Folk signs how to find out the floor of the future child. Signs of various states of the world. Folk signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation, after the delay

Waiting for the family replenishment is accompanied by joy, but no one managed to ignore his curiosity about the floor of the future child.

Of course, in our time, when the answers to any question can be obtained after ultrasound, everything becomes much easier than some 30 years ago. But there are situations when the ultrasound is contraindicated for medical reasons, and then folk methods for determining the sex of the child can be useful.

Folk methods can be divided into several groups, more or less reliable in this matter.

What is your belly and how to move a child?

1 . A pointed belly foreshadows the appearance of a boy, and if he is round - girls.

2. If the belly is shifted to the right - a boy will be born, if the girl is left.

Obsters to such signs are skeptical, being convinced that the form of the belly of the future mother does not depend on the floor of the child, and that the belly is being formed under the influence of the individual anatomical and physiological features of a pregnant woman. Perhaps they are right. Only rustic obstacles somehow knew how to accurately determine the sex of the child in the belly pregnant.

3 . The movement of boys and girls inside is different. If the future mother feels moving near the liver, you can be sure - this is a girl. If all the strikes come to the bladder area - wait for the boy.

How pregnancy is reflected in health and appearance

1 . Strong toxicosis - a boy will be born. The sign is reliable, since physiologically to enter the boy is more difficult.

2 . In addition to the presence of toxicosis, an excellent diagnostic method is the tendency of a pregnant woman to certain types of products. Attention should be paid to how intensively eating products contributing to overcome nausea. If a boy is born, the future woman in labor is always the desire to pick up sour, salted, meat dishes. If a girl should appear on the light, she encourages mom to eat sweets, including sweet fruit. In addition, it is necessary to evaluate and appetite: the mothers of sons intend to eat a lot, despite the fact that they suffer from toxicosis.

3. Pregnant woman is experiencing a sudden chill - wait for the girl, the attacks of choking happen, there are complaints of the heat - there will be a boy.

4. On the legs of the pregnant woman dramatically increases the thickness of the hair - a sign of the birth of a boy. Constantly cold legs also foreshadow the birth of a boy.

5. Bright aceal nipples - a boy will be born, dark - there will be a girl.

6. The appearance was noticeably worsened from the very beginning of pregnancy - you wait for the girl, no change or explicit improvement in appearance is a boy. If a swelling occurs on the face of a pregnant woman, pigment stains appear, this indicates a decrease in the genital hormones in the body, which is necessary for the development of the baby.

Time of conception regarding ovulation

The time of sexual intercourse is meant, as a result of which, by calculating future parents, a pregnancy should come. If the sexual act occurred on the day of ovulation, a boy should be expected; If a few days before ovulation - a girl. How to explain this fact? Spermatozoa, as a result of the merger with whom the boy should be born is much more active than women, so they reach the eggs faster. But the time of their activity and "survivability" is limited compared to women, and if ovulation does not occur for several days, they die.

If in three groups of methods that may have medical justifies, and one can determine the sex of the child at least with some kind of probability, the following group of methods does not apply to them. These are methods formed without certain foundations, so to speak, "from despair" - I want to know who will be born, but how?

Pregnant behavior

1. A woman tries not to show her pregnancy for a long time - a sign of a future girl. Boldly demonstrates rounded forms - there will be a boy.

2. Looking at bedtime, the woman occupies the position on the left side of the head north: a harbinger of the birth of a boy.

3. The future feminine can not hide irritation in the presence of her men around her - a girl.

4. Mood "At the height" from the very beginning of pregnancy - a boy, a bad mood - a girl.

Here you can argue with the fact that the signs described are not dependent on the floor of the future child, but on the nature of the woman, its established position in the family, on the conditions and circumstances in which it is.

How to determine the sex of the child by father?

Folk researchers did not adopt the attention and perpetrators of the promising position of a woman.

1. If the father's dad is bald - wait for the boy. This method is confirmed statistically: bald men become dads of boys 1.5 times more often.

2. The future father of the girl, as a rule, has a greater male force, which is reflected at the frequency of execution of marital debt. Therefore, the birth of a girl is customary to communicate with the man's man's power.

3. A man prefers close underwear - a boy, if wearing a free - girl. It is known that tight underwear is poorly reflected on male potency.

Method of pendulum

This method is somewhat isolated from the methods described above. His essence is to fluctuate a plumb (for example, a ring on a thread) above the belly of pregnant to determine the floor of the child: if the ring starts to move with circles, then a girl will be born. If the plumb "walks" from side to side is a boy. Despite such a fantastic approach, the method often turns out to be true.

But even on this period of pregnancy there is a chance of mistake, and the doctor warns that the term of pregnancy is 22-24 weeks (the second planned ultrasound) is the best for learn, the boy will be or a girl.

We will remind some folk signs that will give you an answer to the question of interest "Who will I have?".

The ultrasound of the fetus is produced in a strictly defined period. And once again, just from curiosity to find out the floor, no one will prescribe this study. As mentioned above, the accuracy of the definition of sex with ultrasound depends on the period of pregnancy, as well as from the experience of a specialist. At the time of pregnancy, 15-17 weeks are still possible in the definition of sex.

They are explained by the adoption of the loop of umbilical cord or fingers of the fetus for the sexual member or empty sexual lips for the scrotum. In a period of 23-25 \u200b\u200bweeks of pregnancy, the fruit is moved and in the study he can turn in such a way that its sexuality will be visible. From 37 weeks due to the small mobility of the fetus, the definition of the floor is difficult.

How else can you determine the sex of the child?

It is possible to determine the floor in early terms (7-10 weeks) with the help of a chorion biopsy, but this manipulation is carried out only on medical reasons when the family is not possible in the family of a male or female child in view of the inheritance of some genetic diseases. As a result of this procedure, the embryo floor is installed with a warranty of 100%, but its carrying out is unsafe due to the threat of miscarriage.

How to find out the sex of the child in the signs?

Therefore, those parents who want to find out who will have them, early, can adopt folk signs. True, it is not always possible to determine with great accuracy, the boy will be either a girl. Many signs are most likely known to you, and some you will learn about some for the first time.

Perhaps they will seem funny to you, but they exist and need to know them. And, perhaps, in the aggregate, they will help you learn half exactly. At least, many mothers argue that thanks to the signs they managed to learn the floor of the future child.

Definition of the floor of the child by age mother at the time of conception

The method is based on the lunar calendar and created in medieval China. His feature is early, before conception, the definition of the gentle of the child. The Chinese horoscope was found during the excavation near Beijing. In China, this issue was given great importance, since only a man was always the heir of the family. Aristocratic families believed that, using magic and lunar calendar, you can define the gender of the child and even change it in the womb. After adapting the horoscope under the Grigorian calendar and we can try to make a forecast.

Find your age in the first column, compare it with a month of conception in the first line of the table and learn how to expect. D - girl, m - boy.

Definition of Paul for Blood Renewal

The method for updating the blood is based on theory: the processes of replacement of old cells on new ones are constantly being in the human body. Blood is updated: in men every four years, in women every three years. If at the time of conception of the blood of a man newer - a boy is born if the blood is a woman, then wait for a girl. It matters if the blood has been updated earlier due to bloodstures due to other genera, abortions, injuries or operations. In this case, the counting goes from these events. The point of reference to simplify the calculation can be taken 15 years in women and from 16 in men.

Definition of the floor on heartbeat or pulsa

This method can be practiced from the middle - the end of 2 trimester. The method is popular for some obstetrician-gynecologists. The heartbeat is listened to an obstetric stethoscope through the material belly. It is believed that boys heartbeat faster and more rhythmically, girls slightly slower, with uneven rhythm.

Pulse diagnosis is a very developed method, widely used in eastern countries. The foundations of Tibetan and Chinese medicine pay great attention to the diagnosis of pulse diseases. Disclaimers and monks practicing this method can very accurately determine the gender of the child on the mother's pulse.

There are many other methods: a Japanese horoscope, the definition of gender for parents of parents, folk signs and beliefs.

Based on the theory of probability, the percentage of accurate coincidences can reach 50% in the ideal case. At the same time, the error in determining the floor of the child is not critical, since common sense prevails in the consciousness of most future mothers, and they decide to do ultrasound.

The only accurate test before birth is carried out during the complex and risk-related procedure called amniocentesis. This procedure is carried out on strict medical testimony, for the diagnosis of possible hereditary diseases. Another test is possible with ECO, when before the transfer of embryos in the uterus, there is preimplantation diagnostics with the same purpose as amneenocentsis.

Determine the "Older"

For centuries, the experience of observing the behavior of pregnant women, their sensations, and was so folded and passed from generation to generation folk signs. To learn the sex of the child in those times, when there was no ultrasound, offered to the appearance of a woman, its taste addictions.

Paul baby by signs - girl

Folk signs and observations suggest that the parents over 30 years old are born daughters. It also matters the intensity of sexual life before conception - with daily sex life there is a possibility of a girl conception.

To determine who future parents await, you can external signs and changes in pregnant. A woman awaiting the birth of a girl, the stomach of the rounded shape, blurry, looks like a ball, that me less, more is shifted to the left. It saves the grace of movements. Externally, it changes not for the better: lips, faces, dark spots on the face, stretching on the stomach. According to these features, the woman is waiting for the girl and she "takes beauty" from his mother.

Determine, the boy is expected or a girl is expected as follows: the aroles around the thoracic nipple of a dark color indicate the girl's pregnancy. According to the signs, if a pregnant woman has a toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy, she is hard to carry it, it feels bad and constantly has a bad mood, then there will certainly be a girl.

You can define the floor to change its taste addictions. A pregnant girl appears a pronounced thrust for sweet, fruit, which was not observed before pregnancy.

Also, if the first movement was felt on the left side of the abdomen, the girl would be born.

Paul baby by signs - boy

Signals say that the younger is a woman, the greater the likelihood of his son. The frequency of sexual relations between spouses is still important. If before conception they were with a break in a few days, then a boy will be born.

You can learn the floor by external signs: if the belly resembles cucumber (long and pointed), then there will be a boy. In this case, the stomach is more increased on the right. A pregnant woman retains a waist (rear view) even on a large period of pregnancy, and externally she flourishes, it is good, they say in the people - "pregnancy is painting her".

If the hair on the legs in a pregnant woman grow more intense and the hair belly appears - there will be a boy. If the Area is around the nipple of light color, and the chest did not change its shape, then this indicates a pregnancy boy.

According to folk signs, if the pregnant is constantly frustrating and she has cold legs, then a boy will be born. All this also concerns the course of pregnancy in the first trimester. If the pregnant woman has no toxicosis, and it easily transfers pregnancy, then she wears a boy. According to the observations of a woman waiting for the birth of a boy, pulls on meat products, sharp and salty dishes, while pregnant and often eats.

You can learn the floor of the child on the first movement. If the movement is felt on the right, then there will be a boy. Also, the boys behave more actively and move harder. In addition, it is possible to determine the gender in suchges as heartbeat: a boy has a heartbeat less than 140 per minute.

And even observations suggest that the less time between the birth of children's children, the greater the likelihood that the second child will be the opposite sex.

These are the most common signs of the definition of the child. But believe me, it is not so important to know it as early as possible, the main thing is from the first days of conception to love the child, which is very soon to appear with you. The birth of a child is already a big joy and the most significant event in the life of loving parents.

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Each future mother wants to know the floor of his child. Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to determine it with high accuracy. But as a rule, without special testimony, ultrasounds are not recommended to perform earlier the second trimester of pregnancy. But on this time it is not always possible to determine who parents are waiting for - a daughter or son. In this case, the mother can use folk signs of determination of the child.

Without having nothing to do with modern science, they often come true. How to accurately determine the sex of the child, relying on folk signs?

Signs to the boy Signs to the girl
Stomach sharp shape. The stomach is round, blossoms on the sides.
A waist is preserved from the back, and the stomach is not noticeable. The waist is not preserved.
In the first months of pregnancy. Strong in the first weeks after conception.
In a meal, the future mother prefers acidic, salt dishes, as well as products containing a lot of protein (meat, milk, cottage cheese, cheese). In a meal, a woman prefers sweets, baking and fruit.
Inspected Pigmentation of Areola Around Nipples. The chest increased greatly, the nipples were noticeably darkened.
A woman during pregnancy has kept. Pigmentation appeared on the face, the nose swelling is observed. In general, the future mother immediately began to look not as good as before pregnancy.
Palm has become more dry than before pregnancy. The skin on the face was land.
The first noticeable movement of the kid on the right. The first noticeable movement of the baby on the left.
A woman during pregnancy becomes clumsy. A woman during pregnancy remains graceful.
Fetal less than 140 beats per minute. Fetal heartbeat 140 beats per minute and more often.

How accurate is the result

Folk signs do not allow to accurately determine the sex of the child. The probability of the correct result is 50/50. That is, accidentally guess who will be born, not so and difficult. Folk signs to determine the child's sex for the most part have no scientific, medical justification.

For example, a pregnant woman's shape does not depend on the fact that the woman is waiting for a woman. It is determined by the anatomical features, the position of the fetus, as well as the body mass index of the future mother at the time of conception.

The chapels frequency of the crumbs also does not in any way indicate its gender, but if the indicator differs from the norm in one direction or another, this may indicate. Of the listed, the most accurate is the definition of gender in the fetal heartbeat frequency, but this method is far from being perfect.

Precision to predict who will be born, only with medical methods. Sometimes, to eliminate some serious pathologies, the doctor can use certain methods for diagnosing the gentle of the baby in very early pregnancy.

If there is no such need, it is quite possible to apply folk signs to define the floor of the future child as a fun and entertainment for a woman and her relatives. With a high probability, it will be known who will be born - a boy or a girl, as a result.

What does sex depend on?

Many argue that a man is responsible for the floor of the child, and it is impossible to influence this process. Some are firmly confident that a certain diet and lifestyle Mom can increase the likelihood of birthday daughter or son. What does Paul Child actually depends on?

The average number of spermatozoa in one portion of sperm is 100 million. Of these, half contains X-chromosoma, half - y. If the egg fertilizes the X chromosome, there will be a girl, y - a boy will be born. Thus, the floor of the future kid depends on what spermatozoic is solved with an egg. And this statement is undoubtedly.

But various factors can affect this process, such as the lifestyle of future parents, their diet, sexual activity, features of sexual intercourse and many others.

For example, in some families from generation to generations, babies are born only one sex. This can be explained by a genetic feature, for example, the unvisability of spermatozoa carrying y or x chromosome. In this case, exclusively boys or only girls will appear. But it is not always a true cause.

The fact is that spermatozoa containing X and Y chromosomes react to the environment in different ways. If the body of the woman in which they got will give a constant advantage for the Y-chromosome, then the pair will be born of male babies all the time, or vice versa.

In the vagina, spermatozoa fall into unfavorable medium - sour. Survive can only the most stable or the fastest. But even if the spermatozoa, which has such properties, rested to the target, and the woman's ovulation has not yet occurred, he dies, and the conception does not happen, because their life does not exceed 5 days.

The statement is common that spermatozoa containing X-chromosomes is moving slower. But at the same time, they are more resistant to those surrounding their conditions than their counterparts. It turns out that if the sexual act occurred a few days before ovulation, and as a result, conception came, that is, conditions are created for spermatozoa when it is forced to expect an egg ready for fertilization, the girl will be born.

But this is a simple statement that seems to have an explanation is not always true. Even under such conditions, spermatozoa carrying y-chromosomes may well survive if the world's vagina and uterine pipes are very favorable for them. This means that a boy can be born with a high probability under such conditions.

If everything was so unambiguously in determining the factors affecting the sex of the child, then planning it would be a simple everyday case available to everyone. Today it is possible to do this with accuracy only with the help of modern medical technologies.

In most cases, in the absence of serious medical testimony, there is no objective need to know in advance who will be born - a girl or boy. Then the folk signs for the definition of sex a child are quite suitable as entertainment and pleasant pastime. After all, even if they do not work, nothing bad will happen. A long-awaited and beloved miracle will be born, and it does not matter at all, a boy or a girl.

Since folk signs do not have a scientific justification, their accuracy is quite low. They should not be absolutely trusted, but they are still sometimes come true, which means they have the right to exist.

Useful video about whether the child is planned to plan


Each mother burns away from curiosity and dreams of finding out who hid in her stomach. Especially relevant it becomes in the event that the family already has a child or even several children of one sex. But is it possible to define the sex of the child without resorting to modern research methods? How did our grandmothers and grandmothers determined? After all, signs are not just fiction. This is accumulated by the centuries of observation, experience, knowledge. Many signs, and just older women living in the distance from civilization, can unmistakably determine the sex of the future child. But how to adopt this knowledge? How to determine the gender of the baby, if you are on the early period of pregnancy? How to understand who lives in the womb if an ultrasound study for some reason is not available? We will understand everything in order.

On the appearance of the mother

Sometimes it is enough to look at the woman and understand who she is waiting. It is first of all to pay attention to the stomach of the future mother. If he is sharp, repels far ahead and is located pretty low, a woman is probably waiting for a boy. And if the belly is wide, no matter how shuffled and starts right under the breast - wait for the beauty and daughter.

Special attention is paid to the face of a woman. Often, if the future mother is waiting for her daughter, her skin becomes a pimple, pigment spots appear, the face becomes yellow or gray. The people say that the girl in the womb takes the beauty of the mother. But if the woman is good, and the face becomes beautiful and ruddy - you need to wait for the son. Such a sign, by the way, has a scientifically based explanation. When a woman is waiting for a girl, some of her female hormones leave daughter, therefore beauty is lost.

But the hands of a woman during pregnancy a boy is not good, but on the contrary, become dry, crackled. And if mom is waiting for her daughter, the handles are usually well moistened. This is due to the production of skin fat - during pregnancy, the boy of this fat is less generated.

And further. If a woman is waiting for a boy, it usually does not change in gait - remains graceful and feminine. If the future mother is waiting for her daughter, it becomes like a bear - clumsy rolls out of side to side. If a woman is waiting for his son, it's hard to determine from the back, it is pregnant. But the future mom girls learn right away.

In taste addiction

It was believed that the sex of the child directly affects the taste of women's taste. If she eats a lot, often and greedily - wait for the boy, and if in a measure - then the girl. If a son appears at the future mother, she prefers salty and sharp dishes, meat, cheese. And if a woman is waiting for a girl, she pulls her on sweet, fruit.

By mood and well-being

Despite the fact that pregnant women look a little strange and special, their mood can also talk about the field of the future child. A woman waiting for a boy is usually always in a good mood, in a state of euphoria. But the hormones responsible for the development in the womb make a woman irritable, concrete, fissile.

Pay attention to the well-being of pregnant. Strong unbearable toxicosis most often happens to the mothers of future boys. In turn, mom's mothers experience moderate nausea. Moms of future sons complain about their feet - they often swell and hurt. But with the daughters there are no problems with legs.

If a woman during pregnancy often throws in the heat - wait for the boy. If the future mother constantly frustrate and feels chills - there will be a daughter.

Some manipulations and calculations will help you to unmistakably determine the floor of the future child.

  1. For this fortune telling the ring of a pregnant woman, better wedding. Take the red thread and inhale it into the ring. Ask a woman to lie on the bed and hold the hanging ring with her above the belly. If the item is swinging in a circle, wait for the princess, shatter from side to the side - the bogatyr will be.
  2. Ask a pregnant woman to show hands. If she stretched their palms up - there will be a daughter, down - son.
  3. It is said that the blood of women is updated every three years, and men are every four. Whose blood at the time of conception was younger, the child will be born. This rule does not work if there were serious blood transfuses in parents, operations, etc.
  4. If you know the day when conception occurred, you can approximately predict the floor depending on ovulation. If the conception occurred at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, wait for a girl, at the end of the boy. This, by the way, has a scientific explanation. If the spermatozoic fell into the vagina at the beginning of the cycle, the egg cell is still not ripe to that time. Part of the spermatozoa dies and without waiting for the ripening of the egg. Only the most lively, X-spermatozoa remain, the girl is later born. And if the conception occurs at the end of the cycle, when the eggs ripened and ready to connect with the first spermatozoa, the boy is born, because the Y-chromosomes have the greatest speed.
  5. Ask a pregnant woman to take the key. If the future mammy grabs down the round part of the key - wait for a girl, if the elongated son will be.
  6. Please note what floor kids are suitable for a pregnant woman. If the boys are in the abdomen of Mom's future beauty.

These simple divisions will help you with a large share of the likelihood to determine the floor of the future child.

We collected for you a few more admit to help you learn half of your baby.

  1. If a nipple nipple is a nipple of a pregnant woman - there will be a girl, light - boy.
  2. Girls have heartbeat more frequent than boys. If the heart of your crumbs beats more often 135 beats per minute, wait for a daughter, less - there will be a son.
  3. If the feet of the woman stopped growing hair - certainly there will be a girl.
  4. Moms of future boys often breaks his nose. If the nose remained contour - wait for your daughter.
  5. If a woman often suffers from headaches - under his heart she has a son.
  6. Sometimes you should draw on the skin of the belly of a pregnant woman. If the hair appeared there - wait for the boy if the pigment spots are a girl.
  7. Women's breasts always increase in the amount during pregnancy. However, while waiting for a boy, the change is not very noticeable. If a woman is waiting for a girl - the chest increases at least two sizes.
  8. Pregnant all the time prefers to sleep on the left side? She will probably have a boy.
  9. If the husband and wife have been actively engaged before pregnancy - wait for the girl. If there were breaks at least in a couple of days - there will be a boy.
  10. If the woman at the beginning of pregnancy walks hard, she is bad, she is tormented by drowsiness and ailments - most likely it will be a bogatyr. If relatively easy - there will be a princess.

Modern diagnostic methods unmistakably can determine the floor of the future kid. But why rely on their opinion if you can predict the sex of the child by a safer way? After all, it is, in the end, only curiosity. After all, you will love your child anyway - be there a boy or a girl.

Video: how to find out the gender of the baby in the signs

Who will be? Boy or girl? Girl or boy? These questions are given a lot of people awaiting the addition of the family. In many cases, long-awaited answers are given only at 20 week after planned ultrasound. However, there are also folk (they are traditional) ways to determine the floor of the child, which were used in distant times, when there was no idea about amniocentsis or ultrasound. And let them not always be reliable, but very interesting and unusual.

So, how did you determine the gender of the child?

How to determine the gender of the child: folk signs

About many ways to determine the floor for folk signs, you could well hear. For example, the differences in the heart rate of the hearts of boys and girls: the boy's heart beats with a frequency of about 120 beats per minute, the heart of the girl - with a frequency of about 150 beats per minute. Or that the mother of the future boy the tummy will be sharp, and the mother's mom has a vague, resembling a ball.

But still as you can determine the floor according to the signs: if there are a girl, then the face of the Mom district of the district and ruddy; The girl will be in the case, if it is often pushed with legs on the left side of the abdomen. If the future mother give the key in hand, and she will take it for the top, then you need to wait for the boy, and if for the bottom - the girl. And if she set the future mother's question: "Where are you a man's hands?" And she looks hands, she wears a boy.

You can also define the gender of the child along the ring: you need to take a wedding ring, hang on the rope and keep over the palm. If the ring starts moving back, then you should wait for the boy, and if you move around the circle - it means a girl.

Try to remember the moment when your child was conceived. If the greatest activity in the process showed dad - there will be a girl if mom - there will be a boy. And you can ask yourself: "Who is in my tummy?" And try to feel the answer - hear the inner voice. Experience shows that the inner slightness gives a true answer in more than 70% of cases.

But the methods listed above far do not exhaust the topic. Below we will briefly talk about how you can still determine the floor by signs.

You will have a boy if:

  • Your second half with you is gaining weight
  • You become more beautiful
  • Your smell has become better
  • You want salty or sour
  • Your right chest has become more left
  • You notice that you often cool your feet
  • You notice that the hair on your legs began to grow faster
  • You often have a headache
  • You want protein food
  • Your tummy is low
  • Leather dries on the hands and cracks
  • In the first weeks of pregnancy there was no nausea
  • Very often want to eat
  • You started to stumble and "sneak angles"
  • With that neither from this throws you in the heat
  • You are predominantly in a good mood.
  • You easily carry pregnancy

You will have a girl if:

  • Your chest has become more beautiful
  • You want juice and fruit
  • You have acne
  • Your tummy is high
  • You split
  • Your left chest has become more right
  • You really want sweet
  • You often overcome chills
  • You do not want to eat rabids bread
  • A pigment appeared on the tummy
  • You began to look somewhat worse than before
  • In the early time you often sick
  • Your face often begins to "burn"
  • You have changed mood
  • You often capricious
  • You have become a lot of worry about any reason.