Abstract “Excursion to the medical office. Abstract of the excursion to the medical office "Our little hospital" (preparatory group for school)

Shadrina Maria Vladimirovna
GBOU of Moscow "School number 1002" department of preschool education number 2
Moscow 2014
Abstract of an excursion to the medical office of a kindergarten for children of middle preschool age
Content: Continue to foster children's perceptions of people in the medical profession. To acquaint with the kindergarten medical office, with the work of a nurse and a doctor, with some medical instruments and their purpose. To create conditions for the development of interest in these professions, fostering respect for the work of the nursery staff.
Participants: children, group teacher, kindergarten medical staff.
Educator: Guys, I invite you on an excursion to a very interesting place. But in order to find out where we will go with you, you need to guess the riddle. Listen carefully, and whoever guesses first will raise his hand.
Who is most useful in days of illness
And heals us from all diseases?
Answer: Doctor
That's right, you guessed where we're going? (Answers of the children.) We will go on an excursion to the medical office of our kindergarten. Who knows the name of our doctor and nurse? (Answers of the children: Veronika Georgievna and Galina Petrovna). But before going to visit them, let's repeat the rules of conduct in the medical room:
When entering the office, be sure to say hello. When we greet, we wish health to the other person.
Do not make noise or push.
Do not touch anything in the office without permission.
You can ask your doctor and nurse about anything you would like to know. To do this, you need to raise your hand.
So, let's go. The teacher with the children enter the office and greet.
Doctor: Hello guys. I am a pediatrician. Do you know what a pediatrician does?
Children: Yes, heals children.
Doctor: Right. I will tell you about my profession.
The doctor draws the children’s attention to the office environment: the place where the children are waiting for an appointment, the doctor’s and nurse’s workplace, the closet where the cards of all children are kept, etc. She talks about her work. She focuses on the social significance of her work. She says that the nurse Galina Petrovna, who will talk about her profession, is of great help to her in her work.
Galina Petrovna shows the children a treatment room, medical instruments, talks about their purpose. If children already know some of the names of instruments and medical devices, then it is better to first ask the children themselves what the name of this or that item is.
At the end of the excursion, the doctor and nurse treat the children with vitamins and say goodbye to them, taking from them a promise not to be afraid of vaccinations.
When the children return to the group, it is necessary to consolidate the received ideas. You can organize drawing on the topic "Medical Instruments". Invite the children to show the drawings to their parents and talk about what they learned of interesting during the excursion.
Sample questions for children after the excursion:
What is the name of the office in our kindergarten Where do the doctor and nurse work?
What interesting things have you learned?
What did you like most about the medical room?
Is the work of medical workers important? Why?

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I approve

Head of MBDOU D / S No. 3

Baibikova R.A.

" ___" __________ year 2014


directly educational activities

Direction of activity:

Dominant educational area: Cognition

Topic: "Excursion lesson to the medical office"

Age group: middle group

Prepared by:

Sultangulova E.R. educator of the first qualification category MBDOU D / S No. 3 Asekeevsky district of the Orenburg region

village Asekeevo - 2014

Theme:"Lesson-excursion to the medical office"

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, physical development, labor.

Target: to familiarize children with the medical office, with its location in the kindergarten building, with equipment and medical instruments, and their purpose. To acquaint with the profession of a nurse in a kindergarten, to foster respect for the work of a medical worker.


educational: to foster in children respect for people of different professions and for the work of a medical worker, foster a sense of mutual assistance, the desire to help each other;

developing: develop the attention of children in the process of getting to know a new environment, develop the cognitive interest and activity of children with the help of leading questions during a conversation, develop the ability to express their thoughts, encourage independence of thought and the ability to draw conclusions, develop the ability to convey feelings and thoughts with the help of complete sentences, develop imagination and memory;

educational: expand the knowledge of children about the work of a nurse, enrich the vocabulary of children, practice using these words in their speech and during the role-playing game "Hospital", continue to improve the dialogical form of speech

Working on the dictionary : revitalization(expansion) of the vocabulary of children with the concepts: iodine, brilliant green, bandage, thermometer, height meter, scales, couch, stretcher.

Methods and techniques for managing the activities of children

- setting goals and motivating children's activities: ……………………………………….;

- enhancing the activities of children in the process of GCD: ………………..…………………………;

- organization of practical activities for children: ……………………………………………..;

- keeping children interested: ……………………………………………………………..;

- assessment and self-assessment: …………………………………………………………………………..

Creating an environment for organizing and conducting GCD : doll, stretcher, steering wheel, red cross (for the image of an ambulance car, medical office, couch, iodine, bandage, thermometer, cup, stadiometer, scales, vitamins.

Preliminary work (by educational area):

Conversation with children about the profession of a doctor;

Examination of pictures, illustrations on the topic: "Professions", role-playing game "Hospital";

Reading a fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit";

Didactic game “Who needs what is needed for work”;

Reading the poem "Vaccination" by S. Mikhalkov

Working with parents: …………………………………………………………………… ..........


Types of children's activities in the GCD:

- game;

- communicative;

- htendency of fiction;

- motor, etc.

Planned results:

- lpersonal:………………………………………………………………………………………..;

- andnintellectual:…………………………………………………...………….……………….;

- fphysical: ………………………………………………………………………………………..

Criteria for assessing the activities of children in GCD:

  1. Activity
  2. Independence
  3. Interaction with peers and adults.
  4. Empathy
  5. Emotionality
  6. The manifestation of volitional efforts
  7. Self-esteem

GCD plan

The course of educational activities directly

Parts of GCD


1. Introductory part .

Psychological attitude

Creating a motive for children's activities

Determination of the goal.

Replay - Guys, who's crying? (a doll is crying outside the door). We run up and ask: - Alsou, what happened? Why are you crying? Guys, she fell and hurt her leg. What to do? Where can you go? (call an ambulance, to the hospital ...). The hospital is far away, she needs help quickly. Who can help us? (nurse). What is our nurse's name? (Roza Askhatovna). I'll call her now and find out what to do.

Call the nurse: - Hello, Roza Askhatovna! Our doll Alsou fell and injured her leg. What should we do?

Meds. - Call an ambulance and take her to me.

Replay - Guys, Roza Askhatovna ordered an ambulance to bring Alsou to her urgently. Who will get us lucky? (a driver is selected from the boys). Let Alsou carefully put on a stretcher and take her to the ambulance. Driver, please start the car. Guys, let's go (let's go). They stop.


part .

Perception of the assimilated (or expansion of existing ideas)

Dynamic pauses

Practical work

They go to the medical office and say hello.

Replay - Roza Askhatovna, we brought Alsou, look, please.

The nurse provides first aid: the first step is to move it from the stretcher to the couch. Do you know what the couch is for? The couch is a bed where the patient is placed and examined. Now let's see the wound. We treat the edges of the wound with iodine to prevent infection. If there is no iodine, you can use brilliant green. We bandage with a sterile bandage. Now let's measure her temperature.

Replay - Guys, how do you measure the temperature? (with a thermometer)

Meds. - There is a slight temperature. To make her recover faster, we will give her medicine. And medicines are kept in a closet, where light and dust do not get.

Your doll will recover soon. You did the right thing by calling and bringing her to me. Because in this kindergarten, I provide medical care and treatment, because I am a nurse. And I have a special office where we are.

Replay - What is the name of this office? (medical)

Meds. - Look.

Replay - Do you guys like this office? What is he? (clean, bright, cozy, interesting). That's right, it should always be clean, light, comfortable here, every thing has its place. What do you see in this office? (children's answers). What do you think, what are the scales in honey for? cabinet? (weigh).

Meds. - If you want, I'll weigh you (2-3 children).

Replay - Roza Askhatovna, what is it?

Meds. - Height meter.

Replay - Guys, what is a stadiometer for? (measure height).

Meds. - Whose height to measure? (2-3 children).

Replay - Roza Askhatovna, what do you need a refrigerator for?

Meds .: For storing some medicines, so as not to spoil. I have another room in my office. It is called an insulator (briefly tells why).

Replay - Roza Askhatovna, please tell me, what are you writing on such a large sheet of paper?

Meds. - This is the menu. Do you know what a menu is? I write a menu for every day. This is necessary for cooks to cook for breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea. The food should contain all the useful vitamins. Everything must be counted so that the chefs can prepare tasty and healthy food. And that's enough for everyone. The children ate with pleasure and grew up healthy and beautiful.

3. Conclusion

part of

Self-assessment by children of their activities


Summing up the GCD

Replay - Guys, what office did we meet? Let's remember what we were weighed on? Measured? What is the name of the bed where the patient is placed for examination? How did the nurse treat the wound? Temperature, how was it measured? We met and learned a lot of interesting things about honey. office, about the work of a nurse d / s. Look how our Alsou's mood has improved, the pain has already passed, she will recover soon. Let Roza Askhatovna say “thank you very much” and present her with our poem:

“In the city everyone and in the villages - everywhere

Kind, sensitive people are working.

If disaster strikes suddenly,

A doctor, a nurse will always help you! "

Meds. - Thanks! Guys, I want to show you one magic exercise that will save us from disease.

"Gymnastics for the ears".

Do it every day and you will always be healthy. Finally, I want to treat you with vitamins.

GCD duration: 25 minutes

Used Books.


Annotation for the lesson: I offer you a summary of the GCD for the development of speech for children of middle preschool. age

Levinova Larisa Borisovna
Educational institution:"Kindergarten of the Shikhan garrison" of the Russian Ministry of Defense
Brief description of work: The synopsis describes an excursion to the medical office. The nurse's story about her work.

Date of publication: 2016-12-01 Abstract "Excursion to the medical office" Levinova Larisa Borisovna The outline describes an excursion to the medical office. A nurse's story about her work.

View Publication Certificate

Abstract "Excursion to the medical office"

p / p

The name of modern educational technologies used in teaching and educational work

The stages of the lesson in which the technology is applied

Research technology

In the main part of the lesson

Interaction method

In the main part

Use of artistic word

At the beginning of the lesson

Dynamic pauses

Throughout the lesson

Purpose: Formation of elementary ideas about the work of a nurse in preschoolers.


1. Introduce children to the work of a nurse.

2. Activation of the dictionary: nurse, medical examination, medical instruments, hardening, scales, medicines.

Enrichment of the vocabulary: medical cards, vaccinations, thermometer, syringe, stadiometer, spatula.

3. To instill in children interest and respect for the work of adults.

Preliminary work: talking with children about a medical examination, remembering how it goes; consider with children medical instruments: thermometer, spatula, syringe, medicines

- Guys, listen to the poem.

It's great: to be able!

Sow bread and sing a song.

Throw a haystack, chop wood,

Weed the garden bed cleanly.

It's great to plan! -

Make a table or bed.

Tin tank, drive tram,

Build a house at dawn,

Forge steel, sharpen the detail,

To teach others the skill.

To cherish the garden, to bake bread,

Protect mothers from troubles.

To be kind, to have friends.

It's great to be able to!

- Guys, you probably guessed what we are going to talk about today? (The poem says that people know how to do a lot. One can sing a song, another can bake bread, a third can build a house, etc. And all this each of them learned to do, learned his profession).

Today we will learn about what a profession is, about their role in our life.

- Guys, how many professions do you think there are on earth? (Answers).

- Who knows what a profession is? (Answers).

- This is a business, a job that a person does.

- What professions do people need to work in? (Everyone has to work).

Guys, I promised you that we would go on an excursion to our nurse Elena Vladimirovna. She has a separate office, where we will now go with you. We will see what is in the medical office.

(The teacher and the children go down to the medical office, where they are met by the nurse)

Nurse: - Hello guys. You probably know who I am and what my name is?

Children: - You are our nurse. Your name is Elena Vladimirovna.

Nurse: - That's right, well done! Today I will tell you about my work. What do I do guys, you know?

Children: - You come to us in the morning and check the group.

Nurse: - Yes, that's right, I check the cleanliness of your group room, as well as the area. I also make sure that the products brought to kindergarten are fresh. Soon you will go to the kitchen, get acquainted with the work of a chef and see how the food is stored. I serve to make sure they are properly stored, used on time to keep your breakfast, lunch and dinner fresh and tasty. And I also watch your health, guys. I know that in your group there is a game "Hospital", and there are medical instruments for it. Well, tell me them.

(Children call a thermometer, syringe, medicine, spatula, etc.)

Nurse: - Guys, you have almost everything. I also have medical instruments, but they are real. Would you like to see?

(Nurse shows medical instruments)

Nurse: - Guys, what is it?

Children: - Thermometer.

Nurse: - Who among you knows what it is for?

Children: - Measure the temperature to find out if the person is sick.

Nurse: - That's right, guys, I measure your temperature in order to find out whether a person is sick or not. But what is this?

Children: - Spatula.

Nurse: - That's right, guys, your teacher has already introduced you to the name of this tool. What is it for?

Children: - To watch the throat.

Nurse: - Right. If you have a sore throat, I can look at it with a spatula. Well, what kind of instrument is this?

Children: - This is a syringe.

Nurse: - And what is it for, guys?

Children: - To give injections.

Nurse: - Quite right. I’ll tell you what vaccinations are for. They are made to healthy people so that they do not get sick. Listen to S. Mikhalkov's poem "Vaccination":

- Get vaccinated! First grade!

- Have you heard? This is us. -

I'm not afraid of vaccinations:

If necessary, I will inject!

Well, think about it, an injection!

They pricked it and went.

It is only the coward who is afraid

Go to the doctor for an injection.

Personally, at the sight of a syringe

I smile and joke.

I am one of the first to enter

To the medical office.

I have nerves of steel

Or no nerves at all!

If only who would know

What football tickets

I would gladly trade

For an additional injection.

- Get vaccinated! First grade!

- Have you heard? This is us. -

Why did I stand against the wall?

My knees are trembling.

Nurse: - Did you like this poem? There is no need to be afraid of vaccinations and, if you get them, you will be healthy. Guys, remember, you went through a medical examination. What other appliances do I need? What else did I do?

Children: - Measured height and weight.

(Nurse and educator suggest if children are at a loss)

Nurse: - That's right, I weighed you on these scales and measured your height with this stadiometer. I put all the information in special cards. Each of you has your own medical record. (Shows) It records not only the results of the medical examination, but also your diseases. When you are sick and do not attend kindergarten, I immediately write down here about your illness, and when you return, I make sure that you are healthy. Guys, so that you do not get sick, the teacher conducts hardening with you. Tell us how you temper.

(Answers of children)

Nurse: - I would also like to show you the medicines that I have, but you should know that you cannot touch them. Each medicine is designed to treat a specific disease, and only adults can give the medicine. Guys. And now I will give each of you a vitamin. Here are some empty medicine vials. Put them in your game. Well, guys, that's all. This is my job. Did you enjoy visiting me? Come again, I will tell you a lot of interesting things. Goodbye, guys!

Children: - Goodbye! Thank you, Elena Vladimirovna.

(The teacher leads the children to the group)

Target : to introduce children tomedical office , with its location in a kindergarten building, with equipment andmedical instruments , their purpose. Introduce the professionmedical kindergarten sisters, foster respect for workmedical worker .

Tasks :

educational : to instill in children respect for people of different professions and for workmedical worker , foster a sense of mutual assistance, the desire to help each other;

developing : develop the attention of children in the process of getting to know a new environment, develop the cognitive interest and activity of children with the help of leading questions during a conversation, develop the ability to express their thoughts, encourage independence of thought and the ability to draw conclusions, develop the ability to convey feelings and thoughts with the help of complete sentences, develop imagination and memory;

educational : to expand children's knowledge of worknurse , enrich the vocabulary of children, practice using these words in their speech and during the role-playing game"Hospital" , continue to improve the dialogical form of speech.

Working on the dictionary : revitalization(extension) vocabulary of childrenconcepts : iodine, brilliant green, bandage, thermometer, height meter, scales, couch.

Preliminary work :

a conversation about the rules of safe conduct inmedical office ;

reading a poem by S. Mikhalkov"Graft" ;

organization of a role-playing game"Hospital" ;

conversation"At the doctor" ;

Didactic game"Professions" .

Integration of educationalareas : cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, physical development, labor.

Excursion progress

Educator : Hello guys! How are you feeling?(Answers of children) ... Come on, we will greet each other loudly again and wish each other good health.(Children say hello) ... Good. Now try to guess mineriddle :

Who sits at the patient's bedside?

And he tells everyone how to be treated.

Who is sick - he will offer to take drops.

Those who are healthy are allowed to take a walk.(Doctor)

Well done! And who in kindergarten always monitors your health?(Nurse) .

To keep you healthy, a nurse in a kindergarten has a lot of work to do. And to find out what it consists of, I invite you toexcursion to the medical office ... But first, let's remember the name of our nurse and the rules of conduct in hercabinet .

Upon enteringcabinet be sure to say hello. When we greet, we wish health to the other person.

Do not make noise or push.

Do not touch anything inoffice without permission .

You can ask the nurse anything you would like to know. To do this, you need to raise your hand. And so on the way, lined up one after another.

The teacher with the children go tocabinet and greet .

Educator : - Who knows the name of our kindergarten nurse? That's right, Valentina Vladimirovna.

Valentina Vladimirovna, please tell us about your office, who is asking you for help and how do you provide it?

A nurse's story about her work, about her office, about patients.

Educator : Guys, what do you think, and why inmedical office scales ? (To weigh the children, compare how much they recovered) .

And why incabinet stadiometer ? (To measure height, compare how much children have grown) .

Valentina Vladimirovna, please tell me, we have a lot of children in our kindergarten, how do you remember the names of everyone, who lives where, what vaccinations have been made, and who has not yet been vaccinated?

Nurse : Every child in our kindergarten has a card that contains all the information.

Educator : Guys, you have already managed to see and consider a lot before getting to know the situation in the nextcabinet , let's give your eyes a rest. Gymnastics for the eyes


To be vigilant, we need to twist our eyes

(Roll your eyes in a circle for 2-3 seconds.)

Sharper eyes to see

(For a minute, massage the upper and lower eyelids without closing your eyes.)

We can barely open them. Let's draw a big circle

(Draw a circle with your eyes)

And let's look around everything(left, right)

To become vigilant, we need to press on our eyes

(With three fingers of each hand, it is easy to press the upper eyelid of the corresponding eye and hold for 1-2 seconds.)

Eyes to the left, eyes to the right,

(Raise your eyes up, down, turn right, left)

Up and down and all over again.

Quickly, quickly blink(Blink for a minute)

Then give your eyes a rest. You need to open your eyes

(Open and close your eyes wide at intervals of 30 seconds.)

A miracle so as not to miss. Triangle, circle, square,

(Draw geometric shapes with your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise)

We will draw in a row.

After gymnastics, the nurse invites the children to the treatment room.cabinet

Educator : What kindmedical items (instruments) do you see in this room? Name them(syringe, cotton wool, tablets, iodine, brilliant green, thermometer, etc.) ... What do you think they are doing in thiscabinet ? What is it called? (They give vaccinations, give medicines to children, heal wounds and abrasions, etc. This is a proceduralcabinet ).

Nurse : Guys, tell me, can children touch, play withmedical instruments , take medicine on your own? Why? (It is impossible. It is very dangerous. You can get hurt, injections, poisoning, etc.).

Educator : So ours has come to an end with youexcursion ... Let's say thanks to our Valentina Vladimirovna for very interesting information about the work of a nurse in kindergarten and say goodbye to her(Thank you bye) .

Children return to their owngroup .

Abstract of GCD on the topic: "Excursion to the medical office."

Age : Middle group.

Target: To form in children an elementary understanding of the profession of a nurse.


Expand and enrich children's ideas about the work of a nurse in kindergarten (examining children in groups, making menus, working with children's medical records, working in a treatment room)

Teach children to use words in speech that meet the definition of this profession; name the verbs that characterize the labor actions of the health worker. Develop coherent speech.

To develop mental operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, visual, auditory attention, voluntary memorization, spatial perception in children during the excursion.

To foster in children respect and interest in the work of a health worker, the need to be healthy.

Preliminary work:

    a conversation about the rules of safe behavior in the medical office;

    reading of S. Mikhalkov's poem "Vaccination";

    holding a thematic "Day of Health"

(within the framework of a single day of prevention “Health is your wealth);

    organization of the role-playing game "Hospital";

    conversation "At the doctor's office";

    D / and "Who needs what for work."

Integration of educational areas:





Excursion progress

Educator: Hello guys! How are you feeling? (Answers of children). Let's

Once again, we will greet you loudly and wish each other good health.

Now try to solve my riddle:

Puts cans and injections

To all students from school

She is very kind

In a white coat (nurse)

Well done! And who in kindergarten always monitors your health? (Nurse).
- A nurse in a kindergarten has a lot of work to keep you healthy. And in order to find out what it consists of, I invite you on an excursion to the medical office. But first, let's remember the name of our nurse and the rules of conduct in her office. (Answers of children).

In the medical block

Children come in, greet, examine the office.

Guys, describe which office? (Spacious, comfortable, beautiful, clean, interesting, consists of several rooms).

In this room, the nurse writes all the documents.

Lyudmila Ivanovna, tell me, please, what are you writing on such a large sheet of paper? (This is the menu).
Nurse: Do you know what a menu is? (Answers of children). I write a menu for every day of the week. It is necessary for cooks to have all useful food components and vitamins in children's food. It is necessary to calculate everything correctly so that the chefs can prepare delicious food, but the main thing is that the dishes are healthy, appetizing, so that all children eat them with pleasure and grow up beautiful and healthy.
- Guys, what do you think children need every day? (Milk, bread, meat, fruits, vegetables, etc.).

Educator: Well done! Let's remember our finger gymnastics about cabbage.

"Kvassim cabbage"
What is this bush?
(Standing, hands in front of the chest in the "lock")

What is this crunch?
The bush has "sprung up", has grown (the hands are connected only by the bases of the palms and fingertips.)

We slightly turn our palms in the opposite direction and at the same time emit a crunch as we can (throat, tongue, cheeks ...)

How can I do without crunch,
Here our "cabbage" grows and becomes the size of a ring of hands, the fingertips are connected above the head. In order to warm up, you can check your posture in this position and feel every muscle of the back.

If I am a cabbage?

We chop cabbage, chop,
"Chop cabbage" on the surface of an imaginary table with the ribs of the palms.

We salt the cabbage, we salt it,
Both hands are folded with a pinch and "salt". (hands move back and forth).

We mash the cabbage, mash,
We clench and unclench our fists

And three, three carrots,
Three palms together - for training, keep them at chest level and press on the palms with force, this exercise strengthens the chest.

Stir - horizontally.

We stuff tightly into the barrels
Palm on palm, "crush" the cabbage, not bending over, but bending and straightening the elbows.

And we make up the basements.
In the same position, we bend deeply and put our folded palms on the floor.

Eh, delicious cabbage!
We straighten up and stroke ourselves on the stomach.

Guys, what do you think, why are the scales in the medical office?

(To weigh the children, to compare how much they recovered).
- And what is the stadiometer in the office for?

(To measure height, compare how much the children have grown).

Lyudmila Ivanovna, tell me, please, we have a lot of children in our kindergarten, how do you remember the names of everyone, who lives where, what group they go to, how old to whom, what vaccinations have been given, and who has not yet been vaccinated? (Each child in our kindergarten has a card that contains all the information about the child and his health).

Nurse: Guys, you have already managed to see and consider a lot, before you get acquainted with the situation in the next room, let's give your eyes a rest.

Gymnastics for the eyes "Bridge"

We close our eyes, these are the miracles.

Close both eyes.

Our eyes are resting, they are doing the exercises.

Continue to stand with closed eyes .

And now we will open them, we will build a bridge across the river.

They open their eyes and draw a bridge with their eyes.

Let's draw the letter o, it's easy.

With the eyes they draw the letter o.

Lift up, look down,

The eyes are raised up, down.

Turn right, left,

The eyes look left and right.

After gymnastics, the nurse invites the children to the treatment room.

Educator: What medical items (instruments) do you see in this room? Name them. (Syringe, cotton wool, scales, medicines, tablets, iodine, brilliant green, thermometer, etc.).

What do you think they are doing in this office? What is it called?

(They give vaccinations, give medicines to children, heal wounds and abrasions, etc.) This is a procedure room.

Nurse: Guys, tell me, can children touch, play with medical instruments, drink medicine on their own? (No).

Why not? (This is very dangerous, you can get hurt, injections, poisoning, etc.).

Right. Now let's see the isolation ward (Children are examining the room).

Why do you need this office? (Those children who are sick are waiting for their parents here).

Educator: Lyudmila Ivanovna, tell me, please, do you yourself prescribe medications to children who are sick?

Nurse: No, medication can only be prescribed by a doctor after examining the child and when he is diagnosed. The nurse can only give medicine with the permission of the doctor.

Educator:(in a group) Guys, share your impressions: is the profession of a nurse in a kindergarten difficult? What does a nurse do, what work does she do? What do you think a nurse does in a hospital? How is a nursery in a kindergarten different from a nurse in a hospital? Please tell me you need to take care of your health? But as? Maybe you just need to be treated?

What do you want to become when you grow up?