Christmas wreaths do it yourself for the new year. Options for ready-made crafts. Wreath of old ties

His houses, jobs and of course Christmas tree.

New Year's wreath is a great way to make any interior colorful and festive.

It is worth noting that such a wreath is a symbol of family heat and a hearth.

There are many ways to make a beautiful wreath for the new year with their own hands.

On our site you will also find:

Here are some of the most interesting and simple New Year wreaths that can be done with the children and hang them in the house or on the Christmas tree so that they decorate your home.

New Year's wreath do it yourself from oranges and cinnamon

You will need:

Thin and flexible branches (for frame)

Hot glue




Pine branches or leafs with berries (natural or artificial)

Dried orange slices (you can use lemons)

1. Make from the branches of the New Year Wreath Frame.

* To get dried orange slices, they need to put in the oven for a light fire.

2. With the help of glue and wire, start attaching to the decoration frame. The bumps can be glued, fasten the oranges with the wire, and cinnamon tie a rope or pieces of fabric.

* Pine branches or leafs with berries just impose inside the frame or can fasten them with wire or glue.

How to make a bright New Year wreath do it yourself

You will need:

Cardboard or Foam Frame

Hot glue or scotch

Decorations (bows, shoes, toys, etc.).

1. From cardboard or piece of polyfoam cut the frame for wreath. It is possible to make a stronger frame, you will need to cut two circles and glue them.

2. Start wrapping the mishur frame. Glue or scotch tape can be consolidated with tinsel in some places, but so that the place of attachment is not very noticeable

3. When a wreath is ready, you can fix decorations for it. It can also be done using glue or scotch.

New Year's wreath with their own hands from sweets (master class)

You will need:

Corrugated cardboard (cardboard from which boxes are made)

Circular or round item right shape and pencil (to draw a circle)

Acrylic paint


A lot of candies.

1. Draw a large circle on a piece of cardboard (in this example, the circle has a diameter of 22 cm.)

2. Cut the circle and draw another circle of smaller inside it. Cut this circle. You can use a stationery knife instead of scissors.

3. Repeat step 1-2 to make another "bagel" and glue the two bagels that the wreath frame is stronger.

4. Use white paint to paint the cardboard frame of a future wreath.

5. From the foam rubber, cut off the bagel of similar dimensions and cut a few pieces, which are then glued to the cardboard ring on both sides.

6. Binto wrap the frame.

7. Prepare candy - for this example it took 300 gr. Truffles. Try to choose lightweight candies - they hold better.

8. Cut double-sided tape into small pieces and stick them to the bottom of each candy, and then glue all the candies to the wreath.

9. So that the wreath is still brighter, you can fill the places between the candy rains, beads and / or tinsel, which is mounted with glue.

Here is another couple of options for New Year's wreaths, decorated with candy:

Wreath for the new year from sweets (photo instruction)

You will need:

Foam Ring (wreath base)


Soft candy (desirable jelly).

New Year wreaths on the door do it yourself

You will need:

PVA glue

Scissors or stationery knife

Aerosol or acrylic paint (if desired)

Decorations (ribbons, bows, small christmas toys).

1. Cut each cylinder into small rings. Press each ring so that it acquires the form of the leaf (see image).

2. Shake all rings among themselves so that they formed a wreath.

* You can paint the wreath if there is a desire.

3. Start decorating a wreath with bows, tinsel, christmas toys, ribbons, etc.

Colored paper and cardboard wreath for new year (photo instruction)

You will need:

Colored paper, color cardboard or paper with pattern

Cardboard (for the basis of wreath)



How to make a wreath with bumps and fruit for the new year

You will need:

Kitchen napkins

Green Organza (if necessary)

PVA glue or hot glue

Decorations (artificial fruits, cones, flowers, leaves).

1. Twist the newspaper into the tube and make a ring out of it. If necessary, use two newspapers to make a ring.

2. Cut the ring by several more newspapers so that it is more durable and not unwound. Details that serve can be secured by PVA glue.

3. Remove the rings from the newspapers more attractive view. To do this, use white paper napkins that need to wrap the ring.

4. If you wish, you can wrap a ring with an organza, fixing it with PVA or hot glue glue. This stage can be skipped.

5. Now start wrapped with a ring with a misher, fixing, if necessary, PVA glue.

6. Prepare small artificial fruits, flowers, leaves and cones. Start them glued with hot glue to a wreath.

* You can use any decorations, not just fruits or leaves. For example, you can buy bows, stick bright ribbons or small light christmas toys.

Wreath for New Year from Christmas balls (master class)

You will need:

Farm framework frame

Small Christmas toys

Glue (hot, superchalter).

1. Remove the mount from each Christmas toys.

2. Start gluing big toys to foam frame.

3. Continue to puncture a smaller frame toy and finish the smallest balls.

* Not all New Year's balls are glued to the frame, some are glued to other balls. The main thing to add toys until the foam ring is completely closed.

Beautiful Wreath for New Year with Gift Cells

You will need:

Corrugated cardboard (thick cardboard from the box)

Colored cardboard


Knitting thread (any color)

Stationery knife (if necessary)

Cardboard cylinders (from toilet paper or paper towels)

PVA glue or hot glue

Acrylic paints.

1. Cut the cardboard cylinders on the rings.

* If you want not only small, but also large rings on the fune, you can cut strips from color cardboard and glue ends.

2. If you wish, you can paint with acrylic paint all or some rings.

3. Cut from the corrugated cardboard, cut a large circle, and in the center of the circle cut out another circle of smaller size - it will be the base of the wreath. You can make the basis more durable, gluing two cardboard circles with each other.

* To cut the circle inside the circle, it is easier to replace the scissors with a stationery knife.

4. Wake up the filament of the wreath.

5. Start sticking rings to the base.

It remains to put on the "shelves" small gifts. You can wrap these gifts with paper and secure fine tape, as in the image.

Wreath of paper for the new year with their own hands (master class)

You will need:

PVA glue



Acrylic paint (white)

Paper for scrapbooking, color or wrapping paper

Pictures on dense sheets (with old postcards, packs, boxes)

Various other decorations.

1. Prepare a few newspaper sheets and twist them into thin tubes (see image). The newspaper connecting the pva glue. The number of tubes depends on the thickness of the wreath.

For such a wreath, live color will be required: roses, chrysanthemums or kaki from your favorite and coniferous twigs.

If the music is not alien to your heart, you can try to make such a wreath.

Cut from the cardboard to cut the base, soak it with the braid and glue the cones from a tank log.

Very nice look and smell the wreaths of dried fruits, citrus, spices and cones with nuts.

Decorating the house of Christmas and New Year's wreath - this is a very beautiful custom that came to us from Western countries. A few years ago, such wreaths looked in Russia quite exotic. But today it is an absolutely typical view of the decoration of houses in the pre-Christmas days, which cramped from branches of ate and four candles is fixed vertically or installed on the table. According to the Catholic custom, the first candle is lit on the first Sunday of the four-week post - Advent, next Sunday - the second and so on.

This fragile wreath made from Christmas tree toys and Inea. Just shine.

For the manufacture of a wreath, artificial sprigs can be used, it is not necessary to destroy the trees at all.

Why only toys and snowmen, butterfly on a christmas wreath also looks harmonious.

Rowan twigs, dried flowers and pine yard - your wreath will be the most.

With its appearance, Christmas wreaths are obliged to the Hamburg Lutheran theologian Johann Hinrich Vikhnna, who took the education of children from poor families. In the post they were all the time asked when Christmas comes. And in order for children to be easy to count the time before the holiday, Vichern in 1839 on the basis of the old wheel made a wreath that was decorated with nineteen small red and four large white candles. A small candle was lit in the wreath daily in a wreath, and a large one was added to them on Sundays.

Symbols of Christmas wreaths highlight several basic values. Initially, the addition of fire and light in wreaths symbolized the growing expectation of the birthday of Jesus Christ - the world of the world. The interpretation of the round shape, the symbolism of the wreath, due to fir-green greenery, was added additional values \u200b\u200bof the color of candles and decorative ribbons. So Christmas wreaths and four candles began to associate with the meaning of the globe and four sides of the world. The circle is considered to be a symbol of eternal life, which gives Sunday, green color - the embodiment of life itself, and the candles - the light illuminating the world in the days of Christmas. In the Christmas traditions, the wreaths are made to decorate the three candles of purple and one pink candle, which corresponds to liturgical colors of worship during the Advent period. Pink candle is lit on the third week of Advent, when Sunday is called Gaudete, or rejoice!

And such a bright wreath can be made of bright tissue trimming. Under the picture you will find a detailed master class.

New Year's wreath do it yourself

Of course, today you can get these symbolic wreaths anywhere. But what could be better, pretty and even majestic, how to make a new year wreath with your own hands and decorate them your pre-holiday house. This will be hidden by the real sacrament of the miracle expectation, although it would seem, it's just a needlework, the result of which the New Year's toy will become what a lot of things. After all, the post is of few observing, and the ignition ritual of the candles adhere to the units in general.

Is it an artificial Christmas tree or real? I do not see the difference, but I will make a wreath exactly from artificial, why kill live tree?

Fir needs to be cut and clean regularly. And from cut branches and fallen cones can make such a wonderful wreath.

Fluffy, bright and scarf, so as not to catch a cold under the New Year - such a wreath will be on the joy of children.

But this spruce noodle appeared accurately after trimmed. And from dry twigs got rid of (the tree will be delighted), and the wreath of splurs. Do not necessarily cut a beautiful blue fir for the sake of the holiday week.

Owl and charming christmas flower poinsettia are on a wreath.

But in the process of manufacturing this beauty, a person subconsciously penetrates the sacrality of the action and to top up to complete strength overflowing with the feeling of the celebration of the holiness of the upcoming event. As for the degree of complexity of the wreath, there is nothing hard in it. In addition, it is not necessary to deny yourself a joy with children to work together with joint creativity. And after determining the type of wreath and the preparation of the necessary materials, it is possible to start work without any doubt.

From the tie, feathers, balloons, what only wreaths do not happen!

So, in a wreath, the main thing is the basis, its base that will keep the decoration from scattering. The basis is created from any suitable subject. The classic base is natural raw materials in the form of straw, rods, grape vines and even rim of a wooden wheel. At worst, you can use the wire. But in practice, any healthy material is taken as a wreath. So an excellent foundation will be made of twisted and fixed in the form of a circle of wires (for example, a simple extension cord). The segment of the hose is suitable, thick cardboard, which can be glued out of several layers of more thin, newspapers compressed in harnesses and fixed with thin wire, roller fabric, which is filled with cotton or syntheps, and the like materials.

Classic coniferous wreath.

But this candlestick wreath will play with a gentle flicker from the flame of the candle.

Toys, beads, nuts and garlic - immediately visible, the hostess in the house.

To do new Year's wreath do it yourself, We will have to stock garden or twine, scissors or a secateur, glue or liquid nails, and even decoration for a wreath. For a traditional wreath you will need a spruce or pine yard, which can be replaced by a thuuy or holly branch. You can also make it possible to make a wreath that will be decorated "for centuries", if you use artificial branches, and then periodically change the decor. By the way, you can decorate a wreath not only with the familiar New Year's decorations, but also to all that can tell you your imagination. For example - dried flowers, bumps, berries, fruits, vegetables, cinnamon in chopsticks, spices, peel from citrus, cut in the form of a spiral, cayenne pepper, tangerines, apples, artificial and alive flowers, candy, sweets, christmas cookies, garlands, christmas toys , decorative braid, beads and ribbons. Conventional tassels and paints, silver and golden sprays and artificial snowball will also be useful.

Such a wreath of ribbons can even make a baby under my mother and father leadership.

As a basis, take the ring from the wire and generously decorate it with bows of ribbons.

Who would have thought that a wreath of mint candies can be made from the usual hanger from dry cleaning.

In the handmade store, such soft blanks for a wreath are sold, you will only have to buy red felt and cut out of it the same circle size.

From felt circles and invisible forming flowers and generously decorated our wreath.

Did your old chassis drank or just have a round basis? Decorate her tinsel and wreath ready!

Also, practical tips will not be superfluous, for example, how to make a wreath of pine or fir branches. Usually, the wire frame is made or from another rigid material. Then the coniferous branches of the desired length are cut and the wreath begins. The branches are stacked in the direction of the clockwise direction, and the naked part of the previous branch is covered with a lush part of the next. The second layer is already in the opposite direction, which will help to give a volume of volume. Between the branches are fastened with wire, and it is better to take green, which will be invisible on the background of the needles. A thin garden or wire for crafts is also suitable. The number of layers is taken in which christmas wreath, do it yourself Made, will be a pleasant eye. Then the wreath is shaved by an atlantic ribbon and decorated with your chosen materials. Usually such a wreath hang on the entrance doors or on the wall, and also put on a coffee table or shelf. But the future place of the wreath needs to be thought out in advance, because it may turn out to be pretty heavy, which will not hold onto the attachment from the scotch or the stationery button, and it does not always want to spoil the wall with a thick nail. Therefore, before the start of working with a wreath you need to decide on its placement. If it is possible to fix it vertically on a robust mount, you can make a heavy wreath, and if the fastening is quite harvester, then it is better to choose a lighter form, why the decoration will be no worse. And if I still want to make a huge thing, and the fastener did not come out, you can put a wreath on a horizontal surface - a table, a shelf, stand. But here it will be possible to allow your fantasy to get roaring all the breadth and load a wreath by any, even the most huge toys. So beautiful will look pretty heavy, but very symbolic christmas wreath of cones, decorated with gold spray, artificial snow, nuts and apples. In such a wreath, laid on the table, traditionally insert candles. To secure them well, you can heat the wire and plug in the base of the candle perpendicularly, then fasten the wire on the main frame and reorganize the lower part on a third of coniferous branches.

Everything. What you need for this wreath sold in the supermarket, you should only clearly stick to our master class.

Get on the basis of a white ribbon, and then prepare snowflakes.

True, it is possible differently and make a wreath of feathers, wrapped around the basis of Boa.

And this wreath with robes is also made from a round basis and felt.

Handmade lover Surely have a lot of small glomers at hand, of which, by the way, will come out beautiful wreath.

Cut citrus circles, dry them in the oven and we will tell you what to do with this good.

And this is what: Cool the ring from straw and stick oranges on it.

However, it is not necessary to use straw for a wreath, the usual workpiece is also suitable.

Such a beautiful wreath of red balls is made easily and quickly. Read our master class.

Take a wire hanger. Such hangers are given in dry cleaning.

Pliers disconnect the hanger.

Prepare several sets of different diameter of the balls.

By the way. To work, we needed about 80 balls.

Take the balls to the base as close to each other so that the wire is not visible.

If the balls begin to get back and roll, secure their drop of glue-seconds.

Your wreath should be dense.

When the last decoration is caught, twist the ends of the hanger.

Now wrap the hook with a red ribbon.

Attach the tape with glue.

You can only make a bow from the tape and tie it to a wreath.

Although not only the basis is made almost from any suitable material. The wreath itself and its decoration can also be made as an absolutely unexpected fruit of his own fantasy. So you can create a wreath of buttons of different diameters and style, attached to the cardboard basis and suspended with a raubular buckle strap. You can also expect a husband and make a creative wreath of ties wound on plastic rim so that the tongues beautifully looked outside the decorations like flower petals. Absolutely unexpected option - newspaper wreath: Paper strips are collected in the form of a three-dimensional flower and riveted on a wire frame. You can decorate a wreath of spruce lap with small Christmas balls and memorable family photos. Since the square is not particularly foreseen, you will have to limit the five-six small photos.

Hang new Year wreaths on the dooryou can without any difficult difficulties: you need to tie a beautiful ribbon on the inside to the accessories or the door handle, shift through the top of the door canvase and fix on the right place with a button, scotch tape or clove. It will depend on the weight of the decoration and the material from which the door is made, since the carnation armored canvas definitely do not throw. On the front side on the tape, the wreath itself clings, from the inside the ribbon room is usually decorated with cones, toys and rain.

But such a wreath can be made of red ribbons and burlap.

Suspended wreaths are usually made of lightweight material. Therefore, you can handle a tire from a children's cyclist with a beautiful striped cloth, decorate as beads and small cards. It would be good to choose postcards in an old style. And from such a material wreath definitely becomes your favorite: take the handful of small clubs and decorate them a circle from the same wire. It turns out a soft and fluffy multi-colored caterpillar, which rolled out the ring. Quickly and cute. Probably, everyone will like the idea to make a wreath of dried citrus rings attached to a paper ring. A wreath can be decorated with a fir branch and a bunch of Christmas balls of brightly red color with the same ribbon. Aroma, beautiful and fun! The fragile and exquisitely looks a wreath of a vine, on which the snowflakes of all shades of blue color are pasted. The impression that they just dropped from the sky to the grape branch. Very gentle christmas wreath It turns out from the azure ribbons collected in Ryushy and decorated with small snow-white balls similar to snowballs. You can collect such a wreath and from individual modules in the Origami technique. To do this, from the green colored paper of several shades, the modules of one size in the amount of approximately 60 pieces are folded. The collected triangles are stacked on a cardboard sheet with a circle of a wreath: from the darker color to brighter, which will create the illusion of volume. In this case, the sharp angle of the module hides under the previous figures, as in real branches. Then the Candle of Pink Cardboard with a yellow tongue of paper from paper is put into the center of the wreath. On serpentine ribbons cling to paper snowflakes, as if hanging from a wreath. Cardboard sheet can be taken into a wooden frame or make a cat in the same bright cardboard. So - unexpectedly and cute. Good holidays!

New Year's wreath do it yourself photo from tapes toys.

New Year's wreath from marmalad.

New Year's wreath of green bows.

New Year's wreath of yarn.

Christmas wreath from balls

New Year's wreath of orange crusts.

New Year's wreath from Zephyr.

New Year's wreath do it yourself video

Any holiday, and even more than new year and Christmas, require careful preparation. This is not only the purchase of gifts to relatives and relatives, festive feast and a Christmas tree with a bright garland. It is necessary to create a festive atmosphere in your home and . And for this, start to decorate your home from the very threshold. Today we will make a New Year's wreath with their own hands. And what happens, be sure to attach to the entrance door. And then you decide outside or inside!

First you need to think from what materials Your New Year Wreath will be made. Believe me, the choice can be quite wide. Namely:

  • traditional wreath of thug branches or coniferous trees with adding various jewelry
  • from natural cones
  • from New Year's toys
  • from Mishura
  • from organza
  • from artificial materials imitating branches of coniferous trees
  • from feathers!

This article will consider the options for making a festive wreath from all above the listed materials.

Start the manufacture of a festive wreath from natural branches of coniferous plants is needed from the preparation of all necessary materials and tools. BUT instruments We will need simple:

  • scissors
  • lamps for wire
  • adhesive gun and adhesive pencils

From the materials you may need:

  • tui or coniferous wood branches, pines, cedar
  • basis for wreath
  • durable and not too thin threads or twine
  • thin well-bent wire
  • glue "Moment Crystal"
  • christmas decorations
  • serpentine and Mishura
  • gift Paper and Gift Bows
  • organza
  • feather boa

Making a wreath is impossible without the foundation on which it will be attached. Therefore, first of all choose herin order to form a Christmas wreath. What basis to choose for your crafts, read

When the base for the New Year's wreath is already chosen, we begin to make a wreath itself. To do this, take one or two small branches of the car or a conifer and tightly tying them to the base. Fix thread so that it does not work out. Next, we consistently apply the following twigs and reinforce again. And so moving throughout the surface of the base, until it finishes with branches and does not work out a wreath.

The wreath size directly depends on the size of the base. For a wreath of natural branches of coniferous trees, choose a solid foundation, as the wreath weight is impressive.

Such wreaths from natural materials can be decorated with cones and brushes of autumn berries: viburnum, black and red rowan. Of course, a long time of such a wreath will not last: the berries are covered and wrapped, and the needles will begin to crumble. Therefore, if you want the New Year's wreath to be more durable, replace the natural components on artificial.

Artificial elements often look at all worse than natural.

How to make a wreath of pine or cedar branches, see this video.

What to say, now everything can be bought in stores. But the wreath done with his own hands will still be better, even if you are inexperienced, you will make it slightly "rash". Handwork in such things is always highly valued.

Of course, often the New Year wreath you want to decorate everyone immediately. But it is not necessary to cry very much. Everything must be a measure. Select anything from the available home:

  • small Christmas tree toys
  • little "Gifts" from foil
  • shishki.
  • bows
  • ribbons
  • artificial flowers
  • orekhi
  • candy and so on ...

Decorate wreath with cones-simple, affordable and, perhaps, the correct option. If the branches for the wreath you took natural, then the bumps and the chip is what is needed for decoration.

Very beautiful Christmas wreaths are also obtained from natural cones. For their manufacture, you will need, mostly pine cones. But they will not be superfluous and smaller-olhov.

Look in this video master class and you can easily make a wreath of cones with your own hands.

If there is no time or desire to make a wreath with a volume and large, make a simple embodiment of the bumps in one row to the cardboard hoop, add some decorations. It will be quite a pretty wreath.

In my opinion, of course, the most beautiful New Year wreaths are obtained from cones with the addition of berry twigs.

If you want something unusual, paint the paint from the spruce spans and the cones in the color that you like. For example, in blue.

Silver color has always been an embodiment of a crispy snow, fresh air and a winter holiday. Nothing changed! Everything goes on!

Another video on this topic.

A wreath of coniferous or tube branches can decorate not only the door or the wall, but also a chandelier!

In addition to the New Year's wreath of coniferous cones or branches, you can quickly make a wreath of organza and Christmas balls. To do this, take to which you will be tied with an organza, and just tie a large bows around it. Organza is a rather hard material and keeps the form well. Bright balls can be glued or tied to the base of the wreath.

Fantasize and think up the appearance his New Year's wreath. Decorate him with something unusual, for example, beautiful feathers!

If you do not use natural materials in a wreath of organza, then the wreath can decorate your home for a long time.

And this "Santa Claus" does not raise you?

Gracefully and at the same time they look wreaths from feathers. For their manufacture, ready-made feathers from feathers are used (they are also called boa) and Christmas tree balls.

New Year's wreaths from feathers is something romantic and at the same time causing delight. It is suitable for natures of dreamy and clean.

All this is good, when you can buy it in stores for the holidays. But another thing, when I want to do something like this (and maybe better) do it yourself. When preparing for holidays, a pre-holiday mood is settled in the house, the atmosphere of the house is created, where you want to return. If you felt a craving for creativity for pre-day days, do not join this impulse in yourself, and let the opportunity to realize this desire to anything significant. For example, do it yourself Christmas wreath from Christmas tree toys .

You probably imagine how many diverse compositions can be collected from Christmas balls! But it may be a wreath of a wide variety of toys that are at home. And you can collect only cold (or warm) shades for your craft.

For the manufacture of a wreath of Christmas tree toys, you can use some kind of balls or icicles on it. And you can drive as many toys on a solid wire as fit on it. And that the wreath turns out to be more voluminous, the remaining balls are hot glue.

Wreath of Mishura You can make pretty quickly. Foamfoam or cardboard base are wrapped with tinsel and decorate the christmas flower-Puansettia. Add figures and beads that are found at home.

For a wreath of Mishura, a durable and reliable framework will not need. It will be enough for a simple cardboard hoop.

Use the advice of those who have already done the New Year wreaths with their own hands.

Every year, full of interesting events and amazing moments, so why not get the same positive emotions from the very beginning of the new year?

To do this, it is quite festively to decorate your home, and such an accessory, like a homemade wreath on the door, will be in it the first solemn accent.

Bright decorations of this type will attract the attention of each guest: they are very simple, using a set of infirm and decorative materials, and the process itself takes no more than half an hour.

Let's seek as soon as you learn how to make a New Year's wreath with your own hands - and proceed to the annual preparation for the holidays.

New Year wreaths do it yourself, photo

Many of you know that modern New Year's wreaths are designed to decorate input or interior doors. Therefore, start with creating a basis and planning methods for fastening such accessories.

As a solid foundation, you can use cardboard, wood, metal wire, tissue or paper, rolled in the desired shape.

By the way, today wreaths begin to acquire many unusual forms: besides the circle, it can be a heart or star, as well as many other figures that harmoniously complement the New Year's design.

Think in advance about the size: the larger such an accessory, the better, but if you decorate the door in the corridor with a very limited area, a large decoration can visually reduce free space.

It is important to take into account the size of the other accessoriesDesigned in design, as each element of the New Year's interior should be perceived by harmonious.

Tip: Creating a bright wreath will not make sense if you hang it on the door that is constantly in the open state. Think: maybe on the wall or one of the shelves he will look much better?

To create such wreaths, use a huge amount of materials: paper, newspaper clippings, rain and tinsel, fabric and fir branches, New Year's toys and stationery. All this is applied in design with one goal: make a wreath as brighter as possible and more interesting.

But if you do not want such a decoration to turn into an unnecessary accessory, which only spoils the appearance of the room, plan the color gamut in advance.

If the wreath is included at once a large number of shades - they must alternate and do not contradict each other.

Ideally, it is better to choose one or two bright shades, and the rest of the details make more light. Compliance with the measure concerns the process of placing decorative elements on a wreath: Decide which one will become central.

In the center or on the top of the wreath, as a rule, placed a bright Christmas ball, a photo, a bow or star.

The process of creating a wreath for decorating the room for the new year the same for any materials:

  1. Creating a frame of the desired shape and diameter.
  2. Fastening on the framework of the main material (for example, fabrics for subsequent stripes or paper for sticking decorative parts).
  3. Creating one or more loops to enjoy a wreath on the selected surface.
  4. Decoration with any submitted means.

As you can see, such a decoration can be created even without any skills. The main thing is to decide on materials and colors, and this will help you with photos of New Year's wreaths from modern interiors.

Traditional wreaths for the new year

Most wreaths on New Year's style are made up from natural or imitating their materials. For example, you can create an original Christmas wreath of cones: unlike other accessories of this type, it does not require a frame for it, since the cones can be combined with each other in the desired shape.

So that the wreaths do not collapse, use silicone glue. The surface of the cones treat paint, sparkles or place with bright ribbons.

Another popular way to create a festive wreath on the door is to use natural or artificial spruce branches. By the way, it is not necessary to do it green: the second most popular is considered white twigs, although they can be painted and red, blue, purple color.

Tip: Real branches of ate quickly dried and fall. If you are going to use the created wreath not one year - give preference to artificial needles.

A simple master class of a New Year's wreath of fir branches involves following such stages:

  • frame preparation. As a material that will keep every twig, the usual wire or thin vine branches are suitable. You can twist a circle of paper or fabric, but such materials will not suit those who plan to climb a wreath into the base;
  • fixing branches. Position the sprigs of ate in a circle (by or counterclockwise) - and fix with thread or stapler, depending on the materials used;
  • wrap sticking branches With the help of bright threads, ropes or rain;
  • start adding accessories: berries, small cones, christmas toys, tight fabric, cardboard or paper figures, etc. To do this, it is also better to use threads;
  • on the back of the wreath, make a loop or hook For mounting on the wall.

Support the atmosphere of the New Year holiday helps wreath created by their own hands from ordinary Christmas toys. Most often, the balls of different colors are chosen for him, but you can use and decorate other forms: the main thing is that they harmonize with each other.

Traditionally start with the creation of a frame. If you have chosen fabric, toys will have to sew to a textile basis.

It's easier and faster, you decorate your wreath if you choose a solid wire for a frame: it's enough to drive balls in the desired sequence - and you will need to add decorations from bows and tapes so that you can hang wreath on the door.

Attention! To the toys are securely held on their basis, pre-stick glass and plastic balls to their tips.

You can create a stylish wreath from ordinary twigs collected in the nearest garden or forest. Like fir branches, they will be placed in a circle and bind threads. This frame is decorated with berries, ornamental birds and other small toys.

Wreaths from other materials

If you have a desire to create a festive wreath, unlike the rest - decorate it with homemade toys from multicolored fabric. Small snowmen, deers, grandfathers and many other characters sewn to a wreath will create a fabulous atmosphere in your home.

Another similar option to create less time - New Year's wreath fetra. From this material you can cut a dense Christmas tree, stars, hearts, snowflakes, which will complement the festive design.

In addition, the felt can be wrapped in a spiral - and make a frame with decorative colors, cones and other elements of bright shades. From this material, you can even make inscriptions on a wreath - congratulations on holidays or the names of the home.

Wreaths are very easy on paper based. But the paper itself looks boring and every day, so such a wreath will have to additionally decorate.

New Year's wreaths look much more interesting from newspaper tubes: Roll into small fragments - and connect with each other by forming the figures in the form of snowflakes, colors, petals.

No less interesting will look wreath created by by consistent gluing such tubes in a circle: Add a pair of strokes as bright beads or tapes - and stylish accessory will be ready.

In addition, newspaper tubes can be used as a frame: sufficiently weave them with each other.

From colored paper Tight type can be pre-creating a large amount of bulk stars. Place them in a circle - and connect with glue: such a wreath exactly pays attention to the attention of each guest. By the way, you can use and patterned gift paper as well foil..

You can hang on the New Year's door wreath of bead. But it will take much more time and money to create: the wreath should have quite large sizes, and the design itself must be thought out to the smallest detail using beads and beads of different shades and forms.

Weaving techniques can be found on the Internet, like master classes for creating small toys from beads, which can be sewed to a textile basis to get another original type wreath for the new year.

Who would have thought that even ordinary clothespins for drying linen would be needed in the festive decor? You can take both wooden and plastic clothespins of different colors. Create a base in the form of a ring - and with the help of glue secure the clothespins in a circle.

Many repaint them into a green shade. You can attach family photos or thematic pictures to the clothespins.

The following idea is to create a New Year Wreath from polyethylene packages. The basis is made of cardboard or tight paper. Packages are cut into separate stripes of a small width, assemble in the harmonica - and fixed on the basis with glue.

The more mather than your wreath - the more interesting it will look even without additional accessories, so use as much minor strips from polyethylene as possible.

How to decorate a New Year and christmas wreath

Some materials will not be able to use as the main ones in the decoration of festive wreaths on the wall or door. But they are perfect for the creation of additional accents. For example, in a circle, a wreath can accommodate wooden tubes from wine, painted in other colors or left in original form.

If you wish to create a brighter wreath - ours or stick to the surface of multicolored buttons.

Suitable for decoration and jewelry: Beads or old earrings, which have not been used for a long time for their intended purpose, emphasize the exquisite design of your wreath. It can also be small bells, repainted acorns or nuts, pasta bizarre forms.

You can add expressiveness to your wreath, consolidating edible decorative elements on the surface. For example, candy in a bright label, cookies for Christmas topics, apples or tangerines.

Wreaths on the door resulting from all described manipulations, you can paint into one color (for this it is better to use sprayers), arrange with sparkles or rain, cover with artificial snow. Can be inserted artificial or dried flowers and leaves.

If you prefer to stick to a single style when preparing the room to the new year - create several wreaths at once. One hang on the door, post a couple on the walls or bookshelves, if the room has a fireplace - decorate and its walls with appropriate decorations.

Well, of course, do not forget about the New Year's table: wreaths can be placed in the center and decorate garlands. Often it is transformed into a candlestick: long candles with such a basis will look great.

Decorations for the house made by their own hands will become a source of comfort and warmth on New Year's Eve.

Therefore, do not hurry to buy ready-made accessories: it is better to spend this time to search for interesting ideas for self-decoration - and you will be satisfied with the result.

on New Year's Eve, so they come true. It is time to think about how beautiful to arrange your home and create a fabulous mood inherent in this wonderful holiday. One of the most important attributes of the new year was a Christmas wreath, which adorn the festive table or the entrance door.

I always liked christmas wreaths. I enjoyed looking at them in photos in magazines. But in stores then they did not sell, and the idea that wreath can be made with their own hands, for some reason it did not come to mind.
Then such wreaths appeared in our stores, but the thought of doing them again did not attend me. I wanted to have such a wreath, but the price with my desire was somehow not sucked. The Internet appeared and, finally, came smart idea to search for its expanses the technology of making New Year's wreaths with their own hands.
At first, the eyes fled from many options. But then I remembered that I like it was beautiful, quickly and economically and began to look for in this direction. What I liked, I suggest your attention.

By the way, you know that the tradition of home decorations by a beautiful wreath of fir branches came from Western countries, where Lutherans, Catholics and Protestants celebrate December 25, celebrate Christmas?

The history of the origin of the Christmas wreath is very touching. In 1839, theologian - Lutheran Johann Vikhurn, who brought up kids from poor families, for the first time made such a wreath. Children were looking forward to the onset of Christmas and constantly asked whether it would soon come. Then Johann came to mind a great thought - with the onset of post (Advent) for 28 days to make a christmas wreath from the old wheel, decorating his fir branches. He placed on this wheel 24 small red candles and 4 large white. And every day one red candle lit in front of the morning prayer, and on Sundays a big white.

Initially, tradition to decorate the house by the Christmas wreath meant a pleasant expectation of the holiday. And so far in many European countries 4 weeks before Christmas, one white candle is lit on Sundays. A round wreath means eternal life, and the candles are divine light.

But the tradition itself was so beautiful that she moved to other countries, including Orthodox. Walks are preparing before the new year, and it has become an integral beautiful attribute of New Year holidays in our homes.

The basis for the New Year Wreath do it yourself

You can make wreaths from various utility materials - fir branches, cones, burlap, christmas balls and even wine plugs. But the main thing in a wreath is the basis for which all this beauty will be attached.

The methods of manufacturing the foundation are quite a lot, perhaps you will invent your own over time. And now I want to offer you a very simple and unfortunate way to get the foundation for any Christmas wreath.

What we need to work:

  • a wire with a length of about 75 cm, one can use an aluminum cross section of 2 mm; It is important that it is not soft and holding the form;
  • old newspapers;
  • threads;
  • light paper (toilet, paper towels or used paper tablecloth);
  • organza ribbon 4 cm wide;
  • sintepon.

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Bend the wire so that a circle of 25-27 cm is obtained. You can and smaller diameter, but you need to consider that then to the base you will stick cones, toys, and so on not only by external diameter, but also internal.
It is necessary that unfilled space remained inside, otherwise it will not be New Year's wreath.
Wire ends spinning. If it is difficult to make it with your hands, we use pliers. It is best to ask for it to make men, they since childhood know how to handle the wire.
As a result, the ring should turn out as in the photo.

2. Now take old newspapers and threads. First, the newspapers will turn in the hands of the newspaper, and then begin to rerupt the wire with these newspapers, without pressing tightly. In order for the paper does not shift, wind it over threads. We make 2-3 turns with a newspaper, then these turns are driving with threads, again 2-3 turns with a newspaper and reinstall threads and so on.
3. If the first layer seemed to you thin, then screw the second layer of newspapers, not forgetting before you remember them. This gives the volume of our billet. The result of this stage in the picture below.

In fact, the workpiece is already ready, you can also glue and toys on it. Say, ugly? I think so too. Therefore, go further.

4. Now we take white paper and wind the resulting bagel white paper, fastening it with white threads. You can make several layers, it will only benefit the bagel, it will become stronger.

Look at the picture what happened. Already beautiful, right? But there is one nuance. If in the future it is supposed to decorate the wreath not very tightly, then the white paper will be shifted, and this is already poor-quality work. Therefore, we will make one more layer.

5. We take the ribbon from the organza and in one or two layers over the white paper, wind our bagel. If the ribbon was brown, then the ring of Krakow sausage was obtained from the bagel. True, it seems?

Color tape choose depending on what you will be glued in the future. We were going to stick bumps and sprigs ate, so the brown ribbon will be shone quite naturally.

Why did you choose a ribbon from organza, and not atlasmic, for example? Because the details are poorly glued to the satin ribbon, and they hold it very well on the organze.

Everything, the basis is ready, you can proceed to the manufacture of the very christmas wreath directly.

But, do not hurry. We have another very simple basics option.

You can use the strips of white thick synthes instead of newspapers and paper. Just like paper, wind the wires are wrapped with these strips. Only fasten not threads, but glued with a silicone pistol through 2-3 turns.
First glue to the wire, if the second layer is required, then to the cylinder of the first layer. As a result, it will turn out such a cute fluffy miracle.

Just do not forget that this base will endure lighter decorations.

Wreath for New Year from newspaper tubes

Immediately I warn you that this is not the easiest in the manufacture of a wreath. Rather, it can even be called complicated. But it turns out so beautiful and so economical that I could not not tell about him. Rather, I will not tell me, but those craftsmen who have mastered this method.

So that you do not wander on the Internet and do not waste time, I suggest you right here, and now watch videos, how such wreaths are made.

New Year's wreath of newspaper tubes do it yourself

Christmas wreath of paper vine and natural materials

Christmas wreath of cones - step-by-step instruction

The inexpensive and very cute wreath is obtained from pine and fir bumps. We go to the forest or in the nearest park and easily find the material for our wreath.

We glue bows of ribbons.

We add a bowl of gold tape. In the middle of a bow, or a bump, or where else the soul wishes, glue the pearls.

Wreath of burlap and plugs from wine

Such a wreath is suitable not only as a New Year's decoration, but also for decorating the kitchen. After all, in almost every home used wine plugs. Here are them - then we will use.

What you need for the manufacture of wreath:

  • sackcloth;
  • wine plugs;
  • cinnamon tubes;
  • bay leaf;
  • fragrant or black peas pepper;
  • nuts;
  • rafia - natural fiber from palm leaves, you can take a suitable rope or twine instead of it.

We take the basis for a wreath and instead of a brown ribbon from organza, wind the future wreath of burlap. We do it neatly brass, so that while we stick through the plugs, our wreath was not embarrassed. We use as usual, glue gun, from time to time weeping burlap to the base.

Now to the burlap glue the plugs, beautifully distributing them all over the wreath.

It turned out this "bagel, sprinkled by traffic jams."

Now take raffia, fold in half and make a loop. I have already written that instead of Rafia, you can take a rope or thick twine, it is important that they come in color and did not seem alien. I am glued with a loop.

The remaining long ends of the raffy are winding the basis and fix the ends with glue.

We finally decorate a wreath with cinnamon sticks, laurel leaves, pepper peas, bones, nuts and everything that falls on hand in the kitchen. A bright accent in a wreath would be the berries of a red rosehip or any other.

Master - Class of manufacture of New Year's wreath from beads

What you need for the manufacture of wreath:

  • wire green thickness 0.37 mm;
  • buds are large, red or blue;
  • beads green (can mix);
  • golden No. 10 beads for garlands;
  • ring, or steel wire of a small diameter we need;
  • tape;
  • bell;
  • glue.

1. As always, work begins with the manufacturer of the foundation. For this, the wreath we already take the finished ring or from the wire we make it yourself. Ring diameter is approximately 15 cm. The ring can be wrapped with green ribbon or paper so that the lumens then were not as noticeable.

2. Then on green thin wire 3-3.5 meters long with green beads.

3. From the renisal beads twist here are such loops.

Our goal is to get a long tape of identical loop

4. The resulting ribbon is winding the basis, periodically glueing the tape from beads and the basis. Our simple boring wire has become green and fluffy.

5. The next stage - on thin wire we ride large red (you can add blue, silver) beads.

6. Overfeach our already green and fluffy base with red beads, it is beautifully distributing them between green peels.

7. On a thin wire 1.5 - 2 meters long - we ride the gold beads. The resulting beauty wrap around the base with greens and red beads. From the Red Satin Ribbon Preparation Bow.

Location connecting wire basics must be closed

8. From the front side, we glue some beautiful leaflets. The loop of the bell is winding the loop from the ribbon and glit so that the ribbon loop with the offline closes the location of the wire connection. The bell is fastened to leaflets from the front side.

9. Last bar: glit from top of a red bow.

Congratulations! Wreath of beads ready. Like?

How to make a wreath from the Christmas balls do it yourself

Wreath of Christmas balls is the most beautiful and newest wreath. And you can make it very quickly, in half an hour.

Provided, of course, that all the necessary materials you have on the table:

    • white and blue ribbons;
    • christmas balls of different sizes;
    • the basis for a white wreath;
    • white Mishur;
    • strong white thread.

First of all, wind the basis of a wreath of white tinsel. So that Mishur is not shifted, in several places glit it to the base.

One end of a white thread tie to our fluffy bagel. The thread should be strong enough so that it does not break when we start riding her balls.

We start to decorate a wreath. We ride 3 balls, make 2-3 turns thread around the base and glue it. Next, we ride more than 3 balls, we again make 2-3 turns on the thread and glue again. And so until we decorate the whole bagel.

We make a loop from ribbons, tie it to a wreath and tie a beautiful bow. Our wreath is ready. Put half an hour? Excellent!

Christmas wreath on the door from tinsel and cones

Of course, such a wreath will decorate your dwelling, give him a fabulous and festive mood.

What we need:

      • spruce and pine cones, pre-tinted with white gouache;
      • green tinsel;
      • pearl beads;
      • garland of red minor beads;
      • little bows of silver tape;
      • big red bow;
      • balls of different colors and sizes;
      • cylinder with artificial snow.
  1. As a basis for this wreath, cut out from cardboard "Bublik", the inner diameter of which is 25 cm, external - 36 cm. We immediately make a loop from the ribbon and glue it to the cardboard.

2. Green tinsel wind up the workpiece, in several places weeping it.

3. Where the loop is located, we glue the red bow with the front side.

4. Girlyand from red beads twist the whole wreath.

5. Printed cones. If necessary, type them with white gouache again.

6. We distribute balls in a wreath and glue them.

7. Add several small bowls to the composition. Add pearl beads.

8. Using a cylinder with artificial snow, spray the entire surface of the wreath. It is important not to overdo it here that the snowy snowdrift does not turn out instead of it.

It turned out wonderful, I want to praise yourself.

Step-by-step manual manufacture of wreath from felt

Previously, I did not imagine that Christmas wreaths can be made from anything. I thought it would be beautiful, only if you use balls, bumps and fir branches. But, seeing once a wreath of felt, was just fascinated by them and want to show some of them to you.

What we use:

    • felt of various colors;
    • beads;
    • tapes;
    • plus, everything that your fantasy will tell.

Basically, flowers and figures are made of felt, which are then attached to the base. But even the foundation itself can also be made from felt.
This is how simple flowers are made.

1. The billets are cut out of the felt.

2. Then each petal is stitched so that it is a deepening. Petals are sewn to the base of the flower.

3. Beautiful bead is sewn inside each flower.

4. Now the flowers are beautifully distributed on the basis, glit to it, add leaves from a green felt. Of course, do not forget about the loop.
We get so beautiful and easy to make a wreath.

Or such.

I hope that my master class helped you choose for yourself the soul.
Enjoy creativity! Get ready for the holiday together in children!

And if you like the offered Christmas wreaths, then share a link with your friends.

Health and happiness to everyone in the new year!