The highest and lowest inhabitants in the countries of the world. How was the growth of Russians? Disputes on anthropometry and acceleration

Human growth is the length of the body from the base of the crimson until the end of the stop. Many factors such as ecology and heredity can affect growth. Also, the growth varies depending on age. In addition, it may affect the growth of a certain race or nation. For example, the growth of Chinese men is 170 centimeters, and women are 160 centimeters, the average variety of Dutch men is 183 centimeters, and women - 170 centimeters. The average growth of a man in Russia is 170 centimeters, and women are about 163 centimeters.

How does the human body grow?

For future growth, a certain hormone is responsible - somatotropic. In children, teenagers and older people, that is, those who have not yet closed the growth zones in the bones, hormone causes a pronounced acceleration of growth in length, mainly due to the growth of long tubular bones of the limbs.

Is it possible to increase growth?

An increase in growth occurs in a surgical or physiological way. The surgical method is an operational intervention in the human body. At the same time, the intervention of the bone of the hips and the legs are dissected, then the operated area is lengthened using a special apparatus, which helps lengthen the bones per 1 cm per day. Currently, this device is only in specialized centers. This surgical method gives positive results for almost at any age.

In order to increase the length of the body, there are special simulators that can be used at home. This method does not require significant material costs and does not pose any threat in contrast to surgery. However, if you use this method after described above, you can achieve higher results.

Middle growth of a man

In Russia, 180 cm is considered normal growth, but 100 years ago the height of the male population was only 167 centimeters. This fact suggests that the male population has become less to hurt by various diseases, which gave the body normally develop.

Scientists managed to analyze the average height of men in about 15 European countries. Although the average increased only at 11 centimeters, in some countries there are differences.

So, the results of scientists. In Sweden, the male growth increased by 10 centimeters. There was 170 centimeters, it became almost 180 centimeters. In Spain, the average has become more than 12 centimeters. It was 163 cm in 1871-1875, it became 175 cm in 1971-1975.

And what growth can be called perfect for a man? In our society, the norm is considered when a man is above a woman, so to harmoniously look close to his companion, he should have a considerable height. According to the studies of the California Institute, the ideal growth of a man - 188 cm.

What is the average height of a man in Russia?

In Russia, many young men who have an increase of 180 centimeters and above. However, this indicator is not an average value, as many consider.

In the United States of America, in Colorado, the employee of the branch of the Russian-American independent statistical agency managed to find out the following result. Middle growth of men - 170 centimeters, weight - 83 kilograms.

The average growth of a man in Russia in the 18th century ranged from 161 to 163 cm. As we see, it is quite a bit compared with modern representatives of the strong half of humanity. The average growth of a man in Russia in the 19th century increased slightly and amounted to 169 cm.

Changes in human growth depending on his age

Middle Growth of a man in Russia by year:

  • After birth, about the first year of life, the children grow up for 23 centimeters.
  • Approximately two years of the kids are added to the growth of 10 more centimeters.
  • By the fourth year, the child grows up at 7.5-8 centimeters.
  • Boys from 5 to 7 years old are stretched by 5.7 centimeters per year.
  • From 7 to 10 years, they will grow by 4.3 centimeters per year.
  • From 10 to 13 years - by 4.5 centimeters per year.
  • From 13 to 17 years - by 5.1 centimeters per year.
  • From 17 to 19 years old men are pulled out by 1.5 centimeters per year.
  • In 19-26, men will grow by 0.5 centimeters per year. As a rule, after the age of majority, the men continue their height if they had later puberty.

You must soberly understand that the child cannot grow under Linesh. Each individually develops, but you should constantly observe the child from a small years of a pediatrician to early detect any pathologies associated with the hormones of the pituitary gland.

Several facts about small growth

  • The miniature woman was Pauline Master, also known under the name of Princess Polne. The girl was born in 1876. At birth, the growth of babies was only 30 centimeters, and by 9 years it was 50 centimeters with weight of 15 kilograms.
  • If you believe some sources, then the smallest Liliput was Juan de la Cruz from India. The growth of this guy was only 54 centimeters.
  • Some dwarfs became famous thanks to the rated cause. The Swedish king Gustav Adolf had a regiment in his army, which consisted of some dwarfs.

About Greater Growth

  • The highest person in history is Fedor Makhnov (2.85 meters). Already in the eight-aged, the boy had a height of 180 centimeters, he was very strong in physical terms. And the maximum weight, which was recorded at Fyodor, is 192 kilograms.
  • Sandy Allen, starred in the film "Kazanova", was born in 1955 and had an increase of 2.32 meters. At the same time, she had a weight of 210 kilograms and wore the 50th shoe size. Despite all the adversity, it remained to the last good and overcrowded optimism. Died in 2008.
  • In fact, high growth is not necessarily a sign of such a disease as giantism, which is very heavy. People, patients with giganty, have body disproportions. This difference can be noticed even with a naked eye.

How can height change?

  • During the evolution, humanity was becoming higher and higher. Over the past two hundred years, a strong floor stretched out at 10 centimeters, and a woman is 9.1 centimeters. This phenomenon can be observed in all highly developed countries. An increase in average growth is often associated with industrialization, with improving the quality of life, with good nutrition, medical care, and also with the fact that less young people do hard work at a young age.
  • Throughout the day, human growth may vary 1-2 centimeters, with heavy physical exertion - on 3 centimeters and more. For the day, which we spend in a vertical position, intervertebral discs are settled, and at night they restore their normal height.
  • For more accurate results, growth, as well as weight, should be measured in the morning.
  • Cosmonauts that are long in a state of weightlessness, an increase in growth of 5-8 centimeters can observe. However, this phenomenon is quite dangerous for the body, since the spine loses its strength. After the return of astronauts on Earth, their growth gradually becomes as it was.
  • When measuring growth, make sure that the person stands in both heels on the ground. If the weight is moved to one leg, you can easily pull your height for another centimeter.

  • High people seem stronger, powerful, successful.
  • Successful people, in turn, seem higher. By the way, the incomes of high people are usually higher than those with lower growth.

Man's height

Man's height or length of human body - distance from the top point of the head to the stop plane. In anthropology, growth is one of the general anthropometric signs. It is included in the list of indicators of human physical development.

On human growth, among other things, environmental factors, heredity from parents, hereditary diseases, age, gender are influenced. Also on growth can affect the belonging to one or another race and nation. So, for example, the average growth of the Chinese citizens - 158 cm (in men) and 147 cm (in women), and the average growth of the Netherlands is 184.8 cm and 168.7 cm, respectively.

Growth process

Some dwarfs became famous in considerable business. King Sweden Gustav Adolf, for example, contained a whole regiment of soldiers-dwarfs in his army.

A big increase

High growth itself is not yet a sign of giantism - severe disease due to excessive production of a somatotropic hormone. Healthy people with gigantic growth (200 cm or more) differ from medium-sized people only tall themselves. And people, patients with giantism, are also distinguished by the proportions.

The highest person about which there is a reliable testimony was Robert Pokhing Wodloe, born in 1918 in Olton, pcs. Illinois, United States. When, on June 27, 1940, he was height, it was 2.72 m at a swing of hands 2.88 m. Its maximum registered weight reached 223 kg.

Generally accepted rubrication of human body length (growth)

Height Man Female
Dwarf below 150 cm below 140 cm
Very low 150-159.9 cm 140-149.9 cm
Low 160-169.9 cm 150-159.9 cm
Below the average 170-173.9 cm 158-162.9 cm
Middle 174-176.9 cm 162-166.9 cm
Above average 177-179.9 cm 167-169.9 cm
Tall 180-189.9 cm 170-179.9 cm
Very tall 190-199.9 cm 180-186.9 cm
Giant from 200 cm and above from 187 cm and above

The average growth of a man on the planet is 175 cm, and women are 162 cm.

Average age-related growth

At the age of 19-26, some men can dial 0.5 cm growth per year. Usually at this age they grow by those who later have sexual development. In women at such age, increasing growth is rare.

After 26 years, people can also have some increase in growth - usually up to 2 cm.

On average, men grow to 18-25 years, and women - until 16-19 years old.


  • Height - article is
  • Gigantism - article from the Big Soviet Encyclopedia



Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

175 years ago, on July 16, 1841, the famous Russian pathologist, doctor of medicine, professor Vladimir Krylov was born, Professor Vladimir Krylov. He one of the first in Russia developed the doctrine of anthropometry and types of human buildings. Since then, this topic is one of the most debated in society. Why don't you want to lose weight, but others grow muscle? Does the growth and addition of people change over the centuries? Is there an acceleration of adolescents and what is it manifested?

Editor LJ Media.

"Children's armor"

It is often possible to hear that in the Middle Ages, the average growth of people was so lower than the current one that the contemporaries would take them almost for Liliputs. As evidence, the knightly armor remains to be preserved from those times, in which most modern men do not fit. But the data of the openings of tombs and anthropometric measurements of the skeletons of the buried show that the growth of a person over the past century has changed not so seriously, but he had little fought from the contemporaries at all well the aristocrats. But without openings, the graves reached this day, for example, such a unit of measurements as "foot" ("foot") - 30, 48 cm, the length of the foot of one of the British kings and the famous two-meter growth of Peter I. As for the Knight's Armor of the Past - This is mostly "children's armor", in which future knights, children and adolescents studied martial arts. Naturally, their size is less than the size of the armor for an adult.

The average growth of adult men from the genus Romanov (Zajakharia-Yuriev), buried in the Moscow Novospassian Monastery of 175.4 cm. Growth ranges from 171 to 180 cm. All burials belong to the 16th century. The average height of the peasants (also adult men) from the burials of the 16-18 centuries in the burial ground of the village of Isupovo Kostroma region - 168.9 cm. (Oscillations from 163.3 to 175.3 cm). Thus, an aristocracy on average by 6.5 cm. Above commoners.

It is strange that the average growth of female aristocrats, buried in the Novospassian monastery very close to the average growth of peasants from the Isupovsky burial ground. (154.7 and 155.1 cm, respectively). It is surprised by the disproportion in the growth of men and women from the highest class, which is more than 20 cm. With which it is connected - I do not know. There are some considerations, but I don't want to do speculation.

Data taken from articles: Vasilyev S.V., Borutskaya S.B. Anthropological study of the Mogilnik Isupovo, Kostroma region. Stanyukevich A.K., P.Yu P.Yu. Tomb of the Boyar Romanov in the Moscow Novospassky Monastery. Both articles are published in the Baznaker of the Kostroma Archaeological Expedition, vol. 2. Kostroma, 2006.


Some changes in the average growth of people in the direction of its increase really began to occur only in the last two centuries, when the radical change in the life of people began: from more spacious and lightweight housing, prior to the spread of sanitation and hygiene, more regular, full and high-quality food. There is, however, the other version: before, in the army, the tallest and strong men were most often taken to the army and they often dressed in war, did not have time to convey their genes to offspring, but multiplied less tall. But already in the first half of the XIX century, such "anthropometry" became not so important in military business, in the twentieth century, and at all some military professions (tanker, pilot) at first demanded just the "miniature" warriors, and therefore the hens of tall began to be transmitted more often . Anyway, but the process of increasing average growth has indeed developed the most stormy in the second half of the XIX - most of the twentieth centuries, after which it seemed to slow down and in some countries even went back. Although ... Lights observations of the counters of Moscow shoe stores, for example, show that in the 1970s 45 The size of male shoes was considered large, today it is easy to find the 46th, 47th, and even the 49th and large Adolescent ceased to cause surprise, as well as overall growth of up to 2 meters and above.

Teaching Fool God pray -

he hurt my forehead.

From Blog

It has long been known that for the last 100-150 years, the inhabitants of our country, like many other countries of the world, have grown pretty. Although the S.Vitcroft's schedule is not ideal, as data drives together from different sources (differ in color of lines), it clearly shows a long-term (century) tendency to increase the average growth.

From these data from historical anthropometry in some online publications, it is concluded that in the Stalin time it became better to live and more cheerful than with a damned tsarism. Once at Soviet power, people were higher than in the king, it means they had better eat and lived at all better. And all the facts that show that the pre-revolutionary standard of living has been able to restore only by the beginning of the 1960s - it is lies in the liberals and monarchists.

It would seem that here can I argue? After all, in fact, with other things being equal in those who are better in childhood, there are more chances to grow large. But it is important to understand that historical anthropometry, as well as in any other method, has its own characteristics and limitations. If it uses its data uncritical, without thinking over their meaning, and to apply a calculator as the main analytical instrument, and not a brain, the results are obtained in full compliance with folk wisdom quoted in the epigraph.

Stalinists make an elementary logical error. Yes, the improvement of living conditions contributes to an increase in the average growth of people. But it does not mean that any increase in growth is certainly caused by improving living conditions. If the direct theorem is true, it is not necessarily correct. As successfully formulated H.B. Verungel, each herring fish, but not every herd fish.

A lot of other factors affects human growth except power. So, Dr. Chao-Kyan Lai, a molecular biologist from the University of Tafts (USA), writes that the difference in the growth of people by 60-80% is explained by genetic factors, and only 20-40% of living conditions, including food. In different countries and in different epochs, the contribution of external and genetic factors may vary, but in general, the role of heredity is certainly very large.

For example, racial features are of great importance. Ethiopia is medium in an average higher than the Japanese, but this does not mean that the standard of living in Ethiopia is higher than in Japan. Equally important and heredity in the family. Studies that were conducted in many countries show a close relationship between the growth of parents and their children. For example, in Sweden, one of this factor explains (R2) 36-37% of individual growth fluctuations. This is close to the above-mentioned top border of the total contribution of all external conditions combined.

Among the external conditions affecting human growth, food, with all its importance, is also far from the only significant factor. Professor T.hekheton from the University of Essek (United Kingdom) analyzed the reasons for increasing the average growth of Europeans over the past 100 years and writes that they are far from being reduced to improving the diet. In particular, he draws attention to the role of sanitary conditions. The smaller the children suffer from infections, the greater the likelihood that they will be tall when they mature.

We will look at the dynamics of the growth of residents of Russia in the light of this information. To about the end of the 1950s, they. This is indirectly confirmed by anthropometric data. Even in the USSR, scientific works were published, which showed that "only in the 50s and 1960s<новорожденных> exceeded the medieval level and reached the level of the beginning of the century now. "

Despite this, even those who were born in the 30s, becoming adults, were on average the slightly increasing growth than the pre-revolutionary generation, and in the future the average growth of Soviet citizens increased markedly. What are the reasons for this? In addition to food, it was influenced at least two essential factor (in fact, they are certainly more, but for example, they will limit ourselves to two). First of all, it is heredity. The process of increasing average growth began before the revolution. In the current Russia, after the cancellation of serfdom, the economy has rapidly developed, yields increased, the standard of living of the population increased. The last case of mass mortality from hunger in the Russian Empire is a king-hunger of 1891-92. More than the establishment of the Soviet power of the Holodomorov in our country was not. Following these positive changes, the average growth of those born in this prosperous time increased.

From Blog

On the chart we see the average growth of recruits by year of birth. Pay attention to how he went up shortly after the abolition of serfdom, together with the extension of the yield and the general lift of the economy. Thus, the parents of children who were born in the USSR in the 1930s became relatively grew (compared with the previous) generation, which appeared in the late XIX - early XX century. By virtue of the significant influence of heredity on the size of the body, they transferred part of the positive dynamics of growth in the size of the body.

Another important factor is an epidemiological transition, a sharp change in the sanitary and epidemiological situation. In the pre-war USSR, the level of overall and infant mortality remained in line with pre-revolutionary trends, and one of its main reasons was, as before, infectious diseases. However, during the Great Patriotic War, the achievements of world pharmaceuticals - streptocid and antibiotics - finally widespread in the USSR. It literally in a couple of years led to a fundamental reduction in the level of infectious diseases and mortality from them (see, for example: Sifman R.I. On the issue of reasons for children's mortality during the Great Patriotic War. // Life expectancy: analysis and modeling. M ., 1979. P. 50-60). Those who were born in the 1930s caught this fracture in kindergarten or adolescence, that is, in the period of active growth. They were less infectious diseases than previous generations, and this also affected them average growth.

So, pre-revolutionary children were born from relatively low-voltage parents (especially at the beginning of the process of increasing average height) and at a high level of infectious diseases. An increase in growth at the end of the XIX - early XX century is mainly due to improving the standard of living. The children of the 1930s were born from relatively high parents and, thanks to new drugs, suffered less from infections during the period of active growth than the previous generation. Despite these favorable factors, they on average did not always achieve the growth of their parents born to the revolution. This in itself speaks a lot about the level of life in the 1930s. This is what the anthropometric history of Russia looks like, if we take into account the variety of factors affecting the change in growth, and not limited to primitive interpretations at the second level, at best, the third experiment of the unforgettable professor A.A. Vyshebalello.

UPD. Despite the many scientific works that show a close relationship between the growth of children and parents, the biologists say together that the increase in growth from good nutrition is not inherited. If so, it is unnecessary confirmation that it is dangerous to draw conclusions on the basis of statistical correlations, without analyzing causal relationships and mechanisms. I just criticized Stalinists for such a formal approach, not assuming that I myself immediately give a good example of justice of this criticism. Naturally, this does not affect the correctness of my main thesis. From the parcel that good nutrition contributes to high growth, it is mistaken to conclude that any increase in growth is associated with good nutrition. Sigor laws of logic.

The highest peoples of Europe

The Dutch and Montenegrins are considered the highest in Europe - the average growth of a man is 183.2 cm. A little from them is lagging behind the Danes and Norwegians (182.4 cm), Serbs (182 cm), Germans (181 cm), Croats (180.5 cm) and Slovenians (180.3 cm).

Anthropometry is a measurement of the main physical indicators of a person. Science itself is used for many purposes, but at the end of the twentieth century, the direction of which researchers believe that the linear ranks of the mass measurements and the growth of human bodies can show improvement or deterioration of living conditions during the measured segment. Of course, the share of truth in this is, but a bunch of additional factors and complicate their work. And these researchers once or two and did it. If you make comparative estimates of these works, then the conclusions are amazed. I am especially striking as based on such a harvested type of scientific data produced, say in a separate region, begin to withdraw the global conclusions about qualitative changes in nutrition in a whole country.

Here is recently my favorite object for criticism, I broke out about the successes of the bloody Stalinist and Brezhnev regimes in increasing their anthropometric indicators, compared with liberal Yeltsin and Putin, giving such a picture.

From Blog

What I would like to say, except for the "History of one generation" of Urlanis, there is a lot of more famous and more recognized works. Even the most anthropometricists argue among themselves. To read the correspondence of Mironov and Nefedova, it is like to read the correspondence of Engels with Kautsky. "Yes, I do not agree .. with both". That the same result arises when reading the correspondence of Professor Ostrovsky with Mironov.

If there is no such major figures in the pre-revolutionary anthropometry of consent. That's at later times, all the more, and even wait for some conclusions for this time, it is quite useless. But even from their data it can be seen that no significant improvements in anthropometric indicators under Stalin C 1928 to 1953 was not, in contrast to the previous and subsequent periods. Data Zenkevich and Diamond:

From Blog

The dynamics of the average growth of men (in cm).

There are also data from foreign researchers. "Reassessment of living standards in the Soviet Union": Elizabeth Brainerd. ReaSsessing The Standards of Living In The Soviet Union: An Analysis Using Archival and Anthropometric Data:

From Blog

Here, too, the Brezhnev period causes big questions.

Another sick issue of anthropometry is the period of assessing anthropometric data. In what period of life, the level of welfare directly affects the growth of man. When in the womb and the first two or three years of life during the rapid growth of the organism in adolescence. That is, even measuring the average growth of the current 18-year-old men is incomprehensible, for what period the level of well-being influenced their growth. Of course, you can try to take a body weight and the growth of newborns as an indicator quickly reflecting changes occurring in the economy.

From Blog

But as follows from the article, the average mass of the bodies of newborns in Moscow to the world and civil wars was higher than all (3500 grams) throughout the historic period. Does this indicator reflect the level of well-being of people. Unlikely. Whether the indicator serves the first two or three years of life or the period of rapid growth of the body in adolescence (12-16 years old) is a big question and even if they are their weight compared to the rest of life. That is, what period of up to 18 years old serves as the main factor of influence on these indicators. Of course, it is impossible to deny the drop in anthropometric indicators in the 90s, but to continue their fall as Burkina Faso, based on some regional data on Samara, incorrectly. I'm silent that in the same Samara work is written. With detailed statistical processing of reliable differences in the most significant indicators of the physical development of schoolchildren, Samara was not detected in the 30-year period.

Even my anti-Putinian network friend with a strange chase braking, which is in the links of the goose, with the introduction of "Mironov Anthropometry", references to it more than Mironov himself. And it recognizes that the anthropometric indicators began in zero years. Which type is still lagging behind the best Soviet. In general, by the tag "" he has many articles on this topic.

Of course, you can stupidly measure the growth of conscripts to constitute the necessary graphs, hoping that the period (18 years old) has been reflected in their anthropometric indicators, which lived with conscripts. But I did not find any special long temporary rows. In addition to a small segment 2001-2004. To which my questions, why is pretty poor Dagestan, lives better than Tyumen and Moscow? Namely, these regional anthropometric indicators should be interpreted.

From Blog

IMHO. Anthropometry still not science. The contribution of various periods of childhood and adolescence is unclear on anthropometric indicators. The complexity of their measurement into such a large country of contrasts as Russia. Of course, these studies deserve the status of scientific papers such as a change in the morphological status of men of the central regions of the RSFSR in the current century. But claiming the truth in the last instance cannot. As for the international comparison, the growth of Russian men, that is, such a picture. Check the number of figures 1.75 and how it changed lately, it is impossible. Is someone who can justify the number of 1.75, except that it is most often found.

From Blog

People who first leave for rest in Southeast Asia, often pay attention to a very small growth of indigenous people. They seem to us very small compared to us. And in which countries do the smallest people live? Where do giants live?

So, 5 countries with the highest men:

  1. Netherlands: 182.5 cm
  2. Belgium: 181.7 cm
  3. Estonia: 181.6 cm
  4. Latvia: 181.4 cm
  5. Denmark: 181.4 cm

As you can see, the highest male planets live in Europe, mainly in the northern part.

5 countries with the highest women:

  1. Latvia: 169.8 cm
  2. Netherlands: 168.7 cm
  3. Estonia: 168.7 cm
  4. Czech Republic: 168.5 cm
  5. Serbia: 167.7 cm

The highest women of the world also live in Europe, but there is no more clear range, but spread from the south to north.

We now move to the lowest men:

  1. East Timor: 159.8 cm
  2. Yemen: 159.9 cm
  3. Laos: 160.5 cm
  4. Madagascar: 161.5 cm
  5. Malawi: 162.2 cm

In general, these are residents of Central Africa and Southeast Asia.

5 countries with the lowest women:

  1. Guatemala: 149.4 cm
  2. Philippines: 149.6 cm
  3. Bangladesh: 150.8 cm
  4. Nepal: 150.9 cm
  5. East Timor: 151.2 cm

Here also mainly residents of Southeast Asia.

In general, the tendency is generally traced, the closer to the equator and the hotter climate, the lower the indigenous people. And the north of the country, the residents are higher. Also traced the dependence of population growth with the standard of living, the higher the standard of living, the higher the population, and on the contrary, in less developed countries the population is generally lower than the average. Of course there are exceptions, but in general there are such trends.

What are these regularities? Most likely, in developed countries, people work less exhausting physical labor, they are more focused on their health and proper nutrition, they are engaged in sports, medicine has been developed in such countries, human rights. In low developed countries, most of the population is engaged in exhausting physical labor (most often in agriculture), often starve, pay less to their health and sport. In addition, a person's growth directly depends on the place of residence, for example, in thick forests and impassable jungle, it is easier to survive the population with low growth. Thus, the prolonged genetic selection led to such different results.

In general, the world is a trend towards an increase in the average population growth. Over the past 100 years in all countries of the world there has been an increase in this indicator. So over the past 100 years in Iran, Greece and Japan, the average growth of men increased by more than 15 cm. And the average growth of women in South Korea for as many as 20 cm! In Russia, the average growth of men is 176.5 cm (for 100 years an increase of 9 cm), and women 165.3 cm (in 100 years an increase of 12 cm). Again, this can be associated with a sharp increase in the standard of living of the population of countries.

Scientists believe that the global change in human growth is waveled. In the ancient period, residents of the developments developed at that time had an increase in modern man. In the future, human growth has decreased and reached a minimum in the Middle Ages. Over the past 200 years, there is a constant increase in growth. It is believed that in the next 50-100 years, the average height of a person will cease to increase, and perhaps in several centuries will begin a new decline initiated by some diseases or warriors. But this is an all distant future that will see only our great directions.

The rest of the countries can be found in our, in the section "Medicine".

Maximum drawing of the skeleton falls for the period
from the appearance of semovoid bones in the I Mispotlaneg Susta
prior to the end of the synostation of the I Metal Bones.

It is known that the growth continues until 17-19 years old in girls and until 19-22 years old. At the same time, periods of its acceleration are interspersed with periods of relative deceleration.

  • The most intense growth is observed in the first year of the child's life (on average by 24-25 cm per year).
  • From year to 2 years, the girls grow the smaller at 11 cm, the boys are 10 cm. The growth rate in this period should not exceed 13 cm per year.
  • At the age of 2 to 5 years, boys and girls grow an average of 6 cm per year, a maximum of 8 cm per year. Before the start of puberty, boys are above girls.
  • After 5 years before the intensive ventilation growth rate, the growth rate under normal conditions is 5 cm per year.

In the pubertal period there comes a specific height jump with a peak of an average annual increase of 9.5 cm for boys and 8 cm for girls, and the acceleration of growth in girls starts 2 years earlier (for a period of 10 to 12 years old) than that of boys (growth acceleration The boys have to go from 13 to 16). As a result, in 11-12 years, girls are higher and harder boys.

In subsequent years, the growth rate is gradually decreasing.

After 14 years, zones of ossification in epiphysery cartilage (the so-called growth zones) appear, which are between the body of tubular bones and their heads. In these zones, the cartilage cells are reproduced, which cause the growth of bone in length. The subsequent zone is obstructed and soldered. The osenation of cartilage bodies leads to the closure of growth zones as a result of the body growth in length ceases.

In various bones, the closure of growth zones occurs in different times. The growth of the body in length is mainly stopped at 17 years old in girls and in 19 years old. The final cessation of body growth is observed by 22-25 years. Currently, the average growth of men is considered 176 cm, women - 164 cm.

Control the growth of the child!

Measuring growth with the help of a height of: Stop "compensatory" back to the vertical rack of the wagon, touching it with heels, buttocks and blades (or inter-opacculent region). Hold your head so that the bottom edge of the orphanage and the top edge of the outer hearing hole were on the same horizontal line. Movable plate of the header to omit to contact with the head (without pressure). Measurement accuracy - up to 0.5 cm.

If there is no possibility to measure growth with the help of a heater, to the door jacket or to the wall, attach a centimeter tape so that the end of it is located slightly above your head. Put on your head a ruler (parallel to the floor) and press it to the tape, marking growth. It is necessary to determine the growth of the child at least two times a year.

Factors affecting growth:

  • Heredity. Parents with small growth are not often tall children. For the length of the child's body, heredity does not affect his birth.
  • Food. It should be rational and comply with the needs of the body as in a qualitative composition (the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, the content of vitamins, mineral salts, etc.) and the quantitative (caloric content, the volume of food, etc.). The defective nutrition of the mother during pregnancy, and later the child, significantly affects its growth. Only due to rational food, growth can be increased by 10%.
  • Diseases of the internal secretion glands (endocrine glands) and chronic diseases of children's age. In case of diseases of the endocrine glands, both the acceleration of growth and its slowdown may be observed. Chronic diseases of children's age (hepatitis, renal failure, heart abnormalities, chronic diseases of the lungs, heavy anemia) are associated with rigorous growth.
  • External factors: Geographical Wednesday, Climate
  • Healthy lifestyle: Compliance with hygiene requirements, refusal of bad habits, physical culture and sports (especially for a developing body).

With a small physical activity, a delay in the development of bones and growth can slow down. It can also be slowed down with prolonged and excessive static loads. Extreme dynamic loads cause only a slight increase in bones in length. To date, there is no doubt that regular classes in physical culture and sports contribute to the increase in the growth of the body, stimulate its development. At the same time, excessively high physical exertion can slow down and even stop the growth process.

Predicted child's growth

Table 1. Proper growth values
for boys and girls
normostic type of physique
Growth, see
Boys Girls
3 95 94
4 101 100
5 107 106
6 113 112
7 119 118
8 125 124
9 131 130
10 137 136
11 143 142
12 149 148
13 155 154
14 161 160
15 167 -
16 173 -

Despite the fact that the growth of the body is unevenly uneven, aged from 3 to 14-16 years, the attitude between the growth and age is close to the linear and without special errors can be described by simple equations.

Calculated according to the indicated formulas of growth values \u200b\u200b(see Table.1) deviate from the average actual values \u200b\u200bof no more than + 2.5 cm for boys and 3-3.5 cm - for girls.

The final growth of the child may differ from the due, which depends primarily on the growth of his parents.

In most cases, formulas 3, 4 give a correct forecast. The infidelity of the forecast may be due to the fact that the final length of the body is determined not only by the growth of parents, but also the growth of their more distant ancestors and relatives, as well as a number of other factors.

Quite accurate growth can be predicted at the age of 8-11 years. At an earlier age (up to 8 years) and in the period of puberty, the growth prediction is less accurate. Predict finite growth on annual body length increases is almost impossible.

table 2 Table 3.
Growing boys and girls
depending on the growth of parents

(170-185 cm - for men and 155-170 cm - for women)

in percents
from final value
growth of an adult
Years Growth, see Height, %
Boys Girls Boys Girls
170 175 180 185 155 160 165 170
1 73,70 75,86 78,03 80,20 70,88 73,20 75,45 77,74 43,35 45,73
2 82,96 85,40 87,84 90,28 81,28 83,90 86,43 89,15 48,80 52,44
3 92,48 95,20 97,92 100,64 88,85 91,71 94,58 97,44 54,40 57,32
4 98,04 100,92 103,81 106,69 94,71 97,78 100,82 103,87 57,67 61,10
5 104,81 107,89 110,97 114,05 101,10 104,88 108,16 111,44 61,65 65,55
6 110,11 113,35 116,59 119,92 107,37 110,83 114,30 117,76 64,77 69,27
7 117,35 120,80 124,25 127,71 114,84 118,54 122,25 125,95 69,03 74,09
8 122,20 125,79 129,38 132,98 119,09 122,93 126,77 130,61 71,88 76,83
9 128,42 132,25 136,03 139,80 124,28 128,29 132,30 136,31 75,57 80,18
10 133,88 137,81 141,75 145,69 130,43 134,42 138,85 143,06 78,75 84,15
11 137,16 141,19 145,22 149,26 134,21 138,54 142,87 147,20 80,68 86,59
12 141,51 145,67 148,83 153,99 142,71 147,31 151,92 157,15 83,24 92,07
13 147,31 151,64 155,97 160,30 146,49 151,22 155,94 160,67 86,65 94,51
14 153,10 157,61 162,11 167,61 150,27 155,12 159,97 164,82 90,06 96,95
15 160,82 165,55 170,28 175,01 150,75 155,62 160,48 165,34 94,60 97,26
16 167,09 172,01 176,92 180,84 153,11 158,05 162,99 167,93 98,29 98,78
17 168,84 173,81 178,78 183,74 154,54 159,52 164,51 169,49 99,32 99,70
18 169,61 174,60 179,59 184,57 155,00 160,00 165,00 170,00 99,77 100,00
19 169,81 174,81 179,80 184,80 155,00 160,00 165,00 170,00 99,89 100,00
20 170,00 175,00 180,00 185,00 155,00 160,00 165,00 170,00 100,00 100,00

Evaluation of the growth rate of the child

An assessment of the growth rate of a child is produced on the basis of a comparison of the real magnitude of the growth of the child with due.

Example: Boy 12 years old, height 151 cm.
Father's growth - 176 cm, mother growth - 164 cm.

Growth forecast for the child determine by formula (3): (176 + 164) x 0.54 - 4.5 \u003d 179.1 cm

According to Table.3, we define that in 12 years the boy's growth should be 83.24% of the final magnitude of the adult growth, which from 179.1 cm is:
179.1 x 83.24% / 100% \u003d 149.08 cm.

Since the actual growth of the child is 151 cm, and the proper height of 149.08 - we have ahead of the calculated (due) growth by 2 cm.

The growth rate of the child is one of the indicators of the normal physical development of the body. Tracking regularly, the growth and development of the child can be found violation of the main indicators of a growing children's organism, which are important for the clinic of childhood diseases.

Finding the lag of the actual growth of your child from the proper, referring to the doctor without delay to clarify the cause.

Remember! Impact on growth processes are effective mainly to 16-18 years old in women and 18-20 years in men, i.e., the growth zones in the epiphyses are not closed. Timely elimination of adverse factors affecting growth, the use of a complex of measures stimulating growth, warns the lowestness, which is now, against the background of an existing activation, is a state associated with the severe psychological problems of the child.

After the cessation of growth in length (from 20 to 25 years), increase growth is possible due to the correction of posture defects (for example, slope) or the elimination of scoliosis (sideways of the spine). An increase in growth can achieve 5 cm, and in some cases 10 cm and more.

Without delay, contact the doctor and in case of faster formation of the foot and the brush compared to other morphological indicators. That is, if the child in the elementary school has an average growth for its age, however, there is already a large size of the shoes and, besides, he has long hand brushes, it makes sense to advise the child from the endocrinologist.