Expansion for receiving free gifts in classmates. Where free gifts in classmates are missing and what to do

Friends, and you would like to give gifts in classmates absolutely free? It seems to me that there are no few people who do not put a penny to make pleasant surprises with their relatives and loved ones.

In this article, I will clearly show how to get all the privileges of the social network classmates. I will tell you how to rate 5+ is completely free. I will show how you can dial the points of activity to get free invisible or beautiful emoticons.


To begin with, I would like to remind you that all services on the Internet that offer you to buy Oaks in classmates is a divorce for money. Never believe not at what cheats and purchases outside the main site classmates. Full freebies does not happen. To get the desired need to pay or do something in return.

There are no programs in which you would entertain your login and mobile number, and instead they got a bunch of shackles. There are no such programs, remember forever. In this article, I will tell you about the official method of obtaining privileges on classmates. To do this, you will need a little "sweat", spend some time, but in return you are on legal grounds you will get the opportunity to give gifts in classmates for free, walking on the pages of friends and acquaintances and remain not seen. Use elite assessments to increase photo rating.

In general, let's understand. Everyone knows that on the social network, classmates have a balance on which Oki will dig, actually all purchases are performed. But for some reason, do not everyone know about the second balance, which can be called the balance of activity. Points are performed on it, points for performing certain actions. Accuming the right number of points can be participated in auctions (trading) on \u200b\u200bwhich you can buy a certificate for sending a free gift, the ability to raise 5+ estimates for a certain period, connect the invisible for your page or use animated, beautiful emoticons during correspondence.

But how many points are needed and how to earn them now will understand. First, let's find the page where you can see the balance of activity, for this, by clicking on your page, press in the upper, horizontal menu, the "More" button and go to the "Achievements tab.

The page on which the balance of activity, tasks and mission for the execution of which you get medals and a large number of points are located. To find out the conditions for getting the medal you need simply, hover over it the mouse cursor and the context menu describes the description.

If you have already gained a good amount of points about 10,000, you can safely go and win free gifts or other premium functions. To do this, on the Achievement page, click the "Auctions" button or return to your main page and press the "More" button back in the horizontal menu and see the auctions section again.

Crossing the section Auctions, you can plunge into the "world" of Azart and start making bets on the necessary goods.

In the form of goods on the site, classmates are played out - free gifts, the function of invisible, estimates 5+ and beautiful emoticons.

The rules of the game are quite simple, the goods are put up for auction, any user can bet (I use earned activity points), but it should be higher than the rate of the previous participant, in the second column always goes to the end of the bidding, if during this time another participant is not Breaks your bet - win and the prize is transferred to your account.

Having dropped below. You can always see the nearest auctions and those that have already passed, viewing this information will help you decide whether something interesting for you will be played in the near future. As well as you can see how many points made it possible to defeat other users, so you can evaluate the required number of activity points.

If you almost end the activity glasses - do not worry, you can always quickly earn enough in a special moderator application. The application is the official and its developers are employees of the site classmates, so use it and do not worry. To find it enough to go to the game section and write a moderator in the search and you will immediately see the desired app.

Running this application immediately go to the rules section and read carefully for what the points are charged and what you need to do. I will tell you about it "in two words." The application will need to watch photos or video of other users and check whether they are not violated the rules of the site. To do this, you will have several selection criteria that are difficult to confuse. There is nothing difficult, for each check you get a few points of activity and so about 10 minutes you can gain a decent amount of points. To secure the topic from the practical side, we simply go lower and see the video in which I always show on my own example.

Watch video: Free gifts in Odnoklassniki. Officially!

If the topic is disclosed not completely and you have questions, feel free to write them in the comments, together we will be able to solve any situation. In addition, write themes for new reviews so that I know that you are interested in reading or see.

Hello, dear site visitors Site! Social network classmates, no doubt, is very popular among users. Here you can, so that your friends can see her, add and. Also listen, upload your own or download interesting music from the site, watch the video, comment on the photo and much more.

Developers also provided such a function as gifts. After all, in real life every nice to get it. The same can be said about the social network. Alas, this service is paid, and to give something to a friend or any other person, you will need to pay a certain amount of shackles (special currency on the site).

If you are interested in how you can give free gifts in Odnoklassniki, then we will talk about it in this article.

If you are often given themselves and you regularly receive the appropriate notifications, then read the article :. Turning out such alerts in your profile, they can only look at the site itself, and the windows that such a user sent something to appear will no longer be.

How to find free gifts in classmates

To begin with, consider where you can find free gifts in Odnoklassniki. They appear when the social network holds similar shares. It may be, or to any holiday, or if you have a corresponding alert on your page.

In your profile in the menu under the name, click on the "Gifts" button.

You will have a list with them. At the top will see the "Promotion!" Section. It is in it that you can see which of them are free - under them there will be a button with the appropriate name. Often, he will be one or a couple, but you can give it absolutely all my friends.

If on the page with your profile above the name appears the inscription like "I offer money! 0 OK ", or" For good luck! 0 OK, then it is free gifts.

How to give gifts for free

Now about how to make a gift to a friend in classmates for free. If you have a link with any name and inscription 0 OK, click on it.

The list with pictures opens. In the section "Promotion!" We find the one under which it is written "for free", and click on it.

Here in the list you will see your page by clicking on it, you can make a gift to yourself.

In the field at the top, if you want, write text. "Add a song" or "Oka" is paid services. In order for only this person, he knew from whom a gift was received, check the box in the "Private" field. On the right you will see how it will look at the user's main photo. Click "Give".

Your parcel will be sent!

After that, your friend will have a new alert on the page that such a user sent a gift. He must click "Accept."

Now the present of your present will be shown on the main photo of a friend, all users will be able to see it, and visit the cursor on it, you can see who sent it. If a person accepted him as a private, then instead of the name will be the inscription "Private Gift".

You will also have an alert on the page that a friend accepted a gift.

How to make a free gift via mobile application

If you use mobile classmates application on your phone or tablet, and do not know how to send a free gift, do the following.

To be friends in social networks is interesting, convenient and easy. Of course, the feeling of virtuality is mandatory - neither to touch, insension to his interlocutor to look in the dialogues. But you can exchange pleasant surprises. For example, send friends free gifts in Odnoklassniki. It is this relevant for all active users of the social network we devote the current article.

A little about gifts

If you recently began to use OK.RU, then maybe they do not understand at all what the jokes of all these gifts. The functional role they really do not play. It's just that a pleasant gesture that one user can do to another. Interestingly, such a function is popular only on classmates - in other social networks, the exchange of gift pictures is not very common.

The feature of the presents on OK.Ru is that they are stickers that "glue" to the avatar of the recipient's user. And they hang a limited time - from two to fourteen days.

If we talk about payment, then all the pictures are divided into two large groups - paid and free. Unfortunately, free gifts in the catalog of the social network itself are not very much, and sometimes they have to search for some time. But you do not have to pay, while the simplest virtual surprise costs 1 ok and hangs on the recipient's avatar two days - as much as the sticker for 0 ok.

And now let's go to the most common issue of community users - how to find free gifts in classmates. Actually, you have two options to send them through the internal service using the catalog of official gift surprises, or use third-party services. Now you have a detachment of both ways.

Free gifts in ok

The catalog of all available pictures-surprises is located in the "Gifts" section. To the great regret of the orders and system, this catalog is not perfect. And its main problem is the lack of a full-fledged filter or, for example, a separate section, where to find free gifts in classmates will not be difficult. Therefore, after all, you will have to extract and see what to give friends for 0 ok, i.e. completely without investment.

As we have already understood, set up sorting for the price in the catalog it is impossible - you have to strain your eyesight. The easiest way to do so is to go to the "Actual" tab, and then view the section "Promotion". By stock, you can sometimes get a beautiful picture with a 100% discount, but you should not count on frequent freebie. As for other tabs from the left column of the menu ("Copyright", "Postcards", "Love", etc.), then find and take freezing surprises there is even more difficult - the range is huge, and the elements with the signature "free" are extremely small.

If you were lucky to find a free gift in classmates, you can send it to a friend. To do this, follow the standard scheme:
1. Crab on the picture you like;

2. Select the user who plan to send a found surprise;

3. Communicate fields at will and click "Give".

By the picture you can add a message to a maximum of 200 characters (by the way, the text will be private, and only the recipient will see it) and mark the "Private" parameter so that only the user can view the sender's name. In addition, you can adjust your text or a song for additional approach.

Well, if you are not satisfied with the options available in OK.Ru, you will have to use third-party services. About them - below.

We are looking for free gifts on the Internet

The network offers alternative ways to give gifts in classmates without investing money. In particular, you can:

  • Use a special extension for a web browser;
  • Download pictures from the Internet;
  • Install the program to the computer.

Extensions you can find in the store of your web browser. Just drive into the search engine "Gifts", clarify if necessary, adding "OK" or "classmates" and browse all the options found. The most famous and reliable addition is Oktools. With it, you can also add original emoticons, send postcards, download music and videos and a lot more. The expansion, in general, is very useful and will not be superfluous.

The second way to send gift images in classmates is free - copy pictures from the Internet. You can throw off my friends in personal even animated images. But one problem is to stick to avatars, as official gifts stickers, they will not.

Although for many it is precisely this is not so important. After all, the main thing - attention!

Finally, many users may be interested in a special program that needs to be downloaded to the computer to expand the social network functional. But I warn you right away - to believe in such ways it is impossible. Dangerous for your computer, your account and your personal information (believe me, formerly in this situation!). Questions "Why are free gifts are not sent" or "Where all my data disappeared from OK profile" are quite expected after infection with a computer with malicious files, disguised as a free prode with free surprises.

So, we told how in classmates you can give free pretty pictures. Conclusion is unambiguous - to make pleasant surprises to your friends in ok is better officially. If you often send gift pictures, it is worth the "All Inclusive" service. Yes, this is a paid way, but it allows, by paying the conditional amount of money, without restrictions to send gifts in unlimited quantities. And soon, by the way, Christmas and New Year, so such a function can be very useful for you! We connect and no longer spend time searching by image catalog for 0 OK.

Free gifts in classmates - the dream of a thousand users Site classmates. Now get a free gift is not a problem, as the site creators themselves give such a pleasant opportunity. No third-party applications and no third-party sites do not need to download any third-party applications. Everything happens through the official app of classmates or groups on the site.

In this article, I will tell you about 3 ways to get free gifts.

Simple ways to get a free gift

With this method, you can get not only free invisible, but many other paid services in classmates.

So, for 2018, 3 ways of free gifts in classmates actually works:

1. Wait for some holiday, which means a free gift.

2. Play the application "Moderator of Odnoklassniki"

3. Join the "Free Gifts" group.

Immediately I will say that the second method is also suitable for obtaining , stickers and invisible.

The first way will not cause big questions, as a rule, such gifts are 1 times a month for large holidays.

Therefore, we turn to Method 2 to receive gifts.

Free gifts using the model "Moderator of classmates"

To start playing the application "Moderator of classmates" , Find the application icon in the right column of classmates site (enter this request in the site search menu, it is in the upper right corner).

1. Go to the application page and begin to evaluate photos.

If the photo complies with the rules of the site, click on the tick (green circle).

If it does not match, on the ban icon (red circle).

To familiarize yourself with the rules for evaluating photos, click on the tab "Rules"in the upper corner.

Why give glasses in the application?

Or if you blocked the photo and the rest were blocked, then you are given 10 points. Read more in the picture.

For an hour I recruit 2000-3000 points.

Type 3-4 thousand and participate in the auctions. To do this, press the corresponding button.
Next, see active auctions on which you can buy free gifts In classmates and participate in them.

In the official application of the Moderator of Odnoklassniki, you can win not only free gifts, but also free 5+, emoticons and still invisible, as well as a discount on the Oka.
Type as many points as possible and you can safely win everyone.

Tips for the use of bonus points

1. Participate in auctions at night, as little competition. I usually participate at one o'clock.

The average price for bonuses of classmates:

2. If you do not know what to do with a photo "Approve" or "Block"then wait a little and click on the inscription above "Next photo".

I often do that, because there are pictures that, it is not clear, prohibit it or not. It often happens that I block photos if there are famous personalities, and others, on the contrary, they are allowed, and then the glasses are removed from me, so it's better to skip such a photo.
3. If you have a photo of Selena Gomez, then it is better to approve it. For some reason, no one blocks her.

Enter the group of free gifts

Another way to get a free gift in classmates is to join the group of the same name. To do this, we enter the phrase "free gifts" in the search menu:

We score a request "Free Gifts" in the search menu

We are issued a list of groups in classmates, where we can get free gifts. I recommend choosing those groups in which there are many people. Now we can enter the group and look for gifts or festive postcards.

That's it! Now and you know how to send, more accurately earn gifts in Odnoklassniki for free!

The video in which is shown how to send gifts in classmates for free:

Instructions on how to make a gift in classmates Read

One of the useful features of the social network classmates is the ability to give and take virtual gifts. It can be any meaningful surprises or thematic congratulations on the holidays (for the New Year, for the birthday, International Women's Day).

Gifts are small beautiful pictures, animations, inscriptions that are attached to photos on the profile page. The question often arises: how to send a gift in classmates for free?

Attention! Without registering on the site, the function is not available.

How many gifts are in classmates

Gifts are paid, they can be paid on the site of the local currency "OK". To get it necessary to put money from a bank card, an electronic wallet, a mobile phone or earn. How much will the surprise last, depends directly from the price.

The cost of gifts is made up of several factors:

  • Popularity. Popular gifts in the appropriate holiday will be naturally more expensive (for example, in New Year's).
  • Times of Day. That is, a gift with a fragrant cup of coffee at 7 am will cost more than the closer to the night. At the same time, the cost may differ several times.
  • Stock. Periodically, promotions are held on the resource associated with any event (that is, it is carried out only today). Discounts can last from one hour to several days. In this period, you can buy gifts that usually cost several dozen ok, all for 1-2 ok.

If gifts are not sent, most likely there is no sufficient amount of shacks in the profile.

On classmates there are several criteria for determining the price and how many days a gift is hanging (therefore should not be frightened that pictures are gone):

  • The standard cost of the usual surprise is 49 approx. It will be displayed on the main photo of the recipient's profile during the week.
  • Alive, animated gift worth about 80 ok will laugh on a page for two weeks.
  • Virtual surprises purchased for sale will last only 48 hours. But there is some exception. If, after the end of the stock, the price will rise at least to 49 OK, then it will continue for the period specified in the first two cases.
  • Gifts for the promotion for 5, 10 virtual monetary units will decorate the photo exactly 7 days.
  • When using a shares called "All Inclusive" (this may be a monthly subscription) The image will also hang on the recipient page of the week (even if you disable subscription).

Sometimes you can find free or very cheap gifts that are stored for two days.

You can also add a melody to surprise. Accordingly, the price will increase. Music usually goes to 1-10 approx. Such a combination is preserved for two weeks. It is possible to choose a ready-made gift with music for 64 eyes.

Attention! A gift can be packaged in a beautiful wrap, which will disappear immediately after unpacking. Such an addition to 3-4 Oka will cost.

You can send a set of stickers that are used instead of emoticons when corresponding, and also make it yourself. For the signed gift, you can say "Thank you", sending a surprise in gratitude. If the recipient breaks down the gift, then OKI return.

How to get free gifts

  • Go to the page of the user who wants to do a surprise. To do this, go to the "Friends" tab and on the list Start searching for the right person (you can use the Search function).
  • When you hover on the photo, a pop-up menu is displayed, where you need to select the "Make Gift" item. If you wish, give a gift not to a friend, just go to the user page and select the specified action.
  • Next, the user enters the menu where all available gifts are located, some of which are absolutely free. You can understand on the appropriate signature: 0k / for free.
  • Now the mouse is required to click on the picture you like for registration, acquisition. In the designer of gifts, you can attach a message, add a ringtone.

Attention! A gift can be private (only the recipient and the sender will be known about him) or secret (the recipient will not be able to see from whom he received a mark of attention).

  • After clicking on the link "Give" the recipient will immediately receive it.

Of course, free surprises are not always available. It is recommended to go to the site more often in order not to miss the moment when they appear in stock. In the mobile application, gifts are also available in full.

Attention! Shares are available without programs of different dubious origin. You should not download and install additional extensions.

On the Internet resource you can find a large selection of gifts for only one OK, which is quite inexpensive.

How to turn off alerts in classmates about gifts

Many users begin to annoy that all the notifications are constantly coming. But you should not be angry with the developers of the social network. You can easily disable this feature.

Alerts are several types:

  • On the phone.
  • By email specified during registration.
  • Messages of the social network.

There are two sections in which you can disable notifications:

Set up notifications.

Here you can disable the following alerts:

Friend request;

Invitations to groups;

Invitations to the game;

Comment alerts;

Ratings and classes on records and pictures;

Reminders about holidays and gifts.

It will be necessary to just go to the section and designate which notifications to send, and which is not. Be sure to click on the "Save" button after the settings.

Section "Publicity"

makes it possible to disable invitations to games and groups.