Honey with sunflower oil for lightening hair. Honey and kefir. Advantages and disadvantages of honey clarifier

The blonde ... So many anecdotes have been invented about her, so many stories have been told, and still most women cherish the dream of becoming her. The path to a blonde ideal is usually thorny, and the result of using all kinds of colors is unpredictable. It happens like this: you buy a hair dye with a charming blonde on the package, and then you get red burned hair.

Not everyone knows that there is one wonderful hair lightening product that can be used to lighten hair two or three tones. You may be surprised, but this remedy is honey. Of course, if you are a burning brunette, honey to you, what a dead poultice, but if the color of your strands is close to blonde, then why once again expose your hair to household chemicals? After all, they harm not only the hair, but also the scalp, disrupt the acid-base balance, and cause skin diseases such as, for example, dandruff.

When applied to hair, honey acts as a brightening agent similar to hydrogen peroxide. Honey alone has a 1000 times more gentle effect. In order to acquire the desired light shade, it is necessary to carry out several lightening sessions. Lightening hair with honey should last for several hours - at least five, and preferably 8-9. The result depends both on the natural color of your strands and on the structure of your hair: the degree of rigidity, fragility. After the procedure, the hair will not only look lighter than its natural color, but will also acquire a soft golden tint and a healthy look.

At all times honey was considered a valuable product with excellent taste and cosmetic properties. It contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients. The composition of honey includes:

  • Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9. It is the B vitamins that give a rich color to the hair, prevent the appearance of gray hair, improve hair growth;
  • Vitamin Edits hair an attractive appearance, strengthens weakened, thinned ends;
  • Vitamin C is a universal vitamin that normalizes redox processes;
  • Vitamin A is the best remedy for hair breakage, it normalizes the fat metabolism of the scalp;
  • Fructose and glucose help to retain moisture, which is extremely important for damaged hair.

As it turned out, honey is not only a useful food product, but also a wonderful cosmetic product that preserves youth and beauty. As part of the masks, honey moisturizes the hair, eliminates the causes of dandruff, dullness, brittleness. Compared to conventional hair dyes, honey has an undeniable advantage - it does not have a harmful effect, and its positive effect extends not only to the hair, but also to the scalp.

The shade of the hair after applying the honey mask will become lighter, richer and warmer. Blood circulation will improve, as a result of which the hair will receive the necessary nutrition and will grow better, and the hair roots will be strengthened. Plus, by using a honey hair mask, you will get rid of the problem of split ends.

Preparation of the mask

The honey mask has one major drawback. As mentioned above, lightening hair with honey is not a quick procedure. Before preparing the mask, think: will you have the patience to walk for 8-9 hours with your hair smeared with a sweet sticky mass? If yes, then let's start cooking.

The honey hair mask can be one-component, i.e. consist only of honey. In this case, you only need a sufficient amount of this sweet product. According to people knowledgeable in this matter, it is best to use acacia honey, but if another honey is lying around at home, for example, linden honey, then it will also work. Most often, honey is sold already thickened, sugared. The question naturally arises: how can this mass be applied to the head? The answer is simple: honey must be melted in a water bath, under the influence of high temperatures it returns to its original liquid state.

It is better if the mask contains, in addition to honey, other lightening components, for example, lemon juice. The proportions of the honey mask with lemon juice are as follows: for two parts of honey, take two parts of lemon juice and one part of burdock oil. Some effect will be seen within an hour after application.

To achieve the best result, it is not enough to apply honey to your hair, you need to know some secrets of using a honey mask. Here are detailed instructions for use:

  1. One of the secrets is to thoroughly wash your hair with a shampoo without conditioner (do not use cream shampoo) with herbal extracts.
  2. To degrease your hair (the effect will be more effective) use a small amount of baking soda while washing your hair.
  3. After foaming the shampoo, rinse your hair very well with plenty of running water so that no traces of shampoo or soda remain.
  4. Blot your hair with a towel, but do not dry it completely, it should remain damp.
  5. Take cooked honey, if its consistency is too thick for free application to hair, add a little water and stir.
  6. Distribute the honey evenly over the entire length of the hair by combing it with a fine-toothed comb and massaging it to complete the application.
  7. Cover your head with plastic and towel to keep warm.
  8. Leave the mask on your hair for 8-9 hours.
  9. Then rinse off the mask with warm water, you may need to use shampoo. For better lightening, at the end of the procedure, you can rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile, which, like honey, has a lightening property.

It is best to do the mask before bed, while you are sleeping, it will just work. Be prepared for the fact that a single use of the mask will not bring the desired result.

In short, lightening hair with honey is an excellent solution for blonde girls who do not want to use hair dyes, but dream of reviving their natural color and making it two or three shades lighter.

07.12.2016 3

Honey as one of the most demanded beekeeping products has long been known in folk medicine and cosmetology. There are numerous recipes and positive feedback from the fair half about lightening hair with honey. It is a major component in traditional medicines, cosmetic masks and scrubs. It has been proven to be effective as a natural immunostimulant.

Benefits for hair with honey lightening

With the help of honey, you can make your hair a few tones lighter and significantly improve its appearance. What are the benefits of this product for hair?

  1. A honey remedy will help restore the structure, strengthen the root bulb.
  2. The substance successfully removes dandruff and fills the hair with natural volume, for which vitamin E is responsible.
  3. Bee sweetness and folic acid directly restore the fat metabolism of the scalp.
  4. The composition is used for deep cleansing of the scalp.
  5. After use, the hair is filled with a pleasant aroma, which cannot be said about ammonia dyes.

At home, honey can lighten any type of hair. However, it should be remembered that the presence of an allergic reaction to a beekeeping product is a reason for refusing to use it.

Some nuances of application

Despite the fact that so-called ammonia-free hair dyes are currently available, their harmlessness is being questioned. How to lighten hair and restore health to it? A bee delicacy is suitable for these purposes. However, there are several important nuances to consider. Honey is able to give hair color only a couple of tones lighter than natural, so it is suitable only for those who are not naturally endowed with dark hair.

Brunettes and brown-haired women will only waste time waiting for a magical transformation into a blonde. The healing effect and improvement of the general condition can appear only after a few procedures. If the result is disappointing the first time or the hair is not as light as you would like, do not stop, but repeat the application of the honey several times.

And the presence of allergic reactions to sugar-containing or beekeeping products in general is a contraindication for the use of a natural clarifier. It is important to remember that only a natural product lightens hair. If an artificial composition was used for the procedure, then the desired result cannot be achieved at all. Therefore, before using it, you need to check the naturalness of honey in any way possible.

How does the staining occur? The composition of honey contains a large amount of hydrogen peroxide. It is the result of a chemical reaction of several substances: iron, oxygen, glucose. Non-dark hair with a porous structure is best lightened. This type of hair is able to quickly assimilate the chemical composition of the beekeeping product.

Brightening procedure

Honey for lightening hair as a natural remedy has been used for a long time. Such popularity is due to its availability and beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. To achieve a good result, the following steps in the clarification procedure must be followed:

  • in order for the lightening effect to be maximum, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo and a pinch of soda before applying the honey product. The use of other cosmetic products is strictly prohibited. Soda will help to deeply cleanse each hair so that nutrients can freely penetrate inside;
  • for the preparation of the coloring composition, it is necessary to use warm honey. It must be heated in a water bath, but not boiled, or diluted with hot water. The second option will make it easier to apply to wet strands. Can sweets be warmed up in the microwave? This is not recommended, as there is a risk of losing all nutrients and elements;
  • the procedure should be carried out at night, since the exposure time of the agent is at least 10 hours. The washed hair should be lightly rubbed and distributed on the strands. A warmed honey hair mask is applied to each strand, especially carefully on the roots and ends. When the application is complete, you should massage your head, put on a plastic cap and a towel on top. Instead of a hat, you can use a regular plastic bag;
  • after 10 hours, wash your hair with warm water, and use chamomile broth or an aqueous solution with a few drops of lemon juice as a rinse aid.

Popular recipes

How to lighten hair with honey at home? To do this, you can use popular recipes.

  1. The most affordable is a product made from three parts of a treat and one part of apple cider vinegar. If the latter is not on hand, you can add water. After mixing, the mixture is ready for application.
  2. Mix a tablespoon of honey with half a tablespoon of olive oil and half a banana. The composition should be infused for 15 minutes and applied to the hair for half an hour.
  3. Mix two tablespoons of balm with a tablespoon of honey and leave for 15 minutes. The exposure time of the mask is 40 minutes, the result becomes noticeable after four applications.
  4. To increase the anti-hair loss effect, you should smear your hair with honey with the addition of burdock oil. The mask should remain on the hair for at least 8 hours. During this time, the nutrients will penetrate deep into the hair structure.
  5. The mixture of honey, balm, cinnamon and olive oil is very healing and gives quick results. When preparing, it is important to observe the dosage: take equal parts of each ingredient. After thorough mixing, the composition can be used for its intended purpose.
  6. The next mask contains honey, balm and cardamom. The mixture must be infused for at least 15 minutes, and then kept on the hair for half an hour. If the exposure time is increased, the hair may become even lighter.
  7. Lightening hair with honey and lemon is an effective remedy not only for natural blonde, but also for fair-haired. To prepare a cosmetic substance, you should take one tablespoon of melted sweetness, the same amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice and a tablespoon of olive oil. Since olive oil is an expensive product, it is not worth buying it specifically for lightening masks.
  8. An alternative can be castor or burdock pomace. From this composition, the hair will become lighter in just a couple of hours. This remedy should be used with caution by those who have had an allergic reaction to citrus products at least once. To avoid negative consequences, it is advisable to abandon this composition in favor of other ingredients.
  9. Another remedy will help normalize fat metabolism. As the main components, honey, lemon juice and chamomile broth are used in equal parts.

If the desired result was not achieved in one application, then do not be upset. He will definitely appear after several procedures. Their frequency will only have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.

- a unique and valuable product of beekeeping, which has taken a strong position in folk medicine, cooking and home cosmetology, thanks to its unique qualities. Not many people know, but it is also possible with its help to change the shade of the hair. This product is a natural brightener, it will not only not harm the curls, unlike chemical paints, but also improve their condition and appearance. Lightening hair with honey can be done in several ways.

To achieve lightening hair with honey is obtained due to some of its ingredients. First of all, it is hydrogen peroxide, it is formed as a result of the chemical reaction of oxidation of iron with free oxygen. Also, the product contains large quantities of glucose oxidase - a substance that accelerates oxidative processes.

Thus, the formation of hydrogen peroxide occurs, which is responsible for the brightening ability of honey. But this compound is only found in fresh food.

It is not immediately possible to lighten the hair completely with the help of honey, its effect is several times weaker than that of chemical dyes. We'll have to show patience and carry out a whole course of procedures. However, the main advantage of this method of bleaching is that the curls do not deteriorate from exposure to the beekeeping product, but are restored, become stronger, acquire a healthy look and shine. The usual chemical dyes do not have this effect.

The result of clarification with honey

Almost everyone can use honey to lighten hair, this product is suitable for owners of curls of any type. But the effect of the procedure performed is difficult to predict. Each time hair lightening with honey happens in a different way, the result depends on many factors:

  • the density and structure of the hair (how porous the hair is);
  • the ability of hair to absorb and assimilate ingredients from honey;
  • original shade;
  • the quality of the product itself (how fresh the honey is).

In some cases, an excellent result can be achieved in 3-4 procedures, in others it will take much more time to lighten hair with honey - more than 10 sessions.

The easiest way will be to achieve the effect for the owners of light blond strands, honey will give them a pleasant golden hue. It is much more difficult for brunettes to change color, although they can lighten the pigment in their hair a little, they are advised to use an acacia beekeeping product. If the curls have been discolored earlier, honey will help eliminate the ugly yellowish tint, giving them a spectacular wheat or ash blond.

In addition, after performing such procedures, the hair acquires a pleasant honey aroma, and not the smell of ammonia, as from conventional dyes.

Lightening procedure technology

It is quite simple to lighten hair with honey at home, but there is a certain algorithm that is important to adhere to.

  1. Before toning, the strands must be washed with shampoo. For maximum effect, you can add a small amount of baking soda (1/4 teaspoon per wash) to the detergent. Then the curls just need to be dried with a towel, without treating them with any styling products, balms or sprays.
  2. Honey also needs to be prepared to lighten hair. It needs to be slightly warmed up with a water bath. It is not worth using a microwave oven for these purposes - as a result, the product will lose some of its healing properties.
  3. Prepared honey must be carefully distributed over the strands, the use of a comb with rare teeth will facilitate the task. At the same time, some part of the mask can be rubbed into the skin and the root part of the hair, this will help to strengthen the bulbs and improve their nutrition.
  4. To prevent honey from dripping, wrap your head tightly with foil and wrap it with a soft towel to create a thermal effect.
  5. You will have to keep the mask for a long time - at least 8-10 hours, so it is advisable to lighten your hair with honey in the evening, before going to bed.
  6. After the allotted time, the honey composition must be washed off from the head, first with warm water, and then with shampoo. At the end, you can rinse the strands with chamomile decoction or a weak solution of lemon juice.

After 3-4 days, you can carry out the procedure again.


Lightening hair with honey is not suitable for everyone; this method has several contraindications. This beekeeping product is an allergen, and it is quite strong. Those who first decided to resort to this method of changing the color of their hair should first test the product. To do this, apply a small amount of the honey mixture to the wrist or behind the ear and wait 20-30 minutes. After removing the product from the skin, you should wait another day and observe the reaction of the body.

Alarming symptoms are:

  • burning;
  • redness and swelling;
  • itching and irritation.

If one or more signs appear, then it is forbidden to lighten hair with honey at home.

You should also be wary of the use of honey masks for people with diabetes, even penetrating through the pores of the skin, this sweet product can increase the level of glucose in the blood. With this disease, it is worth consulting with your doctor about the possibility of using cosmetics with honey.

The classic lightening recipe

To lighten hair with honey at home, just dilute it with water and apply it to the strands. To prepare a clarifying agent, you need to take 4 parts of a beekeeping product and 1 part of water. If you substitute apple cider vinegar for the water in this recipe, the effect will be higher. Apply such a composition to the curls and keep it for 8 hours, and then rinse everything with shampoo and water.

Honey with cinnamon for clarification

Cinnamon will speed up the process of lightening hair with honey, since this spice is capable of destroying the natural pigment in the strands, but at the same time it does not harm their health, on the contrary, it activates blood circulation in the capillaries of the epidermis of the head, and enhances the nutrition of the bulbs. The result is usually noticeable after the first application, but to lighten the curls by several tones, at least 3-4 procedures will have to be performed.

There are some simple ways to lighten hair with cinnamon and honey:

  • it is necessary to pour 2 tbsp into 1/3 cup of honey. l. cinnamon and add 1 tbsp. l. balm, mix everything;
  • combine honey and cinnamon in equal volumes (depending on the length and thickness of the hair), mix everything well;
  • half a glass of honey should be diluted with a glass of water, add 2 tbsp. l. olive oil and 3 tbsp. l. cinnamon powder, stir well.

One of the selected masks must be applied to the strands and kept for at least 3 hours. Cinnamon is irritating to the skin, so a slight burning sensation is normal. If irritation intensifies, the composition should be washed off immediately and then another recipe should be chosen.

Honey composition with lemon

Lemon, or rather its juice, can also be a wonderful helper for changing the tone of curls, as it has a bleaching effect.

It is necessary to prepare the following mixture: 1 tbsp. l. fresh lemon juice must be combined with the same amount of liquid honey, diluted with all 1 tbsp. l. oils (burdock, olive or castor oil is suitable). To achieve lightening hair with such a composition of honey and lemon, it will take at least 2 hours. The mask is applied to the curls, spreading along the entire length, waiting for the allotted time and washed off with mild shampoo and warm water. The repeated procedure can be carried out only after 7 days, but not earlier.

This recipe is not suitable for citrus allergies.

Honey and kefir mask

A mixture based on kefir and honey acts the fastest - just 1 hour is enough to notice the brightening effect. They do it like this: mix 2 tbsp. l. fermented milk product with 3 tbsp. l. honey. The composition is impregnated with strands along the entire length. After half an hour or an hour, you can already remove it.

Such a mask is completely safe, and kefir will help moisturize the scalp and curls, prevent fragility and dryness, and relieve dandruff. The only drawback of this bleaching agent is that after the procedure, a not very pleasant sour-milk smell remains on the hair. It is easy to get rid of it, for this it is enough to rinse the hair with acidified water (with the addition of lemon juice or vinegar).

Honey and chamomile decoction for clarification

A healing decoction of chamomile flowers is able to give the curls a beautiful golden hue, eliminating yellowness, and lemon juice and honey will remove dark pigment from their structure.

In order to make a brightening agent, you need to take 3 tbsp. l. warmed honey, dilute it with half a glass of pre-made chamomile broth and the juice of half a lemon. This mixture should be applied to the hair, saturating each strand with it, held for 1-1.5 hours and washed off with a mild shampoo.

Honey is a wonderful and completely safe remedy for lightening hair. This product has a bleaching effect both on its own and in tandem with other ingredients. Of course, with its help, it is unlikely that it will work to turn from a bright brunette into a sunny blonde, since it does not repaint the curls, but only discolors, removing dark natural pigment from the composition. A noticeable effect of honey masks will be noticeable for owners of light and blond curls.

Honey is rightfully considered a miracle cure, it cures many diseases and is widely used for cosmetic purposes. The use of the product as a hair lightening agent has gained wide popularity among girls and women. According to numerous reviews, it can be concluded that the composition nourishes and strengthens the hair follicles, gives the hair shine and smoothness. Representatives of the fair sex also note that regular use of honey-based masks significantly accelerates hair growth.

The benefits of honey for hair

It is known that honey is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It contains fructose, ascorbic acid, vitamins of almost all groups, carotene, folic acid, glucose. Natural resinous substances and minerals, which act on the hair shaft from the inside, nourish and nourish the hair, are especially beneficial for the hair.

If we talk about the specific benefits of honey for hair, the product makes the strands silky, shiny and smooth, fights dandruff and seborrhea, restores the integrity of the hair structure, and saturates the hair follicles with oxygen.

In addition, honey prevents mass loss (in particular after childbirth), gives visual volume, lifting the strands at the roots. It also cleans the sinuses of the bulbs, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands (especially important for girls with oily hair).

Features of lightening hair with honey

Agree, the above positive features are already prompting the use of honey-based masks. Since we are interested in exactly the clarification, we will dwell on this point in more detail.

Not many people know, but honey contains hydrogen peroxide, which has bleaching properties. Peroxide is produced by the oxidation of oxygen free radicals by iron.

Since there is a sufficient amount of glucose in honey, the component acts as a catalyst. Through a chemical reaction, the peroxide is released and the clarification process begins.

However, for the technology to pass to the fullest, honey must be of high quality and fresh. Since it is such a product that contains peroxide in large quantities, and it, as you know, sets the tone for the whole process.

Despite the fact that honey has been used as a brightening agent for a long time, the end result depends on the original color of the hair, its structure. For some girls, it is enough to carry out 5-6 procedures, others cannot achieve the desired effect even after the tenth session.

The result depends on a number of factors that must be taken into account without fail. This includes the composition of honey, its quality and freshness, the structure of the hair and its "absorbency", the original tone of the hair.

Indications for use

Honey is indicated for girls and women whose hair is prone to falling out, splitting, breaking. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, who have blond hair, will achieve the result many times faster. Light brown hair is considered the best option for the procedure.

This does not mean that brunettes cannot use honey to lighten curls by 1-2 tones, but more sessions will be required. In addition, after the procedure, the hair will acquire a reddish (in some cases yellowish) tint. Brunettes are advised to choose acacia honey.

In some cases, honey is used to remove yellowness, which usually appears after staining. The recommendation is especially relevant for blondes who prefer to correct an oversight with gentle, rather than ammoniacal means.

Contraindications for use

Lightening hair with honey is not the best option for girls who want to get everything at once. It is important to prepare yourself in advance for the fact that the procedure will take more than one day or even a week, the lightening can last a month or longer.

Many people believe that they can turn from a medium-blond beauty to a platinum blonde, but this misconception is erroneous.

Honey does not dye the hair, but only makes it lighter in color. At the same time, the result itself is achieved gradually, it is quite possible that you will not notice any changes after the first procedure.

People who are prone to allergic reactions should be extremely careful. Honey is a high-grade allergen, so it often causes itching, burning, rash, swelling (in some cases), and redness.

Before the procedure, it is recommended to conduct a test: apply a small amount of the composition to a separate strand, leave for 40 minutes, rinse and evaluate the result. If there is no negative reaction, feel free to proceed with honey clarification.

If you decide to lighten your hair with honey, read the algorithm of actions, and then proceed to the procedure. Experienced housewives have developed an effective technology, thanks to which the result will be achieved many times faster.

If we conditionally divide the technique into points, then 5 important aspects can be distinguished: preparation of hair for lightening, preparation of the composition, application, holding the mixture on curls and washing. Let's consider the steps step by step.

Stage 1. Preparing hair for lightening
Any dyeing and lightening begins with preparing the hair for the procedure. Wash your hair with shampoo several times, cover it with balm, soak the composition for about a quarter of an hour, rinse. Most importantly, do not use preparations containing silicone and sulfates.

To clean your hair effectively, complete the wash with a baking soda rinse. To prepare it, dilute 50 g. baking soda in 2 liters. warm water, stir, wait until the crystals dissolve. After that, rinse the strands again with running water, dry them naturally.

Comb your curls with a wide, sparse-toothed comb, never use iron or plastic brushes. If you wish, you can sprinkle the strands with a special serum to facilitate combing, it will greatly simplify the procedure for applying honey.

Stage 2. Preparation of the composition
Experienced housewives have developed a lot of methods for preparing honey for clarification. To make it easy to apply the composition, pour the required amount of honey into a deep ceramic bowl, taking into account your hair length. Place the container in the microwave on the edge of the turntable, set the timer for 1 minute.

You can use a steam or water bath. The main thing is that in the end the honey turns out to be warm (almost hot) and liquid. If the honey is too thick and you think it will be problematic to apply, dilute with hot water.

Stage 3. Applying honey to hair

Comb the hair again thoroughly with a flat comb with large, wide-toothed teeth. Divide the hair into thin curls to make honey easy to apply. Put on gloves, place one strand in the palm of your hand, scoop up some honey with a brush or kitchen sponge.

Thoroughly saturate the strand from all sides, honey should literally drain from the hair. Wrap the curl in cling film to avoid staining your clothes and shoulders. Repeat the previous manipulations with each strand, sequentially wrapping them in plastic.

If you doubt that the composition is evenly distributed, after application, comb the hair again with a comb. Apply the rest of the product that remained on the comb on the strands again. Remember to cover your scalp with honey to awaken the hair follicles.

Stage 4. Exposure and mask washing
After applying the mixture, wrap the head well with cling film so that the composition does not drip onto the forehead, temples, neck and shoulders. Wrap your head with a thick terry towel, heat the composition with a hairdryer for 7 minutes.

The duration of the exposure of honey on the hair should not be less than 6 hours, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain. If possible, soak the mask all night (about 8-10 hours), as long as possible. After the specified period, wash off the honey with warm water, rinse your hair with chamomile broth.

It is quite difficult to lighten hair with honey, but the procedure is quite real. The main thing is to be patient, repeat the manipulations until you achieve the desired effect. Use step-by-step instructions, be sure to warm up the honey, because the composition must be applied only when warm.

Video: lightening hair with honey and cinnamon

Many girls dream of lightening their hair. But not everyone decides to use paint or tonic for this. Although many manufacturers promise that such products are harmless, in practice, the dyeing procedure negatively affects the hair.

Fortunately, there are many popular recipes with which you can make curls a few tones lighter. One of the products with this property is honey. He himself has a number of useful properties.

Useful properties of honey for the body

This product is often used as a main ingredient in recipes. And it’s not just that. After all, it has a number of useful qualities.

Before using honey for medicinal or cosmetic purposes, make sure that you are not allergic to this product.

The tool has regenerating properties, so it is often used in folk recipes to treat damage to the skin and mucous membranes.

It is also recommended to be used internally by those people who suffer from stomach ulcers or gastritis. The tool is able to restore and strengthen the body, increase its immune strength. In addition, it normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.

Honey is often used to treat various kinds of pathologies, for example, varicose veins, diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Among other things, honey is very often used and for cosmetic purposes. It is found in many face masks. Honey is also widely used in industrial production to create organic cosmetics.

If you consume honey regularly, the risk of oncology will decrease.

Separately, it is worth talking about the effect of the product on the hair. Masks based on this component strengthen hair follicles, get rid of and give curls shine and volume.

Due to the fact that folic acid is present in the product, regular use of honey allows you to restore the fat metabolism of the scalp. As a bonus, you will get a pleasant aroma on your hair after the mask. Thus, we can conclude that with the help of honey it is possible not only, but also to make them healthier. This procedure is suitable for all hair types.

What folk remedies for lightening strands can be made from honey?

Lightening hair with honey is very effective, but good results can only be achieved if the procedure is followed correctly. It consists of 5 stages, namely:

  • preparation for the procedure;
  • preparation of the mask;
  • application of the product to the hair and the holding period;
  • honey wash.

The composition must be applied to clean and well combed hair.

Lemon mask

To prepare it, you need ½ juice. Add 3 tbsp to it. l. honey.

For the convenience of preparing and applying the mixture to the strands, honey can be preheated in the microwave or in a water bath so that it becomes liquid and warm (but not hot!)... If it is not possible to heat the honey, then add a little hot water to it.

If you want to improve the effect of the mask, you can add 1 tablespoon to it. ... Apply the resulting mixture to your hair, put on a shower cap on top and wrap your head with a towel. You can keep the composition for no more than 7 hours. Lightening in this way can be done no more than once a week.

Hair lightening honey mask

To make the mask easier to apply, dilute the honey with water. Apply the composition to hair, evenly on all strands. This mask can be left overnight. If you do it from time to time, then after several procedures you will be able to notice the result.

In order not to stain your clothes, after applying the mask, wrap the strands in plastic wrap.

Mask with the addition of chamomile

This recipe is suitable for blondes and those who want to get rid of their hair. To prepare the mixture, take half a glass of the broth. Add to it the juice of half a lemon and 3 tbsp. honey. Mix everything thoroughly and distribute evenly on the curls. Wash off the composition after a few hours.

If you are not sure that you have applied the composition evenly, then at the end, re-walk along the strands with a comb. The product remaining on the comb can be reapplied to the head.

Lightening hair with honey and cinnamon

This recipe allows you to make your hair lighter, but the procedure will take a lot of time. The components of the mask have a positive effect on the structure of the curls, restore them, and give a healthy shine. The first procedure already allows you to lighten the strands by several tones. But for this to happen, adhere to the following rules.

Take 1/3 cup of honey for the mask. It must be liquid. Mix it with 2 tablespoons. and 1 tbsp. balm for hair. As a result, you should get a homogeneous mixture. Apply the mask to damp hair, rubbing in thoroughly. Do not rinse off within 3-4 hours.

Honey can also be rubbed into the roots of the head. This will awaken the hair follicles.


If you want to make your hair lighter, but do not want to injure it, honey masks in this case will be an excellent solution. They will give your strands not only the desired shade, but also have a healing effect.