Occurs at 21 weeks. The movements of the fetus in the mother's tummy. Formation and functioning of organs and systems

You have crossed the equator of pregnancy, now you will be counting the weeks to the birth. Your pregnancy is now five months old, and you are already used to the regular movements of the crumbs in your stomach. The rate of development of the child slows down a little, now every week the baby will gain a couple of centimeters in weight. It is gradually becoming more and more difficult for you to wear an already distinctly protruding tummy. It's time to gradually think about buying a dowry for a crumb, especially since most likely you know its gender - a boy or a girl.

Changes in the body at 21 weeks

The 21st week of pregnancy is the sixth obstetric month, its first week, or the fifth calendar month of pregnancy, a quiet time for the expectant mother. A woman's body is gradually changing, becoming more and more rounded and feminine. A woman forms an additional placental circulation, which nourishes the placenta and the fetus, and a lot of blood passes through this circle every minute. There is an increase in the uterus and growth of the abdomen, due to which the bottom of the uterus rises high enough, rising above the navel. By increasing body weight and blood volume by about a third of non-pregnant volumes, the mass of the myocardium in the heart increases in order to pump more blood.

Gradually, due to the growing belly, a woman becomes uncomfortable to sleep, which can lead to insomnia and drowsiness during the day. The uterus presses on the abdominal organs and due to them on the diaphragm, giving shortness of breath during exertion, and also causes heaviness in the abdomen. The number of trips to the toilet may increase due to the increasing pressure of the uterus on the bladder. It is worth limiting the amount of fluid at night, emptying your bladder right before bed - this will give you the opportunity to go to the toilet less often. The breast gradually pours out and colostrum, a yellowish thick liquid, may periodically be released from the nipples. It does not need to be squeezed out, just to maintain body hygiene.

Fetal development: weight, size and gender

By this age, the child has reached 300-350 g, and from this age his height is determined already from the crown to the heels - now it is about 27 cm.Now the baby spends a lot of time in motion, training all the muscles of the body and strengthening the skeleton. fat, which gives his body more and more roundness from week to week. The skin gradually smoothes, brightens, acquiring more and more natural color due to fat. The baby has cilia and eyebrows, he can blink his eyes. Inside the gums, the rudiments of a milk bite are formed, hairs are formed on the head and lanugo along the body.

The internal organs of the fetus are actively involved in the work, although they have just completed their formation and are still imperfect. The pancreas and thyroid, pituitary, gonads and adrenal glands actively secrete hormones, the spleen works, removing waste cells from the blood. Now the nervous system is actively forming, the child forms periods of activity with movements and jerks, as well as periods of rest with good sleep. The baby's digestive system is already so well developed that the child swallows amniotic fluid and digests it through the action of hydrochloric acid and enzymes, forming the first portions of meconium (original feces), the liquid is absorbed, and the epidermal cells from the amniotic fluid are digested. The taste buds of the tongue are developed, it distinguishes the taste of amniotic fluid, depending on the mother's nutrition, so be careful about what you eat. If you eat a lot of sweets, your baby will have a sweet tooth. Leukocytes are formed in the bone marrow to protect against infections, and the kidneys are already filtering up to half a milliliter of blood per minute to form urine. The baby urinates in the amniotic fluid, which is renewed several times a day.

Now the child is actively moving in the mother's tummy, he still has enough room for active movements, he turns over many times a day. From inside the uterus, he sends signals to his mother - when he is happy or not. You can talk with your baby and stroke your tummy, soothing your baby in the minutes of your rest.

Feelings of a future mother

You have reached the middle of your pregnancy and is now counting down to delivery. During this period, there are no very disturbing sensations, usually women feel good, despite the actively enlarging tummy. Periodically, there may be discomfort that occurs due to the growth of the uterus and changes in the body. Now a woman already clearly feels fetal movements, which occur often, can be active or barely perceptible, depending on the mood of the baby. There may be periods of activity and quietness when the baby is asleep.

On the part of the body, there may be periodic sipping sensations in the lower abdomen due to the expansion of the pelvic bones and sprains, during this period hemorrhoids may worsen due to increased pressure in the veins of the rectum, which gives rise to bleeding from the anus. Due to the change in the center of gravity, back pain occurs, which is solved by wearing a bandage.

You can note an increase in vaginal discharge, this is the action of sex hormones, and the first colostrum from the nipples may also appear. Periodically, the uterus can contract for a short time painlessly, these are training contractions that are not dangerous for the mother and fetus, they prepare the uterus for further childbirth. They shouldn't be regular or painful, without any bleeding on the underwear.

From unpleasant sensations during this period, there may be an increase in appetite, heartburn and bloating, constipation. Shortness of breath with light exertion, frequent going to the toilet at night, swelling in the leg area, especially after prolonged walking or standing, may also disturb. Now you are gaining weight quickly and actively, up to 350 g or even a little more per week, while your hair and nails also grow faster and more actively, sweating increases and the size of your legs becomes slightly larger, stretch marks on your chest, abdomen and hips may occur. It is important to properly care for the skin, now it has become more sensitive and tender, it can become more oily and prone to acne. You need to shower twice a day and take proper care of your skin.

Condition of the uterus

In this period, your belly already clearly reflects your position, even movements of the fetus and changes in position may become noticeable, it is especially nice to see dads who are trying to guess by the protruding parts of the arms or legs of the fetus. Now you can roughly determine how the baby is located in the stomach. With the active movements of the baby, the uterus can stretch, but at the same time it should not come to tone.

The size of the uterus has reached a significant size, and it actively squeezes the internal organs, which manifests itself in unpleasant symptoms from the side of breathing and digestion. Sometimes it is difficult to take deep breaths, often constipation occurs. At the 21st week, the uterus is 1 cm above the navel, and reaches 21 cm from the level of the pubis. At this time, the uterus can occasionally contract, making training movements.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound)

In this period, a second screening ultrasound is usually performed (it is performed at 20-24 weeks of pregnancy) in order to identify gross malformations and problems with the placenta and amniotic fluid. Also, with an ultrasound scan, the size of the fetus and the estimated weight are determined, in this period you can clarify the sex of the child, and see it on the monitor screen in full growth. In the future, the child will grow up and will be visible only in parts.

During the study, the doctor will measure the main indicators of fetal development:

  • the distance between the temporal bones (BPD),
  • frontal-occipital size,
  • abdominal circumference
  • head circumference,
  • the length of the humerus, thigh, lower leg and forearm.

According to these indicators, the correspondence of the development of the fetus to the gestational age and its development is determined, whether there are any deviations. An assessment of the fetal heartbeat, its motor activity, as well as the state of the walls of the uterus, the place of attachment of the placenta, and its condition is carried out. The doctor checks the condition and amount of amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord and the number of vessels in it - there should be three of them - a vein and two arteries. In this period, you can carry out a 3D ultrasound, which will show the child in a three-dimensional image, in which all parts of the body and internal organs of the fetus will be clearly visible. If you record the fetus in real time, this will be a 4D ultrasound procedure for the ear, and this video can be saved as a keepsake.

Discharge from the genital tract

During this period, the discharge may become more abundant, while their nature should not change - it should be transparent or whitish discharge, almost odorless, of a uniform consistency. If the vaginal discharge becomes yellow, white, greenish or gray, takes on an odor or an uneven consistency, you should consult a doctor and take a smear. Also, a cause for concern should be cheesy, foamy, purulent discharge, with a rotten or fishy odor, a sharp sour odor. Itching of the vagina and perineum may occur, which also requires treatment with the participation of a doctor.

Bloody discharge can be dangerous - it can indicate placental abruption or any pathology of pregnancy, call an ambulance immediately. Dangerous brown discharge against a background of back pain or cramping pains in the lower abdomen. Sometimes blood on the underwear gives rise to the development of hemorrhoids.

What tests to take

At the 21st week, the results of the "triple" test, carried out as part of the screening of pregnant women, are usually obtained. A study of indicators of hCG, free estriol and alpha-fetoprotein is being carried out. In addition, in conjunction with them, an assessment is made of the data obtained on an ultrasound scan carried out at the same time. Only all indicators together can give an idea of ​​the increased risk of abnormalities in the development of the fetus, while it is also important to assess the age and weight of a woman, her heredity and health status, many external factors. The result of this test is given as the probability of developing problems - the threshold value is 1: 350 and below. If a woman has a result of 1: 250 or more, this is regarded as a high risk and such a woman is referred for additional examinations. Such screening results do not make diagnoses, so there is no need to worry, most likely, with further examination, nothing dangerous will be revealed.

Also, when you visit a doctor, you will have blood and urine tests, weight and pressure measurements.

Low placentation at 21 weeks

At the time of the second planned ultrasound, the doctor determines the position of the placenta and the distance of its edge from the internal os of the cervix. If the placenta is located low, below 70 mm from the edge of the uterine os, it is actively monitored and control ultrasound is performed within 28 weeks to clarify the position of the placenta. Therefore, in this position, a sparing regimen is prescribed, a ban on sex and active physical activity can be imposed.

Pain in the abdomen and lower back

Due to the growth of the abdomen, painful sensations in the back and abdomen may periodically occur. Usually these are periodic sipping sensations that disappear when the position of the body is changed, discomfort in the navel. They are not long-lasting, not regular and occur mainly on the sides of the abdomen, more often women note that the right side hurts. However, it is worth remembering that pain in the right side can also occur with diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder and intestines, therefore, if the pain is constant or occurs often, it is worth it.

Dangerous can be lower back pain with cramping pains in the lower abdomen, they can talk about premature birth, placental abruption, which threatens the life of the mother and child. If you experience this kind of pain, call an ambulance immediately, especially if it is accompanied by bloody vaginal discharge.

There may also be back pain or cramps in the calf muscles during prolonged standing or walking, during exertion due to changes in the center of gravity and calcium deficiency in the bones. You need to give up long shopping trips, wearing uncomfortable shoes, lifting weights and bags with groceries - in your position, you can carry no more than 2 kg in each hand. Wearing the correct maternity bandage in the form of a belt or panties with an elastic band will help alleviate the condition.

Colds and runny nose

During this period, the child's own immune system is actively functioning, and most viruses and microbes are not afraid of him. However, a cold in this rock is undesirable - many drugs for treatment are prohibited, and fever and symptoms of a viral or microbial infection can negatively affect the development of the fetus. So, many cough medicines, antibiotics, antiviral drugs, and even sprays for the common cold are prohibited during pregnancy. A runny nose leads to impaired respiration and fetal hypoxia, a cough, especially dry and obsessive, leads to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and uterine tone.

If you have a fever, runny nose, or cough, call your doctor right away and go to bed. For high fever, paracetamol or nurofen can be taken, but aspirin or combination powders are prohibited.

Mom's diet and weight

When carrying a baby, the mother needs all the nutrients for its full growth and development, as well as maintaining its own health. Therefore, special attention should be paid to nutrition. At 21 weeks, a woman's appetite is active and care should be taken not to gain too much weight. Your meals should be fractional, in small portions, but often at least five to six times a day. Every day you should consume proteins, carbohydrates and very little fat, but there should be a lot of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and iron. Reduce the amount of salt in your diet to avoid excessive fluid retention in the body, and sugar in order to reduce the number of calories consumed.

To cope with constipation, you need to eat enough fiber - whole grain cereals, vegetables and fruits, and drink plenty of fluids. It is necessary to pay great attention to dairy and cultured milk products, as they contain a lot of calcium. In this period, it is worth abandoning highly allergenic products, so as not to provoke the development of allergies in the baby in the future, since his immune system is already active.

Now your weight gain in the veche is 300-350 g per week, and on average, the weight gain from the onset of pregnancy is about 6-7 kg. At the same time, overweight women should add the least, while women who are thin before pregnancy can allow themselves to gain more than the norm. Large weight gain may indicate the presence of edema and fluid retention in the body, a doctor's advice is needed. Also, your doctor may recommend that you take calcium, iodine, iron supplements or multivitamin complexes.


In this period, intimacy can be prohibited only with the threat of termination of pregnancy, pathologies of the cervix or low placentation. In all other cases, intimate life continues without any restrictions, but with the choice of optimal positions and depth of penetration. It is worth giving up poses with pressure on the stomach or rough intercourse, now your intimate relationship should be filled with tenderness and affection. Pleasant emotions and the release of pleasure hormones will only benefit the child; with orgasm, the blood supply to the uterus and fetus is enhanced. Therefore, you can have sex as much as you want - now the sensuality is increased, and the sensations can be completely new and bright.

The 5th month of pregnancy is coming to an end. In just 4 months, the long-awaited baby will be born. And the mother still needs to prepare for this important day. The day when the child leaves the comfortable and warm womb of the mother and enters this huge, still unknown to him world.

In obstetrics, this refers to about the fifth month and one week of actual pregnancy. By this time, many women have already managed to gain about 4 kilograms and continue to gain weight. But this does not spoil them at all, but, on the contrary, paints them. The cheeks are full of blush. Women in labor at this time usually feel good.

Signs, symptoms, sensations

During this period, nothing should darken the girl's mood. Still not worried about shortness of breath, there is no fatigue or insomnia, the pelvis and back do not hurt, as in later periods. Inconvenience arises only because of the increased sensitivity of the young mother, but with the sensitive attitude of loved ones, this little nuisance can be smoothed out.

There are still bouts of back pain at 21 weeks, but more often due to long sitting in one uncomfortable position. After it changes to normal, the pain will go away.

It is better if you go for a massage to a qualified specialist. This will reduce the number of unpleasant symptoms. A regular visit to the pool is also suitable.

Also, young mothers have age spots on the skin. But not everyone is affected by this problem. In addition, at this time, a woman looks very feminine and impressive that no one will pay attention to such trifles as age spots.

Also, at this time, the first stretch marks may already appear. Cover your body with cream after water treatments. It will not be possible to completely get rid of them, especially if there is a genetic predisposition.

Track your weight. If a small amount of kilograms is gained during pregnancy, then there will be few stretch marks, and they can be easily removed with the help of creams and special exercises.

The child at this stage already has clearly distinguished periods of sleep and wakefulness. Often, the process of being awake and exploring your arms and legs can occur during mom's main sleep. And this can be a little inconvenient.

A brutal appetite appears. But be sure to control yourself. The temporary satisfaction of desire is not worth the health of you and your child.

Sometimes problems with flatulence are troubling. The uterus presses down on the intestines, and various embarrassing situations can occur. Well, there's nothing you can do about it. You can choose foods that do not cause bloating: cabbage, asparagus, black bread, onions.

Often, a future woman in labor is worried about heartburn (a feeling of bitterness in the mouth). It manifests itself most of all in the supine position. Pure water "Borjomi" and the drug "Rennie" will help to cope with it.

Varicose veins are also a concern for young mothers. The large volume of blood enlarges the veins. But there are special stockings on sale that solve this problem.

Gum bleeding is another annoying problem that mothers experience. And she can worry the entire period of pregnancy. It will probably not be possible to completely cure the gums from inflammation before childbirth. Still, it is possible to reduce unpleasant gum inflammation. It is necessary to remove flour and confectionery products from the diet, which help the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth, which increases inflammation.

If you're concerned about constipation problems, eat more vegetables. Ideally, they should make up 60 percent of the daily ration, then the problem will go away. Eat also wheat bran, in the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of cold water, drink homemade juices (especially sauerkraut juice), yogurt, fresh kefir are also useful, eat coarsely ground products.

You may notice that your nails and hair are starting to grow very quickly. This is due to an increase in the concentration of the pregnancy hormone.

Another plus of this period is less irritability. Warm baths before bed and herbal teas can help relieve feelings of anxiety. The main thing is that pregnant women are absolutely not allowed to take hot baths!

Description of fetal development

By the twenty-first week, a formed child already weighs 300-360 grams and reaches 20-25 centimeters. During this period, the child has already formed a digestive tract. His body already contains small amounts of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes. But so far he receives nutrients only from the surrounding waters. He drinks up to half a liter of amniotic fluid per day. From it, the child receives sugar and water, and the excess is deposited in him in the form of meconium.

Meconium is a baby's first feces, which consists of prenatal hair, amniotic fluid, bile, mucus and water.

Hair is already growing on the head of the child. They are especially seen in children of races with dark, coarse hair. The eyebrows and eyelashes are already formed too.

Now the baby has already formed and after birth it will look the same. He will only gain an average of 3 kilograms and increase in height.

If earlier the amniotic fluid performed only shock-absorbing functions, now, swallowing it, the child can try what the mother eats.

The baby's joints and muscles are strengthened. He learns to control his hands and feet and, since most often this happens at night, it prevents the mother from falling asleep.

Now dad can feel the baby: he often puts out a handle, then a leg.

At this time, many women already feel the mobility of the fetus. He's still quite spacious there, and he turns as he wants. Usually a woman feels about 1-4 of these movements during the day.

Following the digestive system, the endocrine system begins to develop, which may explain the baby's activity at night.

At this time, the woman already begins to feel like a mom, because under her heart she literally feels her baby. So, it's time to start educating this restless resident. It is imperative to talk to him, gently and calmly. After all, he, like no one else, feels the mood of his mother.

The right diet for a woman carrying a baby

A comprehensive healthy diet during pregnancy is one of the most important conditions for the harmonious development and bearing of the fetus. At this wonderful and unforgettable time, not only the mother, but also the child needs the right amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

The mother's diet should include only fresh and healthy foods and food prepared from them. It is necessary to initially replace sucrose with glucose, fructose, honey or products prepared with their addition. It is very important that the energy supplied to the body corresponds to its expenditures. Some mothers deliberately overeat, and against the background of physical inactivity, which then leads to serious consequences. A large number of unnecessary substances do not allow the fruit to develop harmoniously. As a result, the baby is born very large, with a poorly formed muscular system and underdeveloped internal organs. But another case, in the absence of any elements necessary in the diet, can also lead to disruption of metabolic processes in the child and mother. It can also adversely affect the health of the mother and her child, even lead to miscarriage or abnormalities in the development of the child.

One of the important indicators of proper balanced nutrition of a carrying woman can be a rapid weight gain. With a healthy diet, this is 8-10 kilograms for the entire time of carrying a child (this is about 300-350 grams every week from the 21st week of pregnancy).
From the 21st week of gestation, the nutrients supplied to the mother should contain 125 grams of protein, 86 grams of fat, 410 grams of carbohydrates, with a total energy value of 2780-3100 kilocalories.

During this period, it is recommended to eat a variety of soups, low-fat cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, mild cheese. The body's protein requirement can be met with animal proteins, approximately 51%. Of these, 26% - due to low-fat meat products (110-210 grams) or boiled fish (140-260 grams), 21% - due to milk and dairy products (550 grams) and up to 4% - due to chicken eggs (1 thing). Products such as milk, yogurt, mild cheese, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, low-fat boiled meat, fish contain the best amount of protein.

Some girls who are carrying a baby at the beginning of pregnancy really want to eat chalk or salt. This speaks of poor nutrition. In such cases, girls are prescribed vitamins (usually group D), preparations containing phosphorus, calcium and iron.

Every day, every woman carrying a child should consume the following mineral elements in certain proportions:

  • calcium is needed from 1500 to 2100 mg;
  • magnesium - 400 mg;
  • phosphorus - no more than 2 mg;
  • potassium needs about 4 mg per day;
  • sodium, preferably 4-6 g;
  • chlorine - also 5 g;
  • and iron about 18 mg.

In the middle of the term, many complain of a constant feeling of hunger. But there is nothing wrong with that. It's just that the baby actively accumulates fat during this period, which requires another 510 kilocalories per day. The weight of the woman and the child continues to increase. What gives expectant mothers a lot of inconvenience - how to control your appetite? But the body can be deceived, for this a special scheme is drawn up:

  • Mom's breakfast should be high-calorie and hearty.
  • Second breakfast is light.
  • Lunch should be complete, but portions are small.
  • For an afternoon snack, you must definitely eat something healthy.
  • At the end of the day - dinner. Here it should be completely calorie-free, and no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

The most important thing, like throughout pregnancy, is a healthy sleep. It is advisable that it be carried out in a fresh, after airing, room closed with curtains. Sleeping is best for women on the right side or in any other comfortable position. It happens that the baby moves for a long time and prevents his mother from falling asleep, then just sing him a lullaby. Scientists have long proven that babies inside the mother hear everything that happens outside the mother's belly.

You should also know that sex is possible at this time. The main thing is to choose a comfortable position for the young mother.

Sports are also allowed, and especially for those ladies who diligently practiced it before conception. It is also helpful to do special yoga or fitness exercises for pregnant women. Do not forget also that girls who are carrying children have a displaced center of gravity and can braid their legs very easily. It is even possible that an increase or decrease in pressure will make a woman dizzy, or she will faint. Therefore, it is very important that during such classes there is a close person nearby who can support. And on occasion - to provide assistance. And the main thing is to do everything in moderation, not to overload the body. Since this can affect the health of the child.

Many doctors say that from the 21st week of gestation, mothers should wear a bandage. It relieves some of the load from the spine, keeps the growing belly, corrects posture, improves blood circulation in the small pelvis. Which, in fact, helps pregnant women to lead a normal life. Manufacturers currently offer different types of braces: sewn to panties and sold separately. Doctors recommend using a separate bandage, as it needs to be washed less often and its width can be easily adjusted depending on the girth of the abdomen.

If the mother is at risk of varicose veins, experts recommend wearing special compression tights. But at the same time, it is completely contraindicated for young mothers to wear tight-fitting tights.

You probably already had to completely replace your usual wardrobe. You have given up on heels and platform shoes - that's right. After all, the main thing during pregnancy is your well-being and comfort for your baby. The bra should not press on the chest, it needs free air access.

Set up a comfortable environment for yourself and be glad of your excellent position. After all, being a mother is the most difficult, responsible and wonderful job in the world.

Analyzes and ultrasound

On ultrasound, doctors measure at this time:

  • first of all, the position of the fetus (it can be both longitudinal, transverse, and oblique or unstable);
  • lungs;
  • the structure of the brain;
  • preliminary lying child (head, gluteal);
  • fetal biometrics (bipolar disorder, head and abdominal circumference, hip length);
  • the intestines of the child;
  • extended photometry (diameter of the heart, brain, spine, bladder, even the size of the intestine, both kidneys, the length of the tibia and fibula, as well as the length of the shoulders, elbows and feet);
  • stomach;
  • the structure of the skull;
  • child's mobility;
  • baby's heart;
  • the location of the placenta and its properties;
  • the amount of amniotic fluid;
  • study of the umbilical cord;
  • exclusion of entwining her with a child;
  • normal enlargement of the uterus;
  • fetal weight.

It is important to listen to your body if it gives signals such as:

  • frequent uterine contractions;
  • bloody vaginal discharge;
  • sudden watery discharge;
  • frequent pain when urinating;
  • the occurrence of severe pain in the abdomen;
  • continuous vomiting;
  • the occurrence of great pressure in the lower abdomen.

See your doctor immediately, because it is important not only to preserve the fetus, but also to your health.

But at this stage of analyzes and other studies, doctors, as a rule, do not prescribe. The second planned ultrasound scan and blood and urine tests are usually over. And mom can take a break from testing, various kinds of research and other not very pleasant procedures.

Video - 21 weeks pregnant what happens to the baby and mother, skin changes, swelling of the legs, emotions

At the 21st obstetric week of pregnancy, there is an increase in the intensity and strength of the baby's movements, which cannot please the mother. She feels good and enjoys her condition.

The 21st obstetric week of pregnancy is the beginning of the 6th month.

Due to the throwing of the acidic contents of the stomach into the esophagus, the expectant mother develops heartburn.


The uterus at 21 weeks of gestation continues to grow and press on the intestines. From this, a woman may experience constipation. The pressure on different organs becomes palpable and causes discomfort. The bladder also suffers from the growth of the uterus, so the expectant mother feels a frequent urge to urinate. The grown uterus displaces the stomach: now it is located above and behind. In this organ, the pressure rises, and the angle between the intestine and the stomach changes.


The baby's eyes are gradually opening, he hears his mother well. The baby is still thin, but already now it is starting to gain body weight. Its body is covered with grease and original fluff. Often, the fetus is actively moving at 21 weeks of gestation, and the mother feels movements in the lower abdomen.

The position of the fetus can change - there is a lot of amniotic fluid, and the baby feels spacious. The baby sleeps about 20 hours a day and even dreams.

The baby continues to accumulate fats for the development of muscles and weight gain, so the expectant mother is so hungry during this period.

At the 21st week of pregnancy, the child's digestive system improves: part of the food is absorbed by the body, and the other part passes into the rectum. The work of the intestines is facilitated by enzymes and hydrochloric acid, which are produced in the body in small quantities.

Muscle and bone tissue continues to strengthen. The endocrine glands are fully functional, and the spleen has recently started working. White blood cells are produced, which are responsible for suppressing infections. The bone marrow is improving. The size of the fetus at 21 weeks of gestation is already 26 cm.

The taste buds on the tongue of the crumbs are almost developed, and very soon the baby will fully appreciate the taste of amniotic fluid. The placental layer gradually thickens, at 21 weeks it is 22.81 cm. The heartbeat of the baby is now listened to with the help of a small tube called a stethoscope.


The belly at 21 weeks of gestation is quite large: the baby is constantly growing inside and takes up more and more space. That is why wiggles and shocks become more pronounced. Outsiders can see the movements of the crumbs. The most observant ones will notice a protrusion of the arm, leg or butt. At this time, pain occurs due to the tension of the abdominal muscles.

Sensations at 21 weeks of gestation

If a woman is thin, then her tummy may still be small now. The pregnant woman continues to experience pain in the lower back, abdomen and sides. They are caused by severe pressure from the uterus on the body and do not pose a danger to mom and baby.

The expectant mother may have swelling of her legs: this is caused by a large accumulation of fluid in her body. Colostrum may be excreted from the breast.

At the 21st week of pregnancy, most expectant mothers feel movements in the lower abdomen, which give them great pleasure. However, if the mother still does not feel the movements of the crumbs, then this may happen a little later - in some women, movements begin to be felt even at 24 weeks. Does the specialist easily listen to the baby's heartbeat? This means that the expectant mother has no reason to worry.


Pain in the 21st week of pregnancy can be of a very different nature: it is a tingling sensation in the navel, pain in the lumbosacral zone, back and legs. Unpleasant sensations arise due to the constantly growing load on the spinal column. The child puts pressure on the pelvic region, which is especially felt after prolonged sitting or standing.

But pulling or cramping pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region, is not the norm. It can appear with the tone of the uterus.

Muscle cramps in the lower extremities can result from calcium deficiency.


The weight gain is about 6.5 kg. Weekly weight at 21 weeks of gestation increases by 0.3 kg. Appetite for this period is good, but you should not overeat. You need to eat a balanced diet, you don't need extra calories.

At the 21st week of pregnancy, all the organs of the crumbs are almost formed. But this does not mean that the expectant mother should neglect certain recommendations.


Nutrition at 21 weeks of gestation should be correct. The fetus grows rapidly, so the woman experiences constant hunger. In this regard, you can gain unwanted pounds, which are dangerous for her and for the baby.

To make childbirth easy, she should eat vegetables and fruits, boiled or baked beef and fish in small portions. If a woman really wants something sweet, then you can replace it with figs, dates or dried fruits in small quantities.


The expectant mother continues to take the vitamin and mineral complex recommended by the doctor. If necessary, the gynecologist will recommend taking medications.

When consuming fruits and berries in large quantities, you can do without taking synthetic vitamins.


If the uterus is toned, carrying twins or certain health problems, the expectant mother is better off giving up sex at 21 weeks of gestation and beyond.

Physical activity

Sports activities are still not contraindicated, they should be moderate, without heavy loads.

With proper physical activity, the baby receives oxygen, and the mother's body is strengthened. Doctors recommend swimming. In the normal course of pregnancy, it can be continued until the very birth.

Also, a woman is suitable for water aerobics, exercise on simulators or home gymnastic exercises that do not burden the back and abdomen at 21 weeks of gestation. But they should be dealt with only after consulting a specialist. Dangerous sports should be abandoned for a while.

Medicines and medical procedures

The expectant mother should be wary of drugs at the 21st week of pregnancy until the very birth. Only as directed by a doctor can she start using certain drugs.

Surely a woman has already studied her body, and with a common cold at the 21st obstetric week of pregnancy, she can limit herself to traditional methods of treatment. With ARVI, you should still consult a specialist and exclude serious consequences.

Today, every pharmacy has safe homeopathic remedies that improve immunity and help you recover faster. If the expectant mother has a fever, then it needs to be brought down only after 38 degrees.

Possible problems

It is necessary to worry that the expectant mother does not feel the baby's movements if the specialist does not listen to the baby's heartbeat. In this case, the doctor will refer the woman at 21 weeks of gestation for an ultrasound scan. The study will clarify the situation, exclude or confirm a frozen pregnancy.


A woman needs to pay attention to discharge at 21 weeks of pregnancy: normally they are transparent, white or yellowish. If you have large amounts of green, foul-smelling discharge, you should see a specialist. In case of bleeding, call an ambulance. With bloody discharge, the expectant mother should also not hesitate, but urgently see the gynecologist.

Ultrasound and analyzes

  • thigh length - 37 mm;
  • chest diameter - 50 mm;
  • abdominal circumference - 144 mm.

In addition to an ultrasound scan, a specialist will prescribe tests at 21 weeks of pregnancy. If a woman has recently donated blood, then the doctor will limit herself to a general urine test.

Features of IVF pregnancy

At the 21st obstetric week of IVF pregnancy, the doctor will send the expectant mother for an ultrasound scan to see or rule out problems in the development of the baby.

If the gestation has no abnormalities, then the woman can go to a regular antenatal clinic. However, if the specialist sees a certain threat, then the observation should be extended to 28 weeks.

Multiple pregnancy

With multiple gestations at 21 weeks, more than half of the term is already behind, because such babies are born faster: childbirth occurs at about 37 weeks.

The rest of the pregnancy is unremarkable. The only thing that worries the expectant mother is the rapid growth of the abdomen and the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs.

Video of the twenty-first week of pregnancy

Considering that the size of the abdomen grows every day and can cause discomfort, the expectant mother needs to take preventive measures:

Enlargement of the uterus

At the 21st week of pregnancy, the uterus is about 1 cm above the navel, and the height of the bottom of the uterus is 21 cm. An increase in its size has already led to a displacement of nearby internal organs, which leads to digestive problems and frequent urination. In addition, the woman feels short of breath, because the uterus puts pressure on the chest area.

The doctor at each appointment will measure the volume of the abdomen and the height of the fundus of the uterus to make sure that the fetus is growing fully. If the indicators do not correspond to the norm, then this may indicate a developmental deviation.

Pain and discomfort

The growth of the uterus can provoke painful sensations in the abdomen, especially on the sides. This suggests that muscle ligaments are being stretched in this area. Normally, such sensations should occur infrequently and be low-intensity. Also, a pregnant woman may be bothered by pain:

  • in the back (due to the growth of the uterus);
  • in the head (due to pressure drops);
  • in the legs (due to edema and varicose veins);
  • in the anus (due to hemorrhoids).

It is necessary to go to the hospital if the pain in the lower abdomen resembles the sensations during menstruation, intensifies, gives to the lower back. They can be signs of spontaneous abortion.


The appearance of blood from the vagina is also an alarming signal that speaks of the threat of miscarriage. Such discharge suggests that not everything is in order with the baby. However, you should not panic. We urgently need to call an ambulance that will take you to the hospital. There is no need to worry ahead of time, because very often everything ends with treatment and the further successful course of pregnancy.

Expectant mothers need to know that normal discharge should not smell like anything. They should be colorless and uniform in consistency.

If the discharge looks like cottage cheese and has a sour smell, then there is an infectious disease - thrush. It requires medication under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Premature birth

Unfortunately, having a premature birth at 21 weeks of gestation is always a bad outcome for a baby. The fetus at this time is not yet sufficiently developed to survive. Therefore, it is so important that a woman is as attentive as possible to the slightest changes in her well-being.

Signs of premature birth include sharp pain in the lower abdomen, uterine contractions, and bloody discharge. If at the same time nausea and vomiting begins, then this is undoubtedly a threat of miscarriage. We urgently need to go to the hospital.

  • Don't miss the opportunity to chat with your child. He listens carefully to what is happening in the mother's body and outside the womb. After birth, he will definitely recognize your voice among everyone else.
  • Avoid lifting weights and avoiding situations that can cause stress or stress.
  • Visit your gynecologist regularly to keep yourself and your baby under control. Follow all recommendations.
  • It's time to sign up for courses for expectant mothers. The knowledge gained in the classroom will be useful in the last months of pregnancy, as well as during and after childbirth.
  • Eat a healthy diet and watch your weight.

When edema appears, it is necessary to take a lying position with your legs raised up. To prevent them, you need to limit salt intake, as well as change body position more often.

Necessary research and analysis

The pregnancy calendar provides for three screenings. By week 21, the results of a second study will already be known, which includes:

  • analysis for the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG);
  • free estriol hormone test;
  • analysis for protein alpha-fetoprotein;
  • ultrasound examination of the fetus.

The first three analyzes make up the so-called triple test, which shows the degree of fetal development, the presence or absence of pathologies. The results of the study reveal how likely the risk of chromosomal abnormalities and hereditary diseases is. If it so happens that the test is positive, the doctor will send the pregnant woman for additional examinations. These are invasive methods that are only used as a last resort, as they can be harmful.

The expectant mother should go to the gynecologist's appointment at least once a month, having passed urine and blood tests before that. With their help, the doctor controls the well-being of a pregnant woman and assesses the parameters of fetal development by such indicators as heart rate, the height of the fundus of the uterus and the volume of the abdomen.

Ultrasound at 21 weeks of gestation

Ultrasound at 21 weeks of gestation is routine. It is during this period that the ultrasound diagnostics doctor conducts a study of the parameters of fetal development and identifies their compliance with the norm. In particular, we are talking about assessing the maturity of the placenta, the state of the cervix and umbilical cord, the amount and quality of amniotic fluid.

In addition, a photo of 21 weeks of pregnancy can show parents who are expecting a girl and expecting a boy, the gender of the baby. It is at the second scheduled ultrasound that doctors prefer to determine the sex of the fetus, since the probability of error is already minimal.

WITH 21 obstetric weeks of pregnancy the second half of pregnancy begins. From the end of this week, according to official medicine, the fetus can survive if he has to leave the cozy womb. By this time, all the organs of the child have already formed, although their work has not yet been debugged.

The mother's belly begins to grow rapidly, so the fetus is active. Movements are already felt good enough, so the psychological connection with the child is becoming stronger for the mother.

Fetal size and development at 21 weeks gestation

At the twenty-first week, the child already reaches an impressive size. He looks like a small doll... It is about 28 cm long and weighs about 400 grams. All organs are formed, and the skin is not so transparent and thin.

When pregnant with twins at 21 weeks of gestation, babies weigh a little less - about 370 grams, and the length is in no way inferior to the "single".

How does the fetus change at this time?

  • there is an increase in adipose tissue;
  • thermoregulation improves;
  • the formation of eyebrows and eyelashes is completed;
  • the rudiments of milk teeth appear;
  • the endocrine glands perform their functions;
  • the spleen begins its work;
  • the nervous system is improving;
  • the brain is developing rapidly;
  • the intestines develop. This is facilitated by the amniotic fluid swallowed by the fetus;
  • the nervous system is strengthened;
  • taste buds develop. The child can distinguish sweet from bitter;
  • the immune system is improving. They appear in the blood that help fight infections;

Behavior. 21 weeks is a new stage in the development of the child's motor system. The fruit makes not only chaotic movements. He learns to control them. The child alternates between phases of activity (there are about 10-15 of them per day) and phases of sleep.

The number of perturbations has increased significantly, it reaches up to 200 times a day. But mom feels less than half of them. At 21 weeks, the baby is able to hiccup in the womb. It feels like frequent rhythmic contractions.

What happens to mom at 21 weeks

Appearance, belly size and weight gain

Starting at 21 weeks, a woman's weight will increase at a rapid rate. This is caused by both the fast growing fruit and the increased appetite. A woman may develop outlandish taste preferences. It is considered normal weight gain of about 3.5-4.5 kg from the beginning of pregnancy. Above you can see a photo of mothers' tummies at 21 weeks of gestation.

The uterus continues to grow and rise. Now its top edge is 1.25 cm above the navel. It makes no sense to hide the appearance of the abdomen - it is simply impossible. It becomes strongly rounded and becomes clearly visible.

Hair and nails grow by leaps and bounds, there is increased sweating, stretch marks appear, the breast has greatly increased.

Feelings, movements, pain in mom

At 21 weeks, a woman experiences not only unpleasant sensations from pregnancy, but also a lot of positive emotions from the movements of her crumbs. Tumbling baby in the abdomen they do not yet deliver painful sensations, but they are felt quite clearly and distinctly.

From the chest begins. A substance that the newborn will eat for the first 2-3 days before milk arrives.

Unpleasant moments can be different for everyone:

  • Now the baby begins to gain weight every week. Because of this, the mother's appetite greatly increases. Since the weight has increased greatly - back begins to ache... Often a runny nose appears at 21 weeks.
  • The enlarged belly causes sleep problems... You can't sleep on your stomach and, but on your side, it becomes uncomfortable. Increased urination also aggravates this problem. When a woman lies, heartburn appears.
  • They will not disappear at this time and. Because of this, you have to monitor your diet and not eat foods that hold the chair.
  • Often, the enlarged uterus compresses the vessels, so there is swelling of the legs appears. Shortness of breath may appear, because the lungs are now also a little constrained.
  • At this time, may begin pull belly... This can be caused by various reasons. This is the tension of the ligaments of the uterus, and the expansion of the pelvis, and constipation, and, much less harmless, the threat of termination of pregnancy.
  • Due to a decrease in blood pressure, dizziness and weakness... Gum problems are also common. They start to hurt and bleed.

Now there may appear, called Breston Hicks contractions. They are not painful and do not harm either mother or child.

If there are acute cramping pains radiating to the lower back, sometimes accompanied by vomiting and, then there is a straight line. An urgent need to see a doctor. After all, even if it is not possible to save the pregnancy, doctors will be able, with appropriate care, to save the life of the child.

Possible discharge

At 21 weeks, they should not differ from those secretions that were previously (milky, uniform in consistency, with a not pronounced odor).

But there may be other secretions requiring medical advice:

  • liquid, watery discharge may indicate premature discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • curdled discharge of white or greenish color, accompanied by itching, speak of;
  • reason for the appearance pungent unpleasant odor secretions may be sexually transmitted infections;
  • discharge mixed with blood. Typical for placenta previa or her. This is a critical condition that requires immediate specialist intervention. If the bleeding is minor, doctors will prolong the pregnancy with special drugs. If this is not possible, then the best way out of the situation is childbirth. A baby born at 21 weeks can be saved.

Psychological condition

At 21 weeks, the psychological state of the mother is more or less stable. Generally, the woman is in harmony... The hormonal boom is a thing of the past, the body has adapted, and she likes her own body.

At this time, women are trying to establish emotional closeness with your child. They begin to read books to him, talk to him, try to feel his reactions.

A little overshadowed by the state of constant fatigue due to lack of sleep, heartburn, back pain and other unpleasant companions of this week.

Analyzes, examinations and ultrasound at the 21st week of pregnancy

At 21 weeks, a woman will visit several doctors in addition to his obstetrician-gynecologist. You will have to go to an appointment with an otolaryngologist, dentist, therapist and ophthalmologist. Each of them will write down their verdicts on a special sheet issued by the antenatal clinic.

Before visiting the obstetrician, you will need to pass standard urine and blood tests, according to the indications, a blood test for hormones, as well as an electrocardiogram.

Doctor at the gynecologist's appointment will carry out the following manipulations:

  • pressure measurement;
  • weighing;
  • listening to the fetal heartbeat;
  • measurement of the height of the fundus of the uterus.

Usually done at 20-24 weeks. So if you didn't have your screening test the previous week, now is the time to do it. During it, the doctor must make sure that there are no congenital malformations of the baby, because only up to 24 weeks it is possible to terminate a pregnancy for medical reasons.

The results are written the following measurements:

  • measurement of brain structures;
  • the length of the long bones of the child;
  • checking the structure of the hands and feet;
  • checking the structure of the liver;
  • checking the presence of the stomach and bladder;
  • study of the condition of the kidneys and intestines.

We invite you to watch a video of an ultrasound scan of the fetus at 21 weeks of gestation, and also look at the photo of the baby above.

Possible deviations from the norm

Any deviations from the norm should give rise to additional research. If fetal developmental abnormalities are detected on ultrasound, additional consultation of narrow specialists is required. They will help diagnose developmental disorders of a child compatible and incompatible with life.

As a result of bypassing the doctors listed above, a conclusion will be made whether it is possible for a woman to give birth herself or whether it is necessary C-section... A planned cesarean section is prescribed if spontaneous childbirth harms the woman's health.

Mom's Diet, Skin Care & Exercise at Week 21

A woman's nutrition at 21 weeks, as well as throughout pregnancy, should be as useful and balanced.

Must be avoided excessive use of salt and sugar. After all, salt contributes to fluid retention in the body, which is why it occurs, and sugar causes a lot of weight gain.

The woman is worth lean on fruits and vegetables, which contain many, so necessary during pregnancy.

To avoid heartburn it is better to eat more often, but in small portions. And for the prevention of constipation, do not eat food that strengthens the stool. Be sure to include meat and fish in the diet. Herbal tea is also useful for pregnant women.

At 21 weeks often stretch marks appear... If they have already appeared, then you will not be able to do anything special with them. The use of special creams for stretch marks that have already arisen rarely help. It was worth starting to take care of the skin and moisturize it much earlier.

From at this time it is necessary to perform that helps to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and vagina.

At this time, you can swim in pool and yoga for pregnant. It is also necessary to do breathing exercises and take more walks in the fresh air.

Sexual relationships at week 21

If there is no threat of termination of pregnancy, then at 21 weeks not contraindicated... A grown belly will greatly complicate this process. But partners' search for other, more comfortable positions will solve this problem. It is necessary to choose only those positions in which pressure on the abdomen will be completely eliminated.

Sex has a positive effect not only on the mood of mom and dad, but also on the mood of the child, due to the development the hormone of happiness Mom. And her increased libido and lack of need to protect herself will fill your sexual relationship with new colors.

What you need to go on maternity leave, exchange card

A woman is sent on maternity leave at the moment when pregnancy crosses its 30 week mark. But how to prepare for going on vacation should be found out now.

You will need:

  • sick leave;
  • early registration certificate;
  • leave application.

Since it takes some time to arrange maternity leave, it is worth doing it now.

How to prepare for maternity leave:

  1. Get a certificate from your gynecologist confirming the gestational age.
  2. Take a certificate of registration in early pregnancy. You will need it to apply for a benefit.
  3. Make sure you have all the stamps on you.
  4. Submit the documents required for registration to the antenatal clinic. sick leave: a certificate from a gynecologist, passport, policy, pension certificate.
  5. Provide a sick leave for work with a vacation application.

Exchange card contains all the necessary information about the pregnant woman: data about the mother, gestation period, test results, expected date of birth and other important data. It is necessary so that any doctor taking part in childbirth can navigate the situation even with premature birth.

From week 21 It is best to carry an exchange card with you at all times. The exchange card must be signed by your gynecologist and the head of the antenatal clinic.

For an easier course of pregnancy, mom should follow some recommendations:

  • in order to avoid the appearance of varicose veins, wear shoes with stable low heels, more often lie with raised legs;
  • watch your diet;
  • listen to the baby's movements. There should be about 4 of them per hour;
  • wear comfortable clothing and cotton underwear;
  • exercise;
  • do a back massage;
  • do Kegel exercises;
  • avoid fried foods that cause heartburn. Eat small meals often;
  • always carry your exchange card with you;
  • take care of the registration of maternity leave.

Video about 21 weeks pregnant

We invite you to watch a video, where they will tell you about when the exchange card is issued, what data should be recorded in it. Also you will learn about your rights during maternity leave how it can be processed, what benefits you should be paid and for how long. And also about how the law protects a newly-made mother from divorce from her husband.

How is your 21 weeks going? What are the sensations in the stomach from the kicks of your baby? I hope no deviations from the norm bother you, and the ultrasound went great. By the way, did you take your husband for examination? What's his reaction? Share your experience with us!