Write a message about Mowgli's children. The most famous wild children. Clinical picture of the disease

Over 150 years ago, Sir Francis Galton coined the phrase "nature versus nurture". At that time, the scientist investigated what has more influence on the psychological development of a person - whether his heredity or the environment in which he is located. It was about behavior, habits, intelligence, personality, sexuality, aggression and so on.

Those who believe in education believe that people become such precisely because of everything that happens directly around them, the way they are taught. Opponents argue that we are all children of nature and act according to our genetic predisposition and animal instinct (according to Freud).

And what do you think about this? Are we a product of our environment, our genes, or both? In this complex discussion, wild children are an important aspect. The term "wild children" refers to a young person who has been abandoned or found himself in a situation where he was deprived of any kind of interaction with civilization.

As a result, such children usually find themselves among animals. They often lack social skills, even such a simple skill as talking, they do not always acquire. Wild children learn on the basis of what they see around them, but the conditions, as well as the ways of learning, are markedly different from normal conditions.

History knows several rather revealing stories of "wild children". And these cases are much more complicated and interesting than the classic story of Mowgli. These are quite real people who can already be called by their names, and not by nicknames given by sensationalized media.

Bello from Nigeria. The press dubbed this boy the Nigerian Chimpanzee Boy. It was found in 1996 in the jungle of this country. No one can say with certainty the exact age of Bello, it is assumed that at the time of the discovery he was about 2 years old. The boy, found in the forest, turned out to be physically and mentally handicapped. This is due to the abandonment of his parents at the age of six months. This practice is very common among the Fulani tribe. At such a young age, the boy, of course, could not stand up for himself. But some chimpanzees who lived in the forest accepted him into their tribe. As a result, the boy adopted many of the behavior of monkeys, in particular their walking. When Bello was found in Falgore Forest, the discovery was not widely reported. But in 2002, one of the popular newspapers found a boy in a boarding school for abandoned children in Kano, in South Africa. The news of Bello quickly became a sensation. He himself often fought with other children, threw objects, and jumped and ran at night. Six years later, the boy had already become much calmer, although he retained many of the behaviors of a chimpanzee. As a result, Bello was never able to learn to speak, despite the constant communication with other children and people in his house. In 2005, the boy completely died for unknown reasons.

Vanya Yudin. One of the recent cases of a wild child was Vanya Yudin. News agencies nicknamed him "Russian Bird Boy". When Volgograd social workers found him in 2008, he was 6 years old and unable to speak. The child's mother abandoned him. The boy could do almost nothing, he just chirped and folded his arms like wings. He learned this from his parrot friends. Although physically Vanya was not injured in any way, he was not capable of human contact. His demeanor became bird-like, he expressed emotions by waving his arms. Vanya spent a long time in a two-room apartment, in which dozens of his mother's birds were kept in cages. One of the social workers who discovered Vanya, Galina Volskaya, said that the boy lived with his mother, but she never spoke to him, treating him like another feathered pet. When people tried to talk to Vanya, he only chirped in response. Now the boy has been transferred to a psychological assistance center, where, with the help of specialists, they are trying to return him to a normal life. The lack of human relationships led the child to another world.

Dean Sanichar. One of the most famous oldest cases of a wild child is Dina, nicknamed the "Indian Wolf Boy". When hunters found him in 1867, the boy was supposedly 6 years old. People noticed a pack of wolves that entered the cave, and with it a man running on four legs. The men smoked the wolves out of the hideout, when they entered, they found Dean. The boy was found in the jungles of Bulandshahr and an attempt was made to treat him. True, at that time there were simply no effective means and methods. However, people tried to communicate with him to rid Dean of his animalistic demeanor. After all, he ate raw meat, tore off his clothes and ate from the ground. Not from dishes. After some time, Dean was still taught to eat cooked meat, but he never learned to speak.

Rocham Piengeng. When this girl was 8 years old, she and her sister grazed buffalo in the Cambodian jungle and got lost. Parents had already completely abandoned the hope of seeing their daughters. 18 years have passed, on January 23, 2007, a naked girl came out of the jungle in the province of Ratanakiri. She secretly stole food from one of the peasants. He, having discovered the loss, went hunting for a thief and found a wild man in the forest. The police were immediately called. One of the families in the village recognized the girl as their missing daughter, Rochom Piengeng. There was a distinctive scar on her back. But the girl's sister was never found. She herself miraculously managed to survive in the dense jungle. After getting to people with Roch, they worked hard to try to return back to normal living conditions. Soon she was able to say some words: "mother", "father", "abdominal pain". The psychologist said that the girl tried to speak other words, however, it was impossible to understand them. When Rochom wanted to eat, she simply pointed to her mouth. The girl more often crawled on the ground, refusing clothes. In the end, she was never able to adapt to human culture, running back into the forest in May 2010. Since then, nothing is known about the whereabouts of the wild girl. Sometimes there are conflicting rumors. They say, for example, that she was seen in the cesspool of one of the village toilets.

Trajan Caldarar. This famous case of a wild child also happened recently. Trajan, found in 2002, is more often called the Romanian dog boy or "Mowgli" after the name of a literary character. He lived separately from his family for 3 whole years, starting at the age of 4. When Trajan was found at 7 years old, he looked like 3 years old. The reason for this is extremely poor nutrition. Trajan's mother was the victim of a string of abuse from her husband. It is believed that the child could not stand such an atmosphere and ran away from home. Trajan lived in the wild until he was found near the Romanian Brasov. The boy found his shelter in a large cardboard box covered with leaves on top. When the doctors examined Trajan, he had a severe case of rickets, infection of wounds and poor circulation. Those who found the boy believe that stray dogs helped him survive. Found it by accident. The shepherd Ioan Manolescu's car broke down and he had to walk through the pastures. It was there that the man found the boy. Not far from him, the remains of a dog were found. It is assumed that Trajan ate it in order to stay alive. When the wild boy was taken into custody, he refused to sleep on the bed, climbing under it. Trajan was also constantly hungry. When he was hungry, he became extremely irritable. After eating, the boy almost immediately went to bed. In 2007, it was reported that Troyan adapted well under the supervision of his grandfather and even studied in the 3rd grade of school. When the boy was asked about his educational institution, he said: "I like it here - there are coloring books, games, you can learn to read and write. The school has toys, cars, teddy bears and the food is very good."

John Sebunya. This man was nicknamed "The Monkey Boy from Uganda". He ran away from home at the age of three when he witnessed the murder of his mother by his own father. Impressed by what he saw, John fled to the Ugandan jungle, where he is believed to have come under the care of green African monkeys. At that time, the boy was only 3 years old. In 1991, John was seen hiding in a tree by a woman named Milly, his compatriot. After that, she called for help from other villagers. As in other similar cases, John strongly resisted his capture. In this he was also helped by the monkeys, who began to throw sticks at people, protecting their "compatriot". However, John was caught and brought to the village. There he was washed, but his whole body was covered with hair. This disease is called hypertrichosis. It manifests itself in the presence of excessive hairiness in those parts of the body where there is no such usual cover. Living in the wild, John also became infected with intestinal worms. Some of them are said to have been almost half a meter long when they were removed from his body. The foundling was full of injuries, mostly from trying to walk like a monkey. John was transferred to Molly and Paul Vaswa, to their orphanage. The couple even taught the boy how to speak, although many claim that he already knew how to do this before running away from home. John was also taught to sing. Today he tours with the African Pearls children's choir and has practically got rid of his animal behavior.

Kamala and Amala. The story of these two Indian young girls is one of the most famous cases of wild children. When they were found in 1920 in a wolf den in Midnapore, India, Kamala was 8 years old and Amala was 1.5 years old. The girls spent most of their lives outside of people. Despite the fact that they were found together, researchers question the fact that they were sisters. After all, they had a rather large age difference. They just left them in the same place at different times. The girls were discovered after mystical stories spread throughout the village about the figures of two ghostly spirits, which were seen along with wolves from the jungles of Bengal. The locals were so frightened of the spirits that they called the priest to find out the whole truth. Reverend Joseph hid in a tree above the cave and waited for the wolves. When they left, he looked into their lair and saw two people hunched over. He wrote down everything he saw. The priest described the children as "a disgusting creature from head to toe." The girls ran on all fours and had no signs of being human. In the end, Joseph took the wild children with him, although he had no experience in their adaptation. The girls slept together, curled up, tore off their clothes, ate nothing but raw meat, howled. Their habits resembled animals. They opened their mouths, sticking out their tongues like wolves. Physically, the children were deformed - the tendons and joints on the hands became shorter, making it impossible to walk upright. Kamala and Amala had no interest in communicating with people. It is said that some of their senses worked flawlessly. This applies not only to hearing and vision, but also to a sharp sense of smell. Like most Mowgli children, this couple tried in every possible way to return to their former life, surrounded by people feeling unhappy. Soon Amala died, this event caused deep mourning in her friend, Kamala even cried for the first time. The Reverend Joseph thought that she too would die and began to work hard on her. As a result, Kamala barely learned to walk upright and even learned a few words. In 1929, this girl also died, this time due to kidney failure.

Victor from Aveyron. The name of this Mowgli boy will seem familiar to many. The fact is that his story formed the basis of the film "Wild Child". Some say that it was Victor who became the first documented case of autism, in any case, this is a well-known story of a child left alone with nature. In 1797, several people saw Victor wandering in the forests of Saint Sernin sur Rance, in the south of France. The wild boy was caught, but he soon ran away. In 1798 and 1799 he was seen again, but finally caught on January 8, 1800. At that time, Victor was about 12 years old, his entire body was covered with scars. The boy could not utter a word, even his origin remained a mystery. Victor ended up in a city where philosophers and scientists showed great interest in him. The news of the found wild man quickly spread throughout the country, many wanted to study it, looking for answers to questions about the origin of the language and human behavior. The biology professor, Pierre Joseph Bonnaterre, decided to observe Victor's reaction by taking off his clothes and laying him outside in the snow. The boy began to run in the snow, not showing any negative effects of low temperatures on his bare skin. They are said to have lived naked in the wild for 7 years. No wonder his body was able to endure such extreme weather conditions. The famous teacher Roche-Ambroise Auguste Bebian, who worked with the deaf and sign language, decided to try to teach the boy to communicate. But soon the teacher became disillusioned with his student due to the lack of any signs of progress. After all, Victor, being born with the ability to speak and hear, never did it right after he was left to live in the wild. Delays in mental development did not allow Victor to begin to lead a full life. Subsequently, the wild boy was taken to the National Institute for the Deaf and Dumb, where he died at the age of 40.

Oksana Malaya. This story happened in 1991 in Ukraine. Oksana Malaya was left by her bad parents in a kennel, where she grew up from 3 to 8 years old, surrounded by other dogs. The girl became wild, she was kept in the backyard of the house all this time. She adopted the common behavioral traits of dogs - barking, growling, moving on all fours. Oksana sniffed her food before eating it. When the authorities came to her aid, other dogs barked and growled at people, trying to protect their compatriot. The girl did the same. Due to the fact that she was deprived of communication with people, Oksana had only two words "yes" and "no" in her dictionary. The wild child underwent intensive therapy to help him acquire the necessary social and verbal skills. Oksana was able to learn to speak, although psychologists say she has big problems trying to express herself and communicate emotionally rather than with speech. Today, the girl is already twenty years old, she lives in one of the clinics in Odessa. Most of the time Oksana spends with the cows on the farm of her boarding school. But in her own words, she feels best when she is around dogs.

Gin. If you are professionally engaged in psychology or study the issue of wild children, then the name Jean will certainly pop up. At the age of 13, she was locked in a room with a pot tied to a chair. On another occasion, her father tied her up in a sleeping bag and laid her like that in her crib. Her father extremely abused his power - if the girl tried to speak, he beat her with a stick to make her quieter, he barked and growled at her. The man also forbade his wife and children to talk to her. Because of this, Jin had a very small vocabulary, which was only around 20 words. So, she knew the phrases "Stop", "No more." Jean was discovered in 1970 and is one of the worst known social exclusions to date. At first, she was thought to have autism until doctors discovered that the 13-year-old girl was the victim of abuse. Jean ended up at the Los Angeles Children's Hospital, where she was treated for many years. After several courses, she was already able to answer questions in monosyllables, learned to dress herself. However, she still stuck to her learned behavior, including the "walking bunny" manner. The girl constantly held her hands in front of her, as if they were her paws. Jean continued to scratch, leaving deep marks on things. Jean ended up being adopted by her therapist, David Rigler. He worked with her every day for 4 years. As a result, the doctor and his family were able to teach the girl sign language, the ability to express herself not only in words, but also in drawing. When Jean left the therapist, she went to live with her mother. Soon the girl came to a new foster parent. And she was not lucky with them, they again forced Jean to become dumb, she became afraid to speak. Now the girl lives somewhere in Southern California.

Madina. The tragic story of this girl is in many ways similar to the story of Oksana Malaya. Madina grew up with dogs without any contact with people. It was in this state that experts discovered it. At that time, the girl was only 3 years old. When they found her, she preferred to bark like a dog, although she could say the words "yes" and "no". Fortunately, the doctors who examined the girl declared her physically and mentally complete. As a result, despite some delay in development, there is hope for a return to a normal lifestyle. After all, Madina is at an age when it is still possible, with the help of doctors and psychologists, to return to the usual path of development.

Lobo. This child was also nicknamed "the wolf girl from the Devil's River." The mysterious creature was first discovered in 1845. Among the wolves, a girl ran on all fours, attacking a herd of goats near the Mexican San Felipe along with predators. A year later, the information about the wild child was confirmed - the girl was seen greedily eating a raw killed goat. The villagers were alarmed by such a neighborhood with an unusual person. They began searching for the girl, soon catching her. The wild child was named Lobo. She constantly howled at night like a wolf, as if calling on packs of gray predators to save herself. As a result, the girl escaped from captivity and ran away. The next time a wild child was seen after 8 years. She was by the river with two cubs. Frightened by the people, Lobo grabbed the puppies and ran away. Since then, no one has met her.

Wild Peter. Not far from German Hameln in 1724, people discovered a hairy boy. He moved exclusively on all fours. They could only catch the wild man with the help of deception. He could not speak, but ate exclusively raw food - poultry and vegetables. The boy, after his transportation in England, was nicknamed Wild Peter. He never learned to speak, but he became able to perform the simplest work. It is said that Peter was able to live to a ripe old age.

Vanzina E., Nikishina Yu., Shkunova A..

The purpose of this work-determine what constitutes human nature ? Find out whether a person is endowed with the signs of a person from birth, or acquires them as a result of communication with his own kind?





Zavodskoy district of the city of Saratov



Yulia Nikishina,

Shkunova Anna,

Vanzina Elena

students of 8 "B" class


Emelyanova Valentina Nikolaevna,

biology teacher - chemistry

MOU "OOSH No. 78",

highest qualification category


year 2013

1. Introduction_______________________________________________3

2. Who are they - "children of Mowgli"? __________________________4

3. "Children of Mowgli" among us____________________________5

4. Signs of "Mowgli's syndrome" _______________________7

5. Is the process of human recovery possible?_________8

6. Conclusion _____________________________________________ 11

7. List of used literature _____________________12

8. Appendices__________________________________________13


Fear was watching me from the TV screen. Jumping on all fours, a fifteen-year-old girl with a frantic bark rushed to the TV camera. Then she stopped, breathed heavily, sticking out her tongue like a dog, and continued to rush along the green meadow. This girl was diagnosed with the world's rarest diagnosis - "Mowgli's syndrome".

We all read "Mowgli" in childhood, and hundreds of boys played "Tarzan". In Kipling's fairy tale about the human cub Mowgli, a child raised by animals learned from them kindness, decency and, one might say, humanity.(slide number 2)

I had a question: Can this happen in real life? Can this girl, who grew up in a dog house, abandoned to the mercy of fate by her own parents, acquire the same qualities, become a full-fledged person?

In the entire observable history of the human race, a little more than a hundred cases have been recorded, documented or oral, when children grew up away from people, alone or in the company of animals whose habits they adopted. Unfortunately, there are now more and more reports of such children in the media.

The purpose of this project-determine what constitutes human nature? (slide number 3)


  1. Find out whether a person is endowed with the signs of a person from birth, or acquires them as a result of communication with his own kind?
  2. What is the role of congenital and acquired in human development?
  3. Who are the "children of Mowgli"?
  4. Is human recovery possible?

Who are they - "children of Mowgli"?

Carl Linnaeus, who created the classification of plants and animals, in 1758 introduced the term Homo ferens into scientific use, which meant "a creature completely covered with thick hair and not having the gift of speech."

As an example, Linnaeus described several Homo ferens, among them a Lithuanian "bear boy", an Irish "sheep boy", two Pyrenean hairy boys and a savage girl from Champagne.

Researchers have collected a huge amount of material about several dozen "wild children" who grew up among animals:(slide number 4)

The first "wolf boy" was discovered in 1344 in Hesse (Germany).

Until the age of 4, he lived in a hole, ate raw food and was protected by wolves.

In 1731, a 10-year-old girl was found in France, whose thumbs were elongated, allowing her to easily fly from tree to tree.

Mauga's children are people deprived of human society, children who went missing many years ago. There were cases when a child was born with some kind of abnormality, and the mother, fearing that she would be accused of having connections with evil spirits, secretly took the child into the forest, into caves, into the mountains, and left it there to certain death. It happened differently: left without parental care, the baby got lost and the animals accepted him into their family. Sometimes it happened that the females of the animals themselves captured the babies - these are the females who lost their cubs. Not only those children who got lost become feral, but also those who were specially kept in an isolated room, never being released outside.

(slide number 5)

Unfortunately, more and more children - Mowgli began to be found not in the forest and not in the jungle, but next to us, in cities and villages, in our time. They live very close, sometimes in neighboring apartments or houses, but most often they are found by pure chance, and often only when irreversible changes in their physical development and psyche have already occurred.

"Children of Mowgli" among us.

It turns out that people who grew up among animals are found almost every year. And their fate is not at all like in a fairy tale ...(slide number 6)

(slide number 7)

Cat boy. In the fall of 2003, 3-year-old Anton Adamov was found in one of the houses in the village of Goritsy, Ivanovo Region. The kid behaved like a real cat: meowing, scratching, hissing, moving on all fours, rubbing his back against the legs of people. For the entire short life of the boy, only a cat communicated with him, with whom the 28-year-old parent locked the child - so as not to distract him from drinking.

(slide number 8)

Podolsky dog ​​boy. In the city of Podolsk near Moscow in 2008, a seven-year-old child was discovered who lived in an apartment with his mother, and, nevertheless, suffered from "Mowgli's syndrome". In fact, he was raised by a dog: Vitya Kozlovtsev was fluent in all dog habits. He ran beautifully on all fours, barked, lapped from a bowl and curled up comfortably on the rug. After the boy was found, his mother was deprived of parental rights. Vitya himself was transferred to the "House of Mercy" Lilit and Alexander Gorelov.

(slide number 9)

Boy from Reutovwho became the leader of the dogs. In 1996, 4-year-old Vanya ran away from his drinking mother and her boyfriend, an alcoholic. Having replenished the two millionth army of homeless children of the Russian Federation. He tried to beg for food from passers-by on the outskirts of Moscow, climbed into a dumpster and met a pack of stray dogs, with whom he shared the edible garbage he found. They began to wander together. The dogs protected Vanya and warmed him up on winter nights, they chose him as the leader of the pack. So two years passed, until Mishukov was detained by the police, luring him to the back entrance to the restaurant kitchen. The boy was sent to an orphanage.

(slide number 10)

Skipping on all fours, a fifteen-year-old girl from Ukraine, Oksana Malaya, grew up in a doghouse, abandoned to the mercy of fate by her own parents, and miraculously survived, eating the milk of mongrels. In the orphanage, where she was finally taken, the dog girl does not like it. She strives with all her might to return to her former life - she mixes all the dishes in one plate and laps from there like a dog, and at the first opportunity begins to move on all fours.

The most famous are the Indian girls Kamala and Amala, found in the jungle in 1920. Until the trustee of the orphanage in Midnapore, Dr. Singh, caught the sisters, the locals who met the girls in the forest believed them to be werewolves. The sisters lived in a pack of wolves and moved either on their knees and elbows (when walking slowly) or on their hands and feet (when running fast). They didn't like daylight. The girls ate raw meat and self-caught chickens. In order to take the girls from the wolf lair, people had to shoot their "mother" she-wolf. At that time, the baby, who was later named Amala, was about one and a half years old, and the one who was given the name Kamala was about eight years old. Amala, less than a year after beginning life among humans, died of nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys). Kamala lived in civilization for about nine years. She adapted very poorly to human life: she learned only a few words and could not get rid of the habit of getting on all fours.

In China in 1996, a two-year-old boy was caught living with pandas. He crawled on the ground on all fours and ate bamboo. The body of the child, due to a genetic anomaly, was completely covered with hair. Perhaps it was because of this that superstitious parents once took the baby to the forest and left him there.

In 2001, a boy was caught in Chile who, at the age of 7, ran away from a shelter with a pack of dogs. For two years, the child wandered along the street with the dogs, running away from the policemen who were trying to grab him.

Many other examples are known:

Volgograd bird boy.

Ufa dog girl.

Vyazemsky girl-Mowgli.

Dog girl from Chita and many others.

(slide number 11)

Children raised by animals sufferdisease - "Mowgli's syndrome".

(slide number 12)

Signs of "Mowgli's syndrome".

According to the candidate of psychological sciences, teacher of the department of "Special and Clinical Psychology" Galina Alekseevna Panina, "Mowgli's syndrome" is a set of syndromes that a child who has grown up outside the social environment demonstrates.

Among the general signs of "Mowgli's syndrome" are speech disorders or inability to speak, inability to walk upright, desocialization, lack of skills in using cutlery, fear of people. At the same time, they often have excellent health and much more stable immunity than people living in society. Psychologists often noted that a person who has spent quite a long time among animals begins to identify himself with his "brothers".

The terrible diagnosis "Mowgli's Syndrome" - the irreversibility of defects in mental development - is one of the rarest in medicine, but doctors will have to make it until society learns to take care of unfortunate children deprived of the attention of their relatives, until it stops shifting to animal paws what is its prerogative until he realizes that he is losing a person in the most horrifying way - the loss of his soul.

Is the process of human recovery possible?

(slide number 13)

Social isolation in the first months and years of a person's life can lead to severe emotional instability and mental retardation, including the so-called "Mowgli syndrome". Lack of communication in a child leads to an abnormal formation of cells that isolate neurons and slows communication between different areas of the brain.

American neurophysiologists from Harvard Medical School in Boston conducted a study. One group of newborn mice was isolated from relatives, and the second was left to develop in a normal environment. After two weeks, the researchers compared the brains of the rodents from these groups. As it turned out, in isolated mice there was a malfunction of the cells that produce the substance myelin, which is responsible for the sheath of nerve fibers. Myelin protects neurons from mechanical and electrical damage. Violation of the production of this substance is the cause of diseases such as multiple sclerosis.

According to the results of the study, in the brains of mice that were in isolation, significantly less myelin was produced than in the brains of their socialized counterparts. Scientists do not exclude that a similar relationship exists in humans. It is quite possible that the same processes occur during the development of the so-called Mowgli children.

(slide number 14)

To the question whether the process of human recovery is possible after a long stay outside the human environment in society, experts do not give an unequivocal answer: everything is too individual. In the event that a person does not develop any of the functions in time, it is almost impossible to replenish them later. According to experts, after the 12-13 year old threshold of an undeveloped person, it is only possible to "train" or, in some cases, minimally adapt to the social environment, but whether it is possible to socialize him as a person is a big question. If a child enters the animal community before he has formed the skill of upright walking, then moving on all fours will become the only possible way for life - it will be impossible to retrain.

(slide number 15)

Yuri Levchenko, candidate of psychological sciences, says that in the period up to five years, the child develops elements of communication and psychosomatic functions(Appendix No. 1).Children in isolation do not have psychosomatic stability, and the elements of communication will not be developed in its complete absence. First of all, the child must communicate with his own kind. It is difficult to cure a child who before this age had no contact with people.

Two sisters taken from a pack of wolves, both dead; the youngest - almost immediately, and the eldest - a few years later, without having learned to speak

Podolsky dog ​​boy, Vitya Kozlovtsev, learned to walk, talk, use a spoon and fork, play and laugh in a year.

Oksana Malaya has been humanized for many years. Taught to scribble on a typewriter, embroider, count to twenty. But she couldn't be left unattended. The grown-up girl was transferred to a boarding school for adults, where she is allowed to communicate with her best friends - yard dogs. And help take care of the cows. Already matured, the dog girl is gradually degrading. Despite all the efforts of educators and teachers, she cannot read and write, although she could a year ago. With difficulty, he stands on two legs, to the question: “What do you like to do most of all?” answers: “Swing on the grass and bark”, and to the question: “Who are you? Are you human?", the girl, baring her teeth, gives a heartbreaking answer: "No, I'm an animal, I'm a dog."

(slide number 16)

There are cases when the "children of Mowgli" managed to survive among people. A ten-year-old boy lived with monkeys for three years, but was able to

All of us are familiar with the story of Mowgli, a boy who grew up among wolves. Alas, the real stories of children raised by animals are not as romantic and fabulous as the works of the English writer and do not always end in a happy ending. To your attention - modern human cubs, who among their friends had neither the wise Kaa, nor the good-natured Baloo, nor the brave Akela, but their adventures will not leave you indifferent, because the prose of life is much more interesting and much more terrible than the work of even brilliant writers.

1 Ugandan Boy Adopted By Monkeys

In 1988, 4-year-old John Ssebunya fled into the jungle after witnessing a terrible scene - during another quarrel between his parents, the father killed the baby's mother. Time passed, but John never left the forest and the villagers began to believe that the boy was dead.

In 1991, one of the local peasant women, having gone into the jungle to get firewood, suddenly saw in a flock of vervets, pygmy green monkeys, a strange creature, in which, not without difficulty, she recognized a little boy. According to her, the boy's behavior was not much different from monkeys - he deftly moved on all fours and easily communicated with his "company". The woman reported what she saw to the villagers and they tried to catch the boy. As often happens with children raised by animals, John resisted in every possible way, not letting himself be taken in hand, but the peasants still managed to recapture him from the monkeys. When the pupil of the vervets was washed and put in order, one of the villagers recognized him as a fugitive who went missing in 1988. Later, having learned to speak, John said that the monkeys taught him everything necessary for life in the jungle - climbing trees, searching for food, in addition, he mastered their "language". Fortunately, after returning to the people, John easily adapted to life in their society, he showed good vocal abilities and now the grown-up Ugandan Mowgli is touring with the children's choir "Pearl of Africa".

2. Chita girl who grew up among dogs

Five years ago, this story appeared on the front pages of Russian and foreign newspapers - a 5-year-old girl Natasha was found in Chita, who moved like a dog, lapped water from a bowl and instead of articulate speech made only barks, which is not surprising, because, as it turned out later, the girl spent almost her whole life in a locked room, in the company of cats and dogs. The child's parents did not live together and presented different versions of what happened - the mother (I really want to enclose this word in quotation marks), 25-year-old Yana Mikhailova claimed that her father had stolen the girl from her long ago, after which she did not take care of her upbringing. The father, 27-year-old Viktor Lozhkin, in turn, stated that the mother did not pay Natasha due attention even before he took the baby to him at the request of her mother-in-law. Later it was established that the family could not be called prosperous in any way, in the apartment where, in addition to the girl, her father, grandparents lived, there was terrifying unsanitary conditions, there was no water, heat and gas.

When they found her, the girl behaved like a real dog - she rushed at people and barked. Having taken Natasha away from her parents, the employees of the guardianship and guardianship authorities placed her in a rehabilitation center so that the girl could adapt to life in human society, her "loving" father and mother were arrested.

3. Volgograd Prisoner of a Birdcage

The story of the Volgograd boy in 2008 shocked the entire Russian public. His own mother kept him locked up in a 2-room apartment inhabited by many birds. For unknown reasons, the mother was not engaged in raising the child, giving him food, but not communicating with him at all. As a result, until the age of seven, the boy spent all his time with birds, when he was found by law enforcement officers, in response to their questions, he only “chirped” and flapped his “wings”. The room where he lived was full of bird cages and just overflowing with droppings. According to eyewitnesses, the boy's mother clearly suffered from a mental disorder - she fed street birds, took birds home and lay on the bed all day long, listening to their chirping. She did not pay attention to her son at all, apparently considering him one of her pets. When the "bird boy" became known to the relevant authorities, he was sent to a psychological rehabilitation center, and his 31-year-old mother was deprived of parental rights.

Source 4The little Argentinean rescued by stray cats

In 2008, the police in the Argentine province of Misiones found a homeless baby of one year old, who was in the company of wild cats. Apparently, the boy was in the company of cats for at least a few days - the animals took care of him as best they could: they licked the dried mud from his skin, brought him food and warmed him on frosty winter nights. A little later, they managed to get to the father of the boy, who led a vagrant lifestyle - he told the police that he had lost his son a few days ago when he was collecting waste paper. Dad told the officers that wild cats had always protected his son.

5. Kaluga boy raised by wolves

2007, Kaluga region, Russia. Residents of one of the villages noticed a boy who appeared to be about 10 years old in a nearby forest. The child was in a pack of wolves, who, apparently, considered him "their" - together with them he got food, running on half-bent legs. Later, law enforcement officers raided the “Kaluga Mowgli” and found him in a wolf den, after which he was sent to one of the Moscow clinics. The surprise of the doctors knew no bounds - after examining the boy, they concluded that although he looked like a 10-year-old, in fact he should have been about 20 years old. From life in a wolf pack, the guy's toenails turned almost into claws, his teeth resembled fangs, his behavior copied the habits of wolves in everything.

The young man did not know how to speak, did not understand Russian and did not respond to the name Lyosha given to him during the capture, reacting only when he was called “kis-kis-kis”. Unfortunately, the specialists failed to return the boy to normal life - just a day after he was placed in the clinic, "Lyosha" escaped. His further fate is unknown.

6. Pupil of Rostov goats

In 2012, the employees of the guardianship authorities of the Rostov region, having come with a check to one of the families, saw a terrible picture - 40-year-old Marina T. kept her 2-year-old son Sasha in a goat pen, practically not caring about him, at the same time, when the child was found, the mother was not at home. The boy spent all his time with animals, played and slept with them, as a result, by the age of two he could not learn to speak and eat normally. Needless to say, the sanitary conditions in the two-by-three-meter room he shared with his horned "friends" not only left a lot to be desired, they were appalling. Sasha was emaciated from malnutrition when he was examined by doctors, it turned out that he weighed about a third less than healthy children his age.

The boy was sent to rehabilitation, and then to an orphanage. At first, when they tried to return him to human society, Sasha was very afraid of adults and refused to sleep in bed, trying to get under it. A criminal case was opened against Marina T. under the article “Improper performance of parental duties”, a lawsuit was filed with the court to deprive her of parental rights.

7. Adopted son of a Siberian watchdog

In one of the provincial regions of the Altai Territory in 2004, a 7-year-old boy was discovered who was raised by a dog. The mother left little Andrei three months after his birth, entrusting the care of her son to an alcoholic father. Soon after, the parent also left the house where they lived, apparently without even remembering the child. The guard dog, who fed Andrei and raised him in his own way, became the father and mother for the boy. When he was found by social workers, the boy could not speak, moved only like a dog and was wary of people. He bit and carefully sniffed the food that was offered to him.

For a long time, the child could not be weaned from dog habits - in the orphanage, he continued to behave aggressively, rushing at his peers. However, gradually, the specialists managed to instill in him the skills of communicating with gestures, Andrey learned to walk like a human and use cutlery while eating. The pupil of the guard dog was also accustomed to sleeping in bed and playing with the ball, attacks of aggression happened to him less and less and gradually faded away.

Mowgli and Tarzan, being fairy-tale heroes, skillfully found a common language both with animals and then with people, understood the laws of the animal and human world. There are many stories of human children growing up wild. But is the process of adaptation possible and are their stories so exciting and happy?

According to the documentation, there are about a hundred wild children in the world. They can be "adopted" by any animals, and they will adopt all the habits, they will eat what the "educators" do. However, most often children live with dogs or monkeys.

The story of how a bear brought up a boy in the Altai Territory was described either by a writer or a photographer. According to him, she looked after the boy, and before winter, realizing that she would fall into hibernation, she transferred him to China. And when, a few years later, the author of this story went again to those parts, on one of the rocks he saw no longer a boy, but an adult man. Only it was impossible to approach him - in front of him stood a wild beast.

This story is more like a fairy tale, which, after all, all such stories are like. Sometimes it is really difficult to distinguish where is the truth and where are the authors' inventions.

Among real stories, those when children become wild due to the negligence of their parents, and not because for some reason they ended up among animals, prevail.

"Wolves" Kamal and Amal

The most famous story of wild children is about the Indian girls Kamal and Amal. In India, in general, perhaps the largest number of stories about such children. Perhaps because of the proximity to the jungle.

In 1920, in one of the villages, local residents noticed "strange ghosts" in the jungle. People began to hunt them and found that human children live with wolves. When they began to tear apart the lair, the she-wolf who defended it was killed. Together with the cubs, two girls, about two and eight years old, were found in the hole. Both girls were running on all fours, unable to speak. They were named Kamala and Amala. The youngest died a year later. The eldest lived another nine years, barely learning to stand up straight and utter a few words. When the youngest girl died, Kamala cried for the first time in her life. It was noticeable that both girls were unhappy in captivity.

Ukrainian dog girl

One of the loudest stories of our time. In 1992, a strange child was brought to the Odessa boarding school for children with developmental defects, who had to be kept in an isolation cell for a month.

The medical card indicated that she was an eight-year-old girl. True, as soon as someone approached the newcomer, she grinned and growled menacingly. The girl really was very similar to a dog: she moved on all fours, easily jumped on the table, bench, refused to sleep on the bed, barked and could bite painfully. The girl did not know how to cry, and when she was offended, she squealed plaintively.

The dog girl did not speak, although she perfectly understood human speech. Over time, in the boarding school, Oksana Malaya (that's the name of the girl) learned to behave like a human being. Until the age of 18, she learned to read and write a little, and also to count within 20. However, Oksana did not become a full-fledged one.

Mowgli from the Kaluga region

And in 2008 in Russia, residents of a village in the Kaluga region found a boy in the forest who looked about 10 years old. The boy was with wolves and completely copied their habits. When the doctors decided to catch the boy, they found him in a wolf den.

In fact, the guy turned out to be about 20 years old. From life in a wolf pack, his toenails turned almost into claws, his teeth resembled fangs, his behavior copied the habits of wolves in everything.

The young man could not speak, did not understand Russian and responded to "kis-kis-kis". Unfortunately, the specialists failed to bring the guy back to normal life, and just a day after he was locked up in the clinic, he ran away. His further fate is unknown.

Chita pupil of dogs

In 2009, in the city of Chita, Russia, a five-year-old girl Natasha was found, who spent most of her life among dogs, because her parents did not care for her at all. The girl had never been on the street, and her parents did not let anyone into the apartment where she lived. She lived in a three-room apartment with relatives and animals, did not speak, but understood human speech a little. The mother claimed that the girl was kidnapped by her father, and the father claimed that the mother was never interested in the child.

Both of the girl's parents were alcoholics. The girl moved like a dog, drank water from a bowl, and instead of speaking, gave out only barking, could throw herself at people. When they found her, they transferred her to a rehabilitation center.

Jeanie from California

In 1970, American police found a girl in one of the houses in California, who lived in complete isolation from the world for the first 12 years of her life. For the first six months of her life, Jeanie was regularly examined by a pediatrician. According to medical records, she was a normal child.

At the age of 14 months, Jeanie was diagnosed with acute pneumonia, the doctor said that she was showing signs of "probable mental retardation". This assumption became a turning point in Jeanie's life: the girl's father isolated her in one of the rooms of his house from contact with her mother and older brother. He fed the girl only infant formula with milk and communicated with her, mainly imitating dog barking and growling.

Every time she tried to speak, he beat her with a stick. At the age of 13, when Genie was admitted to the children's hospital, she couldn't run, couldn't fully straighten her arms and legs. The girl did not react to the ambient temperature, was not accustomed to the toilet, did not know how to chew, did not control salivation. Gini never learned human speech, limiting herself to a few simple phrases. At the same time, the level of non-verbal intelligence has risen over time to a more than acceptable level.

Dog sisters

In 2011, Mowgli girls were found in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg - two sisters of six and four years old. They never ate hot food, did not know how to speak, and expressed gratitude, like dogs, trying to lick adults' hands. The girls' parents are experienced alcoholics.

Lviv "Mowgli"

Probably, many people remember the story of two brothers from Lvov, whom their parents isolated from the world and kept in complete unsanitary conditions. The brothers were 14 and 6 years old. They couldn't speak or walk. The youngest has never been outside. The children were unwashed, with long hair and in a dirty room that did not resemble an apartment. In such conditions, the elder brother lived for 12 years, the younger - all his life.

The boys' mother did not go outside either. She didn't let anyone into her house either. The woman suffered from a mental illness, but the father was completely healthy. According to the doctors, the youngest boy has changed somewhat, being among people - he smiles and learned to eat properly. It is more difficult for the older brother - because of atrophied feet, he cannot walk, he is more withdrawn and silent.

As a rule, children run wild from the lack of attention of their parents, or from the influence of adults with mental disorders on them. However, how parents manage to completely isolate their own children from the world and turn them into savages in the conditions of civilization is unknown.

Psychologists who study the Mowgli syndrome say that a wild child can be taught to imitate human behavior, but only through training. True, if a child was returned to people before the onset of the "teenage threshold" of 12-13 years, he can still be adapted to society, but mental disorders will remain with him until the end of his life.

For example, if a child enters the animal community before he has formed the skill of upright walking, then moving on all fours will become the only possible way for life - it will be impossible to retrain.

Those who lived among animals for the first 3-6 years of their lives practically cannot master human speech, walk straight, communicate meaningfully with other people, despite the years spent later in human society. If children had some social behavior skills before isolation from society, the process of their rehabilitation is much easier.

We all read The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling as children and know the story of the boy Mowgli, lost in the jungle, raised in a pack of wolves. And, unfortunately, this story is not just fiction, but is based on a real case. And such cases are far from isolated. The problem of "Mowgli children" is becoming more and more relevant in the modern world. More and more often in the media there are reports of missing children many years ago, who are accidentally discovered as adults ... among animals. People deprived of human society turn to their smaller brothers for help, who, by teaching them their habits and survival skills, actually save their lives.
Is successful adaptation and socialization in the civilized world of "Mowgli children" possible after their return to it?
Jungle children ("Mowgli", "feral people" from lat. fera - wild animal) - humanchildren who lived out of contact withpeople from earlyage and almost never experiencedcare andlove by another person, had no experience of social behavior andcommunication . Such children, abandoned by their parents, are brought upanimals or live in isolation.
Among the general signs of "Mowgli's syndrome" are speech disorders or inability to speak, inability to walk upright, desocialization, lack of skills in using cutlery, fear of people. At the same time, they often have excellent health and much more stable immunity than people living in society. Psychologists often noted that a person who has spent quite a long time among animals begins to identify himself with his "brothers".
Approximately 90% of human children, being in unnatural conditions, die in the very first days. This happens even with the most caring attitude on the part of the animals that have become Mowgli's foster parents.. The survival of a human child is determined by many factors.
Do not think that "ferral people" is a relatively new phenomenon. Even in ancient times, human beings were found that did not even have minimal social skills.
For example, in86 BC Roman dictator Sulla brought a wild man caught in the grove of the city of Apollonia.
Several translators asked the savage questions in different languages, but did not get an answer. The captive, as Plutarch wrote in his historical chronicles, “only emitted in a rough voice something like the neighing and bleating of a sheep.”
Sulla felt great disgust for the stranger, ordered him to be removed from his eyes, and the servants decided to kill him, despite the protests of one of the dictator's advisers: “This is a human child who, in infancy, fell into the wild sheep that lived near Apollonius. People are already guilty before him, and his murder will become an unredeemed sin...”.

In 1672, the book of the Dutch doctor Nicholas Tulp "The Anatomy Lesson" was published. In it, in particular, he describes the sheep boy as follows: “The young man was brought to Amsterdam. He was about 16 years old. He was probably lost by his parents in infancy and brought up among wild sheep in Ireland.
The guy was agile, had steel muscles and sun-burnt skin. His forehead was low and protruded forward, the convex nape gave his appearance a unique originality. The young man did not speak, but only bleated like a sheep.
The savage refused to take ordinary food, eating exclusively grass or hay, and drank raw water."

In the records of the 19th century, 53 cases of observing children - Mowgli were recorded. Here is an example of one of them:v In 1887, a nine-year-old Arab girl Kama, who lived in a family of lions, came to people. She ate raw meat, did not understand human language, saw in the dark and had incredibly strong hands with sharp long nails. Unfortunately, Kama could not adapt to people, she soon fell ill and died.

In 1962, a boy was discovered in Iran who had lived for a long time among hyenas in a desert area. The hunters had to cast a net over the little savage to catch him. The boy ran on all fours, calluses formed on his elbows and feet.
Only four years later the boy learned to speak a little. According to the baby, he was fed with milk by a hyena. Living among people, the boy continued to run on all fours and slept on the bare ground.

In 1996, 4-year-old Muscovite Ivan Mishukov ran away from his mother and her alcoholic friend. He was adopted by a pack of dogs, in which he became the leader.
The boy begged for food on the street, and then shared with the pack, which served as his guard. Because of this, the police did not manage to catch the child for a long time. Ivan lived on the street for 2 years.
He had no problem learning the language because he could talk when he ran away. Now he is an ordinary boy in high school.

Is socialization possible?
This issue is very controversial. Many scientists believe that a person who grew up in isolation from people and brought up among animals forever loses the opportunity to achieve normal mental and personal development.
Nikandrov V. V writes: “A person masters the main volume of oral speech during the first decade of his life. In the future, of course, speech is being improved by expanding the vocabulary, enriching the intonation coloring, increasing the controllability of speech, and other elements. But the main development occurs precisely in the first years of life. Moreover, if the most decisive period (up to 3 years) for the formation of speech is missed, then subsequently a person is no longer able to master speech. In all known such cases, the common thing was that the children were never able to speak human language and, even more tragically, died rather quickly, despitegood attitude and care.
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, teacher of the Department of Special and Clinical Psychology G. A. Panina explained:« The chances of becoming a normal person in "Mowgli" depend both on genetically inherent qualities, and on the period and duration of stay outside of society.
After the 12-13 year old threshold, an undeveloped person can only be "trained" or, in some cases, minimally adapted to the social environment, but whether he can be socialized as a person is a big question.
Speaking of the "Mowgli syndrome", the possibility of a person's further survival in society, after his return to society, also depends on age. For example, if a child enters the animal community before he has formed the skill of upright walking, then moving on all fours will become the only possible way for life - it will be impossible to retrain.

After analyzing many sources on this topic, having read the opinions of various scientists, I came to the conclusion that only partial socialization and adaptation of a ferral person is possible after his return to the “big world”. It all depends on the age at which a person entered isolation and at which he left it; from genetic predisposition; from where exactly he was brought up, whether there were at least some manifestations of human civilization; on the level of health, etc. But in order to develop minimal social skills, it is necessary to put a lot of effort, constantly study and take into account the psychology of the ferral person. If these conditions are not met, such people often die a few years after returning to society, or go back to live with animals, but they are no longer accepted back.