Head scarves for Muslim women. How to tie a headscarf in a Muslim way. Using the bottom scarf

Such a thing in the wardrobe as a Muslim hijab involves not only wearing it on the shoulders or neck. No less stylish at any time of the year will look a scarf, beautifully tied on the head. This will give some charm to the image. You can not just tie a scarf on your head, but learn how to design a headdress in an original way.

There are no special rules in the design of the headdress. Here you have to rely entirely on your own taste and originality. Oriental women, tying a hijab, try to hide all their hair under it. European beauties can not follow this rule. You can leave open all the curls or release a few strands.

You can wear a scarf on your head at any time of the year and in any weather. In summer, women of fashion prefer materials such as chintz, silk or cambric.

To prevent the material from slipping through your hair, put on a special cap called Bonnet under it., it is sold in boutiques selling hats. In winter, dense fabrics and knitwear replace thin ones. You can wear a scarf with any accessories, but elongated earrings look especially original, drawing attention to the image even more. An original brooch or hairpin on a headdress will bring some zest, make the bow more romantic and oriental.

IMPORTANT! English needles, hairpins or hairpins will help to fix the design on the head.

What are the ways?

There are many interesting ways to tie a hijab or stole:

We tie a triangular scarf

These scarves are classic, so working with them is the easiest. If your wardrobe does not have a special triangular scarf, use a regular rectangular scarf, folding it diagonally.

  1. Position the fabric in the center of your head and hold both sides of the fabric against one cheekbone.
  2. Twist one end into a flagellum.
  3. After that, press it to the neck.
  4. Holding the material on one side, drag the other end of the fabric near the ear.
  5. Wrap the scarf around your neck without pulling the fabric, while holding the flagellum.
  6. Gently straighten the remaining part, and leave, it should fall beautifully.

tourniquet method

No less original is the method of tying a hijab with a tourniquet. So you can cover the entire head or leave the hair open. Let's consider both methods.


Oriental women often tie a fabric on their heads so that it resembles a box in shape. For this method, a scarf with a border is perfect. What you need to do:

IMPORTANT! This method of tying is preferred by Muslim women who are over 45-50 years old.

With loose ends

A hijab with loose ends will cover not only the head, but also the neck. Therefore, this method of tying is suitable not only for thin summer fabrics, but also for woolen and downy products for the winter season.

Braided in hair

In the summer, a scarf woven into the hair looks original. For this, a thin rectangular fabric is suitable. How to act?

There is another way to weave a scarf into a braid and still cover your head. Tie a fabric in the form of a bandana on your head, weave the remaining hanging ends of the scarf into your hair, as in the first version. The braid can be left hanging down the back, thrown over the shoulder, or twisted into the original bump. From the remaining tips, you can tie a beautiful bow or knot.


A Turkish scarf is tied around the head in a V-shaped way. He is very original. Take a nice scarf.

With drape

A draped hijab can be knitted in two different ways:

  • oblique drapery;
  • double drape.

slant drapery

Double drape

  1. On the long side of the hijab, create a fold 5-6 cm wide.
  2. Throw it over your head and fasten the long part at a distance of 25–30 cm from the edge on both sides.
  3. From the folded part, form a flounce around the forehead and stab it with needles.
  4. Next, we form a fold from the narrow part of the scarf also above the forehead.
  5. We wrap the neck with the other side of the fabric and pin it.
  6. The end of the scarf is fastened so that it hangs beautifully over the shoulder.


Another common way to beautifully tie the fabric on the head is to apply layering. You will need a scarf with beads around the edge.

beautiful knot

Oriental style requires covering the entire head with material. A beautiful and original knot will help to decorate the design on the hair. After putting on the scarf, tie the ends tightly at the back. Twist and wrap into flagella in a bump. You can fasten the material so that it does not fall apart with stealth or a pin. In addition to the knot, you can tie a multilayer bow, and hide the small tips under the fabric or leave them hanging down.

How to pin a hairpin correctly?

Any hijab, scarf, tippet can be transformed by adding a beautiful brooch or hairpin to the design tied on the head. Accessory can be fixed in any part of the scarf: side, back, center, front. Most often, a knot is closed with a hairpin or hanging folds are pinned up. Choose a bright or shiny hairpin and then your look will turn out to be more sophisticated and festive.

Muslim women prefer modesty in dress, but this rule does not apply to headwear. The fabric can be not only plain, bright materials are often used, decorated with floral prints, beads, rhinestones, sequins, hand embroidery. The most popular color combinations:

In addition, tricolor fabrics are often used for headdresses.

Suitable accessories

In addition to hairpins, other products can be used as accessories to give the image individuality and charm. In summer, with a scarf tied around your head, it is appropriate to wear sunglasses. Of course, this will alienate the Muslim image and bring a European touch to it. Often, modern women of fashion with a scarf on their heads wear long earrings, wrap the design with a long thread with stones or sequins, and decorate with fur or leather straps.

The article is about ways to beautifully tie a Muslim hijab scarf with photo and video instructions.

Hijab, a scarf or stole, is an element of the traditional clothing of Muslim women. They should take it with pride and wear it all their lives to hide their charms (hair). If you tie this scarf correctly, it turns into a real decoration. Read the article on how to do it.

What is a Muslim headscarf called?

According to Islamic religious tradition, a believing woman must wear a headdress that covers her hair and neck, leaving only her face open. This scarf is called hijab.

The most preferred hijab tones are light, delicate. True, Muslims say that in fact, hijdab is not only a scarf or a scarf on the head, but also the entire attire of a Muslim woman, which freely covers her entire figure. However, now the hijab is most of all associated with a headdress.
In some countries of Central and Central Asia, a Muslim woman is required to wear a veil, clothing that covers both her face and body. Only slits for the eyes remain, which also turn out to be covered with a special mesh made of horsehair.

Another type of women's attire in Islamic countries is veil. The veil stipulates that the woman's eyes are not hidden, while the entire face is covered with a veil of black, less often, dark blue.

VIDEO: Why do Muslim women wear the hijab?

Cap under the headscarf of a Muslim woman

Muslim women usually have thick and long hair. It is impossible to tie on such a scarf beautifully so that it does not slip and fall off. Therefore, under the hijab, it is customary to wear a tight-fitting hat, which is called bone.

Bonet is sewn from natural fabric, so another of its functions is to protect the hair and skin of a Muslim woman from the effects of the fabric from which the scarf or stole is sewn.

How to properly and beautifully learn to tie a scarf on the head of a Muslim woman in stages?

  1. The first thing a woman does before tying a scarf is to collect her hair in a ponytail or bun.
  2. Next, she puts on a Bonnet hat.
  3. There is also a special scarf worn under the veil. It is called mihram. When put on, the ends of the mihram are crossed in the center of the head and tucked in at the back. It is advisable to choose a scarf under the veil so that it harmonizes in color with the main scarf of a Muslim woman.
  4. After that, the main scarf is put on. It is rectangular in shape. The scarf is worn in such a way that one third of its end is on one side of the head, and two thirds on the other.
  5. The woman lays the scarf in such a way that its shorter side is under the chin, and the longer one lies on top of it. She wraps her head with the long part of the scarf so that her neck and shoulders are covered.

VIDEO: Beautifully ties a scarf (Hijab)?

How do they pierce a needle on a Muslim woman's headscarf?

To secure the headscarf under her chin, a Muslim woman uses special pins.

  1. Most often, a pin is inserted above the ear or under the chin.
  2. While fastening the scarf with a pin, the Muslim woman makes sure that her tip passes through all the fabrics of the stole or scarf, otherwise it will fall apart.
  3. For reliability and beauty, it is permissible to fasten the scarf with additional pins that are pinned to the right and left.
  4. Some Muslim women adorn the places where the scarf is attached with special decorations in the form of flowers or brooches.

Ways to wear scarves on the head of a Muslim woman

Usually, Muslim women use a stole as a hijab. Wraps come in different colors and are made from different fabrics. A woman can choose any of them, focusing on the situation and the season. She can also choose from several ways to tie a scarf.

Muslim girls in headscarves: photo

The Muslim headscarf is used by many designers as a fashion item.

VIDEO: 25 ways to tie a HIJAB

According to the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ, a woman should not show her beauty to strangers. The Qur'an says (washed away): “Let them (believing women) not flaunt their embellishments, with the exception of those that are visible (i.e., the oval of the face and hands), and let them cover the cutout on the chest with their veils ...” (Sura An-Nur 31). Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said that once Asma, the daughter of Abu Bakr, came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ in thin clothes. The Prophet ﷺ turned away from her and said: “O Asma! A woman who has reached the age of majority should not open places other than these places, "pointing to her face and hands." According to this, Muslim women are required to completely cover their heads along with their necks, with the exception of their faces. The Almighty created men and women attracted to each other, and the openness of a woman pushes a man to forbidden actions leading to bad consequences. Dressed according to the prescription, the girl is protected from the gaze of strangers and emphasizes her chastity.

Is the headscarf the hijab?

Not always a scarf can be called a hijab. Since the hijab means to hide the entire female body, except for the oval of the face and hands, with clothes that are not transparent, not tight-fitting, not attracting the attention of the opposite sex. If you wear any scarf so that the head and neck are closed except for the oval of the face, then it also becomes part of her hijab. Sometimes the scarf does not meet the conditions of the hijab, as some Muslim women tie it in such a way that part of the head, hair and neck are visible. This does not comply with the canons of Islam, and if strangers see her, she falls under sin.

What should be the headdress of a Muslim woman?

It can be said that the answer to this question has already become clear from the previous answers. However, I want to add that when putting on a scarf, girls should understand that the scarf should not be made of pronounced colors that attract the attention of strangers, like her other clothes, her hair or bare parts of the body should not be visible from under the scarf. A Muslim woman must understand that a scarf covering her entire head is not only the style of her clothes, but also her position in life, a manifestation of her faith. It is faith, since the girl, covering herself, does what is prescribed for her by Allah Almighty. And many girls admit that wearing a hijab gives them a sense of security and confidence, makes her beauty modest and dignified, protecting and protecting her.

Should a Muslim woman always cover her head?

A woman is obliged to cover her head from strangers who do not belong to the category of “mahram”. She may not cover her head in front of women, close relatives of their number of men (mahram) and her husband. But if an outsider who is not a mahram comes to visit, then even in the presence of her husband, brother, or father, she is obliged to cover her body except for her face and hands.

Mahram men include those men who, according to Islam, do not have the right to marry her for the following reasons:

1) Blood relationship, (father, grandfather, son, grandson, great-grandson, paternal and maternal uncle, her siblings and sons of siblings).

2) Dairy relationship (milk brother or husband of her dairy mother).

3) Marriage relationship (father-in-law or father-in-law, her mother's husband (stepfather) or his father, as well as the son or grandson of her husband).

When should a Muslim woman wear a headscarf, hijab from childhood?

As for the specific age at which a girl should be taught to wear a hijab, theologians recommend from the age of seven, based on the hadith: “Tell your children to pray when they are seven years old, and punish them if they do not do so when they are ten years old. And separate them in different beds." (Abu Dawud). This includes all the precepts of Islam, and not just the performance of prayer.

A girl falls into the sin for not wearing a hijab from the age of majority. The signs of a girl coming of age include such as: the appearance of hair on the genitals, the appearance of wet dreams or first blood (menstruation).

In the Islamic world, all women's clothing that leaves only the face and hands open is called the hijab. In Western culture, only a headscarf worn by Muslim women is called this. Girls learn to tie this traditional element of clothing from early childhood.

Hijab in modern society

The East has always attracted with its mystery and color, and now the most fastidious fashionistas around the world have begun to use the hijab as an adornment of their costume. And so today, for many women, the question of how to tie scarves in a Muslim way is relevant.

Girls brought up in Western culture can also learn this art, especially since they can come up with their own original ways of wearing a hijab. For an Islamic woman, there are clear rules that, In a Muslim way, this means that not a single strand of hair should peek out from under the headdress, and neither ears nor earrings should be visible. Only the face can be revealed, and besides, it is not allowed to flaunt jewelry, as a Muslim woman cannot show off her wealth.

How to wear a hijab

Consider several ways to tie scarves in a Muslim way:

  • One option involves the use of a small hat called a bone. First, they put it on, and only then they tie a scarf folded in a triangle on top, wrapping its ends around the neck and fixing them on the back of the head. An easier way is to pin the hijab under the chin.
  • As an alternative to Bonya, you can use a mihram - a rectangular scarf made of non-slip fabric. It is put on, hiding all the hair, and the ends are wrapped around the head. A hijab is put on top, and its edges are hidden under the mihram.
  • Another option on how to properly tie a Muslim scarf is a combination of two scarves, while they can be of different colors. This method allows a woman to decorate herself without violating Islamic laws. In this case, the lower hijab is tied at the back, and the upper wraps around the face and is fixed near the ear.
  • You can throw a long scarf over your head and fasten its ends at the back, and then twist a tourniquet out of them and wrap it around your head, securing it with pins.
  • One of the ways to tie scarves in a Muslim way is a turban, which is especially popular in Turkey today. To tie a hijab in this way, it is folded diagonally and put on the head. They twist one end into a bundle and wrap it first at the back, and then around the head, the rest is hidden under a scarf. The same actions are repeated with the second end of the scarf, and then the turban is straightened on the head.

Every Muslim woman must wear a hijab. In countries such as Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia, wearing it is mandatory. In some others, for example, in France, Tajikistan, Tunisia, a law was passed prohibiting the wearing of a headscarf in educational institutions. Whatever the attitude of the authorities, even among Islamic women there are both supporters and opponents of the hijab. But in any case, without this attribute, we can no longer imagine an oriental woman who, from infancy, has mastered the science of how to tie a Muslim headscarf beautifully.

The opinion of those who consider the headscarf an obligatory attribute of only Muslim women is erroneous. This pious tradition was once honored in Christian families. “Goofed off” - they said about those women who appeared in public with their heads uncovered. Today, the Apostolic covenant is followed by an insignificant part of believing women. And even then only when visiting the temple. As for a true Muslim woman, her devotion to the pillars of Islam can be judged by clothes that strictly comply with the requirements of religion. Another thing is that the traditional clothing for women of a particular country is different. At the same time, the scarf remains the most important accessory for a Muslim woman. And no matter what her outfit is called, one condition is obligatory: the whole body, except for the face and hands, must be covered. So, how to tie a scarf in a Muslim way?

This is the most common way of wearing a headscarf by modern Muslim women. Covering the head in this way, the forehead area is covered with such a detail as a bone. This is a special bandage designed to cover the hair of the front of the head. How to tie a scarf in a Muslim way using Bonnet? First, a bandage is put on the head, covering part of the forehead and ears with it. A large scarf is put on over the forehead, which slightly protrudes forward over the forehead, forming a small “visor”. The free ends of the scarf are wrapped around the neck and hidden in the resulting collar. Having mastered this technology, you will always know how to tie a scarf on your head in a Muslim way.

Using the bottom scarf

In order to know how to tie a scarf in a Muslim way, you must definitely master the following method. The complexity of this technique is due to the presence of several layers of headgear. First, a small scarf is tied on the head, which covers the forehead and ears of the woman. A wide stole is thrown over the lower scarf so that one hanging part is longer.

Holding one edge of the hanging scarf, we draw the long end under the chin and wrap it around the neck. Next, we lay the stole over the bun of hair at the back of the head and return it to its original place, where we fasten its end with the part of the handkerchief held by the finger with a pin. Sagging edges are neatly laid around the neck.

How beautiful to tie a headscarf for a Muslim woman

For the next tying method, you will need a large tippet and a few pins. If you want to know how to tie a scarf in a Muslim way quickly, then repeat the following steps. We fold the square of the scarf into a triangle. We cover their heads with them, and overlap the hanging triangular ends. We fix the bottom layer at the right shoulder, slightly pulling it to the side in the upper part. We throw the second end over the shoulder and also stab it on the surface of the clothes with a pin. By the way, in specialized stores of Muslim clothing you can buy all kinds of accessories, including decorative pins.