just don't be discouraged.

Stop sleeping, let's get up
Start the day with a smile
Let the morning into the house,
Let the sleep go faster.

Good morning dear
Business is already waiting for you
Listen, dear friend,
It's time for you to shower!

Leave your pillow
Throw away the blanket
Do some light exercises
And throw off your fatigue!

Fast, fast, get ready
You fell asleep today
Just smile to the world
Realize your plans!

Good morning dear!
A new day is on the doorstep.
The darkness of the night has dissolved
And disappeared like a shadow.

What awaits us with you today?
We will find out everything in our turn.
Wake up girlfriend
A new day is already coming!

Good morning! I wish you
So that you are lucky right in the morning.
It will work out, I promise
You will redo all your affairs.

Open your eyes soon, beauty!
Morning has come a long time ago
And the weather is beautiful outside,
Open the window wider!

Blanket off and off pillow!
Life boils, beckoning with fun.
Good morning, dear friend!
Happy start to your day!

Good morning, good afternoon,
Rejoice that we live!
You friend wake up
Get dressed, wash yourself
There is so much waiting in the world
Time keeps its account!
You will hesitate, you miss
Your life, and you know
The faster you get up
All dreams will be closer!

Wake up, rather from sleep
My dear friend!
Smile at yourself first
Suddenly the mood will come to you.

Think good this morning
And may you be lucky today
And let joy be with you,
Then the day will pass faster.

I wish you good morning
And with it one good.
I won't stop being friends with you
After all, I appreciate you so highly!

The sun has risen, the birds are singing
Good news will bring you
You wake up, let's hurry
Pour tea or coffee into a mug!

Exercise, brush your teeth,
In your favorite dress, spin around
Good morning my friend
Have a nice day!

Girlfriend, let the morning be clear
Life is full and beautiful
Let the Angel accompany you
Luck opens its doors.

I wish you fabulous love
To go swiftly towards the goal,
Near people are good and faithful,
Bright, extraordinary moments!

The crickets sang outside the windows
And the stars in the sky have burned out.
A beautiful dawn has risen
And it's time for everyone to wake up.

And you, friend, get up,
Illuminate with your smile.
I wish you all the best
And good morning congratulations!

Good morning, beauty!
It's high time to get up.
May the beautiful weather
It makes you happy in the morning!

Have a coffee soon
Dress New Dress.
Smile more fun -
A beautiful day awaits you!


Sun light. The dawn is dim.
The day starts cool.
I remember my friend
I feel joy immediately.

You are my sister and friend
You are my lifeline.
Together we raised children
We shared sorrows together.

And today, in a new day,
Thoughts only about you.
I remember our friendship
Good morning dear!


My friend, wake up
Always smile at the planet
Full of any energy, strength,
After all, morning is an incentive for this.

Get ready to meet good.
Let the bad be in the past.
Our world is for the strong.
Fly your wings for joy.


Open your eyes and see
The sun is already shining outside the window!
It gives you a sea of \u200b\u200blove
Neatly spread out on the window.

Good morning girlfriend!
Come on already, get up!
The day is big, and he is waiting for achievements!
Get dressed soon - I'm already waiting for you,
We will conquer the world together!


Good morning girlfriend!
Hurry to the new day to meet.
I have such a sweetheart:
Two clear arrows, chiseled figurine, rings.

Wake up and smile at the world!
If you want, you can even sing a song.
Let's work faster and plan things,
But so that in the evening with me in the cafe to be in time.

Good morning sms to friend


My dear girlfriend, good morning to you. I wish you a pleasant awakening and a charge of inspiration for the whole day, I wish you the embodiment of all your plans and successfully completed cases, vivid emotions and impressions, great luck, love and joyful surprises in life.


To you, dear friend,
I go my hello early.
To wake up with the sun
And she smiled every time.

For thoughts to wake up too
And they filled the day with light.
And let the night no longer bother you
And dissolves its shadow.


Good morning, my beauty,
Get out of bed as soon as possible
I wish you a good day
Light up everything around with your smile!

May plans and goals be fulfilled
So that the soul sang with happiness!
I wish your eyes to burn playfully
After all, your life, dear, is so good!


Wake up, a new day is calling with it
Open your curtains faster
A sweet dream gave peace all night,
I drew transparent patterns.

Smile and look out the window
There are so many fresh colors in this world
It's always light in my soul in the morning
And there is no room for dull masks.


It's time to wake up my friend
The morning of a new day has already come to us.
And the sun is knocking on your window,
Open the blinds, congratulate him.

There are still many things to do today
Forget about the pillow, leave laziness at home.
Look around! How beautiful the light
Let warmth and kindness surround you.

Good morning wishes to girlfriend


Early Morning performed a miracle.
The bell is dozing, closing its petals.
- Everyone is waiting. - The minute will come
And the embrace of the night will open

Pieces of fog will settle into the grass
A streak of dawn will light up in the sky.
Sleep especially well in the morning.
Dreams, like mists, are helpless, deceiving.

The forest bird in the nest will start up,
And will sing, announcing the district.
The sun splashes in every dewdrop.
Good morning, dear friend!


Good morning, I wish
It's a great day to start
Look around you know
You need to create happiness.

Good morning smile
Rejoice, live, dream.
Enjoy the new day
Never be sad.


Wake up beloved friend
And smile sweetly at the sun!
Let it be brighter than the solar circle
Love and life are burning in you!

May the day go right in the morning
And all the problems side.
I want you to start the day
Happy, bright, mischievous!


Well, another day has come
In your wonderful life!
The kettle has already boiled many times,
And breakfast is not superfluous here ...

And you will bring a marafet
But you are already beautiful!
Remember the song verse
And the day will be happy!


The morning light is pouring -
Hello sunshine.
Good morning, Dear,
Good day, my dear!

The dream flies away.
You will smile again.
Morning soars over the planet
Delicious and sweet candy.

You, rather get up
And wash your face, come on
Good morning girlfriend!
A mug is waiting on the table with tea.

Good morning wishes to your friend. Good Morning Poems To A Friend


Good morning dear
Wake up soon!
I wish you this day
Hundreds of good news
Also joy and laughter,
The mood of only colored
And great success
To have a lot of happiness!


Good morning, my dear.
May this day give you
So much joy, warmth,
That sadness will go away completely, sorrow.

May everything that you do
It will work out successfully
And may all-all your dreams
Rather, they will come true.

Do not forget, remember always
That you are very dear to me.


This morning is so beautiful!
May success be with you
Let the sun shine clear to you
Fill your world with kindness!

Smile radiantly to everyone
And instead of the ladybug syi,
Enjoy the wonderful life
And fly like a butterfly!


Good morning to my friend!
Rather wake up, the day is at the door.
Joy, friends and dreams await you,
Don't you want to see them?

Get out of bed quickly and go
Happiness does not love the lazy, does not wait,
To catch the firebird of luck,
You need to start your day earlier!


May this morning be bright
And the lightest on earth
And the sun's ray is a hot stream
Will give joy, like in a dream.
You will soar like a bird
Laugh loudly like a stream
Flapping eyelashes is a habit
Give everyone a smile.

Good Morning Poems To A Friend


Good morning my friend
Catch a positive message from me!
The clear sun will give you warmth
Look out the window and it will smile.

Throw away your dreams and your blanket
Get up so that the joy in your eyes shines
Pour yourself a delicious mug of tea.
Have a nice day, dear friend!


On this sunny morning
Rather you get up
Hot tea, aromatic
Pour it into your cup.


My friend, I am writing this to you
To wish you good morning!
I want you to smile back
To continue the day well.


Morning has come, my dear!
Meet the sun, opening your eyes.
Again worries, business, running around.
Good morning! Have a good day!

I am sending you a text message
I wish you good morning.
Coffee, exercise, above the heel.
You are, as always, the queen, my friend!


Good morning my girlfriend
I wish you a good day.
A ray of sun will give you a smile
Good luck will ride on a white horse.

Girlfriend, get out of bed quickly.
With yourself, dear, you decorate the world.
Catch armfuls of flowers today.
Happiness, smiles, light, love!

Good Morning Wish To Your Friend


Did you wake up? Good morning!
How is your mood today?
Open your eyes wider
Get yourself moving.

Wash up, get dressed
Be careful with makeup.
Draw attention to yourself
Beauty, not shocking.

They are waiting for us, friend,
Only great things!
I want you to wake up
And soon she came to me!


Good morning girlfriend. I wish you a sweet wake up, smile to the whole world, awaken a fighting spirit in yourself and go towards bright victories and dreams. Let the morning be a wonderful and magical start to a successful and happy day.


My sleepyhead, wake up
The new day has already arrived!
Like the sun, smile
So that your every moment shines!

May today's plans
Will come true without difficulty!
I'm ready tirelessly
Repeat that you are a star!


Good morning my dear.
How did you sleep last night?
What did you dream about, I don't know
But I hope the best of dreams.

Stretch, smile, wake up.
Tell us what happened in the dream.
Get off the pillow faster
Start your life in a new day.


The night has passed, the dawn has descended,
Good morning new day!
If you had a good dream,
Then it's time to drive away laziness. ,
And start the day with a smile
And with a stern determination
Make a dream come true
To make it a little more real.

Good morning girlfriend


Good morning! What's up?
How did you sleep today?
What did you see in your dream?
Did you miss me?

Have a coffee with a chocolate bar
And the day will be sweet.
And to have a sweet life,
Come to me in the morning.


Mischievous eyes see
A ray of sun in front of you
A gentle ray, will not offend
Will only play with you!

I send: `` Good morning! "
And a smile and hello
It's cool to be your girlfriend
The whole world will submit to us!

After all, dreams must come true
Or there is nothing to dream
Need to live, fly, fall in love
And don't forget your friends!


May the sunny Dawn wake up tenderly
Whispers in your ear: `` how good you are! "
Let the day begin with a serene morning
And the soul will be filled with warmth, goodness.

Let the glare of the rays warm with soft light
Let the beauty intoxicate a bright day.
And in your heart it will be like summer
Lilacs always bloom with happiness.


Good Morning!
Let the day start well.
Rather open your eyes
And enter the new day with a smile.

My dear friend
Let it be just good morning.
Spend a day of problems without knowing.
My friend, good morning!


My faithful friend
Good morning to you today!
Get out of bed quickly
Open the window of dawn!

May your life be complete
Good luck, joy always.
Smile to the sun in the morning
Rather, girlfriend, you Wake up.

Be loved, love yourself
Mountain new affairs.
Wake up and give the world
His own piece of kindness.

Good morning greetings to girlfriend


Good morning my friend
You understand me like no one else
I love and respect you as a friend,
And I feel you with my soul!


Girlfriend, good morning.
May the day bring good luck
Day start vigorous
And joy to boot.

Set the mood in the morning
So your day will pass.
Rather put on a smile
Nose up and forward.


Dawn, turning on the charm,
Your day will light up with rays.
Girlfriend, he with his silence
Keeps your peace.

From my side, I wish
Just a good sip in the morning,
It is beautiful, I boldly state
Gives a flow of energy.


You stretched sweetly,
She opened her eyes and smiled.
And joyfully meeting a new day,
Made a crumpled bed.

Good morning dear friend
I wish you a sunny day.
To make everything cool today
And the Earth was spinning for you.


With you we are Twixa sticks,
Close and inseparable
You are my lifesaver!
And there is no better in the world!

The rays will warm you
And kiss on the nose
And the sun will turn red
Will light up the pavement.

Get up my beauty
Dear girlfriend
It's morning already,
Love and hug!


Good every morning
If you are with me
Sweet and beautiful
Like a dream come true
Good morning tender
It's good that you are.


Good morning! Good morning!
My dear husband.
Wake up get dressed
You are the best today.

The day is very bright today
Take a quick look out the window.
I'm not sorry for good words
After all, we have been friends for a long time.


I am sending my friend good morning wishes. May the awakening be joyful and sweet, may the day be filled with happy moments and good luck, may love, determination and thirst for happiness guide you from the very morning.


It's such a morning outside the window!
I hope you got up already?
Distracted for a minute
I sent you greetings.

My dear friend
I wish you new strength.
Put down your pillow soon!
Good morning dear!


The sun is knocking on the window
Good morning has come.
How did you sleep, girlfriend
Have a good rest?

The day will go smoothly today
After all, you can handle everything.
Angels stealthily with you
I'll whisper in secret.

You are a good friend
Kind sweet person.
The most faithful friend in the neighborhood
Next to us is a complete set.