Card file for winter walks in the preparatory group. Abstract of the winter walk "Travel to Sportlandia" in the preparatory group

Abstract of an open walk in the preparatory group on the topic "Hello, winter-winter!"

The synopsis reflects all the main components of walks: observation, work activity, active and sedentary games, individual work with children, independent activities of children.



Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution No. 14 "Child Development Center - kindergarten"

Summary of the regime moment "walk"

(open view)

On the topic: "Hello, winter - winter!" for children of the preparatory group.

Prepared by: N.G. Oleinikova


G. Kemerovo 20015

Purpose: To expand the knowledge of children about the cycle in nature; to increase the level of physical activity of children; cultivate a positive attitude towards walking, curiosity.

Materials: ice toys, children's paddles, ball, bags for throwing at the target.

Preliminary work: viewing illustrations about winter, reading fiction, making colored, ice toys.


  • Form ideas about the properties of snow (color, size, shape of snowflakes, composition - state of aggregation);
  • Stimulate cognitive and research activities;
  • Consolidate knowledge about a seasonal phenomenon - snowfall
  • Activate and expand vocabulary, improve the evidential side of speech by resolving problematic issues;
  • To foster moral and aesthetic feelings and artistic and creative abilities in interaction with nature:

Walking course:


Purpose: expanding children's knowledge about the water cycle in nature,

Development of observation, ability to draw conclusions

The teacher asks the children where the snow is coming from. Explains that it rains from rain clouds in summer. Now it's winter outside, there are no rain clouds, the weather is cold and frosty. In the clouds, steam and small water droplets freeze and turn into snowflakes; they fall to the ground, form heaps of snow, drifts. Make a riddle:

White, patterned,

An asterisk is a baby

Fly into my hand

Sit a minute

The star spun

A little bit in the air.

Sat down and melted

On my palm. "

Educator: Guys, winter has prepared gifts for you, but in order to receive them you must pass all the tests that she has prepared for you!

On a calm day, snowflakes fall slowly, you can see their shape. When the wind blows, snowflakes fly in solid dust, brushing against each other and other objects. Their rays break off, lose their beautiful shape, In a deep frost with a clear sky, crystals fall out in the form of needles. Offer to catch a snowflake, examine it.

Invite children to make a snowball. Will it work or not. Why?

Experimental activities:"Let's decorate the Christmas tree"

Purpose: to reflect existing perceptions in transformative activities.

The teacher reminds of the upcoming New Year's holidays and offers to decorate the Christmas tree on the site with unusual toys - from the water.

Children look at the toys prepared in advance with the teacher and decorate the Christmas tree on the site.

The child reads a poem:

At night, when everything freezes around,
The tree is quietly playing with toys.

He fiddles with them just like a girl:
Hides a hare from the gray wolf,

A golden ball rolls on the floor
Braids the Snow Maiden's ribbon in a braid,

Gently shakes the mouse on its paws, -
In general, she does not get bored at night!

In the afternoon, the Christmas tree looks like a pretender -
As if she doesn't care about toys.

Labor activity:

Target: to educate hard work, skills of collective activity.

Clearing snow from paths, building a snow slide.

The teacher conducts a conversation with the children for which it is necessary to clear the paths from snow.

Play activity

Outdoor games: "Hunters and Hares"

Purpose of the game: training in running in a playful manner, development of dexterity and coordination of movement.

Two of the playing children are chosen: the "hunter" and the "homeless hare". The rest of the children - "hares" draw for themselves on the playground mugs - "houses" with a diameter of up to 50 cm.

Each hare occupies its own "house" - a circle. The teacher gives a signal by which the hunter begins to chase the "homeless" hare. Running away from the hunter, the "hare" dodges between the houses, and then unexpectedly can drop into any house and stand behind the "hare" living there. At the same moment, this "hare" turns into a "homeless", must leave the "house" and run away from the hunter now chasing him.

As soon as the hunter caught up with the hare and touched it with his hand, they change places: the hare becomes a hunter, and the hunter becomes a hare.

Game option: the total number of hares is decreasing, and instead of circles, "houses" for "hares" are children, 3-4 holding hands.

They open the "doors" (raise their hands) in front of the "homeless hare", letting him into the house, and close them in front of the "hunter". At the same time, through other "doors" the hare leaves the house. The rest of the game follows the same rules.


One of the players is chosen by the entertainer, he stands in the middle of the circle. The rest of the children walk in a circle holding hands. They say:

In an even circle

One after another

We go step by step.

Stand still

Friendly together

Let's do ... like this.

Lowering their hands, the players stop. The entertainer shows some movement that mimics the posture of a skater, a skier's step, the rotation of a skater, a hit with a stick or the action of a goalkeeper in hockey, as well as any other action typical of one of the winter sports. All children must repeat this action and name it. After several repetitions of the game, the entertainer chooses someone else from the players in his place. Entertainers should try to remember varied e movements of athletes, do not repeat those already shown.

Individual work.

Children with low motor activity:"Skiing"

Purpose: exercise in skiing, develop dexterity, endurance.

Children with high physical activity:"Who has more hits."Goal: Exercise in throwing a horizontal target.

Independent activity.

Purpose: development of initiative, independence, friendly relations between children.

At the end of the walk, the teacher opens a chest with gifts and gives them to the children!

Attention! Exhibition!

Dear parents, we invite your children and you to participate in the manufacture of crafts on the New Year's theme"New Year's Kaleidoscope"which will start from December 1, 2015

veronica shestakova
Card file for winter walks in the preparatory group

Card file for winter walks in the preparatory group.

In a colorful version, card index is presented below.

Card index of walks WINTER

Observation number 1

Observing changes in nature. Offer to find the signs of winter yourself.

Mystery: Powdered the tracks,

Decorated the windows.

I gave joy to children

And I gave it a ride on a sled. (Winter)

Didactic game "Who is bigger?"- exercise in the selection of definitions for nouns.

What words can you say about winter? What winter? (magical, fabulous, snowy, frosty, blizzard, sparkling, winter fairy, cold, beautiful, etc.)

Labor activity

Clearing the site from snow.

Target: foster a desire to collectively ennoble your site.

Outdoor games

"We are funny guys".


Increase physical activity;

Act quickly at the signal of the teacher. "Birds and a cat".

Target: learn "Fly off" only at the call, run within the site, jump on both legs, easily bending them at the knees.

Individual work

Development of movements.

Target: practice jumping on two legs, moving forward at a distance of 2-3 m.

Observation # 2 for seasonal changes

Goals: to form ideas about changes in nature at the beginning of winter (the night gets longer and the day decreases);

Observation progress The beauty of the morning winter. Days are inexpressible, Snow - at least lend to All other snowless winters.

December came - the first winter month... Through low gray clouds rarely the sun is peeping, that's why people call December "Gloomy"- gloomy, sunless month, short days, long nights, it gets dark early. At night in December frost bursts - builds ice bridges on rivers, ponds and lakes.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What month does December follow?

What has changed on the site in the kindergarten compared to November?

What are the protective properties of snow?

Backfilling of tree roots with snow.

Target: to foster a desire to provide assistance to living objects.

Outdoor games: Snowball game.

Target: to consolidate skills in throwing objects.

Jumping on one leg.

Target: foster a sense of balance.

Individual work: Development of movements.

Target: teach self-belay when performing balance movements

Related publications:

Card file of walks for young children (autumn) AUTUMN (September, October) 1. Observing the sky: gray, gloomy, no clouds. P / and "Catch the ball". Games with sand, portable material.

Card index of walks for the month of April for the preparatory group Card number 1 April. Observing the height of the Sun - to consolidate knowledge about the influence of solar energy on the life of plants, animals and humans.

Card index of walks for May for the preparatory group Card number 1 May. Weather monitoring - continue to form a generalized understanding of seasonal changes in non-living nature at the end.

Card number 1 middle group Winter (wildlife) December Observation of birch and mountain ash Purpose: to form knowledge about the life of plants in winter.

Card file of walks in the senior group. Winter. December. Part 1 December. Part 1. Walk 1 Observing seasonal changes Objectives: - to form ideas about changes in nature at the beginning of winter (night.

Card file of walks in the senior group. Winter. December. Part 2. December. Part 2. Walk # 8 Observation of the bullfinch Objectives: - to expand the understanding of migratory birds; - develop the ability to analyze.

Card file of walks in the senior group. Winter. January. Part 2 January. Part 2. Walk 8 Observing snowflakes Objectives: - to pay attention to the fact that snowflakes are different in shape; - learn to compare.

Lyudmila Derkunova
Summary of a walk in the preparatory group "Winter fun"

Summary of a walk in the preparatory group "Winter fun"

Software content.

To create favorable conditions for the disclosure of creative ideas of children, the manifestation of their physical activity and a positive emotional state.

Observation "What Snow?"


Observe with children such properties of snow: white, cold, falls like snowflakes, which melt on a warm hand, become water droplets.

Walking course:

The teacher invites children to admire the winter landscape. Draws the attention of children to the large drifts of snow that shine in the sun during the day.

How beautifully A.S. Pushkin said about this time of year:

... The winter sorceress is coming.

Came, crumbled: in shreds

Hanged on the branches of oak trees;

Laid down in wavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills.

Brega with a motionless river

Equalized with a plump shroud;

Frost flashed. And we are glad

The pranks of mother winter.

Vos-l: What can you say about snow? What is he?

Children: Fluffy, sparkles in the sun, shimmers, plump, hairy.

Vos-l: In winter, snow often changes its color: it is blue, then bluish or yellow, depending on the lighting.

The teacher asks the children a riddle:

What are the stars through

On a coat and a scarf?

All through, cutout.

And take it - water in your hand.

The teacher shows the children a magnifying glass and explains what it is for. She catches a snowflake on a black leaf and invites the children to examine it through a magnifying glass. Children examine a snowflake, admire its beauty, count how many rays it has.

Ecological game "Guess which bird"

The teacher reads to children the poem by O. Vykhotskaya "Craftswoman winter"

Winter has come, it is busy:

Wrapped in snow

All the bumps and stumps

Benches and stacks.

Winter told the oak

Throw on fluffy fur

I put a fur coat on the spruce,

The warmth covered everyone.

Waxwings blush

On birch branches.

They didn't fly away.

Will they survive the frost?

Vos-l: How can we help birds survive the winter?

Children: Pour feed into the trough.

The teacher invites children to guess riddles about wintering birds:

Little boy

In a gray Armenian

Prowling around the yard

He collects crumbs.

Wanders at night

Hemp steals (sparrow)

That bird is a fidget.

One color with birch.

Who is this? (magpie)

She's a little bird

And her name is ... (titmouse)

I knock on wood

I want to get a worm.

Even though it hid under the bark,

Anyway, you will be mine (woodpecker)

Vos-l: Children, and what winter fun has winter prepared for us?

Children: sledding, skiing, skating, playing snowballs.

The competition "Who blinds the snowman faster?"

Children are divided into two teams, they roll snowballs of different sizes (large, medium, small, then put them in a certain order and decorate the snowmen. The team that quickly blinds beautiful snowmen wins).

Outdoor game "Frost - Red Nose"

Purpose: to develop the ability to run in different directions, agility, quickness, courage. The driver is selected using a counting device.

Course of the game: two houses are designated on opposite sides of the court. In one of them - the players. In the middle of the platform, the driver - Frost - Red nose becomes facing them. He says:

I am Frost - Red nose

Which one of you will decide

To set off on a path-path?

The children answer in unison:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost!

After that, the children run across the playground to another house. Frost catches up with them and tries to freeze (touch with his hand). The "frozen" ones stop at the place where Frost overtook them and stand until the end of the dash. After several dashes, a new Frost is chosen. At the end of the game, the “frozen” children are counted and it is found out which of the Morozov is the most agile.

Outdoor game "Snow carousel"

Purpose: to teach to move in a circle at a fast and slow pace, changing direction.

The course of the game: children form a circle near the snowman, depicting snowflakes. At the signal of the teacher, the children walk slowly, then they run faster and faster. After letting the children run a few laps, the teacher says: "The wind has changed, the snowflakes flew in the other direction." Children slow down, stop and start moving in the other direction, moving slowly at first, then increasing the pace until the next command of the teacher.

Outdoor game "Entertainers"

Purpose of the game: to fix winter views, name them correctly and imitate them.

The course of the game: children stand in a circle, the entertainer, chosen according to the counting, stands in a circle, holding hands and say:

In an even circle

One after another

We go step by step.

Stand still

Friendly together

Let's do it like this.

Children stop, the entertainer shows some movement that imitates a skater's pose, a skier's step, a skater's rotation, a hit with a stick, a hockey goalie's pose, etc. All children repeat the movement and repeat it.

Role-playing game "Warship".

Purpose: to maintain interest in military topics, to foster friendly relations. Use snow when building a ship.

In the role-playing game, the "military" are conducting a pair relay race "Cunning" to strengthen the health of children.

Relay progress: children of each team become pairs one after another. The first couples prepare for the competition: one child sits on the sled, the other pulls them by the rope. The movement begins at the signal of the teacher: "Let's go"

1st option. One participant sits on a sled, the other carries him by the rope.

2nd option. One sits on the sled, the other pushes the sled from behind.

Work on the site.

Purpose: to foster a desire to work, take care of the younger ones.

Clear paths in the nursery area.

Individual work:

A subgroup of children stand in a line with a snowball in each hand. At the command: "Throw with the left (right)" everyone simultaneously tries to throw the snowball as far as possible.

Material: magnifiers, sledges, buckets, molds for snow, shovels, black leaves.

Winter walk in the preparatory group of a kindergarten

author: Borgoyakova Olga Vladimirovna, teacher of the preparatory school group of the Municipal Budget Preschool Educational Institution of the city of Abakan "Child Development Center - Kindergarten" Chaika "
Material description: The proposed synopsis will be useful for preschool educators, methodologists and senior educators, primary school teachers, teachers of extended day groups and parents, students of pedagogical faculties.
Topic: "Visit the Snowman"
Target: Creating conditions for fixing the signs of winter by walking.
- systematize children's ideas about the characteristic signs of winter;
- to create conditions for search and research activities;
- create conditions for encouraging children to speech activity;
- to promote the development of observation, education of curiosity and love for native nature;
- create conditions for the organization of motor activity.
Materials and equipment: envelope with letter, site map, 2 buckets, ice, carrots, scarf.
Walking course
Children at the site find an envelope with a letter, gather around it.
-Guys, let's read and find out from whom the letter is (children read aloud on their own)
“Help, help! A big misfortune befell my friend, the Snowman. He was kidnapped by the Snow Queen. She will let him go if you and I complete all her tasks. But first you need to find them, I am sending you a schematic map to help you. Good luck! Best regards, "Snow Woman"

- Guys, let's help the Snow Woman free her friend, the Snowman, from captivity. Children examine the map and hit the road.
-Find the first task, you need to solve the riddle:
Three, three arrived,
The horses in those three are white
And the queen is sitting in the sleigh,
Belokosa, white-faced,
How she waved her sleeve
Everything was covered in silver ...
- Guys, who is the mystery about? (about winter)
- Do you like winter? Why?
- Name the winter months (December, January and February)
-What does "snowfall" mean?
- Find, on our site, signs of winter? (snow, frost, blizzard)
- Why is the snow loose? (Layer after layer of snow falls on the ground, and each layer is loose at first, because there is a lot of air between the snowflakes.)
Educator: Well done have answered all the questions of the Snow Queen! We are heading further.
Follow the trail game
Game description: children get up one after another and jump to the next task.

Research activity "Comparison of ice and snow"... Children find ice and snow.
- In the warmth, snow and ice ... (melt, water forms)
- Snow is white and ice ... (transparent)
- The snow is opaque ...
- Snow is loose, ice ... (hard and brittle)
- Guys, the Snow Queen wants to freeze us, let's play.
The game "Two Frosts" is mobile
Description of the game:
The game takes place on two sites.
On opposite sides of the site, "school" and "house" are marked. Two Frosts are selected - driving, and the rest of the guys are located behind the line of the house in one line. In the middle of the site - on the street - there are two Frosts. Frosts appeal to children:
- We are two young brothers,
- Two Frosts are daring.
- I am Frost-Red Nose,
- I am Frost-Blue Nose.
- Which of you will decide
- To set off on the path?
Children (in chorus).
We are not afraid of threats
And we are not afraid of frost!
After these words, the guys run from home to school. The frosts grease and freeze the children. The game is repeated 3-4 times.
- Children find two empty buckets according to the map-scheme. Read the assignment. It is necessary to fill these buckets with snow, but not with a shovel and at a distance.
An outdoor game "Hit the target!"
Game description: Children are divided into two teams. Each team stands in front of their bucket. On a signal, children fill the buckets with snow with snowballs. The first team to fill the bucket with snow wins.
The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Well done, we coped with the task, now we can continue on our journey.
Children follow the map - the scheme, come to the next task and find a carrot.
Labor activity
- Guys, what do you think, whose carrot is this? (snowman nose)
- What an insidious Snow Queen, she broke the snowman and only a carrot nose remained from him. What to do? (To make a snowman)
Children sculpt a snowman, decorate with attributes (carrot, bucket, scarf)
No matter how hard the Snow Queen tried, we still outwitted her and completed all the tasks. Helped Snow Woman find her friend Snowman.

Summary of a winter walk in the preparatory group for school "Winter-winter has come to visit us!"

Compiled by: educator Aksenova A.Yu., preschool educational institution №130 "Rodnichok", ANO DO childhood planet "Lada" Tolyatti.

Software content:

  • Provide children with a full active rest during a walk.
  • To form the ability to observe phenomena in nature and establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships between them.
  • Show the children, using an example of an experiment, that warmth is retained under the snow cover.
  • To form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children. Develop speed, endurance.
  • Foster interest and love for native nature.

Equipment: sultan, hoop, stuffed bags, rings, two transparent bottles with hot water, red and blue ribbons, bell, wooden spatula.

Walking course:

The teacher with the first subgroup of children goes out into the street. Draws attention to children.

Guys, look at your clothes, if your jacket is well buttoned, if your scarf is tied. Have everyone put on mittens? Now look at your comrades, if everything is all right with them. (children troubleshoot clothing problems). I suggest you play the game "Flies, does not fly."

There is a game with children. The second subgroup goes out into the street. The teacher pays attention to the beauty of the winter landscape:

Where do you see beauty?

Children's answers: snow is everywhere, on the roof of the house, on the porch, on the benches, on the bushes. Beautiful trees in the snow, bright clusters of mountain ash are covered with snow. Clear, blue sky.

It was Zimushka-Winter who came to visit us. Listen to the poem by I. Nikitina "The Meeting of Winter".

Hello, guest - Winter!

We ask for your mercy.

Songs of the north to sing

Through forests and steppes.

We have expanse

Walk anywhere.

Build bridges over rivers

And spread the carpets!

Winter comes to us with frost, snow and wind. What part of the world do you think winds blow more often in winter and why? Children's answers. And what are they? Children's answers (cold, sharp, piercing, chilling). They bring us blizzards and blizzards.

Think about how you can determine whether there is wind now or not? Answers of children (along the branches of trees, according to flags on the site, turn their faces towards the wind). Let's check.

The teacher takes out a stick, to the end of which a feather is attached and the feather shows the direction of the wind.

How strong do you think the wind is? Children's answers. Why is snow for trees, earth is a duvet if it is cold? Children's answers. That's right, guys, there is air between the snowflakes, it does not let the cold through. Now we will conduct a small experiment with you and make sure of this.

The teacher takes out two identical transparent hot water bottles from the basket. One bottle is left on the site, and the other, along with the children, is buried in a snowdrift.

The teacher takes out a bell, rings it and says:

- One, two, three, four, five -

Who is coming to play with me!

The teacher invites children to play the sedentary game "Stop". Together with the children, they fix the rules of the game. The game is played 3-4 times. After the game, children are engaged in free activities and work. And the teacher conducts individual work with two children.

Children jump on two legs over stuffed bags, and on the other side walk like a snake between the rings. After several repetitions, the teacher conducts breathing exercises with these children. (The teacher says the text, the children blow on imaginary snowflakes)


To the clearing, to the meadow

The snow falls quietly.

And the snowflakes are flying

White fluffs.

The teacher, together with the children, removes the equipment, takes out the bell rings, calling the children to play.

“One, two, one, two -

The game begins! "

Children come up to the teacher and stand in a circle.

Guys, look, who flew to us? And takes out a blue ribbon. Correctly north wind. Who else flew in? Pulls out a red ribbon. Of course, the south wind. They want to play a game of North and South Wind with you.

The teacher and the children repeat the rules of the game, choose two leaders with the help of counters. The teacher ties ribbons on the leader's hand.

One, two, three - start the game!

After the end of the game, an analysis is carried out.

Raise your hand, who's been frozen twice. Children raise their hands.

Raise your hand, who was frozen once. Children raise their hands.

Raise your hand who has never been frozen. Well done boys!

The game repeats itself, the leaders change, the rules become more complicated.

Guys, now you will run around the birches, but do not touch them. And the birches will be Maya and Katya, they will stand (children with III health group).

After the end, the analysis of the game is also carried out.

Who do you think won this game, who was frozen or who was not?

After the game, the children line up and walk, changing the leader.

We will now return to our experiment.

The teacher takes one bottle from the site, and takes the other out of the snowdrift, offers to feel by touch in which bottle the water is colder. Children conclude: "That it is warm under the snow." The walk is over, the teacher and the children return to the group.