What a fitness clothing. Heavy perfumery and lotions. Fashionable and convenient - options for clothes for different directions

If the theater begins with hangers, any training for the girl should begin with exactly the right sconce. No, even your most convenient bra does not work: For the hall you need special underwear, which will support the chest, will reduce the load on the spine and will not cause discomfort during active movements. Consultant will help you choose the ideal version depending on the selected fitness type.

2. Sneakers

Do not go to the hall in the dots, in which you walk in the summer. And even more so you should not run your first couple of kilometers. Remember that the correct fitness sneakers should be stable, lightweight, breathable, have a flexible sole, adapted for a wide variety. Be sure to explain them before buying and do some basic movements - squats, twists, repulsion - so you will make sure that they are tightly fitting the rise and ankle, which will reduce the risk of dislocation.

3. Mike

Why do we recommend that the shirtless shirt, and not a T-shirt? First, you and you, and the coach you will see how the shoulder joint works. The second moment is your movements nothing will be shy. Third, in T-shirt you will be better to keep your back: straps contribute to the right posture. And pay attention to the process fabric type Drifit, which will be output.

4. Legins

"I always advise the beginners to acquire no shorts, but tightly fitting Legins, for example, Nike Sculpt Tight," Nikita Serdyuk advises, a specialist in innovative Nike technologies. - They have the effect of compression, thereby preventing varicose veins, support muscles and allow you to avoid injuries and conduct training with maximum efficiency. " Pay attention to how dressed Lily: just super!


5. Sports bottle for water

During classes, you need to drink water so that the body does not suffer from lack of moisture. From sports bottles it is convenient to drink water literally on the run, it is not necessary to waste time on unscrewing and screwing the lid. They are made from special plastic, which will serve you for a very long time, and therefore you make your small contribution to the care of the environment.

6. Hair Elastic

To make comfort, the hair is better to collect. Long - in braid or tail, short - under the sports gum on the head. Choose Cute Elastic Springs: They do not damage the hair, they are easy to remove, and they look stylish!

7. Holder for phone

Mobile phone can not only distract you from workout, but also help in it. Thus, free applications Nike Running and Nike Training Club will help build a program of classes not worse than a personal coach, will remind of training and help track progress. Special holders who securely attach the phone on hand will definitely make a mobile faithful ally in training.

8. Road set of cosmetics

After training and soul, the skin must be moistened. In order not to carry the large volumes of creams with you, buy the so-called Travel Kit: a set of cosmetics in miniature. And if there is no time to wash and dry your hair, you will definitely save the dry shampoo in the spray or powder.

9. Good antiperspirant

Pay attention to the sports rules of popular brands or deodorants with the note "super-nesting", "48 hours" or "antistress". They cope better with sweating, and with the emergence of an unpleasant smell.

10. Gloves

The skin of the palms from dumbbells, rods and handles of the simulators grube. To protect it, do in special gloves without fingers: convenient and comfortable!

Well, the main thing: keep a positive attitude, even if you initially do not impress your success. Evil trolls should not interfere with you go to the goal! Take an example with Lily and Margo: no matter what, they are not dull! The new episode is already on the air, turn on rather!

The benefits of any sports establishment for a person are invaluable, regardless of its type, be something a fitness center or gym. Both the first, and the second and any other physical activity tool will keep the body in beautiful shape, slim and tightened to the envy of lazy.

Donownownowing it will be difficult to understand what the sensation of a good tone of muscles is every day, so attaches confidence. A campaign to the gym Be sure to revoke a certain preparatory stage, which is the selection of comfortable clothes, shoes, more experienced athletes take with them even certain elements of the nutrient diet, but today they will not talk about them.

Let's talk only about the convenient appearance of the visitor of the gym, namely, the elements of the wardrobe, which will make training a pleasant and efficient with a minimum of urges to discomfort. A properly chosen form will allow to eliminate the diameters on the body, corn on the arm and legs, will give the opportunity to breathe in sweat cells and, accordingly, do not cause an unpleasant feeling for a person.

The skin should "breathe" in clothes


The choice of shoes for the gym needs to be paid special attention. Of difficulties also gives a wide variety of all sorts of options for this element of the wardrobe, each with its own features and recommendations. In order to make a private choice before the hike in the store, you need to decide what purpose you are going to go to the gym.

If you will spend the bulk of time on the treadmill, then, respectively, you need special running sneakers. As a rule, their design has a soft spring sole, which allows you to minimize the load on the foot and avoid unnecessary shocks to the spine. The ventilated inserts on the sneakers sides will create a nice microclimate foot skin, it will be able to "breathe" without obstacles, as if it happens in the fresh air.

What you need to know before going to the gym

Well, if your visit to the gym is limited only to classes on static simulators, then the choice is able to significantly simplify, the main thing is that the shoes are just comfortable. I would like to note great popularity mainly among women of this type of aerobics as stretching, built on stretching exercises. For visits to such classes, special shoes need, which would not have dragged movements, with a thin and soft sole.

Regardless of your goals in the gym. It is desirable that the selected shoes are made only from natural materials. Otherwise, the ambiguous discomfort caused by sweating and unpleasant smell you can not avoid.


So, it came a series of clothing selection for the gym. Going to training often become the question of what to wear today: T-shirt, T-shirt, Shorts, Breeches, etc. Really not necessarily adhere to one clothing every day, it determines the specificity of your occupations. For example, today on the routine of Aerobics and Step, that is, probably the training will be intense, then take a shirt and shorts with you.

Also, especially if you are a girl, do not wear unnecessarily spacious clothes in order not to distract others. In addition, it will be turned out from the side not very aesthetically and only talk about your frivolousness to the training process. For classes in the gym, less intense, you can safely stay at the version with Pants and T-shirt. By necessarily not flowing, in order not to focus the movements of the athlete and not very wide and long. Famous cases when the apparent clothing is simply clung to the elements of the simulator and caused the cause of injury.

If you want to secure comfort throughout the workout then when buying clothes for the gym, try to avoid marketing analogues, give preference only to authoritative firms specializing in the manufacture of sports wardrobe. It is not necessary to make clothes completely natural, today there are excellent synthetic options, no worse, and maybe better. The main thing is good thermoregulation of fabric, the ability to absorb moisture and ensure efficient air circulation. Other decor details in the form of lightning, cords, rivets, etc. Do not deserve special attention, and they are not needed at all during the workout process, since they often lead to injuries.


This seemed to the little things, too, need to pay attention, despite the fact that it is constantly hidden under the clothes. As practice is evidenced, those who profess the inappreat of this issue simply never engaged in special underwear intended for sports. For the production of such linen, special technologies and equipment are used, which allows you to test the weekend in conditions of intensive workouts. Raw materials, as a rule, perform synthetic fabrics, the laundry perfectly repeats the contours of the intimate area, fits tightly, while not disturbing healthy ventilation.

An important role for women not only in everyday life, but also during classes in the gym players a bra, only in the second case, a special sports option is needed. In addition to the natural retention function, it does not allow delicate skin in this place to stretch into the process of jumping and running.

For highly demanding athletes, the wardrobe clothes for the gym can be replenished with more sporty socks. From ordinary, they differ from the fact that there is not a single seam, which excludes corns and any unpleasant feelings in this area. At the same time, skin legs do not stop breathing. If you treat the question of choosing clothes responsibly, any training, even the most intense will pass with a bang, without the feeling of discomfort because of different trifles.

Clothes for fitness


It is no secret that most of the newcomers of the gyms buy gloves, following the trends of sports fashion, not paying attention to their real purpose. This is the root incorrect approach, an athlete with such an attitude towards training is unlikely to achieve success. Gloves are an efficient protective agent for hands during classes, and they have their own scope, that is, they can not always need.

If your status is at the "Novice" stage, then until you gain some experience, the use of gloves is better to postpone. They are mainly needed when working with high weights that load muscles with a significant load. The glove fabric prevents hands from slipping from a grid or a simulator handle having a cunning streamlined shape, which contributes to it. Cooling hands can cause serious injuries that will entail a long recovery time.

Rules of behavior in the hall

  1. Remember, you come to the gym to do, "lead your body" to feel ", make it slim and tightened. The gym is not a place to demonstrate the charms of the body, so dress accordingly;
  2. This rule is more appropriate for a woman than for a man, although anything happens. It will be about long hair. Despite the lack of prohibitions to engage with loose hair, it is better to collect them in a bundle, tail, or braid to braid. Hair distracts, because you have to throw them off the face all the time, correct.
  3. For the period of training, remove all sorts of decorations and leave in the locker room, especially precious things are better to pick up and constantly keep supervised. In order not to make problems at all, just put everything unnecessary at home.

Good day, I am glad to welcome you again on the project pages! Today there will be no high iron conversations about the choice of training strategy, exercise technique, etc., today we will talk to a more distracted, but no less interesting topic. In a nutshell, she sounds like this: clothes for the gym, what to wear? And devoted to the attributes (Clothes, Equipment) "Progress" and tips on the clouds in these.

So. How to dress? What should have any athlete and, especially, Bodybuilder? Here are the answers to which questions will be received in the very near future.

Prepared, started.

Apparel Clothing: Is it worth bothering

Many of you know the saying: "Meet the clothes - they accompany the mind." It would seem, what does she have to do with the gym? Rocking - this is not a week of high fashion. What is the difference, what is my "prikid"?

I agree, this is true, the hall is not the place where it is worth everyone to strike with their outfits and stylish accessories. However, a certain style must still be observed and he needs to follow what we, in fact, and let's talk about.

I will give another expression: "Packed on all 100% "- So they say about people who look like taste anywhere, in any atmosphere, i.e. Those who hold the face (brand) regardless of the place of their current appearance.

Often, a beginner in the gym is calculated precisely in appearance, i.e. It gives out an external "prikid". And here's what a funny thing, whether they were all sentenced, whether they are visited by the same thoughts, but they look like "Two of the Lartz, the same with the face." In general, let's look at the portrait 95% Newbies who came to the gym and put on to pump up a muscular body.

Usually such people flies in a room with stake with things. (who, God forbid, leave in the locker room, but suddenly steal) In one hand, to another - either the phone, or a membership fee for one-time visit to the gym.

Dressed they are almost always in baggy pants or incomprehensible shorts shorts, white (outdoor) T-shirt (with screaming inscription "Made in the USSR») , disproportionate sweatshirt with a hood and crowned all this image (ATTENTION!) Beach shale / rubber slippers on a boss foot or hefty low shoes on a thick sole. Please note that these are not some fictional images or the fruit of the patient imagination are real images drawn from nature. Close, they are already among us :).

The moral of this fable is such - in the gym in clothes should not stick to the principles: "How everywhere is also here" or "What is convenient, in that and go." What is convenient - you can walk at home, and how much.

Also, I'm not in any way trying to gloat, quite the opposite, I treat such people with all respects and somewhere in the depths of the soul I even understand why they look like that. However, I strongly recommend referring to such an image and educate something more, more rational and correct.

And we just talk about such an appearance of the appearance. And since we have such a diverse topic and the relevant questions, I will say how to: "You don't stand about sportswear, but it's not necessary to approach the mind and a certain period of responsibility!".


All, everyone who reads these lines!

"New-type appearance syndrome" is a normal initial phenomenon, the main thing is not to get stuck in it. And for this you need to learn the basic principles in clothes, follow them, pay attention to the trifles and remember that the efficiency of the training process and, therefore, the final result depends on all this.

So, consider the portrait of the "perfect packaging" of the novice bodybuilder.

Clothing for the gym: What to wear?


Clothing for the gym should be high quality. No need to rivets on the sides, piles of pockets, colorful stripes and prints, all hoods, etc. Discarding and interfering parts.

Simple, strictly sitting by your figure suit: trousers and trousers, the latter should not be long and make your movements. Of course, it should be: easy, elastic and skillfully maintain a thermal balance.

The material must be the best breathing. (cotton, synthetics, cloak). The percentage ratio of the material (or composition) is approximately as: 70–75% cotton, 10–15% polyester, 5–10% Elastane. A sports suit should not tightly facilitate the body and shy your movements. Otherwise, it will slow down the process of metabolism and, moreover, it may disrupt normal blood flow.

I think there is no need about the hygiene of clothes. Of course, it should be neat, clean, no sweat of sweat stretched for you. The latter, by the way, is an excellent environment for various skin pathogens and, as a result, scabies, redness, etc. "Non-sore".

Of course, training clothes should vary depending on the period / seasonality of your occupations. Therefore, if the winter / autumn window, a sports suit will be the perfect option.

First, your body during this period is required to spend a much larger amount of energy in order to run all processes into operating status. Secondly, under the protective, thermal casing in the form of all the same suit, muscles / ligaments will behave much more responsive (faster warm up and will be included in the work). Those. You will spend precious energy on the exercises, and not on the heating of your body and heating this energy of the gym.

For clarity and consolidate all the above, I will give a certain visual row on the sports costume.


For the gym it is better to buy special shoes. It must be as lowered as possible, i.e. No thick, reinforced soles, no spring elements in the design. The height of the sole is not more 2 2.5 cm, preferably models with a practically flat sole, of course, it should not slide (like skis), i.e. Must have a corrugated profile, in order to slow down the floor, if you behave somewhere towards the weight of the projectile. A certain degree of elasticity should also be present, i.e. It should not be monoliths in which you can not move the foot.

Total shoes should ensure reliability in the foot of the foot, have a hard backdock and be flat - no cargo in the profile from the toe on the heels, and then you will penetrate the nose and fall forward at each squat with a barbell.

For example, here is a good option for special shoes for the gym.

or sneakers satisfying the above requirements (see image).


Here everything is simple - the main thing is that the material is breathing, i.e. It was the most natural possible (cotton, viscose, minimum synthetics). It is such clothes perfectly absorbing sweat and does not irritate the body. Refuse white, even if he is to your face. The hall is not the place where the white color taxis.

First, when performing exercises, it is easy to hook one or another part of the simulator and poured into various black and slurry lubricants living in the place of contact of the design mechanism. In addition, the sweat can leave unpleasant traps and stains on your T-shirt, then you can forget about it white times and forever. And most importantly, for whom all this? All purple, white on you T-shirt or black. So think if it is worth it.

You can also come in a shirtless sleeveless, but this lightweight option is better suited for summer / spring, however, like shorts. Although temperatures are different everywhere, maybe you have in winter +10 degree, then boldly wear a shirt and shorts.

For example, a good version of the T-shirt for the gym.

Or T-shirts (see image).

Remember - do not do without clothes, even if you already have something to show, for not everyone will be pleasant to see your sweaty torso, besides, it is non-genically. Well, imagine, you go to the bench for cereals, and she is all filled later. Still, I will tell you a secret that I had practice (more precisely a couple of times) Engage in jeans, it was when the form was forgotten. I must say - this is something, especially the execution of squats with a barbell, try for the sake of interest, understand.

So, it is better not to do so, i.e. Do not engage in any rigging clothing. Balahons in which you will be tangled and the muscle is not in full amplitude, we also exclude. Headwear, such as bandans and caps by a proposal from their clothing wardrobe.

Last on the queue is ...

Gym Clothes: Additional Accessories

So, we looked at the basic elements of clothing, now go to smaller items or accessories. These include:

  • Gloves;
  • Weightlifting belt;
  • Towel;
  • Water bottle;
  • mp3- Pleer with invigorating music.

Since in the hall you are quite well sweating, and the simulators / shells have streamlined forms, so it is often difficult to technically correctly perform an exercise, for your hands slide and chlow. Here we come to the rescue or baby powder from sweat, or talc, or leather gloves for the hall. See, do not grab the usual streets, it is absolutely not our option. Sports gloves must have special gel / fabric pillows around the perimeter of the palm and cropped fingers.

For example, a good option for the gloves for the gym.

Personal weightlifical (wide) belt at the first stage you have nothing to do. Therefore, just keep in mind that such exists. If you still feel that there is a need for it, and it serves to better stabilize the whole body (Provides its support), increasing intra-painted pressure and prevent injury when lifting big weights, then you can safely ask for it (this is free) in the hall where you do.

At the time of training, it will be given to you, they will not go anywhere. He looks like that.

It is not bad to have a towel, in order to wipe the sweat from the face in the process of workouts, which constantly covers his eyes. I will not give an example, I think everything is aware of what the towel looks like. Of course, the bath here is there anything, therefore the size is slightly smaller than the average, the form of any.

Next, most important of all given, element, not quite relating to clothing for the gym , this is a bottle of water. Remember the rule: "I do not go to training until I check - whether it took water." Drink, drink and drink again. Drink an average for training from 1 before 1,5 Clean water liter. If somehow you have so it happened that they forgot to take water, look at your workout process, or rather how much you have enough. Sure, not much.

The player with headphones is also a very important workout element, although not mandatory. Basically, the invigorating music charges the body and boosts you, setting the tone of the workout and creating a positive emotional attitude. Also, the music allows "to go to ourselves" and surrender to the process completely, not noticing the excess chatter and empty surrounding conversations. However, it all depends on the person himself, someone easier to focus on the contrary, when there is no distracting music. Therefore, look here, as they say, feelings.

Actually, there are no more elements of the "Prikid", except for the bag in which it is necessary to put all this good. Packages, Little Budcheki, the wounds here are not helpers here, so a good bag in your hands and ahead the hall!

This option is quite good.

So, all elements of the wardrobe of the novice athlete-bodybuilder are considered, which means that the purpose of the article is achieved, so we will slowly turn the bench. Yes, if you still do not know where to start building a relief body and what stages to this precede, then look.


What I would like to say in conclusion. I am not in vain so much time paying the preparatory stage and all sorts of different small details, because of all these fragments / fragments will depend on how much the final cloth called - "I owner a relief body". Well, today it's all, I think that the topic of the article - clothes for the gym, it turned out to be useful to you, at least now you know exactly what clothes for the gym should be present in the wardrobe of each beginning (and not only) athletes Bodybuilder.

PS. As always, if there are some questions, add-ons and so on different, I will be glad to answer you in the comments under this record, screaming!

Convenience - one of the main criteria for choosing a sports form, nstill, fitness clothing should correspond to the direction. After all, you will not come in a wrestling form on squash, but in the boots - on yoga. In this article we will try to understand non-obvious (and obvious too) rules for the choice of "Sports".

In everyday life, natural materials are valued more, but not in fitness. Here the ball is ruled by synthetics. She got to us from professional sports - for the sake of new records, scientists are developing swimsuits, which better slide on water, T-shirts from the "cosmic" fabric, instantly evaporate an excess moisture ... All these products are a product of the chemical industry, and the cotton remains unless in some martial arts .

Synthetics has a minimal weight, good ability to absorb and remove sweat, it is comfortable, it is bad and perfectly cleaned, stretched along the figure and supports muscle tone. However, if you are allergic to artificial fabric or they simply do not like, cotton is not a taboo. He, of course, is more pleasant to the body, but not so comfortable.

Equipment you need to choose according to the figure and your size - avoid too close or wide, you do not need to take it "on the grow".

The tight form is good for aerobics, rocking things, yoga, pilates, sike cycling, paeerlifting, cardiotrans. It allows you to see each muscle, so do not hesitate to wear leggings (taiters) - this is a very popular clothing and men. For game sports, too, needs its own form, but there is no requirements for tosing.

Avoid too wide clothes if you do not karate. Sleeves and pants not only constraint movement, but can be dangerous if they fall into the mechanism of the simulator or treadmill. A specific standard for a fitness club - leggings and the top for women, T-shirt and shorts / Taites for men, light sneakers. In such clothes you will be convenient to train on most of the shells, it will also suit many types of activity.

Too close clothes in training, contrary to myths, does not contribute to weight loss and does not benefit. She may except to burst while squatting in an uncomfortable place. Another thing is "compression". Whitening leggings, leggings, overalls compress the limbs to help the blood vessels cope with the load. However, if you do not have a predisposition to varicose veins or edema, exorbitant loads and understanding, why do you need compression linen at all - don't think about it yet.

When choosing clothes, we focus on the convenience, the quality of the material and the ability of the seams is easy to stretch.

For yoga, Pilates, stretching, classes on the phytball, choose clothes based on what you most likely have to do foot or stand on your head. Men are better to choose dense or tight shorts, "bikes", taittes or half-liters - too "air" shorts will go around and create awkward situations. Women should take care of a special sports liquefront - exactly for the same reason. Such underwear will fix the chest, which will also save it from stretch marks.

To buy sneakers worth come true with all seriousness. To exercise "easy" sports - aerobics, general physical training, as well as for exercising on simulators, choose the format of multiplers. The main thing is that the leg felt comfortable, and the sole was quite thick and non-slip. If you are going to jump a lot (for example, with a rope), make sure that the "shock absorbers" in front and rear.

Shoes - the most important element of equipment

Comfortable shoes - a deposit not only comfort, but also the health of the joints, ligaments and muscles. So, for the running the prerequisite, there are sneakers with a reinforced heel and toe, as well as a small support for ankle. For power loads and work with a barbell, purchase fleasts - Lightlifting shoes are made from durable materials that ensure the correct statement of the foot, it is flexible with a high heel and subtle sock.

For sports choreography (Zumba, Aerozero, the exercises in the steppe), knitted clothes, leggings, jazzki (sports shoes) and even sneakers are suitable. There are no higher requirements for this form, lightness and comfort are the main indicators.

Do not forget about the trifles. For example, socks - it is better to choose from cotton with the addition of synthetics. You will also need athletic gloves to work with a barbell - hands to turn to the corners, and the palm will slide less. The headband or a light baseball cap will absorb sweat and will not let him get into the eyes.

Sportswear from famous brands is far from always better. In addition, it usually is more expensive, but after six months your body will change, and the form is extended - why pay more? However, small modern tricks are sometimes really helpful: the mesh inserts are better ventilated, and the laser seams will not be able to grasp. The main thing, remember - no matter how modern clothes, it will not train instead of you.

Not only for fitness, the mass of factors has an influence, among which it is necessary to note the equipment for sports. Often, her choice of women does not pay due attention, and after the processing processing is tormented in uncomfortable, wet and sticky clothes.

Of course, when choosing, especially women, it is necessary to take into account the aesthetic indicators, but relying only on this criterion is not recommended. It is necessary to take into account the size, quality of execution, features of cut and the materials used. Properly selected clothing will provide a comfortable training and can increase its efficiency.

What clothes are needed for fitness - the main points of choice

When choosing a sport for sports, consider the following points:

  • It is not recommended to acquire products from cotton. Despite the fact that this tissue provides a good air exchange, does not irritate the skin, it will take moisture very badly. The sweat will be absorbed by fabric fibers, and by the end of the workout you will not only smell badly, but also feel cold from clothes.
  • Close and too fitted clothing - not the best choice for classes. It will rub your skin, cause irritation and arms.
  • Too wide and loose clothing, too, for training is not suitable, because it can interfere with movements and accidentally get into the moving mechanisms of power simulators.

During fitness and bodybuilding, a woman should feel comfortable in her selected clothes. Before buying sports equipment, take into account the following points:

  • Clothing - both its upper part and the bottom - should be sewn from breathable materials well-distinguished moisture.
  • If you are watching abundant sweating, it is worth paying attention to products with a special antibacterial impregnation, which will eliminate unpleasant odors.
  • Be sure to make fitting, go to it to understand how comfortable you are.
  • Special attention is paid to the top - the chest in the process of classes should be well fixed. This measure is necessary to eliminate the injuries of soft tissues and stretching the chest muscles. Women are recommended for fitness classes to use a sports bra, which reduces the number of vertical breast movements by 70-80%. Regarding materials, it is better to stay on Elastane or other fabrics that moisture well.

Fashionable and convenient - options for clothes for different directions

Sports and Fashion - concepts that are well compatible with each other. If you want not only to do with comfort, but also look irresistible, then you have several options for combining clothes for different directions of fitness:

  • Dance flows (zoomba, step aerobics or airportenss) - in this case, make a choice in favor of comfortable and free shirts, shortened losine, narrowed downwards (it is necessary for good fixation), and jazzovs with an overestimated ankle.
  • Cardigrants (jogging) is a sports bra (necessarily necessary for reliable chest fixation), tie-up T-shirt made of materials well-discharge moisture, shorts or shortened leggings.
  • For yoga or pilates, you can wear a shirt, stitched from bio-cotton fabric. Special attention should be paid to the bottom - for exercises in the style of Wellness, it is recommended to wear breeches with a turning belt.

Today it has become fashionable to wear specialized sports clothing with laser seams that do not rub the skin, special inserts made of mesh material providing good ventilation. But remember that clothes of this format does not work for you - only increases the comfort of classes.

Many women who prefer to exercise at home refuse to wear clothes at all and do at home in underwear. Dermatovenerologists do not recommend this due to the fact that any clothes will absorb or divert the sweat and distinguished toxins with it. Cocking without clothes, the entire sweat will be absorbed back. Therefore, in the process of training, it is necessary not only to dress well, but also take with you an additionally towel to remove excess moisture from the body.

Sports Accessories

In addition to the main clothing for training, additional accessories may be needed. Women attending power classes is recommended to use special gloves to preserve the softness of the hands and lack of corns. They allow you to increase the grip with the simulator - palm will not slide, and also reduce the risk of microtrams of the skin.

If you are in full force on the simulators, then without a special dressing on the forehead, which will absorb sweat and prevent it in your eyes, you can not do.

Do not forget about socks - with active sports, it is strictly forbidden to wear shoes on a bare foot. Otherwise, you will have big corn, and you will not be able to postpone the full during class.

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