Caucasian stories in contact. Real stories, intimate stories, romantic stories, glamorous stories, cool stories

Clear, night sky, mowed by many millions of stars, and in the middle as if the Brigadier sits the moon. On the one hand, you look and it seems that it is so alone, but on the other, she has so many friends, stars. Not a single tuchka in the sky was ... on the street is lonely, that night the car was driving. This is a common thing for a simple taxi driver. Every time, returning from work, he stopped near her windows. Long stood, and looked at the light in the window, and then, when her little fingers turned off the light, he lit up the engine and left, as before she was dreaming about her. And today, he stopped near her windows. "She still does not sleep, probably is reading. I wonder what she reads now? What new learned the day? What did you do all day? Will I ever share with her and days and nights? What dreams to dream of today? " - He thought, peering into a large window of a two-story, very big house. Quietly played his music, and her favorite song. He knew everything about her that she loved what she would like to do what he was fond of, even her schedule for the whole day. He never left her one. Like a shadow, walked around the heels, but she did not know and did not suspect anything about. The guy was shoving without it. Dreamed about her. Wished her. Lyubimy searched for her everywhere, but he knew that while they could not be together. This situation in which he found himself, oppressed him, killed him. Because he loved had to hide his feelings. After all, she is a rich daughter, and she was a taxi driver ... so, silently replaced the day, the days went ... He dreamed of everything, but he could not confess, could not scream on the whole world about his love, although in the moments of despair, he wanted to scream about it , I dreamed of giving her my love, dreamed of enveloping her care and warmth. But the guy could only dream. Among the many thousands of girls of the big city, he chose her one, the most reached and captivating. He was faithful that her breathing would melt in the heart of ice, and, closing his eyes, he always saw her. Imieving from love, just could have been from far away, looking at her, and to share the night with cigarettes. In deep nights, he, reflecting on life, tried to find a way out, whatever it all happened. Every evening, he approached the house of Choices at dusk night, dreaming, watched the light in her window. Looking, but he saw her moon, closing his eyes, she sees her pure image, her voice of the soul ... Sveta sat, as usual and read another novel. Dreaming about clean feelings, dreaming of love sincere, awaiting him the best, beloved and beautiful, understanding, she dropped tears. It seemed to her that she would never happen to her, because although she was rich, beautiful, Slim her father Tyrant, he would never allow her to meet her, but he would stutter about someone. "Time will come, I will choose your husband, do not need to waste time with a gift. Learn! " - It is his powerful philosophy. To meet with someone, to be any for someone, the meaning of life, to love yourself, give yourself a love for him a waste of time. Previously, Muslim girl saw her husband at a wedding. Now the morals changed and people have changed too. Of course, girls meet with guys who secretly, and who after the official engagement, in general, much depends on parents and brothers. Someone belongs to everything loyally, and someone believes that I can corrupt your beloved daughter. So my father lights also believed. That is why the girl has been painted on the clock all day. And the lessons of dance, and the lessons of languages \u200b\u200band study, it all took her strength, so that she was falling from the legs. And taking another book in hand, she flew out. Rested from the outside world. As she dreamed of those passions that they write so beautifully in books. Dreamed of love crazy. Reckless. Only so she could dream, think about himself. The rest of the time the father solved everything for her. She was so afraid of him, which was simply silent about her pain, fatigue. He was alone alone. Tears all drip out with her brown eyes. She was desperate when he heard quiet, very quiet music. After listening to, she froze, it was her favorite song, she wanted to give him all his herself. So the days were drawn, and in the soon she understood that it was happening at the same time every evening. Each evening the car drives up to her father's house, the door opens and music comes from there. As soon as she quit the light, she hears the noise of the motor ... It was not free to the girl became a guard of his favorite song. - What a romantic person! I wonder what about him? - Tried her questions. ... Once, in one of these nights. The girl waited until everyone fell asleep in the house. And as soon as he heard a song, she got out through the window. He saw her immediately. And hurried to help her. Standing already on Earth, they looked at each other in the eyes. He still kept her for waist. Words frozen in the mouth. Neither he, not she said nothing. Spearly a long minute, which seemed thin moments, Girl Molivila. - Who are you? - My name is David. - What are you doing here? If you see you here, you will get. - I know. God like you beautiful! - He said with admiration. "Do you know me?" - Yes, I know, and you will soon find me. I ask you, you don't need more questions, you will all know everything soon. She looked at him the feeling was frightened. Some invisible force attracted her to him. The dogs lay and the girl, afraid of her father, climbed into her window. Now there were rare meetings of two lovers. He was the such about which she always dreamed. She gave her that romance and love care, which she never had. Long to hide the relationship guys could not. And very soon my father learned about everything. There was a scandal, threats fell. But they could not refuse love. Each meeting was for them a real risk. The girl with a trembling arms reached his forehead and ran his hand in her face. She felt his warmth and tenderness. "He will never allow us to be together - there are tears from her eye." No, "he wiped the tears to his beloved," we will be together. You and me! - Their regular meeting, where the lovers decided to get married by the traditions of the Caucasus. June 25, the day when she handed over the last exam for the transition to the second course. By deceiving security, the girl was able to go out, and there she was already waiting. The light was stolen, as they usually steal the bride in the Caucasus. She was looking for everywhere. And he has at home, his friends, her girlfriends. But no one seen and did not know where young hidden. The villagers were collected by the elders of childbirth. There were negotiations. None of the parties, did not want to give up. Everything decided one phone call. "Dad, forgive me, but I can't return to your house." I will bring a shame there. I'm not the girl who you knew. Forgive me, dad. Bless me, my father - the girl kept the phone and sobbed. - You are not my daughter. You are not grateful. I did everything for you. You had everything. And now, live without us. You have more family. Forget me, my mother, forget that you were from my family. You no longer daughter. I can never forgive shame. Never cross through the threshold of my house. Hear, never let her go to my house. He shouted, so that everyone would hear in the house. "Even after my death, let her do not see the body of his father and does not mourn. Let the Earth where I will lie will never recognize her traces and no her tear will fall. And I forbid you to see my daughter-beeps. Tears flew away from the mother, hid his pain and father. There was a wedding, where the bride was quietly sad. Now she had another family. "I will never leave you - the words of the husband instilled in her hope." The days stretched. She became now a married woman. Her fragile shoulders lay heavy care. Only the first year they treated it well, and then everything was changed for some reason. She suffered and humiliation and pain, for only one person. Light thought everything. That soon everything will change. Dreamed of children, but did not work. Five years of married life, she is only 23 years old, and looks like a thirty-year-old woman. The girl fell noticeably, the burning tears flowed in more and more often, and his love began to disappear quietly. Always lacked money. Everyone turned away from her. Know, fate gave her a meeting with his parents. - This is our daughter. Let even hug it. - Native mother fell on his knees to the father in tears. "No - he raised his wife," not to humiliate, she is not worthy of that. " - Dear car drove quickly past her. And after a couple of days, the girl learned that after the heart attack the Father bury. Light appeared to say goodbye to his father, but as if everyone crossed out her, she was not allowed to funeral. One, sitting in the room, the girl mourned his father. Now, I realized that she was alone, the girl began to live, clutching for the last straw. They tend to flow ... Big money, which appeared in the life of her husband did their own. He began to appear at home and less often. A young beautiful girl appeared in his life. Employed, the husband appeared and spoke about the divorce. - loved to a friend, we divorce. - I beg, do not do so with me. I am not where to go. - But my favorite girl is pregnant. And we will have to divorce. - I agree if you have the second wife. - That's great. Said, who embarked in the people of her husband. Svetés with sick, squeezed. Understanding the mistake of his youth, she sobbed and days and nights. Love dazzling her ran somewhere. Now she was completely alone, without a family, without children and her husband. Now the world was the second in the life of a beloved man. David for six months of a joint life, never went into the room Svetie. Son was born. Native mother did not care for him, his beloved mother, became light. David and the young wife were so passionate about themselves, with their love that there was no time for the child. And always dreamed of children of Light was so happy, to be with the child, which did not pay attention to the humiliation and gossip of the neighbors. The smaller boy was for her his beloved son. He was all for her. As if feeling who Mother, the one who gave birth or the one, who brought up, the first word "mother", gave exactly the world. We were a minute, the hands of the hands went down, and she was ready to leave, understood that the boy would not be able to take away. After all, they began to spawn and the light was simply afraid of the boy. However, a badly drunk David, raised his hand into the light. A five-year-old boy got up between them. - Dad, daddy, do not bay mom. - She is not your mother! "He spoke rudely and left, slamming the door loudly. There was an accident. David buried and young wife in one day. The boy brought up a boy completely alone. At forty years, she finally met her true love. And dying, an eighty-year-old woman, the house has no empty house. She was surrounded by loving people ... who will never leave her. Even lying in crude land, they will always remember her. Sometimes it happens, it is so difficult to remember the past, but our past is just lessons for the future and it must always be remembered that it would not do the same mistakes as then. If you behave one humiliation, others will be behind it. I think it is better to cut everything on the root to the root, for your own good. Otherwise, you always will be trapped.

I have always been a very obedient daughter, but in our family differently and it was impossible. I had everything I needed and even a little more, but at the same time I knew that I would define my destiny and choose my husband's parents, and not me. The only thing I did not expect is the fact that the bride will be so early.

Our love story began with the fact that my future husband, as most often happens in Dagestan, saw me at the wedding of relatives. I was then only fifteen, I didn't even think about marriage. At that time I went to the university.

Since Magomed man action, immediately at the wedding approached my mother and said that I liked it. Mom with a smile replied that I was his rosy sister. It was a little embarrassed Magomed. It for a long time Did not declare further actions. But time went, and his desire to make me with his wife, did not pass.

Soon the relatives began to approach my parents. But at that time I was still very young, and parents politely, but refused to match the match. So it was a year.

Nigandan event

All this time I was in complete ignorance that my fate is actively solved. Early finishing school, I entered DGU, but in parallel I did what I really liked. I drew.

It was something that I would like to do in my life. In secret, I cherished the dream that someday I could seriously do, for example, modeling clothes.

Drawing, I completely immersed in some special world of color and paints, and everything seemed so right, natural and beautiful.

Two years later, Magomed did not leave attempts to dive me. Parents, seeing his perseverance, determination, knowing how good it is a good person, from a good family close to us, was still given, finally, their consent.

When I learned in seventeen years that I was going to match, I confess, was very upset. It seemed to me that it was still very early that I was not ready. Not only is not only ready to create a family, but also to quit what worked out all these years.

Very soon I learned for whom I wake married. I remember, even before the walling, early in the morning on my birthday I was brought a huge bouquet of beautiful flowers. It was very touched me very much and delighted me, made it possible to hope that everything is not so sad, as I assume.

I became the official bride of Magomed, but I already knew him in absentia, and then I tried to see, looking at him, that she prepares for me the future.

Magomed turned out to be an attractive smiling young man, the walling was very beautiful, there were many gifts and I was surrounded by friendly smiling faces of relatives.

The main thing that I noted in my future husband, his warm good glance, and it calmed me a little. Of course, we fully communicated with him to the wedding, but at the same time they sometimes corresponded, he wished me good morning, or good night.

Learning you

Even without reason, Daril dear gifts and flowers. Naturally, I wanted to learn more about him, because it's still scary to marry a unconscious person. And here in the stories of sisters and acquaintances, it seemed to me, he is kind and generous man. I myself often noticed it, I was pleasant to be his attentiveness to me, even care.

All this gradually reassured me and humble with what I will have to give up a lot when I will move with him to another, completely someone else's city.

I often saddled, thinking that I would have to leave my relatives, my brothers, sisters and first of all my parents. All that surrounded me and what I loved so much. But every time Magomed has some strange way, even at a distance, it was working to calm me and inspire at least a little confidence in the future.

In May 2015, we had a very magnificent and very beautiful wedding. It had a huge number of people, I didn't even know many. Everything was fun and long postponed in my memory a bright unforgettable holiday.

After the wedding over time, I realized that I was not mistaken in my husband, and I still think that only the love came to us in real. And it was after the wedding that our love story became real. Magomed really turned out to be a very kind, understanding and caring person. Even now he makes me gifts and small surprises to please. And today, when I am waiting for our baby, I understand how he is grateful for the fact that he was my husband. And I am sure that we will always make each other happy.

Photographers: Shamil Gaggidadayev, Ruslan Lepatern

Registration: Wedding Agency "Wedding Day"

"How many people have so many opinions" Bahh Tee
Caucasians, Russians, Americans, Italians ... In our world there are a lot of different nations ... But it is already understandable by the name and preface, what kind of nations I will tell. I myself am a purely Russian girl, the usual, like everything, with your principles, troubles and cockroaches in the head. Literally a year ago, I learned that this is such Caucasians for the people. With one word "Caucasians", some appear maliciousness, negative. Some on the contrary. And others do not know who it is at all. If you are interested in my opinion, I think that in all nations there are bad and good ... Yes, yes, yes, now I may be convicted by many who read it ... But I will stay with my opinion, no, I have no one I do not protect, I am a patriot of my nation ... But how many people are so many opinions ...
And so my story is so, it happened this year ago in April, in my opinion, the 25th day was 14 years old, I had a birthday and the same summer I had to knock on 15, I sat down from idleness, I sat in ICQ at the same time, while listening to music , playing with the cat, well, as it usually happens when there is nothing to do and he is added to me ... I immediately manifested the interest ... As I remember: I remember:
-Hello, we are already met? wrote immediately i
- Welcome, let's get acquainted?
-I Ira, and you? :)
- I am Mamed.
After that, there was a big pause, since I first heard such a name ... For me, it was so strange
-And how is your full name? I replied
-Magomed, you can call the magha
Honestly, the version of the "Magian" then arranged me more, although I still have been trying to call him anyone for some time ... And when I still had it, I quickly leafed the story of the messages found his name copied and writing .. . Sounds funny ... But at that moment I was afraid to offend him, imagine if your name is unpumbed not clear how ... we communicated the days of the day, even now and I do not remember what. As I have already told me it was 14 years old and I, as many girls, who are already at 13 and then, are beginning to paint, then I still didn't know what kind of cosmetics and even how to use ink ... many now laugh at me, but me Indeed, then it was not interested ... He was from my city more precisely from a small village of 25-30 km from the city, it turned out that there live a lot of very Caucasian families. After two days of our acquaintance, that is, on April 27, he had a birthday but he didn't breathe on his birthday from ICQ ... We agreed to meet on May 9 ... And now the long-awaited day came ... all day I was on needles Moreover, the meeting was scheduled for 5 or in my opinion 6 hours, I don't remember exactly ... I came to the meeting place, because I was a parade in the morning and even in the evening I took part in some kind of building, so I was dressed Strict white top, black bottom. I look, one guy of the Caucasian nationality approached, so coolly dressed, such a hairstyle, all of myself, for some reason I immediately decided that it was ... But after a minute, another person came to him 5 .... Aaaa I was ready to escape somewhere ... But my escape failed since I was dying someone's not familiar voice
I'm silent
I turned around ... yes, they were called me
-Iir are you? said some kind of parenchy
-Yes it's me
-Well, let's get acquainted! - And he presented to me, who was there all there, but at that time the names he pronounced, sounded for me in the form of a hiss of the radio - absolutely nothing is clear, and only the name of Mamed, which he said, seemed more Familiar. "God, God alone and a bunch of Caucasians what to do" - I had in my head. Indeed, thereby stylish beautifully dressed a pretty guy, he was then shy, and could not distort the words, in Russian speaking, stood like a idol. And here they were offered to go to the park. ... Go ... They turned out to be quite fun guys, I tried to memorize how to do someone to who at the right moment did not fall into the dirt face. Finally, in the park, my fate eased with me only two Mamed and his friend. "Damn, damn, damn I need to run on the construction" I thought about myself. And sent them to the stadium, where the construction actually passed, I went to my class. Everything seemed so slow, I just did what I looked at the clock, and now we finally came to the stadium, I tried to see their faces in the crowds of people and I found them with my girlfriend approached them. We have a conversation. But the guys needed to go on the bus, after that we were long with my girlfriend Lyubovy laughed at their names, let the readers condemn me, but all this was new to me, and even more so the name Mammden was immediately associated with the word Maped (not in Resenting guys with the same name) Well, as the next day I went to ICQ and what I see there he. Well, we started discussing everything that happened, and he suggested to be friends, but I was a little fool seen a beautiful well-dressed boy and agreed, I thought I was in love with him. After our meeting, he did not enter ICQ on the day, and then for weeks and so it took two months during this time we saw each other, I went, sat in a cafe, but that was enough to fall in love with him all of this cute and at Time is strictly guy, only at the end of June apparently he decided to get rid of the baby from suffering, saying that he had a girl of the world and he was deeply spitting on me. For the first day, I went upset, but over time everything went, it was easy, I turned 15, I matured, all the same learned to use the mascara and some more cosmetic devices. It was dry and not interested in September ... And I had his youngest sister sister in ICQ, and suddenly we had an interesting conversation with her, about Mamede about his girls, about all. She allegedly promised that he would tell him, so he was added to me again ... Alilua .... It happened I was at an altitude of happiness, he began to throw me with bold phrases in order to show that he was cool and everything was nothing. But I was a girl and was able to melt his Ice heart and not only bombed to the meeting. We met when I approached, he did not recognize me.
-Well hello - I said
-Hi who are you?
- Do you want this i'm Ira
-Year? On May 9, you were completely different (by that time I even repainted in the blonde)
-Ha, May 9 was a long time ago
And so we chatted, about which we could only be fun together, but I terribly frozen, he began to warm me and since in all stories about love our views met and we kissed, then I kissed for the first time, he told everything all The truth that this summer he did not remember me that he did not even take me seriously, but now I realized that I was wrong ... Naturally, we began to meet, meetings, kisses, flowers, there was no such night that we did not speak on the phone ... it ... There was my first real love ... But Mamed is a very difficult person, and the more Caucasian ... In order to be with him I had to give up ICQ, from walking without him ... there was a terrible control, every week he demanded that I show the story of calls, messages ... I asked the brothers to follow me ... I am very calm in nature, and therefore I never rebelled, well, I want to see my call history Yes, let him look at health to me what ... We were happy ... But apparently, his brothers were against him Out of Russian, as soon as someone falls out the opportunity, they tried to put me in every way before Mamted and it turned out. That was a huge minus, they are Caucasians, they are the same brothers, and brother can not cast a brother, so my naive boy thought ... But thanks to the fact that I studied Mamneda completely and already knew what and when I could always prove to him that I could always prove to him I am right and from this his brothers have become even more silent ... until one pore ... While his brothers did not fall quite low ... just for that they didn't like me so much, I do not understand .... I went to school by their house, suddenly I was stopped by his cousin and says:
- I have a very important thing for you, please help, you need to talk.
Yes, of course, what happened?
-Just do not go here, I will go to the courtyard I will tell
And I agreed ... Everything was planned, his first brother led me to the yard and the other Schihar was photographed by how he puts me into the courtyard. And these photos showed Mameda allegedly, see it led to the house ... Here I could not get rid any oaths, I could have been the facts ... I was roaring into the phone asking for me to believe me. His last phrase was: I thought you were normal, and you were a slava. I killed these words ... It he spoke on the street and someone passing by his brother heard it and said to another and that another and so it came to my father ... But there was somewhere the week we still settled communication but as friends ... And here Already on the November evening, my father (parents I'm divorced) and says: Where is Mamed now? I'm stunned saying: Dad I do not know, however. He began not to scream, but to yell on me for being contacted Caucasians, how they watered me with mud there, for me it was shock, then all the same, I managed to simplify him, so that he did nothing, he Only met with the father of Mamed, it seems they would talk to well and agreed that the more our communication is not his family will not allow mine. On the same evening, Mamed called me and again there was not without his last shocking phrase: You're a traitor, you specifically told everything. How did I love him, I did not eat anything, I didn't smile ... I was like zombies ... And here I am added to ICQ in ICQ, he is from my city ... And he knows Russian, he knows Russian not quite good and he has He doesn't make his own style of communication, he does not write mistakes and writes competently, but there is a couple of words that he writes, because anyone will not write, for example: "Of course," he writes "Kone" or "Fruits" - "Inland" all his words with I naturally knew mistakes and immediately calculated that it was he. Soon he himself admitted that she loved me and her father, no one was hindered and what he learned who he told my father about everything. And again we have a novel, conversations until the morning, Mom as an understanding person allowed us to be friends ... Dad calls me only in extreme cases ... And now I see in the evening I see me, I'm shaking me, I take a phone:
-Yes what the first time, I did not understand what? What do you communicate with these chocks, little guys do you need, it is immediately clear that the mother brought up - he came from the tube, I was numb from fear, I just listened and was silent
-Yone mother tube
I silently give the phone mom, a loud connection was turned on, he says
- You can even raise a child to raise up, apparently no, I'll take her to myself, let them live in me with me, I rolled the tears from her, and he continued - her mother is called, I explained the father of it that if once again he climbs up to my daughter then I will understand already with him myself, I promised that I will fulfill it, now I recognize where he is, I take the guys with me and we eat to him, without warning somewhere let His and that's all. I'm just shocked, knowing what my father can really, I roar what to do. Mom says: Call Mames warning him. I call, warned ... My father came to them and on the street I was already waiting for Mamed with brothers, as Pope said "I don't want to touch the old boy," he asked the oldest of them Damira so that he watched if once again I myself at least phoned immediately report he ... the same evening I call Mamed not yet knowing it, the brothers had already time to customize him against me, he was angry towards me, and we were spreading goodbye, but and then the brothers were able to put me to the guilty, right there, that Damir calls her father and Says: So, so your daughter right now called him, take action. Oh, how I got ... After that, our communication temporarily came to the end, but I loved him ... And I have to be closer to Mamida, well, or at least to know that with him and how he began to meet with his brother, who was in love with me ... He met me With training on basketball, he studied, he had plans for the future, he studied on the right ... In a word, a prominent groom, but the heart walked on that lazy man, who knew that we had no future with him because of various faith and nation, but he was talking "You and I am one family" I still remember these words and it gets so warm because of them ... And once, right before the new year of December 27, I meet his brother with a driving school and Mamed comes with him, his brother came up hugged me, smoking In the cheek, and I stood and hatched looked at Mamed ... And he looked at me sadly and went on ... And I was so sad ... I understood how I needed it and as far as I am unhappy with this guy and decided to tell him all the truth, of course I didn't hear a lot and that I am heartless, etc., but I was free ... On the same evening, Mamed was added to me from the left Win, how I was glad, this time he was not Lekha and Katyukha, who allegedly says that she is Mamed's girl and asks me to not climb more ... And now Mamed himself was added to me and began to say that you were offended by my girlfriend, it was not offended to her, naturally it was a pretext, outside he seemed terribly strict and evil, but I always knew how to melt his heart, and now we communicate again , but we were only friends as it were ... On December 29, I went to Moscow with my father, naturally, with him, I could not even talk to Mamut on the phone, I had to be extremely neat so that my father did not know anything ... I have been rewriting with him. ABOUT ALL ... But I pierced, and Mamted, because of something they quarreled and he became calling me, I did not bother with a silent, my dad says: take the phone who is. Mamed was recorded in the phone named ... I didn't think about it then ... I take and say: Hello, do not call here. Throw. Pope I say: yes fans call different bored. Dad believed, but Mamed began to call again and then I snatched my cousin's phone, reads the inscription loudly out loud: Ma-D (on the side of the Pope it sounded like a sentence) Ha, what did it sound? Brother answers the call: Hello who is it? Thank God the connection was bad. "Those who I don't hear it, in short, who you wouldn't be angry here more ... My heart fell into the heels ... Father: Mamed ??? I started to invent on the go ... yes Dad, it's not that Mamed, that is, it's not Mamed, it's not Mamed, it's Dima, and I was recorded by the name Mamend because he has two SIM cards one former Mamneda number and his other, and I did not renamed And everyone, you want to ask mom (I knew that my mother would always support me) Alilua! Dad believed me. Naturally, Mamted was made up, I came from Moscow, with Mamed, I had already appointed a meeting but suddenly he was already sent to Moscow ... LLC these sleepless nights ... A day for conversations flew 100 or even 200 rubles and I and I have and I have So in Moscow he stayed until the end of February, we have finally confused with him, it was already considered that we together he promised to give a gift for Valentine's Day and at the beginning of March we met it was our last meeting and unforgettable ... We were at home ... And after so many months, we again together, again I see him in front of myself ... Just as I looked at the clone in those days, and I had anything that I had a meeting of Zhildi and Lucas, even the music was the same: D I was standing on my call the theme of the child and Lucasa a Miragem and as soon as I looked into my eyes I began to call my mother and rang this song, I started crying from happiness that he now in front of me after so many events, despite the threat, not looking at anything, so he my most beloved man on earth and about H reluctantly and so we stood in the middle of the room under this music and looked at each other ... And suddenly he says: I, well, I still take a pipe of crying from happiness. Mom anxious asked: Ira, what happened to you all right? (She was aware of where I am and that) I answered: Yes, my mom is fine. I gave the phone Mamida, he said: all is well. Putting the phone, he kissed me ... As far as I was happy to even imagine ... And since I am engaged in the belly dance, I promised to dance him for a long time, and this evening I fulfilled my promise I danced for him and he like Sultan sat on the bed and looked It was not forgotten on me ... But and here, without his nauseous brothers, it didn't have a call, some of his brother called, I did not hear their conversations, but after that Mamed came up to me showed my finger at the door and said:
-Get out of here
-What happened?
- Having done from this house
-Stope, explain everything, and I leave, again you believe the fool to your brothers
-Sam you fool, go away from here
I became the middle of the room staring at him, he went to the window and began to beat the window
"Moved, you know how I love you, please explain to me everything. And I suddenly I hear the crash, he broke the window ... I rushed to him ... He pushed me away and went to the sink, I ran up my whole hand was in the blood, I rushed to wash his hand, he again pushed me away, in that house the crane was Not a plumbing, and the usual thing you need to pour water, and the water ended and it was far to the nearest column, all the more though the beginning of March and there was still snow and frost ... I tell him: you have a first-aid kit here. He is silent. Then I looked in my pocket I was 20 rubles, I began to dress, he said: Going right and do not come back. I: Do not close the door at the pharmacy run and return. Suddenly he took out 100 rubles from his pocket and threw me. I threw money on the floor, shoved and left ... It was far from the nearest pharmacy, and I had to run ... I ran, all I say saying: Give me two bandages and a hydrogen peroxide. I was given and the price was not on my pocket, but I persuaded the saleswoman to give me this at least a receipt, she agreed I grabbed it all and rushed back, I rush into the house, it's all in the blood, I needed the water to rinse his hand, I run to the neighbors for the water, was then the hour of the night, it's good that people who lived there did not send me, as they could have been calmly pouring the water, I resort, I start to wash his hand, he repels shouting at me, And then for the first time in my life I went out of myself and began to yell: Listen if you want me to leave, I will leave, now I am interpreted your hand and leave, but while listening to me and sit quietly. He arrived. I started to bother his hand, the tears rolled from my eyes when I finished it looked at me and said: Ira, I understood everything. I'm starting to dress a ride nose saying: And what did you understand? He: I said that you left, I would have turned in your place and left, and you stayed with me, and I also went to the pharmacy and driven my hand, I understood everything. I: I'm glad I can still say. He: I love you and I don't care who will talk. He came up to me and began to wipe the tears to me, I burst into tears even more, he wiped the tears and began to kiss me ... But he didn't stop the blood to go, thereby the bandage was soaked and he smelled me with blood, my jeans, jeans, shirt, face, face Hands, all ... We were both in the blood and suddenly he said: oh almost forgotten, and suddenly he pulls out a small red velvet box in the form of a heart opens and says, hold down his hand, and he takes a bracelet from there and puts me on his hand , the bracelet was golden, and then says turn, I turned and he dressed me on the neck of the gold chain from the same set, how I was then happy in despite the fact that I was all in the blood, he pressed to me I was shaking, he I tried to calm me ... at that time it was about 3 nights ... WATER To wash it no longer left, the whole spent on him and on blood wiping, as the blood was everywhere on the floor on the panel everywhere ... I called a taxi we sat with him both in a taxi in the blood, we kissed him all the way in the car, but his hands They were still in the blood, and I had a white fur coat ... And now I have kissed him on the latter, ... but then it was the most interesting thing when my mother saw me, I went fast in my white fur coat was to in bloody stains, The face in the blood is in the blood, naturally at the beginning of the mother thought that I was deprived of my virginity, but after my story, my mother believed me ... We have repeatedly remembered this day for a long time, but we also talked for days, he had to go to the hospital in Voronezh There, he stayed two months and now it came in one awesome day that I would never forget, was the middle of April, our relationship from the frequent quarrels became very tense, his brothers did not stop shrouded ... And then the topic appeared again about autumn when we were with his brother I went to the courtyard ... Mamed ripped a relationship with me again, I was in a dead end ... He said: I can't meet a girl who slept with my brother. (There were a legend of the whole) And here, I cry in the phone I swear to him that I did not at what ... And then I decided to take it to Taran, I say: Mamed I'm for the truth ready for everything, you want to prove now. He: Yes, I: Now you want something to do with myself (at that time I was not in adequate) and threw the phone ... he called, I did not take. Then he wrote SMS: I can't live in love without you, goodbye my favorite. Then I began to call him ... After the calls 5, he takes the phone ... I scream: What did you do? He: I love you, though. I: What did you do? He: I am bad. He spoke with a hoarse voice. I: Mamed what happened. And silence…. He was in the hospital then, and suddenly I hear how the door opens someone runs and shout: what are you sick or what did you do? The next day we phoned, it turned out to cut the veins, I almost died ... Then I decided to call him my brother and demand that he would say the whole truth, I cry in the phone I managed to call him human feelings, he called Mamida and said as it was on the very business ... Thank God conflict was settled ... But because of frequent quarrels ... We broke up on his birthday on April 27, he called me a youngster and said that he needed a girl not 15 years old and her older either the brothers brain was rinsed or he was tired of him, we broke up but the heart did not give rest ... as in ICQ I went in one chat in ICQ, the owner was there Mamneda's brother and just that Mamed was sitting there, so I learned that he was already meeting with another name for her Masha, she My peer, he was very nice and kindly guessed ... Jealousy stuck me ... But I got out of the chat not paying attention ... passed the month was June 12, the day of the city ... I came up then, danced the belly dance, and suddenly during his speech I saw a familiar face, I will After all, we went to buy a sweet cotton wool with girls, the balls with helium ... It was fun, I went home and here he calls ... And he says that I needed to see the phone ... He calls again ... I take
-What do you want? You do not care how you insult me \u200b\u200bstill want? Leave me alone!
- I am now at your house, with me Masha (his current girl) she says about you here, says that you are compared to her anyone
-And what do you want from me?
I threw the phone, he began to write SMS: I love you, forgive me. I was silent. And so he wrote SMS and called me until the morning ... I was impregnable ... only I replied in the morning: you forget me, enough of me this dirt and nerves, and Masha say that it will not come down with her hands. It was our last correspondence ... Since my mother herself was even against, she said that it was already ridiculous that we would break up again, and even more so if my father finds out that it would be ... After that, we didn't communicate only. He congratulated me happy birthday And all .... We are the best friends with one of his brothers ... And he said that after that case Mamed went to Moscow to work and comes only for the new year ... Since then, I had a couple of guys ... But every day I remember him looking forward to his arrival ... They say and he is interested in how I am here ... no one could not see me to notice my Caucasian first love ...
P.S. And that Masha got me somehow met her on the street, I learned it and said the phrase that I was cooking for a long time: maybe you and more beautiful me but before watering mud need to learn about my physical data. And I gave her a slap, pushed to the ground and hit a couple more times, after that I did not hear about her ...

The story of love that really happened in life in Ingushetia, about the unfortunate and strong love of two young people ....

Ingushetia: Elina girl lived, all his name was her. . . Moving, modest, neat, parents loved her all her, her voice fascinated everyone, such a sophisticated, gentle hairs, like an angel, was often invited to her conference, the audience listened carefully, every word she was 17 years old, studied at 1 The course, after the pair I went home immediately, did not love goules and all the way. . She took her best lease girlfriend, and at one sunny day Lezka came running to Ele and says: "Elka, Elka, I got the number of such a beautiful guy, let's call him, just talk to him... Elya:" Lizka you will The mind went out, no, I will not call, what, and what if he finds out, it's a shame. . Lisa: "Well, please ale, you have such a voice, he will immediately fall in love with you, well, please, please.... Elya:" Well, but only once, and from the hidden. . . (Hugs, kisses) And here they went the beeps. . . Hello? Yes. . . Elya: "I was given your number, I would like to meet you" He: "Well, once Dali, let's get acquainted, my name is Mustafa, and how you? Ale: My name Diana........ (She lied all about Your life)... And now their conversation lasts more than 3 hours. Mustafa: "Diana, why do you call from the hidden? After all, your number still decided on me, Ale, in shock, began to say goodbye to him, saying that I was wrong with the number, I asked no longer calling this number, and put the phone: "Lizka I didn't say !!! what happens if He finds out who I am? It's terrible! I disappeared! Lizka went home... Suddenly the call sounded.. I rejected, another call again, I didn't raise the third call: "A young man, you also told you not to call here We were mistaken by the number, or you stop writing here, or I will be forced to throw out the SIM card. . . . Mustafa: "No, no !!! Wait, please give me the number Diana, I really need him, please give! Lizka:" Sorry it is impossible !!! She will not talk to you! Mustafa: "Please ask you! I need her number, or take it a SIM card !... Lizka almost thought:" Well, it is possible, tomorrow I will give her a SIM card tomorrow. . . . . House Eli. . . . . . Elel all night thought about him, what his wonderful voice he had, how he was Mil. . . . That night and he thought about her, what a wonderful voice, quiet calm. . . Lezka came running to her next day.: Ale, Elechka, he wants to talk to you, he needs it, you would hear how he asked me. . . . . Ale: "Lizka are you crazy? I can not, it is impossible! (But she so wanted to hear his voice again) Ale, so for me! . . . . . . . Good, well, come on. . . . . Lizka ran home. . . A little later, Elya gained to him: Hello. . . . Mustafa? Hello. . . It's you? (Of course a stupid question, but it was necessary to start a conversation). Hello, yes Diana is me. . How do you. . . . . . . . . . . . . They spoke all night. . . They said goodbye to the morning. . . . It's time to go to classes. . . . . At the University of Lizka showed her Mustafa, he studied at the 5th year, so beautiful, tall, with dark hair and brown eyes, it seems such a guy how he will never look at such as she. . . . . She was upset. All day she thought about him. . . . Evening, they talk. . . It goes so easily as if they kiss each other. . . There were already 2 months from their communication, they did not see each other, but oddly enough he did not ask meetings, he was pleased to hear her voice
He did not ask for meetings, and she didn't want it to her hand, so he saw her. . . But in one day he said :! "Diana, I can't see you more, let's see you, I want to see in your eyes, I want to admire you, your voice will captivate me, please do not refuse me. Elya:" No Mustafa, please do not ask me about it, you have little that we communicate by phone, I can not agree. . "But alas, a persistence of Mustafa there was no limit, he achieved his own.." I replied yes!. She told her about what had happened, and asked her to go instead of a meeting, allegedly she was Diana.. .. .Diana: "How can you? After all, he hopes to see you, not me, he will know, he will feel! Elya: "There is no lease, he will not know anything! Please.. Lizka did not agree, suddenly, something wrong began to occur with ELY.. Sicks for his head, fell to the floor, walked before the eyes.... I heard the cries of Lisa.... There was no one for anyone, but she began to come to herself, and asked that the crying Lisa calms down.. That already agreed on everything, if only her no more frightened her.... And then Day when they had to meet Mustafa....
The day of their meeting has come. . . He waited for her at the university under the tree. . . . . . . That he sees that someone goes to him. . . He looked at her spark. . . . Lizka: "Hello Mustafa". . Mustafa: "Hi." . They are not talking so much for 5 minutes, and he asked: "Why Diana thinks I'm so stupid? Why does she think that I do not recognize her voices, answer me why? Lizka:" I told her that it would not pass, she I excused me, I could not refuse her (she barely restrained tears). . . I am sorry again. . . Preferred and ran away. . . Homes at Eli: Lizka: "I told you that I would not come out, I told you? You put me in such a not convenient situation that he thinks about me about it, (crying).. Elya:" Calmble please, I'm not He knew that it would come out, calm down. . . Lizka calmed down, went home. . . . . Night: Call from Mustafa. . . . There is afraid to raise the phone, it is afraid to smolden how he will scold her. . . But still raised. . . . Hello, Diana. . .what did I do to you? Why did you cost me so much, did I cause you not to trust? Was there anything? Ale: "Forgive me Mustafa, I'm just afraid that I don't like you, I know that I am not from those running guys... I'm afraid.... Mustafa:" Diana, how can you not understand I like everything in you! You exactly the girl about which I dreamed so much, and it seems to me that it is precisely you are from fate! Diana pulls me to you, as you do not understand, please let's see you, just this time come you !!! Do not send anyone, I still know your voice out of a thousand, I don't confuse him, it looks like a bird's singing, an angel voice! After such words, she could not refuse him. . . She agreed, tomorrow to 5 o'clock near the University will be held
All night Mustafa thought what she was, all night of Elya was afraid to disappoint him. . . . But the morning came. . . . For some reason, headaches began again, but again passed. . . And now 5 hours. . . Couples are over, they must be seen. . . He waited where the meeting was indicated. . . She noticed him from far away. . . . He stood leaning against the tree, with a pensive view. . . . . She appeared so fast, he was dumbfounded. . . . . . He is just such a self and presented her, a slim, beautiful girl. . . . With an angelic voice, finally he saw her, how he wanted to hug her (but it was impossible to do it, he would never touch this girl, he would not dare to offend it) She did not raise her eyes, only said: "Here I am Mustafa ... "These words spoken led him to feelings, this time he knew exactly, his Diana stands in front of him. . . . . But then she said, "I'm sorry Mustafa, all this time I lied to you, my name is Elina (Ale) I really lighted you... He woke up again and says:" This is no longer any meaning, I saw you, I I will no longer let you go!
Their relationship began to go to the following levels. . . At the university, they already knew that they were together, everyone was happy, there was a white envy, there was black (everything as happens in humans) in one beautiful wonderful day. . . At the meeting, Mustafa said Ele: "Elechka, you know how I treat you, you know that I love you, you know that besides you, I have no one... I'm already finishing the university, I will find a job... After ... And after... I would like to marry you! Ale of life was shocked by these words, she wanted it with all his heart! But something she said that he was too early.... Began to unlock..: "Mustafa only 18 turned 18. I am just learning. . Wheel me. "Mustafa:" I'm not a hurry to your love, everything will be when you want, we will wait, I will send old people to you (the elders of the family, the whole thing) I am afraid that you will be issued for the other, or dwell. . . Understand. . . . . .she agreed. . . All this time, Elya did not tell her mother about him, although she did not hide anything from his mother. And that evening she told her about his intentions. . . . Mom: "Did you crawl crazy? But what about the study? Did you think about it?" Ale: "Mommy, he just wants to take the floor, and nothing else." Mom: "Good daughter, tell me his last name, maybe I know them?". . . . . After she uttered his last name, Mom dropped a plate, began to yell, shout, to continue this name and the surname no longer sounded in their home! So that she forgot him, and did not dare to communicate with him, otherwise she will select the phone with her, and the ban of the house!
.... Mom, Mom, wait (crying) I explain to me what is the reason, explain to me begging! Mom, I can't live without him! Mom I ask you! Mom: "Our family has been allwived for a lot of years, so that daughter, or are you doing since I say..... Or I will tell you all your father! This is good... Elya was shocked, went to her The room began to cry... In the meantime, the Mustafa's house was not less scandal... I apparently talking about what girl they say their only son on whom they pinned their hopes in which they saw the continuation of a kind... And who so sad This. Father: "You never marry this girlfriend! NEVER!!! The enemy's leg will not come to our house, you understood me !!! Mustafa silently dropped her head. . . . I went to my room. . . . He called Ele: Hello, (heard her tears) Favorite. . .
... my beloved, do not cry, I ask you not to cry, I will do everything so that we are together, I will not give you to anyone, you hear me to anyone! We will be together, do you believe me? Answer You believe or not, but in response he heard only her cry. . . But here again happened, the thing was that she was afraid of the most (dizziness) and again everything floated with her eyes, again she did not know anything, dropping the phone, she grabbed her head, the room was lying in his eyes, there was nothing to breathe, so My end thought she, mentally adjusted with everyone, saying goodbye to his parents, with her beloved, with her beloved girlfriend. . But thank God, she began to come to himself, as she rose to his feet, remembering what he spoke on the phone, I found a phone, and heard screams. . . . "I'm here, here." . She replied in a whisper. . . : "Never frighten me in life! I understand it?! I almost rushed to you!
Mustafa, why exactly we must be responsible for the mistake of the past, why exactly we must respond to their hostility, why everything should be laid on us. Mustafa: "El good, do not cry, we will still be together, I promised you! She put the phone, and went to sleep, (although both on this day could not sleep) lay and looked at the ceiling for hours.:" Today I I will see it, "I will see his girlfriend! They came out of the house as usual, without submitting any kind of joy, Elka passed near the mother with the head left ... Between her and leased the conversation, but then again these pains, leases and had once again watched ... Elka fell on her knees, and began to beat the asphalt and shout, she was hurt, his head was tearing into two parts, and then three ... Lizka raised her away from the bench began to lead to feelings, she was in a panic from what he saw She had not yet seen such strong head pain ...: "Tomorrow we go to the doctor!" - Lizka said, and do not dare to unlock! Elka: "Lizka, I don't need you, you know how I do not like These doctors. Lizka: "I don't want to hear anything, I said everything, tomorrow I will leave you from my parents." . .
All day they have not seen and did not hear each other. In the meantime, the Mustafa house was horrified in the house, the scandal ... no matter how he would not ask, no matter how his father's heart could not melt, he shouted on everything, shouted, spoke about the honor of the family ... Mustafa again remained alone on one with you (in the room) ... then the mother entered him: "Son, I see your suffering, I see how you love this girl, but I also see and know that your father will never agree to this Marriage (strokes him hand, face) Mustafa: "Mom, I'm sorry for me, forgive me if I didn't justify your hopes, I'm sorry if I didn't get like that you would like to see me, but I will understand mom that Elina is needed to me like air like water, I can't imagine my life without her .... (tears filled his eyes) .... the mother of the mother flopped to see these eyes, because there were no tears before in these eyes ... From this mother in the soul It became even worse .... She came out of the room, whatever in front of him .... Call: "Allo Elka, how are you? I'm sorry, I could not come today, I had things." Elka: "Nothing Mustafa, houses all the same, all under the ban" ... Mustafa: "Do not lose hope of your favorite, we will be together!" .. For the next day: "Elka get up soon, I took over to your parents, went to the doctor quickly ".. (with great difficulty getting out of bed, she got dressed and they ran down home, did not even have time to have breakfast ... Here they are in the hospital ... for the answers they said to come to the evening ..
..Named evening .... They went for tests ... In the doctor's office included both ... Doctor: "For a long time you are tormented by headaches?" Elka: "Nuuuu, not so long ago" ... (Lizka intervene) "Doctor long ago" .... here the doctor lowers his head: "Why didn't you come before? Why didn't you appeal to us before?" Elka: "Something is not the doctor?" Doctor: "You have a brain tumor, already quite developed, chances to cure it in such a period equal to 1 to 1000 you need an operation urgently." . . These words sounded like a knife in the heart of both girls, they did not believe their ears. . . A shock from the heard Elka came out into the corridor, Lezka remained there. The doctor: "She was left for several months, and I'm afraid no help here." Tears looked from the eye of Lisa: "How did the doctor? How? How could this happen, you lie, it's not the case, my elka can not die !!!
You are all lying! Doctor: "Alas, you yourself watched her pain, you witnessed her attacks." She could no longer be able to speak, she came out of the office, an ale sits on the bench .... (crying): "Lizka how much remains me? How much will I live?" But she did not answer ... only only cried .... they came home .... Elka stretches his mother's mother (analyzes) Mom: "What is it?" .. Elka: "Look, these are my tests.
Having read this mom almost fell into fainting, started crying, shouting: "My daughter, why it happened to you, these tests are fake, I do not believe them!" Elka: "Mom they are true, I have a few months old." . .mam: "No, no... I will not believe it, I will tell my father" ... By the morning the house was already half of the people ... There was such an impression that she had already died .... inviting mom to himself In the room, she began to tear her tears to meet her with him (they had not seen each month, after receiving the analyzes)
Mom with great difficulty let go of her daughter ..... And here they met ..... Mustafa was on the seventh heaven from happiness that she sees her again. Mustafa: "Elka We will leave with you, you hear, we will not say anyone and go away, we will live alone, and when they calm down we will return," ... His interrupted ...: "There is no Mustafa, stand (stretches tests)" ... He looked at them for a long time, without realizing that it was ....: "What is it? What are the analyzes". . . . Elka: "I'm dying Mustafa, I have a brain tumor, I have to live a little bit more" ... these words sounded like a blow in the heart, the earth left him from under his feet .... she stood and cried. Grabbing her shoulders, he hugged her. (I didn't do it before) Elka: "Let go, let go, let us see us" ... but then it was possible. Mustafa: "No I will not let you go! I still get married to you!
Elka is still crying: "No Mustafa is not, do not goubi myself, not having time to marry, you will become a widow" .... but he did not listen to her, he turned and left ... at home Mustafa .... the house was full of guests. Without paying attention to them, Mustafa fell to the legs of the Father and began to beg him, so that he sent to the village of Elina Starikov, kissed him his legs, he cried as a child! The father got angry by Son's son ...: "Are you in your mind? How can you be humiliated because of the girl? Then the mother did not suffer:" Yes, how can you, how can you watch how children suffer? You are not disgusted from ourselves, you are ruining lovers, for the sake of your hostility, for the sake of our principles .... (everyone lowered the heads) .....
..... Poor children loved each other, fell in love with sincere love, and you, what do you do? You are ruined them! ...... After long disputes and conversations, the old men gave way ..... It was the morning: a knock on the gate: the gate opened the father of Elina ..... Old people: "We came to ask your daughter" .. Father In anger: "Yes, how dreamed here to come here, who told you that I will give my daughter to your family, we never breed with such as you!" Written old people: "We crossed through our pride! We came to ask your daughter, and you. What did you do a fool! You broke your daughter's heart! You broke the guy's heart!" With such words they came out of the yard ...
.. Hearing the response of the Father, Elka lost all hope, for several months tears drip out her face, but this day killed her and his finally. They did not know what to do, how to be. . . . . A few days later, many people gathered in Elina's house, everyone was in black. . . . Elina did not! SHE DIED! Hearing about the happened old men came running into their home. . . . Mustafa was both Mustafa, he is not with him Saltash (tombstone): "Please accept this from us, at least I want to help her" .... Father: "We don't need anything from you, get away from our at home!
Shocked old men and Mustafa himself left ... ... reaching the house of old people opened the door: about Allah, what they see. The stone crumbled, he really turned into small pebbles! (True) Mustafa was called, whatever he looked at it, but he had no before that, he headed into his room, took the phone and began to consider Eli's photos. . . . . . However, the old days called Mullah. . . more than several. Those explained this phenomenon ... They said that the stone here represents the heart of your son, like his heart, this stone crashed into small parts, the heart of your son was broken forever, we have not seen such a great strength of love so that the stone was crushed by this force. . . With these words they came out ....
... That day Mustafa did not leave the room, all day he looked at her photo all day. . . Firmly squeezed the phone, I remembered her image, the voice, all her .... Done was no longer left, they dried up .... In the morning, my mother knocks her son in the room, but he did not open, she was entered, went to his son, began talking, but when she touched him, the chill walked through the same body, he was cold as a corpse ..........