Home tan at home. How to get a quick tan. The benefits and effects of tanning at home

2364 03/28/2019 7 min.

A woman wants to look attractive and rested at any time of the year. Many ladies cannot afford to go to the sea, go to the nearest beach. That is why you need to know how to make your skin tanned without leaving your home. In addition to the usual trips to the solarium, you can use a lot of funds. As a result, the skin will acquire a soft golden color.

Any tan and its quality will depend on whether the skin is predisposed to it. And it directly depends on genetics. With frequent visits to the solarium, you can miss the skin color that would look very attractive. Usually the jump is several tones. Therefore, it is best to use soft and harmless staining.

Safe Methods

Now there are a huge number of completely safe methods for obtaining a soft tan. But before you get a tan, you need to be sure to familiarize yourself with some principles. Without knowing these rules, the result may not be as desired.

First of all, you need to do a test that will show whether there is an allergy or not to one or another component. The tool that you will use is applied to the elbow at the bend. The observation time should be at least 12 hours. If during the day there were no side effects, then you can safely use the remedy of your choice.

It is very important to choose the right shade of tan. To do this, you need to imagine what your skin was like after tanning in the open sun after 3 days. It is worth saying that only 1 tone, maximum 2 tones, skin color can change after one procedure. If you overdo it with the product, then the skin will look very sloppy and ugly.

In order for the product to lie on the skin in an even layer, it is necessary to first cleanse the body. The body must first be steamed, then apply a scrub. With the help of circular movements, it is necessary to rub the scrub into the body, but there is no need to irritate the epidermis. After all, even small cracks can damage the even distribution of the product.

Often one procedure is not enough to see a different skin color. But there is no need to rush and repeat the procedure again. Often, the remedy can not immediately fully affect the skin, only after a few hours, oxidative processes lead to the appearance of the desired shade. Sometimes it is better to wait a day to be completely sure of the result. And only after that you can repeat.

On the video, how to quickly tan at home:

After the product has been applied to the body, you need to wait about 20 minutes without putting on clothes. In another case, you can just ruin the clothes, and the result will not please. You can use at home and cosmetics, and folk recipes. If we are talking about professional cosmetics, then you must strictly follow everything that is written in the instructions.

Cosmetical tools

The most common remedy is self-tanning. The main active ingredient is dihydroxyacetone. This component is able to paint only the top layer of the skin, while it is absolutely safe. How to apply self-tanner?

  1. The skin must be completely dry. Therefore, after taking a shower, you need to wait about half an hour.
  2. 20 minutes before application, the skin is smeared with a cream with a moisturizing effect. They do this so that the skin does not dry out after self-tanning.
  3. Gloves must be worn, otherwise the hands will also be painted, divorce cannot be avoided.
  4. Application starts from the bottom. If suddenly you missed something or applied too much, then a cream will come to the rescue.
  5. Knees and elbows need to be greased less than other parts of the body, as they will be a little darker anyway. Self-tanning is applied very carefully to the neck and the entire décolleté area.
  6. You need to apply a little on the face. Do not lean against a light surface and at first wear white clothes.

Self-tanning wipes should be used only to correct the tone. It is clear that the entire body cannot be wiped with these wipes. But here you can simply correct either the face or the hands.

On the video - applying self-tanning at home:

Lotion for the whole body and face, which has the effect of self-tanning. The principle of this tool is that it must be used every day. The concentration of the coloring matter is very small, so there will be no streaks. The skin will acquire a golden hue gradually. You can even apply the lotion several times a day.

In all these methods, 2 main drawbacks can be observed. Skin tone may not turn out the way you would like. The second drawback lies in the quality of the tool itself. It can dry the skin, poorly nourish. Therefore, the use of various serums can help to leave a decorative effect.

What is the best sunscreen to use. described in the contents of this

folk recipe

Now not only cosmetic products come to the aid of women. Many believe that folk recipes not only help to make a quality tan, but the chosen means are also beneficial.

The fastest way to tan is the use of potassium permanganate. How to do it? Having collected a whole bath of warm water, you need to add a couple of grains of potassium permanganate itself. As a result, the water will become a slightly pink pale color. In the bathroom you need to lie down for no more than 20 minutes. Of course, you also need to wash your face.

But the face must be constantly washed to keep it moist. After you get out of the bathroom, you need to completely dry the body on its own. After that, you need to treat the skin with all sorts of conventional creams. But it is worth considering that you do not need to use tonics that contain alcohol. This component will simply spoil all efforts.

The second way to get a tan at home is to use iodine. It can be applied in two different ways.

  1. Water is drawn into the bath, iodine is added. The water should turn golden. You need to carry out the procedure in the same way as in the case of potassium permanganate.
  2. Water is poured into a spray bottle and 5 to 10 drops of iodine are added. The entire coloring composition must be distributed evenly over the body, be sure to let it dry.

Walnut leaves also help to make the skin golden in color. From fresh leaves you need to make gruel. It will take one glass of such gruel per 1 liter of water. Porridge is brewed with boiling water, left under a closed lid and allowed to cool.

The cooled mixture is mixed with warm water in a bath. You need to lie in the bathroom for at least 30 minutes, then you do not need to wipe the body. It is necessary to take about 3 baths to achieve the desired effect.

Herbs help not only to cure certain diseases, but also to make the skin golden in color. In 1 liter of boiling water, you need to add 7 teaspoons of chamomile, bought at a pharmacy, and 7 teaspoons of a string. The infusion should be infused under a closed lid. After this, the infusion must be filtered.

You need to use this tool in the same way as in the previous version. If you want only your face to be tanned, then you need to wash your face with infusion 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening.

Carrots in its composition contain many nutrients and coloring substances. To get a tan, you need to grate one large carrot with a grater. You can also grind it with a blender. Next, you need to completely squeeze out all the juice and use it in the future. Juice in a very thin layer should be applied to the skin. Within 10 minutes, the juice is exposed, after which the residue must be washed off.

The skin tone will become softer and more attractive, and, in general, the face will look rested. After all, carrots nourish the cells with essential nutrients. It is recommended to try the effect of juice on a small area of ​​​​skin before mass use. If the tone turns out to be even and the way you would like to have, then you can use this tool.

The next thing to use is coffee. Coffee will not be able to give such a quick result as all the above methods. But coffee is the safest product. There are no surprises to be afraid of.


The course lasts 1 week, the mask must be done daily. Then they take a break for one week. Often girls add coffee to lotions. To do this, for 2 tablespoons you need to take 2 teaspoons of coffee. It is best that the coffee be ground in a blender. The soluble version is also suitable. A homogeneous mass is applied to the body by rubbing. It is recommended to use this product before going out.

Cocoa is also a product that can help make both the face and body a more pleasant golden hue. To do this, you need to stir the cocoa powder with warm water, the result will be a mixture similar to sour cream in its consistency.

Wash off the mixture after 15 minutes of exposure. Skin tone will become slightly darker after the first application. The procedures are carried out until the moment you reach the desired color. Cocoa can also improve skin condition. All wrinkles disappear, the oval of the face is tightened.

On the video, how to tan at home quickly:

If you decide to use black tea, then it is best to take the loose version. Usually tea bags are not of very high quality. You just need to brew the tea very strongly and let it cool. Then both the face and the body must be wiped with this tea leaves. The procedure must be carried out every day.

Onion husk also copes with the fact that the skin was a beautiful color. This method is easy to use, it cannot be taken away in efficiency. All you need is onion skins. In a ratio of 1 to 2, it is poured with water. Previously, the husk is very well cleaned. Within 5 minutes, the husk should boil.

Then the fire is turned off, the broth is allowed to cool, filtered. It is the filtered part that is used for rubbing twice a day. A few procedures are enough to notice the effect.

What reviews about oil for intense tanning garnier exist. detailed in this

How to use to achieve maximum effect is detailed in this article.

But, it is detailed here in the article.

Get a tan, as after being in the sun, you can at home. However, there are many safe options. All these methods work, women use a variety of options. Everyone is looking for the option for themselves, which is most suitable for her.

How often situations arise in life when you need to feel or seem to others bright, fresh and rested.

If the vacation is not soon, and there is no time to go to the beach, you should not be upset, it is better to read this article on how to get a tan at home!

That's right, there are many means, in addition to the not very useful solarium, that allow you to give the skin a soft golden hue.

A natural tan appears on our skin thanks to the pigment melanin, produced as a protective reaction by cells to the sun's rays. What color it becomes and how quickly a tan appears depends on our genetic predisposition.

When visiting a solarium, the same principle works with the same result, that is, the shade will be achieved gradually and the color will be exactly “yours”. Jumping over several tones at once will work only when using special tools in salons.

But we will turn to another method: soft, harmless staining of the uppermost layers of the skin.

It is not difficult to achieve it, since there are many safe and fairly effective means to achieve it.

But before turning to specific recipes, let's remember a few of the most important principles, without following which the result may not be as attractive as we would like.


It doesn't matter what we want to use for coloring the skin - a natural product or an industrial one, it is necessary to test it for compatibility with our skin.

To do this, apply to the bend of the elbow and wait from 12 to 24 hours. If during this time neither itching nor redness has appeared, then everything is in order and you can apply the remedy on the whole body.


Recall again our own shade of tan after 2-3 days of moderate exposure to the sun. This is what you should be guided by using cosmetic or folk remedies.

In one procedure, the skin tone should not change by more than 1-2, otherwise it will look unnatural and sloppy.


Whatever tool we have adopted, before using it, it is necessary to make the surface of the skin smooth - so it will lie more evenly.

We carry out the procedure with the help of a scrub - we apply it on the steamed skin and rub it into the surface in a circular motion. This should be done very gently so as not to injure the epidermis - small scratches will interfere with obtaining an even shade.

Waiting time

If immediately after application the result seems pale in every sense, we are in no hurry to repeat it again! The fact is that many coloring substances become brighter not only after drying, but also due to oxidative processes in the cells of the skin surface.

Therefore, we wait at least 2-3 hours, and preferably a day, in order to properly evaluate the result, and only then, if necessary, repeat the quick tanning procedure at home.


Having processed the body, we are in no hurry to dress up or even put on a bathrobe - let the product be absorbed properly. Otherwise, we risk getting not only damaged clothes, but also a blurred effect from the procedure. We wait at least 15 - 20 minutes.


If we are talking about an industrial cosmetic product, you need to follow the instructions on the package “from” and “to”, and it is best to look for reviews about a specific name on the Internet - this will give the most complete information about the application technique, waiting time and results.

Tanning cosmetics

In order to please the face and body for a long time with a swarthy shade, you can resort to both cosmetics and folk remedies.

self tanning

Contains dihydroxyacetone - a harmless substance responsible for staining the upper layers of the epidermis.

We apply it no earlier than half an hour after a shower - so the skin has time to cool and dry completely. 10-15 minutes before use, be sure to rub a regular moisturizer into the skin, as self-tanning has a drying effect.

We apply the product in thin latex gloves to protect our hands from streaks and too bright pigment on and between the fingers. We start from the bottom and move up, making sure that there are no streaks left. If they nevertheless appeared, immediately wash them off with body cream.

We apply quite a bit of self-tanner on the elbows and knees - these zones will be darker anyway. We pay attention to the neck, armpits and ears. We touch them necessarily so that there are no ugly white spots.

We also apply a little money on the face and remember about additional recommendations - do not put on extra clothes, do not cuddle up to light-colored furniture or bed linen.

Self-tanning wipes

The principle is the same as that of the cream, but they can be used for corrective purposes, no more.

It is impossible to completely accurately and evenly work out the face or, especially the body, with them, but to correct the floating tan on the face or body is just right.

Self-tanning lotion for face and body

Due to the fact that its concentration is very low, the likelihood of getting stains or stripes, which is what inexperienced users are most afraid of, is minimal. We simply apply the product, as usual for care, once or several times a day and enjoy the result. However, don't dress too fast either.

There can be only two minuses: an inappropriate shade or an unsuccessful remedy. In the first case, the tone may turn out to be too yellow or orange, and in the second case, the face cream may simply not be suitable for its cosmetic properties. Poorly moisturizes, insufficiently nourishes, etc.

In this case, it can be used over the usual care product - serum or cream, to leave only a decorative effect.

But not only the cosmetic industry is in a hurry to help us maintain beauty! Judging by the reviews, the recipes of our mothers and grandmothers can be no less effective and certainly more useful.

Potassium permanganate

One of the most effective means for a quick tan at home.

We dilute a few grains of potassium permanganate in a warm bath so that the water acquires a noticeable pink tone, and we lie down in it for 15 to 20 minutes. We also do not forget about the face and, having washed it once, we repeat the procedure as it dries. You need to keep your skin moist all the time.

Upon leaving the bathroom, we do not dry ourselves, but let the body and face dry completely in the open air. Then we apply care products in the usual sequence, avoiding only alcohol-containing face tonics - they will nullify all efforts.


There are two ways to get a beautiful tan with it.

We dilute the product in a full warm bath until a golden color of water is obtained and, similarly to the previous method, we plunge into it.

We take a bottle with a spray nozzle and pour water into it with the addition of 5-10 drops of iodine. We spray the “coloring” composition on the body and also let it dry.

Walnut, leaves

For a liter of boiling water, we need 1 cup of gruel from fresh leaves.

  • We brew it, insist under the lid until it cools and pour it into a warm bath.

We take it for at least half an hour, not forgetting to wash ourselves and then do not dry ourselves, but dry. To achieve a noticeable effect, you will need to take 2-3 baths.

Chamomile and Chamomile

  • We put 1 liter of water on fire and, when it boils, pour 7 tsp. dry string and the same amount of pharmacy chamomile.
  • Cover with a lid and let it brew well.

Then we filter and apply to the body and face in the same way as in the previous version. If we just need to “touch up” the face, it is enough to wash our face in the morning and evening with such an infusion to get a noticeable result.


  • Three on a grater or grind in a blender 1 large carrot.
  • Squeeze out the juice from it and apply it in a thin layer.
  • Leave the mask on for 10 minutes, then rinse with water.

As a bonus, we will get not only a brighter skin tone, but also a generally rested look, because the vegetable will provide us with all the necessary vitamins.

But before you start experimenting with the face, it is better to try out the carrot "tan" on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. So we will have the opportunity to evaluate the shade and evenness of the application.


This is not the fastest way to get the desired “color”, but it is also safer than the previous one. Surprises, at least, are not to be expected from him.

  • Mix 4-5 tsp. instant coffee with the same amount of water.
  • Stir until smooth and apply a thin layer on the face and/or body.
  • Keep for at least half an hour, then rinse with water.

We do the procedure for a week 1 time per day. Then we take a week break and again continue to "sunbathe" at home.

You can also add coffee to regular lotion.

  • Mix 2 tbsp. body milk with 2 tsp. instant coffee, which is best ground in a mill to a powdered state - this way it will disperse faster and better.

Stir until smooth and rub into the body, like a regular cosmetic product! The effect will be noticeable immediately, so it is good to do this procedure before going outside.


We dilute cocoa powder without additives with warm boiled water to a state of medium density of sour cream and apply on the face. Hold for 15 minutes and wash off. The result will also be noticeable immediately - the skin will become a little darker. We continue to perform the procedure once a day to achieve the optimal shade.

In addition, such a mask has an extremely beneficial effect on the overall tone of the face - fine wrinkles will be smoothed out, the oval will tighten - a rested blooming look is guaranteed!

Black tea

It is better to use quality loose leaf tea rather than tea bags, especially when it comes to the face.

  • We make a strong brew, wait until it cools down and wipe the face and body.

Tea will saturate us with antioxidants and give a beautiful skin tone. We carry out tea rubdowns at least 1 time per day until the color suits us.

onion peel

A fairly effective way to get a tan at home.

  • We remove the husks from the bulbs, rinse thoroughly, fill with water 1: 2 and put on fire.
  • Let it boil for 4-5 minutes, turn it on, cool it, filter it and wipe the face and body with the decoction.

They can also wash their face 2 times a day. The effect will be noticeable after a couple of procedures.

Turmeric + mint

  • Pour 2 bags of mint with 1 cup of boiling water, insist until cool and take 1 tbsp from there.
  • We dilute it with 1 tbsp. turmeric, stir and apply a mask on the face, not forgetting the area around the eyes and neck.
  • Keep for 20 minutes and wash off.

It is good to carry out the procedure once every 2 days - this will help the face not only acquire a beautiful shade, but will make it fresher and younger.

There are a lot of ways to spend a “sunny” day at home and get a beautiful artificial tan without going outside, and everyone works! The main thing is to find the right ones for you. Try it and share your impressions in the comments.

Oh girls, can you smell the spring? Do you know what that means? That's right, very soon we will change boring down jackets and jackets for elegant dresses and skirts. But what is it? Is a pale creature with bluish skin looking at you from the mirror? Self-tanning at home is the best solution to this problem. But which tool to give preference and how to use all these creams, sprays and lotions? Don't worry, you will learn all the intricacies of self-tanning at home right now.

Homemade tanning products have a lot of advantages. Their main benefits include:

  • very fast result. Experts, not without reason, consider self-tanning to be the most effective way to give the skin a chocolate shade;
  • this is the safest option, when using which you can not worry about burns;
  • self-tanning is able to mask bruises around the eyes and even out complexion, as well as hide small flaws and imperfections. This is a great alternative to foundation. As for the eyes, you should immediately clarify the application technique: you cover the entire face with self-tanning, but leave the skin under the eyes untouched. Then, against the background of a tanned face, the circles will become almost invisible;
  • self-tanning miraculously transforms not only the face, but also the body - it hides cellulite and extra pounds. Just a couple of minutes and visually you have become thinner by a few centimeters;
  • cosmetics for home self-tanning will cost much less than the services of beauty salons.

What is self-tanning - types and forms of release

If you decide to buy self-tanning products in a store, you will be faced with a huge selection that will surely lead you to a little confusion. Let's figure out together what is what.

So, conditionally self-tanning can be divided into two types.

1. Autobronzers (autobronzers) - products for deep coloring of the upper layers of the epidermis. The main active ingredient of auto bronzers is acetone dihydroxide (a natural component extracted from sugar cane), which is responsible for staining the skin in a darker color.

Benefits of auto bronzers:

  • the effect is long and persistent;
  • does not stain clothes;
  • resistant to water.

Cons of auto bronzers:

  • appears long enough. After applying it, you should forget about clothes for at least an hour. It is also not recommended to play sports and even sit down.

2. Bronzers color the skin with safe, natural-based dyes.

Benefits of bronzers:

  • immediate result - darkening of the skin is noticeable already during the application of the bronzer.

Cons of bronzers:

  • dyes clothes, especially light ones;
  • rinses off quickly with water.

As for the release form, there are many more different variations:

  • self-tanning oil. Most often it is solid, but during application it begins to melt. It has a pleasant aroma, intensively nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis, manifests itself for a long time, but also lasts for a very long time. It is used extremely sparingly;
  • self-tanning spray - very convenient, with basic skills it can be easily applied even to hard-to-reach areas of the body;
  • napkins for self-tanning appeared quite recently. Both the fiber from which they are made and the impregnation itself are natural. Simplicity, convenience and a good moisturizing effect are the main characteristics of this form of release;
  • self-tanning milk is quickly absorbed, easily distributed over the surface of the skin. The only caveat: you have to ensure that there is no repeated application of the product to the same area. This is fraught with the appearance of darker spots.

Learning how to apply self-tanner on the face

If you think that you can treat both the body and the face with one tube, you are deeply mistaken. Self-tanning for the face is a special tool, more gentle and gentle. How to apply self-tanner of this type? Take advantage of our tips:

  • cleanse your face thoroughly with a moisturizing toner;
  • do not apply self-tanner under the eyes;
  • many girls complain about the so-called "mask effect". To prevent this from happening, apply a small amount of moisturizer over self-tanner. You need to do this according to hair growth. The cream will soften the transition lines and make the shade more natural.

How to apply self-tanner on the body?

Using tanning for the body, you should also follow certain rules. Only in this case you will get an even shade and will be able to avoid many unpleasant situations.

  • First you need to take a shower and carefully treat the body with a scrub. On the surface cleansed of dead cells, the tan will lie neatly and evenly.
  • Now lubricate the skin with a moisturizer or lotion.
  • If you have dry skin, replace the scrub with a hard washcloth or use a milder exfoliator. In your case, you need to prepare for the application of self-tanning for several days, applying the cream to the skin two to three times a day. Pay special attention to the knees and elbows, where the skin is the most dry.
  • Dry your body thoroughly with a towel. If even a drop of water or cream remains on it, the skin will become covered with spots or stains.
  • If you are using a self-tanner for the first time or decide to try a product from an unfamiliar brand, do not forget to pre-test on a small area of ​​​​skin. Be aware that low-quality cosmetics can stain your body in orange, carrot or other ugly shades.
  • Apply the product evenly and do not overdo the elbows, back of the wrists, knees and décolleté. These areas are stained most intensively, so do not overdo it with the amount of milk or spray.
  • Once the self-tanner is applied, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and brush your nails. If this is not done, the hands and cuticles will turn black.
  • It will take up to four hours for the self-tanner to absorb and develop. During the first hour it is better to refuse clothes. Light-colored things should not be worn for another two hours, they can be stained. With a shower, you also have to wait a bit.
  • Many girls are afraid of the specific smell of self-tanning cosmetics. Don't worry, it will fade very quickly.
  • Apply with smooth, gliding motions. On the same area of ​​the skin spend several times.
  • Wash your hands as often as possible while self-tanning.
  • Want to get rich dark color? Apply several thin layers. It's much better than one fat one.
  • The procedure is best done in the morning. Doing this before going to bed can spoil the whole effect.

To whom self-tanning is contraindicated?

Unfortunately, not everyone is allowed to enjoy the look of chocolate skin. There are people for whom self-tanning at home is categorically contraindicated. These are pregnant women and girls who are prone to frequent manifestations of allergic reactions, as well as those who suffer from skin diseases and have a large number of moles on their bodies. In the presence of wounds, cuts and other damage, self-tanning will also have to be abandoned.

How long does a self-tanner last?

Several factors affect the "shelf life" of a self-tanner. We are talking about the individual characteristics of the skin and the quality of the cosmetics itself. So, people with naturally dark skin will enjoy the effect longer than their fair-skinned counterparts. As for the quality, everything is also simple: the higher it is, the longer the tan itself lasts.

They say self-tanning is bad…!?

This question worries many modern beauties. According to doctors, self-tanning products are absolutely safe. It, unlike sunlight, acts only on the upper layer of the epidermis, and therefore does not bring any harm to human health.

But still, you don’t need to get too carried away with these products, let your skin rest. Note also that most products contain alcohol. To avoid overdrying of the skin, regularly use moisturizing and nourishing lotions and creams.

Homemade self tanning recipes

Do not trust ready-made cosmetics? Use tools that are likely to be found in your kitchen. We are happy to provide you with the most popular recipes for home self-tanning.

Tea brew for a beautiful tan

This is a fairly well-known and easiest recipe. Prepare a very strong tea brew - two teaspoons of tea in a glass of boiling water. If you want to get only a slight shade, the proportions can be reduced. Next, you need to boil the tea leaves for two to three minutes, strain the liquid through a sieve and cool it well. Wipe the face with the tonic in the morning and evening. A beautiful natural shade, tightened skin and narrowed pores are guaranteed.

If you want to use this method for the whole body, brew more tea and add it to your bath water. If desired, you can replace tea with strong natural coffee.

Chamomile and string lotion

Another good remedy that can give your skin a beautiful bronze tint. In addition, both chamomile and string have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Pour boiling water over four tablespoons of string and the same amount of chamomile. Leave the mixture wrapped for a couple of hours. Wipe the face and body with strained broth. You can also use it for taking a bath.

Coffee Bean Sun Mask

Grind the coffee beans in a coffee grinder, dilute them with a little water and apply the gruel on your face for about 10-15 minutes. For a moisturizing effect, replace the water with olive oil.

Sunbathe with walnuts

For home self-tanning, you will need the leaves of this tree. Prepare a strong decoction of them and pour it into the bath. Soak in the water for half an hour.

The tool has a lasting result, the tan will be visible after the second time and will last for a week.

Rhubarb for self-tanning at home

Prepare a mask from the root of this plant: pass it through a meat grinder, squeeze out the gruel and strain through cheesecloth. Lubricate the face with the resulting juice twice a day. Do not keep the mask on for more than 20 minutes. Keep in mind, for dry skin types, the juice should be mixed with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

You can also try rhubarb decoction for chocolate tanning: mix a glass of water and a glass of rhubarb roots (dried). Boil the mixture for about 20 minutes, strain and refrigerate. Wipe your face and body twice a day.

And here is a recipe for a very simple rhubarb mask: combine a teaspoon of moisturizer with a tablespoon of juice squeezed from rhubarb roots. Apply the mask to your face or body. It is not necessary to wash it off, because the cream, and with it the rhubarb juice, will be completely absorbed into the skin. For a good tan, you need a week of daily procedures.

Onion peel is a powerful tanner

The effectiveness of onion skins has been proven by the example of Easter eggs. It will give your skin a pleasant light brown tint and saturate it with vitamins.

Wash the husk thoroughly, fill it with water and boil for about five minutes. The proportions will have to be selected by trial and error, because the husks are different.

Carrot sun mask

Combine carrot juice or gruel with a tablespoon of olive oil.

Lubricate your face with this mixture. The first time the mask is kept for five minutes, then the time can be increased, gradually bringing the session up to 20 minutes.

Such a mask is suitable only for owners of dark skin to maintain an existing tan. It is better for fair-faced girls to refuse it.

Can self tanner be washed off?

What to do if you don't like the result? You can try to wash off self-tanning in very simple and straightforward ways.

Method 1. Take a warm bath (in extreme cases, a shower) for ten minutes, then rub the skin strongly with a washcloth. Rinse with clean water and apply lotion or cream to the skin. This method is only effective when the product you are using was not of very high quality.

Method 2: Use a homemade sea salt or coffee grounds scrub with lemon juice.

Method 3: Try lightening your skin with hydrogen peroxide, a salicylic acid solution, or diluted lemon juice.

Men find tanned skin very seductive and sexy. So do not be lazy, dear ladies, because warm days are already on the nose.


There are many different means for a, so-called self-tanning. They are presented in the form of mousses, creams, gels and sprays. Their action is based on the properties of the dihydroxyacetone contained inside the powder. It is isolated from sugar cane or beets. It is dihydroxyacetone that leads to certain chemical reactions on the surface of the skin, giving it a tanned appearance.
Before using one of the self-tanning products, take a shower and exfoliate your skin. This is done to make it even.
Then wait a bit for the pores on the skin to close. Apply the product from the bottom up in a very thin layer. You have to start with your feet. Apply a very thin layer of cream or spray on elbows and knees.
To prevent your palms from remaining colored, wash them with soap. Wait an hour for the cream to be absorbed. Then you can get dressed. You can wash and play sports no earlier than after 3 hours. To enhance the effect, the procedure can be repeated after 3 days.

You can also tan with the help of special pills and injections. The tablets contain a special pigment - canthaxanthin. It penetrates the skin and gives it a shade - from light golden to bronze, depending on the dose of the drug. However, this substance, if used frequently, can cause vision problems. After all, canthaxanthin accumulates in the retina of the eye.
Therefore injections. They contain melanotan, a synthetic analogue of the hormone that is responsible for the synthesis of melanin pigment in the skin. Sunburn a week after the first injection. All you need to do is 2-3. However, the effect of melanotan has not yet been sufficiently studied.

Give face skin Tan can be done in a simpler way - special decorative cosmetics that give the effect Tan A. So, for example, on the shelves of stores in a wide range of face powder with the effect Tan a, which not only perfectly adapts to any skin color, but is also suitable for use at any time of the year.

You can use special bronzers and auto Tan ami for the face. When choosing such a tool, you should pay attention to those products that are presented in spray format. Firstly, such cosmetics are easy to apply. Secondly, your hands will remain clean when applying these products, unlike bronzers and auto Tan ov in the form of milk and cream.

For facial skin Tan and you can also use and . So, for example, you can brew strong natural coffee (tea), cool it and wipe your face with it every morning. In addition to the slight effect Tan and such a procedure will refresh the skin of the face. Great product for facial skin Tan you can call it a carrot. To prepare a special mask, rub the carrots on a fine grater and use as a mask for 15-20 minutes. The mask should be washed off with warm water. After 15-20 minutes after washing, apply a moisturizer to your face.

You can become the owner of tanned skin without cosmetics, going to the solarium and destructive ultraviolet rays. In nature, there are a number of products that will improve the complexion, giving it a natural bronze tone.

Cocoa and coffee masks

Grind coffee beans in a coffee grinder. Mix them with some water and apply on your face. Hold the mask for 10 minutes and wash with warm water. Coffee can be replaced with cocoa powder. If you have dry skin, dilute the masks with olive oil or cosmetic milk.

To obtain a light bronze tint, it is useful to wipe the skin with a strong infusion of tea or coffee. You will not only refresh the complexion, but also achieve skin toning. You can also make cosmetic ice from tea or coffee and wipe your face with it in the morning.

Carrot masks

These masks are ideal for girls whom nature has awarded with swarthy skin. In addition, they can be used to fix the tan and restore dehydrated and burned skin.

Grate carrots, mix with 1 tsp. olive oil and apply on face. Hold the mask for 15 minutes, wash your face and moisturize the skin with cream.

Mix 30 g of cottage cheese with 1 tsp. heavy cream and 2 tbsp. carrot juice. Apply the mask for 15 minutes and rinse.

Rhubarb Root Masks

Squeeze the juice from the rhubarb in a juicer. Mix 1 tbsp. the resulting juice with 1 tsp. face cream and apply to the skin. The mask can be applied at night and not washed off.

Yolk or 1 tbsp. fat sour cream, mix with 2 tsp. rhubarb root juice and apply on face. Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes.

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coffee mask

Dilute ground coffee beans with a small amount of water so that the mask lies on the face in a thick layer. Apply to skin and wait 10 minutes. If your skin is prone to dryness, use any vegetable oil instead of water, preferably olive oil. Wash off the mask with warm water.

Carrot mask

Grate the carrots on a fine grater and apply the resulting mass on the face. Keep the mask for 10 minutes, then rinse off. This mask should be used with caution by owners of fair skin - the shade may end up yellowish.

rhubarb juice

If you have oily skin, wipe your face 2 times a day with juice squeezed from rhubarb roots. Rhubarb is also suitable for owners of dry skin, however, in this case it is mixed in equal proportions with a nourishing cream. This mask is kept on the face for 20 minutes. It is not necessary to wash it off, it is enough to remove the remnants of the cream with a clean cloth.

Herbal infusion

In order to achieve a light shade of tan, you can wipe your face daily with an infusion of chamomile and string. Prepare it like this: a dry mixture of plants in the amount of 8 tablespoons is poured with a liter of boiling water. The dishes are tightly closed with a lid and infused for 2 hours. The finished infusion is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. By the way, such a tool will help to "tan" the body: for this you need to take baths with this decoction.

What do you need to know?

  • First you need to determine your skin type in order to choose the most suitable remedy.

  • Exfoliating your skin regularly with a scrub is a must. It is also necessary to use moisturizing creams for the body.

  • Finding the right tool for you can only be done by trial and error.

  • The tool must be used in accordance with the attached instructions.

Tanning products can be divided into three types: self-tanner, bronzer and tanning activator.

Probably, there is no such girl who would not know that. Dihydroxyacetone - a substance that is the main component of this product, reacting with the skin changes its shade to a darker one. Usually the effect of self-tanning lasts about a week. The resulting shade can be maintained by using the product regularly.

Now in stores, self-tanning products are presented in different forms. It may be more convenient for someone to buy a lotion or cream, and someone spray. But here, of course, it is better to take into account the type and characteristics of the skin. According to many girls, the spray lays down better and more evenly. When it comes to cream, mousse or lotion, don't forget gloves to protect your hands. Before the procedure, be sure to use a body scrub.

If you applied the product unevenly. This can still be corrected. Lemon juice is best, to which water is added in a ratio of 2: 1. Take a small sponge or cloth and apply the mixture to the skin. Then take a shower and dry your skin well. These steps will help you even out the tone. It is important not to sunbathe with self-tanner applied, otherwise your skin will start to turn yellow!

As for the bronzer, it is less resistant than self-tanner, but it is not as dangerous and gives a pleasant shade. Bronzer is used to maintain an already obtained tan. It can be in powder or lotion form. The product is applied to the skin with gloves, massaging movements. After the procedure, it is advisable not to wear clothes for at least 10 minutes.

The tan activator promotes the production of melanin when it comes into contact with the skin, which will give it a dark tint. It is usually applied before a tanning bed, but it can be used separately as an independent remedy. Some of these products are combined, which gives the best effect.

There is no way to go to the sea. There is also no beach that could be visited a short distance from the place of residence. Just like that, morality does not allow going out in a bathing suit to a personal plot: the neighbors will overlook their eyes, and the figure does not want to return to your usual 90-60-90 or 100-80-100 (actually, what's the difference!). When walking, the sun selectively touches either the hands, or the nose, or games, and everything else remains white under the robes ...

And in general, doctors are increasingly warning: the sun is aggressive, it can cause the most terrible diseases if you expose your sides to it uncontrollably. In addition, it is recommended to sunbathe from 10 am to 1 pm, and in the rest of the day it is better to refrain from rays or move across rough terrain in dashes from the awning to the visor of the store. And here's the annoyance, during those hours when you can sunbathe, you are just sitting in your office at the monitor or serving customers.

There are often scary stories about tanning beds on TV. Yes, and you can immediately see that you have an artificial tan! Why? Look at his face - he still has white glasses on him! Panda, just the opposite. What to do?

Don't despair, there is a way out! And the skin, evenly and without harm to health, can be "underlined" by two or three tones, and spend a minimum of money or not spend at all on all sorts of sprays, gels, ointments and other cosmetics that are in abundance in stores. We invite you to tan at home.

So we stay at home alone. We take a step towards the kitchen. We look at what we have on the shelves and in the refrigerator ... Oh, yes, we have a whole pantry of "special equipment" to achieve our goal! So, we choose the most acceptable way of "tanning" ...

Cocoa sun mask

Pour a little water into cocoa, knead a not very thick gruel. In order not to overdry the skin, add a little olive oil. Now apply to the body. Relax, listen to music for 15-20 minutes and rinse off.

Tanning with henna

Make a slurry of red henna powder. Lubricate the skin, soak for 10 minutes. Flush! Is the result impressive? Not good? In the sun, you also do not sunbathe the first time.

We use carrots for sunbathing

A young carrot has just ripened in the garden. Do not be lazy, go to the garden or buy in advance at the grandmother's market. Grate the carrots on the smallest grater, add sour cream or kefir to the gruel. Lubricate the skin. After 20 minutes, you can wash off with warm water. Just a warning: if you are completely "snow white", it is better not to use carrots, you will look strange with yellow spots.

Tanning with coffee

Take 10 teaspoons of ground beans. It is not necessary to take your favorite and expensive coffee, somewhere on the shelf lay the one that you once stopped loving and he, unloved, is still in the unpacked pack. Here from it and cook strong coffee in a large amount of water. The drink should be defended so that the gruel settles to the bottom of the pan. Get water in the bath. Pour freshly prepared coffee that is not suitable for human consumption there.

Do not try to throw away the thick, make an excellent scrub from it by adding a couple of teaspoons of vegetable oil. Apply the brown mass on the body and massage the skin with light hand movements. And let's not fanaticism: do not rub to the point of insanity, removing the top layer of skin from yourself. Lost? Now dive into the coffee water. Lie down for 15-20 minutes, think about something good. You can also add some oil at the same time - fir, peach, citrus, etc., then combine it with aromatherapy. After the procedure, do not rush to wash off the coffee tan, just get wet with a towel. Finally, apply cream to the skin.

Tanning with tea

Are you a tea drinker? So arrange yourself a pleasant tea party combined with a bath. Take a lot of tea leaves (any one you don’t mind, only, of course, not packaged and without any dyes. Brew, strain, pour water into the bath, dive for 20 minutes, no more. They blotted the skin with a towel. Now look in the mirror. There is a chocolate shade If you repeat the procedure for several days, then from light brown to chocolate color you will definitely reach!

Grandma suggested a few more recipes.

Potassium permanganate for tanning

Dissolve some potassium permanganate in the bath. Attention: the water should be slightly pink in color (do not overdo it, otherwise, you will be recorded as Indians). This bath should be taken for 5-15 minutes. From time to time, also pour rose water on your face, otherwise the body and face will become friends, not finding anything in common with each other. After finishing the procedure, blot the body with a towel.