How to sew a beautiful doll with your own hands patterns. How to sew a doll with your own hands: patterns, master class. How to sew a beautiful fabric doll: instructions for beginners

Many women are fond of making toys with their own hands, but there are those who just felt the need for self-expression and are wondering - how to make a doll? It is made from any material - yarn, fabric, felt, stocking, plastic, all kinds of modeling masses. Dolls can serve not only as a toy for a baby, but also sit on a shelf, decorating the interior. Made by hand, they carry a positive attitude that charges any person who is not indifferent to art with a positive attitude.

How to make a motanka doll from threads: step by step instructions

For modern people, a doll is a toy, but the ancient Slavs had a completely different attitude to this subject. Motanki for them served as a powerful amulet against adversity, and they made them with their own hands for a specific purpose or to get rid of a specific problem. Such functions of the doll left their mark on her appearance. Amulets were identified with the images of female deities, because the dolls of our ancestors did not have a face. It was believed that together with the face they acquire a soul, therefore they could be used to induce damage or other witchcraft rituals.

Only a woman was trusted to make motanki, men were not even allowed to observe the process, to touch the source materials. The quality of the work of the creator of the doll was reflected in the whole family, therefore, before work, the woman tuned in, read conspiracies. The doll amulet is wound, that is, needles and scissors are not used in the work. However, the outfit for her was allowed to be embroidered in advance, decorated with lace, beads, and performed in the best traditions of needlework.

In the manufacture of motanka, only natural fabrics, dry herbs, flowers, grains, corn cobs are used, and, if possible, handmade fabric. It does not use knots, since the ancient Slavs were afraid to tie their fate, and piercing objects could offend the motanka. The fabric was only torn by hand. When winding the doll, women shook their fate, forming images, plans, ideas. This was done during the manufacture of the head, the carrier of the energy of the idea, where only the correct mental images should be born.

The fabric is wound like a thread along the Sun so that the energy can develop and grow. The more twisted the thread, the more energetic the amulet was. If you started making a motanka, you must definitely finish it in order to avoid all kinds of troubles - our ancestors believed in this. Remember also that on Sunday and Friday the amulet should not be done.

Necessary materials

How to make a motanka? Below we give a master class for creating a doll “To health”. It is made exclusively with the help of linen threads, since this material is environmentally friendly, it takes diseases on itself, thereby helping to get rid of ailments. You need to do it in a state of peace, goodness, without haste, fuss, concentrating on a sick person. It is not necessary to decorate the doll, and when the disease goes away, the amulet is burned. At the time when you braid the motanka braid and pass it on to the patient, repeat the phrase "to health." To make a doll, you will need:

  • red threads;
  • linen threads;
  • cardboard rectangle for winding;
  • scissors.

Stages of creation

  • Step one - to make a doll, we wind a linen thread on a piece of cardboard three times without breaking it. For the body we make a thicker winding, for the hands and braids - twice as thin.
  • Cut on one side of the winding.

  • We knit a knot at the end for the braid, weave a pigtail for the hands and tie it at the ends.
  • We take a red thread 1 m long, we designate the neck with it, without tearing it off.

  • We put a blank for a braid in the head. So that the strands do not get confused, we tie the top of the head with linen thread.
  • We tie a knot on the head, weave a braid.

  • We bind the pigtail of the hands cross-to-cross, we designate the waist.
  • We make a headband, a belt.

Master class on creating a Voodoo doll at home

Africa is considered the birthplace of the ancient religious system of Voodoo, from where it spread throughout the world. The doll, which is often used in religion, after a special ceremony personifies a certain person, establishing a connection with him. In our master class, we will learn how to make this toy as a fun souvenir that you can present to your friends on Halloween.

Necessary materials

To make a Voodoo doll that does not carry magical properties, you will need:

  • cardboard box;
  • pattern;
  • dense coarse calico;
  • holofiber or cotton wool;
  • thread, needle, scissors;
  • two buttons for the eyes;
  • a sheet of kraft cardboard or paper;
  • sisal;
  • simple pencil, thin black marker, black watercolor pencil, oil white marker;
  • ink pad, black foam;
  • coffee for tinting, glue, sewing pins.

Stages of creation

  • We make a pattern of the outlines of the doll on cardboard.
  • To make a doll, we impose a pattern on a piece of calico folded in half, circle it with a pencil.

  • We sew both layers of fabric along the contour, leaving a small segment unsewn.
  • We cut off the excess fabric, departing from the edge by 2 mm.

  • We turn the doll inside out, stuff it.
  • Sew up the stuffing hole with blind stitches.

  • We make coffee, paint the fabric with a brush. Leave until completely dry.
  • Cut out a square of craft cardboard a little smaller than the box.

  • Draw a drawing on cardboard with a pencil.
  • We outline the shadows with a watercolor pencil.

  • Outline the drawing with a marker.
  • We place accents with a white marker, pastel pencil, so that the drawing looks more beautiful.

  • To highlight the contours of the cardboard, we tint it with a piece of foam rubber and a black ink pad.

  • Drawing with glue to the box.
  • We put sisal at the bottom of the box.

  • We embroider a mouth on the head, make decorative stitches on the body, sew buttons on the eyes.
  • We put Voodoo in a box on sisal, stick a few pins.

Do-it-yourself Tilda doll from fabric

The creative world of Tilda dolls is very exciting; for decades it has been inspiring handmade craftswomen to create beautiful toys and interior items. Angels, cats, hares, fairies, snails, bathers settle in our homes and become a great gift for any occasion.

Pattern and necessary materials

To make a toy with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • holofiber;
  • beige fabric for the body, colored fabric for clothes:
  • needle, thread, scissors;
  • ribbons for ties on doll clothes;
  • wool for felting;
  • pattern;

  • acrylic paint.

Stages of creation

  • To make a doll, cut out the details, stitch along the contour, cut out.
  • Fill with holofiber.

  • Sew on legs and arms.
  • We build the yoke of the dress, for which we measure the length of this part from the neck down along the body, the girth of the body at the bottom of the yoke. Do not forget to leave allowances on each edge. On the back we make an incision so that the head crawls through.

  • To make a frill on a yoke, cut off a long strip of fabric, sew, tighten the threads to make an assembly.
  • We sew a jabot, try on.

  • To make a shuttlecock, we cut off a long strip of matter, while the fabric should be folded in half.
  • We apply the expanded yoke to the fabric face to face, sew along the neckline.

  • We cut off the excess fabric along the contour of the neck, iron it. On the back of the dress we make ties with a satin ribbon.
  • On the front side, we lay a line along the contour of the neck.

  • We give a line along the bottom of the dress, tighten the thread, forming a frill. We tighten so that it is enough for the width of the coquette.

  • We build a sleeve and cut out two parts.

  • We attach the sleeves to the yoke.
  • Sew the bottom of the dress to the yoke.

  • The unfinished sides of the dress need to be sewn up.
  • To make the undershirt, we cut it out of another fabric and sew it.

  • We make hair from wool, draw eyes with acrylic paint, dress the doll.​

Video tutorial on making a doll from nylon tights

A stocking doll is one of many varieties of rag toys. It is made using a technique called sculptural textiles. More toys made with a stocking or nylon socks can be framed and frameless, garden, interior, small and large. With the help of synthetic winterizer and nylon, in half an hour, following the instructions in the video, you can create a funny, small baby doll. You can use such a cute baby in pink overalls as a keychain, a Christmas tree toy or hang a doll in your house so that she gives you joy.

Photo collection of handmade dolls

Making dolls is an art, but also a craft that practice and a great desire will help you master. Such an object carries a powerful positive energy. The hobby of making toys has gained great popularity, the hearts of many needlewomen - they are sewn, knitted, sculpted. What kind of improvised materials are not used! Be inspired by examples of handmade craftsmanship and create your own unique masterpiece. Learn how to make original clothes for them.

Each master has his own techniques, patterns and his own peculiarities of sewing an interior doll. In this master class, we will try to tell in great detail how this is usually done. The material is suitable even for beginners with no experience. So let's get started.

MK interior doll from A to Z

What we need:

Sewing machine.
Knitwear for the body, interlining, cotton, jersey for clothes.
Shoes for a doll, a hat for a doll, hair tresses.
Threads are white and beige, needles.
Filler - synthetic winterizer and synthetic winterizer. You can only sintepon, if you do not find sintepuh.
Large (long) needle for sewing on arms and legs.
Glue is transparent.
Invisibility needles or safety pins.

So, the first and most important thing is the pattern. Print on A4 and cut out.

For sewing the torso, you will need knitwear. You can purchase special doll knitwear, which almost does not stretch. It is most often found under the name "White Angel". You can get plain knitwear from a fabric store. In order for it not to stretch too much, glue it with interlining. We glue the fabric from the inside, except for the place where the head will be. We fold and cut off facing each other, outline the pattern, sew. Details are not completely stitched together. There are places for eversion and a place where the ball for the head is inserted.

We cut out the body parts with zigzag scissors. If you don’t have these, then we cut them out with ordinary ones and be sure to make small notches at the folds, for example, on the neck. We just take this cut edge and carefully, not reaching the seam of a couple of millimeters, we cut it.

After we have flashed all the details, we need to modify the legs. We take the leg, fold it around the foot, seam to seam and draw a rounded line.

We sew along this line. Cut out. Here's what we should get.

We turn out the details with a wooden stick.

Let's get to the head. We need a foam ball 8 cm in diameter. We cut out a circle from the padding polyester, such that it completely covers the ball, if it is wrapped.

We wrap the ball and put it in the head through the space that is not sewn on top.

If you do not want to make a nose for your doll, then you can skip the next step. For the spout, we need a safety pin with a bead at the end, a piece of padding polyester, thread and glue. So, let's take a pin. Apply glue to the tip of the plastic bead. Wrap with a strip of synthetic winterizer. Then we fold this roll on a bead in half. We tie a thread around the base of this ball.

Necessary strip of synthetic winterizer.

A roll wrapped around an invisibility.

We folded this roll in half and wrapped it at the base with a thread.

We outline on the face with an invisibility where we will have a nose.

Gently move the fabric aside and at the place where the needle enters the ball, insert our nose, and remove the invisibility.

Sew up the top of the head.

Now the most responsible and difficult moment is the neck. For the neck you will need a wooden stick. Cut off Chinese chopsticks and sharpen the end. You can use wooden skewers, but they are more brittle. You will also need a strip of synthetic winterizer and glue.

We cut a strip of synthetic winterizer in a width equal to the length of the stick before sharpening, and the length is such that when rolled up, the neck coverage is approximately. Lubricate the stick with glue and, starting from the end, roll up the padding polyester with a roll around the stick - like a carpet.

Carefully insert this roller into the body through the lower unsewn hole and prick the ball in the head on the tip of the stick. For a beginner, it can be difficult to immediately make a beautiful neck. With experience it gets better and better.

We stuff the torso with sintepuh. Gently, in small pieces. We help ourselves with a wooden stick. If you do not have synthetic down, then you can use a synthetic winterizer, tearing and fluffing it into small pieces. We stuff tightly.

Stuff the neck first with a stick. We try to align everything so that there are no bumps.

After the neck turned out to be even and neat, you can already stuff the body without a stick, with your hands. A very important point! The stuffing should be very dense, tight. This is necessary in order for our doll to stand later. This applies to the torso, and arms, and legs. Don't rush, use small pieces. Large pieces give the so-called cellulite - not a smooth surface of the doll.

We sew the bottom.

We fill the arms and legs in the same way. There is no way to do without a wand. Tip: put your feet in boots first, and then stuff them. You can do this again with a stick. We put it in the leg and put it in the boot. And then we stuff. This will help the foot not deform during stuffing and take the shape of the shoe. Sew up the openings of the arms and legs.

Let's get to the clothes. Cut out pantaloons. We take fabric. Lay facing each other. We draw our pattern on the fabric. Sew top and bottom. And then sew the top side seams.

We unfold and sew the bottom seams so that we get panties.

We twist and put on the legs through the top.

Insert the body between the legs. We fix with safety pins, and better, if any, with long needles. And we sew by button fastening the legs to the body.

That is, you insert the needle into one leg and stitch it through the torso to the other leg. At the same time, sew on each side through the buttons.

We put on pants. We collect them from behind and sew them to the calf. If they turned out to be too wide on the leg, then they can be picked up on a thread and sewn to the legs.

We sew a dress. It will consist separately of the top, skirt and sleeves. We sew the upper part. To do this, we need to measure the girth of the torso in the waist area and the height of this upper part.

The girth turned out to be 21 cm, and the height is 7.5 cm. For the allowance, add 0.5 cm in width and 2 cm in height.

So, we need to cut out a rectangle 21.5x9.5 cm. And hem it on a typewriter on both sides in width.

Then we make grooves on both sides. To do this, we apply our cut to the body, wrap it around and outline for ourselves the fold of the fabric. You can first draw a line and sweep it by hand. Sew one side. We do not sew to the end, since along the bottom we have the length that we need. And it doesn't need to be reduced.

We apply again to the body and in the same way outline the excess on the second side, which must be removed into the tuck. We are sewing. We apply to the body, fasten with pins and carefully sew the two halves at the back. The top part looks like this:

We sew a skirt. Everything is simple here. From the waist, measure the length of the skirt you need. Please note that if the skirt is fluffy, then it will look shorter. We cut out a rectangle equal in width to your skirt length + 2 cm for allowances, and as long as you want. The more, the more magnificent. For this doll, I made a length of 45 cm. If one piece of fabric is missing, then two can be sewn. So, cut out, hemmed the edges, and then sewed it into one circle. Gathered with a thread along the length and tightened on the belt. Then they sewed it straight to the calf.

This is a petticoat. Skirt top, pleats. The technology is the same. Sewn on by hand.

Down you can put on a tulle skirt for pomp. On the belt in order to hide the seam, you can glue or sew on braid or lace.

Knitted jacket, but you can use both cotton and jeans. In this example, jersey and cotton as lining fabric. We cut the fabric facing each other. We draw a pattern. We do not stretch to the end. We turn it through the hole and sew it by hand.

We attach our jacket to the doll and fix it with pins. Sew it in the center. Decorate with a button or something else. You can not sew, then it will not be buttoned on the doll.

On a small rectangular piece of knitwear, we sew the bottom. We chip off the face and draw the sleeves. We attach the handles to the fabric and outline where the sleeve should go.

Sew, twist and put on hands.

We sew the arms in the same way as the legs, using a button mount.

The last step is hair. Hair can be made from artificial wefts or from natural sheep curls. You can also use yarn or wool for felting. How to make hair from tresses?

We need wefts, transparent glue, or a needle and thread, safety pins, a comb.

There are two options. The first is to glue the wefts with glue, the second is to sew with threads. For beginners, the second option is easier. It is easier. And here's how to glue the wefts.

Draw a line around the head with a simple pencil. Squeeze out a small layer of glue along this line.

We apply the base of the wefts to this layer and fix it with pins. The pins are only needed for a few seconds for the glue to set. When we glue the second row, then we already pull out the pins from the first.

In the same way, the third row, etc. Until the tress is over.

You can sew the wefts with threads to the head in the same way in a spiral. It's a little longer, but your hands will be clean from glue :) Or buy a wig, it is put on the head and easily sewn along the edge.

We draw eyes with acrylic paint and blush the cheeks with ordinary blush or pastel.

We put on a hat, decorate it to your taste (a bear, or a handbag, or something else), and voila! The doll is ready :)

Girls at all times love to play with dolls most of all, and their mothers have no choice but to learn how to do it. do-it-yourself dolls made of fabric to give your child a little piece of a fairy tale. The difference between the dolls that you make yourself and those plastic products sold in the store is that homemade products are endowed with individuality, you yourself can choose a theme for them, choose the right image so that the toy becomes an indispensable companion for children's games. However, no less often there are also, whose main task is to decorate the space around them. They are sewn not only for children, but even for adults, as a wonderful gift from childhood.

Make a doll with your own hands from fabric

To make a doll with your own hands from fabric, you, in fact, do not need so much - this is the right pattern that will create the contours of the doll body, this is a fabric that is suitable in texture and shade, as well as a filler, by adjusting the amount of which, we can achieve either the stability of the body, or, conversely, its pleasant softness and plasticity. The rest of the details will be auxiliary: woolen threads for hair, threads for embroidering facial features or paints for the same purpose, as well as numerous pieces of different fabrics for creating clothes.

Creating a fabric girl is a whole art that has been around for many thousands of years, because at all times babies love to play mother-daughters with them, this is an integral part of growing up and shaping a future woman. When we grow up, the love for these toys does not seem to go away with us, but is transformed into a desire to provide our children with the most beautiful dolls that are possible. And, since it is a very beautiful and atmospheric thing, their own fashion trends and their own legislators of this very fashion began to appear in this craft.

The fashion pillars of modern decor include Tild dolls, which have already conquered the whole world. They are in the homes of people in various countries, and their sewing allows you to get a fashionable and very beautiful decor with your own hands, since Tild patterns and patterns are sold or placed everywhere for free. It is very difficult to describe what exactly is such an incredible attractiveness of Tild, these are toys with a stunningly kind appearance, they seem to personify home comfort. Among them there are also recognizable images, such as the one in which the girl's pattern is complemented by wings and a halo above her head, but the most popular are simple girls who have small wings behind their backs. They are all sewn from thin flesh-colored fabric (in hobby centers you can easily buy everything you need for work), and special attention is paid to clothes, hairstyles, as they always look like miniature copies of real things.

We can say that Tilda is the ideal option for those who are looking for lessons on creating do-it-yourself fabric dolls in stages, because the toy is very popular and there are simply plenty of master classes with photos, diagrams, videos. In the picture you can see the most common pattern options, as well as a diagram for assembling the finished toy. They are usually cut from two types of fabric, the corporal thin fabric is used to create arms, legs and a head, and the body, which, according to the canons of Tild, remains closed by clothes, is made of another material, denser and softer, natural cotton or similar options are suitable. The arms and legs are sewn together and stuffed with filler through the seams that are not sewn to the end, which are then closed. But creating a frame is only the very first and simplest stage of the process,. Special attention should be paid to embroidering hair and creating hairstyles, as well as sewing clothes and accessories. However, after successfully completing your first such toy, you will probably want to repeat this creative process again and again.

Maybe it was the popularity of Tild, which thundered so a few years ago, that contributed to the fact that the needlewomen forgot about it and rushed into the creative search for the perfect doll. Therefore, modern fashion trends are inspired and developed by specific people, now their patterns and ideas are repeated by thousands of admirers. We will show you the two most popular varieties of fashion do-it-yourself dolls from fabric, master class which you can easily find: these are Snowballs and pumpkin heads.

Pumpkinheads are called unique do-it-yourself dolls from fabric, photo which you see above. Their body proportions are quite ordinary, but the head is made using a special technology - several sectors are sewn together, which makes it look like a pumpkin, hence the name. It is the head that can be called the main detail for the whole craft, so maximum attention is paid to it. Unlike Tild, for whom face painting is very symbolic, it is not given much attention, for pumpkin heads it is important that the face not only has large, beautiful features, but also expresses the given emotions. They draw a face with a thin brush, acrylic paints, literally endowing their creation with history, character, habits. The remaining parts of the body of the pumpkin head are made according to the puppet standard, complemented by clothes, shoes, and accessories.

No less beautiful are the Snowballs, which are also the author's toy, which everyone has been repeating with rapture for several years. Even in the photo you can see how Snowballs differ from others - they are wide, well-stuffed legs that make the figure stable, while the faces are not just schematically made, they are generally practically clean, with small dots instead of eyes and an obligatory blush on the cheeks. Many people do it in the style of Snowballs when toys are intended for New Year's compositions, decorating shelves and coffee tables.

DIY fabric doll for beginners

The beauty of many varieties of children's toys allows them to compete with the most expensive ones, but if you remember that children's play should be the original goal, then the simplest varieties will come in handy. No wonder do-it-yourself cloth doll for beginners in many ways it will be so similar to those dolls that our great-grandmothers had the opportunity to play with.

But before we talk about the so-called primitives or attic dolls, let's look at another variety, which can also be classified as simple. However, another reason was the fact that this is a toy, and not an interior decoration, and the toy is useful, developing. We are talking about the so-called Waldorf doll, which is used in educational gardens and schools working on the Waldorf technique. Such a doll for a child will become an ideal companion for games, because the proportions of her body will ideally repeat real human proportions, both for adults and for doll children. Therefore, for sewing Waldorf toys, you need to correctly adhere to the proportions, make the puppet body itself correct and beautiful. The second aspect of the toy is a schematic representation of the face, it is believed that the child himself will endow his toy with a character, he himself will “think out” and imagine, without any imposed stereotypes. That is why we can say that sewing just such a doll is both an exciting creative process and an important point in the pedagogical program. And if you already know how to make fabric, then you will certainly be able to do such a product, especially since this is really a very useful thing for the development of a child.

For beginners who do not have experience with complex patterns and specific materials, the so-called primitives, which can also often be recognized under the name of attic dolls, are suitable. These are toys that absolutely anyone can sew, we can say that pillows are more difficult to make than them. Primitives are distinguished not only by their sketchy faces, but also by their clothes. Their bodies have the most elementary shape, they do not stuff much, so that it is convenient to take them in the hands of even a small child, and absolutely all the shreds that you can find in your home will be useful for sewing.

Children all over the world adore primitives, as they are very convenient to play, sleep, carry everywhere with them, and mom can sew them so much that they can be used to tell the largest fairy tale with many characters. Standing apart among them is the Raggedy Ann doll, with a face made of patches. Such a doll has its own history, it has become a real symbol of America, but is loved by girls all over the world.

Do-it-yourself dolls from fabric with patterns

Sewing primitives, as we have already said, is quite simple, and so that you can see this, we will show you several manufacturing methods. do-it-yourself dolls from fabric with patterns.

The good thing about this variety is also the fact that you are not at all limited in the choice of fabric, materials, degree of stuffing, you have a huge field for experimentation in search of the perfect toy for the baby.

Do-it-yourself doll made of fabric

Popular even in modern interiors is gaining the so-called do-it-yourself amulet doll made of fabric. I recall ancient folk traditions, when it was believed that by creating a small semblance of a person, one can endow him with magical qualities, not only using it as a toy for a child, but also as an amulet that protects from evil forces, giving goodness and fulfillment of desires.

You can find many master classes on such a folk toy, and they can differ significantly depending on the region where they were once invented. Modern amulets, in addition to their mystical meaning, are also very decorative, they are complemented by skillful embroidery in folk style, they make the most beautiful dresses, braids are woven from woolen threads. But the face is not made for them at all, and this fact is very important for those who believe in the miraculous power of amulets. Here for do-it-yourself Shrovetide dolls made of fabric a slightly different approach is used - this is an image of the embodiment of winter, so her facial features can be painted, but her age is not long, since the effigy of Maslenitsa was usually burned at the end of the Maslenitsa week.

Do-it-yourself motanka dolls made of fabric

Various amulets have regional features, but the most popular can be called a motanka - a piece of ribbon rolled around hay or sticks, decorated with fabric imitating clothes. The face for the motanka is decorated with a ribbon with the image of a cross, and in general they are considered a very powerful amulet for the well-being of the house, hearth and household.

History testifies to the appearance of dolls more than 4,000 years ago. Today, even for beginner needlewomen, making dolls with their own hands helps to realize their talents, use them in the development of their child.

Doll idea: preparation of materials, tools

Modern techniques of such hand-made products are represented by different types: games for children, amulets, ceremonial, theatrical, interior. Making dolls with your own hands, both for beginners and experienced craftsmen, is preceded by the preparation of the necessary materials / tools.


We sew a textile doll with our own hands

It is important to consider that a do-it-yourself doll for beginners must necessarily consist of the following actions:

Fabrics for the author's doll

The experience of skilled craftsmen shows that for those who are just starting to create dolls with their own hands, it is best to use previously used clothes. Experienced needlewomen do not neglect such second-hand, along with the remnants of new fabrics.

In all cases, these should be fabrics made of cotton, wool, knitwear, leatherette, natural silk, leather.

It is very important to combine materials of different types, textures, plasticity and color palettes. The main requirement is their naturalness, attractiveness of appearance, absence of artificial dyes.

Tilda and its varieties

The first Tilda doll was created with her own hands by a young Norwegian designer Toni Finager in 1999. This is one of the toys that, even for beginner needlewomen, creates rich opportunities for making various products.

A distinctive feature of the man-made style of tildomania is the use of environmentally friendly materials, the unusual smooth lines of the "body" and the size of its parts. These are elongated torso and limbs; small head, pastel tone of the face with miniature beady eyes, nose, mouth; bright ruddy cheeks.

The desired colors can be achieved with the help of natural dyes (tea, coffee, powder, pencil lead, etc.).

Fillers are sintepuh, sintepon, holofiber and even calcined cereals. The fastening of the handles / legs is carried out by sewing / buttoning them. Pure wool yarn, floss and other natural materials are used for hair. The outfits certainly use colored prints, various accessories, ruffles, lace.

Tildomania has found application in the manufacture of dolls in different images (blonde, brunette, country, romantic, etc.). Along with dolls, there are various toys of this stylistic direction in the form of fairies, angels, various animals, as well as soldiers, airplanes, etc.

Such products can be used not only as children's toys, but also as interior decor elements, creative gifts.

We make the doll hair and hairstyle

The hair extension process consists of the following steps:

The right choice of material, length, hair attachment allows you to vary hairstyles: shortening, braiding, creating “tails”, etc. Mixing multi-colored strands helps to achieve original combinations when creating a harmonious image of any doll.

How to make a doll face

There are different options for creating volume, reliefs, facial expressions using hosiery technique, overlays for the forehead, chin, cheeks, nose, sculptural textiles. The first step in creating a doll's face is painting it with paints. For this, moisture-resistant acrylic dyes are best suited, which form a rubber-like film on the fabric.

In addition, they have a large color palette. First, it is necessary to draw on the head filled with synthetic winterizer / holofiber, eyes, nose, contours of the lips with a clear indication of their corners, chin. After checking the symmetry of the location of these parts, using a long needle and a strong thread, a “tightening” is carried out to form the necessary recesses / bulges of the face.

This kind of analogue of stitching thick blankets allows you to create the necessary size and shape of the nose, the shape of the eyes, the roundness of the face as a whole. After that, using a brush, the face is tinted with oil paint or pastel in different halftones for the pupils and whites of the eyes, eyebrows, wings of the nose, lips, cheeks.

Master class: Waldorf doll

A properly made Waldorf doll with your own hands for beginners and experienced needlewomen is a chance to take advantage of the achievements of the most common alternative pedagogy in the world.

Its popularity is due to the orientation towards the systematic development of the child's personality, the creation of a natural playing environment, favorable conditions for familiarization with creativity, culture, and spiritual development. A distinctive feature of this doll, simple in form, is a hard head, a soft body, a clear design of moving limbs, and the roundness of all outlines.

The proportions of the model are determined by the correspondence of the anatomical, physiological structure of the baby's body in different periods of development.

The “face” of a baby doll can change from a passionless, neutral expression to a pronounced one in “growing up” products. This allows you to give the toy different feelings, stimulating his imagination. Together with her, the baby seems to get an adequate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis real body.

It is important to know that a Waldorf doll can be made exclusively by hand and using only natural materials!

The dimensions of the doll when creating a pattern should correspond to the age proportions of the child's body. For babies under 2 years old, the head is from 1/3 to ¼ relative to its length, respectively: from 2.5 to 4.5 years - 1/5, and for 5-year-olds and older - 1/6. For one-year-old children, it is recommended to sew butterfly dolls, corners in bags, diapers.

They do not have hair, clear facial features and limbs, and "maturing" dolls already possess them. The overall dimensions of the pattern increase independently.

Then you need to select the necessary materials for sewing the body, clothes, stuffing, hair (threads, trimmings of white and flesh-colored knitwear, sheep's wool, sliver, straw, yarn). It is not recommended to use heavy, dense, albeit natural, cotton wool as a filler.

One of the most popular options for making a doll for the smallest with a size of up to 15 cm is as follows:

Features of the doll on the teapot

More than 200 years ago, a peculiar detail of the tea ceremony appeared in Russia - heating pads with painted porcelain faces and insulated fluffy skirts. Today, hand-made dolls for a teapot are used as a colorful part of the interior. To create a doll, you will need fabric, insulation, scissors, thread, floss, needle / sewing machine, decoration details.

The work process consists of the following actions:

  • preparing a doll pattern according to the height / volume of the teapot, transferring it to the fabric to cut out the details and then stitching them together (except for the bottom);
  • eversion of the workpiece is obvious, placement inside the filler;
  • preparation of the lining and its stitching with filler, while leaving a hole;
  • stitching both blanks around the circumference, and after turning through the hole - completely;
  • making a floss wig and gluing it to the head with a toasted face, painted eyes, lips, eyebrows;
  • tailoring (dress, apron with frills, lace, buttons, etc.);
  • full design of the doll and hoisting it to the required place.

Motanka or charm doll

These dolls have long been considered the keepers of the hearth and travelers, mediators between living and future generations. The skirt worn on them represents the earth, the ribbon and scarf represent heaven, the shirt represents the present, future and past of life. Ancestors passed them down from generation to generation.

The important points are the winding of threads on the svarga (face) without eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips in the form of a sacral cross. It is here, on the symbol of the mother of God Lada, that the main magic of the doll is concentrated. It is noteworthy that all parts of the body, hair, clothes are hand-wound with threads (cross to cross) in the direction of the sun without cutting them.

The work should be done in a good mood within one day. All this contributes to a happy fate, resistance to diseases and spoilage, taming of natural phenomena (drought, rain). Each turn symbolizes the filling of the doll with the potential of energy.

There are 3 types of coils:

  • diapers (for newborns);
  • dolls in wedding dresses, which were intended for young wives before the birth of a child;
  • beregini - fertile, herbalist, wishful, Easter, willow, etc. They should have been located near the house or on its eastern part.

How to sew a doll from nylon tights

Making such a toy does not require special materials and skills. Here you will need tights / stockings made of nylon, synthetic winterizer, threads (for sewing, knitting), a needle, scissors, pieces of fabric, ribbons for clothes. Along with interior "hosiery" in the form of fairy-tale characters, children's play dolls are popular. Their implementation is within the power of even beginners.

Step by step instructions: nylon sock doll

The most affordable is the manufacture of a baby doll of a simple form.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • fill the sock with synthetic winterizer and tie;
  • mark the place of the neck with a rare stitch, and then pull it off and wrap it a couple of times with threads;
  • to form a spout, place a small circle on the head and pull it off;
  • mark circles for the legs with stitches and pull them together;
  • in place of the seam of the sock, make a hole-navel by threading the needle from the back and grabbing the capron from the tummy. The buttocks are similarly designated;
  • ears, cheeks are made by pulling the threads in the right places, the eyes and eyebrows are embroidered with threads, and beads are used for the eyes;
  • the smiling mouth of the baby doll is made with the help of red threads (the needle is stuck through the top of the head, where the knot will be located);
  • handles are made from scraps of excess nylon on the head, and then sewn to the body;
  • hair is made from nylon socks of the desired tone;
  • clothes are made of fabric, socks of different colors.

This technique will be the first step to mastering more complex models.

Dolls from plastic bottles

A variety of ways to make dolls makes it possible to combine different materials with light plastic bottles of different sizes. They can be used both as a frame and as the main component of a toy for children of all ages.

There are different types of models, namely:

These examples can be supplemented with the know-how of users or with their own ways of creating exclusive models.

Author's frame doll

For the manufacture of the frame of the doll, aluminum / copper wire (length about 30 cm), of the same or different diameters, is used. It makes 2 loops 12 cm long (for the head, torso) and 16 cm (for the legs). When making a doll frame up to 50 cm in size, up to 2 m of wire is required.

The head is made separately from a part of a sock/tights with the further formation of an oval and parts of the face, fixing eyes, hair from yarn/an old wig. Palms made of pieces of wire, loops at the ends of the legs for shoes are wrapped with synthetic winterizer / electrical tape (arbitrary thickness).

A piece of sock / tights is put on the blank for the palms, on which the outlines of fingers with nails are embroidered, and “shoes” made of leatherette are embroidered on the legs. The head is sewn to the torso covered with padding polyester. The final touch is tailoring and dressing. The attractiveness of such a doll lies in the mobility of different parts of the body, modeling its different positions.

Cut out paper doll

This method of making dolls has been popular for over 200 years. Colorful images on cardboard of characters in luxurious outfits served as blanks for them. In times of scarcity of toys, paper dolls were their alternative. Today they are considered as an opportunity to realize the creative potential of children and adults at the lowest economic cost.

A do-it-yourself paper doll for beginners is the easiest way to make a doll for a child.

The creation of different models consists in drawing a silhouette on thick paper (a box of sweets / shoes), cutting it out along the contour and coloring it. This is followed by the manufacture of clothing, accessories with fastening by bending several "valves" on them. Here you can give scope for a flight of fancy to the kids themselves.

How to make a voluminous paper doll

One of the newest methods of manual creation of three-dimensional toys is the use of 3D technology. For three-dimensional models, flat templates of princesses, Disney / fairy tale characters, angels, animals, birds, etc. printed on thick paper are used. These can be both independent figures, and in the form of inserts in books.

When they are issued, they apply:

  • gift colorful paper,
  • fabrics,
  • glue,
  • thread,
  • buttons,
  • decorations
  • other available materials.

Among the most accepted techniques are:

  • modular origami,
  • pieces.

Each of them can be performed in various ways, which can be found in virtual master classes. As a result of borrowing the experience of others, you can create author's creations that are unlike each other, capable of becoming both toys and interior decorations, author's collections, and an exclusive gift.

Any of the ways to make a doll with your own hands expands the possibilities for manifesting your individuality. For beginners, this is a kind of test for patience, the possibility of realizing their fantasies. It gives experienced craftswomen a chance for further improvement, and allows children to reveal their talents and appreciate work.

Video: do-it-yourself doll for beginners

How to sew a doll with your own hands, see the video clip:

Do-it-yourself Tilda doll, master class:

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