How to forget my wife who changed and betrayed. To progress to change your wife or let go? Typical causes of treasure

One of the sayings of the famous French writer Francois de Larochefukuk says:

There are no women who have changed once - there are never changed

And qualified psychologists argue that men suffer married to treason much harder than women. What if the inexhaustible source of jokes and jokes knocked on the door? How to survive the treason of his wife and forget about the betrayal of his beloved? The man is a hunter, he is used to being a getter, and a woman who is next to Him must persogently wait for her husband and keep homemade hearth. If someone is superfluous to intervene in family idyll, it makes a serious blow to male pride.

In such a difficult situation, professional advice of a psychologist is required. Men in the heat of resentment can make a lot of nonsense and make rapid acts, the consequences of which sooner or later will have to regret. According to statistics, 90% of matrimonial change pops up, but only 30% of them lead to the divorce. In other cases, the husbands show nobility and favor, preferring to forgive the changeder and save the family.

A person is very difficult to independently deal with banal family troubles. And when it comes to betrayal and infidelity, the advice of the psychologist is invisible and indispensable. Men do not need to neglect the professional recommendations of specialists.

  • Stop blame yourself!

Most of the men who learned about the marital treason are blamed in what happened exactly. This is an erroneous opinion. Even if the husband is far from the ideal, all day lies on the couch, does not fulfill home duties and pays too little attention to his wife, it's still not his fault. Treason was a conscious choice of a woman, due to a warehouse of character and personal preferences. To impose on your shoulders responsibility for other people's actions wrong. Equally, how to incorrectly blame in everything wrong spouse. It should be free from painful thoughts and stop to drive yourself into a psychological pit in hard searches to blame. To be liberated from painful thoughts, this system has proven very well.

  • Hold the pause

Do not hurry and do not get hot. In the heat of passions, people make many mistakes. Give yourself a time to calm down and bring feelings in order. Stay alone with your thoughts, think if you want to forgive your spouse or tips, how to survive the treason of my wife, inappropriate.

It is worth noting that forgiveness is necessary for himself. Disability is a poison for the soul and to enter it not just humiliating (for yourself), but also extremely harmful. Naturally, forgiveness does not exclude the divorce, because the situation is the situation.

It doesn't matter what decision will be made, the main thing is to return the emotional balance. Subsequently will have to return to important issues. But at that time the time will pass, the feelings are cool, the pain subsides and you will look at the situation at a different angle. In any case, when carrying out the final verdict, remember the transference of the Indian political figure of Mahatma Gandhi: "The ability to forgive is a strong property. Weak never forgive. "

  • Do not avoid conversations with my wife

Talk to my wife and find out the motives of its behavior. As a rule, women are not solved on married treason from sports interest. They do not change just like that. Most likely, soulful torment and emotional dissatisfaction were pushed it to this act. Try to pacify your anger and ask for a second half to talk about the causes of treason. It is important to do, even if a man accepted a decision not to forgive his wife. Be sure to go on a frank conversation.

The couple is disconnected by different apartments, and the feeling of resentment and pain from betrayal to the beloved will remain. Therefore, the dialogue is simply necessary for normal life in the future. But it is impossible to turn a conversation into another quarrel, about unwashed dishes and scattered socks. If the atmosphere is glowing and the conversation goes into another channel, you should stop and postpone the conversation at a certain time. Psychologists believe that there may be 3 -4 conversations to resolve the situation with marital infidelity, and the period necessary in order to forget the treason is 2-3 years. Therefore, men wishing to save the family should be patient.

  • Changing his wife, change myself

Try to put yourself in the lover's place. What is it better? What is there in it, what do you have? Why did she choose him? Make a step towards my wife, change your behavior, clean the mind. Psychologically, women are arranged in such a way that they first change the soul and only then the body. Opening another man's heart, the spouse comes out from under the control of her husband and completely immersed by the mind and consciousness in the power of the lover. The man should try to understand and feel their own woman. It is necessary to give her exactly what many years lacked. It is important to open your feelings, show my wife that she is still welcome and loved. That woman who is overwhelmed and adored, hardly wants to look for new sensations on the side.

Many men, after marriage, stop their wives to recommend: compliments, flowers, attention signs. And between the case, no matter how much the woman there is years, they all love it insanely and appreciate. Will they like it in new relationships with her lover?

  • Perceive treason as some kind of illness

Only the disease is not physical, but spiritual. Lover is a virus, her husband is a medicine. The more hugs and kisses will give a legitimate spouse, the sooner the charm of the impostor will weaken. But do not do it intrusive or with a feeling of need. It should go from the soul - women feel very well. To do this, start searching, in it, what you like. If everything is done correctly, the woman will "dissolve" in her husband and forget about the lover. Continuous body contact will continue union of shower. And then, when the couple feels one way, a mutual understanding will come. But in order to wake out the fading feelings and return love, you need to get strength and stock patience, learn to trust each other and start living in a new way.

  • Imagine your life without a wife

Imagine that returning home you did not find a favorite woman there. Somewhere disappeared common joys and trivia. There are no more family traditions and holidays. Imagine that it wounds stronger: a blow to male pride or a loss of a loved one. Psychologists say that many of their patients are easier to survive the insult and pain than to part with a loved one. But do not persuade the woman, do not ask her to return. Do not lure your wife with beautiful promises and in no case can be bought up with gifts. Do not forget that they love anything, but just like that. Wife should love her husband, and not feel a feeling of pity for him. Act unobtrusively, without threats and coercion - this in itself attracts.

  • Dmitry, 28 years old, site co-author

I, at one time, helped me very much. The invaluable recommendations of the author, this system, to write out and processing on this system, the entire pop-up mental material, was not just relieving, but the situation turned at a very unexpected way (positively) ... In general, we are building your reality with our thoughts and very often, permission On the mental level, solves the problem on the household.

But this system for integrated cleansing of the mind and it should be proceeding only if you want to get rid of the whole from: negative emotions, complexes that limit presentations and beliefs, from negative installations and other mental garbage. By the way, in the process of study, the face was transformed - there is a connection between the inner world and the person.

  • Konstantin, 35 years, programmer

It seems to me that treason does not waste so much if it is morally ready for it. Of course, it is much easier to blindly believe your wife and do not bother with obsessive thoughts. But life is a difficult thing, everything can happen in it. You need to calculate the moves in advance and think over all possible options for the development of events. And in general, everyone has the right to make a mistake.

  • Igor, 47 years old, individual entrepreneur

In the modern world, marriage often disintegrate due to the infidelity of one of the spouses. The institute of the family has lost its value. I consider to dissolve the marriage because of one ridiculous act. I was sorry to tear what was built by many years. I was not going to give my wife someone unknown from where the lover who came, who did not make anything for my woman with an even account. Men, do not chop on the root and do not burn bridges behind them, no matter how hurts and hurt. My family recovered, and your definitely revives from the ash.

  • Andrey, 29 years old, manager

I did not know how to survive the treason of my wife. Life turned upside down. I did not find myself places, I could not drink or eat. But a few weeks later, my attitude towards the current situation has changed. I realized that there is also my wines in what happened. After eight years of marriage, I began to seem that besides me, my spouse is not needed. I ceased to give my wife gifts and make compliments, evenings in the family of the family preferred friendly sites in the bar.

Missing emotions My woman found in the arms of another man. Oddly enough, but I am in some extent grateful to my opponent. After all, if not treason, my wife and I would simply divorce and forgot about each other. And so, our feelings got a good shake. All this was an excellent lesson for both of us. We prefer not to remember more about treason, we spend a lot of time together and try not to forget about such concepts as love, loyalty and understanding.

Female look at men's problems

Despite the fact that the symbol of male horns is a woman, without a female look in this situation, do not do. The representatives of the fine floor do not know what actions are waiting for their forgotten wives from their husbands. Their advice on how to survive the change of his wife can be useful consulting experienced psychologists:

  • Valeria, 28 years old, sales consultant

I changed my husband for several years. Practically from the first days of marriage began quarrels, reproes, scandals. We diverged and converged again, ran in a circle, tormented themselves and children. The lover was my intense. But after some time I realized that I love my husband and I do not want to part. After long and complex conversations, we decided to continue to live together. It took a lot of effort and effort to believe in the sincerity of our senses and establish a good relationship, but now understanding the family in our family.

  • Natalia, 42 years old, notary

I am a successful woman who knows the price. Recently, the husband did not just stop paying attention to me, but began to assure me in insolvency and unattractiveness. Surprisingly, the spouse found one who appreciated my beauty. Our family happiness saved flour conscience on my part and recognition of husband's mistakes. I advise men to spend your woman and appreciate the time spent next to her.

  • Kristina, 34 years old, housewife

In family relations, I did not decide on a marital treason, but was in the balance of it. I do not know what I was killing me, but my husband was unpleasant to know that I was in a step from betrayal. Despite the contradictory situation, our family life began to improve. In order for the wives not a desire to pay attention to other men, the spouses should make unexpected actions for women, give gifts without reason and say compliments. It is necessary to admire his wife, and then she will be a fellow husband.

If the betrayal still happened, it is necessary to come to terms with what happened. It is necessary to understand that the time does not turn back and what happened will remain. All you can do is to work on errors. And how to live on: to return lost love or start with a clean sheet, solve each deceived husband yourself.

Family relationships almost every couple at first add up perfectly. As the domestic problems increase, the dissatisfaction of the woman is growing. Some of them silently swallow resentment, but there is a category of wives who do not see a different solution to the problem, except for treason, which is again not the best option. Here and the question arises before the husband - forgive? Or maybe it's easier to divorce? Do not hurry. The family has already been created, and it is impossible to destroy it easier, and it is impossible to restore it.

Why changed wife

According to statistics, women's treason happens less frequently male, because in the very nature of women laid the potential of his wife, mother, hostess, and the family for her is very important. If the cheating occurred, it means that there is a problem in family relationships. Having learned about it, call my wife for a frank conversation. Do not arrange scandals and disassembly, especially since the threats of physical violence. Try to figure out that it was the cause of deception and whether it is possible to glue a cracked relationship, because the consequences of what happened without clarifying the reasons will lead to a dead end. Of course, any of the reasons does not justify the act of his wife, but they can be quite serious and prompt the exit.

  1. Address of his wife can be a reaction to a similar behavior of her husband. When the husband exists increased attention to other states of weak gender and even supports closer relations, then the second half is trying to take revenge in the same way. In some cases, a woman, changing several times, calms down, and family life goes old.
  2. Not enough attention from the husband. In many families, women work along with men, and their homework and lack of helping their spouse are waiting for their homes. Treason in this case is a way to find mutual understanding on the side.
  3. Woman dissatisfaction in sexual relationships. If treason has occurred on her, a man should analyze the behavior of his wife during sex and its capabilities in this plan. Maybe this problem pushed the spouse to experience pleasure with another partner.
  4. Wife fell in love with another man. This is perhaps the most serious reason. In this situation, there is the greatest risk of disintegration of the family.

Do I need to forgive deception of my wife

The first your thought - you can forgive treason, regardless of the cause. Only after finding out what pushed the beloved woman for such a step, you can decide whether there is a chance to save the family or better to disperse as quickly as possible. Not every changed lady repents in its adventure or hobby. The situation is much easier to resolve if you hear words of regretful of what happened, otherwise you will have to part or continue to live together by accepting it.

The first thing you manage - anger, stormy emotions, thoughts about deception and humiliation. Take yourself in hand, cool, think about all the occurrence and possible consequences.

Do not try to find out the savory details by interrogation - it will only strengthen your negative. Initially, your goal is to understand that it means that man. Perhaps it was a one-time passion or their relationship develop at the moment.

Judging by the experience of many couples, survived a similar drama, it is recommended to disperse for a while. This will allow each of you calmly weigh everything, draw conclusions and make a final decision. And personally, without seeing the wrong wife, it will be easier to understand, to complete the relationship or still forgive.

If the decision has made in favor of your family, the following task is to forget what happened and make efforts to strengthen the family union.

Returning the former relationship or even improve that it is possible to many families, it is possible when you have a mutual desire. Try to follow some recommendations:

  • pay attention to its appearance, it likes to all women;
  • dedicate as much time as possible to the spouse, her life, interests;
  • remember the first acquaintance, repeat the romantic moments of the first meetings;
  • do not forget about flowers, compliments, pleasant words;
  • discuss the sexual relationship, listening to the wishes of the wife.

The result of building new relations in the old family depends, first of all, from whether you forgive your woman finally or thought about treason will be pursued constantly. But try to fight. Suppress emotions, resentment and start acting. Hessed solutions in this situation will only exacerbate the position is irretrievably.

Psychologists believe that the classical councils in this situation can not be. Each case is individual, like a person himself.

Understand that it serves as a reason for finding the consolation of your wife in the arms of another man. If you do not understand, you can't forgive you.

If the betrayal was a short passion or light flirt, the wife recognizes the frivolity of his act, forgiveness is already just for it. And you analyze how it happened that there were not you, but someone else's.

When women's treason is associated with love for another man, it is almost impossible to forgive, because a pride is infringed upon, and the thought of treason itself is present inside you, poisoning existence. You must forgive me, because when you love - forgive everything. And in this case, it makes no sense in this case, it makes no sense to keep your favorite woman who loves the other. Let go and wish happiness. Your family life has no future.

When it turns out that the betrayal happened not for the first time, every new passion for his wife ends with a short intrigue, and then returning to you, she asks for forgiveness - it is better to part. Even your love will not be able to change your beloved.

There is another important factor affecting the decision of the husband - these are common children. You cannot make a decision regarding the deceiving wife, put yourself in their place, imagine how they will perceive your divorce. Perhaps you should forgive my spouse for the sake of them. Give her a chance for the purchase of new happiness with joint efforts.

Just you decide to forgive whether to grasp your beloved woman, but remember if you do not want to repeat the experienced events, leave everything in the past and do not remember under any circumstances.

Video: How to forgive betrayal of a loved one

Family relations undergo many tests. Address of his wife is one of the most difficult. Instead of a hasty decision on divorce, followed by depression, self-division and other troubles, should be understood, why it happened and can it be fixed. Men are polygamines in nature, and often say that they have been "left" to go to the left, and there are no women, because the betrayal is sometimes tolerated much hard than the weak floor representatives. First of all, it is necessary to gain patience and excerpts. This will help to understand whether it is necessary to forgive the wife of his wife and how to do it.

Forgive wife treason and learn to live on

Before wondering: "Forgive or not to betray a wife and whether it is worth doing this?" You need to think about why it happened and is there any sense in forgiveness. Filming up relationships can stretch for a long time. It is important here not only to come to the correct solution, but also for the soul to want it. After all, if a man every time in bed with his wife will reflect on what she was with another, it would not end.

Frequent causes of female infidelity become: loneliness, lack of attention, dissatisfaction in sex. Each of the factors directly depends on her husband, so both are to blame for what happened. Another thing, if the second half went on the side of curiosity for or due to banal cooling to the partner. The latter option is the most unfavorable forecast, but any situation may have a positive outcome when treason will be forgotten, and life will score with a new key.

Psychologists know how to forgive his wife's treason and give delivere recommendations applicable in most cases:

  1. Speak with a deceit trick. The purpose of the conversation is to find out why and why she did it. It is important to understand, it repents or not. With the first option, you can still work, the second is doomed. It is impossible to keep a woman who does not like or at least no longer wants to be with his spouse.
  2. Realize what happened, sort out your feelings. Imagine a nearby collaborative future, where the lover does not exist. Does the attitude to his wife change? The fact of betrayal will be important in everyday affairs or during a quarrel? If so, it means you are not ready for forgiveness. Even if such a step seems to be the only true, its implementation is not crowned with success.
  3. Make a break in a relationship, ideally changing the situation - the best way to forget the change of my wife. So both will have the opportunity to think about everything, make a final decision. The main thing is not to hurry with the conclusions, since at first, emotions always go to the fore.

One of the common causes of female treason is the infidelity of the spouse. Such a revenge is not the most successful method to make him regret his adventures. It often turns out that the husband does not forgive treason, although it is not less to blame. Each family is a whole set of nuances, small things, circumstances requiring an individual approach, so it is sometimes rational to solve the problem only due to consultation with a psychologist. Do not seek help for friends. They see only a small share, do not know all the details, and are not able to give an objective answer to the question: "Can I forgive the change of my wife?"

When it is worth forgive

Regardless of the circumstances under which a betrayal was made, the ability to forgive determine the feelings, because to forget his wife, which you love is impossible. Love pushes us to the most reckless, sometimes stupid and non-serious actions. A sincerely loving man is very difficult to terms with pain, but in the desire to preserve the relationship, he has no choice. He does not say: "I can not forgive the cheating of my wife, because ..." There is no excuse for him, he sacredly believes and does not doubt that the chosen is repent of truly. Lovers in love behave similarly.

Forget about the offense and start a new family life, not remembering the past, it is also one who lived in a happy marriage for many years. It does not matter that this union fastened - love, mutual respect, affection or passion. If the wife has changed just once and in ridiculous randomness, psychologists advise what to do - to forgive and go further side by side.

Perhaps the cause of the adulter was the obstacle of the mind due to intoxication, or there was an action of a compulsory nature. Before accusing the beloved, it should be carefully analyzed. A happy wife is the one who can proudly say: "The husband forgave me treason." If marriage overcomes such difficulties, it means that these people are indeed two halves of one whole.

There are cases when doubts regarding the question - to forgive treason to the wife, more than justified:

  • she deliberately went to the left, because he does not appreciate the marriage;
  • she has a permanent lover, communication with which is supported for a long time;
  • she shifts his guilt on the satellite shoulders, reproaches him in insolvency or inferiority.

Psychologists give the wise council, how to survive the treason of his wife - to forgive no matter what. Even if it is inevitable divorce, and you understand that you will no longer be able to treat it as before, the resentment should be released, otherwise the topic of deception will chase all my life, and the worst thing - will create an illusion that all women are the same. Absolutely identical personalities, as well as there are no situations, therefore it is impossible to judge unfamiliar people in the actions of others.

If you do not know how to survive the treason of my wife, seek advice to a psychologist - the best solution. The specialist will help to figure out, find a way out and again become happy. It is impossible to achieve the result after the first session. Restoration of psycho-emotional balance is a long process that requires great effort.

Family life consists not only of pleasant moments. Sometimes quarrels and inconsidery occur, financial difficulties arise. However, the most unpleasant event in the family is married treason. According to statistics, men are most often solved on treason. Women's treason is much less common, but it is more likely leads to the divorce, since men are emotionally experienced the wrongfulness of the spouse. Should I forgive the change of my wife?

Why change wives?

In terms of its nature, women are not prone to polygamy. Since the first acquaintance with a man, the girl is trying on the partner the role of her husband. After marriage, the woman tries to create a comfort in a family nest and not to allow close persons who threaten the well-being of the family. In this regard, most often the fact of treason indicates the emergence of serious problems in the family. Psychologists allocate the following reasons for women's treason:

How to understand that the wife exactly changed?

If a man has suspicions about the wrongness of the spouse, it means that the problem really arose in the family. Sometimes there are also pathological jequatians, but if the husband did not bother the issue of treason until a certain moment, suddenly arising suspicions are forced to think.

As a rule, women know how to hide their meetings with her lover. How to understand her husband, are his suspicions justified? As an option - you can trace the wife.

However, there are a number of indirect signs that indicate the fact of infidelity beloved:

The listed features do not always indicate treason. Sometimes changes in female behavior are caused by fatigue, the appearance of business trips can be explained by the change in the company's policy, and the acquisition of new linen - the desire to please your beloved husband.

You can just know exactly about treason you can only see lovers together or getting recognition from my wife. Psychologists are not recommended to beat confession by force. If suspicions are strong enough, you need to talk to my wife, listen to her answer and watch further behavior.

Tips for a psychologist about whether to forgive, the spouse that changed and betrayed

Despite the reasons that prompted a woman to change her husband, married infidelity - the first step towards the emergence of the abyss between the spouses (more in the article :). A man is difficult to forgive the betrayal of a woman. Some do not even try to figure out the reasons and often break the relationship. Others - blame in what happened and engaged in self-vacation. How to forgive treason wife?

How to survive treason and save the family?

The first reaction to treason is uncontrollable anger and insult. Over time, these feelings can lead to internal devastation. The man may have fear that changed once, the spouse will change both in the second. To progress to change the wife depends on the desire of a man to keep marriage.

Some experts advise to figure out "Muss", with a rival. Indeed, it will help raise self-esteem, but will not solve the problem. If a man decided to save the family, you need to treat the accomplished fact as a new point of reference and go to a new stage of relationships.

How to stop relationships, forget his wife and live on?

If a man understands that he will not be able to forgive his wife, or her betrayals repeated more than once, you need to part with my wife (we recommend reading :). A woman can leave the family herself, if you love another.

Many men are experiencing more because of the implanted pride, than because of the loss of the beloved. Psychologists advise to try to distract from thoughts about betrayal. No need to constantly scroll through heavy moments in my head, it is necessary to find a lesson. However, it is not necessary to turn into a mad workaholic or climber-extremal. Everything should be in moderation.

Sometimes it is enough to remember the past hobbies or take the time that I have long wanted to do. You can go on vacation, change the situation. If love has long passed, the change of his wife will only help realize, in which direction you need to move on.

Some men try to quickly find his wife a replacement in order to show her that she was mistaken in choosing. But is it worth a new family from the desire to prove anyone? The new marriage will be a torment for a woman and disappointment for a man.

If the couple has common children, communication with the former spouse will continue, so you need to try to maintain normal relationships for the sake of children. It is impossible to avoid communicating with his wife, but also to look for meetings. Need to live on without clinging for the past. It will never be the same. It must be understood and accept.

Assessing what happened, the conclusions should be made to eliminate repetitions of errors in other relationships. No need to take a position that all women are the same. If one betrayed, it does not mean that the behavior of another will be the same.

Learning to forgive yourself and others will help an experienced psychologist. If it is impossible to cope with negative feelings for a long time, extraneous help should be accepted. Sometimes only a specialist can suggest how to take himself in hand and get rid of internal imbalance.

So folded for centuries: a woman is the keeper of the hearth, Bereginy. The most valuable qualities were considered modesty and loyalty. In some cultures, treason treated the death penalty, often the culprit was simply closed by stones. And what now? The society has become easier to treat both male and female infidelity. And if this happened, whether it is worth forgive

Union of men and women

Today it became fashionable to say: any partner union is a certain agreement where everyone has the right to count on compliance with certain conditions. What is able to give each other a man and a woman for what they combine in a couple?

Each on the threshold of an important decision is to think about the answer and decide what he is waiting for the partner. It has long been known: women and men from different planets. And we all understand perfectly who are from Venus, and who from Mars. And if so, that is, the fundamental requirements of partners to each other so that the union is durable.

For a woman in the first place is the responsibility of the chosen. She needs to know that he will always take care of her and children and will never leave without support.

For a man, the faithfulness of its second half is important. For him, confidence is necessary: \u200b\u200bno matter what happens - a business trip, army, scandals, quarrels - a spouse will be devoted to him to the end.

Thinking about the answer to the question about whether to forgive the change of his wife, it is necessary to understand: the basis of the contract was disturbed. The reinforced concrete rule is fulfilled, which bonded the union.

Treason of men and women - things different?

Everyone knows the Chinese parable, which can be fully brought in the article:

"Once to the great Chinese thinker, the confusion came to visit a very educated lady at the time and asked him the question:

Tell me, Confucius, why, when a woman has many lovers, it is subjected to public censure, and when a man has many women, it increases its social status and adds authoritative. Before answering, Confucius silently brewed tea and spilled him into six cups.

Tell me, he asked her after that, - when one kettle pours welding in six cups, is that normal?

Yes, "the woman replied.

You see! - Grinning answered Confucius - and when six kettles merge in one cup at once, it is not just abnormally, but also disgusting and unnatural. "

Parachia illustrates the fact that since ancient times, only female infidelity condemned. Why? From understanding this will depend on the question of whether to forgive his wife's treason. To do this, we will stop more on its psychological component.

Nature treason feminine

What is guided by a man when he lies in bed with another? Exclusively physiology. His excites a beautiful figure, a mounted look, the rest of the woman. Is it possible to imagine a married lady, which threatens a family life only because of the priests or biceps of his lover? For the causes of female infidelity, you need to look for deeper roots. The emotional sphere is always affected here, real feelings arise.

Paradox, but the seduction is often subject to a mature wife, whose experience of family life exceeds a 10-year term. This is due to the lack of passion and the loss of the romantic component in the intimate life of the couple. Woman depreciates actions, and words suddenly come out. Compliments and frank flirts from an outsider man are accepted for a clean coin. The dream to be desirable and beloved often casts married ladies in the arms of pickuparts, street hooligans and frank loving.

Men and women's treason

Everyone knows: a man - the owner. He is so arranged that it cannot but suffer the question of what his wife's lover is better than he. Awareness that she slept with another is a real injury for the male psyche. The spouse will always mentally return to the situation of treason and have suffering every time.

A few years ago, the series was released on the screens, where the head of his wife changed with the other. What to do in such a situation? The woman soon realized that he was wrong. She chose the family and repented before his spouse. But many years have passed, and there was not a single day so that our hero does not ask about the ill-fated Taras (so called him once a better friend).

At the moments of intimate proximity, the man was tormented by suspicion that his wife was much better in bed with Taras than with him. In relationships disappeared, irritation appeared, aggression. What pushes women to risk marriage?

Typical causes of treasure

There is a myth that only a young wife changes. This is not true. The adultery has no age, but there are typical reasons to consider. Let us leave the situation behind the brackets when the marriage was originally created on the basis of love, and a joint life for both turned into flour. Treason in this case only provoked a gap that was so inevitable.

Do not consider the situations where the fateful meeting of two people intended to each other occurred. We are talking about real love, which a man and woman was lucky to experience.

What pushes on treason of women who got married quite consciously?

  • No passion. It is possible that both preserved feelings, the joint life is quite suitable, but the sex life ceased to be attractive. So the woman is solved to experience the former passion on the side.
  • Inability to spend time alone. It concerns those whose husbands are missing for a long time, and their wives have no business that would absorb all his free time. The woman begins to rush and look for attention to his own person somewhere on the side.
  • Very often, young wives before marriage simply did not come down. Coming out to marry pretty early, they tied life with their first men and did not imagine that they could be in foreign hugs. And fate, as in sin, connects them with an impressive handsome man, which shows persistent interest. How to resist?

After cheating

There is another situation that we have not considered separately - this is a female revenge for the disadvantage, inattention or male treason. It is capable of even a mature wife, but what are the consequences of this step?

  • Any woman visits the feeling of guilt. She herself and the judge, and the prosecutor, and the lawyer, and the executioner. She is tormented by remorse of conscience, while she is trying to find an answer to the question: tell the spouse or not? We will discuss this problem in the next section of the article.
  • Often the consequence of the disintegration of the family. Not every man can cope with his emotions and continue a joint life with a woman who has changed him.
  • Strong half is not programmed for long experiences, so soon the spouse may have a new relationship, and this will complicate the situation if there are children a couple.

Recognize or not

Here the most principled is that hope for forgiveness can be utopia. Men are not only owners. By nature, they are much less than women are afraid of loneliness. Most of them do not accept betrayal and are not ready to forgive him.

Deciding on recognition, you need to be ready for any outcome, right up to parting. If there is a desire to keep the family, it is necessary to analyze the situation and make the right conclusions. Do not share with loved ones not to provoke the situation when the spouse finds out about those who occurred from foreign mouth.

It is very important to forgive yourself and ask for forgiveness from the spouse. But only in thoughts and mandatory sincerely. Believers can go to church, repent before God. Only genuine repentance will be a guarantee that this will not happen again, this is the first and last change of his wife.

Forgive it is impossible: the opinion of the majority

Women's treason is the completion of relationships. So many consider, because they do not see prospects for the further development of a normal family union. Among the adherents of this point of view, most are male. Consider their arguments:

  • With treason, the most important thing is confidence. In the soul there will be a small voice of doubt, which over time will exercise its destructive work. The resentment will be copied, following them to follow the scandals and, finally, the psychological breakdown will occur.
  • If a man forgive the betrayal of a woman, he must understand what will fall in her eyes. For demonstrates its weakness as a male. Most of the most beautiful sex representatives will not perceive this step as a manifestation of nobility. Subconsciously, they will start to lose respect for the partner, which can grow into contempt.
  • Women will not be able to make the right conclusions by receiving forgiveness. The paradox lies in the fact that psychological protection will work, and there will be a coup of consciousness in their heads, which is often called magic. They will find an excuse for themselves by placing responsibility for what happened on the third party. And more often - on the partner itself.
  • The most dangerous consequence of forgiveness is to obtain a kind of indulgence for further treason. The spouse of this step demonstrates what is tied to the family, a beloved woman. Realizing this dependence of its second half, it does not premone to experience fate again.


Supporters of such a version believe: are capable of preserving relationships after female treason only absolutely dependent individuals. In the people they are called repentables, for they practically do not have their own opinions. But these cases should be attributed to clinical.

There are rare exceptions when men are looking for an answer to the question of how to forgive the treason of his wife and save the family. But it is from the field of self-deception. The reasons for such a step lies either in the inner weakness of the partner, or in unnecessary self-love. The first begin to regret the woman, children, relatives, without understanding that happiness is not contemplated in this feeling. The second overestimates its significance in the eyes of the spouse.