How many days to sunbathe in the sun to tan. Why is sunbathing good for you? Sun protection home remedy

How beautifully and correctly to sunbathe on the sea? We tell you how to choose a sunscreen, how much time to spend in the sun, how to prepare your skin for tanning and what to do in case of a burn - after all, you can get sunburned on a cloudy day!

We always look forward to summer, and one of the reasons is sunbathing, the opportunity to bask in the sun and get a beautiful tan. Now many can afford to vacation in hot countries at any time of the year, which means that the risks associated with prolonged exposure to the sun are also increasing.

It has been scientifically proven that the harm from solar radiation is more than good, so do not neglect the rules of safe tanning. We will talk about this in the article.

What is a tan

Sunburn is the darkening of skin color due to prolonged exposure to the sun. Under the influence of sunlight, the pigment melanin is produced - it gives it a dark shade. If too much of it is produced during the first exposure to the sun, then in the following days you will no longer darken to the shade you need.

Ultra-violet rays

UVA rays the longest and can penetrate glass and clouds. Burns do not leave, but still represent a danger. They cause an allergic reaction, provoke skin diseases and reduce immunity. It is these rays that are used in solarium lamps.

UVB rays shorter and more active in summer. It is from them that the skin turns red, and you get burns. The consequences of such irradiation are numerous: premature aging, destruction of skin cells, deterioration in the condition of blood vessels, and the risk of developing melanoma, a malignant tumor. Age spots generally appear after a couple of years. Do not penetrate clouds, clouds and glass.

Short UVC rays do not reach the Earth - they are absorbed by the atmosphere.

(Photo © shebalso / / Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

Benefits of sunburn

Ultraviolet increases the level of the hormone serotonin, which causes a surge of energy and uplifting mood. Not only because you are on vacation by the sea - the improvement in the state of the body really comes from within. The sun contributes to the production of vitamin D in the body, and it is responsible for strong healthy teeth and nails, improves immunity. A tan also has an aesthetic component - many people think that pale skin looks painful and not so attractive.

Map of the level of solar activity in different countries

Solarium in front of the sea

Before a vacation, many people are concerned about the question of whether it is necessary to go to the solarium in order to prepare for a trip to the sea.

A small portion of ultraviolet will be useful before the holidays. So you avoid burns and immediately a large dose of ultraviolet radiation. This is especially true for residents of those latitudes where there is little of it, and the winter gray months are much more than three. Tan evenly from all sides in the solarium - and the sun will lie flat on the sea. Do not overdo it! Artificial irradiation is strong and a lot of melanin is formed. After such a "sun", a beach tan simply won't stick to you. If you bought a last-minute ticket and you have a couple of days before your vacation, 1-2 trips to the salon will definitely do you good.

Danger. Solarium is not safe due to UVA rays. Even when using sunscreen, the effect of the rays is not reduced - creams simply do not protect against this type of radiation. Oncologists are not against artificial ultraviolet light in moderation! Residents of northern areas need it "for mood" and pumping vitamin D.

(Photo © Gerlach /

How much and when to sunbathe

The main rule - sunbathe gradually! In different countries, depending on the proximity to the equator and the time of year, the tan will be of a different color and will also fall on you in different ways.

Here is a diagram of how to sunbathe at sea. On the first day, spend no more than half an hour in the sun - 10-15 minutes before lunch and the same amount after. Every day increase the time by 10-15 minutes. But even at the end of the holiday, it makes no sense to sunbathe for more than 2-3 hours. The production of melanin by the skin no longer occurs - you will no longer tan more strongly.

When is the best time to sunbathe? It is ideal to be in the sun before 11 and after 16 hours. During the day, the sun is very active and will do more harm than good.

(Photo © / @pure_virtual)

Where is the best place to sunbathe

Doctors agree that it is ideal to sunbathe in the shade. It is undesirable to be under direct rays during the first week of your vacation. Through the clouds, the tan will lie softer and last longer.

The water reflects the sun's rays, so on the shore you will burn out faster. The same goes for snow! It reflects the sun just as well, so the possibility of getting burned in winter is not a myth at all.

(Photo © j-No / / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Skin care after sun

From prolonged exposure to sunlight, the skin dries out and the dead layer of the epidermis begins to peel off. There is no particular harm, but it causes discomfort. The most important care is moisturizing, as well as the rejection of scrubs and hard washcloths in the early days.

How to get a beautiful and even tan

Sunscreen and other products

How beautiful to sunbathe on the sea? It is important to choose the right sunscreen to avoid burns. The most popular types of products: cream, milk, spray, stick. Let's consider each of them.

  • Cream- the most popular form. Creams have a dense texture, which is good for dry skin, but not for oily. It is applied poorly, absorbed for a long time, leaving those same white stains, but can be used as a base for make-up.
  • Fluid- light cream Ideal for oily skin as it absorbs faster and has a lighter texture.
  • Milk- the most common type of protective agent for the skin of the body. Sometimes come across 2 in 1 - suitable for the body and face.
  • cosmetic oil rarely has a protection degree higher than SPF 15-20, since its main task is to give the skin the most chocolate shade without damaging it. To make the effect even more noticeable, glitter, bronzer and other visual tan enhancers are added to the oil.
  • Spray it is convenient for application on the back and shoulder blades, but it is very difficult to evenly distribute it. You can get burned in those places where it is not enough. Plus facial sprays - they can be applied over makeup.
  • stick- a small but handy thing. It looks like a tube of hygienic lipstick. Suitable for small areas of skin - lips, ears, nose. Ears and lips burn in the sun no less than the neck or back, and the skin peels off them just as painfully.

The funds do not affect the speed of tanning, they only increase the safe time spent in the sun.

The best tanning products. Advice and Feedback

What does SPF mean?

Abbreviation SPF (Sun Protection Factor) translated as "sun protection factor", and the number indicates the degree of protection - the higher, the greater it is. Most sunscreen only protects against UVB radiation.

You also need a different cream: for the first week, use a cream with SPF 50, then with SPF 30, and after two weeks you can use SPF 15.

  • SPF 50- the skin will receive only 1/50 of the total amount of sunlight - this is 2%. Protects against 98% UV.
  • SPF 30- protects from 97% of rays, that is, it will let 1/30 of the radiation through.
  • SPF 25- gives a level of protection from 96%.
  • SPF 15- from 93%.

There are creams with an SPF indicator of 70, 80, and even 100. You should not believe such numbers, because 98% of the rays is the maximum that a cream can protect against.

(Photo © / @korinori)

In addition to the abbreviation SPF, you can find the following designations:

  • UVA- the tool blocks the rays of type A (the most dangerous). In Asian countries, it is indicated by the PA ++ index (there can be up to four pluses).
  • PPD(Persistent Pigment Darkening) - the degree of protection against UVA rays. The maximum degree is 42, but 8 will be enough.
  • Broad Spectrum- The cream protects against rays of types A and B.

The components that should be contained in the cream are, at a minimum, vitamins C and E. Green tea extract and resveratrol will also be a good addition to the composition.

Previously, sunscreens were only available for adults, with a maximum for children over three years of age. Now you can find creams for children from six months to three years.

(Photo © Ben_Kerckx /

Cream is needed not only in summer

For residents of countries with high solar activity, protection is needed all year round. In Russia in autumn and early winter there is no sense in it - there is almost no sun. And in winter, on clear frosty days, it is very necessary to use the cream! In the spring, the sun is already becoming more active, and the cream will be very useful to you. No wonder they say that they burn the most in late spring - the skin has not yet got used to the sun, and the radiation activity, on the contrary, is very high.

Choosing a cream according to skin type

Choosing the right sunscreen is important. If you know your skin type, then it's simple: look for a cream for dry, oily or sensitive skin. If not, see the composition of the cream:

  • dry skin needs maximum hydration, it will be given by aloe, glycerin, hyaluronic acid;
  • oily skin needs a cream with minerals and the inscription "non-comedogenic".

(Photo © francisco_osorio / / CC BY 2.0)


There are only six of them. The first two types are the most vulnerable. They need products with SPF 50 protection, the rest need SPF 20-30. How to determine the phototype?

  • I, Celtic: light skin, blond or red hair, light eyes, freckles. It is better for such people not to sunbathe at all, because they instantly burn out.
  • II, light-skinned European: light hair and eyes, light skin, sometimes freckles. You can tan, but with difficulty.
  • III, Central European: dark blond, brown hair, gray or light brown eyes, these people are quite swarthy, but it is still easy to burn in the sun. Sunburn on this type of skin lies normally.
  • IV, Mediterranean: dark hair, brown eyes, olive skin. They burn well and quickly.
  • V, Asian: very dark hair and eyes, brown or yellowish skin. They burn out very rarely.
  • VI, African: black hair and eyes, dark skin. Such people do not burn at all (but this does not mean that they do not need sun protection).

(Photo © / @carlosheviariera)

How to use the funds

  • Sunscreen is applied 20 minutes before sun exposure. So he has time to be absorbed and protect the deeper layers of the skin. It is ideal to apply the cream in two layers. The second - after complete drying of the first.
  • You need to renew the cream every two hours or follow the instructions for it. For example, many creams need to be reapplied after every bath.
  • Contrary to popular belief, there is no significant difference between protection factors 15 and 50.
  • How much cream to apply? In simple terms: about a quarter teaspoon for the face and a tablespoon for each part of the body.
  • It is also important to wash off the cream after exposure to the sun, otherwise you can get an allergic reaction.

(Photo © / @ethanrobertson)

Myths about sunburn

  1. Glass and clouds protect from the sun's rays. No, glass acts like a sunscreen, blocking far from all rays (does not block UVA). Therefore, getting burned while sitting by the window on the bus is quite real! The same goes for clouds: getting sunburned on a cloudy day is even easier because we lose our vigilance.
  2. Vitamin D can only be obtained through sunburn. No, it is found in many foods. For example, in eggs, dairy products and fish.
  3. The sun heals the skin. No, it can only dry the skin a little, but you will not achieve a full-fledged treatment, say, for acne.
  4. In windy weather, the skin does not burn. In fact, windy cool weather is just as dangerous, despite the absence of sweltering heat. A weathered face burns even faster as the skin suffers from cold blasts.
  5. Makeup base can protect against burns. Maybe. But it will have to be applied in at least 7 layers in order to get the protection factor indicated on the package.

10 myths about the sun and tanning

What to do with a sunburn

What to do if you get sunburn? I share my own experience.

  • Drink plenty of water to restore balance. Drink milk and sour-milk products, apply kefir and sour cream to burnt skin.
  • Take allergy pills: Loratadin, Suprastin, Diazolin according to the instructions. What for? Saves from edema if the face burns.
  • Apply Panthenol, Boro +, and before going outside - a protective cream;
  • Move a lot - for oxygen exchange and reduce swelling.

And, of course, it is important to minimize exposure to the sun, ideally not to be outside. I was saved by three days of travel by car, there was almost nowhere to go, and by the time I returned home, the burns were almost gone.

How to properly plan your tanning so that you don't get burned, but get an even, beautiful tan with a bronze tint.

An even and beautiful tan makes the body more attractive. However, you need to be able to sunbathe. Improper sunbathing can lead to burns. In this case, there will be no beauty, only a long and painful struggle with the consequences of improper tanning will appear. General rules are equally effective both in the solarium and in the open sun.

How do different skin types tan?

  • In total, there are four types of skin, each of which reacts to sunburn in its own way. The first type includes white or pink-white skin. This type of skin is called Celtic and is difficult to tan. Burns appear frequently, the result is not noticeable even after repeated exposure to the sun or in a solarium
  • The second type of skin - European, is characterized by a stable white color. People with this type of skin quickly get the first results of a tan, but it is not possible to develop it much even after long sessions.
  • Dark skin belongs to the third type, which is also called European, but differs from the second type in a darker color. With such skin, burns almost never appear, and the result of tanning only increases each time.

How does fair skin tan? Photo

How does dark skin tan? Photo

How does white skin tan? Photo

How to sunbathe? 10 basic rules

1. Avoid high sun activity. It is better to sunbathe in the morning before 10-11 o'clock and in the evening after 16-17 o'clock. During the day, the sun is merciless, especially to those who first came out under its rays.

2. Schedule your sun exposure correctly. The first visit should not exceed five minutes. Even if you do not feel any effect from exposure to the sun, you still go into the shade, and for a long time. Believe me, a little more time, and the burn is guaranteed, especially with the first two types of skin. Next time add a little more time and increase it gradually

3. Before going out into the sun, avoid using creams based on mineral fats, they greatly increase the chance of burns. Also, do not abuse essential oils and perfumes.

4. Try to always use sunscreen before tanning. It improves the quality of the tan and protects against burns.

5. Under the sun's rays, it is better not to go out with a feeling of hunger or after a heavy meal. For a good perception of tanning, the body should not feel internal discomfort.

6. Be sure to wear a panama hat or scarf on your head, and protect your eyes with glasses. This will prevent overheating in the sun and relieve the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes.

7. When sunbathing, it is better to completely relax your body. Avoid reading or watching videos. Eyes in the sun are already strained, they should not be tired once again. On the beach it is better to show more physical activity

8. When sunbathing in a static position on your back or on your stomach, be sure to put something under your head, it should be raised. This will improve blood flow

9. Having warmed up in the sun, do not immediately run to cool off in the water. Step into the shade for a few minutes and let your body cool down. Sharp and significant contrasts are stressful for the body

10. Always control your time in the sun, if you feel that you are about to fall asleep, it is better to get up and walk along the beach

How to get a good tan in the sun?

To get a good tan in the sun, you must clearly follow all the 10 rules written above. This is the minimum set that will avoid problems with burns. Be careful when choosing a sunscreen, it should have a high content of SPF (sun protection factor). The cream is selected according to the type of skin.

An even tan cannot be achieved in one go. This is the result of long work. A slight failure in terms of sunbathing will result in burns, even minor ones will need to be treated. After this, it will be very difficult to achieve an even tan. Therefore, it is necessary to show patience, to sunbathe with minimal intervals, in order to get the expected effect as a result.

When should you sunbathe so as not to harm your health?

  • If you plan to get a tan in a solarium, then the time of tanning is not important, the main parameter is the duration. If a tan is obtained naturally from the sun's rays, daytime exposure to the sun should be excluded.
  • The scorching heat is the most dangerous not only for the skin, but also for health. During this period, people most often get sunstroke or heatstroke. When sunbathing, you should eat less salty foods, because salt retains water in the body. Internal processes should be as active as possible, for this you need to drink plenty of fluids and move more, giving water through sweating.
  • The best time for sunbathing is in the morning. From early morning until about 10 or 11 o'clock. You can also sunbathe in the evening, when the main pressure of the sun's rays will subside.

What should I do if my skin is sunburnt? Urgent measures

First you need to assess the degree of the burn. If it is insignificant, you need to move to a cool place, it can be the shade of a tree or even go home. If conditions allow, cold showers can be taken at home to reduce the heat effect. Immersion in water in the open sun is contraindicated.

Next, the burn site should be treated with a special remedy for burns in the sun. The most popular and effective is Panthenol. This is a spray that does not need to be rubbed into the skin, which relieves pain. After that, it is recommended to drink a lot of clean water for a while, avoid going out in the sun.

If you feel nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and other negative reactions during a burn, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. You can call an emergency or take a taxi to the nearest assistance point.

In case of a burn, it is forbidden to use alkaline substances, soap, alcohol, petroleum jelly and others. All this can only aggravate the condition. If blisters appear after tanning, they should not be pierced - this will lead to infection of the skin inside. The entire recovery period should avoid sunburn.

How to enhance any tan?

To enhance any tan, special creams are used that have two functions: protective and enhancing. The result from such a tan usually appears quickly enough, but lasts for a short time. The choice of cream must be agreed with the doctor. Seek help from a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

How to sunbathe correctly: tips and reviews
Sunbathing can be harmful to prevent this from happening, use the tips that are described in this article. By properly controlling your tanning regimen, you can avoid negative consequences and get a beautiful and even tan.

Video: Sour cream for sunburn

Video: Proper tan

With the arrival of the long-awaited summer time, we are happy to put all winter things in the closet and put on shorts, T-shirts and slippers. And on weekends or just in our free time, taking swimming trunks or a swimsuit and blankets for lying with us, we go to the beach to lie on the hot sand, laze around, swim, and also so that our skin acquires a beautiful and even bronze tint. But, unfortunately, there are cases when, not knowing a few important rules or neglecting them, we burn out and get it. This is expressed in reddened skin and painful sensations. There is already no question not only about but in general about the upcoming trips to the beach. And all because you need to ask yourself not only how good it is to tan in the sun, but also how to do it right. This article is devoted to this topic.

In order to avoid unnecessary and sometimes even dangerous consequences of being on the beach, you just need to follow a few important recommendations on how to get a good tan in the sun. Then you will not only have a good time on the beach, but also become the owner of the skin of a pleasant golden hue.

You should start by deciding - is it possible for you to sunbathe in the sun? The fact is that there are several categories of people who, to put it mildly, are not recommended to be in the sun. These are people with white skin, the pigment of which is immune to sun tanning. Also, these are those who have a large number of moles on the body. There are also people with any skin diseases, or those who simply

If you belong to one of the above categories, then it is better for you to refrain from sunbathing on the beach and, if possible, protect yourself from exposure to direct

If you are one of those to whom sunbathing is harmful, but useful, then the following tips are just for you.

In addition to useful tips, there are a few important caveats:

  1. Before sunbathing, do not use deodorant, cologne, toilet water, lotion, etc. These alcohol-containing substances degrease the skin and exacerbate UV exposure.
  2. Refrain from using cosmetics. After sunburn, in no case should you use a scrub, because. by doing this, you remove the protective layer of the skin.

These are perhaps the basic rules for ensuring a beautiful and even tan. Be sure to put these recommendations into practice. After all, it is important not only to know how to tan well in the sun, but also to do it wisely.

Have a nice rest and a beautiful tan!

The velvet season has just begun - and crowds of vacationers are rushing to warmer climes. But besides the warm, gentle sea, the sun awaits tourists, at the peak of its activity, it can only cause harm. Burns, heat strokes, and the onset of skin cancer later are the result of a careless attitude to the dangerous rays of the sun. If you go to the sea not for illness, but for beautiful and even tan if you are seriously concerned about the answer to the question of how to sunbathe properly, read our article.

First of all, remember that hours when the sun is most active– from 10 am to 4 pm. At this time, it is better not to show yourself in the sun at all - you risk not getting a tan, but burning out in just a few minutes (this is especially true for people with fair sensitive skin).

If you are looking for the answer to the question of how to sunbathe properly, do not be lazy to get up early in the morning and go to the beach by eight o'clock. Start sunbathing with 5-10 minutes a day, gradually (within a week or two - depending on skin type) increasing sun exposure to two hours a day.

Don't forget to factor in the time it takes you to walk to the sea, swim, and walk back to your spot on the beach. It's no secret that you can burn yourself while swimming in the sea(any other body of water) - the shoulders and back are especially exposed to the sun in this case. Therefore, in the first days of your stay at a seaside resort, it is better not to get naked right away, exposing the body to the sun's rays gradually. At first, you can swim in a T-shirt that covers your shoulders and back. And when your skin gets used to the sun's rays, you can bare up to a swimsuit (shorts).

Remember also a simple rule: the closer you are to the water, the faster you will tan. This is due to the property of water to reflect the sun's rays, as a result of which their effect is enhanced. You can also burn if you do not wipe yourself with a towel immediately after leaving the water, but dry in the sun - drops of water on the skin act like small lenses. Therefore, in the first days of being on the beach, it is better refrain from sunbathing near the very edge of the beach, as well as from drying in a natural way.

Such preparatory measures guarantee an even and long-lasting tan, the minimum harm of the sun to the body. Of course, such manipulations may not seem very convenient to someone. It’s much more comfortable right away, on the first day of visiting the beach, to completely undress and soak up the sun for half a day ... And then for the rest of the vacation, treat burns and allergic rashes that “out of nowhere” adorned the body. Now you understand how important it is to know how to sunbathe in the sun correctly?

Not only the skin of the body needs protection from the sun's rays, but also face, eyes, hair. About that, our site has already written. For the face, you need to choose a special sunscreen and in no case use decorative cosmetics for a visit to the beach. A wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses are a must when out in the sun.

Help to evenly and properly tan, maintain the integrity of the skin and moisturize it can sunscreen. You can also find out more about this on our website. Regardless of your phototype, it is best to use a sunscreen with the highest degree of protection in the first days of sun exposure.

How to sunbathe for people with allergic to sunlight, multiple moles on the body other skin problems? The correct answer is not to sunbathe at all! Perhaps this verdict may seem harsh, but the consequences of a careless attitude to the sun of people with dermatological problems will be much more severe. Believe me, it's better to come back from vacation pale and not tanned than to get skin cancer. If you really want to have a bronze skin color, it’s better to use self-tanner. And from a visit to the solarium people with problem skin are also advised to refrain.

You also need to carefully approach the question of how to properly tan in the sun. pregnant women- at least in this case, you must first consult a doctor. Also the sun is contraindicated when taking certain medications- In this matter, it also does not hurt to consult a specialist.

If skin damage as a result of sunbathing could not be avoided, you should immediately use special cream or emulsion for burns. In general, it is good to apply such a remedy after each tanning session, in the evening. This will help fix the tan, prevent skin irritation, the occurrence of allergic reactions.

A uniform beautiful tan is possible only with a reasonable approach to sunbathing. Remember that it is impossible to get a tan in 3 days - in such a short time you can only burn out, harming your body. In order for the tan to “lie down” correctly and last for a long time, you need to spend at least 2 weeks at sea(for fair-skinned people - about a month). Have a good rest, and let the velvet season give your body a bronze tan!

The sun is the main source of vitamin D, it serves as an excellent antidepressant, improves mood, helps fight fatigue and irritability. But the abuse of sunlight leads to heat, sunstroke and burns, premature aging of the skin, increases the risk of cancer. Still, how to sunbathe? Here you need to remember the golden rule - everything is good in moderation.

healthy tan rules

For a proper and long-lasting tan, use the following tips.

Skin preparation for tanning

A couple of days before a trip to the sea, do a peeling (you can do it at home). It will exfoliate dead skin cells and smooth out uneven skin, resulting in a more even tan.

Nutrition for proper tanning

Sunbathing on an empty stomach or on a full stomach will be uncomfortable for you. The best option would be a meal an hour and a half before going to the beach. You can eat a little salty and drink tea, preferably green. Products that promote sunburn include those that contain carotene - carrots, peaches, apricots. Products containing polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E will help protect the skin from sunburn - eggs, fish, seafood, vegetable oils, nuts. Use medicines with caution, as some medicines make your skin more sensitive to sun exposure.

The best time to tan safely

Remember that sunbathing on the beach is best from 9 am to 11 am, or after 5 pm. If you sunbathe in the heat of the moment, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., you won’t notice how quickly you “burn out”, and instead of an evening walk with friends, you will have to lie on the couch, smeared with sour cream or kefir.

The basic rule of proper tanning

For proper tanning, moderation is needed: gradually increase the time in the sun, taking into account the individual tolerance of the sun's rays. It is best to sunbathe little by little, “small portions”. Then the tan will lie on the skin in an even layer, even if you initially have white skin, and will delight you on long winter evenings.

Protecting the head and eyes from the scorching sun

Staying under the scorching sun, do not forget to cover your head with a hat, it will protect you from overheating. Your eyes are also sensitive to UV light, so wear sunglasses.

The use of cosmetics for proper tanning

Before going out in the sun, do not use toilet water, perfumes and essential oils, as well as creams based on glycerin or petroleum jelly. And don't forget to use sunscreens that are high in SPF and/or UVA. They protect the skin from harmful UV rays. Choose a sunscreen based on your skin phototype. Fortunately, the store has a very large selection of sunscreen.

Proper use of sunscreen for proper tanning

Sunscreen must not only be chosen correctly, but also applied to the body very skillfully and carefully. In general, sunscreen is applied at home, 30 minutes before going out, but not on the beach, and certainly not after you have already “burned out”. Many of us apply cream only on the shoulders and back. And that's all. And what, the skin on the rest of the body is very rough and does not need care? Or will you lie in the shade with the rest of the body? I do not think. So do not forget to apply the cream on the armpits, earlobes and neck. It is also necessary to apply a special protective cream or special oil to the hair. Protect your lips with lip balm.

Basic rules for staying on the beach

  • When sunbathing lying down, remember that your head should be slightly raised. Therefore, if you are not sunbathing on a sunbed, put a small makeshift cushion under your head.
  • Dry your body with a towel after leaving the water, because water droplets on the body focus sunlight like a lens, which can lead to burns.
  • Do not quench your thirst with too cold and alcoholic drinks. For this, water with lemon or mineral water is best suited.
  • Do not practice sleeping on the beach. If you still decide to sleep in the fresh air and at the same time get a long-awaited tan, let there be a person nearby who can wake you up and turn your sunbathing body on the other side in time. After all, it is unlikely that a neighbor sunbathing nearby will care whether you are sleeping or are in a deep faint, whether you are sunbathing on one side or you need a full tan.

after the beach

After sunbathing on the beach, it is best to take a cool shower at home to somehow cool the skin heated during the day. Long baths are not recommended, because the top layer of your skin will dry out very quickly, and you will easily lose that beautiful tan that you were striving for ... After-sun products will not be superfluous either. They must be applied to already cleansed skin with light massaging movements so as not to harm the sensitive layers of the skin. These products will help restore the water balance of your skin, soothe irritated areas.

Have a nice rest and even tan!