Visual information material for parents. Consultation "Designing visual information for parents

Svetlana Parkhomenko
Consultation "Designing visual information for parents"

Consultation« Presentation of visual information for parents»

One of the forms of propaganda of pedagogical knowledge is the organization of corners for parents. The upbringing of children is inextricably linked with pedagogical education. parents. Each family defines the process of education for itself in its own way, but at the same time, due to different circumstances, albeit to varying degrees, it needs qualified pedagogical assistance. Not everyone parent accepts this help. The teacher, who directly observes the child and knows his problems, is obliged to involve parent to cooperation or bring him to an understanding of the need for pedagogical education.

The main task of pedagogical propaganda is targeted systematic application visual and informational funds for awareness parents with tasks, content and methods of raising children, providing practical assistance.

Visual information in the form of stands and corners, illuminating the pedagogical process, does not provide for direct contact between the teacher and parents, so the form and method of its presentation is no less important than its content. Parent must be attracted and interested in it.

Place for visual pedagogical information the dressing room serves best, as there are daily parents.

At visual material must adhere to the following rules:

- information given in large print on a light background so that it can be read from a distance of 2 - 3 meters; the topic is highlighted in bright color and increased font size;

Stands are installed firmly and safely.

The main corners of the pedagogical enlightenment:

Constant information stand"For you, parents» ;

Business card of the group;

Characteristics of the age psychological characteristics of the children of the group;

Schedule of students (pupils);

Group mode;

Folders - movers;

Stand "Seasons";

Exhibition "Do with the kids";

Corner of children's creativity;

"Group Mood Barometer";

Card file of good deeds parents;

medical corner "Health Seriously";

Bulletin board;

Photo corner;

Forgotten corner.

Work with the parents in a kindergarten environment is extremely important. Such interaction contributes to the development of pedagogical education. parents and their cooperation with teachers in the process of raising and educating children.

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Working with parents

Our corner is addressed to caring parents - mothers and fathers, grandparents, whose children attend our preschool. After all, it is here, in kindergarten, that the mechanisms of communication between the baby and peers and adults are laid, the first, and therefore invaluable, steps are taken towards the formation of personality.

Our corner was created in order to preserve the childhood of children and help parents raise them.

We are glad that our meetings take place not only in kindergarten.

In our kindergarten, the following rules for parents have been adopted.


1. Bring children on time so that they are not late for morning exercises and classes.

2. Provide children with comfortable changeable shoes; sports shoes for joint physical education activities; "Czech", for music lessons and holidays; spare linen.

3. Keep track of the sports form of children, wash at least 1 time per week.

4. Attend kindergarten daily.

5. In the event of a child's illness, inform the kindergarten in a timely manner.

It is forbidden:

1. Give children dangerous toys (inappropriate for age, various sharp objects, toy weapons, coins, and so on) with them to kindergarten.

2. Leave gifts, vitamins, medicines for children (without first informing the teacher about this).

3. For a child's birthday, bring chips, ice cream, crisps and any food that can cause poisoning and allergic reactions in children to the kindergarten as a treat.

Reception of children is carried out from 7.30 to 8.10 daily, except weekends and holidays. Timely arrival in kindergarten is a necessary condition for the proper organization of the educational process.
Teachers are ready to talk with you in the morning until 8.10 and in the evening from 17.00 to 18.00. At other times, the teacher works with a group of children, and it is not recommended to distract him.
The teachers of the group, regardless of their age, must be addressed to you, by name and patronymic. Conflict disputes must be resolved in the absence of children. If you could not resolve any issue with the teachers of the group, contact the deputy head or head.

We ask you not to give your child chewing gum, sucking sweets, chips and crackers with you to kindergarten.
We strongly do not recommend that the child wear gold and silver jewelry, give expensive toys with him.

Requirements for the appearance of children

A neat appearance, clothes and shoes fastened to all buttons;
washed face;
Clean nose, hands, trimmed nails;
Trimmed and carefully combed hair;
Clean underwear;
The presence of a sufficient number of handkerchiefs.

To create comfortable conditions for a child to stay in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary:

At least 2 sets of changeable underwear: for boys - shorts, panties, tights; girls - tights, panties. In warm weather - socks, stockings.
At least 2 sets of changeable sleepwear (pajamas).
Two bags for storing clean and used linen.
Linen, clothes and other things must be marked.

Before you take your child to kindergarten, check whether his suit is appropriate for the season and air temperature. Make sure that the clothes are not too big and do not hinder his movements. Ties and fasteners should be located so that the child can serve himself. Shoes should be light, warm, exactly fit the child's foot, easy to put on and take off. It is not recommended to wear overalls. A handkerchief is necessary for a child, both indoors and on a walk. Make convenient pockets on your clothes for storing it.
To avoid injury, parents should check the contents of the pockets in the child's clothing for the presence of dangerous items. It is strictly forbidden to bring sharp, cutting objects (scissors, knives, pins, nails, wire, mirrors, glass bottles) to the preschool educational institution, as well as small objects (beads, buttons, etc.), tablets.

Dear parents! If you brought your child after the beginning of any regimen, please undress him and wait with him in the locker room until the next break.
Teachers are ready to talk with you about your child in the morning before 8.10 and in the evening after 17.00. at other times, the teacher is obliged to work with a group of children and cannot be distracted.

The teachers of the group, regardless of their age, must be addressed to you, by name and patronymic.

Disputes and conflict situations must be resolved in the absence of children.

If you could not resolve any issue with the teachers of the group, contact the head.

Remember that in the kindergarten you can seek advice and individual assistance on all issues of interest to you regarding the upbringing of your child.
We ask you to make sure that there are no sharp, cutting and piercing objects in the child's pockets.

Please do not give your child chewing gum in kindergarten.

In a group, children are not allowed to beat and offend each other, take personal items without permission, including toys of other children brought from home, spoil and break the results of the work of other children. Children are not allowed to "strike back", as well as to attack each other. This requirement is dictated by the safety of each child.

The child must take care of the toys brought from home, the educators are not responsible for these toys.

We ask you in the family to support these requirements!

Responsibilities of parents
? bring the child neatly dressed and personally transfer it to the teacher and pick it up! Parents, remember! Educators are strictly forbidden to give children to persons in a state of intoxication, children ml. school age, release children at the request of parents, give children to strangers without warning parents!
? resolve all disputes in a calm and businesslike atmosphere, indicating the reasons for the dispute and involving the administration! Parents, remember! Conflict situations should be resolved without children.

? assist in the improvement of the kindergarten

Dress your children according to the season and according to the weather! Parents, remember! Excessive wrapping or insufficiently warm clothing can lead to illness in the child!
? do not bring a sick child to the kindergarten and promptly report the reasons for the child's non-attendance by phone to the kindergarten. Parents, remember! If a child does not attend kindergarten for three days or more, then he is admitted to kindergarten only with a medical certificate!

? present a medical certificate with permission to visit a kindergarten! Parents, remember! You must bring a healthy child! An untreated child will not only get sick himself, but also infect healthy children.

? pay a fee for the maintenance of a child in kindergarten until the 15th day of each month

Information for parents

Family collaboration. Forms of work.

Children learn from what surrounds them.
If a child is often criticized, he learns to condemn
If a child is often shown hostility, he learns to fight
If a child is often ridiculed, he learns to be timid
If a child is often shamed, he learns to feel guilty
If a child is often indulgent, he learns to be tolerant
If a child is often encouraged, he learns self-confidence
If a child is often praised, he learns to appreciate
If a child is usually honest, he learns justice
If a child lives with a sense of security, he learns to believe
If a child lives in an atmosphere of friendship and feels needed, he learns to find love in this world.

New approaches to the design and content of visual information for parents in preschool institutions.

The upbringing of children is inextricably linked with the pedagogical education of parents. It is the parents who lay the foundations of the child's character, form the features of his relationship with the people around him. Each family defines the process of education for itself in its own way, but each, due to different circumstances and to varying degrees, needs qualified pedagogical assistance. Not every parent accepts this help. And the task of the teacher, who directly observes the child and knows his problems, is to involve the parent in cooperation. Or, at least, bring him to the knowledge and understanding of pedagogical principles. Forms of work with the family on pedagogical education are diverse. This brochure is about visual information. Visual information, in the form of stands and corners, is universal and has great potential for highlighting the pedagogical process. At the same time, it does not provide for direct contact between the teacher and parents, and therefore the form and method of its presentation is no less important than its content. The parent must be attracted and interested in it. For this, new approaches to the design of visual information in kindergarten are proposed.

Information corners are designed according to a single plot: one fairy tale or poem, in the form of a forest, a flower meadow, a water kingdom, a starry sky, a Russian room or a toy store.
- A variety of materials are used in the design: foam, polystyrene, birch bark, vine, satin, fur, macrame, papier-mâché, plastic, synthetic winterizer, straw, ceramics, wood (carving, burning), as well as small items needed to decorate outfits and the attractiveness of the characters: buttons, beads, sequins, bast threads, cotton wool; natural material: pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, watermelons, egg shells, walnuts, cones, branches, acorns; waste material: thread spools, corks, plastic bottles, wire, foil, used felt-tip pens.

Traditional stands and tablets are replaced by unusual forms according to the plot: in a flower, on a crown, an apron, in carrots, strawberries, bird feathers, train cars, etc.
- The materials of the texts are placed in special pockets made of plexiglass, glossy paper according to the shapes of objects: in strawberries - ovals, in an apron - a semicircle, a trapezoid.
- Information is given in large print on a light background so that it can be read from a distance of 2-3 meters. The theme is highlighted with color and larger sizes.
- The coziness and comfort necessary for a favorable perception of the proposed material is created through the use of calm, neutral colors that match in color, tulle and curtains on the windows, napkins on the table, the presence of fresh flowers, greenery, flower arrangements and, of course, cleanliness and order.
- Strength and safety is one of the main requirements for the design of visual agitation. All materials are firmly attached to the wooden base. It is not recommended to stick sheets of paper to the wall, as well as the use of buttons, paper clips and other sharp objects.
- Information materials are regularly updated depending on the rubric: daily, weekly, but at least once a month.
- Both the group dressing room and other corners of the kindergarten where parents often visit can serve as a place for visual pedagogical information: corridors, platforms near the office of the head, doctors, psychologist, speech therapist and even sections of the veranda, walls at the entrance to the kindergarten.


Below is a list and description of the main information corners (headings), which can certainly be supplemented and expanded by the teachers themselves. Wall thematic information on pedagogical education

Desktop thematic information.
Brief information corner.
For reading at home.
Musical and poetic corner.
Medical corner "About health"
"Thank you"
"We are pleased to inform you..."
News from class.
Corner of children's creativity.
WINDOW - very short news.
Mood photo corner.
Mode, training grid.
Exhibition: "Make it together with children".
Photo corner: "They work with your children."
Forgotten corner.


Tips on one of the topics of raising children are placed in the most prominent place. The topic should attract the attention of parents not only by its relevance, but also by the originality of its presentation. Instead of the usual headlines, such as "Advice to parents", it is better to write: "Secrets of raising a polite child" or "What to do if the child is stubborn?", "How to rid the child of fears." The heading is located on one of the subjects of the plot and is highlighted with color, increased sizes of letters made of foil, braid, straw, embroidery, etc. For example, if the dressing room is decorated in the form of a forest, then the theme is in the sun or clouds. Rules and advice are not concentrated in one place, but
thrown on the wall: one suggestion-advice was given to the characters, written on the objects of the planned plot. So, swan geese have feathers in their beaks, tips on feathers. Animals: a hare, a squirrel, a bear hold their favorite delicacies in their paws: carrots, nuts, a barrel of honey, they have pockets with tips on them. Tips should be no more than five. All rules and recommendations are written in block letters on a light background (writing on red, green and other dark colors of paper is not allowed), and so that the tones on which the text is written do not merge with the wall, you can frame the silhouette of the object, character with bright colors. An important role in the design of wall information is played by the novelty and unusualness of materials. So Carlson, holding a jar of jam in his hands, is made of foam, the propeller is made of plastic, the collar is made of silk, the eyes are made of buttons, the hair is made of woolen threads, he pours strawberries from the jar, on which specific advice is placed on the topic "If the child is lying." Another option: at the top on the wall is the moon, on which is the theme, and on the tree, the cap of the fungus, the core of the flower are tips on raising children. The wall information is updated monthly.


Information on issues of pedagogy, psychology, medicine, is located on the table. It is advisable to cover it with a beautiful napkin, put flowers or flower arrangements according to the season. At the table - 1-2 chairs, next to it - a hook for nets, bags. All this is aimed at creating a favorable atmosphere necessary for creating positive emotions, perception of information that should arouse the interest of parents. In the manufacture of toys, fairy-tale characters participating in table propaganda, it is desirable to attract children who would draw the attention of their parents to their work and take care of handicrafts themselves. Desktop information can be presented with the help of soft light toys made of a variety of materials. The topic, highlighted by color and size, is located on the main
plot items, character decorations. Giving advice, no more than three, you beat with characters.

Sample storylines.
- A turtle made from walnut shells is holding a poster with the title of the theme: "If the child is lying." On an embroidered blue napkin - lilies. They are knitted from threads, leaflets with tips peek out from their cores.
- On a tree (made of paper), in a nest (made of cotton), a bird (made of starched threads) sits, in its beak - the theme: "When punishing a child, you need to remember ..." Next to the tree are toys of animals, in whose paws - advice.
- On the stump - a bun, sewn from fabric, in a beret. On the tassel of the beret - the theme "You can prevent injuries if ...", and the tips are in the cap of the fungus, on the berry, in the core of the flower, located nearby on the table.
- At the floor lamp (made of spools of thread and fabric) sits a grandmother (made of papier-mâché, rowan beads, a skirt decorated with fabric appliqué) and knits a scarf of three balls. On the floor lamp - the theme: "Advice on raising grandchildren", and in the balls - tips in the form of circles.
- Dr. Aibolit is holding a telegram with the theme: "Take care of your eyes like a diamond" and a large syringe or pencil with advice on the edges.
- On a samovar painted with Gzhel - a theme, on saucers - cups with tips.
- An Olympic bear cub (made of fur), on the chest of which there is a medal with a theme, holds hoops, rings, in which there are tips.
- The rooster in its beak carries the name of the topic, in its tail - advice.
- A steam locomotive made of cardboard and fabric carries passengers: a hare, a cat, a frog, a squirrel (their furs). In the vapors of swirling smoke - the theme: "How to love a child," and in the paws of little animals looking out of the windows of the cars - advice. A fox runs behind the locomotive with a suitcase on which is the inscription: "Good luck to you."


This section introduces parents to short sayings of great people, bright lines of poetry, well-aimed folk proverbs and sayings on education and training. This corner is placed on the walls of the corridors, at the entrance to the kindergarten, the locker room or in the span between the transitions. Like the previous ones, the rubric is formatted unconventionally.
For example, in the form of a radio, on which the lines of M.Yu. Lermontov:
"Trust me, happiness is only there,
Where they love us, where they believe us."

In the form of a TV screen, on which the proverb is written:
"Teach a wife without children,
And children - without people.

In the form of a foil star in which the words of Shakespeare are placed:
"An evil word brings misfortune to the mouth that spoke it."

In the form of the sun, sheltered by Ushinsky's statement:
"Never promise a child what cannot be kept, and never deceive him."

In the form of a flower with the words J.J. Rousseau:
"Do you know what the surest way to make your child unhappy is to teach him not to meet with anything."

In this corner there should be only one statement, proverb or poem, and printed large, on a light background.


It is desirable to place the materials of this corner low on the wall above the table so that its design becomes a continuation of the plot of the table propaganda. So, if on the table the topic and tips are illuminated on serving items, then on the wall there is a tray, on it there are applications of plates, samovars, napkins (from what is not on the table), according to the number of tips.
If on the table there is a doll in a national costume, then on the wall, in the corner "For reading at home" - a painted yoke with buckets. On the yoke, the theme is given: "Rules of good manners during a conversation," and on the buckets - advice.
If on the table there is a chicken Ryaba with a theme and tips on eggs, then on the wall there is a lawn on which children's appliqué works are chickens.
If a city street is depicted on the table: cars, houses, then on the wall there are traffic lights with advice for parents.


Poems and songs that children learn in music classes, speech development and in their free time, as well as poems that help correct adult behavior, are colorfully arranged in albums, small notebooks so that parents can take them home and rewrite them, especially those whose children have difficulty in memorizing, expressive reading. Sometimes you can give "tricky" homework to all parents, such as: "Draw pictures for
verses of a song, lines of a poem". These tasks are recommended to be written for each family.


In this corner - the work of children in drawing and application, modeling and design. The topic of the lesson and the program content are placed in a specially designated pocket, which is located on the roof of the house, in the hands of the Cheerful Pencil. Works on drawing and appliqué can be exhibited in whole or in part, moreover, they are hidden by a "fence", "grass" so that parents do not have the opportunity to compare their child's drawing with others. Exhibitions with children's work should be well secured with fishing lines, an openwork lath from the bottom. To display drawings and applications, you can use not only exhibitions, but also ass with envelopes for each child. The work of children in modeling and designing can be placed on the shelves of a fairy-tale house, a ladder of a hut, an apron of Lisa-Patrikeevna, decorated with carvings, weaving. Surnames and names of children can be written on the side of the shelf.


With the help of this rubric, parents are given the opportunity to obtain data on the height, weight of the child, diet, daily routine, get answers to exciting questions about the prevention of certain diseases.


Announcements are posted according to the shape of the tablet. They should be printed on sheets and edged with colored paper, with braid, natural material, attracting attention not only with the content, but also with an aesthetic non-traditional design. If this is, for example, an invitation to a New Year's party, then the text is placed in Santa Claus's beard or on a bag with gifts.

On a colorful board, in the form of a telegram, a decree-scroll, words of gratitude are written to those parents who assist in the improvement of sites, kindergarten groups, the purchase of materials, the manufacture and repair of toys, work with children, and participate in other events. It is not recommended to list many names at once, preferably one at a time and indicating a specific contribution.

"We thank Anna Pavlovna Petrova for organizing the theater circle."
Poetic lines with words of praise also serve as a moral encouragement:
He is a great master - golden hands!
For this we respect him.
He makes beautiful toys
At this time, not sparing his own.

Sometimes it is necessary to write words of gratitude to all parents for participating in a competition of toys, poems, in preparation for a parent meeting, in clearing snow and building buildings. And even if for some this gratitude is addressed in advance, it will help to intensify their activities. The main thing in the design of this section is timely praise, kind words and frequent updates.

This rubric may have other names similar in meaning: "Good news", "Our successes", but its main purpose is to inform parents about the successes of children in work, culture of behavior, in good deeds. This can be given with short information both about the success of individual children and the whole group. The heading will help to acquaint parents with those issues of education that are relevant for children in this group at the moment. Praise is needed for children in order to arouse their desire to follow the instilled rules, and parents - faith in their children.

This section introduces parents to the topics, goals and objectives of the main classes, so that parents are aware of what children are studying, what knowledge, skills and abilities they receive. This contributes to the fact that parents will be able to participate in the education of the child, to give them their all possible assistance. In this section, it is also possible for teachers, children to contact their parents in the form of a request to help in solving puzzles, crossword puzzles, in answering a difficult question, in compiling a fairy tale, a poem, or to take part in role-playing reading of a fairy tale and its theatricalization, making scenery, in joint drawing , applications, designing on a given topic.


The menu plate, like all others, should not be boring. For example, a cook with a ladle points to the menu, which is written on the cap, the cook's eye winks merrily, and his mouth says:
"Bon Appetit". Or: a fire is depicted in a foil oven, and a menu is hung above it. It is not necessary to hang out the menu in the locker room, it is better at the entrance to the kindergarten or in a specially designated place. Large printed font makes it possible to quickly familiarize yourself with the proposed menu.

- Very Short News.
The name may be different. For example, "Do you know ...", but unlike the brief information corner, this section contains short messages about new research in the field of pedagogy, psychology, medicine, this section introduces articles from the periodical press and new literature. You can decorate the panel in the form of an open book (from birch bark in the hands of Mary Popins, Archimedes or a telegram held by a magpie with glasses in its eyes, a sheet with text in its beak.


The corner is placed in a dressing room or in a group and serves as a business card. The children who came in the morning show their photos, turning from the back to the front, as if declaring themselves. "Hi, I'm here."
On the reverse side, you can write the last name, first name of the child.


This information, at the discretion of the teachers, can be located in specially designated corners of the kindergarten or in the locker room. It is advisable to inform the parents of this information at the first meeting or distribute the memo to the parents, as it is unchanged throughout the year.


This exhibition should encourage parents to joint activities with children in the family. On special shelves, toys made from waste natural material, dolls for theatricalization of fairy tale plots, garlands, flower arrangements made from branches frozen with salt, maple leaves, festive table setting, rooms made from shoe boxes for Barbie dolls, dolls made from dry herbs, applications from leaves, seeds and much more other. Parents should be able to take home samples and, if possible, materials necessary for making crafts, which are offered right there in the boxes: clay, scraps of fabric, leather, foil, colored paper, beads, natural and waste material. For greater interest of parents in this activity, a competition for the best work should be announced, followed by an exhibition of crafts.


In this corner, originally designed in the form of the sun, a flower meadow, in the sparks of fireworks, photographs are placed with the names, patronymics, surnames of those leaders, teachers, specialists, doctors and kindergarten staff who work with children in this group. You can supplement photos with information about education, interests of these people. This will help parents to have an idea about those who work with their children, and it will facilitate communication between parents and educators.


Bright toys of large sizes, attached low to the wall or on the floor, will help to draw the attention of parents to the fact that this is where the lost things of children are located. Cheburashka's pocket, Crane's jug, Fox's apron, train cars can serve as a place to store these things, on toys - calls or requests to look into their pockets. The inscriptions must be harmless. Names such as "Masha's Corner - Confused" are undesirable. It must be done more tactfully. For example, on a fly agaric fungus, the hat of which rises, it is written:
Whose handkerchief
Whose sock?
On the chest of the cockerel is a pocket with the inscription:
Ku-ka-re-ku! Whose handkerchief?
Ku-ka-re-ku! Whose sock?
Hey guys don't yawn
Take apart your things.

Mashenka peeps out of the basket carried by the bear and points to the inscription:
I sit high
I look far.
All lost items
I'll put it in a box.

In the corners of nursery groups, it is desirable to have not one pocket, but several: for handkerchiefs, socks, mittens ... For example, in the form of a caterpillar with several circles-sections for forgotten things and drawings-pointers. On the crown of the caterpillar is the inscription:
"Who is looking,
he will always find it."

The use of a variety of materials and objects necessary to animate the characters - the eyes wink, the mouth opens, the legs and arms move, the ears move - will arouse particular interest from children and adults and will help in playing out the speech of these toys in order to inculcate and reinforce the rules of caring for to your things. So, Little Red Riding Hood will tell the children how to take care of things and give flowers to those children who always have them in their place. Pinocchio with his magic key can heal children from absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. The hare moves his ears, and the Cat moves his mustache, as they noticed the scattered things in the locker room. Cheburashka winks and asks at the end of each day to look into his pocket.


A colorful panel with this name is not difficult to arrange in the corridors of the kindergarten, and in the dressing room, congratulatory texts can be placed on the bulletin board. It should be remembered that congratulating parents on holidays and events not only helps to create a good mood, serves as a sign of attention and respect, but also pursues educational goals.


Surprisingly, even an ordinary mirror, which takes up space on the wall according to the height of children, is a means of educating children and adults. You can develop the habit of looking in the mirror if it is funny: in the form of an elegant duck, princess, astronaut, Parsley, Cheburashka, squirrels. It's good when these characters turn to everyone with good wishes:
"Be polite"
"You are very beautiful"
"I love you".

The parent's corner in kindergarten is one of the ways of a kind of communication with parents. For every teacher, contact with the parents of the baby is very important. A well-designed parent's corner provides an excellent opportunity to contact parents. With the information displayed in the Parent Corner, moms and dads can see their children's progress, learn more about their activities and events in kindergarten, and read the right tips on how to better raise their children. Thanks to them, parents are more attentive to their children, monitor their progress. Even more respectful begin to relate to the work of educators.

The parent's corner in kindergarten has long been used to make it more convenient and interesting for parents to get acquainted with the life of the children's group. The information for the parent corner must be set correctly. After all, parental interest in it depends on the correct design, competent placement of information and style. Practice shows that all information written in small print remains practically unattended. Articles should be written in an accessible language for parents. Avoid pedagogical phrases. It's more intimidating than attractive. Otherwise, parents will not pay any attention, and ignore the children's corners, and with them your work. The parent's corner in kindergartens is located at such a level that it is convenient for adults to read. All articles must be supplemented with photographs, bright pictures and children's drawings.

Requirements for the design of material for parents.

    Information placed on the stand for parents should be dynamic. The material should be updated at least once every two weeks.

    The parent corner should be accessible and convenient for the perception (reading) of information, informational (adapted to the placement of information, meaningful, aesthetically and colorfully designed.

    The information posted on the stands must be up-to-date, reliable, recommendations and consultations are selected taking into account the age characteristics of children.

    The font is large (14-16), clear, the text is not voluminous.

    When placing any printed material on the stand, a reference to the publication, including authorship and year of publication, is required.

    The stand should be colorful. When designing a stand, you should use not only inscriptions, but also posters and photographs. When designing a stand, you do not need to abuse decorative elements, naive images of nesting dolls, toys.

    The ratio of text and illustrations in folders should be approximately 2:6 (2 parts of text and 6 parts of illustrations), they should first of all attract the attention of parents, then convey the necessary information. Well, if these are photographs of the children of this group.

    Unclear photocopies are not allowed.

Modern forms of visual information are welcome:

    thematic screens and folders - shifters (in addition to pedagogical topics, you can use the following headings: “Day off with a child at home”, “Our traditions” (in a group and family), etc.

    information sheets

  • magazine and newspaper for parents


    use of audio recordings


Requirements for the content of the corner:

    Group business card.

    Mode, program tasks for the upbringing and education of preschoolers (planned results of the development of the program, planning of organized educational activities (a schedule of classes, information about the content of the thematic week (name of the week, purpose, content of the work).

    Information about the age characteristics of the children of the group (you can indicate what children should be able to do by the middle of the year, by the end of the year, etc. anthropometric data).

    "Our life day by day." The section presents materials about the past day in the form of drawings, crafts, themes, and objectives of the classes. The material is constantly updated. Equipped place for organizing an exhibition of children's works.

    Bulletin board. Only official information is placed on it: when the meeting will be and the decision of the parent meeting, invitations to holidays, to participate in competitions, etc.

    Menu (Without abbreviations, indicating the output of the product, in clear handwriting).

    Pages of specialists working on the group: the topic of the period, information and advisory materials in an accessible form and colorfully designed, advice for parents, etc.:

    mandatory content in the parent's corner: information on life safety, traffic rules, healthy lifestyle, advice on maintaining and strengthening the health of pupils, etc. - physical. hands

    "Entertainment, leisure activities": photo reports from various events, recommendations for preparing for the holidays (learning the poetic, musical repertoire, preparing costumes) - music. hands

    Consultations for parents, screens - moving on topics.

    Recommendations for parents on educational activities in the family: a description in an accessible form to parents about the types of educational activities in the family within the framework of the thematic week (update information weekly).

    Participation of parents in the life of preschool educational institution, "panorama of good deeds"

    The rest of the material is determined by teachers independently and according to long-term planning.

Wall thematic information on pedagogical education(sample topics)

    Desktop thematic information

    Brief information corner

    Reading at home

    Musical and poetic corner

    Medical Corner "On Health"


    "Thank you"

    "We are happy to inform you..."

    News from class

    Children's Creativity Corner

    WINDOW - very short news

    Mood Photo Corner

    Mode, lesson grid Age Group Mode. It is permanent, but one of the activities is signed during the year, for example stroll, if target, then on what date it is planned, preliminary work, task for parents. After the walk - children's impressions, photomontage, "report from the walk", children's drawings and comments on them, etc. are possible.

    Exhibition: "Make with your children..."

    Photo corner "Working with your children"

    Corner of forgotten things

    "Congratulations", etc.

    "Our life day by day." The section presents materials about the past day in the form of drawings, crafts, the text of a song learned in class or a walk, the title of a piece of music listened to, a book read to children, etc. The material is constantly updated. It may contain such appeals: “Mom, learn a tongue twister with me: “Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry”; “Dad, give me a riddle:“ He doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, but doesn’t let him into the house? etc.

    "Children's Rights". A section for parents, which contains a variety of information on the observance of children's rights in a preschool institution and family, addresses and phone numbers of organizations in your city where you can turn for help, official documents.

    long role play : when it started, roles, attributes, craft task. For example, we play in the hospital - we need gowns, bandages, gauze bandages; playing in the store - attributes for the store. If the plot is fabulous, the task changes according to the plot of the game, recommendations are given: what to read to children, what attributes are needed for the game.

    Thus, you do not just tell or ask parents to replenish your play supply, but show where and how it will be used by children.

Tips for designing thematic information

    Tips on one of the topics of raising children are placed in the most prominent place. The topic should attract the attention of parents not only by its relevance, but also by the originality of its presentation.

    Instead of the usual headlines such as "Tips for Parents", it is better to write "Secrets of Raising a Polite Child" or "What to do if the child is stubborn? "," How to save a child from fears? ". The heading is located on one of the subjects of the plot and is highlighted with color, increased sizes of letters made of foil, braid, straw, embroidery, etc. For example, if the reception is decorated in the form of a forest, then the theme is in the sun or clouds. Rules and advice are not concentrated in one place, but are scattered along the wall: one advice-suggestion is given to the characters, written on the objects of the planned plot. So, geese-swans have feathers in their beaks, and tips on feathers. Animals: a hare, a squirrel, a bear hold their favorite delicacies in their paws: carrots, nuts, a barrel of honey, they have pockets with tips on them.

    Tips should be no more than five. All rules and recommendations are printed on a light background, various borders are used.

    An important role in the design of wall information is played by the novelty and unusualness of materials.

    The wall information is updated monthly.

Desktop thematic information

    Information on issues of pedagogy, psychology, medicine, are located on the table. It is desirable to cover it with a beautiful napkin, put flowers. There are 1-2 chairs at the table, next to it is a hook for bags. All this is aimed at creating a favorable atmosphere necessary for creating positive emotions, perception of information that should arouse the interest of parents.

    Desktop information can be presented with the help of soft light toys made with children from a variety of materials. The theme, highlighted in color and size, is located on the main subjects of the plot, decorations of the characters. Giving advice, no more than three, is played up by the characters.

Brief information corner

    This section introduces parents to short sayings of great people, bright lines of poetry, well-aimed folk proverbs and sayings on education. This corner is placed on the walls of the corridors, in the locker room or on the walls of the transitions.

    Examples of statements: M. Yu. Lermontov “Believe me, happiness is only there,

    Where they love us, where they believe us. »

    Proverb: “Teach a wife without children, and children without people”

    K. Ushinsky "Never promise a child what cannot be fulfilled, and never deceive him."

    J. J. Rousseau "Do you know what the surest way to make your child unhappy is to teach him not to know refusal in anything."

Reading nook at home It is advisable to place the materials for this corner low on the wall above the table so that its design becomes a continuation of the plot of the table propaganda.

Poetry and Music Corner Poems and songs that children learn in the process of GCD in music, speech development and in their free time, as well as poems that help correct adult behavior, are colorfully designed in small albums to familiarize parents with them, especially those whose children have difficulties in memorization. Sometimes you can give "tricky" homework to all parents, such as: "Draw pictures for the verses of the song, the lines of the poem." These tasks are recommended to be written for each family.

    The daily routine, the GCD grid, including circle work, the theme and program content of the GCD, menus are required. They can be placed on the stand or separately on tablets.

    The folder "Regulatory documents of the preschool educational institution": copies of the license and the Charter of the preschool educational institution, extracts from the decisions of parent meetings.

    Folder "Age characteristics of children": characteristics of the development of children of a given age, learning objectives in a particular age group. What children should know by the end of the school year. Requirements are placed on the physical, mental, moral, labor, aesthetic, etc. education.

    Folder "On the upbringing of children": specific, age-appropriate recommendations to parents on all aspects of the upbringing and development of children, especially on the tasks of the year; diagnostic results.

    Folder "Consultations of specialists" (physical instructor, psychologist, speech therapist, music director)

All material placed for parents must correspond to the planned in the calendar plan in the "Working with parents" section.

Think carefully about the topic of the article. They should contain some material. And in the next informational issue of the parent corner, continue the topic. This is often of concern to parents. They begin to follow what is happening and wait for new numbers.

Very popular and read headings:

    "Life of our group";

    "Our children";

    "What are the kids doing?"

There is also a "mobile folder" in which you can find a maximum of interesting information about the kindergarten.

The information parenting corner in kindergarten is an interesting and creative topic. The design of the corner, its design, occupy an important place in the disclosure of those to parents

Svetlana Parkhomenko
parent corner

Consultation for educators

« Parents' corner in kindergarten»

Senior teacher Parkhomenko S.N.

parent corner in kindergarten - this is one of the ways of a kind of communication with parents. For each teaching staff contact with the parents of the baby is very important. A well designed parent corner provides an excellent opportunity to interact with parents. With the help of the information provided in parent's corner, moms and dads can see the progress of their children, learn more about what activities are held with them and other events in the kindergarten, as well as read the right tips on how to better raise children. Thanks to them parents more attentive to their children, monitor their progress. Even more respectful begin to relate to the work of educators.

parent corner in kindergarten has long been used in order to parents it was more convenient and more interesting to get acquainted with the life of the children's group. Information for parent corner should be displayed correctly. After all parental interest in it depends on the correct design, competent placement of information and style. Practice shows that all information written in small print remains practically unattended. Articles should be written in an accessible language for parents. Avoid pedagogical phrases. It's more intimidating than attractive. Otherwise parents will pay no attention and ignore the children corners, and with them your work. parent corner in kindergartens is placed at such a level that it is convenient for adults to read. All articles must be supplemented with photographs, bright pictures and children's drawings.

Material design requirements for parents.

Information posted on the stand for parents should be dynamic. The material should be updated at least once every two weeks.

parent corner should be accessible and easy to understand (readings) information, informational (adapted to the placement of information, meaningful, aesthetically and colorfully designed.

The information posted on the stands must be up-to-date, reliable, recommendations and consultations are selected taking into account the age characteristics of children.

The font is large (14-16, clear, the text is not voluminous.

When placing any printed material on the stand, a reference to the publication, including authorship and year of publication, is required.

The stand should be colorful. When designing a stand, you should use not only inscriptions, but also posters and photographs. When designing a stand, you do not need to abuse decorative elements, naive images of nesting dolls, toys.

The ratio of text and illustrations in folders should be approximately 2 :6 (2 parts of text and 6 parts of illustrations, they should first of all attract attention parents and then convey the required information. Well, if these are photographs of the children of this group.

Fuzzy photocopies are not allowed.

Welcome modern forms of visual information:

Thematic screens and folders - shifters (in addition to pedagogical topics, you can use such headings: "A day off with a child at home", "Our Traditions" (in group and family) etc.

Information sheets


Magazine and newspaper for parents


Use of audio recordings


Content Requirements corner:

Group business card.

Mode, program tasks of upbringing and education of preschoolers (planned results of the development of the program, planning of organized educational activities (a schedule of classes, information about the content of the thematic week (name of the week, purpose, content of the work).

Information about the age characteristics of the children of the group (you can indicate what children should be able to do by the middle of the year, by the end of the year, etc. anthropometric data).

"Our life day by day." The section presents materials about the past day in the form of drawings, crafts, themes, and objectives of the classes. The material is constantly updated. Equipped place for organizing an exhibition of children's works.

Bulletin board. Only the official information: when will the meeting and decision parent meeting, invitations to holidays, to participate in competitions, etc.

Menu (Without abbreviations, indicating the yield of the product, in clear handwriting) .

Pages of specialists working on group: the theme of the period, information and advisory materials in an accessible form and colorfully designed, consultations for parents, etc.. etc.:

Mandatory content in parent's corner: information on life safety, traffic rules, healthy lifestyle, advice on maintaining and strengthening the health of pupils, etc. - physical. hands

"Entertainment, leisure activities": photo reports from various events, recommendations for preparing for the holidays (learning the poetic, musical repertoire, preparing costumes) - music. hands

Consulting for parents, screens - shifting by topic.

Recommendations parents for educational activities in family: description in an accessible form parents about the types of educational activities in the family within the framework of the thematic week (update information weekly) .

Participation parents in the life of preschool, "panorama of good deeds"

The rest of the material is determined by teachers independently and according to long-term planning.

Wall thematic information on pedagogical education (sample topics)

Brief information corner

Reading at home

Musical and poetic corner

Medical corner"About health"


"Thank you"

"We are pleased to inform you..."

News from class

Children's Creativity Corner

WINDOW - very short news

Mood Photo Corner

Mode, lesson grid Mode of the age group. It is constant, but one of the activities is signed during the year, for example, a walk, if the target, then what date it is planned for, preliminary work, a task for parents. After the walk - the impressions of the children, photomontage, "reporting from the walk", drawings of children and comments on them, etc. are possible.

Exhibition: "Do it with your kids..."

photo corner"Work with your children"

Corner of forgotten things

"Congratulations" and etc.

"Our life day by day." The section presents materials about the past day in the form of drawings, crafts, the text of a song learned in class or a walk, the title of a piece of music listened to, a book read to children, etc. The material is constantly updated. It may have such appeals: "Mom, learn with me patter: "Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry"; "Dad, tell me riddle: "Does not bark, does not bite, but does not let you into the house?" etc.

"Children's Rights". Section for parents, which contains a variety of information on the observance of children's rights in a preschool institution and family, addresses and phone numbers of organizations in your city where you can turn for help, official documents.

Long role play the game: when it started, roles, attributes, craft task. For example, we play in the hospital - we need gowns, bandages, gauze bandages; playing in the store - attributes for the store. If the plot is fabulous - the task changes according to the plot of the game, recommendations: what to read to children, what attributes are needed for the game.

So you don't just say or ask parents replenish your game supply, and show where and how it will be used by children.

Tips for designing thematic information

Tips on one of the topics of raising children are placed in the most prominent place. The topic should grab attention. parents not only by its relevance, but also by the originality of its presentation.

Instead of the usual headings like "Advice parents» , it is better to write "Secrets of Raising a Polite Child" or “What if the child is stubborn?”, “How to save a child from fears?”. The heading is located on one of the subjects of the plot and is highlighted with color, increased sizes of letters made of foil, braid, straw, embroidery, etc. For example, if the reception is decorated in the form of a forest, then the theme is in the sun or clouds. Rules and advice are not concentrated in one place, but scattered throughout wall: one advice-suggestion is given to the characters, written on the objects of the planned plot. So, geese-swans have feathers in their beaks, and tips on feathers. Beasts: a hare, a squirrel, a bear are held in their paws by their loved ones goodies: carrots, walnuts, a barrel of honey, on them - pockets with tips.

Tips should be no more than five. All rules and recommendations are printed on a light background, various borders are used.

An important role in the design of wall information is played by the novelty and unusualness of materials.

The wall information is updated monthly.

Desktop thematic information

Information on issues of pedagogy, psychology, medicine, are located on the table. It is desirable to cover it with a beautiful napkin, put flowers. There are 1-2 chairs at the table, next to it is a hook for bags. All this is aimed at creating a favorable atmosphere necessary for creating positive emotions, perception of information that should arouse interest. parents.

Desktop information can be presented with the help of soft light toys made with children from a variety of materials. The theme, highlighted in color and size, is located on the main subjects of the plot, decorations of the characters. Giving advice, no more than three, is played up by the characters.

Brief information corner

This section introduces parents with short sayings of great people, bright lines of poetry, well-aimed folk proverbs and sayings on education. This corner placed on the walls of the corridors, in the locker room or on the walls of the transitions.

Saying Examples: M. Yu. Lermontov “Believe me, happiness is only there,

Where they love us, where they believe us.

Proverb: “Teach a wife without children, and children without people”

K. Ushinsky "Never promise a child what cannot be fulfilled, and never deceive him."

J. J. Rousseau "Do you know what the surest way to make your child unhappy is to teach him not to know refusal in anything."

corner for reading at home Materials for this corner it is desirable to place it low on the wall above the table so that its design becomes a continuation of the plot of table propaganda.

corner poetry and music Poems and songs that children learn in the process of GCD in music, speech development and in their free time, as well as poems that help correct adult behavior, are colorfully arranged in small albums for familiarization with them parents especially those whose children have difficulty remembering. Sometimes you can give at home "cunning" tasks for everyone parents, such how: "Draw pictures for the verses of the song, the lines of the poem". These tasks are recommended to be written for each family.

1. Daily routine, GCD grid, including circle work, GCD theme and program content, menus are required. They can be placed on the stand or separately on tablets.

2. Folder "Regulatory - legal documents of the DOW": copies of the license and the Charter of the DOW, extracts from decisions parent meetings.

3. Folder "Age characteristics of children": characteristics of the development of children of a given age, learning tasks in a particular age group. What children should know by the end of the school year. Requirements for physical, mental, moral, labor, aesthetic, etc. education are placed.

4. Folder "On the upbringing of children": specific, age-appropriate recommendations for children parents about all aspects of the upbringing and development of children, especially on the tasks of the year; diagnostic results.

5. Folder "Consultations of specialists" (physical instructor, psychologist, speech therapist, music director)

All material posted for parents must correspond to what is planned in the calendar plan in the section "Work with the parents» .

Think carefully about the topic of the article. They should contain some material. And in the next newsletter parent corner continue the topic. This is often of interest parents. They begin to follow what is happening and wait for new numbers.

Very popular and read headings:

"The life of our group";

"Our kids";

"What are the kids doing";

There is also more "mobile folder", in which you can find a maximum of interesting information about the kindergarten.

Informational parent corner in kindergarten, this topic is interesting and creative. Registration corner, its design, occupy an important place in the disclosure of those before parents