Face masks: composition, benefits, application rules. Everything you need to know about alginate and fabric masks Brands use proprietary mask formulations

Masks are a special type of skin care cosmetics. They are used for one-time cosmetic procedures on the skin of the face. They are used in the form of thick liquids or pastes, which, after being applied to the face, freeze, forming a hard shell that adheres tightly to the skin. Under this shell, almost completely isolated from the environment, processes take place that lead to the cleansing and smoothing of the skin. At the same time, the penetration into the skin of substances that have a nourishing and healing effect is facilitated.

Depending on the type of skin and the type of procedure, a variety of elements are introduced into cosmetic masks. If you have dry skin, then the mask should contain fatty substances. For oily skin, masks should include astringents such as zinc oxide, aluminum acetate, and others. Herbal extracts and chopped herbs, egg yolks, honey, bran, milk products, mashed fruits and vegetables and other natural substances are often used elements of beauty masks.

Some minerals, water-soluble polymers, latex emulsions, as well as mixtures of waxes, which are melted onto the face, are used as elements that cause the mask to solidify on the skin.

The cosmetic masks produced by the industry are in the form of dry powders that are diluted with water immediately before use, or ready-made liquids and pastes.

The latter represent a good breeding ground for microorganisms and, like other cosmetics, must contain preservatives.

Mineral-based cosmetic masks use kaolin, bentonite and talc, often with the addition of starch or dextrin as binders. Cosmetic masks of this type have excellent cleansing properties.

Starch, gelatin, tragacanth, casein, carboxymethylcellulose, methylcellulose and other substances are used as water-soluble polymers in cosmetic masks. The most modern formulations are based on synthetic polymers. The composition of these masks includes, as a rule, hydrophilic substances - glycerin and glycols, which impart plasticity to the solidified layer. They are very easy and convenient to use, although their cleansing functions are weaker than in masks based on mineral preparations.

Mixed masks are often used, containing both minerals and natural polymers.

Cosmetic masks based on latex form a layer on the face that is completely impervious to air and moisture, thus leading to intense perspiration and blood flow to the skin. They have good cleansing properties and are easy to use. Often, in addition to latex, they include cellulose derivatives and mineral fillers.

Action close to latex masks have masks on paraffin or wax. The pour point of the mask should be slightly higher than the temperature of the skin surface. Warm up the mask until melting, apply on the face with a special spatula and leave until it hardens. To make it easier to remove the mask after the procedure, latex is sometimes added to the mixture.

As already mentioned, nutrients and active substances can be added to all the types of cosmetic masks described.

Applying a face mask is a skin-friendly and pleasant self-care procedure. As in the case with, the main thing is to choose the right product, in accordance with your individual parameters.

Types of face masks

Face masks are classified according to three criteria:

  • release form;
  • expected effect;
  • suitable skin type;

The assortment by the form of release provides the opportunity to choose an option:

  • with a cream or gel structure;
  • paraffinic;
  • fabric;
  • film;
  • alginate;
  • collagen;
  • gypsum;
  • biomatrix;
  • silicone.

Products with a gel or cream structure are considered common. Designed for use at home or in beauty salons. Different effect: cleansing, moisturizing, toning, nutrition.

The paraffin composition moisturizes and tightens, tones, it is used immediately before cleansing.

The sheet mask for the face is made in the form of a plate based on textiles that follows the facial contours. It is impregnated with a special composition with active ingredients. It is used depending on the purpose of the ingredients: for moisturizing, toning, cleansing.

The film is used for the purpose of cleaning, obtaining a smooth surface. Before application, the consistency resembles a gel, and after application it dries out for some time and forms a film that does not need to be washed off, but carefully removed, moving from bottom to top.

The alginate mask is made in the form of a powdery composition. Before use, the powder is mixed with water or a special activator, after which it turns into a gel. After drying, the gel is removed in the same way as the film, leaving behind a smoothing, moisturizing effect.

The biomatrix contains biologically active components in combination with seaweed and collagen. Outwardly it looks like a paper sheet. For use, pieces of the required size are detached from a single sheet and applied to the face, after which they are treated with water.

A collagen face mask resembles a tissue mask, however, the sheets contain collagen, vitamins, fruit acids, and plant extracts. Before application, the sheets are soaked in water.

Gypsum compositions are used only by professional cosmetologists in special conditions, since they have the appropriate knowledge and apply, remove the mixture according to the rules. They give a thermoplastic or modeling effect. The expected result is in the fight against skin aging.

In a professional environment, a classification of face masks is used in relation to what effect they give:

  • cleansing;
  • moisturizing;
  • nutrition;
  • whitening;
  • reassurance;
  • fight against problem areas;
  • anti-aging effect.

A classification is possible depending on which type of skin they are intended for:

  • normal;
  • allergy-prone, sensitive;
  • oily;
  • dry;
  • with pigmentation;
  • combined.


Before performing a cosmetic procedure, the face needs preliminary cleansing. The cleanser heals, gives a radiant appearance and a feeling of freshness.

It is applied to remove clogged pores, dirt and dead particles. Some types of cleansing products give the effect of a sauna - they raise the temperature, steam, opening the pores.

Thanks to the open pores, it is much easier to get rid of dirt. Peeling acts as a kind of cleansing mask.

The moisturizing blend is suitable for all skin types, regardless of age. Saturates with moisture, due to which the first wrinkles appear much later, the sensations of tightening and dryness disappear.

The purpose of the nutritional composition is to saturate the skin with useful substances that ensure its health and youth. Suitable for all types.

Pigmentation, uneven color require the use of bleaching agents. They even out the general tone, remove blue circles under the eyes, age spots, freckles.

A cosmetic product with a soothing effect is intended for irritated and overly sensitive skin. Neutralizes the effects of an aggressive environment, ultraviolet radiation.

Owners of problem skin are shown a separate category of face products for use. These cosmetic substances are aimed at combating oily sheen and clogged pores.

The mixtures with a rejuvenating effect tighten, smoothen the skin, make it more elastic and elastic, prolonging youth. Biomatrix and modeling substances tighten, emphasize the oval of the face.

Anti-aging cosmetics promote recovery and renewal.

Composition of face masks

The main component of the cleansing cosmetic is clay. Acts as an absorbent as it quickly absorbs sebum. Other absorbents include peat, medicinal mud and sea silt.

The peeling contains abrasive or chemical substances- depending on how it affects the face. When mechanically affected, it consists of pumice, apricot pits, which have a polishing effect.

Chemical peeling contains acids (in small amounts), under the influence of which the upper layer is cleansed. Do not use cleansing mixtures for skin diseases, cuts, wounds on the skin, for allergies.

The main component of the moisturizing mixture is hyaluronic acid. The list of ingredients contains plant or animal collagen, lactic acid, plant extracts.

Nourishing face masks based on vegetable oils which form a light bold base. It is possible to use plant extracts, honey, vitamins A, E.

The composition of whitening face masks is selected by manufacturers in such a way that the active ingredients stimulate the metabolism at the cellular level and affect the formation of melanin in the body. Among the whitening ingredients are vitamins E, C, white clay, sulfur, retinol.

The use is contraindicated in the presence of skin diseases, injuries, multiple rashes, in case of any cosmetic procedures during the last month or with thinned, dry skin.

Soothing face masks are based on mineral water. The main active ingredients are plant extracts: jojoba, lavender, chamomile.

Use is contraindicated for skin diseases, injuries and allergic reactions.

In the formulations for problem skin, therapeutic mud is used, varieties of clay and algae.

These components restore the normal level of sebum, tighten pores, give an anti-inflammatory effect, removing rashes, acne, and also prevent their occurrence. Salicylic acid, plant extracts and oils are the main ingredients.

This substance, which effectively fights against existing wrinkles, allows you to "push back" the moment of their appearance as far as possible. Any form of release: in the form of sheets, creams and gels.

The complete set with the mask, depending on its type, contains the following components:

  • the main composition or ingredients for the mixture;
  • mixing container;
  • application tools (sponge, brush, spatula);
  • impregnation liquid (complete with alginate, tissue, paraffin products, biomatrix);
  • cosmetic wipes.

For the use of cosmetic products, accessories are required:

  • make-up remover, face wash;
  • cleansing tonic;
  • napkins or soft towel;
  • cotton pads;
  • a hat or hair band;
  • moisturizer with a light texture.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of regular use of face masks:

  • restores a healthy glow to the skin;
  • eliminates typical problems (rashes, dryness, blackheads, acne, oily sheen, uneven tone);
  • maintains healthy skin and slows down aging.

The mixture is applied no more than once or twice a week (some varieties - twice a month). This eliminates storage problems, lack of free time, and saves money.

The advantage over other means is the instant appearance of the result. The cream is used as a universal remedy and keeps the skin healthy with constant use, and the mask is aimed at fighting a specific problem.

After the cleansing procedure, the effect of freshness immediately appears, the moisturizing mask gives a feeling of softness and tenderness. The mask does not replace the rest of your daily care, as it removes a specific deficiency.

It has a non-uniform texture, an unpleasant odor due to the content of natural active substances, therefore it is applied for 15 minutes, and all the ingredients are selected only with the aim of achieving a specific result.

The main advantage lies in speed and efficiency.


  1. Difficulty in choosing - it is difficult for owners of problem or combination skin to make the right choice on their own, without the help of a beautician.
  2. Commercial mixtures consist of synthetic ingredients that cause dryness, oily content, and allergies.
  3. In addition to nutrients, the composition includes dyes, flavors, preservatives.
  4. One package is designed for repeated use or complete course. This makes it impossible to experiment with mixtures.
  5. The effect of addiction of the skin is possible due to prolonged contact with effective components.

How to choose a face mask

The face mask does not belong to the category of universal beauty care products. Each variety acts in several adjacent directions, but there is only one main effect.

In addition to personal use products, there are professional cosmetic products. They differ in the composition of several useful components, which are mixed immediately before application.

Such substances are used only by professional cosmetologists. To choose the right face mask, you must proceed from the criteria:

  • age;
  • skin type;
  • the desired effect or specific problem;
  • preferred form of release (as an additional factor).

Each package contains the name and purpose, composition, age restrictions, indications for use for a particular type of skin, contraindications.

If you have any difficulties in determining your skin type or choosing the right product, you should contact a professional beautician.

Shelf life and shelf life is an important criterion when choosing. Expired substances do not bring the desired result, but contribute to the appearance of problems: redness, rashes, itching.

According to the degree of effectiveness and affordability, face masks are divided into three additional categories:

  • salon;
  • purchased;
  • home made.

used only by a beautician. The advantage is that the beautician will select the appropriate composition on an individual basis, depending on the client's skin type and existing problems.

Before the application procedure, cleansing is carried out, and after removal - nutrition and moisturizing. The use of masks occurs regularly, otherwise the proper result will not follow. The frequency of application depends on the severity of the problem, age and skin characteristics.

Salon mixes are effective, the procedure is performed by a beautician in accordance with all the rules. The disadvantage is the high cost.

On the packaging of purchased products, the composition is saturated with numerous ingredients, including clay, extracts, oils, vitamins.

Unlike salon products, they emit a pleasant aroma, have a uniform consistency, but this has no effect on the result. The advantage is that you don't have to spend a lot of time preparing and using.

Masks that bring the maximum expected effect are expensive. A product made from natural ingredients is also useful and effective. But the result cannot be compared with professional mixtures.

The main condition is the selection of safe, fresh and environmentally friendly products as ingredients. Advantages - availability in terms of cost, content of natural vitamins, variety.

However, the effectiveness is much lower, it is necessary to take seriously the choice of components due to possible allergic reactions.

If ready-made purchased products indicate instructions for use, including the duration of use, and a beautician is involved in applying a professional mask, then the home remedy should be handled carefully.

The main thing is not to overexpose the composition in order to avoid redness, itching, peeling, rashes, dryness.

Which mask is better

Universal mixtures for different skin types (provided that there are no contraindications for use):

  • clay;
  • moisturizing;
  • leafy;
  • night.

Clay masks contain cosmetic clay, which acts as an astringent component. Absorbs sebum, dirt, toxins. If in addition to clay there are oils and honey in the composition, the mixture brings an additional moisturizing effect.

White, pink kaolin-based formulations are suitable for oily skin. For dry - green mixtures with bentonite. The product is left on the face for no longer than half an hour.

Moisturizers, water or oil based, help absorb moisture. The surface gets extra smoothness. Apply for the time indicated on the package.

Washing off occurs before the layer becomes dry - in this form it is not useful.

Sheet - water-based masks using fine cotton, hydrogel, silk. They are impregnated with a special compound and placed in a sealed foil bag.

Holes for the nose, mouth and eyes are pre-cut in the sheet or incisions are made to correct during application. The sheet is applied for 10-30 minutes, after which it is carefully removed. Additional washing is not required.

Night face masks are designed to moisturize the skin throughout the night. The principle of operation is not in rapid absorption, but in the formation of an airtight film that protects the skin from drying out.

The application is preceded by a complete cleansing of makeup, cream, cosmetics and impurities. Third-party substances prevent the penetration of beneficial components into the inner layers of the skin.

For cleansing, lotion, tonic, gel, foam, soap are used - means for washing. In order to achieve an additional effect, cosmetologists recommend doing steam baths. They will help open pores and prepare for cleansing, moisturizing, and absorbing nutrients.

The skin "lives" according to its own biorhythms, therefore to apply the mask, you must choose the right time of day:

  1. From 8 to 10 - compositions with any effect, a favorable time for cosmetic procedures.
  2. From 10 to 12 - the effect is brought by means that remove excess fat.
  3. From 12 to 14 - hydration.
  4. In the period from 14 to 18 - refusal of procedures.
  5. From 18 to 23 - the period for cleansers.
  6. From 23 to 5 in the morning - nutritional formulations.

The mask is applied to the face or specific areas according to the instructions. The hair is pre-removed with a special cap or bandage.

As a means for application, use specially designed spatulas, brushes, or the product is gently applied to the face with your hands. The thickness of the applied layer is about 2-3 mm.

The procedure is carried out in accordance with the massage lines: from the chin to the hairline. During the procedure, it is not recommended to stretch the skin, make sudden movements that harm it.

With the exception of special formulations, the mixture for the face is not applied to the area of ​​the lips, eyebrows and the area around the eyes. During application, the person should be at rest.

Keep the mixture on the face for at least 10 minutes and no longer than half an hour. If the instructions indicate a specific time, do not neglect it. On average, beneficial substances penetrate deep 15 minutes after applying the composition.

Prolonged use will not be effective, but may cause problems. If unpleasant sensations arise during application, skin tightening, discomfort is felt, it is necessary to wash off the mask, regardless of the time.

How to properly wash off the face mask:

  1. For rinsing, clean water is used without the additional use of cleansers or soap.
  2. The temperature of the water depends on the type of skin. Dry one needs warm water, oily one needs cold water.
  3. Washing off is very thorough.
  4. For convenience, a special sponge is used for removing cosmetics, which is moistened with water.
  5. After removal, you need to wash your face again with water and lubricate the skin with a moisturizing cream after 15 minutes.

Regardless of the quality, composition, ingredients and effect, the face mask may not be suitable for a specific skin type or cause an allergic reaction due to the use of some of the ingredients in the composition. In this matter, everything is individual.

Before starting to use, the effect of the product is checked on a small area (in the area of ​​the bend of the forearm). If after 5-10 minutes redness, itching, burning, allergic symptoms do not appear, the product can be applied to the face.

  • With the exception of special formulations, the product is not left on the face for longer than the allotted time, and is not applied overnight. Useful substances work until the product dries up.

Excessive use causes the formation of fine wrinkles.

  • The clay-based composition cannot be kept longer than the time specified in the instructions.

A substance called kaolin, with prolonged exposure, can dry out the face, cause a feeling of tightness, irritation and flaking.

  • The composition for the face is not applied to the area around the eyes, as this is fraught with redness, fine wrinkles, irritation due to the sensitivity of this area.
  • It is not recommended to apply exfoliating peels more than 2 times a week.

The active ingredients in the composition have a strong effect on the hydrolipid mantle - the outer layer of the epidermis in the form of a thin film, designed to protect against negative environmental influences.

It takes at least 72 hours to fully restore this layer.

  • After removal, cosmetics (foundation, powder) are not applied to the face for two hours. It is not recommended to go outside to avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Facial mask manufacturers produce cosmetic products in three segments:

  • professional;
  • luxury;
  • mass market.

Professional products are popular with beauticians. These include brands:

  • Collistar;
  • Holy Land;
  • Oligodermie;
  • Mediderma
  • Keenwell;
  • AmaDoris;
  • Janssen;
  • Laboratories Hevicosm.

Manufacturers of mixtures in the luxury segment include the following companies:

  • Dior;
  • Valmont;
  • Shiseido;

Mass-market cosmetic products are cheaper, but they have less effect, and in addition, they often cause side effects.

A face mask is our favorite skincare product. Whatever skin problem torments you, the mask will help to solve it. Whether you are a "hardened mask-maniac" or a young novice user of "all these jars," everyone needs masks. Today in this post about the useful properties of face masks, what is their trick, what they are and when to start using masks.

What is a face mask

Mask for the face is an additional intensive skin care. Intense - because the mask contains a complex of active ingredients in high concentration... Therefore, masks target the problem and help to effectively and quickly eliminate it.

Of course, one mask, even with frequent use, cannot solve serious aesthetic problems (acne, pigmentation). This is not a miracle button. The mask needs daily helpers - creams, serums, peels, tonics.

As a rule, masks are used in courses or regularly several times a week. More about proper use - in the next post.

What are the masks

The family of masks is large and friendly. There is a perfect mask for every skin type, age, condition and skin problem.

Cream masks good for dry, sensitive, thin skin and for the cold season. They contain emollients, oils and moisturizers, so they maintain the lipid balance of the skin and leave a pleasant feeling of soft, protected skin.

If your skin is oily, problematic with breakouts and clogged pores, your choice is gel masks... They contain fewer structural components than creams and are generally oil-free. Therefore, they are lightweight, do not clog pores and leave a feeling of freshness. It is especially pleasant to use gel masks in the summer, after having cooled them in the refrigerator.

Collagen masks in the form of a gel and plates are good for oily and dehydrated skin. And it is also convenient to massage on them - they provide a comfortable glide. This also includes gelatin masks... How often do girls make a gelatin face mask? The most optimal is once a week. since this mask contains a sufficient amount of collagen.

Alginate masks- a must-have for any type of knives, but especially for dehydrated and aged, flabby skin that has lost its elasticity. They perfectly moisturize and tighten. How often do you get alginate face masks? Enough 1-2 times a week.

Cloth masks- this is an express option. They are impregnated with active ingredients "to the eyeballs" and are especially effective when you need to quickly recover. For example, after a plane, a long day at the beach, or before an unexpected date. How Often Can You Do Cloth Facial Masks? Many argue that they can be used almost every day. But in everything, a measure is needed, otherwise oversaturation will occur and the effect will be the opposite.

If you like to do everything yourself, including cosmetics, this is the right choice for you. dry powder masks... From them you can make an individual mask just for your skin and problems, choosing the appropriate "filling" and proportions.

When you need a mask

An unexpected date, a business dinner after work, a party after a long day at work, a long flight, swelling in the morning - an express mask will save you in all these situations. It will quickly refresh the skin and help it glow quickly.

Acne, oily skin, dry skin, rosacea, wrinkles, pigmentation, dehydration, dull complexion - take a mask in your hands. A good mask will help smooth out the problem in one application, and with a competent integrated approach, completely get rid of the problem.

And sometimes you just want relaxation, tenderness and "something tasty." Lying in a fragrant bath with candles and pleasant music with a relaxing spa mask on your face - what could be better after a hard day?

When to start using

If you are worried that it is too early for you to use masks, your skin will get used to it and stop working on its own, put your doubts aside. Masks can be used at any age. There are no restrictions.

There is no need to wait for acne, the first wrinkles or any serious problems to finally take up the masks. Even young and healthy skin needs regular cleansing, hydration and an antioxidant boost.

In general, you understand - you have to take. And in order to "take" it was more pleasant and profitable, in February we have prepared for you the action " ". When you buy any mask from the rich assortment of Christina, we give you 20% bonuses to your personal account.

Face masks: what are they?

Cream masks

They contain many moisturizing, regenerating, toning and nourishing ingredients and are well suited for the care of normal, dry, irritated and dehydrated skin. Cream masks for face also ideal for mature and aging skin, which needs to be especially actively moisturized and nourished, to stimulate the restoration and renewal of its cells. But be careful if you have oily or problem skin: such masks may contain ingredients that clog pores. First of all, these are some vegetable oils (for example, coconut oil, wheat germ oil or cocoa butter) and skin softening additives - lanolin derivatives, fatty alcohols (isopropyl, myristyl, etc.).

Gel masks

Smooth the skin, make it soft, relieve irritation and flaking. And the most important thing - gel masks have a very powerful moisturizing effect. Moisturizing Gel Masks(its role can be played by aloe vera gel, algae polysaccharides, carbomer gel, etc.) are suitable for any type of skin care. They can be safely used for problem skin, as they do not clog pores.

Clay and mud masks

Clay and mud masks are recommended primarily for oily and problem skin. Clay masks(kaolin, etc.) cleanse and narrow pores, whiten blackheads and acne marks, regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, and have a slight exfoliating effect. Mud masks(usually sea mud is used) also have good antibacterial and skin toning properties. However, keep in mind that they can dry out your skin, especially if it is already prone to dryness or dehydration.

Film masks

Usually they come with a peeling or lifting effect. Film masks suitable for all types of skin care. They are especially recommended for thin and sensitive skin. Such peeling masks good for when other exfoliation and deep cleansing procedures are too aggressive for the skin. A few minutes after application, the gel-like mask turns into an air-permeable, but dense film that helps smooth the skin. After 15-20 minutes, this film is removed, at the same time dead cells of the epidermis adhering to it, as well as sebaceous and horny plugs are removed.

Alginate masks

Sometimes they are also called modeling or plasticizing. Alginate masks- these are usually powders based on algae polysaccharides, which are diluted with water or other liquid before use. When frozen, they repeat the shape of the face and quickly tone tired skin, tighten the oval of the face, reduce nasolabial folds, swelling and wrinkles. The effect lasts up to several days. As a rule, most alginate masks are intended for professional use in salons: they are quite difficult to apply and remove - you need to do this in one motion, very carefully so as not to spoil the achieved result.

Cloth masks

They can be a good home alternative to alginate. The fabric from which this mask is made is impregnated with highly concentrated serums that provide intensive skin care or help to cope with certain cosmetic problems (acne, facial swelling, pigmentation, etc.). But if a clay or other mask can be applied and go about your business - with cloth mask you will have to lie on your face for the prescribed 20-30 minutes.

Alginate face masks were previously used only by professional cosmetologists in salons, but now such a mask is available for independent use. The name of the mask comes from alginic acid - the main component of the mask, which is found only in sea kelp.

Alginic acid, when interacting with water, forms a gel-like mixture enriched with vitamins, minerals, proteins, due to which professional face masks tighten the skin, nourish, activate metabolic processes in the skin, moisturize and promote collagen production.

Alginate masks help with inflammation, increased work of the sebaceous glands and are suitable for all skin types.

There are several types of alginate masks:

  • basic (without additives) are used to improve the condition of the skin, in case of inflammation, as well as as an adjuvant to medical and cosmetic preparations (emulsions, serums, oils, etc.)
  • collagen ones rejuvenate and smooth the fine mesh of wrinkles.
  • with chitosan moisturize and have a pronounced tightening effect, regenerate cells, promote oxygen delivery (suitable for dry skin types)
  • with vitamin C improve complexion, nourish, help eliminate pigmentation and reduce the appearance of age-related changes
  • with herbs remove redness, rashes, nourish, deeply cleanse, moisturize, remove harmful substances.

Alginate masks can be purchased freely at a cosmetic store. Such masks are sold in the form of powder (for preparation it is required to dilute with water 1: 1) or ready-made gel formulations.

When diluting the powder with water, the mixture must be mixed very thoroughly so that there are no lumps and immediately applied to clean face skin (it is better to treat eyelashes and eyebrows with a fat cream). The mask on the face should be applied quickly, because after 5-6 minutes it will completely harden. As noted by many women, the problem of using alginate masks lies precisely in the application, it is best to apply the mask lying down, which can cause difficulties and you may need someone else's help.

In addition, alginate masks enhance the effect of other cosmetic preparations (essential oils, creams, serums, etc.), which are applied 10-15 minutes before applying the mask.

After hardening, the mask forms a dense film on the face, through which air or liquid does not penetrate. At the same time, the pressure created by the mask promotes deeper penetration of other agents into the skin.

The mask is removed from the face (without washing!) In half an hour. After that, it is recommended to wipe the face with a tonic or apply a cream (if it was not applied under the mask).

Already after the first procedure, you can see some improvements, however, alginate masks need to be done in a course (from 1 to 4 times a week).

Professional moisturizing face masks

Moisturizing professional face masks are used at the end of beauty treatments. These masks are recommended after peeling, for irritated, aging, tired skin.

Moisturizing face masks contain extracts and extracts from plants, algae, essential minerals, coenzymes, etc.

In the composition of masks, hyaluronic acid is often found, which helps to moisturize the skin, saturates with oxygen, and improves color.

Masks with increased oiliness of the glands help to remove redness, inflammation, even out color, and eliminate oily sheen. For dry or normal skin, moisturizing masks tighten and improve color.

Professional cleansing face masks

Professional cleansing face masks are recommended for oily skin, but beauticians recommend regular use of cleansing masks for all skin types.

As a rule, the composition of cleansers contains natural clay, minerals, vitamins, etc.

Such masks deeply cleanse the skin, improve the complexion, remove inflammation on the skin.

The oily type of skin is prone to various rashes, inflammations, the owners of oily skin have black spots, greasy shine, enlarged pores. Purifying masks for oily skin will help to normalize the sebaceous glands, unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and dry.

Dry skin is characterized by flaking, a feeling of tightness, and frequent irritation. The owners of dry skin face the problems of skin aging earlier, in contrast to women with oily skin type. Moisturizing masks help to solve the problem of lack of moisture in the skin, improve complexion, and smooth out wrinkles.

Sensitive skin reacts very sharply to various external stimuli: cold wind, frost, sun, etc. Often, facial irritation occurs with a tendency to allergies. Moisturizing masks for sensitive skin contain natural oils with a delicate texture. Before applying the mask, it is not recommended to clean sensitive skin with scrubs or peels; to rinse the mask, you need to take water at room temperature. After the procedure, it is advisable to use a special cream.