Why does protein appear in the urine during pregnancy - pathologies and external factors. Deviation treatment. Protein in the urine during pregnancy - what does it mean

Protein in the urine is one of the most common symptoms detected in late pregnancy. In the medical community, this phenomenon is called proteinuria. The appearance of protein in the urine may indicate the development of gestosis, a serious complication of pregnancy. Proteinuria in expectant mothers can also be associated with diseases of the kidneys, bladder and urethra.

Norm and pathology

All pregnant women are required to take a general urinalysis (OAM). This routine procedure allows you to detect protein in the urine in time, as well as track other changes in the kidneys and the whole body. OAM is taken before each visit to the doctor: every two weeks until the period of 30 weeks and weekly from 30 weeks until delivery. A control examination is necessarily carried out on the first day after the birth of the child.

Only the first morning portion of urine, collected in a sterile container, is suitable for OAM. The material must be delivered to the laboratory no later than 2 hours later. Expectant mothers need to ensure that vaginal discharge does not get into the container. Failure to follow the rules for collecting analysis can lead to an incorrect interpretation of the result and an incorrect diagnosis.

Normally, there should be no protein in the urine.. A single detection of protein in an amount of up to 0.3 g per day is allowed. In this situation, you should retake the analysis. If the protein concentration does not increase and the woman is not bothered by anything, treatment is not carried out. The expectant mother needs to carefully monitor her condition and report the slightest deviation to the doctor.

Physiological proteinuria is noted in such situations:

  • stress;
  • overeating (including eating a large amount of meat food).
  • Physiological proteinuria persists for a short time, after which the protein disappears from the urine. The protein concentration does not exceed 1 g per day. The general condition of the woman is not disturbed. With the growth of protein in the urine, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a specialist.

    Pathological proteinuria

    Warning symptoms to look out for:

    • the appearance of protein in the urine in early pregnancy;
    • repeated detection of protein in the urine;
    • protein levels above 0.3 g per day.

    Laboratory signs are combined with a deterioration in the general condition of the woman. The development of pathology is indicated by:

    • severe weakness;
    • headache;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • tachycardia;
    • visual disturbances (clouding, flashing flies before the eyes);
    • swelling of the face in the morning;
    • swelling of the hands and feet, legs;
    • involuntary muscle twitches;
    • pain in the lumbar region;
    • dysuric phenomena: pain, itching, burning during urination, increased urination, urinary incontinence or urinary retention.

    The combination of these symptoms with proteinuria is an unfavorable sign and requires mandatory medical supervision.

    Among the causes of pathological proteinuria in late pregnancy, the following deserve special attention:


    The appearance of protein in the urine after 20 weeks is highly likely to indicate the development of preeclampsia. This specific condition occurs only during pregnancy, childbirth or the early postpartum period. The development of preeclampsia is accompanied by a triad of symptoms:

    • arterial hypertension (increase in systolic blood pressure above 15 mm Hg and diastolic above 10 mm Hg from the original);
    • swelling;
    • proteinuria.

    The appearance of protein in the urine is a late symptom of preeclampsia and indicates a violation of the kidneys. In this situation, the expectant mother is monitored with constant monitoring of blood pressure and the condition of the fetus. If the indicators worsen, hospitalization is necessary. The shorter the gestation period against the background of preeclampsia, the worse the prognosis and the higher the likelihood of complications.

    In the absence of adequate therapy, severe preeclampsia turns into preeclampsia. In this state, diuresis decreases, blood pressure rises significantly, and protein in the urine increases. Without treatment, preeclampsia progresses to eclampsia, the most dangerous complication of pregnancy. Convulsions develop, there is a real threat to the life of the woman and the fetus. It is possible to save the expectant mother and her baby only if emergency medical care is provided. In this situation, a caesarean section is performed regardless of the gestational age, infusion therapy and other measures are prescribed to save the woman's life. Neonatologists provide care to the newborn.

    Prevention of eclampsia includes:

    1. Regular monitoring by a gynecologist throughout pregnancy.
    2. Timely delivery of OAM and other tests.
    3. Control of blood pressure, weight and diuresis.
    4. Timely treatment of gestosis.

    At risk for the development of preeclampsia are overweight women and previous arterial hypertension. This category of expectant mothers should especially carefully monitor their health and, if in doubt, consult a doctor.

    Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract

    In the second half of pregnancy, the load on the kidneys increases significantly and the likelihood of exacerbation of certain diseases increases:

    • glomerulonephritis;
    • pyelonephritis;
    • interstitial nephritis;
    • cystitis;
    • urethritis, etc.

    Proteinuria in renal pathology is accompanied by other changes in the OAM. With inflammation, the level of leukocytes rises, bacteria are detected in the urine. Some diseases are accompanied by an increase in the concentration of red blood cells, the appearance of cylinders, glucose, and salt precipitation. The final diagnosis is made after ultrasound and other examination methods available during pregnancy.

    Pathology of the kidneys and urinary tract is often accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • increase in body temperature;
    • pain in the lumbar region;
    • discomfort when urinating.

    In women, proteinuria can be caused by inflammation in the vagina. If the rules of intimate hygiene are not observed, pathological secretions may enter the container before collecting a urine sample. In this situation, the analysis should be retaken and treated for the identified disease by a gynecologist.

    Protein in the urine is a clear symptom of problems in the body of the expectant mother. In late pregnancy, proteinuria deserves special attention due to the high risk of preeclampsia. When detecting protein in the urine, you should follow all the doctor's recommendations. Competent therapy will avoid complications and endure the baby before the due date.

    During pregnancy, the expectant mother is repeatedly examined: from the day she found out about her interesting situation and was registered, until the moment of birth. As usual, a pregnant woman takes a urine test before each trip to the gynecologist. This surprises many. It would seem that there is something new to see there? However, this simple analysis is able to tell about the slightest deviations from the norm. This is very important for the prevention and elimination of pathologies in the early stages.

    It is most important to keep under control the protein in the urine during pregnancy and the level of leukocytes. Elevated protein content is a frequent occurrence in this period, it signals congestion and kidney defects.

    During pregnancy, the load on the genitourinary system doubles. Therefore, the kidneys become extremely vulnerable to various infections. A constantly growing fetus and an enlarged uterus put pressure on the ureters, which only complicates the situation.

    A certain amount of protein is present in the urine of almost all healthy people. Its increased content - the so-called proteinuria- due to the abuse of protein foods, stress or physical overwork. In such situations, a temporary increase in the amount of protein in the urine is considered normal.

    In absolutely healthy people, protein is not detected, and in pregnant women, an increase in the level to 0.002 g / l in a single portion of urine is taken as the norm. But at the end of pregnancy, doctors allow an excess of up to 0.033 g / l (the so-called mild proteinuria), because the load on the kidneys is extremely high. If the indicator goes off scale - 3g / l or more - then we can talk about serious pathologies.

    Repeated analysis for protein during pregnancy

    Usually, with an increased rate, a pregnant woman is prescribed an additional urine test for protein in order to confirm or refute the preliminary diagnosis.

    The fact is that proteinuria may not be associated with disorders in the body, but may have a physiological character. Protein in the urine can be detected due to the fact that the pregnant woman on the eve of the test consumed protein foods: milk, eggs, cottage cheese. Or abused physical activity, or against the background of a stressful state, accompanied by moral exhaustion. The reason for an increase in the amount of protein in the urine can be increased body temperature, profuse sweating, and even a cold shower on the eve of the test.

    The so-called false proteinuria is due to non-compliance with the rules of urine collection or intimate hygiene. To find out if the protein in the urine of a pregnant woman is false positive, it is necessary to retake the analysis, having previously prepared. In the morning, you need to thoroughly wash yourself, remove the discharge from the vagina (if any) and, covering it with a cotton swab, collect medium urine in a sterile container (in the middle of the urination process). Only then can you get the best result.

    Causes of high protein in the urine

    Pathological proteinuria occurs against the background of serious diseases. The first cause of increased protein in the urine during pregnancy is considered to be such a disease as preeclampsia. This is an extremely dangerous pathology, which a doctor can suspect not only on the basis of the results of a protein test. To clarify the diagnosis, this indicator should be combined with severe edema caused by increased vascular permeability and chronic hypertension, accompanied by tinnitus, dizziness, and severe weakness. Basically, preeclampsia occurs in the second half of pregnancy.

    If the gynecologist suspects you have this disease, he will definitely insist on hospitalization. The fact is that it is sometimes very difficult to distinguish preeclampsia from kidney diseases, since many of the latter differ in the same signs.

    A pregnant woman should be under round-the-clock supervision of medical workers so that the pathology is detected and eliminated in time.

    Also, increased protein in the urine can be a sign of such kidney disease like pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis. The first is characterized by characteristic painful sensations in the lumbar region and bladder.

    A striking sign of the second is the unusual color of urine - the color of meat slops. In addition to the presence of protein, with these diseases, an increased content of leukocytes and erythrocytes is found in the urine.


    If traces of protein are detected in the urine, treatment is prescribed based on the symptomatology. If the indicator in the analysis is higher than 0.033 and is the result of inflammatory processes in the kidneys, then it is necessary to treat the root cause, eliminate the root of the problem.

    If, for example, pyelonephritis is diagnosed, the gynecologist should prescribe to a pregnant woman anti-inflammatory drugs based on herbs and diuretics . In acute and chronic forms of the disease, antibiotics .

    If this did not happen, then the reason is much more serious, for example, preeclampsia. The treatment of this disease is an extremely complex process. Basically, doctors achieve stabilization of indicators and maintain them in the norm until delivery. Sometimes a full 9-month gestation is possible. But with gestosis, the threat always remains.

    The most terrible outcome is the death of the mother and child, so doctors will first of all offer to terminate the pregnancy. If a woman still decides to preserve the fetus, she needs to go to the hospital and listen to all the recommendations of the gynecologist.

    In this position, the pregnant woman should be prepared for the fact that she will not be able to give birth on her own and will have to do a caesarean section. Preeclampsia cannot be cured, but it is possible to reduce the level of protein in the urine - primarily due to diet.

    Prevention of late gestosis and, therefore, one of its symptoms - increased protein in the urine - is a special diet. If a pregnant woman refuses inpatient treatment, it is necessary to be aware of her condition. First of all, monitor the pressure. Measure it regularly twice a day, listen to the slightest shifts in well-being for the worse: headache, ringing in the ears, darkening in the eyes.

    With a tendency to edema, strictly monitor the amount of fluid consumed - it should not exceed the amount allocated. Limit or completely abandon the use of salt, pepper, smoked meats, fried meat with a crispy crust. Weigh yourself daily and monitor your weight. A rapid set of extra pounds is the first sign of progressive preeclampsia.

    To facilitate the work of the kidneys, you can take herbal preparations in parallel: kanefron or phytolysin. Diuretic herbal teas, cranberry and lingonberry juice are very effective. But first you need to consult a doctor!

    And remember, the most important thing is your attitude. If you find yourself in such an unpleasant situation, your first task is to take care of the health of the unborn baby. And if mom is calm and confident, everything will end well.

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    During the period of bearing a child, any test results that differ from the norm require immediate diagnosis and careful monitoring of the woman's condition. Increased protein in the urine during pregnancy is an alarming sign for a future mother at any stage of bearing a child. The appearance of such a symptom often ends with hospitalization and treatment of a pregnant woman in a hospital.

    When is protein in the urine of a pregnant woman dangerous and how to avoid the occurrence of such a condition?

    Why is it so important to pay attention if you have protein in your urine during pregnancy?

    Protein in urine - what does it mean?

    In the human body, all fluid passes through the renal filtration and enters the urinary sediment. Therefore, urine normally contains a small amount of proteins, leukocytes and erythrocytes.

    What does protein in urine mean during pregnancy? In pregnant women, the load on the kidneys increases, which is facilitated by the uterus, an increase in the volume of blood passing through the kidneys, etc. During the period of bearing a child, the genitourinary system works "for two" - it removes toxic substances and decay products from the body of the mother and fetus.

    During pregnancy, women may develop mild proteinuria (increased protein in the urine) under the influence of physiological factors or as a result of the development of severe pathological conditions. Therefore, any deviations in the results of the study of urine serve as a reason for a thorough examination of the pregnant woman.

    Important! The allowable indicator of a protein level that is not pathological is 0.033 g / liter. These are the so-called "traces of protein in the urine", upon detection of which a woman should not be afraid for her health.

    Proteinuria is classified depending on the severity of the condition of the pregnant woman and the reasons for the appearance of the protein:

    • functional proteinuria. There are slight deviations (0.034-0.14 g / liter), indicating minor metabolic disorders in a pregnant woman. At the same time, the woman does not experience signs of malaise, the course of pregnancy is normal. Protein levels can either increase periodically or return to normal on their own. The condition is considered benign and is corrected by changing the daily routine and prescribing a diet.
    • pathological proteinuria. If the rate of protein in the urine during pregnancy exceeds 0.25 g / liter, then we are talking about the development of pathological conditions. Initially, the cause of this condition is inflammation of the genitourinary system and kidneys, disorders of the cardiovascular system, tumors in the adrenal glands and kidneys. This is a dangerous condition that requires immediate treatment.
    • False positive proteinuria. When the protein in the urine is increased during pregnancy, but no signs of disease have been detected in a woman, this condition is differentiated as false proteinuria. The reasons are: improper collection of urine, insufficient hygiene, infections in the genitals.

    Despite the form of proteinuria and the reasons for the increase in protein in the urine, a woman with such indicators in the analysis is at risk and must be registered with a nephrologist.

    Protein levels in urine

    Normally, protein should not be present in urine during pregnancy. The appearance of a protein in the urine that exceeds the permissible level is a dangerous sign indicating dysfunction of the kidneys. Therefore, a woman undergoes a thorough examination and undergoes additional tests in order to diagnose the pathology in time and exclude its negative impact on the child.

    Protein in urine during pregnancy: norm, table

    If the daily analysis exceeds the norm, a second urine collection is prescribed, while it is recommended to follow the rules for collecting urine, adjust the diet and eliminate stressful situations before the examination. If the repeated sampling of the material shows a high concentration of protein in the urine test, the pregnant woman is prescribed an examination of the genitourinary system in order to exclude or identify possible inflammatory processes.

    Note! Protein levels may increase during pregnancy due to increased stress on the mother's body. In some cases (multiple pregnancy), the level of 0.14 g/liter is considered acceptable in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

    Deviations from the norm:

    • Up to 1 g / day - a mild degree of proteinuria;
    • Up to 3 g / day - the average degree;
    • More than 3 g / day - a severe degree.

    With moderate and severe proteinuria, a woman should be placed in a hospital, tk. this condition poses a threat to her health and the life of the fetus.

    It is important to take care of your health during pregnancy and remember that when visiting a antenatal clinic, you should be tested for the presence of protein in the urine.

    How to donate urine for protein

    The daily protein in urine determines the general blood test, which is included in the list of mandatory studies during pregnancy.

    • To prevent the result from becoming false positive, you should follow special recommendations when collecting urine:
    • On the eve of the test, you should limit the consumption of salty, sour, spicy and meat dishes.
    • Before collecting urine, thorough hygiene of the genitals should be carried out.
    • To collect urine, it is better to purchase a special plastic container at the pharmacy.
    • The container should be filled with a medium portion of urine: the first few seconds you need to urinate into the toilet, then collect the urine in a container (approximately 50 g).
    • The material for analysis should be delivered to the laboratory no later than two hours after the urine was collected.
    • If any vaginal discharge is present, a cotton swab should be used to prevent it from entering the collection container.

    A protein test is taken at each visit.

    Causes of Pregnant Protein in Urine

    The appearance of protein in the urine is not a disease, but a consequence of the development of pathological processes in the body. However, proteinuria can be provoked by various external factors that are not associated with the occurrence of diseases and which are easy to eliminate by changing the conditions and lifestyle.

    Non-dangerous physiological causes of proteinuria:

    • Incorrect collection of urine (poor personal hygiene, non-sterile collection container).
    • Features of the nutrition of a pregnant woman - eating on the eve of the analysis of high-protein foods (milk, fatty cottage cheese, poultry meat, etc.). Usually this situation occurs in pregnant women who arrange "protein" fasting days before collecting urine.
    • Excessive loads of a physical (overstrain, overwork, inadequate sleep, insufficient rest) and psycho-emotional nature (excitement, stress,).
    • Taking certain medications that affect the composition of urine.
    • Excess fluid intake (increased water load on the liver).

    The physiological reasons for the appearance of protein in the urine include the usual process of uterine growth during pregnancy. The growing uterus begins to press on the urinary tract and kidneys, which prevents their blood supply. This condition is not dangerous, but requires constant monitoring.

    There are more serious reasons for the appearance of proteinuria, especially if there are consistently high levels of protein in the urine. These can be pathologies of the genitourinary system, congestive, gestosis of varying severity. Any of these pathological conditions requires careful diagnosis and immediate specialized treatment.

    In order for the results of urine tests to be reliable, you must follow the rules for taking tests and do not forget about basic hygiene before the procedure.

    Pathological causes of protein in the urine:

    • . This is a pathology of the kidneys of an infectious nature, accompanied by chills, high fever, back pain. In addition to protein, erythrocytes and leukocytes can be detected in the urine during pregnancy.
    • . Inflammation of the bladder, characterized by frequent urge to urinate.
    • Glomerulonephritis. Acute infectious process in the kidneys. In the urine, the content of leukocytes, protein and erythrocytes is increased, and the urine itself acquires a slightly reddish tint.
    • Polycystic kidney disease. A genetic disease that is chronic, severe.

    In late pregnancy, proteinuria occurs for the same reasons as in the first months of gestation. However, at this time, such a dangerous condition as preeclampsia is added to them. It usually develops after the 34th week of pregnancy, but it can also occur at the 20th week, which indicates a severe course of the disease.

    Preeclampsia is characterized by a deterioration in the functioning of the kidneys, brain and blood vessels of a pregnant woman, the appearance of protein in the urine and increased arterial. In late pregnancy, such symptoms are accompanied by severe swelling of the extremities.

    Important! Preeclampsia in the later stages is diagnosed in 10-15% of pregnant women. Usually the disease is observed in multiple and first pregnancy.

    Preeclampsia in severe forms can lead to placental abruption, convulsions, abnormalities in the development of the fetus and death.

    Symptoms of the development of proteinuria

    The manifestations of proteinuria depend on the cause that caused it. If the appearance of protein is associated with the reproduction of pathogenic flora and inflammatory processes in the kidneys, women may experience the following symptoms:

    • Chronic weakness;
    • Pain in the region of the kidneys;
    • Decrease in working capacity;
    • frequency of urination;
    • Sharp bouts of vomiting;
    • Increase in blood pressure.

    With gestosis, the woman's condition deteriorates sharply - in the third trimester, gestosis can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

    • Nervous system disorders;
    • swelling of the extremities;
    • Violation of the production of hormones;
    • convulsions;
    • Deterioration of indicators of fetal development.

    Visually, the protein can be detected if there are flakes and a strong sediment in the urine when taking the morning portion of urine.

    The danger of the presence of protein in the urine

    If a pregnant woman has protein in her urine, the woman will be advised to visit a gynecologist and a nephrologist regularly. Constant medical supervision will help prevent the dangerous consequences of proteinuria.

    With proteinuria, which is permanent, and not temporary, especially if the protein levels increase all the time, the woman is hospitalized and transferred under constant supervision to a hospital. In severe situations, a woman may be offered an abortion.

    What is the danger of protein in urine in a pregnant woman:

    • kidney failure;
    • Malformations of the child
    • Attachment of purulent inflammation;
    • Blood poisoning;
    • Oxygen starvation of the child;
    • Infection of the placenta and fetus;
    • premature birth.

    Any disorders accompanied by an increase in protein in the urine of a pregnant woman require immediate medical attention, because. constitute a danger to the health and life of the baby and the expectant mother.


    Before starting treatment for proteinuria, the doctor determines the cause of the presence of protein in the urine. If the condition is not associated with diseases, then therapeutic measures are reduced to the normalization of lifestyle:

    • Compliance with a specific diet that excludes chocolate, citrus fruits, strong tea, coffee, fatty, smoked, salty and spicy foods.
    • The inclusion in the menu of a large number of fruits, vegetables, herbal decoctions, fruit drinks.
    • Adjust the amount of fluid consumed: excessive fluid provokes swelling and the appearance of protein in the urine.
    • Avoid excessive loss of fluid - you can not stay in direct sunlight for a long time or in a very hot room.
    • Do an exercise to unload the work of the liver - daily, at least 5-6 times a day, take a knee-elbow position for 10-15 minutes. This reduces pressure on the organs of the genitourinary system, which is especially important in the last months of pregnancy.

    With an increase in blood pressure in order to prevent preeclampsia, a pregnant woman should keep a special diary in which blood pressure indicators are recorded in the morning and evening, as well as the reasons that caused it (overload, overwork, physical or mental work).

    Note! A slight increase in protein does not require hospitalization and therapeutic measures are carried out at home. With gestosis, it is necessary to place a woman in a hospital.

    To prevent preeclampsia, a pregnant woman is prescribed herbal medicines - Phytosilin, Canephron, decoctions of lingonberry leaves, cranberries, rose hips, etc.

    With infectious pathologies of the kidneys, a woman is prescribed anti-inflammatory and diuretic herbal remedies.

    In acute and chronic forms of glomerulonephritis, antibiotics are prescribed to the patient.

    Increased protein in the urine (proteinuria) is a condition that requires special attention, even if the general health of the woman is satisfactory and the pregnant woman does not express any complaints. During the period of bearing a child, a protein test is an important indicator, and any deviation from the norm is a reason to see a doctor.

    During pregnancy, a woman is registered with a doctor for regular examinations and tests. This is done in order to timely diagnose the appearance of deviations in her state of health and carry out appropriate treatment. Without such preventive measures, most pregnancies would be at risk, since many pathologies are initially asymptomatic. One such insidious and potentially dangerous disease for a pregnant woman is proteinuria, or the presence of protein in the urine. In order to take this pathology responsibly, let's figure out what protein in the urine means during pregnancy, what criteria this indicator should meet and how to prevent fatal consequences.

    Normally, urine in the kidneys appears by extraction from the blood, therefore, at the first stage of filtration, the absorption of a small amount of amino acids (proteins) is the norm.

    With the subsequent filtration of urine, the protein is returned back to the blood system, and the slight traces that remain in the urine cannot be identified in a laboratory study.

    If the protein concentration is less than 0.03 g/l, then it is simply not captured by modern reagents.

    During the gestation period, the female body experiences a double load, and the kidneys are no exception. A woman may experience mild proteinuria as a result of the displacement of internal organs under the weight of the uterus, or, conversely, a severe form of pathology that threatens the life of the mother develops. Therefore, any deviations in the analysis of urine are the reason for a thorough examination of the woman.

    Depending on the cause of the appearance of the protein and the severity of the woman's condition, three types of protenation are distinguished:

    • Functional proteinuria. With minor deviations, a woman can detect traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy (from 0.034 g / l to 0.14 g / l), which indicates weak metabolic disorders. At the same time, there are no signs of malaise and worsening of the course of pregnancy. The protein index either rises or returns to normal, which does not at all indicate a possible pathology of the kidneys. The reason for changes in urine analysis is the physiological clamping of the ureters, pinching of the vertebrae in the lower back, insignificant displacement of the kidneys, excessive stress, prolonged stress and imbalance of water-salt metabolism. This condition is considered benign proteinuria and is easily corrected by diet and daily routine changes. If the doctor's instructions are followed, there are no complications.
    • Pathological proteinuria. When the protein index sharply exceeds the norm and reaches 0.25 g / l and above, we are talking about an exacerbation of the pathology. The root cause of proteinuria is inflammation in the kidneys and genitourinary system, problems with the cardiovascular system, neoplasms in the kidneys or adrenal glands. Another cause of the pathology is the strong pressure of the uterus on the kidneys, as a result of which their blood supply worsens.
    • False positive proteinuria. If the proteins in the urine are elevated during pregnancy, but the woman has no signs of the disease, it is important to differentiate false proteinuria. In this situation, the protein in the urine will fluctuate within 0.031-0.055 g / l. The reason for such tests may be insufficient morning hygiene, improper collection of urine, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, infectious sexual diseases. If there is an infectious inflammation, then the protein and leukocytes in the urine during pregnancy will be determined simultaneously. There may also be a lot of red blood cells, watch out for blood and pus, and when passing urine for bakposev, pathogens will be detected.

    Regardless of the reasons for the increase in protein and the form of proteinuria, all women with increased protein are at risk and should be registered with a nephrologist.

    Protein in the urine during pregnancy: significant causes

    Protein in the urine is not a disease, but only a consequence of a number of pathologies in the body. Protein does not enter the urine because the kidneys carefully filter it out. But if a failure occurs in the body, and the protein still enters the urine, you need to look for the cause of this phenomenon.

    Many factors can provoke proteinuria, and not all of them speak of serious diseases. So, the main provoking factors include the following:

    • The presence in the diet of a lot of protein food.
    • Great fatigue on the eve of passing urine.
    • Collection of urine inconsistent with the instructions.
    • Constant stress.
    • Increase in body temperature.
    • Prolonged exposure to the sun and as a result, increased sweating.
    • Epilepsy attack preceding the test.

    As a rule, when the above factors are eliminated, a repeated urinalysis is normal.

    But there are more serious reasons for the increase in protein in the urine during pregnancy, provoking consistently elevated analysis rates. These include preeclampsia and various inflammatory diseases:

    • Pyelonephritis. The disease is accompanied by inflammation of the kidney tissue as a result of stagnation of urine and infection. The condition is accompanied by an increase in protein and leukocytes in the urine, pain in the lumbar region, fever, weakness, and frequent urination. In the chronic form, external signs may be absent. Most often, the diagnosis is made between 22 and 24 gestational weeks. At the same time, the protein level exceeds 1.7-2 g/l. If the disease is left unattended and the protein increases to 5 g / l, the risk of intrauterine death of the baby increases.
    • Cystitis. A very common cause of proteinuria. You can understand that inflammation can be in the bladder by the characteristic symptoms: burning during urination, frequent urination, small portions of urine (maybe even a few drops).
    • Glomerulonephritis. This is an infection of the glomeruli of the kidneys that eventually involves the renal tubules. The woman's condition is gradually deteriorating: breathing becomes difficult, the pain syndrome intensifies, fever, headache, extensive swelling of the body begin, daily diuresis decreases. With the rapid course of the disease, protein in the urine in late pregnancy continues to increase, and the patient begins preeclampsia and hypertensive crisis. At the same time, the protein level rises to 25 g / l, and the number of red blood cells increases several times. For this reason, urine becomes red.
    • Nephropathy. This is a violation of the full functioning of the kidneys. This condition develops towards the end of pregnancy and proceeds in tandem with preeclampsia. Signs of the disease are edema, sleep disturbance, dizziness, hypertension, impaired urine output. Depending on the condition of the kidneys, the protein level can vary from 1 to 5 g/l.

    There are two more common causes of high protein. The first is the inability of the kidneys to withstand the load. As the baby grows, the amount of proteins in the body increases, and the kidneys are not able to filter it out. This often happens if the pregnancy is multiple or the baby is large.

    The second reason is non-compliance with the rules for urine sampling. As a result, other biological materials containing protein enter the container with urine. Therefore, the procedure should be carried out after a thorough morning toilet and use only sterile containers.

    Protein in the urine during pregnancy. What symptoms indicate the development of proteinuria

    The clinical picture of proteinuria depends on the cause of the appearance. If the protein is caused by the reproduction of pathogenic flora (staphylococci, proteus, E. coli) and inflammation of the kidneys, women, regardless of the gestational age, may show the following signs of the disease:

    • Decreased work capacity.
    • Chronic weakness.
    • Violent bouts of vomiting.
    • Change in the number of daily urination.
    • Pain in the projection of the kidneys.
    • Jumps in blood pressure.

    Against the background of such symptoms, the result of a urine test for protein during pregnancy will be tens of times higher than the upper limit. Also in the urine is determined by an increase in red blood cells and pathogenic microorganisms.

    In the case of an increase in protein against the background of preeclampsia, the symptoms resemble an inflammatory process, but the general condition of the woman is much more difficult, which worsens with increasing gestation.

    In the first and second trimester, a woman may experience toxicosis, accompanied by indomitable vomiting, dehydration, salivation. This causes a violation of the water-electrolyte balance and metabolic metabolism. Against this background, protein in the urine greatly increases. Therefore, the symptoms of proteinuria correspond to signs of toxicosis.

    If the protein in the urine during pregnancy and late preeclampsia persist in the third trimester, the following signs join the previous symptoms:

    • Violation of the production of hormones that affect the course of pregnancy.
    • Nervous system disorders.
    • The beginning of the rejection of the baby by the female body.
    • Swelling of the extremities, convulsions.
    • Deterioration of fetal performance due to contamination of amniotic fluid.

    A high concentration of protein in the urine is indicated by the presence of flakes and heavy sediment in the morning urine.

    The rate of protein in the urine during pregnancy

    In the absence of pathology in a pregnant woman, there is no protein in the urine. Toward the end of pregnancy, a slight increase in protein to 0.033 g / l is considered acceptable, which indicates a strong load on the kidneys. In some situations, even up to 0.14 g / l is considered a normal variant, especially if the pregnancy is multiple.

    With an increase in protein over 2-3 g / l, we are talking about pathological proteinuria. This condition requires hospitalization and long-term treatment.

    To confirm proteinuria, an analysis is performed to determine the daily protein in the urine during pregnancy. The normal protein index is 100-200 mg/day. Exceeding the concentration above 300 mg / day. confirms severe proteinuria.

    With the initial appearance of protein in the urine, a woman must undergo a second urine test. And only with the next increase in protein, the diagnosis of proteinuria is confirmed.

    Table of protein in urine during pregnancy:

    Methods for diagnosing protein in urine at home

    During pregnancy, women periodically give urine, where it is checked in the laboratory using special reagents. But if the diagnosis of proteinuria is already confirmed, it is possible to control the protein using express strips. It is much more convenient than constantly going to the clinic.

    You can buy test strips at any pharmacy without a prescription. The principle of diagnosis is very simple: you need to collect an average portion of urine in the morning after hygiene measures, immerse the strip in it and wait 2 minutes. Then the indicator on the strip will receive a certain color, which must be compared with the attached instructions. If the indicator indicates an excess of the norm, you need to consult a doctor.

    What is the danger of protein in the urine during pregnancy

    A serious threat to the mother and unborn baby can only cause pathological proteinuria, which has not been treated. If during pregnancy the protein in the urine is high, the consequences can be very diverse. The most serious complications include:

    • Accession of purulent process.
    • Blood poisoning.
    • Infection of the placenta, amniotic fluid and fetus.
    • Kidney failure.
    • Oxygen starvation of the fetus.
    • Malformations of the fetus.
    • Lethal outcome of a woman.
    • Premature birth and death of the child.

    Protein in the urine during pregnancy. Treatment of proteinuria during gestation

    The therapeutic tactics of proteinuria largely depends on the causes of its development and is complex. The woman is recommended medication, diet and gentle daily routine.

    Proteinuria caused by a urinary tract infection requires antibiotics. As an additional treatment, herbal preparations based on lingonberries, cranberries, and bearberries are used. It is also recommended to adhere to a salt-free diet for the speedy normalization of kidney function.

    If the protein in the urine is provoked by gestosis, the treatment is reduced to the following procedures:

    • Decreased fluid intake.
    • Taking sedatives or herbal preparations.
    • A course of antioxidants (tocopherol, vitamin C and A).
    • Means for normalizing the state of the placenta (Kurantil).
    • Antihypertensive therapy.
    • Magnesium intake (MagneB6 or magnesium infusion).
    • Drugs with a diuretic effect.

    These therapeutic measures are effective in mild to moderate proteinuria. If the woman's condition is extremely severe, premature delivery is performed.

    You can eliminate the accumulation of urine in the kidneys with a simple exercise: you need to take a knee-elbow position for 10 minutes daily until the protein level normalizes.

    Prevention of increased protein in the urine during pregnancy

    To reduce the risk of increasing protein, you need to carefully monitor your health:

    1. Keep weight gain under control.
    2. Pass all gynecological examinations according to the plan.
    3. Stick to proper nutrition.
    4. Limit spices, salt and fried foods.
    5. Coffee and tea should be completely excluded.
    6. Measure pressure regularly.
    7. Regulate physical activity.
    8. Avoid colds.
    9. Eat well.
    10. Spend a lot of time outdoors.

    If you have kidney problems before pregnancy, you should regularly visit a nephrologist.

    Timely delivery of tests and a visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist is the only way to identify and cure proteinuria in time. Follow all the recommendations of your doctor, and your pregnancy will proceed without complications.

    Video “Pregnancy and kidneys. Analysis of urine"

    In order to be sure of the health of the unborn baby, a woman is forced to regularly take various tests throughout her pregnancy. One of these is the study of urine for the content of protein in it. Depending on the result obtained, doctors can draw a conclusion about the state of health of the mother and child. Traces during pregnancy are a cause for concern, as they may indicate serious illnesses.

    Even in absolutely healthy people, a portion of protein appears in the urine from time to time. A large portion of protein food is already a reason for the remnants of the substance not absorbed by the body to go through the kidneys to the bladder. Therefore, if the analysis shows a certain level of protein in a pregnant woman at any period of gestation, then this is not a reason for panic. As a rule, in such cases, the doctor prescribes a second urine collection and only after an additional study does the corresponding results. Often the second analysis shows completely different results.

    It is also worth considering that the body of a woman expecting a baby works for two, so the kidneys have an increased load. For this reason, traces reaching a volume of 0.033 g / l are considered the norm. For an ordinary person, this figure is high.

    medical classification

    • Microalbuminuria - at the level of protein in the fluid, corresponding to 3-300 mg per day.
    • Mild proteinuria - when the volume of the substance is from 300 mg to 1 g.
    • Moderate proteinuria - if there are 1-3 g of protein per 1 liter of urine.
    • The expressed degree of proteinuria is the protein content in the amount of 3 g or more.

    Most often in the first two cases there is no cause for concern. The slight appearance of protein traces does not affect the course of pregnancy at all and passes without a trace. However, it is still recommended to have one or more retests done to make sure that there is no danger at all.


    The expectant mother may not feel any signs, even if she has traces of protein in her urine. During pregnancy, the norm of a substance in urine is up to 300 mg, so a mild form of proteinuria will not cause a woman any discomfort. However, if the protein appeared as a signal of a disease, and its level exceeds the permissible level, the expectant mother may experience symptoms such as:

    • Constant feeling of tiredness.
    • Aching pain in the bones.
    • Dizziness.
    • Change in the color of morning urine (the fluid may become greenish or slightly whitish).
    • Digestive disorders, manifested by loss of appetite, as well as nausea and vomiting.

    Of course, all of the above symptoms can be observed in a pregnant woman without proteinuria, since bearing a child is a complex process for the body. However, if suspicious test results are added to these signs, it is worth undergoing an additional examination in order to calculate the root of the problem.

    Protein in urine: causes

    The body of a woman preparing to become a mother is very unstable, which is why it is far from uncommon for doctors to find traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy. The reasons for such changes often lie in external factors, which can be:

    • Psychological stress or increased emotional stress.
    • Excessive consumption of food rich in protein.
    • Taking certain medications.
    • Increased physical activity.

    Particular attention should be paid to the last point. Considering that physical activity is strictly prohibited for women at any stage of pregnancy, this factor can affect not only the protein content in urine, but also the development of the fetus.

    What diseases can proteinuria indicate?

    If, after a series of tests, it was clearly established that the level of protein in the urine is significantly increased, a general examination is prescribed to identify possible diseases. So, protein in urine often indicates such ailments:

    • Kidney dysfunction (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis).
    • Inflammation of the urinary ducts (cystitis, urethritis, etc.).
    • Nephropathy.
    • Diabetes.
    • Hypertension.

    Very often, traces of protein in the urine at or more indicate the development of nephropathy. This disease is characterized by the appearance of severe edema in the limbs and is usually diagnosed in women in the last stages of gestation. This disease can be accompanied by high blood pressure.

    As for the inflammatory processes in the kidneys, characterized by pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis, they are primarily caused by increased pressure of the enlarged uterus on the internal organs, including the urinary system.


    To determine the most accurate picture of the state of health of a pregnant patient, doctors need to take urine collected throughout the day for analysis. However, if a woman is not in hospital, it may be quite inconvenient for her to conduct such an event. For this reason, traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy are usually detected by electrophoresis. To determine the results of the analysis, it is enough to give a single portion of the secretions.

    If the obtained indicators do not correspond to the norm, the doctor prescribes a second urine test. Sometimes the diagnosis includes complex methods, that is, in combination with urine samples, blood is donated for analysis. According to the final indicators of both studies, the specialist draws a general conclusion.

    How to collect urine for analysis

    The first rule that women should remember in this case: urine should be collected only in the morning. Moreover, it is desirable that it be urine collected immediately after waking up. Also, special attention should be paid to the hygiene of the external genitalia. Before collecting the liquid, wash thoroughly to remove any remaining vaginal secretions. For this, it is not recommended to use antiseptic solutions or decoctions of herbs, because these substances can affect the accuracy of the test results.

    The collection vessel must be dry and sterile. This is very important for testing for traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy. may turn out to be precisely because of a poorly washed container, which means that the result will not be reliable, and the analysis will have to be retaken.

    As for nutrition, before the study, you should not lean on food that stains urine. These foods include carrots and beets. In addition, it is better to abandon diuretic drinks and drugs of similar action.

    Detection of protein in urine at home

    Without visiting a doctor's office, any pregnant woman can independently do a proteinuria test. To begin with, you should observe the shade and external state of the liquid. If the urine has become cloudy, a saturated or slightly greenish color has appeared, then we can assume the presence of protein in it. Also, with an increased protein content in the liquid, additional inclusions are often present: salts, leukocytes and epithelial cells. This becomes noticeable if you leave the urine, placed in a transparent vessel, for some time at rest. After a few hours, the liquid will be covered with foam, and a pronounced precipitate will appear at its bottom.

    With the help of ordinary boiling, traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy can also be detected. What does it mean? If you heat urine with an increased concentration of protein to a boil, then flaky clots will appear on its surface.

    What to do if protein is found in the urine

    If your kidneys are functioning normally and the test still shows a positive result for proteinuria, then most likely you just need to adjust your lifestyle. First, try limiting your daily fluid intake. This will reduce the amount of urine. Secondly, many doctors recommend switching to a proper diet. Such a diet should be non-fried and non-spicy foods consumed in moderation. It is advisable to exclude salt from your diet.

    Treatment of proteinuria

    With unsatisfactory test results, therapy is prescribed, which is primarily aimed not at eliminating traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy, but at overcoming the cause of this phenomenon. Depending on the initial diagnosis, treatment may be based on the following methods:

    • Taking anti-inflammatory drugs.
    • The use of antibiotics.
    • The use of drugs to increase immunity.
    • Appointment of drugs that lower blood pressure.
    • Rest in resort areas.
    • Adjustment of the daily routine and diet.

    Eliminating the root of the problem will help to cope with the main task - to reduce or completely remove traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy. Treatment must be timely, then it guarantees a speedy recovery.

    Therapy with folk remedies

    For help, you can turn not only to a medical institution, but also to folk recipes. However, it should be understood that this method will only remove the symptoms, and the original disease will not completely destroy. Therefore, it is best to use alternative treatment in combination with the traditional one.

    It is believed that cranberries fight well with the manifestations of proteinuria. It is necessary to prepare fruit drink from it, which can be used as a dessert and for therapeutic purposes.

    Parsley-based infusions also help to reduce the level of protein in the urine. The classic recipe looks like this: 1 tsp. seeds or chopped root (optional) of parsley should be poured with a glass of boiling water. Then the liquid should be allowed to brew for a couple of hours.

    Another old recipe is a decoction of birch buds. 2 tbsp the main ingredient is poured with a glass of water, after which the product is brought to a boil. In order for the broth to be completely ready for use, it must be infused in a thermos for 2-3 hours.

    It is far from uncommon to detect traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy. The causes (treatment relies precisely on their elimination) may be different, but the main thing is to recognize them in time.