An interesting intelligence test. Raven's IQ test. Brain Development Tests

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We have collected BEST FREE IQ TESTS . In the allotted time, answer all 40 questions and identify your weaknesses and strengths. Make intelligence your main ally to achieve your goals!

Choose any of the IQ tests below and get started. Good luck!

Looking for free texts on intelligence? You found them! Typically, the structure of each IQ test is a list of questions, including quite simple tasks and very complex ones. For example, the test subject is asked to cope with tasks that will help determine the quality of your spatial and logical thinking. We have prepared a whole series of tests for you. Choose any free IQ test (we don’t offer paid ones:) and start brainstorming! You can do it!

How world celebrities passed IQ tests

The name of

Field of activity



Abraham Lincoln

Head of State


IQ - 128

Adolf Gitler

Head of State

Republic of Germany

IQ - 141

Albert Einstein

Scientist in the field of exact sciences


IQ - 160

Andy Warhol

ART activist


IQ - 86

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Action movie hero

Republic of Austria

IQ - 135

Benedict Spinoza

Adept of Philosophy

Republic of Holland

IQ - 175

Benjamin Franklin

Political figure


IQ - 160

Bill Gates

Founder of Microsoft Corporation


IQ - 160

Bill Clinton

Head of State


IQ - 137

Blaze Pascal

Adept of Philosophy

Republic of France

IQ - 195

Bobby Fischer

Athlete chess player


IQ - 187

Buanarotti Michelangelo

Architectural genius

Republic of Italy

IQ - 180

Charles Darwin

Founder of the theory of evolution

Great Britain

IQ - 165

Charles Dickens

Literary figure

Great Britain

IQ - 180

David Hume

Adept of Philosophy

Great Britain

IQ - 180

Galileo Galilei

Scientist in the field of exact sciences

Republic of Italy

IQ - 185

George Frideric Handel

Musical genius

Republic of Germany

IQ - 170

George Sand

Literary figure

Republic of France

IQ - 150

George Bush

Head of State


IQ - 125

George Washington

Head of State


IQ - 118

Hans Christian Andersen

Literary figure, poet

Republic of Denmark

IQ - 145

Hilary Clinton

Political figure


IQ - 140

Imanuel Kant

Adept of Philosophy

Republic of Germany

IQ - 175

Isaac Newton

Scientist in the field of exact sciences

Great Britain

IQ - 190

Johann Sebastian Bach

Musical genius

Republic of Germany

IQ - 165

Johann Strauss

Musical genius

Republic of Germany

IQ - 170

John Kennedy

Head of State


IQ - 117

John Locke

Adept of Philosophy

Great Britain

IQ - 165

Joseph Haydn

Musical genius

Republic of Austria

IQ - 160

Kasparov Garry

Politician and chess player

Russian Federation

IQ - 190

Leonardo da Vinci

Brilliant personality

Republic of Italy

IQ - 220

Lord Byron

Literary figure

Great Britain

IQ - 180

Napoleon Bonaparte


Republic of France

IQ - 145

Ludwig van Beethoven

Musical genius

Republic of Germany

IQ - 165


Pop singer


IQ - 140

Miguel Cervantes

Literary figure

Spanish Republic

IQ - 155

Nicolaus Copernicus

Scientist in the field of exact sciences

Republic of Poland

IQ - 160

Nicole Kidman



IQ - 132


Adept of Philosophy

Republic of Greece

IQ - 170


Genius of sculpture

Republic of Italy

IQ - 170


Genius of sculpture


IQ - 155

Richard Wagner

Musical genius

Republic of Germany

IQ - 170


Pop singer


IQ - 140

Sharon Stone

film actress


IQ - 154

Sofia Kovalevskaya

Mathematician, literary figure

Russian Federation

IQ - 170

Stephen Hawking

Scientist in the field of exact sciences

Great Britain

IQ - 160

Wolfgham Amadeus Mozart

Musical genius

Republic of Austria

IQ - 165

What is this mysterious “IQ Test”?

All people are different. Therefore, it is not surprising when one person has a more developed level of intelligence compared to another. Each of us has a certain idea of ​​our capabilities. But how to measure them accurately? In this case, in most developed countries of the world, it is the IQ test, expressed in points, that comes to the rescue.

Translated from English, the abbreviation IQ means “intelligence quotient.” This indicator is a quantitative assessment of the level of intelligence of an individual in comparison with the same indicator belonging to the average person of the same age as the test subject. IQ can be determined by passing the tests presented above, which (as experts point out) may not evaluate the individual’s existing knowledge, but they do determine his thinking abilities. Our IQ tests are free chances to find out how developed your intelligence is!

The structure of each IQ test is a list of questions, which are both simpler and more difficult. The subject is asked to cope with tasks related to determining the quality of spatial and logical thinking in a person. There are very different variations of questions. As practice shows, the higher the experience in passing these tests, the better the results. The Eysenck test is the most famous among such IQ tests.

Scientists note that half of people have an IQ in the range of 90-110 points, the rest are either below 90 or above 110 (about 25% each). According to American researchers, the average score of this test among graduates of higher educational institutions is 105 points. For excellent students it is 130-140. It is believed that you need to work on improving your mental abilities when your IQ is below 70.

In recent years, IQ tests have gained incredible popularity among the entire population of the planet. They are used everywhere: when applying to universities and colleges, during job interviews, when passing driver's license exams, and so on. Russia also did not stand aside. The population of our country is entirely interested in knowing the level of their own intelligence, which is why many residents try to learn as much as possible about tests to determine intellectual abilities and are not averse to taking them. The big advantage of such intelligence tests is their accessibility. If you search the Internet for IQ tests, you will certainly find free ones. Moreover, not all of them will be correctly composed. The uniqueness of our site is that we give you the opportunity not just to take a free IQ test, but to try to pass a test compiled by an experienced specialist. That is, we have real IQ tests.

It is worth noting that the average IQ of the population of a particular country depends on the efficiency of the state machine and the level of gross domestic product. In addition, a study was conducted that found a relationship between the social intelligence factor and average results on the Unified State Exam (the foreign analogue of the SAT).

IQ tests: how they are constructed

There are other variations of questions. As practice shows, the more experience you have in passing these tests, the better the results. The most famous among such tasks is the Eysenck test. Good accuracy is demonstrated by tests bearing the names of their creators: D. Wexler, J. Raven, R. Amthauer and R. B. Cattell. At the same time, to date no one has yet introduced a single standard to which existing IQ tests would adhere.

All tests are divided into groups by age in order to give an accurate assessment of a person’s intellectual development, corresponding to his age. In other words, the results of IQ tests can be the same - for example, an 11-year-old child and a master's degree in mathematics. This is all because they are equally developed for their age. If we take the Eysenck test, the creator developed it to determine the level of intelligence in people over 18 years of age.

History of IQ and what influences it

Back in 1912, the German scientist Wilhelm Stern introduced the then unusual concept of “intelligence quotient” to the general public for the first time. While conducting his research, he turned his attention to the shortcomings inherent in one of the indicators of the Binet scales, namely mental age. To determine an accurate assessment of an individual's intelligence, Stern proposed dividing mental age indicators by real age (also called chronological), and taking the remainder of this operation.

The first appearance of the term IQ dates back to 1916, when it was used in the Stanford-Binet scale. But today (perhaps due to the greatly increased interest among the population in IQ indicators) there are several other scales, the validity of which has not been proven. Therefore, it is now quite difficult to compare the results shown by different tests. Therefore, psychologists often recommend turning to classical tests to determine the IQ. These are the tests we have selected for you.

Reasons affecting IQ

Naturally, one of the main reasons that has a serious impact on IQ levels is heredity. The main emphasis in the ongoing research on determining the relationship between these two indicators was on children. The results of these studies resulted in quite a wide range of readings: some scientists stated that IQ depends on the existing genes by less than half; and others even cited data reporting almost one hundred percent dependence. The rest that could affect the results of IQ tests is the environment and situation, as well as all sorts of errors inherent in such measurements. That is, according to such studies, it turns out that the level of IQ largely depends on hereditary genes.

Another reason that influences IQ scores is individual genes (the brain activity of an ordinary person depends on approximately 17 thousand genes). Research shows that individual genes influence an individual's existing IQ level, but in fact their influence does not have a strong effect. This dependence, revealed during the research, turned out to be at the level of statistical error.

Currently, research has begun to look for differences in the genome in people with high and low IQ levels. If someone manages to figure out the genetic causes of “braininess,” then perhaps there will be a means to increase a person’s IQ level. States with such knowledge will quickly move forward in terms of economic and technological development.

The third reason that can affect IQ level is the environment. Of course, everything that is around a person (especially the family) influences his development. Research has identified many factors for this dependence. They included family income, the size of the house and its price, the developing relationships between all family members, and so on. This dependence is characterized by a coefficient equal to 0.25-0.35. But as a person grows older, this influence gradually decreases until it reaches zero around adulthood (these studies concerned only a full family with two parents and two children).

Improper nutrition can also affect the level of IQ development. Thus, recent studies have shown that eating fish products by a pregnant woman has a beneficial effect on the intellectual development of her unborn child.
Another study, involving about 13 thousand people, determined that breastfeeding also has a positive effect on the infant's intelligence. However, it should be noted that immediately after the publication of this study it was criticized. The reasons for the scientific “attack” were an incorrect analysis of the data obtained and a complete disregard for existing theories.

Differences in IQ across human groups

According to most experts, on average, there is no significant difference in the level of intelligence development between men and women belonging to the same age group. But it is among the male population that the most striking dispersion in this indicator is observed: that is, there are a lot of men with a high level of intelligence and also a lot of those whose IQ is quite low. In addition, this indicator is expressed slightly differently in women and men. This is especially noticeable after five years. At this age, boys begin to show superiority over the fair half of humanity in terms of spatial intelligence and manipulation. Girls demonstrate better verbal functions.
Men are also gaining leadership in the area of ​​mathematical abilities. One of the American researchers came to the conclusion that for every 13 men who have excellent abilities in mathematical operations, there is only one woman equal to them.

Racial differences

Numerous studies have been conducted to identify differences in the average IQ level among residents of the United States of America and have led to the following conclusion: among representatives of the African-American population this indicator was 85 points, among Latinos - 89, whites - 103, Asians - 106, and Jewish - 113.

At the same time, the average IQ level, if we consider data from tests half a century ago, shows some changes. So, today the IQ of the Negroid race in 1995 corresponds to the IQ of white people who lived in 1945. Therefore, it seems impossible to “blame” everything on the genetic characteristics of people.

One should not ignore such an important factor as the influence of society on the development of intelligence. This is especially noticeable in orphans. For example, in the same USA, the IQ level of children raised by representatives of the white race is approximately 10% higher than that of those who lived in a black family. And in the UK, this indicator varies even more interestingly: in boarding schools, black children have a higher IQ than their white peers.

During the research, scientists discovered a pattern in the existing difference in the average IQ level between residents of different countries. According to certain data, this indicator is influenced by the current size of GDP, the practical use of democratic principles, crime and birth rates of the population, and the percentage ratio between believers and atheists. In developing countries, in addition to the above reasons, the average IQ level and poor quality nutrition, coupled with numerous diseases, also have an impact. In this regard, we ask you to familiarize yourself with this interesting map...

Relationship between health, age and IQ

A properly composed diet, especially in the early stages of human development, has a beneficial effect on the development of intellectual abilities. An example is the factor of iodine deficiency in the body: if it is present, the average IQ score decreases by 12 points. Those who have a fairly high IQ live longer and get sick less often.

IQ acts as a measure of a person's intellectual abilities, which reach maximum values ​​at 26 years of age. Then they gradually decrease.

The IQ of an adult, to a greater extent than that of children, is determined by genetic inheritance. For the latter, this indicator is influenced by the environment. Some children, due to certain life characteristics, are initially ahead of their peers in terms of intelligence, but over time their indicators level out.
School achievements

Representatives of the American Psychological Association noted that children whose results on IQ tests are high are much better at mastering the material presented in school than those who receive lower scores. This correlation reaches 0.5. Tests to determine the level of intelligence make it possible to pre-select naturally gifted children in order to teach them in a separate, accelerated program.

Revenues, scrime and IQ

Some of the research devoted to the influence of IQ level on a person’s life shows that higher intelligence increases the productivity of an individual and, accordingly, his income increases. Moreover, this indicator does not depend on a person’s social environment, including his family.

The American Psychological Association noted in one of its reports that intelligence level has little to do with a person’s propensity to commit crimes. The correlation in this case is only 0.2. It is important to note here that cause-and-effect relationships are indirect. That is, poor performance at school is not always explained by a low IQ level, but it often influences the possibility of a person becoming criminal.

Arthur Jensen provides information according to which the largest percentage of crimes occurs among people with an IQ ranging from 70 to 90 points.

Scientific achievements, etc.ore activity

According to some studies, it can be concluded that success in the scientific field is largely dependent on character traits such as determination and innovative thinking. But Dr. Eysenck cites other data according to which the level of intelligence of successful scientists is lower than that of their colleagues who received the Nobel Prize. The average IQ test scores were 166. At the same time, some scientists demonstrated the highest possible level of 177 points. Spatial IQ was, according to the scientist, 137 points, although at a younger age it should have been higher. And the average mathematical IQ is 154.

Two scientists, Frank Schmidt and John Hunter, came to the conclusion that, given an equal amount of experience, the person with the higher IQ level will be more productive. As researchers note, the development of intelligence affects all types of human activity, but its level differs depending on the chosen field of activity. From this we can conclude that work that requires long-term brain work will not be available to those with a low IQ. And at the same time, the size of this coefficient will not seriously affect activities related to physical activity.

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Each person is individual not only in the type of appearance, but also in the level of mental development. Typically, intelligence is developed in a child, and a number of factors influence how smart and erudite he will be - heredity, individual characteristics of the body, temperament, family relationships. To find out how intellectually developed you are, take a simple test online.

Brain Development Tests

Do you think that you have sufficient mental development, do you read a lot and always like to learn something new? This means that you have the right to call yourself a comprehensively developed person, but is this really so? To determine this, it is not necessary to contact a specialist. You can check how well your brain works by taking a simple online test.

General development test

Some people who think they have sufficient intellectual development exaggerate their abilities. Special tests developed by professionals to assess the level of intelligence will help determine the brain’s ability to perceive and retain information well.

Want to determine your IQ? We bring to your attention an interesting test that will help anyone who wants to analyze their IQ level. You not only have to answer questions, but also think, compare and draw conclusions. It will be very interesting and useful!

Do you remember the spelling rules you were taught at school? Are you really sure that you write correctly and do not make basic mistakes? Test your level of Russian language knowledge with a short test that contains questions from the standard school curriculum.

Sometimes adults cannot correctly answer basic questions and riddles that any competent student can solve. Do you think that you have a sufficient level of knowledge to call yourself an erudite person? You can check this right now using a test. Good luck!

Intelligence tests have become an important part of modern life. Everyone goes through them periodically, wanting to learn as much as possible about themselves and their intellectual capabilities. Employers are interested in their results, offering available vacancies to certain applicants who meet the necessary requirements. Each online intelligence test allows you to reveal those facets of character and knowledge that until now remained “behind the scenes”, but after successful testing a person begins to use his hitherto hidden potential.

Online intelligence tests are also convenient because you don’t have to wait long for results (let alone pay for them). You can always estimate in advance the time that will be spent on testing, and also choose exactly those tests that will be useful at this particular moment.

As for the term “intelligence test” itself, it was first used in 1911 by Austrian psychologists, and much later the prefix “online” was added to it. The modern business world (especially in Europe and America) widely uses such “intellectual testing” in most psychological examinations. A series of online tests have already been developed for students of schools, universities and colleges, with the help of which teachers determine the mental and intellectual development of younger generations. Even preschool institutions can no longer imagine their activities without development tests. The first such tests for children were created by a psychologist from France A. Binet.

Each IQ test must meet certain criteria. Among them, time plays a special role: for each level a person is given a certain time limit, which absolutely cannot be exceeded. This allows us to more adequately evaluate the results obtained. Most of the online intelligence tests consist of arithmetic problems and examples, where you either need to create a whole figure from disparate elements, or choose the missing (extra) object using logical thinking and associative series. Such a variety of tasks allows you to assess the level of human development from all sides, giving a more complete picture.

Intelligence tests - intelligence tests are designed to measure the level of intellectual development of a person. Intelligence is more often understood as a set of cognitive abilities. Intelligence tests consist of several subtests aimed at measuring intellectual functions (logical thinking, semantic and associative memory, etc.). The level of intelligence is not a constant value and changes under the influence of the environment; it reflects both previous and subsequent achievements in learning. Intelligence is not a single and monotonous ability; it consists of several functions. This term usually refers to a set of abilities necessary for survival and achievement in a particular culture.

It is not for nothing that a clear head and good memory are considered signs of youth, because they speak of the cleanliness of blood vessels and the well-coordinated functioning of the nervous system. You can calculate for yourself how effective our brain is at remembering this or that information. To do this, do several exercises that the German psychologist F. Leser suggested using.

Try to memorize text in which there is no logical connection between words. You are given 40 seconds to remember 20 words, each of which is written under its own serial number. After 40 seconds, you need to reproduce the words that you remember. Moreover, only words with the specified serial numbers will be considered correct.

A. A deaf and mute man came to the store to buy a toothbrush. With gestures he imitates brushing his teeth. The seller turned out to be smart and understood what exactly the buyer needed. The blind man came in next to get glasses.
Question. How can he tell the seller what he needs?

Verbal test

This test will help determine the level of your verbal intelligence, i.e. your literacy, intelligence and erudition.

Every person, sooner or later, has thought about how smart he is. No matter how strange it may sound, the grades given to us at school and university may not always be an accurate indicator of intelligence. You can find out how smart and quick-witted you are using a special intelligence test. One of the popular questionnaires at the moment is the Raven IQ test.

How and when did the test appear?

The Raven IQ Test is a technique developed in 1936. John Raven with Roger Penrose, also known as the Progressive Matrix Scale for assessing intelligence quotient and level of mental ability, as well as logical thinking. This technique can assess the mental development of anyone aged 14 to 65 years.

The questionnaire was created in accordance with the traditions of the English school of studying intelligence, according to which the most effective way to measure intelligence was tasks of comparing abstract figures.

In total, psychologists have created several versions of the test:

  • "Standard Progressive Matrices" (1938);
  • "Colored Progressive Matrices" (1947);
  • "Advanced Progressive Matrices" (1941).

It is noteworthy that the first version was designed for all ages: from the smallest children to the elderly.

John Raven - creator of the test

John Raven was born in 1902 in Great Britain. He became acquainted with psychology at King's College London in 1928, then began working as an assistant to Penrose, who conducted research in the field of mental defects. Fascinated by this area, Raven tested children and adults in different places: at home, in schools, at work, using the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale. And yet, Raven considered this test not very successful and the result was the Progressive Matrices questionnaire, which he created together with Penrose.

Raven was an outstanding teacher, his theories had a significant influence on the formation of the scientific worldview of many students.

How to take the test

The final version of the Raven IQ test, now widely known, is suitable for determining the level of intelligence of people of various professions and social status from 14 to 65 years old and regardless of gender.

The questionnaire consists of 60 tasks, each of which requires you to match the missing fragment to a picture. The drawing, as a rule, contains various symbols or geometric shapes.

The tasks in the method are arranged in order of increasing complexity. The shapes or drawings stand in a certain pattern that you must determine. Having identified it, you can find the missing fragment of the picture.

Please note that each task has only one correct solution. You are given 20 minutes to complete the test.

During the process, be extremely careful and take your time before giving an answer. Let yourself think. Move sequentially from task to task, follow the order of tasks and do not skip them, otherwise it will be considered an incorrect answer. If you still failed to logically understand the sequence and find the correct element, you can try to guess which of the images could fit in the empty space.

Test results

As a result of passing the Raven test, you will be able to find out the level of your intellectual development in points and get acquainted with recommendations for improving your abilities.

Take the test now

You can quickly and conveniently on our website. You will also have the opportunity to not only reveal your mental development, but also save the result so that you can take the test again later.

Since the Raven questionnaire can be taken from the age of 14, there is a separate one for children on our website. It is perfect for children and teenagers from 7 to 16 years old.