My husband drinks, what should I do? How to get your husband out of a long drinking bout

The drunkenness of a husband or other relative is a real disaster in the family.

On the one hand, this is a real psychological problem, which sometimes becomes completely impossible to endure, and on the other hand, it is also a physical one, because alcohol abuse adversely affects the health of an alcoholic, often leading to the most sad consequences. This is especially true for drinking. How can I stop my husband from drinking?

Binge drinking: a dangerous condition that requires intervention

Binge drinking is considered the highest degree of dependence on alcohol. It manifests itself in the fact that a person drinks for several days or longer, while not being able to stop. Moreover, a person does not get pleasure from drinking alcohol, but continues to drink, because he is sure: if he stops, he will die or he will be “broken” by a stroke or heart attack. In this state, a person completely loses a sense of proportion: after a night of drinking in the morning, a person decides to get drunk and drinks a glass of alcoholic beverage. Soon it becomes easier for him, and he decides to alleviate the condition even more and drinks another glass - and the binge begins. Binge drinking is an extremely dangerous condition, since an alcoholic can simply bring himself to death. Therefore, if you see that the usual use of alcohol has passed into the stage of hard drinking, it is necessary to stop the drinking husband. What to do in such a situation:

call an ambulance. Doctors in such cases are limited to injections of Dimedrol, Magnesia. This, of course, is not enough to stop the binge, but it will already alleviate the condition of a person; call a narcologist at home. Now there are a lot of narcologists practicing privately. This pleasure is not cheap, but when the question is about life and death, you should not skimp to save your loved one. Such specialists always have a set of drugs with them that can quickly bring a person out of hard drinking. But there is one point: if an alcoholic is deeply drunk, then resorting to this kind of help is fraught with complications; go to drug treatment center.

The option is good because there the alcoholic will quickly “bring to his senses”. But the problem is that they are taken to the drug dispensary only with the consent of the alcoholic (and this, as a rule, becomes a problem) and they must be registered (which in some cases is also fraught: for example, many are afraid that someone will find out at work, yes and for most people, dispensary registration is a kind of “stigma”); try to solve the problem on your own, at home. In fact, many women resort to this method to stop their husband's binges. Although, we note that this task is quite difficult. But of course it's worth trying. In this case, we are talking about general recommendations on how to behave properly with a person who is in a state of binge, as well as folk methods that can help alleviate the patient's condition and bring him out of the crisis. Since it is strictly forbidden to get a person out of binge on their own with the help of medications, we will dwell in more detail on how you can help a relative at home so as not to harm him in the first place.

Below we will consider the rules that you must adhere to when helping a relative at home. The most important thing is not to harm a person, so all your actions must be balanced and conscious. So, how to stop a drinking husband and what to do for this:

  • the most important thing is to know when is the best time to act. When a husband is in a state of deep intoxication, in no way should one resort to any measures. The ideal time is when he overslept, sobered up and begins to feel a hangover. When a person shakes, vomits, the heart and pressure go off scale, know that the ideal moment has come to start taking action. Usually alcoholics themselves ask to help them with at least something to make it easier, and they are ready for a lot;
  • Never give an alcoholic in a state of binge any drugs. It is very important! Even if a person in a sober state takes some kind of medication, and you know for sure that they help him, it is strictly forbidden to do this in a state of deep intoxication and hard drinking. Only a doctor can give medicine;
  • do not let an alcoholic get drunk;
  • give the person plenty of fluids. Banned: black tea, coffee. energy and alcoholic drinks. Suitable juices, fruit drinks, compotes, decoctions, pure or mineral water, green tea. It is great if the drinks contain a large amount of vitamin C;
  • protect the person from any physical activity. When coming out of a binge, he should lie in bed as much as possible;
  • do not allow a person to take a hot bath, but a room temperature shower will be good: it will refresh and invigorate the patient a little.

There is also a psychological aspect, which is also of great importance when it comes to such a serious condition as binge drinking. It has already been said that it is important to wait for the moment when the person begins to experience a hangover and beg you for help. But you must be prepared for the fact that until the moment when he asks you for help, he will demand, beg that you give him a hangover. He can threaten, make you feel guilty (for example, if you don’t give him a drink, he will die, and his death will be on your conscience), etc. Do not react to these manipulations in any way. But you should not blame the alcoholic in response, criticize, exhort, convince: you know very well that this will lead to nothing. Be calm, benevolent and show participation and sympathy, because alcoholism is a disease. So treat your loved one as if they were sick.

How to help someone sober up

You already know that all measures to remove an alcoholic from hard drinking should be started only when he has sobered up a little. In order to speed up this moment, you can take the following measures:

  • if an alcoholic does not have heart disease, you can prepare this tincture: in 1 tbsp. water of normal temperature drip 2-5 drops of ammonia and give the patient a drink. But if a person has any problems with the heart, in no case do not resort to this method, but go straight to the next step;
  • shower. It has already been said that a room temperature shower would come in handy. But it happens that it is difficult to take a shower. Then just put the person in the bath and pour cool water on top of him for about 15 minutes. Then take a full bath of water at room temperature and let the person lie in it for 15-20 minutes too. At this time, you must be with him so that the patient does not accidentally choke and drown;
  • detoxification procedure, or cleansing the body of traces of the breakdown of alcohol. This stage includes cleansing procedures (enemas, etc.) and the use of absorbent agents.

The most correct thing is an integrated approach to cleansing the body. What steps do you need to take at this stage:

gastric lavage

1 liter of water, 0.5 tbsp. l. salt, 0.5 tbsp. l. soda. Mix everything so that soda and salt dissolve in water. Give the patient a drink. Then press on the root of his tongue to induce a gag reflex


There can be several options for enemas, for example: for 1.5 - 2 liters of water, take 1 tbsp. l. honey and dissolve it in water; in a thermos full of water, pour 1-2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers and insist for 15 minutes, strain, squeeze, add water until the initial volume is obtained. Choose any option and do an enema that will cleanse the body of feces poisoned with poison. How can you additionally detoxify with other means?

Detox at home: how to do it

The procedure for removing a person from hard drinking primarily consists in cleansing the body. The procedure for cleansing the body of alcohol and traces of its decay can be carried out independently, observing some rules:

  • give the patient activated charcoal (at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of a person's weight);
  • give the patient 1 tbsp. warm milk, having previously dissolved 1 tsp in it. honey. This tool removes toxins well;
  • give a person cucumber or cabbage pickle, apple juice, berry juice. All acidic drinks well neutralize the poisons that are formed as a result of the breakdown of ethanol;
  • give the patient vitamins B and C;
  • mix well 1 liter of water and 0.5 liter of kefir, generously salt the mixture, add 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. Let the patient drink this cocktail in one gulp;
  • during the day, let the patient drink a decoction of wild rose. If a person cannot drink due to nausea, add ice to the decoction (and any other drinks that you will give);
  • do not put pressure on the person psychologically. Don't blame, don't judge, don't criticize. If you are too sore and seething in your soul, you will still have the opportunity to tell your husband everything you want. But now, believe me, he is already so bad. Show participation and sympathy, provide him with sound sleep, peace and quiet.

If you see that the patient is getting worse and your methods do not help, do not be shy - call the ambulance team.

How to stop drinking: folk remedies

Traditional healers offer their own remedies that can help get a person out of hard drinking. Mostly they consist of medicinal plants. The following are recipes that have already proven their effectiveness:

  • on a thermos full of boiling water, take 3 tbsp. l. thyme. Insist for 1 hour. Drink the infusion for 4 weeks, 2 times a day. This remedy, as practice shows, not only helps in getting out of hard drinking, but also causes an aversion to alcohol;
  • brew a rosehip broth according to the same recipe as thyme, but you need to insist about 1.5 - 2 hours. Give to the patient, especially if he is tormented by vomiting and nausea;
  • sour cabbage soup, hot soup or beef broth, lightly salted oatmeal are excellent sources of recuperation. Even if the patient eats a couple of spoons of food, he will already feel better;
  • A great option is vitamin C effervescent tablets. Give a person 1 tablet - it will quickly make up for its deficiency in the body;
  • chicken egg (raw) helps well. Salt it and let the person drink. This will improve his condition.

The recovery period after binge can last from a day to several days. It all depends on age, health status, duration of drinking. Therefore, such a regimen and diet must be observed for several days. Note that withdrawal from hard drinking is not a treatment for alcoholism as such. But this is a good chance to convince a person of the need for a decision to be treated. As long as the impressions of a terrible condition are fresh, there is every chance that a person will admit that he is an alcoholic, and this must be treated. The main thing is not to put it off indefinitely, but to contact a narcologist so that he can prescribe a course of treatment that will help get rid of the disease, and not just relieve symptoms that are dangerous to health and life.

Thanks for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to save her husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying up, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((

As you know, any substance can be both poison and medicine. It's just a matter of dosage. This statement also applies to alcoholic beverages. They can have a variety of effects on the body. And what this impact will be, directly depends on the amount of alcohol consumed.

On the Internet and in print media, you can find various information about how much and how often alcohol-containing drinks can be considered normal. But here everything is individual, and each person has his own norm. If you drink a little, it can help you relax after a hard working week, contribute to more pleasant communication, and make you feel more confident in an unfamiliar company.

The situation is completely opposite if a person consumes excessive amounts of alcohol. And okay, if this happened once - for example, if at some holiday you could not restrain yourself and crossed the line of reason. The next morning, your health will, of course, be shaken, but this will most likely last no more than a day.

This phenomenon is called a hangover, and usually it does not carry anything threatening. It is quite another matter if the use of alcohol in excessive quantities continues further. Then the hangover gradually turns into a binge.

What is drinking

As in hard drinking, and in a hangover there is nothing useful and pleasant for the body. But with a hangover, a person, as a rule, is in a more or less adequate consciousness, despite the fact that he feels weakness, headache, weakness and disturbances in the work of various systems and organs.

You just need to take some simple measures, be patient a little - and you are all right again. But if the hangover smoothly flowed into a binge, it will not be possible to solve the problem as easily and quickly.

Drinking is a continuous and almost non-stop taking more and more doses of alcohol. This process is interrupted only for sleep. A binge is commonly referred to as continuous drinking that lasts two to three days or more. Upper bounds are difficult to establish.

For some citizens, this condition lasts for weeks and even months. And it is quite logical that the more time passes from its beginning, the more difficult it will be.

Why drinking is dangerous for a person

This phenomenon is dangerous not only for human health, but also for his social life. Let's take a closer look at both of these factors.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not alcohol itself that is harmful, but its decay products, the most dangerous of which is acetaldehyde. This substance causes great damage to the body. This is not so bad if you drink from time to time and in reasonable doses. With this approach, the body has time to recover between booze. But it's a completely different matter if your life turns into one big booze without beginning or end.

The first load is taken by the liver. It is this organ that is responsible for the breakdown of all harmful substances that enter our body, and for the removal of their decomposition products. If you drink a little, she copes with this task without much difficulty. If you do this almost without stopping, the liver works in emergency mode, but still does not master the load. As a result, the entire body is poisoned.

In addition, alcohol promotes the removal of water from the cells. The more you drink, the more dehydrated you become. And this substance also causes vasospasm, heart rhythm disturbances, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders and much more.

As we mentioned above, the social side of human life also suffers. If you sing properly, you can, in the truest sense of the word, lose your personality. An alcoholic in a state of binge thinks only about taking new doses of vodka or another drink he uses. Nothing else interests him.

If you do not get out of this state, you can destroy your life. It is not uncommon for people to lose their jobs and families after several weeks of heavy drinking. In addition, in a state of intoxication, alcoholics often commit rash acts, which sometimes lead to extremely negative, and even tragic consequences.

To avoid this, you need to get out of this binge as quickly as possible. And the longer and harder the binge, the more accurate the way out of it.

Preparing to get out of drinking

It should be understood that the process of getting out of a drunken state is not a quick matter. Of course, ideally everyone wants to return to normal life as soon as possible. But if you have been drinking deeply for several days in a row, you need to mentally prepare for the fact that it will take time to get out of a long binge. It will take more time than to get rid of an ordinary hangover. If you can get rid of it in about a day, then it will take three days, or even more.

So, let's imagine that your binge has been going on for 7 days, what should you do to prepare to get out of this state?

For a start, it is desirable to enlist the support of loved ones. If your wife / husband, parents or someone else lives with you, you should forget about pride and ask them to help you. Most likely, close people will willingly help you get rid of such a serious condition, especially considering the fact that it certainly causes them certain problems. However, you should not entrust the care of you to drinking companions.

During the exit from the binge, you should be surrounded only by sober people. Ideally, of course, it would be nice to have next to you someone who himself has already gotten out of hard drinking at least once and has some experience in this. But even the simple help of relatives or good friends will be enough.

However, with a strong desire to cope with the task, you can do it alone. But it is worth understanding that this will require tremendous willpower. And many purely domestic problems will be more difficult to solve. However, a huge number of people independently got out of the binge without the help of others.

Get out of a binge at home

Of course, if you decide to return to a sober lifestyle, it is best to seek qualified medical help on the same day. If there is no extra money, you can go to a state clinic. There you will be "dripped", and you will be able to recover under the supervision of specialists. However, usually after such a procedure, patients are registered with a narcologist, which most people who do not lead a marginal lifestyle do not want at all.

There are also private clinics that practice help with drinking binges. But their services are very expensive. True, you can go there anonymously, and no one will register you. You don't even have to go to the hospital if you want. The doctor himself will go to your home and carry out all the necessary manipulations at home

If both of these options do not suit you, it remains to solve the problem without the help of doctors at home. But we must warn that all further advice is for informational purposes only. You can follow them only after consulting with a specialist.

Before you get started, there are a few things you need to stock up on. You should go to the pharmacy (and it is better, of course, to send someone close to you there). There you need to buy activated charcoal or another similar drug. You will also need vitamins - C and B6. Buy and hepatoprotectors - for example, Essentiale Forte. It is also useful to purchase sedatives.

But do not get carried away with drugs based on barbiturates. Best suited means with valerian or motherwort. Just don't buy alcohol tinctures. Take pills or herbs for decoction. After that, we will start compiling a “grocery basket”. About what should be its content, we will tell a little later. And when everything is ready, you can begin the main part of the action.

The process of getting out of drinking

It is necessary to start getting out of binge not in the morning, but even the night before. It is in the evening that you need to stop drinking alcohol. You should go to bed as early as possible. And when you wake up in the morning, you need to refrain from getting sober. Even a small dose of alcohol can nullify all your efforts and prolong the binge indefinitely.

Drink plenty of clean water in the morning. It is advisable, if you have the strength, to take a contrast shower. After that, it is useful to eat meat broth and drink hepatoprotectors, coal and vitamins. There is no heavy food yet.

The whole first day you are shown bed rest. Neither mental nor physical activity is allowed. They can be started only on the second day after drinking, but very gradually and moderately. Just gradually you need to return to other aspects of ordinary life.

Usually after 3-4 days the person returns to normal. The main thing is not to return to binges anymore and drink alcohol moderately, or refuse it altogether.

What to do if the husband went into a binge and if this condition is repeated regularly?

Psychologists believe that all women whose husbands suffer from hard drinking are divided into two types. Some - "victim wives" - do not try to save their husband, but themselves need sympathy. They believed that their lives were ruined, so the husband’s next drinking bout is regarded as a reason to complain to others. The position of such a woman, which boils down to the thought “the husband went into a binge - help,” is a statement of her own helplessness and the removal of any responsibility.

Another type of wife of an alcoholic is a hyper-responsible woman. These women take on the burden of the situation. Husbands of hyper-responsible wives, as a rule, behave passively, showing no concern for their position. Therefore, a woman solves the problem on her own and at her own discretion. However, the methods that she chooses to do so are not always effective, and very often lead to the opposite result.

What to do if the husband regularly goes into a binge and what to do to correct the situation?

It makes no sense to shame him and call for conscience, to remind him of his duty to his family and children. It is especially useless to do this when a person is intoxicated.

If the husband has not yet developed chronic alcoholism, and binges have not taken on a severe and protracted nature, if he has not yet lost control over his behavior, you should try to persuade him to seek medical help. Arguments in favor of treatment will not be difficult to pick up. Suffice it to cite as an example those who drank themselves and lost everything: health, work, family...

If arguments and persuasion do not take effect, you can seek the advice of an experienced person who will help develop the right behavior strategy. The main task is to make a person realize the need for treatment.

But in the event that the husband has been drinking for a long time and suffers from heavy drinking for many days, you can go to a drug treatment clinic or place the husband in a day hospital. In severe cases of a hangover syndrome, which is complicated by the presence of concomitant chronic and acute diseases, it is very important to go to a hospital - otherwise the health and even the life of the patient will be in danger.

It is also important to understand that the treatment of alcoholism at this stage will not be quick and easy. It will take not only time, but also great patience, both for the patient himself and for his relatives.

Very often, the wives of alcoholics with experience suffer from codependency, when all interests are subordinated to the salvation of the alcoholic. In this state, women forget about themselves and even their children. They are so absorbed in the problem of their husband's alcoholism that it completely obscures other aspects of life from them. In this case, the woman herself needs the help of a psychotherapist in order to return to a full life.

Common Mistakes Women Make When Their Husband Drinks

  • They are trying to find explanations and justifications for her husband's binges.
  • They protect the husband in front of his employers, hide the true state of affairs.
  • They start drinking together. so that her husband gets less.
  • They do everything to make the husband look clean and tidy, hide the traces of hard drinking.
  • They hide from the husband the financial difficulties of the family, which arose as a result of hard drinking.
  • Blackmailed with sex and threatened with divorce.
  • Use the treatment without the knowledge of the drinker.

Any woman who is faced with the problem of alcoholism in the family wants to get her husband out of hard drinking. After all, seeing your husband in such a state is a real torture.

Taking alcohol every day, a person is simply killing himself. The liver suffers the most. From prolonged daily intake of alcohol, it increases and can no longer fully perform its functions. A considerable load falls on the cardiovascular system, so the risk of heart attack and stroke increases. But most of all, changes in the nervous system are noticeable to others: irritability, aggressiveness, depression, suicidal thoughts and even hallucinations.

Does your husband drink continuously?

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If you want to save your family and the life of your loved one, help him get out of the quagmire of constant binges. But in order to cure an alcoholic, it is necessary to convince him of the need to change his life. This is not so easy to do. Being in a binge, a person cannot adequately respond to certain situations, so a special approach is needed for him. Learn more about how to deal with an alcoholic husband.

Convincing my husband to stop drinking

Without the desire of the husband to get him out of hard drinking will not work. At home, it is sometimes almost impossible to quickly convince a person of the need for treatment. Often you need the help of a professional psychologist who specializes in working with people who are addicted to alcohol.

However, you can still try to convince a person of the need for treatment on your own. In doing so, observe the following rules:

  1. Do not try to talk to your husband when he is directly intoxicated. He simply will not be able to adequately perceive your words. However, during a binge it is not so easy to seize the moment when a person will be sane. To bring your husband to life for a conversation, it will be useful for you to learn: how to quickly sober up a person.
  2. Do not try to get a man out of a binge with reproaches, accusations and threats. So you will only set your husband against you and you can even provoke aggression on his part. Instead, speak calmly. Show him that you are ready to go through the path of treatment for alcoholism with him, let him feel your support.
  3. To get an alcoholic out of a binge, give him clear arguments why he should stop drinking alcohol. For example, focus on his poor health. However, do it carefully, in a calm tone, without reproaches.
  4. A conversation about what his life could have been like if he hadn’t taken alcohol will also help to get a person out of a long binge. In a calm and confident tone, tell your husband about the positive things sobriety would bring to his life. And then he, perhaps, himself will come to the conclusion that drinking does not solve his problems, but, on the contrary, exacerbates them.

Quickly get a person out of binge with the help of persuasion alone will not work. With the constant intake of alcoholic beverages, a person develops not only psychological, but also physical dependence on them. And during a hangover, the alcoholic's hand will reach for the bottle, even if he himself would be glad to quit. Next, we’ll talk about how you can get a person out of binge if he has already agreed to it.

We bring the husband out of hard drinking at home

Home methods will only help if the husband drinks for a week or less. Drinking for 10 days definitely requires inpatient treatment - here you can’t do without the help of specialists.

Keep in mind that stopping binge immediately at home will not work. First you will need to convince the person that he should no longer drink. If you want to immediately stop your husband’s drinking, then you will need to call specialists at home who will take the drunkard to the hospital for medical treatment.

How to stop an alcoholic during a binge:

  1. Convince him that he should not drink anymore. In doing so, take into account the tips given in the previous section of the article.
  2. Remove all alcohol from the house.
  3. Always be there. Support your loved one, as the first time after giving up alcohol, he will feel bad.
  4. It is advisable to advise the husband to stay at home. If he strongly insists that he needs to take a walk, go along with him. If you are constantly there and support him, he will not be tempted to break loose again and go into a binge. If you let him go for a walk alone, he may meet his drinking companions, communication with whom will again push him to drink alcohol.

Since a person in a binge exposed his body to ethyl alcohol for a long time, it is necessary to contribute to the removal of its decay products from the body. What you need to do for this:

  1. If the person is nauseated, do not use antiemetics. Vomiting after binge helps to cleanse the stomach and will be useful. You can even cause it artificially by giving a person a lot of water to drink.
  2. Provide plenty of fluids. This will help to quickly cleanse the body of the decay products of ethyl alcohol. Give your husband tea, salty mineral water, brine, juices, compotes.
  3. For even better cleansing of the body, use sorbents (for example, activated charcoal). You can also use diuretics, but they must be selected by a doctor.
  4. Feed a person who is starting to get out of binge with plenty of liquid food: low-fat broth, kefir. This is necessary to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the functioning of which was disrupted by long-term alcohol intake.
  5. Encourage your husband to sleep more. This will help overcome bottle cravings. To improve sleep, brew motherwort or drip valerian. If mild sedatives do not help, buy sleeping pills after consulting with your doctor.
  6. Buy a multivitamin complex containing B vitamins. This will help improve the functioning of the nervous system, which has been disturbed by long-term alcohol intake.
  7. For headaches, use analgin or special hangover tablets (Alka-Seltzer, Zorex, etc.).
  8. Take your husband out for a walk in the fresh air. Constant exposure to the room, especially in stuffy, can increase headaches.

Getting out of binge does not mean curing your husband of drunkenness. An alcoholic still has a craving for alcohol. Under adverse conditions, a man may soon go back to drinking.

When a person has already left the binge, it is important to prevent a relapse. What to do for this:

  1. Try to get your husband to spend more time with his family. If your relationship has been too affected by alcoholism, you may need the help of a family counselor.
  2. Try to stop his communication with drinking companions. However, do this not with the help of reproaches, but focus on the advantages of ending friendship with old comrades.
  3. Find a new activity that interests him. Preferably joint. Walk more, attend various events, go in for sports together. All this will help a man to distract himself from obsessive thoughts about drinking alcohol.
  4. Find out the cause of alcoholism. A drinking person often tries to escape from problems in this way. Help him in solving a difficult life situation. If the problems are not so large-scale, but the husband runs away from any trifle into drunkenness, convince him to go to a psychologist.

If a person has been on a long-term binge more than once, it will not be easy for him to return to a normal life. And even relatives can not always help him with this. But by advising your husband to go to a rehabilitation center, you will bring him even closer to a life without alcohol.

Alcoholism can be cured!

We know how to do it! Sign up for a consultation.

This problem worries thousands of women all over the world, but in Russia it is especially acute. Unfortunately, a drinking man is taken for granted, women are proud that a husband can drink a lot of alcohol without getting drunk, but over time the problem worsens, and by the age of 30-40 the question arises about alcoholism treatment. Often wives seek help already at the third stage of alcoholism, when getting out of binge is significantly complicated by a number of concomitant diseases. How to prevent the situation when the husband went into a binge, and what to do to prevent this from happening?

First, try not to miss the moment when alcohol becomes a necessity from a means of relaxation. Take a closer look at your husband: if he has become irritable and aggressive, neglects official and household duties, often spends his free time outside the family - this is a reason to think. Secondly, find out the reason for his addiction to the "green serpent". Perhaps these are problems at work or in the family, a spiritual emptiness that he is trying to fill with available means. Try to eliminate this cause. Pay more attention to your husband, fill your and his leisure time with some activity, make sure that he does not have not only time, but also the desire to go on a drinking binge. At the first stage of alcoholism, such measures can still help.

If your husband went on a drinking binge in the second stage alcoholism, such soft methods are unlikely to work. You will have to consult a doctor who will control the exit from the binge. At this stage, the person himself cannot cope with the problem, here your task will be to convince your husband that he has become addicted to alcohol and can get rid of it only with the help of an experienced narcologist.

During treatment, the support of family and friends is very important for a person. Alcoholism is considered a disease, and you take care of the sick, try to help him recover and sympathize with his condition. So support your husband, let him know that you care about his problems, that he is dear to you, that you care about his future. But this is possible only if a person has the strength of mind not to be afraid of the truth, to recognize himself as an alcoholic and voluntarily agree to treatment.

All narcologists agree that alcoholism treatment impossible without the consent of the patient. They also believe that the third stage of alcoholism is practically incurable. If things have gone so far that your husband has almost lost his human appearance, does not care about family and moral values, drinks away family money and things, it is almost impossible to change the situation. People who have reached this state are rarely able to recognize themselves as alcoholics and agree to treatment. In most cases, trying to get such a person out of binge is a waste of time and money. “Having tied up”, they hold on for several months, so that later they again go into a binge. The best way out in such a situation would be parting - you will save your nerves, strength and money. Otherwise, you run the risk of joining the army of early aged women who “laid their lives” on the fight against their husband’s binges and lost it.

The problem of alcoholism exists in large and small cities of Russia. An unstable economic situation, uncertainty about the future, stress, a huge number of temptations (especially in megacities) provoke a desire to relax in the original Russian way - with the help of alcohol. However, in megacities there are more opportunities to cope with this problem and, by contacting the clinic in time, with the support and advice of a specialist, withdrawal from drinking. Petersburg, for example, can provide a wide range of clinics with modern equipment and the latest developments in the field of narcology.

Alcoholization of the population of Russia has long become a national and state problem, but it is still being solved at the family level. Each case requires an individual approach, the development of a treatment complex, which will be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. But above all, this is an intra-family problem, which can only be solved together, admitting our mistakes and supporting each other. If both you and your husband value family happiness, you will definitely cope.