Mask for training breath limiter reviews. Oxygen mask for running. EvoGrips for easier grip on the bar

The endurance mask is both a fashionable and useful accessory for sports. What is a training mask, what is it for, how to use it and how useful is it? There are a lot of questions. If you want to be at the height of fashion and at the same time improve your physical condition, read how to do it in our article.

Hypoxic masks

A hypoxic mask is needed to train breathing and endurance. The mask is worn on the lower part of the face, covering the nose and mouth, that is, those organs through which air enters our body. The mask has a special system of valves that, using a certain mechanism, regulate the amount of air inhaled by the athlete.

What is the name of the endurance mask?

The so-called hypoxic masks, they are also training masks, they are also masks for endurance, created for the most effective training of professional athletes and fighters of military structures. But now this training technology has gone to the masses and is actively used by people all over the world.

When can you use a training mask?

From the name it is clear that training masks are used during sports. Which workouts are especially effective with the use of masks, we will analyze below.

Running mask

Training masks are often used by runners in their workouts. They are popular with both sprinters and marathon runners. For the latter, training masks are especially relevant for several points at once.

Firstly, a long run requires endurance, for which the mask was created. Secondly, such prolonged loads require better nutrition for the organs and tissues of the body, which is ensured by the stable use of an endurance mask.

For sprinters, the main focus of the mask is to maximize oxygen saturation. This means that training must be very intense in order to maximize the reserves of the body.

Strength training mask

In the gym, you can engage in both aerobic and power loads. In this paragraph, we will consider strength exercises in conjunction with a mask for endurance.

Using a mask allows you to focus more on your breathing, which is important in strength training, but usually given little attention.

Oxygen deficiency activates additional blood vessels, first of all, in those tissues that are under the maximum load, respectively, the effectiveness of training increases significantly and the result of strength exercises is better seen.

The stress created by oxygen starvation, coupled with a large load, creates a favorable environment for muscle growth and endurance.

Aerobic mask

Aerobic activities in the gym, which include wrestling, sparring, boxing, jumping and other cardio exercises using a mask, will also increase the athlete's efficiency.

By improving tissue nutrition and accelerating metabolic processes in them, the training mask promotes active fat burning.

But this is available only for athletes and for people prepared for intense loads. That is, to dry out, reduce the percentage of fat for competitions, for example, in fitness or bodybuilding, using a mask is perfect.

But if you “started life on Monday”, decided to urgently lose weight and think that the training mask will bring you closer to the desired result, then you are mistaken.

First, we develop the level of endurance and physical fitness so that it would not be a shame to come to the gym and work out an hour and a half intensive, and only then we “open” hidden reserves with the help of a training mask.

Other sports for training mask

Training masks are mainly used in active endurance sports, where long workouts involve constant movement and minimal rest. These sports include:

  • athletics;
  • hockey, football, basketball, volleyball and other sports games;
  • martial arts, boxing;
  • crossfit;
  • power training;
  • skiing, cycling and other cardio loads;
  • mountaineering, climbing.

In the last paragraph, the use of a training mask is especially relevant, because it simulates the lack of oxygen in rarefied air conditions, which is typical for mountainous areas at high altitude.

Who needs a training mask?

The hypoxic mask is designed for people prepared for high physical exertion. Then the network if you have been playing sports recently or aerobic exercise is not your strong point, then the endurance mask will not suit you.

Professional athletes and fighters are the main users of endurance masks.

Where the result depends on endurance, where 100% is not enough and you need to give all your best to 200%, where you need to jump above your head, you can’t do without a training mask.

In addition to athletes, such masks are useful for people who are fond of hiking. Hiking, especially in the mountains, is a serious test for any person, you need to thoroughly prepare for it.

So that there is no doubt whether you can overcome all difficulties, whether you have enough strength and endurance for the transition, start introducing strength and cardio training into your life in advance, not forgetting to use a mask for endurance.

hypoxic mask trains the respiratory system of athletes

How does the stamina mask work?

It would seem that everything is simple, since the mask restricts the air flow, it trains breathing. But in reality, it develops much more mechanisms than just breathing. It’s not just that a training mask is in great demand among athletes, why you need it, now you will find out.

How do you feel after a workout with a mask?

On a gross physical level, an endurance mask can be compared to using weights. After training with them, exercises without shells are performed easily and at a higher quality level. It's like breaking a foam block if you're used to hitting boards and bricks. That is, training a skill is difficult, sometimes very difficult, but the result is visible after a fairly short time and it is such that without the use of additional simulators it would be much more difficult and longer to achieve it.

As a first approximation, the training mask increases the vital volume of the lungs, that is, the actively used volume of the lungs, involving all the lobes of this organ. At the same time, the muscles involved in breathing are also trained, and these are almost all the pectoral muscles of the deep layers, as well as the intercostal and diaphragm.

Long-term effect of the use of a hypoxic mask

Inhaling a smaller amount of air, we artificially create oxygen starvation in all our cells, organs and tissues. But we do not block oxygen at all, which means that the body has the opportunity to connect reserves that are not activated outside of such a stressful situation.

In order to provide adequate nutrition to the tissues, collateral vessels are included in the work, that is, additional ones that were not previously used, because there was no need for this. That is, now tissue nutrition is restored not due to a large amount of oxygen, but due to a large number of vessels that feed this tissue.

Now imagine how much oxygen will go to the tissues and organs when the restriction in the form of a mask is removed. This effect is achieved through long, hard training, taking additional vitamins and regularly undergoing massages.

Of course, this does not mean that you can give up a healthy diet, stop taking vitamin complexes and not do massage. All this needs to be kept in your schedule, since all of the above items are not only aimed at opening blood vessels and increasing blood flow to the organs, but also many other health-promoting items.

Interestingly, thanks to restrictive training in an endurance mask, all organs, including the brain, are better fed. That is, by training the body, you allow your brain to develop.

Overview of training masks

Since training masks are a new element, and their cost is not cheap, there are not many manufacturers on the market that produce such a specific product. The most common are Elevation Training Mask and Phantom Training Mask, there is also an Elbrus mask from a Russian manufacturer. Below we will consider the differences between these masks, their advantages and disadvantages.

Elevation Training Mask

The Elevation Training Mask is made of neoprene and has a silicone part that fits snugly around the nose and mouth and does not let air through, even with a beard and mustache, which is important for men.

The kit includes three pairs of valves that regulate the degree of difficulty of the load. If you need to change it, then it is advisable to do this at the beginning of the workout, since there is a stepwise system of increasing the level of difficulty, that is, one workout - one level of difficulty, without increasing or decreasing during the training.

In terms of price-quality ratio, this is the best option, affordable for many and performing its function with high quality.

Phantom Training Mask

The Phantom Training Mask is significantly more expensive than the previous version of the mask we reviewed, and, as a result, has better characteristics.

Higher quality neoprene absorbs moisture well, which is important, because we are talking about heavy loads.

Softer silicone is more pleasant to the touch, because the skin of the face is delicate and sensitive and the negative effects of using anything on the face should be minimized. This is especially important for girls.

But the most important difference is 4 difficulty levels, which can be changed with one click right during the training process, increasing and decreasing the intensity of the air flow.


For the price, the Elbrus endurance mask, made in Russia, is comparable to the Phantom Training Mask.

It also has 4 modes with interchangeable valves, and the neoprene base fits snugly against the skin. High quality rubber is used instead of silicone, which is especially important for those who are allergic to latex.

In addition to all of the above, this mask has a characteristic Russian brutal design.

How to choose an endurance mask?

The choice of mask depends on your financial capabilities, as well as the training plan. That is, whether it is important for you to change the difficulty mode during one workout or not. There are not so many offers on the market, the main thing is to choose the right mask size.

The training mask size scale is based on the weight of the person exercising.

There are usually three sizes in the arsenal of training mask manufacturers: S, M and L. Size S is usually designed for weights up to 70 kg ± 2 kg.

The next size ranges from 70 kg to 100 kg or more, it all depends on the model chosen.

And finally, size L is for heavyweights, for people weighing over 100 kg (115 kg for the Elevation Training Mask).

Pay attention to the size chart of each manufacturer, as you can see, the ratio of weight and size may vary.

How to use the training mask?

Included with the training mask is a mandatory detailed instruction, which describes in detail not only the size, method of wearing, but also gives examples of training.

To give you an idea in advance of what you will encounter, we provide a summary of the main points regarding the use of the mask.

How to put on a mask correctly?

The great advantage of the training mask is that it is easy to use.

It is intuitively clear where she has the front, and where is the back, where is the top, and where is the bottom.

Put on the mask immediately before training, adjusting the desired degree of load, i.e. changing valves. The silicone part should fit snugly against the skin and you should be comfortable in it.

Fastened at the back of the head, the neoprene sleeve should not squeeze the head, but should not fall off with any unplanned movement of the head, comfort is your beacon to follow when putting on a training mask.

The neoprene sleeve has special slits for the ears, it is very convenient - it does not create discomfort and you can insert headphones with music.

How to breathe properly with a mask?

Breathing with and without a mask is very different, in the beginning it will be difficult for you to train in it even for a few minutes.

To facilitate the adaptation process, you can train breathing separately from running and other loads and without a mask. Just take a deep breath, and exhale only after a few seconds. Thus, holding the breath mimics the lack of air that occurs when wearing a mask.

Directly in the mask, you should try to breathe, as in a normal workout: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, without delay.

Lost breath will be difficult to recover with a barrier in the form of a mask, so concentrate on breathing and do not miss.

How to take care of the mask?

Since the mask is designed for harsh, intense workouts, it is unpretentious in care.

Before you start washing the mask, be sure to remove the valves.

Mask body

As a care, it is enough to periodically rinse the silicone part (mask body), it is advisable to use Okteniman, it has an antibacterial effect, which is important, since the mask body is literally an intermediary between your respiratory system and the environment. Anything that settles on the mask can penetrate the body and cause undesirable consequences.


The neoprene sleeve can and should also be laundered for hygiene purposes, neoprene cannot absorb your bodily fluids indefinitely.

hypoxic mask helps to adapt to complex physical activities

The benefits and harms of a training mask

So much has been said about who needs a training mask and why, what is it really good for?

Mask Benefits

Summing up all of the above, we list the advantages of the training mask and the beneficial effects that it causes in the body:

  • respiratory muscle training;
  • better saturation of tissues and organs with oxygen;
  • inclusion in the work of light previously passive shares;
  • acceleration of metabolism in tissues;
  • adaptation of the body to the harsh conditions of oxygen starvation without prejudice to the functioning of organs and systems. These conditions include not only highlands, but also a gassed metropolis.
  • a general increase in body endurance and an increase in the effectiveness of training;
  • against the background of concentration on breathing, a meditative effect can be observed.

All of the above points work only with regular, correct use of the hypoxic mask.

Disadvantages of the mask

Every medal has two sides. Let's analyze what side effects can be after using the mask.

Firstly, if you have respiratory or cardiovascular diseases, it is dangerous for you to train in an endurance mask. If you have an urgent desire, consult your doctor.

In your case, wearing a mask is possible only separately from physical exertion, that is, the usual breathing training in conditions of lack of air. Hypoxia for your body is already stress that cannot be aggravated.

Secondly, if you are new to sports, then, as has been said more than once in this article, do not use a mask. It is designed for professionals and serious amateurs.

Thirdly, if you have a tendency to squeeze the maximum out of yourself and fight for the result to the last drop of blood (sweat), then you can overdo it and not notice how you cross the threshold of oxygen deficiency that the body is able to cope with.

This may be followed by loss of consciousness and, if no one helps you, death by suffocation will occur.

The opinion of doctors about training masks

Sports doctors speak out in favor of training masks. However, they do not promote their widespread use and do not insist on mandatory use. They are more likely not against their use, rather than all hands "for".

Doctors note the beneficial properties of hypoxic masks and do not dispute the presence of a real result after their regular use.

Although they emphasize that non-professional athletes need to use the mask with caution and take into account the conditions of their body, not expecting miraculous results despite the low level of physical fitness.

In addition, as doctors note, having read the instructions and the principle of operation of endurance masks, training in it should not be intense if you are not preparing for the Olympic Games. It is enough to train endurance and breathing by performing simple exercises in a slow mode in order to prevent a critical level of oxygen in the cells.

Training masks are a very curious thing and it is clear that it is useful. But, in the pursuit of super results, remember that it will be easy only after you overcome something that is very, very difficult. Take care of your health, listen to your body, it will always tell you the right way.

To increase the aerobic load during training for better results, you can resort to various kinds of devices. One of them is the Training Mask, which is widely used in modern sports. In another way, it is also called an oxygen mask. Such a device in itself is a kind of simulator that improves the work of the cardiosystem, breathing. It increases stamina, improves the condition of the body.

What is a running mask

Oxygen mask for training - a device that helps to activate vital energy, has a good effect on overall endurance. It is used if the usual physical activity does not bring the desired result or it is not possible to complete the task in full. This type of device is suitable not only for running, but also for strength exercises, boxing, cycling, walking. You can get great results with it.

What is needed for

The sports respirator is used to simulate high altitude conditions and low air stress systems. The body with oxygen deficiency begins to function twice as strong. There is an increase in heart rate, respiration, improvement of lung ventilation, acceleration of blood circulation, blood saturation with red blood cells. It should be remembered that a severe lack of oxygen will negatively affect the state of the body, especially the central nervous system (central nervous system). At the same time, mild hypoxia is not dangerous.

Running in a mask helps to improve the state of the cardiovascular system, increase the total lung capacity. She is able to reduce the usual time of classes. For example, a typical hour-long workout can be reduced to 20 minutes. You can purchase both a universal and a specialized model in accordance with training, their intensity, duration. The main thing is that the chosen mask completely suits you and helps you achieve your originally set goal in running.

How it works and what it consists of

A high-quality model is capable of simulating high-mountain conditions at different heights, while classes require great endurance from the athlete. The oxygen mask for training is fixed on the user's head with fixing elastic bands, which are fastened with Velcro. The kit includes one outlet valve and inlet valves with a membrane (six pieces). In appearance, the product is similar to a respirator and gas mask: the eyes remain open, but the lower and upper parts of the face are closed. Caring for the accessory is simple: it can be treated with a spray, washed by hand.

How oxygen masks are used

If you are interested in a mask for breathing training, then read the rules for its use. During the lesson, closed valves limit the flow of oxygen, the athlete can easily change the oxygen pressure parameter, due to which the level of conditional imitation is regulated - within 1-5.5 km. Adjustment of the device is carried out by means of a system of special valves, membranes:

  • Imitation of a height of 1 km: the membranes open, valves in 4 holes are fixed on them.
  • Simulation 2 km: valves with 2 holes are taken for this reference height.
  • Simulation 3 km: Only 1 hole is taken.
  • 3.5 km simulation: 4-hole valves are used, plus one of the membranes is closed.
  • Imitation of 4.5 km: valves are taken for 2 holes, one of the membranes is closed.
  • Simulation of 5 km: a 1-hole valve is required, one of the membranes is left closed.


Before ordering a hypoxic mask capable of simulating high-altitude conditions for breathing exercises, read the recommendations. You can do a variety of creative workouts with the air restrictor. Some models are used for running, crossfit, etc. Give the main importance to the warm-up, the task of which is to prepare the body for training in a mask and provide comfortable sensations. It should last 15-20 minutes. If you ignore the warm-up, then there may be negative consequences up to loss of consciousness.

What you need to do to prepare:

  1. Put on a sports respirator, set the optimal level of resistance. Beginners are advised to start from the lowest.
  2. In the first minute, try to take deep breaths of air through your nose, and exhale through your mouth.
  3. Keeping even breathing, walk for 3 minutes.
  4. Start slowly increasing your speed. You can jump, swing your arms.
  5. Repeat the movements for 2 minutes. Try to keep the same heart rate.
  6. Then take a starting position - put your feet shoulder-width apart, start working intensively with your hands. For each leg, swing your arms - 30 s.
  7. Finish your warm-up by doing a slow side lunge. Do not take your heels off the floor. Make sure your back is straight. All these steps take approximately 1 minute.

Review of the best masks for running

In sports shops in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of the country, you can find a large selection of masks with a resistance system for training the respiratory muscles. Devices that cover the nose, but leave the eyes open, can have a different appearance. Running masks in winter in cold and frost can be made in the form of a bandage that resembles a tied scarf - it easily turns into a stylish snood.

There is even a running balaclava containing a pair of eye holes. The product covers the forehead, throat, mouth and nose. Such an accessory can protect from the wind. Another option covers the forehead, neck and ears, but has a large hole for the nose, mouth, eyes - reminiscent of a uniform for divers. Models for professional athletes have a whole system of valves and holes that can provide oxygen starvation when running. Known Models:

  • Elevation training mask 1.0;
  • Elevation training mask 2.0;
  • Bass Rutten O2 Trainer.

Elevation training mask 1.0

If you are interested in an effective sports mask, then take a look at the Elevation training mask 1.0. The product remarkably controls the amount of air entering the athlete's body, making breathing difficult to varying degrees. At one time it was popular among professionals, but then it was replaced by the Elevation training mask 2.0 model.

The accessory comes with 3 valves with three levels of resistance. Training mask 1.0 has a large additional tidal volume, but the model is not very comfortable when doing CrossFit, looks very provocative (similar to a gas mask) and can make it difficult to see. In this regard, she gradually lost leadership to a more advanced counterpart.

Elevation training mask 2.0

This model of training device surpasses its predecessor in its parameters. It performs all its functions well, has a less defiant appearance, is easy to use and is relatively cheap. The device is adjusted individually for each athlete and training efforts, which quickly improves the well-being and endurance of a person. It is often found in online stores, the cost varies greatly.

The training mask 2.0 neoprene mask has 3 removable valves that regulate the respiratory load during running. It is small in size and light in weight. All components are easily cleaned, so that the device can be used for many years. The neoprene cover is easy to remove and wash by hand. As for the negative qualities, some experts believe that version 1.0 has better airflow regulation.

Bass Rutten O2 Trainer

This breathing device looks like a silicone tube with a hole with a diameter of 15 mm. Additionally, the set includes nozzles with a smaller diameter. The accessory effectively affects the lungs with a gradually increasing load. The essence of the work is to ensure a difficult breath, but without obstructing the exhalation. The minus of the model is not a very convenient application, because. the athlete before training should clamp the tube with his hands. The device may fall out of the mouth. You can buy a running mask in a specialized online store with mail delivery.


The breathing sports accessory, when used correctly, increases endurance and provides an enhanced workout, allowing you to get the usual load in less time. If used incorrectly, the device can harm the athlete's body. There are a few precautions and rules that are important to keep in mind, especially for beginners. Before you buy a respirator for running, read the contraindications for its use:

  • hypertensive crisis;
  • the presence of tumors;
  • respiratory failure;
  • somatic, infectious diseases;
  • chronic respiratory disease.

Which running mask to choose

On sale there are many special devices for creating high-altitude conditions. The cost of some will seem high, while others, on the contrary, are inexpensive. In any case, to save money, look for a purchase in stores where they often hold promotions and offer good discounts. When choosing the right accessory for your sports activities, consider the features of the mask and such tips.

Sports respirator is gaining more and more popularity and this is not surprising, because young people are starting to think more and more often about where they play sports and in what environment.

It's no secret that air pollution in our cities is so high that sometimes it becomes dangerous to breathe there, let alone active recreation in such places. Such hazardous substances as nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, benzpyrene, lead, aldehydes, hydrocarbons and aldehyde sulphides - this is not a complete list of what we breathe on the streets of our cities.

The situation in cities is complicated not only by the chemistry released during the combustion of various substances, but also by the dust raised behind the wheels of cars. Dust is no less dangerous than any chemistry, as it can provoke asthma, allergies, pneumoconiosis and other respiratory diseases.

Sports respirator. For running

I live not far from the embankment of the street, a picturesque place, a piece of paradise and a place of constant jogging in the fresh air. Isn't it great to go for a run near the river that flows along the embankment? Isn't it great to breathe clean air?

Turns out it's not great! And it's not a joke! As I learned from doctors, jogging ON or NEAR busy streets is extremely dangerous for our health. In a running person, the intensity and depth of breathing is 60% higher than in a walking person, and, accordingly, the amount of inhaled dust and gases is many times greater.

Sports respirator for running
solves the problem of dust one hundred percent, also sifting out some harmful substances along the way. The main thing is to choose the right filter for a sports respirator. The most popular today can be considered English respirators for running the company ResPro.

I would recommend a respirator for running ResPro Syncro which contains two filters: the first to trap particles up to 0.3 microns and the second, more powerful for filtering most toxins from exhaust gases.

Running in a sports respirator is guaranteed to provide you with sterile air.

Respirator for cyclists

Another popular type of recreation is cycling, the positive effect of which can hardly be compared with anything. But take a closer look at where you ride, most likely this is a location not far from the street or the roadway itself. It is rare that anyone has the opportunity to take walks in the forest or near water bodies.

Nevertheless, a lot of people make bike rides on smoky roads and trails without realizing what this might entail. It's one thing when one car rushes past you for half an hour and a completely different conversation of the code goes on the flow of cars. The concentration of harmful substances that enter your blood is many times greater than the healing effect that you should get from a bike ride.

The respirator for cyclists becomes a real panacea for exhaust gases. Look at the advanced Japanese or Chinese, those who truly protect their health wear a respirator.

The best respirator for cyclists was developed by the same company ResPro, the model is called ResPro City. Special high-density carbon filters prevent dangerous chemicals from entering your lungs. By the way, this filter for cyclists filters benzpyrene, which in itself is already an achievement.

Allergy Filter

Not only athletes can enjoy clean air, but also people suffering from allergies, which can be triggered by flowering plants or microfine dust.

Now going out into nature has become possible without problems, even at the time of flowering of your favorite plants. Allergy Filter ResPro Allergic retains microparticles larger than 0.3 microns with a probability of 99%. Keeps out allergenic dust, pet hair, plant pollen, fungal spores, etc.

As you can see, there is a solution to the problem of dust and toxins getting into your lungs and airways, and most importantly, you do not need to give up your favorite activities. Buy sports respirator or a respirator for a cyclist is available in our online store, where we present ResPro respirators from the City, Allergic, Sports, FB-1, Metro, Bandit, Techno series, as well as Foggy respirators and ultramodern Syncro.

You will find descriptions of each respirator in the product card. Since respirators are quite scarce and not so popular yet, we sell these products on order, buying them from our colleagues from England + delivery.

The training mask is a popular sports accessory that expands during training. It acts as a simulator for the cardio system, as well as the lungs.

Due to the overlap of the desired valve, the mask for training is an air restrictor, therefore, with regular use, the athlete will be able to significantly increase their own endurance and improve the functional characteristics of the body.

How does she help?

Fitness with this accessory is an imitation of high-altitude training, where rarefied air plays a special role. The mask for training manifests itself at a time when the body needs to work in an enhanced mode in order to provide tissues with oxygen. As everyone knows, as a result, breathing and heart rate increase, ventilation improves, and blood circulation increases even more.

Many people are interested in the question of why a training mask is needed when exercising indoors. In fact, in it you can do not only fitness, but also boxing, work on various simulators, and go in for walking. A training mask (respiratory restrictor) makes it possible to slightly reduce the training time, that is, instead of a standard hour, you can train for 20-30 minutes, while getting the same result.

Human health is damaged if there is not enough oxygen, because of which the nervous system suffers. Therefore, the mask is recommended to be used by absolutely all athletes in order to increase lung capacity and improve the capabilities of the cardiovascular system.

Device and principle of operation

The training mask is attached to the head with a special elastic band, which, in turn, is fastened with a strong Velcro. Along with the main item, the kit also includes several valves with membranes (inlet and one outlet). As a rule, people associate a mask with a respirator or gas mask, as they work on the same principle and are respiratory restrictors.

An important advantage is the ease of cleaning parts of the mask. The entire frame can be quickly sprayed and thoroughly wiped with a towel, but the sleeve will have to be washed by hand, although this also does not take too much time.

The mask for breathing training works very simply: during breathing, the valve closes and the air flow is somewhat limited. Athletes, by simulating being at different heights, can change the resistance force. The mask is adjusted using certain manipulations with membranes and valves.

So, to simulate a height of about 1000 meters, you should set the membranes to the open position, and then attach valves with four holes to them. In order to adjust the height of 2000 meters, it is necessary to take valves with two holes, and for 3000 meters of altitude, valves with one hole will be enough.

To simulate a greater height, you will need to change the position of the membranes. That is, for a height of 3500 meters, you need to use valves with four holes and close one of the membranes, for 4500 meters - valves with two holes and one closed membrane, for 5000 meters - valves with one hole and a closed membrane.

For those athletes who still do not know exactly how a training mask works, you should familiarize yourself with the basic tips and recommendations of professionals.

By adhering to them, the chances of getting injured will be significantly reduced, and the expected result will be achieved much faster. Every beginner who has never used this accessory should pay attention to the following tips and features:

  • before using the mask, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since in the presence of obvious deviations in health or any pathologies, the use of a respiratory restrictor is strictly prohibited;
  • in any case, after using the mask, the effect will be noticeable - the muscles will be worked out much better due to the absorption of less oxygen;
  • runners, cyclists and skiers will especially enjoy the increase in stamina after regular mask training;
  • if everything is in order with health and there are no deviations, then you should not immediately start exercising in a mask, because before that you must carefully study the instructions that are present in each kit and describe the permissible exercises, as well as options for valve combinations;
  • the worse the physical preparation, the less time the mask training should last.

Principles of training

As mentioned above, when an oxygen mask is put on for training, a person seems to rise to the top of a mountain, where, in addition to a small amount of air, there is also a quiet and tonic environment. Classes in the mask should be as calm as possible, according to the principle of yoga or Pilates.

In the instructions, you can see that the main emphasis is on static exercises, but active training is contraindicated there. Only high-level athletes who know their own capabilities and can independently control their body are really ready for intense training, but in time they last no more than 15-20 minutes.

Beginning athletes, as a rule, do not pay attention to the recommendations of doctors and more experienced athletes, but immediately begin to perform exercises that are very exhausting even without a mask. In this case, you can not only not get the desired positive effect, but also become the owner of serious diseases.

Best Model

To date, the most popular model is the Trainig Mask 2.0, which is used by many sports stars. The mask perfectly performs all its functions, for which it received the respect of all famous athletes. It not bad increases lung capacity, strength and endurance, mental concentration, trains the diaphragm, promotes the improvement of the respiratory, nervous and circulatory systems.

More strength and endurance

During training in a mask, the human body goes into a stressful state and tries to get out of it as quickly as possible, gradually adapting. Not only constantly working cells begin to breathe, but also those that previously remained at rest.

Athletes working at high heart rates, after regular training with Trainig Mask 2.0, will be able to more easily endure the lack of sufficient oxygen in competition.

Muscles after such exercises also become easier to work, which increases their functionality. With cardio, the increase in endurance will be felt very well, but during martial arts or strength training, the feeling of muscle acidification in battle will be less noticeable.

general information

The training mask, reviews of which are given below, is made of the most durable material - neoprene. It has special holes for the ears, as well as a secure Velcro closure that will be firmly fixed even during the most intense workouts.

The set includes 7 resistance caps and 3 durable valves that regulate air resistance. In addition, along with a rubber mask, the package includes a neoprene sleeve, a head brace that can be adjusted to any size, and a handy instruction booklet.

Often, many athletes do not pay the necessary attention to the quality of their breathing during and after exercise. You notice that after boxing, fitness, running, etc. can't calm your breathing or does it take you a very long time? Then you need a special training mask (Training Mask), which will help improve breathing and endurance. The effect of such a mask is to some extent similar to running with a gas mask.

What is a training mask

The hypoxic breathing mask is a device whose multi-level resistance system is able to reduce the amount of air flow directed into the main airways. This effect is achieved through the use of special valve technology. Such a sports accessory is able to act as a simulator for the lungs and cardio system.

A running mask will help train the breather, improve the functionality of the athlete's body and slightly increase overall endurance. The complete set of the accessory allows you to simulate activities in the highlands, where the human body has to work in an enhanced mode to provide tissues with oxygen. Just keep in mind that it is impossible to achieve a complete imitation of cardio training in high altitude conditions with the help of such a mask, because. air enters the lungs undischarged.

Why do you need

A training mask for sports, which is equipped with a PRS (Phantom Regulation System) system, is able to increase air resistance during inhalation. This causes the diaphragm and intercostal muscles to do a harder job of absorbing more oxygen from the blood. In fact, such a sports accessory is aimed at developing the muscles that are involved in breathing.

As a result of the fact that the body has to work hard when using the mask, ventilation of the lungs begins to increase, breathing and pulse become more frequent, blood circulation improves, and new red blood cells enter the bloodstream. For mild hypoxia, i.e. oxygen starvation, the athlete's body reacts by activating vitality. It turns out that an oxygen mask for training can develop the capabilities of the cardiovascular system and increase lung capacity.

Thanks to this, it can be used as a tool to increase the effectiveness of classes when the standard load is no longer enough. After such hypoxic training, when oxygen access is limited, the athlete's body recovers under normal conditions, as a rule, faster. An endurance mask can serve as a great alternative to long workouts.

Operating principle

Before you buy a workout mask from any online retailer with home delivery or mail order, be sure to find out how it works. Such an accessory is attached to the head with an elastic band (strap), which is fastened with Velcro. The complete set consists of one outlet and six inlet valves with silicone membranes, several nasal fixators. In appearance, it resembles a respirator or gas mask.

All components are easy to clean: the frame is treated with a spray, and the sleeve is washed by hand. The principle of operation of the accessory, which is a new generation respiratory restrictor, is very simple: the restriction of oxygen supply during breathing is carried out by closing the valve. The level of resistance, if necessary, can be changed, thanks to which the athlete can simulate being at different heights from 1 to 5.5 thousand meters.

Buy training mask

If you need a mask for CrossFit, running or any other type of intense breathing activity, then first choose the right model. You need to download that, regardless of whether such a mask is expensive or cheap, it is great for those who managed to gain excess weight during the winter and cannot get rid of it.

If people with pathology of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems train with such a mask incorrectly, then the consequences in this case can be very serious - up to death. You can find all information about periodization, types of training and valve combinations directly in the instructions (booklet) for the mask. It also states what is strictly prohibited.

Evolution Training Mask

If you decide to purchase a unique sports accessory that will help train your breathing and increase lung capacity, then pay attention to the Elevation Training Mask 2.0 model. Recently, this model of breathing resistance simulator has gained considerable popularity due to its effectiveness and affordable price. Before you buy an Elevation mask on sale or on sale in one of the stores, check out its characteristics:

  • name: Elevation Training Mask 2.0;
  • price: 1368 rubles;
  • characteristics: weight 323 g, 1 neoprene sleeve, 1 mask, 3 nose clips, 6 valves;
  • pluses: affordable price, ease of use, environmentally friendly manufacturing material;
  • cons: to use the mask, it is recommended to have a certain degree of preparation.

Phantom Training Mask

Buying a particular model in Moscow or St. Petersburg today is not some kind of difficulty, the main thing is to decide on the best option. If you are not too tight on finances, you can order a Phantom mask. It is equipped with a PRS system, with which you can easily switch resistance levels right during your workout. You can find out the answer to the question of how much a mask for training such a model costs further:

  • name: Phantom Training Mask;
  • price: 3900 rubles;
  • characteristics: weight 1.05 kg, the presence of 4 levels of resistance, the package consists of PRS, valve, mask body, cover and sleeve;
  • pluses: convenient change of levels without the need to remove the mask;
  • cons: higher cost compared to some analogues.