Bars all the carnival light and from spring big hello. Poems to Maslenitsa. Congratulations on Carnival Quatrain about Maslenitsa for school children

Children's poems about Maslenitsa - a real chest from the past with fabulous schools and wonderful words. Yes, and could be different if the feast of Maslenitsa himself was born back in ancient, pagan Rus! There are different explanations of how the festival of Carnival appeared. According to one of the versions, it is believed that at the end of winter, people tried to "deviate" the sun - Yarilo, asked him to warm his frozen land, tired of the long winter. And therefore baked round rosy pancakes - like the image of the sun.

On another, fabulous version, Maslenitsa is a frost daughter. Long she hid in the forests from people in the image of a little girl. But one day, people noticed her and asked to interfere in front of her father, frost, to loosel out the cold and blizzards. Maslenitsa promised and advised to prepare for the meeting of Frost.

A few days later she returned to people, but not a modest girl, but a ruddy woman with a laughter. With her arrival and truth, the weather became softer, and frosts are warmer. It was then that the people decided to arrange a holiday in honor of Maslenitsa: to spend the winter to the whole world and prepare for the Spring meeting - red.

The busiest and cheerful, the most poorest and remote was the holiday of Maslenitsa! For a whole week, people are having fun, walk to each other, come up with different fun and games in the fresh air and, of course, bake pancakes. And so that you can introduce a child with this holiday, I prepared a selection - this is children's poems about Maslenitsa. Learn, download, join this noisy and deprive holiday!

Cynnica for children

Other poems for children

You can also download this selection to your computer:

Spring sun

The sun is round as damn,
Smiling shining.
Rada warm meeting with him
Adults and children.

Assumptions of Maslenitsa

How on an oil week
From the oven pancakes flew!
With heat, with heat, from the furnace,
All blush, hot!
Maslenitsa, treat!
Serve all pancakes.
With heat, with heat - disassemble!
Do not forget to praise.


Maslenitsa-Maiden, Snowy Winter Sister,
To us the yard will begin pancakes to treat!
Master of the furnace will be spinning,
Will think, yes to guess how to make a maiden.
Fragrant pancakes
Remote pies with red bokes
Become a sun, wake,
We will be fun to kut!


Rouus Callenitsa Dobya
Walks all week from the soul!
Bakes pancakes, pancakes, pyshki,
Rushes like the sun. Good!
Happy dance holiday is famous for
Sings, laughs all honest people.
Spring meets Maslen-Beauty.
Goodbye winter, see you after a year!

Babushkina pancakes

Grandmother pancakes speckle
Round rosy.
Carnival came to us
Guest welcome.
The sun is round as damn,
Smiling shining.
Rada warm meeting with him
Adults and children.
I am on Mom's carnival,
And hands and legs,
Helped the bake pancakes,
Unprecedented width!

The washer about the carnival for kids

Baked pancakes a little bit
Cooled on the window,
There are them with sour cream,
We will invite a mom to dinner.
Damn we ate with pleasure -
Purchased jam.
So that the jam from the lips to remove,
Rotik need to lick.

Cat and Maslenitsa

Cat went, sat, lying,
Long carnival waited.
Song sang, sikel, nozzles:
"Not winter, and chaos!"
Under the window battery
He warm feline warming!
And hopes what about!
Pamrestrey Spring will come!


And we expected Maslenitsa
Expensive guests met,
Pancakes Mount Ustimali,
From above, the butter was watered.
How from pancakes Mount cool,
How from Maslitsa Mountain is clear,
And on the horcier snow is low,
And the mammocks are clicher home.
We do not go home to go

Oh you, carnival-kryvoshika,
Jump us good.

Download this selection of poems!

About Maslenitsa

This holiday goes to us
Early spring
How many joys carries
He is always with him!
Ice mountains waiting
And the snow flashes,
Sledge from the slide down run,
Laughter does not cease.
Houses Aroma Blinov
Festive wonderful
For pancakes of friends call,
We will eat them together.
Noisy, merrily passes
Cheese saddemic
And behind her - a great post,
Time to pray.


Wide carnival - cheese week!
You came to celebrate the spring for us.
Bake pancakes and entertain all week,
So that the winter is a student from home to drive!

Morning ... Monday ... "Meeting" comes.
Bright salazzas with a honeycomb slide.
All day fun. Comes evening ...
Rolling down, all pancakes eat.

"Blash" careless - Tuesday of Otrada.
All walk, coming up went out like one!
Games and fun, and for them - awards:
Fit and ruddy passenger damn!

Here the environment is suitable - "Landercoat" is called.
Each hostess clogs in the oven.
Couples, cheesecakes - they all manage.
Pies and pancakes - all on the table of swords!

And on Thursday - the large "ragble" comes.
Ice Fortresses, Snow Boes ...
Troika with buboins on the fields come out.
Guys are looking for girls - squeezing their own.

Friday came - "Evenings of the ink" ...
Family invites son-in-law on pancakes!
Eat with caviar and salmon, you can a little simpler,
With sour cream, honey, we were ate with butter.

Saturday is nearers - "Colangius".
All the relatives meet, leads a dance.
The holiday continues, the overall fun.
Slot to win the winter people!

Sunday luminous quickly comes.
Eliminat the soul of everything in the "Forgive Day".
Scarecrow straw - winter - burned,
Also in Tulupchik, boots, belt ...

Magnificent female marriage crowds.
Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!
A year later, the beauty will again meet.
We will celebrate again, pancakes treat!


We are waiting for the carnival!
We will meet the oil pan
Cheese, Honey, Kalach
Yes with a cabbage pie.
All of us the post is waiting for us,
Measure the future, people!
All week walk,
All reserves eat.
And comes a forgive day,
We are not too lazy,
Come on Sunday -
We will ask for forgiveness,
So that with the soul of sins to remove everything,
With a pure heart post to meet.
We scrape friendship kiss,
Although we are not fighting:
After all, the carnival needs
Strengthen love friendship.
Come to visit us
We will be glad to guests!


Since the time of vintage, long
Sun holiday to us in a hurry.
He is one of the earliest
In the windows running day looks.
This carnival rushes
Along the streets of the native.
Drinks all the village walks
Eats pancakes to large:
With sour cream and mardener
With fish, meat and caviar.
Wider holiday with each century,
Do not call it game.
Monday - Day for the meeting,
Everyone goes to visit friends.
And on Tuesday - songs, dances.
Winged day is called.
Wednesday - table from treats
Blink: Eat, Pey, Cossack!
And on Thursday - the day of reconciliation ...
"Dyankin Day" is called so.
Ment a mother-in-law with a snowy
The mother-in-law is his hand hens.
Spore Kum forgot with Cumoy,
To visit everyone calls himself.
Horics water
Guys go to Sanya.
With a snow pallium yar
Ring from the hill on the legs.
Cossacks Trimmer Brava
Call for the game.
Early in the morning he, crazy,
Slotted into a snowdrift vines.
On horses trimmed
Its cuts the Cossacks:
On the race on the full saber
It is cut in the Dontski.
Aside of the Cossacks of Important
Restless berry.
They in the snow shawl throw -
Let the rider picks up ...
Well, on Friday - a walk,
Pir on the streets goes.
Atamana treat ...
Beyond the tables hurry the people.
From pancakes hot hot
Copper samovar puffs.
Every welfare without a gift.
Troika noisy flies.
Horses rummed jumps,
Stone of polozov, songs, laughter.
Cossacks under Tuben dance
Old people are happy everyone.
Day Saturday Majalia
Camers are called.
Horics with the song water
You will go to visit without end.
Sunday - Fast Day,
Wires of gray winter.
In every hut kissing
Year to wait for the new oil.
Bell ringing plays
All to the Sauna is called.
Young and old knows:
Tomorrow the post will come to the house.
After serving in the field will come out
All with a bowl of the Cossacks.
To the sun out with a prayer to boil
And they will be asked in human:
- the sun is red, be generous,
In the Seed Seeds field!
Be, Lord, to us with merciful:
Earth with rain fields.
Dothemna goes fun
The people treat
To the stars to the first
Everyone to nourish everything.

Iraida Mordovine


Oh, Maslenitsa, Stretch!
For white birch gear!
Said: Maslenitsa seven nodes,
And our carnival seven days!
Oh, carnival, stretch!
You are for the oak, beats for a deck!
Oh, said - our carnival
Seven nois
And all the carnival
Seven days.
Oh, Maslenitsa-Lesoma!
Deceived, spent
They did not give!


With carnival tender Congratulations to you,
Pies told the hour.
No pancakes do not eat winter wires,
To the song, to the joke, we invite you to joy!


Congratulations on your heart
And we welcome:
Throw all worries
Come to visit,
Right to our porch
To us on Maslenitsa.
Ensure yourself:
Treats pancakes
On sour cream to bat
Pies lush,
February - loss
Marta - "Hello!" Let's say.

Song Blinam

We have not flown pancakes for a long time,
We wanted pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

In the square of the new solvent,
Two hours of pancakes went.


My older sister
The furnace pancakes is the master.


She dried to eat
Hundred five, probably there.


On the tray pancakes puts,
Their itself carries.


Guests, be all healthy,
Here are my pancakes ready.



Hello, Maslenitsa!
Give us a olive woman!
We brinks are hot ones -
We are nails and frosts!

If there is a pan,
Not scary to us cold
Because damn hot -
This is the best food!

That is not the mouse begging,
Not frost cracks
In the pan pancake
For a pancake shit ...

Yes with her dearer,
Yes with an idoca
Yes on the edge with golden

So Maslenitsa
Gave the Maslitsa to us!
Even two pancakes appeared in the sky:
This is the sun-pancake and near the pancake-moon.

One pancake hot
Another damn cold ...
Frames on the sky -
If who is hungry!

On the ground wheels
Pancakes rolled ...
Children under birch
Collect hotels!

The world of baptism now rejoices,
Because now the carnival.
Come, people, and eat pancakes with us,
So that Spring came to Earth!

Well, eat pancake,
So that spring come!

Download this selection of poems!

* * *

Wide carnival,
We cook you
Ride on the mountains
Pancakes coming up!
Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa,
Pancakes Popetra
Come wound
We will meet well -
Cheese, butter, and pancake,
And ruddy pie.
Maslenitsa Blineta
I fed to lunch.
And herself for the woven,
For the whole day, for the whole day.
Polisted cheese and oil,
And myself then went out.

* * *

And we expected Maslenitsa
Expensive guests met,
Pancakes Mount Ustimali,
From above, the butter was watered.
How from pancakes Mount cool,
How from Maslitsa Mountain is clear,
And on the horcier snow is low,
And the mammocks are clicher home.
We do not go home to go
We decided to ride from the mountain.
Oh you, carnival-kryvoshika,
Jump us good.

* * *

And we were accompanied by Maslenitsa,
Hard-it is important on it sighed;
Oh you, carnival, spitting,
Behind the white birches bare,
Stretch red summer.
And we rolled the carnival,
Dear lost,
Thought, she will be seven nods,
And she brought seven days.
Oh, Maslenitsa, TURN!
In the new year, show!

Poems and songs on Maslenitsa for children and adults - congratulate relatives and friends, arrange a holiday, meet the spring!

Congratulations on Maslenitsa

With carnival tender Congratulations to you,
Pies told the hour.
No pancakes do not eat winter wires,
To the song, to the joke, we invite you to joy!

I am my friend, I wish you
Mount the pancakes with caviar,
With Carnival congratulations!
Have fun, dance and sing!

With Carnival congratulations!
Happiness and good wish!
Be always, like a delicious damn -
Round, fresh, hot, love!

Mischievous, cheerful holiday,
Sun revival,
You - good luck, the sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness,
Our congratulations!

Congratulations on your heart
And we welcome:
Throw all worries
Come to visit,
Right to our porch
To us on Maslenitsa.
Ensure yourself:
Treats pancakes
On sour cream to bat
Pies lush,
February - loss
Marta - "Hello" Let's say.

Quatrasion on Maslenitsa

Shroud carnival,
We cook you
Ride on the mountains
Pancakes coming up!

Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa,
What did you bring:
To the Great Post,
No bread nor a piece
Gave radish tail,
On the great post.

I wish you to sit at the table,
Pancakes with hard food
Burn the woman, spend the winter,
I forgive me for forgiveness.

So carnival arrived!
Masseman-boyaring carnival!
With cheese, butter, and pancake,
And ruddy pie!

Carnival came to us,
Joy to people brought
Well, we will come with pancakes,
Meet the holiday with you!

Ah, carnival, lizard,
Brought before the post -
Herself died.
Carnival, spitting,
In the new year, show!

Short poems on Carnival

Days of the last winter
Lives not one:
We all see her,
We wish to relax nodes!
And now we are waiting for spring -
Already traces of her visible!
Let us warm us with you.
With carnival! And with the spring!

Give a Blink,
Oil piece!
Aunt, do not bother
We sat with an oil piece!

I want to wish you
In the carnival this
Live to live yes
Best of all in the world.
And lucky you now
I sincerely wish
To every day and hour
To live is not sad!

How on an oil week
From the oven pancakes flew!
With heat, with heat, from the furnace,
All blush, hot!
Maslenitsa, treat!
Serve all pancakes.
With heat, with heat - disassemble!
Do not forget to praise.

Maslenitsa - Plinade,
Maslenitsa - Zhirheda,
Maslenitsa - offend
Maslenitsa - deception.
Deceived, spent
We did not give pancakes.
Serve pancushka
We are submarried
Yes, roasted!

Soul, you are my carnival,
Quail bones,
Paper Taurus,
Sugar your mouth
Sweet your speech!
Come to visit me
On a wide courtyard
On the mountains to ride
In pancakes to wear
Heart to drag!

Wide carnival!
We cook you
On the slings ride
Pancakes coming up.
Hey, Maslenitsa-Kuroseka,
Take us good!
- Male, Maslenka,
Didn't you see Moorenka?
-And Mosta in the Red Hap
On the funny horse,
Weaving waves
Under it a horse dances.

And we were accompanied by Maslenitsa,
Gravity-important on it sighed:
- Mostly Oil Boots,
Stretch to red summer!
Oil, Oil,
Where are you going?
Lost her paws -
Will not find!
All over the world
Deceived, spent
The year did not live.

Oh, Maslenitsa, Stretch!
For white birch gear!
Said: Maslenitsa seven nodes,
And our carnival seven days!
Oh, carnival, stretch!
You are for the oak, beats for a deck!
Oh, said - our carnival
Seven nois
And all the carnival
Seven days.
Oh, Maslenitsa-Lesoma!
Deceived, spent
They did not give!

This is Maslenitsa - Fairy,
Bypassed houses, yards.
So let's rather
Take her gifts!
And she gives you happiness.
Many life victories
Eliminating inclues
And letting good luck after!
We are waiting for the carnival!
We will meet the oil pan
Cheese, Honey, Kalach
Yes with a cabbage pie.
All of us the post is waiting for us,
Measure the future, people!
All week walk,
All reserves eat.

Wide carnival,
We cook you
Ride on the mountains
Pancakes coming up!
Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa,
Pancakes Popetra
Come wound
We will meet well -
Cheese, butter, and pancake,
And ruddy pie.
Maslenitsa Blineta
I fed to lunch.
And herself for the woven,
For the whole day, for the whole day.
Polisted cheese and oil,
And myself then went out.

And we expected Maslenitsa
Expensive guests met,
Pancakes Mount Ustimali,
From above, the butter was watered.
How from pancakes Mount cool,
How from Maslitsa Mountain is clear,
And on the horcier snow is low,
And the mammocks are clicher home.
We do not go home to go
We decided to ride from the mountain.
Oh you, carnival-kryvoshika,
Jump us good.

Hello, carnival annual,
Our guest is expensive!
Come on the horses of the crow,
On sled painted,
So that the servants were young
We were gifts dear gifts
And pancakes and Kalachi
To us in the window swords!

And we were accompanied by Maslenitsa,
Hard-it is important on it sighed;
Oh you, carnival, spitting,
Behind the white birches bare,
Stretch red summer.
And we rolled the carnival,
Dear lost,
Thought, she will be seven nods,
And she brought seven days.
Oh, Maslenitsa, TURN!
In the new year, show!

This holiday goes to us
Early spring
How many joys carries
He is always with him!
Ice mountains waiting
And the snow flashes,
Sledge from the slide down run,
Laughter does not cease.
Houses Aroma Blinov
Festive wonderful
For pancakes of friends call,
We will eat them together.
Noisy, merrily passes
Cheese saddemic
And behind her - a great post,
Time to pray.

Big poems on Maslenitsa

Since the time of vintage, long
Sun holiday to us in a hurry.
He is one of the earliest
In the windows running day looks.
This carnival rushes
Along the streets of the native.
Drinks all the village walks
Eats pancakes to large:
With sour cream and mardener
With fish, meat and caviar.
Wider holiday with each century,
Do not call it game.
Monday - Day for the meeting,
Everyone goes to visit friends.
And on Tuesday - songs, dances.
Winged day is called.
Wednesday - table from treats
Blink: Eat, Pey, Cossack!
And on Thursday - the day of reconciliation ...
"Dyankin Day" is called so.
Ment a mother-in-law with a snowy
The mother-in-law is his hand hens.
Spore Kum forgot with Cumoy,
To visit everyone calls himself.
Horics water
Guys go to Sanya.
With a snow pallium yar
Ring from the hill on the legs.
Cossacks Trimmer Brava
Call for the game.
Early in the morning he, crazy,
Slotted into a snowdrift vines.
On horses trimmed
Its cuts the Cossacks:
On the race on the full saber
It is cut in the Dontski.
Aside of the Cossacks of Important
Restless berry.
They in the snow shawl throw -
Let the rider picks up ...
Well, on Friday - a walk,
Pir on the streets goes.
Atamana treat ...
Beyond the tables hurry the people.
From pancakes hot hot
Copper samovar puffs.
Every welfare without a gift.
Troika noisy flies.
Horses rummed jumps,
Stone of polozov, songs, laughter.
Cossacks under Tuben dance
Old people are happy everyone.
Day Saturday Majalia
Camers are called.
Horics with the song water
You will go to visit without end.
Sunday - Fast Day,
Wires of gray winter.
In every hut kissing
Year to wait for the new oil.
Bell ringing plays
All to the Sauna is called.
Young and old knows:
Tomorrow the post will come to the house.
After serving in the field will come out
All with a bowl of the Cossacks.
To the sun out with a prayer to boil
And they will be asked in human:
- the sun is red, be generous,
In the Seed Seeds field!
Be, Lord, to us with merciful:
Earth with rain fields.
Dothemna goes fun
The people treat
To the stars to the first
Everyone to nourish everything.

We are waiting for the carnival!
We will meet the oil pan
Cheese, Honey, Kalach
Yes with a cabbage pie.
All of us the post is waiting for us,
Measure the future, people!
All week walk,
All reserves eat.
And comes a forgive day,
We are not too lazy,
Come on Sunday -
We will ask for forgiveness,
So that with the soul of sins to remove everything,
With a pure heart post to meet.
We scrape friendship kiss,
Although we are not fighting:
After all, the carnival needs
Strengthen love friendship.
Come to visit us
We will be glad to guests!

Wide carnival - cheese week!
You came to celebrate the spring for us.
Bake pancakes and entertain all week,
So that the winter is a student from home to drive!

Morning ... Monday ... The "meeting" comes.
Bright salazzas with a honeycomb slide.
All day fun. Comes evening ...
Rolling down, all pancakes eat.

"Blash" careless - Tuesday Otrada.
All walk, coming up went out like one!
Games and fun, and for them - awards:
Fit and ruddy passenger damn!

Here the environment is suitable - "Landerous" is called.
Each hostess clogs in the oven.
Couples, cheesecakes - they all manage.
Pies and pancakes - all on the table of swords!

And on Thursday, the large "ragble" comes.
Ice Fortresses, Snow Boes ...
Troika with buboins on the fields come out.
Guys are looking for girls - squeezing their own.

Friday came - "Evenings of the inehers" ...
Family invites son-in-law on pancakes!
Eat with caviar and salmon, you can a little simpler,
With sour cream, honey, we were ate with butter.

Saturday is nearers - "Colanging treat."
All the relatives meet, leads a dance.
The holiday continues, the overall fun.
Slot to win the winter people!

Sunday luminous quickly comes.
Eliminage the soul all in the "Forgive Day".
Scarecrow straw - winter - burned,
Also in Tulupchik, boots, belt ...

Magnificent female marriage crowds.
Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!
A year later, the beauty will again meet.
We will celebrate again, pancakes treat!

Came carnival annual,
Our guest is expensive!
She's walking towards us,
All on the conic comes.
Her kinds of the crow
They have golden mane
And sowdes painted.
There is an ice carnival
Carries pancakes to the pan.
Take the violence -
Disassemble the pancake!
Carnival, climb a slide,
Call us with a clear dawn.
And under the dawn - the nightingale,
On Denek, a week.
Maslenitsa Sklenka,
Come to us as soon as possible.
And the carnival-shrove
Stretch you at least a little -
Although the week, even day,
Although Denek, at least an hour.
Oh, carnival-kryvoshik,
Meet you pretty!

Today we rejoice -
Today, winters,
With pies and pancas,
In the noise of cute cattle.
From the slide sumps fly,
The eyes of the maiden are burning,
Songs, Dance and Gulia
That is the day in a row.
It is Maslenitsa,
Miracle - Maslenitsa.
Congratulations on your heart
And we welcome:
Throw all worries
Come to visit,
Straight to our porch
To us on Maslenitsa.

Songs about Maslenitsa

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes

We have not flown pancakes for a long time,
We wanted pancakes

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

Our older sister
The furnace pancakes is the master.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

She dried to eat
Hundred five, probably there.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

On the tray she puts
And herself brings to the table.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

Guests be healthy,
Here are my pancakes ready.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

Song "oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes":

Minusing song "Oh, Pancakes, Pancakes, Pancakes" (option 1):

Minusing song "Oh, Pancakes, Pancakes, Pancakes" (option 2):

Maslenitsa (talked pancakes we will celebrate with you)

Terminated pancakes
We will celebrate spring with you
Winter scarecrow burning
In the dance sow.

Hello, cute spring,
We are also adjacent to you
Hello, Red Spring,
We welcome you!
Hello, Red Spring,
We welcome you!

Fragrant pancakes
We spring will glorify with you
Everything in nature comes to life,
Scholo sun flashes.

I prigine the rating
Runs from the mountain stream.
I'll raise higher me
Hello, Red Spring!
I'll raise higher me
Hello, Red Spring!

Minusing of the song "Maslenitsa" (no words):

"Grandmother, Baked Puffs"

Grandmother, grandmother, grandmother.
Cooking pancakes, pancakes -
Hot and lush,
With Malino and Cherry
With Malino and Cherry.

Grandmother, grandmother, grandmother.
Cooking pancakes, pancakes -
Fragrant and tasty
With mushrooms yes with cabbage,
With mushrooms yes with cabbage.

Grandmother, grandmother, grandmother.
Cooking pancakes, pancakes -
With jam, with sour cream,
Like grandmother ruddy,
Like grandmother ruddy.

Song "Grandma, Cook Puffs":

Minusing of the song "Grandma, Baked Puffs" (no words):

"Pancakes are good"

Performed by: Lel ensemble

Invited us with a girlfriend for a fun holiday
In quiz and crosswords received fate.
And when they were hungry, what did we see?
Favorite pancakes appeared on sale.

Pancakes, Pancakes, Pancakes Good
Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes
Pancakes, pancakes, rosy pancakes
With butter, honey and strawberries, and even with bananas.

This day I remember me with my girlfriend
Fast time flew up, there was no boring
And on this holiday, I really liked everything
Because they sold pancakes and Maslitsa.

Dance we drove in the streams played
Bayanists for people fun played
Everyone looked at the tables and in his hands clapped,
And finished playing, the pancakes all squeezed.

Song "Pancakes are good":

Minus one "Pancakes are good" (no words):

Ivan Kupala - grapes

Oh, Maslenitsa, Krivoshik
Krivoshika, Krivoshik, Krivoshik
We sutped you pretty
Pretty, pretty, good

Oh, carnival, I go to you
Lost Alu Ribe, now I will not find
Oh, guys go, yes everything is rinking
For him alu tape and all the way

Grapes blooms, grapes bloom
And the berry, the berry pours, and the berry, the berry pours

Oh, carnival, you bryahuha
You bryahuha, you bryahuha, you bryahuha
Wire even better
Even better, even better, even better

Grapes blooms, grapes bloom
And the berry, the berry pours, and the berry, the berry pours

White-ripe grapes, white-ripe grapes
And the berry, the berry of the black and green, and the berry, the berry of black and green.

Ivan Kupala - Woodpecker

And on the grief, on the mountain
Yes, and on Kamenice
Yak saw dyatyuk girl
Threw off the gloves

I'll go to a new stable
I'll go to a new stable
Start a horse crow
Start a horse of the crow.

And on the grief, on the mountain
And on the breeding
Yak saw dyatyuk girl
Threw off and shirt

I'll go to a new stable
I'll go to a new stable
Start a horse crow
Start a horse crow
I will go to the pure field
I will go to the pure field
I myself will go to the Red Divic
I myself will go to the Red Divic.

This holiday goes to us
Early spring
How many joys carries
He is always with him!

Ice mountains waiting
And the snow flashes,
Sledge from the slide down run,
Laughter does not cease.

Houses Aroma Blinov
Festive wonderful
For pancakes of friends call,
We will eat them together.

Noisy, merrily passes
Cheese saddemic
And behind her - a great post,
Time to pray.

We are waiting for the carnival!
We will meet the oil pan
Cheese, Honey, Kalach
Yes with a cabbage pie.
All of us the post is waiting for us,
Measure the future, people!

Wide carnival - cheese week!

So that the winter is a student from home to drive!

Morning ... Monday ... "Meeting" comes.

"Blash" careless - Tuesday of Otrada.

Games and fun, and for them - awards:

Fit and ruddy passenger damn!

Here the environment is suitable - "Landercoat" is called.

Couples, cheesecakes - they all manage.

Pies and pancakes - all on the table of swords!

And on Thursday - the large "ragble" comes.

Guys are looking for girls - squeezing their own.

Friday came - "Evenings of the ink" ...

All week walk,
All reserves eat.
And comes a forgive day,
We are not too lazy,
Come on Sunday -
We will ask for forgiveness,
So that with the soul of sins to remove everything,
With a pure heart post to meet.
We scrape friendship kiss,
Although we are not fighting:
After all, the carnival needs
Strengthen love friendship.
Come to visit us
We will be glad to guests!

How on an oil week
From the oven pancakes flew!
With heat, with heat, from the furnace,
All blush, hot!
Maslenitsa, treat!
Serve all pancakes.
With heat, with heat - disassemble!
Do not forget to praise.

Since the time of vintage, long
Sun holiday to us in a hurry.
He is one of the earliest
In the windows running day looks.
This carnival rushes
Along the streets of the native.
Drinks all the village walks
Eats pancakes to large:
With sour cream and mardener
With fish, meat and caviar.
Wider holiday with each century,
Do not call it game.
Monday - Day for the meeting,
Everyone goes to visit friends.
And on Tuesday - songs, dances.
Winged day is called.
Wednesday - table from treats
Blink: Eat, Pey, Cossack!
And on Thursday - the day of reconciliation ...
"Dyankin Day" is called so.
Ment a mother-in-law with a snowy
The mother-in-law is his hand hens.
Spore Kum forgot with Cumoy,
To visit everyone calls himself.
Horics water
Guys go to Sanya.
With a snow pallium yar
Ring from the hill on the legs.
Cossacks Trimmer Brava
Call for the game.
Early in the morning he, crazy,
Slotted into a snowdrift vines.
On horses trimmed
Its cuts the Cossacks:
On the race on the full saber
It is cut in the Dontski.
Aside of the Cossacks of Important
Restless berry.
They in the snow shawl throw -
Let the rider picks up ...
Well, on Friday - a walk,
Pir on the streets goes.
Atamana treat ...
Beyond the tables hurry the people.
From pancakes hot hot
Copper samovar puffs.
Every welfare without a gift.
Troika noisy flies.
Horses rummed jumps,
Stone of polozov, songs, laughter.
Cossacks under Tuben dance
Old people are happy everyone.
Day Saturday Majalia
Camers are called.
Horics with the song water
You will go to visit without end.
Sunday - Fast Day,
Wires of gray winter.
In every hut kissing
Year to wait for the new oil.
Bell ringing plays
All to the Sauna is called.
Young and old knows:
Tomorrow the post will come to the house.
After serving in the field will come out
All with a bowl of the Cossacks.
To the sun out with a prayer to boil
And they will be asked in human:
- the sun is red, be generous,
In the Seed Seeds field!
Be, Lord, to us with merciful:
Earth with rain fields.
Dothemna goes fun
The people treat
To the stars to the first
Everyone to nourish everything.
Iraida Mordovine

With Carnival congratulations,
Have fun, snupe people!
The sun, we wish joy
Valley spring arrival!
Let with ruddy pancakes
Happiness to your house will knock
Kalachi, pogs
The table will be generously rewarded!



On the carnival we will bind pancakes,
Rushes, we ratchet them.
Put on their best all your updates
And the holiday is overwhelmed!

On the day of the carnival you take from me
All congratulations, all the wishes of good!
So that you are not sad not a day,
And in life there was a wonderful time! ***

With carnival tender Congratulations to you,
Pies told the hour.
No pancakes do not eat winter wires,
To the song, to the joke, we invite you to joy!

Wide Maslenitsa Cheese week!

Wide Maslenitsa – Cheese week!
You came to celebrate the spring for us.
Bake pancakes and entertain all week,
So that the winter is a student from home to drive!

Morning ... Monday ... The "meeting" comes.
Bright salazzas with a honeycomb slide.
All day fun. Comes evening ...
Rolling down, all pancakes eat.

"Blash" careless - Tuesday Otild.
All walk, coming up went out like one!
Games and fun, and for them
Fit and ruddy passenger damn!

Here the environment is suitable - "Landerday" is called.
Each hostess clogs in the oven.
Couples, cheesecakes
All they manage.
Pies and pancakes
All on the table of swords!

And on Thursday - Runner "ragble" comes.
Ice Fortresses, Snow Boes ...
Troika with buboins on the fields come out.
Guys are looking for girls
- Missed their own.

Friday came - "Evenings of the ink" ...
Family invites son-in-law on pancakes!
Eat with caviar and salmon, you can a little simpler,
With sour cream, honey, we were ate with butter.

Saturday is nearing - "Castle treat."
All the relatives meet, leads a dance.
The holiday continues, the overall fun.
Slot to win the winter people!

Sunday luminous quickly comes.
Eliminage the soul all in the "Forgive Day".
Scarecrow straw - winter - burn
Also in Tulupchik, boots, belt ...

Magnificent female marriage crowds.
Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!
A year later, the beauty will again meet.
We will celebrate again, pancakes treat!

Boris Kustodiev "Maslenitsa" 1920


Hello, Maslenitsa!
Give us a olive woman!
We tone a hot pancakes -
We are nails and frosts!

If there is a pan,
Not scary to us cold
Because damn hot -
This is the best food!

That is not the mouse begging,
Not frost cracks
In the pan pancake
Behind the pancake Takes.

Yes with her dearer,
Yes with an idoca
Yes on the edge with golden

So Maslenitsa
Gave the Maslitsa to us!
Even two pancakes appeared in the sky:
This is a sun-pancake, and near the pancake-moon.

One pancake hot
Other cold.
Frames on the sky -
If who is hungry!

On the ground wheels
Pancakes rolled ...
Children under birch
Collect hotels!

The world of baptism now rejoices,
Because now the carnival.
Come, people, and eat pancakes with us,
So that Spring came to Earth!

Well, eat pancake,
So that spring come!
(A. Usachev)


On the Table of Kalachi.
And pancakes hot.
Behind the window ruddy sunshine.
It was painted,
As if to drink
Tea five samovarov to the bottom.
Behind the window sings about spring droplets,
About winter walking sings.
I do not want to sit at home now:
In the village of Spring goes.
(O. Akulov)

Today carnival with us

Feels in the air in the spring,
In the park hurries the people honest,
Yes, in the morning, yes families
In this resurrection!

Everything goes, who is not too lazy:
In Russia - a special day!
On my shoulders! Father!
Today - Maslenitsa!

See all my eyes:
Here is a concert,
And there fights.
Ringing yes clean -
The song is voiced
Then flies, then it is stee
About the merchant, about the girl!

I like the dance to me -
This holiday is a fairy tale!
Mom got a dance -
White swan sails ...

With dad we are surprised:
And cheesecakes, and pancakes,
With heat with heat - they eat them,
And they do not disappear!

Smells the sun and pancakes -
Today - Maslenitsa with us!
Become scarecrow to burn
Will we wish the winter!

(N. Kapurance)

Rouus Callenitsa Dobya

Rouus Callenitsa Dobya
Walks all week from the soul!
Bakes pancakes, pancakes, pyshki,
Rushes like the sun. Good!

Happy dance holiday is famous for
Sings, laughs all honest people.
Spring meets Maslen-Beauty.
Goodbye winter, see you after a year!

(T. Lavrov)

Today Wires of winter

Today we rejoice -
Today Wires of winter
With pies and pancas,
In the noise of cute cattle.
From the slide sumps fly,
The eyes of the maiden are burning,
Songs, Dance and Gulia
That is the day in a row.
Young to seek not too lazy
Numbered all day:
Grooms - Girls
And brides - guys
And the mother-in-law in pancakes
The son-in-law is quite shaken: - Ah!
Ate, probably, forty pieces
That's a festive scope!
It is Maslenitsa,
Miracle - Maslenitsa.

Awakening land

Soon wings will open
Sleepy land
Awakening will come
With a scream of the crane;
Recognizes February himself
Change days
Through the celestial veil
Solar horse
Schlets, like spring messengers
In gray houses:
- Awaken from sleep! -
She says.
And in marked hearts
Melts dead ice.
Troika rushes in Bubares -
Maslenitsa stroke ...

Joy - every house!

Stand in the morning early
Contact pancakes
With cottage cheese, sour cream,
With honey. Be healthy!
With oil and jam,
Here you treat!
Maslenitsa will meet.
I will burn the scarecrow.
We will celebrate the holiday.
Joy - every house!
Bright ray of the sun -
Everyone in the window!

(N. Gubsk)

Wide Maslenitsa

Wide carnival,
We cook you
Ride on the mountains
Pancakes coming up!
Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa,
Pancakes Popetra
Come wound
We will meet well -
Cheese, butter and pancake
And ruddy pie.
Maslenitsa - Blider
I fed to lunch.
And herself - for the woven,
For the whole day, for the whole day.
Polisted cheese and oil,
And myself then went out.


Maslenitsa! Maslenitsa,
Round Boca!
In the sky the sun is harvested -
Know spring is close.

On a plate of pancakes
I have a slide,
Round, ruddy -
Sun relatives!

Come, Baby,
I will feed you
Young "twigs",
I love everyone very much.

Holidays Slavic -
Joy in every home!
With songs and dances
We will enter the spring. . .
(N. Obnyakina)

Pancake poems and riddles

In the midst of heavenly bodies ...

In the middle of heavenly tel
Moon lick misty
How he is round and how white is
Exactly pancake with sour cream.
Every night she is in the rays
The path passes Milky.
Can be seen there in heaven
Maslenitsa forever!

(M. Lermontov)

Russian pancakes

If there is a pan,
There will always be Russian:
Hot Sun Spring
Tax on her pancakes.

Lush, ruddy,
With rim-crust,
With honey eat, with anchochka.
(I. Ageev)

Russian Blin

Since ancient times, people in Russia
On the carnival, God will save
Tired of the style silence,
Baked ruddy pancakes.
Called the picker in the pancakes,
Husband for wife Fritus Peak.
Mother for the sons of baked pair
With caviar and with honey, on a layer.
The mother-in-law taught Mroduha
How to put in the barrel Medovukhu.
How to wait for guests like a table to cover,
Pancakes to apply, cheerful to be.
Damn the guest was the owned,
Mouths and mouths opened;
Pital and having fun people.
It was in any of the gate.
In a boyars house and in a crate
And poverty on pellets;
On tin, on a crystal -
In Russian pancake Shagal land.
Was a lump, or butter chyek,
At the crossroads of all roads
And failure and success
With Likhvyu Damn divided at all.
And the people sang, and was one:
"He is the Son Son -
Our, Russian pancake "!

(T. Cultina)

Maslenitsa treats!

How on an oil week
From the oven pancakes flew!
With heat, with heat, from the furnace,
All blush, hot!
Maslenitsa, treat!
Serve all pancakes.
With heat, with heat - disassemble!
Do not forget to praise.

(I. Mordovina)

Disassemble pancakes!

Like our go
Oil pancakes,
Vatrushka ladies,
Buns - curls.
And your cake
Burned one side.
And pancakes are hot
With the heat heat from the furnace,
Lumps and blush
With butter and sour cream.
And you have a frying pan
Skipped, trouble.
Ah, yes carnival,
The belt is bowed.
Disassemble pancakes -
Everyone will come.

(T. Dergunova)

(Russian folk song)

Like on an oil week
We wanted pancakes!
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You, my pancakes!

Our older sister
The furnace pancakes is the master.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You, my pancakes!

On the tray she puts
And the table itself carries.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You, my pancakes!

"Guests, be healthy,
Here are my pancakes ready. "
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You, my pancakes!


We know this holiday -
Winter wire time.
People these days should
Having fun pancakes.

Before the post - Folk Gulyanya,
Myatseed, fun and pancakes.
And with winter lutea fare
In the covenants of good old.

Fell a sun in snow,
Dairy river joined,
Swim in a hot country
There to do in holes moon.

For beloved grandmother
Bakery pancakes.
So blush and tasty
These lush ...

Oh, you are a lavoma environment!
Oil frying pan!
As he was heard from the old days -
Going to ...!

(In the pancakes)

Maslenitsa - arrangement!
Let's lend pancakes in the morning.
To them - sour cream and jam
And, of course, ...!


And with caviar, and with sour cream -
All they are tasty!
Nostrils and Rushes -
Our Suns - ...


In passenger Sunday
All tried old tit
Ask for all forgiveness
And answer: ...

("God will forgive!")

Proverbs about Maslenice

  • Pancakes - Sun relatives.
  • In a forgiven day, like on Easter, everyone kiss
  • They drank beer about the carnival, and the hangover broke after the radius.
  • To whom Maslenitsa, and solid, and we are verbal and passionate!
  • Otellets are not per cent.
  • Maslenitsa - Semikova niece.
  • Maslennitsa walks seven days.
  • On the mountains to ride, in pancakes to be sought.
  • Not all cat carnival, there will be a great post!
  • Do not live - be, and carnival.
  • Let's give the honor on the cheese on Sunday.
  • Pyruu and Gulyai, Baba, on Maslenitsa, and remember about the post without a maslice.
  • Thirty brothers sister, forty granddaughter grandchildren, three-wave daughter oil.
  • This carnival goes, damn yes honey carries.

Short, funny and funny poems on Carnival.

Sunny holiday came

Holiday sunny came,
We put all pancakes on the table!
Carnival meet
With wanted by this:
Happiness close and native
Let not be the table empty
Let health leave no
A gossip for the whole world does not "Slavit",
Friendship is growing, does not worry,
Wallet does not empty
And smiles dance
You are circling from year to year!

Spring-Beauty flies on the change of ice winter

Spring-Beauty flies on the change of ice winter,
Well, for her heels in the heels hurries to visit us carnival!
We spend the Winter Honor of honor, let the ravisa go,
We are not afraid of frosts, the spring warm is waiting for us!
You congratulate you with Carnival, I want to wish from the heart
Live joyfully and positively and never lose heart!

Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa! Like the sun rolls

Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa!
As if the sun rolls.
We have been waiting for spring for so long
And the cold weather is tired.
So we will ride,
We will break the strength!
Like warm pancakes,
All blunders, merry!
At this holiday
For a year I put a goose!

Songs, dances and walking, with winter cold fare

Songs, dances and walking,
With a winter cold farewell,
And cheesecakes, and pancakes,
Waiting for spring -
This is our carnival.
We all sing, from happiness dance.
Congratulations on the holiday of you.
All desires now
Let them be fulfilled at all.
I know, waiting for us all success!

Wires are coming

Wires are coming.
In Carnival, everyone bake pancakes.
I want spring, her heat,
I want smiles and good.
Let the cold leave you,
Let the grief and trouble melts,
Let the fun knock on the house
And for a long time it takes on it.
Let forgive you, forgive you,
And happy every hour.

Comes "Jack"

Coming "Operate".
Will be everyone "Vezuch",
Meat, cheese, pancakes and oil -
We will meet the carnival cool.
Winter spent fun
Popoam, Issue.
Scarecrow fire will burn
Soon and spring will come.
All health, happiness, laughter.
Fun begins!

Frying pan and oil today we need

Frying pan and oil today we need
After all, in the carnival holiday we will oven pancakes!
And we give everyone to give lace pannakes,
As if very warm, cheerful congratulations!
All people celebrate the arrival of spring,
Round path, like the sun, rustle pancakes!

Break pancakes today and relatives I will treat

Break pancakes today
And my relatives I will treat
All friends of their loved ones
I will invite you for the holiday!
We will sing and have fun
Have fun and walk
The holiday of Maslenitsa Lastlovaya
We will celebrate together!

In cool March day

In cool March day
Icicles silver roof
I'll send my native congratulations
And pickens of wheat
Guests I will collect
We assign pancakes with honey
We arrange the wires of winter
With children take round dance!

Maslenitsa wide

Maslenitsa wide
And we walk her
Fun, abolished!
All friends their congratulations
Today I am sending.
Happiness, joy, love
Today I wish everyone!
Eat sun-pancakes,
Put and dance,
Yes chase away winter
And spring call!

Before the Great, before post

Before the Great, before the post,
Before the first Martov list,
The week is a pancake
And as if with the hoops hide
Spring all mood,
Heat and sun return
We will ride on sledding.
Walk, frolic, smile,
Let's go later to play snowballs
And we will scare down.


Interesting facts about Maslenitsa

Devil's holiday

The old good carnival was the most ragged holiday in Russia. For the people, it was a long-awaited solemn event and the best reason to take a walk, relax and fully enjoy the arrival of spring. But many rulers did not support such an initiative.
And in the old days, Maslenitsa noted not 7 days, as now, and 14. Because of all these Balages and the noisy folk festards, Patriarch Adrian wanted to prohibit Maslenitsa at all as the "Devilish" holiday. He argued that on this day the whole Dark Essence of the People is in no way can be a holiday. Later, another Russian king tried to keep his subjects from drunk rampant and frequent ridiculous deaths at the festival. Alexey Mikhailovich was confident that it was impossible to spend holidays in the fun and feasts, everything should be kept and calm. The ruler began to compose numerous orders, which first banned fist fights, distillation, gambling. It came to the point that he forbade riding skating. But by the fact that today we celebrate this holiday, Maslenitsa is obliged to Peter I, who officially legalized the "insane week" and is named in the peak of the church "the All-Eastern, the All-Eastern and the Husband Cathedral."

Poems about Maslenitsa for children will help create a festive mood to one of the most delicious holidays. Winter in Russia was harsh, so the spring was waiting with a huge impatience, and her arrival was noted with a big sweep, arranging big and noisy walking, where he drove dances and baked pancakes. This cheerful holiday got the name of the carnival.

Poems about Maslenitsa for children will be especially useful for celebrating at school or kindergarten. Maslennaya week children love especially. These days it is customary to treat pancakes and go to visit. In schools and kindergartens, too, they are satisfied with the walks to spend the winter and meet the spring.

In this online compilation, you will find children's poems about Maslenitsa who are suitable for thematic events. Short and beautiful poetic miniatures without difficulty will remember any child.

Children's poem about the carnival for memorizing

This holiday goes to us
Early spring
How many joys carries
He is always with him!
Ice mountains waiting
And the snow flashes,
Sledge from the slide down run,
Laughter does not cease.
Houses Aroma Blinov
Festive wonderful
For pancakes of friends call,
We will eat them together.
Noisy, merrily passes
Cheese saddemic
And behind her - a great post,
Time to pray.

Spring sun

The sun is round as damn,
Smiling shining.
Rada warm meeting with him
Adults and children.


And we expected Maslenitsa
Expensive guests met,
Pancakes Mount Ustimali,
From above, the butter was watered.
How from pancakes Mount cool,
How from Maslitsa Mountain is clear,
And on the horcier snow is low,
And the mammocks are clicher home.
We do not go home to go
We decided to ride from the mountain.
Oh you, carnival-kryvoshika,
Jump us good.

Assumptions of Maslenitsa

How on an oil week
From the oven pancakes flew!
With heat, with heat, from the furnace,
All blush, hot!
Maslenitsa, treat!
Serve all pancakes.
With heat, with heat - disassemble!
Do not forget to praise.

Cat and Maslenitsa

Cat went, sat, lying,
Long carnival waited.
Song sang, sikel, nozzles:
"Not winter, and chaos!"
Under the window battery
He warm feline warming!
And hopes what about!
Pamrestrey Spring will come!


Maslenitsa-Maiden, Snowy Winter Sister,
To us the yard will begin pancakes to treat!
Master of the furnace will be spinning,
Will think, yes to guess how to make a maiden.
Fragrant pancakes
Remote pies with red bokes
Become a sun, wake,
We will be fun to kut!

The washer about the carnival for kids

Baked pancakes a little bit
Cooled on the window,
There are them with sour cream,
We will invite a mom to dinner.
Damn we ate with pleasure -
Purchased jam.
So that the jam from the lips to remove,
Rotik need to lick.


Rouus Callenitsa Dobya
Walks all week from the soul!
Bakes pancakes, pancakes, pyshki,
Rushes like the sun. Good!
Happy dance holiday is famous for
Sings, laughs all honest people.
Spring meets Maslen-Beauty.
Goodbye winter, see you after a year!

Babushkina pancakes

Grandmother pancakes speckle
Round rosy.
Carnival came to us
Guest welcome.
The sun is round as damn,
Smiling shining.
Rada warm meeting with him
Adults and children.
I am on Mom's carnival,
And hands and legs,
Helped the bake pancakes,
Unprecedented width!

Wide Maslenitsa

Wide carnival - cheese week!
You came to celebrate the spring for us.
Bake pancakes and entertain all week,
So that the winter is a student from home to drive!

Congratulations on your heart

Congratulations on your heart
And we welcome:
Throw all worries
Come to visit,
Right to our porch
To us on Maslenitsa.
Ensure yourself:
Treats pancakes
On sour cream to bat
Pies lush,
February - loss
Marta - "Hello" Let's say.


On the Table of Kalachi.
And pancakes hot.
Behind the window ruddy sunshine.
It was painted,
As if to drink
Tea five samovarov to the bottom.
Behind the window sings about spring droplets,
About winter walking sings.
I do not want to sit at home now:
In the village of Spring goes.

Today Wires of winter

Today we rejoice -
Today Wires of winter
With pies and pancas,
In the noise of cute cattle.
From the slide sumps fly,
The eyes of the maiden are burning,
Songs, Dance and Gulia
That is the day in a row.
Young to seek not too lazy
Numbered all day:
Grooms - Girls
And brides - guys
And the mother-in-law in pancakes
The son-in-law is quite shaken: - Ah!
Ate, probably, forty pieces
That's a festive scope!
It is Maslenitsa,
Miracle - Maslenitsa.

Awakening land

Soon wings will open
Sleepy land
Awakening will come
With a scream of the crane;
Recognizes February himself
Change days
Through the celestial veil
Solar horse
Schlets, like spring messengers
In gray houses:
- Awaken from sleep! -
She says.
And in marked hearts
Melts dead ice.
Troika rushes in Bubares -
Maslenitsa stroke ...

Joy - every house!

Stand in the morning early
Contact pancakes
With cottage cheese, sour cream,
With honey. Be healthy!
With oil and jam,
Here you treat!
Maslenitsa will meet.
I will burn the scarecrow.
We will celebrate the holiday.
Joy - every house!
Bright ray of the sun -
Everyone in the window!

How was the carnival of pagans celebrated?

In Russia, winter wires were closely connected with the worship of the Sun and the worship of the fertility to the fertility.
Suns have met with a special scale. Masquerade processions, Sanya riding, ritual bonfires, visiting guests, Honoring young, games and fist fights - all this indispensable attributes of the spring holiday.

Maslenitsa was considered a female holiday, although men were not forbidden to participate in it.

Every day of the festive week was painted. Monday was the opening day of Carnival. Women gathered in small companies and having fun until the morning. On Tuesday, they played touching scenes and merry performances that came up with the day before. The central event in the celebration was rural comedy, the main characters of which were Maslenitsa and the governor. The plot of the work was the holiday itself, with his stormy walking and winter wires. Very often, the performance reflected the real stories that occurred in a particular settlement.

On Wednesday and Thursday it was customary to visit the neighbors and friends, treating them with dumplings with cottage cheese and pancakes. Friday and Saturday were family days: on Friday, the son-in-law briefed the mother-in-law, and on Saturday it was customary to visit the guests only to relatives.

On Sunday, Selyan asked for forgiveness from those whom they offended, and then a walk with a pure heart.
Pancakes were accepted by the oven all week, especially - from Thursday to Sunday. Each woman had his own family recipe, which was transmitted from the genus. Not only wheat flour was used to prepare this delicacy. Very popular were buckwheat, oat and corn pancakes. The hostess was added to the dough of the millet or manna porridge. Potatoes, pumpkins, apples, eggs, caviar used as a filling. Pancakes ate with sour cream and cream. Trapez continued all night.

The first pancake our ancestors were given to the poor, and they had to pray for the rest of the deceased relatives of their benefactors. Sometimes pancakes left on the window.

The culmination of the holiday was a burning stuffed. This ritual symbolized farewell to winter. The doll was made of rags and straw, and then dipped into the hole, burned or tearned into pieces. Sometimes the role of the passenger doll played a real person. Then they stuffed the stuffed, hid over the village and dumped in the snow.

Our ancestors loved Maslenitsa very much, they looked forward to this holiday and dedicated to him a lot of songs and poems.

Today, the child can learn online children's poems about Maslenitsa and take part in the celebration of the ancient holiday.

How is the celebrated Carnival of Christian?

With the arrival of Christianity, the holiday acquired another meaning. Maslenic or meat suggestive week is the period preceding a great post. All seven days preceding the great post, it was impossible to eat meat. The prohibition did not apply to fish, eggs and dairy products. Meat, which remained from the Christmas slaughter of livestock, worried about the last Sunday in front of the carnival. The period from Christmas to the Maslenitsa was called the meat seed period.

Since the great post is one of the most stringent church posts, people in the meat suite tried themselves not to refuse themselves.

Last Sunday, before the post, called for forgiven Sundays. On this day, the temples served special liturgy and asked for all forgiveness.

Thence of this tradition were Egyptian monks. For 40 days, they went to the desert to retire for prayer. Discussing, they understood that they could no longer meet (in the desert a lot could have happened), so just in case they asked each other forgiveness and forgot their offenders. Everyone understood that the meeting could be the last.