Congratulations on the tenth anniversary of living together in prose. Congratulations on your wedding day (10 years) in verse and prose. Heartfelt congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose

Happy anniversary to your family! No wonder 10 years of marriage is called a tin wedding. After all, now your relationship has become soft and flexible, but at the same time strong and durable, like tin. I wish you to love, cherish, respect each other even more. May there always be joy, happiness, prosperity, prosperity and sonorous laughter of children in your home.

With all my heart I congratulate you, dear ones, on the first ten years of your married life, on your tin wedding. I wish you to live many more happy years with the same success, I wish you to constantly feel tenderness and care for each other, I wish you to charge your love with vivid emotions and pleasant impressions every day, I wish you to keep light comfort and an atmosphere of harmony in your home.

Congratulations on your 10th wedding anniversary! On this tin anniversary, we wish that quivering feelings only flare up. Enjoy and love each other, give attention and care. Let understanding, mutual tenderness and the ability to support, hear and trust in time always dominate in your home. Be happy and don't need anything!

With all my heart I rejoice at your wonderful family holiday! Let 10 years seem only the beginning and your union grows stronger every year, giving mutual joy, love, peace of mind! I wish you incredible dizzying happiness!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your tin wedding. I want to wish 10 more times for 10 years to live also together and safely. And may the tin of your happiness melt into gold, and may your love only grow stronger over the years, and may only joyful and good events await your family.

I want to sincerely congratulate you on the 10th anniversary of your family, on your tin wedding. I wish you to always remain cheerful, cheerful, strong and seasoned tin soldiers, to go through life only side by side, carefully keeping and loving each other. Peace to your home and bright wonders for your family.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the 10th anniversary of your family life, on your tin wedding. May you manage to live many more happy decades of life, may your family always be strong and friendly, may goodness and love reign in the house, may bright rays of good luck and luck shine outside the window.

I congratulate you on your tin wedding, on the wonderful 10th anniversary of your family life. May you also be able to walk safely and cheerfully through many years and overcome any obstacles. May it always be light and warm in your house, and may true and strong love for each other live in your hearts.

Dear guys, you have been happily married for 10 years now. I sincerely congratulate you on your tin wedding and I want to wish you endurance and perseverance against the winds of life, family well-being for many more years, mutual love and understanding, brilliant ideas and great opportunities for your wonderful and happy life.

Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of your life together, with a tin wedding. I wish you to walk from year to year, holding hands tightly, listening to the opinion of each arc and faithfully keeping bright love. I wish your family peace, prosperity and incredible beauty, both internal and external.

In one wonderful moment, in which there were many joys and holidays, 10 years flew by. Congratulations on your tin anniversary. May your home always be filled with the light of goodness, may your family become 10 times happier and stronger on this anniversary.

Congratulations on your tin wedding, on your 10th anniversary of family life. With all my heart I wish you another 10 to 10 to live soul to soul and not know any troubles, no sorrows, no boredom. Be strong and persistent tin soldiers in any battle, each time winning a joint resounding victory. Health to your family and constant happiness.

Congratulations on your 10th wedding anniversary, on your wonderful tin wedding. May your first ten leave happy memories in the family album, may there be ten more dozens of love and good ahead. I wish you cool family weekends and happy holidays in your life.

Wedding pink shade - pewter. Ten years have flown by in a flash. You are such a harmonious and pleasant couple, do not stop admiring forever. The first round anniversary of the young. You are a happy family that complements each other perfectly. There are already common memories, plans. It's so hard to protect your relationship and fix it if it breaks, but you manage to do both. Romantic and sensual adventures for you.

10 years is not an easy date. You managed to save love and multiply everything at times. So let the following dates bring only good things into your life. Many smiles to you, health, prosperity and comfort. Happy anniversary to you!

Congratulations on your 10th anniversary of marriage. You collected your happiness from shreds of chintz, and folded origami out of paper, and planed out of wood, and now there is real tin in your bunches, from which I wish you to fuse the strongest, strong, eternal, lasting family happiness. Good luck, strength, health and all the best to you, dear ones, for many, many more decades.

Happy tin wedding anniversary, my dears! Ten years have flown by unnoticed and brought you many happy days, so I wish you that the next years of your life would be so eventful, positive and happy. Love, respect and appreciate each other.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! We wish wisdom, generosity, purity, harmony, prosperity to your family. Let the sun rise inside you and warm you with its warmth. Joy and love to you, a long happy life.

After 10 years of being together, you hold on to each other like never before and look at each other with the same tenderness as before! Your relationship is as soft and strong as tin! I wish you more sensitivity and attention to each other, more romance and time spent together and a cozy home, not overshadowed by problems!

Happy tin anniversary! These 10 years have passed like one wonderful moment for you, and you have managed to achieve a lot. I wish that the foundation of happiness in your home is indestructible, that your family tree does not stop growing and reaches for the sun, that your children are a great pride and joy for you, that neither the winds of life nor evil tongues can extinguish your love.

On this happiest and brightest day of your life, on the day of your wedding anniversary, I want to wish you inexhaustible faith in each other! Let all domestic and material problems not get in your way! May your home always be filled with only mutual understanding, unquenchable love and boundless happiness! May your love become even stronger, more reliable and stronger every day! I wish you that your hearts always beat in the same rhythm so that each of you always knows about the experiences and feelings of the other! I wish you to support and love each other, in spite of any vicissitudes of fate! You are made for each other! Happiness to you and sincere love! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! The moment you joined two lives into one, two of the most beautiful roses blossomed on earth, and two stars in the sky began to shine brighter. And even though roses have not only fragrant buds, but also sharp thorns, and the stars are sometimes so far away, you go through life together, led by a great feeling of all-conquering selfless love. So may there always be a high and clear starry sky above you, and may beautiful and fragrant flowers bloom for you in the gardens every spring! Cherish each other! Take care of love, and it will protect you, it will drive away all the clouds from the family sky! Happiness to you and love! Our precious anniversaries! In an age of family boats that are especially precarious, you manage to overcome all the obstacles and other nonsense together with determination that undermine the life together of two loving people who once created a family. Let the secret of the strength of your relationship be inherited and lead to the creation of a powerful and happy dynasty. Let wedding anniversaries become the most beloved and frequent holidays where they know how to love and teach fidelity by their own example. We heartily congratulate you, wish you health and prosperity! Dear newlyweds! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. You are so smart and happy today - just like on your wedding day. And your eyes also shine with love, and your hearts beat in unison. Over the years lived together, you have become an ideal couple, beautiful and harmonious. And they managed to create a real family in which your wonderful children grow up. Be happy, may heaven keep your union. Let love and tenderness fill your home with joy, warmth and comfort. We wish you mutual understanding, may your house be a full bowl, may it always have good weather and children's laughter. Advice to you and love. Bitterly! Dear comrades, former newlyweds, and now anniversaries! Allow me on this festive day for you and an exciting day for us to congratulate your family on your next wedding anniversary, wish your family happy days, a bright future and further prosperity. But most importantly: let this speech be the last official text in your life! Let it be filled with lyrics: iridescent birdsong, the most delicate smell of flowers, a light breeze and other attributes that are pleasant for you and useful for the family. And may this joyful stream never dry up! Our dear anniversaries!
We congratulate you on another anniversary date of your wedding. Every anniversary is a big holiday, because on this day your family was born. On this day, the union of your hearts was solemnly sealed with signatures. We know you as a happy married couple who lived a long life in love and harmony, as wonderful people, rich in heart and soul, amazing people. Despite all the hardships that you had to endure in this life, you survived, kept love, youth and loyalty to each other, raised wonderful children! Today all words, all wishes are only for you - the best couple in the world! We wish you many more years to remain the same cheerful optimists! May your home always be warm with smiles and kind words. Health, prosperity, happiness, and, of course, love! Today is your family's birthday. Looking at your joyful faces, you are once again convinced that happiness exists and happy marriages are not a phantom, but an exceptional reality. Exceptional because there is simply no other such family and cannot be. You have become so accustomed to each other that sometimes it seems that it cannot be otherwise.
The words: “we”, “together” in relation to you are endowed with a special meaning. Your union is an indivisible whole that cannot be shaken or split. Perhaps your family well-being has only a recipe for you. Or maybe it's all about boundless love and readiness to accept and understand your loved one by anyone, faith in him.
I wish you new wedding anniversaries, health and well-being. A wedding anniversary is an occasion to feel like newlyweds again. Today look at wedding photos, remember how beautiful and happy you were on your wedding day! And you will understand that your feelings have not faded since that day, but have become deeper and stronger! May mutual understanding, respect and, of course, Her Majesty - Love always reign in your family! On a wonderful holiday - the anniversary of your wedding - I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! I am very glad to see you happy and loving, I am glad that you have a strong family, and that wonderful children are growing up with you. I wish you to continue to live in harmony with each other, to be one, to understand each other perfectly and support in everything! A wedding anniversary is a great opportunity to reminisce! I strongly recommend that you together remember the first meeting, the first date, the first kiss, the wedding day, the birthday of the first child - but how many memorable dates have happened over the years! These memories will set you in a romantic mood, stir up feelings again, give you the opportunity to relive the happiest events of your life together ... I wish you that there are as many such memorable events as possible, that your family is strong and happy, and love is fiery and strong ! Dear (names)! As the folk wisdom says: “to live life is not to cross a field”! Over the years of your life together, you have already convinced yourself that she was right, because you had to go through not only joyful events, but also difficult moments. Your noisy and cheerful wedding is left far behind, as well as carefree youth, growing children require a lot of attention and cause a lot of trouble, life becomes boring with its monotony - and it seems that life consists entirely of worries and anxieties ... Your wedding anniversary is an excellent occasion to remember many wonderful moments that happened to you. Remember your dates, your wedding, remember the time when you were expecting your first child, and the day when he was born - but you never know there were wonderful moments. Let these memories help you understand that your life consists not only of gray everyday life, but also regularly pleases you with happy events. Appreciate what you have and always be happy! On your wedding anniversary, we wish you to share not only happy moments, but also all the difficulties of family life. We wish you always and in everything to support each other, to jointly overcome obstacles and achieve your goals, to share all household chores. Take care, appreciate, love each other and be happy together!

The gift has been bought, the problem with finding outfits has been solved - everything is ready for the trip to the wedding anniversary, but you, as always, forgot about the wishes that would be best said in your own words, and not read a verse written off from the Internet.

How to congratulate on your wedding anniversary: ​​speech in prose

Regardless of the date that the couple celebrates, congratulations on the wedding anniversary in prose, spoken from the heart, with wishes for long and happy family years, will sound best.

Congratulations for a young family (up to 10 years old)

How to congratulate a young couple on their wedding anniversary in prose? Portal has prepared the warmest words for you. And also here you will find congratulations on your wedding anniversary to your husband, wife, parents or friends.

The first year of life is the most difficult and most important, and you experienced it as a young, but very strong family. Therefore, I want to wish you not to lose this connection with each other throughout the long and happy family years. Let's celebrate this year the way we should!

Our dear ones, (names)! Behind you is the distance traveled in 5 years. You lived them together, side by side, shoulder to shoulder overcoming all obstacles. Life brought different surprises, but you proudly survived them all. And you still have a long joint road ahead, which will bring many joyful moments. And if it gets hard, support each other and boldly move on.

We will not count the years, because it is not the quantity that matters, but the quality. You respect, appreciate and love each other. Because of this, every year of your marriage is like the first. May it always be so, may your feelings only grow stronger every day and fill your life with happiness.

Accept congratulations on your wedding anniversary. May your union prosper for many, many years to come. Support each other in all endeavors, because love is not to admire each other, but to look in the same direction. And let all the sorrows, troubles and hardships bypass you.

Congratulations for adult couples (10-25 years old)

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary in your own words for an adult couple with more than a decade behind them should contain words about patience, respect and how important it is to maintain tender feelings.

A wedding anniversary is a family birthday. Your family is a great role model. You should be leveled up, because not everyone manages to find such a balance in relationships, to achieve harmony in a couple. We wish you always enough strength to maintain this idyll.

Family life is daily chores, worries, problems. And behind the wall of all this, feelings can begin to fade. I congratulate you on your wedding anniversary and wish that your flame of love does not go out, that each of you supports this flame and appreciates the word “We”, because it is the main thing in marriage. Create your own happiness, every day throughout your life, hand in hand strive only forward.

Remember the day of your marriage, the beginning of family life. How did you see yourself as spouses, what goals did you set, what did you want to achieve, what did you dream about? Think about what has come true, and what has remained in your thoughts. You have lived together for 15 years, but there is still a lot of time ahead, so there is an opportunity to work on the mistakes. You already have experience behind you, analyze what needs to be fixed and what to leave and continue in the same spirit. Let your love help you find the right solutions.

Happy holiday, dear (names)! Let today be filled with the same number of smiles, kisses and congratulations as 20 years ago. Then you sealed the knot of your already strong relationship. And they were not mistaken, because they lived all these years happily. Let your house continue to be filled with an endless river of love, respect, mutual understanding, tenderness and fidelity. Waking up every morning, smile at each other, filling the coming day with light.

Congratulations for older couples (from 25 years of marriage)

How to congratulate a married couple on their wedding anniversary in your own words, who have been together for about half a century? They have come a long way, despite the anxieties and disagreements, they have gone through it together. Congratulate them on the anniversary of living together from the bottom of your heart.

We want to congratulate you on your wedding day and wish you to continue to keep that love and tenderness that has been with you all these years. So that you continue to find compromises in all controversial situations, as you did before. And so that your children are happy and create the same strong families as yours.

As the proverb says: "To live life is not to cross a field." You knew about it firsthand. Over the years, you have experienced both joyful events and difficulties. The merry wedding celebration has already been forgotten, the children have grown up, and everyday life, it seems, will not be overshadowed by anything. Your anniversary is the best opportunity to exhale and remember joyful moments, happy moments that you lived. You can remember a lot: the feeling of falling in love when they just started dating, the wedding day and the cries of “Bitter!”, the expectation of the baby and his birthday are unique and elusive minutes. Let all this help you understand that family life is full of happy days. Appreciate the present and love each other.

On the anniversary of your wedding, from the date of which 35 years have passed, I would like to wish you to remain as cheerful as you are. The past years were not easy, you raised wonderful children, grandchildren are on the way, who will not be left without your attention. And no matter what difficulties you encountered in life, your family, like a small army, fought with them and defeated them with common forces. Probably, there are enough trials in your life, so we wish you long, healthy, calm and peaceful family years.

A selection of small universal congratulations

Short congratulations on your wedding anniversary, a couple of lines in prose, spoken from the bottom of your heart - your "magic wand" on the holiday ..

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and all the best. Health to you and your children. Love to surround the whole family with it, happiness so that your faces always shine with smiles, and prosperity. Always remain loved and loving.

Today you are newlyweds again. Your family is still young and has a long road to a golden wedding ahead of them. Let the shooting stars illuminate your path and fulfill all your desires. Peace, warmth and light to your union, be happy!

On the anniversary of your marriage, I wish you more unforgettable happy days, wishes come true, promises kept and radiant smiles on the faces of all members of your family.

Happy Holidays to your young family. Let your house become the abode of goodness, your children will always be guarded by angels, and your feelings will be filled with a bottomless source. Love and appreciate each other.

Now, having prepared beautiful congratulatory words, you can go to visit. And don't forget to stock up

On the day of your anniversary, we would very much like your memory to never leave you. Memory so that you remember those days when you saw each other for the first time, when you gave each other a kiss for the first time, when all your closest people gathered around you and loudly shouted “bitter” to you! Long life to you!

I heartily congratulate you on your wedding anniversary and wish you unquenchable love and fidelity to each other, family happiness and prosperity, joint victories and good luck on the way, home comfort and prosperity, good health for the whole family and great hopes.

Happy next wedding anniversary! We are immensely glad that you have been living in love and harmony for so many years. I wish you happiness, we wish you to be cheerful, laugh and joke more! Be for each other irreplaceable, the best, the only and precious. Happiness to you - unearthly, indescribable, most beautiful!

Congratulations on another anniversary! It was on this day that the story of a happy family once began, which remains friendly in sorrow and in joy. May the light of your family hearth always give those around you warmth, hope and hospitality. Unfading love to you for many more years!

Pleasant moments from relatives to newlyweds are: own apartment as a gift from parents, relatives' visits by prior call and for a short time, and visiting friends strictly on Sundays. Our relatives, dear and beloved, today your family is only a year old and we wish that in this "infant" age it will be disturbed as little as possible by priceless, but sometimes such intrusive loved ones!

Dear spouses, I would like to sincerely congratulate you on another important date for your family. Be always the same loving, happy, keep your family hearth and enjoy every day you live together.

On your wedding anniversary, I want to wish you an amazing, beautiful and bright, truly fabulous life! May all wishes come true as if by magic!

How wonderful it is to get up in the morning with the heady smell of a loved one on your palms, with the taste of his kisses on your lips, cook breakfast for him or wake up from the scent of his hair! Today, having gathered for the year of your wedding, we wish you these great feelings for a lifetime! May the depth of feelings, brightness of emotions and tender devotion always accompany you!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I wish that the irrepressible desire to love each other sweeps away all obstacles and obstacles in your life path. Let there be order, comfort, warmth and cordiality in everyday life. May there be peace and grace in the souls. Great happiness for two, understanding and sincerity. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose beautiful

Baby, this year we changed a hundred outfits, a dozen toothbrushes and a thousand recipes for different dishes. Also, our love has undergone all sorts of changes, but I want to tell you today: I am pleased to cook for you, give you a new shirt, and I am not at all annoyed by the tube of toothpaste you have not closed in the bathroom. I love you baby and Happy Anniversary!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. May there be many victorious peaks and joint successes ahead, may the family album keep pleasant and warm memories, may the fire of love and happiness burn brightly in the house, may no winds and evil tongues be able to shake the fortress of your marriage.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary, we wish you health, happiness and prosperity! Let your feelings remain bright, persistent and beautiful. May there be comfort and prosperity in your home, may joy and happiness live in it, may you be warm and good together! I wish you good health, strength, vivacity, optimism and faith in the future.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary from the bottom of my heart. I wish you to always give each other your love and care, I wish you never jeopardize family happiness and well-being, I wish you confidence in the future, harmony and mutual understanding in the family, prosperity and light of joy in the house.

So many years of mutual patience, attention and care were not in vain! You are one whole, and this whole is beautiful! I congratulate you on the fact that you managed to create your own unique, kind, cozy world that we love so much! Happy Anniversary of the creation of this world!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and I sincerely wish you a strong family and mutual understanding, good prosperity and bright love, reliable good and unquenchable happiness, excellent health and great luck on your conscientious path.

Heartfelt congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose

Dear married couple! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I wish you that your family does not know any failures, problems and crises. So that your boat, called the family, finds its quiet and calm harbor, so that its sails are always filled with a fair wind, and small legs run along the deck and sonorous children's laughter sounds. Be happy and forever in love!

The years that you have lived together is a wonderful experience, it is a valuable baggage that makes life easier and easier. You know each other well, you know how to negotiate, find compromises. Your couple is a role model and a great example for everyone! We wish you to continue to remain the same ideal husband and wife, be very happy, appreciate life, love and understand each other!

You are a wonderful couple, just a feast for the eyes. On your wedding anniversary, we wish longevity to your family, live in perfect harmony, walk through life in step. Save your warm feelings, appreciate every moment you spend together.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! We wish quivering comfort, warmth and prosperity to your family. Mutual understanding, sincerity and great love. Be healthy, have common interests, cherish your union and develop joint ventures!

We are very happy to celebrate your wedding anniversary with you! We wish you many more years of life in happiness and health! Of course, married life cannot be without problems and difficulties, but together you can overcome any difficulties. We wish you less worries, more joys, great love and endless happiness!

I congratulate you on your wedding anniversary and from the bottom of my heart I wish you the unquenchable light and flame of the family hearth, true happiness and unfading love, I wish you good prosperity and health, a wonderful mood and a joyful atmosphere in the house.

So quickly and almost imperceptibly from the day of your wedding, time has flown by! You settled down, strengthened your income and family! Your house is cozy and hospitable, it is always a pleasure to come to visit you - let it be so in the future! May your love only grow stronger, prosperity grow, and children please with their success! You are great fellows, be happy, be healthy and love each other strongly!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. I wish you never and never lose the sincerity and tenderness of feelings that fill your hearts with happiness and inspiration, I wish no one to break the invisible thread that forever binds your destinies in the name of love.

Our dear ones, I ask you to remember all your trips, romantic evenings, all important joint decisions. And also remember how it all began - the first meeting, the first kiss, the first romantic dinner and remember your wedding day. These memories will set you in a romantic mood, stir up feelings again, give you the opportunity to relive the happiest events of your life together. I wish you to have as many such events as possible, and your family remains strong, strong and happy!

The family became a year older, attachment a year stronger. May the boat of your love never run into the reefs of everyday life and break on them. Love each other just like on your wedding day. And may Hymen keep your union, congratulations on your anniversary. Bitterly!