Games for Tamada for the New Year. Competition "Whose chain is longer." Game "Fashion rat"

New Year holidays must be met solemnly and most importantly, with a sincere smile. After all, the smell of needles, a beautiful festive decor, unexpected gifts cannot but please each of us. But what to do if the magic night is supposed to celebrate a big noisy company. Naturally, the usual feast and communication will not reproduce such a relaxed and interesting environment, as planned in advance and well thought-out games. You are intrigued by this idea, then familiarize yourself with our article, which will provide you with 12 ideas of fun competitions for young people for the new year 2019 prepared. Believe me, with such fun you remember this holiday for a long time. A cool photo taken in the midst of comic spectacles and entertainment will remain.

"Sit - ka knees"

Competition for young people is as follows: the chairs are put in a circle, the guys and girls participating in the competition are attached to them. Begins the game Snow Maiden, which you need to tie my eyes. When musical accompaniment is included, the presenter starts to walk in a circle when the music turns off, the Snow Maiden should sit on his knees to the player, near which she stopped and guess who exactly was it. The expositant contestant becomes leading and the game continues. According to the rules, it is impossible to touch the participants. For the new year 2019 is just what you need! This game can be used in school at the New Year's party.

"Sweet kiss"

To carry out this competition, you will need several couples in love. Each of them merges in a sweet kiss. At the same time, the guy and the girl, without breaking down from the kiss, you need to spread each other to pre-agreed limits. Easy option: Remove the jacket, jacket, scarf, vest, etc. Of course, you can spend a more piquant version of the game and organize stripping to underwear (depending on how many people participating in this game are chosen, and how much alcoholic beverages have already been drunk).


A number of chairs are put into a row, which are attached to the men participating in the game. Each of them inflates the balloon and puts on his knees. The task of the girls: burst the balloon for the shortest possible time, squeezing his man on his knees. Hands touch the ball is prohibited. New Year 2019 this competition will cause the sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions.

"Crying wife"

For these games, several pairs are selected, optionally family. For a while, the ladies leave the room. At this time, men need to hide 10 bills in various secret places of their clothing (pockets, socks, sleeves, etc.). Girls need to quickly detect all the "sleeps" that were hidden by a man. To suggest and help is prohibited. The same couple wins, which will cope with the task faster. For young people, this entertainment will be a real find.

"Find a pin"

This entertainment competition, offered by us for the New Year 2019, is similar to the previous one, only instead of bills that hid men, women should be fastened to elements of their clothing 10 pins. Men, in turn, you need to find all pins on your lady's clothes as soon as possible.

"Tutti Frutti"

To carry out young people, any fruit juice and bananas are needed. Several couples participate here, a man needs to drink a glass of juice, and a woman is to eat a banana. At the same time, a glass with juice and a banana must be clamped between the knees of a woman / man. A couple, faster than all coping with the task, declared the winner and gets the title "The most passionate pair."

"Portrait of my beloved"

Men give a sheet of paper, pencil either felt-tip pen and tie their eyes. For three minutes, each of them needs to draw a portrait of his beloved woman. At the end of the competition for the new year 2019, the remaining present choose the best portrait that has maximum similarities.

"My home responsibilities"

On small leaves, youth should write such phrases:

  • i get garbage
  • i take away children from kindergarten,
  • watering flowers
  • send bed
  • wash the dishes,
  • erase socks
  • i do lessons with children,
  • making breakfast,
  • earning money
  • i go to the spa - salon,
  • pugh beer with friends on weekends,
  • walking a dog
  • making a chic manicure,
  • i watch football in the sports bar,
  • i go with girlfriends shopping,
  • i visit the children of the zoo,
  • i am engaged in fitness club, etc.

The more this kind of classes will be written, the more interesting and the most original will be original. All notes are placed in a bag or bag and mixed. Each of the participants of the competition takes out one piece of leaflets and reads that it is indicated. With this occupation, he will certainly have to deal with the entire New Year 2019.

"Test for flexibility"

Previously, it is necessary to prepare pieces of paper on which various parts of the body will be indicated: hand, shoulder, knee, ear, nose, and so on. All papers are placed in two packages. The couples participating in the game take one piece of paper and touch each other to the same part of your body that is indicated. Then get another one and the current, and the previous task is performed simultaneously. The game continues until young people have enough flexibility.


To carry out this competition for youth for the new year 2019, you will need one ball of color tapes for each participating pair. Woman holds this tangle, a man tie up behind her back. His task: grab the edges of the tape and wrap her lady with her lips. That couple wins, whose outfit will turn out to be funny, and who will cope with the task faster than everyone else.

"Hold the ball"

Pre-prepare a tennis ball. For participation, two teams for 5 - 8 people are formed. Teams are built into a row face to each other. Task: Players need to pass the ball to each other by closing it under the chin. You can touch each other as you like, not by hand. The one who drops the ball is dropped out of the competition. This type of game can be involved as an entertainment at school at a New Year's party.

"Drink - snacks"

This type of competition for youth for the new year 2019 is better to spend at a time when all guests are sitting at the table. This entertainment game must be prepared in advance. On the leaf of paper should write the word "drink" (from which actually, the alcoholic drink should be enjoyed). The number of pieces must correspond to the number of guests. Fold these billets should be in a box with opaque walls. The following series of notes should contain the word "snacks" (which should be soakable). They should also be folded in a separate box. Then guests must get from each box one sheet. What is written on them, then you need to perform.

Approximate Ideas of Notes "Drip":

  • from wineglass;
  • from a spoon;
  • from the kettle;
  • from boot;
  • from paper chill.

Approximate Ideas Notes "Locks":

  • candy;
  • night hair;
  • climbing a spoon;
  • do not touch food with your hands;
  • choosing food with closed eyes.

So the original one can spend your holiday time, having delighted pleasure not only yourself, but also to your friends. Have fun before you fall, because it says how to meet New Year, so you will spend it! And 2019 - no exception!


So our article came to its conclusion, which provided you with many ridiculous ideas of how contests for young people for the new year 2019 in a large company. The main thing is to consider everything in advance, consider this task responsibly and carefully. After all, from what scenario of New Year's games and entertainment you will create directly and will depend on the mood of all guests present at the celebration. Happy holiday you, dear friends! Mark so that your laughter has become infected all around!

New Year is one of the most favorite holidays of every person in the world. It is the new year that all people are waiting with impatience. It is not for nothing that the New Year is a family holiday. On this day, each family is going together, prepares 12 different dishes and celebrate. How to make this night unforgettable cheerful? After all, no wonder people say: "As you will meet the New Year, I will spend it." So that the whole year was the same happy, like this night, it is worth cheering your family funny contests.

Competition number 1. "Heroes of fairy tales."

This is a very cheerful, family competition. All you need is air balloons and markers or markers. Each family member is distributed over the ball and felt-meter. Your task: draw the face of the beloved hero of the famous fairy tale on the ball. It may be shrek, Peter Peng or Cinderella. The participant will win, whose portrait on the ball will learn everything. Remember that balloons are a rather fragile thing, it would be nice to have a couple of spare.

Competition number 2. "Divination".

As they say: "New Year is the time of magic and miracles." It is the night from the 31st to the first - time to find out your destiny. What is needed for this? The presenter prepares two hats. In one you need to put notebooks with questions, and to another - with answers. Then each family member pulls one note from the first hat and one of the second. You will be surprised how the answers can accurately answer some questions. In addition, this competition is very funny, he will definitely cheer all guests.

Competition number 3. "Christmas tree".

For this contest, 2 teams are needed, each for 2 people. One man in the team - New Year tree. Parents must provide decorations that are not very sorry. It may be unbreakable balls, candy or bumps on threads. In each team, one person decorates the Christmas tree without the help of hands. But the "Christmas tree" can help with his "needles" by a member of his team. All about everything is given 3 minutes. That team will win, whose "Christmas tree" will have more jewelry.

Competition number 4. "Christmas decorations".

All family members can participate in this competition. Parents put various Christmas toys on the table. Their quantity should be one toy less than the number of participants in the competition. One of the parents will be leading. The presenter includes cheerful music. The whole family walks around the table with Christmas decorations. As soon as the music turns off, everyone should have time to take one toy for yourself. One who stayed without decoration is dropped out of the game. But that he does not be upset, he is given a delicious, sweet gingerbread. Then one toy is removed from the table, and the game continues. The winner will be the one who will last in the game.

Competition number 5. "Airplanes".

On the clock 23:00, all the dishes are ready for a long time, but everyone is lying and do not want to attach them to a festive table. How to turn a boring coverage of the table in a fun game? Very simple. Now your children and husband are airplanes. They fly into the kitchen, and you give them valuable cargo, whether it is a salad, forks or napkins. From the point of a kitchen, they fly to the point B - living room, and unload their valuable goods to the festive table. You can do the same after the holiday to remove everything from the table. This game is not only cheerful, but also useful. After all, it is also invaluable help for mom.

This competition is not only a fascinating point, but also help you to decorate the apartment very nicely. Each participant is issued scissors and napkins. All family members must cut as much beautiful snowflakes as possible. And then, to choose the best work together, and decorate the apartment. For their efforts, each participant gets on a candy.

Competition number 7. "Merry puzzles."

This competition is very suitable in order to calm down a little after moving games and contests. All family members are divided into two teams. For example, the "Children" team and the team "Parents". Each team is issued on a box of puzzles, preferably with New Year's theme. Win so a team who will quickly collect their picture. Of course, parents will have to lean a little beloved kids, so as not to upset them. If there are no puzzles at home, you can print two pictures on A4 sheet, and just cut them.

Competition number 8. "Gifts Grandfather Frost."

This competition is very loved both adults and children. Santa Claus should be glanced to visit you, the role of which can play father or uncle kids. But Santa Claus did not come with empty hands, he came with a red bag full of various gifts. The task of each participant of the competition, without looking, shove your hand into the bag, get your gift and try to guess what it is. Believe me, each guest in your house will be pleased to get a small present from the Frost Grandfall.

Competition number 9. "Crocodile".

Probably everyone knows this game. This is the favorite game of many children. Its essence is that the host says to one participant that he must portray. It can be any famous personality, an animal or even the subject. A participant who was given a task should depict it without words, only by facial expressions, gestures and various movements. The one who was the first guessed what was shown to become the following to whom the task will be given. This game is really exciting. It can be played in hours, because it is not only fun, but also insanely interesting.

Competition number 10. "Creative person".

All those present in this competition can participate. Each participant, in turn, pass the bag, in which many notes with one word associated with the New Year's topics. For example: "Christmas tree", "Snowflake", "Snow Maiden" and the like. When the participant received his note, he must tell the verse or sing a couple of lines from the song in which this word is mentioned. When he did it, the bag passes to the next participant. At the end of each member of the family, a delicious encouragement is issued.

Competition №11. "Find a candy in a snowdrift."

Two people participate in this competition. On the table there are two bowls with flour (with "snow"). The task of each of them, in a minute to get more sweets from the "snowdrift" than the opponent. But at the same time it is necessary to do it without hands. But the essence of the competition is not even to determine the winner, and that the whole family makes it with funny face. The main thing is to be careful, and accidentally do not breathe flour.

Competition number 12. "Snowflakes in a basket."

For this contest you need two people. The presenter scatches on the floor, cut out of paper, snowflakes. Finding participants should blindfolded. The task of both gather as much snowflakes as possible in your basket. The one who will have them more - won.

Competition №13. "The most beautiful Christmas tree."

All love to dress up a Christmas tree. This is a New Year's tradition that never becomes obsolete. Two should take part in this competition (two "Christmas trees"). Before each participant lies a mountain of various clothes (Christmas decorations). The task of everyone, put on as many "jewelry" as possible in a minute. Then the lead believes how much clothes managed to put on every Christmas tree. The participant on whom was wearing more clothes - won.

Competition №14. "Flying Snowflake."

All those present can participate in this competition. The presenter issues each participant in the "snowflake" (small, blue air ball). The task is very simple, each member of the family should throw its "snowflake" into the air, and blow on it, so as not to give her to fall. He whose snowflake flew longer than everyone - won.

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All over the world, the New Year is one of the favorite holidays, it is expected everywhere with a special look, and traditionally he is precisely a family holiday. On the eve of the house, all family members are collected in the house that are friendly a festive treat and decorate the Christmas tree, and then sit down at the table to meet the next step into the future. Of course, everyone would like to make this night unforgettable, believing in the admission "How to celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it." Therefore, people are looking for new New Year's draws and family contests so that the fun does not stop.

  • Drinks
  • Movable


Gift to the wisdom and senior

For this fun you need to sacrifice with a bright t-shirt, we will also need markers or markers. All family members as a sign of honor left their autographs on T-shirt, best wishes and drawings. Then everyone appreciates the overall work and choose the best congratulation. T-shirt give the elder family, and the author of the best congratulations receive a separate prize.

guess a riddle

Very many fun contests for the new year for family are associated with balloons. In this case, they first need to first attach small notes with funny ries, and then inflated the balls. During the fun, the lead distributes them with pouring. Each of his owner must burst his ball and take a note from there, read the riddle aloud and answer it. If someone sacrificed with the answer, he will have to fulfill the penalty task invented by all. Riddles are needed with humor, for example:

  • What can a student envy a lizard? (Tail drop speeds).
  • How many women need pairs of shoes for complete happiness? (One more than at the moment or one more than the girlfriend).
  • What hours do the exact time show only 2 times a day? (Who stopped).
  • What comes from one settlement to another, staying in place? (Road).
  • Freed a flock is very small. How many birds are in it, and what? (Seven owls).
  • When is the black cat make it easier to get into the house? (When the door is open).
  • Who under torrential rain will not wet her hair? (Bald).
  • Two birchs grow. On each birch of four cones. How many cones? (None, because the birch bumps do not grow).
  • Badka carried a hundred eggs to the bazaar, one fell. How many eggs remains in the basket? (None, because the bottom fell ("one fell" the leading need to pronounce as "and bottom")).
  • When does a person be in a room without a head? (When it gives it out of the window).
  • What is easier: 1 kg of wool or 1 kg of iron? (Weight is the same).
  • What should be done to four guys stay in one boo tree? (Remove from each boot).
  • In which month, the talkative Annushka speaks the least? (In February, because he is the shortest).
  • What is thrown when in it need, and raise when there is no need for it? (Anchor).
  • What tape is implied to the pigtail? (Machine gun).
  • Which fields do not grow grass? (In the hats fields).
  • How far will the forest in the forest can run a wolf? (Before the middle of the forest, because after it will already be selected from depths).
  • One corner saws at the square table. How many corners does he have left? (Five).
  • How many eggs can you eat an empty stomach? (One thing - the second will not be an empty stomach).
  • In which month 28 days? (In any month there are 28 days).
  • Is it possible to bring water in the water? (You can, in the form of a piece of ice).
  • How many minutes do you need to cook a steep egg? (None, because it is already welded).
  • What can be seen with closed eyes? (Sleep).
  • The room was burning seven candles, two extinguished. How much is left? (Two, the rest burned).

Creative person

This creative contest at the table will help to meet the new year fun and diverse. All those gathered in it can participate. Among the celebrating, the bag containing many pieces of paper is transmitted, each of which is written one word for Christmas topics (Snow Maiden, snowdrift, snowflake, tree). Having received a bag, the participant pulls at random from there one note, loud reads the word, after which he should remember and fulfill a fragment of a verse or songs with this word. Then the bag is transmitted to the next participant. For the best execution the prize is put.


The presenter puts on the player's face of a mask of any animal or a character so that he does not see her. Then the player begins to ask the questions present, trying to guess who he turned into. Guests can only respond to one-time "yes" or "no". If a player guess that he is for a mask, then she becomes his prize.

Black box

Family contests suitable for the new year should contain some kind of riddle, such as this. Leading in advance hides some item in a black box. The task of the gathered is to guess what lies there, putting into the course of its extrasensory abilities and asking for 1 question to which you can answer "yes" or "no". If it was not possible to guess from the first time, the presenter begins to give small tips. Competition is obtained interesting and intriguing. The one who guess the mysterious subject becomes its owner.

Secret name

The advantage of this New Year's competition is that all those present can have fun all New Year's Eve. Before you sit down for a festive table, all guests need to attach a sheet of paper on the back, on which the name of the subject, animal or plant is written - it will be a temporary name of a person. He will know everything besides him. Throughout the feast, everyone can try to know their "name" by asking other leading questions. You can not only look at! Answers can only be single-one "Yes" and "No". The one who first rents his name on his back, he will become the winner. But after that, the game can continue - after all, others are also interested to know their names.


To arrange this feast contest for the new year at home for the whole family, you need to prepare several cards in advance. They should encrypt words, having rearranged the letters in them. There will take some time on the randering of such a rebus.

For example, the word "propeller" can be converted to the "Preliprol" or somehow otherwise. In order to do not get confused, and it was easier to check the answers, the cards need to be numbered and separately make a list of words encrypted on them.

These cards need to distribute players. Which of them the first will correctly decipher their word, he will be the winner. But sometimes you can create another word from the same letters, then the player who found two answers at once will be recognized first.


Dress up the tree

Traditional lesson for large families - Christmas decoration with all sorts of toys and garlands, can be turned into an interesting New Year's competition for the whole family. All household divide into two teams. One person from each team to appoint "Christmas tree", and the rest should, competing for speed, dress up their Christmas tree. Decorations can serve as tinsel and soft toys, to mount which can be closed with clothespins with clothespins.

Other entertainment for their kids will find in the article "Children's Competitions for the New Year".

Learn relative

Funny New Year's competitions in the family circle rarely pass without it. Someone from households tie their eyes, and woolen mittens worn on the hands. Then someone from the participants of the feast approaches it, and the host offers a player to find out who in front of him. The player can feel the figure of a person, without removing the mobs, trying to guess who stands in front of him. In fact, even a close and familiar person is not so easy to guess.

Flying Snowflake

For this contest, you need to prepare "snowflakes" - blue balloons. The presenter distributes them to everyone to have fun, and on the team everyone should rush them together and then blowing onto their ball from the bottom, do not allow him to land on the floor. Wins the one whose "Snowflake" was held longer in the air.

Do not wake Santa Claus

Be sure to think out and fun for the parents, because they will gladly be happy to look at their children, but also take part in the entertainment. For example, a competition for the New Year may be like this: the grandfather is appointed by Santa Claus, sitting on his chair and tie his eyes. Near it you need to put a gift (box). Further, each household must pass as quieter by Santa Claus, to not wake it up and paint a gift. But if the grandfather "wake up" and caught the kidnapper, then this will have to fulfill the wish of the whole family. Well, a successfully stolen the box the kidnapper is already with a prize.

Super suiter

If someone is looking for which family competitions in the New Year will be interested in representatives of different generations, then the "super suite" is perfectly suitable. It is necessary to choose 2-3 volunteers - detectives that are withdrawn to the next room so that they do not know what is happening in the main one. And there the presenter begins to quickly lay a large number (several dozen) in advance carved snowflakes in a variety of places (on the table, under the table, under the Christmas tree, on the furniture and so on). When all the snowflakes will take their places, the "detectives" will be introduced into the room, which should find all the snowflakes to one. Those present can tell them to tell the words "hot" or "cold". Wins that detective who will find more snowflakes.

Want to find even more interesting contests for the whole family at home? Then read on our website!


This entertainment is suitable for different ages, but especially children. Here it is necessary to prepare in advance candy, which should be swapped on the New Year tree so that they are not visible. Players must detect them. Found candy and become prizes for players.


New Year's contests at home are often arranged with Santa Claus. In this case, he needs to pass the bag with sweets and small toys in advance. When the grandfather fell into the house, all the households should happily meet him, then each in turn should tie his eyes and at random to take out the gift from the bag, after which to try to guess what he was. That will be the joy of the defector, and and adults too!

Random gift

When everyone has already been tired of the New Year's table, cool family competitions will continue the fun, for example, an unusual presentation of gifts. It is necessary to prepare small prizes (preferably with the symbolism of the year): candy, key rings, stationery, which on the string to tie to the rope thrown through the room. Next, players tie their eyes and give safe scissors with stupid ends. Those blind must detect hanging prizes, cut them off and become their owners. The households of all ages will play this game with pleasure.


Households are cleared into a circle and put the palms on their neighbors. One of them begins to beat a simple rhythm on a neighbor's knee, he must reproduce it on the knee of the next player. This task only seems easy at first glance, it will take some time until all participants will be able to beat off the specified rhythm unmistakably.

Recall childhood

This nostalgic contest for the new year in the family of the family may like different generations. It is necessary to say a phrase or sing a piece of songs of a famous fabulous or cartoon character, without calling his name. For example, "I am a man in the twice the years", "who helps people, he spends in vain", "Normal heroes always go around." If no one remembers about whom there is a speech, the guessing player begins to make tips, having not called the name of the hero.

What competitions would you be happy to spend at home on New Year's Eve? Or do you have your own entertainment and games? Tell us about them in the comments.

Fun around the New Year tree, decorated with Mishur, garlands and toys, - such a holiday will probably cause delight from any child. An even more interesting celebration will make games and contests. knows which competitions and fun to arrange for children so that the holiday becomes unforgettable.

New Year competitions for preschoolers

Horror around the Christmas tree
To interest the most young players, you need to try: the kids are very quickly lost if the occupation does not cling. In such a situation there will be a dance around the Christmas tree. This is a win-win version that you like for children of any age. Usually dances are watering under the song "The Little Christmas tree is cold in winter" or "a Christmas tree was born in the forest."

The game "What are the Christmas trees?"
The presenter (in his role the Snow Maiden or Santa Claus) says:
- See what the church is elegant with us: all in beautiful toys and garlands. Guys, do you know where the Christmas tree grow? Of course, in the forest! Christmas trees are different: wide and thin, high and low.
Next, the lead must explain the rules of the game:
- Guys, get into a circle and take each other by hands, and I will say, what Christmas trees are. If I say: "High", you must raise your hands up, and if you hear: "Low", you need to sit down and lower your hands. If I mention about wide christmas trees, you need to make a circle wider. And if I say, "thin," you have to make a circle already. Everyone is understandable? Once or two or three, started!

Music game
(on the motive of the song "Good Beetle" from the film-tales "Cinderella")
1. Stand up, children, stand in a circle, stand up in a circle, stand up in a circle! Chlo in the palm, do not regret your hands! Jump like bunnies: jump yes ICK, jump yes IC! Now sweep, do not regret your feet!
2. 3A Hands we will rise quickly, cheering and raise your hands up, jumping above all! Hands we lower down, let's get down the leg of the leg, the left left we feet and twist your head!
The game is repeated 2 more times.

Game "Fucking a Christmas tree"
Children are divided into two teams. Each has a box with christmas toys (preferably unboring). The essence of the game is that players should dress an artificial Christmas tree that stands at a distance from teams. The child must take a toy out of the box, reach the Christmas tree, hang toy on her and return to his team. And so to the last player. The team wins, whose tree will be decorated with the first.

Cat-Mouse game
Three players from the team are dressing in the costumes of the cats and hand it over a stick to which a long rope is attached. A bout flesh is attached to the opposite end of the rope. Players under fun music wind up the rope on the wand, and gradually the mouse is approaching. Wins the most agile cat, which was faster than the other "catch" the mouse.

Games for younger schoolchildren 6-10 years

Game "Christmas Crochets"
The presenter says the quatrains, and the children shouted the words of each final line.

Good in his dress
Devora is always glad to her,
On the branches of her needle,
In the dance calls everyone ... (Christmas tree)

There is a Christmas tree
In the cap, a mixed clown,
Silver horns
And with pictures ... (checkboxes)

Beads, colored stars,
Miracle masks painted,
Squirrels, cocks and pigs,
Very ringing ... (slappers)

From the Christmas tree Wink Martyka,
Smile brown bear,
Zainka hangs from the watt,
Lollipops and ... (chocolates)

Next to him a snowman,
Red Cat-Fluff
And big on top ... (bump)

No colorful outfit:
Multicolored garland,
Gilding Mishura
And shiny ... (balls)

Bright foil flashlight,
Bell and boat,
Train and machine,
Snow-white ... (Snowflake)

Christmas tree All surprises knows
And everyone wishes fun.
For happy defones
Light up ... (lights)

The game "Who is ahead?"
Competition for agility. Pre-hang on the backs of two chairs on a winter jacket with twisted sleeves, and on the seat, put a fur hat, a scarf and a couple of mobs. During the competition, players under fun music must turn the sleeves of the jackets, then wear them and the rest of the winter equipment (header, scarf and mittens). The prize will receive the one who is the first to take place on his chair and cry: "Happy New Year!"

New Year's contest "Mask, I know you!"
Of all the guys you need to choose only one player. His master puts on a mask. Moreover, the player should not see whose mask is hope for him. The rest see what this hero is. The player in the mask must guess who is depicted on it. He asks questions to other children and receives tips from them. Only "yes" or "no" can be answered for questions. As a prize, the mask was guessing.

Competition "Mishura"
Competition competition for two teams. As a details, the host gives Mishur to each child. New Year's song sounds, for example, Jingle Bells. To the music in each team, the first participant tie his tinsel to his tinsel on the hand of the second participant, then the second - on the hand of the third and so on. The last player runs to the first and tie Mishur to him - it turns out a circle. The team wins, the participants of whom earlier rivals coped with the task and raised their hands with tied tinsel.

The game "Dr. Aibolit"
Again the team game. This time players become in the ranks. Doctor Aibolit wants to know: Does anyone have a temperature during the New Year holiday? The fabulous hero puts under the mouse to the first participants in both teams on a large cardboard thermometer. At this time, cheerful music sounds. The second players must take a thermometer and put it yourself, then they take the sieves of third players and so on to the last child in Shero. In the same way, the thermometer moves in the reverse order: from the last players to the first. The team wins, whose first player will quickly return the thermometer Dr. Aibolit.

Competition "Christmas playing"
Before the two players, the host places a prize, wrapped in a bright wrapping paper, and says the following text:
"On New Year's hour, friends,
It is impossible!
Digit "Three" do not skip
Take the prize, do not yaw!

Herringbone guests met.
Five children came first,
To not be bored in the holiday
They began to count everything on it:
Two snowflakes, six clappers,
Eight gnomes and parsley
Seven nuts gilded
Among Mishura twisted
Ten cones numbered
And then read tired.
Tripped three girls ... "
If the players did a prize, he was betraying and says: "Where were your ears?" In the event that one of the players proves to be attentive, the presenter concludes: "Here is the attentive ears!"

Game "New Year's Transsets"
Santa Claus says phrases, and children must answer "yes" or "no" regardless of rhyme.

You, friends, came here to have fun?
I discard a secret: did you wait for the grandfather?
You frost, cold scare mind?
Are you still ready to dance in the Christmas tree?
Holiday is nonsense, do you like it better?
Santa Claus brought sweets, will you eat them?
With Snow Maiden, do you always play ready?
Are you disappearing without everyone around?
Never melts grandfather. Do you believe it?
Sneaking from the Christmas tree a coupler in the dance need?

Competition "Laugh Nesmeyanu"
For the competition, it is necessary to prepare details in advance: funny masks, overhead noses, ears.
Tsarevna Nesmeyana knows where the Snow Maiden is hidden, but can not open the secret to children, as it is constantly crying. The task of the contestants is to launch it with cheerful movements and dances. To add a bright image, the guys can take advantage of a fun requisite.

For children from 10 years

Competition "New Year's suit"
For this contest, it will take props: paper (sufficiently large size - at least A4), tape, pins, scissors and glue.
For a certain time (let's say, 10 minutes) you need to come up with and make a New Year's suit. The task complicates what it is necessary to have time not only to make an outfit, but also to present it to the public, to tell what exactly he means and for which it serves (for example, the evening is an outfit or a masquerade suit). The jury assesses the result of applause. The team wins, earned the most high-profile and prolonged ovations.

Competition "Ball with Surprise"
On paper sheets it is necessary to write comic New Year's tasks, put notes in balloons, and then inflate them. Each participant should give a ball with a task. It must be burst without hands. When a participant cope with it, he will need to perform a written task (for example, sing a song, to dance the dance of small swans, etc.). Won the one who will do it most funny.

Competition "New Year chain"
For this contest, the sheets of A4, adhesive pencil and scissors should be prepared. Two teams must take part. For a certain time (5-7 minutes), participants must cut strips (3 cm wide and 12 cm long), and then connect them to the New Year chain. The team wins, which will make the longest chain.

  • 01 Remember that children quickly switch their attention. Therefore, contests should not be done too long.
  • 02 Do not hold several contests at once. Dilute them with a dance program or concert numbers.
  • 03 Be sure to reward and encourage the winners.

Children's New Year game for the company "Snowball"

Distribution of gifts is the most pleasant and long-waited moment on the New Year holiday. He is always accompanied by some attraction or game. The proposed game is suitable for a few domestic and a few "family" holidays.

The redemption of New Year's prizes from Santa Claus's bag is furnished like this: in a circle, adults and children transmit specially prepared "snowball" - from cotton or white cloth. Grandfather Frost is nice to have such in her bag. "KOM" transmit, Santa Claus sentences:

Snowball we all ride

To the "five" we all believe -

One, two, three, four, five -

You have a song to execute.

You dance to be saved.

You will pue a riddle ...

The bought prize comes out of the circle, and the game continues.

Children's New Year's game for the company "Sold Prize!"

To the rope, stretched horizontally at an altitude of 1.5-2 m, threads are tied up 50-80 cm long. All sorts of prizes are attached. If the prize is too heavy, the converter is tied with its name. Contestants one with tied eyes and armed with large scissors with stupid ends (so as not to be hurt) try to cut off their prize. In order to complicate the task, the child is forbidden to help himself with his right hand.

Children's New Year game for the company "Stools"

Very popular and very old on children's holidays game. She had many names. Yes, and now there are a lot of variations of this game. The rules are as follows: chairs are put in a circle, players sit on them face to the center, and the leading standing in the middle.

According to his team "Pe-re-move!" Children try to quickly go to another chair. This is the moment when the leading can take place. So how to push, the players will not be enough, it cannot, then he specifically gives several teams in a row to arrange confusion and take the vacant place.

At the same time, it does not have the right to give a new command if the players did not finish performing the previous one. The one who remained without a place becomes leading or, for universal joy, is paying Phanta.

But a more complex version of this game. All participants are divided into three or four (depending on the number of participants) of the group. Each group is the name of some fruit. For example, "apples", "plums", "peaches", etc. Suppose 20 people participate in the game. Then every group will be five people: 5 apples, 5 peaches, 5 plums, 5 pears.

Nineteen people are sitting in a circle, and the twentieth - in the middle, without a place. He shouts: "Apples!" On this command, only "apples" should be swapped. The leading calls groups, trying to take the freed place and hoping that one of the players would make mistakes. If on the team: "plums!" The other "fruit" will act, then it becomes leading.

If the leading will give the team: "Salad!" All players change chairs. Driving at any team can sit on the vacant place.

And you can also play: children sitting on chairs, less than chairs. One place is free. The leading seeks to occupy this place, but children do not give him to do it, quickly replant from place to place. As soon as someone shares, driving the free chair, and his neighbor on the right or on the left becomes leading.

Children's New Year game for the company "Cinderella's shoes"

This game is especially good when there is approximately the same number of boys and girls on the festival. Team of girls - "Cinderella", the team of boys - "Princes". All the "Princes" come out of the room for a moment, and Cinderella take off their shoes and fold them in one handy. The girls then sit on a row on a sofa or tightly moved to each other chairs, and leading or helping them the parents or some cloth, as a screen, close them from the knees and higher, so that the "Princes" see only the inappropriate legs of the future "Princesses "

Now the boys need to wear her shoes as quickly as possible. It is necessary to be very attentive and remember that every girl came in what kind of socks had, what her feet, big or small. Girls should not suggest boys, interfere with them in their hard matter. After all, Cinderella in a fairy tale is a very modest, meek girl, that is different from her sisters.

When the work is completed, the master announces the time for which the team of boys coped with their task, and now offers girls to get out of the room. Teams are changing roles.

And the one, and the other team will make mistakes, i.e. they will wear someone else's shoes to be "Cinderella" and "Prince". And this means that the friendship won in this game, and the most important result is a fun mood and a ringing laughter!

Children's New Year game for the company "Guess how much?"

Next to the doll, you can put a transparent jar with nuts or caramels (in the wrapper). On the bank inscription: "Guess how much?". His answers written in a piece of paper, children should be lowered into the same box where they folded answers with the alleged doll name. The bank must be filled in at least two thirds. The more items - the less likelihood of a large number of identical answers.

The results of both competitions are summarized at the same time, at the end of the holiday. For the correct number of nuts or candies, the winner can get the whole bank. This contest can be announced at the beginning of the holiday or write on a bank. And if no one farts the exact number? Then you can call the winner of who pointed out the number closest to the correct one.

Children's New Year game for the company "What is hanging on the tree"

The presenter may come up with its own option:

- We will play an interesting game with the guys:

what is hanging on the tree, I will challenge the kids.

If I say, I'm sure, say "Yes!" in reply.

Well, if suddenly incorrectly, say boldly: "No!" Ready? Begin!

- Multicolored flappers?

- Blankets and pillows?

- clamshells and cribs?

- Marmalaka, chocolates?

- Glass balls?

- Wooden chairs?

- Teddy bears?

- Buvari and books?

- Multicolored beads?

- And the garlands are bright?

- Shoes and boots?

- Cups, forks, spoons?

- Candy shiny?

- Tigers real?

- Golden cones?

- Stars radiant?

I see you can decorate the Christmas tree. Do you know who Santa Claus? If you agree with me, say "true", and disagree - "incorrectly".

Children's New Year's game for the company "I go, I go, I am leading children"

These are catchpiles for the smallest. They can be played with children from 3 to 8 years.

Children become a chain for the lead. The presenter comes and pronounces the following words: "I go, I go, I am going to lead children, but as soon as I turn, immediately transfer everyone." Hearing the word "punishing", children run to a safe place called the "City". The city can be just a free space separated from the site by a lying ribbon or rope, or it can be chairs that children should have time to sit down. When children run away, the lead must catch them. If the children are small, 3-5 years old, the lead should pretend that he catches, but can't catch. Otherwise, the child can be very upset as a result of this game.

The game is good when the leader leads children from one room to another for a long time, for this several times repeating the first two lines. When the cherished word "transfer" will be uttered, children with a screech rushes through the entire apartment to the saving city. This fun game, emotional, delivers little children a lot of fun. Around in the catchy, the guys will be happy to take part in attractions competitions. Simple and cheerful game for two people is the competition.

Children's New Year's game for the company "I am the best fireman!"

Before starting the game, you need to distribute children to three objects of clothing that they must remember well. This clothing can be ridiculous to be funnier.

When all participants are coated in new costumes, they start to the music to walk around chairs, standing around, backs to the center. After the music silences, the "young firefighters" is removed from themselves one thing of clothing and put it on the nearest chair.

Music sounds again, and the "firefighters" movement continues until all three objects of clothing are removed, which, naturally, turn out to be on different chairs. This is where the most interesting thing begins.

Leading shouts: "Fire!", And "firefighters" begin to see their belongings to see and dress. It is clear that the most melted victory won.

Children's New Year game for the company "Claim"

The lead offers one of the guys to come forward, and the rest says that he is able to see special vision, which even turning away, he can find out that in his hands at the viewer. To confirm their words, he puts him two coins worth 5 rubles and 2 rubles to the left and right palm. "Now I will turn away," says the presenter, "and you turn the coins so that I don't know what kind of hand."

When the viewer does this, leading turns to him and asks him to triple the number of rubles in his right hand, then double the number of rubles in the left hand, then the obtained numbers are folded and called the amount. "Nineteen," says the audience. "The" five-core coin in his right hand, blessing - in the left. " The viewer confirms the correctness of the magician. How did he manage to find out? The answer is simple. If the number turned out to be even, then five rubles - in the left hand. And if it is odd, then in the right.

Children's New Year game for the company "Voice of Beasts"

It is guessing for the smallest, they gladly show how the bunny jumps, as a closing teddy bear walks and how "speak" different animals.

Santa Claus. In the woods in the tree in the new year

There is a cheerful dance.

Sit down tightly on bitch,

Shouts cock ...

Children. Ka-ka-re-ku!

Santa Claus. And every time in response to him

Mice cow ...

Children. Mu-y, mu-y, mu-y!

Santa Claus. To say the singers wanted "Bravo", but only a cat came out ...

Children. Meow!

Santa Claus. Do not disassemble in any way, the frogs are stolen ...

Children. Kva-kva-kva!

Santa Claus. And something whispers Snegyr

Funny pig ...

Children. Oink oink oink!

Santa Claus. And, smiling itself,

Delivered goats ...

Children. BE-BE-BE!

Santa Claus. And who is there on the bitch? Cuckoo shouting ...

Children. Ku-ku!

Children's New Year game for the company "Mysterious Prize"

The presenter gives the guys sitting at the table, squeezed sweeping and says that there is a prize inside. But only one who cope with the task hidden under the wrapper will be able to get it. Wishing takes off the wrapper and detects a riddle written on the leaflet and glued to the edges of the next wrapper. If the contestant knows a flaw, he utters it out loud.

With the right answer, he can remove the next wrap, but ... under it it turns out not a prize, but the next riddle. Gaying the riddle moves forward until his answers are correct. But if he does not know the right answer, then reads the riddle out loud.

The game continues the one who will give the correct answer. The more wrapper layers, the more interesting. The layers should be at least ten.

Children's New Year game for the company "Answer on the contrary"

This game is held at the end of the New Year holiday. The presenter passes in a circle and asks questions. Answer them can someone who he asks them is, and all the guys should help choir. Gradually (this is the responsibility of the lead) meet more and more guys. And the word "end" should already say the whole hall.

I will say the word "high",

And you answer - "Low".

I will say the word "far",

And you answer - "close".

I will tell you the word "full",

You will answer - "Hungry".

I will say "hot" I am

You will answer - "Cold".

I will tell you the word "lie",

You will answer me - "Stand".

I will later say "Father" to you,

You will answer me - "Mother".

I will tell you the word "dirty",

You will answer me - "clean."

I will say "slow" to you,

You will answer me - "fast."

I will tell you the word "coward",

You will answer - "Harvest."

Now "Start" I will say

You are responsible - "End".

Costume New Year's competition for children "polar kits"

The presenter refers to two teams: "Guys, a telegram is obtained that in the North Pole you need to urgently assist our expedition. We need to send to the north of two bold, and most importantly - enduring guys. "

When decent guys are chosen, the lead says: "Now we need to wear our envies so that they are not cold in the North Pole. After my team, "started!" Participants in 2-3 minutes must dress their future polar shoes in the most warm things. It is better to use only that clothes that we hope for the guys. As a result, two funny ribs are obtained, with which it is very fun to be photographed. You can reveal the winner, silent, what team managed to wear more "extra" clothes on his polarist.

Music New Year's game for children's company "Virtuosos"

Cognitive game, during which the guys will remember the names of some musical instruments and how they play. Virtuosos are, as you know, such musicians who reached the peaks in possession of their tool. They often know how to play several musical instruments. So our children will like them during the game.

The presenter asks one of the participants to enter the next room or turn away and clamp ears. After that, he tells the guys that now they will become an ensemble of virtuosos who will play on different tools. At first it will be a violin ensemble (the host shows in detail how they play on the violin, and the guys repeat his movements), then - the bayanist ensemble, then everyone will play on the piano, and at the end - on the pipe. The main thing is to closely monitor the lead and immediately repeat the movement. After that, the room is caused to the room, and "virtuosos" demonstrate to him their skills. His task - to guess, on which instruments guys played. This game requires some knowledge from the world of music, so it cannot be carried out with completely unprepared children. And if the guys have some knowledge, then in the game you can use less well-known musical instruments.

The game perfectly passes in the game intermission during the lecture. If the leading has the ability to prepare a good phonogram with the recording of the sound of these tools and include it during the game.

New Year's competition for children "in the company - on the task"

The game begins with the fact that children are dancing, jumping, run under the merry music. Suddenly the presenter gives the task: "Company ... - Boy and girl!" All children must quickly disperse in pairs. He who did not have time to find a partner leaves out of the game. The team of the leading "Task - without a company!" It means that everything is dancing again one by one.

New task: "The company ... - the odd number of man!", And children rush to perform a new task. The presenter can fantasize and invent more and more new conditions: "Companies from 2 boys and 3 girls!", "Companies of hair color", "Companies in two, three, four", etc. Outside the company is dropped. We defeat the most attentive and nonsense.

New Year's game for children "in the zoo seen"

This is a musical game where Grandfather Frost sees, and children answer:

- A huge hippopotam sleeps behind the gate.

- Here is a misunderstanding a quiet sleep guarded an old elephant.

- Seen, saw, saw in the zoo!

- Chernozhaya Cuckit - a wonderful bird!

- Angry-teeting gray wolf on the guys with teeth puck!

- Seen, saw, saw in the zoo!

- Suddenly the penguins above spruce and aspen.

- You confuse, confuse, grandfather, you confuse!

- Pony - small horses, to what funny pony!

- Seen, saw, saw in the zoo!

- The insatiable beast jackal from the wall to the wall of Chagall.

- Seen, saw, saw in the zoo!

- And the green crocodile is important in the field went.

- You confuse, confuse, grandfather, you confuse!

Children must answer correctly without having a rhythm.

New Year's game for children "win-win lottery"

In the header, there are papers with letters C, and, e, well mixed, and pull out the turn. C means a candle, e - Christmas tree, etc. Then the competition is carried out for each letter. For example, such ...

Draw on the theme of children. The master announces the name of the mother or dad, and colleagues should guess the name of the child. The whole focus is that a gift is not guessing, but just a parent "found" child.

Who will eat the banana faster. Four volunteer are invited. Their task is to clean and eat a banana without help. The task can be complicated by knitting them. This game other than hormones of joy is another positive moment. The leadership will be able to find out who is a born leader in the team, who is an excellent performer, and who is talent

In 15 minutes, come up with a new slogan company. Colleagues are divided into several teams. The one that, having met at a given time, is inventing something extraordinary. This competition may not only be a creative training. He may be useful and firm.

Energetic dance! "At several employees cling to the clothespins. During the incendiary dance, they need to throw off as much clinches as possible. Naturally, no help. Music is turned on, and here it starts Tako!

New Year's game for children "on a visit to the grandfather frost"

This is a game for kids. Santa Claus offers children to go to his forest hut. When the guys stand behind the grandfather "train", he leads them, saying and showing different movements that children must perform.

We took a friend together

Like horses rocked.

(Grandfather shows how horses will jump, high raising her knees, and children repeat.)

For each other we are -

The cold is not terrible to us!

And now howles we

Along the path went.

(Grandfather goes slowly, roll over from foot to foot, children repeat.)

We are walking

And not at all the tire -

Like trigger bunny

Both girls and boys!

(Everyone jumps like bunnies.)

Jump, pursuit,

On a fun holiday!

- That we came! - Announces Grandpa. - Dance, having fun from the soul!

(Sounds of funny music sounds, children jump, dancing.)

Santa Claus puts kids to the dance, himself in the middle. Sinks and shows the children movement:

Long holiday I was waiting for

Children chose a Christmas tree. (2 times)

(Looks from under the palm right and left.)

Like this look

Children chose a Christmas tree!

(Children sing the last two lines of each couplet and repeat the grandfather of the movement.)

Long holiday I was waiting for

I was looking for my boots. (2 times)

(Santa Claus, dancing, shows his boots.)

Like this look

I was looking for my boots!

Long holiday I was waiting for

Gauntlets put on. (2 times)

(Shows how he pulled mittens.)

Like this look

Mittens put on!

Long holiday I was waiting for

This fur coat tried. (2 times)

(Shows how I put on a fur coat.)

Like this look

Long holiday I was waiting for

Shawned with a fur hat ...

I waited a long holiday

And gifts collected ...

At the end of the game, Santa Claus with the guys is started into the dance.

New Year's game for children between dancing and during dancing

Music is a very important part of the holiday. Without well-chosen music and its clean playback, it is impossible to count on the fun atmosphere. Dynamic, mobile games require the same musical accompaniment. It can be children's songs, songs from cartoons, but better if it is instrumental music. It is not necessary that only children's music will sound at the orphanage. It can be music from movies, music performed by the orchestra of Russian folk instruments, pop music. The more melodies will accompany the holiday, the better.

The most important part of any holiday is dancing. In this sense, no exception and children's holiday. True, it happens that guys, although they want to dance, but shy. Therefore, there are all sorts of game, competitive "eyelbs" to the dance. Always, in all companies, stir clock and models helps the contest "Flexible dancer" - a very famous, but who did not make it. In general, the main rule of the holding of any holiday, as you know, is: "There are no bad contests, there are bad leaders." Prepare prizes: "The most emotional dancers", "Miss Grace", Mr. Charm, but you never know what nominations you can come up with! It is important that no one remains unnoticed.

New Year's game for schoolchildren "in the cosmonaut cockpit"

We know that the astronaut should be at hand. During flight to space, all sorts of objects may need, and you need to be able to quickly take them. Especially since the cosmonaut sometimes can not leave his chair. Cosmonaut Chair - Chair, Space Items - Cubes or Matchboxes. They are scattered on the floor at a distance of an elongated arm from astronauts. Task: Collect as many cubes as possible without getting out of the chair, without breaking away from him. Task execution time - 30 seconds. Baby and middle schoolchildren play this game. The collected boxes will be useful for the next simple and very exciting competition.

New Year's game for the company "I draw, I draw you"

You will need:

- sheets of pure paper;

- Shawls - by the number of participants;

- markers;

- Bottle of champagne.

The participants of the game tie their eyes and distribute sheets of paper and markers. Task: Draw, not looking, portrait of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. The participant wins, whose work will be recognized as the most successful. As a prize - a bottle of champagne.

Sports game for children's company "Hedgehog"

Thirty clothespins are attached to the rope of a long 1.5 m. It is held by two guys, lifting over her head. Two teams of children run up to the rope one by one, as in the relay. Remove one clothespin and rush to the "hedgehogs" sitting on the chairs. Adults can act as "hedge". Children really like to play with parents. Children have enough clothespins, run to parents and trailers to any place of clothing or hairstyle. That team wins, whose "Hedgehog" "is silent" better, who will have more needle-clothespins. It is very good to spend this relay on the open area, so that the distance to the "hedgehog" was more - about 10 m. Now there are many multicolored plastic clothespins. For this game, it is better to buy exactly such: "Hedgehogs" will get funny, it will be interesting to be photographed with them.

This game has a continuation: the lead offers children this time to collect clothespins and attach them again to the rope. Only now they can do it not one by one, but all together. Children look around the clothespins and hang on the rope. The team who coped with the task is first wins. A rare children's holiday costs without this fun relay.