There are two types of umbrella than they differ. Choose an umbrella. Tips and recommendations for buying and caring for an umbrella. Choose an umbrella: male, female, children's

Undoubtedly, there is a major fundamental difference between those who are exactly the accessory - a woman or a man. Knowing all the subtleties of this issue, designers are developing models, taking into account all gender features. Thus, accessories intended for representatives of the fine sex most often have a bright color, decorated with unusual prints, ruffles, etc. As a rule, the frame of such copies is made of sufficiently lungs, but at the same time, especially solid materials, which makes the product even more convenient.

The same options are more massive. For more, they have a considerable dome, which allows even two people to securely reliably. These products are usually dark shades, decorated with laconic, most often geometric patterns and ornaments.

Special attention deserves such a category as. Accessories for kids must be bright and interesting. Well, if the dome of such a product will be decorated with illustrations to famous fairy tales or pictures of the characters of popular cartoons. This will help enrich the inner world of crumbs, develop his imagination.

So, we decided on the differences in umbrellas by sex and age. But sooner or later each of us faces the problem of choosing your umbrella. Sometimes it is difficult to decide right away, without having lost in all the diversity that offers a modern market. Here are a few moments on which any customer should be given their attention in the first place.

What to choose - umbrella-cane, or folding model?

By type, everything can be divided into two large categories. The first includes everything uncompact models These accessories. They do not have addition. When closing such a product, the knitting needles simply adjacent to the framework, and it is impossible to reduce the accessory in size. Mainly to this type include old good canes.

In fact, such models can be considered the most first varieties of folding umbrellas at all.

True, initially they were less comfortable and not as durable, as at the present time. Often, one strong impulse of the wind was enough to damage the accessory. Now all the mistakes of the past were taken into account, and such products became strong and reliable advocates of people from bad weather. Also, their advantages are the relative simplicity of construction - and this, according to the laws of mechanics, will help the product to be more durable.

The disadvantages of umbrellas cane can only be called their bulky and the lack of a "automatic" folding system - due to the design features of the frame.

Second category - folding umbrellaswhose frame can be reduced in the amount of several times - two, three, four or even five. Especially popular in the modern world both among men and among women are compact models. They can be worn even in the lady's handbag, or remove into the glove box and use as needed. Such an accessory will come to help you at the difficult moment! The advantages of folding models are obvious: in addition to the storage described in a handbag or machine, you will not be burdened with the weight of such an accessory, moreover, folding umbrellas are perhaps the most popular today, which means that the choice of their colors will also be wider.

Disadvantages of folding umbrellas - in the design itself. A larger number of details creates a greater chance of breaking the entire mechanism. Also, with folding umbrellas, you need to be able to carefully apply to not injure yourself or others (this applies to the "semi-automatic" or "automatic" systems).

Note when buying an umbrella to product size folded. Of course, canes will be the most long and bulky, but for folding umbrellas, which are theoretically selected under the wearing in a bag or portfolio, the difference even in several centimeters will be essential. The optimal size of the umbrella is three additions with a standard dome size in folded form - 30-35 centimeters. Smaller models have more addiction, large - as a rule, are made in two additions and the view have an impressive as a mini cane. What kind of preferred is a matter of taste and needs, but do not forget to include this important parameter in your list when choosing an umbrella, so that you will not "push out" the umbrella in diagonally into your small casual bag.

We study the "mechanical" side of the question

No less important when choosing a mechanism for the addition of an umbrella. There are three types of them - mechanical, semi-automatic and complete machine.

Products with mechanical type of addition Already have time to establish itself as one of the most reliable and durable. With this type of accessory, you must open and close manually.

Thus, the danger of the product breakage is significantly reduced. Undoubtedly, the mechanical umbrellas of a woman or men will be appreciated, who are looking for extremely compact models: the design features of frames in five additions - this is 16-19 cm of length in folded form - allow us to use only the mechanical opening and closing of the dome.

The disadvantage of this system is only the number of applied efforts to use the appointment accessory: for example, if there are many transfers in transport, transitions and other territories, where the umbrella needs to be hidden - it would be more convenient to use another dome opening system.

Umbrellas with a "semiautomatic" mechanism Currently are the most common. Such products open automatically - just press the button. But to fold the accessory is already manually. Compared to the previous type, such products will significantly save time and efforts of their owner, and at the same time are a great compromise in the ratio of "price-quality". The disadvantages in them see each of their own: amateurs of "mechanics" - an increased probability of breakage, and amateurs of "automaton" - insufficient functionality.

Accessories with fully automatic mechanism Disclosures are becoming increasingly popular. Especially when it comes to big cities, where the road is every second. The dome of such a product opens and closes automatically - it is extremely convenient in transport or with severe rain and wind. However, it should be borne in mind that the price of such models is slightly higher. The umbrella with the system "Full Avtomat" also implies a large load on the structural elements, which increases the likelihood of breakdowns.

In the article you will find more useful and important information.

Frame and needles

Frame umbrella - This is its basis base, so it is necessary to treat the assessment of the properties of this product parameter to the maximum responsibly. Modern frameworks in umbrellas are performed from steel, carbon, metal or aluminum alloys. Strength depends directly from the material. In the light models of umbrellas used aluminum, in models with an enhanced frame, an increased dome - carbon, and in the bulk of umbrellas, the frames are made of steel and metals alloys. All frames, except for aluminum, are famous for strength and durability, and the advantage of aluminum frame, unfortunately, is only a small weight of the product. It is not worth counting on durability.

Spokes - This is the basis for the dome, so they should be strong, reliable and high-quality - then the umbrella will look solid. The number of spokes in the umbrellas ranges from five to twenty four or even thirty six, but for everyday socks the optimal amount is eight or ten - just as much as the main manufacturers on the market are offered. Five are too small: the dome of the umbrella can "sign" and look not aesthetically, and more than ten spokes - it is rather a matter of taste and wallet capabilities, since the technical necessity, except in umbrellas with a very large dome, they do not bear.

How many nuances! However, they are all important if you plan to wear your umbrella not one season. It is possible to expire with all the technical components of the choice.

Useful feature in any umbrella is sYSTEM "ANTIVETER": It allows you to extend the life to any umbrella in the conditions of squall winds, which so often happen in our rainy or snowy days. The cost of the umbrella "An feeder" increases, but this is perhaps its only drawback, given the increasing durability of the product, protection against breakdowns and comfort of operation. More information about this wonderful system is in our.

The dome of the umbrella is his "Business Card"

Choosing an umbrella, we meet anyway "by clothes".

An important nuance will become, of course, - however, the material will be even more important.

Material dome Protects you from the rain, it acts as a mechanical obstacle from moisture. As far as it is durable and waterproof, the entire umbrella will perform its basic function so long. In modern umbrellas, different types of fabrics are used: nylon, polyester, jacquard, satin, eponym. Some models have teflon impregnation - it allows you to create additional protection against water exposure for the dome tissue.

Nylon - the cheapest and thin material that is used in the production of umbrellas. Unfortunately, its service life is also not long. So that the umbrella serve for a long time and reliably, pay attention to polyester. This synthetic material, especially durable and waterproof, which is simply created for use in the production of umbrella divers. Most models on the market are represented with polyester domes. The disadvantage of such a material can only be the usual, rather familiar appearance - a special brilliance, silkiness, packs you will not find on it.

Satin or JacquardBeing the derivatives of silk fabrics used for clothing production, look more advantageously compared to the polyester. However, such materials, since it was not originally created for the dome, may not be so durable, and only special impregnations help them "wear" well. These umbrellas, although they look more stylish and exquisite than the models from polyester, but also more "gentle" in operation - for the luxury you need to pay!

Pongee - Polyester with cotton adhesion - is considered comfortable and interesting material of a new generation. Pleasant to the touch due to the natural cotton thread, which is used in the production of this fabric, and well drying - such an umbrella will delight you for sure. The disadvantage will perform a higher price and the specific appearance of the dome - there is no effect of "synthetic material", which is rather unusual for umbrellas.

You can find more about the materials of the dome.

Thinking the purchase of an umbrella, consider which domar size It is optimal for you. Do you buy an umbrella for yourself or for walking with your second half? Or from the whole family?

The advantage of large domes is that you probably do not get wet, even if you "wish" a spouse or colleague under it. However, the umbrella with an increased dome is probably more and folded, and more expensive.

Small, compact umbrellas with a classic dome will fall asleep to wear, in a bag. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that in the rain, accompanied by a strong wind, you are unlikely to get completely "dry water".

Choose the optimal domes with us and our!

Brands, prices and guarantees

The market offers a variety of umbrellas - from Japanese and German to Chinese. Prices are often associated with a brand and depend on its prestige and technologies that it introduces into the production of its umbrellas.

If you are planning to buy, not very looking at the cost of the umbrella, pay attention to the production of Japan -, New Zealand - Blunt, Germany - Fare, Esprit, Pierre Cardin, Happy Rain, Raindy Days, Flash. To buy a product with the optimal price-quality ratio, choose England products - Airton, Zest, Austria -, Magic Rain, China - Wanlima, Three Elephants.

An important advantage when buying an umbrella will have warranty service life. No warranty - alarming sign. Optimally combining such parameters as a warranty period, the price and country-producer, you can buy a beautiful quality and cost of an umbrella.

In more detail about the brands of umbrellas and prices for them will tell you.

Pay attention to the details.

An important meaning is playing handle umbrella. Most often, the handles are two main types - straight and hook.

Straight handle It may be standard, shortened or elongated. The hook can also be truncated.

This item is made of a variety of materials - wood, plastic and even steel and glass. It can also have a special coating that prevents slide.

What kind of type and material of the manufacture of this part of the accessory design is more convenient, it is not necessary to speak. After all, every buyer in this issue focuses on his personal preferences. The main thing is that the handle is comfortable and perfectly fit you so that the accessory is comfortable and nice to keep in hand. You can learn more about the handles in the umbrellas.

Designers especially love to experiment with various decorative elements. Buckles, lace, braid, Ryushi, bows, rhinestones - masters generously supply their creations by the most diverse interesting details, making each of them a real masterpiece. But at the same time, it is not necessary to forget that the umbrella has, first of all, practical value and should be as convenient as possible, so excess decorations are often harmful.

So, useful tips

From all of the above, follows a logical conclusion - to the question of choosing such an accessory as an umbrella, should not be approached without prior training. In order for you to purchase a really high-quality copy, we have prepared for you several useful tips - A kind of memo.

  • Choosing an umbrella, familiarize yourself with all the technical characteristics: from which materials are made framework and dome, which disclosure mechanism, how many spokes and additions has a product, what is its weight and size in the folded state. This information can be found by reading the label or a special booklet that is attached to the umbrella, or asking the seller.
  • Ask the seller to reveal the umbrella. Make sure that the product is properly, there are no suspicious stains on the frame, the knitting needles do not chat, and when you shake the product there are no suspicious sounds. The handle must also be reliable and comfortable. It will be important to open two or three, and better even five to six times. This will help you check how the umbrella works, which was never revealed before and, perhaps, just lay in the package on the storefront or in the warehouse.
  • Inspect the dome. It should be firmly fastened with a frame and should not be saved. There can be no damage on the dome. Even a small defect can be noted if you turn the dome to the light source. The color of the fabric and the drawing must be resistant. Spend such a test - we slightly spend the umbrella dome with a conventional white paper napkin. The napkin should remain clean. Otherwise, you need to think about whether it is worth buying such a product.
  • Do not neglect the "An feeder" system. Each accessories supplied more durable and much better tolerate domestic climatic conditions - strong winds, wind with rain, with snow.
  • If you want to become the owner of the well-known brand product, it is worth sure to make sure of its authenticity. The store that implements such products should have a confirmation document, and on the product itself it must be a logo or brand logo.
  • Decide exactly how you are going to wear an accessory. Products designed for wearing in hand are usually equipped with a special strap. If you need an umbrella, which could be put in a bag or a car glove box, you should pay attention to compact and small models
  • If you are planning to purchase an umbrella with a "Full Avtomat" or "Semiautomatic" mechanism, you must make sure that the button, when you press the disclosure / closing of the dome, does not fall and does not have other defects.
  • Be sure to specify which warranty acts on the model you have chosen, and what conditions of warranty service - for example, which parts are applied to.
  • Consult with the seller how to use your new umbrella: Tips for the correct use, storage and care of the umbrella will help you wear a model you like for many years.

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The rainy bad weather will not break your plans if the handbag is a folding umbrella, which at the right moment will automatically open over the head and reliably protect from the rain.

The first references to umbrellas

The history of the umbrella has more than 3000 years. His homeland is considered China or Egypt. Initially, he was considered a symbol of power, wealth and power. Only rulers and approximate royal people could have such a luxury.

In the ancient world - in Asia and Africa - umbrellas were a symbol of power and a high public situation. And in Egypt, the umbrellas also relied on the statues of the gods. In the east, the umbrella had an important symbolic meaning, for example, the Indians believed that monkeys were sitting on the roof of the celestial palace with huge white umbrellas.

In India, the umbrella was a symbol of magnitude, power, wealth. In Buddhism, the umbrella is one of the eight signs of happiness that protects against bad thoughts. In Tibet, white and yellow umbrellas are a sign of spiritual greatness, they are designed to those who gave themselves to high ministry.

Japan's umbrellas got from China, about 1500 years ago. One of the symbols of the power of the Japanese emperor was a red umbrella. An ancient painted umbrella lasted in Japan until the end of the 1940s. Now the traditional Japanese umbrella from the subject of everyday use has become an expensive work of art.

The appearance of umbrellas in Western Europe

From Asia, the umbrella got to Europe - in ancient Greece and Rome, where she was more like a cavalry than the usual compact product.

In Western Europe, the umbrella appeared in Italy in the 16th century, and 100 years later, the umbrella firmly settled in France and was called Parasol.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Frenchman Jean Marius gave, the umbrella is a rounded shape and folding design that has come down to us. Useful invention has spread quickly and eventually turned into a desirable addition to fashion.

In England, the umbrella - as a means of protection against rain - became popular in the middle of the 18th century, when the famous Kommersant Jonas Henve introduced him into a permanent use of and made a sensation in society. It was during this period that there was a distinction between the umbrella from the sun and from the rain, which is absolutely reflected in European languages: in English, the umbrella from the Sun is "Parasol", and from the rain "Umbrella".

The umbrella, similar to modern, appeared in the middle of the XIX century. An English mechanic Samuel Fox was invented and patented an umbrella with an iron frame and needles, as well as with a water-repellent tissue and a handle in the form of canes.

This period was very productive to the inventive umbrellas. Only about 120 species of all sorts of umbrellas saw in Paris. In those years, the umbrellas were an integral affiliation of a pleasure suit and the prompt trendy trends of that time. Ladies' umbrellas were elegant attributes and indispensable companions of Parisian fashion.

The handles of these luxury supplements of the lady toilet were made of bone, from expensive wood breeds, from silver with bizarre carvings, and the dome was decorated with flowers, feathers of exotic birds, all sorts of lace, ruffles and ruffles.

The color of the umbrella changed along with fashionable requirements: in the late XVIII century, a yellow, green or pink taffet was preferred, and the red, blue, bright green tones prevailed. At the end of the XIX century, the black, brown, gray umbrella, corresponding to the discreet range of a male costume, entered the source.

In Russia, the umbrella, in all likelihood, appeared under Peter the first. Its name comes from the Dutch word "Prondes", meaning "awning, a canvas or canvas stretched over the deck of a vessel to protect against the sun and rain.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the umbrella became practical and convenient, and in the twenties of the past century, with the advent of fashion at the tan, the umbrella in most cases began to serve protection against rain, losing his decorative functions.

During this time, patents were issued to the original ideas of the design of umbrellas:

  • on a baby stroller
  • mundir in the form of capes with a fastener on a button and a dense collar,
  • designed on the continuation of the mace of the musical instrument,
  • "Handy FREE" - free hands, having belts on the shoulders and belt. The handle vertically overlooking the back was bent over his head.

Umbrella in the modern world

Nowadays, designers offer original umbrella design ideas functional, sometimes causing a smile.

Umbrella "Cell"

"Aerodynamic umbrella"

Umbrella for dog

Umbrella Pistol

The main types of umbrellas are:

  • 1 Women's umbrellas are umbrellas, pocket, automatic, umbrella - cane.
  • 2 Men's umbrellas - mini umbrellas, umbrella - cane, automatic umbrellas.
  • 3 Children's umbrellas, small, stylish, according to the design, the corresponding umbrella is a cane.
  • 4 Family umbrellas-in design provide full protection against rain.

By destination, umbrellas are:

From rain - have a dome-shaped shape and a tire of water-repellent material, sunscreen - have a shallow frame with a tire made of multicolored and printed tissues, with a particularly durable to the action of light in color.

Special - beach, umbrellas for artists and other outdoor professionals.

The umbrella, as a fashionable and practical accessory, must supplement the external image and match the overall style of clothing. Conservative coloring blue, green. Gray black shades elegantly emphasize serious, business style. The umbrella in the Scottish cell can revive a rigorous suit.

Multicolored umbrella is suitable for a daily and sporty style. . In addition, such umbrellas can raise the mood in bad weather.

Also universal, well-combined with different clothing styles are umbrellas with coloring under, zebra, leopard, snake.

In general, choosing an umbrella, it should be very careful about its colors, since the shadow from the umbrella, falling on the face, can not always present you in a favorable light.

Bright accessories of warm tonality are suitable for pale face skin:

    • red;
    • orange;
    • yellow;
    • pink.

Cold tones umbrella: blue, blue, green balancing a bright blush to the entire cheek. However, we should not forget that the colors of cold tonality are not recommended to use ladies aged, as they are able to give the skin an unhealthy look.

As for the tissue itself, nylon, polyester, artificial silver and epiona are used in the production of umbrellas. These fabrics are equally reliable, however, on Eponge and Black, the paints look brighter and do not fade longer. Almost all modern types of tissue for umbrellas are distinguished by reliability and possess water-repellent properties. Usually, so that the fabric does not wet, it is impregnated with teflon.

Types of umbrellas and their design

All umbrella varieties can be divided into two types - cost umbrellas and folding umbrellas . In turn, these two types may have a mechanical design, automatic or semi-automatic design.

The more articulation and the harder the umbrella mechanism, the higher the probability to break it! Decide in advance what you are willing to sacrifice - ease of transportation of an umbrella or its service life.

Selecting the material of the rod and spokes umbrella

The strength of the umbrella directly depends not only on the type of construction, but also from the materials from which the rod and the needles are made. How to choose an umbrella durable? The most common material is steel . It is reliable and durable. In combination with a special anti-corrosion coating, you are secured by a long and faithful umbrella service. But it is worth noting that the weight of such a product will be considerable, which is not always convenient.

Light umbrellas are made from aluminum . In this case, the strength of speeds is sacrificed. But if you are not a lover of walks in storm weather conditions, you can easily choose such a frame.

Many manufacturers are used alloy Metals or carbon . These materials retain high strength and wear resistance, but at the same time have a relatively small weight.

Spokes in umbrellas - an important element

The dome of the umbrella is based on the spokes, so special attention should be paid to what they are made, as well as their quantity.

number the spokes can be different - from four to twenty four. Most often encounters with eight-ten knitting needles. Miscellaneous amount of them provides different degree of strength and variability of designer solutions.

Quality the spoke depends on the material from which they are made. The main allocate such:

  • steel;
  • fiberglass;
  • aluminum.

Steel spokes , as a rule, strong enough and resistant to wind gusts. But their considerable minus can be their considerable weight.

Fiberglass spokes Have good characteristics in terms of strength and wear resistance. In addition, they won from steel in weight, as they are much lighter.

Aluminum knitting needles They have one plus - they are light. But this plus is easily leveled by their instability to the winds of the wind. A pair of weather and the umbrella will fall by brave death, and you will be forced to go in search of a new accessory, and these are additional inconvenience and leakage from the budget.

What should the umbrella handle be?

The umbrella handle is an extremely important element, since it is it that predetermines the degree of ease of use of the accessory. Handles are two types:

  • hook handle;
  • straight.

Handle-hook often it is found on umbrellas, although it is used on folding umbrellas, which are lost in compactness.

Straight handle more often used on folding umbrellas. It is equipped with a button that turns the usual umbrella and half or automatic.

Material knob

It is important to pay attention to the material from which the handle is made. So, plastic It is much more susceptible to mechanical damage and often loses its commodity view by seating its colored coating. Wood It will serve for a long time and true under the condition of its high-quality processing, lack of defects in the form of dents and cracks, as well as expensive lacquer coating. Rubber The most unpretentious in leaving, it is durable and resistant to damage. In addition, it is pleasant and reliably lies in his hand.

What umbrella even in the wind will save you from the rain

Often rains are accompanied by wind gusts, which are capable of spoiling not only your laying, but also an umbrella under which you are tightened by bad weather. To protect your indispensable accessory for such phenomena, it is necessary to choose a purchase with full responsibility and knowledge of the case. How to choose an umbrella that will be resistant to the wind?

SYSTEM "ANTIVETER" - Technical advocacy, which can extend the life of your umbrella in windy conditions. This system includes a complex of springs and links of spokes made of flexible and elastic material - carbon fiber. Do not neglect this improvement.

We choose the material of the dome

The material from which the umbrella dome is made is not only aesthetic value. The main function remains reliable protection of you from the rain. And it depends on the type of material and its quality. Several types of material are isolated:

  • nylon;
  • polyester;
  • pongee;
  • vinyl.

Nylon umbrellas Ideal for those who plan to take advantage of this accessory a couple of times. This fabric is very unreliable, rough and rigid, quickly fades and breaks. In addition, it is very cunning - when wetting can polish both straight on your clothes, and on the nearby things when drying. The only plus is the cheapness of the product. But is it plus?

Umbrellas from polyester Where are reliable nylon. They do not have to wait for a trick in the form of molting. Dry quickly, and after drying do not sit down. Special attention should be paid to teflon impregnation Polyester. In the presence of such you get some pleasant bonuses - a thin and soft dome of the umbrella and a water-repellent fabric property that contributes to the rapid flow of droplets.

Umbrellas from Epiona They differ in high wear resistance and excellent water repellent qualities, as well as quickly dry, coming in combat readiness.

Vinyl umbrellas especially popular for several years. A distinctive feature of such a material is the ability to produce transparent umbrellas from it, which are called "Bubble", that is, a bubble. They have a very deep dome and are able to hide on the shoulders from the rain, but leave you the center of attention for others.

How to choose a folding umbrella durable?

Many umbrella lovers prefer a compact variant of this accessory. If you decide to choose a folding durable umbrella, pay attention to the following points:

  • when you press the button, the mechanism must work clearly, without checking and effort;
  • in the disclosed form, inspect the place of connection of the cane, leak the umbrella to the side - a bad sign, if there are large backlash and cane hangs;
  • carefully inspect the spokes and springs, they must have a durable mount both to canes and to the dome of the umbrella;
  • the dome of the umbrella should be tightly stretched. Make sure there are no wires of tissue, uneven seams hanging threads. All this can significantly reduce the life of the product.

Color and design - for those who love individuality

Having understood in all technical specifications, probably, probably the most aesthetic part of the selection of the umbrella - colors and design. Here you can be repelled from various aspects of choice - versatility, gender, color gamut wardrobe, season finally! It all depends on your imagination and financial side.

How to choose a male umbrella?

As a rule, reliability and versatility are important for men. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to steel umbrellas - canes or folding umbrellas with durable frames. The dome can be performed in black, dark blue or dark gray.

For those who do not want to merge into a crowd of dark umbrellas, you can choose a cell or dilute the background with various inscriptions or logo - from sports themes to popular characters.

How to choose a female umbrella?

Women are more frivolous in the selection of accessories and preference give appearance before durability.

But modern umbrellas may look bright and at the same time be sufficiently strong. Attention should be paid to lightweight models made of alloys or carbon fiber. But in the choice of color and design of the dome, it is possible to give will - from white to rainbow, from the classic to an umbrella with ruffles, ears and eyes, from a simple color to pearl overflows. The most universal in color will remain red, gray, black, as well as transparent umbrellas "Bubble".

One of the most necessary accessories that can protect us from autumn trouble is an umbrella. But that this thing really turned out to be truly useful and would not contribute to the addition of unnecessary problems, you need to be able to choose it competently. Let's try to figure out which technical characteristics of the product must be taken into account when purchasing.

It happens that I really liked the umbrella lying on the showcase, but when you take it in my hand, there is a feeling that he is not in its place. And, no matter how try, it fails to intercept it more comfortably. This situation means that the umbrella handle did not approach you anatomically. This product, no matter how you like it outwardly, it is not worth buying, because, despite the whole range of its possible advantages, when you enjoy it, you will constantly experience inconvenience, up to painful sensations in the field of muscovs.

It is of great importance and material from which the handle is made. Currently, umbrellas with wooden, plastic and rubberized handles are most often found. The most unreliable of them are plastic, which are often cleaned with the unsuccessful fall of the umbrella. The wooden handle is more durable, but when buying should still carefully examine it and make sure there is no damage on it in the form of dents and cracks.

You also need to try to acquire an umbrella with a handle not too bright color, because in the case of poor-quality coverage, when you wet paint can remain on your hands. Ideally, a wooden handle should be covered with varnish. But the most convenient and practical, of course, the rubberized handle that will not slip out of the hands even with strong wind, and if you are inappropriately dropping an umbrella, then no traces of falling on it will remain.

The rod and the needles are the most important parts of the umbrella and you should pay attention to them first. If the umbrella is quite a decent weight, and the rod and the needles are glittering, then, most likely, they are made of steel. This metal, of course, is inferior to aluminum flexibility, but for strength he has no equal. Because if you acquire such an umbrella, you can not worry that with a strong impact impulse, it can turn inside out (and this often happens when using aluminum spokes). On modern umbrellas, the spokes can be made from elastic fiberglass, which is well bended, resulting in a strong and reliable design. On folding umbrellas often use a combination of steel and plastic. The number of spokes in different models can range from 8 to 16, and their number does not have the greatest effect on strength, but on the appearance of the umbrella, on the roundness of the form of its dome. An important detail on which it is necessary to pay attention to: on high-quality umbrellas, the spokes are fixed with a concave side up. Otherwise, when the wind gusts, the umbrella will turn out. The knitting needles should be attached in several places: this moment affects the reliability of the umbrella and does not allow wet tissue to be saved.

From the seller, it is sometimes possible to hear that the dome is equipped with special springs, which, with strong wind, prevent turning. In fact, such springs are used to ensure that the process of opening and closing an umbrella takes place with less effort. Springs on the reliability of the umbrella do not have any influence, reliability depends on the spokes - from their design and the material used. The rod is also an important part of the product. And if when choosing a design, the umbrella cane is not particularly about what the rod is whole there and to break it, it is necessary to try to do it, and everything is more complicated in folding models. They should use a multifaceted rod, and the more faces will be, the better. To check, you can try to slightly shake the opened umbrella from side to the side: if there are no silent connections, then a decent quality product.

When buying an umbrella, you should ask the seller about the type of material that is used in the process of manufacturing the umbrella dome. For cheap models, in most cases, a nylon is used, which is used to sit after wetting. In addition, the low-quality umbrella from the rain can politic and rainbow pads to stain your clothes. In more expensive models for the manufacture of the dome, polyester is used, soaked with a special water repellent composition. A good option is the dome from Epiona - a mixture of polyester with cotton. Such a fabric in appearance resembles a dense cloak and has good water-repellent properties and high wear resistance. Similar characteristics also has a rubberized satin. The most fashionable umbrellas are made of polyester with impregnation from teflon, which when changing lighting change the color shade. To find out which material is used in the manufacture of the dome, it is possible from the label inserted on the umbrella. His absence on the product should sow doubts about his quality. When buying should be carefully examined by the seams - they must be neat, without breaks and hanging threads.

If you are in indecision, which umbrella is better to choose, - a cane or folding - remember, at what predominantly you will have to use it. The umbrella cane is quite large in size, in public transport, it is not too convenient to ride with him and easily forget it. But then the canes have a whole number of advantages: they are less likely to break, because they do not have joints on the rod and knitting needles, and have a more convenient shape of the dome in the form of a mushroom, thanks to which the water is rolled better and the umbrella dries faster. Folding umbrellas are more compact, easily accommodate in the ladies' handbags, and ride in transport with them, of course, much more convenient. But the more it has places of addition, the more likely his breakdown. You have to choose folding umbrellas only from quality materials - then they will serve you for a long time.

By the method of opening-closing umbrellas are divided into machine guns, semi-automatic and mechanical. The most convenient to use are automata - they are revealed and folded using the button. The semi-automatic is revealed by pressing the button, but it has to be folded manually. The mechanical umbrella manually opens, and folds.

Before paying money for the selected umbrella, carefully inspect it again. Twist it in your hands, open and close it and close to make sure in good operation of the mechanism. Make sure that the opening umbrella is easily pressed, and the dome fabric is evenly stretched and there is no savory and visible damage. A saving fabric indicates a poor-quality product for which you should not pay money. The dome must have the right form, and all the knitting needles - to be even, without rehabilitation and the same length. The fabric on the tips of the spoke should be securely fixed, and children's umbrellas from security reasons should be hiding under plastic. Ensure that the umbrella handle and the cap on the dome are securely secured. From under the cap should not look out the fabric, it must be removable, and not tightly attached to the rod, and better - metal, then it will last longer and will not break if you accidentally drop the umbrella.

Masives and color. Under the green person may seem tired and sick, the red color will refresh the face, but imperceptibly act on the nerves, and white, yellow and pink tone, although they look attractive, but impractical. Universal, suitable and women, and is black.

A purchased umbrella will serve you for a long time, if you adhere to simple recommendations for its care. Dry the umbrella always follows only in the open state, even if the rain was very weak, and he is almost no wet. The folded umbrella can be molded, lose its color and water-repellent properties. Do not put an umbrella under heavy things in a handbag - the needles can be bought from it. To remove the pollution from the umbrella, it needs to be opened, lay soap and lose soft, and then wash off a soap foam. After that, the umbrella should be carefully dried.

Such simple rules if they are able to extend your life to your umbrella, and even in the most rainy day, to provide a good mood.

Choose an umbrella: mechanics, automatic or cane?

The umbrella has long ceased to be subject, the only function of which is to save from the rain. Modern umbrellas are the same fashion accessories as bags, hats or decorations. At the same time, we want the umbrella to be not only beautiful, but also convenient, qualitative, answered our personal requirements.

Manufacturers of umbrellas, like trendy designers, have their own trends and innovations.

Mechanical umbrellas are designed for patient and neat hosts, because they will have to open and fold manually. Mechanical umbrellas may have several additions, up to five.


Some designs are so miniature that in size are comparable to a pack of cigarettes. You can even find umbrellas with a flat handle! As a rule, they weigh very little, as made from lightweight materials.

The main advantage of this umbrella is that it can be easily worn in a small lady's handbag. Modern mechanical umbrellas weigh no more than 200 g.


Disclose and close the umbrella with a mechanical way with both hands is quite uncomfortable, especially if you need to quickly sit on the bus or rinse in the subway surrounded by a large number of people.

Umbrella and semi-automatic

The umbrella semi-automatic is highlighted by pressing the button, but smoothly open it above the head and will have to manually add. A complete automatic machine, he "Superavtomat" and "double automatic" opens and closes by pressing the button.


As in the case of mechanical, the advantage of the umbrella-machine - its compactness. Such an umbrella can be put in a handbag and forget about its existence until you get under the rain.

The full automatic machine is extremely convenient, because it allows you to quickly close the umbrella with one hand when you enter the room or in the cabin.


It is such umbrellas with a strong impact impulse can bentified inside out, and you will have to make some efforts to return the umbrella to a normal state. Therefore, when buying an umbrella-automaton, it is important to pay attention to it to be equipped with the "An feeder" system, which allows the umbrella to withstand the strengths of the wind, without rejecting.

Another unpleasant surprise that may occur: with careless movement of an umbrella-machine, lying in a bag, can open. To protect yourself from this, you should choose an umbrella equipped with a blocking system.

Umbrella cane

Craft umbrellas look very stylish and become a wint of a business business woman and vintage style lover. If you remember, it was such an umbrella that Mary Poppins had.

Cane umbrellas can be both mechanical and semi-automatic.


The cane umbrellas look very stylishly, in addition to this, it is convenient to rely on them. This is relevant, for example, in the subway, when the wagon is walking from side to side, and it is not possible to hold on the handrail.