Congratulations on your wedding day 23 years are cool. Congratulations on the beryl wedding

Beryl derivatives -
Emerald, aquamarine...
Stones are powerful
Also your union is one!

And your date is called
Precious for a reason.
Let love sonata last
In your heart for up to a hundred years!

3 sms - 184 characters

Adversity does not scare you
You have overcome all troubles.
twenty three happy years
You lived as one family.

On your wedding anniversary
We only wish you happiness.
And, raising our glasses, let's say -
Keep it up! Bitterly!

4 sms - 208 characters

Beryl is not every precious,
Only occasionally, like an emerald.
So feelings will be priceless
That live in loving hearts.

Let them shine like the sun
Years only give strength.
And 23 is that wedding age,
When the flowers in the hearts bloom.

4 sms - 232 characters

It doesn't matter how many years you've been together
What matters is that you are together.
Today is your anniversary - 23 years in peace and love.
We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
And wish to continue to go side by side in life.

3 sms - 185 characters

Congratulations on your 23rd wedding anniversary. Take care of your beryl light love, cherish each other and do not live a single day without happiness. I wish your family health and well-being, and you - still strong bonds and harmony of hearts.

4 sms - 231 characters

The color of beryl is diverse:
Green, red, blue tone.
Sleeps in it magical power,
He is endowed with a secret.

And our wedding is multicolored,
After all, twenty-three is such a bouquet!
Everyone sends us warm greetings,
Wish you happiness for many years!

4 sms - 229 characters

Congratulations on your 23rd anniversary, beryl wedding. I wish you the tenderness of the color of beryl and the eternity of bright love, I wish you to be for each other the element of life and faithful support in everything and always.

3 sms - 194 characters

Happy Anniversary! Twenty-three years together is sufficient reason to say that your feelings are strong and incredibly beautiful. This wedding is called beryl. May it be as pure and bright as this crystal.

4 sms - 235 characters

Happy twenty third anniversary
We heartily congratulate you
Always be a family
In sorrow and joy we wish.

Again "Bitter!" with a kiss
Let's remember the wonderful wedding day,
We'll pamper you in a moment
Famous on these holidays.

4 sms - 219 characters

congratulations on the twenty third
Anniversary, friends!
Whether you believe it or not,
You are the best family in the world.

Accept congratulations,
Don't be sad one ounce.
Happiness, joy, luck,
Carefree life to you!

4 sms - 211 characters

23 years have passed like one day and it is time to look for congratulations on this wedding anniversary. Here you will find everything to make this day unforgettable. The best congratulations for every taste. Poems, statuses, SMS and original prose will allow you to congratulate and please anyone.

Husband from wife

Beloved husband, I still can't believe
That together we lived for so many years!
Beryl wedding - God, God,
And how much is it? Who will give us an answer?

Beryl! Many or few?
Take, admire, think and guess.
Beryl, what happened to us?
Not ten, not fifteen, ah-ah-ah.

Beryl wedding - two dozen,
Plus three more! Yes Yes Yes!
We are twenty-three years old bittersweet,
After all, we decided: together forever!

I congratulate you, dear, on our wedding!
I choose to be with you again.
I hope you stay by my side as before
We will continue to be husband and wife!

My beloved husband, precious husband!
I congratulate you!
I give you myself again completely,
We are with you forever!

Happy Beryl Wedding! Let them shout joyfully
Guests, family and friends.
23 years old, we are together, how cute!
You inspire me!

Congratulations to my husband on our wedding
With our twenty-third frontier!
Life flies, but we are happy as before
Invite your friends to our strong house!

A wedding is bitter, it's sweet!
The years we have lived are our baggage.
We leave only what we need
Today our holiday will sparkle!

Beryl wedding - congratulations
Your beloved spouse.
I take your hand, hug you tightly
Kiss on the lips gently and lightly.

Happy wedding day, happy union day!
How many years have passed, and we sing,
With joy, without a shadow of regret
Let's live together for another forty years!

Long live the date of birth
Our brilliant family!
Beryl wedding is called
Time for mutual love.

We've been together for 23 years
This is a big time!
My husband, congratulations
Lots of awesome lines!

My husband, I congratulate you on our wedding day! Do you remember how it all started? How young and inexperienced we were, how wise and patient we have become! This is how happiness comes - imperceptibly: year after year we strengthen relationships, learn patience. There are two sides in family life: dull - problematic, crooked. And the other side is brilliant - with faith, hope, in love. Such is family life - two-sided. May there be more glitter in our family. Happy Beryl wedding to us! And with cake!

wife from husband

Darling, congratulations on your wedding day!
I want to thank you all
Through years of adventure and knowledge,
For light and darkness, for happiness to love.

I didn't know how to love when we started
Joint path. I was unaware
That difficulties only tempered us,
So that we walk a hundred roads together.

We already have a Beryl wedding,
Our union is stronger than minerals.
Beloved, dear, continue
Let our sadness turn into joy.

Happy Beryl wedding day, my dear,
Congratulations to you and me.
Strange but true, this is not a dream
We have lived together for 23 years.

We built a house and gave birth to children,
Learned to be better than these and those.
Wanted to love, didn't want to hurt,
Let's have fun and get rich!

I want to congratulate my dear wife
With the Beryl wedding, I'm flying on wings!
23 years we lived with her,
They lived in abundance and in poverty.

Together we shared a lot of worries,
Ate one sandwich for two.
We laugh together, we mourn together
We want to live together to gold!

Long live our big family!
I am you, you are me.
I want to give you this emerald,
I want to continue our joint route!

23 years we live together,
Maybe we'll even die together.
Today, beryls give us their light,
Wife, are you ready to give me your answer?

I remember you as a mischievous, funny girl. I dreamed that you would become my wife, I was ready to lend my shoulder, to be a support and a fortress. Twenty-three years have passed since our wedding. Almost all my dreams have come true: we have a home, comfort and warmth. We have children and grandchildren. Are you happy my wife? Tell me right now, can we get through the next 23 years together? Happy Beryl wedding, dear!

From parents

Our dear children, we congratulate you on the day of the Beryl wedding! Twenty-three years together is a serious achievement. This is work and endurance, this is trust and, of course, love. We even took an example from you when you overcame crises with dignity and enjoyed well-deserved happiness! Be blessed! We wish you stability, warmth, support, joyful days and funny memories! Hooray!

Dear daughter, our beloved son-in-law,
We came together to congratulate you loudly!
Happy wedding day, very important day -
You've been together for twenty-three years now.

We are proud of you, we take an example from you,
And today we ask only one thing:
Think about the main thing, take care of the house,
So that health and strength remain in it.

We want to congratulate our daughter
Happy wedding anniversary, very important day!
Read congratulations lines
About family, about happiness and a beautiful home.

Twenty-three years of marriage you live,
May the marathon of happiness continue.
Where else can you find such a man
It's like it was made for you.

Congratulations to you both
We wish you both new years!

Our dear children, happy wedding anniversary to you!
Accept congratulations and gifts from us.
We give you a bag for the Beryl wedding,
Three boxes, two bags and a bunch of flowers.

And a picture for you
With blue aquamarine!

From friends

My precious friend
Happy wedding day to you and your spouse!
It's great to know that you are together
That you love each other very much.

Twenty-three years is no joke!
Beryls in the hands of both of you.
Your way, as in a cozy minibus -
Long, with meaning, with an escort.

Parents, children and grandchildren,
Friends and girlfriends are all here!
Happiness, love without separation,
You are a model for me!

23 years ago, on the same dates,
I was a witness at your wedding.
You were looking for your own happiness, a deep meaning,
We launched two doves into the sky for you.

Beryl wedding now, like a sacred holiday,
There was a wedding, candles, crosses and love.
You are great, you have mastered the path without treason,
Appreciate, love each other without unnecessary shackles!

We came to you for the holiday in a friendly crowd,
Congratulate and remember the past days.
Twenty-three years, few and many,
Here they are before us again.

Husband and wife, their children and grandchildren,
Sparks in the eyes, the attention of the guests.
We hand over gifts to you personally,
Let everything be more friendly and stronger!

Happy wedding day, friends!
With Beryl, with the strongest!
What great fellows you are.
You through pain and fear,
Adversity and suffering
Carry your love
What strong crowns!
Happy 23rd birthday, Happy Holidays!
Be bolder, stronger and more beautiful!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary
Silver in a couple of years.
In the meantime, we decorate with Beryl,
Fingers and a wise forehead.

Let health please and grow stronger,
Let your eyes shine with joyful fire.
They look at each other and do not go blind,
Dark night and brilliant day.

Now let it be bitter
Let's count to a hundred!

Dear sister, I want to congratulate you
And your dear husband
Happy wedding day, your bright wedding
And wish you only one thing:

Health every day and new years together,
After all, 23 years old you are together, as then.
Beryl wedding, so many wonderful days,
Love each other - once and for all!

Funny and comic

We, of course, congratulate you!
Beryl wedding - this and that.
But aren't you tired of
To look each other happily in the face?

After all, twenty years plus three years.
Who can stand it, who can?
Of course, for procreation.
OK. Congratulations! And forward!!!

What is the twenty-third anniversary?
Ah, this is a wedding, many, many years:
Joint years and many wrinkles.
And what is the secret of your happiness?
They sit cheerfully and look at each other,
Gifts are accepted, do not tambourine.
And what keeps you together, what a miracle?
Ah, children, grandchildren, four puppies.

But we still congratulate you
We wish you to live golden before the wedding.

Everyone congratulates you on the Beryl wedding.
And where are the beryls, who counts them?
Twenty-three pieces are supposed to be issued,
Then you can mine for gold.

Guys, you are together, laughing, sad,
You have children-grandchildren, everyone is healthy, well-fed.
Let's have a couple more babies
We will support and bless you!

How young you were, how sincerely you loved!
But that was so many years ago.
Already with Beryls they want to congratulate you.

Or maybe better on the Kuril Islands?
Or maybe just to Bermuda?
Where would you like to go together?
Want to leave where?

Or maybe you are alone
Travel to different directions
Yes, a little break from each other?
Ah, the wedding is spouses.

Happy 23rd Anniversary!

For twenty-three years of joint problems
You've got it up to your throat!
That's how you cope? This is captivity
Do you want to be free?

Okay, I'm sorry, but this is rare -
To live, not to grieve, but to love each other.
We congratulate you on the beryl wedding,
And we wish you to live to a hundred years!

Sea of ​​love and sea of ​​sorrow
Have you ever yelled at each other?
Forgiving each other, reconciled, not angry,
And again they fought and again put up!

Happy wedding, friends, we hasten to congratulate you!
With a beryl wedding - envy to all troubles.
Live, love and prosper
Be an example to us and do not mess up!

Short SMS congratulations

Congratulations and hugs to you on the day of the Beryl wedding!
Continue in the same spirit!

Congratulations to our beloved parents on the Beryl Wedding Day. Now you will live to the silver, and then to the gold!

Happy beryl wedding day! So many more years of living together to envy everyone!

Today I have a shock - it turns out a rhyme: congratulations on your wedding day - I wish you beryl!

Congratulations to you pictures and, of course, without a doubt, live for many long years, celebrate your wedding and not drink.

Happy wedding anniversary to you! Happiness in the house! wait for us!

Congratulations on the day of the Beryl wedding. Stay healthy, we beg you!

Happy Beryl Holiday! Happy 23rd Anniversary! You are great! Live as much more, do not grieve, do not grieve!

Wait for us at your wedding, we want to see you - there to hug, kiss and smack beryls!

Our dear ones, with the Beryl wedding to you! Health, prosperity, love and adoration!


From spouse

brilliant wife
From a brilliant husband
A trickle of wine is poured into the glass.
While the wine is pouring
I will only say one thing:
Wife, you are precious
And I need you!
With beryl and without beryl.

From spouse

I raise my glass, congratulations
Happy wedding day, happy day.
Wedding in beryl - 23 years old,
Let long-term marriages be out of fashion.

And you, dear, raise your glass,
Drink to the bottom for our love.

From parents to children

Two by three is not divisible
Three by two is not divisible.
So be united
Always inseparable!!

Beryl wedding statuses for Vk, Instagram, Fb

  1. So many years of marriage - as much as 23! With the Beryl wedding however!
  2. Step by step we walked hand in hand, year after year flew by - and today our Wedding Day has come for the twenty-third time!
  3. A beryl wedding is a whole 23 years of marriage. Let it be beautiful and brilliant, like among precious stones! Congratulations!
  4. The most original congratulations on the Beryl wedding - Berry Love - Berry Love for the next 23 years of family life!
  5. We are celebrating the Beryl anniversary of our life together - 23 years ago we got married, and we still do not lag behind each other.
  6. 6. Beryl - stone-precious - mineral wedding. We have not spilled water together for 23 years. I don't even believe it.
  7. How I want to repeat everything from the beginning - 23 years ago everything started spinning, it started. Today we celebrate the Beryl wedding. There is no stronger mineral than our family!
  8. The 23rd wedding anniversary is firm, serious, precious. Congratulations and gifts!!!
  9. Long live family life, which shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow from the brilliance of precious stones. 23 years together - this is a Beryl wedding! Hooray!
  10. Happiness Beryl, strong, 23-year-old exposure - happy wedding day!
  11. Only piles of precious stones can be compared with such family relationships - 23 years together! Long live Beryl wedding!
  12. Spouse and husband - coupled together, together forever! Happy Beryl wedding day!
  13. We accept congratulations on the 23rd anniversary of marriage. It's a Beryl wedding, folks!
  14. Emeralds, aquamarines, minerals of all colors of the rainbow - this is our jointly acquired wealth! Today we collect Beryls of wedding life!
  15. With a wedding date - big and beautiful - with a Beryl wedding! Hooray!

Congratulations on your twenty-third wedding year

Congratulations on your twenty-third anniversary
I wish you happiness, joy and good luck,
Never let your children get sick
Well, you've only gotten younger with age.
So that your husband, (name of wife), dear
He warmed you both body and soul.
Years fly and rush like dreams
But is it worth worrying about the past?
A decade together is just a moment

Everything happened as you wanted:
Today again, as then,
You put on chastity rings.
Those days flew by in an instant.
Love is forever.
May you be together for many years
But there is no limit to love.
And the years are not terrible for you,
Love is forever young.

We wish you a happy life
Your marriage without marriage should be.
We wish you happiness, joy in full,
To be the envy of everyone around you.
And so that you get drunk not only from wine,
And because you love each other.
You found in each other not only a spouse,
But the most faithful, kind friend.
So be healthy, live richly
And sacredly keep this date in your soul.

I hasten to congratulate you on your anniversary!
You've been married for 23 years!
Just as strong may your passion be
To love never to be forgotten!
I want your house to be filled
Such pleasant, pure children's laughter!
Let thunder bypass the souls
Fate accompanied, so that success!

I congratulate you heartily
And I drink my healthy glass
For loyalty, for love, for affection,
For your friendly family!
I wish you to live without boredom,
In harmony, joy, love.
I wish your grandchildren
You brought a lot of happiness!

Beryl wedding

I saw how this couple created their union,
And, of course, how the very first toddler was born,
How: their hearts were guarded every day and every hour.
My congratulations at this moment for you.
I wish you warmth, happiness and love,
So that in the morning nightingales sing only for you.
So that you can afford more
Fur coats, dachas and cars to buy new.

You carried love through all the years,
You overcame grief and sorrow,
I wish tomorrow and always
You were as happy as you were at the beginning.
I wish the candle of love always
It burned, warming you with itself.
To have your own star
And it would be called love.

Let time fly
Just don't get old
Live in hope
Pity each other
Keep the love
Get around the trouble
And be happy
In the anniversary year!

Congratulations are flying to you on your 23rd wedding anniversary!
You are given to each other by fate,
And this is such happiness for you -
Live with a sincere and devoted soul.
You've seen a lot together in your life
But the main thing is that love
that kept warm for years
Protected your happiness again!

We heartily congratulate you,
May your happiness last forever.
Love is stronger than strong steel
So that problems do not know you.
We celebrate the beryl wedding with you,
So that you do not change over the years.
Love, health and patience,
So that there is no doubt about happiness.

SMS texts of congratulations on the 23rd wedding anniversary

23 years ago, succumbing to your charm, I traded my girlish freedom for a quiet family life, kids and housekeeping. And you know what? I am absolutely happy! Happy Beryl Anniversary to you, dear!

A beryl wedding anniversary is similar in quality to fine wine. The older, the more respectful, richer and brighter in bouquet. Let the noble taste of old wine accompany your anniversaries!

On the day of your Beryl wedding, I wish both of you to always see and appreciate in your spouse what you loved him for. Your marriage is made in heaven!

Your union has been going on for 23 years, you have wonderful children, the house is a full bowl ... So what kind of "marriage" is this? This is the highest grade! I wish you to continue to keep the brand! Happy wedding!

You have been together for 23 years now. And this is a long time, it's a lot! We're glad you're doing well. We are happy that you have been together for so long. We congratulate you on your wedding anniversary. We want to keep it that way.

You have already lived together for 23 years. Good round date. And we wish happiness for many years, so that in thirty years you will be there again.

For many years it is joyful to live, to truly love and be loved, not to know misfortune and grief in life - that's what I want to wish you. Happy Beryl wedding anniversary!

Precious metals and stones are just beautiful names for eternal love, long-term fidelity and constant desire to be near. No value in the world can change that. Happy Beryl wedding anniversary!

My only one! You and I have lived together for 23 years. As many more years will pass, and I will love you as faithfully and tenderly as now.

Every year - a platoon. Each decade is a larger division. Every anniversary - I look at the reason. So command this parade for as long as possible and without fail together! Happy Beryl Wedding!

SMS texts congratulations on the beryl wedding

We do not tell you - be happy: you can do it without us. We do not say to you - be healthy: today confirms this best. We tell you simply: Happy Beryl Wedding Anniversary!

We are glad that you have been together for 23 years. You are happy because you are together. We wish that this happiness pursues you to the end.

Oh, how beautiful is our union! Everyone will agree with me. I am absolutely not afraid that he will someday become dusty. Happy anniversary, with the Beryl wedding!

Happy Beryl Marriage Anniversary! Live happily and amicably, have everything you need in life, keep the fire of holy love until the platinum wedding!

Happy Beryl Wedding Anniversary! May there be many more such anniversaries, and the number of those celebrating is growing year by year. Let grandchildren and great-grandchildren take care of you, like the apple of their eye, with joy and love!

Congratulations on your Beryl wedding anniversary. Be happy, healthy and also love each other until the Platinum wedding. Let the care of your children give you longevity!

Congratulations on the Beryl wedding anniversary, we wish your family to always live in love and understanding, then happiness cannot be avoided! Be faithful and do not forget the first meetings!

Congratulations to the most loving guys on the Beryl wedding anniversary! I wish you to be a single organism all your life, until old age. You can do it!

Happy Beryl Wedding! You lived together for more than one year. Everything in life was joy, anxiety. Whiskey already turned white from worries, but together you walked along the road. We wish you to live in such fidelity until the platinum wedding!

Happy Beryl wedding anniversary! May your friendly family go a long way together! May there never be resentment and tears in your home, but only joy and ringing laughter!

For 23 years of marriage, the couple spent many holidays together, and this date may seem insignificant. And very in vain!

Any anniversary is very significant for the family. And 23 years too - this date has a beautiful name, a beryl wedding, and its own traditions.

Beryl is a beautiful stone, transparent and strong. This is what a family is like at 23 - the relationship is strong, transparent and honest. There is no more room for secrets and insincerity, the spouses know each other to the last line, have learned to be wise and forgive, to give love and care completely disinterestedly.

Beryl wedding anniversary is a special date. In general, the number 23 has many interesting features. For example, in the human body there are exactly 23 chromosomes from the father and mother, and the blood makes a complete revolution in the body in 23 seconds. This is very symbolic, and 23 years of marriage is a mystical, important date that should be paid attention to.

23rd Anniversary Traditions

The whole next year in the family depends on how the anniversary goes. A beryl wedding has few traditions and rituals, unlike “round” dates, but this does not mean at all that it should be ignored.

The first thing that spouses need to do is congratulate each other. There is a beautiful and romantic custom - a husband and wife wake up very early, while everyone is sleeping, and congratulate each other on their anniversary, giving gifts. Words of love and gratitude are spoken for all these years of living together.

A beryl wedding is not celebrated on a grand scale, like an anniversary - this is not accepted. It is worth inviting only the closest people - children, grandchildren, relatives, closest friends of the family.

A noisy feast and entertainment program is not an entirely appropriate option for an evening; it is better to arrange a quiet family holiday with memories.

How to spend a holiday?

Beryl is a stone more often yellow or greenish in color, and it is in these colors that you can make a holiday. Tablecloth, table decoration and clothes in yellow-green colors - this will be right.

The table does not have to be gourmet delicacies, but more fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. It is a symbol of the youth of the soul, health, freshness and renewal.

The house should have as many red roses as possible - a symbol of love. Roses must be given to a woman by her husband - exactly twenty-three, and they can also be given by children and guests. The more flowers there are on this day, the more happiness and joy will come to the house.

You can celebrate the anniversary at home, in nature, and in a cafe. The place is not of great importance, the most important thing is that everyone should be happy, comfortable and pleasant. The spouses should choose a place together, without pulling the blanket over themselves - after all, this holiday is for two, which means that both should get what their heart wants on this day.

Only double...

You can even spend an anniversary with just the two of you! Go to a cafe, favorite restaurant, cinema or theater. On the anniversary, it would be nice to refresh your senses and try something new - some interesting romantic entertainment or spectacle. You can go on a short trip together.

A very important element of an anniversary is memories. Take out photo albums, scroll through the pictures, enjoy pleasant memories and light nostalgia. Remember the bright and interesting moments of life together, thank each other for them.

Another good event is to remember joint dreams and plans. What did you dream about together, but what did you never realize? Maybe it's time to take a ride in a hot air balloon, go to the city of dreams, ride horses...

Gifts on this happy day

As a rule, on the anniversary of the wedding, it is customary to give things from the material with which the date is associated. But beryl is a rare stone, although not the most expensive, and it is not at all necessary that all gifts be from it.

1. However, the husband certainly gives his wife a beautiful and exquisite jewelry with beryl. With this stone, jewelry can be made from any metal - from brass to gold, so there will be something to choose from.

Graceful modest earrings, an elegant pendant or a luxurious massive bracelet. Or maybe a whole set of beryl jewelry?

2. A wife can also give her husband jewelry with beryl, such as cufflinks, a tie clip, a pin, or even a ring.

3. Among other things, it is customary to present paired gifts on a beryl wedding. It can be two bathrobes, two luxurious soft towels, two ties or two paintings.

4. Children can present paired figurines - two doves or other animals. A good present would be a picture, photograph or portrait of the spouses - just the two of them.

The main thing is not how to celebrate the anniversary, what to cook or give. The main thing is to remember and understand that the family is the greatest value, repeat the words of love and gratitude to your spouse, and think about how dear your couple is to you.

Let the beryl wedding anniversary be the next step towards a happy and noisy golden wedding, and every year it will bring new happiness to your family! Author: Vasilina Serova

It doesn't matter how many years you've been together
What matters is that you are together.
Today is your anniversary - 23 years in peace and love.
We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
And wish to continue to go side by side in life.

Beryl is not every precious,
Only occasionally, like an emerald.
So feelings will be priceless
That live in loving hearts.

Let them shine like the sun
Years only give strength.
And 23 is that wedding age,
When the flowers in the hearts bloom.

Congratulations on the beryl wedding, on the 23 years of life successfully and safely lived together. I wish you a firm and stable position in life, fidelity and great love, achievement of joint goals, family joy and happiness, good health and mutual support.

When the date of marriage is twenty-three,
Come back and see in your mind
On lived milestones and then,
You will understand that the years have not been in vain.

Beryl wedding - anniversary,
which you can be proud of,
And enjoy your share
In love, the spouse again explain.

Let's congratulate the spouses and let
There will be a lot of beauty in their life,
That will turn her into a heavenly paradise
May lovers' dreams come true.

There is a husband and wife that are only together
The statement was taken to the registry office,
There are those who are half a century
A friend and a friend lived as best they could.

And you, consider, in the middle,
Happy counting days
You are also loved by each other.
You've been together exactly 23.

I wish you live in peace
Until the golden anniversary
At the same time, maintain that zeal
What was in the life of a young.

The holiday marches tirelessly
Brings you joy and warmth.
And 23 joint years
Gave you in marriage so easily.

I congratulate you heartily.
I wish to live, not to lose heart.
May happiness last forever
May there be grace in life.

We celebrate beryl
Today's wedding is no accident.
Let fate protect your marriage
After all, we drink to the bottom for this!

The color of beryl is diverse:
Green, red, blue tone.
Sleeps in it magical power,
He is endowed with a secret.

And our wedding is multicolored,
After all, twenty-three is such a bouquet!
Everyone sends us warm greetings,
Wish you happiness for many years!

Anything has happened over the years.
But you carried your love through time.
Various tests - did not give up,
They have helped many by their example.

Today we celebrate the beryl wedding,
Your life together is also precious.
And let the union only grow stronger over the years,
Becomes valuable in all aspects of life.

Happy twenty third anniversary
We heartily congratulate you
Always be a family
In sorrow and joy we wish.

Again "Bitter!" with a kiss
Let's remember the wonderful wedding day,
We'll pamper you in a moment
Famous on these holidays.

Happy Anniversary! Twenty-three years together is sufficient reason to say that your feelings are strong and incredibly beautiful. This wedding is called beryl. May it be as pure and bright as this crystal.

The symbol of the anniversary is the mineral beryl,
Colors of apples and spring greens.
So that this holiday brings joy,
Listen to our congratulations.

Your love has passed all tests
You have completed great tasks.
Your house is built, children have grown up,
There is no stronger family on the planet.

Your wedding day has long passed,
Ring day.
You learned to love by nature,
And glad to choose their hearts.

We wish you to meet old age together,
And, as before, cherish each other.
To celebrate the centennial wedding anniversary without any problems,
Live together and love deeply.