Why joints hurt during pregnancy and how to get rid of pain. Why do joint pains appear during pregnancy and how to get rid of them

There are many reasons for this. First of all, two groups can be distinguished:

  1. joint pain associated with changes in the body during pregnancy, rather than illness. They can be called physiological. They are expected, easily corrected by a doctor, and disappear after childbirth.
  2. pains directly related to joint disease. Joint diseases can be triggered and worsened by pregnancy. In addition, they are capable of harming her. They definitely require treatment from a specialist, and after childbirth they do not always go away.

The main causes of pain

There are many reasons that can trigger joint pain during pregnancy. They can be classified into three types: psychological, physiological, and pathological.


There can be many reasons why joints hurt during pregnancy. Most often, we are talking about the following situations:

  • calcium deficiency in the body (during the carrying of a child, the female body needs 3 times more calcium than in the normal state);
  • increased load on bone and muscle tissue due to an increase in the abdomen;
  • manifestation of the consequences of various injuries that were received earlier;
  • changes in the biomechanical characteristics of the skeleton;
  • active production of the hormone relaxin.

All of these causes of joint pain during pregnancy can contribute to the development of arthritis. This disease is accompanied by severe inflammation, leading to metabolic disorders in the joint. In this case, arthritis can affect either one joint (monoarthritis), or several joints at the same time (polyarthritis).

In addition, joint pain during pregnancy can cause diseases such as arthrosis. This is a dystrophic disease that leads to the gradual destruction of the cartilage inside the joint.

Most often, metabolic disorders become the root cause of the development of arthrosis, and the disease begins to manifest itself more strongly, the more significant the load on the musculoskeletal system).

You should be worried already if the pain sensations intensify at night. This suggests that some kind of inflammation process has begun inside the body.

The presence of the latter can also be evidenced by the general stiffness of the body of a pregnant woman immediately after waking up. The appearance of swelling in the area of ​​the knees, elbows or phalanges of the fingers cannot but alert.

As a rule, joint pain during pregnancy is of a physiological nature, appears closer to the third trimester, can intensify with prolonged standing and disappear after a good rest.

Thus, if you feel that your leg joints hurt during pregnancy, it is highly recommended that you immediately contact your doctor. Especially if additional symptoms are present: weakness, fever, or joint deformity.

Find out when Allohol is prescribed for pregnant women. You can read how to properly cook a baked apple for a baby in the microwave here.

Diagnosis of joint diseases during pregnancy

All reasons can be divided into two groups:

  • Physiological (i.e. normal for the period of gestation);
  • Pathological (caused by various diseases).

Classification of pain medications

There are many drugs that can relieve pain. All the variety of funds can be divided into two main groups:

  1. Narcotic analgesics such as codeine or morphine. They act on the central nervous system and help to cope with even the most severe pain. Such drugs during pregnancy are used strictly according to the doctor's prescription in emergency situations and, as a rule, only in hospitals.
  2. Non-narcotic analgesics, subdivided, depending on the characteristics of the structure, into several groups. However, the most familiar and commonly used of these are drugs such as aspirin, drotaverin, paracetamol, ibuprofen, ketorolac, and diclofenac.

Security categories

Some women, taking care of the health of the baby, completely refuse to use medications during pregnancy, preferring to endure the pain. Such a radical decision is also not entirely correct. The pain itself is very stressful and can sometimes cause much more trouble than taking the pills.

Drinking painkillers during pregnancy and using ointments or suppositories is not only possible, but also necessary! The main thing is to do it competently and after consulting a doctor.

From the point of view of the effect on the fetus, all pain relievers can be divided into several categories:

  • Category A. There is no risk at all. Alas, there are practically no such drugs. Even seemingly safe pain relievers such as herbs, homeopathic remedies or essential oils can pose a certain threat to a woman and her unborn child.
  • Category B. With adequate use in therapeutic doses, there is no risk and effect on fetal development. This group of drugs includes paracetamol, recognized by the World Health Organization as one of the safest drugs for pain relief. In addition, paracetamol is effective at elevated temperatures. This can also include tablets and ointments containing ibuprofen, which is allowed in the early stages, namely up to 30 weeks. During the third trimester, ibuprofen can reduce the amount of amniotic fluid and should not be used.
  • Category C. Drugs, under certain conditions, may have a minor effect on the developing fetus, especially in the first trimester, but the benefits of their use significantly outweigh the potential risk. This category includes, for example, drotaverine or papaverine, which are often used to relieve cramps during pregnancy, especially with increased uterine tone.
  • Category D. Pills and ointments related to it almost always affect the development of the fetus. However, there are situations when the benefits to the mother outweigh the negative consequences of their use. This category includes acetylsalicylic acid and almost all pain relievers included in the NSAID group, for example, diclofenac or indomethacin. With unbearable pain, doctors sometimes prescribe Baralgin injections. However, this drug is contraindicated in the early stages, namely in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Category E. The potential benefits of use do not justify the high risk. Drugs in this group are contraindicated for use during pregnancy.
  • Category X. Drugs that are dangerous to the fetus that negatively affect its development and are absolutely contraindicated for use during pregnancy.

Joint pain during pregnancy

At other times, you will take painkillers without hesitation, but while waiting for the baby, especially in the early stages, not all drugs are safe and suitable for use. There are several dangerous periods in pregnancy:

  1. From the moment of conception until the tenth day. Potent pain relievers with toxic effects often cause abortion at this time.
  2. The period of organogenesis, lasting 28 days of gestation. At this time, the formation of future tissues and organs of the baby takes place and teratogenic, disrupting their development, the effect of drugs is manifested quite often.
  3. Period from the fourth to the ninth week. Although medicinal products no longer have a teratogenic effect, they can slow down the development of the fetus.
  4. From the ninth week until delivery. At this time, the drugs have no direct effect on the growing baby. However, their unjustified and uncontrolled reception can affect its further development after birth.
  5. The period immediately before childbirth and the birth itself. Improper use of medication can affect the newborn in the neonatal period, which begins from the moment the umbilical cord is ligated and lasts up to 28 days.

A woman experiences pain almost throughout the entire period of pregnancy and in various places. As a rule, such pains are classified by doctors as normal. However, some pain, especially joint pain, can be extremely difficult for pregnant women to endure.

Joint pains are severe enough and make a pregnant woman suffer, in addition, many doctors are sure that it is undesirable to endure such pain and it is necessary to find out its cause as soon as possible.

During pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother becomes especially sensitive and suffers from pain in various parts of the body. But when there is discomfort in the joints of the hands, you do not need to endure. You should immediately contact a specialist and find out the reason.

A pregnant woman often experiences recurrent pain in many parts of the body. And sometimes pain is considered a normal condition in which you can only endure.

And, nevertheless, when the joints of the fingers hurt during pregnancy, you should no longer endure, but you should immediately seek help from specialists. They will find out the cause of the unpleasant sensations and try to rid you of them.

Reorganization of the body

The development of the fetus in the womb leads to various changes in the woman's body. Often, the period of pregnancy is accompanied by various pains, including in the joints. Sometimes these pains, as they say, “come and go,” but it also happens that the pain in the joints of the fingers does not recede, but only becomes even stronger.

Often, during an interesting position, the joints of the fingers hurt due to the mobility of the joints, which are characterized by the state of the connective tissues. Painful foci are formed in the area of ​​muscles, tendons and ligaments.

To prevent the disease from becoming chronic, these foci must be localized in time. However, it is strictly forbidden to make a diagnosis on your own, and even more so to prescribe treatment for yourself during pregnancy, since only a doctor should do this, after an appropriate diagnosis.

Self-treatment, especially during pregnancy, can have a detrimental effect not only on your health, but also on the development of your unborn baby.

As a rule, the joints of the fingers hurt due to a pathology associated with the inflammatory process, that is, with arthritis. However, most often, pain symptoms in the joints of a pregnant woman are associated with a lack of calcium in the body.

To determine the condition of the joint, you should take a blood test for biochemistry. Based on the results of this analysis, the attending physician will be able to determine what elements are missing in the body of a pregnant woman.

Most likely, the specialist will then prescribe a calcium-based product used in safe doses. Also, the expectant mother should carefully monitor her diet.

It also happens that feeling discomfort in the joints of the fingers, a pregnant woman needs to correct her diet to get rid of it. This will balance the rate of beneficial trace elements in a woman's body. Replacement of consumed products may be necessary. For example, you will need to regularly consume foods rich in calcium (cheese, milk, cottage cheese, kefir).

You should not neglect seafood, for example, salmon and tuna can "supply" the body of a pregnant woman with many useful substances that will benefit not only mommy, but also the baby. The diet should also include liver and egg yolk.

Causes of joint pain

Pregnancy, for quite natural reasons, is accompanied by the appearance of periodic or persistent pain with different localization. Often, the appearance of such sensations belongs to the category of quite "normal" and natural pain during pregnancy.

In this case, it remains only to endure for the sake of the normal development of pregnancy without complications and your unborn child. However, joint pain is considered to be the most difficult, given the pain and often simply the inability to endure further.

The appearance of pain in the joints leads to severe discomfort and rather serious experiences. Sometimes it is extremely difficult and even undesirable to endure such pains.

Finally, do a warming joint massage with massage oils. We wish you health and that joints during pregnancy do not bother you too much.

A cesarean section may be required if the bones are too far apart, and then a long rehabilitation will be needed. Natural childbirth will be possible only if the discrepancy of the bones is insignificant, and the fetus is medium-sized.

Unpleasant symptoms

The growth of the uterus and, as a result, an increasing load on the hip joints;

It is very important that a woman who has joint pain during pregnancy seeks a specialist for help in a timely manner. First of all, you need to seek advice from a family doctor who will analyze the symptoms and tell you which specialist you need to contact.

Oatmeal compress. Take 4-6 tbsp. l.

oatmeal, cover them with hot water and put on fire. Cook porridge over low heat for 5-7 minutes.

The porridge should be thick enough, so do not overdo it with boiling water. Once the oatmeal is cooked, remove from heat and let cool for 3-4 minutes.

The porridge should be hot, but not scalding. Put the finished product on a cloth and roll well (so that the porridge does not spill out).

Apply the compress overnight.

Active affection points in the palm of the hand

Causes and types of pain in the hip joint

Soreness in the arms, back, and legs can be caused by joint inflammation. After conception occurs, the female body weakens significantly and immunity decreases. If a woman in labor had chronic forms of joint diseases, then an exacerbation will occur during pregnancy. In this case, you need to seek professional help.

The joints of the fingers hurt during pregnancy in women as a result of the squeezing of the neural tubes connecting the hand to the hand. The stable work of the nerves is disrupted, as a result of which the young mother feels pain in her fingers. But prolonged soreness isn't the only symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome. Often along with them appear:

Excellent relieves the pain of swimming. This is the only physical activity that will help develop all joints while reducing the stress on them.

So if there is an opportunity to go to the pool, be sure to use it. Just don't catch a cold after swimming.

Finally, the radiation of pain from another area. The pain can be localized in the lower back, but it seems to the woman that it is the hip joint that hurts.

With stress - for example, long walking or exercising, and after rest, the pain disappears;

The doctor will select therapeutic methods aimed at eliminating inflammation and pain. From medications, analgesic drugs in the form of tablets, suppositories and ointments can be prescribed. No other medications are prescribed due to the danger of bad effects on the fetus. It is possible to use immunomodulatory therapy and special massage.

Full and timely nutrition, eating foods rich in vitamins and nutrients;

Prevention of joint diseases

If a woman had any diseases associated with joints before pregnancy, then bearing a child can aggravate them.

For any woman, pregnancy is one of the most important stages in life that will remain in memory for many years. The expectant mother lives every day in anticipation of meeting her child.

But not everyone tolerates pregnancy easily. Often women are faced with a number of problems and pain sensations of different origins.

One of the unpleasant phenomena is joint pain during pregnancy. Almost every woman in a position can face this problem, and at any time.

Joint pain during pregnancy is the most painful manifestation of ailments of the musculoskeletal system. In order to correctly understand the signal of your body during pregnancy, it is necessary, first of all, to understand the reason for the appearance of joint pain during pregnancy - and only after that you can apply the correct course of treatment and not be afraid of complications.

Pain significantly affects a woman's life during pregnancy. After all, pain is not just unpleasant sensations.

It has an impact on everyday worries, on the ability to provide personal life, on relationships with people around. Many pregnant women cannot tell the difference between joint pain and pain near the joint, apart from more serious injuries.

Only a doctor can say with certainty what exactly triggered the appearance of joint pain during pregnancy.

The impact on key points on the body can help to cope with any painful sensations. Turn your hands with the backs up and grab your wrist.

Place two fingers of your other hand in the curve. Right on the line next to your fingers will be the desired point.

Try to put pressure on this spot. If you have experienced a dull pain from pressing, then you have found it.

Press on the point for 6-8 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

After that, do the same with the other hand.

During pregnancy, it is not recommended to treat joints with medication.

The most effective treatment in this case is rest and good sleep. It is also necessary to include a lot of cottage cheese and other fermented milk products in the diet.

In addition, in order to relieve stress on the joints, a bandage can be worn in the last stages of pregnancy. Doctors also recommend taking warm baths and rubbing sore joints with olive oil.

The main difficulty in solving the problem is that the doctor usually prescribes certain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of joint pain. But if the joints hurt during pregnancy, this option is not suitable, since taking the indicated medicines is prohibited for use throughout the entire period of gestation.

The fact is that anti-inflammatory drugs negatively affect not only the circulatory system of the expectant mother, but also directly on the fetus.

Find out what is the rate of neutrophils in the blood in children. If white vaginal discharge is dangerous during pregnancy, you can find out here. Methods for preventing stretch marks in pregnant women can be found here: http://moeditya.com/pregnancy/vedenie/rastyazhki-profilaktika.

It is, however, quite possible to reduce painful sensations. And one of the best ways to get rid of the problem is swimming.

This kind of physical activity, which is easy for a woman in a position, helps to develop all joints and significantly reduces the load that is on them. If for some reason a visit to the pool is impossible, a regular bath or shower can also alleviate the condition.

Sometimes for joint pain during pregnancy, treatment includes wearing a special prenatal brace. It also reduces the load on the musculoskeletal system. Most importantly, in the process of wearing it, monitor your posture and walk as smoothly as possible.

If the joints of the hands hurt during pregnancy, a warming massage using oils can help.

It is worth trying to be less on your feet. Periodically, you should definitely sit down and rest somewhere.

The diet with the appearance of joint pain should also be revised. It must be enriched with calcium and fatty acids. There is a lot of calcium in any fermented milk products, and fatty acids in fish and seafood.


When planning a child, one should not forget that pregnancy is not only a happy and significant event in the life of every woman, but also a serious test that requires preparation. And therefore, the sooner you start to engage in physical culture to strengthen the abdominal muscles and muscles, saturate the body with the necessary amount of calcium and prepare yourself morally and psychologically, the better.

And even if you experience quite tolerable pain in the joints of the hands during pregnancy, you should not neglect medical supervision in any case. In this situation, it is better to play it safe.

It is important to know that not all external remedies for pain in the legs can be used while waiting for a child, and meanwhile, joints hurt very often during pregnancy. So, ointments based on bee or snake venom, as well as diclofenac, dimexide and hormones are not allowed for use.

Popular balm "Zvezdochka" also cannot be used during pregnancy, as it will cause adverse effects. To choose a suitable ointment, a pregnant woman needs to see a doctor, he will prescribe the necessary medications.

The following types of ointments can be called conditionally safe for pregnant women:

  1. Heparin ointment is effective for venous thrombosis, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. It is a pain relieving ointment that relieves inflammation. Expanding the superficial vessels, the remedy eliminates pain in the legs,
  2. Traumeel is a herbal ointment that reduces inflammation of joints and tissues, improves local immunity and repairs deformed tissues. The drug is a homeopathic remedy.
  3. Hepatrombin is an anticoagulant that improves local blood circulation, eliminates fluid stagnation in tissue and dissolves blood clots,
  4. Vishnevsky ointment or balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky - helps to eliminate thrombophlebitis and obliterating endarteritis, as well as varicose vascular lesions.

Carrying an unborn child is a crucial moment for every woman. The most difficult thing is when the expectant mother has chronic diseases and there is a serious threat to the fetus. Is rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy compatible?

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Before making a responsible decision about giving birth to a new life, it is important to consult a doctor if you are aware of your medical condition. To do this, you need to do clinical and laboratory studies, establish the degree of development of rheumatoid arthritis, and study functional disorders of the body.

The doctor can make predictions in advance: whether the risk of disease progression is high and how this will further affect the child's health. It is important to have a great desire to become a mother, care and support of loved ones.

Symptoms and treatment of pathological conditions causing leg pain

The following signs indicate the onset of the inflammatory process in the joints:

  • the appearance of increasing pain at night;
  • morning stiffness of the body;
  • swollen, slightly metacarpophalangeal joints;
  • if the pain decreases after active physical work, then this is a sign of the onset of arthritis;
  • with rheumatoid arthritis, hard nodes appear on the elbows;
  • With a lack of calcium in the body, pain appears in the hip joint, lower extremities and in the joints of the hands.

As the gestational age increases, prolonged standing should be avoided. This negatively affects the work of the musculoskeletal system.

With a lack of trace elements (calcium and magnesium), a woman complains of aching pain in the calf muscles, aggravated after prolonged standing or brisk walking, frequent cramps (especially at night), bleeding gums. Treatment is prescribed on an outpatient basis:

  1. Reception of a complex of multivitamins and minerals developed specifically for the period of pregnancy (Elevit, Teravit-pregna);
  2. Taking calcium supplements (Calcemin);
  3. Normalization of nutrition. You should include in the daily diet foods high in magnesium (buckwheat and millet cereals, legumes, nuts, spinach) and calcium (dairy products, legumes, almonds, poppy seeds, sesame seeds).

Important Dropsy of pregnant women is the initial stage of late gestosis and is characterized by the appearance of persistent edema. At the initial stage of dropsy, a woman is prescribed outpatient treatment. In the absence of an effect from the therapy or an increase in edema, hospitalization is indicated.

Treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating or reducing excess body fluids:

  1. Limiting fluid intake to 1.5 liters per day;
  2. Normalization of nutrition. A dairy-plant diet is recommended, excluding salty, spicy and smoked foods;
  3. Vitamin therapy;
  4. Diuretic drugs (Furosemide).

With varicose veins, a woman is worried about the following complaints:

  1. The appearance of a pronounced vascular network, varicose veins;
  2. Heaviness, tension in the legs;
  3. Frequent cramps in the calf muscles;
  4. Swelling of the legs.

If a pregnant woman has signs of varicose veins, consultation with a vascular surgeon is required. As a rule, no drug treatment is given during pregnancy. The woman is advised to constantly wear compression stockings or elastic bandages.

Ingrown toenails on the big toe are quite common during pregnancy. This is primarily due to the wearing of uncomfortable tight shoes, swelling of the feet, and improper cutting of nails.

With this pathology, the edge of the nail practically digs into the nail fold, causing severe pain and redness of the finger. You can try to cope with this problem at home using the following procedures:

  • Foot baths. For this procedure, you can use table salt, baking soda, or herbal infusions (calendula, chamomile). Baths can be done several times a day for 15-20 minutes. After softening the skin, remove and cut the edge of the nail;
  • Compresses. On the wound of the nail roller, you can put Vishnevsky ointment or Ichthyol ointment, the juice of aloe leaf also heals well.

Information If there is no effect of treatment, it is imperative to consult a surgeon for an operation.

The appearance of flat feet during pregnancy is characteristic from the second trimester and is associated with an increased load on the legs. There are severe breaking pains in the heels and arch of the foot, aggravated after long walking in uncomfortable shoes. With this pathology, a woman needs a consultation with an orthopedic surgeon, who will give the necessary recommendations to reduce pain:

  1. Shoes should only be used with flat soles, the heel should not be higher than 4 cm;
  2. Wearing special orthopedic insoles;
  3. Foot baths with cool water. Decoctions of medicinal herbs can be added to the water. This procedure helps relieve tension, fatigue, and swelling of the legs.

With the development of infectious arthritis, a woman complains of severe pain in the joint area, difficulty in movement. The area of ​​the affected joint is swollen, hyperemic, painful to the touch. When signs of arthritis appear, hospitalization is indicated, where an effective and safe treatment for the fetus will be selected for the woman.


After visual examination and palpation, a complex of additional diagnostic measures can be prescribed. To find out why joints hurt during pregnancy, help:

  • Laboratory analyzes of urine and blood, including biochemistry;
  • MRI and CT;
  • Ultrasound examinations;
  • Trendelenburg test.

The latter type of research allows you to assess the features of the functioning of the valves of the veins of the lower extremities.

For carrying out, the woman should be in a supine position, and the doctor actively massages the raised limb. Before this tourniquet, the thigh is tied to prevent a complete outflow of blood. Immediately after such a manipulation, the woman is asked to get to her feet very quickly.

It is important for a specialist to record how quickly the veins in the legs can fill after they have been emptied.

If there are no pathologies, then everything should return to normal in half a minute, while a pregnant woman should not experience unpleasant sensations.

Otherwise, we can talk about the presence of pathologies and find out in a specific case why knees hurt during pregnancy.

Diagnosis of problems of the musculoskeletal system during pregnancy includes the following steps:

  1. Visual inspection of the woman. The doctor examines the configuration, volume and symmetry of the joints. With a changed configuration, we can talk about the presence of fluid in the joint. Swelling occurs as a result of tissue edema. Atrophy and flat feet are visually determined.
  2. Palpation method. The change in the temperature of the diseased joint is determined, which confirms vascular thrombosis.
  3. Rotary sample. Identifies problems in outer shoulder circuit. Defines periarthritis of the shoulder-shoulder joint.
  4. Trendelenburg test. With its help, the pathology of the hip joint is determined.

In addition, MRI and ultrasound, laboratory studies of synovial (filling the joint cavity) fluid and biopsy of articular tissues are used.

Treatment features

Drug treatment

If the pains torment the expectant mother, you should not endure them. It is necessary, together with the doctor, to decide what to do if joints hurt during pregnancy. The features of the upcoming procedures, as well as therapy, will depend on the patient's condition, as well as the results of her complete examination. If you have to fight arthritis, therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Only a neurologist, rheumatologist, arthrologist, osteopath or verterbrologist will prescribe medications

Make an appointment after visiting your supervising doctor, who will recommend a specialist.

Ointments and creams

Treatment is carried out with medication and physical therapy. Anti-inflammatory injections are prescribed: Ibuprofen, Tramadol, steroids, anti-inflammatory ointments and gels.

The mobility of diseased joints is also restored with the help of a set of physical exercises. A specialist selects a set of exercises. This is more often joint massage and special gymnastics.

A pregnant woman should get plenty of rest during the day and have a good night's sleep. The diet must certainly contain cottage cheese and dairy products. It is advisable to take vitamin complexes.

Treatment options during pregnancy are extremely limited, so doctors try to limit themselves to non-drug methods. And only when they are ineffective do they resort to drug therapy.

Treatment of physiological joint pain

With physiological pain, you need to strictly control weight gain, change the diet, limit easily digestible carbohydrates (buns, cakes, bread, potato dishes). Sometimes - on the recommendation of the attending physician - it is advisable to arrange fasting days.

In the first trimester, you need to rest more, allowing the body to get used to the change in the center of gravity. Diversify and alternate physical activity, take positions in which pain disappears, do gymnastics.

With edema, it is worth checking the amount of fluid you drink and, if necessary, reduce it. If the edema is not accompanied by a change in the general urine analysis (the presence of protein - proteinuria), the doctor will recommend herbal preparations with a weak diuretic effect.

In the supine position, you need to raise the swollen legs.

With tunnel syndrome, it is sometimes necessary to wear a special splint to protect the nerve from compression. But usually, pain in the hands disappears after childbirth.

In case of joint hypermobility associated with the action of relaxin, it is recommended to avoid sudden movements. After childbirth, their stability will be restored.

With a confirmed lack of calcium, pregnant women are prescribed complex preparations containing calcium and vitamin D3.

Treatment of pathological conditions

For pathological diseases of the joints, treatment is necessarily prescribed.

With symphysitis, wearing a stabilizing bandage and calcium preparations are used in case of osteoporosis. The woman is advised to reduce physical activity and follow a diet rich in calcium.

For bruises, dislocations, sprains and fractures, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibacterial drugs and plaster immobilization are used if necessary. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a traumatologist.

Rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune diseases require anti-inflammatory therapy, and in the second case, constant hormonal treatment.

The selection of medicines is carried out by a rheumatologist in conjunction with a gynecologist, taking into account the ratio "benefit for the mother - risk for the child." Regardless of the cause of the disease, doctors use only those drugs that are allowed during pregnancy and do not harm the baby.

In most cases, all joint problems in pregnant women disappear immediately after childbirth.

Many remedies relieve symptoms of leg ailments. Doctors recommend using Antistax gel, which removes heaviness in the legs. If a person works while standing, there is a load on the legs, the gel is used before bedtime. The gel contains natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the legs - red grape leaves, special oils.

A remedy that removes heaviness and pain is an ointment based on ginseng extract. Copes with impaired blood circulation in the muscles in the legs and feet. Ointments containing castor oil, which soften the skin and improve blood circulation, are suitable.

Castor oil ointment

They approach the choice of ointment responsibly, in different cases they use different ointments, some have contraindications. It is not enough to anoint a sore spot and wait for the disease to recede.

Homeopathic remedies

You can reduce joint pain and folk remedies:

  1. Birch leaves, elder flowers and willow bark should be taken in equal parts, filled with hot water, and left overnight. In the morning strain the infusion and use 1/4 cup 3 times during the day. The course of admission is 14 days.
  2. Dry any clay in the sun, then dilute in warm water, distribute over problem areas, cover with foil, wrap with a warm scarf. Continue the procedure until a stable result appears.
  3. Copper coins, chalk, magnet will relieve joint pain. They can simply be put in socks for several hours a day.
  4. Pour gelatin (10 g) with a cup of cool water, leave overnight. In the morning, dissolve the jelly-like mass with water and drink before breakfast.
  5. Grind the chestnut fruits, add alcohol or vodka, stand in a water bath for 20 minutes. A warm agent can lubricate joints until the pain disappears.
  6. The saline compress has proven itself well. Dissolve st. a spoonful of sea salt. After moistening linen cloth, apply to joints. The course is at least 15 days.

Formulations made using ultra-low dilutions are considered to be practically safe. Therefore, they are often used during pregnancy. However, this opinion is also a delusion.

Homeopathy can have a rather strong effect on the body, so it must be used with caution.

Ointment and cream: pharmacodynamics

It is generally accepted that external dosage forms have a less pronounced effect on the body than tablets and especially injectables. However, this is not at all the case. The active substances from any form of drugs enter the bloodstream, which means they can potentially affect the fetus and its development.

In the case of ointments, this happens more slowly, since the components that make up their composition, before acting, overcome such a powerful protective barrier as the skin.

But candles, on the contrary, are not much inferior to injectable forms in terms of the speed of the onset of the effect, since they contact directly with the mucous membrane, which can be easily bypassed and immediately enter the bloodstream.

When choosing pain relievers during pregnancy in the form of suppositories or ointments, you should carefully read the instructions. Many of them may have contraindications and restrictions on their use.

As with pain relief pills, rectal suppositories containing paracetamol or ibuprofen can be used. According to the doctor's prescription, in some cases, suppositories with papaverine or hyoscin can be used to relieve spasms.

Which drug should you choose?

The mixed center of gravity and the increased weight make the joints constantly cope with high loads. It is not surprising that muscle and joint pain during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester, is not uncommon.

When leg pains appear, the correct choice of ointment is required to remove the discomfort. A doctor's consultation is required, since the diseases are of a different nature, and the ointments have a different direction.

Consider the causes of pain, how ointments work in different situations.

In addition to gels, there are creams that help with pain in the legs, used at the initial stage of the disease.

Foot cream

Consider the remedies used for pain in the legs.

Anesthetic ointment or cream can have various components in its composition.

Before buying a product, it is necessary to determine the disease of the legs, since the causes of pain can be caused by various factors.

The pharmacodynamic characteristics of ointments for pain in the legs depend on the components that make up them. The main action of these ointments is the following functions:

  • pain relievers,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • stimulating blood circulation,
  • tonic vessels.

A cream or ointment makes it possible to achieve a high concentration of the drug in the skin layers at the site of application.

It is not difficult to use these drugs, unlike other forms of drugs, for example, capsules, injections or suspensions.

Moreover, the ointment directly affects diseased tissues and blood vessels.

If there is an inflammatory process in a joint, tendon or muscle, then the ointment should have an anti-inflammatory effect,

For pain and myalgia due to old injuries, ointments should relieve pain,

If there are stagnant processes in the muscles, then it is better to choose an ointment or cream with a protective-warming effect,

With varicose veins, it is best to use ointments that reduce tissue edema, tone up blood vessels and stimulate blood circulation.

The pharmacodynamic characteristic of the ointment is of key importance - viscosity, which is important for ease of application. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the prolonged action of the ointment. The longer the duration of the product, the fewer times it will need to be applied.

Some ointments have a high degree of absorption with biotransformation in the reticuloendothelial system and liver. The cream is applied in a thin layer to small areas of the skin to reduce the penetration of active elements into the bloodstream.

Quite often, drugs for eliminating pain in the legs are not studied from the side of pharmacokinetic properties.

Pain ointments have their own contraindications:

  • some autoimmune diseases,
  • hypersensitivity, a tendency to allergies to some of the constituents of the drug,
  • sometimes lactation and pregnancy,
  • renal failure in severe forms,
  • hemorrhagic diathesis, thrombocytopenia and hemophilia,
  • external skin lesions in the areas of ointment application: open wounds, cuts, scratches, ulcers.

All ointments are divided into medicinal preparations and made according to recipes of traditional medicine.


As a rule, many women do not attach importance to joint pain. It is not right. The problem must be taken seriously.

To prevent the inflammatory process, it is necessary:

  • drink enough liquid;
  • food should contain vitamin D and calcium;
  • it is necessary to control body weight;
  • use vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • change the position of the lower limbs after 20 minutes;
  • shoes should be worn soft, with low heels;
  • engage in regular gymnastics special for pregnant women.

During pregnancy, if even very mild joint pain appears, you should consult a doctor for advice. It is better to be vigilant than to subsequently acquire a serious chronic illness.

To prevent joint inflammation, first of all, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of fluids.

Otherwise, it will lead to poor joint functioning. Also, doctors advise to eat foods rich in calcium and vitamin D.

In order not to put unnecessary stress on the joints, you need to control your weight. As a preventive measure, you can use various vitamin preparations, having previously consulted with your doctor.

So that a pregnant woman does not have joint pain, while in a sitting position, it is necessary to change the position of the legs every 20 minutes. In this case, the back should always be close to the back of the chair.

Due attention should be paid to the choice of shoes, which should be soft and without heels. You can also do special exercises for pregnant women, which will serve as the prevention of joint pain.

Pregnancy is often accompanied by unpleasant changes in well-being. One of these is joint pain. Contrary to prejudice, not only those women whose age is far from childbearing suffer from them. Young moms are also susceptible to this. What are these problems connected with?

As we know, a joint is where bones meet. Painful sensations occur when a joint, muscles, or tendons surrounding it become inflamed. This condition is called arthritis.

What are the symptoms of arthritis?

- edema

This is a visible symptom that cannot be overlooked. The skin swells up quite a lot, which is conspicuous.

- redness

In the place where the joints become inflamed, the skin takes on a red tint.

- pain

Naturally, with body movements, a woman will experience pain in the place where she was struck by arthritis.

- limited movement

Because of sore joints, a woman will feel that she is not able to turn around in full force or straighten her arms all the way. Even if no attempts were made to do this, the feeling of stiffness of movements remains.

- fatigue

The woman often feels exhausted. Chronic fatigue may occur.

- high temperature

Often in such cases, a high temperature rises. There is even a fever.

What is the nature of arthritis?

Arthritis is often unpredictable. The fact is that it is not always associated with physical activity. Sometimes bacterial damage contributes to the onset of the disease. And then how lucky: one joint may be affected, and it happens that several become inflamed at once. Therefore, it is customary to distinguish several types of arthritis:

  • monoarthritis (one joint is affected);
  • oligoarthritis (two or three joints are affected);
  • polyarthritis (more than three joints are affected).

Could joint pain be associated with pregnancy?

Yes, this option is quite possible. The fact is that during the period of bearing a child in a woman's body, the amount of release of the hormone relaxin increases. It affects the ligaments, as a result of which they soften and stretch elastically - this is necessary for the upcoming birth.

Of course, relaxin affects more than just the pelvic ligaments. It affects the ligamentous tissue of the elbows, knees - the whole body. As a result, weakened joints may simply not be able to withstand the weight that a pregnant woman has gained, which leads to pain like this.

Also, arthritis may indicate that pregnancy is proceeding along with the disease. Therefore, the sooner you take it, the faster you will get rid of painful sensations and breathe normally.

What else can be associated with joint pain?

- osteoarthritis

A pregnant woman can get such a disease after 30 years. It is due to the fact that with age, the cartilages that protect the joints lose elasticity and become vulnerable. Over time, they can generally begin to wear off, from which painful sensations arise. Mainly the fingers, feet, and spine are affected. Now add the weight of the unborn child to the sore spine.

- rheumatoid arthritis

When the joints are inflamed, they occur symmetrically. That is, a woman feels pain on both sides of her body. This is the main symptom of such arthritis, so if you notice this, see your doctor immediately! This type of disease is very dangerous, it can even be fatal.

- polymyalgia rheumatica

In this condition, pain is felt in large joints, usually in the hip or shoulder. An accompanying symptom is incredible fatigue, which simply knocks you off your feet. A persistent headache is also observed. So, if no pills from the head help, think about it, maybe it's not in the head at all.

- depression

Oddly enough, a lingering condition accompanied by a bad mood can also contribute to joint pain. And depression in pregnant women is not so rare: a woman cannot get used to the fact that her body is changing, she is afraid that she will not be able to regain her former fit forms. And what about the terrible toxicosis, because of which a woman spends days and nights in an embrace with the toilet!

Falling into such a sad state, the expectant mother can lie for days, moving to a minimum. When the body becomes numb, lays down, there are joint pains.

What to do if a pregnant woman has joint pain?

The most important thing is not to take the initiative in the treatment on yourself. First, health is a bad joke. Impromptu treatment can still go so sideways that you will not recover soon. And now you need to take care not only of your own well-being - the health of the future baby is on your conscience.

There is a second reason why you shouldn't try to solve the problem yourself. During pregnancy, the hormonal background of a woman changes significantly, and therefore sometimes we cannot objectively assess what hurts us, we cannot describe our pain. In short, we have deceptive sensations. Therefore, a woman can mistake a completely different disease for joint pain, and vice versa, the pain in the joints will be attributed to a minor injury.

Therefore, we urge you to immediately contact a specialist at the slightest sign of joint pain. Only a competent doctor will be able to determine the nature of your disease, identify the real reasons that caused its occurrence and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Complaining that the knee hurts during pregnancy is not uncommon. They are usually due to physiological reasons. However, the symptom deserves attention and medical advice. Pathologies of joints and other body systems should be excluded.

Why do knee pains appear during pregnancy

Physiological causes

Lack of calcium during pregnancy often leads to knee pain

Usually, during pregnancy, knees hurt in the later stages, but in some cases the syndrome appears in the first months and is also caused by female physiology:

  1. A pregnant woman is gaining weight rapidly. The pain is especially pronounced when the joints are bent. For this reason, doctors recommend avoiding squats and similar exercises while carrying a baby.
  2. The female body is actively rebuilding, the hormonal balance is changing. The main task is to support pregnancy and the correct development of the child, and in the future - to improve labor. At the same time, hormones affect the structures of the joints, so the knees begin to twist.
  3. Pregnant women need more calcium, since the fetus takes up the bulk of this substance. Calcium deficiency causes joint pathologies.

Physiological reasons appear at any week of gestation. The doctor will tell you what to do to improve the condition of the joints and prevent pathological processes.

Pathological causes

Pain can occur when the patella is displaced

During pregnancy, new diseases appear and old ones worsen. The signal is pain in the knee joints. Timely therapy will improve the health of the woman and eliminate the threat of miscarriage.

Hormonal changes, trauma, excess weight lead to joint diseases. Pathological processes cause inflammation and lead to problems with motor functions. Knees can bother with a feeling of heaviness, pronounced pain syndrome, swelling. The immune system of the female body is exposed to many unfavorable factors, which is also the cause of the development of articular and autoimmune pathological processes.

Psychological reasons

Doctors note that knee pain during pregnancy can be due to psychological reasons. The beginning of pregnancy leads to a change in the emotional state of a woman. Expectant mothers are not always ready for what is happening. They face a lack of communication with friends, suffer from the inability to go to work. As a result, a depressive state develops, an unwillingness to get out of bed and do something. To avoid this, you should correctly and moderately plan vigorous activities to maintain health.

To identify the cause of knee pain, you need to be examined by a doctor.

For physiological reasons, knees do not need to be treated, but the condition of the joints should be monitored. The doctor will recommend taking tests to determine the existing problems and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

With knee pain in early pregnancy, the risk of pathology is quite high. Consultation of doctors of various specializations, apparatus and laboratory tests is required.

Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe medicines and procedures for yourself. Treatment options during pregnancy are limited, and many drugs are contraindicated.

The main task is weight control. The specialist will prescribe a special diet in which the body will not suffer from a deficiency of essential substances, and will establish a drinking regimen to avoid puffiness.

If non-drug therapy does not work, medication is allowed. In extreme cases, a woman is hospitalized and, if necessary, a cesarean section is performed for medical reasons.

Principles of Knee Disease Treatment

Elastic knee brace will reduce stress

For joint pathologies, stabilizing bandages and calcium supplementation are required. It is recommended to give up physical activities that are considered potentially dangerous. If for any reason knees ache, it is recommended to give up even the slightest load.

In case of injuries of the knee joints, an obligatory visit to a traumatologist is required. If necessary, a cast is applied to stabilize the joints. Additionally, drugs are prescribed to improve the condition of the knees.

Preventive measures

To avoid unpleasant symptoms: knee aches, swelling, limitation of mobility, you should remember about prevention:

  • inclusion in the diet of protein and calcium products to obtain a sufficient amount of nutrients;
  • taking vitamins that are required during pregnancy and lactation;
  • the use of a special bandage to compensate for the shifted center of gravity and relieve the legs;
  • monitoring physical activity to reduce stress on the knees.

Joints during pregnancy5.00 / 5 (100.00%) Voted: 2

People are used to thinking that joint problems are the lot of old age or a consequence of an illness. Therefore, joint pain during pregnancy is sometimes a complete surprise for a woman.... Unfortunately, the painful sensations can be very intense and, of course, cause a lot of problems. But why do they arise, and will this condition go away after childbirth? Can you quickly and safely help yourself to get rid of pain? Today we will try to answer these questions.

Why do joints hurt during pregnancy? In most cases, women are worried about discomfort in the legs, but often their hands begin to ache. "Arthritis" - as a rule, say experienced mothers and grandmothers and frighten them with stories that they also started it during pregnancy. A pregnant woman imagines how her pain will worsen, and this does not add to her cheerfulness and good mood. Meanwhile, arthritis - inflammation of the joints - is caused by many reasons, and you should not guess on the coffee grounds why you have it. Joints worried during pregnancy? Do not tolerate pain, but go to the doctor so that he can find out the cause.

Pain in the hip joint during pregnancy

Similar pain, according to doctors, is experienced by 15 to 25% of pregnant women. Let's remember the structure of the joint: this is the junction of the bones with the help of ligaments and tendons. Therefore, in case of painful sensations in any part of the joint, the sensations spread to the entire joint in the complex. And only a doctor can determine what the problem is.

During pregnancy, hip joints usually begin to bother a woman in the second half of the term or closer to its end. Moreover, such pains can manifest themselves in completely different ways:

  • With stress - for example, long walking or exercising, and after rest, the pain disappears;
  • On the contrary, pain occurs at the onset of physical activity, and after physical activity, the pain decreases;
  • Dull pain occurs at night, during sleep, during the day when walking, it disappears.

Be sure to pay attention to exactly how your joints hurt during pregnancy, before or after exertion, and how long they last. Why can there be pain in the hip joint during pregnancy? First of all - due to a physiological reason - the action of the hormone relaxin, which relaxes the ligaments and muscles. This is necessary for the passage of the child through the birth canal. The pain caused by this cause is aching in nature and can tire a pregnant woman. But after giving birth, it will disappear.

Other causes that can cause pain:

  • The growth of the uterus and, as a result, an increasing load on the hip joints;
  • Excessive stress on the legs - tedious exercise, long walk, climbing stairs;
  • Calcium deficiency in the body is a very common problem during pregnancy;
  • Exacerbation of injuries and diseases. If a woman has ever had hip problems, pregnancy can make the situation worse;
  • Finally, the radiation of pain from another area. The pain can be localized in the lower back, but it seems to the woman that it is the hip joint that hurts.

In some cases, joint pain during pregnancy can be caused by a very dangerous cause - symphysitis.

What is symphysite

If pain spreads to the pubis (pubic fusion), bones and muscles of the pelvis, and it becomes difficult for you to walk, you can most likely assume the development of symphysitis. The pubic union diverges, and the ligaments become very soft.

This condition is dangerous: it becomes difficult for a pregnant woman to even change her body position. The gait resembles a duck, cautious, rolling over, and from a prone position it becomes impossible to lift the leg up. Pressing the pubis causes pain. Such sensations in the joints during pregnancy do not pose a threat to the fetus, which cannot be said about the mother. A cesarean section may be required if the bones are too far apart, and then a long rehabilitation will be needed. Natural childbirth will be possible only if the discrepancy of the bones is insignificant, and the fetus is medium-sized.

With a confirmed symphysitis, a woman will have to forget about physical activity and be sure to wear a bandage. It is also recommended to take calcium and multivitamin complexes.

How to reduce joint pain during pregnancy

The complexity of the problem lies in the fact that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are usually prescribed to relieve joint pain. But they are prohibited for use during the period of gestation, as they can negatively affect the fetus and the mother's circulatory system. What to do with joints during pregnancy?

Excellent relieves the pain of swimming. This is the only physical activity that will help develop all joints while reducing the stress on them. So if there is an opportunity to go to the pool, be sure to use it. Just don't catch a cold after swimming.

If swimming is not possible, a warm bath or shower will also reduce pain. Warm, not hot, water is important. Physical activity is necessary in most cases - but it will be a specific set of exercises that your doctor will tell you about.

A prenatal brace can help reduce the stress on joints during pregnancy. Be sure to wear it later. Watch your posture and try to walk upright. If you have flat feet, you need to wear orthopedic shoes. Try to avoid standing and walking for too long - be sure to sit down periodically to rest.

It is very important to control your weight gain. The diet should be revised - in particular, to provide the body with calcium and fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6). Their content is high in sea fish, and calcium is found in fermented milk products. The doctor will also recommend multivitamin complexes.

Finally, do a warming joint massage with massage oils. We wish you health and that joints during pregnancy do not bother you too much.

Pregnancy can be a wonderful event in a woman's life, but for her body bearing a fetus usually results in severe stress... The hormonal system is rebuilt, an additional load on the legs arises, and the immune system weakens.

In these conditions, problems with the musculoskeletal system often appear, most often with the knees.

And in some cases, with serious illnesses, the symptoms remain even after the birth of the child - knees hurt after childbirth. What can be wrong?

Hormonal changes


Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist BUZ VO \ "Moscow polyclinic \".

Most of all, during pregnancy, the indicators of two hormones change: progesterone and estrogen... The knees can be strongly affected by progesterone - it dilates the veins of the expectant mother. If the knee joints are in poor condition, the dilated veins can begin to pinch the nerve fibers in the joints, causing pain.

The nature of the pain

Painful sensations - heavy, aching, usually arranged symmetrically.

Weaken (but persist) at rest, increase with movement.

Additional symptoms

Marked enlargement of the veins around the knees.

Who diagnoses and how?

Endocrinologist, gynecologist. Methods: examination, hormone analysis, ultrasound.


Most often - restriction of mobility and chondroprotectors, since interference with the hormonal balance of a pregnant woman is a very dangerous event.



Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease of the joints in which they become weak and deformed. By itself, arthrosis is not associated with pregnancy, but during gestation, due to increased stress, the disease may worsen.

Symptoms usually worsen in the first 3 months of pregnancy, then subside and begin to remind of themselves after childbirth.

The nature of the pain

Painful sensations - aching, intensifies in the evening. May flare up at night. In the morning, after active movements, they pass.

Additional symptoms

Arthrosis of other joints.

Who diagnoses and how?

Rheumatologist. Methods: X-ray, ultrasound.


Arthrosis in pregnant women difficult to treat, since almost all drugs in this category are contraindicated for them.

The treatment is selected strictly individually and is carried out under the constant supervision of the attending physician.

Inflammatory processes in the joints of the legs


All inflammatory processes in the joints are united under the general name "arthritis". Arthritis in pregnant women most often leads to pain in the knees during pregnancy. The cause of the occurrence is often a weakened immune system, which allows pathogens to develop in the knee joint.

The nature of the pain

Painful sensations - strong burning or aching, increase with exertion and very slowly pass at rest.

Additional symptoms

Redness of the skin over the joint, swelling, edema, fever.

Who diagnoses and how?

Therapist, gynecologist, rheumatologist.

Methods: taking anamnesis, blood test, instrumental examinations.


Depends on the cause of the arthritis, often antibiotics.

Calcium and other micronutrient deficiencies


In the process of carrying a fetus between mother and child, there is constant metabolism... The mother gives the child nutrients, the child gives the mother harmful substances. Naturally, calcium is one of the fundamental elements for the normal development of a child, so mother's reserves flow to him. If a pregnant woman is unable to compensate for the resulting deficiency, then hypocalcemia occurs - a lack of calcium, which leads to fragility of bones.

A lack of vitamin D can also lead to it, which helps calcium to be absorbed.

The nature of the pain

Painful sensations in the knees arise abruptly and unexpectedly during movement, are stabbing in nature. They pass, there is to provide the patient with complete rest.

Additional symptoms

Injuries arising from minor injuries, poor condition of hair, nails and teeth.

Who diagnoses and how?

Therapist. Methods: Calcium analysis of hair, nails or blood.


Replenishment of the deficiency with the correct diet or mineral and vitamin complexes.

Increased stress on joints


In one American school, sexologists concerned with the problems of early pregnancy conducted an interesting experiment: they gave out to all interested boys and girls a round and dense bag with fasteners weighing 5 kilograms, which the participants had to carry on their stomachs for a month without taking them off. Among those who reached the end of the experiment (and most gave up after 2 weeks), those who wanted to get a pregnancy became much less.

The experiment is instructive in that many women (not to mention men) underestimate the physical activity that occurs when carrying a fetus. They maintain the usual pace of life, which is why the musculoskeletal system, primarily the lower back and knees, gets under attack.

As a result, knees can no longer cope with the load and start to hurt.

The nature of the pain

Painful sensations arise during physical exertion, are aching in nature. They pass during rest.

Additional symptoms

Increased fatigue.

Who diagnoses and how?

Gynecologist, therapist.

Methods: history, exclusion of other causes.


Revision of the daily routine and loads.

Ignoring the increased load can lead to other, much more complex illnesses.

Increase in relaxin content


Relaxin - a hormone produced by the placenta... It makes the ligament of the uterus more elastic, which helps the fetus to leave its home faster and more freely during childbirth. With an inadequately high production of relaxin, other parts of the musculoskeletal system, including the knees, can also fall under its influence.

The nature of the pain

Painful sensations - pulling, aching, tense.

They arise at the slightest load.

Additional symptoms

The same pain occurs in the hip region.

Who diagnoses and how?

Endocrinologist, therapist, gynecologist. Methods: blood tests.


Gentle load mode.

After giving birth, the problem will disappear by itself.

Rheumatoid arthritis


Rheumatoid arthritis - autoimmune disease with unclear reasons and mechanisms. It develops quickly and does not respond well to treatment. Oddly enough, one of the ways to achieve temporary remission is pregnancy. Doctors believe that this is due to the restructuring of hormonal levels and immunity.

With RPA, peripheral joints are affected: elbows, phalanges of fingers, knees. If RPA occurs during pregnancy, then the patient will feel blurred symptoms, which will fully manifest after childbirth.

In such patients, the question often arises: "Why do the joints hurt after childbirth?"

The nature of the pain

Painful sensations - weak aching, occur in the morning, persist on average for an hour after waking up.

Additional symptoms

Elbows and fingers are subject to the same pain.

Who diagnoses and how?

Rheumatologist. Methods: history, analyzes, ultrasound, MRI.


No treatment is required during pregnancy.

After - symptomatic, supportive.



Osteoarthritis in pregnant women - quite rare phenomenon, since this disease occurs mainly after 50 years. And yet, it does happen sometimes. With this disease, not only the joints are affected, but also the bones adjacent to them. As a result, a pregnant woman quickly loses mobility, since the knees stop bending and unbending at all.

The disease progresses rather quickly.

The nature of the pain

Painful sensations accompany the patient throughout the day, have a burning character, intensify with any movement.

Additional symptoms

Occasionally, osteoarthritis affects other joints as well.

Who diagnoses and how?

Rheumatologist. Methods: ultrasound, MRI.


Individual, symptomatic.

The patient should be under medical supervision throughout the pregnancy.

Temporal arteritis


This disease is called temporal lobe because progression begins with visco v. In the latter, veins are pathologically dilated. The reason is the malfunctioning of the immune system (it attacks its own tissues). With the further course of the disease, other parts of the body are affected, including the knees.

In pregnant women, the pathology is difficult to treat, because medications can harm the fetus.

The nature of the pain

In the early stages, pain appears in the temple area in the morning. It has a crushing, breaking character. In the future, the same sensations arise in other places.

Additional symptoms

Weight loss, loss of muscle mobility, blurred vision.

Who diagnoses and how?


Methods: general and biochemical blood tests, temporal artery biopsy.



Polymyalgia of a rheumatic nature


Polymyalgia - a disease that affects muscles... The latter begin to hurt for no apparent reason. With polymyalgia of a rheumatic nature, joints and bones are also involved in the process. The causes of the disease are unknown, and the analyzes reveal that there are no reasons for the pain.

There is anecdotal evidence of a link between polymyalgia and depression.

The nature of the pain

The pregnant woman is disturbed by the chilling pains in the morning. The disease persists and behaves the same at all stages of pregnancy.

Additional symptoms

Weight loss, increased fatigue, fever.

Who diagnoses and how?


Methods: exclusion of other pathologies.


Symptomatic, until remission is achieved. If pain recurs, treatment is resumed.



Ankylosing spondylitis - chronic hereditary disease also known as ankylosing spondylitis. It manifests itself in degenerative joint disorders. Ankylosing spondylitis itself is not associated with pregnancy, but with it, a pregnant woman should be especially careful about treatment, since many drugs for treatment are contraindicated for her.

The nature of the pain

Painful sensations occur in the morning, are located in the knees, spine, elbows and other joints. Burning, aching.

They pass if they "disperse".

Additional symptoms

Ankylosing spondylitis is systemic in nature, so the symptoms appear in other joints.

Who diagnoses and how?

Rheumatologist. Methods: analyzes, MRI.


Corticosteroids, NSAIDs. The rest of the drugs - only if absolutely necessary.

All appointments are negotiated with the doctor individually.



Fibromyalgia - a disease in which the nerves of the muscles have improper sensitivity... As a result, the patient develops spontaneous pain in the muscles and surrounding tissues. The disease is not fully understood, but due to hormonal changes in pregnant women, the chance of getting fibromyalgia is higher.

The nature of the pain

Painful sensations arise unexpectedly, anywhere in the body (including the knee).

The pain disappears as suddenly as it appeared.

Additional symptoms

Depression, disturbed sleep.

Who diagnoses and how?

Therapist, rheumatologist.

Methods: hormone analysis, differential diagnosis.



Psychological reasons


Pregnancy is not only physical stress, but also psychological. This is especially noticeable during the first pregnancy. A woman can fear the future, worry about the success of childbirth, and so on. All this, naturally, puts pressure on the psyche. And in some cases (especially - with insufficient outside support) psychological problems flow into psychosomatic ones - when the body begins to fall ill against the background of stress and depression.

Since the joints are the weakest in the body at the time of gestation, stress-related knee pain is not uncommon.

The nature of the pain

Painful sensations arise after a stressful situation, can be of any character - from aching to very acute. They are preserved in physical rest, pass in psychological rest.

Additional symptoms

Increased irritability, mood swings, fatigue.

Who diagnoses and how?

Therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist.

Methods: survey.


Psychotherapy, massage, relaxation lessons. In severe cases, antidepressants.

Pain after childbirth, pain when flexing

If knees hurt after childbirth - it means that the problem was not with the load or bad mood enii. Most often, after pregnancy, arthrosis and rheumatoid arthritis intensify. Development of osteoarthritis is possible.

Painful sensations specifically during flexion are almost always the result of arthritis and arthrosis.

When should you see a doctor?

If your knee hurts during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor in any case - at least for advice. In general, any non-standard body reactions before the birth of a child should be examined and interpreted by a specialist, because bearing a child is a very difficult process.

First aid for pain

First of all, you need to provide a woman with peace in a semi-sitting or lying position. Then - take her to the doctor who is observing her. You do not need to use pills - this can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

Self-medication, like traditional methods, can be disastrous. Any medical action should be discussed with a doctor.

During pregnancy, the knees, as well as the lower back, are often hit. There are many reasons, among them both banal overwork and incurable genetic diseases. Therefore, you should not guess and risk your health - it is better to consult a doctor on time.

Watch a video from Dr. Bubnovsky on this topic