Signs of pregnancy from the moment of conception. The first symptoms of conception, fertilization of egg, pregnancy. The characteristic signs of the fertilization of the egg in the first days after conception: in sensations, behavior, psychological aspect. Problems with digestive

Pregnancy is an important and happy period in the life of every woman, because a new life originates in her body. After conception, it is already different in terms of well-being, as the hormonal background is changing. By how symptoms can you understand that the conception was implemented?

First signals

Many ladies are waiting for signs of pregnancy, dreaming about a child. Each body has its own characteristics and distinctive features of perception, so the symptoms of conception can manifest themselves in different ways. Some even feel the birth of life in themselves subconsciously, the rest live as familiarly, without even suspecting a happy event until there is no lack of menstruation.

When the egg is combined with sperm, a new life is formed. After conception, the first day, as a rule, remains unnoticed. It is very difficult to determine. If there are signs, they can be subjective. Each person has a hormonal background different and changes in it also occur in its own way.

The main signal, as a rule, is a delay of menstruation, then suspicion appears, tests are bought and the visits to the gynecologist are applied. Finding after conception, the girl begins to analyze his state, trying to understand whether they are the consequence of fertilization or something completely unrelated. There are interesting and inexplicable cases when the future mother feels in advance that a joyful moment has come.

Physical manifestations

One of the signals can be increased sensitivity of the mammary glands and even some soreness during touching them. Around the nipple changing the skin. It becomes more dark and wide. In the first days of pregnancy after conception, the body is already rebuilt under fetal feeding. If such changes occur, you can go to the gynecologist. Externally, the stomach, of course, is still flat, but the uterus is already becoming more, which will definitely notice the doctor. Some fatigue and light dizziness appear. Especially acute it can manifest itself if a woman is indoors in a closed room or public transport.

Increased sensitivity

After conception, the first day can also be characterized by excessive susceptibility to smells, more abundant saliva, some nausea and other not very pleasant symptoms. This is due to early toxicosis. In addition, irritability may appear and although there are such situations when hunger is just rising and I want to eat more than usual.

You can also notice small drops of blood on the underwear. This is the signal that a fruit egg joined the uterus wall. With conventional monthly, this phenomenon is hard to confuse, because in this case another color and small amount of selection is observed. Their abundance and pain symptoms indicate anomalies. If you appear in the first days after this kind, it is better to contact a specialist, and not to risk your health and well-being of the fetus.

Listen to your body

Entering a new life is a very complicated, interesting and responsible process. Early begins the adaptation of the body to a new operating mode. Analyze your condition, create such conditions in which the stresses of the outside world will be minimal. On the first day after conception, some body signals can already be considered. The main thing is to be able to listen to them. You will have to face the load, which is desirable to transfer without complications. There are cases when people are pre-prepared for fertilization. But it happens that the gift of fate falls like snow on the head.

Noting signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception, you begin to build guesses and think about the current situation. Well, if you do not smoke and do not drink. But when, let's say, fertilization occurred during the celebration of some event, a large number of alcohol was used, the future mother can think about whether it would prevent the normal life of the child. In fact, guesses are useless here. Where it is better to go to the gynecologist and get an accurate answer. Now in medicine uses the latest methods and the highest quality equipment, with which you can find out quite detailed information about the state of your baby.

Watch for health

After conception, it is an incentive for making some changes to their life. Now you will definitely have a good reason to quit smoking, if before you did not reach it. You obviously prefer the health of the baby with mumbling pleasure. It is strictly forbidden to use medical devices who did not prescribe the doctor, advise with a professional at every step. Try to eat right and more often to go outdoors. After conception, the first day should be the beginning of your healthy life for the baby. It requires a large amount of vitamins for harmonious and full-fledged development, as well as useful trace elements, with which the embryo is formed correctly.

Medicines and nutrition

The likelihood is great that your doctor will advise to take folic acid that helps the nervous system of crumbs develop harmoniously. It is also worth reconsidering your menu if you want the heir to have strength and health. Finding signs of pregnancy on the first day after conception, you should forget about crackers and chips, sweet water and other products that include carcinogenic substances. The emphasis is also done on fish, fruits and vegetables, protein, whose useful substances are hard to replace.

Rejoice and having fun

Stress plays a very large role cause an overwhelming number of diseases in the body of an adult, not to mention the fragile, little creating - your baby. It should not be considered that seeing on the first day after conceiving the symptoms, you must become a gate and constantly sit at home. Even, on the contrary, you need to get bright emotions, walk in the parks, communicate with friends, live a full life, in one word. The main thing is to feel like your beloved, desired, necessary. You must change the attitude towards life values, if they were not quite loyal before and affected not beneficial. The forefront is worth putting the well-being of both physical and emotional plan. The baby needs a healthy mother who knows how to enjoy life and transmit positive to him.

Do not worry

After conception, the first day is a solemn moment when you occupy an honorable, responsible, but because of no less joyful role of the future mother. Create your own body calm and favorable conditions so that it can prepare for impending changes. Do not be scared, seeing menstrual bleeding or some changes in the work of your hormonal system. The body faces a very responsible task, preparing an egg to wear a new life. For this you need a period of two weeks. As a rule, this stage should be passed safely. However, you should also comply with some rules to facilitate this process.

Doctors call the necessary "pericceptive prevention" procedures. Thanks to the system of activities and the correct conditions, the fruit is formed correctly. It is better to start training for a few months before fertilization or even earlier. It is recommended to constantly consult with a specialist who will explore the individual manifestations of your body and will develop the desired system of prevention.

Trust Nature

If you comply with the correct lifestyle, do not allow bad thoughts to climb into your mind, the process of tooling the fetus should be safely. After all, it is delivered and organized by nature itself, tested by a large amount of generations to you. Do not allow such harmful things like alcohol and cigarettes, stress. Medical treatment and other medical interventions are rather aimed at adjusting the process and direction it in the desired side.

Basically, everything should be natural. Doctor control just helps you avoid sharp corners and complications. Trust your body and perceive the pregnancy as one of the brightest periods in your life. After all, it is during this period that a new person is growing inside you. Calm down and enjoy this process. With many people will have to cope, but these are things natural and corrected using competent adjustment of specialists.

Many women want to learn about the coming pregnancy almost immediately after conception. But the term of pregnancy may be too small to conduct an accurate test. Therefore, in order to better understand what is happening in the first days of pregnancy, consider the main signs and symptoms that indicate the onset of pregnancy.

What happens in the body in the first days of pregnancy

From a medical point of view, the first days after conception are not yet pregnancy. The fertilized egg begins to move towards the uterus, and after 7-10 days, it will approach the place where it will attach and starts development from the embryo to the fetus. It is this moment of implantation of an egg to the wall of the uterus and can be considered the start date of the pregnancy. If this did not happen, menstruation begins, and the woman does not suspect that she was pregnant. There is a so-called spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages.

When the fertilized egg reaches the uterus and is embedded in its wall, embryo implantation occurs. After that, the process of forming the placenta and umbilical cord. The first seven days after conception are the most important for the preservation of a new life, since the maternal body belongs to the embryo as a foreign body, seeking to get rid of it, not allowing firmly to entrenched in the uterus.

When the embryo was safely implanted, hormonal changes begin in the body. In the body of a woman, a specific hong hong is produced, which provides embryo protection in the initial period of pregnancy. Therefore, it is possible to determine the pregnancy in the first days after conception, with the help of testing blood analysis on hCG or to purchase sensitive tests by 10 MME / ml

In the first days of pregnancy, the level of hCG in the blood is higher than in the urine. The level of hCG in the urine is less than the level of hCG in the blood and approximately 1 day. Therefore, blood test on hCG will give a reliable result, and already a day later, a pregnancy test will show a positive result.

How the embryo develops in the first days of pregnancy

Although officially pregnancy begins not in the first days after conception, this time is of great importance for the development of a new life. The embryo body launches internal organs, nervous, respiratory, digestive systems. Consider in detail step by step, which is happening in the first days of pregnancy with the embryo.

  • The development of the future kid begins after the formation of the zygote. With the help of Village, located inside the uterine pipes, a fruit egg, starting from the first day of conception, heads for the uterus, which will provide him with food and the opportunity to develop.
  • The movement of the egg continues, accompanied by intense division of zygota cells.
  • The number of cells to the third day grows up to nine.
  • On the fourth day, the form of a fetal egg resembles the blackberry berry. The egg is still moving towards the uterus. At this time, physiological processes of formation of all vital systems of internal organs of the child are launched.
  • Cells continue to share continuously. Along with this, the formation of new cells - blastomeres begins. They produce special enzymes, softening the epithelium of the uterus so that the germ can be easily attached to her walls. By the fifth day of the zygota gets to the uterus, it is introduced into its mucous membrane by immersing its fibers in the endometrium. Faithful egg fabric penetrate the capillaries and tissues of the uterus. The level of hCG is growing.
  • To the sixth seventh day in the body of a future mother, the level of progesterone increases, the body temperature rises. In the womb, continuous cell division continues, the embryo is powered by egg resources.
  • The fetal nervous tube is laid on the eighth-ninth day; There is a formation of placenta tissues that will develop in the next three months.

On the fifth day for forty hours, a complete merging of the embryo with the tissues of the uterus occurs. The robust link between the mother and the child occurs on the 12th day. At this time, placental type of nutrition is installed.

When symptoms of pregnancy appear in the first days

Symptoms in the first days of pregnancy depend on the physiological characteristics of the body of the future mother. Early signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception can be determined by 8-14 days. These deadlines are due to the sensitivity of the body to hormonal restructures, so they can range from each woman.

Some women note that in the first days of pregnancy they have all the symptoms of successful conception, approximately the 5th day. Here it is meant that for this woman listens to their body and recognize even imperceptible changes in their condition. By the 12th day of the cycle, the symptoms of pregnancy are already more pronounced.

Early signs in the first days of pregnancy

The main signal in the first days of pregnancy for a healthy woman is the delay of menstruation. Those women who do not seek to get pregnant, and who do not control their condition, notice the delay in the 2-3 week of pregnancy. The sign that the fertilized egg was introduced into the wall of the uterus, the following manifestations are:

  1. Weak bleeding. Small bleeding may appear on July 7-12 after conception due to the attachment of the embryo to the uterus. Implanting bleeding looks like a brown or yellowish liquid, if the selection falls on the fabric or paper. Implantation bleeding is often taken for the beginning of menstruation, if pregnancy was not expected. If such sections appeared when the pregnancy was reliably determined, it could be a signal about high risk of miscarriage. Then be sure to consult a doctor. Due to the specific response of the body, this feature may not appear.
  2. Change basal temperature. Often women use the measurement method of basal temperature as a way to determine the term of ovulation in preparing for pregnancy. If fertilization has passed successfully, the basal temperature drops, and then rises. The decrease in the basal temperature in the first days of pregnancy depends on the beginning of the hormonal perestroika: when pregnancy occurs, a significant amount of estrogen falls into the blood, under the influence of which the temperature decreases, and then the enhanced production of progesterone increases this indicator. If a woman whose pregnancy confirmed, leads a graph of measurement of basal temperature, it can notice the failure in the place where the temperature decreases. But it lasts only one day, then the temperature increases again. The norm of basal temperature is 37 ° C, it is supported before the full work of the placenta (the first weeks). This decline can be skipped, but it is impossible to not be noticed for two to three weeks.
  3. Sensation of light ailment. In the first days of pregnancy after conception, a woman may experience ailment, accompanied by drowsiness, weakness. Some marked the appearance of sore throats and runny nose. This occurs due to the fault of a reduced immunity fighting with an attached embryo. In the first three months, the body temperature is always slightly elevated, which causes general weakness. At this time, the most important thing is not to use medicines that may unpredictably affect the fruit. When preparing for pregnancy, it should not be used at all without the need. Also often observed apathy, fast fatigue. The reason for this is not only a hormonal restructuring of the body, but also intensive working of progesterone. Sometimes these symptoms stop soon, sometimes - continue up to 10 weeks, when estrogen begins to be produced.
  4. Unusual feelings in the chest. Milk glands B. the first days of pregnancy They begin to swell, the sensitivity of the chest increases to the painful sensations. Even a weak touch can cause pain.
    It happens what happens and vice versa. If a woman has experienced painful sensations before, now the chest is completely bothering. Usually after this after a while it will be aware of the coming pregnancy. Often, in the early stages of pregnancy, a please of colostrum can be selected at a pressure on the Area.
  5. Severity at the bottom of the abdomen. The feeling of gravity in the field of a small pelvis may indicate the development of pregnancy. After implantation of the embryo, some women may feel the uterus. The degree of severity of this feeling depends on the characteristics of the body.
  6. Tingling in the uterus. Such individual sensations may indicate not only for successful fertilization and attachment of the egg, but also on some diseases. Consultation is needed.
  7. Early toxicosis. Along with nausea, vomiting and other symptoms, he may indicate the coming pregnancy. Symptoms of toxicosis include enhancing sensitivity to smells and tastes. Often women note the cardinal change of food preferences.

In the first days of pregnancy, it can become an attractive thing that previously caused disgust. Can be interesting unusual combination of products: Herring with chocolate, dried fish with compote, sausage with pineapple. The future mother enjoys the taste, while the surrounding smears of the nose at the sight of such combinations.

These features cannot always signal a successful conception. They are easy to confuse with the symptoms of chronic diseases of various systems and internal organs. Only the presence of other reliable signs of pregnancy can confirm or refute the state. Precise information will give a medical examination.

How to determine pregnancy in the first days after conception

To identify or feel the first days of pregnancy very problematic. This can be done only seven days later, before this can only listen to the inner signals of your body. Here are a number of pregnancy diagnostics methods:

  • Test strips to determine pregnancy. The greatest reliability of this method can be achieved if you have a test for 7-10 days after conception. This is due to the fact that it was then that HCG appears in the urine. Previously, it is almost impossible to get a positive result - the hormone content is too low for diagnosis.
  • Blood test for hCG. The study of blood for the maintenance of the CGC allows you to get the most reliable results in the diagnosis of pregnancy. The level of hCG in the blood is much higher than in the urine and suggests the possibility of diagnosing on 6-9 days after conception.
  • Inspection of the gynecologist. When preparing for implantation, the uterus increases in the amount swelling. The cervix changes the color and texture, becomes bluish, loose and moistened. With the help of gynecological examination, pregnancy is determined by 4-5 weeks.

Why is it important to determine pregnancy in a timely manner?

Each woman should be aware of how the first days of pregnancy appear. This information is important for a number of reasons:

  1. Probability of cessation of pregnancy for medical reasons;
  2. The possibility of identifying genetic and hereditary diseases in the early stages of the development of the fetus;
  3. Preventing the development of pathological ectopic pregnancy.

If the future mother suffers from any chronic diseases that do not allow a safe to endure a child, then the diagnosis and timely abortion will allow to protect the life and health of women from danger. Early surveys help avoid the birth of a child with such genetic pathologies as Down syndrome.

What do you need to take a woman at the first symptoms of pregnancy?

If a woman has discovered signs of coming pregnancy, she needs to visit the female consultation. After the diagnosis and confirmation of pregnancy, the future mother will be recorded if she wants to keep the baby.

Baby tool is a serious responsibility that a woman is entrusted. In order for this process to flow safely, and Kroch was a healthy, the future mother is strongly recommended to abandon all harmful addictions, pay attention to its diet and lifestyle.

What can threaten mom and child in the first days of pregnancy?

The first days of pregnancy and the next weeks of the first trimester are the most important period throughout the entire period of the baby tool. To avoid unwanted risks, you need to approach him with full responsibility.

The main danger in the first days of pregnancy represents:

  • Incorrect development of the embryo;
  • Frozen pregnancy;
  • Probability of miscarriage;
  • Ectopic pregnancy.

The following factors can increase the risk of these complications:

  1. Colds;
  2. ORVI;
  3. Stress;
  4. Drinking alcohol and smoking;
  5. Infectious sexually transmitted diseases;
  6. Excessive physical exertion, injuries;
  7. Constant pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
  8. Vaginal discharge in combination with pain.

That is why in the first days of pregnancy it is very important to take care of your health and be very attentive and listen to your body.

To avoid risks, in the first days of pregnancy costs more time in the fresh air, try to avoid stress, temperature drops, observe the principles of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Many kid's planning couples think about how to determine that fertilization occurred? This process is hidden from human eyes, it occurs inside the fallopian tube, where the most optimal conditions for conception are created. But is it manifested somehow in well-being?

The process of fertilization and the beginning of a new life is a complex process, for the successful completion of which the presence of several conditions. Often, when planning a kid, many married couples ask how to find out that fertilization happened? Unfortunately, at the moment, science did not reach such heights so that with the help of any tests or apparatuses to trace over the moment of conception. To learn that it was accomplished by at least a week, when a minor implantation failure can be noted on the graphs of basal temperature or implantation bleeding. This is not entirely bleeding, the crust is small weeds, they are far from all future mothers. Therefore, the first signs of fertilization of the egg to the delay cannot be determined. A high probability of conception in the presence of ovulation and the outlet of the egg from the ovary, and the presence of sex contacts in the period in two days before ovulation and within 3 days after it.

Any signs of fertilization of egg or special symptoms among future mothers are difficult to note. Sperm and eggs are so small that they cannot give any uncomfortable or painful sensations when merging. The conception occurs relatively autonomously, and the first time fertilized egg exists regardless of the body of the mother. Therefore, the first signs of the fertilization of the eggs pass quite unnoticed, although many of the future mothers point out small sensations at the bottom of the abdomen, a feeling of tingling or tacking. Such signs, if fertilization occurred, scientists and doctors tend to consider self-sustaining, some exaggeration, as it really wants to see the glad news as soon as possible.

What are the real symptoms when the egg fertilization can be revealed? According to the ultrasound, it is impossible to see anything in the first days after fertilization. You can detect only the resulting yellow body, an egg leaving on the spot. Approximately 7-10 days of the egg, even if it is fertilized and allowed a new life together with a sperm, visually even with the help of devices to see it we can not - the germ is very small and it is simply not visible inside the uterine pipe.

Signs of fertilization after ovulation

In the presence of ovulation during the period of pregnancy planning, time per day - two to it and immediately after - the most successful for conception. If both partners are healthy, there are no problems in the intimate sphere, the probability of fertilization of ovulating eggs is extremely high. But as such, the symptoms of fertilization after ovulation can be revealed at least after 7-10 days, if the embryo starts the implantation into the wall of the uterus. In the future, as pregnancy develops, the first signs associated with increasing the level of progesterone will gradually begin.

If symptoms of ovulation and can be revealed even outwardly, by changing the vaginal mucule, the fertilization usually passes as a sacrament, quiet and unnoticed. Inside the body of a woman both cells, male and female, reliably protected from external influences. This allows them to the most responsible stage much less depend on external conditions and negative influences.

The first week of pregnancy is the most indefinite period of all nine months, because to calculate the likelihood of a successful conception within this period, accurate features and distinct sensations will not help. Theoretically, only the future mother can know the date of conception, if pregnancy planning. In other cases, the first week after a successful fertilization is accompanied by the usual rhythm of the life of a woman with present minor changes, which can be felt in the first days of the coming pregnancy. And for those who plan to become parents, we will tell what characteristic signs and symptoms are the first to experience a woman after conception, as well as how the life path of the child in the maternal womb is beginning.

The whole pregnancy future mother can accompany a wide variety of sensations (pulls the bottom of the abdomen, nausea, swelling breasts, isolation, etc.), but what she is experiencing in the first week after the long-awaited scheduled conception is not compared with any other. In addition, changes inside the body during the first seven days after fertilization can be regarded as prompts, signs of a positive result before approval.

Pregnancy theoretically and practically

Theoretically, the beginning of pregnancy is the moment of fertilization of the egg. But since it was still unable to invent a test, which can accurately determine the specific time of conception, the countdown is somewhat different.

According to obstetricians, the first pregnancy week is considered to be the last menstrual cycle. Moreover, depending on the deadlines of ovulation, the obstetrics consider the first week of the pregnancy of the third (sometimes even the fourth). Therefore, this period was called an obstetric week and became a point of reference to which one can determine the approximate date of the kid. Usually, the subsequent 38-40 weeks are counted from this period (the development of the fetus in the photo in the photo), which share the moment of conception and the appearance of a baby.

Considering the early signs of the long-awaited event, characteristic of the first seven days after conception, in fact it is impossible to call them pregnancy. The fact is that in the period of the obstetric week a fertilized egg leaving one of the stages of the menstrual cycle. During this period, it is possible to observe its movement in the direction of the uterus. Upon reaching the "final point", the egg cell is attached to the walls of the uterus, where it will continue to develop the fruit, which the concomitant signs will be prompted (perhaps will be sick, pull the bottom of the abdomen, the dairy glands will swell, will be released, etc.). It is from the moment that the embryo implantation occurs (the introduction after the successful fertilization of the egg in the uterus), you can begin counting the coming pregnancy.

At the same time, the practical side of the question shows that, despite the early symptoms and the inexplicable feelings that appeared, the specialist cannot accurately determine the day of successful conception. Therefore, rarely, when 1 obstetric week coincides with the actual date of fertilization. With careful planning, only the future mother can know it.

An important period in the life of the future mother

The first week of pregnancy is considered a very important period in the life of every future mother. The importance of such a plan can be regarded not only from the point of view of its denomination, but also from the point of view of the struggle that occurs inside the female organism. The fact is that it is the first 7-10 days (a pattern of movement in the photo), when, after fertilization, the egg starts his way to the uterus and is trying to fix it in it, the body of the inertia perceives it as a foreign body.

Thus, on the background of hormonal restructuring in the body of the future mother, an egg rejection attempts also occur. Therefore, in such a period, it should be especially paid to their feelings. Perhaps the first signs of the beginning of the life of the kid will give to understand the woman that it is worth aware.

So, for example, the introduction of a future embryo into the wall of the uterus after the 6-7-day path of the egg (in the photo) may be accompanied in early stages with minor bleeding (implantation). Such a phenomenon is purely individual and depends on the body of a woman. For those who are planning pregnancy, such a phenomenon may be regarded as the first symptoms of the nucleation of a small organism. For many, such minor selection can resemble the beginning of menstruation. However, essential is a reason for urgent appeal to the doctor, as they are a signal that has arisen the threat of miscarriage.

Therefore, it is so important to know which signs and early characteristic symptoms of a successful conception in order to be able to promptly determine the beginning of pregnancy or the problems that have arisen.

Changes in the body against the background of the development of the embryo

In the first seven or ten days after a successful fertilization, when the egg is attached in the uterus, and the development of the embryo begins (see in the photo below), numerous changes occur in the female body.

The so-called hormonal restructuring of the body provokes the production of hormone hormone characteristic of each pregnant woman. In the blood of a future mother hormone hCG can, with a probability of 100%, indicate a positive result of conception. After testing blood tests, a specialist in the level of this hormone can determine the above pregnancy and even determine the approximate period (the table of the hormone level is Monday in the photo).

At the same time, in parallel with the way the fruit is beginning to develop in the maternal womb, a woman can feel the corresponding first week of pregnancy symptoms. This include general features.

Minor blood loss

As previously stated, in the period of implantation of the future embryo in the uterus there may be minor bleeding of a bloody nature. In most cases, they resemble the very beginning of menstrual discharge, which often "confuses" women who carefully do not plan to pregnancy.

Minor selection may appear about the sixth day after successful conception. However, this moment may occur before either later, depending on the individual characteristics of the female organism. During this period, from 6 to 12 days, you can see on the bottom underwear of the selection in the form of several drops with a yellowish or brownish tinge. If they are more abundant or last longer than 2-3 days, it is worth paying attention to their feelings and at the same time consult a doctor to avoid the threat of miscarriage.

Severity at the bottom of the belly

As well as the selection, characteristic signs of the coming pregnancy are uncomfortable sensations in the field of small pelvis. , it's quite normal. Almost every woman begins to feel the severity of the organs of a small pelvis.

Early signs of successful conception during the first 7 days complement the drawing sensations spreading to the abdomen. Such symptoms may indicate supersensitivity to changes in the uterus. Given the individuality of each female organism, such signs when the abdomen is pulling in a pregnant woman after conception may appear in varying degrees. According to the reviews of many giving birth patients, the near the abdomen and the sensation when it is "pulls", more pronounced in the second and subsequent conceptions.

Such signals of the body when the abdominal range pulls the bottom of the abdominal area, can be a reason for the gynecological inspection of ladies, not planning to acquire a small miracle.

Chest sensitivity, swelling

Along with how the abdomen pulls and minor allocations appear, the future mother can swell and become a sensitive chest. Such symptoms are characteristic of one of the stages of the menstrual cycle.

Pay attention to the sensitivity and swelling of the dairy gland or the absence of such sensations is worth paying attention anyway. For the first week after successful fertilization, severe breast sensitivity is characteristic, up to the appearance of painful sensations. In some ladies, on the contrary, with the emergence of a new life in the parent womb during the first week after conception, such signs are absent.

General weakness, malaise

Not only pulls the bottom of the abdomen, and sections appear at first after conception. A woman after a successful conception throughout the first week may feel worsening well-being. Against the background of the coming change, the woman's body weakens. This can be regarded as a decrease in immunity and manifest characteristic symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • easy malaise;
  • fast manifestation of fatigue.

"Tingling" in the field of small pelvis

In the first 7 days after the successful conception of the abdomen not only pulls, light "tingling" may also appear. They arise in the uterus as a sign of confirmation of the positive result of fertilization and are considered a purely individual indicator.


Early signs of the coming long-awaited event, along with how pulls the bottom of the abdomen and appear allocations - it is nausea. Toxicosis can be very early and one of the first to indicate a positive conception. Therefore, if you feel lethes, pulls the bottom of the abdomen and disgusts to your favorite products, you can visit the doctor to hear joyful news and prepare for motherhood.

The conception is recognized as a serious physiological phenomenon consisting of several stages. The result is the fertilization of the egg, the creation of an embryo, developing in the uterus area to generic bouts. When are the first signs of pregnancy after conception? Determine the occurrence of pregnancy is possible by numerous moments - signs of conception often appear few days after the fertilization process.

At the first time of pregnancy, a female organism perceives the created embryo as an alien element, actively entering it into the struggle. In this situation, the process of individual - the first signs of conception among different women are also manifested in different ways. Through how much is their manifestation? Some representatives of the beautiful sex immediately notice the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception, others on the contrary - do not observe pronounced modifications. Almost all signals about the occurrence of pregnancy can be observed earlier than 6 weeks after the process of fertilization of the egg. Often, the first signs of conception resemble premenstrual state - irritability, fatigue. The female body takes pregnancy as a viral phenomenon to a certain time period until it comes to addiction to a variety of modifications.

First signals after conception

When is the first signs of pregnancy after conception?

The signal on the occurrence of pregnancy in the first week after conception - a little bleeding, accompanied by painful sensations, spasmodic moments at the bottom of the abdomen.

These symptoms of pregnancy in the first week talk about attaching the embryo in the uterine cavity. Signs of conception after ovulation are able to manifest on 6-7 days.

But do not follow any pain attacks or bleeding process immediately for the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception. It is possible that these moments are the consequence of the use of contraceptive, hormonal substances or the beginning of the process of menstruation of the previous time, these features are also characteristic of ectopic pregnancy. The survey at a specialist will reveal this state of affairs with the body of the patient, including whether it will be determined by the signs of conception after ovulation.

Symptoms of pregnancy in the first week:

  • Fatigue;
  • Flaxy mood;
  • Aggressive behavior;
  • Sharp mood change;
  • Strong emotion, attacks of pity for their state;
  • Apathetic mood.

Signs arise due to the production of progesterone hormone, it is required for pregnancy. An increase in the basal temperature serves as a signal on the occurrence of conception. It usually decreases in a couple of days before menstruation, but in the situation of fertilization, this process is not carried out.

In addition, the symptoms of pregnancy in the first week - increased dairy glands, become sensitive nipples, such measures the body is gradually prepared for the future process of breast feeding of the child.

The chest not only increases in the dimensional row, but also becomes sensitive and even painful, the color of the arolam around the nipple changes, it darkens the brown shade. Usually women notice these features with 6 -7 days of pregnancy. The reason for the manifestation of these moments is the hormonal emission. In the process of proxy of the breast gland, the colostrum is capable of forming a brosist, which is necessary to a child immediately after his birth. Sudden headaches are considered due to the restructuring of the body, the collection of hormonal background. The emergence of the above symptoms individually, they directly depend on the hereditary traits inherent in this female individual. To make sure in the presence of conception, you must refer to a specialist, pass the tests, only then will be a reason for the accurate result of the survey.

But not always the causes of the manifestation of the above signs relate to the process of pregnancy. It is also possible that signals making the emergence of different pathologies, for example, a reproductive system, since a healthy representative of a beautiful floor should not be observed lack of menstruation. Therefore, it is important in this situation to immediately turn to a medical specialist for the passage of the survey and clarify the causes of this negative phenomenon.

Signals about the occurrence of pregnancy similar to colds

In many female representatives, signals about the occurrence of pregnancy resemble cold phenomena, flu:

  • Dizziness;
  • Damage in the eyes;
  • Chills;
  • Increasing temperature;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Malaise;
  • Headaches;
  • Blood pressure drops;
  • Cough, runny nose.

These moments are capable of feeling a couple of weeks after conception. The processes of restructuring the functioning of the internal organs, the change in the hormonal background - all this leads to dizziness, possible loss of consciousness. Pressure jumps, the increase in temperature is due to the strengthened work of the pituitary gland producing hormones. The above signals require timely consultation from a doctor to prevent the occurrence of late toxicosis, as well as reduce possible risks for the child.

Pregnancy for digestive structure

After fertilization of the egg, a large process of modifying the hormonal system begins. There may be violated the functioning of many organs, first of all, new phenomena are formed in the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Heartburn;
  • Flatulence;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Changing taste features;
  • Gastric spasms;
  • An increase in appetite;
  • The emergence of unusual flavors;
  • Intolerance to certain smells, products.

It should be known that many moments from the above properties are considered to be the signals of food poisoning. But if, for example, nausea does not disappear within a few days, then it is necessary to undergo tests for the definition of pregnancy.

Pregnancy and urinary functioning

Also, the conception signal is the enhanced urination, if there is no likelihood that it is any pathology of the kidneys or cystitis. Frequent visits to the toilet room can manifest a couple of weeks after conception.

These signals are not considered reliable - the process of pressure of the uterus on the bladder occurs on the 3 trimester of pregnancy. What is happening this phenomenon on early term is a restructuring in all organs due to pregnancy.

In the process of having a baby, the load increases the load on all organs, especially on the kidneys, which begin to function in reinforced mode, which, by the way, it is possible to occur in inflammatory moments. Therefore, it is important to attend the doctor in a timely manner, to undergo a survey, take the necessary tests.

To reduce the loads to work, the kidneys usually limit the use of fluid, refuse to dispense-salted food.

Determination of fertilization

When is the first signs of pregnancy after conception? It is not possible to name a certain time, since each body of any woman is unique, with its own inherent in characteristics. Also should not exclude the moment of the overall functioning of the body. Depending on the individual properties, the signals about the occurrence of pregnancy are capable of observed by women at the continuation of 8-10 days after the fertilization process. There are situations where a woman is aware of the offensive of his pregnancy is already 2-3 days after conception. This is usually noted as a result of self-impact, with female representatives who have a strong desire to become pregnant.

It is important to determine the occurrence of pregnancy - from time to time when a woman knows that a child will have a healthy and full-fledged development of her baby directly depends on her. If she does not suspect his new position, then continues to lead the usual life image, which may often include:

  • Overwork, stress;
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking;
  • Consumption of different drugs, antibiotics;
  • Unhealthy nutrition;
  • Heavy physical exertion.

The above phenomena are extremely negatively affected by the development of the fetus. The sooner the future mother learns about his pregnant position, the faster it will be able to abandon harmful dependencies, adjust its own way, to establish proper nutrition. Therefore, it is so important to listen to the work of your body to immediately notice the first signals about the occurrence of pregnancy.