Congratulations on your 55th birthday. Scenarios for a birthday, adult contests for an anniversary. Scenarios for an anniversary birthday for women and men

Life is like two halves that are different from each other, at a time when congratulations on the anniversary of 55 years old, kind words begin to speak to a woman. For many lovely ladies, 55 years is associated with the fact that life is coming to an end. But you can't think so. In fact, this is the first step towards an exciting life in the future. Therefore, all congratulations on the anniversary should dispose the hero of the occasion to a new energetic life.

It will not be superfluous, in the words of congratulations, to set the woman up for her passion for her hobby. Tell her that she can reach her potential in this case. After all, she has a lot of free time, which can be taken advantageously for herself.

Five dozen and a half
Life is a weighty reward
Years have flown like an avalanche
But there is no need to be sad about them.
Anniversary birthday
What can you wish for?
To be loved and happy
Never lose heart.
So as not to be touched by sadness,
Not in a hurry, so that the years
So that you do not notice the years
Never sad.
unbreakable health,
New summits,
It was so that the soul expanse,
And the attention of men.
To be loved by relatives
Pampered, cherished
To increase income
And flowers bloomed in my soul!

Round date - fifty-five!
We wish you grief not to know.
Always stay the way you are now
Beautiful, cheerful, joy for us.
Decent salary, good luck wagon,
Happiness, health and low bow!

Can't turn back time for us
From the anniversaries it is impossible to hide,
But with a pure heart we want to say
You can be proud of these years!
You kept kindness in your heart,
A bright smile and an open look,
And feminine tenderness, and beauty,
And the experience of life, so hard to get.
We wish you happiness for many, many years,
You are a bright, multifaceted gem!

Two 5s stood side by side
It's been an anniversary.
But there is no need to be sad
Smile more cheerfully.
On an anniversary birthday
I send my congratulations.
Be funny, be fair
Cheerful happy.
To grief and sorrow
Never visited.
So that the years do not rush,
And everything would be enough for you.
I wish you good health
Good luck big and small.
Love to all family and friends.
I wish you a lot of strength, good luck.
I want my heart to burn.
Among friends, relatives, acquaintances.
To spite the years, so as not to grow old!
Two fives - as a reward,
All wisdom is in your hands
And there's no need to be sad
Gray hair - only at the temples!
Well, youth swells in the heart,
The new one is counting down
Let health joy write
55 - Honor to you!

And we want to tell you from the bottom of our hearts:
You are still far from sunset,
The sun is high at 55!
At the temples, gray hair is a little silvery,
Don't worry about her!

Lots of joy, smiles, laughter,
Many achievements and victories!
We sincerely wish you success,

55 is a great date!
May your life be generous and rich!
More health, a little patience
We invested in this festive rhyme!
May many peaks be reached!
May there be more than one anniversary!
Let the soul be mischievous, young!
Let only good luck come to the house in succession!

Two fives is a sign
That you're doing great
That you live not somehow:
In business, in your career, in your personal life!

May it always be so, always,
Up to a hundred years, or even longer.
Let the years not take you
Believe me, you can still do a lot:

Put all granddaughters on their feet,
And then wait for the great-grandchildren,
It is wonderful to live and praise God,
And enjoy happiness forever!

I want to congratulate you on your birthday -
After all, today you are 55 years old!
You experience the pleasure of life
So that the green light always burns for you!

I wish you happiness and luck
Forget about problems, difficulties!
Two "fives" in the date of birth, -
So everything should be great!

Congratulations on your 55th birthday!
You can be recorded in the "excellent students"!
After all, the birthday is not an easy one -
"Fives" two in number 55!

And that means everything will be fine,
And success will follow you
And native people will surround
And your happiness is enough for everyone!

Congratulations on your anniversary from the bottom of our hearts,
55 years - sounds so beautiful!
We wish you energy, goodness,
And more often let joy knock on the house!

We wish you health without worries,
Fulfillment of all your dreams
If you now have a wonderful anniversary,
May it bring happiness and success!

Two fives - you are twice an excellent student,
You are successful everywhere and in everything.
At work, in business, in personal life,
You have made your house a full bowl.

Became an idol for a long time already for grandchildren,
The kids are proud of you too.
Thanks for the science.
You have become a strong wall for them.

To be successful is a calling
This is the purpose for which you lived.
So accept wishes on this day,
Be full of dreams and strength.

Beautiful poems happy birthday 55 years

At 55 with all my heart! Heat
Smiles and heartfelt congratulations!
Good luck and luck in business!
Unique vivid impressions!

Good health and fresh strength.
Peace and home comfort.
To give joy every day,
Every minute was wonderful!

At the jubilee hour, 55 will come!
The stars will quietly stream their light,
There will be congratulations, we will celebrate
Let's be carefree like birds.

In the morning we will wash ourselves with the freshness of the dew.
Anniversaries are like a first date.
Two tears will fall on the land of happiness,
And all expectations will be fulfilled.

We wish life as if half asleep,
Sincere, cheerful, bright, passionate.
So that the mood is like in spring,
When everything in the world is in your power!

Congratulations on your anniversary!
And we want to tell you from the bottom of our hearts:
You are still far from sunset,
The sun is high at 55!
At the temples a little (already) silver gray,
Don't worry about her!
The leaves are turning yellow, but it's not autumn yet!
So many warm days ahead!
Lots of joy, smiles, laughter,
Many achievements and victories!
We sincerely wish you success,
Happiness and, of course, long years!

Just two numbers five and five.
But how much do they mean?
and how things look different.
It's just how you submit them...
Add them up - there are only ten
And childhood is seen again ...
It is still impossible to weigh everything in life.
But the whole world wants to hug.
Multiply them - there will be twenty-five
Still unknown disease.
Ready to hug your friends
And you want to live and be useful.
Two numbers next to five and five
You know how to weigh and argue
But many want to hug.
But you know life and you can build
And rebuild again!

55 turns today
So let your dream come true
After all, we all have dreams
So what are you guessing today?

Of course, do not look at your age!
All the best, believe me, ahead!
Live easy, do not know despondency
Let only happiness overflow!

Years of friendship can not be measured,
But only by actions to check
And that's why your birthday
In the year of all the holidays are more important

Today you are "Five and five" -
The advantages of all can not be counted,
I wish for one:
To be fabulously lucky in life!

Fives you have always loved, proud of them in the diary,
And our years passed, and you walked light.
20, 30, 40 passed and 50 flew by,
The time has come for TWO FIVES,
They also cannot be returned.
Let two fives, this is not enough - no less will be ahead,
And in your life everything happened - and the sun was, and the rains ...
On your Anniversary Birthday, We wish you, with all our heart,
Good health, fun, great family joy!

Let me congratulate you on your birthday!
After all, you are now 55!
I wish you happiness, vivacity, health,
Never give up in life!
Let the star shine on you day and night
And guides in the right way!
I wish you joyfully, easily and carefree,
And only up in life you go!

On the "five" let there be health,
On the "five" everything will be in the family,
55 million in the account...
Well, so many true friends!
Happy Anniversary
And I wish you no resentment.
Let everything around today shine,
After all, you are only 55!

Fifty-five years - two fives in the anniversary, a wonderful date. By this age, each person will find something to put fives for: family, work, friends, home, favorite things. Yes, a lot of things can be achieved in so many years! This is a special date for Russian women. It is at the age of fifty-five that it is customary for us to see off women on a well-deserved rest. Of course, it is joyful and pleasant to feel gratitude for your work and finally get the opportunity to relax and indulge in hobbies and communication with loved ones. The main thing in congratulations is to emphasize that at this age a woman is still young and beautiful!

With a wonderful holiday and a very important date!
It is not by chance that the fives stand nearby in it:
For all the victories and labors today twice
Fate "excellent" bets, this is the result!
May good luck and luck accompany you
And in every business, in any event,
Let it be sunny and bright mood,
And life brings joy day after day!

Congratulations on your 55th birthday!
May it be filled with joy
Your soul now!
Let love, without a doubt,
Goes straight to the heart
And forever let happiness
It's coming to your home now!
I wish you no fuss
Straight to the goal to reach
Only the best on the way
I always want to catch!
Let the light of the star not fade,
that illuminates life
And you tell her:
"For the truth you always hold on!"

Anniversaries are not to be missed.
They will overtake everyone like birds.
But the main thing is to carry through the years
The warmth of the soul, a particle of warmth.
You have your 55th birthday today.
We sincerely congratulate you!
And in life we ​​wish the main thing:
Health, happiness, joy
And up to a hundred years without old age!

We hasten to congratulate you on your 55th anniversary,
Wish you good and happiness in life!
Your age is so easy to fix now
After all, you passed your exam with a "five"!
And therefore, do not dare to grow old,
Have fun, laugh out loud!


A beautiful age
Two fives are cute.
And in life too
Everything should be perfect!
May strength and vigor
Everything just adds up!
And in life you meet
Only those who smile!

May your fifty-five years
Feel good!
And a good bright JUBILEE
Celebrating with friends!
Male society invigorates
And decorates the lady's!
Let the fragrance of fresh flowers
Makes you drunk like champagne!

Happy anniversary! With a beautiful celebration!
Two fives is symbolic.
Let every day be happy
Plans work out perfectly!
Cheerfulness, health, inspiration!
Strong, solid budget!
Let bold aspirations lead
To bright and confident victories!

Congratulations on the anniversary of 55 years:

55 - woman berry again! You say there should be another number? A woman at any age is a berry. We have selected for you the best, touching congratulations on the 55th anniversary of the woman on this page. You will definitely find "your" words in them.

Cool, voice audio congratulations on the phone of the hero of the day become a popular congratulation. Selecting a message takes a couple of minutes, you can choose a specific day and hour, but it charges with positive energy for the whole day.

If somewhere in forty-five
Baba berry again
What a wonderful fruit
Should we name it now?

Everything sparkles and shines
And the eyes are on fire!
Can you say that the hostess
How about fifty?

From myself all is good,
Her soul is young!
We wish you an anniversary
Happy, bright days.

More sunshine
To be warmed by warmth
And we wish her good health.
Congratulations, congratulations!

Two fives - superdata!
Everything that is passed - on "five".
So exciting today
Congratulations on your anniversary.

I wish you a fabulous life
Mood, victories.
Fulfillment of desires
Let the green light burn.

Shines brighter every day
Guiding star.
Good health
Never fails.

optimism, positivity,
Long and happy years
Be desired and loved.
Know that you are not more beautiful!

Today you are only 55,
And in the eyes - and these years do not give.
Look great as always
Warmth will warm your clear look.
Energetic and always beautiful,
May your strength not diminish.
Every year, and every day and hour,
Please us with your attention!

Two fives burst into life.
I really want you
Sorrows did not touch
And the soul broke into a dance.
We wish the hero of the day
So that health is good,
Well, all your relatives
May they live in harmony.
We also have a wish:
So that on the centenary
You ate a leg with lamb
And they shouted: “Pour me a drink!”

55th Birthday,
Today you are an excellent student with us,
Love, health and a sea of ​​​​inspiration,
To see the sparkle of happy eyes!

I wish health to your children,
Nothing is more important to every woman
And be happy in this wide world,
And so that life is like a multi-colored movie!

Congratulations on the 55th anniversary of a woman colleague

We came to congratulate a colleague - today she is 55.
She was ready to retire from us.
But the laws have changed and in the morning she has to get up again,
And go to your favorite job for another 5 years.

We congratulate you on your anniversary and wish, as always,
May you always be healthy, beautiful, forever young.
And you listen to who will say what, and wind everything on your mustache,
Then from these wishes, what you need, then choose!

We want to wish, beloved colleague,
At work - constant success
The authorities so that they do not argue with you,
The salary has been steadily increasing.

To be able to work and skillfully,
And to sing with delight,
So that there is no reason to say:
"I can't! After all, I'm 55!

From us, accept congratulations bunches.
Decorate them with a ripe number,
Which, like a blessed guest,
With fives you brought joy.

We are sweeter when we know about you.
Our world is kinder from your warmth.
And in response, we warmly wish you:
May your life always be bright.

We heartily congratulate you.
55 is a success!
To always surround you
Only joy, ringing laughter.
Thank you for being with us.
Health to you, and long years,
And fulfillment of desires.
In love, work, in everything - victories!

Let the date be significant
But youth cannot be hidden,
She is in the eyes, in the movements,
What is there to talk about.
Colleague, 55 -
Only in the passport line
Do not take away the enthusiasm
So Happy Holidays to you!
Happy anniversary
May happiness be complete
And life plans
Fate will soon fulfill.

Short congratulations on the 55th anniversary of the woman

Bright day in your destiny -
On "excellent" everything in fate:
Two fives! Congratulations!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Happiness, blessings and bright days
On your wonderful anniversary.

Five tens, five years old,
Here is the anniversary.
Peace, happiness and love
And the Lord save you!

55 years - special
And a wonderful anniversary
Let life put only fives
In the certificate of your destiny.

At 55 everything is in its place,
There is no chaos in the soul and disorder.
A calm smile on your lips
Give your family without a trace.
We congratulate you on your anniversary,
Let luck not close your eyes!

Bright day in your destiny -
On “everything is fine in fate:
Two fives! Congratulations!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Happiness, blessings and bright days
On your wonderful anniversary.

Congratulations on the 55th anniversary of a woman in prose, in your own words

On your 55th anniversary, I would like to confess that working under your supervision is a great gift of fate for me. And today you accept gifts. May good health, excellent mood, peace of mind be sure to be among them. Congratulations!

55 is not such a big date if the soul is young and the body is full of energy. So, on your 55th birthday, dear mommy, you can feel like 17, look like 20-odd, and think sensibly and correctly, as a woman should be at the most beautiful age. May luck smile at you and avoid trouble.

Dear friend! You are 55 today. I wish that 55 fur coats hung in your closet, 55 handsome men sang fervent songs under the window, and 55 roses did not fit in your hands. I promise, dear, at 155 we will congratulate you too! Happy Anniversary, my beauty!

You are 55 today! So, there will be many compliments, gifts, enthusiastic congratulations. You have invaluable experience, great wisdom and understanding of life. Enjoy these benefits and continue to delight your friends and family with your optimistic attitude. Congratulations on the anniversary!

Congratulations on your anniversary. As a person who deals with numbers, you can appreciate how beautiful two fives of your age look side by side. May further such double dates please you and meet you in good health and good mood. Let there be only good luck and no sorrows

Congratulations, dear, on your anniversary birthday - 55 years! This is a whole life lived, and it’s worth being proud of the fact that you lived it so long and good, becoming a mother and wife, grandmother, while always remaining a friend and that cheerful sweet girl whom we once met a very long time ago. It's great that you were able to keep your youthful enthusiasm. Health to you and joy.

55 is a beautiful age, a velvet season of life. No wonder these are two fives in a row - probably someone up there, gave such a high mark for the wonderfully lived years. All the main difficulties and vicissitudes of life are already behind us, the accents are placed, the priorities are defined, the grades are set - two fives! This is a wonderful age, it has wisdom, beauty and strength, and only the best lies ahead. 55 is not age yet, this is the peak of life, the peak from which, as in the palm of your hand, you can see everything lived, experienced, and that beautiful thing you should strive for. So we wish you health for many years, so that everything desired and conceived will come true!

Congratulations to my wife on her 55th birthday

Congratulations on your anniversary
beloved wife,
For me at 55
You are the most beautiful.

You've always been like this
And you stay like this
You are even more to me now
What do you like about being young?

you taught me
Listen to yourself with your heart
Forever entwined
Our souls are with you.

I wish to be happy
Stay young
So that at least up to 100
Lived happily with you.

55 to you, wife, today.
I congratulate! sincerely, seriously
I want to be free from sorrows
To never see your tears!

And so that you continue to circle in life
With a light soul, a mischievous heart.
Always just happy to be friends.
My dear, happy holiday to you!

The best wife in the world
On the biggest planet
Happy anniversary! Five and five -
Here you are berry again!

And if a berry, then sweet
I wish you smooth
Life without unnecessary tears
Woven from delicate roses!

We have a full house today:
All relatives, all friends.
We are with your anniversary day
We hasten to congratulate all of you.

55 years old today
Well, how good are you!
And everything is so young
Both your body and soul!

Dear, beloved wife,
I congratulated you the very first.
To always be gentle
Bloomed like the first snowdrop.

Harmony, love, health -
Everything you could wish for
Living in peace with dear mother-in-law
And celebrate fifty-five!

So that you remain a woman
To snow-white gray hair,
And to be embodied in life
All wonderful dreams!

Specially for the site

Let scarlet roses fragrance
Your house will be filled on this day,
After all, you are the charm
On a luxurious women's anniversary!

Let the compliments shine
Like stars flickering ripples,
And happiness is one hundred percent
Will open at fifty-five!

Specially for the site

The stars aligned today
Fifty-five combinations.
circling in the flight of love
Sincere, tender confessions.

Our woman is not in vain
He celebrates his anniversary.
A large family gathered
Everyone here respects you.

You burn brighter than maples,
Brighter than light-winged birches.
Shine with all kindness
You are our sweet woman!

Specially for the site

The house is illuminated by the light of your kindness,
This means that today is the anniversary!
The sun will smile fifty-five times.
May you shine like this
For a long time, warming relatives and friends,
Dear woman, live and do not get sick!

Specially for the site

May your life be fragrant
Like a pink tender peony
Let care surround you
The one who is subdued in your heart!

Our sweet, fragile lady,
Stay as young!
In your years of destiny panorama
Filled with a fresh wave!

You have grandchildren
And we want to wish you:
At fifty you did not know boredom,
See her off at fifty-five!

Specially for the site

On your wonderful anniversary, we hasten to congratulate you and wish you well-being in everything. At 55, life is just beginning: children have already been raised and a house has been built. Hurry up to see the world, please yourself with new discoveries and purchases. You deserve only the best: happiness, joy, good luck!

A bright, beautiful woman
The most beautiful, beloved
In bright fifty five
We would like to wish:

Bright and juicy moments
Sincere words, compliments,
Gentle and warm care,
Bright, pleasant work,

Creativity and creation,
Close support, attention,
Sunny, sweet days
On a generous big anniversary!

Specially for the site

Today I wish a lovely woman
Magnolia bloom, do not lose heart,
Well, health will always bloom,
When you are forever young at heart!

In your perky fifty-five
I want to wish you the warmth of the heart,
Pleasant emotions and meetings,
What in the heart could save

Events and long-awaited days,
Discoveries are beautiful, desired,
Crystal hopes and ideas,
On your sonorous big anniversary!

Specially for the site

At 55 your life is like a bud
And ready to open up with happiness!
Let the house be filled with care
And the desired goal will come true!

May prosperity and comfort reign,
So that the soul sparkles with kindness,
And health is a magical haven
Protected you no matter what!

To soar in happiness like a bird,
And in the stream of exciting meetings,
There was much to be proud of in life,
And what to save from the public!

Specially for the site

Oh, what a beautiful woman in her prime! Let this youth, lightness and cheerfulness walk with you for many more years. We wish that life will play in a new key, be decorated with bright colors and spread out in front of you like a red carpet. Smiles to you, joyful news, sincere conversations and cordial friends.