Is it possible to have curly hair. Why does hair curl. Curly hair care

Wild, naughty, ever-fluffy curls cause a lot of trouble. In the end, their owners lose their patience and take up the iron to do away with recalcitrant curls. Yes, you can fight curly hair - or you can love it, or at least treat it with respect. But first, figure out what you're doing wrong.

1. Cleanse your hair with sulfate shampoo

As part of shampoos, sulfates (aka SLS) do this: they form a thick foam and quickly cleanse the hair “to a squeak”, indiscriminately washing out everything that is needed and not needed - dust, styling products, dandruff, paint pigments, skin sebum, protective hydrolipid layer. In addition, sulfates lift the hair scales, causing them to lose their ability to retain moisture - a disaster for curls that naturally suffer from dryness and are prone to dehydration.

Shampoo Curl Definer, Londa Professional; shampoo Curls, Paul Mitchell; cleansing conditioner Curvaceous, Redken; mask Be Curly, Aveda.

If you use aggressive detergents regularly, overdried hair will turn into straw, from which it will be problematic to form elastic smooth curls. Not to mention, petroleum-derived SLS (especially ammonium lauryl sulfate and sodium lauryl sulfate) irritate the scalp and can cause itching and flaking. Today, many manufacturers have switched shampoos to a sulfate-free basis, not to mention the brands of natural cosmetics (including domestic ones), which successfully use natural detergent components, mainly coconut derivatives.

If you decide to switch to sulfate-free shampoos, get ready for the fact that they lather poorly (if not at all), wasteful and take some getting used to. Give your hair time to adjust and forgive the unusual behavior.

2. Use products containing silicones

Manufacturers like to add this component to shampoos, conditioners and styling products for curly hair. At first glance, it makes sense. “Silicones are synthetic fats that evenly envelop the hair shaft, smooth the scales, creating a thin glossy film on the surface,” explains Irina Cherepanova, chief stylist-technologist at Charm Distributors. “But it is worth remembering that silicones do not have a therapeutic effect, and the shine and silkiness of the hair is only a visible, short-lived effect.”

With frequent use, silicone oils and the most durable high polymer silicones form a protective film and accumulate in the hair. It is easy to detect silicones in the composition, their names have characteristic endings: -thiconol, -thicone, -cone -silane, -siloxane.

“Manufacturers add a large amount of film-forming silicones to most hair products, which cover the scalp and hair with an airtight shell,” warns trichologist, Eliokap Top Level brand expert Elena Dmitrieva. “Such a film tends to draw moisture from the deep layers of the skin and hair, and after a while they become dehydrated and need to be restored.” Aside from the extreme dryness and frizz that curly heads struggle with, there's another reason to retire silicones: they only wash out with sulfate shampoos, which should be avoided.

3. Dry your head with a terry towel

You will see: as soon as you replace the terry towel with a simple cotton fabric, your curls will begin a new life. A dense cotton fabric does not draw all the moisture out of the hair, while it perfectly absorbs water and does not provoke fluffiness. You can make a turban or, lowering your head down, properly blot wet strands, lifting them up and squeezing them lightly in your palms. This will help your hair form crisp curls.

Styling products: "Sea buckthorn gel for the formation of curls", Natura Siberica; comb detengler Tangle Teezer; curl highlighter Curls Twirl Around, Paul Mitchell; mousse "Curls and curls" Wellaflex, Wella.

4. Trying to dry-dry

Are you going to style already dried curly hair? Nothing will come of it. Curls can only be shaped if they are at least damp, and ideally even wet. Water is the ultimate humectant and styling agent, smoothing out flakes, fighting frizz and creating natural curls and waves. Your job is to seal in the moisture and keep the shape. Best of all, mousses, gels and creams for curly hair cope with this task. The main thing is that the styling product should not be too thick and heavy, so as not to “nail” the curls.

If your hair is coarse and you want to achieve the effect of elongated, less voluminous curls, use a cream. There are many styling methods: squeeze the hair in the palms, lifting it from the tips to the roots; while standing straight or with your head down; twist individual strands into bundles or wind them around your finger. In any case, the products are applied from top to bottom, you need to work only with wet hair and categorically do not touch them until they are at least 80% dry. Otherwise, all your efforts will go down the drain, and chic curls will turn into a dandelion.

5. Ignore Natural Oils

In vain. Natural oils are curly girls' best friends. With different penetrating power and weight, they find a wide variety of applications in the care of textured hair. “Oils penetrate the hair structure, providing comprehensive care, and due to their viscous consistency, they create protection on the surface of the hair,” says Irina Cherepanova. Oils are used instead of silicone serums to "seal" moisture, applying to freshly washed and still damp hair - at the ends or at the entire length. Jojoba oil is ideal for this purpose, it is the lightest. However, olive oil, argan oil, and avocado are also suitable. Advanced users make their own mix of different oils, experimenting with proportions.

The king of all oils is coconut oil. Moisturizes, nourishes, strengthens and restores the hair structure, works on the "five plus" as a restorative mask. Apply it to your hair an hour or two before washing, and you will not get enough of the smoothness and brightness of your curls. Only after the session, take the trouble to wash your hair thoroughly.

7. Neglecting protein masks

But curly hair needs not only deep hydration, but also protein nourishment, especially if it is colored and its ability to retain moisture is reduced. Look for silk, oat, wheat, soy, and keratin proteins in the masks. Or make your own mask using yogurt, eggs, honey and any oil. Apply masks no more than once a week: an overdose of proteins will make your hair stiff and brittle, and then you will have to moisturize them with double diligence.

8. Sleep with your hair down on a pillow with a cotton pillowcase

Gather your hair before going to bed in a high ponytail on top a la "pineapple" and change the cotton pillowcase to silk (silk does not have to be natural) or satin. The smooth surface and exotic hairstyle will reduce frizz and tangles by an order of magnitude, as well as make styling easier in the morning. It will be enough to sprinkle your hair with water and shape the curls with your hands.

Ladies with curls practically do not need curlers and curling irons. Unusual styling gave them nature itself. But it happens that the hair suddenly changes its structure, and for some unknown reason becomes straight. Why did my hair stop curling? What to do to restore the original appearance of the strands, and what means help maintain the beauty of the curls?

Curl Features

But, as surprising as it sounds, scientists still have not been able to explain why some people are born curly, while others are not. The most common explanation for the phenomenon is a genetic predisposition.

At the same time, under a microscope, the section of curly hair has an oval, slightly flattened section, as well as a hair follicle bent in shape and dry scales. That is why wavy hair absorbs moisture worse, loses it faster and is the most capricious in care, requiring more attention from its owners.

Each hair is 90% composed of a special keratin protein. The principle of permanent waving is based on changing the bonds within the protein, which is why the hair changes its structure. According to the strength of the impact, perm is considered the most aggressive and spoils the hair more. Therefore, curling hair is more harmful than straightening it for a while.

Why hair changes

It happens that the hair begins to curl unexpectedly, even for those who have always worn a straight hairstyle (see). Why the hair suddenly began to curl or, on the contrary, lost its curly perky look.

There may be several explanations:

  1. Climate change. Warm air along with high humidity often cause curls to become wavy or straighten.
  2. Ration. Deficiency of individual trace elements, or their excess, change the composition of keratin. To establish an accurate picture, it is better to keep a food diary and consult a doctor with it.
  3. Hormonal changes in the body. Pregnancy, puberty, menopause, can lead to changes in the structure of the hair up to the most dramatic: from curly they can become straight, or vice versa.
  4. Taking certain medications.
  5. It happens that the reason why the hair began to curl (or they suddenly lost curlyness) is age-related change: over the years, the strands become thinner, turn gray, irreversibly changing the structure.

You should know it! Remember that frequent dyeing makes the hair shaft heavier: coloring pigments penetrate it quite deeply and under their “load” it gradually straightens.

Wavy styling secrets

How to make hair curl, to ensure that the waves lie beautifully longer? Modern care products, as well as the tricks of a stylist, will help your strands look not only attractively wavy, but also heal the follicles from the inside.

The following tricks will help you curl beautiful curls:

  1. You should wash your hair with special shampoos for hair straightening: they do not weigh down the strands, and also moisturize them additionally.
  2. , which lifts the roots, gives them volume, and also slightly twists the strands.
  3. On the eve, you can contact the stylist to slightly profile the curls: this removes excess weight, lightens the volume, it becomes easier to curl the curls.
  4. Sometimes such a trick helps: the night before, braids are braided, and in the morning they bloom and moisten with gel or foam, only slightly combing with fingers or a comb with sparse teeth. This hairstyle gives a fashionable slightly casual look.

Fashion advice! You can dry your head by taking the hair in the palm of your hand, and then squeezing it slightly. The effect will be enhanced if a little gel with a strong or medium fixation is applied to the strands. And one more trick - if you press small and rare strands in your fist, then the curls turn out smaller. If you immediately capture large ones, the curls will come out wavy.

Fans of hairstyles based on curly hair cannot do without special styling products, which can vary significantly in cost and characteristics. What brands are most popular today and what effect can be expected from them:

  1. Revlon Masters Curly. Sculptural curl activator - as marketers present it. It should be applied to dried strands, comb for even distribution, lay curls. This is a medium hold product that does not stick the hair together.
  2. Di Ricchioli. Professional gel for hair styling, holding curls during the working day. Apply it, rubbing it in the palms, and then spend it on the curls. The last step is to shape the curls and dry the strands with a hair dryer at high temperature.
  3. Davines Love Curl. Special conditioner enriched with micronutrients. Manufacturers assure that the product makes the hair more voluminous, the hair more elastic and more obedient.
  4. Estel Air Hair Design. This professional hair styling gel sculpts curls and lets you style them however you like. Applying it is very simple: just lubricate the curls, and after 5 minutes start styling.
  5. Zimberland Style Kerliner. The cream creates curls with a diffuser, and is applied exclusively to wet hair. A big plus is the formation of a protective film that retains moisture and prevents the curls from drying out.

You can figure out which tool works best through trial and error. But an experienced stylist who knows the structure of his client's hair will always explain the reason why the hair has stopped curling, and will give practical advice on choosing a quality product.

Affordable Beauty Recipes

If curly hair suddenly stopped curling, and this discovery was not very joyful, it is worth starting home SPA procedures using phytomasks. Some plants act on the keratin sheath of the hair, strengthening it, and this contributes to the preservation of curls.

Among the most popular medicinal plants:

  1. Coltsfoot.
  2. St. John's wort.
  3. (only brewed very weakly).
  4. Pomegranate skin.
  5. Plantain.

Using the plants is very simple: just take 3 tablespoons of dry herbal powder (or crushed pomegranate peels), pour boiling water over it, let it brew for 30 minutes. After the broth is filtered, the strands are rubbed with it, trying to carefully process each one individually from roots to ends.

After 30-40 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water. The recommended course of procedures is 1-2 per week. According to the reviews of all those who take care of themselves with the help of these procedures, the hair curls pleasantly, and at the same time, natural strength, elasticity, and shine return to them.

Since the oak bark also has a slight coloring effect, you should be prepared for the fact that the hair will darken by half a tone. However, for brown-haired women and brunettes, the shade will add additional charm.


It is clear that changing the natural structure of the hair is quite difficult, and it is not so necessary. It is much more important to take care of your curls, make sure that the diet is varied, and the body does not suffer from nutritional deficiencies. With proper care, the curls will certainly thank you with a beautiful shine and become more pliable for daily care. Be it curls or straightening.

MOSCOW, October 8 - RIA Novosti, Olga Kolentsova."If the hair is straight, it must be curled, if it is curly, straighten it," men joke about women. And women, as usual, strive for the "ideal" opposite to their nature. So why do some people have curly hair and others don't?

The properties of curly and straight strands are determined by the individual structural features of the proteins that make up the hair. The structure of proteins is initially regulated by genes. Hair growth is the process of generating new cells. This process occurs in the hair papilla, in which there are capillaries that go to the hair follicle. Cell division occurs in the hair papilla. One of the factors that determine the properties of growing hair is the nature of the relative position of the cells formed during division. In the case of a linear and uniform arrangement of the latter, the growing hair has a straight structure. When the cells are formed from different sides in different numbers, the growing hair becomes curved.

The hair papilla is located in the follicle, which may not be located strictly vertically relative to the surface of the skin, but at an angle. The follicle of a straight hair is located perpendicularly, while in a wavy one it has a slight slope.

The hair itself is almost entirely composed of the protein keratin. Keratin contains chains of amino acids, some of which contain sulfur atoms. When sulfur-containing compounds, when twisting the chains of amino acids, are nearby, a strong chemical bond, called a disulfide bond, arises between the sulfur atoms. It does not depend on the presence of moisture in the surrounding air.

Amino acids also contain hydrogen atoms. Between the latter and atoms with the opposite charge (for example, nitrogen or carbon), weak bonds appear, called hydrogen bonds. These bonds are 10-20 times weaker than disulfide (and generally covalent), but their number is greater. Hydrogen bonds are broken when exposed to water or its vapors and are restored when dry, fixing the hair in the position in which it dried. This principle underlies the creation of curls with curlers.

Mathematicians have created the first 3D model that describes curly hairScientists have created a three-dimensional computer model that allows you to calculate the behavior of the curly hair of animated characters, as well as long tubes and cables.

The shape of the hair also depends on ionic bonds. They are formed between oppositely charged atoms in amino acid chains. These bonds are stronger than hydrogen bonds, but much weaker than disulfide bonds. Ionic bonds are susceptible to destruction when exposed to various alkalis or acids, which are sometimes included in cosmetic products designed to change the shape of hair (for example, perms).

The protein is a helix, in which the degree of proximity between the turns and their relative position can change. Imagine a strip of paper that has been twisted and wrapped around a pen, and then removed from it and stretched, giving the sheet the shape of a spiral. The paper can be pulled out by making the spiral less dense. The keratin protein behaves in approximately the same way, it can twist more strongly and unclench the coils. It is possible to change the mutual arrangement of the spiral turns relative to each other and fasten them together in a new arrangement with bonds of different strength, described above.

"Due to the effect of heat, the source of which can be forceps or irons, the atoms that make up the chains of amino acids begin to oscillate around the equilibrium position. The bonds between the adjacent turns of the spiral are broken, and the shape of the spiral can be changed. At the moment of cooling, bonds are formed between the atoms of the adjacent spirals, so when the curling iron stops, the shape of the hair is fixed. Depending on the temperature, changes in different bonds occur, so the hotter the iron, the more radically you can change the shape of the hair ", - explains Alexei Umryukhin, MD, head of the Department of Normal Physiology of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov.

However, do not forget that high temperature and strong chemicals can destroy disulfide and other covalent bonds that are important for maintaining the structure and integrity of the hair. Thus, you can cause significant damage to their strength and health.

Each person has their own, individual characteristics of hair. Someone boasts lush curly hair, while others have hair that grows perfectly smooth. Where does this individuality of the hair structure come from, and what makes them different? Scientists have long conducted research in this direction, and are ready to answer this and other questions related to the hair on the head and body of a person. It turns out that the whole thing lies in the cross section of the hair.

It depends on the cross section whether the hair is straight or curly. Features of this nuance should be considered separately.

Cross section of the hair and its features

Each person's hair has an individual structure, but in general they have a similar structure. The hair grows from the bulb, it can have different lengths, but its body has a round or oval section in any case. If you make a cross section and examine the hair under magnification, you can see that its shape varies, and it is unique for each person. Hair can be perfectly round, slightly or completely oval, have other specific features.

As a rule, Asians and Middle Easterners have perfectly round hair in cross section. They are rigid, perfect evenness, do not need straightening. Their color is predominantly black, and sometimes there are reddish or dark brown hair with such a section. In representatives of the Negroid race, the hair in the section is the most flattened. This hair is also usually black, but at the same time it is extremely curly, and it can be extremely difficult to straighten it for a long time. Small, tight curls - this is precisely what the flattened elongated section of the hair provides.

Features of hair in Europe and Russia

Europeans and Russians usually do not have extreme indicators. Here it is difficult to find both a perfectly round and maximally flattened hair section. The indicators are average, the shape is predominantly oval, expressed to a greater or lesser extent. The more flattened the hair, the more prone it is to curl. Many Russians and Europeans have slightly curly hair, creating large lush curls. This is provided just by the average shape of the cross section of the hair.

Interesting fact: it is in the European and Russian territories that the largest number of hair color variations is observed. The shade of slightly flattened hair in cross section can be from dark blond to almost white.

It is also worth noting that one interesting feature is characteristic of Europeans and Russians: hair can curl in childhood, and then straighten for natural reasons. Hair in children may be more flattened in section than in adults. Asians and Africans do not have this feature.

Hair follicles, heredity and curls

Hair follicles are also largely responsible for the features of the hair. There are follicles that are bent in shape, the hair from which, in any case, grows bent. Straight follicles grow straight hair. It is also worth noting that the tendency to form curls or straight hair growth can also be traced at the genetic level. Curls is a dominant gene that can be traced most often in the firstborn. But there are other factors that determine the shape and type of hair. They are also worth keeping in mind.

Other Factors Responsible for Hair Type and Tendency

The condition of the hair in many ways signals the state of health, this is especially true for women. After exposure to certain chemicals, as well as certain diseases, frizzy hair can become straightened. It is also worth noting that there are cosmetic procedures that provide hair straightening or curling. But they should not be abused - both short-term and long-term solutions of this kind can have a side effect, ruin the hair, and lead to hair loss.

Features of straight and curly hair

According to many people, curly hair is especially beautiful. But at the same time, they are also more fragile and require delicate care. Curly hair is thin and sensitive, it is recommended to wash it with warm water, select the appropriate shampoos and masks, oils for care. Fortunately, on sale you can find a lot of tools to maintain a beautiful hairstyle. Drying such hair with a hairdryer is not recommended.

Naturally straight hair is more resilient and easier to maintain. They can split, but you can trim the ends periodically to ensure they are in perfect condition. Medium type hair, most common among Russians and Europeans, also requires moderate care.

Thus, the hair is curly or straight due to the cross section. The closer it is to the correct circle, the straighter the hair. Root bulbs, genetics and human health also play a role.

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Any girl wants to have luxurious and shining hair, an elegant and well-groomed hairstyle. However, it is extremely difficult to achieve the desired effect. To give hair more splendor and expressiveness, girls resort to a variety of specialized tools and procedures. This article describes the main reasons why hair is curly.


Some girls are trying to find out why they need to straighten them, others - to curl their curls even more or give them a beautiful shape. The appearance of the hair directly depends on its structure. The main reason for lush and curly curls is the unusual position of the hair follicle: it is not located straight, but with a bend. Thus, regrown hair repeats the shape of the bulb.

The shape of curls is transmitted at the genetic level, so it is impossible to eliminate the problem of curly hair once and for all. The use of numerous masks, balms and other means will help to achieve only a short-term effect of even curls.

Over time, hair can go from straight to curly. This happens for the following reasons:

  1. Lack of keratin in hair. This is the building material of curls, its lack leads to a change in the structure and brittleness of the hair. In order to avoid this, you should use keratin serums, masks, do keratin straightening every six months.
  2. The structure of the hair is severely damaged by means of heat treatment. Popular curling irons, irons and other devices greatly harm curls. Damaged hair looks dull, frizzy and unnaturally frizzy.
  3. Hormonal disorders of the body. The structure of the hair follicle can be changed due to thyroid disease, after childbirth.
  4. Stress.

Curly hair care products

If you are the owner of curls, you should choose special products for the care of curls that will moisturize them and nourish the roots.

Medium curly hair should be washed with a shampoo that contains aloe extract and coconut oil. Jojoba oil is also very useful for curls. Try to choose a shampoo that can prevent static hair, but at the same time give them volume.

Balms and masks for curly curls are best used with special serums. They make the effect of radiance and volume longer. Serums are great for hair care. You need to apply them 1-2 times a week. The use of balms and masks will help soften the effect of shampoo.

Curly hair should be dyed exclusively with ammonia-free paint, because ammonia is very harmful to curls and makes them dry, and curly curls should never be overdried.

If your hair is curly, you need to wash and dry it in a special way:

  1. Use only soft water.
  2. You can not keep wet hair in a towel for a long time.
  3. Do not dry your curls with a towel and, if possible, let them dry naturally.

Salon straightening treatments and homemade masks

If your hair is frizzy and uncomfortable, or you want to change your look, you can straighten it for quite a long time with the help of salon procedures. The most effective method is keratin straightening of the hair structure. Even the most curly curls can be weighted and leveled. The procedure is absolutely safe and is aimed at hair care and nutrition. The effect lasts up to two months, depending on the length.

Another salon procedure is the Brazilian straightening. It uses keratin and natural oils. To fix the procedure, the hair is straightened with an iron. This is not entirely useful for curls, but it helps to achieve an amazing effect.

At home, you can prepare masks that will straighten curly hair (the photos of the end result are simply amazing). The effect of straight strands will last until the next shampooing, so if you need only a long-term effect, you should contact a beauty salon.

  • The gelatin mask will make the hair heavier and smooth it as much as possible. Dilute five tablespoons of gelatin in water, add any balm and mix until a pulp. Apply to hair and stay like this for one hour.
  • Egg mask with peach oil. For cooking, you need to mix two eggs and five to seven drops of oil into a homogeneous mass. Apply to hair and wash off after 30 minutes or one hour, depending on how tight the curls are.


Curly hair has its own characteristics, so slightly sloppy loose hair or a neat tail are perfect for owners of medium and long curls. Now the most common pigtail is very relevant. With curly hair, she looks pretty cute and attractive.

If you want to give a special shape to your hair, you should use foams or styling powders, they will make the curls more manageable.

Short curly hair. What to do with them?

For owners of short curls, a neat bob is suitable. It should be noted that you need to visit the master once every two or three weeks, because curly curls begin to grow, and the shape of the hairstyle changes dramatically. Protect your hair from environmental influences: apply mousses and balms daily. Try to straighten or blow-dry short curls as little as possible.

If you want to remove curls from your face, you can make a lush bun and decorate it with various hairpins and elastic bands.

Laying methods

Beautiful styling is impossible without a good haircut. In order to facilitate the everyday process, use a multi-level haircut.

For a beautiful effect of smooth waves on the hair, slightly straighten it with an iron and use hairspray to fix the hairstyle.