Is it possible to straighten curly hair forever. How to straighten your hair without rectifier and hair dryer at home using special means. It is possible to straighten for a long time forever

In a famous joke about female logic, which says "If the hair is directly direct - wind, if curly - straighten!" There is a considerable share of truth. About how to straighten your hair without ice, we will tell you in this article!

How not to properly straighten your hair?

  • Iron

Why many girls refuse to use the iron? The reason is simple and sad: The thermal exposure is very detrimental effect on the hair. The permanent use of them will lead to the fact that the hair will lose their attractive appearance, will be sequential, brittle and lifeless. That is why many wonder how to align her hair without an iron or flock.

  • Fen + comb

In addition to ironing, some ladies prefer to use a hairdryer and brush. There are also several tricks. For example, a comb shall be chosen based on the length of the hair: than they are longer, the more the brush diameter should be. Secondly, not every hairdryer can perfectly straighten the hair. Most likely, if the device has no special functions and nozzles, the result will disappoint you.

In addition, despite the fact that this method affects the hair with a smaller intensity, after all, the negative effect is clearly available. This is due to the temperature effect of hot air from the hair dryer. Only a few girls enjoy the function of the hair dryer with a cold air flow, it turns out to dry the hair much longer.

  • Chemical rectification procedure

In pursuit of the achievement of hair straightening for a long time, many crispy launches are asked to the salon for chemical rectification. Yes, most likely they will achieve their own: their hair will look straight month or even two. But even experts do not recommend using this method, because it "in the root" changes the structure of the hair and exposes the danger every follicle. Hard chemical reagents have not brought health yet any hair!

How to straighten your hair at home?

Immediately it is worth warming that hair straightening for a long time at home is almost impossible. However, if you enjoy the following advice regularly, the problem of curly hair can leave you to the nearest head wash.

Still, how to straighten your hair without a hair dryer and ironing? We will offer you several ways for this. You can try them all and dwell on what you like most.

  1. Cosmetics and masks for hair straightening

These include creams, serums, oils, masks and sprays. Usually these products contain components, weighting hair: chemical additives, oils and even harmful silicone. But most often the effect of their use is much exaggerated. You will undoubtedly be easier to cope with hair, if they were naughty, and there will be a smaller time to straighten them.

Each of the products has its own characteristics and should be considered individually, we will focus on straightening at home.

  1. Rinsing

If, after each wash, the heads, water the hair with scales or infused, can be achieved not fundamental, but still a valuable straightening.

A daisy, burdock, oak bark, etc. are recommended as herbs, and others. Prepare such a decoction in advance: 1-2 tables. Supplements of grass or a mixture of herbs pour boiling water and leave it and cool. Straighten the decoction and pour them hair after washing, without flushing with water.

  1. Tea with sugar

Are you surprised that such a publicly available means can straighten her hair? And this is true! Make a strong tea with a half CHORE. Sugar Supply, slip your hair. Do not add sugars to more, it can glue curls.

  1. Colorless hen.

Yes, yes, such also exists. Henna contributes to thickening, and, consequently, the weighting of the hair. Therefore, they become straight.

There are opposite opinions about the benefits and harm of Henna, but only you decide on the use of this hair straightening.

  1. Hair straightening masks at home

This topic is so extensive that it perfectly deserves a whole section of this article!

Homemade hair straightening masks

Typically, their composition is based on oils that not only fill the hair together with the smallest scales, but also take it, thereby straightening. But, unfortunately, the large amounts of oils in the mask will not be too pleased with the owners of hair prone to fat. So we tried to take into account all the types of hair so that you can choose something suitable for yourself.

  • Mixtures of oils \u003d power for dry hair!

We wash off mask 40 minutes with lots of shampoo. It will help to wash off the mask of the lemon juice: 0.5 liters of non-rig water + a few drops of lemon juice.

  • Olive oil will be useful not only for salad!

The cooking method is similar to the previous mask with one condition: keeping your head under the influence of oil should not be 40 minutes, but all night, then the effect will be striking!

  • Vinegar for fat and curly hair

Moifling in an apple vinegar Cotton disk, it is necessary to get into their hair along the entire length (perhaps you will need a decent number of disks, they can also be replaced with a simple handkerchief, it will be possible even faster).

This recipe can be complicated: add to vinegar oil in proportion 1: 2. As an oil, you can use olive, ray, almond and even peach. Each of the oils has unique properties and struggles with various problems, but this is a completely different topic.

This mixture should be poured with a small amount of warm water, mix well and distribute over the entire length of the hair, leaving for 40 minutes. The greenhouse effect created by a bathing cap and a towel will have to be very useful. Ringing a mask best of all gentle shampoo.

  • Hair straightening at home gelatin

The mask with gelatin is even compared with lamination of hair in the salons. But we will provide you with yourself to make an impression of this method.

Recipe: 2 tables. Supplements of gelatin pour 6 tables. Supplements of warm water, leave 10-15 minutes before swelling (if there is an opportunity to leave a mixture for hours-two, it won't hurt!). We add to the swollen gelatin tablespoon of your beloved cosmetic hair (mask or balm). Thoroughly lubricate the mixture all strands, avoiding the roots of a centimeter for 4. If you apply the composition on the roots, it will be very problematic to wash them.

Almost final step: insulation with polyethylene and towel.

With the mask we go for an hour wash it with good warm water. We observe the effect.

Making such a hair mask at least once a week, you will stop thinking about how to straighten your hair for a long time, because they will look like shiny, straight and luxurious.

If you want to straighten your hair for 3-6 weeks, make it. This procedure can be done even at home.

  • Hair straightening mask at home with milk and honey

This recipe contributes not only to straighten the hair, but also their moisturizing and nutrition.

Milk and honey are mixed in different proportions, you can add half a banana to the mixture or one strawberry berry.

The mask is applied along the entire length of the hair for an hour and is washed off with running water.

As you can see, it's not such a complex process and if you hold it regularly, you can forget how to use the iron. But it should be said that none means for straightening hair without irrigation can change the structure of the hair forever, making it straight.

We hope, after reading this article, you will stop looking for answers to the question of how to straighten your hair without rectifier. If you are overgrown "Curry" in the past, and you have an effective method, which was not indicated in the text, please leave comments below.

Perhaps your advice on how to make hair straight at home, will like to taste someone from our readers!

Remember: You are beautiful!

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There is such a unwashed rule for all girls: long hair cut, short-ribbon, straight-shut, and curly-straighten. It is, on how to straighten our face to straighten our hair.

Each girl wants to look good. Crispy or naughty hair need to lay and pull out with special irons. But we all well know that the hair straightening is very destructive for hair, as under the action of high temperatures, and this is at least 200 degrees Celsius, the structure of the hair is destroyed and after systematic use of thermal bad, their kind becomes, to put it mildly, not very .

And many girls who care about beauty are wondering how to straighten their hair with minimal harm to their health, but at the same time visiting, as they say, on the head order.

1. First method of straightening hair without iron, but with a hair dryer. So,

You will need: hairdryer, round ottoman, hair clip.

- Thoroughly wash your hair and blocked a little with a towel;

- Then it is necessary to lubricate the hair with a special oil or another thermal protection agent, which will protect the hair from high temperatures;

- Collect the hair on the back of the head and secure them with a clip, leaving a few strands on the temples and the back of the head;

- From these strands, start drying-straightening. For the slightest harm it is necessary to use a hairdryer in cold air mode. With the help of a round calcination, capture the hair strand and press it with a thin nozzle for the hair dryer;

- Now slowly lead down the discovery with the included hairdryer to the tips of the hair. Remember, it is necessary to ensure that the air from the hair dryer is strictly for hair growth, and not against growth;

Such a procedure should be done with all the strands. Carefully deliver to strands from the collected beam. From the nape gradually go to the temples, and from the crown - to the forehead. The ideal effect of straight smooth hair can be achieved when you start drying your hair from the lower curls and only then the upper. If you have very curly hair, then every strand needs to be lacquered.

This is a very good way to straighten your hair without glating with minimal damage.

If you still want to straighten your hair without heat treatment, not to use a hairdryer, neither iron, then it will be a little more difficult, but also possible.

2. The second method - hair products with a straightening effect, weighting.

To do this, you need to acquire any means for hair with the effect of rigging. Since under the action of mass, the hair becomes harder and, it is clear that they start becoming more straight. It can be various masks, balsams, oils, etc., now such cosmetics is a huge set.

There are also special means for instant hair straightening, you just apply it on your hair and calculate them up to dry. But keep in mind that this method is short-lived, since such heavy cosmetics for hair need to wash off the most day.

3. Third way - folk. Apple vinegar.

Clean dry or slightly wet hair divide into thin strands. Each strand is blocked with a cotton swab dipped into an apple vinegar.

4. Fourth Velcro Big Motion.

For this method, you can use a hairdryer to accelerate the effect, and can not be used. From the nape, start separating small strands of the hair and wind them on the curlers. You can dry them with a hairdryer in order to speed up the process if necessary.

If you do not want to use a hairdryer, then the flushed hair needs to turn the time when they become almost dry and hold their hour or two. Do not sleep on the bigwood for straightening, otherwise you will not get the desired effect. Additionally, before turning hair, you can lubricate them with a straightening agent.

5. Fifth way-use of oils.

This method will suit girls with not very curly hair and it does not give the instantaneous effect of straight hair. The essence of this method is that it is necessary to systematically lubricate the tips and the length of the hair (but not roots) with various natural oils (olive, castor, etc.) is suitable. Such a mask must be held at least an hour, wrapped the hair with a film for more effect.

Under the action of permanent nutrition with oils, the hair is filled with the useful substances and become more filled with hard and smooth. This method does not hurt, but on the contrary, give your hair strength.

6. The sixth way is a coconut milk mask.

You will need:

- 1 cup of coconut milk

- 3 tbsp. olive oil

- 3 tbsp. Corn Starch.

- 3 tbsp. Lemon juice

- Shampoo

- air conditioning

- Brush and calcination.

First mix coconut Milk and olive oil, mix separately corn starch and lemon juice. Stir everything up to homogeneity ... Exclude lemon juice if you have painted hair, as it contains acids that can damage color. Connect all the ingredients in the metal dishes, put on the middle fire and warm to the mask thickening. Let cool. Then using a hair brush, distribute the mask along the entire length, cover the shower with a hat and hold at least 15 minutes. Then wash the mask with warm water with shampoo and lubricate with air conditioning.

Ideally smoothly smooth strands are a gift of nature, but it is possible to achieve such an effect on your own. Today there are many ways to straighten up not to injure them with high temperatures. Some have a unforgettable effect, others can harm the curl structure. Consider them in more detail.

Straight hair turning into the cheek

Principle of hair straightening procedure without irrigation at home

Stretching curls and curls is not easy. In the structure of the hair, there are differences, depending on its type. Straight strands grow out of bulbs located at right angles to the skin of the head and have a round cross section. Crispy shift sideways and create a natural bend, which is reflected in oval sections.

In order to straighten hair at home, chemical, thermal and more natural methods are applied. The simplest is the iron.

Girl with gift and chic strands

It is used on wet and dried curls before applying the stacked agent. Fastening the result at high temperature saves the effect until the next head washing.

Fools for quick straightening of curls without harm

In addition, you can straighten your hair with such means:

  • chemical compositions of different fortresses;
  • modified natural amino acids (biochemistry);
  • keratin;
  • natural oils;
  • stacking sprays;
  • smoothing homemade masks.

Separately, it is worth highlighting stylers and brothers that are suitable for small length curls.

Chemical and biochemical procedures give a long-term result, but it actually act on the structure of the hair.

Curling performed using styler

It is better to give preference to natural facilities that are easy to use at home.

Keratin straightening: smoothing curls

For a long time, straighten curly hair using keratin processing. The advantage of this method is its relative naturalness and strengthening strands. Hair contains keratin in its structure, thanks to which they look shiny and healthy.

A qualitatively procedure can be performed only in the cabin. The effect after it lasts about six months. The houses are used adapted mixtures. They do not unhappy strands and gently pull them out, smoothing the curls of any type.

Straightening Locks With Ironing

To wash them without ironing with a keratin mixture, it is necessary to wash them and paint them in advance (if necessary), taking into account the further change of the shade to one tone.

  1. Seeing your hair and disperse them.
  2. Divide the keratin mixture and fill in the spray gun.
  3. Divide the curls into small strands and process alternately each of them prepared.
  4. Clean the small ridge and leave to stick up for 10 minutes.
  5. With the help of comb and hair dryer, dry the hair, pulling them out and smoothing.
Creating hairstyle hairdryer and calculation

Three days is forbidden to use a hairdryer, catching and wet head. To prevent keratin flushing, use there are no-favorable shampoos and bare paint.

Spray for care and nutrient oils

Perform a keratin hair straightening for a long time at home cheaper than in the cabin, but still a mixture is worth a lot. An alternative is the use of one-time cosmetics. They are suitable for eliminating small curves and reduce the intensity of their manifestation. It is necessary to use them after washing the head and after carefully combed each curl.

Smooth hair and tips without a hair dryer and ironing

Such cosmetics include:

Hair cosmetics
  • Masks and creams. They are applied evenly along the entire length and fusify wet curls. Before drying, it is necessary to smooth up their brush under the hair dryer.
  • Sprays. These are chemical active formulations, often with silicone content. The principle of operation consists in exposure to the structure of the hair and its weighting. Apply on wet or dry strands if you need to achieve a quick effect. With frequent use, they destroy them, result in fragility and dullness.
  • Serum. In combination with nutritional components penetrate into the deep layers of the structure. Serum is applied after washing the head and is not washed away. You can use a natural dryer without a hair dryer.
Normal Iron will not make your hair smooth
  • Oil. Natural tool, applied for dry hair. Due to the fatty texture, only the tips are applied. When used along the entire length leads to rapid contamination of strands. It is better to prepare light oil solutions.

Any means for straightening hair without ironing such a plan is recommended to be used no more than 2 times a week. With daily applying, the hairstyle will become neakkurat and confused due to damage to the curls.

Recipes of homely smoothing masks for wet hair

If you need to slightly straighten curly hair to remove the confusion and extra volume, it is better to use homemade masks recipes.

Tools and means for giving your hairstyle

They allow you to solve the problem for a short time, and with regular use, the hair is heated outside and from the inside, their peaks of their bulbs.

To straighten the curls use such compounds:

  • Gelatin. This is the standard method of gelatin. The food gelatin is soaked in water and the finished mass is mixed with the smoothing balsam for hair. Apply this porridge along the entire length. With the exception of 2 cm from the roots. After an hour, gelatin wash off.
  • Oil. Add a ray and olive oil into a standard yolk mask. Hold the mixture on the head at least half an hour, and then rinse the strands. The noticeable effect will be achieved after 3-4 procedures. Periodicity is 4 - 5 days.
  • Vinegar. Diluted in water 1 - 2 tbsp. Apple vinegar and cultivating the washed hair from the spray gun. After drying, they acquire obedience and natural shine.

It is important not to cut the naughty hair, otherwise they are even more descended. Periodically make pauses and spend nutritious courses, moisturize and vitaminize the scalp.

Using a hair dryer and brush

If you need to quickly straighten your hair without an iron, this uses a typical hairdryer and comb. The brush designed for this has a lot of teeth.

The optimal version is Brash (Brasher) or a round brush with a pile. The hairdryer should have warm air regime so as not to cut strands.

Before starting work, apply spray-thermal protection on the washed curls. It will create a protective film and will fight them from overheating. The distance from the brush to the hair dryer is reduced to a minimum. You can use cold blood.

To align the hair of medium length divide them into separate strands: temporal, frontal, dark and occipital. Treat each separately, aligning from the tips to the roots, and then along the entire length.

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Spinning brush in a certain direction can be created shape hairstyles and add volume. For perfectly smooth hairstyle, carefully pull out each strand and spend parallel to her with a hairdryer. Air flow should be directed, so use a special nozzle.

For a long-term effect, it is better to use keratin mixtures, but for home updating the image of enough and homemade masks. If the hair is quite obedient and not very long, you can do with a hairdryer.

Not in vain say that it is impossible to understand the female soul! If one half-morning girl spends on, the second is doing everything possible in order to get rid of the bunned curls! Do you also dream of straight hair? We will tell how to straighten your hair at home, and make your dream.

Iron for leveling Kudrey

For the climbing chamisers, the iron-rectifier is simply indispensable. However, it should be remembered that the frequent use of this device is fraught with a number of negative consequences. Make breaks and do not ignore the means with thermal protection. If the hair is without that very brittle and dry, select a more suitable alternative.

  1. Be sure to my head with shampoo, because fat, dirt and remnants of stamping facilities hardened from high temperatures will spoil you all the beauty.
  2. We apply to heat protection strands.
  3. By drying them with a hairdryer or let dry naturally. Do not use the iron on wet hair, it can harm them.
  4. We divide the hair on thin strands - than they are thinner, the better the effect.
  5. We have a iron from the roots and quick movement spend it down. Do not delay the device on the hair - you risk burn them.
  6. If the hair is fired strongly, sprinkle them with a small amount of varnish.

If avoiding damage still failed, cut into the hairdresser burned strands and spend active therapy in the form of regenerating balms and masks.

Biguchi Velcro - the best rectifier

How to straighten your hair without glating? You will be helped by the Velcro billwords. Apply them according to such a scheme:

Step 1. My head is a high-quality straightening shampoo with a moisturizing effect for straight hair. It gives chapelur smoothness and shine.

Step 2. We use the balsam from the same series.

Step 3. Let's give strands a little.

Step 4. Lubricate them to a mousse to give volume.

Step 5. Lower down the head, comb your hair with a wooden scallop and a tricky professional hairdryer, which will save the tips from the section and ensure efficient, but gentle hair straightening. You should send a jet of air from top to bottom - scales will close, and the strands will become silky and smooth to the touch.

Step 6. We divide the entire lap on thin strands and screw each of them on the curlers.

Step 7. Again, dry your head with a hairdryer and keep hair curiors for about an hour.

Step 8. Gently remove the velcro and fix the laying of varnish, tilting the head again in order to keep the volume of the roots.

As a result of all these manipulations, hair becomes smooth and smooth, and the absence of styllers makes the laying more natural.

Align the curls hot hairdryer

For perfectly smooth hair, it is not necessary to have a lot of fixtures with you. A fairly simple hair dryer, with which you will achieve a good effect.

  1. My head with shampoo.
  2. Excess water remove a towel.
  3. We apply on strands of serum with thermal protection and straightening balsam. Pay special attention to the tips.
  4. We divide the mechanical mechanism from one ear to another. The upper part is fixing the clamp.
  5. We divide the lower part on a strand of 2.5-3 cm wide.
  6. Armed with a small brush, drier on a hot hairdryer every strand, directing the nozzle from above. Do not delay the hairdryer on the hair, the speed of movements should be big.
  7. Drying the bottom, go to the top and repeat the entire procedure in the same order.
  8. We process strands with glitter on silicone basis. It will increase their softness and smoothness.

Folk cosmetology for smooth strands

Hair straightening at home can not do without a variety of home remedies. Before you is the most effective list:

  • Olive or ray oil - weights strands and helps to achieve perfect smoothness. Apply any of these oils for an hour, insteading the head with a cellophane film. At the end of this period, wash your head with a good shampoo. Use the tool three times a week - the result will be obvious.

See also: That every girl knows.

  • . We divorce it with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, we apply to wet strands and withstand exactly an hour. We wash off the hu by running water. It is difficult to make it enough, but a balm or air conditioner will significantly speed up this process. Combine wet strands of the ridge, removing the residues of the henna, and rinse them again.
  • Mask from natural ingredients. We mix the same amount of apple juice, water, vodka and apple vinegar. We apply a mask to the wet chapel smoothly for 20 minutes. Then we rinse the head of cool water.
  • Dark beer - it not only saves the curls for a long time, but also allows you to straighten them. First you need to wash your head with shampoo and squeeze an extra moisture towel. Then we wet the kitchen sponge (clean!) In beer and we go through each strand. Combing your hair at the end of the entire procedure and give the shape with a hair dryer.
  • Strong brewing black tea + sugar. Pour a glass of boiling water 1 teaspoon of black tea, add as much sugar and cover the capacitance with a lid. We are waiting until the tea is brewed, and we apply it to a wet and clean chapel. His head with a hairdryer, pulling the strands down.
  • Vinegar - perfectly smoothed wavy hair, prone to fatty. To do this, they only need to rinse a mixture of vinegar and warm water (8 tablespoons on 4 liters of water).

Gelatinian straightening of curly hair

Do not know how to straighten your hair without a rectifier? Take advantage of the food gentle and spend the lamination of strands in the conditions of the house. This substance has a beneficial effect on the health of the chapels, we make it shiny and silky.

  1. We dissolve gelatin (3 tablespoons) in hot water (1 cup). Stir it to the complete disappearance of lumps.
  2. My head with shampoo and air conditioning.
  3. We add a small amount of balm and our mask from gelatin. So it will be easier to wash off.
  4. We apply gelatin on wet strands, departing several centimeters from the roots.
  5. Warm polyethylene and towel.
  6. We will wait 45 minutes and wash off the cooler water.

Cosmetics for perfectly smooth hair

How to straighten your hair without rectifier? Take advantage of professional hair cosmetics. Sprays, creams, mousses, waxes and varnishes are able to align strands for a long time. However, the strands after them become dirty enough quickly - this is the main minus of cosmetics. Pay special attention to the fact that your hair is painted or not, because the reaction from paint and styling agents may not be very desirable.

Taking into account the fact that the head now will have to wash much more often, and in the case of creams - in general every day. Otherwise, the hair will stick around, and you will see the real span.

Of course, you will not be able to make rid of wavy hair forever, because constantly the rustic root part will still remain curly and lush. But with the help of our advice you will be able to significantly reduce the curly.

It is sometimes difficult to understand the desire of the beautiful sex representatives periodically to change something in his appearance, decorating ourselves, trying to become more interesting and better, but the fact remains: almost all owners of straight out of the nature of hair are dreaming of flirty curls, and women with wavy curls want to get rid of Disposher curls. And if the straight hair can be transformed at any time with the help of a curly or curiosity, then turn a curly sap into a smooth, silky champper is not so simple.

You can, of course, seek help to a professional, who, using modern technologies, can easily cope with this task, but such services are usually fairly expensive, and they need to repeat them every 2-3 months. How to tame the naughty curls, if there is no means to visit the beauty salon? In fact, straighten the hair can be at home, the benefit of the way for this there is a lot. Select one that suits you in all respects, and proceed.

How to straighten your hair at home

The methods used to independently straighten the hair can be divided into mechanical and chemical. The first group includes the straightening of curls with:

  • ironing;
  • curiosity;
  • hair dryer.

The techniques included in the second group are based on the use of funds, which contains chemical components that affect the structure of the hair. These funds include:

  • laminating compositions;
  • keratin;
  • special straightening shampoos, balsams, sprays and serums.

In addition, there are folk remedies that allow to make curls smooth and obedient, - homemade masks, natural oils, colorless henna and others. All of them are definitely inferior in efficiency in chemical compositions, but, unlike the latter, do not require large material costs.

Now you know which hair straightening methods can be applied at home, and in order for you to easily decide on the choice, let's look at each of them separately.

Hair straightening with ironing

Women who want to donate curls on their own, do not do without a straightener. However, it should be remembered that the frequent use of this adaptation is fraught with negative consequences - excessive dryness and lone of curls, as well as the appearance of split tips and even hair loss. To reduce the harmful effects of iron to a minimum, you must follow the rules:

  • Before straightening curls with an iron, be sure to wash your head, because dirt, fat and residues of styling, solidified under the influence of high temperatures, will give your hair an unclear look.
  • Treat strand to the heat protection agent to protect them from overheating.
  • Thoroughly dry the curls with a hairdryer or let them dry in a natural way (to straighten the wet hair is not recommended, since such a procedure can harm them strongly).
  • Divide the mechanism on small strands (than they are thinner, the better the effect will be).
  • Lift one strand, position the iron at its base and quickly move it down (avoid a long contact of the heating elements with hair so as not to damage their structure).
  • If, after applying iron, the hair is strongly electrified, treat them with a small amount of varnish.

If you avoid damage to the curl structure, still failed, cut down the baked ends and draw therapy with the help of restoring masks (for the treatment of hair from the use of any high-temperature installation devices will have to refuse).

Hair straightening with hair curlers

If you do not want for some reason to use the iron, try straightening your hair with a curle. How to do it:

  • Wash your head with a special straightening shampoo with a moisturizing effect to give smoothness and silk louds.
  • Apply to clean hair with balm from the same series, hold it out of the last time and wash the water.
  • Get riddled with a towel and treat them to mousse (or foam) to give volume.
  • Lower the head down, thoroughly spread the curls with a wooden scallop and dry the hairdryer, directing the air of the air from top to bottom.
  • Divide the entire lap on small strands and screw each of them on curlers.
  • Take advantage of the hair dryer and look around for about 30 minutes.
  • Carefully remove the velcro curlers and, again tilting down the head down (to save the root volume), fix the laying of varnish.

After use, hair is becoming smooth and smooth, and, although the effect lasts for a short time, the laying looks as natural as possible.

Hair straightening with a hair dryer

In order to become the owner of perfectly smooth hair, it is not necessary to have a lot of different devices at hand, a rather ordinary hair dryer, with which you can achieve a good effect. The procedure for rectifying the curls hairdryer is performed according to the following scheme:

  • Wash your head shampoo corresponding to your hair type.
  • Get laugh with a towel maiden to remove the extra moisture.
  • Apply a thermal protection device (for example, serum) and straightening balm (do not forget to treat tips).
  • Divide the champper over the sample (from one ear to another) and secure the top of the hair with the clip.
  • The lower part of the curls are divided into thin strands (2-3 cm wide).
  • Armed with a round brush, dried with a hairdryer each strand, directing the air flow from top to bottom.
  • Drying the bottom of the hair, go to the top and repeat the procedure in a similar order.
  • Treat the maternity shield on silicone basis, which will give your hair softness and silkiness.

This method, of course, is more time-consuming than straightening hair iron, but it is less traumatic, especially if you use a professional hairdryer with several air supply rates and temperature adjustment levels. Another significant advantage of such a technique is the possibility of creating a borrowing volume comparable to the volume from the NACC.

Hair straightening gelatin (lamination)

Hair lamination is one of the most popular procedures today, allowing to significantly improve the condition of damaged curls, make them smoother and obedient. For these purposes, you can use both special compositions and ordinary food gelatin. How to perform gelatin lamination:

  • Wash your head with shampoo and air conditioning.
  • Gently blocked by a towel straight to remove the excess moisture.
  • Prepare the laminating composition: Fill 30 g gelatin with cold boiled water, wait until it flashes, and warm the finished mixture on a water bath until the lumps are completely dissolved.
  • Add a small amount of hair balm to the gelatin mixture - it will make it easier to wash the mask.
  • Apply the prepared composition on wet strands, without affecting the roasting zone.
  • Warm the head with polyethylene and wrap over the thick towel over it.
  • Lose 40-50 minutes, and after thoroughly rinse the curls with cool water.

Lamination of the hair gelatin has a cumulative effect, that is, the more often you will perform such procedures, the more beautiful your curls will look.

Hair straightening keratin

Keratin hair straightening is a special procedure that allows you to align uncompherd curls even after a chemical curling. Thanks to keratining, the strands become more obedient, it is easier to comb and fit into the hairstyle, cease to electrify and acquire a beautiful shine. To carry out such manipulation, you will need:

  • round brush with soft bristles;
  • slim comb with small cloths;
  • a set of means for straightening;
  • spray;
  • iron.

Ceratinating hair is carried out in several stages:

  • Wash the curls with shampoo, dry the towel and spread out.
  • Divide the keratin composition according to the instructions and pour into the sprayer.
  • Divide the lap on thin strands and alternately treat each of them prepared mixture.
  • Clean the curls of the ridge and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Dry hair with a round combs and a hair dryer, pulling them out, and after going through dry strands with iron, heated to 200 degrees.

After straightening keratin, it is not necessary to drench the curls and wash your head within 3 days, as well as braid the braids and use styling means, otherwise the effect obtained can go to no.

Hair straightening with cosmetics

If you want to pacify naughty curls without affecting them with hot air, nor high temperatures, no chemical compositions, use special straightening agents to which include:

  • Shampoos with ceramic. Their secret is that they glue the scales of the cuticle, making hair smooth, smooth and obedient. Often, vegetable oils are contained in the composition of straightening shampoos, which are slightly weighting strands and give them a beautiful shine. To the main disadvantages of such funds, it is possible to take a sufficiently high cost and weak, in comparison with the mechanical methods, the effect (if the hair is very wavy, then smooth them with the help of the shampoo only one can hardly succeed).
  • Straightening creams. The effect of these funds is based on the fact that the active ingredients included in their composition penetrate into the hair rods, weighting them, due to which they straighten, become smooth and smooth. In addition, creams nourish the skin cells with the useful substances and protect strands from external influences. It is easy to use such cosmetic preparations, it is enough to simply distribute a small amount of straightening composition on wet curls, to play them with a brush and dry the hair dryer.
  • Leveling sprays. The composition of such funds includes nutritious, moisturizing and protective components, as well as silicone, which takes a little weight and straightens curls. Sprays are applied to wet or dry hair with a special sprayer, after which the strands are combed with a brush and dried with a hairdryer. The main disadvantage of this method of hair straightening is that if you treat it too often, strands can be dull and brittle.
  • Smoothing serum. These drugs combine the properties of Balzam, masks and mousse. They are considered one of the most effective means, give a quick and long effect, and besides, they perfectly protect, feed and restore curls. The straightening sera includes vitamins, oils and liquid keratines, which strengthen the hair structure from the inside and thereby make them smooth and silky. Any serum needs to be applied after washing the head (she does not require flushing).

To achieve a pronounced effect, all listed funds are recommended to use in the complex (it is desirable that they are from one series). Thanks to such manipulations, the hair really becomes smooth, smooth and silky, even without the use of electrical devices. However, you should not forget that when using straightening drugs, the curls are very quickly contaminated, so the head will have to wash much more often than usual.

Hair straightening with the help of folk remedies

In order to give recalcitable curls to the desired smoothness, it is possible to use not only professional cosmetics, but also folk remedies, the most effective of which are considered:

REPIA, olive or castor oil

Vegetable oils are driving strands, aligning them and making smoother. This method of straightening is excellent for dry and normal hair, but the owners of curls prone to fatness are not recommended to use oils.

Mode of application:

  • Heat 50-100 ml of any of the specified oils on the water bath (the amount of product depends on the length of the hair) and apply to wet strands.
  • Warm head film and look around for about 60 minutes.
  • Rinse the hair with water with shampoo and dry the hairdryer. Make oil masks at least 2 times a week, and soon you will notice positive changes.

Colorless hen.

Henna is healing hair, helps to restore and align their structure.

Mode of application:

  • Divide 25 g of colorless henna with warm water (the finished mixture should remind a thick sour cream on a consistency).
  • Apply the composition on wet strands, warming them with polyethylene and leave for 60 minutes.
  • Rock it with water with air conditioning, spread your hair and rinse again in the usual way.
  • Dry the hair with a hairdryer, pulling strands with a round brush. Make such masks are recommended 2-3 times a week.

Dark beer

Beer is often used to fix curls, but few know that it can also be packed with curls, making strands with straight and smooth.

Mode of application:

  • First, wash your head shampoo and blot the curls with a towel.
  • Divide the lap on strands.
  • Pour about 300 ml beer into the container.
  • Take the foam sponge and wetting it in beer, go through each strand.
  • At the end of the procedure, disperse your hair and give them a form with a hair dryer.

Tea brew

Strong tea welding perfectly straightens hair, making them smoother and obedient.

Mode of application:

  • First, prepare a welding: Fill the dessert spoonful of black tea with 100 ml of boiling water, add 2 teaspoons of sugar, mix and leave it for 10 minutes.
  • When tea is brewed, apply it with a sponge to wet strands.
  • After all the chasis is processed, dry it with a hairdryer.

Vinegar table

Acetic solution well smoothes her hair, gives them softness and beautiful shine. Great for curls prone to fatty.

Mode of application:

  • Divide 150 ml of vinegar in 3 liters of warm water and rinse several times with the resulting strand solution.
  • Drop the hair and dry the hairdryer. Conduct such procedures daily.

Of course, you cannot forever doubt the curls with the help of the above methods, because even chemicals intended for hair straightening gives not too long effect. But listed ways, unlike salon procedures, do not require large material costs, and therefore each woman is available.