Congratulations on the Day of the formation of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. Congratulations on the day of the Investigative Committee

Dear workers and veterans of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation!

On January 15, 2011, the Federal Law "On the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation", signed on December 28, 2010, came into force. This was the reason to add another holiday date to the calendar - the Day of the formation of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

On behalf of the leadership of the Administration of the Saki District, residents and on my own behalf, please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the Day of the formation of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation!

Your service has been assigned the most important role in the system of state power in Russia. You are called upon to be at the forefront of the fight against crime, to ensure the stable operation of the entire state mechanism, to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Your professional experience, honesty, impeccable execution of the law are the key to the successful solution of the tasks set.

I am sure that you will continue to successfully fulfill the tasks assigned to you, and honorably fulfill your official and civic duty.

I wish you good health, professional success and good luck in all your endeavors. May peace and harmony, love and prosperity reign in your families.

head of administration of the Saksky district

Galina Miroshnichenko

History reference:

On January 15, 2011, the Federal Law "On the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation", signed on December 28, 2010, came into force. This was the reason to add another holiday date to the calendar - the Day of the formation of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. As reported in the explanatory note to the bill, the functioning of the Investigative Committee outside the prosecutor's office will create the necessary conditions for more efficient work of both the prosecutor's office and the investigative bodies. The idea was not new: for the first time, Peter I decided to separate the investigative department from other state structures. The emperor carried out a judicial reform, dividing the criminal process into two stages: preliminary investigation and trial. In 1713, the first specialized investigative bodies appeared in Russia. They were the major investigative offices, which reported directly to Peter I and examined cases of the most dangerous acts. These included offenses that encroached on the foundations of statehood: bribery, embezzlement, official forgery, fraud. The investigating authorities, dependent only on the emperor, could remain impartial and objective even in relation to high-ranking officials. So, at the beginning of the 18th century, 11 out of 23 Russian senators attracted the attention of the investigating offices. However, immediately after the death of Peter I, independent investigative bodies were abolished, and the preliminary investigation began to be regarded as an ordinary procedural procedure of pre-trial proceedings. From 1723 to 1860, non-specialized bodies were engaged in the investigation of crimes: the office of the police chief, the detective order, the lower zemstvo courts, and the councils of the deanery. So in Russia there was an administrative model for the organization of the investigative apparatus. In the 19th century, the shortcomings of such a system became clear, the main of which was the growth of corruption. During the judicial reform of 1860, Alexander II tried to find new ways to organize a preliminary investigation, but a return to the Petrine model was not even considered. As a result, it was decided to withdraw the investigative bodies from the police and transfer them to the courts. During this period, 993 judicial investigators appeared in 44 provinces of the country. The judicial model, laid down by Alexander II, later formed the basis of the system of military investigators who were attached to the military district courts. After 1917, investigative units appeared in almost all law enforcement agencies. This was due to the desire of the new government to make justice one of the tools of the class struggle. In 1927, in the Moscow province, judicial investigators were transferred to the prosecutor's office. The experiment was recognized as successful, and in 1928 the board of the People's Commissariat of Justice decided to transfer the investigative apparatus to the full disposal of the prosecutor's office. And in 1929, military investigators also came under the control of the military prosecutor's office. In 1938-1939, investigative units were also established in the state security and police agencies, subordinated at that time to the NKVD of the USSR. In 1963, investigative bodies also appeared in the Ministry of Public Order (later it became the Ministry of the Interior). In 2007, the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation became a relatively independent agency, but was still part of the prosecutor's office. The 2011 law returned the model for the development of investigative bodies to the idea of ​​Peter I. This document established that the head of state is in charge of the committee's activities. Currently, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is not included in the structure of any of the state authorities.

Historical information is written according to the information

Happy Investigative Committee Day!
Let your life be warm
Always smiling friends
To dream more fun!

And for the plans to be fulfilled,
Good luck rushed towards you,
Work Exactly, went smoothly,
Salary to grow up!


Today we send this greeting -
To members of the Investigative Committee:
We wish you all the awards
And on shoulder straps - starfall,
Love the cart - in every house,
And material wealth at the same time!
And most importantly - we wish everyone
Health without problems!


Congratulations on the Day of the formation of the Investigative Committee of Russia and I want to wish you confident roads to success, the key to unraveling any issue, the necessary information at your fingertips and great opportunities in every business.


Let the criminal fear you
Courageous, competent follower,
And don't let bad things happen
And the enemy will not disrupt all plans!

In any case, you are a winner,
And let it continue to be so
After all, you are the guardian of the law,
You-health, peace, blessings!


You stand guard over the law
By choosing the right path in life.
On the shoulders of your strong shoulder straps
We are not allowed to forget about honor.

An experienced criminal will be caught,
Do not hide the truth to cunning liars.
You are the law sure companion,
We are indebted to you.

Today I want to congratulate you
And from the heart I wish everything
Don't give in to life's hardships
And always prosper in everything!

Congratulations on the day of the investigative committee


Congratulate the committee members
A matter of honor on this day.
Consequence is such a thing
You have to hit the target.

To all who live this service,
Not easy, oh, dedicated.
I only wish you good luck
Everyone to be happy.


Officer of the Investigative Committee -
And it's very hard, and it's an honor,
But you cope, guarding the law,
We live calmer, happier helping!

Let the stars fall on your shoulder straps
There will even be millions in your pockets,
To make you feel really cool
And all the criminals would not dare to utter a word!


In your difficult investigative work
I wish you good and successful cases.
And always be in deserved honor,
Victories that were not known before.

I wish everyone to call for an answer as soon as possible,
And enjoy your personal life more.
Happy Investigator's Day, I congratulate the Committee.
I wish you to bathe in the laurels of glory!


Happy big day today, congratulations
I wish you the stars of generals on shoulder straps.
You look after the order with dignity,
And thanks to you, we live in peace.

Let there be fewer criminals in the world,
I want to live wonderfully, in a positive way.
Work is not reflected on you,
To surround you with love, care!


Today is an important holiday
And I hasten to congratulate him,
You are very brave and brave
You will be able to protect the country!

Happy Investigative Committee Day,
I wish you grief, troubles you do not know,
And our mother Russia,
Save from all criminals!

Day of the Investigative Committee Employee - January 15, 2019


Let it be needed less
There's a gun in your business
Let the investigator prosper
What is your favorite committee?

I wish you an easy service,
Believe in your calling
Let the work bring
happiness and recognition.


Your work is not respected by everyone,
But you can't be kind to everyone
And with you, we know very well
You are not friends of crime.

Persistently conduct your investigation,
There are no equals in deduction,
Give no mercy to the enemy
Forgetting about rest, sleep, dinner.

So let me congratulate you
In the struggle of difficult victories for you,
Friends, we will not get tired of praising
We all need a committee!


You are a follower, which means
All smarter and stronger
Let the criminal cry now
Well, you pour a hundred grams,

You have a holiday today
You smile wider
Outside the window, the frost teases everyone,
Well, have fun!


Congratulations on the day of the formation of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation! A big burden, and our structure bears responsibility. I wish all employees diligence and ease in work. Transparency and consistency in work. Reliable comrades and security. Be vigilant and attentive. Good luck, career growth and desired achievements!


Committee to the Investigator
I send congratulations
I wish you at work
Perseverance, inspiration.

I wish you to be stronger
Holmes and Maigret
To never know
You are talking about the capercaillie.

I wish you lime
Crime at its core
And from the bottom of my heart for service
Thank you.

Poems on the day of the investigative committee


Today is a very important holiday.
At the Investigative Committee,
This service was formed
To reveal mysteries and secrets
We wish all employees
Good luck in their hard work,
To catch all criminals
That they managed to solve all the cases!


Without an investigating committee
There is no order in our country.
And on the day of his formation
I want to acknowledge
Its employees are honest
Hard work, hard work.
Let all crime be destroyed
And we will help in this fight.


Happy holiday to you, happy day of the RF IC,
So let the beautiful committee be famous,
You always succeed in catching criminals,
So that things go well at work.

Good health, order and good luck,
To meet less adversity, more happiness.
Mindfulness, strength and achievements,
Diligence, all the best, great aspirations.


Let the Investigative Committee
Will always be independent!
I wish you success, victories
And courageous missions!

Be strong and healthy
I wish you well and prosperity
Always be ready to serve
May all things go smoothly!


Your holiday is a reason to take stock,
And the Investigator congratulate the committee.
A lot of cases were opened by the department,
But these are the secrets of the investigation. Secret.

Good luck in your service «day and night»,
Although your everyday life is very difficult ...
And those who honestly do not want to live yet,
Let "experts" visit more often.


Today we congratulate everyone
Who protects our peace.
For them we want joy, laughter
Was in their life legal.

And so that there is peace and harmony in the family,
And to be able to rest
We wish them many awards
But we don't want to fight.


The investigation is conducted by a connoisseur
Criminal cases.
Looking for criminals
He obviously succeeded!

The case is revealed
Light appears in it.
To you with any story
Let's make it work.

For good health
And a firm hand
More leads for you.
Service to easy.


Investigative Committee Day
Today has come again
And all employees at the same time
Nobody forgot to say hello.

Wishing them all the best and happiness,
They want to open a lot of cases,
And I will say: everything is in your power,
I wish you to live, not to yearn!


On the day of the investigative committee
I wish that on the planet
Crime Curve Down
Rolled down sharply. To the prize

handed to each of you
And just in time for the holiday.
May there be sunshine, peace, good luck,
And return from official affairs.


Congratulations on the day of the formation of the Investigative Committee of Russia. I wish you to constantly be on a high wave of success and prosperity, I wish you to achieve high results in your work and personal goals in life. May the truth always be on your side, may justice and honesty reign all around.


Member of the Investigative Committee
You are a true patriot
Whatever the criminal plot,
He certainly won't pass you by.

You are courageous and moral to the limit,
You solve complex problems
God bless you in the meantime
More money and of course good luck!


Today is the day in the history of the country is extremely important,
Employees of the Investigative Committee celebrate the brave,
Your profession is dangerous and nervous,
And sometimes it's hard, right?

So let the strength never leave you,
May purpose and perspective always keep you
You do not know diseases and do not grow old,
And for the country to do everything to be in time!


We are in trouble without you
Without investigators - nowhere.
We wish you patience
And in the work of respect.

Luck, cheerfulness, luck,
Good days, patience, happiness.
To work days
Were full of success!


Keep tight-lipped
The order is firm to follow,
Let the violators not sleep
Fate is simple: catch them all.

Today is the day the search begins.
Mighty countries! Let's find a bluff.
All-All will find, all-all will find
Guys from the RF IC!


Our committee is not simple, it knows everything about everyone,
There are such guys here, psychics cannot catch up!
Our committee celebrates its birthday today,
Put things aside, now let's rest!

We have few holidays, day and night at work,
Even at home at dinner you wait for an alarm call,
But we declare to the bandits that you will not leave us,
The holiday is not a hindrance at all for the work of the tracker!


I don't know if it's a holiday or not
A committee was formed
You beware now naughty
After all, this is an investigative moment!

Judicial reform passed
And there was a committee
After all, for Russia this is the norm,
This is how everything is born.

The structure of the device includes
All governments in the country
And all sorts of controls
And all sorts of courts.


All those who do their duty
Who helped the citizens in the name of the Law,
Happy Holidays! Success and good luck
And in the future, let the tasks be solved effectively.
Investigate causes and causes - from all angles.
For this there is a right, and above it - the Law.


This holiday is an occasion to take stock,
Commemorate veterans distinguished themselves in wrestling,
Those who have chosen the right path in life -
To fight crime until the last days in fate.

We wish you success in your tasks,
And so that the end result is always excellent.
Courage, energy, in deeds - returns;
We believe that the rights of citizens will be reliably protected.


A terrible thing happened if -
Death, terror or robbery,
Truth, consequences and honor
The committee wants to fight.

The blackest deeds will be decided
A strong lump of tight knots,
Without even blinking an eye
No hassle or extra words.


Was formed, by the way, there is not even a dispute here,
Investigator, brave, and the right committee,
You guys are brave, who serves on the committee,
Whoever finds the criminal, finds the evidence,
Congratulations on your professional day today,
Over crime victories, with all our hearts we wish!
Starfall on your shoulder straps, respect, honor,
And thank you very much, and in all respects credit,
And also health, happiness, and love, and long years,
And catch luck by the tail, live without grief and without trouble!


In 2011, you left the ranks of the Prosecutor's Office,
The structure became the main one, in plain sight,
You are investigators, not creators of culture!
Crime, revealing on the go,
Evidence, extracting day and night,
All for the sake of truth, for a dream,
So let them congratulate you urgently for this!


My first toast is to courage.
The second - for courage and honor.
My third toast is maturity for strength,
Get to the truth, climb.
Will you find solutions
Any problems and in difficult times,
Overcoming ups and downs,
"Medal of the brave" will be just right.
Honorable work congratulations,
Raising a glass of champagne
Happy Investigation Day!


And at stake is the question of who will give the answer:
When was the Investigative Committee formed in the Russian Federation?
So, okay, no riddles,
Let's not be short in congratulations:

We wish you interesting work,
And so that there is no place for criminals in the country.
For every investigator to be a professional,
And he got paid accordingly.

To spend more time with family
And to be respected and loved.
Good luck and achievements,
New career advancement!


The importance of controlling work
Monitor the honest work of all parts:
prosecutors or investigators.
Concern about serious crimes
Lies on you. Thanks from people!
I want to convey to you on this day.


This holiday is the beginning of protection
Our citizens from dangerous people,
Therefore, we bring you bouquets,
We see you as true friends!

You are skillfully conducting investigations,
From that we live more calmly,
Let every business be successful!
Let health give every day!

Day of the Investigative Committee.
My congratulations,
May there be strength and health
To make the right decisions.

I wish in your will,
Courage, valor, patience.
May he give life to you for your efforts
More bright moments.

Congratulate the committee members
A matter of honor on this day.
Consequence is such a thing
You have to hit the target.

To everyone who lives his life in this service,
Not easy, oh, dedicated.
I only wish you good luck
Everyone to be happy.

Congratulations on the Day of the formation of the Investigative Committee of Russia and I want to wish you confident roads to success, the key to unraveling any issue, the necessary information at your fingertips and great opportunities in every business.

Let it be needed less
There's a gun in your business
Investigative may flourish
What is your favorite committee?

I wish you an easy service,
Believe in your calling
Let the work bring
happiness and recognition.

We are in trouble without you
Without investigators - nowhere.
We wish you patience
And in the work of respect.

Luck, cheerfulness, good luck,
Good days, patience, happiness.
So that working days
Were full of success!

Let the Investigative Committee
Will always be independent!
I wish you success, victories
And courageous missions!

Be strong and healthy
I wish you well and prosperity
Always be ready to serve
Let all things go smoothly!

The holiday will take place today.
The day has come in the country
Where was the committee formed?
That the investigator's name is everywhere.

We wish you strength and luck
Let all crime tremble.
Courage, valor and zeal,
Let fate give you a shield!

Happy Formation of the Investigative Committee
I heartily congratulate you today!
The institution is like the forces of light
The world makes a hundred times more beautiful.

May luck surround you everywhere
We wish all criminals to be found and punished.
We wish that all tasks are easily solved,
We want you to win in life.

Congratulations to all followers
Happy holiday now cordially,
Hard work is very important
And endlessly dangerous.

Strength, health to you, patience,
Let the law help
Honor, dignity and conscience -
Committee is your canon.

Investigative Committee
Happy holiday, I congratulate
Followers of all our strength
And I wish you health.

Low bow to you for valor,
For effort and talent
Everyone is in his own guru,
Real diamond.

Let the Investigative Committee
We will always respect!
I wish you brilliant victories,
Fruitful work only!

May good luck accompany you
In achieving goals and plans!
And let everything be in your teeth,
After all, you definitely have no flaws!

Congratulation of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on the Day of Formation of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation

Dear colleagues!

Please accept my warmest congratulations on the Day of the formation of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation - January 15!

The results of the activities of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation as an independent investigative body fully confirmed the correctness of the decision taken by the country's leadership. Today, the Investigative Committee has united people devoted to the Law, who without a trace give their strength to the restoration of truth and justice.

Our work certainly requires personal courage, adherence to principles and high responsibility for the decisions made. I can proudly state that the best investigative professionals work in the Investigative Committee, and this allows us to successfully solve and investigate serious crimes - murders and terrorist acts, extremist, sophisticated economic and tax crimes, as well as those related to corruption and organized crime. This is evidenced by the numbers: in 2014, about 83% of murders, 95% of rapes, 97% of corruption-related crimes, and all high-profile terrorist acts were solved.

The quality of consideration by the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of reports of crimes has improved, and the number of unreasonable refusals to initiate criminal proceedings has significantly decreased. This work continues and is aimed at rigorously ensuring the rights of citizens.

The duty of the employees of the Investigative Committee is to be at the forefront of the fight against crime.

The memory of our comrades who fulfilled their professional duty to the end will forever remain in our hearts. Over the years, we have lost 13 employees who died in the line of duty.

I am sure that in the future, high professional and moral qualities will allow you to successfully solve the problems of solving and investigating crimes, ensuring the principle of the inevitability of punishment. We will make every effort to ensure that the system of investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee develops on the basis of the principle of continuity of the best traditions of the investigation.

On this festive day, with all my heart I wish all employees and veterans of the investigating authorities, members of your families good health, inexhaustible energy and new achievements for the benefit of the state, society and the Law!

Chairman of the Investigative Committee
Russian Federation
Colonel General of Justice

A.I. Bastrykin


On this significant day, the editorial office of the journal "Transport Security and Technologies" was visited by a respected person, a professional in his field - Consultant-mentor and Chairman of the Public Council at the Moscow Interregional Investigation Department for Transport of the RF ICMazursky Vladimir Alexandrovich.

Vladimir Alexandrovich accepted our congratulations on the holiday, got acquainted with the "hot" issue of the journal "Transport Security and Technologies" and discussed in detail the issues of interaction between the Moscow Interregional Investigation Department for Transport of the RF IC with the editors of the journal for 2015.

We, in turn, assured that we have always felt and feel a sincere interest in our participation, in the good advice of the veterans of the investigation, and we hope that by joint efforts we will be able to achieve a lot in solving the problems of ensuring transport security.

At the end of the visit, our guest received a print run of the latest issue of the magazine specifically for distribution in the structural subdivisions of MMSUT of the Russian Investigative Committee.


On investigative work Mazursky Vladimir Alexandrovich With 1975.

After graduating from the Higher Investigative School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, he worked in various offices of the district, city, regional and interregional level of Siberia and the Far North as an investigator. In 1984, Mazursky was recognized as the best investigator of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs in transport.

In the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Vladimir Aleksandrovich led investigative teams to investigate multi-episode criminal cases: abuses in the Ministry of Railways of Russia, blocking of transport communications in connection with the strike of air traffic controllers, theft of large amounts of non-ferrous metals from the rolling stock of railway transport and enterprises of Moscow, the Moscow region, other regions of the country and their illegal export abroad.

Mazursky V.A. has extensive professional experience in investigative work and forensic activities. He has numerous awards: the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree, the medal "For excellent service in the protection of public order", the medal "Veteran of Labor", the medal "For Combat Commonwealth", the medal "For Irreproachable Service" of 3 degrees , medal "200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia", medal "Anatoly Koni", honorary titles "Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation", "Honorary Worker of the Moscow Railway", "Honorary Worker of Justice of Russia".

Vladimir Alexandrovich was awarded the insignia of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation "For fidelity to the law" I degree, the insignia "For strengthening the borders of the CIS member states", the badge of the Investigative Department of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, the breastplate of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia in Moscow "For Distinction in Service", badge "Excellent militia worker", badge "200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia", Certificate of honor of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of Russia in Moscow, Certificate of honor of the Russian Union of Veterans of Afghanistan, anniversary medal "90 years of the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia", anniversary badge in honor of the 45th the anniversary of the creation of the preliminary investigation bodies in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the anniversary badge "70 years of the transport police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR", the badge "65 years of the legal service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia".

Mazursky V.A. has numerous scientific works in various areas of legal activity.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that quite recently the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, edited by Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin, published a book "Veterans of the investigation of the post-war period".

The book presents data on more than 200 employees of the investigative units who have fully devoted themselves to this most difficult profession. The purpose of this book is to preserve the memory of each veteran of the investigation and pass on invaluable experience to new generations of investigators.
It is gratifying that one of the main characters of this book is Vladimir Alexandrovich Mazursky.

About the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation

On January 15, 2011, in pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation was formed. Since then, the preliminary investigation has become an independent type of state activity. A new procedural body began to operate in Russia - the Investigative Committee and its local subdivisions. At present, the Investigative Committee of Russia is not included in the structure of any state authority, nor in any of the branches of state power. In fact, the investigative power exercised by him is a continuation of the presidential power and can be considered as an element of checks and balances in the system of separation of powers.

Today, the main efforts of the created body are concentrated on such priority areas of activity as combating corruption, suppressing and solving serious and especially serious crimes under investigation by investigators of the ICR, solving crimes of past years, solving and investigating crimes committed by and against minors, investigating crimes in the economic sphere, identification of causes and conditions conducive to the commission of crimes.

The Investigative Committee is a reliable support of the state, the most important link in the domestic law enforcement system. Work in the Investigative Committee is not an easy job, requiring professionalism, loyalty to the oath, high responsibility in the performance of official duty and personal courage. The investigator does not have a clear distinction between working and non-working hours, the day is irregular. This leaves a certain imprint on the image and rhythm of life. The workload is very high, each investigator has a dozen or more cases in production, you need to constantly make serious, responsible decisions.

SecurityMedia Rus

Happy Investigative Committee Day!
Let your life be warm
Always smiling friends
To dream more fun!
And for the plans to come true
Success rushed towards you,
The work went smoothly,
Salary to grow up!

4 sms - 219 characters

Today we send congratulations -
To members of the Investigative Committee:
We wish you all the awards
And on shoulder straps - starfall,
Love cart - in every home,
And material wealth at the same time!
And most importantly - we wish everyone
Have health without problems!

4 sms - 231 characters

Today is an important holiday
And I hasten to congratulate him,
You are very brave and brave
You will be able to protect the country!
Happy Investigative Committee Day,
I wish you grief, troubles you do not know
And our mother Russia,
Save from all criminals!

4 sms - 221 characters

You are a follower, which means
All smarter and stronger
Let the criminal cry now
Well, you pour a hundred grams,
You have a holiday today
You smile wider
Outside the window, the frost teases everyone,
Well, have fun!

4 sms - 201 characters

On the day of the investigative committee
I wish that on the planet
Crime curve down
Rolled down sharply. To the prize
handed to each of you
And just in time for the holiday.
May there be sunshine, peace, good luck,
And return from official affairs.

4 sms - 219 characters

Congratulate the committee members
A matter of honor on this day.
Consequence is such a thing
You have to hit the target.
To everyone who lives his life in this service,
Not easy, oh, dedicated.
I only wish you good luck
Everyone to be happy.

4 sms - 201 characters

Today is a very important holiday.
At the Investigative Committee,
This service was formed
Reveal so that secrets and secrets,
We wish all employees
Good luck in their hard work,
To catch all criminals
That they managed to solve all the cases!

4 sms - 228 characters

Let it be needed less
There's a gun in your business
Investigative may flourish
What is your favorite committee?
I wish you an easy service,
Believe in your calling
Let the work bring
happiness and recognition.

3 sms - 189 characters

We are in trouble without you
Without investigators - nowhere.
We wish you patience
And in the work of respect.
Luck, cheerfulness, good luck,
Good days, patience, happiness.
So that working days
Were full of success!

3 sms - 195 characters

All those who do their duty
Who helped the citizens in the name of the Law,
Happy Holidays! Success and good luck
And henceforth, let the tasks be solved effectively.
Investigate causes and causes - from all sides.
For this there is a right, and above it - the Law.

SMS Happy Investigator's Day

SMS with the day of the investigator.

Let luck come in a hurry

Even if there is a lot to do!

Today there are no investigations
Today is your holiday!
Wine, gifts here and there,
Department forgot peace!
You are the best of men!
For a long time I wanted to say
What are you so alone!


You are an investigator - that's cool
Your work will save everyone!
But if there is one minute -

You are brave and courageous
And everyone appreciates your work
Today is very important
Come in all your glory!
Show up for work
And sit down at a friendly table,
No, it's not Saturday
Investigation day has arrived!

Congratulations guys
Dear Opera!
Let the salary rise
Let's drink to her! Hooray!

Quiet life only dreams at night
And in the afternoon you diligently look for an answer,
You are the investigator, you are the head of the law
And for you there are no prejudices.
Today is your holiday, funny and strange,
And I want to wish you happiness!
Let your duty be dangerous and often sad
It will not become a serious loss in fate!

All of you are warriors of order,
It's been so long since
Let things go smoothly
The facts are a solid canvas!
We consider the case of the investigation
Very important for the country!
We sincerely congratulate you
Be healthy and strong!

Your work is pride.
Thanks to people like you
Before the law, all obedience
Watch out. Let dreams come true
You in every new day of work
Enter with a smile on your lips!
Let all worries be in joy,
Green light - in all matters!

We congratulate you
Our investigator!
We all know for sure -
You are a guardian.
For your work
Thank you
happiness and success
We want to wish!

You are an investigator. This means
Life with lawlessness in the struggle.
Let the whole underworld cry
When he hears about you.
Let there be fewer violations
More peace and love.
Be brave in making decisions
May your plans come true!

Day of the employee of the investigating authorities of the Russian Federation 2019

To all investigators
Congratulations, our greetings.
May your intuition never fail
Illumination descends from above
The facts are clearly in the picture,
Let all criminals be afraid of you
Opening will be great
Understanding, love - in personal life.
Strength, good luck, good reaction
In various difficult situations.

Today is your professional day.
And no one doubts
That your nerves are like flint.
We wish you patience, endurance,
After all, the consequence is a thin thread.
And in this web of investigation
We want to save ourselves.

Congratulations on the Day of the employee of the investigating authorities of Russia and I wish
excellent work, high erudition, brave ingenuity, wonderful
intuition, great ideas, undoubted luck, successful activity and
well-being of life.

Those who worked in the investigation
And it's working now
Today we congratulate
We wish them strength reserve,
Let them open up more
The most difficult crimes
And for our peaceful life
They do everything possible!

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
We wish your success
Were always good.
We wish you health and endurance,
May you always be by your side
There will be loved ones
Welfare and kindness.

Happy Investigators Day
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
You mark it without consequences,
And ask crime pepper.
Justice always triumphs
Know all your honor and courage:
After all, without you, even on the pavement
Could we take a step!

Investigator, your work is important
So glorious and necessary, brave!
To help maintain the rule of law is a bright care,
But not always obvious to all people, noticeable!
And may all your friends praise you on your day,
They will suddenly give gifts and weighty words,
So that you are pleased with such great attention,
You - kindness, love, good luck, understanding!

You save Russia
Remove all danger
And always open
Crime without difficulty.
Congratulations to all employees
We leave you gratitude
We wish you luck
And less crime.

Can you catch the criminal?
And find the loss in an instant,
You are investigating
And you are on guard of the country!
All Russia congratulates
Happy professional day
To you tolerance and happiness,
No problem!
So that all cases are closed,
Prosperity and goodness
So that dreams always come true
I wish you well!

Today is the perfect time
Congratulate you - servants of the law,
You work to make our world a little better,
To make life happy and peaceful.
For your loyalty to duty and the Fatherland,
For your hard, meticulous work -
Happiness and good luck in your life,
May success await in all matters!

Personal courage, loyalty to the oath -
You do not have these qualities.
Your profession is a duty to fulfill,
Always protect the citizens of Russia.
I wish you good health, happiness, good luck.
Today I want to congratulate you all...
In a responsible service - any tasks
May they be always and everywhere on the shoulder.

Best congratulations on the day of the investigator

Are you able to show care?
Wipe away the tears.
And today I want to congratulate

Drink for good luck, for friends!

SMS with the day of the investigator.

Let luck come in a hurry
Every investigative department
On a holiday, you can’t do otherwise,
Even if there is a lot to do!

Congratulations on the day of the investigator.

You know the price of freedom
You are agile, cheerful and strong
You save people from trouble.
You seek evil, you find light
Do you know the secrets of the mafia
Answer all questions
Attach photos.
Do not conduct investigations today
Don't make it difficult!
Great holiday ahead
We will celebrate!

Today is a holiday for children
In the investigation department
Don't talk about business
All clearing lay!
Let's drink vodka together -
Maybe once a year!
And of course have a bite
Gotta be on the go.
Same as me!
Happy holiday to you, neighbor,
After all, we are friends!

The work of an investigator is not easy,

Today there are no investigations
Today is your holiday!
Wine, gifts here and there,
Department forgot peace!
And on this day you should know
You are the best of men!
For a long time I wanted to say
What are you so alone!

Do not be afraid of rumor speculation!

Congratulations guys
Dear Opera!
Let the salary rise
Let's drink to her! Hooray!

You are an investigator - that's cool
Your work will save everyone!
But if there is one minute -
Let's raise a toast: Let's get lucky!

Congratulations on the day of the investigator

Congratulations on the day of the investigator.

Do you believe in the truth, respect the law,
You know the price of freedom
You are agile, cheerful and strong
You save people from trouble.
You seek evil, you find light
Do you know the secrets of the mafia
Answer all questions
Attach photos.
Do not conduct investigations today
Don't make it difficult!
Great holiday ahead
We will celebrate!

Investigator is a nice job
Through dangers, anxieties and thunderstorms,
Are you able to show care?
Wipe away the tears.
And today I want to congratulate
Happy holiday to your profession,
To glorify all your colleagues as soon as possible
Drink for good luck, for friends!
Let there be less crime
Let the wife not cry at night,
Let the killers become righteous
And the country knows no more troubles!

Wishes and poems for the Investigator's Day.

Today is a holiday for children
In the investigation department
Don't talk about business
All clearing lay!
Let's drink vodka together -
Maybe once a year!
And of course have a bite
Gotta be on the go.
Like a dog you will take a trail,
Same as me!
Happy holiday to you, neighbor,
After all, we are friends!

His tool is scrupulousness and logic
And information is his gun.
He sometimes walks on the blade of a knife,
Meets sometimes dawn at work.
What tasks does he get?
You won't find these in textbooks.
He is trying to make our world a better place!
Thanks for that, sir!

The work of an investigator is not easy,
After all, he has business, not worries.
And conscience for him is the highest court,
Being honest is his whole job.
The hope of the weak, he is protection and law
And justice for the innocent.
He is our only shield
From those who do not let us sleep peacefully.
So let's wish unseen miracles:
So that the bandits surrender to them hourly,
That disclosure skyrocketed,
And let the streets breathe safely.

For your loyalty and courage,
For the mind, scientists to match,
For you, for the trackers of the state,
We will raise a toast!
In the morning, banners over the department
The orchestra thunders on your holiday,
To you, who are sincerely in love,
Bow from our heart!

Your job is to solve crimes
You are looking for criminals on the trail,
And even on holidays and birthdays
Are you at work. Well when victory
You have to celebrate in business,
Today is your professional holiday,
And let joy resound in your hearts,
After all, this holiday is one of the most important.

You are a whole year in the service of a difficult
Law, order is your business.
And your actions give us peace
We are talking about this now with confidence.
You don't give a go to crime,
For the common people to live in peace.
You are doing hard work with corruption,
Not an hour, not a day, not two, but all year round!
Today is your legal holiday,
And we want to tell you now
Thank you for your hard work!
Let all troubles bypass you!

SMS with the day of the investigator.

Let luck come in a hurry
Every investigative department
On a holiday, you can’t do otherwise,
Even if there is a lot to do!

Indeed, in any division,
All in the investigative only the best minds,
The criminal will not mislead you,
Do not be afraid of rumor speculation!
Your day in April is a holiday to the heart,
When you get some rest
Efforts not to be in vain
May your work be appreciated!