Whether a married couple. A married couple in a country house - we choose workers. Strong family and happy family. How to live happily ever after with your loved one and make long-term relationships happy

What is a "family couple for a country house"?

This is an au pair-driver and a housekeeper-cook in a legal marriage, living on the territory of a private house. Of course, this is beneficial in terms of hiring domestic staff.

Wealthy people at all times used the services of nannies, housekeepers, tutors, cooks ... This tradition was widespread before the revolution, it did not come to naught in Soviet times, but today more and more new agencies appear, whose field of activity is assistance in selecting household staff. And this service is in high demand.

And in fact - why waste precious time on cooking, washing, cleaning, when you can use the services of special workers trained in all household tricks?

Let's talk more about the couple. Usually these are people of working age - from 25 to 55 years. The agency for the selection of domestic staff, before registering a couple, like any employee in general, carefully checks the documents. Candidates should not have bad habits, chronic and severe diseases, as well as family problems. Recommended and recommendations. Simply put, the couple should live in harmony and not “please” the owners with a loud showdown, especially since she lives in the same place with them.

Such workers are mainly interested in those who live in a private house with a land plot. Responsibilities may vary slightly, but in the classic version, the wife takes care of the house and cooks, and the husband takes care of the plot and acts as a personal driver.

The couple has certain advantages over other staff, albeit also living in the house: a nanny, a gardener, a cook and others. First of all, a strong, stable family of two is a stable "labor force", which, given the combination of several responsibilities, is much cheaper for the owners of the house.

If you look into the catalog of some agencies and get acquainted with the proposals closer, then such a picture emerges. The wife is able to perform, in addition to cleaning, washing and ironing, caring for the child, feeding, walking, cooking, as well as doing household chores - paying bills, buying medicines and products. The husband takes the owners in a car, takes care of the land, runs the household, monitors the serviceability of the car and all plumbing and electrical equipment. If required by the owners, he must supervise the work of other domestic staff, provide checks and reports on the purchase of building materials and spare parts for the car.

A couple, and especially a man, should be well versed in household appliances, and if necessary, fix a malfunction or ensure that a faulty vacuum cleaner or microwave oven is delivered to a repair shop.

According to the managers of the Feya recruitment agency, a married couple is the most profitable solution for homeownership.

Fairy Agency is not only competent couples for estates and cottages. But also experienced nannies, and for any car.
We have been matching couples since 2004. We have over 5,000 verified candidates with experience and references in our database.

On the page about the selection of married couples there is a video resume. You can see.

Fairy is your home agency.

If you are the owner of a country cottage, then you have more than once faced the difficulties of maintaining order in your country estate. Living in a country house or cottage, especially with a large adjacent territory, is not only a vacation away from the metropolis, it is a big responsibility. Taking care of a country house is a constant job, and many owners have solved this problem for themselves by inviting household staff, housekeepers and housekeepers, gardeners, live-in housekeepers, married couples to do the housework.

Vacancies for couples

For those who are looking for a job with accommodation for a vacancy for a married couple in a country house:

Jobs in St. Petersburg: vacancies for couples in St. Petersburg

Work for a married couple country house

They do all the work of caring for the house and yard, and for you life becomes calm and comfortable, and you can do what you love. If you do not have the opportunity to hire a whole staff of staff, then the best option would be married couple(workers of a country house).

The man will take over the housekeeping and will be able to perform the functions of a driver, electrician, plumber, carpenter, gardener, will monitor the smooth operation of the heating and communications system.

The duties of a woman will include all the functions of a housekeeper and an au pair. She will take care of cleaning the house and garden, cooking, washing and ironing, caring for animals. If necessary, a woman can combine the functions of a nanny or a nurse. All the nuances and scope of responsibilities will be discussed at the conclusion of the contract.

How to save yourself from risk
No matter how seriously you approach the search for a married couple, there is always a risk of failure. The selection of a married couple in a country house is always associated with a human factor. In this area, it plays a decisive role, and it is impossible to foresee all the nuances. The surest way to find a good couple for a country house job is to contact a good domestic staff recruitment agency, for example, the best domestic staff recruitment agency in Moscow and St. Petersburg Prime Home Staff. The agency will charge a fee for its services, but at the same time you will be spared a lot of problems and risks associated with the selection of a married couple. Many applicants who are looking for a job in Moscow or a job in St. Petersburg communicate with the agencies, but they only include verified and reliable applicants in their databases, so the agency can offer you only proven specialists who best suit your requirements and preferences. You will not need to independently check the documents and recommendations, to be convinced of their professionalism and decency. If, after the probationary period, you are not satisfied with the work of a married couple, you can change employees. In addition to the basic requirements and responsibilities, there are some nuances and stereotypes that should be considered when choosing. This is the citizenship of the couple, age and marital status.

It is generally accepted that the best are married couples in a country house with Russian citizenship. But, as experience shows, now they show worse results compared to their counterparts from neighboring countries - Ukraine, Belarus and other CIS countries. Due to the greater demand, Russian applicants ask for an order of magnitude higher salary (often unreasonably). They are also less responsible in their duties because of the belief that they can easily find work elsewhere. But there is no significant difference in the quality of services provided by married couples from the CIS countries, especially since the problem with registrations, renewal of residence permits, and other problems has now been eliminated. Applicants from the CIS can work quite legally and at the same time their services are much cheaper.

The age of the couple
The hiring of young couples under the age of 35 is often mistakenly neglected, motivated by the fact that young people do not yet have enough life experience and they have small children. This approach is fundamentally wrong. It is at the age of 30 that a person has the most optimal performance and has enough life experience to cope with any tasks of caring for a country house. Having children in a couple is a big plus, as it is an incentive to work.
If you need to perform a small amount of work or you need to look after your home in the winter, then the best choice would be older couples - from 55 years old. Both in the case of young and old couples, you can save money - their services are cheaper than middle-aged couples.

Marital status of the couple
Often there is a biased attitude on the part of employers towards couples who are in a civil marriage. But, as a rule, registration in the registry office is not a guarantee that the work of the couple will be well-coordinated and productive. When choosing a married couple in a country house, do not follow the prevailing stereotypes, and also listen to the advice of professionals from domestic staff recruitment agencies.

Have you ever wondered what a "family" is and how it differs from a "couple"? And meanwhile, these are completely different, in fact, opposite concepts. And by creating a couple, you do not create a family, even if you call your couple that way.

So, let's introduce the definition of a family: A family is a system of role-playing relations devoid of the right to choose.

That is, you cannot choose your mother, father, son, daughter. Even if you divorce your spouse, you will still remain in the role of father, mother and child. After all, there is no "ex-mother" or "ex-father".

What is a couple? A couple is a relationship between two people determined by the free choice of each.

Do you understand? Free choice! That is, every day you choose again and again this person for a relationship. I would like to note that man was created by nature in a terribly selfish version (apparently this is a necessity for the survival of the family) and at every minute of time a person chooses what is most beneficial to him.

Here's what I'm talking about: we create a couple based on today's benefit of being with this person. At the same time, no matter how highly spiritual personalities who consider themselves scold me, this benefit can always be felt.

It can be sexual attraction to a person, the comfort of being next to him, and comfort can be both materially and spiritually and emotionally, it can be an awareness of one's self-esteem, which increases with the understanding that "such a cool (cool ) chose me - so I'm cool (cool)", it can even be the emotional richness of the relationship. How can this be briefly described? I'm better off with this person than without him.

So do not confuse such close in meaning words "couple" and "family".

And another very important point! What do you think, what format of relations is closer to us? Where do we more or less know how to behave?

As a rule, they answer - in pairs. But no! In family! It was the family that was in front of our eyes when we were growing up. And it was the relationship "in a pair" that remained behind the scenes. Therefore, "family" relationships are transferred to "paired" ones, and this is a relationship error. This is the very trap into which many young "families" fall. Not knowing the laws of the "couple" they begin to "build a family" from a couple. That is, there are no children yet - this is a relationship in a couple, even if there is a registered marriage and your relationship is already officially recognized as "family". The same mistakes are made after children grow up and become independent of their parents. It is at this stage that a lot of divorces take place. Because there was a family, but the children grew up, but they did not learn how to live in a couple. I talk about the mistakes that many people make at the training

Strong family and happy family. How to live happily ever after with your loved one and make long-term relationships happy

"Forbidden fruit is sweet" - this common phrase is known to everyone. Moreover, it is applicable to different areas of our life, including to. Sex with a married couple for a couple - is it a "forbidden fruit", that is, debauchery, or is it still the norm? Let's take a closer look at this issue...

History of swinging

Swing as a form of sexual activity began its existence in ancient times. In ancient Greek literature, not only is there a mention of lesbian, homosexual unions, orgies, but also of swinging. Ancient people were free from prejudice in the field of sexual relations, but despite this, even in those days, swing was not a common activity. Swinging came to Europe and Russia from America. Americans, a more sexually liberated nation, have not considered this kind of intimate relationship to be something perverted for a long time. On the contrary, in their opinion, swing is a great opportunity to return that "light" and passion to family sexual relations.

In reality modern life swing- it's a lifestyle. Fans of this occupation have their own rules, laws, their own clubs, their own social circle.

As for Russia, most of our compatriots do not take this form sexual relations considering it immoral. Moreover, both young people and people of a more mature age. Swinging is more common in metropolitan areas, among married couples who have a broader outlook and a lighter attitude towards their sex life.

Family psychology of sex couple for a couple

Relying on family psychology, we can say with confidence that those relationships in which both partners are satisfied are successful.

After 5-7 years of married life, some partners are thinking about how to diversify their sex life. Someone begins to look for pleasure on the side, and someone, not wanting to betray his loved one, dares to swing.

mentally tired of marriage man and woman, decide to try swinging to rid their sex life of feeling addicted. Someone manages to create this effect of novelty, but someone does not.

What to do if the husband does not want pair sex?

Swing- this is actually allowed treason. Of course, few couples will voluntarily allow their loved one to have sex with another partner. That is why the following situation is common in a married couple: one partner is not averse to trying something new, while the other categorically does not agree to give his treasure to another woman or man.

What to do if the husband is against such diversity? First, in no case do not put pressure on your life partner. Try to gradually put into your husband's head the idea that swinging is not a betrayal, but a new stage in the development of your sexual relations, a new stage in your intimacy. Secondly, offer him to start having sex in the presence of another married couple, without changing partners. Thirdly, perhaps your husband thinks that such a relationship will destroy your relationship, or you will become jealous of him. Free your loved one from such thoughts, convincing that the sex of a couple for a couple will not alienate you from each other, but, on the contrary, will make you even closer, and the relationship stronger.

What to do if the wife does not want sex for a couple?

Women are known to be more sensitive, receptive and emotional. Therefore, a man should not "stupefy" his beloved by unexpectedly declaring that he would not mind sleeping with another. To begin with, thoroughly learn the sexual preferences of your beloved: her edge of permissiveness, secret fantasies and desires.

If spouse reacted negatively to your proposal, you should not give up, because such behavior can only be a manifestation of isolation and complexes that you need to destroy. In bed, be as sensitive, gentle and understanding with her as possible. Every time you have sex, try something new, rid your woman of unnecessary prejudices.

If a wife motivates his refusal by the fact that he does not want to share you with another woman, talk heart to heart with her, tell her a number of arguments "for" sex for a couple.

Explain to your beloved that you are driven not just by the desire, as they say, to "fuck" another woman. Tell her that swing is your way to give her new, previously unexplored pleasure. After all, sex with another man will enable a woman to feel desirable and attractive again.

Explain that swinging sex with someone else's wife is just a sexual relationship and has nothing to do with real infidelity. After all, it is a betrayal. And swing implies the mutual consent of the spouses to sexual relations with other partners. Simply put, convince her that you still love her, appreciate and respect her. You just want sex to not become commonplace for you, or, as they say, just a marital duty. Swing will breathe new life into your sex.

Tell your beloved that if, after trying the swing, she doesn’t like something or is embarrassed, then everything will stop right there, because you are more important, first of all, her well-being and comfort. It is likely that your wife, after such an experience, will look at couples with a new look. After all, humans are naturally curious, so when talking to your wife, ask her, "Aren't you interested in experiencing this for yourself?"

Consequences of participating in swinger parties. Psychologist's opinion

It is quite logical to talk about the negative consequences of swinging in an article about swinging, which, although not always, do happen.

Based on the opinion of specialists in the field of family psychology, we have identified a number of consequences of swinging, from which, alas, no one is immune:
- after meeting another married couple, your spouse may feel something special for the wife (husband) of your sex partner.
- it happens that after couples sex, a husband or wife meets again with another couple, despite the fact that his significant other does not want to.
- couples sex can lead to the fact that your partner will have complexes, or psychological trauma
- after several years of sexual life as a couple for a couple, many spouses lose their usual social circle, keeping in touch only with other swingers. The reason for this is that the husband and wife in other married couples see only a source for their pleasure.

Any normal family is noise, din, joy, close communication with people dear to the heart and soul. But the family also has another side - all the problems, difficulties, routines, dull monotony, troubles and even grief are also divided equally among everyone. And it is at such moments when there is not enough strength and the surname needs external support - family friends show their relationship. These are the people with whom we periodically meet on holidays, at important celebrations or invite guests to birthdays and anniversaries.

A true friend is ready to help at the first call or the call of the heart and soul. He is ready to share pain and joy, creates a sense of security and confidence in the future. It is friends who give us reasons to relax and keep us company, they can support us both morally and financially. But there is another side to this coin. Often, friends become the main problem in family life, and because of them, more than one harmonious relationship was destroyed. Their one word can do the irreparable. So does it make sense to have family friends and what is the impact of these people on the life of a married couple.

Friends need to grow up too

When does the first friend appear? In the sandbox, when we share one spatula or bucket, or in kindergarten. No matter how much a person is - whether it is a kindergarten kid or a schoolboy, he also has feelings and there are certain relationships with people. Most often they are peers, but may be older or younger.

But more or less true friendship appears in the teenage years. It is during these years that a person gets the feeling that the environment is more important to him than those close to him. He wants to become one of the members of the pack - the company and this is normal. This is how a personality develops, the first problems are frayed, difficulties are solved. So young people recognize how valuable they are to society and constructively relate to the opinions of others.

It is during these years that a person understands what true friendship and betrayal are, and, having been ill with all the ups and downs, they boldly enter another, adult life.

youth and friendship

This time of life allows you to overestimate your qualities, to find out - what is more important - your own or other people's interests. And during these years, friendship takes on a romantic shape, it is filled with emotions, joint experiences and expectations. And each of the friends (meaning peer relationships) is filled with illusions in the soul and is ready to make self-sacrifice for the sake of a friend.

Friendship between young peers is very transparent and realistic and there are no pitfalls if there is no single object of contemplation.

adult friendships

And now we will discuss the issue of friendly relations with adults, accomplished people. Here, the same respectful and comradely relations come to the fore, but new qualities are added to them that appear in any person. People become more reasonable, balanced, act according to logic.

For some, the same pragmatism comes to the fore, but in this case, it is no longer necessary to speak of true friendship. But while a person is alone and he does not have a permanent couple or family ties, friendship for him is support, a sense of security and mutual assistance. But then comes the day when there is an acquaintance between two people, and of different sexes, and that very feeling arises, which is called love. Further - according to the proven scheme.

Should I leave my friends after marriage?

Marriage is not just a milestone in a person's life, but also a reassessment of almost all the values ​​that have been accumulated up to this point. There will no longer be that freedom of action, communication and other liberties that before. And if friends appear on the horizon every now and then, inviting you to a tea party, a sports bar or a hunt, it’s not so easy to refuse communication. It would seem that it is enough to say that now the beloved wife is in the first place, which makes it possible to bypass the sharp corners of conflicts and family problems.

Experienced psychologists point out that the cause of problems in such situations is incorrectly placed accents. No one ever claims that friends should be “tied up” once and for all immediately after the wedding. It is not right! Yes, two people will always find topics for conversation, things to do, how to spend their free time, etc. But even with the greatest love, each of us needs variety. And the same person, who is constantly nearby, can lead to hysteria and the complete collapse of a once strong love relationship.

In order not to dare your trusted comrades from home, prioritize. In the first place, of course, is the family: wife, children, etc. On the second - old friends.

This is how you can build strong family ties and maintain friendships. Neither the wife nor the boyfriends will ever be offended and will begin to accept each other without problems.

But what if friends come first? This moment, most likely, is justified by the fact that a person has not yet matured and has not passed the stages of his development.

Relationship Romanticism

Often the reason for this behavior is the man's parents, who created artificial obstacles to the development of his personal qualities. He did not feel those disappointments, joys and successes necessary for a person, inherent in a normal individual. He had friends as a priority, and only thanks to them, he felt protected, he could speak out, so everything remained that way.

Simply, a person is not able to share and build new relationships, which are contacts with his wife. Moreover, such, so to speak, "personalities" never reach serious ties with the opposite sex.

Desire to relax

If a married man continually reaches out to an old friend, psychologists call the situation friendship with romanticism. He regularly points out that his comrade never let him down, for any reason he is ready to run to his aid, listen for hours to his experiences and at the same time lay out his soul “inside out” in response. This is how they try to get away from family problems and simply relax in a relaxed company.

Often, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity also sin with romantic friendship. Quite often, ladies prefer, instead of serious and confidential communication with their spouse, to lay out family troubles for a general discussion with their girlfriends. They are even ready to consider various methods for solving very intimate issues, which husbands are not able to forgive easily.

Lack of attention

The wife now and then chats on the phone and is not able to give her spouse due attention - expect problems. And, of course, the girlfriends will be to blame. And how right is that. It may also be that on the other end of the phone the person does not really stand up for such frequent contacts. The fault lies entirely with the wife, who does not want to understand her destiny. Marrying her beloved, she had to understand the whole meaning of living together with her husband and the sacrament of marriage. Once in such a situation, a man can do the following actions:

  1. Sit down and have a serious talk with your wife. Explain normally - that he and she are one. And empty chatter with girlfriends cannot positively affect family life.
  2. Looking for communication on the side, as he also needs contact. A man is ready to go hunting, fishing, a sports club, etc. with friends, just not to stay in a house where he is not noticed.
  3. He will find on the side one that will devote much more time to him than his legal spouse. She will cook, and caress, and listen and give wise advice. So stop and grow up.
  4. And for the rest, the husband will suffer a little and “return” to his parents the negligent little wife, unable to focus on family problems and share her moments of life with her lawful husband.

The danger of "common" friends

By creating family ties, each of the halves already has an arsenal of comrades with whom the relationship continues. And so, day after day, as they communicate, the friends of the wife and husband become common for the young. It would seem - what's wrong with that. Nothing, but often the situation leads to the fact that each of the family is trying to "work" for friends. Husband and wife are more concerned not with how their relationship develops, but with the opinion of friends about life, wealth, career, appearance and other points.

Surely most of the readers are familiar with the situation when the spouse shows off a new car and, upon its acquisition, immediately organizes a trip out of town, barbecues, apartment gatherings with a demonstration of the purchase.

Or the company is gathering to evaluate a stunning new renovation or celebrate a successful career advancement. Believe me, these are not friendly gatherings, but a vanity fair, boasting. Thus, people point out to their friends that they are less wealthy or seek to prove their ability to achieve something.

True friendship is unconditional and does not require constant meetings, it is not material, but spiritual.

Is it possible to live without friends

You should never go to extremes, there should be a golden mean in everything. It is impossible to completely spend your life on friends, but a married couple who has no friends is not normal either. We are not talking about a short period of time when young people do not need anyone but each other. Often, for this reason, friends are offended, but you should not. It won't be long before the couple themselves appear on the horizon with symbolic gifts.

Wise people have previously stated that “family is roots, and friendship is air, moisture and sun.” One without the other is simply impossible, and if a person thinks only about the roots, but does not water, does not warm and does not give air, there is no need to even dream of any shoots.

People are social creatures and need to communicate with the same people, otherwise you can go crazy.

What do friends give to family?

Each of us needs a certain nourishment, be it psychological, emotional, mental and spiritual. It is equally important to keep abreast of events, and friends are the main providers of information. You can discuss, argue, debate with them. And if you have true, faithful comrades, then you are really a rich and happy person. It is these people who give great joy of communication and are able to support at any moment, without imposing their presence at other moments of life. And it does not matter at all - you have 100 friends or one or two people. The main thing is that these people are honest and do not hold evil on you.

But if only “necessary” people come to you, expect loneliness and lack of help in difficult times. They will gladly drink to the "brotherhood", tell and listen to a joke, eat expensive dishes. But they are unlikely to feel your sincerity and reciprocate, and as soon as you do not have the “necessary” opportunities, they will leave the horizon.

The Importance of Communication for Children

A bad moment in raising children will be your solitude, a secluded lifestyle. If you are used to the fact that you are ready to enjoy constant silence and the absence of friends, then it is absolutely not worth accustoming your loved ones to this.

  1. Seeing the close and positive contacts of parents with friends, they will feel the fullness and importance of relatives for others.
  2. A long and faithful friendship of adults is an excellent example for children of disinterested, trusting relationships, a sense of mercy, sympathy and empathy, disinterested help.
  3. Thanks to the contacts of parents with friends, children successfully and without problems go through the process of socialization.
  4. If a child clearly sees that his mother and father sincerely worry about the fate of a family friend or girlfriend, then he acquires moral principles that cannot be compared with any “lectures” on the moral qualities of a good person.
  5. Parents care for friends who need help in situations such as moving, divorce, loss, illness, etc. will be an excellent and visual life lesson.

How to behave with children with friends

Modern people are very sociable and quite often spend time surrounded by friends. We go to visit them, and they, in turn, gladly invite us. At the same time, our children, if they were not brought up by egoists and snobs, are more likely to enjoy guests. But what about the younger and dissatisfied family members, because everyone has a different attitude to the visits of our comrades.

  1. It happens that the baby categorically dislikes a certain person. In such cases, it makes sense to pay attention to the behavior of this "guest". Perhaps there are moments that were missed by the parents. As a rule, the child does not deceive - he still does not know how!
  2. Children do not tolerate if there is a person on your friends list who takes up too much time and attention from the family. Quite often, this type of “friends” can lead to the complete disintegration of the family. Unlike adults, children quickly recognize such a person and direct all their forces against him.
  3. Believing that the kids still do not understand anything in life, envious people give themselves out to them. If a friend or girlfriend wants to take a person away from the family, then they, as a rule, act in any territory. At any good moment, they try to touch, to start a gentle conversation. And the kids are like that - they will hear and immediately feel the danger.

Forbidden topics for friends

It's a calm and pleasant evening. As it often happens, the husband is on the same side with the men, and the wife is with her girlfriends. And if she begins to whisper, then he begins to doubt whether it is about him, or whether the wife has secrets related to family fidelity, etc. But there are topics that absolutely should not be discussed with girlfriends, otherwise there will be trouble.

No complaints

Oh, how often we become witnesses of a situation in which the wife "rinses" her hubby in the presence of her girlfriends. They seem to be ready to share the experiences of a friend, they hate her husband, are outraged by his behavior, etc. And most likely, compassionate ladies will vied with each other to give advice like: “Drop him, you’ll find a better one!”, “Teach the scoundrel so that he knows how to offend our girlfriend!” etc. But if you make frequent such complaints, then you can create in your and their thoughts a true image of an enemy that is really unworthy of you.

A little more, and a team will be formed that will simply hate your spouse and take measures to free you from the yoke. How do you think - how will your husband feel in such a company? Will he be comfortable with people who dislike him? No - he will try to escape from the enemy environment and simply leave.

Don't Be Too Frank

There is a very serious and heavy saying “Friendship is a period of time between acquaintance and betrayal!”. Maybe the phrase hurts the ear and not everyone agrees with it, but different things happen in life. And bosom friends can turn into sworn enemies in one moment.

And what if for a long time you "spread out" your whole soul to them and shared the most frank, including the juiciest details of your life, work secrets, family secrets? Not only did you become a traitor who revealed the secrets of a person who trusted you, but you also put a "trump card" into the hands of the enemy, which he can use if he is dishonorable.

The second moment of excessive frankness is the loss of the family. Could it be that your spouse crept into the soul of one of the "girlfriends"? Maybe and how.

And by sharing your secret sexual tricks with her, telling her the recipe for your husband’s favorite dish, at the same time you are inferior to your beloved. Now she knows how to win a man over to her side.

Psychologists say that constant stories about the success of a friend, his talents and abilities can form an increased interest in a friend in the wife of the narrator. Increasingly, she thinks about what a smart, courageous person he is. It's the same with girlfriends. Even if initially she didn’t have any thoughts of falling in love with a married man and taking him away from the family. But with her stories about erotic exploits, success at work, erudition, wit of her husband, a wife can draw heightened attention to her beloved.

secret agents

Often, believing that spouses form solutions to issues, relationships between themselves, they are mistaken. We are subject to influence from the outside, especially if we listen to their opinion with respect and attention of friends. Even if it is a close contact, then any information that gets into our thoughts sprouts, from which we repel in our actions.

For this reason, it is necessary to approach all aspects of family life with a "cold head" and, when making decisions, rely not only on public, but also on one's own opinion. This requires communication, discussion and joint conclusions.

Don't say "hoop"!

You expect positive changes in life and at work, you are about to be offered an excellent position, or you are going on vacation, to an elite resort - keep quiet. There is no need to brag about your successes ahead of time and you should absolutely not reveal your plans. As soon as everything is fulfilled - feel free to tell, and then, pay attention to the state of your friends, whether they are able to survive your joy.

And lastly, don't rush to share joyful moments. Believe me, the feeling of envy is inherent in almost every person. We are not talking about the fact that we are hated for our successes and happiness, but corny offended by fate because she bypassed them. Someone smart said that it is not enough to share his grief with a person, you need to be able to share joy with him. And if your friend is doing badly, there are problems with finances, troubles in the family, then it is at least incorrect to brag about your achievements. Keep quiet, do not give vent to emotions. Do not forget - happiness and wealth love silence. Know the measure in everything - communicate with friends, but at the same time put your family in the first place and everyone will be happy. And in moments of communication, adhere to elementary tact and wisdom, which will earn the respect of friends and the love of your spouse and children.