The carol has come - open the gate! (carols in the work of contemporary artists of ukraine). "Christmas carols in our group." Photo report

As winter approaches, many more and more often look at the calendar, counting the weeks and days until the cherished end of the year. New Year, Christmas, Old New Year - the list of January holidays is truly impressive. By tradition, these days everyone is having fun, visiting, receiving family and friends at a richly set table. In addition to festive treats and feasts, it is customary to carol at Christmas - to walk around the courtyards and sing carols with wishes of happiness, good luck and prosperity. What are carols? These are traditional ritual songs of a religious nature, glorifying the birth of Jesus Christ, as well as narrating about other persons and events of the Old Testament. There is an opinion that there is an inextricable connection between Kolyada and Christmas, but this is not entirely true. In ancient Russia, carols were a dedication to the pagan god Kolyada, the patron saint of all farmers and the son of the solar deity Dazhdbog. The Kolyada holiday fell on the "turning point" of the winter solstice, when the days were gradually becoming longer and the nights shorter. In order for the harvest in the new year to be generous, and in the house to have prosperity and health, it was customary to sing carols. With the advent of Christianity, the feast of Kolyada and the Nativity of Christ were “combined”, and with the words of carols they began to thank God for all the good things in the old year, as well as to praise the generosity and hospitality of the owners. We tried to collect the most beautiful Russian folk carols for Christmas - short children's quatrains, longer pieces. Using our texts and scores, you can easily learn your favorite carols for Christmas and on Christmas Eve with a cheerful company of mummers to go caroling. With the help of the video, you can listen to Christmas carols at any time and enjoy wonderful chants.

Russian folk carols for Christmas - short funny texts of poems

Traditionally, on Christmas night, crowds of "mummers" - children and young guys with girls dressed in costumes of fairy-tale characters and animals - walk around their homes and courtyards. This is an extremely bright and enchanting sight! At the head of the merry company is a "star" carrying a large eight-pointed star - a symbol of the Birth of Jesus Christ. Then comes the “bell ringer”, whose duty is to carry the bell, and the “mehonosha” closes the procession with a large bag for collecting gifts. As a rule, Christmas carols were learned short, "with meaning", the texts of which are easy to remember. On our pages you will find Russian folk carols-verses with short funny texts - even caroling children can quickly learn their simple words.

Kolyada, kolyada!
Give us some pie
Or a slice of bread
Or half a dollar money,
Or a chicken with a crest,
Cockerel with a comb!


Rolled up young!

We found a carriage

In the Mironov yard.

Hey Uncle Myron

Take the good to the yard.

It's like frost outside

Freezes nose.

Doesn't tell me to stand for a long time

Tells to submit soon

Or a lukewarm cake

Or butter, cottage cheese,

Or a spear of money

Christ the Savior

Was born at midnight.

In the poor den

He settled down.

Over the nativity scene

The star is shining.

Christ the Master,

On your birthday

Give to all people

The world of enlightenment!

Children's Christmas carols - texts of festive folk chants

Many children of all ages love to play carols at Christmas, getting together with adult carollers or their "little" company. Of course, before the holidays you need to properly prepare for this important event - choose funny costumes for the mummers and learn the texts of Christmas carols. We will be happy to help you decide on the choice of children's Christmas carols with short texts that kids will definitely like for their simplicity. Children will be happy to sing such touching Russian folk carols not only to their parents, but also to grandparents, other relatives, good friends and even neighbors. In gratitude for the wonderful folk chants, the listeners will generously present the little carol-singers with sweets and coins. We offer a selection of the most touching children's short carols that can be easily learned by heart and please those around you with singing on such a bright holiday - Christmas!

I'm small

Yes, smart!

Born on Tuesday

To magnify Christ!


Be healthy!

Merry Christmas!

Today an Angel has come down to us

And he sang: "Christ was born!"

We came to glorify Christ,

And congratulate you on the holiday!

The sparrow flies

Twirls his tail

And you people know

Cover the tables

Receive guests,

Meet Christmas!

Texts and sheet music of folk carols for Christmas - for Christmas carols for children

On the night of January 6-7, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Nativity of Christ - a bright and joyful holiday. In the old days, after the rise of the first star, the whole family sat down at a festive table with various delicious dishes and drinks. At this time, the fun began on the street - Christmas carols! Young people and children gathered in large companies, changed into homemade costumes of fairy-tale characters and went to caroling in the courtyards. It is easy to trace the organic combination of Christian and religious motives in the texts of folk carols. So, some carols glorify the birth of Jesus Christ, telling about the biblical events of that momentous night when an angel appeared to the Bethlehem shepherds with a wonderful message. In the lyrics of other carols songs, the main emphasis was on congratulating the owner of the house and other family members on Christmas, with subsequent requests for gifts. In return, the carols in verses and songs "wished" well-being, prosperity and various benefits in the new year. We have prepared texts and scores of short Christmas carols for children carollers, which can be prepared for the upcoming winter holidays.

Russian folk carol "Kolyada" - text and sheet music

Kolyada, kolyada,

Open the gate.

The carol came

On the eve of Christmas.

With crumpets, with cakes,

With pork legs.

Kolyada, kolyada,

Give me some pie!

Serve, don't break.

And for the whole come on!

Who gives the pie

Tom cattle, belly.

Who will not give a pie -

A short carol-song "Christmas of Christ" - text and notes

Like Christ's Christmas

Rolled under the window

Nikanorov's yard

On seven pillars.

Turned posts,

Gold plated.

Our carolada

Neither small nor large.

Sews under the window

Serves pies.

Here in the master's house

"A carol has arrived" - the text and notes of the Russian folk carol

The carol arrived on the eve of Christmas.

We walked, we were looking for a saint's carriage.

We found a carriage at Romanov's yard.

Romanov yard, iron tyn.

Three towers stand in the middle of the courtyard.

In the first mansion there is a red sun,

The red sun is the hostess.

In the second chamber - the month is bright,

Asterisks are frequent in the third chamber.

The month is bright - the owner is here.

Asterisks are frequent - children are small.

Russian folk carols - texts and videos (you can listen to online musical recordings of Christmas songs)

The folk custom of singing carols dates back to ancient times. So, our ancestors the Slavs greatly revered Veles, the god of fertility, wealth and family economy - his holiday was celebrated on the day of the winter solstice. It was believed that on this day a new young sun was born, so all the fire was extinguished in the house and a new one was lit with the help of flint or friction. Later, Christianity left its "imprint" on this pagan holiday, endowing carols with a religiously sublime meaning. The texts of many Christmas carols are song retellings of entire gospel stories of the birth of Jesus. Traditionally, carols began to walk around the courtyards on the evening of January 6, loudly singing Christmas songs with good wishes to the owners in the new year. In return, the crowd of mummers received delicious gifts and even money in their bag. Children - the most zealous carols - were looking forward to Christmas with special impatience. Despite the bitter Christmas frost, the children's gangs, laughing, ran from yard to yard and asked permission to poke around. If the owners gave the go-ahead, the words of short children's carols were sounded in response - both toddlers and older children could master their simple texts. In gratitude for the beautiful chant, the owners presented the little carol-singers with sweets, apples and tangerines (the modern “New Year” version). It happens that the guys received a refusal for their request - according to popular beliefs, in the new year such a courtyard, luck and prosperity will bypass. With the help of our videos, you can listen to amazingly beautiful Russian folk carols online, the music recordings of which will make you plunge into the unique festive atmosphere.

A short Christmas carol for Christmas "How the carol was going" - text

How the carriage went

From a new city

We were looking for a carriage

In Ivan's yard.

To Ivanov yard

On five pillars

On five pillars

At seven miles.

Already you, father Ivan,

Silk beard,

Silk beard,

The head is glazed.

Don't cut, don't break

Serve the whole loaf.

Christmas folk carol "This night is holy" - text

This night is holy

This night of salvation

Announced to the whole world

The mystery of the Incarnation.

On this holy night

The shepherds did not sleep

The Bright Angel flew to them

From the heavenly light distance.

The fear is great

Those children of the desert.

He told them: “Oh, don't be afraid -

The whole world is joyous now.

Now God has incarnated

People in salvation;

You go see

For great humility. "

From the heights of heaven

Singing suddenly rang out:

“Glory, glory to God in the Highest,

Goodwill on earth! "

A short Christmas carol "Good evening" (text)

Good evening to you

Affectionate host

Rejoice, rejoice, earth,

The Son of God was born into the world.

We are to you, master,

Good news.

Rejoice, rejoice, earth,

The Son of God was born into the world.

Good news

From the holy city.

Rejoice, rejoice, earth,

The Son of God was born into the world.

Children's carols songs - Russian folk works with lyrics

Since olden times, on Christmas evening after the first star rose, carollers gathered in the streets - groups of young guys or girls (or even "mixed" ones). During such a traditional procession, merry carols-songs were sung, the bell in the hands of the "bell ringer" rang out loudly, the cheerful laughter of the mummers was heard. Unlike adult carols, the children did not dress up in animal costumes, but made their "rounds" around the master's courtyards in the morning and afternoon. In addition, the texts of children's carols were short and contained an appeal to the owners asking them to present them with treats and coins. In our selection you will find the most touching short Christmas carols for children, the texts of which are easy to remember for a child of any age. Merry Christmas!

You will give us -
We will praise
But you won't give -
We will reproach!
Kolyada, kolyada!
Serve the pie!

Give us some candy

Or maybe a coin.

Don't regret anything

Christmas Eve!

Christmas holidays bring with them a unique spirit of joy and fun, uniting all Christians with the wonderful message - the Son of God was born! In every house, guests are greeted with laid tables, and carols singing traditional carols wishing happiness, prosperity and prosperity. Here are Russian folk carols for Christmas: short for children, long texts for adult carols, as well as sheet music for learning the motive of songs. It is a pleasure to listen to clear, sonorous voices telling about the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ - on the video you will find the best musical recordings of Christmas carols. Kolyada has come, open the gate!

Natalia Samuseva

IN our group there was a wonderful event called " Kolyada, carol open the gate"

We have been preparing for this for a long time event: got acquainted with the traditions of the Russian people, looked at illustrations from carols, learned carols and carolspreparing their costumes. This event was aimed at introducing children to folk traditions and culture.

Children sang, had fun, danced, played various folk games. Our little spectators, too, could not remain indifferent and also started a merry dance with us! Our holiday brought a lot of joy and good mood!

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Christmas carols Purpose: To tell children about the Christmas holiday, about folk traditions. Create a festive mood for children. Foster love and respect.


With the onset of Christmas, the Orthodox people continue to celebrate until the Old New Year, glorifying the bright holiday of the birth of the son of God. A whole week, among other things, is also devoted to the power of Kolyada and the ancient custom of caroling. Carols are welcome guests in every home, because with their songs and jokes they glorify the owners and wish them well and health, prosperity and fertility. And the owners reward them with sweets and even money. It should be noted that the custom of caroling has survived, I am sure, only in deep provinces, in villages and villages, where everyone knows each other. And, more often than not, children are carols, although in the distant past adults also liked to have fun, dressing up in "mummers" and with a "Christmas star" bypassing relatives and neighbors.
So, the world is ruled by Kolyada, and in all Slavic countries, Christmas carols and chants sound merrily in Russian, and in Ukrainian, and in Belarusian. Each country has its own flavor, its customs and its own songs, but they are united by the bright holiday of Christmas and wishes to live peacefully, richly and happily.
In my traditional gallery, I have collected paintings by Russian and Ukrainian artists, texts of carols in both languages. Even when looking at the pictures, you are charged with positiveness and fun. Join us! Or maybe someone decides to become a mummer for the evening and with a canvas bag and a "star" make a "round" of relatives and friends - those who will not drive away, will not call the police, but will treat and have fun with you. I will be glad if you share your memories and impressions ...

Picturesque and poetic round dance in honor of Kolyada.

Gray beard
The nose is a bowl
Head - basket,
Hands - with sabers,
Legs - rakes,
Come on New Year's Eve, -
To magnify the honest people!

Somov Konstantin Andreevich (1869-1939) Mummers. 1929 Private collection, Great Britain

Vasilkovsky Sergey Ivanovich (Ukraine, 1854-1917) Caroling.

Kolyada, Kolyada
At the end of the look.
Have a little light
Have sunk into the joy of the candle.
Kolyada call to the hati,
Schob isusa privatati.
Good people, carol
Sina God shake!

Tafiychuk Lyudmila Ilkovna (Ukraine, born 1958) Christmas evening. 2012 r.

Tafiychuk Lyudmila Ilkovna (Ukraine, born 1958) Generous evening, good evening (left side). 2013

Tafiychuk Lyudmila Ilkovna (Ukraine, born 1958) Generous evening, good evening (right side). 2013

We sow-blow a snowball
On a silk pad.
The snow is spreading
A blizzard will break out!
Give you, master,
For New Year:
On the field - offspring,
On the threshing floor - it is ground
On the table is gushchina,
In the bins - ergot.

Linnikova Nadezhda Andreevna (born 1982) National holiday. 2008 r.

Gukasov Grigory Andreevich (born 1980) Untitled. 2010

Fedotov Ivan Sergeevich (born 1987) Mummers. 2010

Mysyats is a succession.
Dressed in casings
Yak in the shepherd's den.
For children retail,
Generous at the hotel
At llyanyi torbintsi.

Ropyanik Igor Ostapovich (Ukraine, born 1957) Kolyadniki. 2006 year

Ropyanik Igor Ostapovich (Ukraine, born 1957) Carols are coming in 2014

Ropyanik Igor Ostapovich (Ukraine, born 1957) New joy has come. 2009 year

In the quinoa garden
And who pounded her,
And who threshed her?
The undersized.

Paimanov Evgraf Semenovich (born 1949) Christmas carols with mummers. 2007 year

Popov Georgy Ivanovich (born 1939) Moonlit night. Costumed. 1983 year

Kholin Dmitry Arkadievich (born 1970) Christmas song. 2011 r.

Carols, carols, carols,
Good sweet honey,
And without honey, it's not like that,
Give me some pie.
Yak won't give a pie
Vіzma bika by the horns,
I'll take you to the market
I will buy my own pie.

Kuriy-Maksimov Natalia (Ukraine, born 1987) Kolyada.

Curiy-Maksimov Natalia (Ukraine, born 1987) Carols.

Kuriy-Maksimov Natalya (Ukraine, born 1987) Hutsulshchina carols.

Kolyada, kolyada,
Eve of Christmas!
Auntie kind,
Butter pie
Don't cut, don't break
Give it quickly
Two, three,
We've been standing for a long time
Yes, we will not stand!
The stove is heated,
I want a pie!

Danilov Alexander (Alexander Daniloff, Russian born-Italian, born 1963) Carols. 2002 year

Matsik Yuri Yurievich (born 1956) Kolyada in the Carpathians. 2011 r.

Yakusheva Julia Vitalievna (born 1967) Kolyada. 2009 year

Good evening toby, my master!
Bring us a couple of cowbusses
Oh, walk like a spike,
Give a message to the correspondence.
Bring lard, do not skimp,
Shchob barley twiy ugly
They pressed a hundred kip zhita,
All sieves!
The schob cattle drove around,
The wheat was swarming
Shcheb at the house of all mali -
Kolyadniks were welcomed.

Poturaylo Andrey (Ukraine-USA, born 1973) From the series Moonlit Nights (Shadows in Altanets).

Kotlyarov Viktor Borisovich (Ukraine, born 1952) New Year. 2002 year

How to dress up for Christmas carols is important for everyone who is going to celebrate this holiday. Despite its pagan roots, it still remains popular in many cities of Russia. It was based on an ancient legend, according to which, on the longest night of the year, the terrible monster Korochun ate the Sun.

history of the holiday

For our ancestors, it was important how to dress up for carols. After all, Korochun was considered an ancient Slavic dark deity, whom everyone tried to resist.

Our ancestors set themselves the symbolic task of protecting the newborn by performing various magical actions. This became the basis of this traditional folk festival.

And today you can see the carols carrying the symbol of the heavenly body on a long pole. As soon as the first star appeared, our ancestors entered the courtyard, woke up the owner of the house, began to sing the so-called great songs, in which they glorified the sun, moon and stars, waiting for the daylight to rise again.

Scientists believe that these songs were the first carols that got their name in honor of the goddess of the sky.

Why are carols on January 7?

Why is there Christmas caroling? This question even today baffles many who find out that the holiday was originally timed to coincide with the longest night of the year, that is, it should have been celebrated from December 24 to 25.

The fact is that if you count according to the new style, then the carols will fall on the night of January 6-7. In addition, the Christian preachers who came to Russia in 988 faced strong and highly developed traditions of cultural rituals. In order not to chop off the shoulder, it was decided to seek a compromise. So they united Kolyada with Christmas. Since then, there has been a tradition of Christmas carols.

Interestingly, Orthodox priests urge not to confuse folk carols with church ones. The latter tell about the birth of Christ, praise the Savior. And folk are called human parables. In them, in a song and half-joking form, it tells about the heavenly bodies and the household chores of ordinary people.

The classic carol is a small Christmas story about one of the greatest events in Orthodoxy - the birth of Christ.

How should you carol?

In the modern world, caroling has gone far from the original traditions. Today it is, first of all, a way to spend free time in a fun and original way. Therefore, it attracts mainly young people and schoolchildren. This is a big plus for them. After all, according to tradition, it is customary to treat carollers with sweets, food, or even encourage money.

True caroling is a kind of performance, the organization of which must be approached with all responsibility. Therefore, roles are assigned in advance among all its participants, costumes and corresponding attributes are being prepared.

Caroling stages

As a rule, caroling takes place in several stages. To begin with, carols ask the owner of the house for permission to sing funny songs on his territory. As soon as they approach the house, they begin to sing the so-called window or courtyard songs, in which this request is contained.

When the decision to let the motley company into the house has been made, you can proceed directly to the caroling itself. Lofty speeches are addressed to each of the family members.

It is important to perform the songs as best as possible so that the owners do not have a desire to drive away inexperienced carols. In this case, it is appropriate to proceed to the final part of the ceremony - this is the performance of short benevolent couplets. In conclusion, you can ask for a reward for yourself, always in the same song form.

Why Dress Up?

Before you go caroling, it is important to decide for yourself why it is customary to dress up for carols?

Do not forget that the original purpose of this festival was to scare and drive away the evil Slavic god who dared to steal the sun. Therefore, our ancestors gathered in large companies, dressed up in costumes of animals or all kinds of monsters to scare the evil Korochun. How to dress up for carols?

How to start caroling?

If you decide to go caroling, then first of all get together in a large company. The more people, the better, the faster the evil Slavic god will be afraid of your crowd and retreat.

It is important to distribute roles among all participants, to decide how to dress up for Christmas carols. There are several traditional images among the people that can be found in almost any group of carols. And you can give room to imagination, dressing up in whoever you please.

Bear and goat remain one of the most popular characters. Often among the carollers there are biblical heroes, for example, shepherds who brought Christ the first gifts, angels or King Herod.

Roles of carols

You need to choose a person who will get the main role in this performance. They call him the star. He wears a star on a long stick, a key symbol of Christmas. This is a required attribute for carols. It can be cut out of thick good cardboard and decorated with various sparkles. Or take broken toys for this purpose. Rain and multi-colored pom-poms will do.

Another option is to build a rigid wire frame, wrapping it with bright colored rags, foil or rain. It is best to ensure that the star is octagonal, even remotely resembling the one of Bethlehem. In the center, you can place the classic image of the Mother of God with the baby.

An important character is Mehonosha. This is a person who will carry a bag for gifts, food and money all the way. This bag is considered a very important item. It cannot be taken into the hands of strangers. The hosts you come to visit should put gifts there without touching it.

You choose the size of the bag yourself. It is customary to make it from dense fabric, preferably in bright and varied colors. But in extreme cases, dark material is also suitable. Then on it with gouache draw the heavenly bodies and necessarily the star of Bethlehem. Or make an applique out of colored paper.

Caroling outfit

The choice of clothing should be approached carefully. This article will show you how to dress up for carols for children and their parents. Folklore elements will look good in clothes. It can be a traditional national costume or an outfit of a popular Christmas character.

The Goat remains a popular character for a long time, which symbolizes wealth. If you got this role, then you can take an old sheepskin coat or sheepskin coat, which you turn inside out. To top off the look, buy a goat mask or simply attach neat horns to your hat. The goat should be playful and noisy.

By the way, the mask is one of the important attributes of this holiday. Previously, they were made from scrap materials - birch bark, fabric, leather. Today they are most often bought in stores. A mask of almost any animal that can be found in the forests of our country is suitable for caroling.

When deciding how to dress a boy for carols, the image of a bear is often chosen. You can also do it yourself. It is enough to take an old fur coat and earflaps. And draw a mustache and nose with a black marker or pencil. For the image of a bear, a clumsy, clumsy gait is suitable, then you will definitely be recognized as the classic Russian Mikhailo Potapych.

For two people, they often try on a filly costume. It can be found in children's theaters, circuses, at matinees. It is easy to make at home, using a stick as a base. A cardboard horse head and a dark cloth are attached to it, under which both people will hide.

There are many options for caroling outfits. What costumes are worn for carols, you have now learned from this article. It all depends solely on your desire, imagination and capabilities. Nowadays, almost any of the listed outfits can be purchased in the store. And if you show imagination, then it's easy to make it with your own hands from everything that will be at home.

As a child, I remember that on Christmas day we gathered together and went to congratulate neighbors and relatives on the holiday. True, one or two of them knew schedrivok and carols, which were suggested by the parents, but they "seasoned" their "festive congratulatory begging" with cheerful Ukrainian and Russian songs. Sweets, pies, a pretty penny and even (oh, happiness - a tangerine!) The mob was provided!))) Now these Christmas traditions are preserved, as I think, in small villages and towns, well, not in megacities. On the other hand, a lot of generous songs, pulled out of "grandmother's chests", appeared in the press!)) That cannot but rejoice!
And as for the paintings ... Somehow a gallery of works by Ukrainian artists turned out by itself. I looked at my folder and was surprised that in the published posts on the theme "Kolyada" there are also a lot of paintings by Ukrainian artists. Apparently, because the carols there were brighter, louder, more elegant. Or maybe they remember and honor folk traditions better ?! I don't know, but see for yourself - how much kindness, fun and positive there are in the pictures below, how bright and joyful they are!)))

Kolyadin, kolyadin,
I'm alone with my mother
Knee-deep shroud
Give me a pie, uncle!
Open the chest
Give me a piglet!
What is in the oven -
In a bag of swords!

Olga Kvasha (Ukraine, born 1976) Carols.

Melnichenko Stepan Dmitrievich (Ukraine, born 1941) Christmas night.

Shalimova Julia (Ukraine, born 1975) Mummers. Christmas. 2010

Pilyugina Olga Evgenievna (Ukraine, born 1982) Kolyada (tapestry). 2008 r.

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Eve of Christmas!
Auntie kind,
Butter pie
Don't cut, don't break
Give it quickly
Two, three,
We've been standing for a long time
Yes, we will not stand!
The stove is heated,
I want a pie!

Zbrutskaya Oksana (Ukraine, born 1982) Christmas. 2009 year

Zbrutskaya Oksana (Ukraine, born 1982) Christmas Symphony. 2012 r.

Zbrutskaya Oksana (Ukraine, born 1982) Christmas evening. 2011 r.

Good evening, generous evening,
Good people to health.
What are you aunt, welded,
What are you aunt baked?
Carry quickly to the window.
Don't pinch, don't break
And come on as a whole.

Elena Seredina (Kotlyar) (Ukraine, born 1977) Celebration.

Kos'yanenko Ekaterina Vladimirovna (Ukraine, born 1978) Winter. 2010

Kos'yanenko Ekaterina Vladimirovna (Ukraine, born 1978) Winter. Carols from Kiev. 2011 r.

Little lad
He sat down on a sheaf.
Plays a pipe
Carols amuse.
Give me a dumpling
A spoonful of porridge
Sausage ring.
This is not enough
Give me a piece of bacon.
Take it out soon
Do not freeze children.

Kucheryavenko Anastasia Sergeevna (Ukraine) Christmas. 2012 r.

Kuziv Bogdan Bogdanovich (Ukraine, born 1965) Christmas in the Carpathians. 2009 year

Kuziv Bogdan Bogdanovich (Ukraine, born 1965) Kolyadniki. 2013

Rolled up young!
We found a carriage
In the Mironov yard.
Hey Uncle Myron
Take the good to the yard.
It's like frost outside
Freezes nose.
He doesn’t tell me to stand
Tells to submit soon
Or a lukewarm cake
Or butter, cottage cheese,
Or a spear of money
Or a ruble in silver!

Anna Shevchuk (Ukraine) Oh, go to me! (Oh, godfathers are coming to me!) 2009

Anna Shevchuk (Ukraine) Good evening, Pan, Pan, Lord! 2009 year
Lord (ukr) is the owner.

Shevchuk Alexey Timofeevich (Ukraine, born 1954) Carols.

Kolyada, kolyada,
Come from far away
Once a year
Let's admire for an hour.
Crackling with frost,
With a thorny cold
With white snows
With a blizzard, with blizzards.
Scooters - sledges
We drove ourselves -
From village to village,
Kolyada is cheerful.

Carols are taken