How to decorate a house for a boyfriend's birthday. Birthday decorations - the best ideas, simple solutions and solemn decor options (140 photos)

An invariable attribute of any festive event is balloons. They always evoke a sense of celebration in both adults and kids. The main thing is to properly decorate the room with them. Just a bunch of inflated balloons is, of course, great, but today you won’t surprise anyone with it.

Your attention - the most original methods of decorating a room with balloons.

1. We decorate the festive table!

It has long been a mandatory attribute and can perform many functions and tasks. But the most important plus of decorations from balloons for rooms is the creation of a festive atmosphere and the corresponding mood.

This design method is perfect for a children's holiday, a youth feast, a wedding.

  • We inflate bright beautiful balloons with a helium balloon.
  • We arrange boxes with surprises for each guest near each plate.
  • Tie a balloon to each box.
  • You can attach a pair of "threads" of serpentine to the tail of the ball.

Laconic, simple, beautiful!

2. Volumetric constructions from balls

Original three-dimensional figures from balls - once become fashionable, and to this day does not lose its relevance.

Someone calls specialists to create these jewelry, someone sculpts air sculptures on their own.

They are relevant for any event. You can create a flower garden for a children's party, a forest of airy Christmas trees for the New Year's holiday, favorite cartoon characters of children, etc.

Video: How to make the number 1 from balloons - a master class

We bring to your attention the simplest version of a three-dimensional figure - flowers:

  • We will need: air latex balloons (green, yellow, white), threads, ribbons and wire, a hand pump and, of course, a good mood.
  • Inflate 5 white balloons that will be flower petals.
  • We tie them together, fastening with threads or wire, so that the petals look in different directions.
  • Now we inflate 5 yellow balls 2 times smaller in size (or simply inflate them not to the end). We also connect them and create the core of the flower.
  • We connect the petals (bottom) with the core (top).
  • We inflate the red balloon and fix it in the center at the top (this will be the “pestle”).
  • We create a stem from elongated green balls. We put on several long "sausages", weave them on the principle of a rope and fasten them to the base of the petals.
  • At the base we put 4 interconnected green large balls (for stability), and on top of them - 4 small green balls. This will be the "flower bed".
  • Now we connect the stem with the "flower bed" - our flower is ready.
  • You can decorate it with serpentine, sparkles, etc.

Video: Balloon Flower Making Workshop

3. Designs from balloons on frames

Solid three-dimensional structures (panels, arches, etc.) are usually created for grandiose holidays - a graduation party at a school, a store opening, an anniversary, a wedding, etc.

You can create a small arch or panel to decorate a children's party or birthday at home.

You definitely cannot do without the help of professionals and frameworks in this matter. Well, at least 2-3 assistants.

You can use both a hand pump and a helium balloon to inflate balloons (at your discretion).

Video: How to make a balloon arch?

  • The simplest solution is a “string of pearls”. That is, a movable arch, on which the balls are "strung" on a fishing line. For this idea, you should take mother-of-pearl white balls. We connect them with each other, fix them on the fishing line in the required amount (according to the desired length), and then we fix the fishing line with an “arch” (or in another way).
  • For a heavier structure, frames and balloons inflated with ordinary air are used (helium balloons “keep their shape” for only 12-22 hours). We choose the colors of the balloons according to the theme of the holiday (for example, tricolor), then inflate them with a pump and fix them on the frame (frame made of solid / materials).

In this paragraph, we will not talk about the method of placing the balls, but about their decor. You can place them in any way described in this article.

The decor of the balls depends on the holiday:

  • or other joint date You can order printing of your joint photos on balloons. Your other half will definitely love it!
  • For New Year's Eve Party inflated balloons can be covered with a layer of PVA and dipped in a plate of sparkles. It is better to use balloons with helium "filling".
  • For the youth party balloons can be painted according to the theme of the meeting.

5. Party for youth: a ball in a ball

Proper decoration of the premises is half the success when planning a holiday. Bright balloons under the ceiling are guaranteed to cheer you up and set you up for positive.

This room decoration idea is suitable for a youth party, New Year's party.

  • We lower a small colored ball into a large transparent one with the help of an expander and gently inflate it inside. We tie, leave in a large ball. Repeat 2 more times - with balls of other colors. Thus, 3 bright balls should fit in a large transparent ball.
  • Next, we inflate our large balloon with helium.
  • We tie a serpentine or rain, garlands, etc. to the tail.

At 10-12 sq / m, for a complete sense of the holiday, you need at least 15-20 of these ready-made balls.

6. The farther into the forest, the brighter the balloons!

An option for a children's party or for romantic holidays.

  • We inflate balloons with helium.
  • We tie ribbons to the ponytails.
  • We tie a load (for example, small teddy bears) to the ends of the ribbons.
  • We install it on the floor in the children's room or in the hall, on any other surface - a table, a bed.

We cut the ribbons of different lengths so that the "trees" differ in height.

7. Balloon heart

Balloon heart can be made in several ways:

  • We inflate red balloons, fix them on a fishing line, hang them on the wall.
  • We inflate red balloons, fix them on a wire frame (so as not to lose the shape of the heart) and hang them on the wall.
  • We inflate red balloons and with the help of pieces of double-sided tape we fix it on the wall in the shape of a heart. The option is not for wallpaper, of course, but on a smooth surface that can then be washed off - why not?

Another option: a bouquet of hearts!

  • We buy red small balloons in the shape of hearts, inflate.
  • We inflate green elongated balls (stems) and connect them with hearts to make “flowers”.
  • We create a bouquet and put it in a basket.

Video: Heart made of balloons to decorate a room with your own hands

8. More, more balls!

An option that will delight both kids and romantic girls, and probably even many young mothers.

You can use it for Anniversary, wedding and wedding anniversary, children's party, Retirement Day, any significant date - for example, a celebration of receiving a diploma or awarding the Badge of Excellence.

  • We inflate the balls (you can use ordinary air) in large quantities. Immediately stock up on a pump - you simply won’t have enough strength to inflate so many balloons.
  • There should be enough balls so that they fall on the person who opens the door to the room - that is, from floor to ceiling. Surprise, of course, labor-intensive, but spectacular!
  • Well, the second option: an avalanche. It is suitable for rooms with high ceilings. We fix a wide net under the ceiling and fill this “hammock” with inflated (air!) Balls. At the right moment, one of the guests breaks the net, and the balls fall on the guests like an avalanche.

Video: How to sew a mesh to drop balls?

9. Balloons with surprises

A great idea for any event - both children and adults.

Here you have two in one at once: both interior decoration and surprises!

Option two:

  • We inflate the largest balloon, inside which we put small light toys, serpentine, sweets and, of course, confetti. At the right moment, the balloon is burst, and surprises are scattered over the guests with fireworks. Mandatory moment: a lot of mini-balloons inflated with helium are placed inside the balloon. Well, the balloon itself is also inflated with helium.
  • 2nd option: many small balloons with surprises. We supply each ball with sweets, a surprise and confetti. Then we fill it with helium, tie the serpentine to the tails and release it to the ceiling. At the end of the holiday, everyone chooses their own balloon and pops it.

How to cram surprises into a balloon?

  • We inflate the balloon a little and put it on the “conductor” (a bottle cut off on both sides, for example, or a wide-mouthed funnel).
  • We blow air by 60-70% (using a vacuum cleaner).
  • We quickly push surprises, sweets and confetti inside, after which we blow off the balloon.
  • Now we inflate the balloon in the usual way, tie it up and, having decorated it, send it to where it should hang.

Video: Balls with surprises to decorate a room

10. Dessert balls for a belly feast!

If you are planning a plentiful feast, a birthday, a children's holiday - dessert balls are sure to cheer everyone up and appetite!

This option for decorating a room with balls, having changed and finalized it a little, can be adopted, for example, for Easter, New Year, March 8.

How to prepare our "desserts"?

  • Inflate large white balloons with helium.
  • We print sheets with a “waffle” background, fold them into cones and fix them on the bottom of the balls with double-sided tape. Gluing tape, of course, is better from the inside, so as not to spoil the overall appearance of the “ice cream”.
  • We pass the ribbon down right through the hole in the cone (do not forget to leave this useful hole).
  • Further, “ice cream” can be released to the ceiling or tied ribbons to cutlery - let the dessert hang over the table.

Decorating a room with fruit from balloons is suitable for children's parties, as well as for decorating country holiday gatherings.

This option is carried out according to the principle of the previous one - but, unlike it, the fruits do not hang in the air, but are fixed on a fishing line according to the principle of a garland.

  • Inflate balloons of different colors.
  • We create from them bunches of raspberries, grapes, as well as pineapples, etc.
  • Cut out fruit leaves from paper, glue on tops.
  • If necessary, we supplement our decor with drawings on the balls themselves.

12. Sky in balloons - a surprise for children

To surprise your little ones, the surprise should be prepared in advance - preferably at night, while they are sweetly (and soundly) sleeping.

  • We buy multi-colored mother-of-pearl balls of various shapes.
  • We wear it through a helium balloon.
  • We tie beautiful ribbons.
  • Let's release the balls to the ceiling.

It is important that there are a lot of balls!

If there is enough time and there is a desire, then you can decorate not only the nursery, but also other rooms in the apartment.

Option for New Year's parties, children's evening parties, school discos, etc.

  • We purchase luminous bracelets, sticks or special mini-flashlights (they are usually sold in stores with fireworks and balls) according to the number of balls (it is better to take flashlights that glow in different colors).
  • We lower the included flashlight into each ball through the expander.
  • Then we inflate with helium, tie it up and let it go up to the ceiling.
  • Such "fireflies" under the ceiling in the twilight immediately create the right mood.

Video: How to make glowing balls with your own hands?

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First of all, pay attention to the hobbies of the hero of the day. If he collects something, why not put the best copies of his collection under glass and present it to the audience. If the hero of the day is an amateur photographer - the best and favorite pictures. If he writes poetry or composes music, be sure to let somewhere in Hall there are no books with his works or there will be an instrument so that the hero of the day can sing his author's song. Many and it will open from a new side.

Make an original wall newspaper for the hero of the day. When trying to avoid the typical approach, when photos of the hero of the day are pasted with funny captions to them. Approach the design business with imagination. Attach your collage photos with flowers in your hands, and in the middle of each flower - a wish. You can title the newspaper "Locomotive of Life", and each trailer is a life milestone with a wish. Or make a wall newspaper in the form of a tree with leaves on which guests can wish wishes during the evening.

- a solemn event, and therefore the approach to design hall need serious and thoughtful. The room should not seem defiantly catchy, but be stylish and elegant. A well-decorated interior leaves more vivid impressions of the holiday for both the hero of the day and the guests.


First you need to decide on the venue of the celebration and think over the style. It may be different, but all the design details must comply with the general concept of the holiday: be solemnly strict, stylized for a specific era, and so on.

Decoration can not only advantageously emphasize the features, but also hide its shortcomings. The arsenal of materials for this is quite large: paper, draperies from, garlands, posters, balloon compositions, fruit baskets and, of course,. The latter will especially emphasize the exclusivity of the event, and guests will plunge into the lively atmosphere of comfort and freshness.

If the hall is equipped with a stage or a podium, it is necessary to pay special attention to it, as a place that will be in the spotlight all the time.

Stage decoration should not distract attention from the speakers on it, but must comply with the general style hall. If the podium part is missing, the place where the hero of the day is located becomes the center figure. Here, by the way, you will have a stylish discreet poster on the wall (behind the birthday man), a composition of balloons or paper figures in the form of an arch, numbers with a date, etc.

If the table of the hero of the day is rectangular and is located perpendicular to the main part hall, in the central part it is advisable to place a low symmetrically lying or falling composition of flowers. If the table is round, a small bouquet in the center.

It is also desirable to arrange bouquets on the tables of the guests, or put a separate miniature vase for each guest. It is important to remember that flowers with a pungent smell will distract guests, and buds with pollen can stain tablecloths or, even worse, clothes.

Don't forget personalized signs and linen napkins for guests. Chairs draped with fabric will look original.

If the budget allows, in the center of the room you can place the original ice sculpture in combination with candles or flowers. Such a surprise will cause genuine admiration among the guests.


  • decoration of halls for the anniversary

Any celebration, be it an anniversary, a wedding, a New Year or a corporate event, is not complete without a banquet. A beautifully decorated room in which the banquet will take place will help you fully feel the atmosphere of the holiday. A wide variety of design items makes it possible to realize the most daring ideas.


If you have little time to prepare for the holiday, contact a special company that decorates banquet halls. This is especially true in the case of preparing for a wedding celebration, when there are enough other problems and worries. In this case, arrange a meeting with the designer and tell him about your wishes. It would be useful to sketch a sketch of the decorated hall. Be sure to agree on a price in advance, as some types of jewelry are very expensive.

The most inexpensive way to decorate the hall is with balloons. To do this, buy balloons of the desired color in the quantity necessary for decorating the hall. To keep the balloons in the air, they must be filled with helium. A simple and reliable option is to call the company that provides such a service.

Make a figure by linking them together. Suitable for a heart shape. Hang it over the table where the newlyweds will sit. If you are decorating a banquet hall or a corporate holiday, you can make a figure in the form of numbers (for example, how many years the company has existed) or simply in the form of an arch. The colors of the balloons should be combined with the general room: the color of the floor, walls, ceiling. If you are using a combination of balloons of different colors, choose two colors - bright and neutral. Balls of white color or shimmering mother-of-pearl go well with red, blue, yellow balls.

Don't forget table setting. Choose tablecloths, prepare cards with the names of guests. Decorate tables with fresh flowers. Many flower shops offer for celebrations. Classic bouquets can be placed in vases, and flower garlands can be fixed on the outside of the table (in places where no one will sit).

To decorate the hall, also use multi-colored ribbons and streamers on which congratulations will be written. All this can also be bought or made to order. One way or another, trust your imagination and common sense, and you can beautifully decorate the hall with a minimum of costs.

Useful advice

A more expensive, but very effective decoration is the drapery of the banquet hall with fabrics. Most often, chairs and tables are draped, while a dense fabric of light shades is best suited.

The column is an attribute of ancient and classical architecture. On holidays, celebrations, anniversaries, weddings, birthdays, designers prefer to decorate the classic pillar of the column with decorative elements.

You will need

  • - Balloons
  • - inflatable figures of various shapes
  • - colored paper
  • - glue-based wallpaper
  • - gouache, washable oil paints, colored ink
  • - decorative artificial climbing plants
  • - improvised material for strengthening compositions (glue gun, fishing line, threads, etc.)


Inflatable decorations look very original on the columns. The vestibule in front of the concert hall, which has many columns, can be decorated with inflatable golden, bronze or silver stars. Attach such decorative ornaments to the columns with a glue gun.

It would be right to decorate a street column before being placed in a supermarket or a children's goods store with pictures created from balloons. For example, inflatable flowers or stars. Knowledge of the basics helps to make various compositions from balls. Balls of various shapes and colors are inflated, strung on a cable of various lengths. The cable is attached to the column with a fishing line.

Compositions of round balloons look most impressive on the columns. If the column is located in front of the office space, on holidays it can be wrapped around with garlands made of multi-colored balls strung on a fishing line or electric cable.

It is important to observe the color of the decoration and its shape for the column, depending on the room where it is located or the celebration that is held in this room. Columns for wedding ceremonies should be decorated with garlands of light balls. Children's holidays - from multi-colored. Corporate celebrations are decorated in deep blue, dark green, purple, gold shades.

Having fixed a ring of inflatable decorative forms at the top of the column, you can hang other decorations from it on threads of various lengths, thereby creating a plot picture. For example, create a dark blue sky under the dome of the column, and lower “stars” and “moon”, cut out of golden paper, or inflatable, on a fishing line or threads “from the sky”.

In kindergartens, it is customary to decorate columns with colored paper applications. They can also be pasted over with wallpaper with an adhesive base. The column, if there is artistic talent, is painted with fabulous pictures using gouache, washable ink.

The easiest and most affordable way to decorate columns is to wrap them with artificial ivy, vine or real green climbing plants. In order for a green plant to wrap around a column, pots with earth and plant roots are hung at the top of the column. As the flower grows, it is fixed on the wall of the column, for example, with transparent tape or tied with a colorless fishing line. Just do it carefully so that the plant can freely grow further.

Banquet in Cafe or restaurant - an integral part of any holiday, whether it's an anniversary, a wedding or just a birthday. And since each holiday is unique in its own way, everything that is part of it should also be special. Interior Cafe can make the place of celebration original, even if it didn’t seem so to you at first. Just decorate it yourself.

You will need

  • Tablecloths, chair covers, flowers, vases, candles

Hello everyone! Today I decided to supplement my article with new pictures. There I also mentioned balloons, but I couldn’t put many examples, since there are a lot of photos with ideas.

And one more thing... If you combine the design of the room with a scenario where there will be a lot of fun with balloons, it will be great in general! Here are mine for the children's party.

How to decorate a room with balloons for a home party

How professionals do it, we will not consider. They have a skill, special equipment and a large number of ideas with which, for obvious reasons, they do not share with us :-).

I selected ideas that, in my opinion, are not so difficult to implement. We conditionally divide decorations from balloons into "flying" and "regular".

Let's start with the usual ones. The professionals have the concept of "primitives"- several options for simple figures from balls that make up complex arches and columns. I can’t explain in words, let’s see how the master does it (he will show how to make a simple and complex flower to decorate a room with balls) &

It is easy to make such primitives (simple elements - blanks) from 4 balls. You can fasten it with the help of special easy-to-remove hooks, they are in all hardware stores.

These primitives can be intertwined with each other or simply used as single elements. If you use heart balloons, you get even more beautiful flowers.

How to make easy balloon bouquets

I hope you have enough patience :-). Here Master Class for making a bouquet of balloons:

What else can you do with non-helium balloons?

I don’t know about you, but colorful balls randomly scattered on the floor immediately set me up for fun and festive hooliganism. In my opinion, this is very cool (again I remind about :-)!

I also really like palm trees from long balls. I don’t know what kind of trunk you will come up with for such a palm tree (professionals make it like a garland of primitives), but the “leaves” look very impressive. I think everyone can just knit 10-15 pieces in a bundle. The "orange" version is reminiscent of exotic flowers. Here are the pictures:

You can also order a surprise balloon! True, it is impossible to do it yourself - you need special equipment. At first, it simply decorates the room (you need to hang it high under the ceiling), and then it will please the little guests with a magnificent effect. The fact is that a huge ball is filled with small balls, serpentine and small toys. At the most significant moment of the holiday, you need to find a way to pierce it with a needle ... Bang bang !!! And the whole room, and squealing children - everything is strewn with multi-colored happiness :-).


Well, it's quite simple, since online stores offer foil balloons in the form of multi-colored numbers. We inflate, fasten with double-sided tape to wooden, plastic and glass surfaces. Sizes are different - from 40 cm to 1 meter.

Now about helium balloons

Quite a lot of shops that sell flowers, souvenirs or offer gift wrapping have a helium balloon. You can bring your own balloons and blow them up for a fee.

If you need a lot of balls, it makes sense to order with delivery.

How to decorate a room with helium balloons

There are, of course, many more possibilities here. I again excluded all complex balloon shapes that require special skills in manufacturing.

The foil balloons last the longest. They are expensive, but they also stay in the air for several weeks. You can pick up inflatable figures according to the theme of the holiday, and do not be smarter about anything else.

Helium balloons can be launched into free flight under the ceiling:

Tie in bunches and put a “bouquet” in the center of the table with a weighting agent or tie it to a cord to make an arch:

Ball fountains

I like these decorations the most, since the effort required is minimal, and the structures are large and very noticeable. If they are made in height of 170-200 cm, the feeling is that there are columns in the room. You can also attach one ball to a weighting agent (usually this is also a ball slightly filled with water). And tied together on ribbons of different lengths, the balls form an incomparable fountain. Like that:

walking balls

The figure of Mickey (height 130-140 cm) is inflated with helium, but it does not take off, as there are weights in the legs. Children ran around, creating air currents, from which Mickey also began to move. Such a handsome man costs about 900 rubles (already with helium). There are also Winnie the Poohs, Luntiks, giraffes, cows, hares.

I hope you now have enough ideas to decorate the room with balloons on your own! May your child's birthday always be the most wonderful holiday!
These ideas are suitable not only for a home holiday.

By the way, the room can be decorated with ready-made paper balls and stars.

Here are design examples:

Honeycomb balls ()

Accordion balls ()

Fanta - decorative fan - (

All parents strive to surprise their little birthday boy - they choose how to decorate the room for the child's birthday.

If you remember what the baby loves most, you can prepare a grand surprise for his arrival in a fairly short time. To do this, you will need a couple of assistants and a good mood.

Be sure to take into account the age and gender of the child, so that the surprise becomes pleasant for him. What will please a preschooler, a teenager will consider absurd.

Birthday room up to 7 years

Toddlers are very fond of surprises, and sleep soundly enough, thanks to this you can decorate the nursery at night. Waking up in a new, festive environment, the child will feel the holiday and your care from the very morning.

If you decide to change the room globally, it is better to put it in the living room or your bedroom.

A themed birthday can be arranged simply and on a budget, if the surroundings of the room correspond to the chosen plot. Most likely, the child has favorite comics, cartoons or games, the continuation of which he constantly asks to purchase, it is in this vein that you should build the scenery.

For babies under 3 years old, be careful when using jewelry that can be harmful to health. For example, a balloon, bursting, can scare the baby, or he will be interested in a shred of it, and accidentally swallow it.

Do not forget to warn the parents of the little guests about the theme of the birthday, and your child will simply be delighted with the outfits of the guests and the gifts that are really interesting for him.

Birthday room from 8 to 15 years

This is the age when the child already has a serious interest in a certain topic, he has a hobby, or favorite characters in films and books. It is worth taking a closer look at this part of his life.

For a girl and a boy, the room should be decorated differently - the boy is unlikely to be happy with the situation with pink balloons.

Dividing the holiday room into zones

Divide the room into zones, and based on the actual use of a particular place, decorate each zone.

  • play area;

  • snack table;

  • sweet fruit table;

  • photozone.

wall decor

With the help of colored corrugated paper, ribbons, and adhesive tape, any wall can be decorated into a photo zone, and a shelf with fake accessories can be placed next to it. Solid colored paper with prints can look like a photo wall at the opening of a film festival. A photo of a birthday boy, using Photoshop, can be made funny, or similar to movie characters, and pasted over the wall.

Set aside a small area for congratulations. Place a large sheet of drawing paper on the wall, tie colored markers next to it, with which guests will write congratulations for the birthday man. Such moments children keep for a long time. After the holiday, you can stick the best photos of the celebration on this paper.

Fans or colored paper balls will become bright spots on the wall that will give the child a mood. Multi-colored rain can easily turn into bows, or add a playful sheen to curtains.

Wardrobe for a themed party

Come up with a special dressing room where guests who are poorly prepared for a themed holiday can choose the necessary decorations, caps, and clothes in the style of the holiday. Let's say little ballerinas can try on tutus, and pirates can choose a bandana or eye patch.

If the theme of the birthday is not defined, then the costumes can be organized completely different:

  • Clown wigs;
  • funny noses with elastic bands;
  • cloaks of wizards;
  • ears and tails of different animals;
  • airy skirts for princesses;
  • magic wands and Jedi swords;
  • tiaras for princesses.

The more small but important details you take into account, the brighter and more authentic the holiday will be. Children, most likely, during the evening will be happy to change outfits or change them. The design of any room will only benefit if you add a little magic to it, make it a little cartoony.

Children's table decoration

Try to make it safe. During active children's games, dishes may fall off the table, or a leg may buckle. Keep him as far away from the play area as possible. If the room is small and there will be a lot of children visiting, place the table in another room. Children do not spend much time at the table.

Make a separate children's table on which there will be sweets, drinks, fruits, it will be convenient if the kids want to recharge and have a snack during the games. Decorate the table with themed pictures, lay out comics or coloring pages.

Stretch ceiling garlands above the table, gel balls under the ceiling. You can tie light sweets and decorations to the ropes that will float above the table. Try to keep the color scheme of the table in accordance with the theme of the holiday. To do this, there is a huge selection of paper plates, glasses, wine glasses and straws for cocktails.

If the birthday is under the auspices of pirates, red and black colors should prevail on the table, but if the child prefers unicorns, the colors should be rainbow.

Play area

This part will have to allocate the largest area. During the celebration, competitions are organized for children, and most often they are quite active. The more children are present at the celebration, the more space will be needed for games. If the nursery is small, arrange this area in the living room.

Adult children will most likely want to play a game console or have a get-together with board games, take this into account and prepare the necessary chairs or tables.

Photo zone

This place should reflect the essence of the topic. Photos of this day will remain in memory for the whole family. A photo zone can be organized next to the candy bar, where you will arrange mugs with fake mustaches, eyebrows and glasses on sticks. Lightweight frames that kids can pick up and take pictures of themselves, hang on the wall, or attach to balloons to float in the air.

Garlands and lanterns stretched over this zone will give the photographs a very solemn look.

Themed birthday

In order for games, congratulations and gifts to be subordinated to the same style, it is also necessary to design a room in a particular theme. Scenes for fun games in the atmosphere of one theme are easy and interesting to plan with your child.

For a themed birthday party, you will have to take into account that the entire space should be subject to the same style, and you will have to follow the following rules:

  • You will have to remove or decorate items that do not correspond to the theme from the room. For example, if you have a Cinderella-style party, then posters on the wall with comic book or modern movie characters will completely spoil the look.
  • Compliance with the color scheme will help create the necessary surroundings. Do not rush to decorate the room all at once. In the absence of, say, a tablecloth of the desired tone, choose white and decorate it in the desired colors.
  • Use balloons filled with helium, or fix ordinary ones under the ceiling, otherwise, scattered around the room, they will take up too much space.
  • Remove objects from the room that can injure or break, as well as expensive equipment, or little things dear to your heart.
  • Prepare simple but sweet compliments for your guests to take home with them as a memento of the holiday. Be prepared for the fact that children will also want to keep some elements of props for themselves - buy simple and inexpensive gizmos.
  • Choose a topic that you really master, and start preparing in advance.

Do not forget about the main thing - the safety of dishes and decorations for children, choose safe food colors if you need to tint props or table decorations.

There are a lot of options on how to decorate a room for a birthday, you can do it both with your own hands and with the involvement of special services.

How to create a festive atmosphere

The magic of the holiday will help to feel the special atmosphere that can be created by adhering to several principles:

  • approval of a single style of the party, in accordance with which the room will be decorated, guests will prepare costumes, games and contests will be invented;
  • determining the scale of the holiday: how many guests will be and where it is more convenient to accommodate them, at home or in a cafe;
There are a large number of options for decorating a room with your own hands for a birthday: with balloons, holiday posters and various origami.
  • decoration of the room according to the general style of the holiday: balls, candles, garlands, lanterns, tinsel;
  • wrapping gifts (not only for the birthday person, but also for guests) in colorful paper;
  • preparation of the script, with obligatory breaks for food, dancing and competitions;
  • organization of musical accompaniment, which will give the holiday a unique atmosphere.

Creating a festive atmosphere is determined by the smallest details that need to be carefully organized and thought out to the smallest detail.

balloon decoration

It is difficult to imagine a holiday without balloons, if earlier they were simply presented to the birthday man as a gift, today they You can decorate the room in a variety of ways:

flower decoration

When deciding how to decorate a room with your own hands for any holiday, including a birthday, do not forget about flowers. A universal room decoration for a girly celebration is rose petals, which can be used to dot all the free space.

In addition, a large flat dish looks great in the center of the festive table, which is filled with fresh flowers to match the general atmosphere of the holiday. Ordinary vases of different sizes, standing on the floor, along the walls, will give the room freshness and fill it with a floral scent.

How to decorate walls with corrugated paper?

Paper allows you to create a lot of beautiful decorations for decorating a festive room. Its corrugated variety gives even more room for imagination.

Corrugated paper pom-poms, you can do this:


  • cut out rectangles from multi-colored paper;
  • bend each in half and place them on a strong thread;
  • fix the flags with glue or tape.


  • cut out hearts
  • attach one to the other, bend the top in half;
  • connect all the elements with a thread and stretch under the ceiling.


  • cut out silhouettes of different flowers from corrugated paper;
  • impose on one silhouette, several others (of the same flower);
  • bend the top elements in the middle and gently straighten the paper.

wish tree

A wish tree is a congratulation on a large sheet of paper, designed in the form of a tree. This design option will not only decorate the wall of the room on your birthday, but will also remain a long memory for the birthday man.

You can make a wish tree like this:

  • prepare an A3 sheet (it is important that it is dense in texture);
  • pick up a tree template and circle it on a sheet with a marker;
  • on the top of the sheet, write in beautiful letters and colorfully arrange the phrase: “Happy Birthday!”;
  • on the branches of a tree, you can stick colored paper sheets of the same size on which incoming guests will leave their wishes to the birthday man.

congratulations posters

The poster allows you to fit in its open spaces everything that was not included in the tree of wishes: funny photos with the birthday boy, stages of his growing up, interesting collages and more.

Making a poster is very simple, for this you need a sheet of drawing paper, paints and felt-tip pens:

  • you need to start with a catchy phrase that will occupy the central part of the sheet;
  • the background should be bright, but not too bright so that the inscriptions are visible;
  • congratulations can be written directly on whatman paper or prepare small postcards in advance and stick them on its surface;
  • the poster can be decorated with especially successful photographs of the birthday man and his relatives.

How to decorate a room for a children's party?

How to decorate a room with your own hands for a child's birthday? Very simple: the main thing is to arm yourself with imagination and a good mood. Children enthusiastically perceive everything colorful, bright and unusual, so the interior must be designed based on these principles.

Large homemade lollipops

All kids love sweets, so the idea of ​​decorating a room with giant lollipops, even if not real ones, will definitely be appreciated by them.

Making such a "chupa-chups" is not difficult:

  • paint long plywood sticks (about 50-60 cm) white;
  • cut a circle with a diameter of 30-35 cm from foam plastic and wrap it with colored paper;
  • lubricating the stick with glue, stick it into the foam;
  • cut a sheet of polyethylene larger than a ball;
  • cover the ball with polyethylene and tie it at the base of the stick, tying it with colored ribbon.


A garland will help create a festive mood, especially its unusual variety in the form of a fan.

It can be made with your own hands from improvised materials:

  • prepare standard sheets of colored paper (A4 format);
  • fold them with an accordion, in 2 cm increments;
  • bend the resulting strip in half;
  • glue the inner parts of the strip together with glue;
  • now you need to go through all the steps with other sheets and glue them with each other (feet with each other);
  • at the end, make loops around the edges of the garland to hang it on the wall.

Garlands without glue

Even a schoolboy can create a garland without using glue, and in beauty they will not yield to those made in the traditional way:

  1. Cut a standard A4 sheet into 4 equal parts.
  2. Fold each piece in half, then double again.
  3. Using a pencil, draw a certain shape on each part.
  4. Cut out the shape and unfold it.
  5. Connect all parts of the garland (it is better to alternate colors) among themselves, folding them together.
  6. Now the garland can be hung both on the wall and in the doorway.

Volumetric stars

Do-it-yourself stars will help create an atmosphere of mystery for a birthday, they will not only help decorate the room like in a fairy tale, but will also be a great addition to the interior.

Volumetric star is prepared as follows:

  • find a star template on the Internet and transfer it to paper (moreover, you need to draw several diagrams, each next one is slightly larger than the previous one);
  • cut and bend templates in the right places;
  • after gluing all the parts, a three-dimensional star with 5 tips is obtained.

Huge pom-pom balls

Balloons in the form of pom-poms will help to create an original three-dimensional installation that will adequately decorate the room on a children's birthday.

You can make them like this:

  • fold a sheet of thin cardboard in half;
  • draw a semicircle on one side of the sheet and cut it out;
  • cut the resulting circle in half;
  • fold the corrugated paper into a pile and trace a circle on it according to the template;
  • on another sheet of cardboard, draw stripes arranged vertically (half of them will be of one color, half of the other);
  • glue the corrugated paper to the strips alternately;
  • glue cardboard on the last sheet;
  • pass a thread through the ball with a needle, and tighten it with a loop on which you can hang the ball;
  • gently spread the cardboard pieces apart and glue them together.

Large paper flowers

To make such an ornament, you will need colored paper of a dense texture (whatman paper or cardboard).

In order for the flowers to turn out very bright, you need to make the petals multi-colored.

The flower is created like this:

  • cut out 5 small petals of one color and 5 larger ones of another color;
  • lay the petals in the shape of a flower so that the smallest are at the top;
  • fold the lower part of the petals in the shape of a boat and strengthen with a stapler;
  • so you need to arrange each pair of petals, after which you need to fasten them together.

Paper flowers can be of different sizes, they can beautifully decorate both the surface of the table and the curtains on the window.

Large volume figures

For a birthday, you can make big numbers that will help solve the question of how to decorate a room with your own hands.


  1. Make the basis of the number: for this, thick cardboard or polystyrene is suitable (for example, from a box from under household appliances), you need to cut out the silhouette of the desired number on it.
  2. Circle the second silhouette of the figure according to the existing template.
  3. Cut out 2 strips of cardboard that will be the sides of the number.
  4. To decorate the figure, you can make many small flowers from napkins or corrugated paper: each napkin needs to be folded in half, fastened with tape; cut out a circle; lift all its layers up and press down with your fingers; flatten the bottom side.
  5. Fasten the base of the number and the side with flowers with a stapler or glue.

photo collage

A collection of favorite photographs that will highlight the main memorable dates in the life of the birthday boy will definitely please him and can become an excellent decoration for the interior.

Collage options:

  • simple: photos from birthdays, work, holidays. They need to be randomly or in strict sequence glued onto thick cardboard, making an appropriate background on it;
  • unusual: using computer programs. You can make the birthday boy the main character of the comic by gluing a photo of his face to the body of a superhero;
  • for baby: you can make a poster with photos of a pregnancy test, traces of legs, the first photos of a baby by months (or years);
  • fantasy: Glue friends' heads to famous characters or place them among interesting decorations.

A collage, decorated with soul and taste, inserted into a baguette with glass, will definitely take its rightful place on the wall of the birthday man's room and will become not only an interior decoration, but also an expensive gift.

Ball figures

Making figures from balls is not the easiest thing to do. It is better to entrust it to professionals. However, if you have imagination and ingenuity, it is quite possible to try to do something with your own hands.

To bring this idea to life, you will need balls of different sizes (round, oblong, oval) and colors. As well as threads for their connection and weights for installation on the floor in a stationary state. Figures can be decorated with paper bows, carved eyes and other parts of the face.

For a children's birthday, it can be favorite cartoon characters and funny animals; for an adult birthday, a charming guy or girl in a seductive look is suitable.

Large paper martenitsas

To make this newfangled decoration, you only need sheets of standard A4 size, white and red, as well as glue and scissors.


  1. Fold the paper in half lengthwise exactly in the middle.
  2. Draw lines 10 to 12 on each piece of paper.
  3. Make cuts along the lines.
  4. Glue the ends of the sheets, applying glue to both ends.
  5. Form circles and glue them.

Decor of individual elements of the table

When choosing options on how to decorate a room with your own hands for a wedding or birthday, one should not forget about the most important thing, decorating the festive table. Proper decoration will emphasize the atmosphere of the celebration and will delight the guests.

Holiday table decoration

Table decoration can be the central embodiment of the whole idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe holiday into reality.

The main thing is to take into account the numerous nuances:

  • table, cutlery, napkins, chairs should be designed in the same style and combined with decorations in the room;
  • single figures look beautiful, which can be arranged in a slight mess on the table or at the plate of each guest (they must match the style of the holiday);
  • decorating dishes is very important, on the net you can find many photos of salads and hot dishes decorated with flowers and figures carved from food;
  • in autumn, a fruit vase carved from a whole watermelon looks very beautiful;
  • cutlery can be tied with a napkin or a beautiful ribbon;
  • if there are a lot of guests, you can prepare name cards that will indicate their places of accommodation;
  • you can decorate the plates with paper or drawings on the edges with a special gel; for a children's birthday, disposable bright dishes with your favorite cartoon characters will be an excellent way out.

tablecloth decoration

The tablecloth determines the style of the entire table decoration.

She may be:

  • elegant, festive (bought in a store or independently sewn from organza, taffeta, tulle, satin);
  • disposable, polyethylene (a large selection in specialty stores, they differ in patterns and quality);
  • standard white, which can be decorated with a special track (runner), which is laid in the center of the table;
  • creating a holiday in a rustic style, you can use an oilcloth checkered tablecloth;
  • unusual (for example, from paper, which children can color with felt-tip pens at their discretion right during the celebration).

Napkins also play an important role in the decor, they can be folded in many ways.

1 way:

2 way:

  • fold a napkin across;
  • make an accordion out of a triangle, leaving the top free;
  • fasten the top edge with an accordion;
  • fold in half;
  • secure with a ring.

3 way:

  • bend the corners first on the back, then on the front side of the canvas;
  • holding the center of the napkin with the corners, take out the bottom corners so that they take the form of petals.

Chair decoration

When choosing the option of how to decorate a room for a birthday, it is important to dress up chairs with your own hands.

There are several options here:

  • decorate the backs of chairs with light fabrics (tulle or organza), to match the tablecloth and the environment;
  • tie a balloon inflated with helium to each chair, in which you can place a leaflet with the guest's name or a small surprise;
  • lay out multi-colored soft pillows on the chairs;
  • decorate the chairs with attributes, in accordance with the style of the holiday (pirate sabers, princess crowns, space weapons).

Decorating a room for a party is a fun activity that can bring just as much fun as the celebration itself. In order for the result to impress the guests, you need to arm yourself with imagination, bold ideas and make a little effort.

Video how to decorate a room with your own hands for a birthday

How to decorate a room for a birthday: budget options:

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